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Hacking Games

2012.01.09 07:00 UbiquitousShadow Hacking Games


2024.05.21 13:47 Red50OGRuby__ I’ve been waiting for today 🥱

I’ve been waiting for today 🥱
FYI: Uniswap, being a decentralized exchange (DEX), does not have a centralized authority that lists tokens in the same way traditional exchanges do. Instead, anyone can create a liquidity pool for a token on Uniswap, which means there is no formal announcement from Uniswap itself about new token listings.
BTW UNISWAP IS WHERE RETIK HOUSE ALL OF THEIR WALLETS 😉 Go back and look at the presale funds post; those transactions were traced through Uniswap. Oh and let’s not forget, Uniswap is currently under fire with the SEC 😬
Typically, information about new tokens being listed on Uniswap is shared by the token projects themselves through their official communication channels such as websites, social media, and community forums. RETIK shared theirs on Medium…🥴
For centralized exchanges (CEXs), they usually have an announcement section on their websites or social media platforms where they inform users about upcoming token listings. These announcements often include details such as the listing date, trading pairs, and any special events or promotions related to the listing.
Regarding the timing of token launches, it varies by exchange:
1. Uniswap (DEX): Since listing is decentralized, tokens can be added at any time. The project behind the token usually announces the specific time of launch. 2. Centralized Exchanges (CEXs): These exchanges typically have a more structured schedule. Listings can occur at different times depending on the exchange’s policies and practices. It’s common to see new tokens listed at times when trading activity is high, often during regular business hours in major financial centers. 
**Creating a Fake Token on Uniswap
1. Token Creation: Anyone with the technical know-how can create an ERC-20 token on the Ethereum blockchain. This process is relatively straightforward and can be done using various tools and platforms. 2. Liquidity Pool Creation: To list a token on Uniswap, the creator needs to create a liquidity pool by pairing their new token with an existing token like ETH or USDT. This requires providing an initial amount of both tokens to the pool. (Retik created their source code longgggg time ago w/ Dex Pairs)** 
**Profiting from a Fake Token
1. Pump and Dump Scheme: The creator of the fake token might use marketing tactics or misleading information to generate hype and attract buyers. Once the token’s price rises due to increased demand, the creator sells their holdings at a profit, leaving buyers with worthless tokens when the price crashes. 2. Rug Pull: In this scenario, the creator of the fake token initially provides significant liquidity to the pool to make it seem legitimate. Once enough people have invested, the creator withdraws all the liquidity, leaving token holders with tokens they can’t sell, effectively stealing their funds. 3. High Transaction Fees: Some fraudulent tokens are designed to charge very high transaction fees, which go directly to the creator whenever someone buys or sells the token. This can drain the funds of unsuspecting buyers quickly.** 
Soooo all of this to say, it took them so long to “launch” for what ? They’re not a “CEX”(but their smart contract has CEX codes 🤔 however they claim to be DEX) so they would’ve NEVER needed to wait for a slot on a CEX 🫤 because they’re DEX, righttttt?
Tokens can be listed on Uniswap at anytime, so what prevented them from doing this in February? Today is supposed to pacify us, that’s all 🥱
submitted by Red50OGRuby__ to RetikScamExposed [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:58 Ambitious-Way326 How do i balance work and free time in my mind?

Little background: 23M Typical gifted kid -> sailed through middle and high school -> University was hard with courses like mathematical statistics and such -> Started learning more productive work processes and how to learn more effectively -> about to finish Master's with a golden job offer in quant finance.
I feel i have a hard time separating work and free time in my mind. I either always have work and productivity stuff in the back of my mind or i don't. If i don't have it in the back of my mind, i just do whatever i want which is fun up to a point. If i do have it in the back of my mind, i usually burn out after a certain point. An example of this was in the last semester of my Bachelor's:
I remember seeing some Dr. K videos about Vata personality (have more tings going on, switch between projects that last 6-12 months) and if feeling overwhelmed/burned out one should do more voluntarily, so i kind went hard: On top of two courses and Bachelor's project, i payed for two extra courses that were Master's level Machine Learning courses (not the basic ones), with a student job in data science, and a couple of mid-level coding projects on the side. I was almost always working, and even when i wasn't, i could not let go of work in my mind. When the whole ordeal was over, i was completely burned out, and when friends asked what i did over the summer, i remember telling them that i just slept for like three months.
I discovered that part of the reason i was so burned out, was because of coffee consumption, that ruined my sleep and made me feel horrible because of lack of sleep. I stopped drinking coffee, and now i find it hard to do stuff. I can work study and do achieve reasonable results, but not the same as before. Also, it is like after some initial motivation, i have to make myself stressed to keep working. This stress just kind of stays there in the back of my mind generating restless thought, reminding me of work, and messes up my sleep. I can meditate to release the stress but this takes like atleast an hour and only brings me back to baseline, and this is only right now. Can't imagine if i have a very stressful 9-6 quant job.
What annoys me is the inability to relax and just be present when i am done working. I have friends, who after a hard day of being productive in whatever, are just able to let it go and do whatever. Go to social events, do a fun activity, get their hunting license, or even just veg out watching Netflix without a care in the world. I just have this ball of stress, which can only be released if i meditate for an hour, but if i am productive for 8-10 hours, and go out to a park and meditate which can take 1.5 hours, then i am exhausted and don't have alot of time to do anything, before the cycle starts again tomorrow. Kind of like there is a part of me that needs some kind of stimulation, and i do stuff like pomodoro to appease this part of myself while working, but i still need more when i am done and i can't get enough. This consistently leads to burnout.
Part of it is probably that i don't acknowledge the things i do, there is always just the next thing. I don't know, what do you guys think?
submitted by Ambitious-Way326 to Healthygamergg [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:17 luxiant Can I get some help with installing tch-rs?

These are all I've done in terminal. I'm using opensuse tumbleweed in docker.
wget zip export LIBTORCH=/home/test/libtorch export LIBTORCH_INCLUDE=${LIBTORCH}/include:${LIBTORCH}/include/torch/csrc/api/include export LIBTORCH_LIB=${LIBTORCH}/lib:$LIBTORCH_LIB export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LIBTORCH}/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH export LIBTORCH_STATIC=1 export LIBTORCH_BYPASS_VERSION_CHECK=1
Then I made a rust-bert project that requires tch-rs. I ran the summarization code from the repository readme sample codes.
Here is what I got after cargo run.
 Compiling torch-sys v0.14.0 The following warnings were emitted during compilation: warning: libtch/torch_api.cpp:1:9: fatal error: torch/csrc/autograd/engine.h: No such file or directory warning: 1 #include warning: ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ warning: compilation terminated. warning: In file included from libtch/torch_api_generated.h:2, warning: from libtch/torch_api_generated.cpp:2: warning: libtch/torch_api.h:6:9: fatal error: torch/torch.h: No such file or directory warning: 6 #include warning: ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ warning: compilation terminated. warning: ToolExecError: Command "c++" "-O0" "-ffunction-sections" "-fdata-sections" "-fPIC" "-gdwarf-4" "-fno-omit-frame-pointer" "-m64" "-I" "/home/test/libtorch/include:/home/test/libtorch/include/torch/csrc/api/include/include" "-I" "/home/test/libtorch/include:/home/test/libtorch/include/torch/csrc/api/include/include/torch/csrc/api/include" "-Wl,-rpath=/home/test/libtorch/lib:/lib" "-std=c++17" "-D_GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=1" "-o" "/home/test/abstractive_summary/target/debug/build/torch-sys-9ceb5a4de53f7d43/out/19072f24a82f85ae-torch_api.o" "-c" "libtch/torch_api.cpp" with args c++ did not execute successfully (status code exit status: 1). warning: ToolExecError: Command "c++" "-O0" "-ffunction-sections" "-fdata-sections" "-fPIC" "-gdwarf-4" "-fno-omit-frame-pointer" "-m64" "-I" "/home/test/libtorch/include:/home/test/libtorch/include/torch/csrc/api/include/include" "-I" "/home/test/libtorch/include:/home/test/libtorch/include/torch/csrc/api/include/include/torch/csrc/api/include" "-Wl,-rpath=/home/test/libtorch/lib:/lib" "-std=c++17" "-D_GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=1" "-o" "/home/test/abstractive_summary/target/debug/build/torch-sys-9ceb5a4de53f7d43/out/19072f24a82f85ae-torch_api_generated.o" "-c" "libtch/torch_api_generated.cpp" with args c++ did not execute successfully (status code exit status: 1). error: failed to run custom build command for `torch-sys v0.14.0` Caused by: process didn't exit successfully: `/home/test/abstractive_summary/target/debug/build/torch-sys-600a8d0b39a39cd0/build-script-build` (exit status: 1) --- stdout cargo:rerun-if-env-changed=LIBTORCH_USE_PYTORCH cargo:rerun-if-env-changed=LIBTORCH cargo:rerun-if-env-changed=LIBTORCH_INCLUDE cargo:rerun-if-env-changed=LIBTORCH_LIB cargo:rerun-if-env-changed=LIBTORCH_BYPASS_VERSION_CHECK cargo:rerun-if-env-changed=LIBTORCH_CXX11_ABI cargo:rerun-if-env-changed=LIBTORCH_STATIC cargo:rustc-link-search=native=/home/test/libtorch/lib:/lib cargo:rerun-if-changed=libtch/fake_cuda_dependency.cpp cargo:rerun-if-changed=libtch/torch_python.cpp cargo:rerun-if-changed=libtch/torch_python.h cargo:rerun-if-changed=libtch/torch_api_generated.cpp cargo:rerun-if-changed=libtch/torch_api_generated.h cargo:rerun-if-changed=libtch/torch_api.cpp cargo:rerun-if-changed=libtch/torch_api.h cargo:rerun-if-changed=libtch/stb_image_write.h cargo:rerun-if-changed=libtch/stb_image_resize.h cargo:rerun-if-changed=libtch/stb_image.h cargo:libtorch_lib=/home/test/libtorch/lib:/lib TARGET = Some("x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu") OPT_LEVEL = Some("0") HOST = Some("x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu") cargo:rerun-if-env-changed=CXX_x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu CXX_x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu = None cargo:rerun-if-env-changed=CXX_x86_64_unknown_linux_gnu CXX_x86_64_unknown_linux_gnu = None cargo:rerun-if-env-changed=HOST_CXX HOST_CXX = None cargo:rerun-if-env-changed=CXX CXX = None cargo:rerun-if-env-changed=CC_ENABLE_DEBUG_OUTPUT cargo:rerun-if-env-changed=CRATE_CC_NO_DEFAULTS CRATE_CC_NO_DEFAULTS = None DEBUG = Some("true") CARGO_CFG_TARGET_FEATURE = Some("fxsr,sse,sse2") cargo:rerun-if-env-changed=CXXFLAGS_x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu CXXFLAGS_x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu = None cargo:rerun-if-env-changed=CXXFLAGS_x86_64_unknown_linux_gnu CXXFLAGS_x86_64_unknown_linux_gnu = None cargo:rerun-if-env-changed=HOST_CXXFLAGS HOST_CXXFLAGS = None cargo:rerun-if-env-changed=CXXFLAGS CXXFLAGS = None cargo:warning=libtch/torch_api.cpp:1:9: fatal error: torch/csrc/autograd/engine.h: No such file or directory cargo:warning= 1 #include cargo:warning= ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ cargo:warning=compilation terminated. cargo:warning=In file included from libtch/torch_api_generated.h:2, cargo:warning= from libtch/torch_api_generated.cpp:2: cargo:warning=libtch/torch_api.h:6:9: fatal error: torch/torch.h: No such file or directory cargo:warning= 6 #include cargo:warning= ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ cargo:warning=compilation terminated. exit status: 1 cargo:warning=ToolExecError: Command "c++" "-O0" "-ffunction-sections" "-fdata-sections" "-fPIC" "-gdwarf-4" "-fno-omit-frame-pointer" "-m64" "-I" "/home/test/libtorch/include:/home/test/libtorch/include/torch/csrc/api/include/include" "-I" "/home/test/libtorch/include:/home/test/libtorch/include/torch/csrc/api/include/include/torch/csrc/api/include" "-Wl,-rpath=/home/test/libtorch/lib:/lib" "-std=c++17" "-D_GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=1" "-o" "/home/test/abstractive_summary/target/debug/build/torch-sys-9ceb5a4de53f7d43/out/19072f24a82f85ae-torch_api.o" "-c" "libtch/torch_api.cpp" with args c++ did not execute successfully (status code exit status: 1). exit status: 1 cargo:warning=ToolExecError: Command "c++" "-O0" "-ffunction-sections" "-fdata-sections" "-fPIC" "-gdwarf-4" "-fno-omit-frame-pointer" "-m64" "-I" "/home/test/libtorch/include:/home/test/libtorch/include/torch/csrc/api/include/include" "-I" "/home/test/libtorch/include:/home/test/libtorch/include/torch/csrc/api/include/include/torch/csrc/api/include" "-Wl,-rpath=/home/test/libtorch/lib:/lib" "-std=c++17" "-D_GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=1" "-o" "/home/test/abstractive_summary/target/debug/build/torch-sys-9ceb5a4de53f7d43/out/19072f24a82f85ae-torch_api_generated.o" "-c" "libtch/torch_api_generated.cpp" with args c++ did not execute successfully (status code exit status: 1). exit status: 0 --- stderr 
error occurred: Command "c++" "-O0" "-ffunction-sections" "-fdata-sections" "-fPIC" "-gdwarf-4" "-fno-omit-frame-pointer" "-m64" "-I" "/home/test/libtorch/include:/home/test/libtorch/include/torch/csrc/api/include/include" "-I" "/home/test/libtorch/include:/home/test/libtorch/include/torch/csrc/api/include/include/torch/csrc/api/include" "-Wl,-rpath=/home/test/libtorch/lib:/lib" "-std=c++17" "-D_GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=1" "-o" "/home/test/abstractive_summary/target/debug/build/torch-sys-9ceb5a4de53f7d43/out/19072f24a82f85ae-torch_api_generated.o" "-c" "libtch/torch_api_generated.cpp" with args c++ did not execute successfully (status code exit status: 1).
I can't figure out how to solve this. Can I get some help with this?
submitted by luxiant to rust [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:24 friendly_pianist49 Cite 2 tools that bring value to your properties

Hi all! Just want to contribute to this community with some tools I use to manage my listings. You might’ve heard about them, but here are my 2¢. Looking forward to your recommendations.
Price: Starts at $4.99/month.
How I use: Guests’s communication.
Why: Answer guests questions and provide recommendations in multiple languages.
How: I download a QR code generated by the platform and place it in the guest’s room with a friendly note.
Price: Starts with 1% of revenue.
How I use: Dynamic pricing for my listings.
Why: Setting optimal pricing.
How: The platform analyzes market data and automatically adjusts my rates.
submitted by friendly_pianist49 to airbnb_hosts [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 10:49 toolszu How to create a image converter tools website in 2024 (

How to create a image converter tools website in 2024 (
Creating an image converter website involves several steps, including designing the user interface, implementing backend logic for image processing, and deploying the website. Here’s a high-level overview of how you can achieve this:
  1. Define the RequirementsSupported Image Formats: Decide which formats your converter will support (e.g., JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP, TIFF).Conversion Features: Determine the types of conversions (e.g., format conversion, resizing, compression).User Interface: Plan how the website will look and what functionalities it will have (e.g., file upload, download button).
  2. Design the User InterfaceWireframes and Mockups: Create wireframes and mockups for your website using tools like Figma, Sketch, or Adobe XD.HTML/CSS: Build the frontend using HTML for structure and CSS for styling.
  3. Develop the FrontendHTML: Structure your web pages.
Image Converter

Image Converter

CSS: Style your web pages./* styles.css */ body { font-family: Arial, sans-serif; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; height: 100vh; margin: 0; background-color: #f0f0f0; }
.container { background-color: #fff; padding: 20px; border-radius: 8px; box-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); }
h1 { margin-bottom: 20px; }
form { display: flex; flex-direction: column; }
input, select, button { margin-bottom: 10px; padding: 10px; }JavaScript: Handle user interactions and AJAX requests.// script.js document.getElementById('upload-form').addEventListener('submit', async function(e) { e.preventDefault(); const fileInput = document.getElementById('file-input'); const formatSelect = document.getElementById('format-select'); const formData = new FormData(); formData.append('file', fileInput.files[0]); formData.append('format', formatSelect.value);
const response = await fetch('/convert', { method: 'POST', body: formData }); const blob = await response.blob(); const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob); const output = document.getElementById('output'); output.innerHTML = `Download Converted Image`; 
  1. Develop the BackendChoose a Framework: Use a web framework like Flask (Python), Express (Node.js), or Django (Python).Install Dependencies:For Python (Flask): pip install flask pillowFor Node.js (Express): npm install express multer sharpBackend Code:Flask Example:# from flask import Flask, request, send_file from PIL import Image import io
app = Flask(name)
@app.route('/convert', methods=['POST']) def convert_image(): file = request.files['file'] format = request.form['format'] img = img_io = io.BytesIO(), format.upper()) return send_file(img_io, mimetype=f'image/{format}', as_attachment=True, attachment_filename=f'converted.{format}')
if name == 'main': Example:// server.js const express = require('express'); const multer = require('multer'); const sharp = require('sharp'); const path = require('path'); const app = express();
const storage = multer.memoryStorage(); const upload = multer({ storage: storage });'/convert', upload.single('file'), async (req, res) => { const format = req.body.format; const image = sharp(req.file.buffer); const convertedImage = await image.toFormat(format).toBuffer(); res.set('Content-Disposition', attachment; filename=converted.${format}); res.set('Content-Type', image/${format}); res.send(convertedImage); });
app.listen(3000, () => { console.log('Server started on http://localhost:3000'); });
  1. Deploy the WebsiteChoose a Hosting Service: Consider platforms like Heroku, Vercel, or AWS.Deployment Steps:Heroku:Initialize a Git repository: git initCreate a Heroku app: heroku createPush your code: git push heroku masterVercel:Install Vercel CLI: npm install -g vercelDeploy your project: vercel
  2. Ensure SecurityFile Size Limitations: Implement file size limits to prevent abuse.Input Validation: Validate and sanitize inputs to prevent security vulnerabilities.HTTPS: Ensure your website uses HTTPS for secure communication.By following these steps, you can create a fully functional image converter website. Adjust and expand on these steps based on your specific needs and preferences.
submitted by toolszu to Toolszu [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 09:05 HezalBWooden The Future of the App Industry: AI-Augmented Development

The app industry is no doubt, the pioneer of innovation in the dynamic digital era and has completely changed the way people now communicate and operate their devices. Nevertheless, in such an environment the task of app authors is getting more and more complicated as they have to use new technologies that change fast. Artificial intelligence augmented development is the next generation of app building technology, which will overcome the app industry obstacles, bringing about an age of efficiency, creativity and user-orientedness.

Accelerating Development Cycles

AI-assisted development is one of the most notable advantages which streamline and speed up the development process. Conventional app development usually includes activities that are time-consuming and repetitive, like the coding, the testing and the debugging. The developers can utilize AI algorithms and machine learning models to automate these tasks; therefore, they can free up time and resource to bring more attention to the UI and functionality of the application.
Read More:(
submitted by HezalBWooden to Theleadersglobe [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 08:49 ayonc46 How Do You Develop a Custom WordPress Website?

To develop a custom WordPress website, plan your site structure and design. Next, install WordPress on your hosting server and choose a suitable theme or create a custom one. Customize the design and functionality using HTML, CSS, and PHP coding as needed. Add content, including pages, posts, and media, to populate your site. Finally, test your site thoroughly across different browsers and devices to ensure it functions correctly before launching it to the public.
What are the initial steps to create a personalized WordPress site?
  1. Define your goals and objectives for the website.
  2. Choose a suitable domain name for your WordPress site.
  3. Select a reliable web hosting provider that meets your needs.
  4. Install WordPress on your hosting server.
  5. Choose a theme that aligns with your brand and design preferences.
  6. Customize the theme settings and appearance to match your desired look and feel.
  7. Create essential pages such as Home, About, Contact, and Services.
  8. Install and configure necessary plugins for added functionality.
  9. Set up user roles and permissions as per your requirements.
  10. Develop a content strategy and plan for creating and organizing your website content.

Step-by-Step Guideline Develop a Custom WordPress Website

Step 1: Choose a Domain Name and Hosting
Your domain name is your website's address on the internet, like Choose a domain name that's easy to remember, relevant to your brand, and not too long. Next, you'll need hosting, which is like renting space on the internet to store your website files. Look for a hosting provider that offers reliable service, good customer support, and enough storage and bandwidth for your needs.
Step 2: Install WordPress
WordPress is a popular platform for building websites because it's easy to use and highly customizable. Many hosting providers offer a one-click WordPress installation, which makes getting started a breeze. Simply log in to your hosting account, find the WordPress installer, and follow the prompts to set up your site. Once WordPress is installed, you can log in to your site's dashboard and start customizing it to your liking.
Step 3: Select a Theme
A WordPress theme determines the overall look and layout of your website. There are thousands of free and premium themes available, so take your time to find one that fits your style and the goals of your site. Look for a theme that's responsive (meaning it looks good on all devices), easy to customize, and well-supported by its developers. Once you've chosen a theme, you can install it on your WordPress site with just a few clicks.
Step 4: Customize Your Theme
Once you've installed your theme, it's time to customize it to make it your own. Most WordPress themes come with built-in customization options that allow you to change things like colors, fonts, and layouts without needing to know any code. Use the theme customizer in your WordPress dashboard to tweak your site's appearance until it looks just the way you want it to. Don't be afraid to experiment until you find the perfect look for your website.
Step 5: Add Content
With your theme customized, it's time to start adding content to your website. Create pages for important information like your Home page, About page, Services page, and Contact page. Use the WordPress editor to add text, images, videos, and other media to your pages. Write clear, engaging copy that tells visitors what your website is about and encourages them to explore further. Remember to proofread your content carefully before publishing to ensure it's free of errors.
Step 6: Install Plugins
WordPress plugins are like apps that add extra features and functionality to your website. There are thousands of plugins available for everything from contact forms to social media integration to search engine optimization. Think about the goals of your website and choose plugins that will help you achieve them. Be selective about the plugins you install, as too many can slow down your site and cause conflicts. Install and activate your chosen plugins from the WordPress plugin directory, then configure them to suit your needs.
Step 7: Optimize for SEO
Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving your website's visibility in search engine results. A well-optimized website is more likely to rank higher in search results, driving more traffic to your site. Install an SEO plugin like Yoast SEO or All in One SEO Pack to help you optimize your content for relevant keywords, add meta tags and descriptions, and improve your site's overall SEO performance. Take the time to research keywords relevant to your niche and incorporate them naturally into your content for the best results.
Step 8: Test and Launch
Before you launch your website, it's important to test it thoroughly to ensure everything is working correctly. Check your site on different devices and browsers to make sure it looks good and functions properly. Test all links, forms, and interactive elements to make sure they work as expected. Once you're confident that everything is working as it should, it's time to launch your website and share it with the world. Celebrate your hard work and take pride in your new custom WordPress website!
Step 9: Maintain and Update
Building a website is just the beginning – maintaining it is an ongoing process. Regularly update your content to keep it fresh and relevant, and update your plugins and themes to ensure your site stays secure and performs well. Monitor your site's performance using tools like Google Analytics, and make adjustments as needed to improve usability and user experience. Listen to feedback from your visitors and make changes accordingly to keep your website running smoothly and meeting the needs of your audience.
What do you consider to select hosting and a domain name for your WordPress site?
Firstly, you'll want to choose a hosting provider that offers good speed and reliability. Look for one that has a solid reputation and good customer support in case you run into any issues. Consider your budget too, as hosting costs can vary.
As for the domain name, it's important to choose something that's easy to remember and relevant to your site's content. Avoid using complicated or obscure words that might be hard for people to spell or remember. It's also a good idea to check if your desired domain name is available on social media platforms to maintain consistency across your online presence. Lastly, think about whether you want to use a .com, .net, or other domain extension, keeping in mind what best suits your site's purpose and audience.
How do you evaluate and choose a theme that suits your brand and design preferences?
Firstly, consider your brand identity and the message you want to convey to your audience. Look for a theme that aligns with the style, colors, and overall feel of your brand.
Next, think about the functionality you need. Do you want a theme that's highly customizable or one that's more straightforward? Consider features like layout options, customization options, and compatibility with plugins you might want to use.
It's also important to check the responsiveness of the theme. Make sure it looks good and functions well on various devices, including smartphones and tablets.
Lastly, take some time to browse through different themes and read reviews from other users. This can give you a better idea of what to expect and help you make an informed decision that suits your brand and design preferences.
What essential pages should you create first?
How do you decide which plugins to install?
  1. Identify Needs: Determine the specific functionality you require for your site.
  2. Research: Look for plugins that offer the features you need.
  3. Ratings and Reviews: Check plugin ratings and read user reviews to gauge reliability and performance.
  4. Compatibility: Ensure the plugin is compatible with your WordPress version and other installed plugins.
  5. Active Installations: Choose plugins with a high number of active installations for reliability and community support.
How do you integrate custom features and functionalities into your WordPress site?
Integrating custom features and functionalities into your WordPress site involves adding extra capabilities beyond what comes with the standard installation. One way to do this is by using plugins. These are like apps for your website, and they can add all sorts of new features, from contact forms to e-commerce shops.
For example, let's say you want to add a feature for visitors to book appointments on your site. You could search for a booking plugin like "Bookly" or "Appointment Booking Calendar." After installing and activating the plugin, you'd typically set it up by following the provided instructions, which might involve configuring settings, creating booking forms, and placing them on your site where you want them to appear.
Another way to integrate custom features is by adding code directly to your site. This could involve writing your own custom functions or modifying existing ones. For instance, if you wanted to add a custom sidebar widget displaying your latest Instagram photos, you might need to write some PHP code to fetch the photos from Instagram's API and display them on your site.
In summary, integrating custom features and functionalities into your WordPress site can be done through plugins or by adding custom code, allowing you to tailor your site to your specific needs and preferences.
How do you manage user roles and permissions?
RoleCapabilitiesHow to Manage AdministratorCan do everything, including managing other users, installing plugins, and changing themes.Go to Users > All Users in the dashboard, find the user, and change their role to Administrator. EditorCan publish and manage posts, including those of other users.Go to Users > Add New, fill in user details, and assign the role of Editor. AuthorCan publish and manage their own posts only.In Users > All Users, select a user and change their role to Author. ContributorCan write and manage their own posts but cannot publish them.Add or edit a user and assign the role of Contributor. SubscriberCan only manage their own profile and read content.Change the user role to Subscriber in the Users section.
What security measures should you implement to protect your custom WordPress website?
To protect your custom WordPress website, you need to implement several security measures. Here are some specific steps:
  1. Install a Security Plugin: Use plugins like Wordfence or Sucuri. They offer features like malware scanning and firewall protection.
  2. Use Strong Passwords: Make sure all users have strong, unique passwords. A good password includes letters, numbers, and symbols.
  3. Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): This adds an extra layer of security. Users will need to enter a code from their phone in addition to their password.
  4. Keep WordPress Updated: Always update WordPress to the latest version. Updates fix security vulnerabilities.
  5. Limit Login Attempts: Use a plugin like Limit Login Attempts Reloaded to prevent brute-force attacks.
  6. Change the Default "admin" Username: Don’t use "admin" as your username. Choose something unique to make it harder for hackers to guess.
  7. Use HTTPS: Get an SSL certificate to encrypt data between your website and visitors. Most hosting providers offer this for free.
  8. Backup Your Site Regularly: Use plugins like UpdraftPlus to create regular backups. If your site gets hacked, you can restore it.
How do you ensure responsiveness and mobile-friendliness in a custom WordPress site?
To ensure your custom WordPress site is responsive and mobile-friendly, follow these steps:
  1. Pick a Responsive Theme: Start with a theme known for being responsive, such as Astra or GeneratePress.
  2. Use a Mobile-Friendly Plugin: Install plugins like WP Touch, which help make your site mobile-friendly.
  3. Apply Media Queries: Add CSS media queries to adjust your layout for different screen sizes. For example:
(Css code)@media (max-width: 768px) {
.sidebar { display: none; }
.content { width: 100%; }
  1. Flexible Images and Videos: Ensure images and videos resize properly with:
(Css code)img, video { max-width: 100%; height: auto; }
  1. Mobile Menu: Use a plugin like Responsive Menu to create a user-friendly mobile menu.
  2. Optimize for Speed: Compress images using a plugin like Smush and enable caching with a plugin like W3 Total Cache.
  3. Testing: Regularly test your site on different devices and browsers. Tools like Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test and BrowserStack can help.
How do you troubleshoot and debug issues that arise during the development of a custom WordPress site?
Troubleshooting and debugging issues during the development of a custom WordPress site involves several steps. Here are some real-world challenges and specific issues you might encounter:
  1. White Screen of Death (WSOD): This issue often occurs due to PHP errors, plugin conflicts, or exhausted memory limits. Solution: Enable WordPress debugging by adding define('WP_DEBUG', true); to your wp-config.php file to display error messages. Check the error log for specific issues.
  2. Plugin Conflicts: Plugins can conflict with each other or with the theme, causing functionality problems.Solution: Deactivate all plugins and reactivate them one by one to identify the conflicting plugin. Check for updates or consider alternative plugins.
  3. Theme Issues: Custom themes might have coding errors or compatibility issues with WordPress updates. Solution: Use a child theme for customizations to avoid losing changes during updates. Validate your theme code using tools like Theme Check.
  4. Database Errors: Corrupt or misconfigured databases can lead to errors or data loss. Solution: Use phpMyAdmin to check and repair database tables. Ensure regular backups are in place to restore data if needed.
  5. Broken Links and 404 Errors: Incorrect URLs or deleted pages can lead to 404 errors, affecting user experience and SEO. Solution: Use a plugin like Redirection to manage and fix broken links. Regularly check for 404 errors using tools like Google Search Console.
  6. Slow Performance: Poor performance can result from unoptimized images, bulky plugins, or inefficient code. Solution: Optimize images, use caching plugins like W3 Total Cache, and minimize CSS and JavaScript files. Profile your site using tools like Query Monitor to identify slow queries.
  7. JavaScript Errors: JavaScript errors can break site functionality, especially interactive features. Solution: Use the browser’s developer tools (F12) to inspect the console for JavaScript errors. Fix issues by debugging the scripts or checking for library conflicts.
  8. Security Vulnerabilities: Sites can be vulnerable to attacks if not properly secured. Solution: Regularly update WordPress, themes, and plugins. Use security plugins like Wordfence, and implement strong passwords and two-factor authentication.
  9. Responsive Design Issues: Ensuring the site looks good on all devices can be challenging. Solution: Use responsive design techniques and test the site on various devices and screen sizes. Tools like BrowserStack can help simulate different environments.
  10. User Role and Permission Problems: Incorrect configuration of user roles and permissions can lead to security and functionality issues. Solution: Use the User Role Editor plugin to manage and troubleshoot roles and capabilities. Ensure that users have appropriate access levels.
How do you create a seamless user experience (UX) in a custom WordPress site?
To create a seamless user experience (UX) in a custom WordPress site, start by choosing a clean, responsive theme that looks good on all devices. Ensure your site loads quickly by optimizing images and using caching plugins like W3 Total Cache. Simplify navigation with clear menus and breadcrumbs, making it easy for users to find what they need. Use readable fonts and sufficient white space to make content easy to read. Add a search bar so visitors can quickly locate information. Implement intuitive forms with clear labels and error messages. Regularly test your site on different devices and browsers to ensure everything works smoothly. By focusing on these details, you can make your WordPress site user-friendly and enjoyable to navigate.
How do you implement e-commerce functionality in a custom WordPress site?
To implement e-commerce functionality in a custom WordPress site, start by installing a reliable e-commerce plugin like WooCommerce. Set up your store by adding products with detailed descriptions, prices, and images. Configure payment gateways such as PayPal or Stripe to accept online payments securely. Customize the appearance of your store using built-in themes or by modifying CSS styles. Create user-friendly navigation with categories and filters to help customers easily browse products. Implement shopping cart functionality to allow users to add items and proceed to checkout seamlessly. Set up shipping options and rates based on location and weight. Test the entire purchasing process to ensure it works smoothly for users. Regularly update plugins and monitor sales to optimize your e-commerce site for success.
Creating a custom WordPress website involves several key steps. You start by deciding on your site's goals and picking a domain name and hosting provider. Then, you install WordPress, choose a theme, and customize it to match your brand. Next, you add content, like pages and posts, and install plugins for extra features, such as contact forms or SEO optimization. You'll want to make sure your site is responsive and works well on mobile devices. Lastly, you test everything thoroughly before launching your site to ensure it's ready for visitors. And don't forget to keep it updated and secure over time!
submitted by ayonc46 to redditreviewer [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 08:10 kylie_nz Please help me om only .10 short for water plus. I'll help you out too..

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2024.05.21 08:08 kylie_nz Please help me om only .10 short for water plus. I'll help you out too..

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2024.05.21 08:04 FancyInvestment397 Best Online Casinos in the US for May 2024

Best Online Casinos in the US for May 2024
Playing at online casinos for real money is possible in practically every state in the US. And yes, that includes those without regulated iGaming markets.
In our guide below, we take a closer look at the best real money online casinos in the US and what they have to offer. From bonuses to casino games, it’s all covered here.
Best Online Casinos US

Top 10 RTP Rates at US Online Casinos

The return to player (RTP) rate is how much a real money online casino pays out to customers on average. The higher the RTP rate, the better your chances are of winning. Here’s the top ten:
Casino Sign Up Bonus Best For
Wild Casino Up to $5,000 + 125 Free Spins Excusive blackjack tournaments
Raging Bull Up to $2,500 + 50 Free Spins Progressive jackpot titles
TG.Casino 200% up to 10ETH Telegram casino gaming
Bovada Up to $3,750 Hot Drop Jackpots
Everygame Up to $6,000 Variety of slots
BetOnline Up to $3,000 VIP loyalty program
Las Atlantis Up to $9,500 Free spins promos
Drake 300% up to $6,000 Exclusive jackpots
Lucky Creek Up to $7,500 + 30 Free Spins Daily free spins
Sloto Cash Up to $7,777 + 60 Free Spins Progressive jackpots

5 of the Best Real Money Online Casinos in the US

We’ve researched and played at all of the best real money online casinos in the US and recommend only the safest and most secure. Check out some of our favorites in our reviews below.

1. Wild Casino – Best Online Casino in the US in 2024

  • Payout time: 1-2 days
  • Established: 2017
  • License: Panama Gaming Commission
  • Headquarters: Panama City, Panama
  • Restricted Regions: New Jersey

Our Verdict: 9.6/10

Wild Casino is one of the most popular and best real money online casinos in the US. Established in 2017, the platform has continuously improved over the years and now offers more than 800 casino games for real money. These includes 650+ slots, 60 table games, and 70 live casino games.
For banking methods, Wild Casino accepts Bitcoin, altcoins, credit cards, debit cards, wire transfers, and more.
As for bonuses, during research for our Wild Casino review, we found an entire page of promotions. The welcome package is a highlight here and is one of the best in the industry. Crypto players receive a boosted deal with better bonus percentages and higher limits. The offers are easy to claim and have clear terms, making Wild Casino one of the most trusted US online casinos for real money available in the USA.

Features Overview:

  • Game Variety: 9/10
  • Live Casino: 9.5/10
  • Promotions & Rewards: 10/10
  • User Experience: 10/10
  • Payment Methods: 9/10
  • Customer Support: 10/10
  • 650+ online slots with real money payouts
  • Great variety of table games and live options
  • Welcome bonus package covers five deposits
  • Ongoing promotions for cash casino players
  • Fast and secure banking via crypto and more
  • No casino loyalty program

2. Bovada – Big Casino Wins with Hot Drop Jackpots

  • Payout time: 1-2 days
  • Established: 2011
  • License: Curaçao eGaming
  • Headquarters: Curaçao
  • Restricted Regions: New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Nevada, New York

Our Verdict: 9.5/10

Bovada is one of the leading USA online casinos for real money with more than a decade of activity. The platform runs smoothly and hosts more than 300 casino games for real money from the likes of Rival, RTG, Genesis, DGS, Spinomenal, and Revolver Gaming. It also has its own exclusive titles developed by Woohoo Games and one of the best poker sites.
Selected slots have added Hot Drop Jackpots, which are progressive prizes awarded hourly, daily, and can reach as much as $300,000.
Bovada Casino doesn’t have the longest list of accepted payment methods. You can choose all major cryptocurrencies, or use cards from Mastercard or Visa. Deposit bonuses are available for new customers and the wagering requirement is generally lower than at other casinos online.

Features Overview

  • Game Variety: 8.5/10
  • Live Casino: 8/10
  • Promotions & Rewards: 8/10
  • User Experience: 9/10
  • Payment Methods: 8/10
  • Customer Support: 10/10
  • Promotions can award thousands of free spins
  • Hot Drop Jackpots can go up to $300,000
  • Live dealer tables running around the clock
  • Fast real money withdrawals for casino winnings
  • Great variety of online slots available
  • Doesn’t have the best-looking online casino design

3. TG.Casino – Licensed Online Casino Available on Telegram

  • Payout time: Instant
  • Established: 2023
  • License: Gaming Curaçao
  • Headquarters: Curaçao
  • Restricted Regions: None

Our Verdict: 9.5/10

TG.Casino is a new online casino that went live in 2023. It’s only available via Telegram, which adds an extra layer of security to the already safe gaming platform. The operator has a Gaming Curaçao license and only offers games from trusted developers.
TG.Casino is one of the best in terms of overall variety with 5,000+ games from NetEnt, Microgaming, Pragmatic Play, Betsoft, Relax Gaming, and many other studios.
Players using the exclusive $TGC token to can earn additional daily rewards. The more you play, the more revenue based rewards you unlock. High rollers benefit from boosted bonuses by depositing over a certain threshold. This is all on top of the welcome bonus available for all new players.

Features Overview

  • Game Variety: 10/10
  • Live Casino: 10/10
  • Promotions & Rewards: 9/10
  • User Experience: 10/10
  • Payment Methods: 8/10
  • Customer Support: 9/10
  • Largest library of 5,000+ real money casino games
  • High roller rewards and large withdrawals supported
  • Online casino available via Telegram
  • Accepts major cryptocurrencies and has its own token
  • Players can only sign up through Telegram
  • Doesn’t accept credit cards for direct deposits

4. BetUS – Trusted Operator with 400+ Online Casino Games

  • Payout time: 1-2 days
  • Established: 1994
  • License: Government of Mwali
  • Headquarters: Costa Rica
  • Restricted Regions: None

Our Verdict (8.8/10)

BetUS is the oldest brand on our list, first launching in 1994. Mainly known for its sportsbook, the online casino lives up to the same high standards. It has more than 400 slots, a variety of table games, multiple video poker options, and a full live casino. There are even some extra games included in the collection, such as scratch cards, bingo, and keno.
BetUS allows you to play in demo mode for free, an option that not all US real money online casinos offer.
BetUS has multiple bonuses, with bonus funds split between the casino and the sportsbook. If you’re not interested in sportsbook offers, then you can use the BetUS promo codes below to unlock the best casino bonuses. Ongoing promotions are available daily and include reload bonuses, tournaments, and random bonus prizes.

Features Overview

  • Game Variety: 9/10
  • Live Casino: 8.5/10
  • Promotions & Rewards: 9/10
  • User Experience: 9/10
  • Payment Methods: 8/10
  • Customer Support: 9/10
  • Great casino interface for browsing and playing for free
  • Online casino tournaments have large prize pools
  • More than $3,000,000 in jackpots on the site
  • Daily promotions on top of a large welcome bonus
  • Only accepts a few cryptocurrencies for banking
  • Demo mode still requires players to sign in

5. Drake – Massive Welcome Bonus for New Casino Players in the US

  • Payout time: 1-3 days
  • Established: 2012
  • License: Curaçao
  • Headquarters: Curaçao
  • Restricted Regions: New Jersey, Kentucky, Maryland, Washington

Our Verdict: 8.7/10

Drake Casino is a solid platform that should make any best online casino top ten. It has more than 500 games in total provided by studios like Betsoft, Rival, Nucleus, and Arrow’s Edge. Some of the titles have added progressive jackpots, with the Mega Jackpot exceeding $30,000.
The Drake Club loyalty program has 10 tiers that offer increasingly bigger reload bonuses and weekly deals.
The lobby can be a little slow to load games, but that the only real drawback. There are loads of filtering options to help you find your favorite games. Drake Casino also has an impressive welcome bonus that is one of the highest-value offers in the industry.

Features Overview

  • Game Variety: 8.5/10
  • Live Casino: 8.5/10
  • Promotions & Rewards: 8/10
  • User Experience: 9/10
  • Payment Methods: 8.5/10
  • Customer Support: 9/10
  • User-friendly lobby with lots of game categories
  • Earn rewards for playing casino games for real money
  • Accepts BTC, LTC, XRP, BCH, and cards for deposits
  • Daily free spins for signing in and using a promo code
  • Limited withdrawal methods available right now
  • Dated site design with slow loading at times

Best Online Casino Bonuses

There are dozens of real money online casinos in the US, and that means that competition for customers can be fierce. But that’s very good news for you as operators will offer a wide range of casino bonuses and promotions.
We’ve gone ahead and listed the most common of these bonuses offered by the best online real money casinos.

Welcome Bonuses

The vast majority of real money online casinos will offer a welcome bonus to all new users. This will see you earn bonus credit or bonus funds for simply signing up and making a deposit. You can then use the bonus credit to play real money casino games. Just bear in mind that you may need to make a minimum deposit before you can grab the bonus.

Deposit Bonuses

A deposit bonus is when real money casinos will match a deposit by a certain percentage. For example, if you get a 100% deposit match bonus on a $100 deposit, you will receive an additional $100 in bonus credit. This can then be used to play real money casino games, but you will have to meet some wagering requirements before you can cash out your bonus funds.

No Deposit Bonuses

No deposit bonuses are available at some real money online casinos but not all. These promotions are the best value as they don’t require you to make any deposit using your own cash. This gives you the chance to test drive an online casino to see if it’s what you’re looking for. These bonuses also have wagering requirements you will have to meet before you can withdraw your winnings.

Free Spins

Free spin bonuses are exactly what they sound like. They offer you free spins on specific slots titles. The idea here is to promote games from a certain provider or introduce new slots. Like the no deposit bonus, this is a great way to try out a game before using your own cash.

Reload Bonuses

A reload bonus is very similar to a deposit match bonus and quite common at real money online casinos. You make a deposit and the casino will match it by a certain percentage. These promotions are run on a regular basis with some of the best online casinos for real money offering them every week.

Bonus Terms and Conditions

Bonuses and promotions at real money online casinos in the USA have terms and conditions that can have an impact on the value of the bonus. That’s why you should read those Ts and Cs carefully and know exactly what they mean. Here are a few terms you’ll come across.
Wagering Requirements
Wagering requirements at real money online casinos can also be referred to as ‘playthrough’ or ‘rollover’. This is listed as a multiple and simply tells you the number of times you need to wager the bonus amount before you can withdraw it as cash.
So say you have a bonus wagering requirement of 25x on a bonus amount of $100. This means that you will need to place wagers totaling $2,500 (25 x $10) before you can withdraw the bonus as cash. This is possibly the most important thing to look out for on a promotion because a high wagering requirement on a high-value bonus might be hard to hit.
Time Limits / Expiry
There are two types of time limits – the time you have to take up the offer and the time you have to use your bonus funds and hit those wagering requirements. The first one is simple enough. Once you sign up at a real money casino, you’ll have anything from a few days up to a month to take up your welcome bonus offer.
The second one can be a bit trickier. US online casinos will set a time limit on your offer and you have to use your bonus and hit the wagering requirement before that time is up. If you don’t make it , you could lose any unused bonus credit.
Minimum Deposits
This is a very basic condition of any real money online casino promo when there is a deposit involved. The minimum deposit, as you may have guessed already, is the least amount of money you can deposit to activate the bonus.
Now here’s the thing – a minimum deposit for a promotion may be higher than the regular minimum at a casino. And in some cases, the minimum deposit amount may change if it’s a bonus made up of several smaller bonuses. For example, a deposit match and free spins bonus over two deposits might require a minimum of $20 for the first deposit and $50 for the second deposit to unlock the free spins.
Winning Limits
Real money online casinos will pretty much give you free money just to get you playing their games. But there’s only so much free money they can hand out. So understandably, they put a limit on how much you can win using your bonus cash.
It’s not a condition that you need to worry about too much though. After all, a bonus is free money, right? But just remember that you won’t win any massive progressive jackpots with that bonus cash.
Game Eligibility
Remember what we said about wagering requirements? Well, not all games contribute towards those requirements. Promotions tend to exclude some games like roulette so check the Ts and Cs.
Games that are eligible will contribute towards your requirement at different rates. For example, slots may have a rate of 100% while the rate for table games could be 50%. This means that if you play $100 on the slots then $100 is taken off your wagering requirement. If you play $100 on a table game, then only $50 counts towards the requirement.
This is a little different to games eligibility because it has nothing to do with your wagering requirement. To put it simply, these are games that you cannot use your bonus funds on.
Even the best online casinos may restrict bonus use for games like live dealer games or any games that have large prizes such as progressive jackpots. You may also be restricted from entering contests using your bonus.

Best Online Casino Games

One of the benefits of playing at a top real money online casino in the US is that you get access to hundreds of games as soon as you sign up. With instant play online casinos, you don’t have to download any additional software to start playing. Simply go to the site and you’re all set. And the best online casinos might even offer many of these games in demo mode for you to try out.


Slots are one of the most popular real money online casino games. You can spin the reels to hit winning combinations called paylines, unlock bonus features and win real money. But it’s not just about matching a few symbols, there are often multiple ways to win. Slots with the Megaways mechanic can have thousands of paylines.
Real money slots also come in a massive range of themes and styles covering everything from safari themes to ancient Egypt and even rock bands. And don’t be surprised if there are hundreds or even thousands to choose from at the best online casinos.

Progressive Jackpots

A progressive jackpot is a type of prize that you’ll find in some slot titles. These jackpots grow with each and every wager that is placed on the game. The most popular jackpot slots pool wagers from players all over the world and not just the casino itself.
The biggest progressive jackpots at online casinos for real money can sometimes reach millions of dollars. In fact , the largest progressive jackpot win of all time was $23.6 million won by a player in Belgium in 2021. The jackpot was won on the Absolutely Mad variant of Mega Moolah.


Online roulette brings this ever-popular table game into the world of online casinos. Pick a number or color and place your bet. Then wait to see if the ball lands on your pick. It’s one of the simplest games to pick up but there are actually a few variants that you can choose from.
The best online casinos will have American, European, and French roulette variants. Some real money online casinos will even offer multi-wheel roulette where you can bet on two or three wheels at a time. Unsurprisingly, roulette is also hugely popular in live casinos.


Blackjack is a classic casino card game where you try to beat the dealer by getting as close to 21 as possible. While the game is simple enough with a straight bet on your hand, there are plenty of side bets to bring a little more action to the table. For example, you can bet on the Lucky Ladies – betting that your first two cards total 20.
You can play virtual blackjack at your own pace at all of the best online casinos. But if you prefer a more traditional style of play, then you can also try your hand at live dealer blackjack.

Video Poker

Most video poker casinos will offer a range of poker variants that combine skill of poker with the excitement of slot machines. It’s based on five card draw and you need to match one of several winning hands by changing or keeping the cards you are dealt. Bets are placed at the start of the game.
Each variant comes with its own set of rules and payout structures that can vary quite a bit. As you can imagine, you’ll need to have some basic poker skills to master this game. It’s also not a bad idea to follow some video poker strategies to improve your odds of winning.


Baccarat is a hugely popular game in land-based casinos, but not quite so popular at online casinos for real money. The goal of the game is to have a hand value closest to nine. You have a few baccarat strategies to choose from such as betting on your own hand, the banker’s hand, or a tie.
The game is available at most of the best real money casinos online in a virtual format. But it’s the live casinos where you’ll find the real action. Live tables are

Live Dealer Games

You can feel like you’re stepping onto the casino floor when you play at live dealer casinos. These casinos offer live streams of table games with professional dealers. All the games have the exact same rules as those you’d find at land-based casinos and you can even communicate with the dealer via chat.
Table games like blackjack, baccarat, and roulette are the most popular games. But in recent times, the gameshow has risen to the top with innovative games like Deal or No Deal and, believe it or not, Monopoly.

Best US Online Casino Payment Methods

Any online casino with real money games should have a solid set of payment options to choose from. Below, we’ve listed the most common.

Credit Cards

Credit cards are widely accepted at the best USA online casinos. They provide a safe, secure, and fast method for deposits, and as most people already have one, they’re super convenient. Withdrawals are a different matter though as very few casinos will payout to a credit card.
It’s also worth noting that some banks may decline transactions to real money online casinos for legal reasons. For example, if gambling is restricted in your state, the bank may decline your request. There may also be fees charged when funding your online casino account.

Debit Cards

As you may know already, debit cards offer exactly the same convenience, speed, and security as credit cards. They’re also accepted by practically all real money US online casinos. And much like credit cards, many casinos don’t offer debit card withdrawals.
One big benefit of debit cards over credit cards is that there are no legal restrictions on the use of debit cards to fund gambling accounts.


A hugely popular payment method for real money online casinos in the US, eWallets offer fast transactions with great security features. They also provide an additional layer of privacy, as your bank or credit card information isn’t shared with the online casino. However, there may be fees associated with eWallet transactions, and some online casinos may not accept certain eWallets.
Popular eWallets include PayPal, Skrill, Neteller, Apple Pay, and Google Pay. Interestingly, the online casino industry is slowly starting to move away from older eWallets like PayPal. Even so, there are still some great casinos that accept PayPal.


Many of the top real money online casinos in the US now accept major cryptocurrencies for both deposits and withdrawals. These digital currencies offer some of the best security features of any payment method, and yes, that includes credit cards.
Cryptocurrency casinos let you deposit and withdraw funds with very low fees and in some cases, no fees at all. Transactions are highly secure as you don’t need to share your banking details and extremely fast. Some crypto withdrawals can be processed in hours or even minutes.
The best online casinos will accept offer a variety of crypto options including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin and more. If you don’t have any crypto, casinos like TG.Casino offer you the chance to buy some using your traditional methods like debit or credit card.


The best online casinos for real money offer the complete range of payment options and, believe it or not, that includes old-school paper checks. Just pick ‘cash by check’ and the casino will send your winnings by mail.
The only drawback here is that it’s quite slow. In fact, withdrawals can take several days or even weeks. It’s all down to how fast your mail provider is and how quickly your bank can clear the check. Still a good option to have though just in case.

Wire transfers

Wire transfers are another tried and trusted method for secure and reliable deposits and withdrawals at US online casinos for real money. This is a simple transfer made directly from your bank account to the casino’s account and vice versa.
This type of transfer is very secure as your bank handles the entire process, but it takes time and can be a little on the expensive side. There may also be limits on how much you can transfer to and from your account so check with your bank first.

Tips for Real Money Online Casino Gambling

With everything you’ve read so far, picking the best online casino for real money should be pretty straightforward. But if you’re new to the online casino industry, then you might want to learn a few things about how to gamble online before you place those first wagers. Below, we’ve listed just a few of our favorite tips to get you started.

Pick a Trusted Online Casino

And by trusted we mean one that has a rock solid reputation for customer support and satisfaction. You can do this by reading reviews by people who have taken the time to actually play at casinos online for real money. That’s exactly what we do here, so picking from our recommendations is a no-brainer.

Use those Online Casino Bonus Offers

There’s great value to be found through online casino promotions whether it’s a no deposit promotion or a deposit match. Whatever is on offer, take advantage of it to give your bankroll a nice bump before you play any real money casino games.

Sign-up with More than One Online Casino

Yep, there’s absolutely nothing stopping you from signing up with five or six real money casinos. This means that you can take advantage of all those welcome bonuses and promotions. You also have a better chance of finding the best real money casino games as you have thousands of games to choose from.

Look for Mobile Online Casinos

Common sense when you think about it because we spend more time on our mobile devices each day. The best online casinos will have either a mobile app or they will be fully optimized for mobile devices. Either way, this is an absolute must.

Manage Your Bankroll

This is perhaps the most important tip of all as gambling responsibly is how you can continue to have fun day in day out. Managing your bankroll is about setting a budget and sticking to it. It’s also about finding and taking advantage of any promotions that save you spending too much of your own cash.

Responsible Gaming at Online Casinos

The best online casinos take responsible gaming very seriously and will offer help and resources if you need them. This includes things like the ability to set limits on your deposits or gaming. Many will also provide tips and guidance on spotting the early signs of problem gambling.
Online casinos try their best to help, but the best advice for anyone who needs support can be found at organizations like:

Are Online Casinos Legal in the US?

The US online casino industry first became regulated when Delaware legalized online casinos in 2012. New Jersey came soon after and both states launched regulated online casinos in 2013. At present, there are seven states that have regulated online casino markets – Connecticut, Delaware, Michigan, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and West Virginia.
submitted by FancyInvestment397 to GamblingSites [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 07:23 AffectionateGoose72 Claim Your $50 Bonus in May with Code '1WLNE495RW': Follow Steps Inside to Secure Your Reward!

Claim Your $50 Bonus in May with Code '1WLNE495RW': Follow Steps Inside to Secure Your Reward!
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submitted by AffectionateGoose72 to CSLPlasmaReferrals [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 06:50 JLman3705 BBIG Trademarks showing Chris Polimeni. Most recent date of April 15, 2024.

BBIG Trademarks showing Chris Polimeni. Most recent date of April 15, 2024. submitted by JLman3705 to WallStreetbetsELITE [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 06:21 Patient-Fly9676 Types of Cyber Attacks Commonly Used By Hackers

Cyber attacks are malicious activities carried out by individuals or groups to compromise, steal, or destroy data. Here are some of the most common types of cyber attacks used by hackers today:

1. Phishing Attacks

Phishing involves tricking individuals into providing sensitive information by masquerading as a trustworthy entity in electronic communications. - How it Works: Attackers send emails or messages that appear to be from legitimate sources, urging recipients to click on malicious links or download infected attachments. - Impact: Compromised personal information, financial loss, and unauthorized access to accounts.

2. Malware Attacks

Malware, or malicious software, is designed to damage, disrupt, or gain unauthorized access to computer systems. - Types of Malware: - Viruses: Attach themselves to clean files and spread throughout a system. - Worms: Spread through networks by exploiting vulnerabilities. - Trojans: Disguise themselves as legitimate software. - Ransomware: Encrypts data and demands payment for decryption keys. - Impact: Data theft, system damage, financial loss, and operational disruption.

3. Denial-of-Service (DoS) Attacks

A DoS attack aims to make a machine or network resource unavailable to its intended users. - How it Works: Attackers flood a target with excessive traffic, overwhelming the system and preventing legitimate access. - Distributed DoS (DDoS): Uses multiple compromised systems to launch the attack, increasing its scale and impact. - Impact: Downtime, loss of revenue, and reputational damage.

4. Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) Attacks

MitM attacks involve an attacker intercepting and altering communications between two parties without their knowledge. - How it Works: The attacker positions themselves between the sender and receiver, capturing and possibly modifying the data being transmitted. - Impact: Data theft, eavesdropping, and unauthorized transactions.

5. SQL Injection Attacks

SQL injection involves inserting malicious SQL queries into input fields to manipulate databases. - How it Works: Attackers exploit vulnerabilities in web applications by entering malicious SQL code into input fields (such as login forms). - Impact: Unauthorized access to sensitive data, database manipulation, and data breaches.

6. Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Attacks

XSS attacks involve injecting malicious scripts into webpages viewed by other users. - How it Works: Attackers insert malicious JavaScript into web applications, which then execute in the browsers of users who visit the affected pages. - Impact: Data theft, session hijacking, and spreading malware.

7. Password Attacks

Password attacks aim to obtain a user’s password, allowing unauthorized access to systems. - Types of Password Attacks: - Brute Force: Systematically trying all possible combinations until the correct one is found. - Dictionary Attack: Using a list of common passwords. - Password Spraying: Using a few common passwords against many accounts. - Impact: Unauthorized access to accounts and systems, data theft, and further attacks.

8. Insider Threats

Insider threats come from individuals within the organization who have access to sensitive information. - How it Works: Insiders misuse their access to steal, leak, or damage information. - Impact: Data breaches, financial loss, and damage to reputation.

9. Zero-Day Exploits

Zero-day exploits target vulnerabilities in software that are unknown to the vendor. - How it Works: Attackers exploit these vulnerabilities before developers have a chance to patch them. - Impact: Unauthorized access, data theft, and system compromise.

10. Social Engineering

Social engineering manipulates individuals into divulging confidential information or performing actions beneficial to the attacker. - Types of Social Engineering: - Pretexting: Creating a fabricated scenario to steal information. - Baiting: Offering something enticing to trick victims into revealing information. - Tailgating: Following someone into a restricted area without proper authentication. - Impact: Data theft, unauthorized access, and compromised security.
Understanding these common types of cyber attacks is crucial for implementing effective security measures and protecting sensitive information from malicious actors. Regular training, robust security protocols, and staying informed about new threats are key to safeguarding against these attacks.
submitted by Patient-Fly9676 to Privacyonline [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 05:47 Green_Concentrate427 Using useRef and focus() with a conditionally rendered element

I'm generating many table cells with map. Inside each cell, there is an input. The input has a ref so I can trigger focus() whenever I want.
Now, the input only renders when a condition is true (when the editing mode for that table cell has been activated). This means the ref of the input (via useRef) will be initially null, so focus() won't work.
I could just hide the input with CSS, but since it's inside map, there will be many inputs, and ref won't know which one needs to be focused.
How to solve this dilemma?
This is the whole code.
submitted by Green_Concentrate427 to learnreactjs [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 04:50 shortbus66 iRacing Steam Wont Launch Game

Now, I know everyone says not to play through steam but I like to keep track of my gameplay hours and have it all together in my steam profile. I recently go a membership through the website and then generated a steam code and got it on steam. However, when I go to press play, it just takes me to the website to log in and then steam doesn't recognize that I'm playing it anymore. I already have the game downloaded through the website so I'm not sure what the problem is.
submitted by shortbus66 to iRacing [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 03:42 Loser_Baby_19 Recent Monkey Boo Land videos

Recent Monkey Boo Land videos
Greetings fellow simian lovers, hope y'all had a great weekend.
In case some out there haven't noticed, Mr. Pete Moss has been 'busy,' well, busy by his exceptionally low standards, in creating new content the past month for his YouTube channels. One new MonkeyBoo video, five Monkey Happy videos, and two Monkey Meela videos.
Phew, he must be sooo exhausted with all that effort LMFAO.
A brief video compilation of these recent videos:
Recent Monkey Boo Land videos, an insult to capuchin monkeys everywhere
(If video is not showing, here is an additional link to download/view the video: )
Clip 1: The new Monkey Boo video continues to validate many of us who think Boo is not healthy whatsoever physically and especially mentally/emotionally. It's an interesting choice for Pete to film himself giving Boo a huge moth (in his cage of course). Perhaps he was trying to divert attention away from how absolutely dreadful and grotesque Boo looked and acted. I could care less seeing Pete feed Boo a huge moth or any other insect, because any capuchin monkey fan would know that capuchin monkeys eat a wide variety of foods in the wild. What is sickening is that Pete continues to deny anything is wrong with Boo and refuses to seek proper help for him. This video clearly shows Boo looking and acting very abnormal, frightening at times with that high strung twitchy behavior and high pitched squeals. It is no wonder Pete no longer films Boo outside of his cage (unless Boo is either sedated or secured to the table).
Clip 2: Compare this 7 year old video clip of Monkey Boo eating snacks. Only someone truly ignorant and devious like Pete would claim there is no difference and that Monkey Boo is very 'healthy' and very 'happy' these days. Doesn't even look like the same monkey in both videos, which makes the rumor that Boo died and was replaced more plausible (even if it is not true).
Clip 3: Monkey Happy eating watermelon. Notice how large Happy's belly is getting, another example highlighting Pete's history of overfeeding his monkeys.
Clip 4. Monkey Happy eating chicken wings. Notice again how large Happy's belly is getting, another example highlighting Pete's history of overfeeding his monkeys (capuchin monkeys should only be fed a teaspoon portion of meat occasionally; that ain't no teaspoon portion Pete).
Bonus image of Monkey Happy with the classic monkey "fear grimace" (one of the most misunderstood facial expressions of primates, the complete opposite of a human smile and not a positive sign):
Clip 5. Monkey Happy reacting to mushrooms. How 'funny' and 'cute.' NOT. How utterly unoriginal. Pete made something like 8 or 9 videos of Monkey Boo reacting to mushrooms through the years, and now he's making Happy do the same? Happy looks as bored with the mushrooms as the viewer is.
Clip 6. Monkey Happy 'enrichment' time. Happy looked as bored as Pete as they 'played' with toys on the couch before moving to the playroom. Happy also looked bored and was so low energy in the playroom and had to be coaxed multiple times by Pete just to move. A far cry from older Happy playroom videos.
Bonus image of Monkey Happy with the classic monkey "fear grimace" (the complete opposite of human smiles):
Clip 7. Monkey Happy taking a bath. Again, how utterly unoriginal.
Bonus clip 8: Happy birthday chunky monkey Meela! An absolute unit of a capuchin monkey with an insatiable appetite for food, enabled by an ignorant owner.
The things that are really striking about all these recent videos is how low effort, half assed, and demeaning they are to these capuchin monkeys. Every video is filmed indoors, and all Pete does is show his monkeys being fed food or taking a bath (or sit with him on a couch for his boring live feeds). Talk about lack of proper enrichment.
Capuchin monkeys in the wild can roam up to 2 miles per day, and are constantly stimulated in beneficial ways mentally, physically, and emotionally by being with their troop. Capuchin monkeys in the wild don't wear diapers, are not fed inappropriate foods and in excessive portions, not forced to do meaningless activities for YouTube, and don't sit inside cages or be stuck indoors getting fat, lazy, and mentally disturbed. This is why a 20 or 30 year old capuchin monkey in the wild or living in proper monkey sanctuaries look and act far, FAR healthier than any of Pete's monkeys. It's too bad his stubborn nature and overinflated ego cannot accept his failures as a capuchin monkey owner, thus, he would rather lie, cover up, and gaslight than ever admit any wrongdoing.
submitted by Loser_Baby_19 to MonkeyBoo [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 03:09 BuddyHungry1795 Temu Affiliate program

TEMU Affiliate Program 2024: Earn Up to $100,000 a month! Hey there, my friend! I've got to tell you about this awesome online shopping site I've been hooked on recently – it's called Temu. It's super cool, with a ton of products ranging from fashion to home goods, and everything is so affordable! I think you'll love it, especially if you're into finding unique items or getting a good deal. About Temu Temu, which stands for Team Up, Price Down, is an e-commerce company that connects consumers with millions of merchandise partners, manufacturers and brands with the mission to empower them to live their best lives. Temu is committed to offering the most affordable quality products to enable consumers and merchandise partners to fulfill their dreams in an inclusive environment. Temu was founded in Boston, Massachusetts in 2022. How to Use a Temu Coupon Code Okay, now for the exciting part – because you're my friend, I'm sharing an exclusive 2024 code just for you! Use code “acq860573 ” for up to 30% OFF! Consider it a little gift from me to you, so you can experience the magic of Temu for yourself. Exclusive TEMU promo code: 1.Sign in or sign up on Temu 2.Add items to your shopping cart 3.Proceed to the checkout 4.Look for the "apply coupon code" field Apply your Temu coupon code there to save! About the TEMU Affiliate Program: And here's a pro tip: if you're looking to make some extra cash or have your platform or blog, you should check out the TEMU Affiliate Program. It's a pretty sweet deal where you can earn commissions by promoting their products. I've seen some friends benefit from it, and it seems like a cool way to partner with a growing brand.
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submitted by BuddyHungry1795 to USA_TEMU_CODES [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 02:48 icecreamraider The Realities of War (let's kill some sacred cows)

Having seen many cringeworthy “analysis” from various armchair warriors dissecting IDF’s actions (usually ending with a backlink to their idea of “poof” of Israel’s “war crimes”), I figured I’d offer a more detailed perspective on things from someone more familiar with the topic than an average redditor.
This started as a response to a comment “what would you do different with unlimited budget” but then grew beyond a simple response – hence I’m making it into a couple lengthy posts.
I’m going to break it into two parts:
1. General perspective on urban war, what it’s like, and things to keep in mind when analyzing reports from the ground (Today).
2. More technical thoughts on urban combat, analysis of IDF’s operation, etc. (that I’ll probably do tomorrow)
About me: 10 years military (U.S.), intimately familiar with urban battlefield. Ethnically I’m part Moroccan, Bedouin, Jewish, and Finish. Born in USSR of all places. Immigrated to the US as a teenager. Third-generation military (the first two were in Soviet forces). Lots of formerly professional (and now, personal) interest and experience with all relevant aspects of this topic. Curious student of history – especially of the military variety.
Also of relevance – I’m an atheist, though baptized as Christian… but the only religion practiced in my family is Islam (about a quarter of my family is Muslim). I love my Muslim family members. I have no problem with "normal" Muslims or Arabs (as I’m part one myself). But I really, really f-ing hate Islamists and wish each one of them a slow, painful death – as soon as possible. Their ideology is the most insidious form of evil I’ve ever encountered personally. And it’s incompatible with modern civilization.
Ok… part one.

The realities of War (killing sacred cows)
  1. War is fun. There – I said it. It’s not fun if you’re the one getting your rear end kicked. But when you’re the one doing the kicking – truth is… it can be a lot of fun. It’s taboo to say, but it’s true.
2. Reasons it's fun: clarity – routine concerns of peaceful life drop off. Your daily objectives become crystal clear. Basic human emotions become amplified. The highs are really high. The lows are really low. And, if you survive the lows, even they take on a special, perversely-nostalgic meaning later on.
3. Why this matters.
(a). The reasons one goes to war are critically important. Because war is fun – it’s stupid easy to enlist young men full of testosterone to fight. Most young men feel invincible until they aren’t – and by that point, bullets are already flying.
(b.) Hence, drawing moral equivalence between a side that responds to violence and the side that deliberately provokes violence is absurd. As the saying goes – old men start wars and young men die in them. These “old men” already know what war entails. Thus, provoking a war is a far more insidious act than reacting to it… all other circumstances being equal.
4. Side note (a personal theory of mine) – the energy of war begins with a lot of testosterone (until it takes on its own velocity). Which leads to a personal observation – societies where young men get laid, typically fight a lot less wars. Islamist ideologies are breeding grounds for wannabe jihadis. Primarily, due to the ideology itself. But also, by prohibiting the mating energy of young men and channeling it into rage and violence instead. If you think can change my opinion on it – feel free.
5. War is absurd. Each day consists of hours of boredom followed by minutes of terror and exhilaration. It’s a bipolar environment. The whole thing is absurd. And when you stumble upon trivial, idiotic things following hours of combat – the only way to stay sane is to embrace dark humor and laugh at things you’d never laugh at in normal life.
(a). Imagine a scenario – you just survived an hour-long close-proximity firefight. An Apache finally swoops in and takes the roof off the building you were unable to suppress for the past 30 minutes. You move in to investigate – stepping over dead bodies, trying not to slip on blood, cracking stupid jokes because you’re still terrified. You walk into a child’s bedroom and see spent shell casings, dead bodies, weapons, a copy of Quaran among children’s toys on the floor. You make your way through the house trying to ID who it belonged to, etc. You start opening drawers and what-dya-know – red, sexy lingerie of the former lady of the house. The ONLY sane reaction to this absurdity is uncontrollable laughter. Grown men will put the bra over their plate carrier, pose for pictures like idiots, etc.
(b). Is posting such pictures on social media a breach of discipline? Of course it is. But the idiotic joy of it – it’s a normal reaction. In fact, it’s a weirdly healthy reaction. People who post pictures of soldiers acting like idiots and claim them to be “proof” of some…idk… animal character of IDF soldiers are clueless. If you’re one of those – you have no idea what you’re talking about.
c. But I’ll tell you what I don’t see. I don’t see pictures of IDF dragging bodies of Hamas fighters and spitting on them. I don’t see pictures of IDF running behind detainees and yelling “Moses is Great”, etc. For those of you drawing moral equivalence between IDF behavior and that of Hamas – I’d like to congratulate you on being an idiot.

6. Controlled Violence.
(a). Fundamentally, the objective of a well-executed war is controlled violence in order to achieve political/strategic goals. How the violence actually plays out is very difficult to fully control. Therefore, INTENTIONS MATTER. A LOT.
i. A force intent on minimizing unnecessary casualties and failing is still far superior morally to a force intent on inflicting unnecessary casualties. IDF is the former. Hamas is the latter.
(b). ~Violence (once initiated) is extremely difficult to control~. That’s why a professional military (a real one) is much different in executing violence than a militia.
i. A militia (any militia) will inevitably escalate violence beyond necessary. The most “alpha” characters usually rise to the top. Often, via sheer brutality and fighting prowess. Human emotions (anger, revenge, pride) take over. And they’re difficult to control.
ii. A professional military operates by objectives and command structure. It will inevitably make errors and even commit war crimes – again, war is chaos that one never fully controls. However, “emotional” decisions rarely rise above tactical necessities. And conduct “unbecoming” is typically punished promptly by your own – because (almost) everyone understands the necessity of structure, rules, and strict moral code.
iii. Are there professional military units that end up committing crime deliberately or behaving in unbecoming manner? Of course – it only takes a few bad apples in key positions of command. But that’s rather an exception that proves the rule.
(c). ~Not all military units are made equal~. IDF, for instance, consists of some professional elements and a whole bunch of citizen soldiers. Everyone has a role to play. Some units are designated as more combat-focused than others. And even within designations, there is a hierarchy of combat readiness. It’s not always formal, but commanders have a good sense of it. Less combat-ready (even when combat-designated) units will usually be assigned more passive roles. “Better” units will be the ones moving forward and seeking contact with the enemy (provided that command has this luxury (i.e. enough options at their disposal).
i. IDF, however, has very few luxuries – it’s mostly citizen soldiers in a nation of only 8 million people. Their more “professional” units are world class – it really doesn’t get much better. But there aren’t a lot of them.
ii. IDF’s “citizen soldiers” are also quite good. Much better than any other conscripted military I’ve ever seen (and I happen to be intimately familiar with the Soviet and Russian militaries – once deemed the “scariest” conscripted forces).

7. War is Chaotic. Every unit will make mistakes. Through a combination of fear, fatigue, lack of clarity, and a very narrow “field of view” for each individual and most line units. That’s why things like Rules of Engagement, “Commander’s Intent”, etc. are critical. Yet, mistakes will happen. And the “citizen soldiers” will commit more errors than more “professional” units.
(a). The chaos is exacerbated by urban environment. In a city, each sub-element lives in its tiny “world” – at any given point, it’s rarely larger than a city block. When they hear gunfire – rarely do they have the context behind it unless they’re engaged in it. The information coming through is sparce and, often, it’s by design.
(b). Among this chaos and close proximity, these units operate in silos, trying to accomplish their objectives and not shoot each other while at it.
(c). Inevitably, someone gets jumpy – think of IDF shooting Israeli hostages a couple months back. Under the circumstances – I’m surprised things like that don’t happen more often. Truth is, most armchair generals who like to issue judgements on such things, would’ve been scared sh*tless themselves and probably would’ve pulled the trigger even quicker than the unfortunate idiot who killed those hostages.
8. The Soldier’s Field of View is very narrow. Rarely do you see the people shooting at you. Rarely do you know if you killed the person who was shooting at you or if someone else did. Rarely do you know that there are civilians somewhere in the house you’re taking fire from – usually you find bodies after the fact. Etc., etc. When you hear that a professional military unit killed a civilian in an active combat zone – if your first reaction is “they meant to do it” – congratulations again - you’re a clueless idiot.
9. The Islamist Enemy is Insidious. I can’t think of a more insidious enemy to fight than a bunch of Islamist lunatics with a plan, terrain knowledge, and very lose command structure. Every horror story you’ve heard about Hamas is true. How do I know? Because we’ve seen it all before. You don’t have to take IDF’s word for it – just ask any Amercian soldier who’ve seen sh*t in any other Islamist dumpster fire of a country. (Or any former Russian soldier who've fought in Chechnya or Afghanistan back in their day).
(a). Child rape – rampant
(b). Abuse of own population – daily. They’re straight-up thugs. Antisocial meatheads with a holy book, drunk on power, and convinced of their moral superiority.
(c). None of them can actually string together a coherent sentence explaining their grievances – but they can all recite a few sentences they heard from an imam… mostly some variation of “Americans are dogs” (they really f-ing hate dogs).
(d). Ultimately, it’s a death cult. But very few of them actually want to die. Most join militia groups because it’s what passes as “cool” in their neighborhood. Sure, they’ll yell something about Allah… but mostly it’s a “I belong to a group that has guns, and guns are fun” type thing.
(e). When push comes to shove – some of them will fight in a suicidal manner. But, when their leadership is dead and the group cohesion is broken – a surprising number will want to surrender. The whole “martyrdom” thing is just an obscure aspiration that many learn that they didn’t really mean it when they signed up for it.
(f). The truly ideological ones are a whole different type of evil. It’s a special kind of evil – one convinced of its own righteousness. They really do use civilians as human shields – especially children. Why children? Because kids are innocent – thus, by sacrificing a child, a truly lunatic Jihadi is doing them a favor… he’s sending them straight to paradise. It’s a shortcut, really. Wrap your head around that one and then imagine staring this evil, bearder, toothless f-ing monster in the face and watching him grin as he explains why he just shot up a building full of school girls. And then imagine what it takes not to drag this creature outside, douse him in fuel, and light a match.
So, these are some general thoughts on war for those unfamiliar. Tomorrow, I will post a more technical “play-by-play” breakdown on urban combat tomorrow, analysis of IDF actions, etc.
submitted by icecreamraider to IsraelPalestine [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 02:43 Skittles22482 Anyone need fish clicks? I have 2 available, need help with my farm please 🇺🇸🙏🏻

Anyone need fish clicks? I have 2 available, need help with my farm please 🇺🇸🙏🏻 submitted by Skittles22482 to TemuCodesUSA [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 02:28 onex7805 Fixing Attack of the Clones as it is, making the already existing concepts and ideas work

This is not a plan for my REDONE project, but just an idea I had while I was rewatching Attack of the Clones and making some changes to Episode 2 REDONE.
A lot of influences and ideas Lucas had for Attack of the Clones were sound: a blooming love story within the political backdrop at the center of the civil war, Palpatine using the war to gain power, Anakin's disillusionment with the ways of the Jedi, a hidden web of conspiracies setting for the war, and Dooku as this Jedi renegade who has defected to the Separatists. It has a lot of cool ideas, which is why frustrating the film fumbles at materializing them.
Aside from the romance between Anakin and Padme, the major failing of Attack of the Clones is that Lucas fails to show the turmoil of people of the galaxy, which would create a condition for Palpatine to rise. It is part of the reason why the politics in this movie is so boring because it doesn't dramatize the politics. Game of Thrones showed the general audience can get into a political epic.
So I decided to make a new outline, one that is faithful to Lucas' vision, ideas, and influences, while fleshing them out to make a more coherent story, also taking some cues from The Empire Strikes Back.
I also borrowed from and built upon the AOTC fixes I have done in the past:
The galaxy is falling asunder. Thousands of solar systems have declared their intentions to leave the Galactic Republic to create the CONFEDERACY OF INDEPENDENT SYSTEMS.
This Separatist movement, supported by various conglomerates like the TRADE FEDERATION, mercilessly strikes back the crumbling Republic with the mass-produced Droid Armies.
Senator Amidala, the former Queen of Naboo, is arriving at Alderaan to discuss the critical issue of granting Chancellor Palpatine emergency powers to assist the overwhelmed Jedi....
The story begins with the right dab in the middle of the massive war that is yet to be called the "Clone Wars". We see Padme Amidala, now a Senator, arriving with her aide Cordé at the beautiful planet of Alderaan. After the Battle of Naboo, Padme Amidala became sort of a star--a prominent voice against the Separatist tyranny--but she is adamant against the Emergency Powers Act. This act is an amendment to the Galactic Constitution, which will grant Palpatine limitless powers, including bypassing the Senate to create a standing army to fight the Separatists. She meets Senator Bail Organa, the representative of Alderaan. Alderaan is a major progressive voting block, and Padme is here to unify the opposition against the constitutional amendment before the Senate votes on it. She has enough clouts and popularity to stop the amendment. Bail agrees with her that the emergency powers could be authoritarian, but he believes in the necessity of a centralized standing army.
As they discuss this matter, with Padme saying, "The day we stop believing democracy can work is the day we lose it", the meeting is adjourned abruptly when a city-wide alert is raised. They look outside to witness the Separatist battle fleet filling the sky, blinding the sunlight, and beginning a massive invasion of Alderaan. We switch to Count Dooku on the Separatist battleship (at this point, we don't see his face and learn his name), who reports to the hologram of his Master Darth Sidious that he has caught Senator Padme Amidala in the basket. Sidious smiles, "Good, good..."
Unknown Planet somewhere in the Outer Rim Territories:
Meanwhile, we switch to the battlefield on the other side of the galaxy. The local planetary military, under the command of the local government, is retreating from the relentless Droid Army. The Republic is continually losing the war, and we see the ineffectiveness of the planetary forces. Here, we see Anakin and Obi-Wan are commanding the withdrawal of their troops. Realizing some of the Republic forces are pinned down and on the verge of annihilation, Anakin disobeys Obi-Wan's orders to go to save the troops alone. In an act of courage, Anakin manages to save the troops and returns. As the Republic forces retreat, Obi-Wan scolds Anakin. With this, we understand Anakin's character--reckless but selflessly cares for his friends--and see his relationship with his Master Obi-Wan.
Obi-Wan is struggling as a Master to Anakin Skywalker. This is because Obi-Wan didn't take Anakin because he has a connection with him. He was entrusted out of obligation and duty for his dead Master Qui-Gon Jinn (whose name does not even get mentioned in the movie). So obviously, it is no wonder their relationship seems broken. Anakin feels attachments and all the emotions the Jedi Code forbids. He thinks Obi-Wan is too strict and cold--only one-minded about missions and duties.
As the Jedi head to Coruscant, Anakin has a nightmare of her mother Shmi Skywalker. She's still trapped on Tatooine as a slave, and he wonders what happened to her.
Anakin returns to Coruscant to earn a decoration for his service by the Jedi Council. Master Dooku, is seated as one of the prominent members of the Council (so it can be an actual twist when Dooku is later revealed to be a bad guy). He is on good terms with Obi-Wan and Anakin since he was Qui-Gon Jinn's Master. Chancellor Palpatine is here, too, congratulating Anakin for his heroic effort. Palpatine suggests giving Anakin a reward. Anakin asks for a leave to return to Tatooine to see his mother. Much to Anakin's dismay, the Council rejects this on the grounds that the Jedi should let go of their past and attachments. The Jedi, especially Padawans, are strictly under the discipline with no autonomy. They cannot go anywhere they want. Instead, Dooku decides to give Obi-Wan and Anakin a non-combat mission as a prize, which is to find Padme. The Alderaanians are currently unable to reach Padme. Their mission is to find her and bring her back safely.
Regards to the hotly controversial emergency powers, the Jedi Council, like the public, is divided on this issue. Obi-Wan and Dooku are supportive of the amendment. Both show their distaste toward the Senate and the politicians in handling the crisis, "Don't forget she's a politician. They're not to be trusted", "It's been my experience that Senators are only focused on pleasing those who fund their campaigns... and they are more than willing to forget the niceties of democracy to get those funds". This is why they are shown to be very much supportive of Palpatine's controversial policies that can be perceived as authoritarian. Palpatine gets stuff done. In contrast, Anakin is apolitical--he never cared about politics.
Anakin and Obi-Wan depart to a ravaged Alderaan. The battle is ongoing, and the Alderaanian forces seem to be unable to beat back the Droid Army. Here, the Jedi meet Senator Bail Organa for the first time, who is overseeing the Alderaanian forces. The battle resembles the Civil War battle from The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly, in which both sides are dug in the trenches and unable to penetrate each other's defense line. Bail informs the Jedi that Padme's emergency powers talk was held in Aldera in ruins, currently occupied by the Separatists, and she would be stuck there--under their captive or hidden out of the enemy sight. The Separatists are entrenched in Aldera--a city protected by a massive energy shield. Bail informs the Jedi that they are on schedule and under their continued bombardment of the city, the enemy shields would be overwhelmed in a further month. Both Jedi are stunned, but they have no choice.
In the enemy stronghold in Aldera, we quickly learn why Dooku gave the assignment to find Padme to Anakin and Obi-Wan. It's because the Separatists are unable to find Padme, who seemingly has disappeared. If she had been rescued by the Republic, she would be on the news, which means she is still somewhere in Aldera. Dooku reports to the hologram of his Master that he cannot find Padme. Dooku is then Force-choked by his Master. Dooku pleads to his Master, promising him that he will get her.
Meanwhile, the Alderaanian troops watch the HoloNet broadcast of the current Senate session. As a major progressive voting block, Alderaanians and Senator Bail Organa used to be against granting emergency powers to the Chancellor, but this invasion has changed their mind. Palpatine has firmly established himself as a wartime Chancellor. Through the hologram, Bail Organa gives a speech in favor of the amendment and votes for it, which sways the rest of the Senate to his side. The amendment has passed. Palpatine says, "I love democracy. I love the Republic. Once this crisis has abated, I will lay down the powers you have given me!"
Meanwhile, a week has passed, and the trench warfare is ongoing. In Aldera, Corde--Padme's body double--is helping Padme hide in the underground subway tunnel. Corde leaves to get her more food and water but is then caught by the droids. The droids present her to Dooku. Corde is shocked to find that Jedi Master Dooku is the leader of the Separatist movement Dooku raises his hands and unleashes the Force lightning to torture her to open her mouth to locate Padme.
The newly created "Grand Army of the Republic" has arrived at Alderaan, wearing shining white armor. They are welcomed enthusiastically by the Alderaanian forces. Obi-Wan is surprised that the standing army has already been dispatched to warfare, so he tries to talk with them, but they seem... "different".
Anakin arrives, bearing "lunch", a cloth full of live insects and worms, which he casually reports he got from inside the CIS base after discovering an underground entrance into the city, running through the sewers beneath the protective shield. Obi-Wan scolds Anakin for being reckless. While the new Republic army installs the even more powerful cannons to bombard of the shield above ground, Anakin guides Obi-Wan the way through the sewers and into the underground levels of the city. Obi-Wan suspects Padme is dead at this point, but Anakin can sense her, due to the strong bond they formed during The Phantom Menace--he can feel she is holding his japor snippet tight. From there, they make their way to the shield generator chamber. Anakin wants to fight the droids, but Obi-Wan stops him. Obi-Wan simply blows up the shield generator by using small spherical bombs and pointing out that there are alternatives to fighting. With the shield down, the white-armored Republic troopers begin a full-scale attack on the city.
As Corde finally confesses to Dooku where Padme is hiding, the droids rush in to inform Dooku that the shield is deactivated. Dooku orders the droids to go after Padme while hurrying to flee.
The battle of Aldera is chaotic. The Republic troopers are aggressive and far more competent than the local planetary forces, dispatching the battle droids. Anakin rushes into the Separatist-ran POW camp alone to search for Padme. Instead, he finds a dying Cordé. She apologizes to Anakin, disheartened in thinking she had failed her duty to her mistress. She tells Padme is hiding in the underground subway tunnel of Aldera, and in her last grasp, tells him that Dooku is behind the Separatists. Anakin initially does not believe her, but there is no time to go and tell Obi-Wan about this. Anakin races to the underground tunnel. While Obi-Wan is looking for Anakin, he stumbles on the two corpses of the Republic troopers, whose helmets are cracked. He takes a closer look and discovers that these troopers have identical faces.
Anakin finds Padme, who has been hiding all these years. At first, she doesn't recognize him, for he has grown so much. Anakin is glad that she kept her word about keeping his japor snippet. However, the battle droids are rushing into the tunnel, and they both flee. Obi-Wan comes to rescue them. When Anakin is about to inform him of the last words of Padme's body double, "Master" Dooku is standing alongside Obi-Wan, listening to Anakin. Dooku asks him to hand Padme over to him. Anakin refuses, saying that he will be the one taking her to Coruscant. Obi-Wan allows him, for Anakin has been missing Padme for a long time. Anakin and Padme board his ship and leave Alderaan in haste.
Obi-Wan turns to Dooku to inform him that all Republic troopers are clones. Dooku pretends to be surprised. Bail suggests looking into Kamino--the civilization highly proficient in cloning technology.
This is where Anakin and Obi-Wan's storylines diverge in two. Obi-Wan and Dooku arrive at Coruscant and visit the Archives. Kamino doesn't show up in any data. Dooku says, "If an item does not appear in our records, it does not exist!" Dooku heads off, and Obi-Wan is not satisfied.
Obi-Wan visits Yoda currently training Younglings. The scene goes the same as the film's, except at the end, Master Dooku barges into the room and says Anakin has still yet to be returned to Coruscant with Padme. Yoda predicts Anakin must have gone to Tatooine. Obi-Wan is frustrated with his apprentice, complaining that Anakin is too reckless and refuses to obey his command.
Obi-Wan: "I realize now what you and Master Yoda knew from the beginning... the boy was too old to start the training and..."
Yoda: "Obi-Wan, have faith that take the right path he will."
Yoda surprisingly asks Obi-Wan to trust his apprentice rather than control him. This makes Obi-Wan rethink his relationship. In order to bridge the relationship between Anakin and Obi-Wan, Obi-Wan's arc is that he must see Anakin as a man and respect him. Obi-Wan forms a connection with him by understanding Anakin's point of view ("What I told you was true, from a certain point of view."). Obi-Wan realizes maybe the Jedi Code is too rigid, and a sense of duties and obligation alone can't make one a great Jedi. This character arc lends well to The Clone Wars TV series and Revenge of the Sith, in which Obi-Wan evolved into a more quippy, light-hearted character who has a drastically different personality from TPM and AOTC. Both Anakin and Obi-Wan would become more understanding of each other, and as a result, their clash at Mustafar becomes more heartwrenching.
Anyway, Yoda orders Obi-Wan to go to Kamino to investigate the Clone Army. Dooku, learning where Padme has gone, smiles. He contacts and sends his army of bounty hunters to Tatooine. Jango Fett is not the only bounty hunter Dooku hired. Dooku orders them to use Anakin's mother Shmi Skywalker as bait.
From here, Obi-Wan's plotline is pretty much identical to the film's. He investigates Kamino, learns it was the Jedi Master who ordered the creation of the clone army for the Republic to prepare for the war, figures out that the bounty hunter Jango Fett is the genetic template for the clones, then Obi-Wan fights and chases him to Geonosis.
There, Obi-Wan discovers Dooku in the middle of the conversation with the Separatist leaders. He realizes Dooku is the true mastermind of the Separatist Confederacy, and the new Separatist army is amassing to attack the Republic systems.
For Anakin's co-occurring storyline, it is also largely similar. Anakin and Padme discuss politics and democracy, and Padme's ideals. Anakin sees politics as a simple matter, "That sounds an awful lot like a dictatorship to me", "Well, if it works...", as well as discussing Anakin's frustration with the Jedi Code. Anakin hates the Separatists because the slaver guilds have allied themselves to the Confederacy. Anakin keeps having a nightmare of her mother, and now she is dying in his dream.
Later, Padme awakes to find out that the ship has landed on Tatooine, not Coruscant. She is upset and argues with Anakin. He lied to her. He finally reveals what he learned about Dooku and says Tatooine is the safest location. Anakin believes the Jedi Council is compromised and can't trust it anymore, though Padme knows that is not the only reason. It is partially for Anakin to meet his mother again. His former owner Watto reveals that he sold Shmi to a moisture farmer named Cliegg Lars, who then freed and married her. They then get the Lars family, who tell Anakin that the Tusken raiders have abducted Shmi just recently. Padme allows him to leave her and track down the Tuskens, for she will be safe under the guard of the Lars family.
Anakin locates the campsite where one of Dooku's bounty hunters, having paid the Tuskens to kidnap Shmi, is torturing her in a tent. When the bounty hunter leaves, Anakin frees Shmi, who dies in his arms. The bounty hunter returns to the tent and is quickly apprehended by an enraged Anakin. Anakin "forces" him to make him confess who hired him. The bounty hunter says it is Dooku, and Anakin kills him after confirming his suspicion. Hearing the noise, the Tusken raiders surround the tent. Anakin massacres the entire tribe. Now, Anakin has personal stakes in defeating Dooku, and facing him is crucial in Anakin's arc in the story, unlike how he had no idea who Dooku even was in the film.
Anakin returns to the Lars homestead and finds out that the Lars family is held hostage by Dooku's bounty hunters. Anakin fights the bounty hunters to free Owen and Beau, but Cliegg is murdered. Despite Anakin's best efforts, the bounty hunters escape Tatooine with Padme to Geonosis. Anakin feels guilty about forsaking his duty and leaving her to the homestead.
Anakin races back to his ship, on which Anakin receives the message from Obi-Wan warning the Republic and the Council about Dooku and the imminent Separatist attack on the Republic. Anakin contacts the Council about what happened to Padme. Mace Windu orders Anakin to return to Coruscant. Don't do anything out of impulse. The Council will take care of it. Trust in the Council's judgment. Here, Anakin is facing two paths. Be a good, little, nice Jedi, and follow the Council's order, or chase after Dooku to save Padme and Obi-Wan. This is the point at which Anakin tests his resolve. Anakin makes a decision to go against the Jedi code (Attachment is forbidden) and get to Geonosis alone.
Obi-Wan is held captive while Dooku comes along. Instead of Dooku revealing there is a Dark Lord of the Sith controlling the Republic (there is no reason for Dooku to spill the beans here), the confrontation with Dooku forces Obi-Wan to grow out of Qui-Gon Jinn's death. He should face the fact that his Master's Master has turned to the dark side because of the strict Jedi Code and the Republic's corruption. After all, Obi-Wan investigated the clone army, which was apparently commissioned by a member of the Jedi Council. And then the Republic will use the clone army--this immoral slave force--in the war. Then Dooku persuades Obi-Wan to join him. They both agree that they are dissatisfied with the ways the Republic and the Jedi Order handle things, so maybe Obi-Wan can see Dooku's point of view. Dooku should be a personification of what Anakin COULD become, concerning Obi-Wan that Anakin can succumb to the same fate as Dooku. This motivates Obi-Wan to gain some understanding with his apprentice Anakin.
From this point, the story is nearly identical to the movie. Anakin fights the Geonosians in the factory but also gets captured. Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Padme are pushed to the execution arena (don't have Anakin and Padme kiss here) and fight the beasts. The Jedi Knights arrive to rescue.
Here's the crucial difference. Instead of Padmé safely boarding the gunships and escaping the arena battle with the Jedi and the clones, she gets captured by Dooku during the arena fight. Dooku holds Padmé as a hostage and announces it to the Jedi, stopping the arena battle. Dooku says he will kill her if the Jedi continue resisting. Anakin insists they should surrender, however, all the Jedi glance at each other and arrive at the same conclusion: they will fight. This fuels Anakin's resentment toward the Jedi.
At the last moment, the clones arrive, blasting and destroying the battle droids. Dooku takes Padmé and flees. He has another idea of what to do with her. The clones and the Jedi escape, and the Battle of Geonosis begins. Now, there are personal character-related stakes for Anakin. Anakin is adamant about chasing Dooku from the start of the battle. The battle is now an obstacle for Anakin to catch up with Dooku, blocking the gunship's path. Instead of the conflict between Anakin and Obi-Wan on the gunship being "stop the gunship to rescue Padmé fell on the desert", which ends up pointless in the story, now, the conflict is that Obi-Wan believes this is a trap to lure Anakin. Obi-Wan shouts at Anakin not to follow Dooku. But angered by the other Jedi's lack of care for Padmé during the arena fight, Anakin ignores his warning and heads to rescue Padmé alone.
Catching up to Dooku in the hangar, Anakin finds that Dooku is holding Padme captive. Dooku taunts Anakin by holding Padme in the air with the Force choke, which echoes what Anakin does to Padmé in Revenge of the Sith. Now, Anakin's rashed charge at Dooku makes more sense because there is a clearer trigger for Anakin to act this way. Dooku hurls Padmé away, and the lightsaber fight commences. During the duel, Dooku reveals that he is the one who ordered to torture of his mother. Anakin gets all the more angry and impulsive, and predictably, gets his hand chopped off.
Instead of Yoda arriving late to save Anakin, it should have been Obi-Wan arriving late. In the movie, you get a supposedly "Master versus Apprentice" dialogue between the two, and you don't feel anything because you don't even know Dooku was Yoda's apprentice beforehand. Yoda vs Dooku was not built up, but Obi-Wan vs Dooku was built up. This is a student of the student going against the old Master, and these two characters having the dialogue makes more sense.
The fighting between Obi-Wan and Dooku is fierce but cut short when Dooku brings down a pillar over Anakin, forcing Obi-Wan to break off his attack to save him. Dooku then moves to his escape ship, forcing Obi-Wan to make a choice: a mission--that is stopping Dooku and ending the entire Clone Wars--or Anakin's life. Sacrificing a few to save the many. Although Obi-Wan should pick the first option as a Jedi Knight of the Republic, he eventually chooses Anakin's life. Dooku escapes.
After the battle, Dooku arrives at Coruscant to meet Sidious as in the film, but Dooku reports one more thing to Sidious. He says that Anakin has fallen to the dark side for the girl.
Coruscant is currently holding a massive military parade through the city, resembling Roman Triumph, to celebrate the victory over Geonosis, while Palpatine is publically revealing the existence of the clone army. The citizens love Palpatine and see the hope that the Republic might win the war. The Jedi will also join the parade, with each Knight leading a battalion of clone troopers.
Preparing to be part of the parade, Anakin and Obi-Wan, for the first time in the story, have a heart-to-heart conversation, not a rigid Master-Student lecture. Anakin realizes he has been too reckless. His brash act of confronting Dooku alone costs him his arm and he apologizes to Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan then gives some respect to Anakin, for he has successfully protected Padme. In a way, Obi-Wan and Anakin go through the opposite character arcs. Obi-Wan changes from someone who supports Palpatine and, as he discovers the hidden conspiracies, to someone who is now against him and his emergency powers. Anakin, after witnessing what Dooku has done to his mother, is now looking for blood and vengeance against the Separatists--staunchly supporting more authoritarian measures to fight the war. This change goes alongside Anakin's embrace of more radical emotions.
Before Anakin and Obi-Wan depart to join the parade, Obi-Wan senses love between Anakin and Padme. Secretly, Padme kisses Anakin for the first time (No marriage as it comes across as too abrupt at this point).
As the Jedi march alongside the clone troopers, Obi-Wan secretly discusses with his Masters in the line his finding that it was likely Dooku who ordered the creation of the clone army for the Republic. Yoda and Mace Windu warn them to not reveal this secret to anyone else. They discuss if Dooku is the mysterious Sith Lord (Maul's Master) they were looking for... or maybe Dooku is the new apprentice of this mysterious Sith Lord. If there is another Sith Lord, he could be residing within the Republic's power structure. They found themselves fighting another war inside the Republic.
Palpatine oversees the parade from the top, while the citizens of the Republic cheer. Anakin gladly pledges his loyalty to the most powerful Chancellor in history, while Padme watches the parade with visible frustration as her efforts to stop Palpatine's emergency powers have utterly failed.
I tried to keep the general story elements the same. I focused on fixing what was already in the story rather than discarding it. I fleshed out the characters to be more active and get to have more choices in the decisions. The politics are more integrated into the character drama rather than being in the background. The character arcs for Anakin and Obi-Wan are clearer, with the climax concluding each arc. Instead of Anakin and Padme hiding on Naboo and just playing the patty cake for half of the film, the story is more aggressive and focuses on the war itself. Dooku's concept is utilized to the fullest as he manipulates the Jedi from within and firmly establishes him as Anakin's arch-villain. Padmé falling in love with Anakin makes more sense because she sees how far Anakin is willing to go to save her, especially in the climax. Anakin earns her love, not handed out to him. The romance is constantly developing to the end.
The qualm with the outline is how Anakin finds Padme in Aldera. Dooku sends Anakin and Obi-Wan to Alderaan so that they can find her for Dooku, only for Dooku to go to Alderaan himself and torture Padme's body double to learn about where Padme is. Dooku sending the Jedi then becomes pointless anyway. Another problem is that Padme only meets Anakin at the midpoint, so she doesn't interact with Anakin all that much, and the relationship doesn't get enough time and development.
Aside from those issues, I found the final outline to be more satisfying and tighter in my Episode 2 REDONE. Maybe sometime later someone would do a full rewrite treatment based on this outline lol.
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