Trans fat smashburger culvers

macros and cals are correct ??? help

2024.05.21 17:40 Annual_Exercise9800 macros and cals are correct ??? help

macros and cals are correct ??? help
i track the protein and carbs etc and they give me 30 per slice but on the packaging even on their official website it appears 15 calories per slice, what do you think?
submitted by Annual_Exercise9800 to 1500isplenty [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:36 Annual_Exercise9800 the macros are correct??

the macros are correct??
i calculare the macros and and they give me 30 cals per slice but on the packaging even on their official website it appears 15 calories per slice, what do you think?
submitted by Annual_Exercise9800 to 1200isplenty [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:19 captainkorf Shrinkflation at Aldi

Shrinkflation at Aldi submitted by captainkorf to aldi [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:08 SadTelephone684 I would do anything to get these English muffins again. Anyone found them stateside. Or know of a similar brand

I would do anything to get these English muffins again. Anyone found them stateside. Or know of a similar brand submitted by SadTelephone684 to MauiVisitors [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:05 VaguelyArtistic New-to-me Cheery Lemon Animal Crackers

New-to-me Cheery Lemon Animal Crackers
Tastes like you'd expect, with a bright, lemon-like flavor. Very sweet, as expected.
submitted by VaguelyArtistic to traderjoes [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:47 cloutboicade_ 10 Foods You Should Never Eat

  1. Corn - Almost all corn, specifically in the US and Canada is produced by Monsanto seed. This is a man-made corn, which has been genetically modified and/or is a hybrid corn. It’s been processed. This corn was specifically developed by Monsanto to be fed to cows for them to put on fat quickly and grow fast. The more corn you eat, the fatter you get. It’s not the original, as nature intended it to be food. It causes allergic reactions to all degrees. Avoid anything with the word corn in it “Corn syrup solids”, “high fructose corn syrup”, “cornflower”, “corn starch”, “cornflakes”, etc. Look at the ingredients, if it has the word corn then avoid it. Monsanto is an American agricultural biotechnology and agrochemical company that was founded in 1901 by John Francis Queeny in St. Louis, Missouri. The company's products include glyphosate herbicides, crop seeds, and vegetables. Monsanto is best known for its herbicide Roundup, which is based on glyphosate. The company also produces genetically modified seeds, such as those that can tolerate glyphosate, which kills weeds without affecting the crop. What happened to Monsanto? Ethical Consumer
  2. Artificial Sweeteners - 2 main ones: Aspartame(nutrasweet) & Sucralose. Stay away from these two. These are found in diet sodas. These fall into a category called exito-toxins. They are chemically addictive. It’s the “new crack”. It affects the neuro-transmitter activity and the serotonin levels in your brain. This means these artificial sweeteners make you anxious, stressed, and depressed. They are in any diet product. If you see “no sugar”, it may be a marketing ploy - they want to convince you it has lower calories and some type of artificial sweetener. You find these. The actual foods or drinks taste horrible, but the aspartame and sucralose make it taste better. Fast food study
  3. Pork - A pig will eat anything. Scientists now know that whatever the pig eats turns to meat on its bones. The meat you eat puts toxicity in your body.
  4. Shellfish - More people get sick and/or die from eating “bad” shellfish than any other food group. Many people are also allergic to it more than any other food group. Shellfish isn't just a fish that comes in a shell like a scallop, mussel, lobster, clam, crab. It’s any fish in water that does not have scales and fins. Stay away from anything that comes out of the water with no scales and fins. Catfish has fins but no scales, stay away. Squid/Octopus stay away from. These non-scale/fin animals are called “filters”. They absorb whatever toxins that are in the water and they keep that in their flesh, which is eaten. This is also the law of kashra, the kosher laws - pork and shellfish fall into the kosher law category. It states that you can eat anything on the ground that has a split hoof and chews to cut. Which is why you don’t eat pork. Also, don’t eat anything that doesn’t have a split hoof and chews to cut like a bear(has a paw). States you should eat fish with fins and scales. The Kashrut Laws
  5. Hydrogenated Oils (Trans fats) - Look on the label. It says hydrogenated oil. These scar your arteries and lead to heart attack. It messes with hormones and affects sleep. Makes you hungrier and fatter. Affects immune system.
  6. Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) - Buy foods that say no GMO’s. The majority of the ingredients have not been modified. With GMO, foods are modified.
  7. Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) - Falls into the same category as artificial sweeteners, it is an exito-toxin. Messes with neuro-transmitter activity, makes you hungrier, makes you thirsty, makes the body store extra fluid in fat cells making you gain weight, bloady, and fat. It increases fat cells and makes them bigger. KFC, Taco Bell, etc all have this.
  8. Wheat - If you live in Italy, this doesn't apply. Youdon’t want wheat that's come from Canada or USA because it's only been fermented for 48 hours. This is tough because how can you determine that? Duran-wheat means it's from Italy. This is trustworthy. If you can reduce the amount of wheat you consume, you’ll be better off because the majority of wheat hasn't been fermented for 48 hours. Its high gluten wheat, causes types of gas, bloating, allergic reactions, weight gain, etc. Make sure all your pasta comes from Italy (Organic product of Italy). If you make your own pasta, buy flour from italy. Same goes for bread in USA.
  9. Soy - All over the world. Almost all soy now comes from Monsanto seed. It’s been genetically modified and causes all types of intestinal problems and reduces testosterone. Same with corn, soy is everywhere - “soybean oil”. Soy-bean oil is very cheap. Even if it’s organic,it can still be genetically modified.
  10. Corn-fed beef & anything dairy that doesn't come from grass fed cows - Stay away from homogenized dairy. Cows eat grass. But in the industry, cows are fed Monsanto genetically altered corn to make them fat and get them to the supermarket quicker. Cows don't eat grain in real life, they eat grass. When a cat is fed corn and grain it will get fatter faster. In the commercial feed that's fed to cows, there is ground up dead cows, horses, other animals that were so diseased they couldn't be put into the food chain. But they'll feed it to a cow which is supposed to be a vegetarian only eating grass. This cow gets diseased as well. Those animals were injected with bovine growth hormones and massive amounts of antibiotics. When you eat beef, your testost. score goes down, you put your body in toxic shock, because of the growth hormone, which makes you fatter. These beefs don't have much CLA which is the acid in the beef that increases testosterone. Buy 100% organic grass fed beef and dairy. Buy raw cheese that comes from France or switzerland.
submitted by cloutboicade_ to Biohackers [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:24 powerfacetattoo facial fat and gaunt cheeks

hi, im coming up on 5 years hrt and while a lot of changes have been nice, im kind of disappointed in the lack of fat distribution to my cheeks; i cant gain weight and even if i did i dont think it would make a difference. my mom has the same thin gaunt cheeks that i just cant stand. does anyone know of other means to help with this problem? filler, lipo, what-have-you? just wanted to ask people who might have the same issues i do. a lot of the research ive done online is catered towards old cis women, and i guess i want a more youthful-trans perspective on this. thanks
submitted by powerfacetattoo to MtF [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:15 BIahaj_blast Reminder that not every girl has super wide curvy hips ⚠️

So idk who else needs to hear this but just a reminder since I’m going through this right now. I’ve got decent fat redistribution for a trans girl but you always want more out of hrt!
I get dysphoric when I see some very curvy girls (not like Kim K or anything like that at all) or just naturally curvy at the hips and I get sad but I remember that many cis girls don’t have wide hips.
While I’m happy with my results so far I get caught up in wanting more or comparing my body to cis girls. I don’t always do this but dysphoria happens and we all compare to a certain degree so it does get to me at times.
submitted by BIahaj_blast to MtF [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:45 Rjr777 Are overnight oats “good for you”? The sugar seems ridiculously high in these

Are overnight oats “good for you”? The sugar seems ridiculously high in these submitted by Rjr777 to veganfitness [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:46 Hyyyyh Around 1:15:00 mark, Dr Lustig claims that olive oil will turn into trans fat when heated "too high", does this regard cooking temperature? Other researches online show that this is neglectable. Which part is true?

Around 1:15:00 mark, Dr Lustig claims that olive oil will turn into trans fat when heated submitted by Hyyyyh to foodscience [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 07:23 AgentBlue14 Issues with sliced bread molding

Issues with sliced bread molding
Not sure if I've been unlucky so far, but in the last month, I've bought four split top wheat loafs from my local Aldi. Out of the four, two have gone moldy in the bag unopened, and I'm annoyed it's happened twice now.
I've not had issues with bread from Aldi molding before it's "Best by" date, so I don't know if it's me, or the store I'm buying it from.
Bread at Aldi is cheaper BY FAR when compared to Kroger, and while I'd hate to pay $2.20 a loaf there, it's better than losing a whole loaf to waste before even opening it.
HAE had this issue at their local mouldi, I mean, Aldi?
submitted by AgentBlue14 to aldi [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 05:53 superboy41 Bought this from a reputable asian market. No expiration date and says “Keep frozen” but I bought it unfrozen.

Bought this from a reputable asian market. No expiration date and says “Keep frozen” but I bought it unfrozen. submitted by superboy41 to foodsafety [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 04:58 Hearthseeker_ Peanut Butter Companies Adding more oil to their "Natural" products?

Peanut Butter Companies Adding more oil to their
I would also like to note that on the Smuckers natural chunky peanut butter, you can see the right one has more peanuts and larger chunks while the left has a smaller ground and smaller amount of peanuts.
Now for the contradicting evidence to my post: The jar with more oil has a best by date in June while the jar with less oil has a best by date of November. If anything this may have to do with seasonal supply. We could also believe each jar is unique and settles differently, but there is a across multiple brands.
But I think this might be important for those trying to watch their micronutrients intake as one jar may have a higher fat percentage per serving than the other.
submitted by Hearthseeker_ to shrinkflation [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 04:12 buttbeeb Thoughts on this yuzu hot sauce

Thoughts on this yuzu hot sauce
I saw it at a Japanese market today and decided to wait till I got some opinions on it
submitted by buttbeeb to hotsauce [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 03:59 flukyxy Really unsure about labels/not too sure about how I identify anymore

for a little context, I've been on T for almost a year and had every single feature change, hit every milestone, etc. okay this is a genuine question to anyone who might wanna answer or give any input so I'm definitely trans masc and 110% okay with being identified as a boy in public or any formal setting. however I feel more androgynous and feminine when I'm away from these spaces. is this gender fluidity or some other type of non binary identity? being a girl was horrible and I'm not a girl in the way a cis girl is. I feel like I'm a girl in the way a demigirl is? but I feel so much joy in having androgynous/masculine features too. identifying as non binary was also comfortable but I was constantly clocked as a girl since I was pre t. now when people say shit like "tell the lady what you want" it irks me but I think.. that's it? like now if people think I'm non binary it doesn't bother me. I just can't stand my dead name or being referred to as a girl by family but honestly.. I think I'm starting to be okay with it again. I really don't know I honestly don't know what this makes me. am I bigender maybe?? idfk this is why I'm asking the masses. I've noticed that my dysphoria has definitely changed and that I really love how square testosterone has made my hands and face, how the fat redistribution has made my arms thin out. My voice dropped legitimately the day after my first shot and I really hate how deep it's gotten. It's definitely too much for my liking but that doesn't mean that I don't like having a deep voice! I really do, its just too much. The only thing I would change about my body would be body and facial hair, I love the rest. (besides my chest. I'm definitely getting top surgery bc flat chested girlies exist too) this is also not a femboy thing! it definitely feels so much more than that. idk if this might mean that I'm genderfluid or androgynous but like.. I dunno. I love being a boy, it's the correct body for me to be in but to express myself differently is so strong. I really don't know haha sorry if this is messy n incoherent. lmao they say that T will change things like your sexuality and gender expression but damn i did not expect this
submitted by flukyxy to gender [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 03:52 ImpressiveDance4614 Canola oil actually good?

Recently read some articles pointing towards the idea of cold pressed canola oil actually containing high ratios of monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats to saturated fats. The problem is that 99% of canola oil that’s being put out there is heat and chemical treated which destroys those omegas and turns them into trans fats. Anyone have any feedback on this info?
submitted by ImpressiveDance4614 to StopEatingSeedOils [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 03:31 tgamezz Proof that I actually go there for the wings.

Proof that I actually go there for the wings. submitted by tgamezz to Wings [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 02:50 megafonico Las favoritas de Armin Meiwes

Las favoritas de Armin Meiwes
¿Quién quiere unas?
submitted by megafonico to LatinoPeopleTwitter [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 01:56 night-stalking Someone reverse looked up my phone and found out I was trans - misgendered and used the excuse of me "lacking self acceptance" - people who weaponize therapy talk are cancer

It was a long story with one particular university classmate. He basically told me that "I thought you were a girl" and is your name *my birth name*? and when I asked him why would he know that he told me to "learn coding." He also stereotyped me because one of my college majors is art practice. I just told him that he doesn't even know me and he's already assuming shit about me, also what's wrong with being trans? (I initially tried to hide it until I realize he is the type to stalk deep personal info) He said, "if you don't accept yourself, you can't expect others to accept you." I've experienced that a lot of people use that phrase to dismiss me or my personal interests + identity. My mother also has a passive aggressive way of doing so when people express insecurities: "I will never understand why people can't accept themselves, like their height, their facial features, their feet size, even their sex." I'm so sick and tired of people thinking that I have some form of obligation not to do everything I can to change the parts of myself that I dislike, especially when it comes to my body, or express my frustration. I also think that there is a difference between being truly accepted by others and treated with common basic manners. Just because my suffering makes you uncomfortable it doesn't mean you get a free pass in insulting me. Calling a trans man you don't even know in person a "girl" is like calling an obese person "fat" and not seeing why it's a problem. If you tell the obese person "you are fat, you need to accept that you are sick and lose all that weight or im entitled to remind you of how you have an illness to make you feel even worse" that makes you an idiot, and rude for no reason. Yes, I know my transness is a disorder, but so what? Why do people think they are entitled to point out what I already know in an attempt to hurt me? Like...congratulations, Sherlock? Anyways...I've seen this done too many times in too many different spaces. What is self acceptance to you and how would you handle being told that transitioning means you "can't accept yourself"?
submitted by night-stalking to honesttransgender [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 01:24 Frasier_C This is giving big Paunch Burger energy

This is giving big Paunch Burger energy submitted by Frasier_C to PandR [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 01:20 Ok-Assistance-3362 Fasters best friend

Fasters best friend
Water fasting has changed my life in several ways. One particular way is I get ecstatic when I see something loaded with sodium as opposed to turned off. I know it's not sugar but man I love my salts!!
submitted by Ok-Assistance-3362 to fasting [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 01:04 More-Ad-5258 How long can chicken bologna be stored in the fridge?

How long can chicken bologna be stored in the fridge?
I am going to consume it in these 2 weeks. Should I put it in the freezer instead
submitted by More-Ad-5258 to foodsafety [link] [comments]