Celebrare deacesed mother s birthday

Wentworth (TV Series)

2013.09.19 00:22 SidewaysFlyingMonkey Wentworth (TV Series)

The subreddit for anything and everything related to the Australian Prison TV series "Wentworth" and it's prequel "Prisoner: Cell Block H".

2024.03.02 04:14 Tsunami-Blue madelinesoto

The day before Madeline Soto disappeared, her family celebrated her 13th birthday. Madeline Soto turned 13 on Feb. 22 2024. Madeline’s mother’s boyfriend, Stephan Sterns 37, was arrested and booked into the Orange County jail on charges of sexual battery and possession of child sexual abuse material after detectives found "disturbing" images on his phone. Sterns is considered the prime suspect in the killing of Madeline.

2013.03.18 09:12 lehmongeloh A Place for Card Kindness

This is a place to send or receive cards for anyone who would like one. The purpose of RAoC is to spread a little bit of joy around the world. All are welcome! Please read the sidebar or Wiki/FAQ page to get started.

2024.05.21 16:14 chipvibes Burned out and needing help

I’m not really sure what I’m looking for outside of someone else out there being able to relate.
TLDR: wife struggling w/ severe anxiety/depression since moving 1.5 hr away from her family. We don’t have support we did/we thought we’d have after move. My family isn’t nearby. Every aspect of life seems to be a struggle (marriage, family, health, work etc.) Not sure how to make it better.
My wife and I have a very happy and healthy 8 m/o girl. She’s our first. We’re very lucky all things considered - growing well, sleeping well enough, hitting milestones, etc. Every month makes me more and more excited to be a Dad. I work and my wife is SAHM.
When we had her we lived minutes away from 99% of Mom’s family. I had 8 weeks of paternity leave. So we had a great first few months. Then a promotion led us to a town 1.5 hours away that had some family/friends but not the same as before.
We knew the move would impact our support but did not realize by how much, or how challenging the change would be. Ultimately we unintentionally have put ourselves on an island, and feel like we’re drowning. My wife has started to experience pretty severe anxiety/depression since the move and has traced it back to losing the support we had. She just started therapy and is taking steps to work on it, but has to essentially beg her family to come down more than once or twice a month. I feel like I’m at a loss for how to effectively support her or help improve the situation. For the past month, every week there’s a day or two that she needs me to come home early or take off because she doesn’t feel like she’s mentally capable of taking care of baby. Obviously I will always do it but am trying to figure out how to help get to a place where she’s not struggling like this.
My job is somewhat demanding with slightly inconsistent hours, but nothing astronomical (40-58 hours a week, depending). Part of my stress is related to my performance at work suffering due to all of this but that’s at the bottom of the list.
My family is spread across the country. My mother passed away before we got married and my Father is degrading from dementia. So overall my family is relatively unhelpful as far as support goes.
Typically when I get home from work (varies but between 2pm-7pm), I take over baby duties and let mom do whatever she needs to. After baby goes down I’ll make dinner and try to knock out any outstanding chores. I do most of the night wakes which is now only once or twice at most and then leave for work around 6:30am-7am. I feel like I’m barely scraping by as far as being a good husband father and provider. I don’t feel like I have the capacity to give me full effort to the things I want to give my full effort to.
We’re also moving next week to a new home which is adding a whole other layer of stress.
I think part of my challenge is that all my friends who have kids are in the same town as their family or have very active support from their family. So no one in my immediate circle can relate which is even more isolating. So I’m hoping internet strangers can relate.
submitted by chipvibes to daddit [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:13 Weekly-Mortgage7726 10/10 WBRT

Finally done with whole brain radiation! I have an oncologist appointment tomorrow to talk about chemo pills (probably xeloda, I’m hoping I have the right enzymes for it since they did a blood test for it a couple weeks ago)
I’m still very exhausted from the radiotherapy and my hair has started falling out, but I’m trying my best to celebrate my daughter’s birthday today. I hope these 10 sessions actually did something 🤞🏻 so far I’ve read a lot of positive responses about wbrt.
submitted by Weekly-Mortgage7726 to LivingWithMBC [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:13 Big-Conclusion2136 He wants to take my daughter

Hello, I live in Minnesota.
I recently just had a baby this week.
I will tell you this, when I found out I was pregnant it was extremely shocking. I didn’t know I was until my 3rd trimester.
I immediately wanted to do adoption, because there was no way I could have a kid right now.
I told my baby’s father, who I stopped hanging with months ago. He also said to do whatever I wanted, if I wanted to keep her he will contribute and if I wanted to do the adoption way he will sign is rights away.
He takes days to respond to messages, I did keep him updated as much as I could on my pregnancy.
2 days before I had her, I asked him one more time if he was still ok with adoption. He then later admitted that this was better for him because he was getting back together with his ex, the mother of his other child and he doesn’t need another kid to disrupt that.
The day I had her, I couldn’t do it. I backed out from the adoption. I fell in love with her.
My whole family has been here to support us. I did later tell him, and I said if you still don’t want to be in her life that is fine, you can sign away your rights.
He then messaged me last night and said he wants to take a paternity test which I’m fine with.
He then said if she turns out to be his, he’s debating on signing away his rights or taking her completely.
I messaged him again and again on what he means by that.
submitted by Big-Conclusion2136 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:11 Hamadalfc Showing Austria to my American wife for the first time - travel destinations?

Hello everyone,
My mother is from Vienna, I used to spend every summer there until I was 18 when I moved to the US. Met my wife here and we just booked our flights to Vienna (which i know pretty well) in August, so I don’t really need tips for Vienna. We want to stay about 3 days there (hopefully catch an Austria Wien or Rapid Wien) Match, I just want her to experience the atmosphere which is SO different than sports atmospheres in the U.S., and then head to the country side. I’m thinking Zell am See or Kaprun but im not too familiar with the must sees or hidden gems. My mother is suggesting Zell Am See again and it is gorgeous there but I also want to keep an open mind for other potential destinations. If it matters we also have a 1 year old daughter. We will be renting a car when we leave Vienna and have about another 5 days to spend before heading back to the US! Thank you all for your suggestions in advance!
Edit: feel free to respond in German. I speak both fluently but this post might be helpful to others so I figured I might as well type in English
submitted by Hamadalfc to Austria [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:08 BadKarmaForMe Boomer mother thinks her father’s death was worse than her child losing a dad at 14.

My father died when I was 14. My grandfather passed away at 86. I have been estranged from my mother for quite some time, but we reconnected the other night. She tried pulling the “I lost my father” excuse for her behavior and I said “well, so did I”. Her reply? “You were 14. You didn’t have him for 64 years”.
Is that better? Worse? So weird! She is the most tone deaf, selfish woman. Anyways, thought I would share this gem of a woman with you guys.
submitted by BadKarmaForMe to BoomersBeingFools [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:08 cometshoney Richard Sims

Richard Sims
Executed at 18 for murder.
submitted by cometshoney to DeathCertificates [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:06 Moist_Visit166 Trying to lose 20lbs by late July

Hi all, so, last July was my 20th birthday and I hit my highest weight of 286lbs. At this time I’ve reached 250lbs-253lbs, so I’ve lost a good 10-12% of that. I’ve been going slow with it and trying to maintain lifestyle changes, and I am trying to increase my protein intake and do more strength training as I know it can increase TDEE,
I would ask if anyone here has heard of NEAT? It’s also a good way to burn extra calories as well as you get more stuff done you need to lol. Basically how much energy you burn while doing mundane things, I’m ngl I am extremely knowledgeable on diet and exercise cuz I enjoy it, and I also am pretty good with making some creative meals.
I just feel stuck atm and find it super hard to consistently work out. I can pretty consistently eat but I still find I’m hungry at night/crave sweets at night, it’s hard to get past that lol. I do definitely eat a sweet sometimes at night, but in moderation, like I keep Reese’s minis and thins in the fridge for when the cravings hit and I’ll grab one at a time, so I have to walk and get another one if I want it lol. I have adhd and I know that makes it more difficult, I will say getting my filtered water bottle has made it a lot easier for me to cut out sodas mostly, I will occasionally have one but they don’t taste as good as they used to for me.
Either way, I am also now treated for my adhd so the meds also make it easier to stay in deficit, atm my deficit is 2000cal a day, my macros I try to hit mainly is high protein about 100-150g a day, I prefer the higher end. I’ve been good with the intake being 2000cal or less, but now I’m working on the protein aspect, I can’t drink protein drinks unless it’s just unflavored whey, artificial sweeteners make me sick.
But anyways, I’d say if anyone wants any recipe ideas + workout ideas I can help! I know this was sort of a ramble lol.
In the end my main goal has been to lose 50lbs in a year, and my goal weight atm is 230lbs by end of July. I plan to reach my ending goal weight of 170-180lbs next year.
I’m 20F, 250lbs, 5’4.
Also other side note for anyone who also may have PCOS/Insulin resistance, berberine helps A TON. As well as myo-inositol + d chiro inositol supplement with a gluccomannan supplement, that combo has actually had some study’s and has been shown to work as well as or better than metformin for insulin resistance in women! Thought I’d share that too lol
submitted by Moist_Visit166 to loseit [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:05 InsideAcanthisitta36 Looking for advice, Capital one is starting to really irritate me

Looking for advice, though I don’t know that there’s anything I can do. Right before April of this year, I lived in my deceased grandparents house. I was doing it as a mutual favor to my mom who was dealing with all their legal and estate stuff, so that the house wasn’t left empty (less chance of it being robbed after the estate sale with it looking lived in, and home owners insurance wouldn’t go up). Around that time, I got approved for a new credit card. I have three accounts open with capital one. Quicksilver, savor one, and my now new Walmart rewards one (as I work at Walmart). Around this time I got a new number, and made a new email. So I updated all that on my account, especially the address so that my new card would be sent to me, and not my mother’s address as it had been. It was hers cause I moved around too much at the time. My account then got locked up, after being suspected of fraudulent behavior. I called them, they told me to submit a picture of my id and my social security card, and a utility bill. I told them I don’t pay utilities, and they said I could submit a bank statement. I bank through one, which is a Walmart bank, and so I sent those things in and a ten days later I called back asking about it. My id and social were verified, but the bank statement didn’t count for some reason, even though it shows my name, address, and the full account number. I was frustrated they didn’t call me about it, and after they told me again I can submit a utility bill, I again said I didn’t pay them. They said I could submit a phone bill. Didn’t think much of it, cause a bank statement doesn’t really prove residency imo either. I called a couple times to verify this. By this time in our story, I had moved into my apartment. So I had to change the address on my phone bill and went to at&t and asked if could update that on my old bill. They said I’d have to wait for the new one, which would come out a month later at the latest. Well it comes out later than a month later, but I send that in. Then I get a call about how it has to be a landline, which was never once specified to me from the employees. Ive now gotten a notice that my account will close if I don’t get proof in 45 days. I’ve begged my mom to put me on a utility bill but she says it’s too much of a hassle since they’re trying to sell it soon. As a last resort, I’m opening my Arvest account back cause surely that bank statement would count. I’ve had to call to make every minimum payment since. I made it this past month, but got a notification about a missed minimum payment. I can’t even see the account! Now my %100 on my credit scores going to go down. I’m genuinely very upset, especially since if it went up I wasn’t told. I don’t know what to do at this point.
submitted by InsideAcanthisitta36 to CapitalOne_ [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:05 Ok-Ice1909 Will people hate me?

Hi, i’ve been feeling rather bad and i don’t know how much of this is just my brain talking, or really how people will feel… I’m 18, and recently discovered i need teeth removed, i don’t want people to judge me for it, and i feel like they will, think I’m unhygienic or something, when that isn’t the case. When i was young my mother refused to take me to the dentist for work, even after we found that i had cavities, she also didn’t make me brush my teeth, and of course kids aren’t going to do that themselves, they don’t know how important it is. I’m just worried everyone will hate me, or judge me for it, even tho it’s not my fault.. i hate this, i hate the thought of it, but it’s the best i can do right now…
submitted by Ok-Ice1909 to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:05 Selfawareseacucumber I finally lost it

This was my first Mother’s Day. My son is the only biological family I’ve met. I think being post partum and the triggers of being a new mom ended with me giving my adopted parents an ultimatum.
It didn’t start at that as first. I tried to ask them questions about my adoption. My “adoption” was done informally in Mexico. They had the doctor write down that I am their bio child and that my adoptive mother gave birth to me. I don’t know if any of this is true, but they didn’t tell me of my adoption until I was 19 and then proceeded to stress the importance of staying quiet because I’m my fathers words, “we will go to jail! Do you want us to go to jail!”
Everytime I ask them questions about my adoption they give me different conflicting answers. I finally told them all the pain this has caused me and how I deserve to know and that I’m going to search and whatever legal troubles they run into is their own fault (they were fully aware adults when they decided to be an accomplice in this) and I’m done feeling guilty for them and trying to comfort them when they are my parents and they should have been there to comfort and help me. They proceeded to ignore me and then follow up with how they can no longer offer me financial support, which I’m financially independent from them.
I responded to my mom saying I’m done. That I want answers on my situation and how sketchy it all sounds. That they cannot play grandma and grandpa to my son if they cannot have a working relationship with me first and be parents to me. That I will not respond to any texts until they start being honest about the situation and give me answers.
They have continued to ignore me.
I cannot believe these people who claim to love me are being this way.
Also, they’re fucking weirdos for not adopting through a legally appropriate way. They don’t see themselves as predatory for “getting around” the adoption process. They say the same thing, “we saved you! You would’ve ended up in the state foster care and it would have been so much worse.” (They’re just reinforcing their own narrative that helps them feel at peace with their decision.)
They act like their my saviors and advocates when no one was their to advocate for little baby me to make sure the appropriate steps were taken. I’m sorry, but if you’re sooo eager to adopt that your willing to do it illegally, your fucking predatory and care more about your own wants then the well being of said child.
I’m hurt but I’m glad to be fucking done.
submitted by Selfawareseacucumber to Adopted [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:05 Pixelsaber [Rewatch] 3,000 Leagues in Search of Mother - Episode 15 Discussion

Episode 15 - The Forgole
Episode aired April 11th, 1976
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Note to all participants
Although I don't believe it necessitates stating, please conduct yourself appropriately and be courteous to your fellow participants.
Note to all Rewatchers
Rewatchers, please be mindful of your fellow first-timers and tag your spoilers appropriately using the anime spoiler tag if your comment holds even the slightest of indicators as to future spoilers. Feel free to discuss future plot points behind the safe veil of a spoiler tag, or coyly and discreetly ‘Laugh in Rewatcher’ at our first-timers' temporary ignorance, but please ensure our first-timers are no more privy or suspicious than they were the moment they opened the day’s thread.
Staff Highlight
Kōichi Murata - Key Animator
An animator, animation director, as well as a founder and CEO of Oh! Production. Murata’s known career history largely begins with his time as a the central animator of A Production (now Shin-ei animation), where Murata built a deep relationship with Isao Takahata, Hayao Miyazaki, and acted as animation director on many of their episodes on long-running series. A major change in his career was when he left A Pro to join Oh! Pro in 1970, having been a founding member alongside Norio Shioyama , Kazuo Komatsubara , and Koshin Yonekawa. He died on November 7th, 2006 due to subarachnoid hemorrhage at the age of 67. Some of his most notable animation credits includes Attack No. 1, Cooking Master Boy, Ginga Densetsu Weed, Kyojin no Hoshi, Cyborg 009 (1968), *Lupin III Part 1, Ie Naki ko Remi, Sonic X, Heidi, Girl of The Alps, Raccoon Rascal, Future Boy Conan, Perrine’s Story, Anne of Green Gables, Little Women, Arashi no Yoru Ni, Boy of the Wilderness Isamu, A Little Princess Sara, My Daddy Long Legs, and Panda! Go, Panda!.
Daily Trivia
Forgole is not an uncommon name for maritime vessels, but it has notably been used to denote both a distinct missile cruiser and as a class of destroyer.
Screenshot of the day
Questions of the Day:
1) What do you think of how this issue was resolved?
2) How do you think Marco will fare on his first voyage across the sea?
I can almost see Anna’s smile.
submitted by Pixelsaber to anime [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:05 ThrowRA242342342 I’m a good looking woman in my 30s absolutely broken with loneliness and feel there is no solution

I don’t know what to do. I have tried absolutely everything.
So I’m a woman in my 30s who has a degree, a good enough job and all I do is work, come home, eat alone and loneliness is eating me up.
I have felt this way since I was 23 years old.
I don’t have a community of friends. I have around 3 fairly close people who were from different parts of my life (one an old job, one from high school, one from college) who I see now and then but there’s no intense, talk constantly, I can tell them anything kind of friendship, they are just people I can grab lunch with now and then months apart.
My dating life has been horrendous. I can’t even explain how bad. It makes me feel like I’m this disgusting rat. All 3 friends and family members plus random people I’ve known throughout my jobs and things have all commented on how strange it is that I don’t have a partner and how badly things go for me.
The people I have dated in my past have all treated me very similarly. As in, I’ve never had an amicable breakup that ended nicely. They’ve all left me feeling awful. Everyone has always been extremely blunt in telling me I’m basically not good enough. Some phrases I’ve heard were: “you make me feel like I want to get myself back” “I didn’t ever see a future with you and didn’t know why I didn’t tell you this before” “you’re boring” “I understand why your friends and family don’t bother with you” “I just don’t care about you” “
I don’t drink alcohol and all these people told me at the start it wasn’t a problem for them. But sooner or later they would comment on how nice it would be if I joined them for a wine out on the porch after work or be able to go to a cocktail bar. And they would pressure me into doing it despite my strong stance on just not enjoying it. It almost seemed like everyone I dated was a disguised alcoholic even though they weren’t because that was the topic of a lot of our arguments … even though I know they weren’t in their “normal life” but just with me alcohol seemed so important that I didn’t do it.
I always came away feeling awful. I have an array of hobbies and find myself interesting - care for animals, reading, hiking, nature, skiing, cycling, I draw, and also write stories - nobody was ever interested in reading any or caring.
Whenever I go out with friends their partners… care. It’s something I noticed a lot. They’d text or call and ask for updates. Even when I was in relationships this didn’t happen. I’ve never, EVER had a partner or boyfriend who cared about me. This is not normal and I’ve never felt loved.
Both of my parents aren’t here either and I have a weird relationship with my brother. He’s married with kids and we aren’t close. I’ve tried and again I feel “not enough”. He tells me he doesn’t WANT to go on vacations with me because I don’t drink and he likes to go to bars and sip wine at nice places and I’d just not be compatible with him on holiday. He therefore doesn’t ever ask to hang out with me in our own country.
I was only ever close with my mother and miss her so much it hurts. I don’t feel connected with anyone and feel my personality must be so awful that nobody wants me around.
I’ve travelled a lot and even lived in other countries and feel deflated. If I do something pretty cool or a nice achievement I can’t tell anyone. Sure, a couple of my friends might send a nice text but I have nobody to hug, kiss or hype me up. I come home to my empty apartment and just have my own thoughts.
Every date I go on recently is a reflection of my past. People just seem to be super interested in the start, as in.. I have no issues getting matches and getting a good conversation flowing, sometimes even up to three moths of dating but then it ends. The same patterns occur where they suddenly don’t want a serious thing and are gone.
I’m broken making these constant deep connections with strangers only to then feel like I never knew them at all.
Friends have told me in the past I am too nice and fall too hard and people can see this but I don’t get it.
I pour my heart and soul into connections I do make, am sweet and caring and it’s never enough for people. I’ve never ever felt anything was ever reciprocated.
Everyone around me has a marriage - a stable, grown adult marriage with house problems and real life stuff, kids or engagements, stuff like that. I want that so much. I want a person to share my life with. I am so tired of being alone and being on this age on apps and going through the same things feeling so unloved and unwanted.
I look around - and this is going to sound judgmental and I don’t mean to be. But I look around at others I knew from school and friends and things and even people who are either not very attractive or even people with horrific personalities (mean, screechy, drama central kind of people) have good loyal husbands and a fairly decent enough life.
I feel like I’ve witnessed multiple situations where people cheat, so awful things and still someone is FIGHTING for someone to stay, fighting for love, somebody is a staple in their life worth it.
For me that’s just exactly what I feel I don’t have. Nobody has ever fought for me. Never cared enough to even go into a serious, let’s live together, maybe get married situations. Nobody has ever made effort the way I do. I’m good looking enough, not the most sexy person in the room but get told I’m natural beauty, cute and stuff like that. I try and take care of myself. I have that “sweet shy gentle” type personality and everyone I meet tells me I have such a good heart and soul. I really do everything for people. So I don’t understand.
I’m terrified of this continuing and I’m exhausted. I don’t feel like I belong anywhere. I’m absolutely broken with feeling like my whole life has been loss around me, in terms of death of my loved ones and also loss of people I’ve cared for and wanted something with, loss of friendships that were once more solid and now are casual, just loss of everything.
Like I said I’ve tried travelling, lived in other countries, joined so many hobby groups and clubs, the amount of nights I’ve sat at a random meet up of a social night with a soft drink and chatted and gave it my all for nothing to come of it is hard to remember, I’ve even reached out on social media to old friends from random hobbies and school and nothing comes of anything.
I don’t know what else to do. I enjoy my own company but I’m now at a point where it’s depressing me so much. I don’t want this to be my life. I want to go to theme parks with someone and feel alive. I want to book holidays with someone and get excited. I want to pack together and prepare their bags. I want to ask someone about their day. I want to share plans. I don’t want to just come home anymore and stare at a wall. Constantly see people thriving on social media. Have no family at important holidays. Nobody to celebrate things, I feel so empty and not even a part of society when I see the beach packed with people, gifts for sale in stores, etc. it’s not for me because I have no one.
I don’t know what else to do. If something cool happens in my day it didn’t really happen because I am literally by myself and have nobody who cares. I feel like other single people still have close friends or a mother or father who is interested, even a community of some sort. But I am literally alone.
Even when I do stuff with friends it’s only for an hour or two and I’ll get a taste of what a nice happy life is like, maybe an hour walking along a nice beach or a nice dinner somewhere with people around us then I’m back to being alone when they go back home to their husbands and have a cute night.
I cry everyday and don’t understand this. I’m so envious of people who have tons of people in their life. I never will have that even if I find a partner. But it just kills that even that part doesn’t exist. I can’t even explain how empty I feel. My birthday went by with one text message from one of my close friends and the other two sent one days later saying they forgot and had been busy. It’s like I don’t exist. And I’m terrified and don’t know what to do.
submitted by ThrowRA242342342 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:04 TrickySomewhere3 Namond

This is something I’ve always wondered about, it’s more of a what if situation. If Namond was with Randy, Michael, and Dukie during the fight scene, do you think he would’ve helped and stood tall? I know his mother would’ve been on his ass for standing with a snitch, but it would’ve shown he had a little heart.
submitted by TrickySomewhere3 to TheWire [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:04 regex-is-fun Employee seems to be scamming use and many others

I see indisputable evidence that the company is not paying people (all of the young employees that are in school and work no where near corporate, they are contract hires). I can see employee logged and scheduled hours, but they are being payrolled for much less. I’ve seen people call and calling about pay and management just blocks their numbers. I have multiple coworkers that are close friends and there’s and my information is incorrect in all systems( social security numbers, birthdays, addresses) and we’ve been here for a few weeks and they already have issues with their paycheck and we have no way to see pay stubs.
All of this to say, I have all of this documented. If I don’t get paid, is there legal action I can take?
submitted by regex-is-fun to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:04 Unit01Pilot Birthday Fragrance Haul

Birthday Fragrance Haul
Hello FemFragLab! My birthday was on Sunday, and I have a mini haul of new scents :)
snif soda snob was a gift from my partner. I love this, it’s so fun and unique. I think this would be the perfect scent for a pinball arcade ba ice cream parlor date.
B&BW Dressed in white was a free birthday gift with purchase. I love this, it’s a clean flowery scent. Can’t wait to pan some body sprays so i can get into this
the VS perfumes were kinda an impulse buy. i smelled candy noir in the store and really liked it and wanted to get a rollerball. I saw the $19.95 price tag and decided i’d wait for them to go on sale. When I got up to the register i saw that all their rollerballs and small sprays were on sale for $6.95! “It must be fate” I thought to myself. I picked up candy noir and the og very sexy. my partner loves very sexy and i like it for an after shower scent.
Overall happy with my little haul :) What scents did you get or what are you asking for for your birthday?
submitted by Unit01Pilot to FemFragLab [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:04 Girls_Just_Wana_Swim The Sea's Princess: Sylvia Rhodes of The Caribbean

Sylvia https://imgur.com/gallery/GK6ShZQ

Sylvia Rhodes

"One whom strives is one whom succeeds.."

Age: 15
Birthday: August 22, 2024
Godrent: Triton , Leiutenant of the sea..
Identity: Female (she/her), straight ally


Ebony skin, she always wears her hair in fashionable dreads with silver beads strewn through it. Heterechromia: One bright blue eye and one interestingly red-pink eye. No one can explain where it comes from. She has a scar down, diagonal, through her red-pink eye, she covers it with makeup often. Sylvia has snakebite piercings on either side of her bottom lip, that she switches out for shiny metals often, as if changing clothes. Her hair kind of moves like water.


Bratty rich girl - She gets what she wants, doesn't matter how she has to achieve it. If she wants it, it's her's. She gets angry easily and is good when it comes to manipulation and playing the victim. She's a bully, you're different? Weirdo. Kind of bully.


Kira Rhodes: mother, famous model and ex-olympic swimmer, gives her daughter whatever she wants, 39
Triton: father, never met him, hopes he's cool (and possibly hopes he'll give her something if they ever reunite), Greek god
Naomi Rhodes: Kira's wife, stepmom, spoils Sylvia as well, 35, filmstar
Cerberus: her little black lab puppy, 3 months old, not the actual cerberus



Trident - "it's pretty and practical, okay, darling?" High heel - "look, they're always there. It makes sense."


Sylvia was 13 when her mother had to tell her the truth, who her father was.
Sylvia had, unironically, drenched a saleswoman in water from the mall fountain when the woman tried to touch her. Of course; Sylvia doesn't like that. No permission? No access. That's how she works. So of course she did not take kindly to a 'lowly salesperson' grabbing her 3,000 dollar faux-fur jacket.
When her mother explained everything, it seemed that everyone was in the loop. Her mom, her maid, her stepmom, everyone but her. But whatever.
Sylvia was born on one of the Caribbean islands and her and her mother moved to California when her mom stopped representing the Bahamas in the Olympics. That was when her mom's job took off like a rocket. And there she was, the rich, pretty, smart, popular girl at school who came from abroad (or about abroad at it can bs counted) and whose mom(s) were famous. Everyone wanted to be her, or with her, or something like that.
When she was 12, she'd gotten into a bad accident resulting in her scar. And she's ashamed of it.
Then, one of those 'stupid dog penguins' attacked Sylvia while she was at a beach party her school was hosting. Then her moms whisked her away to camp, where she was left to, as she put it, shrivel up and die.


Sylvia stood at the edge of camp, wearing her baby blue tank-top crop-top and gray jeans with her (3,000 dollar) faux-fur jacket. Her blue heels weren't sinking in the dirt, yet.
She flicks her dreads over her shoulder and starts to walk into camp, standing tall and walking proud. Her while suitcases were all attached to eachother aside from her purse, which hung from her shoulder whilst she dragged the suitcases. She was not happy about this, but atleast her parents allowed her to pack whatever she wished.
So now she made her way down the hill, her silver ring shimmering with a seafoam green sheen. Of course, her Trident was hidden within it.
submitted by Girls_Just_Wana_Swim to CampHalfBloodRP [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:03 quicheunleash3d aita for getting beyond upset that my bf ate my food?

Hi, long time lurker but idek how to process things right now haha. For some background, I (23 f) definitely have some issues around food. I’m second gen asian american, and my dad came here as a refugee when he was a teenager. He has a lot of trauma about not having enough to eat, very stereotypical walk in pantry, hoarding food, loving deals on food, extreme couponing, etc. He passed on a lot of that to me. I adore fine dining but I also love garbage food or street food. I carry around leftovers and shamelessly wrap things up in napkins and throw them in my purse. I have bags of almonds in my car and stashes of food at all my friends houses. Food is my love language, I love cooking it for my friends, being cooked for, etc.
So two nights ago, my best friend and I took my roommate out to a very expensive steakhouse for his birthday. I don’t have a lot of money but I’m doing okay, I’ve been saving up to take him out for a while because he’s done a lot for me. It was definitely a big treat for us to go though. Since I don’t eat much at once, I had a lot of leftovers (plus the bones my friends didn’t finish so I could chew on them later which I know is weird but let me be happy okay?) I gave my boyfriend the lobster mac but saved the steak for sandwiches for the next couple days.
Yesterday, my bf was having a really bad day. He woke up late for work, had to rush out the door. He was supposed to work just the morning shift but his coworker asked him if he’d cover her night shift since she was hungover, and she’d bring him food. She didn’t, and he was upset. He went from 9 am to 11 pm without eating. Obviously I’m upset too, I offer to doordash him something, I would’ve brought him food but I was working on set. I get worried about him because he doesn’t eat sometimes, and because he was having a bad day he was already super withdrawn. He told me he’d make pasta when he got home.
I guess you see where this is going, he ate my steak, I was absolutely devastated. His reasoning was that he had brought me food from set the previous day but in my mind it’s nowhere close. I know I shouldn’t have but I blew up at him, cried a lot, etc. He offered to take me to another steak house but it’s not about the steak it’s about how I build up this food in my head and think about it several times a day looking forward to eating it and then it’s not there. I told him that and he told me I should bring that up with my therapist. Is my relationship with food is unhealthy? I’ve had issues before where people touch my food without asking so I’m wondering if it’s me. I feel guilty for yelling at him and then running out the door and crying in my car. AITA?
submitted by quicheunleash3d to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:03 cometshoney John Seward

John Seward
Does this mean the lobe in his lung ruptured?
submitted by cometshoney to DeathCertificates [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:02 Sorry-Camera1857 AITA for pushing back against my parents and thinking they treated me bad?

AITA for pushing back against my family for how they have treated me growing up?
I am a 25 year old woman and am recently married. Looking back on my life I have a lot of resentment for how I have been treated and I am distancing myself for my family and being quite blunt with my family that they are the reason. Do I have a point or am I just being petty and acting this way unnecessarily?
My parents got divorced when I was 13. I was told the reason why in great detail from both sides. Both parents would constantly talk about how awful of a person the other one was. Anytime I ever seemed to “side” with one parent I was met with shame by the other. “How could you possibly not see that this parent is an AH?” They would say to me. My entire life I was constantly questioned when I went to visit the other parent-to the point where it would turn into fights if I didn’t tell them information about the other. I was told I couldn’t be an ostrich and stick my head in the sand. I was told I couldn’t be neutral. And because I couldn’t “pick a side” (though they never worded it like this) I was weak and let everyone walk all over me. To me it was because I loved everyone and didn’t want to hurt the other person so I always tried to see things from their perspective. This didn’t stop until I grew up and moved away.
My dad got remarried over 14 years ago. His wife automatically decided she didn’t like when when my mother harassed me at 13 into revealing my dad wanted custody of my brother. She wants no relationship with me. She won’t even friend me on Facebook. She smiles and plays nice at family functions but then says I’m a spoiled brat that gets everything I want from my grandparents behind my back. My dad has always been passive but has never stood up for me. We talk like friends but does not go out of his way to check in on me.
My mom has been remarried 4 times. I moved with her over 13 times growing up. We lived with multiple boyfriends growing up. I always felt like this was kind of damaging to me. But I always felt bad for her because I knew she she didn’t want this life. She often told me she couldn’t afford to live on our own. I always was there for her when she was crying and falling apart. It wasn’t until the first time I wasn’t taking her side-that she got into an argument with my husband before the wedding. And then didn’t attend my wedding because she didn’t think I should marry him, that things changed between us. Now it seems she would rather have an estranged relationship with me where we hardly talk instead of coming to talk it out with my husband. She says it’s his job to fix it and if he loved me enough he would. But I feel how much does she love me if after all I have been through with her she won’t do what needs to be done to have her relationship with me restored?
Obviously there are good parts and lots of memories when I felt they were there for me. But sometimes I feel like I more raised myself to learn to be happy and strong. And have just received judgement my whole life.
submitted by Sorry-Camera1857 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:01 Screenwriter778 I’ve got one for you

Long story short we have to stay in my mother in laws house for a bit -like a few months. She is very nice to me and tries to help me but also has this other side to her that makes it so hard for me to connect more. She has hoarding tendencies so I help her keep up the house. She goes thru my stuff tho, and even will take my clothes. One time when I stayed here before, she got my new underwear out of my bag with tags still on it and had them in the kitchen! I quickly grabbed them. I find my things around the house or she’s even wearing them. Other people have had this happen when staying here and when they tell her she says she “never does that”. I’m keeping majority of my clothes in my trunk due to this. My partner thinks that because we are in her house she has a right, but I’m like in what world? I’ve never known this to be OK. She grabs his t shirts which is fine I guess he’s got millions but ??? And I even offer to do her laundry and at some points just go around and load up her stuff for her. I’m just at a loss honestly. I guess a point I’ve thought about is I think she grew up really poor with lots of siblings, so this may be the way of life but it’s just on my nerves so bad!!!! My partner has a tendency to let her get away with things because she’s had a hard life but I think he’s finally realizing its not OK to find my bra in a random spot in the house. I have directly said please don’t use my clothes I just cleaned as I have caught her red handed recently. She was in front of me grabbing something off the chair where I have a few clean things for after a shower. Lawddddd it’s just the most insane thing to me. Am I being too harsh about this and is this a thing they do..? lol
submitted by Screenwriter778 to motherinlawsfromhell [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:00 StopItYouHipsters Cut off my brother who is having a baby

I (30f) cut off my brother (34m) all because he has an extremely narcissistic wife who has made my families lives a living hell. His wife got us at first, and especially got me. She became very close to me and we were hanging out regularly. She had her small little annoyances of always craving to be the center of attention, which I just chalked up to being the younger sister who didn’t receive any attention from her parents growing up. I ignored it and treated her like a sister. She lived with my brother while they were dating, and they were next door to my parents so she would spend a lot of time with my family. We loved her and accepted her. We always included her and from day 1 we treated her like family. She would always call me with issues in her life. I helped my brother pull off his big engagement, literally climbing a mountain to set up candles and rose petals by a waterfall so he could pop the question. After they got married things went south and my brother slowly started distancing himself from my family. My family is all super close, we’ve always been each others best friends, and I’ve always looked up to my brother. Slowly she stopped letting him come over, he never came over on holidays, and if he did see my family it was usually for 10 minutes on their way out of town after they had spent time with her family for days. She did a very screwed up thing to me on a very important day to me where I was competing in a competition and she caused a lot of drama purely because everyone was paying attention to me and not her. Ruined the celebration of a big life accomplishment of mine. Slowly she got way worse and I had to cut her off because she doesn’t speak to people when she is mad. She just automatically makes excuses and wants the other person to apologize. After I cut her off and stopped her from constantly bullying me she started to bully my mother instead. My brother did not and does not care about how she treats the women in my family. Basically to break it down she is a textbook narcissist. She has completely isolated my brother from us. My mom and dad of course still are fighting for a relationship with my brother, and for them it’s getting slightly better. For me, I had to cut them both off for my own mental and physical health. She truly is a nasty person, to the extent where she has literally cut my face out of any picture they had of me in their house. Well that was about a year ago. Flash forward to today, she is pregnant and is having the baby today. My mom keeps pushing for me to “make up” with my brother, telling me I don’t have to have a relationship with my SIL. What she doesn’t understand is my issue is not just with my SIL but also how my brother took over bullying me when I first cut off my SIL. My mother says my brother is heart broken about losing me, yet he has never actually apologized to me. My mom has stated she told my brother “You fucked up, you fix it.” And at this point I’m sick of talking to him about it. It never got us anywhere, it was just hours of talking and him making excuses for his wife. My mom wants me to come to the hospital when the baby is born, but I’m never going to be in that child’s life. My SIL won’t allow that. Not to mention she makes up lies about me constantly, so there’s no telling what she’d accuse me of when it comes to that baby. I’m very serious about that. I am stuck, I want to see the baby but I do not want to be near her family or give my brother any hope that I’ve forgiven him. I told my mom I’d think about going, but I’ve basically had to spend the last 9 months morning my brother who is still alive and morning the fact that I’ll never get to be the aunt that I always dreamed to be. My mom is desperately pleading for me to come to the hospital. I’m always fuming from the fact that my SIL’s aunt literally pushed my mother at the gender reveal party. What should I do?
Edit: I’ll also add that my SIL has pretty much now lost all of her friends due to her narcissistic ways. When I first met her she had many friends, and apparently now she only has 1. So it’s not just an issue with my family that we’re over exaggerating. Her and my brother’s bullying has also been pointed out by others not in our family that have witnessed how nasty they’ve become. My SIL has also cause my brother to lose friends who I am still friends with that have confirmed they’ve stopped speaking to him because of her. My other older brother was pushed out of my brother’s life because my SIL does not like him.
submitted by StopItYouHipsters to AskWomenOver30 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:59 Feelingfunkyfeelings Invited the man who molested me as a child to my brothers engagement party

Brother just got engaged, the weddings in about a year, we’re hosting a party at our house in a few weeks. Just found out a certain someone is on the guest list.
As a child I has frequent “sleepovers” at this man’s house where he made us share a bed. Mom found out about it when I was about 10 and stopped letting me go over. She never confronted him about it, in fact she spent more time blowing up at my molesters girlfriend for “being manipulative” then she did him. She still lets him come into the house, someone’s I come out of my room and he’s talking sports with my brothers. She only told my father but he thinks we’re both overreacting.
I told her I didn’t want him at the party and she said “I’d just have to suck it up.” And “if he actually raped you that would be one thing but he was just inappropriately touching”
I feel so betrayed. She was the only one of my family that even knows the full details, and now this? I don’t even know if my brothers are aware but I doubt they’d care. For some context my molestors girlfriend was our baby sitter as kids. She really loved my bothers (fucking hated me though) and always showered them with a lot of adoration she’s basically a second mother to them, so of course she gets an invite to the engagement party and they don’t want any conflict so they invited him as well.
I’m so fucking tired. I need to get out of this house.
submitted by Feelingfunkyfeelings to abusiveparents [link] [comments]
