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Arch Linux

2009.01.24 13:21 Arch Linux

A subreddit for the Arch Linux user community for support and useful news.

2018.12.02 13:20 nbatman FMHY

🍿 📺 🎵 🎮 📗 📱

2010.09.28 08:54 DoobieRoller Guns N' Roses

Welcome to the jungle.

2024.05.21 19:23 Jolly_Rate783 #radhakrishna #bhagavadgita #lordkrishna #radhe #geetagovindam #shrikrishna #geetarabari #bhakti #bhagwan #bhagwadgeeta #motivationalquotes #geetarabarimusic #bhagwatgita #geetabenrabari #geetabenrabariofficial

#radhakrishna #bhagavadgita #lordkrishna #radhe #geetagovindam #shrikrishna #geetarabari #bhakti #bhagwan #bhagwadgeeta #motivationalquotes #geetarabarimusic #bhagwatgita #geetabenrabari #geetabenrabariofficial submitted by Jolly_Rate783 to u/Jolly_Rate783 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:20 anotheraltaacount Chance Asian Male for Texas A&M and UC Berkeley

Intended Major: Data Science / Computer Science (changes depending on the school i'm applying to)
GPA: 3.81 UW, 4.92 W out of 6 (includes courses from middle school 😭 )
UC Gpa since I am applying to a lot of them: 3.90 UW, 4.57 W, 4.17 weighted and capped
Class Rank: Outside top 10% because of some high school courses I took during 7th and 8th grade. Got straight Bs and Cs unfortunately.
SAT: 1450 (750M 700 RW, didn't study at all, trying again in august after studying)
Race: Asian
Gender: Male
Background: middle-class immigrant family.
School: Competitive Public High School
State: Texas
19 APs total (12 taken so far) AP Human Geography- 4, AP World - 5, AP Physics 1- 5, failed Spanish Lang 💀, waiting on all others
Senior year course load - AP Stats, AP Physics C (Mech and E&M), AP Gov/Econ, AP Lit, Data Structures And Algorithms (course after AP CSA, gpa is weighted the same as AP), and Calc III / Differential Equations dual enrollment, APES.
Main Extracurriculars:
  1. Created an open-source flight board website/app for a Flight Simulator Multiplayer server that displays information on each flight including departure/arrival times and status. Displays busiest airports and flight routes, and predicts future routes and flight recommendations based on historical data such as ATC availability. Website has 400 users and receives approximately 4.5K visits daily, with a maximum of 1022 distinct users in April. I have also created my own API that gives relevant information such as time remaining and specific departure times that are not shown in the original API that I used to create the flight board.
  2. Interning at State School’s CS lab this summer and will research and create a final project about how businesses use the data they collect to make future decisions to increase profit. This aligns with my goal of becoming a data scientist and going into the machine learning field, so I thought this would be pretty important.
  3. Active addon creator for Microsoft Flight Simulator - Developed many addons such as aircraft liveries, realistically modeled airports, and the biggest one being a graphics mod to make the sim look more realistic. ~2500 downloads for all mods
  4. Computer Science Club: Competed in multiple competitive coding competitions such as UTD Battle of the Brains, A&M Codewars, Lockheed Martin Codequest, Computer Science UIL, and many other online ones such as Devpost and CyberPatriots (did this with my friends for fun, unfortunately didnt win anything). I have also demoed my personal projects in this club and have helped members with learning Python and HTML, since our school’s curriculum is only based on Java.
  5. Personal Computer Science Projects - Just a couple of projects that I made in the past few years that have helped me improve my understanding of coding. My school only offers Java, so these projects were incredibly helpful when it came to understanding R, Python, and JavaScript. My favorite project is a volunteer log tool that breaks down my total hours based on the number of hours that I have volunteered at my local food packing facility and how many boxes each table can pack. Using this information, I can derive how many boxes I have personally helped make and how many children I have fed through my contributions.
  6. Created a review guide for AP Physics 1 that compiled the most important formulas and concepts from our lessons and resources. I also compiled an entire mock exam’s worth of MCQ and FRQ questions to test the hardest questions from each unit. On exam day, there were 54 people on the doc, so there were at least 50 people I impacted with this. I have also recently started a tutoring service for people who are struggling with physics and people who are taking Physics in the future (doing it on Saturday and Sunday every week).
  7. Volunteering at a local food packing facility for ~105 hours. Volunteered at every position including pourer, bagger, weigher, and warehouse crew.
  8. Volunteering at NHS organized events for 15 hours.
  9. Completed Harvard’s CS50 course back in sophomore year (my website stated above evolved from my final project for CS50, which was a flight board on command prompt lol)
  10. Part of the National Science Honors Society and Cybersecurity club at my school.
Awards (I am cooked 😔):
  1. National Merit Commended (probably gonna get this)
  2. PVSA silver award
  3. Computer Science UIL awards
  4. AP Scholar (probably with distinciton in july)
LOR: AP Calc - 8 (maybe 9) /10, did really well in her class and asked a lot of questions. she was also impressed by my resume, but I didn't talk to her a lot personally. I've heard that she writes good rec letters tho. AP Physics - 7/10
Reach : UT Austin (Statistics / Data Science), UMich (CS lsa), UC Berkeley (Applied Math, my dream school), UCLA (Stats/Data Science), Purdue (CS or AI major), UIUC (Computer Engineering or CS + Stats), UCSD (data science or Math-CS), UCI (CS), UCSB (CE), UW Madison (CS), Georgia Tech (CS, doing this one for fun lol), USC
Target: Texas A&M Engineering (attainable dream school), UT Dallas (CS), Colorado Boulder (CS), UMD College Park (CS), Penn State (CS), NCSU (CS)
Safety (if I get into UTD rolling then i wont apply here): UNT, Texas Tech, ASU
Notes: I want to settle in the bay area after going to college, and want to become a data scientist (seems more interesting to me than becoming a swe, my opinion might change) at a well-respected company, preferably in the aerospace industry since I've had an interest in aviation since my childhood. I might also do grad school.
submitted by anotheraltaacount to chanceme [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:03 Worried-Age-656 What's your white noise while working?

What's your white noise while working?
So when the night shift begins, white noises are necessary for me to function. My go tos are let's plays by markiplier, jacksepticeye and game theory. Movies have become dull for me. Any recommendations of other content you guys consume while working?
submitted by Worried-Age-656 to CasualPH [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:52 Cannabisussy Help me understand this I’m lost

Help me understand this I’m lost
Hello please tell me what this means for my love life or career cause I’m lost asf and I just ended an abusive relarelationship with a Taurus again but he’s being better so idk anymore
submitted by Cannabisussy to AskAstrologers [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:45 Bubblysock1 I hate the EA App

I hate the EA App
I’ve just made the switch to the ea app and it won’t open like it says I’m playing it/the playtime is going up but nothing actually loads so when I force quit it it’s gives the option of sending a report which will do nothing anyway but it’s been like this for 2 hours and I don’t know what to do. So frustrating any help if possible pls!!
submitted by Bubblysock1 to thesims [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:37 Hairy_Writer_6843 Way of Living Audiobook by Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj Episode- 07 जीने की राह

Way of Living Audiobook by Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj Episode- 07 जीने की राह
गीता अध्याय 17 श्लोक 23 में गीता ज्ञान दाता ने संकेत किया है कि इस सच्चिदानंद घन ब्रह्म अर्थात परम अक्षर ब्रह्म की भक्ति का ऊँ तत् सत् यह तीन मंत्र का जाप है, इसी का जाप करने का निर्देश है। हिन्दू साहेबान! नहीं समझे गीता, वेद, पुराण पुस्तक को Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj App से डाउनलोड करके पढ़ें।

geeta #krishna #india #mahabharat #hindu #bhagwatgeeta #god #harekrishna #gita #krishnaquotes #shiva #hinduism #mahabharata #radhekrishna #vrindavan #radheradhe #bhaktisarovar #iskcon

गीता_प्रभुदत्त_ज्ञान_है इसी को follow करें

🫴🏻 अब संत रामपाल जी महाराज जी के मंगल प्रवचन प्रतिदिन सुनिए.... 🏵️ ईश्वर टी.वी. पर सुबह 6:00 से 7:00 तक 🏵️ श्रद्धा MH ONE टी. वी. पर दोपहर 2:00 से 3:00 तक 🏵️ साधना टी. वी. पर शाम 7:30 से 8:30 तक
📣 Visit our YouTube channel Sant Rampal ji Maharaj
📌अधिक जानकारी के लिए PlayStore से "Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj" App Download करें ।
submitted by Hairy_Writer_6843 to santrampaljimaharaj12 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:28 SpectrallPhoenix Acum îmi dau seama că e cam țeapă lansarea asta.

Deci fiți atenți ce șmecherie au făcut ăștia:
Cum era pe HBO MAX (adică până ieri):
• plăteai doar ~17 lei pe lună dacă ți-ai luat HBOMAX la lansare și nu ai dat cancel
• plăteai ~25 lei pe lună dacă nu aveai reducerea de mai sus, ăsta era prețul standard gen
• aveai acces la 4k și Dolby Atmos/Dolby Vision/HDR
• puteai sa faci stream pe 4 dispozitive
• puteai sa faci cat download vrei
Cum e acum le MAX (de azi înainte):
• sunt 3 planuri cu 3 preturi diferite. A. 25 lei, cat era și cel vechi DAR ACUM ARE RECLAME, deci dai bani și vezi reclame, poți să vezi pe 2 dispozitive simultan. In plus calitatea e maxim full HD. Deci mare downgrade, dai aceeași bani și ai o calitate video mai slabă plus reclame ȘI NU AI POSIBILITATEA SA DESCARCI NIMIC.
B. 35 lei, mai scump ca cel vechi și primești mai puțin. Calitatea video doar full HD (înainte era 4k la 25 lei) măcar aici nu ai reclame și poți să descarci 30 de chestii
C. 50 lei, cel mai scump și premium plan. Aici primești ce aveai înainte pentru doar 25 lei/17 lei adică 4k, Dolby Atmos/Dolby Vision/HDR, stream on 4 devices și 100 downloads.
O mica menține, cei care plăteați 17 lei o să continuați cu prețul ăsta până la data de 23 iulie 2024 când prețul va fi de ~ 24 lei. Deci și pentru noi se scumpește și cel mai important, nu ai acces la 4k și celelalte perks. Abonamentul tau e al doilea, cel de 35, deci ți s-au luat beneficiile pe care le aveai înainte și te pun să plătești mai mult
Ce luai înainte cu 25 lei acum iei cu 50 și ce luai înainte cu 17 lei acum iei cu 24 DAR FĂRĂ 4K, STREAM ON 4 DEVICES SI 100 DOWNLOADS.
Ok, dar aveam content nou? NU
Contentul nou e pus sub un alt paywall de 15 lei. Deci pe lângă abonamentul de 25/35/50 lei trebuie sa mai dai 15 lei in plus că sa vezi competiții sportive gen canale Eurosport și altele.
Tot ce e nou și inclus in abonamentul de bază e că poți să vezi jocurile olimpice de la Paris
Deci plătim mai mult pentru același content, iar contentul nou e pus în spatele unei alte taxe. E o țeapă
submitted by SpectrallPhoenix to HBOMaxRomania [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:23 DifficultCamp5930 #geeta #krishna #india #mahabharat #hindu #Satlok #SatlokAshram

#geeta #krishna #india #mahabharat #hindu #Satlok #SatlokAshram submitted by DifficultCamp5930 to u/DifficultCamp5930 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:23 DifficultCamp5930 #geeta #krishna #india #mahabharat #hindu #Satlok #SatlokAshram

#geeta #krishna #india #mahabharat #hindu #Satlok #SatlokAshram submitted by DifficultCamp5930 to u/DifficultCamp5930 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:04 Mountain-Captain-76 I cannot install tensorflow GPU on my macbook air M3, tensorflow also doesn't seem to be able to interact with my GPU

I cannot install tensorflow GPU on my macbook air M3, tensorflow also doesn't seem to be able to interact with my GPU submitted by Mountain-Captain-76 to tensorflow [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:01 samir_indora Gita Is Divine Knowledge

Gita Is Divine Knowledge
True Moksha Mantra is described in Geeta Chapter 17 Verse 23 which is Om Tat Sat (symbolic) which works when given by the Tatvdarshi Saint. Gayatri Mantra does not provide any benefit to the devotees. This is not the provider of salvation
submitted by samir_indora to SpiritualAwakening [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:47 joeredhead76 Cannot view recorded video in "Activity" tab

Hello. I need some help for my mom's SkyBell (I have two but mine work fine). SkyBell support via email has not been successful so reaching out to this sub-reddit.
My mom has been in her condo for more than 18 months, has had the same Internet Service Provider (ISP) and same modem-router for that time as well. She has a SkyBell Trim Plus, that she recently migrated using the new SkyBell app and that's when her problems started.
As the title says, she is no longer able to view the recorded videos in the "Activity" tab. She can view the SkyBell live, receives notifications when someone rings the doorbell, etc. But she cannot view any recorded videos (live, push, or motion activated). She sees a picture of the video but it has three dots on top of it. When she clicks it, it says something like "Video not available - processing. Wait a few minutes". When she waits 5-10 minutes and goes back into the app, it simply says "Video not available". Again, these problems only started a month ago when she migrated to new SkyBell app (and firmware of Trim Plus); did not have any issues in the 17 months before that.
Here is what we did to troubleshoot following advise from SkyBell support via email but nothing worked so far:
Is there anything else we can do?
submitted by joeredhead76 to skybell [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:20 Due-Swan-8151 Question

I want to get free in app purchases and found a guide on how to do it on iOsGods. According to the guide you download Satella Jailed and use it with an app to get free in app purchases and then back it up using iMazing. You then uninstall the sideloaded version and download the real version from app store and restore the back up you did earlier with iMazing and voila, you have all the inapp purchases free. But everytime i try to restore the back up I did, it gives the the error message "the file doesn't seem to be a valid app or it has been tampered" and it then says that you must recompress the file properly in its original state and have specific files at the root of the zip archive and it gives you a list. I have done all this, and yet it says the same. What am I missing? Please help! Also I am on 17.1.1 and not jailbroken.
Thank you!
submitted by Due-Swan-8151 to iMazing [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:13 Extra_Performance414 Om Tat sat

Om Tat sat
submitted by Extra_Performance414 to aashram [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:53 OkAbalone241 Games freeze instantly after launch

 Games freeze instantly after launch
Computer Type: Desktop
GPU: AMD Radeon RX 7800 XT
CPU: RYZEN 7 7700x 8-Core Processor
Motherboard: MSI PRO B650-P WIFI
BIOS Version:
Case: Corsair Airflow
Operating System & Version: Windows 11 Core (64 Bit) VERSION: 23H2
GPU Drivers:
Chipset Drivers: Little confused on how this works Ill attach an image of what I see inside of Adrenaline.
Description of Original Problem: Games freeze instantly after I try and launch them. I originally thought this was something that was happening from each individual game but I have ruled that out after having the same problem in many different games. For example, Diablo 4, Civilization 6, Overwatch, and Hades 2. Strangely, some games do work on my computer. Monster Hunter World, World of Warcraft, and Valorant all work. That said, Valorant had the same issue until I fixed it by turning on compatibility mode. When these games freeze I can not close them normally and the only way to get them to close is by rebooting my computer. Even when I try to close them through Task Manager they remain open. Aside from that my CPU runs hot and my computer takes a long time to reboot. I'm very new to computers and this computer has been my first project.
Troubleshooting: I have tried just about everything that I could find online and I am open to any suggestions. If my computer still does not work I will either take it to a technician or I will just sell it lol.
submitted by OkAbalone241 to AMDHelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:53 Particular-Fall8502 Am I wrong?

Please don't post this on tiktok or any other platform. I have been in a tense relationship with my ex since I was 17, had a child with him and it was downhill from there. It goes from him always being gone, fights, sometimes physical and cheating. A lot of bad on both of our ends. We broke up but he kept trying to get me back. I finally agreed to make it work for our child's sake. I grew up in a old fashioned family mindset with Christian views. I didn't want to be with him but with my family pressuring me and saying my child will resent me.Well, while back together I received texts and pictures that he was sleeping with another woman and she was pregnant. She induced herself on my daughters birthday. Yes, she knew he and I were together and still pursued him. Yes, she had the baby on my daughters birthday on purpose. She wanted me out of the way but people focused on that being in the past and I needed to get over it and forgive him. I did not handle it gracefully, didn't want to deal with it. I gave him an ultimatum. He never gave an answer so I moved on. During my time grieving, I met this amazing man who is my now significant other. He is kind, sweet, patient, respectful. We stayed friends for a year before becoming more. We became a couple and shared a few certain things. I gave my daughter an old phone of mine, and I made sure to delete everything. Well, my ex took and got into my Google account and Snapchat. Found the pictures and sent them to my entire family and downloaded it all for himself. Yes, he admitted he will use it for himself until he finds someone. My family says I should take my ex back because I hurt him deeply and he still loves me, that I am cruel for not wanting to do with the baby that isn't mine because none of this was its fault. I have nothing against the baby, I just want nothing to do with it or the mother. I love my current partner, but with years of mental and emotional manipulation I am struggling with my morals and wants. My mother is telling me I am in the wrong for not telling my ex about my current partner because my ex apparently sat around doing nothing but believing we were getting back together. I did not lead him on nor did I give him the belief that I wanted to be with him. After years of dealing with this and liatening to my family, I am honestly mentally and emotionally struggling with all of this. I don't like the idea of hurting people but I am always the one hurt. Am I in the wrong?
submitted by Particular-Fall8502 to amiwrong [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:50 Beginning-Share4770 #hindu #india #hinduism #mahadev #shiva #god #krishna #harharmahadev #hanuman #maharashtra #ram #mahakal #hindutva #instagram #bholenath #jaishreeram #hindutemple #indian #temple #sanatandharma वर्तमान समय में जितने भी धर्मगुरु हैं वे सभी सनातन धर्म के विपरीत भक्ति साधना कर व करवा रहें हैं। जिससे

#hindu #india #hinduism #mahadev #shiva #god #krishna #harharmahadev #hanuman #maharashtra #ram #mahakal #hindutva #instagram #bholenath #jaishreeram #hindutemple #indian #temple #sanatandharma वर्तमान समय में जितने भी धर्मगुरु हैं वे सभी सनातन धर्म के विपरीत भक्ति साधना कर व करवा रहें हैं। जिससे submitted by Beginning-Share4770 to u/Beginning-Share4770 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:37 Internal_Break_7289 my roblox doesnt work propely

i checked my logs and this is what it said:
2024-05-21T14:08:00.829Z,0.829604,3f68,6 [FLog::Output] Loading AppSettings.xml from C:\Users\apina\AppData\Local\Roblox\Versions\version-d8aa63d3654646d0\AppSettings.xml
2024-05-21T14:08:00.868Z,0.868627,3f68,6,Info [FLog::UpdateController] UpdateController: versionQueryUrl: https://clientsettingscdn.roblox.com/v2/client-version/WindowsPlayer
2024-05-21T14:08:00.868Z,0.868627,3f68,6,Info [FLog::UpdateController] WindowsUpdateController: updaterFullPath: C:\Users\apina\AppData\Local\Roblox\Versions\version-d8aa63d3654646d0\RobloxPlayerInstaller.exe
2024-05-21T14:08:00.869Z,0.869627,2f98,6,Info [FLog::UpdateController] Update thread: started with protStr
2024-05-21T14:08:00.869Z,0.869627,2f98,6,Info [FLog::UpdateController] Checking if updater exists at C:\Users\apina\AppData\Local\Roblox\Versions\version-d8aa63d3654646d0\RobloxPlayerInstaller.exe. Returning true
2024-05-21T14:08:01.107Z,1.107141,2f98,6,Debug [FLog::UpdateController] version response: {"version":"0.625.0.6250509","clientVersionUpload":"version-d8aa63d3654646d0","bootstrapperVersion":"1, 6, 0, 6250509"}
2024-05-21T14:08:01.107Z,1.107141,2f98,6,Info [FLog::UpdateController] Update thread: isUpdateRequired FALSE
2024-05-21T14:08:01.246Z,1.246241,3f68,6 [FLog::Output] Settings Date header was Tue, 21 May 2024 14:07:58 GMT
2024-05-21T14:08:01.246Z,1.246241,3f68,6 [FLog::Output] Settings Date timestamp is 1716300478
2024-05-21T14:08:01.293Z,1.293436,3f68,6 [FLog::ClientRunInfo] RobloxGitHash: d2f995026f4963b40bd37e1eada84a7698834d8f
2024-05-21T14:08:01.294Z,1.294434,3f68,6 [FLog::ClientRunInfo] The base url is http://www.roblox.com/
2024-05-21T14:08:01.294Z,1.294434,3f68,6 [FLog::ClientRunInfo] The channel is production
2024-05-21T14:08:01.319Z,1.319400,3f68,6 [FLog::Output] *******
** Validated reflection database in 7.988976 ms, found 4934 entries with the following skipped: 0 enums, 0 properties, 0 functions, 0 events, 0 callbacks, 0 classes.
2024-05-21T14:08:01.321Z,1.321397,3f68,6 [FLog::Output] setAssetFolder content
2024-05-21T14:08:01.323Z,1.323394,3f68,6 [FLog::Output] setExtraAssetFolder C:/Users\apina\AppData\Local\Roblox\Versions\version-d8aa63d3654646d0\ExtraContent
2024-05-21T14:08:01.324Z,1.324393,3f68,6 [FLog::Output] DUAR is on.
2024-05-21T14:08:01.740Z,1.740090,3f68,6 [FLog::WindowsLuaApp] (Win-AuthToken) loadAuthTokenFromDisk:
2024-05-21T14:08:01.756Z,1.756106,3f68,6 [FLog::LogWin32BTId] LogWin32BTId, App, cookie Native => Engine set RBXEventTrackerV2 as CreateDate=05/17/2024 08:16:06&rbxid=2260091992&browserid=1715786824685022
2024-05-21T14:08:01.756Z,1.756106,3f68,6 [FLog::LogWin32BTId] LogWin32BTId, App, local launch, localBtid is 1715786824685022
2024-05-21T14:08:01.781Z,1.781344,3f68,6 [FLog::WindowsLuaApp] StartupController finished starting: stage = 2, BTID = 1715786824685022, upgradeStatus = 3.
2024-05-21T14:08:01.781Z,1.781344,3f68,6 [FLog::LogWin32BTId] LogWin32BTId, App, after initialize the websiteBTId is -1, and localBtid is 1715786824685022
2024-05-21T14:08:01.781Z,1.781344,3f68,6 [FLog::WindowsLuaApp] (Win-AuthToken) saveAuthTokenToDisk:size:1317.
2024-05-21T14:08:01.781Z,1.781344,3f68,6 [FLog::LogWin32BTId] LogWin32BTId, App, cookie Engine => Native set RBXEventTrackerV2 as CreateDate=05/17/2024 08:16:06&rbxid=2260091992&browserid=1715786824685022
2024-05-21T14:08:02.204Z,2.204281,3f68,6 [FLog::Warning] UserAgentString Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like GeckoRoblox/WinInetRobloxApp/0.625.0.6250509 (GlobalDist; RobloxDirectDownload) is set
2024-05-21T14:08:02.204Z,2.204281,3f68,6 [FLog::WindowsLuaApp] (Win-AuthToken) loadAuthTokenFromDisk:
2024-05-21T14:08:02.205Z,2.205284,3f68,6 [FLog::LogWin32BTId] LogWin32BTId, App, cookie Native => Engine set RBXEventTrackerV2 as CreateDate=05/17/2024 08:16:06&rbxid=2260091992&browserid=1715786824685022
2024-05-21T14:08:03.424Z,3.424384,3f68,6 [FLog::WindowsLuaApp] Set WebView linking marshaller
2024-05-21T14:08:03.425Z,3.425377,3f68,6 [FLog::SingleSurfaceApp] initializeWithAppStarter
2024-05-21T14:08:03.425Z,3.425377,3f68,6 [FLog::SingleSurfaceApp] initializeSingleton
2024-05-21T14:08:03.426Z,3.426371,3f68,6 [FLog::Output] Evaluating deferred inferred crashes
2024-05-21T14:08:03.433Z,3.433326,3f68,6 [FLog::SingleSurfaceApp] setStage: (stage:Native)
2024-05-21T14:08:03.433Z,3.433326,3f68,6 [FLog::SingleSurfaceApp] instantiate controllers
2024-05-21T14:08:03.433Z,3.433326,3f68,6 [FLog::SurfaceController] SurfaceController[_:1]::SurfaceController, count: 1
2024-05-21T14:08:03.433Z,3.433326,3f68,6 [FLog::WindowsLuaApp] Launching univeral app in-app
2024-05-21T14:08:03.434Z,3.434320,3f68,6 [FLog::SingleSurfaceApp] initializeLuaAppWithLoggedInUser: (stage:Native).
2024-05-21T14:08:03.434Z,3.434320,3f68,6 [FLog::SingleSurfaceApp] applyLocale
2024-05-21T14:08:03.436Z,3.436307,3f68,100 [FLog::DataModelPatchConfigurer] OTAPollingEnabled set to: false
2024-05-21T14:08:03.436Z,3.436307,3f68,100 [FLog::DataModelPatchConfigurer] [_DataModelPatch] Load configs for user key: app:774642265928349735
2024-05-21T14:08:03.438Z,3.438294,3f68,100 [FLog::DataModelPatchConfigurer] [_DataModelPatch] Retrieving patch
2024-05-21T14:08:03.438Z,3.438294,3f68,100 [FLog::DataModelPatchConfigurer] getCachedPatch DataModelPatchConfig : type=1, assetId=5345954812, assetVersion=8905, maxAppVersion=625, localAssetURI=rbxasset://models/DataModelPatch/DataModelPatch.rbxm
2024-05-21T14:08:03.438Z,3.438294,3f68,100 [FLog::DataModelPatchConfigurer] getCachedPatch : numAttempts=10
2024-05-21T14:08:03.439Z,3.439288,3f68,100 [FLog::DataModelPatchConfigurer] getCachedPatch : contentId=rbxasset://models/DataModelPatch/DataModelPatch.rbxm
2024-05-21T14:08:03.439Z,3.439288,3f68,100 [FLog::DataModelPatchConfigurer] getCachedPatch : get patch from content provider for Model
2024-05-21T14:08:03.439Z,3.439288,3f68,100 [FLog::DataModelPatchConfigurer] deserializeAndVerifyPatch with blake3
2024-05-21T14:08:03.806Z,3.806711,0e6c,6 [FLog::Output] Studio D3D9 GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980
2024-05-21T14:08:03.806Z,3.806711,0e6c,6 [FLog::Output] Studio D3D9 GPU: Vendor 10de Device 13c0
2024-05-21T14:08:03.806Z,3.806711,0e6c,6 [FLog::Output] Studio D3D9 Driver: nvldumdx.dll
2024-05-21T14:08:04.169Z,4.169836,0e6c,6 [FLog::Output] ESGamePerfMonitor GPU: Vendor 000010de Device 000013c0
2024-05-21T14:08:04.169Z,4.169836,0e6c,6 [FLog::Output] ESGamePerfMonitor GPU: SubSys 111610de Revision 000000a1
2024-05-21T14:08:04.169Z,4.169836,0e6c,6 [FLog::Output] ESGamePerfMonitor GPU: DedicatedVidMem 4237033472 DedicatedSysMem 0 SharedSystemMemory 8556070912
2024-05-21T14:08:04.171Z,4.171831,0e6c,6,Info [FLog::CrashReportLog] added file C:\Users\apina\AppData\Local\Roblox\logs\0.625.0.6250509_20240521T140800Z_Player_01CC2_last.log as attachment 0.625.0.6250509_20240521T140800Z_Player_01CC2_last.log
2024-05-21T14:08:04.216Z,4.216707,46f8,6 [FLog::Output] Info: DataModel Loading rbxasset://places/Mobile.rbxl
2024-05-21T14:08:04.231Z,4.231666,3f68,6 [FLog::SingleSurfaceApp] setStage: (stage:InitializedLuaApp)
2024-05-21T14:08:04.231Z,4.231666,3f68,6 [FLog::SingleSurfaceApp] startLuaApp: (stage:InitializedLuaApp).
2024-05-21T14:08:04.231Z,4.231666,3f68,6 [FLog::SingleSurfaceApp] returnToLuaApp: (stage:InitializedLuaApp).
2024-05-21T14:08:04.231Z,4.231666,3f68,6 [FLog::SingleSurfaceApp] returnToLuaApp: ... disable videoRecorder.
2024-05-21T14:08:04.231Z,4.231666,3f68,6 [FLog::SingleSurfaceApp] returnToLuaAppInternal: ... App has been initialized, returning from game.
2024-05-21T14:08:04.231Z,4.231666,3f68,6 [FLog::SurfaceController] [_:1]::replaceDataModel: (stage:0, window = 0xd0800) [tid:0x29f7d577540]
2024-05-21T14:08:04.495Z,4.495785,46f8,100 [FLog::DataModelPatchConfigurer] [discovery-ota] Load configs for user key: user:2260486916
2024-05-21T14:08:04.496Z,4.496782,46f8,100 [FLog::DataModelPatchConfigurer] [discovery-ota] Retrieving patch
2024-05-21T14:08:04.496Z,4.496782,46f8,100 [FLog::DataModelPatchConfigurer] getCachedPatch DataModelPatchConfig : type=1, assetId=16639814581, assetVersion=145, maxAppVersion=625, localAssetURI=
2024-05-21T14:08:04.817Z,4.817729,46f8,100 [FLog::DataModelPatchConfigurer] [discovery-ota] Update OTA config
2024-05-21T14:08:04.864Z,4.864590,3f68,6 [FLog::Graphics] D3D11 Adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980
2024-05-21T14:08:04.864Z,4.864590,3f68,6 [FLog::Graphics] D3D11 Adapter: Vendor 10de Device 13c0 VRAM 4040 RAM 8159
2024-05-21T14:08:04.864Z,4.864590,3f68,6 [channel] Caps: ThreadSafe 0 Framebuffer 1 FpFramebuffer 1 Shaders 1 Compute 1 Instancing 1 PerInstanceStream 1 ConstBuffers 1
2024-05-21T14:08:04.864Z,4.864590,3f68,6 [channel] Caps: Framebuffer: MRT 8 MSAA 8 Stencil 1
2024-05-21T14:08:04.864Z,4.864590,3f68,6 [channel] Caps: Framebuffer: Depth16 1 Depth24 1 DepthFloat 1 DepthClamp 1
2024-05-21T14:08:04.864Z,4.864590,3f68,6 [channel] Caps: Border Color 1
2024-05-21T14:08:04.864Z,4.864590,3f68,6 [channel] Caps: Texture: RGB10A2 1 RG11B10F 1 R16I 1
2024-05-21T14:08:04.864Z,4.864590,3f68,6 [channel] Caps: Texture: DXT 1 PVR 0 ETC1 0 ETC2 0 Half 1
2024-05-21T14:08:04.864Z,4.864590,3f68,6 [channel] Caps: Texture: 3D 1 Array 1 Depth 1 MSAA 1 MSAAFP16 0
2024-05-21T14:08:04.864Z,4.864590,3f68,6 [channel] Caps: Texture: NPOT 1 PartialMips 1 CubeMipGen 1 CubeFramebuffer 1
2024-05-21T14:08:04.865Z,4.865587,3f68,6 [channel] Caps: Texture: Size 16384 Units 32 VertexUnits 16
2024-05-21T14:08:04.865Z,4.865587,3f68,6 [channel] Caps: ConstantBufferSize 65536
2024-05-21T14:08:04.865Z,4.865587,3f68,6 [channel] Caps: isAppleGPU 0
2024-05-21T14:08:04.865Z,4.865587,3f68,6 [channel] Caps: 32bIdx 1 Memoryless 0
2024-05-21T14:08:04.865Z,4.865587,3f68,6 [channel] Caps: ColorBGR 0 RTFlip 0 MinusOneToOneDepth 0
2024-05-21T14:08:04.901Z,4.901476,3f68,6 [FLog::Graphics] Video memory size: 2147483648
2024-05-21T14:08:04.967Z,4.967358,3f68,6 [FLog::Graphics] Loaded 848 shaders from pack d3d11 variant default (4507676 bytes)
2024-05-21T14:08:04.967Z,4.967358,3f68,6 [FLog::Graphics] Compiled 597 shaders in 64 ms
2024-05-21T14:08:04.971Z,4.971385,2124,6 [FLog::WindowsLuaApp] Application did receive notification, type(APP_READY, 10), data(PlatformAccountRouter)
2024-05-21T14:08:05.000Z,5.000584,1478,100 [FLog::DataModelPatchConfigurer] [discovery-ota] Update OTA succeeded: {"SchemaVersion":"1","CanaryUserIds":[],"CanaryPercentage":0}
2024-05-21T14:08:05.000Z,5.000584,1478,100 [FLog::DataModelPatchConfigurer] [discovery-ota] Update OTA config not deployed
2024-05-21T14:08:05.027Z,5.027769,0a48,6 [FLog::WindowsLuaApp] Application did receive notification, type(APP_READY, 10), data(Startup)
2024-05-21T14:08:05.033Z,5.033810,0a48,100 [FLog::DataModelPatchConfigurer] [_DataModelPatch] Update OTA config
2024-05-21T14:08:05.038Z,5.038844,3f68,6 [FLog::SurfaceController] SurfaceController::disableVR
2024-05-21T14:08:05.038Z,5.038844,3f68,6 [FLog::SurfaceController] SurfaceController[_:1]::initialize view(0000029F25AAB2A0)
2024-05-21T14:08:05.038Z,5.038844,3f68,6 [FLog::SurfaceController] SurfaceController[_:1]::start dataModel(0000029F1E5424B0)
2024-05-21T14:08:05.038Z,5.038844,3f68,6 [FLog::SurfaceController] SurfaceController::RenderJob[_:1]::RenderJob
2024-05-21T14:08:05.038Z,5.038844,3f68,6 [FLog::SurfaceController] SurfaceController[_:1]::run dataModel(0000029F1E5424B0)
2024-05-21T14:08:05.039Z,5.039851,0a48,6 [FLog::SurfaceController] SurfaceController::RenderJob::stepDataModelJob: No DM yet. Continue...
2024-05-21T14:08:05.039Z,5.039851,3f68,6 [FLog::SingleSurfaceApp] setStage: (stage:LuaApp)
2024-05-21T14:08:05.039Z,5.039851,3f68,6 [FLog::SingleSurfaceApp] userDidLogin
2024-05-21T14:08:05.039Z,5.039851,3f68,6 [FLog::SingleSurfaceApp] applyLocale
2024-05-21T14:08:05.042Z,5.042871,0834,6 [FLog::Output] Begin machine id check
2024-05-21T14:08:05.044Z,5.044885,46f8,6,Info [FLog::CrashReportLog] Set hang detection to: true
2024-05-21T14:08:05.044Z,5.044885,3f68,6 [FLog::SurfaceController] SurfaceController::RenderJob::scheduleRender: No data model. Bind workspace now...
2024-05-21T14:08:05.121Z,5.121855,3f68,6 [FLog::Graphics] LayeredClothingMode updated: LC=1 HSR=1
2024-05-21T14:08:05.121Z,5.121855,3f68,6 [FLog::Graphics] Future is bright shadows
2024-05-21T14:08:05.128Z,5.128837,3f68,6 [FLog::Graphics] SmoothCluster::initSolidTextures()
2024-05-21T14:08:05.129Z,5.129834,3f68,6 [FLog::Graphics] Terrain TextureArray 512x512, arraySize: 36, mip: 10
2024-05-21T14:08:05.135Z,5.135818,3f68,6 [FLog::Graphics] SceneManager: resizing main targets to 808x607
2024-05-21T14:08:05.321Z,5.321296,1478,100 [FLog::DataModelPatchConfigurer] [_DataModelPatch] Update OTA succeeded: {"SchemaVersion":"1","CanaryUserIds":[],"CanaryPercentage":0}
2024-05-21T14:08:05.321Z,5.321296,1478,100 [FLog::DataModelPatchConfigurer] [_DataModelPatch] Update OTA config not deployed
2024-05-21T14:08:05.860Z,5.860782,3f68,6 [FLog::Graphics] SceneManager: resizing main targets to 1920x1009
2024-05-21T14:08:05.869Z,5.869757,0a48,6 [FLog::WindowsLuaApp] Application did receive notification, type(APP_READY, 10), data(Home)
2024-05-21T14:08:05.869Z,5.869757,0a48,6 [FLog::WindowsLuaApp] Application did receive notification, type(APP_READY, 10), data(RootSwitchNavigator)
2024-05-21T14:08:06.025Z,6.025307,46f8,6 [FLog::WindowsLuaApp] Application did receive notification, type(DID_LOG_IN, 28), data({"username":"joonuska8","membershipType":4,"isUnder13":true,"countryCode":"FI","userId":2260486916,"displayName":"JonskuZ10"})
2024-05-21T14:08:06.033Z,6.033284,3f68,6 [FLog::WindowsLuaApp] (Win-AuthToken) saveAuthTokenToDisk:size:1317.
2024-05-21T14:08:06.033Z,6.033284,3f68,6 [FLog::LogWin32BTId] LogWin32BTId, App, cookie Engine => Native set RBXEventTrackerV2 as CreateDate=05/17/2024 08:16:06&rbxid=2260091992&browserid=1715786824685022
2024-05-21T14:08:06.036Z,6.036275,3f68,6 [DFLog::SignalRCoreError] ID: 1 Disconnected - stop() called
2024-05-21T14:08:13.503Z,13.503502,46f8,6 [FLog::WindowsLuaApp] Application did receive notification, type(APP_READY, 10), data(ExperienceDetail)
2024-05-21T14:08:13.863Z,13.863633,1478,12 [DFLog::HttpTraceError] HttpResponse(#209 0000029F37DB3E70) time:154.0ms (net:153.4ms callback:0.0ms timeInRetryQueue:0.0ms)status:403 Forbidden bodySize:145 url:{ "https://games.roblox.com/v1/games/4827815098/social-links/list" } ip: external:0 numberOfTimesRetried:0
2024-05-21T14:08:13.864Z,13.864635,2124,6 [FLog::Warning] Warning: HTTP error url:`https://games.roblox.com/v1/games/4827815098/social-links/list\`
2024-05-21T14:08:13.864Z,13.864635,2124,6 [FLog::Warning] Warning: HTTP error code:`403`
2024-05-21T14:08:13.864Z,13.864635,2124,6 [FLog::Warning] Warning: HTTP error body:`{"errors":[{"code":3,"message":"Only users who are over twelve years of age may view social links.","userFacingMessage":"Something went wrong"}]}`
2024-05-21T14:08:13.881Z,13.881659,46f8,6 [FLog::Warning] Warning: Unhandled Promise rejection:
table: 0x346dea18df26c33d
CoreGui.RobloxGui.Modules.LuaApp.Thunks.Games.FetchGameDetailsPageData:95 function startSecondClassFetchPromises
CorePackages.Packages._Index.Promise340.Promise340:175 function runExecutor
2024-05-21T14:08:15.303Z,15.303412,2124,6 [FLog::WindowsLuaApp] Application did receive notification, type(APP_READY, 10), data(GenericWebPage)
2024-05-21T14:08:15.364Z,15.364557,385c,6 [FLog::WindowsLuaApp] WebProtocol OpenBrowser
2024-05-21T14:08:19.149Z,19.149271,3f68,6 [FLog::SingleSurfaceApp] launchUGCGame: (stage:LuaApp).
2024-05-21T14:08:19.149Z,19.149271,3f68,6 [FLog::SingleSurfaceApp] launchUGCGameInternal
2024-05-21T14:08:19.150Z,19.150272,3f68,6 [FLog::SingleSurfaceApp] applyLocale
2024-05-21T14:08:19.155Z,19.155279,3f68,100 [FLog::DataModelPatchConfigurer] [_DataModelPatch] Retrieving patch
2024-05-21T14:08:19.155Z,19.155279,3f68,100 [FLog::DataModelPatchConfigurer] getCachedPatch DataModelPatchConfig : type=1, assetId=5345954812, assetVersion=8905, maxAppVersion=625, localAssetURI=rbxasset://models/DataModelPatch/DataModelPatch.rbxm
2024-05-21T14:08:19.155Z,19.155279,3f68,100 [FLog::DataModelPatchConfigurer] getCachedPatch : numAttempts=10
2024-05-21T14:08:19.155Z,19.155279,3f68,100 [FLog::DataModelPatchConfigurer] getCachedPatch : contentId=rbxasset://models/DataModelPatch/DataModelPatch.rbxm
2024-05-21T14:08:19.155Z,19.155279,3f68,100 [FLog::DataModelPatchConfigurer] getCachedPatch : get patch from content provider for Model
2024-05-21T14:08:19.156Z,19.156281,3f68,100 [FLog::DataModelPatchConfigurer] deserializeAndVerifyPatch with blake3
2024-05-21T14:08:19.161Z,19.161741,2124,6 [FLog::WindowsLuaApp] Application did receive notification, type(APP_READY, 10), data(ExperienceDetail)
2024-05-21T14:08:19.627Z,19.627350,3f68,6,Info [FLog::Audio] OutputDevice 0: Kaiuttimet (Razer Kraken V3 X) [USB] 48000/2
2024-05-21T14:08:19.652Z,19.652264,3f68,6 [FLog::Audio] InputDevice 0: Microphone (Razer Kraken V3 X)({{7a43ddc8-ecbf-4f13-9e9dd1d28a8b15a1}}) 48000/2/4
2024-05-21T14:08:19.652Z,19.652264,3f68,6 [FLog::Audio] InputDevice 1: Mikrofoni (Steam Streaming Microphone)({{15617781-f46e-4b6d-9ebb182fafecb69e}}) 44100/1/4
2024-05-21T14:08:19.669Z,19.669367,3f68,6 [FLog::VIPTeleport] new DM, after gameLoadedSignal connect
2024-05-21T14:08:19.676Z,19.676414,3f68,6 [FLog::UGCGameController] UGCGameController, initialized DataModel(0000029F38921970)
2024-05-21T14:08:19.676Z,19.676414,3f68,6 [FLog::GameJoinUtil] GameJoinUtil::joinGame
2024-05-21T14:08:19.677Z,19.677422,3f68,6 [FLog::GameJoinUtil] GameJoinUtil::joinGamePostPrivateServer: URL: https://gamejoin.roblox.com/v1/join-private-game BODY: {"placeId":13928941253,"gameJoinAttemptId":"4809a4e1-5e03-4d11-8214-9499d0958a19","accessCode":"a7d6eee6-4293-4665-9a3a-ff3040b2dddc"}
2024-05-21T14:08:19.677Z,19.677422,385c,6 [FLog::SurfaceController] SurfaceController::enableVR
2024-05-21T14:08:19.677Z,19.677422,3f68,6 [FLog::GameJoinUtil] GameJoinUtil::makePlaceLauncherRequest: requestCount: 0, url: https://gamejoin.roblox.com/v1/join-private-game.
2024-05-21T14:08:19.677Z,19.677422,3f68,6 [FLog::GameJoinUtil] Delaying request by 0.00 seconds
2024-05-21T14:08:19.678Z,19.678429,3f68,6 [FLog::SurfaceController] [_:1]::replaceDataModel: (stage:3, window = 0xd0800) [tid:0x29f7d577540]
2024-05-21T14:08:19.678Z,19.678429,3f68,6 [FLog::SurfaceController] SurfaceController[_:1]::pause dataModel(0000029F1E5424B0), view(0000029F25AAB2A0), destroyView:0.
2024-05-21T14:08:19.678Z,19.678429,3f68,6 [FLog::SurfaceController] stop
2024-05-21T14:08:19.678Z,19.678429,3f68,6 [FLog::SurfaceController] drainRenderingJobs
2024-05-21T14:08:19.680Z,19.680443,3f68,6 [FLog::SurfaceController] SurfaceController::RenderJob[_:1]::~RenderJob
2024-05-21T14:08:19.696Z,19.696554,3f68,6 [FLog::SurfaceController] SurfaceController[_:1]::start dataModel(0000029F38921970)
2024-05-21T14:08:19.696Z,19.696554,3f68,6 [FLog::SurfaceController] SurfaceController::RenderJob[_:2]::RenderJob
2024-05-21T14:08:19.696Z,19.696554,3f68,6 [FLog::SurfaceController] SurfaceController[_:1]::run dataModel(0000029F38921970)
2024-05-21T14:08:19.696Z,19.696554,3f68,6 [FLog::SingleSurfaceApp] setStage: (stage:UGCGame)
2024-05-21T14:08:19.758Z,19.758978,385c,6 [FLog::UGCGameController] Game Scripts are loaded
2024-05-21T14:08:19.758Z,19.758978,385c,6 [FLog::SurfaceController] SurfaceController::RenderJob::stepDataModelJob: No DM yet. Continue...
2024-05-21T14:08:19.759Z,19.759975,3f68,6 [FLog::SurfaceController] SurfaceController::RenderJob::scheduleRender: No data model. Bind workspace now...
2024-05-21T14:08:20.140Z,20.140045,2124,6 [FLog::GameJoinUtil] GameJoinUtil::makePlaceLauncherRequest, response:
2024-05-21T14:08:20.140Z,20.140045,2124,6 [FLog::GameJoinUtil] Game join succeeded.
2024-05-21T14:08:20.140Z,20.140045,2124,6 [FLog::GameJoinUtil] GameJoinUtil::processing join parameters
2024-05-21T14:08:20.141Z,20.141043,2124,7 [FLog::Network] NetworkClient:Create
2024-05-21T14:08:20.142Z,20.142040,2124,10 [DFLog::KeyRing] Parsed config created at: 11:59 4/1/2024.
2024-05-21T14:08:20.145Z,20.145037,2124,6 [FLog::Output] AnalyticsSessionId is 0f0560f6-633c-4931-ba8a-455dadb87ce7.
2024-05-21T14:08:20.146Z,20.146034,2124,6 [FLog::Output] ! Joining game 'c5785430-a54d-462f-9d21-f12d254df339' place 13928941253 at
2024-05-21T14:08:20.146Z,20.146034,2124,6 [FLog::GameJoinLoadTime] Report game_join_loadtime: placeid:13928941253, join_time:0.99978098400089976394, universeid:4827815098, referral_page:GameDetailPageJSHybridEvent, sid:0f0560f6-633c-4931-ba8a-455dadb87ce7, clienttime:1716300499.8559999466, userid:2260486916,
2024-05-21T14:08:20.149Z,20.149029,2124,7 [FLog::Network] Client will attempt to connect following server endpoints with threadSleepTime(-1)
2024-05-21T14:08:20.149Z,20.149029,2124,7 [FLog::Network] UDMUX Address =, Port = 60803 RCC Server Address =, Port = 60803
2024-05-21T14:08:20.150Z,20.150028,2124,7 [FLog::Network] binding socket on inaddr_any:0
2024-05-21T14:08:20.162Z,20.162868,2124,6 [FLog::Output] Connecting to UDMUX server, and RCC server
2024-05-21T14:08:20.362Z,20.362783,46f8,6 [FLog::Output] Connection accepted from
2024-05-21T14:08:20.365Z,20.365788,46f8,7 [FLog::Network] serverId:
2024-05-21T14:08:20.366Z,20.366791,46f8,7 [FLog::Network] Replicator created for player
2024-05-21T14:08:20.366Z,20.366791,46f8,7 [FLog::Network] Replicator created: 0000029F50335670
2024-05-21T14:08:20.694Z,20.694845,2124,7 [FLog::Network] Time taken to initialize schema = 12.483300 ms
2024-05-21T14:08:20.696Z,20.696840,2124,7 [FLog::Network] Assigned peer id = 4
2024-05-21T14:08:20.697Z,20.697836,2124,7 [FLog::Network] Join snapshot timer: 1.500500
2024-05-21T14:08:23.614Z,23.614683,3f68,6 [FLog::Graphics] SmoothCluster::initSolidTextures()
2024-05-21T14:08:23.614Z,23.614683,3f68,6 [FLog::Graphics] Terrain TextureArray 512x512, arraySize: 36, mip: 10
2024-05-21T14:08:24.203Z,24.203489,1cac,6 [FLog::Error] Asset (Image) "https://assetdelivery.roblox.com/v1/asset?id=0" load failed in Workspace.Map.Map.BossZone.BossIslandsDECO.Boss8Deco.BossDec.bossshrimp.Shrimp.Body.Part.Mesh.TextureId: Request failed
2024-05-21T14:08:26.452Z,26.452301,46f8,6 [FLog::Warning] Warning: Infinite yield possible on 'RobloxReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("RequestDeviceCameraCFrame")'
2024-05-21T14:08:26.452Z,26.452301,46f8,6 [FLog::Output] Info: Stack Begin
2024-05-21T14:08:26.452Z,26.452301,46f8,6 [FLog::Output] Info: Script 'CoreGui.RobloxGui.CoreScripts/PlayerView', Line 5
2024-05-21T14:08:26.452Z,26.452301,46f8,6 [FLog::Output] Info: Stack End
2024-05-21T14:08:36.058Z,36.058613,385c,6 [FLog::VIPTeleport] made it to inside gameLoadedSignal without teleportParams
2024-05-21T14:08:36.072Z,36.072498,385c,6 [FLog::Output] Server RobloxGitHash: d2f995026f4963b40bd37e1eada84a7698834d8f
2024-05-21T14:08:36.072Z,36.072498,385c,6 [FLog::Output] Server Prefix: 0.625.0.6250509_20240521T140601Z_RCC_16ba8
2024-05-21T14:08:36.073Z,36.073490,385c,6 [FLog::VIPTeleport] create! we were able to get the vip on client: a7d6eee6-4293-4665-9a3a-ff3040b2dddc placeid: 13928941253
2024-05-21T14:08:37.018Z,37.018616,385c,6,Info [FLog::VoiceChatLogs] [C:\buildAgent\work\ci_ninja_client-x64_git\Client\App\v8datamodel\src\VoiceChatService.cpp:L497] VoiceChatService::IsVoiceEnabledForUserIdAsync caching new value: false
2024-05-21T14:08:59.514Z,59.514191,3f68,6 [FLog::Graphics] SceneManager: resizing main targets to 1920x1009
2024-05-21T14:09:02.015Z,62.015125,3f68,6 [FLog::Graphics] SceneManager: resizing main targets to 1920x1009
2024-05-21T14:09:04.512Z,64.512604,3f68,6 [FLog::Graphics] SceneManager: resizing main targets to 1920x1009
2024-05-21T14:10:01.557Z,121.557869,1478,6 [FLog::Output] Settings Date header was Tue, 21 May 2024 14:09:59 GMT
2024-05-21T14:10:01.557Z,121.557869,1478,6 [FLog::Output] Settings Date timestamp is 1716300599
2024-05-21T14:10:21.329Z,141.329895,3f68,6 [FLog::Graphics] WARNING: D3D Frame query timed out, has device hung?
2024-05-21T14:10:26.329Z,146.329269,3f68,6 [FLog::Graphics] WARNING: D3D Frame query timed out, has device hung?
2024-05-21T14:10:31.329Z,151.329605,3f68,6 [FLog::Graphics] WARNING: D3D Frame query timed out, has device hung?
2024-05-21T14:10:36.328Z,156.328629,3f68,6 [FLog::Graphics] WARNING: D3D Frame query timed out, has device hung?
2024-05-21T14:10:36.355Z,156.355270,1478,6 [DFLog::SignalRCoreError] ID: 1 Disconnected - Websocket closed
2024-05-21T14:10:41.329Z,161.329422,3f68,6 [FLog::Graphics] WARNING: D3D Frame query timed out, has device hung?
2024-05-21T14:10:46.330Z,166.330185,3f68,6 [FLog::Graphics] WARNING: D3D Frame query timed out, has device hung?
2024-05-21T14:10:51.328Z,171.328995,3f68,6 [FLog::Graphics] WARNING: D3D Frame query timed out, has device hung?
2024-05-21T14:10:56.329Z,176.329788,3f68,6 [FLog::Graphics] WARNING: D3D Frame query timed out, has device hung?
2024-05-21T14:11:01.330Z,181.330475,3f68,6 [FLog::Graphics] WARNING: D3D Frame query timed out, has device hung?
2024-05-21T14:11:06.330Z,186.330658,3f68,6 [FLog::Graphics] WARNING: D3D Frame query timed out, has device hung?
2024-05-21T14:11:11.330Z,191.330292,3f68,6 [FLog::Graphics] WARNING: D3D Frame query timed out, has device hung?
2024-05-21T14:11:16.331Z,196.331696,3f68,6 [FLog::Graphics] WARNING: D3D Frame query timed out, has device hung?
2024-05-21T14:11:21.331Z,201.331482,3f68,6 [FLog::Graphics] WARNING: D3D Frame query timed out, has device hung?
2024-05-21T14:11:26.331Z,206.331696,3f68,6 [FLog::Graphics] WARNING: D3D Frame query timed out, has device hung?
2024-05-21T14:11:31.330Z,211.330429,3f68,6 [FLog::Graphics] WARNING: D3D Frame query timed out, has device hung?
2024-05-21T14:11:36.331Z,216.331345,3f68,6 [FLog::Graphics] WARNING: D3D Frame query timed out, has device hung?
2024-05-21T14:11:41.331Z,221.331284,3f68,6 [FLog::Graphics] WARNING: D3D Frame query timed out, has device hung?
2024-05-21T14:11:46.332Z,226.332275,3f68,6 [FLog::Graphics] WARNING: D3D Frame query timed out, has device hung?
2024-05-21T14:11:51.331Z,231.331390,3f68,6 [FLog::Graphics] WARNING: D3D Frame query timed out, has device hung?
2024-05-21T14:11:56.331Z,236.331772,3f68,6 [FLog::Graphics] WARNING: D3D Frame query timed out, has device hung?
2024-05-21T14:12:01.332Z,241.332123,3f68,6 [FLog::Graphics] WARNING: D3D Frame query timed out, has device hung?
2024-05-21T14:12:01.760Z,241.760773,1478,6 [FLog::Output] Settings Date header was Tue, 21 May 2024 14:11:59 GMT
2024-05-21T14:12:01.761Z,241.761780,1478,6 [FLog::Output] Settings Date timestamp is 1716300719
2024-05-21T14:12:06.332Z,246.332657,3f68,6 [FLog::Graphics] WARNING: D3D Frame query timed out, has device hung?
gtx 980
16 gb ram ddr4
please help.
submitted by Internal_Break_7289 to RobloxHelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:27 jeepn666 Region locked? Faulty?

Hi everyone, I bought a Japanese version of new super Mario bros out of desperation & I was aware that ds lites are region free (or so I think) . Is the game possible faulty or is there anything off on the cartridge itself that might indicate a fake ? My lite plays everything else just fine it’s only this game that it doesn’t want to read. Thanks in advance.
submitted by jeepn666 to NintendoDS [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:25 I_Dont_Look Boost Infinite Lies To Customers

Boost Infinite Lies To Customers
Boost Infinite does NOT follow their own 30 day contractual agreement to refund if you are unhappy with their TERRIBLE service.
Be Warned: They also deny the right for arbitration stating it starts from the day you create an account with them BY APPLYING FOR SERVICE. You have 60 days to opt out of their arbitration clause. You must do this via mail. You have to act immediately to not be tied to arbitration as your own remedy.
Their customer service is horrible. One of the worst ever imaginable complete with lies and being downright unhelpful and rude.
But the cherry on the cake? Is their unimaginabley horribly slow, disgusting excuse for a “network.” Many people have expressd how bad it is. For those of you that have joined their “network” you have been duped and deceived. The FCC Mobile Mozart app tests their speed in true time. These results are shared directly with the FCC.
100% packet loss on a regular basis 1,217.17% latency. .16 MBPS uploads. .08 MPBS downloads. 94.38% jitter.
With a track record like this how can they even advertise and keep a straight face.
This subreddit is to help those who are frustrated and stuck with Boost Infinite to find voice.
Download the FCC mobile app. Perform Challenges. Ensure you are performing them within the specified hours and you are outside or in your car.
Inside? Utilize the FCC’s crowdsourcing reporting option.
Fill out a formal or informal complaint and submit it to the FCC. https://consumercomplaints.fcc.gov/hc/en-us/articles/205082880-Filing-a-Complaint-Questions-and-Answers
Complain to your State Consumer Protection Bureau: https://www.usa.gov/state-consumer
Leave your comments, experiences, and ensure you take screenshots and screen record your horrible experiences for proof. Record all phone calls ( in states where it’s allowed by law), make sure to take notes of when you call customer service: date, time, name of representative with their operator ID, department you are speaking to, actions taken, not taken, what was discussed/promised , number of times transferred, length of the call.
With this information we can warn the rest of the world not to fall victim to their sorry excuse of a network, possibly hold them accountable with the government, and ensure plenty of evidence for the FCC when they do take action.
submitted by I_Dont_Look to BoostInfinite_SUCKS [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:49 Lemme_think_aboutit AITA for wanting my child’s phone to have restrictions?

Ok. So in a nutshell, my ex bought my oldest (13 yo) a phone. It’s been 2 years now & it’s been a nightmare. He has told them that they don’t have to let me look at or control any aspect of the phone. (To be clear, I have no interest snooping through my kid’s phone. I just want to add screen time limits & safety restrictions.) The way it is currently set up, they can watch porn, download 17+ apps, & there are no time limits on anything.
This child is ADHD & I’m an adult with late diagnosed autism, so this element of my child’s life is one that I consider greatly. I don’t think they should be coming to my house from their dads with 13+ hours logged on chat rooms, internet, YouTube, TikTok and Roblox. I have attempted to help my oldest set healthy boundaries themself, but my ex has convinced them that I’m being paranoid, controlling & that I have no right. After two of their friends called me the other day & told me that my kid might be corresponding with a grown man, (my actual worst fear) I set a hard boundary with my ex. I said, “Every week (kid) comes to my house with a phone that I don’t have access to, I am going to confiscate it & you’ll need to collect it from me to get it back. This is not about (kid) refusing to give me access, this is about you refusing to give me access or set reasonable restrictions on the phone. Until you supply me access to the phone, (kid) will not be allowed to use it here.”
I was met with….”It’s glaringly obvious by the stories (kid) tells me that whatever info you read is lacking because as someone who has experienced an ADHD life I’m telling you my opinion is you’re off on this. (Kid) is smart. They figures out my passwords. That’s how they get around it. They sometimes falls asleep playing a game or something. My point, life happens. You can get over it in your way and also figure out your own problems. You do not need a password to regulate your home. You need to stop blaming me for your lack in relationship to (kid) and stop putting your fears rational or not, on me. (Kid) will be leaving their phone here from now on. It is no longer your concern, as my computer, and the rest of my property and how they use any of it is. Thank you so much for your understanding. I wish you the best in your parenting, but if I were (kid) you’d be a weekend parent in a heart beat. When I hear from (kid), who heard from (friend), who heard from their parents. IMO you're like the Bear Grylls of wild goose hunting—if there were a survival show for chasing wild geese, you'd be the star, navigating through the wild with nothing but sheer determination and a honking good attitude.”
That’s about how well any dialogue I try to engage in goes. I just feel so stuck & at a loss. I just don’t think an 11-13 yo should have unlimited access to a phone. I hate knowing that they are spending whole days and hours into the morning on a phone that I literally can’t do a thing about, & apparently that makes me an asshole.
submitted by Lemme_think_aboutit to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:42 Sea_Way_4077 Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj

Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj submitted by Sea_Way_4077 to u/Sea_Way_4077 [link] [comments]
