Clave warhammer dawn of war 2

A Subreddit for discussing the Total War: Warhammer games

2015.04.22 17:28 CrownHammer A Subreddit for discussing the Total War: Warhammer games

A subreddit dedicated to the Creative Assembly games in the Total War: Warhammer series Feel free to share any news, strategies, gameplay, start a discussion or just hang around.

2010.05.04 01:35 ajoakim Total Wareddit

A subreddit for the Total War strategy game series, made by Creative Assembly. Discussions, strategies, stories, crude cave-drawings, and more for Medieval 2, Empire, Shogun 2, Rome 2, Attila, Thrones of Britannia, Warhammer, Three Kingdoms, Troy, Pharaoh and others.

2010.05.14 01:28 /r/Warhammer40k - Unofficial Home of 40k on Reddit

Warhammer 40k is a franchise created by Games Workshop, detailing the far future and the grim darkness it holds. The main attraction of 40k is the miniatures, but there are also many video games, board games, books, ect. that are all connected in the 40k universe. This subreddit is for anything and everything related to Warhammer 40k.

2024.06.11 05:27 Ornery_Cook4638 Black Ops 6 Reveal

Of all the things we received what are some of yalls favorite things that were introduced both Multi and Zombies.
For me its classic prestige, everyone knows seasonal prestige is ass but for me after s2 i stopped playing MW3 due to nothing being grinded for. With classic cant wait to get to level 1000 and not reset. Winners circle, I like this nice addition brings a QoL change that i thought i wouldnt miss but seeing top players at the end is definitely a boost to try hard next match to be up there. And many more
For zombies, gobblegums galore. After BO4 i was kinda sad that gobbles didnt return it honestly shook me. But now theyre coming back cant wait to see what they have in store for that. 2 round based maps at launch sign me the fuck up. Im glad this is a thing reminds me of BO4 where 3 maps were at launch and you could always go to a different map if you got bored with one, spices up the game. Set crew and be able to play as your own operator hell yes. This what they shouldve done at the start with cold war honestly i like the idea of if you want dialogue play as that or just have fun with your own operator. Cant wait to see what the mastery camo is gonna be
submitted by Ornery_Cook4638 to CODZombies [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 05:25 im-allergic-to-cats Exchange Questions (AY2024-2025 Semester 2)

Hi NTU !!
I’m currently an undergraduate second year business student studying in New Zealand and have the opportunity to go on exchange from January to May in 2025 (I will be a third year student during this time)! I’m currently weighing my options, but I am determined to go on exchange for a breath of fresh air.
I do have some questions though about NTU, so hopefully it’s not too bothersome for someone to help!
  1. Has anyone done/knows someone that has done maritime studies at NTU? I’m wondering how easy it would be to get into these courses, STARS wars and all, as they are quite similar to some of the required papers I need to do (supply chain & logistics)
  2. How hard is 3rd year finance at NTU? I’m a 4.44 GPA student (using NTU’s GPA system) and get A+ and A’s in finance - but frankly I feel like I haven’t learned much at all. Open-book tests and my notes are saving me!🥲 Are open-book tests generally a thing at NTU?
  3. How many washing machines and dryers are there generally in the halls?
  4. Are single-rooms even usually available for exchange students in Semester 2? I know it’s probably case by case, but just overall. I get guaranteed accomodation btw (at least my uni says so)!
  5. What is there to do in Singapore (couldn’t find a way to word it nicer🥲)? I know there’s amazing food that’s cheap (for me) - but what else is there to do?
    It looks like NTU is in a pretty industrial/residential area and is a bit far from the city centre. I don’t know much about Singapore other than the touristy expensive stuff - and all my friends ik are all in ITE/Poly out east side, so don’t know much about NTU & the area. They’re also not very good ambassadors for hyping up Singapore, grass is always greener as people say!
Thank you everyone!!
submitted by im-allergic-to-cats to NTU [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 05:22 jormuntide Casual Player rant on direction of Lore & World Building

I’m a casual player. I’ve played since BFA, buy every expansion, take 4-6 month breaks couple times a year, etc.
I want to talk specifically about the direction the writers have gone with the Forsaken Undead.
I want to start off by saying that if the writers wanted to make a race/faction leader into the next big antagonist I don’t think the leader of the Forsaken was the right choice. For one, Sylvanas Windrunner already had a really interesting story. She was a character that was unique and had a cult like following. Even though on the surface level she is an undead necromancer like character who rules over a land which was the graveyard of a once wonderful human civilization she was still redeemed by the fact that she gave those lost souls a second chance at “life” giving them purpose in what would be a graveyard filled with haunting memories. Tirisfal Glades had CHARM under Sylvanas even though at a glance it was a nightmare. And the area, the Forsaken, and Sylvanas were unlike any other race and place in the game. It was special.
Now lets look at the aftermath..
I appreciate blizzard attempting to rebuild a nuked Tirisfal Glades and restoring the Forsaken to what they were before the war but WHY did they choose Calia Menethil as one of the leaders!? Even if she’s not #1 she’s still at least top 2 considering how much she’s in the new storyline, cut scenes, and decision making. This right here is poor writing. The Forsaken Undead do not need to have this wonderful beauty facelift where they’re now really nice and inclusive and a big democracy that’s friendly and forgiving to all their neighbors. That’s NOT the Forsaken! And making every single race/faction share these same values is not an immersive experience. Now that’s not to say that the Forsaken have to be terrible murderers living in a dictatorship who commit genocide but this new vibe is NOT it!
I’m going to end my rant here. I miss how things used to be when the world had more character to it.
submitted by jormuntide to wow [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 05:18 HeadOfSpectre Soldiers Keep Moving (Part 5)

Part 4

“So… a vampire witch, huh?” I asked, looking at Di Cesare as she sat at the bar of the Honey Pot and Spaniel beside me. She didn’t have a scratch on her from yesterday's showdown with Cray. Even her bullet wound seemed to have already healed, although I didn’t get a close look at it to be a hundred percent sure. Me on the other hand? I’d needed two advil to even drag my sorry ass to the bar.

“It sounds facetious when put that way,” She said. “But yes… I suppose it’s an apt description.”
“So how exactly does one become a vampire witch?” I asked.
“The two terms aren’t mutually exclusive,” Di Cesare said. “My sisters and I were once bonded together by our choice to follow the Malvian path… to study the occult. We became well versed in it. Too well versed, perhaps… There were people who disagreed with our faith. Called us Devil worshippers, claimed we were evil. They sentenced us to death… but I guess fate had other plans. Before we could be killed, we were saved by the woman who would become our Mother. Our imprisonment had left most of us near death… so she offered us the gift of vampirism. We accepted. Even those of us who were not dying, drank the blood in solidarity. And we have survived ever since.”

I whistled and took a sip of my drink.
“Jesus… you’ve lived a hell of a life, haven’t you, Di Cesare?”
“Just Clementine, is fine,” She said.
“Right… Clementine…” It felt odd calling her that. “I’ve got to ask… exactly how many of your kind are living here?”

“Just vampires, or other fae?”
“People wanted an umbrella term for us that wasn’t just ‘monsters.’ Fae might not be the most apt name for us, but it was what stuck.”
“Right… well… I was asking about fae in general, I guess…” I said.
“I couldn’t tell you the exact number,” She said. “Vickers was this region's administrator. He would’ve known.”

I remembered the theory I’d shared with Dr. Miller not even the day before.
“That’s why they targeted him first, isn’t it?” I asked, “I had a feeling that was the case. He had some sort of database or something, right?”
“Exactly. Organization… It's ironic. That which we’ve tried to use to save us, has since become one of our biggest weaknesses.”
“Organization?” I asked, “You make it sound like there’s some kind of Fae Government.”

“We call it The Imperium,” She said matter of factly. “It started as a vampire oriented organization. Run by vampires, for vampires, building infrastructure and organizing us. Making it easy to access blood without needing to hunt or kill, helping us find a place in the world amongst our own kind. It was ambitious, but we built it up, brick by brick. My family was there at the beginning, helping lay the foundation for what we would one day become. But we weren’t the only ones. There were other groups of vampires. Groups and families who’d learned to thrive. We’d always done well enough by ourselves, but with all of us united, we could build something greater than the sum of its parts. Something that benefitted all of us. And when it got big enough, we opened up membership to others. Werewolves, Sirens, countless others. We welcomed whoever would join. Offered them a purpose. Community. The promise of safety.”

“Sounds like a hell of a project…” I said. She swirled the beer in her glass around, before taking a sip.
“It has been… and it hasn’t always been easy. But it’s something we needed to do. We’re dying out, you know… not just vampires, all of us. Most of us see the writing on the wall and the Imperium is the closest thing to an answer we can think of. Building it has been a slow, uphill battle every step of the way. Uniting the Fae sounds good in concept. In practice, it’s a constant chore. There’s a lot of old grudges, infighting and folks who want the benefits of the Imperium without following its laws. That’s where I come in. I’m sure you’ve probably figured out by now that I’m not technically with the State Police.”
“It might’ve crossed my mind,” I said dryly.

She laughed.
“I’m sure… the Imperium has some friends with a lot of ears to the ground. When a case like this pops up, in one of the towns we’re occupying, it gets passed to someone like me. We come in, we take a look and if it’s relevant to us, we deal with it. If not, we pass it back to our contacts with the local police.”
“Fair enough…” I said, “So you’re sort of like the Imperiums internal police, then?”
“Something like that. I never had the head for business, organizational skills or charisma of most of my sisters. So I use the skills I have… kind of like you, I suspect.”

I was quiet, and gave her a slow nod.
“Guess old soldiers are all the same, huh?” I asked. "We just keep moving."
“I guess we do. We find our place in the world and we do the good we can there.”
“So… this is all some Imperium project, then?” I asked. “You find dying old towns like this, you come in and you just… set up shop?”

“Supposedly, everyone wins…” Clementine said. “With us to reinvigorate them, these towns grow and thrive while we get the opportunity to set down roots and build communities of our own. The Russell’s were the two most prominent vampires in town. Melissa… She was an elder of the local Siren community, down at River Ridge. And as I said before, Vickers was this area's administrator. He kept track of who lived here, who owned what businesses, what properties were safe havens. He helped keep things organized.”
Clementine took another sip of her drink. I couldn’t help but do the same.
“Damn… so all this was right under our noses?” I asked, still struggling to believe it.
“Secrecy is our virtue. It’s how we survive. You’ve seen what happens when people find out about us.”

I nodded.
“We’re not innocent…” Clementine said, “None of us are. But the people here… the Fae… they’re not here to invade or take over. They’re just trying to live their lives in peace.”
“Yeah… that much, I think I can sympathize with,” I said.
“I noticed. I haven’t thanked you for how much you’ve done yet, have I?” Clementine asked. “Kayley in the bar, the Sirens in the RV convoy… you knew that they weren’t human, but you still did what you could to save them. I respect that.”
“I did my job,” I replied. “Even if they’re not human, I figured they didn’t deserve to die.”
“Not everyone would share that sentiment,” Clementine said. “I’m glad you did.”

I nodded before another question occurred to me.
"What about you and Crays men?"
"What about them?"
"From what I saw… you could have torn all of those men to pieces with your bare hands and not even broken a sweat. You didn't. By the river, you threw most of them down the incline. You didn't kill them, you just threw them aside. At the diner, you let me arrest Cray, even though you had several chances to kill him and his men. I've got to ask why. If you're not really with the State Police, why not just kill them and get it over with?"

"Because that wouldn't be the end of it," she replied simply. "I've killed tens of thousands of men in hundreds of battlefields over the past few centuries, Sawyer. I've ended more lives than I can even hope to count, and yet the rivers of blood have never stopped flowing… there's always more. Always. These men think we're monsters. Killing them, even to protect ourselves, only validates that belief. It fuels the fire that drives them. Kill them and more will inevitably come, citing the memory of their fallen predecessors as justification for their own crusade. It becomes an endless cycle of violence. Violence is an old friend of mine… but it's taught me when to be gentle."

"So this is about providing a point, then?"
"Yes and no. My sisters and I are powerful… but we aren’t invincible. Sooner or later, we’re going to die. Cray and his men have only further proved that to me. A few decades ago… no one could figure out how to reliably get past our attribution spell. But here stands Cray and his men with weapons that can harm me… that’s no coincidence. That’s the price of eternal war. Escalation. I’m tired of it. I’ve lost friends… family… people I care about. It’s exhausting. Cray and his men likely are smart enough to realize it's no accident they're still alive. I hope they think on that. If even just one of them does… it’ll have been enough."

She finished her beer and after regarding the glass for a moment, sighed and stood up.
“But I suppose I should get back to work, shouldn’t I?” She asked. "The rest of Crays group is still out there. So far they're keeping quiet. Could be they've even skipped town outright. But I'd like to be sure. I’ll see you around, Deputy.”

I nodded at her.
“Yeah… see you around,” I replied. She settled up our tab with Dixon the bartender, then gave me a simple half wave goodbye before walking out the door. I polished off my beer too, before deciding to call it an afternoon.

I had work in the morning.


The moment I came into the station the next morning, Biggs was up to greet me.
“There he is, the man of the hour!” He said, clapping me hard on the shoulder. "Hell of a way to show the rest of us up on your day off, huh?"
“Yeah, damn fine work!” Lopez chimed in. He smiled a little nervously from his desk.
"I was just following up on a lead," I said, a little sheepishly. Just a little.

"Well… can't say you didn't put the work in, Sawyer." Sheriff Smith stood in the doorway to his office, sipping a cup of coffee. "You did good."
"Much obliged, Sheriff. I hope I didn't leave your hands too full. Cray and his buddies been giving you much trouble?"
"Not at all," Sheriff Smith said. "Di Cesare actually brought them out to their office in Dayton yesterday.
"They're already gone?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. I'd thought Clementine still had business in town. It was odd she'd moved Cray and his lot already.

"Yeah, she headed out yesterday evening. Gotta say… it's a relief to have them out and a relief to finally close this damn case for good.”
“Yeah, I’ll bet,” I said, although my voice seemed a little distracted. Sheriff Smith stared at me intently, before taking another sip of his coffee.
“Keep going along like this, and I might finally have someone to take up the job when I retire.”

Smith chuckled dryly, before turning and heading back into his office. I watched him go, standing mindlessly for a moment as his final words echoed in my mind.
‘Keep going along like this, and I might finally have someone to take up the job when I retire.’

They bothered me… but I couldn’t exactly put my finger on why they bothered me. In six years, Sheriff Smith hadn’t once said something like that to anyone. Hell, he and I barely spoke outside of work! We had no personal relationship! Now suddenly, he was making some passing comment about taking over after he retired? Normally it wouldn’t have bothered me. Hell, normally, I would’ve taken it as the highest goddamn compliment that man could possibly give! So why did it bother me?

Was it because his story about Di Cesare and Cray didn’t add up? But why the hell would he lie about that? That didn’t make any sense! I sat down at my desk, brow furrowed. That old familiar knot in my stomach had returned. I stared at my computer screen, then moved my mouse. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Biggs by the coffee machine. Sheriff Smith was back in his office, working away at his computer.

Could it hurt to check up on Cray’s file? Just for the confirmation… No… hell, I should probably check up on the file anyways, make sure it was complete and all the details were accurate. Yeah… that’s all I was doing. Why the hell would I feel any anxiety over that? It was my job, wasn’t it?

Why the hell did I feel a knot in my stomach?

I searched our system for a file on Joseph Cray.

No results.

I stared at the screen for a moment, eyes quietly narrowing. No results? That didn’t make sense. I hesitated for a moment, before searching for another name.

Klaus O’Donnell.

No results.

That couldn’t be possible… I’d watched Sheriff Smith personally put that prick in the back of his squad car two days ago! There had to be an arrest record!
I tried another name.

Roland Oswald.

No results.

One more name.

Anthony Lawrence.

No results.

The knot in my stomach just grew tighter and tighter, slowly fading into a sinking sense of dread, gnawing away at my guts. My fingers struggled to stay still as I went back to look at the names again. This time, I didn’t use their full names. Maybe those names weren’t right? Maybe they were in the system under something else?

No results.

No results.

No results.

No results.

No results.

What about the victims? Maybe there was something there tied to them?
Geoffery Vickers?
No results.
Hank Russell? Patricia Russell? Melissa Sinclair?
No results.
No results…

All of the files were gone… all of them… why? Why, it didn’t make any sense?

That sinking feeling in my stomach grew deeper. My breathing was getting heavier. I tried to rationalize this. But I knew for a fact that we’d had files on Vickers, the Russell’s and Melissa Sinclair two days ago! I’d created those files myself! Why the hell would they be missing? I tried to think of some kind of rational explanation for all of this, but I just came up blank. There was no rational explanation… there just wasn’t… unless…

Something Cray had said to me the other day echoed through my mind.
‘Our business is pest control. Parasites come in… and we exterminate them…’

Our business is pest control…’ interesting choice of words. I hadn’t thought much into it at the time. I hadn’t needed to. He spoke as if he was providing a service. I’d just assumed that in his mind, he was.

But then… How had he known about the Fae in this town?
How had they known about Vickers?

Apostle’s website had indicated they were based in Cincinnati. Neither Cray, nor any of the men we’d arrested were from around here! So why had they come here?

‘Our business is pest control.’

Pest control doesn’t just show up out of the blue.

Somebody calls them in.

My mind returned to that abandoned auto garage they’d been using… it hadn’t been listed as an office on their website. Why would it be? It seemed they’d been more or less squatting there?Although, that couldn’t be the case, could it? The cars they’d used had been registered to that address. An address that had been owned by Smith Volkswagen…

I opened up Google and did a quick search for Smith Volkswagen. Right there on their website, right above the Volkswagen logo was another logo.

Aaron Smith Auto Group.

I clicked on that and was redirected to a landing page for the entire Aaron Smith Auto Group. It didn’t take me long to find a list of dealerships they owned.

Aaron Smith Chrysler

Aaron Smith Toyota

Aaron Smith Nissan

Aaron Smith Infiniti

Aaron Smith Audi

I stared quietly at that last one. The address wasn’t in town, but it wasn’t far either. 30, maybe 45 minutes away. I remembered the flashing lights the cars Crays people had used. They'd looked a lot like the lightbars on a police vehicle. A dealership would probably only put lights like that on a car if they'd actually been ordered by a police force. Audi's were a little fancy for cop cars. It was more of a luxury brand. But if the owner of the Auto Group just so happened to have a brother who was the Sheriff in a nearby small town… they might not be inclined to think too hard about a strange order like that.

So far, this was just speculation… but it probably wouldn’t be hard to get proof that the Audi’s registered to that old auto garage had been purchased from the Aaron Smith Auto Group.
And if I did?
What then?
What else would I find if I kept digging?

“Car shopping?” Biggs asked. I jumped a little at the sound of his voice.
“Oh… yeah, the transmission in my cars been making a noise lately,” I lied. “Might be time to put the old girl out to pasture.”
“Yeah, I get you,” Biggs said, setting a cup of coffee down on my desk. “Had some pretty good experiences at the Nissan store, if you want my two cents.”
“Yeah?” I asked, before looking back at my screen. “I’ll need to look into that.”

I picked up the coffee, almost absentmindedly before pausing and looking up at Biggs.
“Hey, so Di Cesare moved Cray and the others last night, huh?” I asked. “I was just looking to update my report, and all that.”
“Yeah, last night.” Biggs said.
“How’d that go? Can’t imagine that lot went quietly.”
He shrugged.
“You’d be surprised. Anyways, don’t worry about the reports, I updated them this morning.”
His tone was casual. Nonchalant.

“Yeah?” I asked, keeping my voice level. “Well, thanks for saving me the trouble… I was having some issues with the system. Doesn’t seem to be loading any of the files on this case for me.”
“Eh, that’s our system for you, right? Give it an hour. That usually works for me.”
I looked up at him, before nodding slowly.
‘That’s our system for you, right?’

Our system wasn’t exactly state of the art, but in six years I’d never lost files like this before and as far as I knew, neither had Biggs, or anyone else.
“Yeah, I’ll give it a bit,” I said.

That sinking pit in my stomach was still there, although with it came an unsettling certainty. Biggs took a sip of his coffee. I didn’t do the same. He was still smiling at me, but there was something in his eyes. An intensity that I didn’t recognize.

Why would he and Smith feed me such shallow lies? Did they really think I wouldn’t know better? No, Biggs had to know I’d know better.
“Lemme know if it’s still a problem, there’s gotta be somebody we can call,” He said before turning and heading back to his desk. I could feel him watching me out of the corner of his eye. What the hell was going on? The shallow lies, Smith kissing my ass, Biggs being so on edge after giving me a coffee, the fact that he was still…

I looked down at my coffee.

It looked normal.

It smelled normal.

Biggs was still watching me.

I raised the mug to my lips as if I was about to take a sip, but didn’t actually drink any. Biggs was still watching me. He wasn’t moving. Wasn’t working. That man was a lot of things, but he wasn’t a good liar.

I set the mug down, exhaling as if I’d just had a long sip. Biggs finally looked away from me, but his body language still seemed tense. Uneasy.

It wasn’t normal.

A phone rang on Biggs' desk. He jumped a little, as if it had startled him before answering. I watched him closely out of the corner of my eye. I barely listened to the words he said. He sounded so far away… as if he was barely even there.
“We’ll be right there,” I heard him say, before he looked over at me. “Hey, Sawyer, guess we gotta work for a living. Feel like taking a ride with me?”
“We got a call?” I asked.
“Yeah, same old crap, thank God. Mrs. Roberts saw some kids skulking around the back of her property. Probably smoking in that old shed she’s got. You know how it goes.”
“Same old, same old,” I said tonelessly, forcing a smile. “Why don’t we take these to go?” I asked, holding up my coffee.
“Right, lemme grab a better mug.”

He got up, heading back to our little kitchenette for the travel mugs. As soon as his back was turned, I looked over at the mug on his desk. I could almost hear my heart racing in my ears as a single thought filled my mind. Before I could even stop to think it through, or stop myself in general, my hands were moving. I took Biggs' mug, and set it on my desk, while moving my mug onto his desk. That sinking feeling in my stomach grew deeper. My heart thudded anxiously.

‘What the hell am I doing?’

I had no proof that there was anything wrong with the coffee Biggs had given me. I had no actual proof! But the way he’d stared at me… the way he’d seemed so focused on watching me drink it… the sheer wrongness of the past twenty minutes.

Maybe I was just paranoid. Maybe. God, I hoped I was just paranoid, but if I wasn’t…

Well, guess I’d soon find out.

I looked around to make sure nobody had noticed what I’d just done. Lopez was still at his desk. He was turned towards me, but looking at his phone, distracted. Sheriff Smith was in his office. He probably hadn’t seen anything either.

When Biggs came back with the travel mugs, he didn’t seem to notice the switch. I saw him dump the contents of my mug into the travel mug without a second thought. I took a long sip of the coffee I’d stolen from him. It was too sweet. Biggs took it with more sugar than I did. But that was fine. He handed me my own travel mug and I poured the rest of the coffee into it.
“Ready to hit the road?” He asked.
“Yeah, always.”

We headed out to one of the squad cars together. I went to go in the driver's seat, although Biggs stopped me.
“Hey, this one’s my call. I’m driving,"he said.
I paused.
“You’re sure?” I asked.
“Positive. You’re riding shotgun.”

I hesitated, before going over to the passenger seat. Biggs got behind the wheel and keyed the engine. I put my seatbelt on and tried not to stare at him as we hit the road.
“Gotta say… it’s nice to finally have a normal call again,” He said as we drove. I watched him reach for his travel mug and take a sip. He paused, brow furrowing a little bit as he tasted the coffee. He stared down at it, his body tensing up slightly.
“Yeah, it’s nice to go back to normal, right?” I asked.

Biggs looked over at me, eyes wide. He didn’t answer, but I could see the quiet terror in his eyes. It said more than any words could have. I picked up the other coffee mug and took a sip, my eyes still locked with his.
“Assuming we’re actually going to Mrs. Roberts place.”

Biggs had gone a shade paler. His entire body was trembling and his breathing was heavier. The car was slowing. Biggs still didn’t speak. He just stared ahead, voice cracking as the reality of our situation dawned on him.
“What was in the coffee, Ethan?”

He looked back at me. His breath still growing more labored. His eyes looked unfocused. I saw him reach for his gun and lunged for him, pinning him to the seat. My eyes burned into his. Biggs fought against me, but I was stronger. I could see a quiet desperation on his face as he fought to get his gun, but his struggles were quickly growing weaker.
“What was in the coffee, Ethan?” My voice was firmer now, demanding an answer just as much as it was pleading.

Biggs' eyes were struggling to focus on me. He blinked slowly as if he didn’t understand the question.
“Evidence lockup…” He finally said, his words slurred and distorted. “Hoffman's bust…”
Hoffman's bust?


Biggs eyes were drooping. His body went limp as he lost consciousness. He was dying. Even though he’d tried to kill me, I couldn’t just let him die. I had to get him to a hospital!
“You son of a bitch…” I said under my breath. I shifted the car into park so it wouldn’t roll before undoing Biggs' seatbelt, grabbing him under the arms and dragging him into the passenger seat. I opened the door behind me, getting out to make room for him. He slumped into the passenger seat as I closed the door and rounded the car to get into the driver's seat. It was as I did, that I finally noticed the second squad car parked on the road behind us. The driver had already gotten out, and was calmly smoking a cigarette as he aimed his gun at me.

I froze the moment I saw him, looking him dead in the eye.
“Well, this is inconvenient, isn’t it?” Sheriff Smith said coolly.
“You…” I replied, but couldn’t make myself finish that sentence.
“For what it’s worth, I do admire your drive, Sawyer,” The Sheriff said. “I’ve always liked that about you. It’s why I hired you on, and you didn’t disappoint. You’re a damn good cop.”
“Except for when you were the one pulling all the strings,” I said.

“No… I don’t fault you for doing your job, Sawyer,” The Sheriff replied. “Even if you picked the wrong side, you did your job. I respect that.”
“But here we are anyway.”
“Here we are,” He agreed, before tilting his head to the side. “I guess Biggs ain’t got long left now, does he? That stuff Hoffman seized was pretty potent.”
“We can still get him to a hospital…” I said, but the Sheriff didn’t lower his gun.
“No… I like Biggs plenty, but right now, it’s a little easier for me if he’s dead.”
“Don’t do this, Sheriff.”

“Seems to me like you’ve already done it,” He said. “And from where I’m standing, there’s only a couple of things I can really do. Why don’t you take out your gun, Rick? Take it out, nice and slow. Then toss it to the side.”

I hesitated. My eyes shifted to the Sheriff’s squad car. I could see a dash camera staring at me. Odds are it was recording. Sheriff Smith couldn’t shoot me in cold blood… not with the camera on. I knew that much. I hesitated, weighing my options for a moment before slowly reaching for my gun. I kept my eyes locked on the Sheriff the whole time. I didn’t unholster it. I unclipped the holster from my belt, and tossed it aside.
“Smart man,” the Sheriff said, before approaching me with his gun still drawn.

As he got closer, I noticed carvings on the barrel of it. Runes similar to the ones I’d seen on Cray’s gun.
“Rick Sawyer… you’re under arrest for the murder of Ethan Biggs. You have the right to remain silent…”

He pressed me up against the squad car as he cuffed my hands behind my back, robotically reading off my Miranda rights. I could see Biggs laying silent in the passenger seat. If he wasn’t dead, then he soon would be. The Sheriff just ignored him, dragging me into the back of his squad car and leaving Biggs to rot.

There wasn’t a damn thing I could do about it.

Odds are… I’d probably be joining him soon anyways.


The cell door locked behind me as Sheriff Smith pushed me in. I looked back at him, my expression bitter. The memory of Biggs, dying alone in a squad car in the middle of nowhere still lingered in my mind.
“Can’t say this is personal,” The Sheriff said. “If I’d had it my way, you would’ve been like Biggs and understood the gravity of the situation we’ve found ourselves in here.”
“And look how well you’ve treated him…” I replied.

“I ain’t the one that killed him, Sawyer. That was on you. Same as the Russell’s, Vickers and that chick from the bar were on Cray’s men.”
“Tell yourself whatever you want, Smith. They might’ve been the ones who pulled the trigger, but you’re the one who gave them a target,” I said.

“I saw a problem, I dealt with it!” The Sheriff growled. “I’m not accepting literal monsters living here, pretending they’re people when they’re not! I won’t! This is our town! Not theirs! I don’t care what kinda guff they spew about ‘just wanting to live’. I spoke with Hank and Patricia Russell, y’know… heard their whole little spiel. Heard them talk about this… this secret society they’ve got…” He shook his head in disgust. “Madness… that’s all it is. Madness, inviting in even more madness. And I ain’t gonna accept it! I’m not gonna stand aside and blindly take everything they say at face value! They’re bloodsuckers! It’s in their nature, just like it’s in a scorpion's nature to sting! So I started looking for answers. Solutions. I found Cray through an old army buddy. Can’t say I like the man much… but he does the work. That’s all I need.”

“And what about the collateral?” I asked. “Biggs was just the first. Keep going the way you’ve been going, it’ll only get worse.”
“It’s worth it, to save these people from something worse,” The Sheriff replied before turning away from me. “All of this was worth it.”

With that, he was gone again.
I sank down onto the cot and closed my eyes. My body felt heavy, hollow and numb. A deep exhaustion had set in. Part of me almost wished the Sheriff would just nut up and put a bullet in me already, but no. Smith was smarter than that.

Odds are, he was gonna wait. Pin as much as he could on me, then find a convenient way to take me out of the picture. Maybe he’d make it look like a suicide. Or maybe he’d just shoot me and say I was trying to escape.

He could really just frame this however he wanted, couldn’t he? I kept trying to think of a way out of this. Kept trying to think of something.

But I couldn’t.
submitted by HeadOfSpectre to HeadOfSpectre [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 05:12 Drugioh Inspired by the other guy

Inspired by the other guy
I also have some physical media power rangers! I'd love to get Wildforce, Zeo and Time Force though.
submitted by Drugioh to powerrangers [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 05:10 No-Major-2907 I soaked my pothos in Dawn Dish soap.

I soaked my pothos in Dawn Dish soap.
I found thrips on my pothos so I put neem oil and seven dust spray on it 2 days in a row and left it hanging in my garage. I also wiped off any thrips I saw. Then someone on here said if I soaked my pothos in Dawn it would survive and the thrips wouldn’t. So I was like the plant only cost $15 let me experiment. So I submerged and soaked the plant outside in a bucket with a little bit of Dawn for 30 minutes. Then I rinsed the soap from the bucket until the water was clear. Then I repotted all the plant into new dirt and hung it up to dry with a another spray of neem oil. I don’t know the long term effects. But the flower seemed to have perked up a little bit since I repotted it. I feel optimistic. Of course I don’t see anymore thrips on it.
submitted by No-Major-2907 to pothos [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 05:10 Smart-While-4182 [Recruiting] Dark Pekka #28Y9GV9PY TH13+ Preferred Clan Level 18 Casual War Clan

Are you seeking a clan where you can improve your attacks, engage in constant wars, and be part of a supportive community? Look no further than Dark Pekka! We're a laid-back semi active clan, always on the lookout for like-minded Clashers to join our ranks.
About Us:
Our clan has a nearly maxed clan capital and a solid core of dedicated players who are active and generous with donations. We understand that life can get busy, so we don't put pressure on our members. While we love to win wars, we prioritize participation and improvement over perfection. Don't worry if you only manage to snag 1 or 2 stars in a war – we're all about growth and learning together.
While we embrace a casual vibe, we do require active participation in wars for those who opt in. Communication is key, so be sure to let us know if you'll be unavailable for war so we can make appropriate arrangements.
Ideally we are looking for TH13+, however, if you are under TH13, are active, and want to join you are welcome to but expect to be benched for CWL.
Search for our clan tag (#28Y9GV9PY) in Clash of Clans and send us a join request. Let us know you found us on Reddit and any relevant information about your Clash experience. We can't wait to welcome you aboard! Please feel free to message me on reddit or comment if you have any interest or further questions
submitted by Smart-While-4182 to ClashOfClansRecruit [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 05:07 Pir8Cpt_Z In an alternate timeline ifOtohan tpk'd Bell's Hells which Allstar mixed squad of VM and M9 would you want to see the characters finish C3 last arc as?

My choices would be Ashley: Pike, Laura: Vex, Liam: Caleb, Marisha: Keyleth, Sam: Scanlan, Taleisin: Caduceus, Travis: Fjord.
Pike respresenting the Everlight would be a beacon on the battlefield and could be Frontline cleric with her Vestige Armor, gauntlets of ogre power and being a war cleric. She'd be useful for melee, spell attacks and auras and healing.
Vex: with Fenthras and being the Champion of the dawn father would be the rangerogue for the group. If Matt let's her respect ramger with Tasha's new rules and maybe a subclass switch since trinket is old af now she'd be crazy dangerous at rabge with the sharpshooter feat. Ludinous may never see her arrow coming.
Caleb: Paired on the battlefield with the controller caster Scanlan, Caleb can focus his magic on direct attacks or polymorphing into a ancient white dragon. He'd also be useful between him and Scanlan both being able to counterspell Ludinous.
Keyleth: She's the leader of the this force against Ludinous it seems and a powerful druid who can shape change and wildshape into a vast array of creatures and he flaming fists she also has. Druid spells are also a huge boon.
Scanlan: he is the champion of the knowing mistress and weird a powerful vestige in mythcarver. He has a great amount of spells even if he doesn't have wish, pairs counterspell nice with Caleb so they should be able to camcel most big spells and he is a great face of the party.
Caduceus: Cleric of the wildmother versatile, wise and a great spell caster for healing or control. Also his ability to cancel crits and keep people alive with a ranged spare the dying is a great ability. 2 clerics also takes the pressure off the other.
Fjord: Paladin of the wildmother and weilding star razor, he's a powerful Lockadin multiclass who will be laying in huge hits up front with Pike and a Shapeshifted Keyleth.
submitted by Pir8Cpt_Z to fansofcriticalrole [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 05:03 Redpandaman2654 My new vgc team

So I decided to go with something a bit unusual. I made a dawn wings necrozma team and it's actually been working extraordinarily well!
First off: the members and their roles
  1. Dawn wings necrozma - serves as an all-out attacker, meteor beam for boosts and expanding force and moongeist beam to take kos after meteor beam is used
  2. Indeedee - can assist in setting up trick room if dawn wings is in a bad position. Additionally helps dawn wings stay alive with follow me, and boosts dawn wings damage output with helping hand
  3. Gallade - once more, able to set up trick room if Dawn wings can't. Also used as a wide guard user because when it is paired with Dawn wings it walls Terapagos entirely
  4. Amoongus - similar redirection role as indeedee, but is also able to support the team by healing dawn wings via pollen puff and also sleep opponents
  5. Ursaluna - rounds off the team with a bulky attacker, able to take a lot of hits while outputting good aunts of spread or insane amounts of single target damage
  6. Kingambit - realistically serves no purpose, and I'm having trouble finding something to switch it to. Usually ends up being a liability in games and not contributing much to the battle
submitted by Redpandaman2654 to stunfisk [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 05:03 matty-mixalot A neophyte needs assistance

I have an Omen X 900-030 whose MB recently stopped working.
OMEN X by HP Desktop PC - 900-030 Product Specifications HP® Support
This rig is about 7 years old, so I figured it's a good time to upgrade, but I'd rather not start from scratch. My struggle is that I'm a neophyte when it comes to this stuff and I'm worried I'll get the wrong thing. I'm already stressed about it and I don't need more stress. Haha. I need help, or rather, I need someone to tell me what to get (at a reasonable price) so that everything works together. I know Parts Picker exists, but it's all Egyptian Hieroglyphics to me.
Here's what I have:
Omen X 900-030 Chassis / Liquid Cooler (I don't know if the cooler is reusable) AsRock Radeon RX 6700 XT Challenger D purchased in January 2024 (Want to keep this) i-7 6700k CPU 1300 W Power Supply (Don't know the brand. Prefer to keep) 64 GBs DDR4 RAM (Prefer to keep) NVME hard drive (Prefer to keep) 3x 3.5" hard drives (Prefer to keep, if possible, but if it's better to switch to 2.5", that's fine)
I don't play a lot of modern games. I mostly play Destiny, Borderlands 2-3, Assassin's Creed series, Ghost Recon, Hogwarts, Far Cry series, Horizon Zero Dawn, Forza Racing games. Hogwarts is the only release-day game I've purchased in the last three years. I don't feel like I need a high-end rig.
I don't have a 4K or HDR monitor and I'm locked at 60 FPS (it's an older TV).
The chassis is fine, but it's bulky and heavy (40 lbs.!), so I wouldn't mind switching to a more conventional tower. A basic black tower is fine. I'm 50 years old and I don't care about RGB lights.
My friend recommended an i-5 12600k CPU and a ASROCK Z690 PRO RS Socket LGA1700 MB (the latter is out of stock at Amazon right now.) But I would still need a CPU cooler, case, space for my hard drives and to make sure my power supply fits.
Anyway, sorry for the long post. Any assistance would be much appreciated.
submitted by matty-mixalot to PcBuild [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 05:01 PixelSteel Mods unironically think a second civil war will happen 💀

Mods unironically think a second civil war will happen 💀 submitted by PixelSteel to AlternateHistory [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 05:00 DTG_Bot Daily Questions [2024-06-11]

New player? Please read the New and Returning Player Guide, Destiny 2 Guided Support & Gameplay Guide.

Want to buy the DLC? Check out the Lightfall Guide.

Returning and not sure what was vaulted? Destiny Content Vault: Year 6

Season of the Wish (Season 23) key dates:

Top Known Issues List by Bungie

Welcome to the Daily Questions thread! Do you have a Destiny-related question that needs answering? Can't find it anywhere else on the web? Well, You're in luck! Simply ask your question down below, and the knowledgeable community of /DestinyTheGame will answer it to the best of their abilities!
Be sure to use the search in the top right before submitting a question, as it could have already been answered. Also, be sure to check the thread itself!
We also have a nice collection of useful resources below "Useful links" in the sidebar / top menu.
We also have an official Discord, which allows for live chatting about the game, LFG, and more!
Be sure to sort by new to see the latest questions!
You can find the full Daily Thread schedule here.
submitted by DTG_Bot to DestinyTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 04:59 Archiehuntington Titans of the Sea [996]

Kikeru rubbed his eyes before he laid his calloused hands gently on the lambskin map stretched across the uneven wooden table. He focused his gaze on the outline of the Aegean island of Cyprus, which he and his allies had conquered this day.
He ran his finger across the strait of the sea to the city of Ugarit, then south along the coast until he reached the Kingdom of Egypt. He tapped his finger on the mouth of the Nile several times before he glanced down at the back of his hand.
Dried blood from the day’s battle stained him.
He sighed.
So much blood. Much of which has yet to be spilled.
He closed his eyes. It was desperate times in which they lived. An age where men were cursed by the gods. Famine, drought, and the foolishness of kings had led a once thriving world to the edge of collapse.
He thought of his young wife and their unborn child. How many sons of mothers who loved their children had he slain? How many husbands of wives like his own had he sent to the afterlife? Would his war bring a new dawn for man, or would his child bear the weight of a world more broken than the one his predecessors had created?
Until his dying breath, he would fight to break the system which had led so many to suffer.
Kikeru lifted himself from the wooden table and walked across the interior of his tent. He stepped slowly. Only two candles lit his way, and they flickered as his worn fabric robe waved past them.
He lowered himself in front of a bronze water bowl raised by a small wooden stand and began to wash the blood from his hands. As the water turned a hue of pink, he lowered his face to splash it upon him.
“My lord,” a soldier said as he entered the tent suddenly.
“What is it?” Kikeru replied. He lifted the sleeve of his robe to his face to wipe it clear of water.
“A man has arrived on the beach in a small sailing vessel. He has asked to speak with you,” the soldier said.
Kikeru raised himself to his feet and paused.
“An emissary perhaps. Give him food and shelter. I will meet with him at first light.”
The soldier insisted, “I don’t believe so, my lord. He said he knows you from the Trojan War.”
“The Great War…” Kikeru whispered. His weight shifted to one leg as he drifted back almost two decades.
His eyes were drawn to several animal skins that lay in the corner of the tent. Kikeru yearned for a good night of rest but knew none would come to him this night.
“Send him in,” he replied.
“Yes, my lord,” the soldier nodded as he quickly vanished from sight.
Kikeru walked to the middle of his tent, where four wooden chairs faced each other. A small table lay at their center with a clay vessel of wine surrounded by four horn-shaped drinking vessels.
The flap of the tent opened as the soldier returned. A man dressed in a black robe ducked beneath the entrance; his broad shoulders filled the frame of the tent.
The man’s face was partially covered by his hood, but in the flickering light, Kikeru could still see the look of disappointment as he gazed around the tent.
Embarrassed, Kikeru immediately addressed the man, “Sparse quarters, yes. Gone are the days when kings travel as well as Agamemnon,” he held out a horned vessel of wine to the stranger.
The man removed his hood and bowed his head, “Good King Kikeru of the Peleset, thank you for seeing me at such late an hour. I have traveled many weeks by sea to seek your counsel.” He extended his arm and accepted the horn of wine.
Kikeru motioned the man to one of the wooden chairs, and the two men sat down.
Kikeru watched the man as he moved, how he addressed him, the way he sat, and how he lifted the vessel to his mouth.
He was a brute, but a brute of royal blood. A man younger than himself, he would have been just past boyhood at the outset of the Trojan War. Kikeru recognized his handsome face but could not place it. So many familiar faces had been lost in his memory with time.
“Come, share your story. It is not every day that I meet a lost brother of the Great War. Let us reminisce about better days.” Kikeru continued with enthusiasm, “What is your name, and what has brought you to this forsaken part of the world?”
The man relaxed his shoulders against the rear frame of the wooden chair, “Actually, good king, I was hoping you could enlighten me. I do not recall my name or my story,” the man said blankly.
Kikeru gazed at him with confusion.
The man continued, “I endured a severe head wound during the sacking of Troy,” he turned the rear of his head toward Kikeru, “Along with the blow to my skull, the gods have chosen to curse me with the absence of memory.”
Kikeru nodded as he studied the scar buried below the man’s short blonde hair. He lifted the bronze vessel to refill the man’s wine, “A lost brother indeed,” Kikeru whispered, “Although the loss of memory these days would be a blessing,” Kikeru’s gaze lingered for a moment, “The horrors of this world can be a thing of nightmares.”
Kikeru lifted himself from his chair and began to pace.
He thought of this man’s unexpected arrival and debated whether his presence would be a welcome distraction from his cynicism and restless sleep this night.
Kikeru’s pace came to an abrupt halt. He turned to the man, “Perhaps it is fate that has brought us together this night. Let us see if we can unravel the mystery of your origins before sunrise,” he said.
submitted by Archiehuntington to WritersGroup [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 04:57 bjb406 FYI, apparently its possible to lose territory to arbitrary tyranny wars in other countries

I control all of Ireland, and the King of Scotland is facing down an uprising. I'm staying out of it, minding my business doing a tournament, planning to use a conquer kingdom on him as soon as I get the fame. Then when he lost, somehow I magically lost a county in the process despite the ruler of said county not changing, and said ruler gaining no other titles. I had to replay it several times to see what happened.
Apparently, the ruler of my county was first in line of succession for 1 random county in the king's demesne. When the king was deposed, my vassal gained 1 single county in Scotland for less than 1 day, because somehow the title first gets lost by abdication, and then revoked by the winner of the war, rather than just being revoked directly. Then in a process I can only describe as somehow, even though the two titles the vassal "held" were of equal status, the new kingdom still took control of my county, even with my high tribal authority.
My only solution seems to be to revert to 2 months before, revoke the single county held by the duke above said county, resulting in said duke automatically revoking the original vassals county so he can have a demesne. Luckily I had a claim on his territory already. But now I have to find another way of dealing with him.
submitted by bjb406 to CrusaderKings [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 04:55 GuiltlessMaple Best G2S Magazine

Best G2S Magazine
Welcome to the latest edition of G2S Magazine, where we bring you the latest and greatest in tech innovations. In this issue, we've gathered a diverse range of products that have caught our attention, from cutting-edge smartphones to state-of-the-art gaming consoles. Our goal is to help you make informed purchasing decisions by providing comprehensive reviews and expert insights. So, sit back, relax, and get ready to discover your next must-have gadget.

The Top 6 Best G2S Magazine

  1. Hatsan .25 S/Roto 10-Shot Magazine for Flash Airguns - Up your airgun game with the 4.7-rated Hatsan .25 S/Roto Magazine featuring a 10-shot capacity and lightweight synthetic and acrylic construction, all while being compatible with Hatsan Flash and FlashPup series airguns.
  2. Radio Control Magazine: June 2023, Troubleshooting Guide and Featured Drivers - Experience expert RC troubleshooting in the June 2023 issue of Radio Control Magazine, featuring a valuable Appendix on 2.0 mmHEX Drivers and engaging content for RC enthusiasts.
  3. World War II Quarterly Magazine: Spring-23 - Unveiling Hidden Histories - WWII Quarterly Magazine, Spring-23: Explore in-depth, accurate war history with detailed articles, maps, photographs, and reviews of related products, bringing the battles, personalities, and equipment of World War II to life.
  4. Vedder MagDraw G2S Magazine Holster: Comfortable Carry for Spare Mags - The Taurus G2S OWB Magazine Holster MagDraw provides a sleek, ergonomic design for comfortable magazine carrying, with customizable fit, adjustable angles, and non-slip paddle clips.
  5. Retro Gaming: January 1992 Nintendo Power Volume 32 - Nintendo Power Volume 32: Super Castlevania IV offers an ultimate gaming experience with in-depth articles covering various genres, making it a must-have for every gaming enthusiast.
  6. Expert Insight on Knives, Accessories, and Maintenance - Experience the cutting edge of the knife world with Curtis Circ Magazine Knives Illustrated Magazine, offering the latest news, hottest new knives, and invaluable maintenance tips for knife enthusiasts everywhere.
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🔗Hatsan .25 S/Roto 10-Shot Magazine for Flash Airguns
As a reviewer, I've had the pleasure of using the Hatsan S/Roto Index Magazine in my daily life, specifically with my Hatsan Flash airgun. The lightweight synthetic and acrylic design has been a game-changer, making the gun easier to carry around.
One feature that stood out for me was the magazine's 10-shot capacity in. 25, which has made my experience much smoother and more efficient. However, I did notice that it's a bit more demanding when it comes to ensuring everything is lined up just right. On the flip side, I've experienced no issues with jams, and the design has proven to be sturdy.
Overall, the Hatsan S/Roto Index Magazine has been a reliable and efficient addition to my airgun, and it's clear that many other users have had positive experiences as well.

🔗Radio Control Magazine: June 2023, Troubleshooting Guide and Featured Drivers
As a huge fan of RC vehicles, I was thrilled to get my hands on Yaesu Shuppan's latest release, the 6.8 SPC magazine. The moment I cracked it open, I was immediately drawn to the 2.0 mm HEX drivers, a fantastic addition to the world of RC enthusiasts. It's great to see that Yaesu Shuppan has continued to innovate in the field, adding new and exciting features to their products.
However, what I found most intriguing were the RC troubleshooting guides included in the magazine. As someone who has run into their fair share of difficulties with my RC toys, I can attest to the value of having resources to help me overcome these challenges.
While working with the 6.8 SPC magazine, I did encounter a couple of minor hiccups, but nothing that detracted too much from my overall experience. The quality of the materials used in the magazine was impressive, even if it may not be up to the standards of glossy magazines you'd find at a local bookstore.
All in all, for RC enthusiasts and those who are just starting to get into the hobby, the Yaesu Shuppan 6.8 SPC magazine is a must-have. With helpful guides and innovative features, it's sure to keep you in the loop and entertained for hours on end!

🔗World War II Quarterly Magazine: Spring-23 - Unveiling Hidden Histories
From the moment I opened the Spring-23 issue of WWII Quarterly Magazine, I felt transported back in time. The detailed articles, written in an easy-to-follow style, made me feel like I was part of the action, whether it was during a major battle or a lesser-known event.
One feature that stood out for me was the use of maps and photographs throughout the issue, which helped me visualize what was happening during the war. The in-depth coverage of different geographical locations where the war was fought was fascinating, and I especially enjoyed learning about the intelligence operations of the time.
The detail given to specific weapons, aircraft, and military equipment was impressive, and really added depth to my understanding of the conflict. I also appreciated the occasional reviews of related products, like books, movies, and games. These helped me explore different aspects of the war, and discover new resources to broaden my knowledge.
Overall, the WWII Quarterly Magazine is a must-read for anyone interested in World War II history. Its engaging style and accurate depiction of events will captivate readers from start to finish.

🔗Vedder MagDraw G2S Magazine Holster: Comfortable Carry for Spare Mags
I've been using the Vedder Holsters Taurus G2S MagDraw holster for my spare magazines, and I must say it's been a game-changer. This sleek, ergonomic design allows me to carry my magazine comfortably without any bulk. I particularly love the adjustable retention feature, making it perfect for that snug fit.
And the rock-solid paddle clip with Vedder's proprietary tactical non-slip texture ensures it stays in place on my belt, preventing any movement. Oh, and the fact that it comes in over 75 colors and patterns? .
It's a great way to add some personal flair to my gear. But sometimes, I wish it could fit wider belts, and I wouldn't mind a few more patterns to choose from. Overall, though, this holster has made my shooting experience more enjoyable and hassle-free.

🔗Retro Gaming: January 1992 Nintendo Power Volume 32
I recently got my hands on the January '92 issue of Nintendo Power, and let me tell you, it was a blast from the past! As a seasoned gamer, I was impressed by the sheer amount of content packed into this vintage magazine. From the moment I opened it, I knew I was in for a wild ride.
Super Castlevania IV featured prominently in this issue, and I couldn't resist delving into its dark, eerie world. As I navigated through the game's twisted corridors and battled the devilish inhabitants, I couldn't help but be reminded of my childhood gaming days. This nostalgic journey was only enhanced by the wealth of other gaming articles covering a variety of genres.
The magazine's monthly publication schedule was one of its standout features. I found myself eagerly anticipating the next issue, always excited to see what gaming gems lay ahead. However, I did notice that some articles were written in dated language, making it a bit difficult for me to fully connect with the content.
Overall, I had a great time immersing myself in the world of Nintendo Power. The vintage magazine provided a treasure trove of information and tips, perfect for both seasoned gamers and newcomers to the industry. If you're a collector or simply a lover of gaming history, this issue is definitely worth a look!

🔗Expert Insight on Knives, Accessories, and Maintenance
As someone who values the art and functionality of knives, Curtis Circ Magazine's Knives Illustrated has truly become my bible in the world of blades. The magazine brims with information on the latest knife trends, innovations, and the best ways to maintain those precious cutting tools.
What stands out for me, however, is the comprehensive coverage of the knife industry's newest players and the results of rigorous tests and evaluations. Sometimes the gear showcased is not to my taste, but the sheer diversity of it all makes it a delight to browse through.
All in all, Knives Illustrated certainly lives up to the hype and is a must-read for every knife aficionado.

Buyer's Guide

Choosing the right G2S (Gaming, Gadgets, and Gizmos) magazine can be a daunting task, especially given the wide variety of options available in the market today. To help you make an informed decision, we've outlined some crucial factors to consider when selecting a G2S magazine. ### 1. Content Focus
Different magazines offer unique content focuses, catering to different interests within the G2S category. Some may focus more on gaming, offering in-depth reviews, tips, and strategies on the latest games. Others may concentrate on gadgets and gizmos, featuring news, specs, and hands-on reviews of the latest tech devices.
Consider your primary interest in the realm of G2S and opt for a magazine that aligns with your preferences. Some G2S magazines may also cover all three aspects, but it's essential to know which area they emphasize the most.

2. Magazine Format

G2S magazines come in different formats - print, digital, or both. Print magazines offer a tactile reading experience but can be environmentally unfriendly. Digital versions are eco-friendly and often more cost-effective but may not offer the same visual and tangible experience as a print edition. Consider your personal preference and needs when choosing the format.

3. Accessibility

Ensure the magazine you choose is easily accessible to you. If you prefer a physical copy, consider the circulation area and frequency of the print magazine. For digital editions, check the compatibility with your device or operating system and explore the platform where it's available (e. g. , iOS, Android, or any other compatible platforms).

4. Frequency

Frequency of publication is another essential factor to consider. If you want up-to-the-minute news, opt for frequent issue releases. For a more leisurely pace, a quarterly or biannual publication schedule might be more suitable.

5. Credibility

Researching the magazine's credibility and reputation can also help inform your decision. Look for positive reviews and recommendations from trusted sources or gaming communities. Established magazines with a solid track record are likely to provide reliable, unbiased content.

6. Price

Subscription prices vary significantly across G2S magazines. Determine your budget and factor in whether the magazine offers value for money.

7. Free Trials and Samples

Some magazines offer free trials or limited-time promotional offers. These can be valuable tools to get a feel for the magazine before making a long-term commitment.

Wrap Up

Choosing the right G2S magazine requires careful consideration of your preferences and needs. By keeping these factors in mind, you'll be well-equipped to select a publication that delivers valuable insights and enjoyment in the gaming, gadget, and gizmo scene.


What is G2S Magazine?

G2S Magazine is a digital publication that focuses on gaming, technology, and other trending topics. The magazine offers reviews of various products, tutorials, and news updates in the gaming industry.

What types of products are featured in G2S Magazine?

G2S Magazine highlights a broad range of products related to gaming, including consoles, PC games, accessories, and peripherals. Additionally, the magazine features content about software and digital platforms designed for gaming.

How often are new issues of G2S Magazine released?

New issues of G2S Magazine are typically released on a monthly basis. However, this schedule may vary depending on the editorial team's goals and workload.

Is G2S Magazine available in print?

No, G2S Magazine does not offer a print version. All available content is published exclusively online.

How can I subscribe to G2S Magazine?

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submitted by GuiltlessMaple to u/GuiltlessMaple [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 04:55 bxstb11y Not sure about getting a PS5

Waited long for it. When I tried to make a list of games I really want to play though, I only came up with 4.... Baldur's Gate, Dragon's Dogma 2, Rise of Ronin, Shadow of Erdtree.
The rest of the game catalogue, i'm not really super interested in. Not really interested in God of War, Horizon, or Spiderman.
I'm not sure now about getting a Ps5 anymore, lowkey feel like there aren't much games for me on the console and the price point for console/games has gone much higher. I could still play my PS4 games on it, as I still have a backlog.. but then that's just playing PS4.
I think it's just the Days of Play sale, and console loyalty with Sony growing up, that's making me think of getting it. I'm not rich and don't have lots of cash to blow, but i do sincerely love gaming.
I do have a Nintendo Switch and have a lot of games there i'm excited for..
Just thinking maybe i should just stick to the Switch if there aren't much games i'm into with the PS5's current library?
submitted by bxstb11y to PHGamers [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 04:52 BlackGalaxyRose Looking for rp partner!

Hello! I’m looking for a rp partner and friend! I prefer fandom rp but I’m open to any ideas you have! I’ll provide a list of fandoms I have for sure seen it has been awhile for some so I apologize in advance! Any age or gender I don’t really care! My average response is 2-3 1-2 if I’m really stuck in a reply and sorry but one liners are a no no for me! I love it if you can match my energy! Feel free to dm me your ideas!
(I Wana try a miraculous ladybug one but I’m not familiar with the show a ton so I Wana learn this is the main one I’m looking for I also Wana try a Stardew valley one) Assassination Classroom, Danganronpa, Diabolik Lovers, Down to Earth, DragonBall, Fairytale, Food wars, Fruits basket, Harry Potter, Kakegurui, MHA (My hero academia), Ouran host club (This one is my fav!!), SAO (Sword Art Online), ,Seven deadly sins, TMNT (Teenage mutant ninja turtles), The Devil is a part timer, Total Drama, Twilight.
submitted by BlackGalaxyRose to u/BlackGalaxyRose [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 04:50 ogreatgames Yu-Gi-Oh The Duelists of The Roses: Strategic Card Video Game - PS2 Game

Yu-Gi-Oh The Duelists of The Roses: Strategic Card Video Game - PS2 Game

![video](7fok7xl1hy191 " Choose your side between Yugi and Kaiba and clash to participate in the Rose War. Visit to buy these item(s) & more while supplies last! -- ")
#playstation2 #card #strategy --
Yu-Gi-Oh The Duelists of The Roses For Sony PlayStation 2. It's time to choose which side are you on. Become an expert card duelist. Between Yugi and Kaiba side, make your decision and fight against the opponent in an intense card battle. Strategize with your cards and make a powerful deck. Players can control 300+ different amazing monsters. Get the chance to play Yu-Gi-Oh like never before. --
Hey check out similar videos here:
submitted by ogreatgames to Ogreatgames [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 04:46 Arbor96 One of four cats is peeing outside the litterbox, and we are moving. Considering rehoming her.

TL;DR: One cat is peeing outside the litterbox, and causing stress in the house (we took them all to the vet first, no issues). We've tried everything we can think of. We're moving to a new house this summer and are considering re-homing her. Any advice would be appreciated.
Background: We have four cats, two that are about ten years old (male and female) and two that are two and a half (both female). The two older ones have been with us for about 5 moves (military) and we've never had any issues at all. My wife found a stray that was very friendly to our children and brought her home two years ago after finding out she was pregnant (the cat, not my wife). We had kittens in a back bedroom and worked with a local non-profit to adopt them out but kept 2 (our children insisted). We did our best to slowly introduce the two kittens and their mother to the older cats, and after months of trying, the mother just couldn't fit in and we adopted her out as well.
Working with the same local non-profit, we had a dog in our house for a couple of months (kept in the same back bedroom). This was a significant disruption to the cats, and eventually we vowed we couldn't do that to them again. After that a friend of mine who is allergic to cats stayed with us, and he kept the door to the back bedroom closed (which annoyed the two young cats, we think). The combination of these two events started a pee war...with one female cat (we'll call her "pretty kitty" because she is). The main battle ground is our bedroom (which sucks) and is upstairs. It's definitely the female older cat's territory, and the young ones fight with her a lot, but primarily Pretty Kitty. She's even peed in front of us on the floor while making eye contact.
We started with vet visits and had Pretty Kitty specifically checked for urine samples. We have 6 cat boxes. We moved them around, specifically to areas we frequent more often. We clean every spot with enzymatic cleaner. We've tried a couple different litters. The only thing that has stopped it is separating pretty kitty into the same back bedroom and keeping her away from the other cats. We replaced all the carpet in the upstairs (which was expensive and new. what a bummer). We even met with a cat behavioralist virtually after reading through this subreddit (but didn't have a great experience and she gave zero actionable things to was like pulling teeth). We're at our wits end. We love this cat but it's causing us so much stress.
Next month we move to a new house 8 hours away. Can anyone give any advice about possible taking her with us? It will be much easier to re-home her here...but we are still open to suggestions. We plan on keeping the cats separated and slowly introducing them to the new house, but will have to do some research to get a solid game plan. Thanks for any advice you can give!
submitted by Arbor96 to CatAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 04:43 firefighter_raven The Chase

The man ran at a steady pace across the now barren grassland. What was once covered in growing grasses and flowers was now just dirt and dust. While it made it easier to run on, it was also easier for an enemy to follow his trail. Especially when they could just head for the dust being kicked up by the pounding of his feet. And that was precisely what the double-handful of brutish-looking aliens were doing. The Hivi were struggling to maintain the human’s pace but enjoying themselves nonetheless.
They were intelligent apex pack hunters on their homeworld before the Eilae came and genetically modified them to serve in their armies. They were bipedal creatures with features like a Terran Hyena.
Chasing fleeing prey was instinctive for them and that is why the Eilae used them to hunt escaped slaves or to track enemy fighters in war.
The subjugation of this world had left few chances to hunt a wild Human so they holstered their weapons and hunted in the old ways.
It was just a matter of time until the human exhausted itself and they could catch him.
And so they let the human run, arms pumping and focused on the ground ahead with only an occasional glance behind him.
Before long, it became obvious to the aliens he was heading toward the rocky hills ahead. Their prey was beginning to slow, its energy must be finally dwindling and they’d catch him soon. He wouldn’t get far in those hills.
One of the aliens began to unlimber his weapon but an order from the unit’s Alpha put a stop to that. Trying to fire on the run was a waste of ammo and stopping to fire wouldn’t be any more accurate against a moving target at the current range. Their weapons were made to deliver heavy amounts of damage at the cost of range.
And he wanted the up-close kill. To feel the prey’s flesh rip under claw and fang. To smell its blood flow onto the ground.
The human was almost to the hills when he stumbled and fell. He got back up but now he was limping. His pursuers yelled at his misfortune, they had him now.
Before he could stop them, several of his pack unlimbered their pulse rifles and fired at the prey.
The range was still long so most of the pulse rifle shots fell short or passed far over the man’s head. But right as he reached a large pile of rocks, a scream, and a fall signaled a hit. But the man wasn’t dead, he managed to crawl behind the rocks.
The Alpha screamed his outrage at his pack, who shrank back in terror. What’s done is done and it was time to end the hunt. Signaling to its men, the Alpha slowed and motioned for its men to spread out and approach the rocks. The Alpha listened intently but heard no movement from the other side.
It cautiously approached the pile and began to move around the side, examining the large pool of blood soaking into the ground. He breathed in the scent of blood, it caused a heady feeling to wash over him.
He could smell the Human’s sweat, and hear its heartbeat. With a toothy grin, he stepped around the rock to face the prey and enjoy its fear before killing it.
Max Allen ran across the dusty plain, once green but now dead, like many areas of the planet.
He kept up a steady pace that left him far enough ahead of the pursuing aliens but left him still able to sprint if needed. But not so far ahead they’d use their rifles, he was well aware of their past as pack hunters and used that to his advantage. Allen also knew they were unaware that Humans had also once been pack hunters but took down larger prey by running it to exhaustion. They might not be able to keep up with the speed of their prey but they’d make their prey flee and pursue them until they stopped or dropped.
While Humans no longer chased Mammoths or wild cattle, their bodies retained the ability to run great distances without overheating, with the right training. And Allen had learned that lesson in an Earth ravaged by the Eilae and their minions.
Allen spotted his destination less than a mile ahead. He just needed to make it to those rocky hills. With one last look back, he picked up his pace. Just before reaching the rock pile near the dry stream bed leading up the hill, he stumbled and fell. When he got back up, he was limping but still making for his goal. He heard his pursuers give some kind of shout and then pulse rifle shots began to impact around him.
One was close enough that he gave out a scream and fell, and then crawled behind the nearby rock pile.
He heard the aliens slow and begin to approach him. He saw the shadow of one of the aliens alongside the rock.
As the Alpha moved around the corner of the rock pile, it saw the human's legs. It gave a feral grin as it finally got to look upon its mortally wounded prey. But instead of a dying human, the Alpha found the barrel of a shotgun pointed at its head. The Alpha barely had time to recognize the danger before the blast hit it square in the face, turning it into a mass of bloody meat.
At the sound of the shotgun blast, a cacophony of deafening weapons fire erupted from the hillside ahead. The crack of rifles, the roaring of the machine guns, and the hammering of the .50 caliber were joined by the shouts and screams of the aliens as the high-velocity packets of metal tore into their bodies. Their light armor was unable to offer much protection at this range.
And in a matter of moments, it was all over. The only sound was the groaning of the wounded and dying aliens. Almost 2 dozen humans stood up from their concealment and began walking amongst the aliens, looting the dead and finishing off the wounded.
A human with 3 stripes on his arm approached the corpse of the Alpha and turned to speak with the other man. He looked down at the pool of blood on the ground. “You injured?” asked the sergeant.
“Nah Daniel,” picking up the empty bag that had previously contained some of his blood drawn before the mission, “ just a little theater for our friends here.” Cpl Max Allen replied.
“But someone else can be the bait next time,” he added as he exchanged his running shoes for combat boots.
The sergeant, Daniel Reyes laughed, “ That’s what happens when you are the best distance runner we have.”
Max returned the compliment with the one-finger salute that just made Sgt. Reyes laugh that much harder.
“Let’s finish stripping the bodies and get out of here before any of their buddies show up in assault craft.” Sgt. Reyes yelled to his men.
Cpl. Allen collected his gear that was hidden behind the rock pile and began collecting enemy gear.
Weapons, ammo, and any useful gear were collected and examined before packing them up for transport. The humans dragged the alien bodies under an overhang and kicked some dirt on them. Just enough to hide them from an aerial search.
They loaded their gear and alien equipment onto the motley assortment of military and civilian vehicles hidden in a ravine on the other side of the hills. Dirtbikes, 4-wheelers, 4x4s, and a Humvee, were hidden on the other side of the hill.
Splitting up to confuse any pursuit, they headed to their base in the nearby mountains.

submitted by firefighter_raven to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 04:42 catchemdown Possibly a code book?

Possibly a code book?
My great grandfather was a physicist for the u.s. government during world war 2, however this could be from other members of my family. We think it’s a code book of some sort but would love to know more. We’ve seen some Masonic lodge books similar but nothing quite like this.
submitted by catchemdown to Whatisthis [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 04:39 Fantastic-Pen6000 First time watcher S1E01-E10 Thoughts

So I have never seen a full episode of supernatural ever. I remember seeing some of The Woman in White, Bugs and whatever season has the loop of Dean dying.
I’m not a huge horror person never have been but yesterday I decided to try watching the series S1–15 and I’ll post my thoughts here.
1) Wow they are both so young! Also in some of the scenes Jensen had so much gel or product in his hair. Jared also looking very cute with the hair was it done to make him look that much younger? Genuine question. 2) They do get decently gorey that shapeshifter episode with the teeth bothered me! 3) The first episode really sets up this season in a “who done it” fashion and I love a mystery! Also what an opening 4) Was this series the first to do away with a themes song and opening credits? I always wondered when shows/networks stopped those 5) When I was young I got one of those horrible chain emails to do with Bloody Mary so I was so glad to see an episode dealing with that. It’s very monster of the week but I love Buffy and Smallville so won’t bother 6) I do like the taking old campfire ghost stories making them real and dealing with them. As mentioned above and the hookman, looking forward to what else will be seen. 7) I guessed werewolf at first then Wendigo only from Until Dawn play through I have watch on YT 8) The young man in Asylum I know from criminal minds! 9) That scarecrow was terrifying! And who is this Meg woman that slit a guys neck to make a “phone call?!” Also I know o have seen her in something else but I don’t know what.
Now it’s time to watch a couple more episode and I guess see what other things jump out at me.
submitted by Fantastic-Pen6000 to Supernatural [link] [comments]