Vitamins for seventh craniel nerve healt

PSA save yourself and don't drink it 🤮 it's knudsens shots all over again

2024.05.21 18:26 tristan_mua PSA save yourself and don't drink it 🤮 it's knudsens shots all over again

PSA save yourself and don't drink it 🤮 it's knudsens shots all over again submitted by tristan_mua to Influenster [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:26 slidinggenio How I’m almost completely recovered from genioplasty in 14 days

How I’m almost completely recovered from genioplasty in 14 days
Exactly two weeks ago i got a 10mm sliding genio, im now going back to the gym this week, eating steak, talking normally for about a week now and no one notices swelling except myself.
Here’s what I did:
For food I started drinking calorie dense liquids as much as i could, blended up ice cream with A LOT of whey isolate, collagen and full fat milk was my main source for the first week. Also helps that this is calcium rich. I tried to at least get to maintenance but preferably over what i typically need. I’m a big guy so i need to eat a lot and I do dn’t think i could get sick of ice cream but it happened :/
You’re fooling yourself if you think your body can recover just as fast in a calorific deficit.
I slept as much as i could (duh) but seriously this really helps. Alongside this i tried to be as active as possible, i was back on my home treadmill within 2 days and quickly getting up to 10k+ steps. This really helped with swelling and i think i would have recovered slower in general without this.
Now for the fun stuff:
1mg BPC 157 a day, easily the BIGGEST contributor to my recovery and i only started it day 6, since then everyday i was 10x better than the previous. Injected subq into the glute. As far as peptides go this is fucking amazing.
I also noticed a lot more tingling from my nerves reconnecting after starting BPC, i started with a completely numb lower lip and chin but now they’re almost both back to 100%.
Magnesium 500mg Zinc 15mg Glycine 15g Vit D 1000 IU Vit k complex High dose curcumin for swelling Probiotic because antibiotics suck for your gut health Topical vitamin K for bruising, topical arnica is cope don’t bother that shit did nothing. My bruising disappeared very quickly after swapping it for vit k. Incandescent infrared light therapy 10 min a day on my face, i do this for collagen but it probably helped a tiny bit
TLDR eat a lot, move a lot, sleep a lot and take bpc 157 don’t be a pussy (kidding)
I still have a noticeable amount of swelling (by my standards) especially in my submental and on the front of my chin and can feel that my mandible needs a few more weeks before it’s 100% but functionally i’m so happy to be back to my normal within a shorter than expected timespan. My results look better each day and probably won’t be finalised for at least another few weeks but I was basically good to go from day 10.
submitted by slidinggenio to jawsurgery [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:19 pupek My collection of vitamins

Hey guys,
My second week with the floaters was hard for me, decided to try anything.
Now my gf is making fun of me. Saying I am Mr. Vitamin. I have to laugh too! 😂
Just we a bit over the top here and wanted to share my piece!
Have a nice day!
submitted by pupek to EyeFloaters [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 04:58 novayume Doctor thinks I have MCAS

Hello all,
I’ll try to keep this as short as possible.
I have POTS and hEDS as well. I began with POTS in March 2020 after a couple month long sinus infection. I’m currently working with a really good POTS doctor recommended by Dysautonomia International as my previous POTS doctor was not helpful. He believes I have MCAS as well, but I was curious to get those opinions of who do have it. Here are my symptoms:
I’m curious if those here with MCAS have similar symptoms? I guess the only thing that makes me wonder if I do have it is I never have rashes or anaphylaxis. I did think it was a histamine issue for awhile but many foods that people have no issues with I seem to have problems with (mostly oils).
Any advice or comments would be much appreciated
Thank you!
submitted by novayume to MCAS [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 03:16 justscrolling4now Advise on mouse?

I wonder how many like me have ulnar nerve issue from using a normal cheap pc mouse and what are the best shape/brand of mouse useful to counter that?
Unlike most people who gets carpal tunnel, I'm on my way to get carpal ulnar.
Don't ask me how it happen, it just did. My small finger was numb for months until I take vitamins. But the recovery doesn't last.
So am looking for a better pc mouse
submitted by justscrolling4now to computer [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 03:06 EvenSatisfaction1254 My mono recovery after 21 months

Hello all. The title is not clickbait. Just wanted to provide a post now that I am nearing the 2 year mark from infection. I have posted on here previously but deleted it as I wanted to just give this one post some light. For context, I’m in my early/now mid 20s, was in the middle of grad school, was an athlete/active/outgoing. My timeline is below (If you’d like to just skip to how I’m doing now, just keep scrolling down until the April 2023-Present). I would also like to say beforehand that the vast majority recover significantly faster than this. This is not the norm, and please don’t panic if you just got sick. You’ll likely recover in weeks.
August 2022: Initial infection. Swollen tonsils, rash, fever, etc, labs eventually come back positive for mono.
September 2022: Acute infection symptoms still prevailing, somewhat improved late in the month. Other notable occurrences: ER visit from tonsils obstructing my breathing.
October 2022: Felt like I got hit by a bus. Insane flu like symptoms, fatigue, brainfog, PEM, muscle aches, nerve pain, dizziness, dissociation, feeling of body not able to remember to breathe (very weird version of shortness of breath), horrible GI/IBS like issues, light sensitivity, noise sensitivity, genuine short term memory loss, motion sickness, heart palpitations/PVCs, temperature sensitivities, began losing weight/muscle from inactivity
November 2022 - June 2023: Virtually zero progress. Symptoms I listed above would cycle over and over randomly. I became obsessed with trying to feel better, track symptoms/what treatments worked or didn’t, and every single movement I did every day I thought about in terms of feeling worse or better. Doom-scrolled most of the day. Horrible on the mental health. I thought I had ME/CFS and that I’d have a slow and painful life, one that I’d rather not live if I have to be honest. Was barely able to keep up with all of the exams/labs/assessments/classes that came with grad school. I almost had to drop out. No parties. No sports. No hanging out. Couldn’t drive. I missed most of my classes. I felt like I had the flu every single day, all day. In any moment where I felt I could be doing better or I found something that might be helping, it didn’t. Went right back to flu like symptoms. Months 3-11 were truly hell. At this point, I lost 40 pounds of good muscle/fat and all my athletic abilities were gone. I felt so left out, alone, isolated, and depressed.
June 2023-September 2023: I am struggling to keep up at my internships. The hot weather made my brainfog worse, and I still had significant GI issues, light sensitivity, and noise sensitivity. On a positive note, my overall cycling of symptoms began to become less and less intense as it neared September.
October 2023: I will never forget this month. As I was still struggling at new internships, I vividly remember a string of days that I felt were better than usual. Usually after this happens, it goes right back to the same old stuff. But this time, it didn’t. Everyday became a “not bad” day. This was progress that I never ever thought would be possible.
November 2023-March 2024: Very slowly, this string of “not bad” days kept turning into some “good” days. I still had some ups and downs but, by winter time, I genuinely was able to feel like a functional human being again. I was able to go to work, study, hang out, and drive again. My brainfog has improved. All of my symptoms above have improved. The only one that really did not was noise sensitivity. Would I have occasional flares of awful GI problems? Yes, but so does every 20 something year old in this day and age from all the processed stuff we’ve been consuming. Occasional pain or headaches? Yes, but very normal amounts, just like any other normal person.
Late March/April 2024-Present: My brainfog, fatigue, and other symptoms, are afterthoughts. I don’t think about my symptoms most of the time anymore, because I don’t have them. My noise sensitivity improved so drastically over the past month that I’m now able to listen to music consistently for first time since getting sick. Having caffeine feels normal again somehow. I’m able to have some alcohol again. I can drive again. I went to bars and clubs with friends for the first time again. I went to weddings again. I went to trips with my family, friends, and significant other again. I graduated college. No more PEM crashes. Despite all odds, despite these symptoms, despite it being nearly 2 years, I have recovered. The only remaining symptoms of occasional muscle aches/heart skips/GI problems I really think are just from being so inactive for so long for the first time in my athletic life, and my autonomic nervous system/vagus nerve still being a little fried (but about 90+% back to normal). All those nights of crying, suffering, having horrible brainfog to the point of thinking I’m losing my mind, the nerve pain, heart palpitations, feeling so alone and wanting to not live life anymore, were gone. I don’t care what everything says here, and online. You can recover. I did in 2 years. The people who have also done this really must have decided to never update their progress on here, or anywhere. I don’t blame them in a way, this was by far the worst and darkest time in my life. But I can live again. I feel free.
I love you all and really hope you realize no matter how horrible you’re feeling right now, you can recover. There is no magic bullet right now that fixed it for me either. I’m sorry. The amount of tests I did at doctors offices, supplements I’ve tried, prescriptions I’ve tried, all either did not help or were incredibly inconsistent. Time was truly what healed me. Not over weeks, and not even over some months. It was over many many months. My heart breaks for all of you suffering and I will not forget everyone that’s still suffering. I hate how I can’t give everyone here exactly what I desperately used to scroll for; a treatment. But I can give you my assurance. I believe in you all, and I can’t wait for when I hear about some of your recoveries. Thanks for the read. Feel free to message with anything.
  • Ev ____________________
Some meds I tried over the course of the last 2 years that either did not work, or were mid at best and had side effects (this is simply documenting what I tried and I DO NOT endorse/recommend any of these. Please ALWAYS talk to your doctor or pharmacist before trying any medication): B complex, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, zinc, ginger, 2nd gen antihistamines (like Claritin, Zyrtec, Xyzal), melatonin, Metamucil, ondansetron, modafinil, caffeine, CoQ10, ICS/ICS+LABAs (Pulmicort and Breo specifically), albuterol, monolaurin, bupropion, glycine. There were a bunch of others (like ibuprofen, Tylenol, viscous lidocaine) that I used in the beginning to help the initial infection, and a bunch of others that I did not try long enough to put on here. There were also a bunch of events and symptoms I did not mention above for simplicity sake. Please talk with your provider or pharmacist with any medical questions or if you think you may be having any other serious health issues. Thank you all again for the read, I will update you all once I get back into working out again in the coming weeks!
submitted by EvenSatisfaction1254 to Mononucleosis [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 02:34 Designer_Ad9597 Suspect my mystery illness is a B deficiency. How long before blood test do I stop supplements?

I started on Thorne Vitamin B Complex 5 days ago because I suspect the “mystery illness” I’ve been suffering for 10 years is actually a B deficiency.
I decided to call the doctor today to get labs done to confirm my suspicions rather than self-treat and I’m wondering how long I should wait to make sure I don’t get an artificially elevated result due to the supplement.
I was just taking one/day but took three yesterday after reading that 1000 mg is the recommended dosage to correct a deficiency.
I had a B12 test in 2015 that showed normal levels ~566 but I don’t know if that test was wrong or if maybe I was taking a supplement at the time or if its a different B causing my issues, but I want to make sure that I have the best chance of getting an accurate reading this time around.
Long story short I’ve been battling geographic tongue, gum issues, fatigue, muscle pain, joint pain, etc… since the about 6 months after the birth of my now 10 year old. Symptoms have really ramped up the past few months with heart, palpitations, nerve pain, etc.. realized the increased of symptoms coincided with daily Prilosec intake. Read that PPI’s can inhibit B12 absorption and now I’m pretty convinced b12 has been my issue all along.
submitted by Designer_Ad9597 to B12_Deficiency [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 00:35 Fit-Cauliflower-9229 MRI, can someone take a look?

Hi 24F ~164cm ~45,5kg never smoked, never did drugs, don’t like the taste of alcohol. Took ssri since the age of 13 but stopped 1.5y ago.
Vegetarian for 6 years, diagnosed by a psychiatrist with anorexia since 9yo… as well as OCD
Iron deficient, vitamins D deficient, from blood test. Probably vitamins B deficient too, since I don’t eat meat/fish, getting that tested in two days.
I had burning pain as well as tingling/needle in half of my body (left side) muscles spams for around 1y now. As well as visual symptoms like palinopsia, light sensitivity, blurry vision, double vision. Tinnitus
Feel likes left optic nerve is burning.
Feel like left ear is clogged too. Or spasming?
It also always hurt/burn behind and above my head on the left side (always the same side).
Had to go to the hospital 15 days ago because of a migraine with aura, they thought I was having a stroke cause I was incoherent. It was the first time I was delirious because of a migraine. Ofc it was hurting on the left side. I had migraines since I was 15 but they’re more frequent now.
From seeing an orthoptist, my left eyes also is weaker muscle wise, and my eyesight has lowered on that side too according to the ophtalmologist.
I had an mri 0 0.5 1 2 3 done 2 months ago by I haven’t heard from it since. So I just wanted to be sure if it was ok over there.
Thank a lot for reading all that.
submitted by Fit-Cauliflower-9229 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 23:24 Certifiedninja08 (Selling) Movies 4 Less

F&F Paypal (no notes)/Venmo/Amazon GC
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The Equalizer 2 SD MA $2
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The Expendables 2 SD Itunes $1
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The Expendables 3 4K Itunes $2
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The Expendables 3 (Unrated) HD Itunes $2
The Fate of the Furious Theatrical Ed. HD MA $1.50
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The Heat SD MA $1.750
The Heat SD Itunes $1.50
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The Hero of Color City HD Vudu $2
The Hitmans Bodyguard HD Vudu/Itunes $2
The Hunger Games HD Vudu $1
The Hunger Games SD Itunes $0.75
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The Hunger Games Mockingjay pt. 2 HD Vudu $2
The Internship HD MA $2.50
The Internship SD Itunes $2
The Interview SD MA $2
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The Last Stand SD Itunes $1
The Last Stand HD Vudu $2
The Last Witch Hunter SD Vudu $1.50
The Last Witch Hunter HD Vudu $2
The Last Witch Hunter 4K Itunes $2.50
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submitted by Certifiedninja08 to DigitalCodeSELL [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 22:24 StillAd2922 Has my dentist harmed me ?

Around January 24 I went for a wisdom tooth extraction.
During the anesthesia, after the injection went into my lower gum, all my nerves around felt like they were being lit on fire. I reflexively shook a bit at the sudden pain from the plunger being pushed and my dentist just held on to my face and told me to relax and not move.
It still feels like that intermittently if i touch the lower part of my jaw. If I rub the area to the left of my chin bone, I can feel slight pain, tingling and numbness radiate all the way to the old tooth site where the extraction had been done and to the left side of my lower lip.
When I met the dentist again 14 days ago on the 6th of May, she took out some X-Rays and told me everything looked find and nothing happened to the 'nerve bed' and gave me:
This did not help at all. I still have the same issues. Did she cause some sort of irreparable damage to me that she is being secretive about because of fear of action?
submitted by StillAd2922 to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 22:19 StillAd2922 Has my dentist harmed me ?

Around January I went for a wisdom tooth extraction.
During the anesthesia, after the injection went into my lower gum, all my nerves around felt like they were being lit on fire. I shook a bit at the sudden pain and my dentist just held on to my face and told me to relax.
It still feels like that intermittently if i touch the lower part of my jaw. If I rub the area to the left of my chin bone, I can feel slight pain, tingling and numbness radiate all the way to the old tooth site where the extraction had been done and to the left side of my lower lip.
When I met the dentist again 14 days ago on the 6th of May, she took out some X-Rays and told me everything looked find and nothing happened to the 'nerve bed' and gave me: - Benfotiamine (7.5 mg) + (0.75 mg) + Methylcobalamin (750 mcg) + Pyridoxine (1.5 mg) + Pregabalin (75 mg) - a tablet of various B vitamins including: vitamin B1 (thiamine), 10 milligrams (mg) vitamin B2 (riboflavin), 10 mg vitamin B3 (nicotinamide), 45 mg vitamin B5 (calcium pantothenate), 50 mg vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), 3 mg vitamin B12 (cobalamin), 15 micrograms (mcg).
This did not help at all. I still have the same issues. Did she cause some sort of irreparable damage to me that she is being secretive about because of fear of action?
submitted by StillAd2922 to Dentists [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 21:20 bcco20 Martin Gruber Anastomosis - treatment options?

26F, 135lbs, non smoker. Occasional edibles. Currently taking Effexor, ajovy, mounjaro, magnesium, vitamin d, and a women’s multivitamin.
Medical issues: anxiety, PCOS, endometriosis, cholecystitis, migraines, 4x ankle surgeries
I have had elbow pain for two years, have had 2 MRIs and EMGs.
Both MRs showed golfers elbow that hasn't healed with steroid shots, PT, etc. my doc wants to do surgery to clean this up, check the ulnar nerve, and thinks there may be some tears that aren't showing on the MRI because of fluid.
The first EMG was normal, while the second showed Martin Gruber anastomosis. My doctor referred me to a specialist, but didn't know much about this. What are some treatment options? There isn't much info about this online.
submitted by bcco20 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 17:27 Th3_Corn Periodically recurring paresthesia (32M)

for about the past 3 years I (32m, 170cm, white caucasian) have had periodically recurring paresthesia. The paresthesia starts with a slight itchiness of nerves under my skin (in particular in the neck/head area), dullness (in particular in my neck/head area), swelling in the neck/head area and dizziness. Also im becoming slightly shaky, have slight coordination problems and have problems holding my spine straight/keeping body tension. The latter is particularly noticable in the neck/head area. Also im getting cold sensitive/feel cold even though it objectively warm.
After about a day it starts getting better and then after another 1.5 days I almost feel normal. Then I have about 2-2.5 days until it starts again. Rinse and repeat. I really mean it, after starting to track my symptoms about 6 months ago I can almost time when Im getting them. I've been tested for all common diseases, all blood parameters (full blood exam) are normal, I was tested for parasites, all common autoimmune diseases have been checked, vitamine deficiencies have been checked. I had a cervical MRI which was clean, except for some spine damage that i already had. Brain MRI was clean.
The issues have not gotten worse over the past years but they are really starting to affect my cervical spine stability. I've tried physical therapy (warm cremes, electrotherapy (TENS, HTEMS), massages, etc.) without any success whatsoever which makes me think the underlying issue is not functional. My neurologist says there is no known/specific neurological condition causing this. I've been taking antidepressants and going to therapy for about two years on the suspicion that the disease could be psychosomatic without any improvement. Meditation/autogenous training/hypnosis also have not worked. Any ideas?
submitted by Th3_Corn to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 16:58 Th3_Corn Periodically recurring paresthesia (32M)

for about the past 3 years I (32m) have had periodically recurring paresthesia. The paresthesia starts with a slight itchiness of nerves under my skin (in particular in the neck/head area), dullness (in particular in my neck/head area), swelling in the neck/head area and dizziness. Also im becoming slightly shaky, have slight coordination problems and have problems holding my spine straight/keeping body tension. The latter is particularly noticable in the neck/head area. Also im getting cold sensitive/feel cold even though it objectively warm.
After about a day it starts getting better and then after another 1.5 days I almost feel normal. Then I have about 2-2.5 days until it starts again. Rinse and repeat. I really mean it, after starting to track my symptoms about 6 months ago I can almost time when Im getting them. I've been tested for all common diseases, all blood parameters (full blood exam) are normal, I was tested for parasites, all common autoimmune diseases have been checked, vitamine deficiencies have been checked. I had a cervical MRI which was clean, except for some spine damage that i already had. Brain MRI was clean.
The issues have not gotten worse over the past years but they are really starting to affect my cervical spine stability. I've tried physical therapy (warm cremes, electrotherapy (TENS, HTEMS), massages, etc.) without any success whatsoever which makes me think the underlying issue is not functional. My neurologist says there is no known/specific neurological condition causing this. I've been taking antidepressants and going to therapy for about two years on the suspicion that the disease could be psychosomatic without any improvement. Meditation/autogenous training/hypnosis also have not worked. Any ideas?
submitted by Th3_Corn to DiagnoseMe [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 15:04 Major-Economics9110 Confirmed retrograde ejaculation solutions?

Hi I am a new here , well I ( 29 M ) I have seen a urologist and did hormones check all were within range testestron was on the lower side but still within range .
Initial checks shows nothing worng a retrograde ejaculation was suspected so I had to do 2 SAs , and it confirms that I have a retrograde ejaculation. There is no reason for that I have not done any surgery before plus I am Not diabetic. Doc is suspecting a nerve damage.
He has advised me to take suppliment ( Vitamin C, vitamin D , zinc , omega 3 ) and clomid 50 mg once a week also pseudoephedrine 1-3 hours before sex. Plus work on my BMI as it is 32 .
I am following this for the last 2 months and have not seen any improvement.
Any idea what could cause that nerve damage? Plus any suggestions to solve this issue ?
Thanks for the help and support
submitted by Major-Economics9110 to maleinfertility [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:43 pearldental12 Facts About Dental Implant Recovery Process

The dental implant recovery process varies among individuals, but there are some common factors and stages that most people experience. Here are key facts about the dental implant recovery process:

Initial Recovery Period

  1. Post-Surgery Discomfort: It's normal to experience some pain, swelling, and bruising immediately after the surgery. This typically lasts a few days to a week.
  2. Bleeding: Minor bleeding and oozing are common for the first 24-48 hours. Patients are usually advised to bite down on gauze to control bleeding.
  3. Pain Management: Over-the-counter pain medications such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen are often recommended. In some cases, dentists may prescribe stronger pain relievers.
  4. Dietary Restrictions: Patients are usually advised to stick to soft foods and avoid hot, spicy, or hard foods that could irritate the surgical site.

Medium-Term Healing

  1. Stitches: If stitches are used, they may either dissolve on their own or need to be removed by the dentist after a week or so.
  2. Swelling and Bruising: Swelling should gradually decrease over the first week, with bruising also fading within a couple of weeks.
  3. Bone Integration: The process of osseointegration, where the implant fuses with the jawbone, begins during this period and is critical for the implant's stability. This can take several months (typically 3-6 months).

Long-Term Healing and Follow-Up

  1. Follow-Up Visits: Regular follow-up appointments are necessary to monitor the healing process and ensure the implant is integrating properly.
  2. Temporary Crown: A temporary crown may be placed initially, followed by the permanent crown after the implant has fully integrated.
  3. Oral Hygiene: Maintaining excellent oral hygiene is crucial to prevent infection. Patients should brush gently around the implant site and use an antibacterial mouthwash as recommended.

Potential Complications

  1. Infection: Though rare, infections can occur and may require antibiotics or additional surgical intervention.
  2. Implant Failure: In some cases, the implant may fail to integrate with the bone, necessitating removal and, potentially, a second attempt after further bone grafting.
  3. Nerve Damage: If nerves are affected during surgery, it may cause temporary or permanent numbness or tingling.

Lifestyle and Long-Term Care

  1. Smoking: Smoking can significantly impede the healing process and increase the risk of implant failure. Patients are often advised to quit smoking.
  2. Diet and Nutrition: A balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals supports faster healing and bone health.
  3. Regular Dental Checkups: Continued dental checkups are essential to ensure the health of the implant and surrounding teeth.
Understanding these aspects can help patients prepare for and navigate the dental implant recovery process more effectively. Always follow the specific advice and guidelines provided by your dental surgeon or specialist.
submitted by pearldental12 to u/pearldental12 [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:40 LWy-lee Ulcer like wounds forming on left foot and ankle. Unsure why

26yo Caucasian male (ftm post transition) Medications: OTC vitamin D Preexisting medical conditions: PCOS
I started experiencing ankle pain a few months ago following an injury earlier this year which I assumed was an ankle sprain but a later X-ray showed a previous fibula fracture I was unaware of. The pain is accompanied by neuropathy, asymmetrical color and temperature changes in the affected leg, decrease in functional movement, and most recently “punched out” ulcer like wounds on the lateral and medial side of my ankle. They’re each about penny sized and form a dark eschar on top when uncovered for too long. I’ve done my best to keep them clean and uninfected but they don’t seem to be healing. I have an appointment with a specialist coming up soon. Before the ulcers I was thinking maybe complex regional pain syndrome because of the asymmetrical color and temperature changes and seemingly unprovoked pain that sits at a baseline 2/10 but spikes at 7/10. I was also wondering if a nerve could be pinched? The ulcers have kind of thrown me for a loop though. I work an active job but the pain has stopped me from exercising. If anyone has any ideas or guesses as to what might be causing this, I’d appreciate any input. Thanks in advance.
submitted by LWy-lee to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:57 Saberx1974 2MAD to OMAD Knowledgeable Insights?

Hi Everyone,
This is my first post here and I'm excited to be part of this forum.
For the last week i have gone from 2MAD to OMAD and for the last three days of OMAD I have experienced dizziness, lethargy, but have otherwise felt better than I had before. Besides the few side effects, I feel like I have even greater mental energy and focus and I feel calmer and somewhat more patient. I understand that I have only been following OMAD for a week, but my questions are as follows:
  1. While I understand that dizziness is not a positive side effect, how can i mitigate it moving forward?
  2. Something I don't quite understand is that I have not reduced the amount of food since starting OMAD, but have only combined both meals into one. Ultimately, I haven't changes my intake, but only my frequency of food intake, so why these side effects that I never had before with 2MAD?
  3. I also understand that OMAD may not be for everyone, but I figured that now, while not going to the gym that adding excessive stress to my body and reducing and elimination medications, it would be the ideal time to try it. Could it be possible that OMAD is not for me and are there any definitive physiological signs to verify this conclusion?
  4. Does OMAD have an adaptation phase and should I give it more time?
Some info about myself:
This way of eating has made me feel better than ever before, but I somehow, based on what I have read and seen, believe that OMAD could possible take my health to the next level if done correctly.
I'm sorry for speaking of carnivore diet in this forum, but I wanted to give you some context about myself and I also understand that I have made a number of significant lifestyle changes in the last few weeks, which could account for some of the side effects, but I can't imagine that dizziness would be one of them. I admit that I am naive in the ways of fasting and OMAD and would appreciate any information you may offer about what to do moving forward and please do not hesitate to ask me any questions that you may have. Thanks
submitted by Saberx1974 to omad [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:41 Tortie_lover1 What protocol should I focus on?

Hello, I was hoping that someone could offer insight to what protocol or specific supplement that I should consider with these symptoms:
I feel like I have deduced that the pathogens in me are feeding off of poisons and toxins in my body and are producing high amounts of neurotoxins which are inflamming my nerves causing all of the symptoms I am dealing with, they are feeding off of metals as well but I do not think it is the majority of what they are feeding on. My symptoms ebb and flow depending on my immune system, I only get muscle spasms when my immune system has weakened, they are not constant. I have done MM info for 5 years and have done cj, lw, and hmds for that long, this is why I have a harder time believing that it is solely metal related.
Some background on me: I went through an incredibly stressful time in my life, I tried following the covid protocol and upped my antivirals without adjusting to them, this resulted in insane die off and increases in neurological symptoms, I developed crazy Insomnia (4 hours and less was my normal, thankfully after stopping everything I am now sleeping 6-8 hours) and this went for 5 months. During that time everything I was doing felt too intense. I had to stop doing the morning cleanse, I couldn't even tolerate 1 oz of celery juice, the hmds was making me feel insanely depressed, and lemon water with only a few drops of lemon made me feel depressed too. So I haven't been cleansing for a few months but I can genuinely say that I have improved other symptoms I dealt with in the past, I feel stronger physically and mentally now, I'm able to be around people without getting burnt out and I have been able to go out again to the movies for example, go to a store and not have a panic attack, and have the the strength to start a garden. I've made a lot of progress in my healing and am taking things slow. During the worst of my symptoms I felt so neurotic that I couldn't leave my family's side and I would freak out if they left, thankfully that has gotten better and I can be alone and feel okay. This is my current supplement routine and I think this is what has helped me gain the progress I have:
I am so sensitive to supplements, taking a sip of licorice root tea made me having night sweats, insomnia, and I could hear my heart beat in my ears. I also am not of fan of how mood regulating supplements feel like lemon balm, it feels like it makes me feel subdued, I am just looking for something to add in that won't make me feel any extremes, I want to feel my emotions again, I don't believe I have depersonalization because I can still feel tinges of my emotions, I believe it to be related to the brain fog, nerve inflammation from the neurotoxins causing all of my symptoms including my lack of emotion and inability to express. I hope someone can offer some guidance with all of this, I have yet to be able to afford to see a practitioner so I am still trying to figure out this on my own. Thank you to anyone who takes the time to read this and cares enough to respond 🙏
submitted by Tortie_lover1 to medicalmedium [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:15 snoweric Do Vestigial Organs Prove the Theory of Evolution? Does the Human Body Have Useless Organs and Anatomical Structures in It?

Let’s use vestigial structures as a specific example of the non-falsifiability of evolution. When it became clear, based on advancing medical science, that the roughly 180 anatomical structures that evolutionists had originally claimed were useless actually were useful, they resorted to a fall-back position, which is a classic post-hoc explanatory device. They now claim that these structures supposedly served some OTHER function in the past, but now they have another function. Crapo in 1985, for example, wrote: “This is precisely how a vestige should be defined: Not as a ‘functionless’ part of an organism, but as a part which does not function in the way that its structure would lead us to expected, given how that structure function in most other organisms.” Notice now Crapo’s analysis here also confirms how important attacking the belief in God as a wise, efficient, benevolent Creator is to evolutionists: “It is the existence of such vestiges in such organisms which evolutionary theory would very naturally predict, but which the belief in an efficient Designer would not lead us to expect a priori.” (Italics removed, Richly Crapo, “Are the vanishing teeth of fetal baleen whales useless?” 1985). This kind of fall-back position for “explaining” vestigial structures illustrates the non-falsifiable nature of evolution. When medical science confirms the a priori viewpoint of the creationist model, that all of these anatomical structures really are useful and God didn’t insert useless organs and structures into the human body, the evolutionists don’t admit that their paradigm is falsified. Instead, they simply retreat into other rationalizations to keep attacking God as a shoddy, careless, unwise engineer. Here once again the viewpoint of Cornelius Hunter’s book “Darwin’s God: Evolution and the Problem of Evil” is confirmed: Evolutionists are engaged in negative natural theology when they argue against a supernatural explanation of the natural world based upon its perceived structural flaws and moral evils. Indeed, they find it crucial and very important to supporting their paradigm to do this. Needless to say, this kind of reasoning is every bit as metaphysical as the theologian who argues that the wonders and complexity of the natural world proves God’s existence. Any claim that evolution, when it enters the world of change above the genus or family taxonomic levels, is more “empirical” than creationism, is simply false.
The example of supposedly “vestigial” organs is also a great example of how the theory of evolution slows down scientific development and research. If an anatomical structure is a priori judged to be “vestigial,” then scientists who are evolutionists aren’t likely to study it carefully for what it really does. For example, tonsils were often removed for decades from children since they were judged to be simply “useless vestiges.” Later on, oops!, it was found out that they actually do fight disease. They weren’t so useless after all. Basically all 180 organs and anatomical structures that were once listed as “useless vestiges” (in one way or another) have been found to have real functions. For instance, the “yolk sac” is used by a developing human embryo to make its first blood cells; death would result without it. The coccyx was claimed to be a remnant of our purported evolutionary ancestors having a tail, but it’s actually a crucial point for muscle attachment needed for our upright posture (and, well, for defecation). So to say this is about “prior functions” as opposed to current functions is a great example of how evolutionists attempt to escape falsification of their paradigm. They assume these “prior functions” really existed a priori, when that remains to be proven. There’s no way to test, predict, observe, reproduce the selective advantage of supposed intermediate structures for the survival of the species in question, which supposedly occurred long ago in the prehistorical past. This is yet another example of circular reasoning by evolutionists, in which they assume what still needs to be proven.
A great, focused book from a creationist viewpoint on this general subject of "vestigial" organs is Jerry Bergman, Ph.D., and George Howe, Ph.d., "'Vestigial Organs' Are Fully Functional," Creation Research Society, St. Joseph, MO, 1990.
Super erudite, extra scholarly addendum, for those interested in grinding the details:
In response to one evolutionist critic in the past, I decided to do some research on this subject in order to be able to reproduce evidence for my reference about when evolutionists said that there were around 180 vestigial organs. The key evolutionist book that originated this specific number on this subject is Robert Wiedersheim, "The Structure of man: an index to his past history," which was published in English in 1895 and translated by H. and M. Bernard (Macmillan, London), which is available online through Google books since it has an expired copyright. According to Jerry Bergman and George Howe, "'Vestigial Organs' Are Fully Functional," p. 5, he developed a detailed list of 86 vestigial organs and "about 100 so-called retrogressive organs." Here I've reproduced the list of the 86 vestigial organs. I suppose someone would have to do more research to get the list of 100 "retrogressive organs," which apparently come from the same book.
If a medical doctor is available to survey this list, would he or she say that these organs are useless? Wasn't Wiedersheim simply wrong? Do evolutionists ever admit to error in the arguments that they make for their theory? Or do they simply keep pushing the same nonsense, regardless of how many times it has been proven false?
Here is Wiedersheim's list of the human body's supposedly useless vestigial organs/anatomical structures: Os coccygis. Cauda humana.Superfluous embryonic notochord and associated somites.Embryonic cervical, lumbar, and sacral ribs.The thirteenth rib of the adult.The seventh cervical rib in the adult.The interarticular cartilage of the sterno-clavicular joint (probable vestige of the episternal apparatus).Ossa supra-sternalia.Certain centres of ossification in the manubrium sterni.The branchial clefts (for the most part) and branchial ridges.Processus styloideus ossis temporis, and the ligamentum stylo-hyoideum.Anterior cornua of the hyoid, for the greater part.Foramen caecum of the tongue.Processus gracilis of the malleus.Post-frontal bone (?)Ossa interparietalia (and ? prseinterparietalia).Processus paramastoideus of exoccipital.Torus occipitalis.Processus frontalis of the temporal.Processus coracoideus .Os centrale carpi.Processus supracondyloideus humeri.Trochanter tertius femoris.The phalanges of the fifth toe, and less conspicuously of the third and fourth toes.Muscles of the pinna and the Musculus occipitalis. LM. transversus nuchae. L. --Facial muscles transformed into tendinous expansions.Mm. plantaris and palmaris longus, when completely tendinous.M. ischio femoralis.The caudal muscles.M. epitrochleo-anconseus.M. latissimo-condyloideus.M. transversus thoracis (triangularis sterni).M. palmaris brevis.The transition bundles between the trapezius and the sterno- cleido-mastoideus.M. levator claviculae.M. rectus thoracis.M. ere master.The primitive hairy covering or lanugo.Vestiges of vibrissaeThe vertex coccygeus, the foveola and glabella coccygea.Certain vortices of hair on the breast.Nipples in men.Supernumerary mammary glands in women.Alleged vestiges of mammary pouchesSupernumerary olfactory ridges.Jacobson's organ, and ductus naso-palatinus.Papilla palatina and foliata.Plica semilunaris of the eye.Vasa hyaloidse (Cloquet's canal) of the embryo the choroidal fissure.Lachrymal glands, in part.The epicanthus.M. orbitalis.Certain varieties of the pinna of the ear, i.e. Darwin's tubercle.The filum terminale of the spinal cord.Glandula pinealis and parietal organ.The parieto-occipital fissure of the brain .The obex, ponticulus, ligula, taeniae medullares, and velum medullare anterius and posterius, of the brain.The hypophysis cerebri (pituitary body).The dorsal roots and ganglia of the hypoglossus nerve.The rami recurrentes of certain cranial nerves.Certain elements of the brachial and lumbo-sacral plexuses.The coccygeal nerve.The glandula coccygea.Palatal ridges.The sublingua.The formation of rudimentary dental papillae before the sinking of the dental ridge.The Wisdom teethThe occurrence of a third premolar (reversionary).The occurrence of a fourth molar (reversionary).The vestiges of a third dentition.The ciliated epithelium of the embryonic oesophagus.Bursa sub- and prehyoidea (ductus thyroglossus).Musculi broncho-oesophagei.The appendix vermiformis.Ventricle of the larynx (Morgagni's pouch).Lobus subpericardiacus of the lung (reversionary).Certain Valves of the veins.Certain structures of a vestigial nature in the heart.Arteria sacralis media.Arteria ischiadica.Superficial plantar arterial arch of the foot.The vena cava superior sinistra.Venae cardinales posteriores, and ductus Cuvieri.Vestiges (in the female) of the mesonephric system, and (in the male) of the MĂźllerian ducts.Conus inguinalis, and ligamentum inguinale.The area scroti.
See also pages 200-209 of Robert Weidman’s book, which he labels “Conspectus of Organs Mentioned in the Text” and “List of Organs According to Systems.”
submitted by snoweric to ChristianityBible [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:12 snoweric Are There Useless "Vestigial Organs" in the Human Body? Do They Prove Evolution To Be True?

Let’s use vestigial structures as a specific example of the non-falsifiability of evolution. When it became clear, based on advancing medical science, that the roughly 180 anatomical structures that evolutionists had originally claimed were useless actually were useful, they resorted to a fall-back position, which is a classic post-hoc explanatory device. They now claim that these structures supposedly served some OTHER function in the past, but now they have another function. Crapo in 1985, for example, wrote: “This is precisely how a vestige should be defined: Not as a ‘functionless’ part of an organism, but as a part which does not function in the way that its structure would lead us to expected, given how that structure function in most other organisms.” Notice now Crapo’s analysis here also confirms how important attacking the belief in God as a wise, efficient, benevolent Creator is to evolutionists: “It is the existence of such vestiges in such organisms which evolutionary theory would very naturally predict, but which the belief in an efficient Designer would not lead us to expect a priori.” (Italics removed, Richly Crapo, “Are the vanishing teeth of fetal baleen whales useless?” 1985). This kind of fall-back position for “explaining” vestigial structures illustrates the non-falsifiable nature of evolution. When medical science confirms the a priori viewpoint of the creationist model, that all of these anatomical structures really are useful and God didn’t insert useless organs and structures into the human body, the evolutionists don’t admit that their paradigm is falsified. Instead, they simply retreat into other rationalizations to keep attacking God as a shoddy, careless, unwise engineer. Here once again the viewpoint of Cornelius Hunter’s book “Darwin’s God: Evolution and the Problem of Evil” is confirmed: Evolutionists are engaged in negative natural theology when they argue against a supernatural explanation of the natural world based upon its perceived structural flaws and moral evils. Indeed, they find it crucial and very important to supporting their paradigm to do this. Needless to say, this kind of reasoning is every bit as metaphysical as the theologian who argues that the wonders and complexity of the natural world proves God’s existence. Any claim that evolution, when it enters the world of change above the genus or family taxonomic levels, is more “empirical” than creationism, is simply false.
The example of supposedly “vestigial” organs is also a great example of how the theory of evolution slows down scientific development and research. If an anatomical structure is a priori judged to be “vestigial,” then scientists who are evolutionists aren’t likely to study it carefully for what it really does. For example, tonsils were often removed for decades from children since they were judged to be simply “useless vestiges.” Later on, oops!, it was found out that they actually do fight disease. They weren’t so useless after all. Basically all 180 organs and anatomical structures that were once listed as “useless vestiges” (in one way or another) have been found to have real functions. For instance, the “yolk sac” is used by a developing human embryo to make its first blood cells; death would result without it. The coccyx was claimed to be a remnant of our purported evolutionary ancestors having a tail, but it’s actually a crucial point for muscle attachment needed for our upright posture (and, well, for defecation). So to say this is about “prior functions” as opposed to current functions is a great example of how evolutionists attempt to escape falsification of their paradigm. They assume these “prior functions” really existed a priori, when that remains to be proven. There’s no way to test, predict, observe, reproduce the selective advantage of supposed intermediate structures for the survival of the species in question, which supposedly occurred long ago in the prehistorical past. This is yet another example of circular reasoning by evolutionists, in which they assume what still needs to be proven.
A great, focused book from a creationist viewpoint on this general subject of "vestigial" organs is Jerry Bergman, Ph.D., and George Howe, Ph.d., "'Vestigial Organs' Are Fully Functional," Creation Research Society, St. Joseph, MO, 1990.
Super erudite, extra scholarly addendum, for those interested in grinding the details:
In response to one evolutionist critic in the past, I decided to do some research on this subject in order to be able to reproduce evidence for my reference about when evolutionists said that there were around 180 vestigial organs. The key evolutionist book that originated this specific number on this subject is Robert Wiedersheim, "The Structure of man: an index to his past history," which was published in English in 1895 and translated by H. and M. Bernard (Macmillan, London), which is available online through Google books since it has an expired copyright. According to Jerry Bergman and George Howe, "'Vestigial Organs' Are Fully Functional," p. 5, he developed a detailed list of 86 vestigial organs and "about 100 so-called retrogressive organs." Here's the list of the 86 vestigial organs. I suppose someone would have to do more research to get the list of 100 "retrogressive organs," which apparently come from the same book.If a medical doctor is available to survey this list, would he or she say that these organs are useless? Wasn't Wiedersheim simply wrong? Do evolutionists ever admit to error in the arguments that they make for their theory? Or do they simply keep pushing the same nonsense, regardless of how many times it has been proven false?
Here is Wiedersheim's list of the human body's supposedly useless vestigial organs/anatomical structures: Os coccygis. Cauda humana.Superfluous embryonic notochord and associated somites.Embryonic cervical, lumbar, and sacral ribs.The thirteenth rib of the adult.The seventh cervical rib in the adult.The interarticular cartilage of the sterno-clavicular joint (probable vestige of the episternal apparatus).Ossa supra-sternalia.Certain centres of ossification in the manubrium sterni.The branchial clefts (for the most part) and branchial ridges.Processus styloideus ossis temporis, and the ligamentum stylo-hyoideum.Anterior cornua of the hyoid, for the greater part.Foramen caecum of the tongue.Processus gracilis of the malleus.Post-frontal bone (?)Ossa interparietalia (and ? prseinterparietalia).Processus paramastoideus of exoccipital.Torus occipitalis.Processus frontalis of the temporal.Processus coracoideus .Os centrale carpi.Processus supracondyloideus humeri.Trochanter tertius femoris.The phalanges of the fifth toe, and less conspicuously of the third and fourth toes.Muscles of the pinna and the Musculus occipitalis. LM. transversus nuchae. L. --Facial muscles transformed into tendinous expansions.Mm. plantaris and palmaris longus, when completely tendinous.M. ischio femoralis.The caudal muscles.M. epitrochleo-anconseus.M. latissimo-condyloideus.M. transversus thoracis (triangularis sterni).M. palmaris brevis.The transition bundles between the trapezius and the sterno- cleido-mastoideus.M. levator claviculae.M. rectus thoracis.M. ere master.The primitive hairy covering or lanugo.Vestiges of vibrissaeThe vertex coccygeus, the foveola and glabella coccygea.Certain vortices of hair on the breast.Nipples in men.Supernumerary mammary glands in women.Alleged vestiges of mammary pouchesSupernumerary olfactory ridges.Jacobson's organ, and ductus naso-palatinus.Papilla palatina and foliata.Plica semilunaris of the eye.Vasa hyaloidse (Cloquet's canal) of the embryo the choroidal fissure.Lachrymal glands, in part.The epicanthus.M. orbitalis.Certain varieties of the pinna of the ear, i.e. Darwin's tubercle.The filum terminale of the spinal cord.Glandula pinealis and parietal organ.The parieto-occipital fissure of the brain .The obex, ponticulus, ligula, taeniae medullares, and velum medullare anterius and posterius, of the brain.The hypophysis cerebri (pituitary body).The dorsal roots and ganglia of the hypoglossus nerve.The rami recurrentes of certain cranial nerves.Certain elements of the brachial and lumbo-sacral plexuses.The coccygeal nerve.The glandula coccygea.Palatal ridges.The sublingua.The formation of rudimentary dental papillae before the sinking of the dental ridge.The Wisdom teethThe occurrence of a third premolar (reversionary).The occurrence of a fourth molar (reversionary).The vestiges of a third dentition.The ciliated epithelium of the embryonic oesophagus.Bursa sub- and prehyoidea (ductus thyroglossus).Musculi broncho-oesophagei.The appendix vermiformis.Ventricle of the larynx (Morgagni's pouch).Lobus subpericardiacus of the lung (reversionary).Certain Valves of the veins.Certain structures of a vestigial nature in the heart.Arteria sacralis media.Arteria ischiadica.Superficial plantar arterial arch of the foot.The vena cava superior sinistra.Venae cardinales posteriores, and ductus Cuvieri.Vestiges (in the female) of the mesonephric system, and (in the male) of the MĂźllerian ducts.Conus inguinalis, and ligamentum inguinale.The area scroti.
See also pages 200-209 of Robert Weidman’s book, which he labels “Conspectus of Organs Mentioned in the Text” and “List of Organs According to Systems.”
submitted by snoweric to DebateEvolutionism [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:19 SoSolidKerry Journey so far of herniated disc (including what's worked for me)

Hello, one and all. Been lurking for a while. Thought I'd share my experience thus far. I'm a 45-year-old female (active, healthy weight, tall – BMI around 20) who herniated L4/L5 in early January. I'm, therefore, four months, two weeks post-injury.
It's a mild-ish protrusion pressing on nerves and causing sciatica. I have never had back pain. I'm a Brit. I plan to get over this conservatively and do not intend to have any injections or surgery. Note that I have some trouble lifting my left foot and walking as normal on that side, but everything is functional. I am able to lift my toes and heels, and I have full sensation everywhere.
From my scan, disc height is compromised only a tiny bit (I have juicy discs). I have a very wide and spacious nerve canal. No other issues aside from a transitional disc below (born with more bone than disc at L5/S1, very common, and I'm luckily in the "won't cause pain" camp) and a slight bulging disc above, which isn't pressing on anything. The transitional disc is likely to have led to this injury. But moving house finally pushed me over the edge, lifting things the wrong way.

The first month

The first month was obviously painful. Terrible sleep; sciatica was awful (burning in my left calf and left foot with some right foot tingling), and I was very stiff and leaning forward most mornings. Doing McKenzie cobras in those early days helped massively. And amazingly, I kept up with walking and averaged 15,000 steps daily. It wasn't painful. But I was taking Ibuprofen and paracetamol. I believe a lot of my sciatica has been caused by inflammation.
Back then, I was seeing a physio and doing some basic pelvic tilts, bridges, calf stretches, cat/camels, and – like I mentioned – cobra poses. Otherwise, I would mostly lie on the floor, on my front, resting. Or walking outdoors. It would take me three hours just to pluck up the courage to shower. And I could only stand under the hot water for less than a minute before lying on the floor again. Sitting was impossible. I couldn't use the car. I couldn't sleep on my left side. I would crawl down the stairs each morning after barely any sleep and go straight to the drugs. I couldn't make breakfast or do anything. But as each day wore on, I'd become less stiff and more upright and be able to walk for miles.

In search of a silver bullet

I tried everything in February and March. Acupuncture, physio, McKenzie stuff... They put me on Amitriptyline initially, but I hated it. And so they gave me Gabapentin. This helped with sleep and dialled down the pain significantly (I was on 300mg three times a day). I vaguely remember a crazy day when I walked into my local town, sat, and had cake and tea with an old friend. Still to this day, I can't figure out how! Boy, those drugs worked!
By the end of February, I discovered Egoscue and began posture therapy. I did it religiously for six weeks and even began working with a therapist. But it wasn't helping. And I didn't see any improvements. I also decided to come off the Gabapentin during this time (I would later go back on it, as I was in a lot of pain), as I felt totally off my face and hated it.
Around February, I also discovered Dr Stuart McGill. And read his excellent book, Back Mechanic. I learnt about spine hygiene and loads of other helpful stuff. Gradually, little by little, turning in bed got easier (brace that core) and getting up out of bed and off the toilet became pain-free, too. But I just wasn't seeing massive improvement.

Finding the right approach

That's when I decided to see a Master Clinician under McGill. Wow. It was the best money I had ever spent, and I'd spent more on acupuncture!
He went through my scan, was the only one to tell me about the transitional disc, and asked what I'd been doing thus far. He recommended that I give the posture therapy and the walking a break, just for a few weeks, to see if we could calm the inflammation down. And so I did. I rested. I mostly lay on the floor on my front or back and only moved around the house. No outdoor walking. No McKenzie cobra poses (which I've since discovered do more harm than good long-term and adopt a gentler version McGill recommends and says is just as effective). That was back in early April. And following his advice alone? I saw immediate improvements. In fact, the very next day, I was pain-free for seven hours. I couldn't believe it – just by resting.
I only rested for three weeks, and then I decided to try walking outdoors again. My gosh. The difference after the break! I could barely do ten minutes around the block without pain. It was too much. (I could never walk first thing before either – only later on in the day. But it would usually be fine.) But my back specialist wanted me to try walking three times a day, starting small. So, I persisted. He told me to stop if walking made things worse, though. Thankfully, it's been three weeks since I began walking outdoors again, and I'm making great progress. I can now get up from bed and walk immediately (I had to give it an hour before I ventured out of the house). And I can walk for half an hour, too. Three times a day. I find that a morning walk is crucial. I am stiff and a little sore at first, but it eases. And sets me up for the day. I also enjoy two or three hours of no pain when returning home.

Finally seeing progress

Since early April, the improvements have been gradual but almost daily. They're so small sometimes that you hardly notice them! It's only when you look back that you realise how far you've come!
In the six weeks since I worked with my back specialist, I have seen the constant burning sciatica in my foot and calf mostly disappear. Initially, I had a lot of fuzzing. That has now subsided, and since then, it's gone from fuzzing to cold water feelings and tingling... with occasional burning again (mostly only in the top of my calf), but that goes quickly. Now and again, I'll get a random ten minutes of a burning foot again, but it soon disappears.
A few weeks ago, I started getting new sharp and painful jolts in my left hip. That's apparently blood returning to the nerves. For the last week, I have barely had any foot or calf issues—I mostly have sharp pulling nerve pain on my left kneecap and similar symptoms in my hip. Only in the last month have I occasionally started to get a bruised feeling in my lumbar spine.
The morning stiffness and leaning forward? Gone. I am bolt-upright every morning and feel pretty good, posture-wise. Funny enough, since I quit doing the posture therapy. Go figure!
My glutes are very tight and constantly holding themselves. I'm trying to teach them to relax, but it's tough, as I know they're protecting themselves. I've been using heat to relax them—just a microwaved wheat sack some mornings.
Under a week ago, I came off Gabapentin. And I also quit Ibuprofen about five weeks ago. The only meds I take now are paracetamol – just one dose in the middle of the night to calm my (good) right hip that gets sore from only sleeping on that side.

How far I've come

Here I am, four months and two weeks post-injury. I still can't sit on a soft surface (I use a special sciatica cushion on a dining chair), I can't sit in a vehicle for the same reason, I can't sleep on my left side, and I still have some mild foot drop but am walking better.
On a positive note, the pain symptoms are changing daily, which is apparently a good sign. I am starting to feel some back pain for the first time, too. Centralisation is perhaps occurring. Instead of lying on the floor for several hours before breakfast, I now find better relief in standing and moving around. I can also sit for short spurts on my dining chair first thing in the morning, whereas before, I'd only be able to do that from midday.
I'm sleeping better. Six or seven hours a night. It's a tad broken, but I feel rested. And when I get up in the morning? Whereas before, my left leg and foot would go crazy with fuzzing and burning, now? Nothing. A mild tingling some mornings, but otherwise, fine.
I spend more of my days moving around, standing, walking, and occasionally sitting than "resetting" on the floor. And when I do feel sciatica getting worse, a brief rest on the floor makes the pain go away. It's never 100 per cent pain-free, you understand. It's mildly uncomfortable and feels like it could get worse at any moment, but I'm good.
And I'm finding that if I overdo it, any flare-up I might have is brief and easily overcome. Whereas before, it might've been five days to recover, now it's an hour resting on the floor.
If I stand at my standing desk for too long, my lumbar ache begins. It's not painful. It just feels weird—bruised, almost unstable, like I can feel it stacked. I lie down, reset, and then I'm good to go.

What has really helped

I now know what to do to avoid triggering pain. I can tie my shoes with my foot on a bench and lunge in. I have a shoe horn – a game-changer! I also use a strapped-on ice pack when I need to calm my nerves. Less so these days. And heat on my ass when the glutes feel too tight. I only take paracetamol in the middle of the night to help me sleep. Oh, and I find going to bed with an ice pack on sometimes really helps!
The meds definitely helped in those painful early days; but I need feedback. Once I felt I could, I stopped taking everything.
During this time, I also hired a cleaner (fortnightly) and a gardener. I've not stopped working (I have no choice; I am a freelancer). And I have no kids. So I don't have to commute anywhere. I stay at home and rest, and the only time I leave the house is to walk. I also invested in a new mattress, a game changer (John Ryan Artisan Luxury, if anyone wants to know – I did have a firm mattress before, and discovered it wasn't helping at all. Way too firm. Based on my weight and height, I needed a medium – who knew?) I am very lucky in all of these respects, I know.
The walking really helps – but it was only when I stopped, rested, and allowed by body to heal that I noticed a difference in my symptoms.

Not out the woods yet...

Pain is still an issue. Evenings are the worst. I go to bed around 9pm and lying there brings relief and I have no issue going to sleep. I only wake after about three or four hours due to sleeping on the same side every night. And then easily fall back to sleep, with only a few brief waking moments. I roughly get around six or seven hours a night. And thankfully, sciatica isn't really present at night (maybe a little harmless fuzzing). Just the evenings before bed – that's when it can get intense and the burning in my calf and foot can come back tenfold. Sigh.
Mornings are my best friend now. Pain doesn't usually become an issue until much later in the day. I'll have little episodes. But I can swiftly reset myself and move on. It can get harder to reset the later in the day it becomes, too. Some days are worse than others. The good days are starting to outweigh the bad. When I have an awful day, I do feel disheartened. But then I remember how far I've come, and try and stay strong.
I don't always do my three walks, either. If that evening walk doesn't feel right, I won't do it. I'll rest. I'll ice my back and lie down. I absolutely am trying to avoid drugs. But I have ibuprofen in my cupboard, just in case!

What's next?

I'm nowhere near ready to begin strength training. And I've avoided all physio and stretching of late. I am just doing what my back specialist recommends. Some mild cat/camels to get the blood flowing, walking, resting. I take magnesium, turmeric, vitamins D and B12, omega-3. I try to avoid sugar and alcohol (I don't always succeed on that one). I'm not ready for longer walks yet. And there's no way I could take a bath, sit up in bed, or sit on the sofa.
But I am healing. This has been quite the journey, but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I'm excited for the next phase of recovery: rehab! And boy, will I be taking it seriously—for the rest of my life! It's down to us, after all. No one can do it for us.
There are some big life events coming up that I know I'm not ready for. When they get closer, if I'm still not better, I will call my GP and ask for advice. Ibuprofen might be brought out again. Perhaps even something stronger. But if I'm one of the lucky ones, I should be seeing further progress in the coming weeks and months.
I rate my ability to function normally when I can sleep on my left side again, drive my car and when I can sit on the sofa, too! I won't mind if there is some residual pain and weakness. As long as I can function without having the crux of a floor and yoga mat nearby.

Key takeaways

I am more than happy to answer any questions. I hope this has helped someone. It's certainly helped me to get it all on screen. And I wanted to thank this community for all I've learned this year. I hope you're not in too much pain.
submitted by SoSolidKerry to Sciatica [link] [comments]