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2016.11.11 00:34 OurPresident

/OurPresident is a community supporting a progressive, Democratic President! As such, we are supporting the re-election effort of Joe Biden in 2024! For downballot, visit votedem for direct volunteering opportunities.

2009.09.13 12:29 neofool Bellingham

**The City of Subdued Excitement** *48°45′1″N 122°28′30″W*

2021.12.24 02:01 Debt Strike

DebtStrike is a place to showcase the actions taken by the Biden Administration to reduce if not outright eliminate student debt for the American people, as well as a place to highlight other debt forgiveness.

2024.05.21 16:01 PretendReason7905 Stolen Vehicles. The car thief of San Antonio.

Stolen Vehicles. The car thief of San Antonio.
Since a few friends and I have been watching and tracking car thefts lately and since the Bexar County court system is dropping most cases that aren't violent or a murder, it's time to fill y'all in on the fun stuff.
If you have a stolen vehicle, I deeply implore you to check Wingate Avenue in the city. This is the area where vehicles are ending up and the dude who's actually been stealing numerous vehicles is at the end of the street living in the most beautiful puro house you can imagine.
The crazy thing is that this dude, despite having stolen multiple vehicles, keeps getting released back into the public. He has a home burglary charge where he was been physically caught breaking into someone's home that was dropped. He was charged and found again with cocaine on him, but that was dropped. He has had multiple stolen vehicle reports with his DNA and literal personal items found in the vehicles but the police are doing nothing about it. This dude works for a cable company and will literally leave his receipts with his name on them IN the stolen vehicles. These receipts have his name AND his id number because they're from when he goes in to sell stolen copper for excess cables. That's how stupid this guy is, but he keeps getting released. This is y'all's San Antonio car thief.
submitted by PretendReason7905 to sanantonio [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:00 dreamed2life Finding Long-Term Romantic Partnerships Through Relocation Astrology and Astrocartography

For individuals seeking to find and nurture a significant long-term romantic relationship, the choice of where to live can play a crucial role. Astrocartography and relocation astrology offer unique perspectives that can help in identifying locations that enhance the likelihood of meeting and sustaining meaningful relationships. By understanding how different geographical energies align with your astrological profile, you can make informed decisions about relocating for love. Let's explore how astrology can assist in your quest for a lasting romantic partnership.
Leveraging Your Relocated Chart for Love
Your relocated chart can reveal astrological factors that support finding and maintaining a long-term romantic relationship:
Key House Positions for Romantic Partnerships:
Advantageous Planetary Aspects for Lasting Relationships:
Planetary Combinations Favoring Romantic Success:
Astrocartography for Finding Love
Astrocartography can identify locations that might be particularly favorable for finding and nurturing romantic relationships:
Combining Relocated Chart and Astrocartography for Love
By integrating insights from your relocated chart with astrocartography, you can pinpoint locations that maximize your potential for finding a significant long-term partner. For example, a strong 7th house in your relocated chart, combined with a Venus line in astrocartography, could indicate an ideal place for establishing a lasting romantic relationship.
Natal Chart Considerations for Love and Partnerships
Your natal chart lays the groundwork for your potential in romantic relationships:
For those seeking long-term romantic partnerships, astrocartography and relocation astrology offer valuable insights into the best environments for finding love. Understanding the astrological influences of different locations and their interaction with your natal chart can guide you in your journey towards a fulfilling relationship. However, the success of finding and sustaining love also depends on personal readiness, emotional maturity, and the ability to nurture and maintain a relationship. Balancing astrological insights with self-awareness and relationship-building skills can lead to the discovery of a meaningful and lasting partnership.
submitted by dreamed2life to ProAstrocartography [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:55 Available-Page-2738 Ignorance of the Law Ought to Be an Excuse

Not a rant. Question at the end.
You see the videos on YouTube. A scene occurs and a lawyer assesses it. "Person B is, in fact, liable." And you're sitting there saying to yourself, "But Person A did X, Y, and Z. It sure seemed like B was within his rights."
B goes to court and argues that he thought his response was a reasonable one.
Judge says no. "The law is quite clear."
Or a cop starts giving someone a hard time and that person fires back with Fourth Amendment this and Fifth Amendment that and the cop turns out to be the one in error.
Question: Okay. How do I learn "the law"? Is there something lesser than acquiring a JD that will serve as a guide or at least help me deduce what I am, in fact, ignorant of? It seems like every single daily transaction has the potential for disaster. Where do I find the information on how to defend myself against cops trying to trick me and con artists trying to goad me into putting myself into legal jeopardy?
submitted by Available-Page-2738 to AskALawyer [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:53 venusshadowZDC-3 Astronaut Edgar Mitchell, the sixth man on the moon confirms non-human intelligence, crash retrievals, reverse engineering and disinformation operations in a rare interview with James Fox from the late ‘90s.

Interview: Partial transcript:
EM: There’s a lot that does go on with these high security classifications under military rules. I think it’s a fairly muddy area when we’re talking about this level of activity.
My interest is basically what’s the nature of the universe we live in, what is our relationship to the larger reality? If that’s part of the larger reality and we are denying it, that to me is unconscionable. I don’t live that way. I went into space to learn about the Universe we live in, to gain new insights, to go beyond the boundaries of our known existence…and if these phenomenon are really indicators of new information about the cosmos at all and intelligent life in the cosmos and their ability to travel, as circumstantial evidence would suggest, then we ought to get to the bottom of it.
There seems to have been over the last 50 years or more a great deal of secrecy surrounding the so called UFO event. It’s a very complex subject, we’re not dealing with some things very simple here. We have sightings of all sorts, we’ve been reported thousands of sightings for 50 years or so. Large number of these sightings are indeed misperceiving natural phenomena in some way, but a large number of them are not misperceiving, but seem to be well documented events that represent flying craft that do not match anything we have in our earthbound arsenal. Which is very short of saying we have validated in the public domain that they are ET craft. We have to rely upon that to get better answers, upon people who have been there and interacted, have first hand data. The only people I know of that claim to have been in that position are former intelligence, military and government people and some contractor people whose official duties in the early days were to investigate this and know about it. Those people were under, at that time, great restrictions and high security clearance that prevented them from telling the general public about it. It would appear that that period is long past but they’re still under security restrictions or at least believe they are.
There have been ET visitation, there have been crashed craft, there have been material and bodies recovered and there is some group of people somewhere that may or may not be associated with the government at this point but certainly were at one time that have this knowledge and have been attempting to conceal this knowledge or not permit it to be widely disseminated.
Q: Who do you think is in control of this knowledge at this point?
EM: I cannot answer that [smiling]. I cannot answer “who are these people?”, but there is a lot of evidence that points to what I call a clandestine group, people who have some quasi-affiliation with the government and use certain government facilities but operate in a rather very stealth and secret way that is not generally under a high level of government control, as far as we can tell.
Yes, there has been ET visitation and may continue to be. There has been craft that have been recovered. There has been a certain amount of reverse engineering that has allowed some of these craft or some components to be duplicated. And that there are humanoids from our planet, earthlings [people] who are utilizing some of this equipment in certain ways and that perhaps a large part of the activity that’s classified as UFO activity, abductions and a whole host of this type of activity may very well not be due to ET activity at all. I would suspect if any is due to ET activity, it’s a rather small part and a larger portion is due to humanoid type activity, earthling type activity in a very clandestine fashion. I will stop short of attaching motivation to this, I don’t know the motivation. But if it’s normal human motivation, it has to do with power and control and greed and money and so forth.
Those type of craft, humongous, very very large craft, reportedly the size of many football fields, that would be very hard to manufacture, conceal and operate from an earth base. It would seem if that account is true at all, it probably would have to be something beyond this realm. I think its long past time to open this up to the public because they don’t know what to do anyhow.
I do not see anything that suggests really malevolent intent on the part of, if there are ETs at all and I have to place the caveat, I don’t see anything that represents hostile intent. We see things like abductions for example that many would claim are hostile and to the extent that may be true, I would more likely attribute it to some other cause.
There is a mountain of evidence that essentially amounts to smoking good evidence that has not been and seemingly cannot be brought forward at this point, at least not by the powers of the government or not by anything I know about, but it seems to exist.
There is this information, the question of “has it been kept secret” or “how could it be kept secret”. It hasn’t been kept secret, it’s been there all along, but it has been the subject of disinformation in order to deflect attention and to create confusion, so that the truth doesn’t come out. Disinformation is simply another method of stonewalling and it has been used consistently for the last 50 years or so. Weather balloons over Roswell I suppose, to a crashed craft of some sort…that’s disinformation. We’ve seen that for 50 years and it’s the best way to hide something.
It shouldn’t be any more of a fact that ETs have come here than that we have gone to the moon, ok? It’s just a part of the way things are and we have to understand it and put it in context of the story of ourselves, our knowledge base of cosmology, the nature of our existence, who are we, how does the world work. And of course, that knowledge does change our understanding of how the world or the Universe at large works, because until the current period it was conventional wisdom both in science and theology that we’re alone in the Universe; the whole, single repository of life anywhere in the known Universe. Well, no one believes that anymore. That changes our concept of who we are and how we fit. And it’s becoming very clear that the way we have conducted ourselves as stewards of life on planet Earth is wanting, we haven’t been good stewards. We have environmental and global problems right now that are bringing civilization to a crisis and people do not want to hear that but it’s slowly becoming obvious that that is true. So this knowledge of who we are, how we manage the Planet, how we fit into the larger scheme of things is a very important question.
Dr. Greer did indeed mount an initiative [CSETI Project Starlight] and did go to Washington, did speak with high level government people, did present some of the witnesses we’ve talked about there to give briefings and has asked for congressional hearings on these matters. I attended and helped him with that and I believe that’s a very important effort, that we get congressional oversight of all of this, but so far that hasn’t happened. We briefed certain members of Congress, some of their staff, some of the people from the White House, we talked with people in the Pentagon and in general it was well received and some were quite amazed at what they heard but so far it hasn’t resulted in any great activity.
Q: Was this news to a lot of their ears?
EM: To some people, yes. Others not really so much, but I will say it lead me to the belief that people in high level government have very little if any information, valid information, about this. Most have no more knowledge than a man on the street. Representatives from the intelligence section, they were out of the loop of the things we were talking about.
Q: Did that come to a concern to you?
EM: Oh yes, it’s a very great concern. I have expressed this concern over and over, that’s exactly what I’m saying. It’s that whatever activity is going on to the extent that it is a clandestine group, a quasi-government group, a quasi-private group, it is without any type, as far as I can tell, of high level government oversight, and that is a great concern.
submitted by venusshadowZDC-3 to UFOB [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:45 curiouscreature99 Armaan - YRKKH

Want to understand the character Armaan towards the women in his life...He is not bad or villian or toxic...Just a complex character..
Vidya: He is son of Madhav's first wife whom Poddars didn't accepted. After his mother demise when he was a kid entered Poddar house and Vidya accepted his as her son. Dadi never failed to remind this to him and making him guilty about how his entry ruptured Vidya Madhav relationship. With guilty he is trying not to cause any problem to her because of him...What need to understand is Vidya and Madhav's relationship had gap when he hid his first marriage and married Vidya...He didn't do any mistake. Also, he is the rightful son of Poddars
Dadi: He always yearns for her acceptance. He want Dadi to feel him as her own heir. But she will never fail to differentiate between her choice and out of hers...Vidya is her choice and Madhav's first wife is not...So Rohit is outcome of choice while Armaan is not..She wanted Armaan on her tips. Now she is scared that he is Slipping like Madhav if he realize his feelings for Abhir which only she can see it...She want the control on him...what she donno is he will give his life for her, abhira tho kya
Ruhi : He liked her first time when he saw her May be he felt the instant connection with her. the intial sweet time didn't even lasted for few days..Ruhi just accepted another alliance just because he didn't show up on a date and didn't attend her call. When he came to engagement , he was shattered seeing Ruhi as his brother's fiance. What will anyone will do in this situation ..he is someone who don't want even unintentionally to hurt his family...Do you think he will go and say to family that I love the girl you chose for my brother? Ruhi still had the choice to reject but she married Rohit so that she can stay close to Armaan. Unfortunately Rohit left after marriage , now Ruhi became his new responsibility. He thinks he ruined Ruhi's life just like Vidya's...He don't want to hurt her anyway..If only Ruhi tried to understand him for even 1% then she will know what Armaan wants actually
Abhira : Here come the lady who stirred his well planned robotic life like a tornado. She made him do all the things which he won't do even in dream..He stood for her infront of his family. He even willing to leave the house for her. He will running when something happens to her.He is ready to take bullet for her. He opposes all her fights at start but will stand with her like wall whether it is during her joining college plan or Charu internship or Krish dream fight. But divorce request from his Dadi shattered him...He can't say no to his dadi/family...He subconsciously wanted Abhira to fight on his behalf for their them for their relationship. But Abhira's silence made him feel that she also didn't accepted him fully like his family members. When she lied in court it his final hope . He did all the things he can for her to react but Abhira gave up. And he blames Abhira for it...He is not trying to see where he went wrong...He thinks Abhira want to leave him...whether he loves or not, we are not sure yet but if he loves her then he should stop leading on Ruhi and tell Abhira what he exactly feel
I am not his fan at all..Just wanted to give a chance to his character....He is not outright black character like other MLs of startplus
submitted by curiouscreature99 to IndianTellyTalk [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:40 Ok_Addendum_6395 Eng 1123

Eng 1123 submitted by Ok_Addendum_6395 to PACEarchive [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:36 Tigers_eye88 My friends making co-parenting with my ex-husbund difficult

Trigger warning: Domestic Abuse
TLDR: My friends hate my abusive ex and want him completely out of their families lives. Some continue to abuse him online. This is making co-parenting even harder than it needs to be. Advice and words of encouragement needed.
I'm looking for some words of encouragement or advice on how to handle a very difficult situation that has arisen between me and my friends following my seperation from my husband.
Last year my estranged husband assaulted me quite seriously during a heated argument. This is the first time he had physically hit me but our marriage was abusive. During this incident he was arrested and charged and we have since gone our seperate ways.
He appears to be genuinely remorseful, has self referred for treatment services, pled guilty to his charge and has since been sentenced.
We have 2 children together 7YO and 2YO, who thankfully were not present at the time of the assault . Naturally childrens services and womens aid have been involved to provide support as a matter of protocol and DC's school has been made aware. They have since closed the case stating the key risk to the children was that they may witness abuse and so long as we remain seperated and he no longer lives in the house they are happy for us to make in formal arrangements regarding contact with our kids as the risk is considered low in our current circumstances.
He genuinely seems to be trying to turn his life around. He's since got sober, attending therapy regularly, found himself work and making regular child maintenance payments. We have agreed days for him to take the kids after his work and to date he has never missed a contact.
The issue however seems to be my friends who for the most part have been a huge support to me adjusting to life as a single parent. Naturally they now completely hate him and want him completely out of their lives. As far as they are concerned I should have no contact what so ever and should make him fight through the courts for access to the kids for fear that he will continue to abuse me emotionally. Personally this in not what I want for my kids or us and goes against recommendations from children's services.
Some have gone as far as to abuse my ex online. When I've stated that I'm not happy about this behaviour they have told me he has brought it on himself and not to concern myself. That its the backlash from his actions. This makes me feel terrible.
My ex wants to pick up our DC from school on the days he has them which is great for me as it gives our DC some stabilty back, means less contact with me and allows handovers to take place in a supervised location with protective adults in official positions who would be leaned on in cases where child protection issues arise. I feel this offers an added layer of protection as it keeps her contact with her father visable and not just limited to my word if that makes sense. My friend however who's children attend the same school and after school club has expressed her horror that my ex will be in the same vacinity as her children, stating that she has promised her children that they will never have to have anything to do with him again and seeing him may cause them distress. He has never caused any alarm to her or her children directly. Just their knowledge of the incident thats passed. This is complicated as I regularly look after her children while she is at work. While they are in my care I respect her wishes for them to have no contact with my ex.
My DC has just got her first role in her after school drama class that this same friends children go to and has expressed a wish for dad to come see the performance. As you can imagine that has not gone down well that he may be going to see them all. I do not want to cause upset to my friend or her children but I also dont see why my child should have to go without because of the actions of their father when he is trying to make amends.
Has anyone else been in a similar situation that can offer advice? I feel like I am stuck between a rock and a hard place and its burning me out as I just want to move on with my life. So much so it almost feels like it would be easier being back with my husband (although I know in this is not an option).
Thanks in advance for reading this.
submitted by Tigers_eye88 to coparenting [link] [comments]


The United States Navy Judge Advocates General’s Corps on Friday began but did not conclude the tribunal of Attorney General Merrick Garland, whom the Office of Military Commissions has charged with treason for weaponizing the Justice Department against President Donald J. Trump and the innocent protesters who visited the Capitol peacefully on January 6.
As reported previously, U.S. Special Forces arrested Garland on January 28 in Maryland, following his return to the U.S. from Poland, where he had been cowering and remotely directing the DOJ, hoping patriotic justice wouldn’t chase him overseas. As has been the case with myriad Deep Staters, Garland felt an uncontrollable urge to return to the roost, Washington D.C., and dropped his guard just long enough for White Hats to scoop him up. Once captured, the weaselly man who had often stoically insisted his Justice Department was impartial and equitable, devoid of bias, regressed into a heap of sniveling flesh, bewailing his predicament and asking Jesus to “please kill Donald Trump,” an odd request considering Garland is Jewish.
Garland’s lawless rule led to the wrongful incarceration of numerous patriots, but he couldn’t stomach five minutes behind bars. In pretrial confinement at Camp Delta, Garland had proclaimed his innocence, screaming, “Let me out of here,” while insisting he had only ever enforced the letter of the law, crossed every ‘t,’ and dotted every ‘I.”
JAG, however, contended that Garland bent the law to fit the Deep State’s sinister agenda and, when necessary, invented new rules aimed at eroding the Constitution and depriving citizens of their rights and freedoms. Garland had naturally refuted that allegation during an early interview. According to Garland, he had claimed he was simply an appointed official tasked with punishing felons, among them the J6ers and President Trump.
Vice Admiral Darse E. Crandall’s opening statement at Friday’s tribunal painted Garland not as an administration lackey but a puppet master who pulled Biden’s strings. He contended that while a reclusive Biden hid in his basement, Garland, Antony Blinken, Alejandro Mayorkas, and the late Lloyd Austin steered the nation toward destruction.
Garland, who had chosen to represent himself, was handcuffed to the defense table and peering over his eyeglasses as the admiral informed the 3-officer panel that JAG wanted Garland to hang for his crimes against America and its people. JAG had advised detainee Garland to display proper courtroom decorum; unruly outbursts would be met with a swift, harsh rebuke.
His opening remarks were succinct: “I am innocent of all charges. President Joseph R. Biden appointed me as Attorney General of the United States. I dispassionately applied equal justice to all and shall be vindicated.”
Admiral Crandall argued that Biden’s naming of Garland attorney general in March 2021 was merely ceremonial and that corporate entities and foreign dignitaries vetted him for the role as early as January 4, 2021. He called his first witness, President of the European Council and Bilderberg member Charles Michel, to the stand.
Real Raw News learned Monday that JAG arrested Michel on espionage charges on February 5. He had agreed to testify at Garland and other Deep Staters’ tribunals in exchange for a 25-year prison sentence. We have no information on his arrest and situation beyond what is described in the rest of this article.
Michel supplied his backstory and academic and work history and identified the defendant by pointing at him.
“Mr. Michel, you’ve met detainee Garland before today, haven’t you?” the admiral queried.
Michel nodded. “Only once.”
Garland straightened in his seat as if an electric charge had passed through him. “This is a set-up; I swear I’ve never met this man in my entire life.”
“Detainee Garland, we’ve discussed this. You can redress the witness once I’m finished,” the admiral said. “Now, Mr. Michel, how and when did you meet the defendant, and what were the circumstances of the meeting.”
“I met Merrick at his house in Maryland to inform him he would likely be the next Attorney General in the United States,” Michel said.
“I’m an educated man, Mr. Michel, but this confounds me, so correct me if I’m wrong. You’re a Belgian citizen. What in the world would give you authority to promise detainee Garland anything?” Admiral Crandall asked.
“I was more a messenger,” Michel replied.
‘Deliver whose message?” the admiral asked. “Who told you to speak to the defendant?”
“I was told on a video call with a man who looked very much like Barack Obama and Jean-Pierre Lacroix,” Michel replied.
Lacroix, a French national, is the under-secretary-general for Peace Operations for the United Nations.
“At the same time?” said Admiral Crandall.
“If you mean, were we all on the call simultaneously, the answer is yes,” Michel said.
“Why did you qualify your mention of Obama with ‘looked very much like’?” Admiral Crandall probed.
Michel shrugged. “As I understand things now, based on rumor and innuendo, not any real proof I’ve seen, Barack Obama might have been dead long before that call, and the person perhaps pretending to be him was just some man in a mask. I know there’s a man running around pretending to be me, so why not him, Obama, too.”
“And now, in retrospect, do you not have the same concerns about Lacroix?” the admiral continued.
“Him I’d met before, entirely unrelated. It was the real Lacroix,” Michel said.
The admiral reached for a pitcher of water and poured a glass. “Why Garland? Was there an impetus for wanting him to be Attorney General over anyone else?”
“Because he had the credentials and already hated Donald Trump and Trump’s supporters and political allies. He was the perfect choice. Trump and his people represented a disturbance, you see, a schism in the order of things. Merrick was told he’d be appointed prior to our meeting’; my job was seeing him face to face, getting a read on him, and making sure he understood that Trump was to be put in jail, made ineffective, or even killed,” Michel said.
“You tell an illuminating story, Mr. Michel, in which shadowy foreign figures influence presidential appointments and dictate U.S. policy. It’s all cloak-and-dagger. Besides your word, have you any proof to substantiate your claim?” the admiral said.
“The only physical proof I had is what you already have,” Michel responded.
“Then let’s take a look,” said the admiral. On a large screen he broadcast a recording of Michel’s video call with Obama and Lacroix, whose faces appeared side by side. Obama did most of the talking.
“Mr. Michel, Merrick Garland will be expecting your visit. He understands you are our emissary. We expect you to reiterate our message to him: once confirmed by the Senate, he will use the full weight of the Justice Department to hunt down every insurrectionist at the Capitol. And with the FBI at his disposal, he can once and for all deal with Donald Trump and his family,” Obama enunciated each word slowly.
“And, Monsieur Michel, you report back, let us know if he has trepidations,” Lacroix said.
“We do not expect that to be a problem,” Obama said.
“I understand completely,” Michel said in response.
The admiral faced the panel. “Army Cyber Command evaluated the clip. They say they’re 98% certain the voice is Obama’s, but only 76% the face is really his. But whether or not that’s the real Obama and Lacroix is largely irrelevant. What’s important is whether the defendant agreed to this unnatural union of forces determined to weaponize the DOJ for political gain.”
He continued: “Mr. Michel, what did you personally tell detainee Garland, and what was his response.”
“I told him that both Obama and Biden wanted him as long as he pledged to eliminate Trump. And he told me he planned to do that anyway, that getting rid of Trump and his MAGA would be his capstone achievement,” Michel said.
“Was there any concern, Mr. Michel, among you and your associates that he wouldn’t pass muster. I mean, a president appoints, but the Senate confirms.”
Michel waved his hand dismissively. “Confirmation was a formality. The result was never in doubt, Admiral Crandall.” Michel wore a sinister grin.
“No further questions at this time,” the admiral said. “Detainee Garland, you may cross Mr. Michel.”
Garland cleared his throat. “I’d like to approach the witness.”
“Mr. Michel can hear you just fine from where you’re sitting,” the admiral retorted.
Garland said, “You claim we met at my house. You’re a liar. I’ve never seen you before today.”
“The detainee will not badger or antagonize the witness,” the admiral chimed in. “Consider this your first and final warning, detainee Garland.”
“If, as you claim, we had this imaginary meeting. Where in my house did we meet? Can you describe my home’s interior?”
“Merrick. Remember, when we met, you asked me to call you Merrick, not Mr. Garland. I only saw a hallway and your sitting room. I sat on a burgundy sofa facing a bay window overlooking a dead garden. You were at a desk, oak, if I recall correctly. You were proud of it and said it belonged to your father. Behind you was a bookcase that stretched from wall to wall and floor to ceiling. You grinned at hearing you would have unilateral control of all domestic matters of justice,” Michel said.
Garland appeared uneasy, wobbling on his feet. “Thi..this is entrapment. You rehearsed this. You, Admiral Crandall, or your people must have raided my house and told this man, whom I’ve never met, what was inside. I’d like a recess and access to a law library please.”
“Well, I’ll grant you that request, detainee Garland, and see you get the books delivered to your cell. This tribunal will resume at 0900 on Monday morning.”
The admiral ordered MPs to escort Garland to his cell and instructed the panelists to not discuss the case among themselves or with anyone else without his explicit instructions.
I am expecting to receive notes on Monday’s proceedings this evening.
submitted by Far-War-3804 to CourtofAges [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:34 tanisnow17 Ok this is asinine now! It’s been a month!

It has been over a month since I got this quest. I’ve googled locations specifically and have gone to them every single day. According to the guide I am missing two from Buzz’s house. They have literally not shown up. I’ve moved his house multiple times, cause someone said moving the house may help. I’ve gone in there (plus the other villagers houses) every day. I’m over it. How does this get fixed cause everything suggested as a “fix” has not worked and I’m ready to be done with this. The glitches in this game are utterly exhausting.
submitted by tanisnow17 to DreamlightValley [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:29 SoldierExcelsior Are men mentally superior to women?

I'm not talking intellectual intelligence I'm talking about fortitude just like men are physically superior to women is it possible men have stronger mental states as well?
I think the answer is yes and subconsciously society knows that and that's why women get a free pass on so many things.things men really can't get away with.
But especially online it seems like every woman is traumatized every event is traumatic they're all depressed and overly emotional,angry and just seem to have these victim mentalities.
It is what it is but I see the scars of trauma less in men and they seem more mentally resilient I've really never even heard men talk about being traumatized..I've seen dudes get their ass whooped and brush it off get their house shot up and not flinch.
When I'm around my friends we talk about all the crazy sht we survived no ones crying the only things that truly seems to traumatize men is getting that child support court order or finding out their kid isn't biologically there's.
Any way I could be wrong maybe there's plenty of men walking around traumatized by their sexual experiences or from the HS girl that broke their heart,or the time they got mud stomped in an alley or when Bubba took their cheeks during that stint in county..
Society openly jokes about anything that happens to men from rape to being castrated women applauded Loraina Bobbitt to claiming men are useless things you cannot say about women ...But because most men are mentally strong don't give a sht people have free reign to sht on men..
submitted by SoldierExcelsior to PurplePillDebate [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:27 MeghanClickYourHeels New 9/11 Evidence Points to Deep Saudi Complicity: Two decades of U.S. policy appear to be rooted in a mistaken understanding of what happened that day, by Daniel Benjamin and Steven Simon, The Atlantic

May 20, 2024.
or more than two decades, through two wars and domestic upheaval, the idea that al-Qaeda acted alone on 9/11 has been the basis of U.S. policy. A blue-ribbon commission concluded that Osama bin Laden had pioneered a new kind of terrorist group—combining superior technological know-how, extensive resources, and a worldwide network so well coordinated that it could carry out operations of unprecedented magnitude. This vanguard of jihad, it seemed, was the first nonstate actor that rivaled nation-states in the damage it could wreak.
That assessment now appears wrong. And if our understanding of what transpired on 9/11 turns out to have been flawed, then the costly policies that the United States has pursued for the past quarter century have been rooted in a false premise.
The global War on Terror was based on a mistake.
A new filing in a lawsuit brought by the families of 9/11 victims against the government of Saudi Arabia alleges that al-Qaeda had significant, indeed decisive, state support for its attacks. Officials of the Saudi government, the plaintiffs’ attorneys contend, formed and operated a network inside the United States that provided crucial assistance to the first cohort of 9/11 hijackers to enter the country.
The 71-page document, released in redacted form earlier this month, summarizes what the plaintiffs say they’ve learned through the evidence obtained in discovery and recently declassified materials. They allege that Saudi officials—most notably Fahad al-Thumairy, an imam at a Los Angeles mosque and an accredited diplomat at Saudi Arabia’s consulate in that city, and Omar al-Bayoumi, who masqueraded as a graduate student but was identified by the FBI as an intelligence operative—were not rogue operators but rather the front end of a conspiracy that included the Saudi embassy in Washington and senior government officials in Riyadh.
The plaintiffs argue that Thumairy and Bayoumi organized safe reception, transportation, and housing for hijackers Khalid al-Mihdhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi, beginning upon their arrival in California on January 15, 2000. (Both Thumairy and Bayoumi have denied aiding the plot. Bayoumi, along with Saudi Arabia, has also denied that he had any involvement with its intelligence operations.) The filing further argues that Thumairy and Bayoumi introduced the pair to local sympathizers in Los Angeles and San Diego who catered to their day-to-day needs, including help with immigration matters, digital and phone communications, and receiving funds from al-Qaeda by wire transfer. Saudi officials also helped the two al-Qaeda operatives—both Saudi nationals with little education or command of English, whose experience abroad consisted mostly of training and fighting for jihadist causes—to procure a car as well as driver’s licenses. This support network was crucial.
submitted by MeghanClickYourHeels to atlanticdiscussions [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:26 HometownTV12 YMCA of Eastern Ontario Brockville Hosting Open House This Sunday to Celebrate New Pickleball and Basketball Courts

YMCA of Eastern Ontario Brockville Hosting Open House This Sunday to Celebrate New Pickleball and Basketball Courts submitted by HometownTV12 to Brockvilleleedsgrenvl [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:25 HometownTV12 YMCA of Eastern Ontario Brockville Hosting Open House This Sunday to Celebrate New Pickleball and Basketball Courts

YMCA of Eastern Ontario Brockville Hosting Open House This Sunday to Celebrate New Pickleball and Basketball Courts
Photo courtesy of YMCA of Eastern Ontario
Brockville - The YMCA of Eastern Ontario Brockville is hosting an Open House this Sunday, May 26th to showcase the new pickleball and basketball courts.
submitted by HometownTV12 to u/HometownTV12 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:21 unavngiven My mom died... [Very long post]

This is my first reddit post, although I have been a long time lurker of many subreddits. I am 23 years old and an only child. I am not a native english speaker, so please forgive any weird formatting or any spelling/grammar mistakes.
As the title states, my mom died ... and I am currently writing this to try and process this whole situation. I've tried to section all the paragraphs in chronological order, to make reading easier. Sorry for the extremely long post - I just needed to get it all out.
We only just celebrated her 60th birthday back in february. She did all the cooking, cleaning and planning without any trouble - even down to picking out the perfect napkins and flowers for her white and gold theme.
My mother was without a job. She had been jobless for almost 2 years now, after she was fired from her old cleaning job due to frequent sick days because of stomach cramps and pain. She was seen by a doctor back in 2022 for her stomach aches, and they found no physical cause - hence why we concluded it must've been due to stress. The stress and stomach pains subsided after she'd been fired. So we thought no more of it.
In march she was doing a 4-week internship in a local supermarket to see if she might've been a good fit for a permanent paid position. This is common practice for unemployeed people here in Denmark.
My mother started having stomach pains again during this internship, soon followed by back pains as well. She figured this was due to her spending most of the day sitting as a cashier in an uncomfortable position. My mother wasn't very tall, so she had trouble reaching the floor pedals that control the cashier conveyer belt.
In the beginning of april, she went to the doctor. Her stomach and back pains hadn't gone away although the internship was over. Her doctor also concluded it was most likely due to her uncomfortable working position, and that it would pass in a few weeks time. The doctor did some bloodwork, and found that she was severely lacking vitamin D, but nothing else seemed concerning at the time.
In the middle of april, her pains had only gotten worse, and she went to the doctor again. Her doctor did more bloodwork, and did a phisycal exam of my mothers stomach. Her doctor ordered a CT scan to check for anything serious.
19th of april. I accompany my mother to the hospital for her CT scan. We get told that we'll have the results in a week or so. My mother is not looking good when I pick her up at the bus station. She is more pale than usual, and has trouble walking at her usual pace.
23th of april. My mother received a referral to a meeting at the hospital with a doctor and nurse, to discuss the results of the CT scan. This referral is sent from the hospitals cancer department. My mother and I speak on the phone, she is concerned, but I tell her that this type of referral must just be standard pratice, and that she shouldn't worry untill we have spoken with the doctor. I cried that night.
25th of april. The day before her meeting with the doctor, I received a phone call from my mother. She tells me that she had fallen while at home, but that I shouldn't worry. I, of course, worry.
I pack my things and leave for my mothers house, I live an hour away by bus. When I finally arrive my mother seems okay-ish, but the house is another story. My mother is normally known for being a clean freak, and her house has always been clean and organized, But it wasn't anymore.
Her kitchen was a mess, and the dishwasher hadn't been empited or loaded for at least two weeks. Her bathroom is even worse, and I won't even begin to describe the state of the toilet it self. It is a sight that will horrify me for the rest of my life. I cleaned everything, while my mother rested.
My mother had also started sleeping on the guest bed, saying her own was too uncomfortable for her.
While cleaning the bathroom, my mother wakes up. Despite her state, she says she wants to help. But before I can even tell her no, my mother has another fall. Her legs essentially just crumble beneath her, and she falls backwards and lands head first on the floor. We argue back and forth about calling an ambulance, but she refuses to let me - so I don't, even though I should have. I guess I still respected my moms authority too much.
My mother lives alone, as my parents are divorced (they are very good friends though). My mother refuses to let me call my dad and tell him about this whole situation. She is stubborn and too proud to admit defeat.
26th of april. We take a taxi to the hospital. The taxi driver has a help my mother into the car. During the carride my mother says very little, but seems slightly delirious and very tired. When we arrive at the hospital, I quickly borrow a hospital wheelchair for my mother. She is almost unable to walk unassisted at this point.
After waiting for a while in the waiting area, a nurse comes and guides us to a meeting room. My mother is very tired at this point, and still delirious, and I have to handle most of the conversation with the doctor.
The CT scan results showed Pancreatic cancer. The cancer had already spread to her liver and abdomial cavity.
I had read about this cancer a few days prior, trying to figure out what was wrong with my mother. I knew what this meant, and I knew that it was effectively a death sentence. The doctor told us that an operation was out of the question, since the cancer had already spread. And due to the clearly weak state of my mothers health, chemo would also not be offered, as it would finish her.
I told the doctor of her two falls and the state of her home, and that she would not be safe on her own. The doctor had her admitted to a nearby bed department for stomach- and gastrointestinal surgery patients.
The hospital did a ton of bloodwork on my mother when she got admitted, and everything was off. All numbers were either too high or dangerously low. My mothers health was in fact so bad, that I was told she was a heart attack risk. I was also told that if a heart attack happened, she would not be brought back - as it would only prolong a very short and painful life.
I called my dad.
27th of april. My mother slept most of the day.
28th of april. My mother had another fall during the night, trying to get to the bathroom.
29th of april. My dad shows up to the hospital. He wasn't able to get off work until now, as he works in the other end of the country. He is shocked to see my mother in this state. We are told once again by a different doctor that nothing can be done. They are looking into getting her a spot at a nearby hospice.
The rest of the remaining week is spent in hospital. My dad and I are by my mothers side every day. She doesn't leave her hospital room, apart from a few times a day for a smoke break outside. My dad and I take her outside in a wheelchair, which she needs help to get in and out of.
Her bloodwork is showing some slight improvements, but she is still having trouble with infections and receives a lot of antibiotics. She eats like a mouse, but drinks a lot of fluids.
My mother is often very confused or tired most days. She gets referred for an MR scan, to see if the cancer has spread to her brain, or if one of her falls has caused permanent damage. Lucikly the MR scan shows that nothing is wrong with her brain.
She gets confused about her diagnosis a few times, thinking that she had brain cancer instead due to the MR scan. I have to remind her a couple times about what the doctor actually said.
6th of may. My mother seems to have stabilized somewhat so my dad has gone back to work.
7th of may. I get told by the hospital staff that my mother is to be transferred to a different hospital, which is one hour away. I become very upset by this news, and unfortunately yell at one of my mothers nurses in frustration. I yell at her that It'll be harder for me to get to my mother in time if something were to happen. I am ashamed of this childish behavior, as the transfer was the best desicion for my mother in hindsight.
I leave with my mother as we get transferred to the new hospital and their department of palliative care.
I am very ashamed by my behavior to my mothers old nurse, as this department for palliative care was truly the best place for my mother. She seemed very satisfied and happy to have been transferred. They have a large garden with wild flowers, and lovely staff. And my mother got a much bigger room all to herself. She also meets with their physical therapist, who helps my mother relieve some of her pain.
My mother and I have dinner together in the evening in her hospital room. My mom is her old self, although with some delayed speaking. I unfortunately have to rush a bit when leaving, as to not miss my bus home, so I quickly say goodbye to her and leave.
8th of may. In the morning on my way to the new hospital, I received a phone call from her new doctor. My mothers liver has suddenly started to fail due to the cancer. When I arrive, she is asleep. I am told she wont wake up again.
I called my dad, but he wont arrive until the evening, due to the distance from his workplace.
I spend most of the day in my mothers hospital room, listening to her sleep. She occasionally attempts to cough in her sleep, but it mainly just sounds like yells. It is terrifying. The nurses give her pain medication and some sleep medication to help her body relax.
My dad arrives in the late evening. We drive to my mothers house and stay the night there. We spend most of the late evening looking at pictures and scrapbooks of my mother, and packing a bag with clothes for her, for when she passes.
When prepareing the guest bed for my dad, we find a blanket that my mother slept on. It is stained, matching the previous state of the bathroom. We throw the blanket out.
9th of may. Mom is sleeping. Dad and I spend the day at the hospital, but we don't sit in her hospital room. It is too eerie and uncomfortable. We check on her occassionally. Towards the evening, her breathing becomes slightly more rapid and quick. But the nurses tell us to go home. There is no reason for us to sit by her side during the night - as it'll only make it worse for us.
10th of may. I wake at 6.12 am to my phone ringing. It is a nurse. My mother has passed away in her sleep at 6.05 that morning due to liver failure. My dad and I drive to the hospital. I am the first to see her body after the nurses prepared and dressed it in the clothing we picked.
(warning: the following paragraph may be slightly upsetting to some readers)
It it eerie and uncomfortable to see my mother like this. A symptom of pancreatic and liver cancers is that your skin will yellow. Something that I hadn't noticed in my mother till now. I cant help but think that she looks like a wax doll, although I feel horrible for thinking it. I finally touch her hand, after gathering the courage to, almost like I am afraid to distrub her. Her hands are cold, and only get colder as I sit by her side. I am supposed to say my goodbyes to her, and tell her how much she means to me, but in this moment I am speechless. I can't say anything, even on my mothers deathbed. I feels wrong to speak to a corpse. I should've said those things while she could hear them instead. I kiss her forehead before I leave the room.
17th of may. Funeral. The church and casket was beautifully decorated with colorful flowers, like my mother had requested. She didn't want anything white or depressing. I cried all the way through the funeral service, stopping only when it was time to carry the casket out. My dad on the left side, and me on the right, and some other family members behind us. Purple rain by Prince was played on the church piano as we carried the casket. I knew the casket would be heavy, but nothing prepared me for the sheer weight of that thing.
21th of may. Today. I don't really know what to think of my mothers death. Some days I almost forget that shes gone or that all this has been happening, until something reminds me of it.
In a way, I am thankful. Of course I didn't want my mother to die, but I'm glad that her suffering wasn't prolonged for months while she slowly withered away to cancer. And I'm thankful that my mother didn't live to suffer from alzheimers, like her own mother. And I am glad that if anything, my mothers death has brought my dad and I closer.
But at the same time, I am angry that she didn't get to live more of her life. She was only 60 years old, and should have had 20 more years at least. If she at least was 70, it might've been easier to lose her but I doubt it.
I think mostly of all the things she will miss out on, which saddens me the most. I am 23 and my mother wont get to see most of my life or my achivements. If I have kids, she'll never meet them, and she I get married, she'll never see it. My 24th birthday is coming up soon, and I don't know how I'll handle that day without my mother for the first time - or christmas for that matter.
I want my mom.
submitted by unavngiven to GriefSupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:20 standforsomethink LTB Public Hearing Links and Info for Week of May 20, 2024

Public Zoom Links and Meeting Codes

Zoom Phone-in Numbers: (647) 374 4685 / (855) 703 8985
Observers are welcome under the "open courts principle", with limited exceptions, and lead to fairer hearings.
LTB Zoom Hearing Guide and Tribunals Ontario 'How-To' Videos
If participating as an observer, put "Observer" in your Zoom name when signing in. A LTB Moderator may ask to confirm you are a spectator and may provide instructions against interrupting the proceedings before allowing you entry to the Zoom hearing. Comment here if your experience should deviate from the "open courts principle".
submitted by standforsomethink to OhCorruptCanada [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:17 Aconite61 Looking for short story about a man in a lightless room.

Please help me find a short story I read years ago in an anthology. Could be from King, but I'm not sure and can't find it anymore. It's about a realtor or court officer who enters a vacant house and can't find his way out again. For some reason there's no natural light, and while he stumbles around in the dark in search of the light switch, he feels out a lot of scary things, like people and weird textures. The man, described as prosaic, quickly panics and is about to lose his mind when he finally finds the door again. Outside in the daylight, he dismisses it as a figment of his imagination.
submitted by Aconite61 to horrorlit [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:10 Voxyacomplaintforum Consumer Court Orders Partial Refund for Faulty Washing Machine

In a recent ruling a verdict given by the District Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission of Chandigarh has passed judgement against Sachdeva Electronics and Bosch Home Appliances to reimburse half the sale price of a defective washing machine to the complainant, Mr. Dinesh Pandey. The case was handled by President Shri Pawanjit Singh and members Mrs. Surjeet Kaur and Shri Suresh Kumar Sardana.
Dinesh Pandey, who lives in Raipur Khurd, Chandigarh, purchased a washing machine from Sachdeva Electronics, an certified dealer of Bosch Home Appliances, on February 8, 2021, for ₹ 31,400. Still, within two months, the washing machine started malfunctioning and was not working properly. Despite Mr. Pandey's numerous repair requests and complaints within the warranty period, the service engineer demanded payment for replacements of some parts, which should have been substituted under the warranty. Frustrated by this Mr. Pandey filed a consumer complaint on March 21, 2022.
The case concentrated on two main issues:
Deficiency in Service whether the default of the Opposite Parties( Sachdeva Electronics and Bosch Home Appliances) to repair the washing machine within the warranty period was a insufficiency in service.
Illegal Trade Practice Whether demanding payment for repairs under guaranty amounted to an illegal trade practice.
The court precisely reviewed the evidence and arguments from both sides. It noted that Mr. Pandey had reported the defect soon after buying the machine, and the Opposite Parties failed to repair it. The Opposite Parties claimed the issue was due to an electricity problem and that the machine was in working order after inspection. still, they didn't give any evidence that a technician actually visited Mr. Pandey’s house.
The court observed “ As it stands proved on record that the defect in the subject machine was noticed after a many months of its purchase and the disfigurement has not been removed by the Opposite Parties till date, it's safe to hold that the forenamed act of Opposite Parties amounts to insufficiency in service and indulgence in illegal trade practice. ”
The court concluded that the demand for payment for repairs under warranty was unjustified and amounted to an illegal trade practice. Since Mr. Pandey had formerly purchased another washing machine and didn't want to keep the imperfect one, the court ordered a partial refund.
The court's decision was to reimburse ₹ 15,700( half the sale price) to Mr. Pandey with 9% interest per annum from the date the complaint was filed and to pay ₹ 10,000 to Mr. Pandey as compensation for internal torture and harassment.
Published by Voxya as an initiative to help consumers in resolving consumer complaints.
submitted by Voxyacomplaintforum to Chandigarh [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:07 michaelscarn0110 One private room available in a 3bed 2full bath house in Brighton

One private room available in a 3bed 2full bath house in Brighton
One private room available in a 3bed 2full bath house. The room is the largest among the 3. Washer and dryer in unit. Comes with a garage parking as well. Room will have the bed and mattress, and dresser included in addition to the large closet. I can also sell you the AC for 100$, it’s like new. I plan to move all the other things, but if you like something from the photos you can shoot me an offer. The room is initially available from 1st June to 31st August but you also have the option to extend the lease ( September 2024 to 31st August 2025), since the other 2 people living in the house will be renewing it and will eventually have to look for a roommate. Both of them are pretty chill and on time with finances! The living room will also be furnished as shown in the photos. Your other responsibilities will be utilities. No food preferences. The house has plenty of storage space too. 6 mins walk from 3 stations on the B line, Allston street, Warren street and Washington street. 4 mins walk from Whole Foods. Located in a nice and safe neighbourhood right at the border of Brookline and Boston. I am listing this because I’m moving to another state!
submitted by michaelscarn0110 to bostonhousing [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:05 NeedsMusts Moving back into jointly owned property

Will briefly explain the situation..... my understanding is she has no say in the matter at all & is just bullying me as usual to get her own way. She now has the kids blocking me from entering the house when I collect them, meaning I have to wait outside, not even allowed to use the toilet.
What is laughable is that the kids spend most of their time there alone, as their mum is always round the new fellas. Which makes it even more annoying for me, as kids don't want to come to flat, but I'm now not allowed to spend time with them in my own house on my nights, so I have ended up seeing a lot less of the kids!
Last 12 months I have been renting a HA flat, awarded to me after being evicted from my rental after issue of S21 & then being homeless for 3 months. Currently facing repossession as I can't afford to live there. Main reason for not claiming UC is the fact that I own half a house that is worth more than the limit.
During the saga of being evicted I asked the ex about moving back to the house as I literally could not find a property to rent, due to increased rental costs, plus me being in receipt of HB made it very difficult to rent. This was met with a firm no way, it's my house, which it's actually not.
Bear in mind she has worked full time for the last 12 years, only had to pay 200 monthly interest for mortgage, been in receipt of all Child benefits & had been living in the house with her partner for over ten years who also worked full time.
The fact is, it is not her house as we own it jointly & she has lived there with the kids for 12 years paying only the interest on the mortgage. I've been excluded since the day of court way back in 2012, when a clean break order was made and never followed. I've received nothing from her in rent and for the last 12 months I've seen a lot less of my children and am not seeing them as much as i should according to the shared residence order, because basically there is no room for them at the 2 bed flat.
The whole situation is a cluster fuck, I tried mediation with no success. Help.
submitted by NeedsMusts to LegalAdviceUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:02 Such-Bread8662 My dad was accused of theft by a client at work

So my dad was just arrested because he was accused of stealing airpods out of a car that was sold to his job, the women apperently left the airpods in the car when she had sold it and 2 days later called in to say that her airpods were tracked to his home address and she has a screenshot of said address location. I havent seen the airpods here and when the police came to pick my dad up they said they were not going to search the house as it is a small item. They have nothing but the address as its last location and this is my dads first time offense, his court case is thursday and im anxious to know what will happen. As of now he says he doesnt have it nor know what shes talking about. What can we do on our side, me and my mom have never been through something like this, he is being kept in jail till thursday. Any advice or peacemind.
submitted by Such-Bread8662 to legaladvice [link] [comments]


MASAR Chartered Accountants Enhances Management Skills with In-House Training on Communication and Presentation.
MASAR Chartered Accountants has once again demonstrated its commitment to professional excellence and continuous development by hosting a comprehensive in-house training session for its upper management. The training, titled “Impactful Communication & Engaging Presentation Skills,” took place on Thursday, May 16, 2024, and was facilitated by the renowned Spearhead Training.
Reflecting MASAR’s core values of maintaining cutting-edge professional knowledge and elevating essential skills. The session was designed to equip managers with the latest tools needed to cultivate their soft skills. This initiative aligns with the vision of His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the United Arab Emirates and Ruler of Abu Dhabi. Who wisely stated, “Education represents a top national priority, and investing in people is the real investment we seek.”
The training aimed to achieve several key objectives, ensuring a global development experience for MASAR’s team. Such as:
  • Setting Clear Guidelines for Communication.
  • Identifying Critical Characteristics and Skills.
  • Constructive Feedback.
  • Defining Aims and Objectives.
  • Effective Teamwork.
  • Creating Personal Development Plans.
Participants had engaged in interactive exercises and received personalized feedback. Which facilitated the practical application of learned skills. The training was not only informative but also transformative. Ensuring that MASAR’s managers are well-equipped to lead with confidence, present ideas effectively, and maintain high standards of professional service.


MASAR Chartered Accountants is a leading firm providing a full range of accounting, auditing, FTA-approved Tax Agency, and Court Experts. With a strong commitment to excellence and client satisfaction. MASAR offers customized solutions to meet the diverse needs of its clients.


Spearhead Training is a globally recognized leader in corporate training and development and has been established in the region for over 25 years, and over 40 years in the UK. The organization specializes in a broad scale of programs designed to enhance organizational performance and individual skills. Covering areas such as leadership, communication, and management training.
For more details:
submitted by masar-ca to u/masar-ca [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:01 FelicitySmoak_ Tuesday, May 21, 2013 - Jackson v. AEG Live Day 15

Tuesday, May 21, 2013 - Jackson v. AEG Live Day 15
Trial Day 15
Katherine, Rebbie and Trent Jackson are at court.
LA Times reported that the Jacksons offered a settlement.
Kevin Boyle , a lawyer for Katherine Jackson and Michael's kids , said they offered to settle the lawsuit against AEG, but that they never got an answer. Kevin Boyle said the family made the offers in January & March. Boyle would not provide details but said AEG's insurance would have paid, which means they could have settled the case without them paying a dime of their money. He said AEG has never offered to settle & they haven't apologized.
Marvin Putnam, an attorney for AEG, said it was inappropriate to discuss settlement discussions:
"We don't settle matters that are utterly baseless. We believe that is the case in this matter. I can't see why we would consider a settlement as anything other than a shakedown"
CNN Reports there was a snack controversy during trial: AEG lawyers gave a bag of peppermint candy to the bailiff to hand out to the jury this week. Even Katherine Jackson enjoyed the treat but Jackson's lawyer raised an objection, suggesting jurors might be influenced if they realized the source of the sweets. A compromise was reached. Each side can provide snacks for jurors, but they'll be placed at the bailiff's desk before jurors enter court so they have no clue who brought it.
Shawn Trell Testimony
Jackson direct
AEG Live General Counsel, Shawn Trell, told jurors that he had forgotten that Kenny Ortega was working under a signed contract.
Trell said he met with his attorneys last night and reviewed one doc -- Kenny Ortega's contract.
"He had a written contract," Trell said. "I remember the email dynamic. I'm not too proud to admit that I didn't recall the cover contract," Trell said he was changing his previous testimony to add that Ortega had a written contract, not only emails between him and AEG
Next topic was Insurance: Cancellation/Non-Appearance/Sickness. Trell said he started working on insurance for the tour in November of 2008. Panish showed several chains of emails where the parties talked about the insurance for the tour
Email from Bob Taylor insurance broker to Trell on 1/7/09:
"Prior to speaking with carriers we ask the artist to attend medical with a doctor...A full medical with both blood/urine tests. The doctor also wants to review the medical records over the last 5 years to ensure full disclosure. Insurers require further medical examination to be carried out by their nominated doctor. They may restrict illness coverage or death from illness coverage until this examination has taken place"
Email from 4/30/09 - Wooley to Trell :
"We have no coverage against Michael sickness unless and until he submits to another medical in London
Email from 5/28/09 - Trell to Taylor:
"We really need to get that medical done"
Email from 6/23/09 - Trell to Taylor :
"Any update on the availability of Term insurance?" (life insurance)
Trell said if they secured life insurance, they would get money if Michael died.
"We would get the money owed to us, yes," Trell testified.
Trell also said he continued discussions with an insurance broker about additional coverage to recoup AEG Live's investment if the tour had to be canceled.
Email from 6/24/09 -Taylor to Trell :
"Insurers have refused to move on this. Huge amount of speculation in the media regarding artist's health. They feel if they're to consider providing illness to cover this particular artist, they must have very through medical report"
Email from 6/25/09 - Gongaware to Taylor :
"If we don't get sickness coverage, we are dropping this policy"
Email from 6/25/09 - Taylor to Gongaware :
"The consultation in London is critical. The doctor is holding the afternoon of the 6th July open at Harley St. But keep in mind the visit could take 2 hours plus"
Next topic: Budget/Costs. Panish showed an email from AEG's Rick Webking to Michael's estate with 1st report of artist advances/expenses. This was a letter sent to the estate containing the expenses incurred, Trell said.
"It seems to me we submitted this report for their review, I don't see any request for payment," Trell said.
Trell said he spoke with Randy Phillips and Paul Gongaware about Michael's physical condition prior to coming to testify.
"I had heard about rehearsals in which Mr. Jackson was fantastic," Trell said
Trell said he's aware of email from Ortega saying doctor was not allowing Michael to attend rehearsal on June 14, 2009.
"I was aware of the doctor not allowing him to attend rehearsal," Trell said
Email from 6/17/09 from Phillips:
"...Ortega, Gongaware, Dileo, and his doctor Conrad from Vegas and I have an intervention with him to get him to focus and come to rehearsal"
Email from 6/17/09 from Gongaware to Phillip's assistant:
"We need a physical therapist and a nutritionist"
Email from Production Manager - Gongaware/Phillips on 6/19/09 :
"Paul/Randy I'm not bring a drama queen here. Kenny asked me to notify you both Michael was sent home without stepping foot on stage. He was a basket case and Kenny was concerned he would embarrass himself on stage, or worse yet, be hurt. The company is rehearsing right now, but the DOUBT is pervasive"
Email from Randy Phillips to Tim Leiweke on 6/19/09 :
"We have a huge problem here."
"I think he recognized there was a problem on the 19th," Trell said. "I would take it seriously, as I believe Mr. Phillips did."
Trell agreed with a statement by plaintiff's attorney, Brian Panish, that company executives knew by then there was a "deep issue" with Jackson
Does Trell consider that exchange a "red flag" that AEG Live should have noticed, Panish asked.
"I would take it seriously, as I believe Mr. Phillips did," Trell answered. "I don't know I would use the word 'red flag'
One of the emails shown to the jury was from Jackson estate co-executor John Branca, sent 5 days before Jackson's death & marked 'confidential':
"I have the right therapist/spiritual advisosubstance abuse counselor who could help (recently helped Mike Tyson get sober and paroled) Do we know whether there is a substance issue involved (perhaps better discussed on the phone)
The email was sent the same day that a meeting was held at Jackson's home with Murray. No further info given to jury.
Trell said Mr. Phillips never told him about this email
Email from Ortega to Randy Phillips on 6/20/09: (chain of emails)
"I honestly don't think he is ready for this based on his continued physical weakening and deepening emotional state"
Trell said he didn't see these emails. He said he spoke with Randy Phillips about Phillips' perception of Michael, in order to prepare for testifying, but not about specific emails. Trell has been designated as the most qualified person to speak on behalf of AEG
Email from Phillips to Gongaware on 6/20/09 at 1:52 am :
"Tim and I are going to see him tomorrow, however, I'm not sure what the problem is Chemical or Physiological?"
From Gongaware to Phillips, on 6/20/09 at 5:59 am :
"Take the doctor with you. Why wasn't he there last night?"
From Phillips to Gongaware, on 6/20/09 at 2:01 pm :
"He is not a psychiatrist so I'm not sure how effective he can be at this point obviously, getting him there is not the issue. It is much deeper"
Trell said Randy Phillips went to a handful of rehearsals, three at the Forum and two at Staples Center. The head of the marketing department attended rehearsal on June 23, 2009.
"She was blown away by it," Trell testified.
He said he was unaware of issues with Jackson at rehearsals.
"I knew of no problems with Michael Jackson at all",Trell testified.
Trell said he never saw the emails from Phillips directing people to exclude images from This Is It of Michael looking "skeletal" while rehearsing.
"What were his observations of Michael's physical condition during rehearsal," Trell said. "I asked for his (Phillips) personal opinion."
Next line of questioning is about human resources and background checks. Trell said they can be valuable and useful tools when hiring. Background check costs around $40 to $125. Trell said AEG Live could afford this fee. "We don't do background checks on independent contractors," Trell said. Trell said he was involved in the hiring by AEG Live for the This Is It tour. His department was responsible for retaining independent contractors. Trell said he is not familiar with background check process for hiring.
"I am not familiar with the process of doing background checks," Trell said. "No training."

Panish: "There was no hiring criteria for the This Is It tour, correct?"
Trell: "Not to my knowledge"
Trell testified that when it comes to independent contractors, they have either worked with the artists, AEG or known in the industry. Trell agreed that no background check was done on anyone working on the This Is It tour. AEG Live General Counsel Shawn Trell told jurors that no legal or financial checks were done involving Conrad Murray or anyone else who worked as an independent contractor on the This Is It shows.
Depending on the nature of the position, a background could be done, Trell said, like for potential employees in the financial area. Trell said he thought a background check would be appropriate for people working in financial roles, but not tour personnel who weren't employees of AEG
As to independent contractors, Trell said there's no supervision and monitoring like there's for employees
Panish: "You don't do anything to check into background, supervise or protect the artist?"
Trell: "No, safety is a concern"
Trell said that AEG did not hire Murray, that the doctor was like many independent contractors,
"When they leave the environment, what they do on their own time is their own business"
Trell testified he doesn't believe the artist is more at risk because AEG Live doesn't do background checks
"We did nothing to monitor Dr. Murray," Trell said. "We did not monitor whatever it was that he was doing, no."
"It called for Michael Jackson being able to terminate Dr. Murray at will," Trell said about the contract. "If the concerts didn't go forward, and he was terminated under this provision, Dr. Murray would not be paid going forward," Trell explained
As to Dr Murray being under dire financial straits, Trell said that he doesn't know if he agrees with it, everyone's perception is different
Trell: "I certainly wasn't aware of it at the time"
Panish: "Because you didn't check, right?"
Trell: "That's right"
"I don't think conflict of interests are a good thing, and we would want to prevent it," Trell said
Email from Kathy Jorie to Shawn Trell on 6/24/09 at 12:54 am:
Subject: Revised agreement with GCA Holdings/Dr. MurrayIt had two attachments Attachments: Revised Michael Jackson -AEG GCA Holdings Murray Agreement 6-18-09 Final MJ -- AEG GCA Holdings Agreement (Dr. Murray) 6-23-09
Email chain from 6/23/09, 5:39pm from Jorrie to Wooley, Murray
Subject: RE: Michael Jackson - Revised Agreement with GCA Holdings/Dr. Murray Email:
"I have redlined the Word version so that you can see all of the revisions. In addition, I've attached clean PDF version for execution" (The email says that if Dr. Murray approved it, he was to print it, sign and send it back to Jorrie)

Panish: "Did Ms. Jorrie call this contract a draft?"
Trell: "She called it a Final Version"
"Every document is a draft until it is executed," Trell said.
Panish showed emails exchanged among AEG executives that contained drafts of Murray's contract. Although Murray had signed a contract with the company, neither Jackson nor anyone from AEG had added their signatures. Trell testified that a copy of the contract had never been sent to Jackson
With Trell on the stand, Panish played part of an interview that AEG Live President Randy Phillips gave to Sky News television soon after Michael's death.
"This guy was willing to leave his practice for a very large sum of money, so we hired him," Phillips said.
Panish also showed jurors an e-mail between AEG lawyers suggesting that Phillips told other interviewers AEG Live "hired" Murray.
Panish: "Isn't it true that Randy Phillips made numerous comments that AEG Live hired Dr. Murray?"
Trell: "I know he has made that statement"
Panish said AEG higher-ups became concerned after Phillips made such admission. Trell said he didn't know if that was true. Bruce Black is the General Counsel for parent company of AEG and AEG Live. Michael Roth is AEG's media relations
Email from Kathy Jorrie to Bruce Black and Michael Roth on 8/25/09:
Subject: AEG Live president says AEG Live hired Dr. Conrad Murray
Panish shows Trell a deposition, under oath, given by insurance broker Bob Taylor on another case. Trell said he has never seen or read it. Trell denied having a telephone conversation with Mr. Taylor where Trell asked him if a doctor's compensation was covered in the insurance.
Panish: "Does that refresh your recollection that AEG was employing Dr. Murray?"
Trell: "Mr. Taylor has this completely wrong"
After lunch break, Brian Panish asked if Shawn Trell wanted to change anything else in his testimony, to which he said "No"
Bruce Black, attorney for Anschutz, was present in the meeting with LAPD. Trell met with the police on 1/12/10. Trell told the police that day that Dr. Murray would receive $150,000 compensation per month. Trell also said that Dr. Murray requested and AEG would provide necessary medical equipment and a nurse. More than five months after Jackson's death, Trell said, he informed LAPD detectives that Murray initially requested $5 million to join the tour but eventually agreed to a salary of $150,000 a month for 10 months.
Panish: "As far as you know, all the agreements written for TII tour was done under AEG Live Productions, right?"
Trell: "Yes"
Panish: "Was Dr. Murray trying to help AEG get insurance?"
Trell: "The policy was in both names, so he was helping both parties"
Trell said Dennis Hawk, who represented Michael, was in touch with Taylor regarding the insurance
Panish: "As of June 2009, you don't even know whether Mr. Jackson had a personal manager
working for him, right?"
Trell: "Well, my understanding at the time there were a couple of people acting in that capacity"
Email on 6/2/09 from Randy Phillips to Jeff Wald:
"Jeff, remember getting Michael to focus is not the easiest thing in the world and we still have no lawyer, business manager, or, even real manager in place. It is a nightmare!"
Trell said the only time he saw an artist's signature required to retain an independent contractor was for Dr. Murray. Trell said his understanding was that Dr. Murray worked for Michael for 3 years; didn't know how many times MJ saw Dr. Murray.
"I've never spoken with Dr. Murray ever. And I met/spoke with Mr. Jackson once," Trell said.

"He was a significant expense," Trell testified about Dr. Murray.
Trell said AEG Live didn't do anything to check Dr. Murray's competency as doctor, other than checking his physician license. Trell said AEG didn't do anything to determine Dr. Murray's financial conditions in 2009.
Jury was shown an email that Phillips sent to Kenny Ortega on night of June 20, 2009. It was email urging Ortega to stand down.
Email on 6/20/09 Phillips to Ortega :
"Kenny it's critical that neither you, me, anyone around this show become amateur psychiatrist/physicians. I had a lengthy conversation with Dr. Murray, who I am gaining immense respect for as I get to deal with him more. He said that Michael is not only physically equipped to perform & discouraging him to will hasten his decline instead of stopping it. Dr. Murray also reiterated that he is mentally able to and was speaking to me from the house where he had spent the morning with Michael. This doctor is extremely successful (we check everyone out) and does not need this gig so he is totally unbiased and ethical"
Panish asked Trell whether Phillips "characterization to Ortega, given no background check was done, was a lie". Trell responded that he didn't know what Phillips knew or was thinking when he wrote that email to Ortega. Trell also said he expected Randy Phillips to testify at some point during the trial, so he could address the email himself
Panish then asked Trell, "Sir, you never checked out one single thing about Dr. Murray -- you've already told me that, correct?"
"As of the date of the email, that would've been correct",Trell said.
When pressed by Panish, Trell said that Phillips' statement that Murray had been checked out, along with the executive's claim that the doctor 'does not need this gig' were inaccurate.
"I don't know where Randy's understanding or impression comes from", Trell said.
Trell testified that Phillips might have been "misinformed" or simply was stating his impression of the Las Vegas cardiologist
Panish: "But no one at AEG checked Dr. Murray to see if he was successful or not, isn't that true?"
Trell: "Yes"
Panish then asked several pointed questions about whether Shawn Trell agreed with Phillips telling Ortega they'd checked Murray out. One of Panish's questions was whether Trell thought Phillips' email was 'acceptable conduct'
Panish called Phillips' statement "a flat out lie" and asked Trell whether he agreed with it or if it signified how AEG did business. Trell said he didn't know what Phillips thought he knew when he wrote the message.
"I know this statement is not accurate, but you'd have to speak with Mr. Phillips about what he thought or meant in saying it," Trell said.

Panish: "That's a flat out lie, isn't it sir?"
Trell: "I don't know what Mr. Phillips intended to say, this should be a question to him"
Panish: "You don't know if he was successful or facing bankruptcy, did you?"
Trell: "No"
Trell: "I know the statement is not accurate. You have to speak with Mr. Phillips about what he meant to say"
Panish: "Do you agree with the CEO of your company making untrue statements?"
Trell: "I don't know that he didn't know it wasn't true when he said it"
Trell said Phillips never told him that he checked Dr. Murray out. As to reference in Phillips' email about Dr. Murray being unbiased, ethical, not needing this gig, Trell said it was Phillips' impressions. He said AEG typically only runs background checks on candidates applying for full-time jobs with AEG, not independent contractors.
Panish: "Isn't it true AEG Live does not do background check on independent contractors?"
Trell: "That's true"
Trell said that no one from AEG interviewed Dr. Murray because he was an independent contractor.
"Did anyone from AEG ever at any time interview Dr. Murray", asked Brian Panish
"No", Trell replied.
Panish showed a document used by AEG entitled "Disclosure and Authorization to Conduct Background Check". Doc is used for employment, promotion, retention, contingent or the rate staffing, consulting, sub-contract work, or volunteer work. Panish asked if there was any reason why Dr. Murray was not given a background check.
"He wasn't an employee, he wasn't applying for a full time position with the company," Trell explained.
Trell said theoretically they could've asked to check Dr. Murray's background and credit.
AEG Cross
Jessica Bina began her examination by showing the letter submitted by AEG's CFO to the Estate of Michael Jackson for their review. She asked Shawn Trell about the estimate presented to Jackson's estate that included Murray's $300k fees. She asked why it was prepared. Shawn Trell said it was done at the request of the estate. He said Jackson's estate wanted to know state of tour finances when Jackson died. Trell said the report was requested by the Estate after a series of meetings after Michael's death.
"The purpose of the meeting was to wind up the business affairs of the tour due to Michael's death", Trell said. "It was my understating in June Tohme was back in the picture in some capacity. I'm not sure which, Mr. DiLeo was in it too," Trell said
Bina: "Is there any request for payment?"
Trell: "No, there's no demand for payment, it's for review"
Stebbins Bina asked about the inclusion of Murray's fee in the document. Bina showed the report that was attached to the letter. Murray's fee on the document had a footnote. Trell read what that footnote said, and explained why estate wasn't asked for Murray's fee. Next to "Management Medical" there's a reference to footnote 3.
Note 3: 'Contract is not signed by Michael Jackson and such signature was condition precedent to any payment obligation' - Footnote on Murray fee.
Trell testified Webking, the CFO for AEG, did not ask Michael's Estate for payment of Dr. Murray's salary
"You testified you were somewhat confused (by the inclusion of the $300,000)?", Bina asked Trell as she projected the list, dated July 17, 2009, on a screen for jurors.
"Do you see there's something in parentheses?', Stebbins Bina asked, zooming in to blow up a footnote from AEG CFO Frederick Webking that stated Michael Jackson never signed Murray's contract, so its terms were not enforceable.
"Is Mr. Webking asking the estate to pay?", Stebbins Bina asked Trell. "No", he replied, explaining that upon reflection he believed Mr. Webking was just being 'thorough' by including the $300,000 as a budgeted cost.
"Did Mr. Webking make a mistake as you thought yesterday?",she asked.
"No, he did not", Trell answered
Second report made to the Estate on 9/18/09, there was no amount next to management medical. Stebbins Bina then showed a Sept. 2009 report of This Is It's finances to Michael Jackson's estate. Murray's fee is not listed in that document
Trell went through his job description with AEG. He said he has five lawyers in his department and has worked on thousands of agreements. Trell explained what PMK is -- Person Most Knowledgeable, identified by the company to testify on its behalf. Trell said he didn't know about all the topics he was designated, so he had to do some studying and interviews with people
As to Ortega's contract, Trell said he was aware of a string of emails being at least a part of the original agreement with Kenny.
"When we were done here yesterday, I looked at Kenny Ortega's original agreement," Trell said.
Trell noted he hadn't looked at Ortega's agreement since it was entered into in 2009. Before the afternoon break, Trell and jury were shown Kenny Ortega's tour agreement. It was signed in April 2009. The agreement was three pages of legalese, with several pages of emails attached that confirmed the terms. The first three pages included some paragraphs that described who owned the rights to This Is It content. A large number of emails are part of the agreement as exhibits. Trell said he recalled the emails exchange and admitted again not being proud of forgetting the cover contract portion. Bina showed Ortega's executed contract with everyone's signature on it. Trell said Kenny Ortega was paid after his contract was signed.
Trell, Phillips and Kathy Jorrie were involved in drafting and negotiating the contract with Michael Jackson. For MJ, Trell said Dr. Tohme Tohme and attorneys Dennis Hawk and Peter Lopez represented him. He said there were multiple drafts.
"It's my understanding they were talking to, or at least receiving offers from, a competitive of ours, Live Nation," Trell said.
Trell also said that before signing an agreement with AEG, Jackson had been considering a tour offer from its main competitor, Live Nation.
Bina showed the jury the final tour agreement. Trell said he went to MJ's home at Carolwood to sign it. Upon arrival, Trell said Mr. Jackson got up from where he was seated, and said 'Hi, welcome, I'm Michael." Trell said it was pretty funny, since he was a very distinct person. Trell said they shook hands, he had a good firm handshake and his voice was not what people think
"He popped up, came over, introduced himself, was very cordial, there was a real positive energy, good vibe in the room," Trell said. "He seemed genuinely enthused," Trell added. "He had the contract in front of him, said he read every page, seemed very enthused." Trell said they all signed it and Mr. Jackson was really keen on the 3-D stuff, that he was already down the road in his mind. "I was probably there just a little less than an hour. And that was the only time I met him," Trell recalled.
Bina discussed the contract for the tour agreement:
A first class performance by Artist at each show on each of the approved itineraries. Contract:
Artist shall perform no less than 80 minutes at each show, and the maximum show length for each show shall be 3.5 hours. Artist shall approve a sufficient number of shows on itineraries proposed by promoter or producer as to recoup the advances made.
Trell said compensation was agreed on 90-10 split. Artist received 90% of what's defined contingent compensation.
Trell explained to jury how concerts get paid for. One scenario is artist pays for production up front. A second scenario is that the promoter gives artist an advance, and then they use the money to put together the show. The third option, Trell said, is the artist pays someone like AEG Live to produce and promote the show, with costs to come out of their pay. Trell called the second and third option like an interest-free loan. In Jackson's case, AEG agreed to a 90/10 split of show's proceeds. Jackson would have received the 90% portion, Trell said. Jackson was also on the hook for a 5% production fee
AEG Live was promoter & producer.
"We advanced the money necessary to mount the tour," Trell explained. "It's interest free money".
Trell testified that Jackson's advance, which covered his $100,000-a-month rent on his mansion and a $3-million payment to settle a lawsuit that would free up his performance rights, was considered a loan to be paid back to AEG.
Part of the advance was to pay off the settlement agreement of $3 million in London court. The underlying dispute was that a company owned the rights for Jackson's live performance.
"The rights needed to be freed up," Trell said.
The advances were to be paid back to AEG Live before the split of revenue. Production Advances were capped to $7.5 million. Contract:
Artist was responsible for all the production costs in excess of the cap and had to reimburse promoter.
"Michael Jackson was known to have very elaborate productions," Trell said. "Production values can get significant, for lack of a better word, it really depends on how many bells and whistles they want," Trell said.
Trell said AEG would not advance money without the artist requesting it.
Trell said it's not only typical and customary, but standard and artist needs to secure either non-appearance or cancellation insurance. Their interest in the policy, Trell said, was to cover the advances and production costs incurred with the production of the show.
"If the were no obligations to AEG, the payout would go back to the artist", Trell explained, "It just recoups our loan made to the artist."
Trell was also asked about elements of tour insurance policies and an agreement with former manager Tohme Tohme. Jackson's contract called for him to represent to AEG that he didn't have any health conditions that would keep him from performing.
Artistco hereby represents and warrants that artist does not possess any known health conditions, injuries or ailments that would reasonable be expected to interfere with Artist's first class performance at each of the shows during the term
Oh Tohme's $100k per month agreement, Trell was shown a January contract that Jackson signed to pay that amount. However, Trell said Tohme's agreement was predicated on Jackson getting tour cancellation insurance by a certain date. Deadline passed and by that point Tohme was no longer Jackson's manager, so he wasn't entitled to be paid his monthly fee.
January 24, 2009 -- agreement entered with Dr. Tohme Tohme. Trell said Michael was involved and signed this agreement. "This agreement was entered into January 26, Trell testified.
"There are conditions that needed to be met before any payment could be made."
One of the the conditions was placement of non-appearance insurance, Trell said. That placement was done in late April, early May. In May, AEG received letter from MJ saying Tohme didn't rep him anymore.
"No payments were ever made under this agreement," Trell explained.
Court Transcript
Rebbie Jackson attending court
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