Swollen lymph nodes by eyebrow


2020.06.25 23:25 SensitiveBorder2 Swollenlymphnodes

THIS GROUP IS PRIMARILY FOR CHRONICALLY ENLARGED LYMPH NODES WITH NO CAUSE FOUND Most everyone here has had lymph nodes swell up and never fully return to their original size. A lot of us panicked and seen nothing but cancer stories until finding so many others who simply had nodes pop up and stay that way and this community is hopefully going to be a place to calm the anxieties of many and for us to discuss our experiences with swollen nodes that stayed there forever.

2014.09.19 01:24 healthyalmonds Staphylococcus aureus bacteria colonizing the body: the unifying agent of acute and chronic disease

Staphylococcus aureus is a bacteria that can live in the nostrils, ears, mouth, tonsils, and skin. It may cause or be associated with your congestion, swollen lymph nodes, sinus problems, sore throat, eczema, rosacea, acne, cystic pimples, folliculitis, bowel disease, chronic fatigue, diabetes, lupus, weight gain, hair loss, and other diseases. Chlorhexidine, iodine, or Triple Antibiotic Ointment (Neosporin) may stop the Staph infection. See inside for more information.

2012.09.03 05:16 lolwatdahek Klinefelter syndrome

a place to talk about klinefelter syndrome

2024.05.22 02:24 Kooky_Cauliflower13 Severe HA

In the last year I’ve become somewhat of a hypochondriac, but in the last 1-2 weeks it is becoming debilitating. I constantly think about being seriously ill and am so hyper aware of every single feeling in my body. The internet obviously doesn’t help lol, I look everything up too. I have also begun obsessively checking my body for lumps because I am always convinced there’s something wrong with me, and 2 days ago I found a lump-type thing on my neck (probably a swollen lymph node). I am thinking about going to the doctor just for a general check up for peace of mind, but I don’t know what else to do. I also have not been sleeping well because I am weird about temperature and my house feels too hot at bed time, so lack of sleep probably contributes to my anxiety. I feel so lonely and am really really struggling and looking for any advice or support.
submitted by Kooky_Cauliflower13 to HealthAnxietySupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:52 Subject_Criticism136 Literal hours old diagnosis for mum

Nothing showed up in blood tests or x-rays in February. But I knew. I have watched this lung cancer eating her for the last 3 months. Finally confirmed last night, large mass in her right lung. 3 swollen lymph nodes. It came so fast. Doctor waited until she left the room to tell me is isn't "suspected", it IS cancer. We are waiting on the referral to be processed for oncology. If anyone would like to share their experience with me with navigating this I would be extremely grateful.
submitted by Subject_Criticism136 to CancerFamilySupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:52 Formal-Technical Arm DVT not dissolving

Hey, everyone! I frequent this sub not as someone with a blood clot myself but because my mom has been dealing with an Upper Extremity DVT since October and we come here to see other’s experiences. She’s been on Eliquis since October but recently her arm swelling has peaked, as well as pain in her and arm shoulder - believed by her PCP to be caused from “frozen shoulder” since her fear has kept her from moving her arm. She also is a breast cancer survivor with no lymph nodes on that side so, we thought swelling was normal.
She went in for an ultrasound to check on the status and we just heard that it hasn’t dissolved at all. In fact, they called it a 4 cm mass and are wanting a CT given her cancer history.
Of course, we’re scared, frustrated, and confused. Any experience on Eliquis not working. If she has to have surgery to remove this, what was your experience with that?
Any comments are welcome and we’re grateful for your input.
submitted by Formal-Technical to ClotSurvivors [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:40 e_b_deeby should we be worried about liver pain, given these conditions? [potential STI]

pt is a 24 year old Black male, 6'3, 226lb, who does not smoke and only drinks occasionally. his only other known medical condition is eczema, which has been a lifelong problem for him. a recent testicular ultrasound revealed a 6mm cyst on the epididymal head of his left testis; there were no other findings of note.
on the 21st of february (2024), pt was exposed to a mystery STI from oral sex with another male [both giving and receiving if that's anything] that seems consistent with syphilis (a single painless spot on his pubic area, lasting about a week; a swollen lymph node in neck; itching, pain, and fissures around the anus; epididymitis; discomfort urinating). however, all syphilis RPR tests administered by his physicians have been negative. he has had four so far: one 8 days after exposure, one 14 days, another at 47, and a fourth at about 81. no other types of syphilis tests have been offered to him so far.
his urinalyses have returned fairly normal with the exception of his bilirubin levels, which have been steadily worsening since april (have slowly gone from 1.1 to 1.6 to 1.8 mg/dL since april 6th). he also consistently shows trace amounts of blood in his urine.
previous attempts to treat his condition with antibiotics (specifically doxycycline, azithromycin, and rocephin; at one point he was also prescribed cipro but that didn't seem to do much) have been successful at alleviating symptoms, but they have always returned within a week or two's time.
this morning, pt was complaining of upper right quadrant pain. the pain reportedly went away with water + a nap, but i'm still worried on his behalf, especially given the heightened bilirubin.
should i drag him to the ER for further evaluation just to be safe?? is there anything else we should be looking for in terms of causes of these symptoms?? thank you in advance for your advice. i've been running myself ragged trying to find a doctor irl whom he can afford + will take his concerns seriously.
submitted by e_b_deeby to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:59 bunnygirl1716 Fever swollen lymph node, and night sweats for 10+ days, should I be concerned?

Hi I am a 24F 5'4, 140 lbs, and live in USA. No existing medical issues, no smoking or recreational drugs.
I have been having fevers off and on for the past 10 days with the highest getting to 101 as well as night sweats and one swollen lymph node on my left cervical neck. COVID, Flu, RSV, and Mono negative. Should I be concerned? I am also so fatigued I have trouble finishing a shift at work.
submitted by bunnygirl1716 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:00 Hot_Hyena_1819 I'm done.

I'm done.
The skibidi virus has reach stage 4, which means that I will die in about 4 days. I was glad to enjoy the progression of the update but I must go and live the rest of my life without worries from the people. To be clear, the infection has effected my lymph nodes, the endocrine and the nervous systems and caused by digestive system to collapse and now I live on elfen bodily remains (thank the Maximists)
Skibidi ohio gyat rizz fanum tax plus if Kai Cenat was called out for edging with the griddy on Ohio he will start looksxmaxxing and will begin the great edge of ohio and the skibidi toilets will invade and take all the fanum tax as part of the lore.
It appears the disease has spread in my mouth and has affected my mewing streak. I cannot bear this disease longer. I am suffocating under the GYATT. I accept my demise and now sort out to find out more about the update. Keep sure to kill as much elves as possible. Each elf gone is an problem solved and this will help the Worldbox community. I shall suffer with the brainrot on 420% and dedicate my time to mewing. Oh and remember to kill elves.
submitted by Hot_Hyena_1819 to Worldbox [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:15 EngineeringCurrent24 Lymph node pain

Does anyone have lymph node pain and just general achiness ? Some times it’s worse than others.. no visible swollen nodes and recently had a ct of my stomach but under my arms and just general areas or big nodes ache some times. Just feel like total crap some times .
submitted by EngineeringCurrent24 to LPR [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:11 Fitgirly357 23F, Has anyone had swollen armpit lymph nodes?

I am a 23 year old female. The last five days I have had 3 swollen lymph nodes get worse in my righr armpit. They are painful and achy. Last night I felt an ache in my left armpit and felt a small one starting to form in my left armpit. However, I do not feel sick whatsoever. I have fatigue and body aches. The last three nights I have woke up hot and sticky, I wouldn't say drenched in sweat, but I have woke up with pain in both armpits last night.
submitted by Fitgirly357 to DiagnoseMe [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:09 charlotteharpermck Hi thycan warriors! Can you help me understand?

I know I don’t need to preface, but because my story is a rare one and having health anxiety myself, I want you to be encouraged that if you have micro papillary thyroid cancer, the odds are very much in your favor that it won’t even become clinically significant. I was still given an excellent prognosis given my current situation.
It started with a thyroid nodule that ultimately grew to be 4.5ish cm. I had a biopsy- benign. I only got surgery because it started to impact my swallowing. My surgeon (expert thyroid cancer ENT) warned me it is very common for path to come back with incidental microPTC, and not to be alarmed by this finding. Fast forward to my path report post surgery. Benign follicular adenoma, .5mm PTC- classic (clear margins, no invasion or extension, and 3 benign lymph nodes). I don’t think you can get much lower risk than that, seeing as he also electively removed 3 nodes, just in case, that didn’t look suspicious. This was September 2022. Sparing details in between (they didn’t look at my thyroid again in between because of pregnancy), I was diagnosed with metastatic thyroid cancer. I got a central and lateral neck dissection at the end of last month. 6 positive lymph nodes. The largest metastatic site was 8mm- larger than the nodule. I was told RAI would be next but nuclear medicine also said, I could opt for close monitoring and treat if there is a recurrence. Maybe bc it was initially a micro nodule? If there is a recurrence though, couldn’t that be distant as well? That seems not chill, but maybe it is more than I realize? Is that normal to end up in 6 nodes in 19 months?
Have any of you had microPTC that had distant spread? Or local reoccurrence after surgery? Speak to me friends! ❤️
submitted by charlotteharpermck to thyroidcancer [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:41 AdventurousTop5382 Strange Clavicle issue (F38, No medical issues)

My wife has a strange asymmetry in her clavicle region. She is worried the right side (left side in photos) is a tumor swollen lymph node. It feels more like a muscle or tendon, and protrudes a lot when flexed.
When we took the pictures her left lateral? muscle seems much more developed as well, she often holds our daughter on that side. We’re going to schedule a GP visit, but curious to get some input on what this might be. Muscle asymmetry, tumor, lymph node, something else?
submitted by AdventurousTop5382 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:14 orangeyouglad__ SebDerm and Antihistamines?

Hi there!
For a little context i’m very sensitive to everything. Lots of allergies, random rashes, swollen lymph nodes, and other mysterious health issues. Sensitive to changes in hormones, routine, environment, etc. it’s annoying as hell. anyway:
I’ve been dealing with an itchy, inflamed, stinky scalp for the longest time. I have very good hygiene and have tried everything pretty much every active ingredient you can think of, OTC, rX, AVC, etc. It flares up/gets worse (as does my eczeme) when i’m about to get my period, stressed, or if im getting sick. There’s times it’s so bad I can’t sleep and have to shower in the middle of the night to soothe it. and i can smell it on myself and it drives me crazy.
here’s the weird plot twist though: the smell, itching, and even oiliness???? is controlled when i take an anti-histamine. i get spring allergies, (shocker!) and on days id take an allergy pill id notice significant improvement in my scalp. what does this mean??? also, i should add ive tried many different shampoos (medicated, sensitive, baby, etc) and im more allergic to some than others, but when im using a shampoo im not irritated by during use, the discomfort doesn’t start until hours after washing, so i don’t think its an allergic reaction. plus, i don’t think that would explain the smell/oil/even inflammation over.
has anyone else had a similar issue? pls help 🩵
submitted by orangeyouglad__ to SebDerm [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:01 SahilKwatra Can chemo be given after prednisone remission and relapse

Hi, my 7 year old dog has been showing signs of lymphoma for the past two months. He’s in a place in india where the vets are not that great. The vets were treating him for an infection in March when I noticed a swollen lymph node and asked what was that all about. They said it’s possibly nothing and asked to start him on 20mg/day prednisone for a week. The lymph node reduced in size. As soon as we stopped the prednisone, the lymph node increased in size tremendously and we took him to the vet in April and he asked to start on prednisone again and mentioned that it might be tick fever. Same pattern repeated. It was only in may that we switched vets and he decided to do a fnac and lymphoma was diagnosed. He asked to keep him on prednisone 60 Mg per day for three days, then 40 and 20 and then start preparing for chemo (doxorubicin every three weeks). Now by the time we started doxorubicin, the lymph nodes had already gone back to the size of normal. Have we messed it up? I have a feeling that my dog went into remission with prednisone alone and I recently read that chemo is not effective after prednisone. Not sure what to do now? Should we continue with the doxorubicin course? Feeling extremely sad
submitted by SahilKwatra to DogAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:43 Humble-Tooth-1236 Sporadic penis pain in urethra

Ever since a certain oral sex encounter this past fall, I’ve been experiencing sporadic pain that’s kinda sharp in what feels to be my urethra that can be triggered by sudden movements which lingers for about 15 seconds then goes away. I’ve also noticed it’s harder for me to maintain erections . After the encounter u had swollen lymph nodes for a while too which have calmed down. I’ve taken the standard panel std tests and everything came back clean but it’s like a still suspect something to be the cause. It’s there anyone that may no what it is or give any advice ?
submitted by Humble-Tooth-1236 to menshealth [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:40 Humble-Tooth-1236 Sporadic penis pain in urethra

Ever since a certain oral sex encounter this past fall, I’ve been experiencing sporadic pain that’s kinda sharp in what feels to be my urethra that can be triggered by sudden movements which lingers for about 15 seconds then goes away. I’ve also noticed it’s harder for me to maintain erections . After the encounter u had swollen lymph nodes for a while too which have calmed down. I’ve taken the standard panel std tests and everything came back clean but it’s like a still suspect something to be the cause. It’s there anyone that may no what it is or give any advice ?
submitted by Humble-Tooth-1236 to STD [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:20 OIndianCancercare Signs Of Throat Cancer

Signs Of Throat Cancer
Usually individuals who suffer from throat cancer develop cancer in their voice box called larynx and face problems like sore throat, swelling of the neck, and difficulty swallowing. Possibly, the sufferer may note these indications of throat cancer in the beginning, but they might get to know it when the cancer gets more advanced and they face issues with breathing or speaking. However, throat cancer symptoms may differ based on their location in your body, and if the cancerous tumors grow within the voice box, they can make you ineligible to speak. These conditions require an immediate diagnosis, and you must visit a medical expert quickly!
Common Causes
However, the exact cause of throat cancer is not known, but due to the reasons mentioned, an individual might develop this illness:
  • Can develop due to genetic changes in the cells of your throat.
  • Consuming a lot of alcohol and tobacco-based products can possibly let you develop tumors.
  • Getting human papillomavirus infection.
  • Individuals exposed to chemicals like sulfuric acid, mist nickel, etc. in the workplace are at greater risk.
Throat Cancer Signs/Symptoms
Here’s a list of some common signs that a person may face when developing throat cancer:
Voice Changes: If your voice is becominghoarse or husky or you are facing difficulty pronouncing certain sounds or words, then there might be a possibility that you are developing cancer in your larynx.
Difficulty or Pain in Swallowing: The most initial sign that you might come across would be difficulty swallowing, as you might experience burning or pain when chewing and swallowing food.
Chronic Sore Throat: Known as an early warning sign, where cancer can occur in the pharynx, causing pain in your throat, which doesn’t disappear when you swallow.
Weight loss: An unusual weight loss may occur as a common cancer symptom which can be exacerbated by swallowing problems.
Swollen Lymph Nodes Around the Neck: Swollen nodes or enlarged lymph glands around the neck can be a sign your body is developing a cancer illness, especially if it grows slowly.
Other Signs
  • trouble moving your tongue
  • white patches around tongue or mouth lining
  • coughing up blood
  • nosebleeds
  • pain in throat
Stages of Throat Cancer
Throat cancer staging can form an essential part done by your doctor to identify the stage of cancer and to analyze how far the cancer has grown and spread. Usually, these are the stages that your doctor will diagnose:
Stage 0: Denoted by the term carcinoma in situ where the throat will develop cancerous cells.
Stage I: Referred to as an early stage of cancer where the cancer is only two centimeters, limited to the throat.
Stage II: This stage forms where thetumor is usually between two-four centimeters, but yet not spread to the lymph nodes.
Stage III: Here, your throat cancer comes larger than four centimeters, or even spread to nearby lymph nodes.
Stage IV: During this, the cancer is no longer confined to the original site as it might spread to other body areas including your neck, trachea or jaw.

Throat Cancer Diagnosis

Usually the specialists follow the below mentioned methods to diagnose the throat cancer:
Physical Examination: Most initially when you see a doctor, they will usually examine your mouth, throat and neck to find any throat cancer symptom.
Larynx Endoscopy: To look for abnormalities of the throat, the doctors use an endoscope and insert it through the nose to analyze the illness.
Biopsy: The doctors do this to determine if there are cancerous cells present by taking a small sample of cells or tissue to examine using a magnifying glass.
Ultrasound: Ultrasound of the neck is utilized to detect any abnormalities present, which can subsequently be verified using CT or MRI scans.
X-rays: The doctors may opt for chest x-ray to determine the sufferer’s general health and to analyze the spread of lung cancer.
CT Scan: A radiological procedure is performed to confirm and pinpoint the presence of disease or cancer in the neck region, while also assessing any potential lymph nodes. This involves creating detailed cross-sectional images of the targeted structure from various angles.
MRI: Using radio waves and magnets, the test produces detailed images about what’s going on inside your body.
PET scan: The doctors usually inject radioactive material into the body to detect cancer cells. Treatment Options
Mentioned below are the treatment options that the experts suggest:
The order of treatment for throat cancer is especially if it’s involving voice box or adjacent structures is chemotherapy plus radiotherapy . This approach has evolved from the surgery first approach which was used few decades ago but with the principle of organ preservation and to preserve the voice of the patient .
Surgery: Your medical expert will suggest surgery depending upon the location of the cancer and the structures involved ,if erosion of the cartilages seen in the scan then surgery is the choice of treatment The surgery involves laryngectomy plus partial phryngectomy and also reconstruction of the pharynx which connects to the food pipe . However, surgery involves excision of the voice box and loss of voice but with recent development of voice prosthesis ,voice can be generated.
Laser Surgery: Another treatment option, usually opted by the medical experts in the very initial stages if the disease is limited only to the voice box that too partially .
Radiation Therapy: You may get advised by the doctor to undergo radiation therapy which is the primary treatment in some cases as these doses target the cancer cells to eliminate them.
Chemotherapy: To treat certain cancer conditions, chemotherapy may be needed, especially if the tumor is large, or if the cancer has spread into the lymph nodes as this surgery can shrink tumors possibly.
Targeted Therapy: Since this type of treatment reduces the risk of side effects, these drugs target specific cancer cells or proteins that affect the growth of cancer.
Immunotherapy: This new approach boosts the ability of the immune system to protect the body from cancer.
  • Avoid consuming tobacco products and say no to smoking.
  • You can prevent this illness by limiting alcohol consumption.
  • Consume a healthy diet.
Final Words
Since we tried our best to cover every relatable aspect about Signs Of Throat Cancer for our readers, it is essential to note that visiting a trusted medical hospital for your treatment will help you recover better from the illness. To receive personalized advice and a discussion regarding Throat Cancer, consult with Dr. Sanjog Singh at Samsara Cancer Care Nagpur one of the best for Throat Cancer treatment in Nagpur, a highly respected medical expert today. With years of expertise working in this field, doctors can assist you understand the process of throat cancer better and help you through the course of your illness Usually individuals who suffer from throat cancer develop cancer in their voice box called larynx and face problems like sore throat, swelling of the neck, and difficulty swallowing. Possibly, the sufferer may note these indications of throat cancer in the beginning, but they might get to know it when the cancer gets more advanced and they face issues with breathing or speaking. However, throat cancer symptoms may differ based on their location in your body, and if the cancerous tumors grow within the voice box, they can make you ineligible to speak. These conditions require an immediate diagnosis, and you must visit a medical expert quickly!
Common Causes
However, the exact cause of throat cancer is not known, but due to the reasons mentioned, an individual might develop this illness:
Can develop due to genetic changes in the cells of your throat. Consuming a lot of alcohol and tobacco-based products can possibly let you develop tumors. Getting human papillomavirus infection. Individuals exposed to chemicals like sulfuric acid, mist nickel, etc. in the workplace are at greater risk.
Throat Cancer Signs/Symptoms
Here’s a list of some common signs that a person may face when developing throat cancer:
Voice Changes: If your voice is becominghoarse or husky or you are facing difficulty pronouncing certain sounds or words, then there might be a possibility that you are developing cancer in your larynx.
Difficulty or Pain in Swallowing: The most initial sign that you might come across would be difficulty swallowing, as you might experience burning or pain when chewing and swallowing food.
Chronic Sore Throat: Known as an early warning sign, where cancer can occur in the pharynx, causing pain in your throat, which doesn’t disappear when you swallow.
Weight loss: An unusual weight loss may occur as a common cancer symptom which can be exacerbated by swallowing problems.
Swollen Lymph Nodes Around the Neck: Swollen nodes or enlarged lymph glands around the neck can be a sign your body is developing a cancer illness, especially if it grows slowly.
Other Signs
trouble moving your tongue white patches around tongue or mouth lining coughing up blood nosebleeds pain in throat
Stages of Throat Cancer
Throat cancer staging can form an essential part done by your doctor to identify the stage of cancer and to analyze how far the cancer has grown and spread. Usually, these are the stages that your doctor will diagnose:
Stage 0: Denoted by the term carcinoma in situ where the throat will develop cancerous cells.
Stage I: Referred to as an early stage of cancer where the cancer is only two centimeters, limited to the throat.
Stage II: This stage forms where thetumor is usually between two-four centimeters, but yet not spread to the lymph nodes.
Stage III: Here, your throat cancer comes larger than four centimeters, or even spread to nearby lymph nodes.
Stage IV: During this, the cancer is no longer confined to the original site as it might spread to other body areas including your neck, trachea or jaw.
Throat Cancer Diagnosis
Usually the specialists follow the below mentioned methods to diagnose the throat cancer:
Physical Examination: Most initially when you see a doctor, they will usually examine your mouth, throat and neck to find any throat cancer symptom.
Larynx Endoscopy: To look for abnormalities of the throat, the doctors use an endoscope and insert it through the nose to analyze the illness.
Biopsy: The doctors do this to determine if there are cancerous cells present by taking a small sample of cells or tissue to examine using a magnifying glass.
Ultrasound: Ultrasound of the neck is utilized to detect any abnormalities present, which can subsequently be verified using CT or MRI scans.
X-rays: The doctors may opt for chest x-ray to determine the sufferer’s general health and to analyze the spread of lung cancer.
CT Scan: A radiological procedure is performed to confirm and pinpoint the presence of disease or cancer in the neck region, while also assessing any potential lymph nodes. This involves creating detailed cross-sectional images of the targeted structure from various angles.
MRI: Using radio waves and magnets, the test produces detailed images about what’s going on inside your body.
PET scan: The doctors usually inject radioactive material into the body to detect cancer cells. Treatment Options
Mentioned below are the treatment options that the experts suggest:
The order of treatment for throat cancer is especially if it’s involving voice box or adjacent structures is chemotherapy plus radiotherapy . This approach has evolved from the surgery first approach which was used few decades ago but with the principle of organ preservation and to preserve the voice of the patient .
Surgery: Your medical expert will suggest surgery depending upon the location of the cancer and the structures involved ,if erosion of the cartilages seen in the scan then surgery is the choice of treatment The surgery involves laryngectomy plus partial phryngectomy and also reconstruction of the pharynx which connects to the food pipe . However, surgery involves excision of the voice box and loss of voice but with recent development of voice prosthesis ,voice can be generated.
Laser Surgery: Another treatment option, usually opted by the medical experts in the very initial stages if the disease is limited only to the voice box that too partially .
Radiation Therapy: You may get advised by the doctor to undergo radiation therapy which is the primary treatment in some cases as these doses target the cancer cells to eliminate them.
Chemotherapy: To treat certain cancer conditions, chemotherapy may be needed, especially if the tumor is large, or if the cancer has spread into the lymph nodes as this surgery can shrink tumors possibly.
Targeted Therapy: Since this type of treatment reduces the risk of side effects, these drugs target specific cancer cells or proteins that affect the growth of cancer.
Immunotherapy: This new approach boosts the ability of the immune system to protect the body from cancer.
Avoid consuming tobacco products and say no to smoking. You can prevent this illness by limiting alcohol consumption. Consume a healthy diet.
Final Words
Since we tried our best to cover every relatable aspect about Signs Of Throat Cancer for our readers, it is essential to note that visiting a trusted medical hospital for your treatment will help you recover better from the illness. To receive personalized advice and a discussion regarding Throat Cancer, consult with Dr. Sanjog Singh at Samsara Cancer Care Nagpur one of the best for Throat Cancer treatment in Nagpur, a highly respected medical expert today. With years of expertise working in this field, doctors can assist you understand the process of throat cancer better and help you through the course of your illness
submitted by OIndianCancercare to u/OIndianCancercare [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:15 Humble-Tooth-1236 Sporadic penis pain in urethra

Ever since a certain oral sex encounter this past fall, I’ve been experiencing sporadic pain that’s kinda sharp in what feels to be my urethra that can be triggered by sudden movements which lingers for about 15 seconds then goes away. I’ve also noticed it’s harder for me to maintain erections . After the encounter u had swollen lymph nodes for a while too which have calmed down. I’ve taken the standard panel std tests and everything came back clean but it’s like a still suspect something to be the cause. It’s there anyone that may no what it is or give any advice ?
submitted by Humble-Tooth-1236 to Prostatitis [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:28 ellievictoria88 Swollen gland on cheek

Hi all. I’ve had a swollen lymph node/gland on the lower part of my cheek (near the jaw) for about three years now. it’s never once caused pain or tenderness and i’m pretty sure the only reason i noticed it was there was because the right side of my face felt puffy. i have asked a dentist before why it was swollen and they said it could be due to stress which could be true as it always seems to appear when i have anxiety or am stressed. however, i’ve never heard of anyone else having this issue before. the swelling has started again these past few days and i think it’s a result of having my braces tightened hence it’s causing stress to my mouth. it also hurts a little eating on that side but i think that could just be the braces.
i’ve obviously scared myself by looking up the worst case scenarios but does anyone know what this could be?
another thing to add is sometimes it completely disappears or will be very small. again the only reason i notice it’s there is because my face feels slightly heavier on the right side. it also doesn’t affect my appearance.
submitted by ellievictoria88 to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:38 chervilcake Increased to 30mg, my paxil update

Day 1 increased to 30mg from 20mg. Reaching my total 2 month mark on Paxil 10mg to now 30mg. Hoping this dose will do more for my mood 🤞🏽I’ve been having a weird symptom for the past week or two of sore lymph nodes on my neck..I’m not sure if this is attributed to the new collagen supplement I started so I stopped that. If lymph nodes are still sore by Friday, I’ll see my PCP.
With the new increase in dosage I may get the wired feeling I have when it’s time for bed while my body is acclimatizing to it, so gonna start with taking the med in the AM until that feeling goes away.
submitted by chervilcake to paroxetine [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:03 Sad-Quantity-3603 Swollen lymph node

Hello! Is it common for many to experience a swollen lymph node because of a flare up? I just got a flare at the nape of my neck/scalp and my lymph node at the very corner of my head (next to my ear at the bottom on the left side) started to hurt and swell a bit.
submitted by Sad-Quantity-3603 to SebDerm [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:18 Low_Internet9759 Tonsil Problems :/

So I'm not sure where to post this exactly because my flu test was negative-- but I had whatever other virus from hell is going around the US right now a couple of weeks ago. It started with body aches and chills and a horrible headache-- that lasted a few days, and then congestion joined the party. After a while the body aches and headache went away but the congestion stayed and last week I noticed my tonsils were swollen and covered in white patches and I had a sore throat and swollen lymph nodes. I have been to the doctor and they prescribed me antibiotics to see if that did anything for the tonsils. I haven't had a fever this entire time, but I have had night sweats and I still have them. Has anyone else experienced anything similar? I'm so sick of this
submitted by Low_Internet9759 to flu [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:47 Remember_Padraig partial thyroidectomy being scheduled "this summer", anxious about having cancer inside me for that long

We discovered the nodules last year during the fall. Doctor disagreed with my ENT and wanted me to get a second opinion from a thyroid surgeon, who waited a month before doing a second biopsy.
She tells me that I will be contacted "sometime this summer" to do the surgery. But that feels like a long way off, even for a slow growing cancer.
I've had swollen lymph nodes for a long time now, though they apparently look harmless on ultrasound. Also have a chronic hoarse voice which my ENT thought were the nodules, but my surgeon says there is no sign that the cancer has spread to the throat and the nodules arent big enough to be affecting my voice.
Both my doctor and surgeon seem unconcerned, but I keep thinking of my ENT who wanted me to get the surgery done as quickly as possible.
Will I really be okay waiting that long?
submitted by Remember_Padraig to thyroidcancer [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:47 drainbance Mom has cancer

52F, underweight— last time we measured 40kg, around 150-60cm tall. First cancer diagnosis was 13 years ago on the tongue, followed by two more diagnoses in the past three years on the inside of her cheek. Fourth diagnosis now on the hard palate. During the first diagnosis she underwent surgery and 30 rounds of radiation, along with removal saliva glands and lymph nodes. The rest were cleared out by surgery.
For the most recent one, she got checked out by around 20 doctors during the past year, including an oncologist, a surgeon, a dentist, several otolaryngologists— both doctors and professors. She was told that it was nothing serious, no one would do a biopsy up until late January / early February this year which confirmed the diagnosis. It is SCC, and on the computer imaging it showed to be 1 by 1.5cm, with no mets. Surgery was not an option due to it being difficult to reach(?) around the jaw area, so they proceeded with immunotherapy (Keytruda) of which she took two doses, and that’s where things went downhill.
Her oral cavity is filled out by the tumor, she has an infection which was transmitted during the tracheotomy procedure, for which we are still administering antibiotics. She cannot eat or drink, since she removed the feeding tube, and now we’re looking into some sort of feeding tube to be placed through her stomach. She’s taking IV.
In one of the hospitals for gastronomy we were told to take her home and look into hospice care.
By this point we were not told by the oncologist that there are any reasons for worry, that the therapy will sort the thing out, and if it only shrinks it, it would be removed by surgery. The last thing the oncologist mentioned is that it would be worth a shot to find a way to feed her, so now we’ll be taking her to a different hospital to try and find a solution.
To say that I’m confused would be an understatement. I am looking for answers, can it really be cured or should I prepare myself for the worst? Could any of this fast progression be caused by the immunotherapy?
submitted by drainbance to AskDocs [link] [comments]
