Sms sexi farsi

Pegasus Project opinions

2024.05.20 23:20 MsNxx Pegasus Project opinions

I thought I'd try to jot down some thoughts on the Pegasus Project, now that we've had all some time to dig into it a bit. Would love to hear what you all thought of the new album.
Overall I felt like it's a little flabby, like this post :) But it has some great music and some of SM's best vocals in years. If we removed the duds, the dupe tracks, the segues, and separated off the orchestral versions of old songs from previous albums into its own thing, it starts to resemble a really tight album.
Going through the tracks:
  1. Pegasus Presents - segue, ignore
  2. The Birthday Song! - honestly, this one is a dud for me lyrically. I love the guitar and vocals, I feel there might be a great song there potentially with a change of lyrics and theme. pass.
  3. Mr. Magoo - another dud, bit too silly but it's beautifully produced. also a little tired of the mythology stuff tbh. pass.
  4. I Will Wait - it's a grower, would love to hear it with less "wet" vocals. okay
  5. Pretty Baby Prelude - segue, ignore
  6. Pretty Baby - I loved this on Angels & Vampires, really great song so delighted to hear this new version with live strings. I think I like it more than the original! love it.
  7. Ben Dover - segue, ignore
  8. Ben Downs - it's okay but the chorus grates on my ears a bit. okay
  9. The Things U Like - such a cool song, best single so far imho. love it
  10. Life Will Go On - really infectious, catchy, fun, i love the harmonies on the chorus, and the synths w/ acoustic guitar. so unusual, love it!
  11. Pegasus & the Swan - feels a bit like a demo, but I like the main vocal hook and the guitar arpeggios, it builds nicely with the flute sounds etc. it's growing on me!
  12. New World Forming - not one of my favourites from Prometheus & Pandora, but the orchestral version is interesting. okay
  13. Bondage - not good imho
  14. BDSM - segue, ignore
  15. Nice Things - I didn't really understand this one. Maybe need to give it another chance, but it just seems a bit silly and throwaway. I kinda dislike faux reggae.
  16. Camden Town - it's likeable and fun, growing on me.
  17. Selfish - worst thing on the album imho, along with Birthday Song
  18. Being Watched - sexy, weird, experimental demo thingl! could live without it.
  19. Waiting 4 the Light 2 Change - always great to hear SM singing a capella, and glad to hear one or two flat notes left unfixed too. i love it.
  20. Let's Come Together - one of the better segues, but I tend to ignore these anyway
  21. A Horse that Flies - segue, ignore
  22. Love is Blind - I love this, very funky and poppy! one of my faves on the album, the strings add so much as well! love it!!
  23. Walk On - another very funky number, why save all the great stuff for part 2? Madness. This has Jellybean from The Time as well, love it.
  24. I Have a Dream - pretty good, great lead vocals and guitar! I'm into it
  25. The Last Word - has some heavy guitar, some nice synthy parts and drum programming, really cool, builds nicely.
  26. New World Forming - kinds annoying to hear this song from Prometheus & Pandora a second time on the same album, with a different lead vocalist. She's fantastic but it feels like filler.
  27. Hiawatha - another revisited old track from Prometheus & Pandora, this time an orchestral version with a different lead vocalist, Luisa is a great singer but I think I prefer the original version. I tend to skip this one.
  28. Her Kiss - orchestral version of the song on Pandora's Playhouse. Still a great song.
  29. Time Takes A Timeout - segue, but one of the nicer ones with church organ.
  30. Time Takes Time - of course, another revisited song from Angels & Vampires. still fantastic, the strings make it seem a bit overblown maybe? I still love it despite the schmaltz.
  31. She's Sad - string quartet version of the original on The Sphinx, really lovely. I think I prefer these rather than the big orchestral things.
  32. Share Your Pain - another one from Angels & Vampires, this string quartet version is really fantastic
  33. Madame Swan - another highlight of the album for me, works very well in sequence after the previous few songs. Did SM re-record his vocals on this? Sounds so great.
  34. Pegasus & the Swan Serenade - I much prefer this version with strings, over the earlier version. so great.
  35. Nice Things (the Echo's Edge Mix) - it wasn't great the first time, so this second version with a different lead vocalist is just yuck. Beatrice is fantastic but the lyrics are so silly, and not easy for a non-native English-speaker to sing well. I tend to skip this.
  36. Coda - the Sluggish Thugs vs the Thuggish Slugs - segue, ignore
  37. The Birthday Song (Gluten Free Mix) - still a dud for me, maybe I like this version slightly better than the previous version.
  38. Ben Dover Again - segue, ignore
  39. Paradise Postponed Sonata - lovely instrumental piano track, nice to include this imho
  40. The Final Word - segue, pretty funny, reminds me of the segue near the end of Neither Fish Nor Flesh.
  41. & a Swan that Never Dies - segue
Phew! Final verdict - I don't think it works as a coherent studio album, but there are some great songs in there if you care to dig in deep. I'm doing a resequenced playlist, will post it soon :)
submitted by MsNxx to Sananda_Maitreya_Fans [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 06:10 DropWatcher Drop Watch: May 17th, 2024





Old Drop Watches

2023 and 2024 Calendar

submitted by DropWatcher to hiphopheads [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 19:33 TheRezanator91 English, Persian, Spanish baby name male

Hi all,
I need help finding a name that works for 3 cultures. The child will grow up in Latin America and later on in teen years will live in America. He will not live in Iran so I’m not super concerned about a name that sounds too Iranian but given I am Persian I’d like something that sounds decent in Persian though its not absolutely needed. I suppose the English part is the most important given he will spend most of his life in America. It’s difficult trying to find a name that will work with 3 different cultures. 2 months left and still can’t figure it out.
Here’s what I got so far
Super easy option works in 3 languages
“Ali” - It’s a decent name but my Latina girlfriend thinks it’s too basic
“Alexander” - I actually like the way the name sounds and this is my girlfriends pick and with both of our last names “Alexander Zandi Roman” it sounds perfect and sexy. There’s only one slight problem
 I can’t get over the fact Alexander invaded Persian and burned the capital down so there’s that.
Darius- I love this name. Based off the best Persian king, sounds cool in English(even if black people claimed it as their own in America), in Farsi it would be “daryoosh” , but my girlfriend doesn’t love it because she thinks it sounds weird in Spanish. That’s what I’m concerned about.
Leonardo- I kind of like this and it would work well in both America and Latin America. Not Persian but Leo is easy enough to pronounce. Plus I’m a Leo so it would be cool. “Leonardo Zandi Roman”
I’ve gone through name after name after name and this is what I’ve got so far. Any suggestions or thoughts?
submitted by TheRezanator91 to namenerds [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 05:47 Then_Marionberry_259 Trying to figure out if this is a 1964 SMS or just a sexy 1964. I tried comparing it to my best looking 1964 and it just stands out so much more in person (in terms of lushness). Thoughts?

Trying to figure out if this is a 1964 SMS or just a sexy 1964. I tried comparing it to my best looking 1964 and it just stands out so much more in person (in terms of lushness). Thoughts? submitted by Then_Marionberry_259 to MetalsOnReddit [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 02:59 learnsomethingnew99 Trying to figure out if this is a 1964 SMS or just a sexy 1964. I tried comparing it to my best looking 1964 and it just stands out so much more in person (in terms of lushness). Thoughts?

Trying to figure out if this is a 1964 SMS or just a sexy 1964. I tried comparing it to my best looking 1964 and it just stands out so much more in person (in terms of lushness). Thoughts? submitted by learnsomethingnew99 to coins [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 02:49 learnsomethingnew99 Trying to figure out if this is a 1964 SMS or just a sexy 1964. I tried comparing it to my best looking 1964 and it just stands out so much more in person (in terms of lushness). Thoughts?

Trying to figure out if this is a 1964 SMS or just a sexy 1964. I tried comparing it to my best looking 1964 and it just stands out so much more in person (in terms of lushness). Thoughts? submitted by learnsomethingnew99 to coincollecting [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 23:24 Downtown-Trip3501 Sneaky drop for this week!

Sneaky drop for this week! submitted by Downtown-Trip3501 to SKIMSbyKKW [link] [comments]

2024.04.22 11:20 tAway_552 Fratello (35enne!) con problemi mentali ingestiti arriva a far alienare la sorella dagli anziani genitori. Come gestire la cosa?

Marito (disperato) della sorella in questione. Ho bisogno di aiuto che stiamo impazzendo e stiamo veramente male. Quando leggevo cose simili su reddit pensavo che chi parla di "persone tossiche" esagera. Ora ci siam dentro noi in pieno.
Un breve elenco: Faceva a botte fin dalle elementari, ha avuto (per fortuna piccoli perchĂ© presi all'inizio) problemi di dipendenze. Ha litigato cambiato ben 6 datori di lavoro perchĂ© ha litigato con tutti!! E' in causa coi vicini di casa. Passa il tempo a parlare di come "gli altri" lo maltrattano. PerĂČ ha sempre protetto la sorella dai bulli, pur litigandoci ogni tanto in maniera normale. Ma ne Ăš sempre stato stra geloso fin dalla nascita.
3 mesi fa gli Ú nato un figlio e contestualmente Ú impazzito all'ennesima potenza, pure contro la sorella. L'ha insultata quando Ú venuta in ospedale a fargli gli auguri perché "ti pare che vieni in ospedale vestita da puttana?? Devi sempre farti riconoscere???" (direttamente uscita dall'ufficio... tailleur e tacchi medi!!). Insulta regolarmente la sua compagna tipo se esce a far colazione con le amiche perché "abbandona il bambino" (Per 1 ora mentre lascia il bambino coi nonni che faranno da babysitter appena torna al lavoro??). L'ha insultata duramente pure un giorno che ha preso in braccio il bambino che piangeva, mentre lui dormiva perché "tutti me lo volete sempre rubare"!!
2 settimane fa Ăš andato a dire ai genitori che sua sorella avrebbe detto ai suoi suoceri che "visto che loro sono dementi devono stare lontano da suo figlio". Testimone io questa cosa non Ăš mai successa: c'ero all'unico incontro con queste persone!! Senza contare che mia moglie non pensa sta cosa, manco lontanamente!! I miei suoceri hanno chiamato mia moglie insultandola (fratello presente che li imbeccava) e dicendole di sparire dalla loro vita. Hanno risposto una sola volta a un sms da allora ribadendo di non farsi piĂč sentire.
Da allora io ci sto male, mia moglie fatica a dormire e ogni tanto scoppia a piangere. Chiaramente sto tizio per me, anche se vedo che non Ăš colpa sua ma della sua neurodivergenza che lo fa star male e realmente percepire il mondo come lo descrive, puĂČ andare a morire male da solo. Facendosi mollare da quella santa compagna che lui insulta a ore alterne. PerĂČ il rapporto coi genitori di mia moglie va recuperato. Anche perchĂ© per l'etĂ  iniziano ad avere bisogno di supporto emotivo e pure fisico.
Come fare? Giuro che ho pensato a far causa a mio genero cognato (per cosa??) e mandarlo in rovina. Ma non migliorerebbe i rapporti personali... Anzi... Fargli causa per 1 €??? O comunque come fare?? Come uscirne??
Aiutatemi vi prego!
(edit: i miei suoceri non han nulla contro di me e io ho ancora sentito (asetticamente) la suocera ogni tanto per aiutarla con le sue esigenze di salute vista la mia professione. Al momento non ho parlato di altro ma... boh. Devo andare io a parlare ai suoceri e dire "non Ăš vero niente, cacciate vostro figlio?")
submitted by tAway_552 to CasualIT [link] [comments]

2024.03.25 21:17 4tunny Long bait, took over a week. Turned into a totally automated very advanced chat-bot run scam. Very little human interaction after a certain point. Even the purchase of cryptocurrency was handled buy the bot..... and quite well. I have valuable intel.

Long bait, took over a week. Turned into a totally automated very advanced chat-bot run scam. Very little human interaction after a certain point. Even the purchase of cryptocurrency was handled buy the bot..... and quite well. I have valuable intel.
Short version:
Pig butchering scam, standard SMS texting script. I used an AI character "Steve" as the bait with a complete life narrative (long bait). Scam switched to a VERY good automated chat bot once chat moved to Telegram. Chat bot knew my schedule had ability to interpret the images I sent of my character. Definitely an advanced Large Language Model AI with image interpretation capabilities, possibly image generative in addition to text. Ended with human intervention deleting many many days of my Telegram history.
I want to get this info out there before I start forgetting the details.
So I got the typical pig buttering or romance script over a week ago. Its been awhile since I got one and wanted to play long and see where I could take it. So I stalled a bit to create a 52 year old AI character (lets call him Steve, images I included), that I could place in any situation and pose on the fly via a Stable Diffusion generative AI model. I also generated a narrative to go with Steve, a place he lived, a business he operated, and a past, ect ect. My end game was to waste as much of their time as possible...... but seems they turned the table on me and waited my time instead.
During the SMS portion it was clearly a human with poor English and spelling ect ect. Was pressuring me to switch to Telegram since SMS is usually a single person and once on Telegram or WhatsApp multiple scammers can work the scam and see the history........ or so I thought.
I was fooled for a good couple of days with hundreds of messages. At first I thought the scammer was just googling what I said and copy and pasting the responses. I pointed this out and said "no one talks that way", of course it objected but did the typical "thanks for teaching me something new" AI response. I did not catch on.
Then it contradicted itself in the span of an hour or so on a very specific topic (Scotch whiskey to be exact). Bot went from "Whiskey is too strong for me" to "I like 26 year old Genfiditch". I became suspicious but still chalked it up to the scammer trying to please me.
I sent a selfie of my character sitting in front of a fireplace and the Bot asked if this was in my backyard. I indicated it was the fireplace in my house and that is was freezing outside (I always check the weather at Steve's home town so that my selfies match the weather). At this point it started rambling on about the beautiful architecture of my home. Again I was suspicious but then it said "Your beard is sexy", so again I dismissed that it was a bot and not human.
Next day it said something like "I like the beard on your character", and I thought they had figured out my character was not real. When I asked what it meant I got a very vague response. Now I was really wondering so I started telling longer stories of Steve's life and the bot started responding with stories of its own. At first they kinda made sense in a broken sort of way but eventually the bot started hallucinating (standard LLM term for rambling on with nonsensical syntax). I figured the jig was up so I accused it of being a bot, and it objected harshly. At this point I knew it was a bot so I wanted to see how advanced it was before a human scammer noticed and ended things.
So I smoothed over my calling it a bot by saying it was a mistake and asking for a selfie. It then said it wanted to have a video chat and there was no point for selfies. I did not anticipate this so I came up with an excuse that I was naked and a closet nudist at home. It did not believe me and actually accused me of sending fake pictures of myself..... So I quickly generated a shitty image of Steve half naked and the bot responded with a return selfie. I have no idea what would have happens had I had a video call. But it stopped asking for the call once I sent the image of Steve.
All along the bot would sprinkle in Gold futures investing but I never took the bait and just steered the conversation toward idle chit chat. So now I specifically asked about the gold trading and it hallucinated for a bit before sending me to Kraken and wanting to walk me through the purchase of Crypto. I was fully expecting a human to take over for this but the bot just kept going. So I then played the "let me help you by contacting your family" bit but it was clearly still the bot. No matter what I did the Bot stayed in-character until the entire history was deleted. I kept going and my messages were being read and even a few responses but then that would get deleted. Finally the messages stopped getting read so it was clear I was disconnected from the Bot at that point.
So that a lot. The questions I have are:
  1. Did I get sent to the bot as they had determined I was baiting them and wanted to waste my time or can this bot actually close this scam on its own?
  2. This bot was way way more advanced than anything I was expecting. I clearly believed I was talking to a human for the better part of a week. So it takes some serious AI skills and horsepower to have a system like this running. How many systems like this are there?
  3. If this is the future of scamming we are in trouble. These systems will just be getting better over time and harder to identify. Are we on the brink of new scripts being written and executed by AI?
Update: Well apparently I am a newbie with LLM models as I have only been using the image generative AI models for the last couple of years. I downloaded and installed several Chat GPT style LLM's and they work fine on my RTX 1080Ti's (I have a whole bunch of them from old crypto miners). So I am installing a few more GPU's in the machine and I plan to "play" with feeding the scam bot into my local LLM (just got a new job scam today so we will see). Still wondering about the bot's ability to understand images.
Meet Steve
Steve in his car
Bad image of Steve trying to avoid video call cuz he is naked
Steve at the falls
Steve having a fire
submitted by 4tunny to scambait [link] [comments]

2024.03.25 12:23 BrainstormBot ⟳ 3 apps added, 144 updated at

⟳ from Wed, 20 Mar 2024 13:53:50 GMT updated on Mon, 25 Mar 2024 10:55:12 GMT contains 4343 apps.
Added (3)
Updated (144)
submitted by BrainstormBot to FDroidUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.03.06 12:18 BrainstormBot ⟳ 7 apps added, 104 updated at

⟳ from Thu, 29 Feb 2024 09:07:20 GMT updated on Wed, 06 Mar 2024 10:51:51 GMT contains 4336 apps.
Added (7)
Updated (104)
submitted by BrainstormBot to FDroidUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.03.02 11:31 Business-Coconut-69 Integrating OpenPhone into your sales funnel

Integrating OpenPhone into your sales funnel
Previously, I posted about using OpenPhone + Zapier to send your leads a message automatically when they submit a form on an ad or your website.
In this video, I break down the complete funnel from end-to-end, and show how we get leads directly from Facebook without needing them to go to our website. I also show how to use to take the lead from Facebook, and send them into Zapier to trigger an OpenPhone SMS message:
Link to Loom Video (3min)

Keep it simple, sexy.

submitted by Business-Coconut-69 to openphone [link] [comments]

2024.02.26 11:06 22weeks 72 Hours with the Nokia 6300 4G

Long-term lurker, so excited to finally be getting involved. On Friday I took the SIM out of my $999 iPhone, placed it into a brand new Nokia 6300 4G and joined the revolution. 3 days later, here are my findings:
I'm getting so much more work done - because I'm not doomscrolling and constantly refreshing email, social media, etc looking for that next dopamine hit.
Every new call is a new surprise - because iPhones don't save contacts to the SIM and offer no method of transferring contacts, so now I have no numbers.
WhatsApp and Facebook work.....sort of - Which is great. Means that I can still be contacted via WA or Messenger, but scrolling Facebook on the 6300 is actually impossible. Perfect.
The camera is rubbish....but usable. - I have two preschool age kids and like most parents I take about 293 pictures of them a day. The first thing my wife said about this is 'you won't be able to take any pictures' but guess what - I did, on the 6300, and it's fine. Moments still captured.
News? What News? - The news app is rubbish, so I just stopped reading the news. Mainstream media can't find me here! And I've not missed it one bit.
Issues so far:
No Apple Pay! On the first day I left the house with only my phone and suddenly had no payment method about my person. Now I take my debit card everywhere with me instead. And I need to check my balance before leaving the house.
No Banking Apps! Which is fine, until an online purchase needs me to approve in-app. I need to speak to my bank and try to drop back to SMS OTPs.
No Starling Bank! Oh yeah. One of my bank accounts is with an app-only bank. I need to reassess that relationship.
Battery Life SUCKS! I can't believe I found a phone with worse battery life than my iPhone. It'll last a day.....JUST.
No WhatsApp Web I'm a designer. I often send designs or drafts to clients via WhatsApp using WA Web on my mac. I can't do that any more, and my chat history didn't transfer either. I can live with it.
No Amazon - Okay, so this may reside in the 'benefits' column, but as a parent, Amazon is a lifesaver. Same day diapers? You got it. Just means I'm making more trips to my laptop than before, but I can live with that if it'll save me from impulse purchasing.
No CarPlay - Sorry kids, I can't ask Siri to play Baby Shark in the car for you any more (is that really a negative?) and I can't use my TomTom app to dodge the traffic either.
No Hue - I can't dim the lights and set up sexy lighting scenes from my phone any more. $34.99 bought me a Hue dimmer switch instead. No biggie.
All in all, first 3 days were a success. I've got fairly severe ADHD and am taking meds for it, but they're only so powerful and are useless in the face of the $999 Apple Dopamine Factory. I chose a weekend to try this and I felt more present, more in the moment, more positive (no negative news, socials, emails coming in to wreck my day) and I got a hell of a lot of work done too.
So far, so good - I'm sticking with the 6300.
submitted by 22weeks to dumbphones [link] [comments]

2024.02.13 03:16 DAT_DROP Recommend a non-sexy Farsi/English practice conversation bot, preferably natural rather than formal (as Persian learning tools can be!)

submitted by DAT_DROP to ChatGPT [link] [comments]

2024.02.06 17:39 alimir1 My mistakes and learnings at HiringCafe

[Dear grammar police, I had 3 hours of sleep last night so please excuse my grammar and spelling mistakes.]
Hi everyone,
I'd like to share some thoughts, mistakes, and learnings with you all. I hope this post is insightful. Also I've noticed a few people copied my idea. Honestly, I'm really happy for them and wish them success. If someone decides to build something better than HiringCafe, I will root for them and shut this thing down to further encourage them. BTW, here's how you can copy my idea.

Lesson #1: Just listen to users. F*ck everyone else.

This is honestly easier said than done. But it's really, really hard to ignore people. I kept hearing the same thing over and over again: "What makes HiringCafe different from LinkedIn/Indeed/etc"? I knew exactly what made it different, and I knew that my users knew the answer to that question better than I did. But I still questioned myself and started doubting myself. Despite the growth, sexy retention numbers, and everything else that makes a company successful, I became more and more skeptical and started introducing sh*t features to "differentiate". Not for the sake of users, but for the sake of people. Why? I dunno.
For example, ~8 mo ago or so, I changed up the entire website to go niche and focus on sales jobs. I knew it was a mistake but the advice of "you should go super niche" kept echoing in my brain. Another stupid mistake was the one-way video thing. Basically I turned HiringCafe into a shit product - a product that lets employers schedule one-way video interviews with candidates. I spent months building crap just to "differentiate", even though I didn't need to differentiate.
If I had listened to my users instead, I would've been months ahead. And who knows how many more people would've landed jobs.

Lesson #2: Take a U-Turn

Once upon a time it was cool to build viral products and think about revenue and profits in the future. But now it's all about B2B, SaaS, MRR, ARR, and all the traditional grand-pa biz 101 bullsh*t that entrepreneurs HATED in the early days of the internet. Silicon Valley is turning into grandpas and it's time to take a U-Turn.
I made a huge mistake thinking about revenue and monthly revenue pre-maturely. HiringCafe is a consumer product. What employers really care about is qualified candidates. If I double-down on things that work and stay really close to users, the website will continue to grow and there's a million ways to monetize it in the future.
But again, this is easier said than done. Because the first thing people ask is "how much ya make?" and "What's ya MRR?".
I did eventually figure out a way to make money without sacrificing the job search experience: Mochi, Funding News, and Employer Branding.
But I'm not really focused on revenue anymore. 99% of my attention is toward candidates.

Lesson #3: Values + Grit + Ambition >>>> Intelligence

A bunch of people joined HiringCafe (the company) early on. And many of them left. I made a huge mistake of not being very selective. Some people wanted to turn this thing into a lifestyle business. Others wanted to do other things.
I kept letting people in because I thought they were super smart.
But if I want to build something massive, something that creates "a dent in the universe" (sorry for the cliche), I gotta be extremely selective with the type of people to want to join HiringCafe.
I'm on a mission to shatter Indeed and LinkedIn into pieces. Sounds extremely ambitious, but that's what keeps me up at night. Building a lifestyle business that generates steady income is too boring for me. That's not the reason why I left my high paying tech jobs. I don't care about money (for now). I want to create a dent in the universe.
That requires discipline, hard work, obsession, and grid. Often in ways that might be unhealthy for you. But that's that only way to create something truly impactful.

Lesson #4: Differentiation is for Losers

I guess I said a few things about this already in my first lesson point but let me elaborate it here. The market doesn't give a sh*t about your business plans, strategies, differentiation, and etc. As master Paul Graham says, "Users are like sharks. They either want it or don't".
In a crowded market, it's very tempting to think about differentiation for the sake of differentiation.
The thing I've learned though is that differentiation happens naturally as a result of an insight you have about something that no one else is paying attention to. If you start thinking about differentiating features from the beginning you'll be shattered into pieces in a crowded market.
Differentiation is a consequence.
I obsessed over differentiation for far too long when instead I should've been obsessed with unique insights.
Something to think about:
- Substack vs Medium
- WhatsApp vs SMS
- Shopify vs Amazon
- Hinge vs Tinder
- Yahoo vs Google
None of them started out by saying "I'll build this differentiating feature to stand out". They had a unique insight that nobody was thinking about (or ignoring). It was only after they built their product with that unique insight that let them create a differentiating product.

submitted by alimir1 to hiringcafe [link] [comments]

2024.02.05 18:17 clarasnotlikely La saga dei provider internet (feat. truffe telefoniche)

Scrivo qui sperando di salvare qualche altra anima dalla perdita di tempo che ho subito questo mese di gennaio (e che subirĂČ in futuro). tre settimane fa mi chiama un call center: “buongiorno, sono tizia di [provider internet A], la chiamo riguardo alla linea [casa dei miei genitori]. Stiamo facendo lavori in zona, e prevediamo disservizi sulla sua linea internet. Se vuole possiamo passarla a [provider internet B] per un tot di mesi in modo da non causarle problemi. Provider B costa 4 euro al mese in piĂč ma per compensare le offriremo uno sconto sulle nostre fatture del 20% per due anni quando tornerĂ  da noi”.
Io (polla) dico sĂŹ, assolutamente. I miei spesso lavorano da casa e non possono permettersi di avere internet che non funziona. Tizia del call center conferma i miei dati (tutti corretti) e mi dice che a breve riceverĂČ telefonata da provider B.
Provider B mi chiama e conferma l’attivazione del contratto, e mi dice che dovrĂČ occuparmi io della disdetta del contratto corrente. Io comunico che provider A ha detto che questo sarebbe stato un contratto temporaneo, per cui immaginavo che si sarebbero occupati loro della migrazione. Provider B dice no, non ne so niente, dovrĂ  occuparsi lei della disdetta.
Vado avanti con l’attivazione del contratto con B, senza chiamare (polla) provider A. Provider B mi manda un SMS per prendere appuntamento col tecnico. Comunico coi miei genitori per trovare giorno e e orario in cui qualcuno sarebbe stato in casa loro: oggi alle 2.
Un paio d’ore fa casualmente mi telefona provider A, dicendo che c’era un problema di fatturazione che dovevo risolvere. Io dico va bene, ma in questo momento non mi risulta di essere piĂč vostra cliente in quanto per lavori sulla linea mi avete fatta passare a provider B. E qui arriva il momento che mi ha fatto sudare come se avessi fatto la Parigi-Dakar di corsa: “signora non stiamo facendo lavori sulla linea, guardi che Ăš una truffa”.
Io devastata. Chi ù entrato in casa dei miei genitori, se non era un tecnico di provider B? Che link ho cliccato per prendere l’appuntamento col tecnico? L’hanno fatto per rubarmi i dati dal telefono, o per vedere com’era fatta la casa ed entrarci di notte?
Chiamo mio patrigno in preda al terrore per dirgli di non far entrare il tecnico, ma il tecnico Ú già passato. Il mio patrigno mi dice che Ú uno che ha riconosciuto perché era già passato a farci lavori in passato, quindi almeno da quel punto di vista mi tranquillizzo. E a questo scopro via giri di telefonate infiniti tra provider A e B che almeno la linea Ú legittima, risulto un questo momento cliente sia di A che di B. B Ú disposto ad annullare il contratto, ma devo richiamare domani perché la linea Ú già attivata ma non sono ancora cliente al 100%, e allora mi disattivano tutto ma potrei dover pagare la restituzione del modem.
A mi assicura che dalla loro parte Ú tutto a posto, eccetto il problema di fatturazione su cui stanno lavorando. A mi spiega inoltre che il call center che mi aveva chiamato originariamente non era affiliato né con A né con B, ma erano terze parti a cui evidentemente sarebbe stato dato un bonus per ogni contratto con B che avessero attivato.
Adesso, la cosa che me li fa girare abbastanza veloce per dare elettricitĂ  a tutta Milano per una settimana Ăš questa: il servizio clienti di B conosceva questa truffa di cui sono stata vittima senza neanche il bisogno di spiegargliela. Il servizio clienti di A mi dice che mi hanno chiesto di passare a B nello specifico perchĂ© avrebbero ricevuto un bonus. E chi glielo da il bonus se non B, che tra l’altro Ăš quello che ci guadagenrebbe di piĂč da questa situazione se avessi gettato la spugna e deciso di non annullare il contratto? Oppure Ăš tutto un complotto di Poste Italiane per farsi dare i soldi della spedizione del modem?
Sono piena di confusione, e incazzata nera perchĂ© oltre alla perdita di tempo delle scorse settimane per attivare un nuovo contratto internet (generalmente un’esperienza da PTSD nel migliore dei casi) dovrĂČ perdere ancora tempo per annullare questo stesso contratto (il mio Vietnam), e pure spendere soldi per rimandare indietro un modem e sperare fortemente che B sia cosĂŹ gentile da rimborsarmelo. E qui chiudo e chiedo, qualcuno ha avuto esperienze simili?
Tl;dr una telefonata fraudolenta mi ha convinta a passare da internet provider A a provider B. Adesso che ho scoperto che il problema per cui mi avevano detto di attivare un nuovo contratto non esiste, mi trovo a dover affrontare l’impresa di dover annullare un contratto che non ho mai voluto. Sono qui per commiserare.
Edit: in seguito a simpatici commenti, aggiungo i paragrafi che l’editor sull’app si era mangiato.
submitted by clarasnotlikely to italy [link] [comments]

2024.02.02 01:18 DaedalusProject690 The state of cheating in Tarkov

Meowdy folk,
It's been said a million times before, and will be a million times again and again; However something HAS to be done in regards to the cheating problem in tarkov.
Most people will say "we're doing all that can be done", "report suspicious players and be over with it" or "git gud"
Most of you are right on that last part >-< I'm trash at the game.
Now, i've had a good read through the rules on this subreddit, and hopefully in this wall of finely crafted, made on the spot text, with numerous grammatical and spelling errors I won't breach any of said rules and have a my wall of text nuked. (i mean it, it'll make me cry)
Now, alot of people will assume the cheating in tarkov to look alot like it did last wipe, the wipe before that, and before that, ect. Where cheaters would lock onto your head and either pre-fire you or wallbang you through soft cover. This would thin be easily detected by the Anti-cheat as having a 3rd party application actively control your game is a BIG giveaway and results in your account promptly getting nuked. However thoughout this wipe it doesn't. I've had a good lookaround (by that i mean i've had a couple glasses of scotch and did some googling) - I'm going to very closely nudge the line of the rules here (Hopefully not cross them. again mods, if there's a problem, tell me so I can edit this post; Don't just nuke it) but the actual state of cheating in Tarkov looks nothing like it did before, and this souly comes down to the latest update.
So. What the actual fuck do I mean by incredibly vague statement?
The key reason why this update is linked to the sudden increase in the amount of cheaters is relatively simple (kinda). To get to the point extremely fast: The recoil changes + ESP.
ESP (Extra Sensory Perception) also known as "wallhacks" are ALOT harder to detect by anticheat. There's no application controlling the characters' aim in game (as aimbot would do, snapping onto other players) There's no flying around (yes those cheats do exist still, but their accounts only last a week or so before they're banned) So the Anticheat has a hard time detecting what is essentially an application running in the background sniffing at memory and displaying player locations, Scav locations, inventories, items on the ground and inside of containers.
Now if you're kinda catching onto what i'm going on about and how the recoil changes are relevant to all of this, then you're some kind of wizzard, because i'm genuinely lost myself whilst typing this. But if not; Do not fear. The recoil changes are important because:
Huh? Still not getting it? Right!
What's the point of using aimbot when all you need is a decent modded gun? Good ergonomics, Good recoil control and a multi-role scope. You essentially have aimbot! "but that's just a normal player isn't it?" Yes, yes it is! my good fellow that I made up in my head to ask a dumb question. But you're not remembering what I mentioned in the previous paragraph. "ESP" That's right! You don't need to aimbot if you can see where everyone is on the map, get close to them, and pre-fire them or wallbang them.
What i'm essentially getting at is, cheaters don't need to use aimbot anymore as recoil and weapons are now controllable, giving even the worst players (cheaters) a fighting chance in pvp; As all they have to do is avoid detection by their target, until they're close enough to use ESP to prefire or frag their target. This means, as they're using less detectable cheats (ESP), there're less bans, meaning more cheaters. And if you think this is all a load of bullshit, I don't blaim you. There's no evidence to these claims and I sadly can't give any due to the rules of this subreddit (again, mods, please don't nuke either me or this poorly constructed post) However, you'll have to take my word for it, that this is how cheaters are 'recommended' to operate by cheat sellers; And there is evidence that accounts only using this type of cheating method have lasted since the beginning of the wipe, and are still active to this day.
Now . .
The statistics. I'm not going to give specifics, but we've all seen "that video" y'know where the one guy does that wiggle and the other guy also does the wiggle. But a number was thrown around; "60%", to be specific. of the likely percentage to have a cheater in your match. Unfortunately, with these new methods of cheating, I can only estimate this number has grown into the 70-80 % range. (again there's no way to know for sure, as ESP is ALOT harder to detect and see from an average players eye)
"But why don't they just wipe the serverif they can see everyone ?" Well. There are two good-ish reasons why. Firstly running around pre-firing everyone is a little suspicious, especially with people opening and checking their killers stats so regularly. So it's best for them not to raise their KD up too much. The other reason is simple; Money! Spongeboy me bob!
That's right! Roubles! Most ESP cheats include a little number above a player, which is essentially the total worth of everything that player has in their inventory (including secure container) These players are the prime targets. They also have a filter to only display items in their ESP overlay over a certain value in containers, cabinets and on players/scavs. Cheaters B-line towards high value targets, pre-fire them (making it look like a legit kill) Slurping up all that loot, and getting out of there to sell on the flea or use themselves.
How can you tell though?
Well, that's actually quite easy, and a fun little experiment you can do. Spawn into a raid with a LEDX. "What? how does that make sense" Well, imaginary person I made up again (i'm not schizophrenic, I promise) As I just said, these cheaters will see the big number and come sprinting over. They'll try to keep it looking legit of course, but they know exactly what you have on you. Of course, after a minute of just laying down in the raid, put that LEDX up your ass as to not lose it. But that's your best option for telling if there's someone using ESP in your raid. (unless there's an even juicier target in the match)
Right I know this is getting long, so I'll end it on my final notes and a quick rundown of exactly this wall of text is talking about for people who just scrolled to the bottom.
I'll start with what we can do to battle how many cheaters average players will meet whilst they're trying to escape from Tarkov (hahaha, get it?) As much as I hate Ubisoft, their method of reducing cheaters in ranked matches was effective. Force players to enable SMS based 2FA. (recieiving a one time password on your mobile when you sign in for the first time on your PC). Now of course, not everyone has a phone, so locking them out from playing because of that just isn't right. However; Creating a new matchmaking queue for people specifically with this 2FA method enabled and active will reduce the amount of cheaters players come across. You see, when a cheater gets banned, it's no problem, new accounts really aren't that expensive. This new matchmaking queue essentially ensures that when a cheater is banned, they have a much more difficult time interacting with these more protected users.
"But there are online numbers you can use and burner sims you can get relatively cheap"
I know! I'm not too sure on the technology involved. But there are methods (Discord for example has this in place) To detect burner phones and these online phone number sites, so previously banned cheaters can't just get a burner and begin cheating all over again (at least with people with this new 2FA method enabled) If a player has this enabled, and his friend who he wants to play with doesn't, then they'll be matched in the unsecure queue, as protection to stop verified players dragging previously banned players into the secure queue.
Right. Another wall of text, I'm sorry, I'll make this last paragrah brief of essentially what I talked about in this wall of text.
Cheating is becomming a bigger problem. I've seen with my own eyes how they (cheaters) operate and why they're not getting banned (exessive use of ESP which is barely detectable and no need to use aimbot which is far more detectable due to the new recoil system) We also need a method in place to minimise the possibility of cheaters re-buying accounts and continuing to ruin peoples' fun and the game/community as a whole. (I suggested a seperate matchmaking for SMS based 2FA enabled members)
I hope you sexy people have wonderful days/nights,
And as always
Good luck escaping!
submitted by DaedalusProject690 to EscapefromTarkov [link] [comments]

2024.02.01 13:10 DavidatScaleFit If you’re an Online Personal Trainer you’re doing it wrong and wasting your time. THIS is how you win.

Hey all!
OK – so apologies for the clickbait title. It’s a bit antagonistic I know
 But we gotta get those clicks, right?
This is not a short post (geez I hope reddit allows it to be honest?) But if you have a spare 15minutes, I am certain you'll have found it useful. Maybe save it for when you're doing cardio. ((You do cardio, right??))
The title does harp to a truth I believe about the “online personal trainer” industry. It really comes down to failure to realise the potential behind the business model, and what the true goal should be for anyone looking to head down this path. So I wanted to put together a post together about why I believe that to be true, and what to do about it.
My opinion is based on my own experience. I started my Online Fitness Business and scaled it successfully over 30-months to “7-figures per year revenue” and sold it for 7x earnings multiple (just shy of 8-figures!).
In the interests of full transparency. I now run ScaleFit. ScaleFit helps others to do the same. We’re aiming to be the “GymLaunch” of Online Fitness Business community, with a specific focus to create not just profitable businesses, but a SELLABLE businesses (even if you choose never to sell it.)
But don’t worry about that. This isn’t a sales pitch.
In this post I’ll also cover how:
  1. How you can set your business up from the start to maximize its enterprise value (the amount the asset is worth to someone else if you wanted to sell it.)
  2. How to get going on your fitness business journey for free, covering:
    1. the essentials of the business model,
    2. sales and marketing,
    3. A guide on what to do in your first 60 days even if you don’t have any money to get started.
The Online Fitness Business NOT an Online Personal Trainer.
In the last 3 years the industry of “Online Personal Training” has exploded. And it’s continuing to explode, with an annualised growth rate more than 37% (that’s nearly 4x the S&P500) which effectively means as long as you keep up with the industries average growth, you’re nearly beating the S&P500 by 4x.
But out of the thousands of Personal Trainers that have moved online or at least tested it’s waters, there’s only a few that have properly identified the business opportunity. Everyone’s too busy thinking of themselves as “Personal Trainers” and then simply thinking they need to build their client base online. And that’s it.
This is a pathway to mediocrity, mass competition, commoditisation, and eventual burnout and failure. And while a few will figure out the sales and marketing to make a good income – they’re not building a sellable business, they’re just gaining a high paying job. This puts them in a risky position – if they can never sell it, they have to do it forever.
There’ll be a few winners for sure. But by in large, most will fail.
A shift needs to occur.
In the “Fitness” industry, when you think about what business you should be starting - you have many options. You could start a Gym, a Health Club, a small group Fitness Studio, Premium In-person PT, or Online Fitness Business. Each business has its merits. But it’s my opinion the potential of an Online Fitness Business far outweighs all other options in this industry.
But you cannot be just an “Online Personal Trainer.” That simply makes you an employee to your own company. And if a “business” is solely reliant on you and your online persona, it also CAN’T BE SOLD. If you’re going to take the risk of starting a business*,* why wouldn’t you spend your time creating an appreciating asset with real enterprise value to be sold in the future?
Gym’s can be sold. Health Clubs can be sold. Fitness Studios can be sold. Because when you the owner leaves, the bricks and mortar remain, and all the clients are used to turning up at that location 3x per week.
However virtually all Online Fitness businesses are worthless on the market.
And that’s a real shame.
Because most of the time, the real money isn’t made in your $ Income per month. But in the fat brick you get when selling your company in the future. Oh ---- and don’t worry, you can still brag about your $ per month in the meantime.
How Do You Create An Online Fitness Business With Real Enterprise Value?
The next logical question is to ask – okay, how?
And why are you talking about selling this business when I don’t even know how to get started and make a buck? ((All good questions – we’ll answer those in this post.))
Well, you need to create a business that isn’t solely reliant on you and your online persona.
It also can’t be reliant solely upon your ability to even get results for your clients.
Let’s face it....
While there are elite trainers among us. For the general population, many trainers can get the results people are after – lose a little fat, get a little muscular, feel better and have more energy. And the knowledge to help people lose weight or gain muscle isn’t exactly rare. In fact – it’s HEAVILY commoditized.
Imagine going to an investor

You: “Hey investor would you like to buy my business? I’m an Online Personal Trainer, and I’m doing $100k per month!”
Investor: “Okay, tell me about it. What’s your margins? What makes you unique? What happens to the business when I buy it from you?”
You: “Well
 The company is called John Smith Transformation Coaching. I help people lose weight by teaching them the power of If-It-Fits-Your-Macros and calorie control. And I’m not sure – I want to go to Bali and surf though. I’m tired.”
Investor: “

But there are many ways that a business can and should create value in this industry.
Firstly, your business needs to be bigger than yourself. And starting your business set up that way allows it to grow bigger than you for longer.
And every Online Fitness Business can do something unique that no other fitness business model can do – and that’s create a truly global community of like-minded people. It sounds trivial, but people will not just come to your business because of a community (through word of mouth), but they’ll stay far, far longer because of the community they experience.
And with this approach there is so much low hanging fruit. People are gathering online in communities all over (just look at this one) – no longer restricted to associations in physical local.
Why not build a fitness community centred around Real-estate agents? Or Fire Fighters? Or Republicans? Or Democrats? Christian-swole? Lord knows what else

And then we need to consider how we can see those communities derive real value from association with each other in your business.
Creating a community is a simple process but takes time and energy to cultivate. But once you do, people gather there on their own accord. Communities become self-sustaining.
In my Online Fitness Business, I built a service catering to Software Engineers.
And what do Software Engineers like to do?
They like to solve problems, ask each other for help with their code, search for job opportunities, rock climb, and play video games while hanging out on Discord chat rooms sharing meme’s.
Before long, my community wasn’t just discussing and sharing their weight loss success stories, tips and tricks...
But they were playing WoW together. Helping each other fix code. And getting jobs for each other. And recommending good climbing gyms to go bouldering in. And the number of referrals I attracted, and the number of long term re-signs my business won swelled to make it an enormously successful business with REAL Enterprise Value.
So, when you think about what customers you want to serve, don’t just think about “How can I target these people?” Think about how you can know them better and serve them better. And in so doing, you will serve yourself better, and create a far more valuable business. And something someone will be prepared to buy from you in the future.
What Business Model?
Well, here’s the kicker. It really depends on what kind of business you want to make. I can tell you my business was “High-Ticket.” All my companies have been. But it’s not just to sound sexy by saying you’re “high ticket.” And it’s not that you can’t make a butt-load of cash with “low ticket” – you can.
But the biggest problem I see with this question is most people end up in “middle-ticket.” And this is the absolute worst place to be in my experience (did that in IT services). You aren’t earning enough per customer to deliver truly exceptional service. It also doesn’t leave enough margin to pay for your marketing and advertising costs – critical to scale customer acquisition in the long run. While at the same time, not being setup to compete on costs alone.
Low-Ticket offerings have their place. But will face challenges in the short-medium term in our industry. We can already see a rise in apps, like the products delivered by Renaissance Periodization. Or even feature creep by free services like MyFitnessPal and others. These will erode market share and competitiveness for the low-ticket service offerings. Unless you want to go and create an app and compete there! Also, you pretty much MUST have a large organic social media following, because you have no pricing power to afford advertising.
High-Ticket has some key advantages. With the margin you can make, you can reinvest to provide better service and community benefits. The clients you attract will, by definition, value the service more because they are paying more. And although you’ll never have as many clients as a low-ticket business, it’s a lot easier to sell to 10 clients and make $30,000, than it is to sell to 100 clients to make that $30k month.
How Do You Get There?
I know what you’re thinking
 All of this is fine and dandy. But why in the hell am I talking about business enterprise value? You’re struggling to get and retain online clients...
Here we can get to tactical stuff. And like most things, it’s made more complicated by people trying to sell you something.
To sell anything to anyone in this world, fundamentally you need to have a conversation.
So, if that’s the end goal, how do you go about having a conversation?
There are many ways. And each are useful and can grow you a business. But when I grew my business, I chose two methods that I felt most in control of. Where if I just did the reps, I’d get the results. Inputs = Outputs.
It should be said, I don’t disparage any particular way to get a client. Whatever works for you. And I think all methods can and should be used at some point in your business’s lifecycle. But I’m going to speak to those that have either yet to start, or have recently started. And these are the methods I used in my company.
What I didn’t start out doing:
What I Started Out Doing:
How to do Cold DM Outreach Successfully
First off, I’ll tell you that this method of customer acquisition is simply straight violence and pain. It is tiresome and tedious, but if you have no other means of reliably getting customers (as I’ve discussed above), honestly what other options do you have?
And importantly. Cold Outreach teaches you to contact a stranger, have a conversation, and get them to give you money.
So, if you’re capable of doing this – every other acquisition method is improved. Your ads will be more effective, your podcast will, your organic content, etc.
And it’s a numbers game. Which puts the power and ability to consistently earn money back in your hands. It’s like dating. The more girls you ask out, the more likely you are to get a date. And the more girls you ask out, the better you get at getting dates.
But it’s particularly hard in the beginning. So to stop you getting discouraged, here are the numbers you can aim for (on Instagram):
Cold DM Outreach is not sexy, it doesn’t feel good – in fact it sucks. But just like doing German Volume Training squats - if you want big legs, you just got to take your medicine sometimes.
Do this for a month and take your profits and your newfound ability to have conversations with strangers and get them to give you money - and run paid ads.
I would recommend you always keep DM outreach in your mix. But you can and should hire people to do this for you after you’ve done some volume yourself. The benefit here is that none of the platforms can ever “shut you down.” Like they could your Ad account. Nor will there be a never-ending increase in ad costs.
With a consistent cold outreach acquisition channel your business is always able to generate revenue on its own.
Because of this, a strong cold outreach acquisition channel vastly improves your business’s enterprise value.
For future reference you can hire “cold DM outreach appointment setters” (who’s job is to DM people and book sales calls) for US$1,500 per month + 3% sale commission. Cheaper still if you go for internationals like those from the Philippine’s, etc. But again, if you’re going to hire someone to do the job – it sure would be good if knew and had experience doing it yourself. So - roll your sleeves up.
I have a section in my eBook on how to hire and train appointment setters if you’re interested.
How to run Paid Ads
Paid ads need to be thought of in much the same way as Cold Outreach. The advantage here is you’re exchanging money for time. By paying the platforms to put your message in front of customers, rather than doing it yourself with a DM.
In essence, you want to capture the audience’s attention to stop them scrolling. Then I would want to bribe them to give you their contact information (a lead magnet that they’d want, like a free guide!)
And you need to think about a customer journey.
If they’re scrolling and they see your ad, they don’t know you. They may bite for a lead magnet. And they may even book an appointment with you.
But it’s unlikely to be that “straight line”. Only a small percentage of people will see a random ad, click on it, book an appointment with a stranger, and then buy from you all in a straight line. (It’s approximately 3% of buyers.)
By all means, create the pathway for your prospects to do this. But don’t build your business on this alone. You will fail.
Everything about the success in Paid Ads will rely on what happens after they give you their contact information - and the work you do to warm them up and have good conversations.
Use email, SMS, DM, Calls, and retargeting ads to continue to warm them up and book your sales appointment calendars.
There are tools to automate part of this function – ChatGPT based “AI Appointment Setters” are absolutely useful, mainly because one of the largest levers you can pull to nurture leads is “speed to contact” – and while you can’t always be available to respond to a new lead, a bot can.
But we still see the absolute best performance coming from a well-meaning professionally trained HUMAN.
Again, I have a detailed section on paid ads and lead nurture in my eBook too!
How to Sell
To be honest, this is quite a big topic. And I’ve written a LOT on this. But I’ll keep it brief.
How I sell to someone hinges on one question: “Have you ever used a coach before?”
If they have, then I need to explain to them how our service delivers the results they’re after in detail. As this prospect is already an informed buyer. So they will want more detail.
However, if they’ve never used a coach, why do you need to go into such logical detail? Stay super focused on the outcomes they’re buying.
A Sales call looks like the following:
  1. Introductions (to build rapport),
  2. Discovery/Questions (to understand the prospect and their goals/struggles/pain),
  3. How your service will get them to their goals (here’s where the question above changes how you explain this,)
  4. Make the offer – where you tell them how much etc,
  5. Handle Objections. You should assume a No. That’s the easy answer. Work your way through No’s to get to the Yes, or at least have them making an actual decision – not just a reflexive “No.”
Sales at the end of the day – regardless of what you’re selling – is about making the decision as simple for the prospect as possible.
Especially when speaking with the uninformed, I like to employ a technique I call “Them versus Us.”
When you’re explaining your service, limit what you want to draw attention to down to 2-3 key facts of the service. This could be how you program nutrition and exercise, your community, or your professional experience. As cliche as it sounds, giving these a trendy marketing name helps as it sets you apart from the competition. Something as simple as “The ScaleFit Nutrition Method.” You may scoff – but especially to the uninformed it works.
Them versus Us
When I’m explaining the service, I employ the “Them versus Us” technique. The aim here is to show the prospect their list of alternative options, and then how those options pale in comparison to MY option.
It may go something like this:
“Most people when they’re looking to lose weight will consult a book, or content from their favourite influencer. They read the dogmatic opinions of someone else and get stuck being prescribed whatever the latest nutritional trend is. This leads people to eating unsustainable restrictive diets like keto, paleo, or lord knows what.
While this may lead to short term weight loss, the data is clear. People regain the weight and then some. You’ve probably experienced this yourself, and it’s not your fault. No one in the industry is incentivised to teach you how to eat for you, and no is teaching you how diet actually works***.*** At my company we aim to teach you how to eat for you so that you can permanently keep the weight off. So that you no longer need to fight your body and your mind.
Those with the best physiques aren’t doing something special. They’ve just have found a way to eat what they want and still achieve and maintain healthy high performance physique. That’s what we do. We work with you every step of the way. And because we’re always in your pocket whenever you are having second thoughts, we can help keep you on the straight and narrow continually making progress.”
This technique is brilliant for aiding the prospect to make a streamlined easy choice. You can even sell off the backfoot to further highlight the importance of solving their problem with your solution or one like yours.
“For these reasons, my recommendation is whether you use us or another online one-on-one nutritional service, make sure you go this route. Continually attempting to solve this problem with the latest fad is only going to hurt you long term. So stop paying them and find someone that solves this problem like we do.”
Stop Outsourcing Sales
One final comment on creating a business with lasting enterprise value is that in this business, I would highly recommend you avoid outsourcing your sales to vendor.
On Instagram you can find a plethora of companies offering you customers on a “performance only” basis. This means you only pay for every paying customer they give you.
This will be detrimental to your business long term, aside from it eating into your margins and profitability right now. And that’s because of a couple of reasons I’ll highlight now:
  1. The customers they acquire you will not likely be suitable for your community, which as I stated above is likely to be your greatest asset in the company,
  2. Most importantly, for Online Fitness Businesses, the single highest hurdle to cross is creating a business that can routinely market to and acquire new customers. So, while it may boost your revenue in the short term, your company will fail to develop internally the single most important element of the business – customer acquisition. A future buyer will look at your revenues and gross profits and be forced to think “Okay, so if I buy this company, the only way it can continue is if I keep this relationship with this outsourced sales vendor. And my profitability is going to be tied to their long-term survival and success. And should they increase their prices, I'm going to be forced to accept that (further decreasing profitability) OR be forced to develop the skills internally from scratch.” This is not good. And your company will be less valuable for it.
Getting Started - Your First 30 Days
Now you may ask, how should you play out your first 30 days in business? What would it look like? What’s a success?
Like all things, nutrition, progressive overload, physique, and yes even business building – it’s often a numbers game. The problem arises when people get started without having a reasonable expectation of what to expect.
Results will vary to be sure. Just like Ronnie Coleman’s first 30-days of bodybuilding probably yielded vastly different results to Joey the local Gym Rat. But let’s project something conservative:
22 Days of Cold DM Outreach (Yes, this is expecting 5 days a week, but you could do 30
) @ 100 DMs a day.
That’s 2,200 DMs sent.
That’s 660 conversations according to our baseline stats.. but heck this is your first 30 days, and you’ve never done this before. You’re trash! So your first messages are bad, and you don’t get 30 convos per 100.
So, let’s say you’re half as good as that.
You get 330 conversations

Now again, you’re trash. This is your first 30 days. So you don’t get 6 Sales calls per 100 DMs. No no

You get 2 sales calls per 100.
That’s 44 sales calls in your first 30 days.
And finally SOLD contracts. Again
 I know it’s very reasonable to close 30% of your sales calls. But you’re trash. You need more practice. So instead, you’re going to close 15% of your sales calls.
15% of 44 = 6.6 Sales
And finally, while I will tell you that $3,200 for a 4-month program is pretty much an average price for high-ticket fitness programs. I’m going to guess you have some self-doubt about your ability to earn that much. (Even though it’s just roughly equivalent to 3xWeek In-Person training
) So you’re going to sell at just half that (something I really don’t suggest by the way) - $1600 for 4 months of online coaching.
6.6 * $1,600 = $10,560.
So to wrap it all up without my commentary. In your first 30 days you’re going to:
And you will have worked:
$10,560 in revenue for 137.5 hours worked ain’t bad! That’s $76.8 an hour!
And you’re able to do this from your couch while you watch Netflix and YouTube for the most part. Heck, you could keep your dayjob!
Note that nothing here is magic. It’s all a grind. It will be boring and repetitive. The experience won’t “feel good.”
But your cost to deliver the service is virtually zero. You don’t need a gym floor, and you don’t even need fancy software at first. This could be done with literally just an email address and a mobile phone.
And it’s not permanent. It’s not the end state. It’s not the destination.
This is the result of just your first 30-days. You’re the worst you’ll ever be at every part of this operation. But you’ve just made $10k in 30 days, and you now have a clear path to being a “six-figure-earner.”
Recap on your first 30.
Again, it’s not magic.
Do more.
If the above were the results of your first 30-days. You’re bound to improve in your next 30. Which means the results will be better. You’ll feel better sending the outreach. You’ll start more conversations and host more sales calls and close more sales.
Referring to our baseline numbers of someone that’s familiar with DM outreach.
At just 1 sale a day for 22 days... There’s a clear path here to making $70,400 a month just on cold outreach.
And YES, that’s happening RIGHT NOW.
I’m not saying you’ll be this good in your first 30 days. You won’t be. Probably not even in your first 75 days. But honestly, after sending 7,500 cold outreaches, you probably will be getting close to baseline if you remained vigilant in analysing your work and identifying what’s working to continually improve (tip, I kept a spreadsheet where I made notes to “split test” my opening conversation variants to see what was working.)
And you’re developing one of the greatest skills in life – the ability to start a conversation with a stranger and getting them to give you money.
Push That Snowball Downhill - Your Next 30 (Day 30-60)
The “problem” is that it is "hard." And by hard, we mean it’s repetitive and monotonous. And that’s why most people won’t do it. But that’s okay.
Because what I would suggest you do after that first 30 days is take 30% of your first month’s revenue (~$3000) and start to run ads. Here is where you’re either going to buy back some of your time or amplify things and scale your business.
$3000 / 30 days = $100 on ads per day.
A good “Cost Per Lead” (CPL) is $18.
$100 / $18 = 5.5 leads per day.
You’ll typically only book one sales call for every $500 in ad spend. At least at first

That’s 1 Sale every 5 days of advertising.
That’s 6 sales from ads in this month ($3000 / $500 = 6).
That’s another $9,600 in revenue.
On top of the $10,560 you’re going to earn from the cold outreach you’re still doing, RIGHT?
In month two you’ve earned $10,560 + $9,600 = $20,160.
Congratulations – you now earn more than most seasoned white-collar professionals.
Keep going and don’t stop. Get better at your ads. Get better at your cold outreach. Don’t stop. Never stop. It only gets easier, yielding more output for every unit of effort.
Just make sure you don’t stop when it’s hard. It’s always hardest in the beginning.
Look to hire people so you can buy back even more of your time.
First step would be to hire and train an appointment setter like I mentioned above ($1,500 per month + 3% commission on revenue booked.)
Now you're really off to the races.
Wow! That was a long read. And for those that took the time to get this far, I hope it’s been useful.
The above are some of the lessons I learned when I grew my Online Fitness Business from nothing to a nearly “8-Figure” exit (sale).
Like all good things, it took a lot of time and effort. And to anyone looking to tell you that it’s a simple game where victory is assured, think critically.
This business can be achieved. It’s not impossible. And results far in excess of the standard gym or life of a personal trainer are very achievable. But it won’t happen on autopilot. It won’t happen in 1-month. And it won’t happen without a lot of self-doubt and bravery.
But it’s important to keep the eyes on the prize. Recognise that there are thousands of people replacing (and far exceeding) their incomes via online fitness. And if they can do it, so can you.
And I hope that a key takeaway from this is to think bigger than just your monthly revenue target.
It’s my sincere opinion that if you’re choosing to start a business, the goal should be to create a valuable asset. Otherwise, I’d recommend you avoid the risk and stick to in-person working for someone else.
The reality is that while it has the potential to be a high-margin business with little overhead costs and infinite ability to scale, most people starting in the industry quit far too soon, and never create something that will outlast them.
This presents everyone here with a real opportunity to stand apart. We can all see in every aspect of life, people are looking online to solve their problems. And body transformations will be no different.
Your primary efforts should be to:
  1. Create a valuable business,
  2. Stand apart from the crowd by delivering more than just nutritional and fitness coaching,
  3. Provide an option that doesn’t compete against the rise of cheap coaching apps,
  4. Master the fundamentals of this business (sales and marketing).
If you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask!
Cheers, David.
Obligatory: our free eBook is available at
submitted by DavidatScaleFit to OnlinePersonalTrainer [link] [comments]

2024.01.29 23:12 Accurate_Ad_3542 Getting marketing roles without a degree

Posted in marketing but seeking more perspectives

Been lurking on here for a while and love reading about people's backgrounds and experiences whether they're industry veterans or just getting their foot off the ground. I was wondering if someone like me can land an entry-level marketing role in this job market. I'm well aware that today's job market is pretty rough and that having a degree whether it is in marketing or not heavily boosts your chances to get your foot in the door. As the title suggests, I'm someone who doesn't have a degree BUT I am someone who does have decent work experience in sales and marketing. I apologize for the long post in advance. I guess I'm just seeking advice as to whether this role is something I should keep pursuing, go back to school, constructive criticism on what I can do bettedifferently, or just motivation to keep going in the new direction I've set up for myself.
Here's some context
I dropped out of a state college studying for a BS in marketing without even an Associate's due to mental health reasons and I wanted to pursue a more "entrepreneurial path". I'm currently 24 years old. I haven't been employed since May 2023. Currently 24 years old but have been applying rapidly to both sales and marketing roles (like 50+ a day until I get too tired to apply) using job boards like or Aiming for startups since they seem to be the type of companies that are more accepting of my kind of background and once I'm in, I can transfer internally to something better or leverage the current experience to a better position at a better company. Trying to get into tech but the tech market is brutal right now. Looking at sales bc everyone says it's one of the lower barriers of entry for tech. Also looking at marketing because it seems to make sense to my background/experience. Currently have a good number of certifications in Hubspot like Hubspot Digital Advertising, Hubspot Email Marketing, Hubspot Inbound, Hubspot Inbound Marketing, Hubspot Inbound Sales, Hubspot Revenue Operations, Hubspot SEO I and SEO II, Hubspot Social Media Strategy, Hubspot Sales Software. I recently taught myself some web design via freeCodeCamp and basic computer science via Harvard's CS50 towards the end of 2023. I might slap up a portfolio website with WordPress with all of my current work experience. I've been seeing that Google Ads certifications are solid too so I might do those as well. I've been getting interviews with GOOD remote BDSDR roles in the tech industry with solid pay and benefits but haven't been winning any of them probably because it's obvious I suck at sales lol and/or my interview skills are trash but my resume looks good. I have yet to get any replies with marketing roles probably because my resume is currently more sales-oriented so I am making a more marketing-focused resume consecutively.
Here's my work experience
I got my first start by starting a luxury watch e-commerce store and ran it for about a year and a half. Here, I learned about the end-to-end process of multiple aspects of running a small business ranging from bookkeeping, contracts, financial management, branding, conducting market and product research using a web scraper tool to identify winning products, sales, SEO, email marketing, social media advertising (Facebook/Instagram ads), web development, and the analytics side. During this time I was able to sell a few 100 watches utilizing a variety of digital marketing strategies. I think the biggest takeaways were learning how to wear multiple hats, quickly apply what you learn, figure things out as you go rather than waiting for things to feel 100% perfect, and the digital marketing skills along the way. Unfortunately, I did not save any screenshots that would serve as proof for other employers due to guilt of the business not working out.
After this, I decided to apply what I learned to a small IT consulting service at Intel Techworks. Here I learned how to collaborate with technical teams and oversee the execution of projects in the IT and software space. I also implemented digital marketing skills that I gained from the e-commerce store which helped upsell additional services to current clients increasing overall client spend by 50% and leveraging data insights to find areas of improvement. Did this for about 5 months.
As the peak of COVID started to level out I became a real estate agent which is where the "entrepreneurial experience" I'm referring to. This is where I cold-called 120+ numbers a day, physically knocked on doors for business, being front of clients to win business such as through open houses, client dinners, or networking events, building long-term relationships with clients, leveraging CRMs, overcoming objections, and discovering pain points. I was also applying the marketing skills I learned from my previous experiences to help my team leader capture more leads such as writing up multi-step email DRIP/SMS campaigns, designing sexy flyers, postcards, business cards, and logos via Photoshop, helping her optimize her website to capture more leads and make her brand look more up to date, and advising her on social media stuff. I did this for 2.5 years and still have a lot of the flyers and templates saved. I originally got into real estate because I wanted to become a real estate investor with the goal of FIRE by saving up commission money after selling houses and reinvesting whatever is saved into buying up more properties and then leveraging that property to buy more, etc etc. However, I realized that I hated working in real estate as a salesperson and was not very good at the sales side of things. The instability of the career was too much for my lower-middle-class upbringing to handle and a lot of other factors like burnout (sales is brutal) and the real estate industry do not talk about how much it costs to obtain and maintain a license (education, continuing education, fees for board membership, fees from commission, taxes, more taxes, more fees, etc) and focuses more on selling you the dream/promise of this crazy financial freedom life (I got played. I know. but at least I'm willing to admit it and trying to do something positive about it). I realized that you could just work a stable W-2 job and achieve the same goal by saving your income and doing that.
While I was a real estate agent, I happened to make friends with a local entrepreneur who runs his own successful digital marketing agency with a mix of his software dev skills (he does it all!). Just a year older than me and also a college dropout but he did start hella early (age 14?) and is one of the exceptionally talented people who can make something like this happen. He let me watch/observe firsthand how he does it all to the point that we were able to call it an internship as a digital marketing intern (he's fine with that and we have a good friendship) which led to me offering to help out a bit as well by giving out advice and consultation on better ways to run his business and some of the clients he was working on especially since he asked for pointers here and there. Did this for about 1.5 years. Here, I helped improve digital marketing systems in his agency like better DRIP campaigns, designing a brand for an e-commerce store owner client he was working with, and sourcing leads from other small to mid-sized businesses from industries like e-commerce, hospitality, financial services, software, and mobile apps. During my time I closed on a large contract at $500k p/a, onboarded key accounts resulting in a 30% increase in monthly recurring revenue, and improved sales and marketing processes that yielded a 30% increase in sales productivity and efficiency. It was during my time here where I found myself reconnecting with my roots in e-commerce and the digital marketing space and I guess I realized that I might just be a better fit for something like this overall. I also found I connected better with the people in this space whether they're small business owners, developers, marketers, and designers since it has been a field I've been immersed in for a long time. The issue here was that his team is very small and lean, hence why this wouldn't lead to something bigger which means being stuck in low pay forever. Plus on a personal level, we are friends and didn't want to overstep boundaries.
Thank you for reading this far.
I appreciate any kind words, critiques, etc.
submitted by Accurate_Ad_3542 to AskMarketing [link] [comments]

2024.01.29 23:01 Accurate_Ad_3542 Marketing role without a degree

Been lurking on here for a while and love reading about people's backgrounds and experiences whether they're industry veterans or just getting their foot off the ground. I was wondering if someone like me can land an entry-level marketing role in this job market. I'm well aware that today's job market is pretty rough and that having a degree whether it is in marketing or not heavily boosts your chances to get your foot in the door. As the title suggests, I'm someone who doesn't have a degree BUT I am someone who does have decent work experience in sales and marketing. I apologize for the long post in advance. I guess I'm just seeking advice as to whether this role is something I should keep pursuing, go back to school, constructive criticism on what I can do bettedifferently, or just motivation to keep going in the new direction I've set up for myself.
Here's some context I dropped out of a state college studying for a BS in marketing without even an Associate's due to mental health reasons and I wanted to pursue a more "entrepreneurial path". I'm currently 24 years old. I haven't been employed since May 2023. Currently 24 years old but have been applying rapidly to both sales and marketing roles (like 50+ a day until I get too tired to apply) using job boards like or Aiming for startups since they seem to be the type of companies that are more accepting of my kind of background and once I'm in, I can transfer internally to something better or leverage the current experience to a better position at a better company. Trying to get into tech but the tech market is brutal right now. Looking at sales bc everyone says it's one of the lower barriers of entry for tech. Also looking at marketing because it seems to make sense to my background/experience. Currently have a good number of certifications in Hubspot like Hubspot Digital Advertising, Hubspot Email Marketing, Hubspot Inbound, Hubspot Inbound Marketing, Hubspot Inbound Sales, Hubspot Revenue Operations, Hubspot SEO I and SEO II, Hubspot Social Media Strategy, Hubspot Sales Software. I recently taught myself some web design via freeCodeCamp and basic computer science via Harvard's CS50 towards the end of 2023. I might slap up a portfolio website with WordPress with all of my current work experience. I've been seeing that Google Ads certifications are solid too so I might do those as well. I've been getting interviews with GOOD remote BDSDR roles in the tech industry with solid pay and benefits but haven't been winning any of them probably because it's obvious I suck at sales lol and/or my interview skills are trash but my resume looks good. I have yet to get any replies with marketing roles probably because my resume is currently more sales-oriented so I am making a more marketing-focused resume consecutively.

Here's my work experience
I got my first start by starting a luxury watch e-commerce store and ran it for about a year and a half. Here, I learned about the end-to-end process of multiple aspects of running a small business ranging from bookkeeping, contracts, financial management, branding, conducting market and product research using a web scraper tool to identify winning products, sales, SEO, email marketing, social media advertising (Facebook/Instagram ads), web development, and the analytics side. During this time I was able to sell a few 100 watches utilizing a variety of digital marketing strategies. I think the biggest takeaways were learning how to wear multiple hats, quickly apply what you learn, figure things out as you go rather than waiting for things to feel 100% perfect, and the digital marketing skills along the way. Unfortunately, I did not save any screenshots that would serve as proof for other employers due to guilt of the business not working out.
After this, I decided to apply what I learned to a small IT consulting service at Intel Techworks. Here I learned how to collaborate with technical teams and oversee the execution of projects in the IT and software space. I also implemented digital marketing skills that I gained from the e-commerce store which helped upsell additional services to current clients increasing overall client spend by 50% and leveraging data insights to find areas of improvement. Did this for about 5 months.

As the peak of COVID started to level out I became a real estate agent which is where the "entrepreneurial experience" I'm referring to. This is where I cold-called 120+ numbers a day, physically knocked on doors for business, being front of clients to win business such as through open houses, client dinners, or networking events, building long-term relationships with clients, leveraging CRMs, overcoming objections, and discovering pain points. I was also applying the marketing skills I learned from my previous experiences to help my team leader capture more leads such as writing up multi-step email DRIP/SMS campaigns, designing sexy flyers, postcards, business cards, and logos via Photoshop, helping her optimize her website to capture more leads and make her brand look more up to date, and advising her on social media stuff. I did this for 2.5 years and still have a lot of the flyers and templates saved. I originally got into real estate because I wanted to become a real estate investor with the goal of FIRE by saving up commission money after selling houses and reinvesting whatever is saved into buying up more properties and then leveraging that property to buy more, etc etc. However, I realized that I hated working in real estate as a salesperson and was not very good at the sales side of things. The instability of the career was too much for my lower-middle-class upbringing to handle and a lot of other factors like burnout (sales is brutal) and the real estate industry do not talk about how much it costs to obtain and maintain a license (education, continuing education, fees for board membership, fees from commission, taxes, more taxes, more fees, etc) and focuses more on selling you the dream/promise of this crazy financial freedom life (I got played. I know. but at least I'm willing to admit it and trying to do something positive about it). I realized that you could just work a stable W-2 job and achieve the same goal by saving your income and doing that.
While I was a real estate agent, I happened to make friends with a local entrepreneur who runs his own successful digital marketing agency with a mix of his software dev skills (he does it all!). Just a year older than me and also a college dropout but he did start hella early (age 14?) and is one of the exceptionally talented people who can make something like this happen. He let me watch/observe firsthand how he does it all to the point that we were able to call it an internship as a digital marketing intern (he's fine with that and we have a good friendship) which led to me offering to help out a bit as well by giving out advice and consultation on better ways to run his business and some of the clients he was working on especially since he asked for pointers here and there. Did this for about 1.5 years. Here, I helped improve digital marketing systems in his agency like better DRIP campaigns, designing a brand for an e-commerce store owner client he was working with, and sourcing leads from other small to mid-sized businesses from industries like e-commerce, hospitality, financial services, software, and mobile apps. During my time I closed on a large contract at $500k p/a, onboarded key accounts resulting in a 30% increase in monthly recurring revenue, and improved sales and marketing processes that yielded a 30% increase in sales productivity and efficiency. It was during my time here where I found myself reconnecting with my roots in e-commerce and the digital marketing space and I guess I realized that I might just be a better fit for something like this overall. I also found I connected better with the people in this space whether they're small business owners, developers, marketers, and designers since it has been a field I've been immersed in for a long time. The issue here was that his team is very small and lean, hence why this wouldn't lead to something bigger which means being stuck in low pay forever. Plus on a personal level, we are friends and didn't want to overstep boundaries.
Thank you for reading this far. I appreciate any kind words, critiques, etc.
submitted by Accurate_Ad_3542 to marketing [link] [comments]

2024.01.24 22:24 LBreda Dell'autenticazione a due fattori

Tra post che vedo in giro per subreddit italiani e cose che mi succedono nella vita fuori di qui, inizio a trovare un po' utile diffondere - e avere da linkare - un bel pippotto sul'autenticazione a due fattori, che in poche parole Ăš quella cosa che dovete attivare adesso, ovunque.


Perché le password fanno schifo. Ci sono svariati motivi per cui fanno schifo, vediamo un po':
Grossomodo tutti questi problemi si risolvono - o si mitigano tantissimo - con l'autenticazione a due fattori. Come molti di voi sapranno "autenticazione a due fattori" significa sostanzialmente che dopo aver inserito la password il sistema ti chiede un'altra cosa, che Ăš appunto il secondo fattore.
Avere un secondo fattore fa sĂ­ che:
Vediamo quali sono i piĂș diffusi secondi fattori, in ordine dal peggiore al migliore.


OTP sta per One Time Password. Il funzionamento Ăš molto semplice: dopo aver inserito username e password, il sistema ti manda uno SMS con un codice aggiuntivo. Inserisci pure quello, ed entri. Purtroppo Ăš ubiquo, perchĂ© Ăš percepito come comodo. È perĂČ un po' una ciofeca, perchĂ© gli SMS non sono proprio la cosa piĂș sicura del mondo. La vulnerabilitĂ  IMO principale Ăš che siamo molto abituati ad autorizzare app a leggere i nostri messaggi, ad esempio per confermare il numero di telefono. Non Ăš quindi impossibile che un attaccante abbia la possibilitĂ , con un'app bucata, di leggere l'SMS con l'OTP quando arriva.
Applicazione proprietaria
L'autenticazione a due fattori con applicazione proprietaria (che poi spesso sotto ha il metodo che elencherĂČ dopo) Ăš molto diffusa presso banche e robe simili (SPID...) ufficialmente perchĂ© c'Ăš l'idea che per una persona non avvezza a queste cose sia piĂș naturale. Ufficiosamente Ăš perchĂ© per chi fa un sistema Ăš sempre bello mettere la bandierina nel telefono delle genti. Le app in genere fanno inquadrare un QR code, o danno un pulsantino di conferma, o danno un OTP. Tutto piuttosto sicuro, solo un po' scomodo.
TOTP Ăš un sistema per cui, all'attivazione dell'account o del secondo fattore, il sistema ti dĂ  un lunghissimo codice generato da lui, spesso in forma di QR code. Lo stesso codice se lo salva da qualche parte, si spera non proprio assieme alla password. Tu invece il codice te lo salvi su un'applicazione apposita, di solito Google Authenticator (io preferisco Aegis), eventualmente con l'aiuto del QR Code. Esiste un algoritmo che a partire da quel codice e dall'ora, genera un OTP a sei cifre, diverso ogni trenta secondi. L'app lo calcola per te, il sito te lo chiede e lo calcola per lui, se le due cose coincidono entri. Molto semplice, e molto comodo perchĂ© tanto intercettare quanto guardarti mentre digiti non servirĂ  a nulla. Il difetto Ăš che se un attaccante, assieme alla tua password, viene a sapere il codice lungo, puĂČ calcolarsi anche lui l'OTP a sei cifre.
WebAuthn Ăš un sistema dal funzionamento un po' piĂș incasinato. Lo spiegherĂČ nel modo piĂș semplice possibile. Tu utente sei chiamato ad avere una coppia di chiavi, una tua privata e una pubblica. Le due chiavi funzionano in maniera che da quella pubblica sia sostanzialmente impossibile risalire a quella privata, e che un messaggio firmato con la chiave privata possa essere verificato con quella pubblica.
Dato che 'sta cosa, che esiste da decenni, Ăš dannatamente scomoda, WebAuthn la rende molto piĂș semplice: la coppia di chiavi sta dentro una chiavetta fisica (YubiKey le piĂș diffuse) oppure su un software (tipicamente un qualche minion del sistema operativo: Windows Hello, FaceID...).
Quando attivi l'autenticazione a due fattori, ti viene chiesto dal browser di inserire la chiavetta (o di mettere il pin in Windows Hello, o l'impronta digitale, quel che Ăš), e il browser si occupa di mandare la tua chiave pubblica al sistema su cui ti vuoi autenticare. Da quel momento in poi, come secondo fattore ti verrĂ  chiesta la chiavetta (o l'essere sul sistema che hai autorizzato): questa si occuperĂ  di firmare un messaggio da mandare al sito remoto, che con la chiave pubblica potrĂ  verificarlo.
Questo metodo Ăš MOLTO sicuro. Se un attaccante entra nel sistema remoto e si frega sia la password che la chiave pubblica, non gli sono sufficienti a entrare. Con la chiavetta (che perĂČ ha un costo, a partire da una trentina di euro) Ăš anche molto comodo. Con il sistema operativo molto meno, perchĂ© per entrare devi essere su quella macchina lĂ­.

E se mi perdo il secondo fattore?

Per quanto riguarda l'SMS, c'Ăš sempre modo di recuperarlo. Per quanto riguarda l'app proprietaria, generalmente basta chiedere al fornitore. Per TOTP e WebAuthn le cose sono piĂș rognose.
I sistemi su cui vi autenticate perĂČ vi vengono incontro: Ăš sempre possibile (fatelo!) generare e salvarsi una chiave da tenere, eventualmente stampata, in un posto sicuro. Se vi perdete il secondo fattore, potete entrare con quella.
Ovviamente farsi un backup delle chiavi TOTP Ăš possibile e piuttosto facile e avere due chiavette di accesso Ăš oneroso ma nulla lo vieta.


Attivate 'sto secondo fattore, suvvia, che anche attorno a voi gli account stanno cadendo come mosche, lo vedete. Hanno bucato pure la NSA, figuriamoci.
Se avete domande, fate pure. Se avete insulti, siate clementi che lo so di aver semplificato cose.
submitted by LBreda to italy [link] [comments]

2024.01.18 17:08 Brave_Scheme_6345 New Valentine’s Day collection

New Valentine’s Day collection
Coming soon ! Here are some sneak peaks on their website đŸ„°đŸ„° will you be getting ? Is so what ?
submitted by Brave_Scheme_6345 to SKIMSbyKKW [link] [comments]