How to write a teacher autobiography

For photos that are, you know, mildly interesting

2012.02.05 07:54 doginabathtub For photos that are, you know, mildly interesting

Aww, cripes. I didn't know I'd have to write a description. How many words is that so far, like a hundred? Soooo, yeah. Mildly interesting stuff. Stuff that interests you. Mildly. It's in the name, ffs.

2014.11.13 04:53 RoonilWazilbob Cozy Places

"Cosy", or the American spelling "Cozy", means to give a feeling of comfort, warmth, and relaxation. /CozyPlaces is an inclusive and positive community that features original content photography of cozy places from all around the world, of all shapes, sizes, and price ranges.

2008.03.30 10:15 Switzerland

All things Switzerland!

2024.05.21 18:37 Warm_House_2954 Need Advice about Mental Health+Graduation from a conservative culture

Hi guys,
So a little context first, I am a 21y/o student who was supposed to finish my college degree studying pre-law. My graduation was supposed to be in the summer. But I missed a final exam for a required course and won't be able to graduate on time and will be pushed back to the next graduation cycle. I missed the exam cuz I had a lot of mental health issues and couldn't write it as the stuff at home (I live with my parents) was very tense and my home life just wasn't safe, I lost around 20lbs, barely had any sleep, had panic attacks and depressive mood swings and everything. I have a really bad history with mental health, I was bullied throughout high school and had no friends. My life at home during high school was equally as bad due to constant fights between my family members so I never really had a safe place. School and home were just horrid in general. I would often skip class to just sleep in the cafeteria and almost had the police called on my family when one of the nicer teachers noticed my habits and how thin I was getting. I started going to therapy for it earlier in 2022. However, my parents found out and I come from a very conservative background where mental health is shunned and people just look at you like you belong in some kind of asylum if you even bring it up. It's the reason I wasn't never officially diagnosed with ADHD until I got into college as my family, immediate and extended, just didn't believe in ADHD and thought it was just me being lazy and unmotivated when I had so much time to become obsessed with other random hobbies I picked up. My family also thinks that if you take an extra year in college for whatever reason you are a failure. They have this entire timeline set in their minds that people have to follow and it's insane. So I had to stop therapy for almost a year after my folks found out. I've tried so hard to make it this far and I am in the process of applying to some of the best law schools in my country but I can't because of this exam. During the exam season, my family had a massive fight and I am talking massive. Things were said, objects were thrown, walls were damaged, and so forth. As I said, it's not the best environment, let alone one to prepare for finals in.
I deferred it but I had to write the exam during the summer session which would push my graduation and now my entire life is flipped. I've barely been myself, I started eating less, barely slept, have panic attacks and have just been lazy so much and don't know what to do. I know if I tell my parents they are going to freak out and become furious with me. My entire life I've been compared to my older brother who got into medical school without even finishing his college degree as he fast fast-tracked it and how he's so successful now as a surgeon. And how the rest of my family is all so accomplished being engineers and doctors and such. And I know my parents are going to feel so disappointed and bash me. They are going to be furious and I won't be able to live at home in peace for the entire year that I am taking my 5th year. They had this entire timeline set for me to finish college and get into a good law school and be done with my education but now I have to take a 5th year, now I can't graduate with some of the best friends I've ever had, now I am going to be the odd one out in my family and my community. I don't know how to break it to them. I worked so hard and struggled with so much over COVID, mental health and undiagnosed ADHD, MDD and AD. And now it's all pointless.
And if I were to tell them that I couldn't write it because of their argument my parents would just turn on each other and blame each other for it and a whole new problem would come up and I don't want to be the reason my parents fight they are already strained from everything and I don't want to cause more issues between them.
So to anyone who has had a similar experience or comes from a very conservative culture/family is there anything I can do. I understand that it's my life and I have to do what is best for me and who cares about what people think but in cultures like mine, where people's opinion of you matters and family respect is held higher than most things it's suffocating. I am also sorry if this sounds like a mini-rant, I guess without access to a therapist this is my only outlet of sorts so I sort of morphed this post into a mini-rant as well.
submitted by Warm_House_2954 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:19 in_love_with_erics Big Back Indian Girl Clutches Top 20s With Meme Page

Demographics Gender: Female Race/Ethnicity: Asian-American Residence: Midwest, suburb Income Bracket: 40k Type of School: Average public school (850 students) Hooks (Recruited Athlete, URM, First-Gen, Geographic, Legacy, etc.): First-Gen Intended Major(s): Computer Science and Math Double Major
Academics GPA (UW/W): 3.0/4.5
Rank (or percentile): School Doesn't Rank But was in the 30s out of 850
APs: 10 APs (World History, CS Principles, US History, CS A, Micro, Gov, Stats, Seminar, Research, Calc BC)
Senior Year Course Load: AP Calc BC, 2 PLTW Engineering Classes (Honors Weighted), AP Research, Drawing 3, and Software Development Capstone (Honors Weighted)
Standardized Testing ACT: 34 Sat: AP Scores: World-5, Principles-5, US-4, CSA-5, Stats-3, Seminar-5, Lang-2
Extracurriculars/Activities Robotics Club/Team Captain: Officer(9-10) Captain(11-12), Falcon BEST 3rd Place and Exhibition Team Leader. In house competition 4 year winner for multiple events
Math Team: Officer(10-12), planned meetings, competitions, and promoted the club for new members. Led team to win Franklin University Number Crunchers, Rose-Hulman Runner-Up, and University of Indianapolis 1st place team
Internship/Mentorship: Interned at local tech lab after sophomore year when I created an amateur Python cybersecurity library. Was a part of a mentorship program after my junior year when I worked alongside multiple tech companies (SEP, High Alpha, etc.)
Personal Blog/Portfolio: Created an interactive website using React and Three.js. Was mentioned in a high school science magazine for it. Used it to show off my accomplishments and make blog posts about dumb stuff.
Varsity Esports Team: 10th grade, semifinalists in Halo Infinite. Gold Rank in Halo and Apex, run a Stardew Valley farm where I created a shared a template for crop and resource tracking. I also have a better Animal Crossing Island than you :)
Co-authored a research paper or the comparative times of multiple encryption algorithms alongside my CS teacher whose Purdue Alumni. In academic revision and in the process of being published to JEI
Science Olympiad: Manager (10-12) didn't really do anything because the president and his friends hated me >:( Did however get $20,000 in sponsorship money from multiple companies
Taekwondo: Captain (8-12) got my ass kicked every other day by kids half my age. But I got my black belt
Speech and Debate: (11-12) Joined because guys/girls in suits. Did OO, IX, and Policy. Wasn't good enough to go to nationals but did clutch multiples firsts in other competitions.
Meme Page: Made a Meme Page... pls follow(
Letters of Recommendation
English Teacher (10/10): Known her since Junior year, and she LOVED me. She also has a large vocabulary and knows how to make me seem better. She wrote multiple for other scholarships, and I read those over. Absolute masterpieces.
CS Teacher (7/10): Known him since sophomore year, and he also loves me. Yet, his vocab is a lot smaller. Still love him tho
Engineering Teacher (8/10): He hates me now, but he pretty much carried me.
Counselor Rec (idk): it's a counselor rec.
Interviews UPenn: Bro, the interviewer was so hot... didn't remember anything else.
Common App: By far the best essay I wrote. It was a timeline/analysis of my thoughts on religion
Supplements: Struggled to write the scholarship essays... Everything else was fine
Decisions Acceptances:
Indiana Univeristy - Accepted, Honors College
Purdue - Accepted, COMMITTED, Full-Ride
Caltech - Rejected
Carniege - Rejected :(
Cornell - Rejected
Dartmouth - Rejected
Duke - Waitlisted -> Accepted
Harvard - Rejected
Princeton - Rejected
Rice - Rejected
Stanford - Rejected
UPenn - Rejected
USC - Deffered -> Accepted
Vanderbilt - Accepeted
WashU - Rejected
Yale - Rejected
submitted by in_love_with_erics to collegeresults [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:12 Ok_Score_5897 HELP!!! Accused of AI

I did not use AI to write my essay πŸ₯² the 9% on turn it in is from quotes I cited!!! What do I do? Will he still mark the actual assignment (this one is only the draft)
I haven’t had any issues with AI in the past assignments?
In the Real assignment submission I attached my rough draft and my essay outline (not here).
Does this mean they will not mark it until I hand in a new one? I don’t have time for this. I have deadlines for stuff. I worked really hard on this essay.
How do I contact this teacher to explain my writing process and share my documents with him to see the history?
submitted by Ok_Score_5897 to ILC [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:08 ValkyrieCain9 First Time Watcher - Just Finished the Show

Ok so as soon as I started this show I knew I wanted to come here when I was done to write about my thoughts but more importantly to get a sense of how this show was for people when it first came out. I get the sense that this show is very personal for those who watched it when it came out and so I want to start by providing some context of how I went into this show.
I am 23f, graduated from university last year and have been mostly at home since then working online. I had heard about girls when I was younger when it was coming out but never watched it or looked into it. But it was recently when I saw some fan edits and compilations of marnie antics on Youtube that I remembered the show and how it was about girls navigating life in their 20s. Great, I thought, I am a girl navigating life in her 20s maybe this is exactly what I need right now. Wrong! While I related to the general lack of direction each of the girls was experiencing, which I too have been struggling with, I spent most of the show being at best perplexed and at worst frustrated with the actions and choices of the characters, especially Hannah.
And I think that is at the core of what I want to understand about the show: are we supposed to like Hannah? If not like her, understand, sympathise or relate to her. I am someone who is all for unsympathetic or morally flawed characters because they explore the dirty parts of humanity and the difficulty of life. I was reminded a lot while watching this show, of Bojack Horseman who is objectively not a good person but while watching that show you see the the destructiveness of bojack's choices and actions, you see the effect it has on his life and those around him. I could never understand if Hannah was written in this way because as far as I could tell she experiences almost no repercussions for her actions and choices and the whole time I was wondering why. I can't list all the things I feel hannah was completely in the wrong for because I would be here for a long while but the ones that really shocked me was any example of her behaviour in workplace settings (especially when she was a teacher, how she was not fired is beyond me), her two day stand with that doctor and her brief but infuriating time at Iowa. This last point especially really frustrated me because she spends so much of this show talking about being a writer, more than actually writing and she finally gets the chance to pursue it and the thing that sends over the edge is a little criticism from her other classmates! Like is that not the whole point of joining a program like that and she was so rude to everyone and laughably unapologetic about it and then just decides to leave because it "wasn't right for her" and then the show just moves on from that and onto more drama with her and Adam.
I shall not get into the whole Adam and Hannah story because frankly I hated it. It started off with very bad foundations and I could never look past that and never see them as doomed lovers. However, surprisingly didn't hate Adam by the end of it, he was certainly a weird character but there was a certain charm to him.
Hannah's lack of consequences is especially evident when you compare her story to Marnie's. Marnie, I would say, is equally flawed as Hannah, maybe not the same flaws but definitely the same amount but you see where that gets her by the end of the show. In fact she has the biggest downgrade from when she started having a nice comfy job at an art gallery, a boyfriend a nice apartment to the end when she basically has no direction, a failed music a career and ex husband. I really did feel for her at times, but you could also see how her choices and outlook on life led her down that path. Meanwhile Hannah ends the show as a professor for writing! with a lovely house and a baby. Yes there are things that did not necessarily go her way but ultimately everything works out for her and she doesn't ever have to reflect on the many many wrong decisions she made in her life.
What also surprised me about this show, was how the friendship between the girls was handled. I say friendship very loosely because I truly do not think any of those girls liked or cared about each other and even if they did, they were all terrible friends. I ended up really appreciating the meeting they have at the end when Shosh basically cuts them out (completely justified in my opinion) and says they always make every interaction about themselves because that was the reality of the show. Marnie and Hannah especially spent so much time complaining about how the other always talks about themselves and their problems, especially with boys. This really disappointed me actually because I just assumed a show called Girls about four girl friends navigating their twenties in the big city would really explore the complexities of female friendships and ultimately highlight their importance. But all they did was fight and talk about boy drama until I wished they would just get new friend circles. I was honestly kind of excited for Hannah to be in Iowa because it could introduce some new friendship dynamics into the show and maybe reflect the toxicity what she has in new york but obviously I was wrong about that.
I think I could have maybe also enjoyed this show more despite its flaws if I found it funny. While there were times I had a chuckle here and there, but most of the time I was just cringing or just reminded about the frustrating nature of these characters, especially hannah. I am sure there were things she did that were played for laughs but because this show was grounded in reality, I just thought her actions were either cringy or wildly inappropriate.
I will end on a more positive note, on the things I liked, because I got through 6 whole seasons so there must have been things I enjoyed. Firstly, of the girls I loved Shoshana. She started of the show very sweet and lovely and welcoming and while she had that stint where she was just going through it and being rude after she cheated on ray (and never owned up to it). But once again, you see where those choices lead her and how she needed to step back and reflect and how she got to a point where she had to graduate late. When she moved to Japan I was so happy for her! That was another thing I really loved about this show, their depiction of Tokyo and Shosh's time there. I got to spend three months living in Tokyo two years ago and loved it! While I definitely had more knowledge and interest in Japan than Shosh before I went I still feel like it was the perfect place to experience when you're in your 20s. I felt Shosh's scenes there were very genuine and authentic and weren't too bogged down with the same tired cliches of tokyo. Even though she ends up moving back, I felt her time there really helped give her a better perspective of what she wants from life when she was back in New York.
Secondly, and probably the most surprising, I loved Ray. When he was first introduced as Charlie's friend I thought that he was kind of weird and gross especially when he wanted to snoop around the girls' apartment and read hannah's diary. But by the end of the show he was honestly my favourite character (which I think says a lot). His love of books and reading and art in general, the advice he gave the other characters, his little rants, his relationship with hermie (also loved hermie) and his motivation to do more with his life all grew on me to the point that I was just so happy when he was on screen. He was also just such a breath of fresh air from the chaos and drama of the other characters which is why I wasn't too crazy when he started having a thing for Marnie. That didn't really make any sense to me but at least he ended up with Abigail which was such a lovely pairing.
I recognise that this show is very much a product of its time and the fact that I wasn't in my 20s in the 2010s means that a lot of my experiences and outlook differ greatly from that time and affected how I watched this show. Which is why I really wanted to come here and hear from people who did experience it during that time.
TL;DR: Just finished Girls and want to understand what is the point of Hannah as a character and how did people find this show when it first came out.
submitted by ValkyrieCain9 to girls [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:58 Snoo10889 No Classroom Management

So I have taken a long term substitute job.
I am at an elementary school which I love dearly: supportive staff, friendly colleagues and kind students - for the most part. I will be returning to this school next school year because I love it so much!
From the beginning of April until now, they assigned me to be the paraeducator in this one 5th grade class- I mainly help one student with special needs by keeping him on task and repeating things for him to write down.
This is where it gets frustrating beyond belief. The class travels to another room to do science with Ms. K (different name). Ms. K is a first year teacher with little to no classroom management. Students constantly get out of their seats, interrupt, and do off task things like coloring. 2 students in particular are CONSTANT PROBLEMS. Yesterday they were collectively in the class for maybe 5 minutes total? They remained in the doorway and in the halls. Ms. K is the type of teacher to just constantly β€œshhhh” while shes talking (annoying to me) and gives EMPTY WARNINGS. Ms. K warned the wandering students that if they don’t sit down she will call the Vice. One of the two students responded to her β€œi don’t give a fuck, call the vice.” Ms. K did NOTHING. The student kept saying i dont care i dont care call the vice. This was at the beginning of class and this student continued to remain out of his seat all class with more empty threats from Ms. K.
Why did she not call the vice?? She later tells me that she didn’t call because the vice would just tell the student to sit down and do their work but when she leaves he will be disruptive again. I was like ??? ok.
Ms. K threatens to take away recess time (new administrative rule that we can’t take away all of recess due to parent complaints) but rarely EVER does. There are just no consequences and the classroom is like a circus for 3/4 of class time.
I help with classroom management but there is only so much I can do as a paraeducator. I completely understand that it’s the end of May and everyone, including Ms. K, is checked out.
I’m wondering how or if I can make this situation better? A different 5th grade teacher who’s class is across the hall from Ms. K’s told me privately that Ms. K has GOT TO CONTROL HER CLASS. He said the kids in the hallway disrupt everyone and it’s why his door is always closed.
I don’t understand allowing the severve disrespect. I give students 2-3 chances before they receive a REAL consequence. I’m talking to fellow teacher friends at other schools and the consesus is it’s Ms. K’s job to step up which I know. But maybe the teachers of reddit have a tangible solution? Thank you!
submitted by Snoo10889 to Teachers [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:30 AM07LH Help! He found me and now I fear for my life

I am writing to ask for help/ tips how to deal with ongoing narcissistic stalking/ abuse/ public humiliation.
After years of abuse and violence, I went no contact with my N father, who happens to also work in law (he is a judge). I fled the country, and had 12 wonderful years of no contact. Recently, I decided to come back to my home country and start fresh in a different city.
Sadly, he somehow found out where I live (although I was very careful) and showed up at my door. I said I wanted no contact with him and ran away. Afterwards, I went to the police and filled for a restraining order. Unfortunately, and because he works as a judge, he wrote his colegue he was heartbroken and just wanted to "check on me", and absolutely nothing was done to protect me from him... He keeps sending me letters in bright colors (such as red) telling me BS about missing me and some other narcissistic exhibition of his talent has a poet.
The letters don't bother me as much as the fear of him coming back, which I am convinced will happen again. When I was younger he loved to make a scene at my school in front of all my teachers and other students. He would shout, humiliate and even hit me in front of everyone. The same happened at college, so much so, that many of my friends/ colleagues stopped talking to me out of fear of his craziness.
I don't know what to do. He is about to retire and have a lot of free time. Not to mention, he is very likely to decompensate once he stops working. I am afraid he will show up on my door again, or at my work. I am afraid he will try to hurt me or even m*rder me. He has nobody because he is so antisocial, everybody turned his back on him.
Any ideas of how can I protect myself from this monster? I don't want to run away again and put all my life and dreams at pause again.
submitted by AM07LH to narcissisticparents [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:24 AM07LH Help! He found me and now I fear for my life

I am writing to ask for help/ tips how to deal with ongoing narcissistic stalking/ abuse/ public humiliation.
After years of abuse and violence, I went no contact with my N father, who happens to also work in law (he is a judge). I fled the country, and had 12 wonderful years of no contact. Recently, I decided to come back to my home country and start fresh in a different city.
Sadly, he somehow found out where I live (although I was very careful) and showed up at my door. I said I wanted no contact with him and ran away. Afterwards, I went to the police and filled for a restraining order. Unfortunately, and because he works as a judge, he wrote his colegue he was heartbroken and just wanted to "check on me", and absolutely nothing was done to protect me from him... He keeps sending me letters in bright colors (such as red) telling me BS about missing me and some other narcissistic exhibition of his talent has a poet.
The letters don't bother me as much as the fear of him coming back, which I am convinced will happen again. When I was younger he loved to make a scene at my school in front of all my teachers and other students. He would shout, humiliate and even hit me in front of everyone. The same happened at college, so much so, that many of my friends/ colleagues stopped talking to me out of fear of his craziness.
I don't know what to do. He is about to retire and have a lot of free time. Not to mention, he is very likely to decompensate once he stops working. I am afraid he will show up on my door again, or at my work. I am afraid he will try to hurt me or even m*rder me. He has nobody because he is so antisocial, everybody turned his back on him.
Any ideas of how can I protect myself from this monster? I don't want to run away again and put all my life and dreams at pause again.
submitted by AM07LH to NarcissistApocalypse [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:21 Icy-Sport-2694 AQA English Language P2Q4 answer (using a non-GCSE text)... Could you mark?

Hello all, I am a year 10 student. I am wondering if it would be possible to mark an answer that i did in the style of a paper 1 question 4. My teacher has read it however refuses to tell me the amount of marks I would get (out of 16) as it is unfair and she, and i quote, "isn't aloud".
The sources were about the death penalty/capital punishment.
Compare how the writers convey their different attitudes to the death penalty. In your answer, you should:
  • compare their different attitudes.
  • compare the methods they use to convey their attitudes
Support your ideas with quotations from both texts.
In Source A, the writer believes the death penalty is a vile and dehumanising form of punishment. The writer uses metaphors to describe the hanging posts as a "machinery of death". This suggests the huge mass of executions are inhumane and desensitising. This implies the hanging posts are being used to satisfy and prioritise the law by ending a human life in this way. The noun "machinery" highlights the systematic approach to the death penalty and, as brutal as it is, it is normalised in society. Whereas, in source B, the writer is in favour of capital punishment. The writer uses a range of statistics to reinforce that there is a "20 percent reduction" of sickening crimes, especially those against children. This strongly expresses that the writer, and the American public, believe that capital punishment is the only correct, logical and acceptable form of punishment. The reference of "child murder cases'' is particularly emotive and touching for the reader because they are small, helpless and innocent. This makes the reader recognise these victims as the most vulnerable and therefore needs to be protected by all. This highlights that the criminals deserve to feel the pain and suffering of their victims and have their life ended as a form of justice.
In Source A, the writer believes the death penalty is an uncomfortable, yet exhilarating, sight. The writer transitions to a first-person perspective when he informs us about his experience halfway through the extract. The writer does this deliberately to allow the reader to form their own opinion before sharing his own opinion. This opinion is established to be negative as he "confess(es) to a shudder". The verb 'shudder' suggests the horrorful experience he is having which expresses his discomfort. This highlights that the death penalty is traumatic amongst members of the public; especially when the execution occurs in public. Overall, the writer's purpose for writing this article is to inform others on how inhumane the death penalty can be. Therefore the writer’s attitude of the death penalty is negative and unsupportive of this law which is different to source B where the writer is in support of capital punishment. The writer uses a circular structure to link his opinion of the death penalty to the murder case of Ringo. By presenting Ringo’s crime at the beginning (and providing evidence of β€œreduced murder rates” in the middle) he is persuading the reader to believe that the death penalty is β€œmorally just”.
If you have the time to mark it, that would be great. Also if you can, could you also say what I have done well and what I can improve on?
submitted by Icy-Sport-2694 to GCSE [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:18 navind10 My problems and the Sri Lankan education system. ( this is probably a dumb post)

Before I say anything, don't mind my bad english. I'm leaving this here because I have no one to tell this. There are gonna be bad words.
I'm 14(m). Now before you think " oh he is so young what kind of problems could he possibly have". I know that. I know that these are very small things and there are people with like million times problems. But I don't know what to do.
To make things clear I don't have girlfriend problems or shit. But I feel like I'm being crushed by an unknown force. Tbh I do have problems in my family. It's also frustrating. But I'm kinda used to it now. But the other problem is SCHOOL. I FUCKING HATE IT.
Here's the thing. I don't like to call it fancy but, you know how the schools in Sri Lanka are called. There fancy ones and there normal ones. I go to a kinda famous school. Not that famous but sorta. And that's the thing. Since people think the school is great ( even though it's not) people expect me to be great in work and etc.
Now I am not a great student at all. I do great in some subjects but most of the time ( by that I mean like 90% of the time) I suck at everything. Sri Lankan school system is a mess we all know that. My opinion is that most of the things we learn is so outdated. And sometimes I just can't stand it to learn useless things. I know you all hear this from every student.
Another thing is teachers. Now I respect them and I don't mean to hate them by any means. But they think like this is still the 90's. All they tell you is you need to learn this because it's gonna be in the exam. Like whyyy???? I fucking hate that shit. I am not interested in learning something that I have to write on a sheet of paper and then not think about it EVER AGAIN.
Like most of the time they just teach us the lesson, give some notes, give us homework and then tell us to _____ ( whatever the english word for katapadam) it. I'm done with that shit. I don't think this is a problem of the teachers. I know there are some great teachers out there. It's the problem with the education system. And I'm not even going to talk about the tuition culture. That shit needs to be stopped.
And when I tell someone like my mom about this, she goes " well what do we do? We can't do anything about it. We just have to go with the ____ ( what is the english word for " ralla"? Is it trend? )". Another thing that pisses me off is how parents want to make their kids be someone with a professional job and a high paying job and shit. Like let them what they want to be. Let them to what they like. Let them be creative. And if they are really good at it and very creative at it, they'll find a way to make money out of that.
The only thing that does is kill our creativity. Not all the kids are good at maths. Not all the kids are good at science. They are good at something in their own way.
Yeah yeah I'm just a kid with dumb thoughts. I don't even know what the fuck am I doing. I just need to release those dumbass thoughts . My fingers hurt so imma stop.
submitted by navind10 to srilanka [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:11 turq8 Gregory & Janine: By the Numbers

I started writing this as a comment on that post about Ross & Rachel's will-they-won't-they and toxicity, but decided it would be better as a stand-alone because it's not really about that post. I looked up numbers for other workplace sitcom couples I enjoy, and which I think have a more similar vibe to Gregory and Janine than Ross & Rachel. (I'm not doing The Office because I don't remember that show as well.)
The first was Ben & Leslie on Parks & Recreation. They got together 16 episodes after they met, dated for 3, then were broken up for 7 while Leslie was running for City Council, so we'll say 26 episodes before they were together for good (actually fairly speedy). They were both attracted to each other fairly quickly, but there were concrete external reasons for why they couldn't date: Ben was technically Leslie's boss, which was an HR issue and later a potential political scandal.
The other was Jake & Amy on Brooklyn Nine Nine. They knew each other prior to the beginning of the show, but the first season slow-rolled them a little bit by making them competitive, so you could say the first episode where there's clear romantic interest from one of them is The Bet (s1e13). Jake confesses his feelings 9 episodes after that, but Amy is unsure and he immediately goes undercover for a few months so they can't talk about it more. When he comes back, she's dating someone else and he eventually gets into another relationship as well, so they're not both single for 14 more episodes. They get together 10 episodes after that, for a total of 34 episodes. If you wanted to count from the pilot, it would be 46 episodes.
In both those shows, there were strong internal (one-sided feelings) or external (other relationships, clear job conflict) reasons why the couple in question weren't together. We're currently on episode 48 (or 47 if you count the season premiere as 1) of Abbott Elementary. We started off strong with Janine being in a relationship during the first season (13 eps) and then dealing with the fallout from that break-up, then Gregory gets into a relationship (and so does Janine), which goes on for 11 episodes, though they kiss in the 10th. 6 episodes after that, they finally confess their feelings but Janine says she's not ready. That gets us to 35 eps. What this means is that we have spent the last 14 (or 13) episodes with both of them single, but knowing there are reciprocated feelings. That's a long time for a sitcom relationship to be in that situation, so you'd better have a compelling reason for it. Janine is "working on herself" by taking an internship at the district, but she ultimately ends up back at Abbott. We have no idea what would make her feel ready, and in fact we have signs that she might regret turning Gregory down. And only now are we getting "possible HR issue" as a reason why they can't date, which feels like the writers were like "okay, what's another excuse we can introduce". From Ava, of all people, who loves drama and doesn't care much about what her teachers are up to. If it were a real concern, it should have come up wayyyy sooner.
I think that's part of why this relationship, especially this season, has felt like so much more of a grind than other slow-burn couples in the past. Those other shows never went more than 10 straight episodes in the "both single, feelings known to be reciprocated" phase, and they didn't tease the relationship as a whole for more than 34 (really 46) episodes. We're at 48, and that's including more conversations about how they both like each other without actually getting together than both of those other shows. Both P&R and B99 also had 22/23 episode seasons for the most part, meaning that none of these stretches occupied the entire season, or even 3/4 of it, which might also make them feel like they resolved quicker; we are very aware that there's only one episode left in this season and the show has just driven them apart again.
submitted by turq8 to AbbottElementary [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:02 Cyberfury The Patronizing Saints Of Poppycock selling false 'Awakening'

In this episode of Q&Q with Cybersurf we take a look at another empty platitude folks will throw around under the guise of wisdom, awakening or - dare I say it - Truth Realization.

"Stop hating yourself for guilt blaming others!"

Of course what this particular Patronizing Saint does not realize is that he is talking to (and at, and from) the very Self he is pretending to have transcended. It get's worse with gems like "Be compassionate to yourself. It is ok." but I digress. The gist of it is of course promoting self-healing and not self-transcendence under the guise of Awakening.
It cannot be done. It really pains me to keep repeating the same words but your skulls are literally that thick by this point in the whole self erected self perpetuated 'community driven' circus act of false awakening talk.
What folks hate (and fear) the most while dreaming their lives away is some real Truth Talk. On top of that they love to play these semantic games never realizing that 'Truth Talk' is all that is possible from within the dreamstate. That even as I speak/write/pontificate I am rubbing these throat noise together we have all agreed upon should mean this or that or the other thing.
The reading in between the line is actually where all the magic happens. Or - in the case of this sub - where it never seems to be happening at all. For the fast majority of non-so-serious seekers holding themselves and others down in a two dimensional graphite-like bond. Imagine trying to rip a piece of Graphite with your supposed bare hands. Good luck! ;;)

"letting go of this hate of other people is hard!"

It sure is, but nor for the reasons you might believe. Who is there letting go of what exactly? How many of you are in there. What is the mechanism behind this split identity talking to itself, holding shit tight.. with what!? hands? What? It is simply impossible to 'let go' of something you are not holding with hands it does not even have. You are investing everything in a case of mistaken identity and the Patronizing Saint is going to cater to it with his own case of mistaken identity he crowned 'wise'... or compassionate.. or 'understanding'. It's a self perpetuating circus act of tear jerking nonsense.
Well it is if your aim is to awaken. If you are actually discussing these things with the intent implied in the very words. To actually make an honest effort to get on top of Self not underneath it for a lifetime. What a waste. No really. To stop looking for crutches or that next pat on the back on account of your crocodile tear jerker.
I'm not even trying to sell you about some proprietary version of Truth or Truth Realization or self inquiry here at all.. It is 'YOU' who are whipping up one. Acting all enlightened and claiming nonsense about the whole damn thing. You let ego run the show and so of course it will do you like that. With great fervor as well it will go about knitting that rug of illusion and pull it from under you 365 times a day. With giddy delight! It's not even evil as such. Just the way this reality works. It will go as far as feeling sorry for itself too if that is needed 'while doing it' ....this is the podium where the 'teacher-student' monkey dance of epic proportion is carried out actually... where one dreamer will tell the other to "chill out.." ;;)
Just drop the fucking charade already. ;;)

"Be compassionate to yourself. It is ok!"

There it is; incessant patronizing. But are you even awaken yourself friend? No. Still you want to dole out these Mickey Mouse tips? I don't get it.
Keep patting everyone on the back with some soothing narrative of "it's okay buddy' this is exactly what Maya WANTS you to be doing.
There is no one there to hate another. Even when you manage to turn the Hate Ship around; that would still be the you that is not you at all. But now you have some virtues ...or so you believe. Now you are 'healed' or so you believe. Now you are ...A GOOD PERSON (as opposed to no-person at all).
Now you have another notch on the very belt that was already choking the life out of you.
It is no use. In the context of awakening we don't prop up the dream nor the dreamer.. Not before and certainly not 'after'. I'm looking at you 'Buddhists' ;;)
You don't prop up the dream nor the dreamer: we SLAY IT!
Then life will stand explained. Whatever is left there is simply the natural functioning and rhythm.. and 'righteousness' of the organism. It does not need 'you'. A name will do. A place 'to belong' will do. Food, clothing and shelter is all it ever needs. Anything beyond that is where the organism ends its sphere of influence and is actually the beginning of Self delusion. The birth of tumors on the ego. Outgrowths that WANT all kinds of nonsense. Believe all kinds of BS... NEEDS all kinds of things that are not needed at all. EVER.
It is ego that loves virtue, to preach to talk morals, ethics and whatnot. It is ego that exalts the guru and declares some teaching sacred. ALWAYS. You have no idea of how it is intertwined with Maya's power.
Her favorite puppets of them all is these spiritual puppets. Because they have 'the power' to drag other's down to their sub-level and beat them with 'spiritual experience' ..there. Collective 'Sue Icide' sold as a virtue. Lemmings headed for the cliff. In droves.
I don't understand how the gist of you are still talking the same nonsense in the context of awakening year after year in here. Why are you so stagnant? How come there is not a even a shoe lace dropping.. How many left turns do you have to make to see that you are lost in a maze of Self?
Just take the biggest L of them all on your so supposed chin and you may start to awaken for real.
submitted by Cyberfury to awakened [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:01 Cyberfury The Patronizing Saints Of Poppycock keep selling false 'awakening'

In this episode of Q&Q with Cybersurf we take a look at another empty platitude folks will throw around under the guise of wisdom, awakening or - dare I say it - Truth Realization.

"Stop hating yourself for guilt blaming others"

Of course what this particular Patronizing Saint does not realize is that he is talking to (and at, and from) the very Self he is pretending to have transcended. It get's worse with gems like "Be compassionate to yourself. It is ok." but I digress. The gist of it is of course promoting self-healing and not self-transcendence under the guise of Awakening.
It cannot be done. It really pains me to keep repeating the same words but your skulls are literally that thick by this point in the whole self erected self perpetuated 'community driven' circus act of false awakening talk.
What folks hate (and fear) the most while dreaming their lives away is some real Truth Talk. On top of that they love to play these semantic games never realizing that 'Truth Talk' is all that is possible from within the dreamstate. That even as I speak/write/pontificate I am rubbing these throat noise together we have all agreed upon should mean this or that or the other thing.
The reading in between the line is actually where all the magic happens. Or - in the case of this sub - where it never seems to be happening at all. For the fast majority of non-so-serious seekers holding themselves and others down in a two dimensional graphite-like bond. Imagine trying to rip a piece of Graphite with your supposed bare hands. Good luck! ;;)

"letting go of this hate of other people is hard!"

It sure is, but nor for the reasons you might believe. Who is there letting go of what exactly? How many of you are in there. What is the mechanism behind this split identity talking to itself, holding shit tight.. with what!? hands? What? It is simply impossible to 'let go' of something you are not holding with hands it does not even have. You are investing everything in a case of mistaken identity and the Patronizing Saint is going to cater to it with his own case of mistaken identity he crowned 'wise'... or compassionate.. or 'understanding'. It's a self perpetuating circus act of tear jerking nonsense.
Well it is if your aim is to awaken. If you are actually discussing these things with the intent implied in the very words. To actually make an honest effort to get on top of Self not underneath it for a lifetime. What a waste. No really. To stop looking for crutches or that next pat on the back on account of your crocodile tear jerker.
I'm not even trying to sell you about some proprietary version of Truth or Truth Realization or self inquiry here at all.. It is 'YOU' who are whipping up one. Acting all enlightened and claiming nonsense about the whole damn thing. You let ego run the show and so of course it will do you like that. With great fervor as well it will go about knitting that rug of illusion and pull it from under you 365 times a day. With giddy delight! It's not even evil as such. Just the way this reality works. It will go as far as feeling sorry for itself too if that is needed 'while doing it' ....this is the podium where the 'teacher-student' monkey dance of epic proportion is carried out actually... where one dreamer will tell the other to "chill out.." ;;)
Just drop the fucking charade already. ;;)

"Be compassionate to yourself. It is ok!"

There it is again; incessant patronizing. But are you even awaken yourself friend? No. Still you want to dole out these Mickey Mouse tips? I don't get it.
Keep patting everyone on the back with some soothing narrative of "it's okay buddy' this is exactly what Maya WANTS you to be doing.
There is no one there to hate another. Even when you manage to turn the Hate Ship around; that would still be the you that is not you at all. But now you have some virtues ...or so you believe. Now you are 'healed' or so you believe. Now you are ...A GOOD PERSON (as opposed to no-person at all).
Now you have another notch on the very belt that was already choking the life out of you.
It is no use. In the context of awakening we don't prop up the dream nor the dreamer.. Not before and certainly not 'after'. I'm looking at you 'Buddhists' ;;)
You don't prop up the dream nor the dreamer: we SLAY IT!
Then life will stand explained. Whatever is left there is simply the natural functioning and rhythm.. and 'righteousness' of the organism. It does not need 'you'. A name will do. A place 'to belong' will do. Food, clothing and shelter is all it ever needs. Anything beyond that is where the organism ends its sphere of influence and is actually the beginning of Self delusion. The birth of tumors on the ego. Outgrowths that WANT all kinds of nonsense. Believe all kinds of BS... NEEDS all kinds of things that are not needed at all. EVER.
It is ego that loves virtue, to preach to talk morals, ethics and whatnot. It is ego that exalts the guru and declares some teaching sacred. ALWAYS. You have no idea of how it is intertwined with Maya's power.
Her favorite puppets of them all is these spiritual puppets. Because they have 'the power' to drag other's down to their sub-level and beat them with 'spiritual experience' ..there. Collective 'Sue Icide' sold as a virtue. Lemmings headed for the cliff. In droves.
I don't understand how the gist of you are still talking the same nonsense in the context of awakening year after year in here. Why are you so stagnant? How come there is not a even a shoe lace dropping.. How many left turns do you have to make to see that you are lost in a maze of Self?
Just take the biggest L of them all on your so supposed chin and you may start to awaken for real.
submitted by Cyberfury to enlightenment [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:52 SurrealSoulSara Old video of verbal abuse & reading my 10 years old diary made me see my youth in in emotional neglect.

TW: childhood neglect and verbal abuse - me remembering so many things after last night's session. I just need to tell someone! I repressed this childhood since I moved out of my parents. It's like I died that day and moved on like a robot.
It is as though the illusion I've kept up for the past 24 years of me being always 'happy' and living a happy childhood just shattered entirely.
I have this diary I wrote in a lot in 2014, which is from exactly 10 years ago when I was 14. I cherished it a lot and sometimes would look into it to remember the old days. However, just last week I looked into it again after several months of being more focussed on my mental health (and especially on my childhood & parents.). This time, I saw something entirely different in this cute colorful happy diary.
All I see now, is how I was suffering. Suffering alone and always walking on eggshells. Nothing was ever good enough. Almost every page I refer to 'future me', the one who will understand me. I didn't get that from my parents. Old me, who will listen to how I am feeling and give me the comfort and soothing I so desperately needed.
I write about how I was completely exhausted from highschool, and then constantly bash myself with extremly self critical words. I have pictures of me in there with apologies for being ugly, and stories of 'how I didn't work hard enough'. Several pages describe forms of catastrophizing over the smallest mundane things.
In some pages, I casually mention a family member I dearly loved dying but then downplay it with something else. It's ups and downs by the sentence "It was my birthday yesterday, I had a great time! I am exhausted and drained and school is horrible. I did get a nice gift. I hope grandma stays alive" etc.
All this time I was happily keeping up this story of how happy I was. How I had such loving parents who where always there for me. They would shower me with gifts they could barely afford.
In my house, there were no rules. There was no bedtime. There was no structure - no breakfast together or chores I had to do. Everyone was jealous of me, because I was so free, but child and teenage me were constantly longing for someone to care.
I would be gone from home as much as I could. The atmosphere was so hectic. One day you'd come home to a happy loving mom who has all the patience and curiousity to hear about my day and my struggles. The other I would walk in and get scolded about how I was nothing. One day she was willing to help me with my feelings and emotions, but in other days she'd scold me for having them! I should be strong because according to mom, she's cyinic, and the world is 'angry and cruel. The world is unfair.' Now get up and don't wallow in your sadness and self-pity.
It's like they would give a gift sometimes, just to then call me ungrateful every day after. According to them I was unthankful, selfish, and my mom said I'd act as if the world revolved only around me. If I'd say "huh, I never said that?! I would never say such a thing?" she said "that is just what you think you are doing. But in reality, you're ruining it for everyone".
Eitherway, after going through the entire diary without skipping a page, I remembered I once made a video of my mom attacking me. I looked it up, and for the first time in 8 years I had the mental energy to watch it. My jaw dropped to the floor. I never even saw someone act so horrible before but it's me going through it....
t's like my world shattered. My mom was treating me absollutely horribly in this video. I don't even remember! You can see her face, and she is so scary! Here eyes look like pure hurt, as if she was throwing her own traumatic upbringing onto me and blaming me for it. She looks at me as if she's completely disgusted by me! The entire rant of hers is a complete mind trip where she downplays everything I say and spins it around as if I was just a burden who tried to make life for my parents worse.
I would never help with chores. Because, if I asked if she needed help, she didn't. I didn't have to do anything in the house but also did not know how to do anything. Then on other days she'd get angry I wasn't doing enough in the house and mention how our life should be about "giving and taking" and I should participate in that.
Now having read all of this, and watching some more video's of these attacks, I remember many things. How my parents would lock me up in the dark cold hallway because I had a "tantrum". They say it 'wasn't that long' but overstimulated and panicked todler me would bawl her eyes out. I felt so abandoned. In my life, alltogether, my strongest feeling is guilt. I feel guilty for everything. I feel shame. I feel ugly when I cry.
I only managed to teach myself how to release emotions in january this year. I never knew. I couldn't cry since years. When I finally managed this year, I'd notice I'd feel so ugly. My cries sound like my mom crying. She'd cry in our house regularly at some point. Really messy, really loud.
Because of constantly being told I wasn't doing enough, or that I didn't care, I wanted to please. I would muster up the courage and shun myself for how difficult and bad it felt to do so. I would ask her "mom, are you okay? Do you need a hug?"
She'd turn around on her desk chair and YELL. Loud. Screaming at me to get out of her face. Just get out of our life. This happened several times. I'd just walk away from the house. I felt so alone and unwanted. I never could do it right. My dad would just avoid my gaze.
Some days I would be begging my mom for a hug. Just for some attention. But she was so overstimulated that she couldn't even give me a touch. I would feel so lost and alone and just go outside and distract myself with imaginary games. I remember because of this, the moments where I would overheat my parents show off to parents of friends of mine how "I was such an easy kid" and how I could entertain myself and be happy for hours. The other parents would be jealous. I wouldn't know why this would make me cry
My life first going to school was just sheer terror. I felt so abandoned. Every time mom dropped me off I'd kling around her leg crying and screaming. Then afterwards, I wouldn't want to go home either. I remember how later in my childhood I still felt guilty for this behavior, because mom must have been so ashamed. I'd hang around teachers and daycare adults all the time. I wanted to hug everyone, because that was what I so desperately wanted.
My dad could never give hugs. Sometimes he'd allow it, but it would feel so distant. If my mom was starting to freak out about me, he'd sometimes intervere and call me to 'it's done now!' and 'go to bed'! No matter the time. I'd lay in my bed, just trying to curl up and feel somewhat comfortable.
In primary school, I would constantly visit friends. It continued in highschool too. I had two music classes and sports, so for four days a week I was settled after school - not having to go home immediately. Home didn't feel safe. It wasn't a constant. Some days there would be dinner at a nicely put dinner table and we'd eat together, some days I'd just eat some bread myself.
Some days mom would just be lying in bed. I found a video, that's why I remember. She would'nt get out until the beginning of the evening. This was in the time she would normally make me some lunch, or ya-know, take care of me. Suddenly I'd have to do everything alone.
I was constantly entertaining myself with imaginary friends at home. I'd play outside until I was 17 or so, alone. My cat was pure innocence and love but when I told my parents he was 'coughing' they didn't want to believe me. They only took him to the vet when it was too late and never apologized or were able to own up for this.
When I was 14 I wrote in my diary I was looking forwards to visit grandma. She's my mom's mom, and I would sometimes spend up to a week there just to be able to relax and be loved unconditionally. My mom would terroize me with her stress and anger and accusations to a point I couldn't focus on school. I wrote how she'd come into my room calling me names and how I couldn't read my homework papers through the tears.
My dad was never really there. He'd choose himself to be out of the house in the morning before mom and I'd be out and then when he was back he wouldn't make it further into the house than his TV chair. My parents would watch TV for hours when I was a kid. If I asked "what are you watching" they'd both go "Shhhh!". If I'd push it futher, the'd send me upstairs.
I feel like I spend so much time just hiding from my parents. Wheter it was upstairs in my bedroom all day, and night, or if it was outside. I now also remember just biking for hours crying hoping someone would stop and console me. I'd make the wrong friends and smoke weed at 16 just to stop the thoughts.
I would visit friends just because their house was calm and safe. I'd get a nice dinner there, and it would be a whole new experience. My parents would always be easily agitated. I am hyper senstive, hyper aware. I get uncomfortable just seeing them being uncomfortable. I remember I could already feel the energy from streets away. Sometimes I knew it would be wrong and I'd just bike somewhere else and go home later.
In one diary entry, I describe how my parents told me to write a letter to my dad's mom for her birthday. I finish the letter, and only then I allowed myself to take a shower and take care of myself. I would rot in bed, and rot in my dirty hair for days, just like mom. On other days she'd be so happy, she'd be re-decorating the entire house, invite me to go rollerskating.
But I also remember how many times my parents threatened to throw me out of the car. I remember how my 'reaction' to whatever they 'gave me' would never suffice. Then I would be the bad guy, for not being thankful.
My parents, they did everything for me. They paid for everythingg. Ya-da Ya-da, but I never had a proper hug from my dad. I don't know why he's even with my mom. I think he's a fun dude, but he's in mental pain. My mom told me way too young how her trauma's affected her. My dad's childhood would always be an excuse that I had to empathize with when I asked mom as a kid "if dad really loved me".
Other memories involve me running upstairs and then one parent following me. I don't remember getting hurt physically, but I remember all my life the pain I can see in their eyes.
If I look at pictures from my teenage years now, I can finally see the depression in my eyes. It took me up until this year to finally understand that having a clean kitchen and bathroom is something you do because you think you are worthy of a clean space. I had to get out of a depressionhole again over the years many times. I now realize the constant self critisism should have been self love. So that I would feel worthy of taking a shower and brushing my teeth.
I now see how what I saw as 'good experiences' are mostly just my parents taking me somewhere to do some activity and it just fits the perfect family picture. I was their only child but we'd celebrate christmas with many, many presents for me. But once my grandparents didn't live anymore, the birthday parties and tradition celebrations weren't hosted anymore by my parents. I wonder for who they truly did it. I was a golden child, but later in life I was just a burden.
I moved out the first chance I got. They didn't stop me. I was barely 17. I got into partying and drug abuse. I would sleep for weeks in bed. Barely ate. Then I would drag myself out of it again and have missed my mom's birthday. I was the one ruining the relationship to them.
I realized last year my parents had not called me for over 7 months. That was the first time I cried since the last time I did as teen. It's always coming from me.
My depression, my axieties and the treatment my parents gave me were never seen. It was never validated until I could finally read my diary with new eyes and watch those videos. I never got professional help but I will look for this now. I am really longing for someone to tell me what I was going through wasn't normal.
I did not remember this until yesterday, BUT, I am so used to being called weak, sensitive, a cry-baby, a bitch, for telling my mom how her verbal abuse made me feel. I feel so weird, how I repressed all of this for so long and the past years I tried so hard to still visit them and give them hugs and they felt good and now it all just feels fake and weird again.
Well yeah, so this is about everything that's been on my mind today. I feel totally weird. It's a tuesday and I couldnd't even work today. I am lost.
submitted by SurrealSoulSara to CPTSD [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:18 mashal-63009 Whats the weirdest thing you've seen people do in exams?

noticed this post in the Alevel subreddit, so lets make an olevels version of it!
a few hilarious things from the alevel post:
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β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž
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β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž
β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž
β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž
β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž
β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž
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β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž
β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž
and thats all i had time for!!
personally the most exciting thing in my exams (first time, O2) was literally ''Welcome on behalf of the British Council. I am your exam supervisor. You are now subject to exam conditions and may not communicate with, give help to, or ask for help by other candidates. There are 2 exams going on in the hall today...'' I LOOKED FORWARD TO IT CAUSE IT WAS THE ONLY THING THAT BORING. oh well.
any funny experience you all had? (cmon we're MUCH more funnier than those depressed alevel kids -_-)
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β€Ž β€Ž PS : the huge gaps in bw are so that its easier to read -- personally i couldnt understand a thing even with the bullets, so yeah!
submitted by mashal-63009 to Olevels [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:32 throwaway76324526 I hate working in groups

Throwaway cuz my friend from this project follows my reddit account
I know this is not the most revolutionary nor exciting topic to talk about but I'm just so angry about this particular project and I had to share the shitshow that it was. So I had a group presentation to do with my friend and 2 other people. We had a week to do it. I had a lot of stuff to do so I started working on the presentation 2 days before it was due (during the weekend). Ofc before that I communicated on our group chat about what part I was going to do and when. Only one person replied (not my friend) bc they started working earlier than me. I did the part I stated and asked if anything was needed of me. Nothing. Silence. Until the evening before the day the presentation is due. Thats where my friend and one other person decided that they want to do their work. Ok. Whatever. I dont care. Except suddenly the not-fiend decides that the whole presentation is wrong and we need to fix it right now. I got a bit salty and told her to just do the work thats not done yet not "fix" what me and the other not-friend did. They did so whatever. I reminded them that there were still 2 parts not done and my friend hasn't even read the msg in the group chat. I log off to do other stuff since I have a life outside of work and kind of a family emergency going on. I check my phone and see the group chat blowing up. I log on again and since no one is doing the missing parts I do one of them, causing me to have to miss some important stuff with my family. At this point like half of the presentation is my work. Whatever. I say yet again that there is one more section to do. I check the slides that my friend is doing. I see that the info is wrong so I DM them and tell them to fix that and say word for word what to write and kindly ask him to do the missing part. They reply all confused and tell me they havent even read the guide our teacher sent us. Im a bit mad at that point so I just tell him word for word what to fo AGAIN. At this point its almost midnight and so I go to sleep. So I go on to present the next day and what do I find. My friend didnt fix the parts that I told him. NOTHING. The teacher then went on to grill us about those parts and I ofc am the only one who knows how to reply to those questions and fix the mistakes. I go on a break and my frend proceeds to tell me that "they didnt know what I was talking about" and that "I should have just fixed it myself". It was as simple as using google. Besides I wanted someone else to do ANY work. WHAT WAS EVEN SO HARD TO UNDERSTAND FROM WHAT I SAID??? JUST WRITE IT! I TOLD YOU EXACTLY WHAT TO WRITE. I even found and linked a source for the exact point that needed to be done. I honestly feel like ripping someones head off. Ive lost so much time, sleep and missed an important event for THIS. ...
TLDR: I had extremly shitty group mates who wouldnt communicate and refused to listen to my advice nor do any research. Im never doing group work again.
submitted by throwaway76324526 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:27 Mr_Pieper Things my kids have said this year.

To preface this I am the math teacher at a very small alt school program that helps kids that have been too lazy/anxious/stoned to have freshman level credits as juniors and seniors. Small as in 4 teachers and less than 50 kids. We help kids get setup with trades and other local job connections. Our old kids pop in to say hi regularly. Everyone knows everyone and dumb things are said. I rush to write them on the edge of my whiteboard. So before I erase everything for the year, here are some prominent ones:
I rode in a helicopter once
That's what you call science!
You're like a math witch........ Craft....... Master
So like, you just know how to do all this math?
This is Zach time! (Not said by Zach)
Did I time travel while I was crying?
I used to get Alaska and Nebraska mixed up.
I've seen a horse before.
I'm looking at these numbers and all I see is numbers.
Kid 1-it ain't chocolate. It's some weird waxy thing. Kid 2-You just ate the wrapper didn't you?
Have you ever eaten a mushroom bar and just listened to the Business teacher talk?
I fell asleep in the drive thru last night and they yelled at me.
submitted by Mr_Pieper to Teachers [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:00 hellopriyasharma Use Your Creativity with English Worksheets for Nursery Class

Use Your Creativity with English Worksheets for Nursery Class
The English Worksheet for Nursery Class is a crucial tool for developing young learners' language foundations and should be included in the early education curriculum. Worksheets with imaginative designs have the power to pique kids' curiosity and increase their desire to learn English. This resource looks at creative ways to use English worksheets in early childhood education so that teachers may create a language-loving atmosphere that is enjoyable and stimulating. The objective is to successfully introduce basic English ideas while making learning as engaging and participatory as possible.
Engaging Young Minds with English Worksheets
The use of English Worksheet for Nursery should be more than a mere paper-pencil activity. It should ignite curiosity, encourage exploration, and support cognitive development in young learners.
Story-Based Worksheets: Incorporate worksheets that are based on simple stories or familiar nursery rhymes. These can include sequencing activities, picture matching, or fill-in-the-blanks with words from the story.
Interactive Language Games: Convert traditional worksheets into interactive games. For example, a worksheet with pictures and words can be turned into a matching game where children match words to the correct pictures.
Art and Craft Integration: Merge art with language learning by including coloring, drawing, or cutting activities related to the words or letters being learned. This approach not only reinforces the learning objective but also supports fine motor skill development.
Use of Digital Platforms: Integrate technology by using a school parent app to share digital versions of English worksheets or interactive language games. This can also facilitate parental involvement in their child's learning process.

Themes and Topics for English Worksheets

Selecting themes and topics relevant to the children's experiences and interests can significantly enhance engagement and learning outcomes.
Daily Routines and Activities: Worksheets focusing on daily routines, such as meals, playtime, or getting ready for school, can help children relate their learning to their everyday life.
Nature and Environment: Worksheets that explore the natural world, including animals, plants, and weather, can spark curiosity about the environment while building vocabulary.
Festivals and Celebrations: Incorporating themes related to festivals, holidays, and celebrations introduces children to cultural diversity through language.

Skills Development Through English Worksheets

Effective Pre school Nursery English Worksheets target a variety of skills that are fundamental to language acquisition and overall development.
  • Vocabulary Building: Introduce new words in a thematic context, enhancing comprehension and expressive skills.
  • Phonemic Awareness: Activities focusing on sounds, rhymes, and initial phonics lay the groundwork for reading skills.
  • Listening and Comprehension: Worksheets that require following instructions or answering simple questions about a story improve listening skills and comprehension.
  • Writing and Fine Motor Skills: Tracing letters, writing names, or drawing lines between related items fosters early writing skills and fine motor control.

Tips for Maximizing the Impact of English Worksheets

Tailor Activities to Individual Needs: Customize worksheets to match the developmental level and interests of each child, ensuring that every learner finds the activities accessible and engaging.
  • Encourage Exploration and Discussion: Use worksheets as a starting point for discussions, encouraging children to ask questions and express their ideas related to the worksheet's theme.
  • Positive Reinforcement: Celebrate completion and effort, regardless of accuracy. Positive feedback encourages a love for learning and boosts confidence.
  • Incorporate Feedback and Reflection: Regularly assess the effectiveness of worksheets in achieving learning objectives and make adjustments based on observations and child feedback.


The English Worksheet for Nursery Class serves as an essential tool in early childhood education, offering diverse opportunities for language development, creativity, and cognitive growth. By adopting a creative and interactive approach, educators can transform the use of worksheets from a mundane task to an exciting learning adventure. Incorporating themes, integrating technology through tools like the school parent app, and focusing on a holistic skill set are key strategies for making English worksheets a valuable component of the nursery curriculum. As we move forward, the imaginative use of worksheets will continue to play a crucial role in nurturing proficient, enthusiastic young learners.
submitted by hellopriyasharma to u/hellopriyasharma [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:36 Pirate-Winter Helping u all and answering here so u wont waste time

Well sorry for late/no replies , im in a fixed schedule soo i cant look each and every msg and reply them personally (not rude but getting soo many dms about almost same or inter realted stuff ) so making it easier for you and for me aswell.
You all have many similar questions , so all common questions im answerining here , is someone wants to talk u can dm but im not sure when i will open it or even if i did , the chances are i wouldnt get enough time to open it and reply in a very nice and guideful way.
Most of you are asking how and where did i done my preprations .. I was completely relyed on mog test and jee mains pqys , i dont know how bad or good you are but doing it will help you alot , i havent prepared anything extra , im an integrated student so all i did was coaching modules and dpp, i was not the brightest in the coaching buy my chem teacher got my back and made me revise it thoroughly so im strong in chem (30 ques in almost 20-25 mins) ...
For Phy , i made a formula /cheat sheet type of thing and i look at it for 30 mins whenever i get time , or i just recall formula and try to check if im missing anything out and after giving test if i find something new i add inside it.
For maths , i was only doing modules , no yt channel , no maths unpluggged no NV sir nothing , just stick to that coaching modules and pqys , i found marks app very useful because it contained a lot jee mains pqys.
doing maths has been a really hard challenege for me , i was never good at it because of my coaching , but all i relayed on dpps , i used to check sols online as well (nothing too bad , because where would u go if u get stuck ?) but yeah only jee mains ques because the level was slightly higher soo,
I gave mog test till 9 and i was averaging around 310 , i have done lr for my ntse prep so i did nothing for this , all i did was giving tests in mog
for english i use read books soo i have develop a vast vocab thats why eng+lr was win win for me and it got me a rank push , now if u dont do this all dont worry about it , i got u covered . I will write about problems just be patient.
my order of attempt was Chem Lr phy eng maths (dont follow mine , but ur own because i cant tell u when i used to switch in between and generalised things never work irl). After mains all i did was pqys and theory revision , for theory i used my own class notes.
Now thins u might question again...
1 How can prep for june , just solve more and more question and realise ur mistake nothing new. 2. Can u achieve it , ofc u can i came from 91 to 319 , if i can , then u too can. 3. U dont have notes ? scroll a bit in google and yt , u will find short notes to revise stick with them. 4. Solve jee mains ques (atleast it is all what i did , u can have diff approach ) 5. Try attempting as many mocks as many u can , until u achieve ur target 6. Where to do maths? if u have BITSAT PREP BY ARIHANT , use it , it will help u , if u dont , i have a drive link i will attach below dont waste money , invest it. 7. Build ur own attempting strategy and dont google it how to get 300+ in 2 days , its just bs , u cant ! 8. If u have exam tomo , just relax today , go outside in fresh air and listen to some songs , dont panic at all , tum 2 saal padkh ke kuch nahi kar paye toh last 2 our m kn kar paoge , overthink karke , jo ara wo bhi mind se slip off ho jayehga. 9. before exam pack ur stuff , id card , admit card and ur pen and go to bed with the attitude of giving best. 10. Yes u can reach at ur center latest 30 mins after the reporting time but its better to be early than on time ig. 11. U have exams in 2-3 days later , give mocks , and dont give up on urself , u can do it ! and even if u couldnt make it , u would be satisfied with the prep atleast , u wont be regretting it i can swear on it 101%
GOOOD LUCK U ALL <333 KEEP CALM STAY COOL. (Bitsat prep Guide by arihant )
submitted by Pirate-Winter to Bitsatards [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:17 already_taken1101 I am always tired and exhausted and I hate myself for being so lazy all the time

I (17F) am feeling so tired and exhausted all the time. I want to study for my exams but I can't find the motivation to sit down and study and even if I do sit, I'll sit there for hours and nothing stays in my head even though I know I have huge exam coming up and I really want to get good grades.
I don't like eating anything throughout the day, I can last the whole day on a bowl of cereal and some fruits. I know I'm not healthy and I should eat properly but looking at food most of the times makes me feel like throwing up. I try telling my parents to get me to a doctor but they just brush it off saying I just need to eat properly and I'll be fine. They don't understand how difficult it is for me to "just eat".
I also started taking Iron and Vitamin supplements but I see no difference in my tiredness and fatigue. Recently, I feel like I could sleep for 12+ hours everyday.
I don't know what I should do.
I have really high aspirations, my teachers and friends have such high hopes for me but I feel like I'm just spoiling everything by wasting so much time sitting down and doing nothing.
I tried talking to a counsellor about having no motivation to sit down and studying and procrastinating all the time. He told me it might be because I'm burnt out with school and exams.
It has become tiring for me to even talk to my best friends who always made me happy. I don't want to go to school, I don't want to see people or talk to anyone. At this point, I just wish I could take a pause from existing. It's not suicidal thoughts because I can't do that to my family and friends, I can't make my younger sister suffer.
Writing all of this out seems like a lame excuse for being lazy, but I hope someone here can help me out. Because no one I talk to seems to understand what I'm feeling like. Everyone just tells me to eat healthy or exercise or get off my phone and everything will be fixed instantly. I know it would. I know doing all of these things would help me, but the problem is, I don't feel like I have the strength or will power to do any of these things.
It's not that I don't want to do good. I want to score good grades on my exam, I want to get into a good college, I want to become successful. But I don't know why I've completely stopped working hard to do anything to achieve my goals. All I want to do is stay in my bed for the whole day and not come out of the covers.
I don't know how to fix myself.
submitted by already_taken1101 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:15 already_taken1101 I feel really tired of existing

I (17F) am feeling so tired and exhausted all the time. I want to study for my exams but I can't find the motivation to sit down and study and even if I do sit, I'll sit there for hours and nothing stays in my head even though I know I have huge exam coming up and I really want to get good grades.
I don't like eating anything throughout the day, I can last the whole day on a bowl of cereal and some fruits. I know I'm not healthy and I should eat properly but looking at food most of the times makes me feel like throwing up. I try telling my parents to get me to a doctor but they just brush it off saying I just need to eat properly and I'll be fine. They don't understand how difficult it is for me to "just eat".
I also started taking Iron and Vitamin supplements but I see no difference in my tiredness and fatigue. Recently, I feel like I could sleep for 12+ hours everyday.
I don't know what I should do.
I have really high aspirations, my teachers and friends have such high hopes for me but I feel like I'm just spoiling everything by wasting so much time sitting down and doing nothing.
I tried talking to a counsellor about having no motivation to sit down and studying and procrastinating all the time. He told me it might be because I'm burnt out with school and exams.
It has become tiring for me to even talk to my best friends who always made me happy. I don't want to go to school, I don't want to see people or talk to anyone. At this point, I just wish I could take a pause from existing. It's not suicidal thoughts because I can't do that to my family and friends, I can't make my younger sister suffer.
Writing all of this out seems like a lame excuse for being lazy, but I hope someone here can help me out. Because no one I talk to seems to understand what I'm feeling like. Everyone just tells me to eat healthy or exercise or get off my phone and everything will be fixed instantly. I know it would. I know doing all of these things would help me, but the problem is, I don't feel like I have the strength or will power to do any of these things.
It's not that I don't want to do good. I want to score good grades on my exam, I want to get into a good college, I want to become successful. But I don't know why I've completely stopped working hard to do anything to achieve my goals. All I want to do is stay in my bed for the whole day and not come out of the covers.
I don't know how to fix myself.
submitted by already_taken1101 to MMFB [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:48 Relative-Wave526 What is the "typical" aftermath of a manslaughter case?

Hi all! I'm writing a story in which a teacher kills a student in a car accident, and am trying to lay out a timeline for what someone in that situation might go through. I assume that a person's driver's license would be revoked, but when might that happen/how long would that process take? What does the typical court/legal process look like for a case like this? Forgive me if this is too broad of a question; I'm just trying to figure out where to start!
submitted by Relative-Wave526 to legaladviceofftopic [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:46 3rr0r_403 I HATE MY SCHOOL (english class in particular)

Hiya! I (15M) would like to share with you a situation and what im doing about it. In my all male school there are many idiots that make me more than a little worried for the future of humanity (just think of a male sleepover and general stupidity and multiply it by an entire highschools worth) but when the worst happens is in english class, the teacher of whitch we will call Mr R.
Sooo, Mr R is very strict and REQURES to be on time, no eating or drinking in class and of cource, no talking. SO HOW THE FUCK ARE THESE IDIOTS ARE FAILING ALL OF THEM?? They straigt up dont listen at all. So you know what Mr R does? Well he gives out punishments. Sounds fine right?? Well my sweet summer child THE ENTIRE CLASS GETS PUNISHED!!! So I, a student that is consistently near the top of the class ( i follow his rules, its a low bar i know) has to stay behind DURING LUNCH BREAKS AND THEN EAT LATER (we bring our own food to school so im not activley starving but ITS STILL 20 MORE MINUTES OF LEARNING WHERE I DID NOTHING WRONG) and even worse, Mr R contradicts himself!
to make this short: we are learning lord of the flies. Mr R brings a coconut for us to taste. Idiot 1 is eating in class after Mr R warned him not to, gets his cornflakes taken away and is sent out with Idiot 2 who just never shuts up. The remaining students including me gets to taste the coconut milk and im thinking "wow this is a cool way to connect with the story and im having fun!" BUT! Idiots 1 and 2 begin a protest outside, shouting and screaming so they can GET THEIR FUCKING CORNFLAKES BACK. WHAT??? WHAT THE FUCK??? WHY??? YOU ARE JUST RUINING IT FOR EVERYONE!! Mr R brings them back in and makes us sit in silence for the remaining 30 minuites and says we wont get to taste the coconut flesh. BUT HERES THE THING BATMAN! AT THE END HE LETS US TRY IT ANYWAY! THE PEOPLE WHO BEHAVED BADLY HAVE NO CONSEQUENCES AND OTHER PEOPLE GO " huh guess i can do any thing i want"
so now we are way behind and with about 2 and a half weeks of school left i have to 1: finish reading lord of the flies with the entire class. 2. work with my partner (who relies on me a lot more than id like) to write a log on EVERY CHAPTER about our subject. 3. eventually watch the movie and 4. do a final test.
The thing is i cant do 1 and 2 unless im in english class and progress is slow af, 3 and 4 cant be done untill everyone of these dumbasses finishes 1 and 2. AND NOW MR R GETS ANGRY AT HOW SLOW WE ARE AND IS TALKING ABOUT STAYING AFTER SCHOOL!!! I FUCKING CANT WITH THESE IDIOTS!
what im doing about it
1.moving schools. yeah. next school year im going somewhere else. me, my parents, and the school agree that they dont have the resources to help me (i have autism and ADHD but they are both pretty mild compared to others) at this school and we want to move. still gotta drag myself through exam season tho.
  1. work on myself. for the past two years (AKA when i started going to Mr R's class) ive been talking more to my supportive family and even got my introverted ass some freinds outside of school. and i found that vaporwave helps me calm down a lot so I listen to that and i feel a lot better.
  2. just, y'know, talk about it. like right now.
im sorry for my messy writing style but thanks for reading! it really means a lot to me and you, yes you, are a awesome person. i dont know who you are (yet) but i know that whatever you are doing is someway making someone feel better (example: reading this) and every minuite you are living is great! Look at you! bad things happen to you and me but look at us! we are still here along with every other person on this planet and despite everything you and i are alive! we are strong together! (i got a litte carried away here i know but this thought makes me happy, and i hope it does the same for you)
alright, i think im done. stay safe and keep thriving!
submitted by 3rr0r_403 to teenagers [link] [comments]