Info on vitamin b12 for dogs

/r/Vegan - the largest vegan community online!

2008.03.31 21:45 /r/Vegan - the largest vegan community online!

Veganism: A philosophy and way of living which seeks to exclude—as far as is possible and practicable—all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose; and by extension, promotes the development and use of animal-free alternatives for the benefit of animals, humans and the environment. In dietary terms it denotes the practice of dispensing with all products derived wholly or partly from animals.

2012.06.05 01:31 runereader Watch Dogs (Video Game) - News • Discussion • Community

Community-driven subreddit for the Video Game series Watch_Dogs, from Check out our Discord for news and discussion of the games. We're still here in case you absolutely must use a platform threatening and bullying its users and communities for defending accessibility. Have you considered using Discord instead?

2019.07.11 17:19 Cats and Dogs being bros

Cat friend. Dog friend.

2024.06.02 09:02 _theFlautist_ Umm, meh…but eh?!A few takeaways & comparisons on Choice and Add-Ons:

Umm, meh…but eh?!A few takeaways & comparisons on Choice and Add-Ons:
I’ve been with Ipsy a LONG time: it got me into makeup and skincare in a big way and I like to reflect on the experience so I don’t get super disappointed, ripped off and feel like the company is pertinent. Here’s my breakdown after Choice today and the inevitable “pondering” once it’s just behind me: Overall- Choice felt LAZY this month, but usually does post icon. I’ve gotten that Il Makiage Palette TWICE in the last year’s BoxyCharm. So tired of seeing it - or a Refreshments Body Gel. Like, I’ve watched you, Ipsy, SUPER lower the price on some of these things so many times! I feel like it’s just a way to get rid of old stock: Context Skin, Beauty for Real, Huda’s dried out Mascara, I’m looking at you. And the PH Lip Gloss was a money grab. It’s not Claire’s, right? —————- ON the BRIGHTSIDE~ + I AM happy about the Glow Peptide Serum: I’ve tried the whole line, but not this one. The Dew Drops & Plum Plump are my everyday staples; the Strawberry Pore Drops, Guava Eye Cream, Sunscreen and Dark Spot Cream didn’t do much outside basic moisture. + Glow Avocado Cleanser: this ceramide heavy cleanser is IT for irritated, stressed, and exfoliated skin. Can’t wait to gift this along with my seal of approval. + Briogio Hair Mist: sounds light for summer, yay! ++ add-on Wet Brush: needed one and love that it’s so compact, too. +/- Context Eyeshadow Pencil: these guys are still in business? Likely it’ll probably pull too warm, but I love a decent single step eye. Hopefully better than the sticky, too light/sparkly shadows seen in Glam Bag this year and not as dry/old as the Mally sticks in the shop recently. Definitely didn’t want another off tasting sparkly lip gloss pair, so eh. And the Context Lipsticks are tiny, too soft and always peachy. +/-Wander Powder Foundation: if this works like a compact setting powder, I guess that’s okay. But I question such a limited shade range. While the Chartreuse palette a few months ago was unique, it was fairly dry and I haven’t loved much else of theirs except the Glotion Highlighter from 2021. -Resell or rehome, Feel Lactic Acid Night Serum: nothing tops the experience of the Ole Henrikson Dewtopia from a few months back. And other than being loved for niche, targeted formulations (ie hemp enzymatic cleanser and facial oil,) this brand is in the rear view mirror.
Add Ons: + The Persona Eyeliner Duos are so fabulous and creamy. Great for an unsteady hand like mine. Was about to repurchase for full price + Poets of Berlin: a great price and the blueberry notes intrigue me. *btw, if anyone grabbed the Define Me Rose Quartz fragrance, it’s stunning! It’s totally a personal chemistry scent A summer floral with a beautiful bottle. _____Thought about it, but decided against: - the Kayali Musk, but the White Flowers Deja Vu last month was so putrid I will never risk it - Huda Empowered: her palettes are my JAM…but not when the only non warm shade (seriously, I checked) is a dusky purple that Temptalia graded an F - FAB Sunscreen: I just splurged on the Fenty tinted Hydra Vizor and need more actives than the FAB brand can give me. But, for basic skincare quality (non aging,) this line is holding strong on consistent, hydrating and clean formulations perfect for beginner’s who need *H20 as the #1 ingredient. Can’t wait to hear if it leaves a white cast, makes you shiny or tastes like SPF, if you get me. - Living Proof Hair Mask: their bond builder serum is just okay and I used my points on the Gloss Moderne Masque in Soleil; though a tiny sample, it’s a luxurious experience. -Ole Henrikson Banana Bright Color Correctors: I didn’t love their eye cream in this formulation and apricot is usually TOO medium for my light medium+ skin. Would’ve loved the Dark Spot Toner. The Phat Glo Facial trended 2 years ago, surprised to see it as an $18 add-on. Anybody love or hate this? - The season of the eye cream bloomed into patches and eye care in my face this month. Ipsy has inundated us, OMG! The 3x Avant Gels were alright, but not worth $114, the Kaduku Plum Patches don’t stay on even if you’re laying down, Topicals are like SUCTION to your eyes, but kinda like them; Kat Burki Eye Cream from Points, just ok, and Fenty Eye crazy-2 months ago the brightener (drying,) and smooth & thick (the damn packaging again 🤯.) Does it seem like it’s been the year of Retinol and now we’re doing Peptides? And I’d LOVE to find a Vitamin C serum that actually does something other than smell like hot dogs. That’s my takeaways. As a teacher, I’d grade it a C+. 2 great picks and mediocre everything else…but when I get a great Beauty Boost, I usually can be happy enough. Would love to know everyone else’s thoughts on this past quarter, etc. Not sure anyone else thinks about it so in depth, but it’s fascinating and I’m still in ;)
submitted by _theFlautist_ to Ipsy [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:17 ls546 Parking at Mission-Meridian parking near gold line South Pas

Hi, I'm leaving on Amtrak from Union Station next Friday in the evening and am dropping my dog at her sitter near South Pasadena metro line. I was planning to take the metro to Union station to catch Amtrak train, and will be gone for 8 days. Wondering if it's possible to leave my car at the Mission-Meridian parking lot overnight for those days if I buy a monthly pass. Or if anyone has a recommendation for a near-ish metro station that has overnight parking that would be welcome too! Hard to find info online! Thanks for any insight.
submitted by ls546 to pasadena [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:07 FAOLAN131313 Best way to tackle my debt?

So I have $21k in credit card debt, only $2k no intrest the rest 22%-26%, except one 29% almost paid. $17k in a private student loan 5% interest and then ~$20k federal loans that have a $0 payment in the SAVE plan currently and going to attempt PSLF so I'm mostly focusing on the how to take credit cards. Probably going to have too much info but want it to be comprehensive to show why I feel so very stuck.
Already budgetting and don't have a lot of extra to takle them, keep getting told to stop paying the private loan but it is cosigned and I am not ruining their credit, but it is $430 a month due to a 5 year loan term. Also that bankruptcy may be the best solution but it messes up your credit for so long and I will need to move soon so I like the idea in theory but ramifications seem too high... but without it I feel like I'll be stuck forever.
Looked into consolidation loans with no offer lower than 28% so that's a nope. Can't get another balance transfer card either. Can't work more hours due to multiple disabilities and honesty struggling with this full time job I recently got, but am going to have to keep it to survive all this (and since part timers get no benefits). Also for those who look into my history I know I should, but I will not get rid of my dog. He is keeping me sane and alive even if he needs lifelong treatment and I am also afraid if I rehomed him the next people would not pay for his treatment which would end his life so prematurely.
submitted by FAOLAN131313 to CRedit [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:09 PeppaScarf Flickering vision (20M)

My eyes have been acting up over the past 2 years, the rare twitching was normal but when the lights on the room start to flicker I knew something was off, when I looked in the mirror as it was happening I noticed my pupils dilating and shrinking repeatedly as my vision would rapidly dim and get bright again, as though the lights were flickering. It occurs when I'm away from my computer and doing a low-effort task.
I take B12 and vitamin C supplements, and creatine, 172lbs, 5'5 in height. 20/20 vision as of December 2023. I have an Irregular sleep schedule. Additionally I'm frequently close up to my monitor for upwards of 6 hours a day
Any thoughts on this? Should I be concerned?
submitted by PeppaScarf to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:03 UnavailableBaker PCT - Arms keep falling asleep

Hello, I am hiking the PCT right now and I am 6 weeks in. I have a weird problem here. At the beginning everything was fine. But 1-2 weeks in to the PCT my thumbs and sometimes fingers started keep falling asleep when starting the day or starting hiking in the morning or after breaks. Over the course of the last weeks things got worse. It's now the arms too. They start falling asleep all the time. First it was at night and I thought it was the sleeping pad. But it does that at hotels too now. And by now my thumbs and arms fall asleep numerous times everyday. For example while typing this my right arm and thumb is falling asleep and giving me a hard time. Not always but 90% of the time it's on the right side of the body only. The left side does it too sometimes but just in about 10% of the cases. By now it's like 10 times a day at least and gets really annoying. Do you have any ideas what this could be? I was thinking about vitamins and been taking B12 supplements for 1 week but nothing's changed. Does anyone have a clue?
Thanks in advance for your input!
submitted by UnavailableBaker to PacificCrestTrail [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:17 Ashamed-Power-4246 Ariana and pets

Please correct me if I have the wrong info
Urinators seem to love bringing up her "wuv for animals"; She even claimed it was the reason she went "vegan" years ago and had adopted multiple pets. But the facts seem to tell a different story. Aside from wearing fur and leather, her... handling of pets makes me a bit suspicious. I think her insistence on carrying around a poorly potty trained dog is so inconsiderate with people around her. She says Toulouse is a service dog and blah, blah, but COME ON. If she's going to take him out she has to be considerate with his needs too, and that includes making sure he has a proper space for soiling.
You know what? She seems to have much more pets than the ones she can realistically tend for. When she adopted the pig it was so cringey, it obviously was part of her vapid crush on Pete. I doubt she really likes them all as much as she claims; it seems she takes pictures for social media and then leaves them at her mom's house 🙄 Pets are living beings, need attention and time for bonding. You can't just throw money at service employees and pretend that is love. I think it plays to her self-centeredness, a topic we often discuss in this sub. She only cares about her whims, who the fuck remembers that pigs make strong bonds? She can live and go wherever she wants,feed Ethan omakase in Japan and ride him in New York or whatever; also she has of course lots of work related activities that make quite likely she lefts most of her pets behind. Her calling the paps to show off how sad she was for Mac by walking out Myron was beyond revolting.
tl;dr : The lack of empathy, attunement and deep connection this woman shows for people may also reflect on her interactions with animals. She only cares about them playing into her facade.
submitted by Ashamed-Power-4246 to ArianaGrandeSnark [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:13 Glittering-Fox3983 Found abandoned Bunny looking for a home in Calgary, AB Canada

Found abandoned Bunny looking for a home in Calgary, AB Canada
Do you need a dark little fluffball in your life? I’d like to introduce Sully! 🐰
Found dumped by the river in January, I caught her and then found out rescues are full, so she’s been under my care but needs a real home. I posted and searched for lost ads to no avail.
Health checked and vaccinated but not spayed. She lost half her tail from an old unknown injury so we did a round of antibiotics to be on the safe side. We think she’s year or two and weighs 2.52kg (5.5lbs).
Shy but curious, she loves exploring and investigating. 🕵️‍♀️ She has met my toddler and she will approach to take treats from him. She has met my cat and seems to enjoy their “dates” together. Has met some larger Rex rabbit friends but the pair were ultimately too scary for her. She loved pets and scritches but is weary of being picked up and needs someone who will take their time with her.
I’m looking for a home that will give her roaming time, lots of snuggles and fresh veggies, and ideally have a plan to spay her. I think she’d enjoy a cat or bunny friend but would also be happy with a chill human who wants to pet her all evening (Netflix/gaming buddies!?) 🍿🥬 🎮 🍌
I am happy to arrange meetings, as well as discuss spay options such as keeping her under my care while she heals, I have a few quotes already. She is litter trained, a stray poop or two falls out of the box every few days but that might be from her zoomies more than her litter habits haha. I have food/litteetc that can go with her and can discuss other items as they are borrowed from my other pets.
I’d love to keep her but my dog is not rabbit safe so she’s isolated in a room with little engagement. Feel free to message me for more info or comment! 💜 if you already have a free roam or large x penned bunny I’d love to see pics as well to show everyone how awesome having a bun is 💕
(she has been posted on a few Facebook groups for my area but wanted to see if there’s any wonderful people here too).
submitted by Glittering-Fox3983 to Rabbits [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:00 Direct-Caterpillar77 Planning to ghost him after finding out he’s cheating on me

I am NOT The OOP is u/RAkindoflosthere
Planning to ghost him after finding out he’s cheating on me
Originally posted to Infidelity confessions rant self
TRIGGER WARNING: infidelity, property damage, emotional manipulation, mentions of sexual assault
Planning to ghost him after finding out he’s cheating on me March 4, 2022
Found out my boyfriend was cheating a few weeks ago. Been spiraling since. Literally only running off of vengeance and pure disgust.
I got this weird gut feeling and checked his phone while he was asleep. Those 20 minutes locked in the bathroom felt like years, and the shame keeps me from talking to anyone about it. I moved across the country to be with him, so I’m all alone. No friends or family here.
He woke me up the next morning with kisses and breakfast and has been doing so a lot, lately. Probably the guilt.
He even bought me flowers for the first time ever. After me hinting at wanting them for years.
He thought my quiet crying was out of happiness. He even brought up buying a house for us, something with enough space for potential future children.
I’m still going through the motions. Making his breakfast and protein shake everyday, packing his lunch, making sure dinner is almost ready when he comes home from the gym.
What makes me the angriest is that I really, genuinely thought he wouldn’t do something like this. He watched his father cheat on his mother and father children out of their marriage, all while she struggled with infertility her entire life (my partner isn’t her biological son) and never had her own. She dedicated her life to the two of them and passed away of ovarian cancer shortly before we met.
Sometimes I think about whether she regretted staying with her husband or not. We have a small shrine in her honor and something makes me look at and expect guidance. I love the man she raised and hate the one her husband did. But they’re both him, and he’s a grown ass man more than capable of self control, so I decided to walk away.
Next week my car will be picked up and shipped back home, and I got first class tickets for me and my dog on his dime. He’ll come back home from work and everything I brought will be gone, along with me.
The only thing I think I might regret is not somehow being able to see his reaction when he walks through the door and realizes what’s going, lol.
I'm sorry you're going through this. It's the hardest thing to let go. As hopeless as it can feel sometimes, it does get better. Take your time in the beginning, but I think it's therapeutic to confront him, eventually. Ghosting doesn't provide closure for you. In my experience, confronting the problem, head on, gave me a sense of closure. I try to take everything that happens as a life lesson. Good luck with everything
I personally don’t believe in closure. I got all that I needed when I realized he was untrustworthy
Do you have access to his phone/computer? Install a keylogger, then you can not only see what he's saying to you, but to the other APs as well. I put a keylogger on my ex's phone/computer when I caught him cheating. He was such a dumbass, and seeing the shit he was saying, the lies he was spewing, made me grateful I dropped his ass.
I do, but I don’t think it would make a difference for me. His entire “relationships” with the APs was lies.
Everything from his name, age, college degree, occupation, city, height, and dick size. He even told one he was married and his wife was pregnant with twins. I almost had a heart attack thinking I was an AP too and he had a family out there somewhere.
If he can go after you, you should probably leave a note or a sign that you're leaving him because of his cheating. Seeing that you up and left without a known reason (from his pov) might push him to follow you home. If he knows the reason and knows that he has no chance in hell in getting you back, it might delay a possible confrontation.
you’re right. I’ve been considering just leaving a sticky note with a list of all the different girls names and the apartment key beside it. Simple and effective
Fuck, multiple girls?? Draw a little middle finger beside them while you're at it. And make sure there are little to no supplies (food, toiletries, cleaning stuff) left and leave the house dirty so that he can appreciate how much you did for the asshole.
7 of them to be precise. I’ll have to rush and get out within a certain time frame but I might just settle for shrimp in the curtain rods. He’s really sensitive to smells lol

I lied to my boyfriend everyday and saved the money he gave me March 4, 2022
Almost every day my boyfriend sends me money for lunch, gas, something. I thought he was just really kind. Turns out he was cheating and giving me $$ made him feel less guilty, as though he didn’t beg me to move across the country with him where I know no one.
Once I found out I wanted to immediately confront him but was scared of the outcome since the apartment was only in his name and again, I know no one here.
Now I just save every dime of what he sends to be able to pay for the $3000 moving fees to go back home without hurting my own pocket too much.
Breaking my heart, destroying my ability to trust & scaring me off from men I can handle, but messing with my finances? Nah. never.
The transport company is coming next wednesday to take my car, and my plane tickets for me and my dog have been bought. Gonna keep up my happy act and do the usual cooking of dinner and scrubbing his back and poof on Wednesday like I never knew him. Its the only form of revenge I could do that wouldnt haunt me. Good riddance!

Edit: A few asked for details. There’s 7+ other women, everything he told them was a lie. Name, age, height, city, occupation. All of it.
The only common denominator was that he bought us all the exact same lingerie set for his birthday in January. 🙃 And specifically requested I hang it up in our closet where it’s viewable. Forgiveness is not on the table. He’ll be surprised, but I doubt he’ll be hurt.
I look forward to it, how did you find out if it’s not too personal?
Woke up randomly in the middle of the night and “he’s up to no good” was all I could think about. I sleep like a literal baby and never, ever wake up like that. Took his phone and locked myself in the bathroom while he was asleep and found it all.
Friendship break ups are so much worse than relationship breakups March 5, 2022
I’ll be single again pretty soon and I’m looking forward to it but also not. Like yay! I finally can cook when/how I want to and don’t have to split chores and can do everything on my own my way.
But thats the only good part.
I’ve been on my own since I was 16 and I’ve turned out (mostly) fine, I have a paid off house and car, cute dog, debt free, and I’m finishing up my masters degree at 25. It could be worse.
But I’m lonely. I’m not on speaking terms with my family and had a huge fall out with my lifelong friends a couple years ago. I haven’t tried making friends since bc part of me hopes one day I can find a way to fix that friendship.
Plus I’m moving around so much that making friends is pointless. I’m not good at long distance anything.
I never prided myself on romantic relationships- sure, they’re cool, but a loving group of women was always where I found the most peace and understanding and that’s what I want the most.
I guess I’m just going through things right now and I really wish I had people I trust to talk to. Friend breakups hurt the most.
OOP when asked how she had a house at a young age
Neither. I lived with my friends and their parents until college started. Already had a scholarship. Just worked 3 jobs until I was 22 and lived frugally.
The maths for time and money aren’t working out on this end but there is also a lot of variable/info that is missing.
It took my 7 years to payoff my house and I was contributing to it like it was an emergency. Qualifying for a home and paying it off in that amount of time without help seems nearly impossible. I’m so curious about the formula here! I need a lesson in finance from OP. When I broke it down on it just doesn’t seem possible except from a financial windfall counting even a frugal cost of living along with an accounting for taxes paid, etc… and that did not include the cost for transportation, medical, groceries, blah blah blah
The house was a 70k foreclosure and is 4bed/4bath. I was a golf caddy, gentlemen’s club bartender and occasional hostess, and notary signing agent. Along with selling stationary items on etsy. Also my scholarships paid for quite a bit of my home in general- they never specified what kind of housing for them, just housing. I lived in 1 room and rented out the other 3.
That’s the info I was looking for- thanks you! That is very smart. Good going! Good luck with your situation- so interested how he reacts to your departure
My current relationship has made me realize the thin line between love and hate. March 9, 2022
I found out my boyfriend of almost 4 years was cheating. We’ve lived together for 2 years and I’m leaving him tomorrow. He just doesn’t know yet. And won’t until after I’m gone.
As mad as I am, as betrayed as I feel, I still love him. All I really want is to wake up tomorrow and this all be a nightmare. I don’t enjoy this slice of reality.. that the person I loved the most has looked me in my eye and lied to me for who knows how long.
and every time I do it I’m left wondering how many times he did it. How many times did he wine, dine, and fuck other women and come home to me? How many times have I been the stupid girlfriend who trusted her boyfriend blindly? How many times have I been some woman’s laughing stock? Did he fuck us back to back? Did his friends know? Did they look me in my fucking eye and really not say anything? Did he love them? How many times did he tell me he loved me and meant it? When did he stop meaning it? Did he ever even mean it the first time?
I’m not a master manipulator. Unlike him. I’m just composed because I’ve never had any other choice. Emotions got you beat or worse when it came to my parents and I’m more than aware I have a shitload of trauma to unpack but I can’t.
Not in the self pity, woe is me, its too hard, but no. I probably just can’t. Therapists here are wildly westernized and once I start with the short list they’ll probably just charge me double. Maybe triple. And the last time I tried he kept trying to convince me I enjoyed my own assault.
Maybe I got cheated on because I’m emotionally inept. My intimacy levels are quite limited. The few times he asked about my childhood I either a) brushed him off or b) told him one thing I thought wasn’t that bad and he was so shocked I held out on the actually bad parts.
And that’s where the hate comes in. He knows what it’s like to grow up feeling unwanted. He knows what it’s like to lose your parents young. He knows what it’s like to feel like your entire life has been horrible event after horrible event.
But he still did this to me and I don’t get how he could. I could never cheat on anyone, let alone someone who’s shared such personal things with me.
I haven’t so much as made eye contact with another man since we met… other people were just other people and we were us.
I don’t know. I just don’t see being able to date again. I had deep seeded trust issues long before this and growing old by myself with 30 cats genuinely sounds nice. Hell, great even. At least I won’t always be wondering when the betrayal will come.

(Update) Leaving partner of 4 yrs after finding out he was cheating March 10, 2022
Transport company came and picked up my car. Sold whatever big furniture I brought for low prices. Took his dog to the park and played with him a bit, got him a dog cupcake and took him back to the apartment.
Movers started coming for the rest of my stuff and I hadn’t prepared for our property manager thinking we were both moving out and we hadn’t given them the required vacancy notice. She came to talk to me right as my uber was coming and I told her what was going.
Unfortunately they had already called him bc only his name on the lease. He’s called and texted me a few times but I haven’t replied. His work day won’t be over for a couple of more hours.
I left my apartment keys, and anything he’s ever bought for me that I hadn’t sold already. Didn’t feel like taking that stuff with me. While packing I remembered we bought a pet camera that shoots treats on the entertainment center and turned it back on. I promised myself I’ll disconnect from it by midnight tomorrow but I have my own predictions about how he’ll react and I just gotta know for sure. Yeah, it’s fucked up. Sue me lol
I actually forgot to leave a note and was running out of time before my uber came and just left the lingerie set he was so obsessed with on the bed. He’ll figure it out eventually. Or not.
I’m at the airport now with my dog and just waiting on my flight. I wish I could say that I feel free but I don’t. Just tired.
Thank you all for the well wishes and thank you more to all of the other women who reached out with similar stories. I think I might’ve caved and stayed if you all hadn’t.
What did he say on the text when they informed him that things were being moved out?
Just that he got a call from property management and asked if I ordered something big and if anything was going on.

Pet Cam Update March 14, 2022
Update: I turned it on for about ten minutes after I got back to my home and unpacked. He wasn’t there, but everything was a mess. There was a hole in the wall, furniture flipped over, papers everywhere, the kitchen looked like a tornado went through it.
I deleted all of my other social media accounts but didn’t block his number. The first two days he called me over 200 times. Lots of novel ass text messages and him admitting to some shit I didn’t even know about yet. Quite a few calls from his dad and friends too.
I didn’t reply to any of them
submitted by Direct-Caterpillar77 to BestofRedditorUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:53 coffeequeenwithanE Dog help

I have never posted before only read post. But I'm desperate to find answers on what possibly is wrong with my puppy. To start this off, I got my baby when he was 4 weeks old, the mother stopped feeding the litter, so we got my baby and his sister also and bottle fed them until they were switched to wet food. I got their first set of shots in the middle of April. All was well and they both were normal puppies. One day I noticed my baby wasn't acting like his usual self. He felt hot, and wasn't playful with his sister. I took him to the vet and he was given a shot of antibiotics. (possibilities were, virus, ear infection, parvo, or a cold) two days later he was still hot and developed a limp and had a knot on the shoulder of the leg he wouldn't put weight on. I took my baby to a different vet that i thought would be more thorough. ( I felt judged, and dismissed by the first vet like it was my fault because they were due for the second rounds of shots and they were over due by a week). I informed the new vet that both puppies missed their second rounds of shots by a week due to a busy work schedule and plans to take them on my first day off which was the dog i noticed that my baby was sick. I told the new vet that the first vet had given a shot of antibiotics and the possible causes, and that now my baby has a new symptom of black goopy guck coming from his ears and still had a fever. I showed her the knot on his neck and the new one that had popped up over night, and his limping. The new vet made the diagnoses of just a really bad ear infection. So my baby was given an oral antibiotic, and pain meds for the limp and ear drops. The knot went down on his neck to pea size, all meds were about finished when we went back to the vet because he still had new ones popping up and new symptoms. He became to have sores on his snout and his eyes were swollen. Back to the vet we went. This time we got a diagnoses of PUPPY STRANGLES. This could explain every symptom he had. We got a refill on the antibiotics, steroids, and more ear meds. Since that day my baby has had multiple knots pop up, some in places where no lymph nodes are located. SIDE NOTE (Sister puppy was taken in to new vet also and got her second set of shots), we went back to the vet on Thursday the 30th. The knot of the side of his neck was the size of a golf ball if not bigger. (the babies are CHIWEENIE-YORKIE-TERRIERS) AS a small dog its was very noticeable. This trip the knot was ultrasound and the vet stuck a needle in it to see what fluid was in it to try and test it. IT was pus, but the back of the knot is a blood clot. Several of the knots are swollen lymph nodes, some are abscesses(without injury) and some are blood clots. The knot know has gone down since being drained. The back of the knot is still there and hard. (none of the knots are sore or he doesn't so any signs of discomfort when you touch or squeeze them). This time we left with a vitamin supplement and told to change his food. The vet is thinking he may have an autoimmune disease or deficiency. If this treatment doesn't work, the vet is going to put him to sleep, lance the knots and test the fluid in them. The vet only wants to do this as a last resort because he is little and we don't know what were dealing with. We are just perplexed on what this could be, also i have spoken with several online vets and called other local vets to see if that have heard of such thing in a puppy this age and they have all said the same thing. So that brought me here to this side of the internet. He is currently taking two antibiotics, a steroid, a vitamin supplement, and a new diet. Since seeing the new vet he was eating and drinking normally he has gained weight due to the steroids. He is playful and active. He doesn't act sick, but you can look at him and see he's doesn't feel well at times. Has anyone experienced this issue with a puppy and what causes and treatments were used. I am desperate for answers to make sure this baby is well taken care of. I am planning to order a DNA genetic test as well.
submitted by coffeequeenwithanE to ANIMALHELP [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:43 Waste-Pianist-4145 B12 Vitamin 1000mcg

B12 has changed my life completely. I’m on 40 mg Vyvanse, been on a variety of different meds since 4th grade and in college I tried to figure myself out off and on all of these different medications. I’m a depressive ADD person who can’t seem to find motivation on my own and felt hopeless. 2 months ago I started taking B12 because I saw it on the shelf at Walgreens and it said it “supported brain energy and function” and I tried it. I was desperate for anything to help so I started taking it. It has drastically improved my life both mentally and physically. I cannot recommend this vitamin enough to you guys. It can’t hurt, all it can do is help so I recommend trying it to everyone who can.
submitted by Waste-Pianist-4145 to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:20 blue_jay_jay Alewives running in Mill Brook, Westbrook

Alewives running in Mill Brook, Westbrook
During the run please do not get into the water, and please keep dogs on leash and out of the water. For more info:
submitted by blue_jay_jay to Maine [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:04 Little_Rub6327 Lost Shih Tzu Anchorage

Lost Shih Tzu Anchorage
🚨 Lost Monday night 5/27 around 7 pm from North Pine St.
Not my dog, sharing for the owner.
☎️ 907.764.9040
“Kuma, 9 yr old friendly shihtzu, neutered, black and gray coat, w white markings, blind in 1 eye, his eye looks like marble, did not have his tags on, nor microchips. Very sensitive to loud noises. Last seen may 29th at 11pm with owner outside in alley between 802 n pine, anchorage, Alaska running towards bliss Street. He was spooked by rapid fire gunshots that happened in close proximity. He is easily startled and doesn't like loud noises. He is inside therapy dog, that I walk twice a day thru Mt view anchorage neighborhood. Everybody loves Kuma because of hid friendly, sweet gentle nature. The longest he has been gone is 2 hrs in the winter been searching frantically on foot and in my car since 11pm Monday nite. Posted on nextdoor,alerted everyone in north mountain view, anch alaska, posted flyers, the pound, sb everywhere. Have them call claudia at 907 764 9040 or text is better. he is my life. Ty and love u”
submitted by Little_Rub6327 to anchorage [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 03:28 mdizak Help, need instructional human-to-AI data set.

I don't know if it's due to being blind or what not, but I'm having an extremely difficult time finding decent data to build a frequency database for a NLU engine that will be used within a AI assistant.
Just want plain text, no .parquet files or similar. And typical instructional text a user would send an AI assistant, such as:
"search for all tech companies based in Silicon Valley that received funding from YCombinator from 2000 to 2020, scrape their web sites, summarize them, and put that summary plus al details of the investment into a JSO file".
"remind me to grab some dog treats before end of work on Friday"
"Create a Dockerfile using Ubuntu 22.04, and install PHP 8.3, php-gmp and php-bcmatch extensions, plus Bitcoin Core. Then create a new Amazin EC2 instance and deploy the github repo at"
"visit the page at [url], and see that table under the heading "All brands and Models"? Scrape the contents of that, and put it into the SQLite database I just sent you. Add a new table named "brands_models" within the SQLite database for the info"
Things like that... Any idea where I could grab a bunch of text data that looks like that?
Doesn't need to be anywhere near as detailed or specific, even just basic chat logs of the same instructional calibre would do. Mainly just needs to be instructional in nature, and use the same type of vocabulary / vernacular.
Any idea where I can grab at least a few GB of text data, and preferable 100GB+ of that type of text?
submitted by mdizak to learnmachinelearning [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 02:52 WritingAfter3378 New carnivore

I’ve been transitioning into carnivore since May. I started keto in April . But by the end of April I was not craving any veggies or carbs. I was carving beef , fat and pork . So I just stuck with this way of eating. I didn’t even know about the carnivore diet . I have a dietitian. As I started Keto to help manage my bipolar disorder symptoms and hopefully reduce medication. And she said that it was normal for my body to want to eat meat and fat and didn’t discourage it. I also take magnesium citrate , a vitamin b complex, and vitamin d+k2 . And I have alkaline water. So now that I’ve given some background info . I’m curious as to what fats you guys use . I’ve been experimenting a little this past month. Two weeks ago , I decided to not use ghee or butter because I was experiencing diarrhea. So I only used pork fat and ate beef for three days straight and then I’d switch to pork . I didn’t experience as much diarrhea but it was still happening . This week I decided to reintroduce butter but this time I just added cold butter on top of my cooked beef or protein of choice . And the diarrhea stopped. I’ve read that diarrhea can occur when eating hot fats . So anyways . Really curious to hear ppls experiences.
Also, I forgot to mention that I am lactose intolerant which is why I eliminated the butter earlier in May. Then I switched to ghee because I could tolerate it much better. And after a week of just cooking with animal fat I didn’t feel bad but I felt like I was getting palate fatigue . I’m still not 100% sure if I will continue eating butter but I think adding it to my diet once or twice a week will be okay.
Anyways , thanks for reading . And I’m very open to tips !
submitted by WritingAfter3378 to carnivorediet [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 02:21 Optimal_Discipline80 Our experience with homemade dog food and stopping the kibble

It has been great watching our puppy and senior dog transition to viva raw. We started home cooking for our dogs with all the research we found but I then started to wonder if it was balanced .. if I was doing too little or too much. Come to find out I was doing THE most. 😅
We then switched to Dr. Judy Morgan's puploaf, however, the grinding and grounding and portion part of all of it did take some time and I thought there has to be a more practical way.. Ps--I truly believe in the puploaf though and would recommend it to anyone whose lifestyle it fits!
To try and simplify things I switched to Dr. Harveys base and started to add protein and oil. I would add sardine/anchovy oil OR organic olive OR safflower. This made things so much easier but then I thought.. dogs need organ meat don't they? So here I was searching for organ meats .. hare today, we feed raw Miami, BJs, etc and let me tell ya .. shipping will get ya! 🤐 Ps- if you order your muscle meat plus organ meat you may get free shipping but I had a different source for muscle meat
I went down another rabbit hole but this time I switched to viva raw! I have never felt more confident in what I was feeding to my dogs 😁. I have this confidence I haven't felt before when it comes to feeding. I know the protein source is usda human grade and from a reputable farm, I know the veggies used are rich in the nutrients and vitamins they need, I know they are getting the organ meats they need and lastly I know they are getting bone. Now the bone part starts to scare some .. however, viva raw grinds their bone so small into almost a powder consistency. I have never found any bone pieces in their meals. I do gently cook and each time I find myself gently cooking it less and less. As they say .. dogs are carnivores. Another concern is oh no salmonella wellllll.... it COULD happen and it MAY happen however... what about that kibble on the shelf with a shelf life of >20 years ...... if your not sure what I am talking about watch "pet FOOleD" on amazon prime video 😵
All to say our dogs are literally thriving and it makes me feel so good to know that I am doing the very best for them. Now I know not everyone has raw feeding in their budget and I totally can understand that. Just do your best and your best is good enough 💚
Some things I love about viva raw - it arrives frozen, still rock solid🧊 - you have 5 + meats to choose from/ rotate 🐇 🦬🐷🦃🐔🦆 - you can use viva pure and add Dr. Harveys or you can do viva complete .. I love this option because I love Dr. Harveys Raw Vibrance >ps remember only 1 scoop of Dr. Harveys to each 16oz viva pure - free shipping after $250 📦 - being able to gently cook evwnthough it contains "bone" .. remember bone powder - their videos showing you the facility and cleaning the equipment - balanced meals for cats and dogs 🐶🐱 - our dogs love it!!
If you find yourself wanting to know more please ask! I am full of knowledge for dogs when it comes to diet, transitioning foods, food recs, supplements, etc. We lost our dog Harley🌈 and I have never dove so deep into nutrition and dog health. It does consume me most days but I am SO PASSIONATE about this 😇 I love medicine and work in the medical field but we have to have those who have homeo or holistic alternatives to medicine.
If you are considering viva raw please use the code ❕ROBISONRECOMMENED❕ and save 2️⃣0️⃣%.. the key here for the best savings is to spend at least $250 so you get free shipping and then add the code to save 20%. You WILL get both because the discount will apply to your subtotal. I did this and my original subtotal was $255 then I added to code and it went to $204 plus free shipping. This amount got me 40 pounds of viva chicken and beef (see image posted in group)
submitted by Optimal_Discipline80 to vivarawdiscountcode [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 01:25 Tacticool-weeb4 ambush (part2) finally

Good news was joe and Kasumi where really fast and had great cardio.
Bad news is over a hill came voices and shouting. There was a whole other company sized element out of sight and coming for that ass.
They were rolling down hill and trying to find a good place to break contact.
Joe almost tripped but grabbed a hanging branch. Feet coming out form under him.
He looks up and see’s some of the Bundeswehr hope over a low rock buried into the dirt. High up and lay an MG42 over a tree. Their boss shouting “ LOS! LOS! LOS!” as the men spread out and moved downhill to find good shooting spots.
“cover!” he shouted. Kasumi didn’t even need to look. She slid down some leaves and under a rock cropping. Rounds from the riflemen bouncing around her. Joe jumped behind a brush pile of thick trees and earth.
The old buzzsaw ripped rounds, raking across their cover. Cutting tree branches and shaking leaves.
One guy went wide and ended up on a similar level as Kasumi. She turned and shot him from behind cover.
Joe waited for the MG to change positions.
‘Holy shit… THAT’S! what the boys in Europe were dealing with? Fuck me that’s frightening.’
He’d been shot by the MG42 before. But could never get over how shitty it felt”
He peaked around a standing tree, flipped his carbine to full auto and raked across that position. Normally he wouldn’t do this but just once he figured he could somewhat suppress and use his rifle like an MG. if only he had a big quad mag….. wait? He did. In his coat!... that he wasn’t wearing… fuck.
Kasumi returned fire with a burst of her own.
Joe rolled back and went to reload. Tossing his empty mag out. But his barrel happened to be a bit high. So a stray round from the Germans ripped through the air and struck his suppressor. Almost lurching the gun from his hand. Only being saved by his sling.
His eyes went wide.
‘This fucking sucks!’ he inspected his gun. Sure enough, suppressor was done for. Thank goodness he still had his gloves. It took him a moment but he decoupled and pulled the piping hot piece of metal off and tossed it. A full mag on full auto alone was enough to make the thing too hot to touch.
But he was back in the fight. “moving!” Kasumi shouted as she peeled back to more cover.
Before he could move, he saw the MG gunner raise his head to get a look at them. Big mistake.
Back to semi auto. Placing the chevron of his sight high on the chest the recon man squeezed a round of grazing the top of the man’s armor. spalling off the mans plate and sending chunks of body armor and lead fragments into his throat. He fell back into the leaves. Clutched at his throat while his assistant gunner went to render aid.
They might get the gun back up but it gave the Allans enough time to get out of there.
“Moving!” he shouted and went to run. Choosing a path with the most amount of tree cover and even a low dry creek runoff that probably is where rain from the top of the mountain flows down.
Funny, these mountains kinda reminded him of west Virginia where he lived back in the 30s.
they slipped down and bounded from one piece of cover to another. Dropping a few Germans here and there, looking for a way out of the holler and even the playing field. Or break contact and hide for a bit.
But they where definitely out numbered. But just the two of them but their convoy as a whole.
They didn’t know what the hell was going on. But most likely someone figured out gold would be here and was looking for a payday for him and… maybe 60 of his friends?
The Allans got lower and lower. Funneling close together. They had tried to stay apart so one grenade or burst from the machine guns wouldn’t kill or wound both of them.
But they came to a unfortunate discovery.
They where in a bowl. No way out into a different Haller. They would need to climb a near open slope while being fired on from an opposite ridge.
Joes boots sunk into the mud and leaves as he twisted from looking at the slope and looking for a way to get him and his wife out of there to turning back at the hostiles and laying hate. But he was about half his ammo down. And Kasumi was about the same. She had her type 89 laid up on a rock and shooting from an in placed position.
He looked up and saw they had picked the MG from the dead gunner and was running down the hill, leaning against a tree. When a large bullet slammed into the mans chest and broke through the place carrier.
A bit away some men had massed and got caught up in an explosion.
They looked up and saw David mounting his 60 on a height position and raked the other side with 45-70… the costume-built machine gun barked loud and frightening. Tore chunks out of men’s shoulders, legs. Chests. Anything those bullets hit got turned into mush.
One mans armor stopped the round but it broke his ribs and ruptured his lungs from the trauma.
Their backup had arrived.
The gallowglass used a tried-and-true tactic of fighting hard and fast and making themselves seem bigger then they actually where. They needed to scare the krauts and push them back to rescue their scouts.
Dante had his .275 Rigby rifle and was taking aimed shots. Anyone who looked important. People with grenade launchers. Scoped. Even an officer looking gentleman.
Anderson sent a round of 45-70 from his lever-action through a retreating german. His green malted flektarn jacket stained red with his blood. Which in the chaos of it all gave joe an important piece of info… these were humans. Not some monster in disguise.
They started to fall back and the Allans ducked into some dense brush and slipped up the hill to make it to their unit.
Everyone was hitting them with what they had as hard as they could.
“we got them!” dante shouted as both killer huffed and slid to his feet. even with all their cardio they had be in vehicles for the last few days and mountains where no joke.
Everyone started to peal back. They still had about half a mile they needed to flee with.
And they really didn’t want to take the direct route and lead these bastards back to the trucks. Except for joe, who had an idea.
“they left the ambush. We need to go now! Their on foot, if we can rally up we can push through”
Dante was technically team leading this little mission but the whole wolfpack had a very non-liner command structure. For those of you who don’t speak bullshit that means if you have an idea, say it. If everyone agrees your not loosing your mind they listen.
‘team lead’ just means you fill out forms, talk to local political figures and deal with higher up when you screw up… higher up these days being dantes little sister so he got comedically shoved into that billet.
“whats your plan?” he shouted as he ran. His hunting boots trotting along side the recon marine and huffing with a fresher brisk pace. Freaking young’ns.
“lin! I need your grenade launcher on the front truck! We hit those claymores from far enough away and break the trees up. smashing them. We drive right through!”
The hong kong cop nodded.
“this shit is why we had mark-19s on our lead trucks in the corps”
David had been the last guy up. dumping the last of his can of ammo and turning and sprinting. He’d reload later. Slinging his MG and pulling his sig. he was deceptively quick. The big eskimo could run like a bear.
“are we bringing back the grenade launcher vs minigun debate?”
The Irishman shook his head. Anyone wanna explain to him why he thought it would be a good idea to befriend the SEAL?
In breaking contact they didn’t make a B line, but dog legged in a more Z pattern. Finaly getting back to the trucks everyone sprinted and shouted for people to get into place. The friendly germans looked shocked and panicked to do what the mercs where yelling. They thought something big was coming. Several people dove into open doors and went to the far side of the truck to make room for whoever was coming in after them.
The MRAP didn’t have a mounted gun. Much to their chagrin now. They went on the mission with the vehicles they had, not the ones they wanted. And the reason this one was lead was because if they hit an IED they wanted this to tank it.
Joe unslung his M4 “dave!” he shouted. The big guy nodded and they tossed their weapons to each other mid run. Dave also tossed a belt of about 100 rounds. Getting a running start joe leapt. Kicked off the tire and ended up on the hood of the armored vehicle. Turning back he reached a hand out. Lin was shorter but just as athletic. Bounding up she took his hand and he pulled her up.
“ok. Gonna fill me in?”
“get a grenade ready. We hit the barricade and keep driving” he hit the window alerting the driver. “get a move on!”
Kasumi took joes place in the chase vehicle. Dave had reached in the back and pulled out a 240 bravo. Not even able to hook it in the turret mount he just was gonna have to shoulder this.
It would be a miracle if no one got hurt.
They steamed full ahead. Joe placed himself to lins right. Towards where the hill was. Which was where the krauts would be coming from. A round struck the passenger side window of the MRAP making the occupant jump in their seat. Joe turned and gave a short burst as he saw maybe a dozen fighter. Followed by dave and anyone else. Some people staged automatic sub guns or PDWs by their seats and just turned in a fairly American style drive by.
They rounded a corner and found themselves on a straight away.
“barricade!” lins voice was barely hurt over the wiz of the germans 5.56.
She blooped her destructive egg about 80 yards from the kill zone.
Joe pulled the leash from his riggers belt. made so you wouldn’t fall out of helicopters. Buckling it to a D-ring on the hood. Holding lin close because she didn’t have one on. The chinses woman growned but held on because she knew this was about to get bumpy.
The skilled driver floored it after the demo went off. Sending dirt and sticks high in the air and weakening the trees. Smashing into it they turned back to see the shock and confusion of men not in their fighting positions.
The convoy chugged past.
Some even saw in the middle of all these trucks a minotaur and Anderson giving them the middle finger. Before raising their guns and shooting again.
The radio call came to slow down fire. And a few moments later to cease.
Lins head was in joes chest as she felt it rise large and fall as he let out a breath.
Both mercs looked at each other.
“damn fine shot” he held up a fist.
He pumped it.
“I want to get off mister hounds wild wide now! Never did like theme parks!”
He nodded. No joke. They ended up slowing a moment to crawl through the window.
The occupants handed them water bottles. Both now realizing how thirsty they where.
2 days later they found themselves at a castle.
“now this is what im talking about!” Anderson jumped with joy. Taking pictures with his phone.
One of the germans called it eltz castle. Apparently in one reality its been held by the same family sense like the 1100s. they where their to pick up more gold before turning around and heading for Venice. Last minute pick up.
“ok… I was wrong. I thought castles like this wouldn’t still be around” joe wondered dumbly. He has been known to be wrong every once and awhile.
“here. Anderson. Lemme get some pictures for you… say ‘treasure hunt’
The detective gave a thumbs up. his cowboy hat and lever action striking a pose.
The Polaroid came out and joe handed both to him. He then walked around and got more reference photos.
Kasumi walked over. “when did we get like that?” she wondered.
Joe and his wife had a ….different kind of marriage. More to tax dodge and share rent then anything… but about 20 years in they found they really did love each other… that was a few hundred years ago now.
“later then we should have” he mumbled and tossed a arm over her shoulder.
“best job I ever had” she quipped.
“best life I coulda asked for”
submitted by Tacticool-weeb4 to AnyAndAllWriting [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 01:24 Bitter_Chipmunk_9537 2nd round Abx schedule

Hey all, This will be a bit of a long explanation but better to have the full story than not enough info.
Have a question on timing for my meds while doing my second round of Rifaximin/metronidazole, since the first round caused some issues (really terrible leg soreness/cramps/restlessness - I'm talking suicidal bad, a new gluten intolerance as well as my allergies and reactions to salicylates got worse) so now I've got blexten and some vitamins in the mix to work with.
Got retested after round 1 and the numbers came down about 20ppm each. I am now 57ppm hydrogen and 25ppm methane at 100mins, so that was good news.
  1. Blexten needs to be taken 1 hour before or 2 hours after eating.
  2. PHGG timing seems to vary, but most are saying in the morning about 30mins before eating
  3. Vitamins I usually take in the morning same time as blexten which I'll continue
  4. Now I have to work in the abx as close to 8 hours as I can and with meals, which doesn't land within meal times so I'm kinda doubling my food intake (right now I should mention I live on plain white rice, plain chicken or salmon, 40g of brussel sprouts. And not to sound rude, but please don't bother commenting "add more to your diet" if you don't understand salicylate intolerance)
So here's what I'm thinking: Vit - 630am Blexten - 630am PHGG 5g - 730am Abx - 8am w/breakfast Lunch - 12ish pm Abx - 3pm w/food Supper - 5pm Blexten - 7pm (2 hrs after supper) Abx - 10pm or 11pm w/food
Also, if anyone has had experience navigating through eating while on abx with salicylate intolerance and now gluten intolerance I would super appreciate it! I'm looking at basically just being able to up my brussel sprout intake to high fodmap levels, maybe add some green peas, garlic and cooked white onion but that'd be it. Is that going to get enough to be effective? Round 1 my options for wheat and gluten made navigating this much easier.
submitted by Bitter_Chipmunk_9537 to SIBO [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 00:40 hisbsnd Did I do the right thing?

Hi everyone,
Me and my family had to say goodbye to our dog 8 weeks ago and the guilt and regret is piling up. If anyone could help me / share any advice or opinions I would appreciate it so much.
Sorry this is long -
A bit of info, in November last year, a mass was found on my dog’s spleen. It was removed and tested a week later and we found out it was unfortunately a hemangiosarcoma mass. The vets did a CT scan at the time and found no evidence of spread. We made the tricky decision not to do chemo and decided to try and enjoy the time we had left with her.
I was so worried about the surgery so I was so relieved to see that she was pretty much back to normal within a few days. We had nearly 4 months of extra time with her and pretty much the entire 4 months there were no issues.
However, in mid March, I rushed her to the vet one morning where they found a mass on her liver that was bleeding. They said she had about a litre of blood in her abdomen. The vets kept her in for the day and did oxygen therapy and IV fluids to try and stabilise her blood pressure (apparently a transfusion would have been effectively pointless) and we brought her home that evening. The vet who discharged her said we were basically bringing her home to say our goodbyes, I couldn't believe it.
Within the next couple of days she had made a remarkable improvement. We spoke to her vet and he talked us through some options and we decided to see how she got on at home and for the next 2 weeks she was pretty good - definitely not 100% back to normal but I'd say at least 80%.
2 weeks later (Easter weekend) we had to rush to the emergency vet (this wasn't her usual vets as they were closed) where they found her to be actively bleeding in her abdomen again. At this point her blood pressure and heart rate were normal and so the vet said we could leave her overnight but all she would be doing is testing her red blood cell count every hour and said if we chose to then we could take her home. The vet prescribed some tranexamic acid for the next couple of days and we went home.
4 days after that, I rushed her to her normal vet for an emergency appointment again. The vet we saw said he could see blood in her abdomen again and said we could leave her there for the day but said he thought she was going into shock and he was worried she would go into hypovolemic shock and something bad might happen while we weren't there. He said we should consider euthanasia at this point. I said I didn't want her to suffer and he said she already was.
We took her home and made the difficult phone call back to the vets to organise. That afternoon we took her in to say our final goodbyes.
I'm wondering if we made the right choice. I know people say it might be time when they're having more bad days than good, and up until mid March they were pretty much all good days. I couldn't stand the thought of her suffering but did we act prematurely? Is there more we could've tried? I miss her so much it hurts and the guilt is terrible. What if in the next few days she made another recovery?
It doesn’t help that I’ve been trying to organise a phone call with her normal vet for the past 2 weeks and they are basically ignoring me.
Sorry for the long post but I just needed to get this out and see if anyone has been through similar. I’ve posted this on the pet loss sub and got some really kind replies, which were so appreciated.
Thank you if you’ve read this far.
submitted by hisbsnd to seniordogs [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 00:29 WittyEvaluator Does Masturbation Decrease Testosterone Levels?

Diving into the topic of masturbation can lead us into a sea of myths and misunderstandings. One major myth is that it reduces testosterone levels in the body. However, studies have shown that this is not true. For both men and women, masturbation does not decrease testosterone levels in the long run.

Testosterone is key for sexual health and desire. Yet, its levels are not affected in the long term by masturbation. So, feel free to enjoy your own company without fearing for your hormone health.
It's crucial to dispel the myth that masturbation lowers testosterone. Instead, we should look into what really does affect these hormone levels. This way, we get a more precise understanding of how masturbation relates to our health.

Key Takeaways:

Debunking Masturbation Myths: The Testosterone Myth

Many myths surround masturbation. One frequent myth is it lowers testosterone levels, affecting health. Yet, studies have shown the truth about this myth.
Research tells us masturbation doesn't change testosterone levels long-term. There are wrong ideas about how sex and ejaculation impact us. It's time to share the real story about masturbation and testosterone.
Studies find no proof that masturbation drops testosterone. Testosterone usually stays the same, even after you masturbate. Any rise in testosterone during the activity goes back down.
Testosterone is key for sex health and desire. It helps keep your libido, manage sperm making, and maintain good erectile function. It's key to know the true effects of masturbation on this hormone.
By sharing the truth, we help people understand the facts. It's vital to clear up worries about masturbation hurting testosterone. Remember, masturbating is normal and good for sexual health, without affecting testosterone in bad ways.

Understanding Testosterone: Functions and Fluctuations

Testosterone is key for both sexual health and desire in men and women. It maintains libido, regulates sperm production, and helps with healthy erections. In the game of sexual desire, it's like the main player, making sure our sex lives are satisfying.

Testosterone's Role in Sexual Health and Desire

In men, testosterone is the major sex hormone, but women make it too in smaller amounts. It's important for men growing facial hair, having a deep voice, and building muscle. Testosterone also keeps the male reproductive system in good shape.
For both genders, it's crucial for wanting sex and getting turned on. The right amount means a strong sex drive and the ability to perform in bed. Too little, and you might not feel like doing it or have trouble getting ready.

Short-Term Hormonal Responses to Sexual Activities

Any sexual activity, even solo play, can briefly boost testosterone. Testosterone spikes during arousal and sexual action. This boost makes you want sex more, enjoy it better, and perform well.
Once you reach orgasm, testosterone drops back to normal levels. These ups and downs are just part of how our bodies handle sex. They aren't the same as long-term changes in testosterone.

The Impact of External Factors on Testosterone Levels

Things outside of sex, like stress, can mess with your testosterone. Stress can lower testosterone levels, affecting your desire and performance in bed.
Not getting enough sleep is also bad for testosterone. Sleep is super important for keeping your hormones in check and staying healthy. Issues like obesity and diabetes can also mess with your testosterone levels.
It's important to know what testosterone does and what affects it. Misinformation about testosterone and masturbation is common. By learning the facts, people can better take care of their sexual health and happiness.

Does Masturbation Decrease Testosterone?

Many think that masturbation lowers testosterone levels, but research says otherwise. This myth is false. Engaging in solo pleasure does not significantly affect testosterone production long-term. It's important to share the truth about this topic.
Masturbation is common and good for you. It might briefly change your testosterone levels because of arousal and release. But these effects are short and do not influence long-term testosterone levels.
The idea that too much ejaculation drops testosterone has circulated. Yet, studies show otherwise. The body balances testosterone levels well, regardless of how often you masturbate.
Sharing accurate facts on masturbation and testosterone is key. Knowing the reality helps everyone make better choices for their sexual health. It also fights against spreading harmful myths.
Keep in mind, testosterone can be affected by age, lifestyle, and health. Taking care of yourself with exercise, a balanced diet, enough sleep, and stress relief is important. This helps keep your testosterone levels healthy.
In conclusion, the claim that masturbation lowers testosterone is false. Masturbation is normal and does not hurt testosterone levels in the long run. It's essential to spread true information and clear up misunderstandings about masturbation and testosterone.

Managing Testosterone Levels: Beyond Sexual Activities

Masturbation doesn't lower testosterone levels, but there are key factors in play. Lifestyle choices are crucial in controlling testosterone levels. It's not just about sex.
Simple lifestyle changes can positively affect testosterone. Regular workouts boost testosterone. Strength training, like weightlifting, is great for this. Also, a diet rich in zinc and vitamin D helps.
Getting enough sleep is vital for testosterone. Bad sleep lowers testosterone. Try to get 7-9 hours of sleep each night to stay healthy.
If low testosterone is a serious issue, consider therapy. This includes testosterone injections under a doctor’s care. This can boost energy, increase desire, and prevent muscle loss.
Optimizing testosterone involves more than just sex. Healthy habits like exercise, good food, and sleep are key. They help keep your testosterone at a healthy level.


Does masturbation decrease testosterone levels?

No, masturbation doesn't lower your testosterone for good. Studies show this isn't true. While it might change a bit in the short term, it doesn't last or matter much.
So, it's fine to do what feels good without worrying about your testosterone levels being affected much.

What are some myths about masturbation and testosterone levels?

One big myth is that masturbating makes your testosterone drop. But, science has proven this wrong. It's important to share the right info and stop these false ideas.

What is the role of testosterone in sexual health and desire?

Testosterone is key for both men and women's sexual health and desire. It keeps your interest in sex, makes sperm, and helps you get erections well. So, it's pretty important for a healthy sex life.

Do sexual activities cause short-term fluctuations in testosterone levels?

Yes, having sex or getting turned on can bump up your testosterone quickly. After you reach orgasm, these levels generally go back to normal.

What factors can impact testosterone levels?

A lot of things can affect how much testosterone you have. Stress, not sleeping enough, and some health problems can lower it. But, lifestyle choices like working out, eating right, and getting enough sleep can keep your levels in check.

How does masturbation affect testosterone levels?

Frequent masturbation doesn't seem to lower your testosterone over time. There's little to no proof that it does. It's key to share accurate info and put this myth to rest.

What strategies are available for managing testosterone levels?

To keep your testosterone in a good range, you can do more than just have sex. Things like staying active, eating healthy, and sleeping enough are important. Sometimes, someone with very low testosterone might need extra help from their doctor.

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2024.06.02 00:05 WittyEvaluator TestoPrime Review: My Honest Take on Results (2024)

When I first heard about TestoPrime, I didn't know what to think. As a guy in my thirties, I was aware of the need to keep my testosterone levels up. I was feeling the effects of lower testosterone, like losing muscle, being tired, having less interest in things, and feeling off. I wanted something that could help. TestoPrime seemed promising, claiming to help with muscle, energy, libido, mood, and brain function. This review will tell you how it went after a few months of trying TestoPrime.
Right from the start, I felt better. My energy and mood improved a lot. The formula with things like vitamin D3, B vitamins, and zinc made me hopeful. After starting, I saw my muscles get bigger and felt stronger when exercising. It was clear the supplement was raising my testosterone1. I was also much less tired and more productive every day.
As time went by, my sex life got better, too. TestoPrime is made to boost libido and sex performance. It does this by keeping testosterone in a healthy range without making it too high. This kept me balanced and healthy sexually1.
But something I didn't expect was better thinking. More testosterone made me clearer in the head. It helped my mood and well-being a lot1. TestoPrime wasn't just about muscles; it was about improving my life in many ways. It really tackled the low testosterone symptoms I was feeling.

Key Takeaways

Introduction to TestoPrime and Its Claims

TestoPrime is getting a lot of interest as a natural way to boost testosterone for men. Its goal is to enhance overall health and well-being. It is made from natural ingredients to help older men deal with low testosterone signs and feel more energized.

What is TestoPrime?

TestoPrime is a special product for men, boosting testosterone with 12 natural ingredients. It's seen as the top choice in a market full of testosterone boosters2. This formula helps with gaining muscle, a strong metabolism, better sex, and clear thinking, showing its all-round health value2.

Why Testosterone Levels Are Important

Testosterone is key for men's physical and mental health. After age 40, men start losing about 1% of their testosterone yearly2. Recognizing low testosterone signs early is crucial for a good life quality. It's important for keeping muscle, energy, stable moods, and sexual health, all making a difference to well-being3. Between 2001 and 2011, there was more use of testosterone replacement therapy in the U.S., showing growing awareness of its benefits3.

How TestoPrime Works

TestoPrime shows its strength through selected natural ingredients. These work together to raise testosterone safely and effectively. They fight low testosterone symptoms by improving how the body absorbs and creates testosterone. Over 75 studies were used to create this powerful mix2. It contains vital things like zinc and vitamins B6 and B12 for optimal health and testosterone boost4. TestoPrime is serious about health and well-being, backed by science. It aims for real changes like more muscle, better metabolism, stronger sex life, and improved thinking4.

TestoPrime Review: User Experiences and Ratings

Learning how users feel about TestoPrime gives us a close look at its effects. Their stories, scores, and tips shed light on this supplement's results.

Positive User Reviews

People using TestoPrime often feel better in many ways. They say they gain more muscle and strength. Some see their strength jump by 92.2%5.
Others talk about higher energy and sharper focus. Many notice they're losing weight, turning fat into energy better. They drop their body fat by up to 16%5.
Improvements in sex drive are also common. This boost is thanks to Pomegranate Extract in the formula. Half of all reviews rate TestoPrime 5 stars6.

Mixed Feedback and Criticisms

But, not everyone highlights only good things. About 11% give it 3 out of 5 stars, mentioning ways it could be better6. 7% felt the results were only okay6.
Then, 24% rate it the lowest, sharing their disappointments6. Some talk about product misjudgments and expectations not being met. Issues regarding refunds and time to see effects are main concerns.

Customer Service Experience

Opinions on TestoPrime's customer service are diverse. Many praise the quick and helpful support. They value easy and fast solutions6.
But, some feel the service isn't as good, mentioning slow responses and refund troubles. Understanding these comments helps future customers know what to expect6.

My Honest Take on TestoPrime Results

After using TestoPrime for several months, I've learned a lot. I saw a big jump in my energy levels quickly after I started7. This helped a lot in the gym and with my daily tasks.
I noticed my strength increase just like Darrell Dubbya and Scott Grygo6. They said they felt stronger and had more stamina by the time they were halfway through their second bottle. Also, my body started looking better over time. This shows TestoPrime helps with muscle and getting into shape7.
But, TestoPrime doesn't work the same for everyone. Andreas and Michael didn't see much change even with a healthy lifestyle and using TestoPrime for a long time6. My experience was better, but I did notice some downsides. Although I liked the energy and improved gym results, I did hit a point where I stopped seeing progress. This made me wonder about the long-term impact.
In the end, my review shows both the good and the not-so-good parts of TestoPrime. It does boost your energy and helps in the gym quite quickly. However, its effects on testosterone levels and muscle gains might not be the same for everyone over time7. Anyone thinking about trying it should know the pros and cons to make an informed decision.


What is TestoPrime?

TestoPrime is a natural supplement that boosts testosterone. It's made for men over thirty to enhance health. It improves muscle, energy, libido, mood, and brain functions.

Why are testosterone levels important?

In men, testosterone is crucial for both physical and mental health. It's needed for strong muscles, a speedy metabolism, good sexual performance, and clear thinking. Keeping testosterone at the right levels helps men lead healthy lives as they age.

How does TestoPrime work?

TestoPrime uses natural ingredients to kickstart testosterone production. This fights signs of low testosterone like weak muscles, extra weight, low sex drive, and poor memory. It helps build muscles, raises energy, and makes men healthier overall.

What are the benefits of TestoPrime?

TestoPrime boosts muscle, cuts fat, ups energy, makes libido stronger, balances mood, and sharpens mind. It battles the drop in testosterone that comes with getting older.

What have users said about TestoPrime?

Reviews on TestoPrime are mixed. Good ones talk about gains in strength, losing weight, quick recovery, and improved sex. Others found the effects less noticeable and mentioned issues with refunds and service.

How is TestoPrime different from other testosterone boosters?

TestoPrime is unique for its natural ingredients and broad focus on male health. It improves physical, mental, and sexual well-being. And it does it without synthetic chemicals.

What has been my personal experience using TestoPrime?

Using TestoPrime, I saw better results in my workouts, more energy, improved body, mood, and daily performance. While it affects everyone differently, the gains I saw matched the promises, giving a fair view for others considering it.

Are there any side effects associated with TestoPrime?

Since TestoPrime is all-natural, side effects are low. Still, people respond differently to supplements. Talking to a doctor before trying it is wise.

How long does it take to see results with TestoPrime?

How fast TestoPrime works varies person to person. Age, lifestyle, and initial testosterone play a role. Some feel better in weeks, others need more time. But, sticking to the dose is important for results.

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submitted by WittyEvaluator to RedditRealTalk [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 00:02 Beginning_Air_233 Have you considered being a massive douche canoo?

Context and background info:
I was originally trained to be the sub for one route. I got moved and started doing a different route. The new one was shorter but kinda confusing. They decided it would be helpful to have me ride with the regular on that route for a day. The day was mostly me asking very few questions about very specific places within the route. She (the regular) would periodically say something like, and when I get here I usually turn around right there. Or something to that effect. And mostly I would confirm that I also did it that way, with few exceptions. She's a bit of an abrasive person, with a "fuck this and fuck you" attitude. Prone to raging at shit. Left more notices in a day than I have in my time working. Made notes about problems with boxes. Etc. She's on vacation currently and I'm doing the route for a while.
My kiddo just left to spend the summer with my ex. We're amicable and co-parent well. Thing is, that first day is like "oh, I could do xyz," but it quickly devolves into me standing around waiting for her to come home. Very depressing. Puts me in a bad mood. Whatever.
So I go in today and one of the other RCA's is asking about how much I talk with the regular, and all that. Anytime people start asking about how we get along, the always say " she's really not as mean as she seems." Or "don't let it get to you, that's just how she talks to everyone." Obviously in reference to her abrasive nature.
Anyway the RCA I was talking to said something along the same lines. And I finally responded. In way that others weren't really expecting, but it is what it is.
I fucking die that woman. She's my god damn hero. Like everything I wish I could be in a human being. Just walking around, not giving a fuck. Fucking spectacular. I wish I could be like that.
To which someone replied, "why don't you?" Of course I've got the tism, something fierce. The kind of intense anxiety the prescribe psychedelic medication to manage. But you know what? Fuck it, I'll give it a go.
Some dude got attitude at the door when I needed a signature. Whatever. You don't have to sign, I can take it back to the office.
What's the package? That's your name, but you done know what it is? Me neither dude, you want it or not?
A Pomeranian followed me a quarter mile down the street, barking and nipping at my truck. I left a notice at every single house.
Same dog showed up on the next street. Took me by surprise while I was out of the truck. So I sprayed it. The owner came running up all pissed. I just shrugged and said "the give us this stuff in the office. I'm not letting a dog bite me." Of course they gonna call and complain.
Called the sup and let him know I'm sending a shitstorm his way. He asks if I'm ok, and reassures me that I handled it correctly. Tells me to let him know if that guy keeps bothering me.
"Fuck him, I'll punt that shit halfway down the street. Fucks he gonna do about?"
Pretty good day. Except it rained a bunch.
submitted by Beginning_Air_233 to USPS [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 23:42 niktrot AKC Spaniel Hunt Test

Anyone participate in AKC Spaniel HTs?
I’m looking to enter one for the first time and I’ve got a few questions. I went and watched a test a few months ago and it seemed really straightforward: dog hunts, flushes bird, bird shot and dog retrieves.
But I watched a YT video showing a Jr HT and it looked really different. The birds hardly got off the ground, so there were no shots fired. The dog caught the birds and, seemingly, brought them back to the handler alive.
Now I checked the rule book and couldn’t find any info on this. I’m worried that the same scenario will present itself at the HT I’m entered in and I’m worried lol. There’s a 20% chance my dog will catch a bird and bring it to me alive lol. As an aside, I know bird dog people frown upon dogs that dispatch prey. But my dog is a working farm dog whose job is to dispatch vermin like rats, possums and raccoons. I love her prey drive and don’t want to punish her for it.
Does anyone know if my dog catching and killing a bird will be a DQ? How common is it for HTs to use poorly flying birds?
submitted by niktrot to birddogs [link] [comments]