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2011.08.05 10:33 humanman42 Thrift Store Hauls : What did you find today?

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2018.02.28 02:46 josh_with_a_J Everything Window Cleaning

Are you a window cleaner? Or do you own a window cleaning business? Then get in here! We are a group of window cleaning business owners that like to share the tips and tricks of window washing. From pure water cleaning, WFP's, to traditional squeegee work. It's all here.

2024.05.22 04:47 LemmyBasset Probably been posted but practical Tuesday summer PSA

Aside from all the crazy shit people worry about. This is a prep for Tuesday… on Tuesday. I’ve been given a lot of knowledge here so thought I would post my days experience for new comers etc. if you have the space keep an extra window AC unit. The condensing unit at my house is currently down. It was about 90 today and we’re expecting storms tonight and man am I glad I never got rid of my old window unit from my apartment. Had it in a garbage bag in the garage. Unwrapped it. It was still squeaky clean and were cool till I get my unit fixed. That’s all that counts. A simple practical prep. If your powers out you can still run one off a generator as newer ones really don’t draw too much power. I’ll also add you can’t go wrong with lithium battery operated fans, flashlights, and phone charger adapters. Preferably the name brand power tool batteries as they can last quite long running these devices for power outage etc. don’t spend time worrying about solar flares, nukes, or other apocalyptic type stuff. But this is something all of us are more than likely to encounter. Whether it’s a long heat wave or just for a day or so, something this simple can keep you comfortable and safe if need be.
submitted by LemmyBasset to preppers [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:46 shafty0 PMS… the angel vs devil in me

For a week straight last week, I was miserable. I was impatient with my kids and literally felt like they were torturing me mentally. Every time they would climb on me or whine or wouldn’t stop talking, I just wanted to lose my mind. I didn’t of course, because I love the hell out of them even when I have PMS but it was really hard to handle. I had no energy or drive to clean or do anything but just get through the day. I felt lifeless. Empty. Depressed.
Then… like clock work, I started my period a couple days ago. Since the day I started it, I have been up from 5am to 11pm with endless energy, kicking butt at work, cleaning my house, getting the kids to and from daycare, playing with them when they’re home, laughing with them, being patient with them etc.
There is a huge difference in my 4 year old when my energy is good. Tonight we made pancakes for dinner after the baby went to bed, and we played for an hour or so before we read a few books. When I put him to bed, instead of putting him right to sleep I held him for a while and rocked him. He was so content, that he laid down with no issue. This was after a week of him having so much trouble with sleep and getting in and out of bed, with me almost having a breakdown over it.
Anyways… this happens every month. And now that I’m out of my postpartum scaries, I need to talk to a dr about this because I’m so sick of this.
Anyone else experience this severe of mood fluctuation with their cycle? I never had it this bad before my 2nd child.
submitted by shafty0 to Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:43 Afraid-Company-8313 Way me why did I get the worst

At have triggers in this short story...My parents will be addressed as my abusers one of my two brothers will be called affect sex offender the other brother will be called a molester who molested me my sister is going to be called I take everything way too serious she's a b**** so she's bitch growing up we were in a very abusive home where we each got our own way of abuse from our deezers I have an older brother and another sister from my mother first married I am my first born to my father and the firstborn grandchild on my father's side I have another brother he followed me 18 months later and I was pretty mean to him I saw man digging it up dumpster and My dumb brother asked what he was doing I said he's probably looking for you because that's where we found you and my abusers would abuse me all the time I literally memorized my Pepe's phone number so I would pack my Barbie suitcase and I would sit on the curb by a sewer line where I wasn't supposed to sit but I would stay at my grandparents' house for days months I did private school through them I went to regular school through town I would be the one to call 911 on my grandfather when he went into the hospital that day plays everyday in my head and he makes me cookie and all he would say is Cookie get the elephant off my chest get the elephant off my chest I knew it wasn't going to be good and I was right he was roughly in the hospital a couple of weeks and he passed he passed in the middle of the night this is when I realized I was in bath at the age of 12 he came to me he said he loves me and he said that he will always be by my side and protect me and yes they just were the other person I miss in my family is the closest I had with my uncles and cousins due t my abusers they turn the family on me cuz apparently whatever my abuser says went down exactly how they say it but they never told them what they did to me there's one thing that goes in my head and it pis me off my abusers is things in front of my siblings and I I remember one of my siblings getting beat up I remember a sibling nail it kneeling in the kitchen on rice I remember another sibling getting away with absolutely everything the sex offender the molester was forced out of the home because I had a big mouth and I was telling everybody the state I came from was Massachusetts and they failed to me I moved to Florida with my other abuser to meet my other abuser you had one of my siblings with her all I have to say is a sex offender is held at a higher standard in my family then someone who committed robberies with no weapon I'm not saying I'm right and I'm not saying I'm wrong I'm saying I did my time no I didn't go find God in jail for prison that's not why I went to do my time my time was to do 27 months it wasn't to find God I was supposed to rehab and I didn't do that because they are idiot Florida correctional institution is insane and I am happy to say that me and a nurse closed Broward county institution for women due to the neglect the living conditions the rats the cockroaches the bed bugs the spider bites I have so many scars from them that it's insane as an intention in my leg where the brown recluse spider bite ate the muscle in my leg and when they would take the dressing off they would have to put a white cheek close by because the pus and the nasty muscle that turned into pus and turned into deteriorating muscles I thank her everyday and I wish wish I knew where she was so I could give her a great big hug and tell her thank you for sticking by me they transferred her because I made a mistake and gave her a hug out on compound and they transferred her to a different person but other inmates for telling me she was giving them messages to tell me she wasn't giving up on me and that she was still looking into it I owe her everything the little bit of time that I had with this nurse showed me love remorse didn't judge me and admired me for owning everything I did ruining my children to get life ruining my own life making my husband and my life difficult my stepson is never happy with me anymore there's nothing I can do and I'm not going to fight it no more I don't care I'm not going to let it bother me the past is the past I learned my lesson I got out in 2005 have not been in trouble with the loss jail and prison for hell and I'm never going back there's nothing that anybody could do to make me want to go back ever again and I'm withholding 2005 to present day 2024 clean off drugs sober off of I've been off drugs I haven't relapsed I'm a very proud of myself and I hope that I inspire somebody to tell their story of abuse and a correctional institution and I will look into it and I'll see what I can do to make the situation better Florida is not known for their wonderful persons in jails their roads infested their nasty they make the inmates live in unconditional situations I want to put my dog in the guards overstep their boundaries every which way we could insulted you made you feel like you were nobody you already took my freedom you're going to take myself to steam too then lock up the whole fat was just a trip and a half every time they could they would put me in the hole why I wasn't doing anything you know why because I found out that people were going around after they found out with my charges were I wonder who he told people that the person guards only knew what I did the inmates wanted to do them and every time something came up missing in a pot I was in it was my fault and didn't even matter it couldn't even be my and I would get in trouble because they said I stole and I never in a million years stole anything from anybody I had my own money coming in and I was buying my own things and my story will continue because it's not over yet......
submitted by Afraid-Company-8313 to HubermanLab [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:36 Necessary_Guard6448 My dad lives his life and I view it from the outside.

I wasn’t really sure how to title this post. I guess I’m just here to vent. I don’t like to vent to my husband because I don’t want him to resent my family and pretty much the same with friends. But basically I feel like I am not a part of my dads life and I feel like it’s starting to impact the relationship between my sister and I. I’ll first mention that I am the oldest of 5. My dad had 3 daughters with my mother and 2 kids with my step mom, 1 boy and 1 girl. Growing up it was just my sister and I. My parents were “married” but never lived together, I lived with my moms family. My dad would visit but my parents would fight and then he would leave. I don’t have too many memories of my dad where he would take us to the park, movies, sit with us and watch a movie, sit with me and ask about my friends at school. I was SA at 8 1/2 and my both my parents partially blamed me. No one did anything about it, no one called the police.
My dad had me young at 21. Parents divorced when I was 8. Then when I was 11 came our 3rd sister. A year and a half later he had our other sister with my step mom and less than a year after that he had my brother. Very odd I know. But growing up my dad was more of a strict parent. We weren’t even allowed to go outside and the house needed to be clean 24/7. When he got with my stepmom, they didn’t even tell me that she was pregnant and I was never invited to her babyshower. Then we were to go to some party and they just showed up with my sister in the carseat, she was already born a week ago. When I mentioned this to him, he said he thought I would be smart enough to see that she is visibly pregnant. So 3 months later they told me that she is having my brother which probably only because I said something about my sister. I didn’t find out that they got married until 2 years after. Now that my sister is 16, things are coming up that make me realize that I don’t have the dad they her and my brother have. They see him everyday. They get the dad to take them to school. Be there at bedtime. My brother pointed at a shirt and said look let’s get this for dad, I said why and he said “because it has an eagle on it” i said yeah and? He said because dad likes eagles how do you not know that?! I had no idea. They know all about his likes and dislikes. I don’t really know much. My sister is learning how to drive and asked me how was dad with me when teaching me…but he didn’t teach me. So it’s things like that.
Sorry that this is all over the place. Just a lot to unpack. For the record, I don’t speak to both my parents. I don’t hate my half siblings. If anything, it’s all worth it if he was a crappy parent to me so he could be great for them.
submitted by Necessary_Guard6448 to family [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:35 perishable Theory on what happened that night after hearing Jen’s cross today

I believe John found out about Higgins and Karen that night at the waterfall. Perhaps she showed him the text OR talked about her and Higgins on the way to 34 Fairview. She didn’t want to go inside because Higgins was there. They argued and he went inside and confronted Higgins. The men take it downstairs to talk it out because Brian Jr birthday party guests and vibes. Fight ensues, dog gets involved because everything pops off quickly and is coming in from peeing, and Colin jumps in because he had his own beef towards John.
John gets slammed against something and gets a head wound, starts seizuring, agonal breathing, and, as first responders, they know these signs aren’t compatible with life. They probably undressed him to render first aid, hence phone tossed aside.
Jen comes downstairs because she seems like the type to be involved with drama and sees what’s happening. She goes into “problem solving mode” because she knows, along with everyone else in that house, that they can’t call for help. There are drugs, underage drinking (Colin).
They start coming up with a plan: clean up, find John’s phone (which explains her calls to his phone), and get everyone out of the house. They probably explained to the guests that it was an accident, and that if they tell anyone that they would be sending them all to jail. OR, the guests simply never saw John come in and never new anything was happening because he was corralled downstairs.
I believe they undressed him and washed his clothes and re-dressed him. Perhaps the shoe was too saturated with blood and couldn’t be cleaned. Perhaps they forgot to put his belt back on. Or maybe those items had dog bite signs on them. They dunk John in the pool to wash the blood off him. He didn’t die yet but they knew he would. They leave him outside.
The plan became that after the guests leave, they re-dress him and they put him outside to make it look like a snow plow hit him. Brian Albert and Coco clean. Jen knows the plan and gets home, paces around, and googles about stomach contents after death, “hos long to die in the cold” because she’s freaking out and can’t help herself.
And then Karen calls Kerry and Jen because Karen was feeling like John didn’t come home because of what he found out about Higgins. Perhaps Karen thought Kerry and Jen were women John may “retaliate” cheat with because Kerry had a history with him, and Jen was at Fairview, perhaps flirty at Waterfall. Karen was pissed, wanted answers, and when it became apparent that John wasn’t with them, she became concerned, freaking out.
And then the rest unfolds.
submitted by perishable to justiceforKarenRead [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:29 56M50 [F] The Valkyrie

Hey everyone. I wrote this a while ago and never did anything with it. Just seeing what other people think, and if it's worth continuing.
The black Monte Carlo sped north on Third, passing Pike Street and slowing down before hitting Pine Street. The sidewalks were littered with detritus, both the organic and inorganic varieties. It was hard to distinguish between the piles of trash and the drug addicts huddled under their blankets, sitting on the sidewalk, waiting for someone to give them money or someone to sell them drugs. The car slowed even more as they saw a prospective customer. It was a black car with blacked out windows. 22 inch low profile tires, mag rims. It passed Pine, drove another block and hung a right onto Stewart.
Astrid twisted the throttle of her bike to keep the car in sight. She’d been tailing it for half an hour, ever since it had stopped at Jenny’s house. Astrid knew exactly why it had been there, and she wasn’t happy about it at all. Jenny had spent a long time getting clean, getting off the street. Building a life that didn’t involve drugs or selling herself at the whim of some pimp. When Jenny had called Astrid in tears, it took everything she had not to run over there and be the comforting shoulder. But sometimes you needed to take a different tact, and Jenny had shoulders aplenty to cry on. The punks in the car had leaned on Jenny, trying to get her back in the business. They thought they could intimidate her into compliance. Nobody knew how the punks had gotten her info, but there they were, big as life and twice as ugly. Astrid had gotten a description of the punks and their car, and caught up to them as they made their way down Broadway on Capitol Hill, and then down University Street to downtown Seattle. There was enough light from streetlights and buildings that Astrid reached down and flicked a switch that turned her headlights off. It had cost a bit of money to have that installed. It made the matte-black bike almost invisible at night. Couple that with some very expensive exhaust that muted the bike into almost complete silence, and if you weren’t looking at her you wouldn’t notice that she was riding by. Which also made it a lot more dangerous to be riding at night, but what Astrid wanted to do required at least a little bit of surprise. That made it worth the risk.
The car turned right again on 5th Avenue and made a circle to come back to Third. Astrid knew they wouldn’t get out of the car to do their deals. That made her job a bit more difficult, but still possible. She copied their turn and hung back a bit, letting them find their spot. The car slowed more and pulled over to the curb. A few of the vagrants got up and stumbled over to the passenger window, where transactions were made, some silent, some not so much. There was little fear of any cops doing anything. The Seattle PD had been neutered for some years, and now the drug dealers, addicts and various other flavor of criminals ruled the streets.
Astrid pulled her bike to the curb behind the Monte Carlo and turned it off. She doubted anyone could find the start button since she had it moved, but there was no need to tempt anyone with a running engine. She walked quietly up the driver’s side of the car. Her black leathers and black helment left her as a silhouette on shadow. The driver’s window was down, and the smell of marijuana smoke made her nose wrinkle. The people in the car were focused on the vagrant who was haggling for more of whatever they were selling, and she was able to walk up to the driver’s window without anyone even noticing she was there. As she walked she pulled her silenced Walther P22 from her jacket. People can laugh at the 22 Long Rifle all they want. Pea shooter. Not a real bullet. Get a real gun. Whatever. That little bullet came out humming, and at close range she didn’t need a bigger gun. It wasn’t going to bounce off a human skull when it was fired from six inches away, it was going in nice and deep.
The man in the driver’s seat managed to notice that someone was at his window about a second before Astrid pulled the trigger.
People who have only seen guns in movies tend to think that a silenced firearm just makes a little “pff” noise when it’s fired. That’s not the case. There’s still an explosion going on in your hand, and that explosion makes noise. Especially in a semi-automatic firearm, where the slide cycles back to eject the spent casing. Noise escapes. Noise escapes from the silencer as well, it’s just not as loud. Anyone who’s aware and alert would know that a gun had just been fired. With a super-sonic round, there’s also the “crack” of the bullet traveling through the air above the speed of sound, but when your target is six inches away from the muzzle that’s less of an issue.
The driver had not been aware, nor alert. He was now slumped in his seat, eyes opened wide in an astonished stare as his brain functions ceased thanks to a 40 grain bullet traveling at 1260 feet per second. The passenger, bags of drugs still in his hand, was now aware but not alert. Either he was too stoned to know what had just happened, or the years of drug use made his brain operate slower than it normally would. He stared as Astrid shifted her aim and pulled the trigger again.
Funny thing about silencers – they take some time to warm up. The hot gasses pushing the bullet down the barrel get into the baffles of the silencer and make the next shots even less noisy. There’s still noise, and again, if someone were aware and alert they would know that a gun had just been fired. The passenger slumped sideways in his seat as the bullet hit him dead center on the side of his head. The vagrant who had been hassling him for drugs gaped, looking over the roof of the car at Astrid. He blinked, trying to process what he had seen, and Astrid wondered if she would have to take him out as well. He looked down at the dead drug dealer, then reached into the car and grabbed as many little baggies as he could before hauling ass down the sidewalk.
Astrid walked back to her bike, stomach clenching. She grit her teeth against the urge to vomit as she threw her leg over the seat and fired the engine to life. She pulled away from the curb and drove two blocks before turning her headlights on. She turned right onto Cedar Street, then continued on to Fifth Avenue North, driving past the gleaming metal shell of the Experience Music Project. She made it to Mercer Street before she had to pull over and rip her helmet off, then proceeded to vomit into the grass next to the sidewalk. Nobody bothered to give her a second look. Some lady puking her guts out? Just another druggie in downtown Seattle. Nothing to see here. In the midst of her vomit session a tiny thought in the back of her head wondered if she could find a modular helmet so she wouldn’t have to take the entire helmet off when she puked. She would have giggled if she wasn’t throwing up.
Once she’d emptied the contents of her stomach on the grass she put her helmet back on and rolled through the stoplight, turning right onto Mercer and taking a zig-zag route back to her house. She altered her speed several times, slowing down and then speeding up and making sharp turns to see if she was being followed. There wasn’t a tail in sight and it was doubtful there would be. She desperately needed a drink to get the taste out of her mouth. Her stomach rolled again, and she gagged before managing to get her body under control. As she rode under the Highway 99 overpass, she could feel the tears rolling down her face. Again. The one action of her body that she could never seem to control. But she was working on it.
submitted by 56M50 to story [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:24 Birthdaze Rainwater harvesting and filtration

Hi all,
I am hoping for advice on rainwater harvesting and water filtration system for a house, I have done some reading but just want to check I have all my bases covered.
Context: New house build, Bellingen NSW (1,500mm annual rainfall), tank water only, rural property, no trees above house location (at this stage), roof size: circa 300sqm
Proposed storage:
Filtration proposal:

Thank you in advance, I really appreciate any feedback and guidance.
submitted by Birthdaze to AusRenovation [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:23 bun2788 Newly adopted kitten has tapeworm

Species: domestic cat, feline Breed: tabby/domestic shorthair Age: 10 weeks Sex: female Spay/neuter: spay date 06/07 Weight: just over 2 lbs
Please help! I adopted a kitten a little over two weeks ago from my local shelter.
The very first week, there was blood in her stool and on her anus after defecating. I monitored it for 2 days then reached out to the shelters veterinarian. She took an x ray and a fecal sample and saw no signs of anything and said she could just be dehydrated. She advised us to give her more wet food and put her on a 7 day probiotic (Purina Pro Plan).
Everything seemed great last week. But today I discovered tapeworm segments hanging from her anus and I’m freaking out.
The shelter is closed right now (9:13 P.M.) but I am bringing her to the vet at the shelter first thing in the morning.
I’m a first time cat owner and have only had dogs previous to this kitten. I have never dealt with a pet having tapeworm and this is also my first time adopting a pet from a shelter. Any advice you could give me would be greatly appreciated.
I have isolated her in my bathroom and began to clean and disinfect the room and wash bedding and clothes. However, I’m concerned that I need to be worried about fleas? If so, to what extent? Should I isolate myself as well until fleas are treated? Or should I worry about having accidentally given fleas to my parent’s house that I visited two days ago?
submitted by bun2788 to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:22 KitchenAd9458 Bioactive Enclosure help

Bioactive Enclosure help
Okay I’ll be truthful, this isn’t a Crested Gecko enclosure, but it is a Bioactive with a similar environment (also there are no Asian House Gecko subreddits lol). I’ve noticed a smell in my enclosure which I’m still pretty sure could be a buildup of poop in a place I can’t spot clean (trying to figure out what to do about that), but I also noticed on one side of the enclosure this outbreak of mold or fungus (not sure which.)
Is this an issue, or normal for a Bioactive. If it is an issue how can I fix it and prevent it in the future? This is my second Bioactive and my first semi-tropical.
Also tips on getting build up of poop cleaned. I have isopods and springtails, but the poop is behind a high piece of cork that they won’t climb and that I can’t retrieve without messing up the enclosure. Any tips on this would also be great.
submitted by KitchenAd9458 to CrestedGecko [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:18 Minhwrites Recreating the one red paperclip with automation (trading from a paperclip to a house)

This is an automation side-project that I was thinking about a few weeks ago.
It’s not directly related to Clay, but I wanted to share to help spark new ideas for your own projects.
I’m sure by now everyone’s heard of the guy who traded up from a paperclip to a house. Craigslist was his main channel for sourcing leads for trades, I think. Makes sense.
Recently, someone else did the same just a few years ago, trading up from a bobby pin to a house. Cool idea.
Problem is she literally spent her entire waking hours outside work (and probably during work as well) on Facebook marketplace.
Now, can I help my friend recreate this with cheap automation tools that are available to us now? Like most of us, she doesn’t have the time to message people non-stop.
So here’s what I’m thinking:
  1. Post on Facebook, Craigslist, etc. This is going to field inbound traffic only. We’re not going to reach out via outbound.
  2. Set an automatic reply bot to immediately engage people who replied to the ad.
  3. Use AI to categorize their item + find comparables online to estimate price.
  4. Auto check against a list of automatic no’s (like jewelry, used electronics, etc).
  5. Put each item into a “yes” or “no” bucket.
  6. Use AI to create a message, ready to send.
  7. Manually review from here and only send messages to the best prospects.
It’s a very basic start to the idea, but I bet someone out there with more time on their hands can make it work.
Some keys to make this work:
submitted by Minhwrites to claytables [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:05 H2hos 8 or 9 update

So I know most of the comments said to watch nine but I really needed to see the victor twins get jumped by the whole house, so I started 8 and I'm half way through the second episode. Amy is a fucking psycho, gia is lowkey disgusting to me for spitting and for just throwing up on someone and not cleaning it. I also wanted to know how the red head girl was because I saw a lot of dislike for her and needed to know why 😂 so far it's all funny I'll probably watch nine next tho
submitted by H2hos to BadGirlsClub [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:03 IUnderStriker I really think "something" is living with me.

Hi, I wanted to share something since things are getting weirder by the day.
First of all, English is not my first language, sorry for any bad grammar.
So... I'm a 28 yo brazilian girl who lives "alone" and for the last couple of years I've been experiencing something I still can't quite explain, but in the last weeks it's getting more and more strange... I think someone (or something I guess) it's living in my house and even tho I can't directly interact with it, I'm beggining to think it can interact with me.
For 25 years, most of my life, I've lived in the same house my parents lived when I was born and experienced a lot of weird stuff while growing up there, I always tried to find a reasonable explanation for everything and even wrote a short-story based on some of these "interesting" experiences without really fearing any of it, but since I moved two years ago to the apartment that I live in today I have this feeling that I have brought some kind of company and it gives me the creeps.
Since the first day here I hear things moving on their own, drawers opening, furniture dragging, light switches and keys swinging, but every time I get to the room to check, I simply see no one, at best I find objects at different places from where they should be and lights turned on (I always turn them off when I get out of any room). My apartment isn't that big and I can't imagine it having any blind-spots where a person could be hiding. Even if it was not the case and my apartment was super big, I live on the third floor, always lock my doors and windows for which only I have the keys, and "phrogging" isn't really a thing here in my country. I also have three cats (When I first got here they were four, but one of them died last year, R.I.P. Bartho) and most of the times this things happen I can't blame it on them because they're usually just sleeping on my bed.
I already told this to some friends and everyone always says I'm just paranoid or even sleepwalking (to try and explain why some things are out of place when I check), but I stopped believing it's something with me when my GF lived with me for six months last year and saw some weird stuff too, getting to the point that one night we even woke up together scared with some heavy things falling to the ground (originally safely stored and heavy enough so the cat's can't be blamed for this either) only to also have sleep paralysis together later that same night (romantic, I guess) feeling someone was approaching our bed in the dark.
It's already very weird, why do I feel it's getting weirder? Okay, so... A couple of weeks ago I woke up with my left arm hurting real bad, as if I had a fight, figured I just slept in a weird position until I also felt a strong pain on my forehead only to check and find a big red bump out of nowhere. My mom was visiting and she doesn't sleep much, she was reading when I woke up and said she didn't saw or heard me waking up and much less bumping my head during the night, after a while thinking about it I decided it was nothing. That same day we went to the supermarket together and bought some groceries for me, after that, my mom went to her home and I got back to mine. I remember very clearly that when I was putting away the groceries I kept four bottles of vinegar in my cleaning area, but the next morning, all four bottles simply went missing and until today I haven't found them anywhere in my apartment. I checked, I really got scared and checked the whole apartment, but no signs of it. I told this to some people, only to hear the same thing I always hear, that I'm just paranoid and/or sleepwalking and even that probably I threw it away without noticing (???).
Then we skip to this morning. After a couple of days without new weird experiences besides the usual noises, I woke up today feeling anxious for no apparent reason, got up, threw water on my face, prepared my breakfast still half asleep, sat down in front of my computer to work and when I leaned against the chair I felt a very strong cutting pain on my back, ran to check it in the mirror and noticed that my back is covered in cut wounds, I mean, REALLY COVERED, like WTH? And it's mostly in places I CAN'T reach on my own (it was really hard to clean it up). I panicked and called my parents, who both said at first that maybe it was the cats, but then understood that even this wouldn't be ordinary behavior for them and they would need to have had a catfight championship on my back to get this bad. I now spent all of my day doing research on possible "natural" causes for this wounds, but I found nothing similar to this, and when I think about it, it really makes sense that somehow they're related to my other "paranormal" experiences living here...
Anyway, I just thought that sharing this in a place like this sub would somehow make it easier to deal with since the people around me kinda think I'm just crazy and maybe someone here could help me find an explanation ("logical" or not) for all of this stuff. Tomorrow I'm going to the doctors check my back and after that I'll buy some energetic cleaning material (incenses, salt, herbs and stuff) and if I have any updates I'll get back here to share. What are your thoughts about this? Am I really just being paranoid or it makes sense to think that something is lurking in my house?
submitted by IUnderStriker to Paranormal [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:02 Extra_Marsupial1682 Boomer FIL suggested my husband to leave me for a younger dumber woman

I heard the story from my husband of his recent interaction with his boomer dad. This boomer definitely wouldn't have the guts to say it to my face.
My husband and I have been together for over 10 years. Early on when I met his parents, they were pretty nice and hands off (remarkable for Asian parents). I went to a more prestigious university than my husband, and made a lot more money than him during our early careers. His parents have regular middle class jobs, so were very polite to me and happy that their son married up economically (not my thought, but it's a common one for that generation). These days, we both make good money.
About boomer father in law (FIL): sloppy looking, never exercised a day in his life, antisocial (people can't stand him anyway), cheated on his wife with a mistress when he visited his home country, not smart or ambitious but financially comfortable just because he bought multiple houses for peanuts during the boomer golden years. Thinks Jeff Bezos is the smartest billionaire because he left his wife for a younger hotter woman unlike Bill Gates.
He casually mentioned to my husband that now that he's doing well at work, he should get a more young attractive wife. He said that the woman doesn't need to be so smart and ambitious, and that she should just be good at cooking, cleaning, and look good. This isn't the first time he's commented on my looks - years ago I overheard him telling his wife that I was too flat (TBH he probably has bigger tits than me).
My husband is used to his dad's assholery and just told him to eat shit because I'm plenty attractive, and how he actually values his wife as a person, not just a maid to fuck like his generation. (Of course I gave him a good thanking for defending me 🤭)
I know my FIL wasn't 100% serious about this proposition, but it just captures his sexist priorities, and the take take take boomer mentality so perfectly. Why be loyal to your partner when you can just take from them and upgrade/dump when you've taken enough?
submitted by Extra_Marsupial1682 to BoomersBeingFools [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:02 LilacPenny Please help. I’m 9 months pregnant and just found out my dads in the hospital due to another bender

I’ll try to keep this as short as I can. My dad’s almost 60 and has been a binge drinker my whole life. He goes months to a year without drinking, then goes on 1-2 month long binges where he doesn’t work and drinks to oblivion and is unreachable unless you go to his house and break in. Last one was in October when I found out I was pregnant with my first child (his only grandchild).
I’m due next month and he started his latest binge a few weeks ago (perfect timing). I just got a call from the police because his neighbour asked for a wellness check. They found him in a pool of blood with a head wound and liqour bottles everywhere. He’s now admitted in the hospital and it’s almost midnight here.
I really don’t know what to do here. I’ve tried being supportive, tough love, ignoring him when he binges, coming over to clean after his binges, I’ve basically tried it all. This is the LAST thing I need to be dealing with as I’m trying to prepare to give birth in a few weeks. He will probably miss the whole thing and won’t be able to provide any help postpartum.
He won’t admit he has a problem, he thinks because he binges it’s totally fine but this isn’t the first time cops have been involved and he’s lost 2 jobs now because of this, not to mention many embarrassing episodes from my youth.
What can I do to help him? If the thought of his grandchild coming in a few weeks wasn’t enough to get him to stop drinking idk what will be. I’m his only child, he’s single, he doesn’t have a lot of friends, I can’t go no contact because I fear he’ll hurt himself, but I also can’t let this consume me anymore because I’m about to have my own child to take care of. If he won’t admit he has a problem wtf do I do?!!???!
submitted by LilacPenny to AlAnon [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:58 Jib01 Coloring tracks with metal darkener

Coloring tracks with metal darkener
So I commented in a previous post where someone asked about painting the unfinished metal tracks that come with Henglong Professional tanks. I saw a video where someone used a metal darkener to make them look black and it’s supposed to hold up better than paint.
The pictures are as follows from left to right: All three tracks, HL Abrams Professional metal tracks, TongDe Bradley Professional metal tracks, Metal Abrams tracks with rubber treads in them like the real thing. The picture immediately following each track is after a two minute soak in the darkening fluid and sitting out in the sun for a few hours. The last picture is of my hands after carrying them inside after sitting outside.
Both Abrams tracks has seen a bit of wear, having driven through tallish grass many many times. The rubber padded ones had seen the most abuse of the two. The Bradley had only been run once or twice inside my house.
I used JAX Iron, Steel, & Nickel Blackener I got off of Amazon. The video said to clean the tracks well, using Ferro fluid and paint thinner. I didn’t have nor want to fool with Ferro fluid. I cleaned the two Abrams tracks with soap and water and tried to get off as much of the grass and grass stains as possible. I washed the full metal Abrams tracks and the Bradley tracks with paint thinner and a metal bristle brush, but not the Abrams tracks with the rubber pads.
The stain only took about two minutes to go as black as in the pictures. I did one track at a time. I had a hard time finding a bowl that was just the right size so that the tracks would be completely immersed by the liquid when set on their side in the bowl. It would’ve been easier with two bottles, but you don’t really need that much, just the right sized container. I don’t think the stain took as well to the Abrams tracks with the rubber pads. A combination of being very stained and dirty and not cleaning them with the paint thinner.
I think they look good, but still not as good as stock Taigen/Torro tracks. Whatever process they use, this doesn’t seem the same, and not as good quality. As you can see in the last picture, I got some black on my arms carrying them inside after a couple hours setting in the sun after staining. I wonder if this is going to last, but only time will tell. I was going to break them in with some new motors on my Abrams, but alas, it was not meant to be. I think the pinion gears were slipping on the motors, so it didn’t go nowhere. Maybe tomorrow after visiting the local RC shop.
submitted by Jib01 to rctanks [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:56 Great-Manner-6573 “You ate a lot”

Hi everyone, I’m feeling a little hurt over something my partner said. He unapologetically eats a lot, or so it seems. And farts more than anyone I’ve ever known, seriously. He’s not fat, just a little belly. I’m 4’11 and was right at 100lbs before getting pregnant. I’ve gained 10 lbs and am in week 20. I clean houses for a living and often miss lunch because clients like me to come midday. I usually eat a late light breakfast and a big early dinner, no lunch. Same thing today, except we were taking our friend out for dinner which meant I had to hold off two extra hours while starving until we went out for dinner. So when we got to the restaurant, I was starving. And I scarfed down a fried mushroom and coleslaw sandwich which sounds gross, but it was delicious. Afterwards, he commented that I ate a lot when he ate all almost all of my fries and some of my friends fries, no joke. We have this happen a lot where he judges what I eat and he will happily eat like a pig, which I don’t judge him because like he can do him, it’s fine. I don’t care but when I get upset is when he judges my eating habits. One time we went on an 11 mile hike that gained a lot of elevation. We were out there all day and all I had was an avocado cheese wrap, and trail mix. At the end of the day he had eaten so many Cliff bars that he wasn’t hungry at all. He didn’t understand that I was hungry and I needed to eat before our 2 hour drive home. He almost refused to stop to get me food, which ended up being pizza from a gas station that they were minutes away from throwing away that was barely edible. This was before I was pregnant and generally he’s a really sweet guy, but this food thing is really getting on my nerves. I don’t mention how he chews with his mouth open and kind of eats like a pig, because I love him and it’s whatever, but if he would just let me eat when I’m hungry without commenting. I’m a recovering bulimic and, it really upsets me to come this far with my relationship with food and have him comment on my eating and make me feel guilty and self conscious. I literally ate a sandwich for dinner, a vegetarian sandwich, and he told me I ate a lot after I cleaned for four hours, didn’t eat lunch and being pregnant. Anyway, sorry just a little rant. Thanks for listening.
submitted by Great-Manner-6573 to pregnantover35 [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:56 Khaikaa I discovered this gem 3 days ago and I'm already adicted

I can't believe this gem flew under my radar until a few days ago, it has most things I like on a game. My first character is a druid(currently lvl 23) and I'm having so much fun playing with people.
I feel like there is the perfect amount of players to be a very pleasant experience, you always see someone here and there but not too many people making a caos in the map or killing all the npcs. Also, players are very friendly, I usually sneak inside their parties and chat with them while giving some support in battle and so far the experience has been great.
The game's aesthetic is amazing, I love it, the maps are incredibly detailed and clean, hands up for the artistic team! OST is also really nice, but I would love a bit more variety tho. I'm also enjoying the writing so much, I'm one of those players who like to read and I really liked everything I've read so far. Great job guys!
The only thing I want to give some constructive criticism about is the quest scenarios. Jeez, how many times have I been in the same house killing different people? I understand the limits of the city map, but I feel like all the scenaries are used too many times for too many different quest lines.
I know I'm just giving my first stpes but I'm already in love with the game. Will of course purchase some premium stuff to give some economic support after I learn a bit more about the game. Keep the good work!
submitted by Khaikaa to BrokenRanksOfficial [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:53 Jealous_Literature_4 In depth - Custom tablet wall mount project - lots of info and photos

In depth - Custom tablet wall mount project - lots of info and photos
This project took months since i originally conceived it in my head, to actually completing it, since i've been constantly putting it off. Back in January 2024, i started with buying the tablet that i wanted to use for my wall mounted Home Assistant dashboard. I was originally going to go with Lenovo M10 3rd gen model for about 170 euro, but after some digging around i have found a recommendation for another model that is kinda older but slimmer, with a much better looking screen and higher resolution. I went with the Samsung Galaxy Tab S5e that i found factory refurbished online on a French website Electro Depot for a price of 200 euros - it was in perfect condition, looked brand new when it arrived, kind of a steal for that price. The Super AMOLED screen on it is just amazing, such a nice contrast, black depth and great color rendition.
Since it originally launched in 2019, Android updates stopped, and the last version was kinda aged, so i slapped on a custom ROM on it - LineageOS 21 that runs Android 14. That end of business was fixed, all good to go. Next step was figuring out what wall mount i was going to go with. Having said that, the Galaxy S5e did not have alot of options, there were some VidaBox mounts, TabCare, TabLines etc, that all looked kinda bulky and hella expensive, that wasn't gonna cut it for me, i wanted something slim and sleek looking.
So, i started looking around for some 3D models of wall mounts for it - again, slim pickings. Not alot of people using the Galaxy S5e wall mounted i guess. The only one i found, and ended up using for testing purposes was one on Thingiverse from a dude named Cemera, the problem was, it was missing two upper pieces and not alot of style or a place to hide the USB cable behind. So i kept digging and eventually found a near perfect 3D model of a wall mount that checked all the boxes for me, the problem was - it was designed for a Samsung Galaxy Tab A8 10.5, that had all different physical dimensions compared to the S5e, ouch. So i grabbed the 3D files from this dude named MADSGADEBERG on Cults3D, and went to work. Having said that, i had almost zero experience doing modeling 3D stuff (if we don't count SketchUp floor plan design), so you can imagine the pain of going through the process of actually adapting the 3D model to fit my Galaxy Tab S5e, when the width, height, thickness, camera placement and even the speaker location that are all different.
Anyway, hours and hours went into the Fusion 360 that i grabbed previously with a free personal licence, rummaging through tutorials on YouTube, and finally i got the result that i wanted. I can't say that this was a slight modification of the original wall mount design for the Galaxy Tab A8, since i ended up changing a lot of stuff to it, including volume button notch, area around the usb port was hella sketchy on the original model, had to beef it all up since original one was just begging it to break. I have also remodeled the front cover design, playing with the bezel width, chamfer and fillet of corners, magnets depth etc, all to fit the Galaxy S5E as tight as possible, with really small tolerances. Even added the four openings on the sides for amazing sounding quad AKG speakers. My biggest gripe with all of this, was having to cut that beautiful design into two pieces, as most 3D printers (including my Bambu Lab X1C) do not have the big enough work area to print this in one piece, e.g the mount being all that slimmed up was still ~270mm long, and i had 256x256x256mm on my build plate to work with. Such a shame, but oh well.
Actually the biggest problem that was revolving about the wall mount design was getting a slim enough USB-C cable, actually slim enough connector part, and that was not easy as it sounds. So, you see, you USA guys had the cable i wanted on your Amazon, but living in Europe i resorted to finding something closer. AliExpress was also an option, but i did not have the patience to wait weeks getting it delivered from China. So, i actually found a dude on Etsy from the Netherlands that makes or rather modifies these cables, and it was perfectly sized for my wall mount project. Bingo, i had everything i needed for the wall mount part, except the magnets that i forgot to order - luckily the one day shipping from Amazon in France works like a charm - hurray.
Ok, having finished the wall mount part, i still needed to figure out how the hell i was going to power this on the wall. So, you see, in the USA, you guys have at least some solutions of buying a recessed box for the wall outlet. Here, in Europe, we don't do alot of drywalls, and we don't recess the outlets that much in the brick walls. Luckily, my place here in France is all drywalled up, but still zero solutions online for buying a deeper recessed wall box or media box that would fit my needs. So, as you might have guessed, i had to design and 3D print one up from scratch. As i was getting familiar with Fusion 360, that wasn't as much of a hassle compared to modifying the wall mount design. I had in mind of creating something sleek that would fit an outlet with USB-A and USB-C ports to actually power the tablet.
The problem is, i did not have power wires available right in the area that i was wanting to mount the tablet, but luckily on that wall i had a junction box near the floor. I bought some 2 metre wires, couple of electric connectors to borrow the neutral, live and ground wires from the junction box, cut up a square hole in the drywall and i was good to go. I had 10cm of clearance in the wall, so i used it up to the max, designing a box that is 6cm deep, leaving the 4cm for the round power outlet box. Good thing about this, i could use normal sized chargers in the actual outlet if i had the need to, since 6cm plus the length of the prongs that go into the holes in the outlet gives a nice depth to fit regular sized chargers.
Alright, i know that alot of people just do not care of estetics behind when the tablet and the mount are going to cover all the holes and drilling/cutting mess anyway, but i wanted to keep things clean, designing a cover for the recessed box to hide the cuts in the drywall. I also chose a cheap but nice looking outlet - i like to keep things clean and tidy, sue me. Instead of drilling all the stuff in the drywall and adding screws, i went with a less destructive method, adding a heavy duty double sided tape to everything, holds like a champ and i can peel it off if i ever decide to change the wall mount location.
So there you have it, a project that i wanted to do for years, all the way back when i started getting into Home Assistant, but i always kept delaying it thinking it was too much work - well it was, but having it done in the end, i learned alot of usefull stuff in the process. For instance, modeling in Fusion 360, it will help me alot with my 3D printing hobby, where i will actually design some future items instead of just printing the files that other people made. Also, i love being handy around the house, tinkering with home related projects, but i never have enough chance to do it, so routing that power wires and adding a power outlet to the wall felt nice to do.
For the dashboard part, I ended up going for WallPanel instead of FullyKiosk as a solution for the fullscreen HA, the screensaver, etc. Also, since my Galaxy S5E is rooted, i have added a charging control behavior for it via ACC (Advanced Charging Controller) Magisk module. I keep it charged up to 80%, and having it drop to 20% before starting to charge again. That way i know the battery stays healthy and is not going to swell up being kept at 100% all the time.
Thanks for reading up all the way to the end of my tablet wall mount project, if you have any questions i will gladly answer them in the comments. Check out the full photos that i took during the making of all the stuff in my Flickr album, as there are plenty. Most people add just a couple and i just keep wondering what stuff they did in the actual process, and how they did it. I can also share all the STL files if people want to recreate what i did. Take care guys, peace.
submitted by Jealous_Literature_4 to homeassistant [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:51 022119 Possible autism in 2.5 year old

My son was born at 35 weeks he has never hit a single milestone on time. He has an autism screening next week and I'm just trying to prepare myself. His therapists think he might have some sort of OCD, autism or anxiety. He is in our state's early intervention program and he has done occupational therapy, speech therapy, feeding therapy and developmental therapy.
My husband and I've been collecting a list of things that have been concerning for the last 6 to 9 months. I'm just wondering if these things seem worth having him tested for autism and what I should be expecting during his testing?
This is a random list completely out of order and not at all organized. I've made this list as things come to mind
[ ] Will quit eating if his hands get dirty [ ] Will stop eating if he drops food. Will not eat again until the "mess" has been cleaned up [ ] Does not eat well and when we cut his Kate Farms back he lost weight in a month [ ] His food needs to be separated and each section of his plate has to have food before he will eat [ ] He has had an upper scope, a lower scope, two swallow studies, anal, Botox He has prescriptions for Senna miralax and an appetite stimulant [ ] If his fork gets dirty we have to wipe it off before he will keep eating [ ] Mealtime takes one to two hours [ ] Most days he won't eat until 11:00 to 2:00 p.m. some days he will go all day without any food or water. He does not seem to be bothered by not eating [ ] Cries any time we try to have meal time [ ] Panics about things "coming apart" especially about food. He will say "back on" and cry [ ] He pockets food and uses his whole hand to shove food down his throat [ ] He will eat the same food for a few weeks at a time and that will be the only thing he eats and when he's done eating that type of food it takes us a few weeks to figure out something else he'll eat [ ] He has a food choice chart with pictures made by his DT to help with mealtime [ ] Knows what a horizontal stabilizer is on an airplane. Knows 8 or 9 planes parts and types [ ] Loves naming airplane parts, cranes, construction equipment, telescopes and trucks [ ] Loves wheels and gears and building things [ ] Used a medicine syringe as a screw driver to fix things around the house [ ] Blinks funny. Will hold both eyes shut for 2 or 3 seconds [ ] Will not get his hands dirty [ ] Hits and kicks during diaper changes [ ] I'm unable to change poop diapers without having to shower him because he won't stay still enough [ ] Cries every time he has a diaper change. He does not recognize when he's gone to the bathroom in his diaper [ ] We've tried a mirror, songs, hair brushes, TV, toys etc for helping with diaper changes [ ] Copies random phrases. "good job dude" or "hot dog" [ ] Bites every day. Mostly when happy or overwhelmed. Never during a tantrum [ ] I have to rip the tags out of his clothing in public [ ] He doesn't seem to care when we tell him his biting hurts or not to kick. [ ] Does not play alongside other children well. Does not follow directions or stay with the group like his peers [ ] Does not respond to his name unless it is called multiple times and then screamed [ ] Will only engage in conversations he starts [ ] Loves to fall down and crash. He will bloody his hands and then continue to throw himself down on concrete [ ] Covers his ears in public. When there is an air blower at the entrance he will freak out [ ] Loves to climb [ ] Loves to spin [ ] Head banging [ ] Loves flipping [ ] Is afraid of the dark [ ] Has little to no fear or sense of danger [ ] Gags himself with his hand until he throws up [ ] The vacuum scares him hair dryer scare him and he does not like it when the AC or heat kicks on [ ] Will get in your face to talk about something he is interested in but doesn't make good eye contact unless it's a topic he wants to talk about [ ] Will make eye contact briefly but will not hold it [ ] Plays with the same toys the same way every time [ ] Loves playing with small Legos especially the wheels [ ] Lines up his toys and food [ ] If we do something once it becomes our routine and it must be done over and over again [ ] Repeat the same words or phrases over and over again for a few weeks at a time [ ] He will have 2 hour long tantrums. We will do everything we can for him and we don't have any other things to help him. Last time we used a sensory brush and his z vibe. He will sound like he's having trouble breathing during these fits, has coughing fits and needs his inhaler [ ] He has trouble staying with his group and following directions at soccer and gymnastics. He doesn't like moving through rotations. He wants to stay in one spot [ ] He will zone out and we will have trouble getting his attention. We have to call his name multiple times and then scream his name for him to respond [ ] Had a speech delay. First word at 22 months [ ] Has trouble functioning outside of his routine. When we travel and we stay in our routine. He does great traveling as long as we follow our routine. He can't function if we change it up [ ] Will not lay on his back for diaper changes or bath time [ ] Freaks out if his hands are dirty [ ] He needs a tight squeeze when he gets upset but does not want to be touched unless he's asking [ ] Reacts well to changing tasks if we have a timer
[ ] Will stop writing his bike to clean leaves and dirt off of his tires [ ] Loves to be asked questions but will only answer yes and no questions. He doesn't always answer correctly [ ] He will pick a body part and say it hurts for weeks [ ] Everything has to be clean and picked up. He has to take every piece apart before putting a toy away like Legos, stackable boats in bathtub [ ] Refuses to leave Grandmamas house until all the mess is clean (toys and food) [ ] Never wants to be alone. Refuses to play alone unless he is outside or playing Legos. [ ] He's normally a very happy kid but the things that upset him makes it so he can't function [ ] Walk with his ear to shoulder [ ] Makes himself throw up [ ] Won't sleep unless his mouth is in the covers, his gray blanket in over his feet and his ceiling fan is on. He will lay in his bed and call for us to come fix it if we do it wrong. [ ] Does not follow what other kids are doing during soccer and gymnastics [ ] Loves to play Legos and build wheels [ ] Nightmares [ ] Lots of affection. Hugs, biting, tight squeezes, banging head when happy [ ] Loves trash cans [ ] Calls himself "you" [ ] Wants the same songs, toys, and books over and over again [ ] Doesn't like it when the wind blows. Covers his ears [ ] Whiny/ distressed/ high pitched voice [ ] Randomly walks away in public. Tries to chase cars in parking lots. Wants to touch cars we pass [ ] Only hits and bites when happy and excited [ ] Can not tell you his name [ ] Stopped hunting easter eggs to organize them by color [ ] Toe walks some [ ] Some hand flapping [ ] Remembers small details [ ] Runs his hands along the shelves in the grocery store [ ] Refused to get in his high chair at every meal until we confirm that it is clean [ ] Started chewing on hands and keeping hands in mouth all the time [ ] Will sometimes chew the neck of his shirt [ ] Loves reading. Will sit and listen to books for an hour [ ] Parents of friends have made comments. One parent said her child has started "saying everything 3 times like Teddy does" and "Teddy shakes when you touch him" [ ] His therapist have previously mentioned that Teddy wouldn't let her touch him [ ] Gets in your face to tell you things he's interested in [ ] Shakes so badly during swim class that he made himself throw up. He was not crying when he got sick. He loves water and loved swimming until his swim teacher started holding him [ ] Wouldn't go down the stairs to get in the car until I would sweep the dog hair out of the hall way [ ] Shakes his head really hard in front of sound machine [ ] If we are fussing at him or trying to get him to change tasks and we touch him, he falls to the floor screams and has a meltdown
submitted by 022119 to autism [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:47 Strong_Car_8976 Advice for failed marriage

The title is a bit clickbaity i know. There is no end of marriage in this life, or failure of it as it is a covenant with God. Perhaps failed relationship is better suited
I debated whether or not to give the backstory, however I feel I will, but first where things are now.
6 months ago my wife asked to for seperation. She wanted "Freedom & Independence" and didnt want to live together anymore and felt that she had been pressured by her Catholic College and family into getting married in the first place (not me but the sacrament). She had been kicking around religious life, but that was more due to her lack of better options as she had struggled with SSA in her life.
We talked, alot and roughly came to the understanding that we would revisit this when our last child was out of the house (we have three all 8-11). She had also wanted to have her "own space" and wanted to build a small tiny house in the backyard where "everything would be how she liked it".
She had relationships with girls in her teens, then a boyfriend who she described as having raped her. I am still struggling to understand what this means exactly as she has given different accounts that vary from consent but then regretted after to more of a consent after relentless asking.
This set her off into full SSA relationships. She then went to a very Orthodox Catholic college but was looking for female connection of that sort. She ended up pulling in her roomate and best friend who then at the end of the first year contacted her mother about the relationship and how sorry she was for being involved, but that she (my wife) needed help.
There was some intervention, praying over her (mother is very charismatic) and then she was ok for awhile. She then was on Catholic SSA support groups but then used that to find people to have emotional long distance relationships with. She had a bunch of SSA relationships during this time. Still struggling with this and her faith she leaned towards religious life, like i imagine alot of attempting to be faithful SSA Catholics do. If i cant be married then i guess its priesthood/sisters. While she was praying at one point she asked God for a sign of where shes supposed to go. she then saw a famous saint holding flowers, but not the same flowers they are normally depicted with. She realized this was her sign.
We met and during the course of the courtship I wasnt the best Catholic, I was just getting back on track in living my faith and realized i needed to seek out women who were going to help me on the path and not drag me off, or let me drag myself off (hold me to account). She always liked a purple so those were the flowers i always got. We had long discussions about the future and she was very honest in that she wasnt sure she was called to marriage. she was still figuring it out. Her mother asked if the sign was given yet, and it hadnt.
That same day of the call with her mom I ended up getting, for no reason in my mind, a different set of flowers. ones that matched perfectly the type and color her sign had been. After that she was convinced. We began to plan for marriage and did all the marriage prep. Talked alot about her past, was told it was in the past and not anything she struggled with anymore and that marriage is forever no matter what.
Throughout our marriage I readily admit i wasnt the best husband at times. I was always trying to find extra ways to make money and develop a business i could run so that, in my mind, I could set our lives up around what we wanted to do, have our own schedules, travel with the kids whenever, etc. I focused on that alot. I spent many if not most nights working on that. She was neglected. She did however all during that time say supportive things, saying i need to keep going, i believe in you, etc etc. The feelings of neglect were never brought up by her (now I can see it very clearly and feel terrible about it, wish i could change it)
At the same time i was dealing with things from the war and secretly drinking those nights as well. I didnt go out. I didnt cheat or anything i just drank to forget. About 5-6 years ago i realized i couldnt control it like i thought i could and stopped completely and then i realized that i had been taking her for granted and neglecting her. I stopped my projects and began to actually spend quality time together. Things were really good. She was also going through therapy to deal with her past and that had brought things up, she had started drinking as well, but we were both moving towards good things. She got pregnant and then things really got perfect.
We were close, spent nights out together, talked, she started to talk about wanting to be more feminine, grow her hair out longer than shoulder, wear dresses etc. I was amazed and thankful to God that he had helped her get in touch with her feminity in a deeply maternal way.
Then....we lost the baby.
We had miscarriages before, and its not to make it sound routine, but from our experiences in the past I knew she would want space, take up the slack, keep up with the housework, do things that made her feel appreciated etc. I did that. I think i gave her too much space. She began to spend more and more time with a friend (Female) go out late, drink, etc.
I very bluntly asked if anything weird was going on she denied it. I began to have more and more panic attacks as I was completely convinced my marriage was over. She continued to deny it, but never stopped spending more and more time with this person. Obsessing over everything in her life and her marriage, her problems. Husband is out of town she needs to stay there until late because other girl doesnt like being alone in the house, husband is back, she needs to go out because the friend is having marriage issues. They start smoking weed together and things get worse and worse. Finally she comes back from a "girls" weekend and breaks down admitting "you are right, i am attracted to her" and "I dont know if i can stay straight for you"
We talk alot, when it comes to me saying they cant hang out anymore she then quickly reverses course and its no longer repentance and needing to change, but "not wanting the devil to win....not wnating to lose another friendship" and wanting to bring her friend "into the church". I was told I was putting all the blame on the friend and that wasnt fair.
Looking back i realize i should have drawn a line in the sand. I should have done alot of things differently but i cant change that now.
The friendship and the obsession continued. The bringing the friend to church was BS as she told her about the rosary for one night and then after that just more weed smoking (its better than drinking and its natural....)
Then finally im heading to a retreat at a monastery and i get a call that they arent friends anymore, she sad. Im happy. Ok i think, we can finally put this behind us. By the time im heading to the airport after the weekend shes back as friends.
Fast forward some months and then she has to talk to me about how shes never been comfortable with physical intimacy (marital act) because of her past and she doesnt think she can handle being pregnant ever again (understandable to a degree) so shes not sure she can be physically intimate anymore. I say outwardly that If i need to do this for her I can manage whether its months or years, sure. inwardly im thinking this is just another step in the wrong direction, but im still praying. Im still trying to maintain hope
Then something happens i dont know what. Her friend is moving and is getting a divorce soon afterwards but they had a fight and got blocked on everything. My wife is distraught, basically shuts down for 2 months. I have been over those two years basically doing everything in the house. from laundry to meals to cleaning. She does some things, but i do the vast majority. I do it so she can see i care, but she doesnt care. We had been in counseling during this time, but she would say things, we would talk, she would say its working, but it wasnt she was lying and holding back.
After this friend left. she ended up finding a new one. Same MO. mentally wonky, isolated, no friends and then they became inseparable. within a year im completely zonked mentally and spiritually i cant handle it and it comes to a head. She breaks down about how her losing the old friend hurt her so bad because there wasnt "closure" which in my experience with her and other friendships just means long talks until they are friends again. She talks about how they were making all these plans and were going to raise the kids together because we werent working (hard to work on the marriage with that going on i would think?)
So thats a light outline of the background and now back to beginning. Asked for separation and now were just "co parenting" under the same roof.
My greatest fear and what advice im seeking is
i worry heavily about the souls of my children and what a divorce (civil i know theres no such thing in the eyes of God) would do them. I see it kids everywhere. Is it better to maintain a facade for them or will the realization down the road scandalize them out of their faith? Will a separation now scandalize them out of the faith?
Is allowing them to grow up in a home where Mom/Wife is gone constantly to "hang out with her friend" going to scandalize them in their future relationships, because for my daughters if they are with any man worthy he wont tolerate that (what does that say about me right?)
So im left with two options, which i dont know which to pick? I care about the faith and souls of my kids and wife, which is best?
1) Continue the facade and chance scandalizing them in the future where they lose trust in the faith i tried to pass along to them and about marriage in general? Give them the wrong example of how a marriage is supposed to be with her as an example of womanhood?
Will my steadfastness in trying to hold the marriage together in hope for reconciliation in the future be a good example of what marriage is for them or just a scandal to avoid? or God forbid repeat?
2) Allow the separation and the fantasy land of "independence" that she dreams of show its true face and that all that lies ahead is barely scrapping by because even in the best alimony imaginable she couldnt afford to keep the house and pay the bills, we barely do together now.
Will my "giving up" scandalize them in the same way
to answer any questions you may have
  1. i have talked to a priest about this, i am in contact with a counselor at our diocese that is very orthodox about the situation
  2. She says her current friendship isnt "like that" ie like before which infers even more so that I was right about the last friend. She doesnt acknowledge that emotional affairs exist or understand proper boundaries between say a friendship and the emotional nature of a romantic relationship. It seem she thinks as long as nothing physical happens its basically all Kosher. I think growing up with SSA makes it hard as you are attracted romantically to girls but also friends with them so those proper boundaries are never formed mentally as the perversion of SSA is deep.
  3. I know marriage is forever. regardless of what the other person does. There are no grounds for annulment as there we both consented fully at the time of the sacrament. She is in the process of the rewriting history of our relationship to sound more like she didnt have full consent "i was pressured...." perhaps to make herself feel less culpable for the present or perhaps in misplaced compassion to give me an "out"
Thank you, Pax et Bonum
submitted by Strong_Car_8976 to Catholicism [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:47 theweightofdreams8 For the love of GVF in concert…

…or, subtitled, “My belated review of the Pittsburgh show”. 😄 I haven’t had time to relate everything that I wanted to say about this outstanding show until now, and I wanted to do it before this leg of the tour ends in a few hours.
I didn’t have a ticket for this show originally. I just bought a resale ticket last Monday (the 13th) on the floor just behind the GA area. It was a great ticket too - it was dead center, and the cost was very reasonable (in fact, even with all of the ridiculous fees, it was still only $116 altogether - I’m convinced the seller sold it for the same price they payed originally. Thank you, original ticket holder! 🙏)
So, why did I choose to go to this show in particular? Several reasons (one of which being that I was unfairly denied a chance at buying a GA ticket for this show originally because of the limited advance notice of the Ether Pass presale - I found out about it less than an hour after it started, but of course all the GA was sold already. 🙄 Powers-that-be-in-the-GVF-universe, give more advance notice for Ether Pass presales! They aren’t infected with scalpers like the Electric Tomb and Peaceful Army ones are - TELL US THE NIGHT BEFORE, NOT THE SAME DAY! Rant over.), but the main reason really was the chance to see Mirador in addition to GVF. I was very intrigued by this unexpected new band, and, since I couldn’t be certain that they were going to play live again past May, I had to jump at this opportunity. My parents’ families are also originally from Western PA, so this was a homecoming show of sorts for me as well. So, I secured the ticket and prepared to make my trek from Eastern PA to Western PA, a.k.a., driving almost the full extent of the Pennsylvania Turnpike. 😄
I planned my trip really well. I got up in plenty of time to make the trip leisurely to Pittsburgh, go to my hotel and relax before the show, have a meal, and then be entertained by wonderful bands all night. Well, plans and reality, tragically, don’t always match. I was reminded of that fact very painfully this past Saturday.
I’m driving in town, right at the beginning of my trip…and my car just completely dies about 2 miles from my house! 😩 I had no warning that this was about to occur. However, there was a silver lining to breaking down this early: if I could get the car to the garage somewhat quickly, I could borrow a car and still make it to Pittsburgh before the show started. I called AAA, got the tow truck arranged, and he showed up 2 hours later. Not good - but not so late that I couldn’t make the trip still. He, after much research, figured out how to get my car onto the truck (this was tricky because the car had no power at all, so it couldn’t be started), and he used to work at the garage that I wanted my car towed to! This was the first bit of good fortune - a sign that the Universe was still looking out for me. We were still good to go! I got the car to the garage, got back home to borrow another car, and still had time to make the cross-state drive in time to see the show!
Since I lost 2 hours that I didn’t know I’d be losing, that made taking rest stops along the way rather interesting. 😄 I thought I’d have plenty of time to eat, use the restroom occasionally, etc. - no, that’s not how it went down. I did manage two stops on this 5-hour drive that, miraculously, only took 4 hours and 15 minutes. (I’ll have to research whether or not cars can perform time warps at high speeds, but, based on this trip, I think they might be able to! 😄) Eating was a bit funny too - to save time, I had to eat while driving. While eating, I discovered that Burger King added mayonnaise to my Impossible Whopper when I asked them not to (I’m allergic to mayonnaise). So, I had to dispose of the top bun and attempt to consume the rest while somehow keeping my hands clean from the other condiments. This also stretched the boundaries of physics, but I somehow managed to do it without too much trouble (while traveling at Warp Speed, mind you).
I got to the hotel 30 minutes before Mirador (one of the two reasons I made the trip) was hitting the stage. I was checked-in ASAP (the clerk could see my sense of urgency bordering on panic), and told me how to walk to the arena (I chose this specific hotel so that I could walk to the arena). If you haven’t been to Pittsburgh before, the streets are arranged like a 3-dimensional chess board, as most cities are that are built on river valleys. One wrong turn and I would find out why Christopher Nolan shot the third “Batman” film here - and, with my luck, probably run into Bane. However, the Universe was looking out for me again, and I got to the arena and to my seat about 3 minutes before Mirador took the stage. Phew! 😅
Well, I loved Mirador, and I was happy that I got to see them. They were worth all the trouble. And, as an added bonus, GVF put on a blindingly good show! 😃 They were in great spirits all night, the “Saturday night” vibe had everyone in a good mood. I had more stress than I thought I would ever have before this show, but, when it was all said and done, the effort was totally worth it! I would have given up on the trip if it had been any other band - but there was no way I was missing this show unless it had been literally impossible to get there in time. Fortunately, it was merely highly inconvenient to get there in time! 😄
Thank you, Mirador and GVF, for making my trip worth it! 🙏 See you again in Uncasville (and from GA this time too)! Namaste. 🙏
submitted by theweightofdreams8 to gretavanfleet [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:42 BeatsByJay82 House/Pet Sitter with availability next week

I'm a professional house and pet sitter. Due to a last minute cancellation, I have an opening available for Monday 27 to Friday 31 May.
I am a qualified vet nurse, and spent the past 10 years owning and running Darwin's busiest and most luxurious pet resort. In all, I have over 25 years experience in the animal industry, working in both vet hospitals and pet resorts. As such, I am very qualified in spoiling and caring for dogs and cats!
I am a non-smoker and non-drinker, am a very clean homebody, and work from home. I will be able to spend a lot of time with your furkids, and will have lots of time to take dogs for walks or snuggles with cats. My car has been used for pet transport, so I can take your furkids out on adventures too!
We promise to keep you updated with photos, videos and messages on whatever platform you choose!
I have a police check and reviews, you can see my normal profile at
submitted by BeatsByJay82 to GoldCoast [link] [comments]