Aries man sagittarius woman couples

Recovering as one after infidelity

2018.02.18 15:59 MrDubstepz Recovering as one after infidelity

AOAI is an online Peer Support Group and safe space for individuals (betrayed or wayward) who are actively attempting to reconcile after infidelity. Reconciliation peer support is emotional and practical support between people who share the common experience of reconciling after infidelity. (Observers are strictly limited to messages of support only.) Kindly read the rules before participating.

2018.07.03 09:07 Asian Men Black Women

A subreddit to discuss race and dating and one of the growing demographic pairings that is flying under the radar.

2017.07.08 02:36 prometheus_x Astrology

Subreddit for astrology, numerology and mysticism in general.

2024.05.22 04:18 oldlonelygal 24F, feel old and fucking awful about myself

I'm 24 with a relatively good education and life so far, and most of my friends have drank, did drugs, and slept with many many men. This is the kind of lifestyle I do not want to engage with, as I am still a virgin. I am shy and quiet, have a relatively respectful style that I'm still trying to figure out, I spend my time reading or painting, all of which are things most men are into in a girl.
Yet I can't get someone to be interested in me for the life of me. I usually don't get much result on dating apps, and guys from university don't look at me or approach me. I'm devastated. I was thinking this would be the most attractive years of my life, dozens of men would be lining up for me, because I am similar to the typical shy girl that plenty of men want.
It makes me feel terrible about myself considering that I'm now 24 and am most likely becoming less and less attractive to men as the days pass by, and if I have more dating charisma as the years go on, I will still be single or married by my 30s. This isn't what I was aiming for, I was hoping to be married with someone by 23-27 years old, but it doesn't seem like it is working out.
I feel like I am getting too old now and missing my chance; aging out, so to speak, and my friends have not formed long term relationships either, but I attributed that to their promiscuous nature and throughout highschool I thought that finding and marrying a man in university wouldn't be difficult whatsoever, as many men would be interested in a young woman in post secondary.
I feel hopeless and lost, and like there is no way out, and that I will only get uglier and uglier as time goes on. Is there something I can do to help stop this kind of thinking?
submitted by oldlonelygal to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:15 PlusWindow557 she has to be delusional when it comes to dating + kids

I was reading the post on her about divy having kids and her saying that there’s other ways to have kids (adoption/ surrogacy) does she not realize she needs to meet qualifications for both? she has no income, lives with her parents, can barely support herself, etc. Surrogacy and adoption arent cheap (plus whatever it costs yearly to raise a kid) it will cost her at least 75k and this is the same woman who won’t cough up the extra 30-50 dollars to get her hair blow dried and styled at the salon and won’t spend 50-150 dollars on a nice travel bag and she will instead keep buying cheap stuff from amazon that won’t hold up (WHICH IS WHY SHE IS BUYING A NEW BAG EVERY TRIP) like is she serious? her parents will never pay for that or even entertain the idea of her doing that without a husband. i’m sure they already know divy probably won’t accomplish those things in life and that’s why they have dylan. i am sure her parents are discussing ing what’s going to happen to divy when they pass away they are not worried about her having kids. also if she wants this life so bad why is she not doing anything to better her chances? why is she on bumble and facebook dating and she can’t even hold a conversation on tik tok live, through comments, or even through text messages and she wants a man who’s in finance? she has no real social life and leaves the house looking any kind of way. the least she can do it put herself together more and go out places and do stuff out the house. does she think these 6’5 blue guys trust fund guys are sitting on FACEBOOK dating looking for a divy to knock up and marry? her standards are way to high for herself especially if she has never ever dated before. what will she bring to these men? she cant even take care of herself imagine her trying to take care of a house and a baby. if she was serious about having a baby she would also get her health under control too. she takes birth control for her PCOS which only masks the symptoms but she needs to change her diet and lifestyle. she eats sugar, carbs, chipotle, and sodas all day. she needs to get SERIOUS
submitted by PlusWindow557 to divyankasharma801 [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:15 Significant_Relief40 I slept on Final Fantasy 10 HARD.

I bought the ff10 hd remaster a couple of years ago and for some reason I could never get into it. I liked everything about it but there was just something that was pulling me away from the game and to this day I still have no idea what it was. Recently I finally decided to say screw it and really get into the game (ff7 rebirth reignited my ff craze) and I don't regret it at all. It is definitely in my top 5 favorite final fantasy games for sure. I thought the characters were really fun and the story was interesting, definitely the best combat in the series. I genuinely can't believe I slept on this game so hard man.
submitted by Significant_Relief40 to FinalFantasy [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:14 medussy_medussy A collection of random information on the newer Legion Tower 5 (Gen 8+) that I've found that doesn't seem to be widely known

I've been struggling to find info on certain things regarding this machine, so I'm going to compile a few things I've learned from tinkering here in hopes that anyone furiously googling their weird question about legion towers can find this post.
That should be about all. If I come up with anything else, I'll try to remember to add it in.
submitted by medussy_medussy to LenovoLegion [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:13 LavenderBlueberry3 Do I call off my wedding, cut my mom off, or both?

I’ll apologize in advance because this is so long but I don’t know what else to do.
My mother (60F) and I (25F) have been bickering about small things surrounding my wedding since I got engaged in March. It started with chairs and escalated to the guest list.
My parents have these two friends, we’ll call them Alex and Demi, who I am not particularly fond of. These friends also have two adult children who I am also not that fond of.
Demi is an extremely nosey woman and has been texting my mom non stop since I got engaged wanting to know ALL details. She also keeps saying she’s “so excited for OUR kids” (her son also just got engaged) and went as far as to ask my mom if her son’s wedding date was okay with my family.
It should be noted my parents don’t speak very kindly of these people to begin with. So much so that my fiancé is confused of why this is such a big fuss. They also travel with this couple and see them weekly.
When I finally told my mom I didn’t want this couple or their kids at my wedding she lost it. My parents told me they would lose friends and that I couldn’t just not invite them. I dug my heels in on my decision because I feel like this is another thing I’m not being heard on.
Fast forward this weekend and I dug in yet again and drew a line in the sand that I didn’t want them coming. I told my mom I didn’t understand how they would lose friends when I don’t have relationships with these people aside from when my parents invited them over growing up. Not to mention I just don’t see adults ending “friendship” over a non invite.
My mom yelled at me first and then would barely speak to me until today when she told me she was “ready to talk” because I had asked her what was wrong over the weekend and she “couldn’t put it into words before”.
We were on the phone for an hour, she started by reading her “notes” that she had made that ripped me and my character to pieces. She called me ungrateful, disrespectful, and not compassionate for “picking and choosing” who gets to come to my wedding.
She also said I was being self centered by referring to my wedding as my wedding. To top it all off she told me I was extremely close to losing my relationship with her and my dad and that I should stop and think about how my decisions affect other people.
I was so hurt by this because we’ve only been disputing two things and I’ve been trying to be kind about everything else- design, seating, flowers, etc.
I asked for examples about the labels she gave me and tried to understand what she meant by them. She couldn’t give any and kept going back to the original issue of me not wanting this family at my wedding.
She also said while I was “good at setting boundaries” she felt I would never have any meaningful personal relationships because I lack compassion, the ability to be kind, and the ability to forgive.
She then threw in my face that one of my bridesmaids and I haven’t always gotten along and “if she can come then other people who want to support you should be allowed to as-well”.
I told her I was over it and that she can invite whomever she pleases but I pointed out that while I gave her a quote of 25 people as well as my fiancés mother, my mom did not adhere to it. She argued that my fiancés parents went over their quota as well and I had to correct her that they didn’t until we told them to because my parents had a list of almost 40 people.
She cried on and off the whole call. She did apologize but it always felt back handed (“I’m sorry you feel that way but you always say I’m a bad mom so I can’t help feeling this way”) I was very calm most of the call until the last 15 minutes where I couldn’t stop crying because I still can’t understand the ungrateful, no compassion, and disrespectful comments.
At this point she went back on her words and said it was “an isolated incident” because now it’s been resolved. She called it a thing of the past. She also demanded I apologize to her because she had already done so.
I had to correct her and say that I have been constantly asking for examples and a solution and apologizing. She agreed with that but ultimately would not allow me to recognize my own frustration without adding in that she “feels the same”.
At this point I couldn’t take it anymore. I told her I was done and asked if we could cancel the wedding. Unfortunately we’ve already signed a contract so we can’t. I love my fiancé but I cannot take this any more, I’m also not sure if I can move on past the things my mother said. Her and my father as well as my fiancés parents are paying for the wedding so I don’t think no contact is the option.
I need advice, anything is helpful. I’m in therapy and I do know my mother is a narcissist from my work with my therapist (my childhood is also another sore subject my mom hates talking about unless it’s all sunshine and rainbows). Honestly, I want to crawl in bed and never get out but I know that’s not an option. What do I do?
submitted by LavenderBlueberry3 to TwoHotTakes [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:13 Sad_Victory3 Im sorry but

Im sorry but
I think there exists personality traits where a woman can be dominant or anything aside the common just like a man (Though the most common thing in nature is other). But the degeneration we have this days because incompetence and lack of human natural understanding is impressive.
submitted by Sad_Victory3 to tedkaczysnki [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:12 altern8_un1verse i relapsed, and it feels like...

…extracted myself from the scene, the bastard that he is. The Scene is a man, a guy of my type, knowing full well where my weaknesses lie.
The Scene, this vice, I can sum up to be my “ideal” version of a man: strong, accomplished, seductive, magnetic. My standards being high, his being higher; he can drive any woman to her knees. He is the typical of what people ask for in this kind of place, but not in terms of looks: he can take care of a woman, he can pick up both her and the bill. He looks smart and well-read yet does not exude arrogance. I like thinking I am accomplished myself, yet he has accomplished far more, keeping me on my toes that I need to keep on and keep up, even if I am aware and he knows this is not for long.
I relapsed, and it feels like getting high for the first time for a second time. It’s the same high, but the high in your teens is different from the high as you get older. The high from the scene used to come from how a guy looks. He’s taller than me, he’s chinito, he has arms that can put me in a headlock, he has ab muscles the stuff of dreams. Over time the appearances matter less; what are looks but a façade, and I’ve never grown to trust a person who looks a little too physically presentable to be true.
The high from the scene now comes from how a guy treats me; so many would offer to meet halfway. Yet there is a type of man–you know the one–the one you would consider risking it all for, even if you only have him for a night. That man. That man, who would not let you lift a finger even if you could. That man, who would not only meet you halfway, but give you more than you asked for. Other guys would say, “you just know exactly what you want” or call me demanding, yet the rarer ones take things as it is and leave me with no choice but to follow their lead. Oh, that man. That man who I would get on my hands and knees for, who could make me say those magic words:
Where you will lead, I will follow.
I relapsed and I lied to my past self. She used to be the coach, saying “this is not the place if you are easily attached.” I thought myself to be strong willed and hard headed before the relapse; I swallowed my pride in the after. He left me stripped of whatever hardness I kept; he was brave enough to be raw and emotional, yet I kept myself under lock and key, quietly observing. Here in the days after, none of us talk. None of us message.
But every time I lift my phone, I wish it were his messages coming through. I know what this lifestyle entails; everyone is too busy to find love, or whatever fragment of it we can find. Modern dating has gotten to be a little too complicated to bother playing around anymore; too many assholes walking around in plain sight.
I know I struck gold with the relapse, knowing that the person who drove me to the beginning of recovery was a guy who could barely support himself to stay alive. The sheer difference is between the ceiling and the floor, me standing in between.
I relapsed and he hit me hard. Literally. I had gotten exactly what I asked for and underestimated that the darkest corners of my mind wears battle bruises with pride. My entire body has yet to recover, yet it does not flinch at his strength. He put his hands on me just as you may imagine it, just the way I like it. It is scary and troublesome to play with fire; under a different context, that experience would have been abuse. But I know what I want, and I know him to hold back.
I relapsed and he held me hard. Where my mind never calms, he calls out to me with open arms: come to me, lay next to me, sleep with me. When I ask how long he wants to have me, he says until tomorrow. I would give that to you and probably a few days more, but I know when a line is a line and when fantasy will never cross reality. His mere presence asserts dominance, he has so much to do out in the world. My dominance is not as strong as his is; I have yet a long way to go.
This is why I dislike aftercare. He has me fantasizing about a nonexistent future because real life sets in and we were never meant to cross paths. Yet how alluring the future would be if we built one together: fulfilling, high-stress careers in public, and keeping a dark secret in private. Let me be your dark secret. Use me until you can’t get enough of me. Use me until you embed me in your thoughts, into your dreams, use me until you see no end in sight.
And we play with fire, and we dance and pursue. Let me follow your lead until dark turns into light. I promise to be good.
I relapsed and the drug came back with a vengeance. I’m detoxing and detaching, and I know it will be harder the next time around. I want you around. This could have been any other vice, but my body chooses The Scene.
I’m now scared with what’s next, because these glasses have been tinted red.
submitted by altern8_un1verse to Kwaderno [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:09 PM_ME_ABOUT_LOVE Figures for Sale

New stuff added, and 15% off everything for today!
Prices aren't shipped. Everything comes with what you see, as shown. I tried to mention what thought was missing. Willing to make deals!
Just ask for more pics and for what they include!
MCU Flashback Winter Soldier w/ Extra Older Heads form 1st release + random guns (couple are custom and flat) - $35
MCU Far From Home Spider-Man Panel-Lined w/ Homecoming Spider-Man head (As you can see panel lining is wearing a bit in some places) - $25
Apoc Wave Sabetooth & 2-Pack Brood Wolverine - $45
ASTV Spider-Man 2099 (have other hands) - $15
Walgreesn Lilandra Head (came w/ Mystique(?) + Staff (been broken before but glued, don't think can tell, definitely can't if painted, have more pics) - $15
Marvel Select Rocket Raccoon - $15
Ehhh Custom Avalanche - $10
Marvel Legends BAF Parts - $22 for all
Marvel Select Psylocke Heads + Belt - $15
Feel free to ask any questions!
submitted by PM_ME_ABOUT_LOVE to MarvelLegends [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:08 StrawberryMilk817 Having a crisis of faith and no one to really talk to

Ok so this is gonna be word vomit and I know other Catholics are gonna downvote me but I’m so tired you guys. I’m so tired.
I fell away from Christianity at 13. Raised Catholic. Baptized. Communion. I just never got confirmed. I didn’t like the hypocrisy and that’s why I left. I was bullied so horribly I self harmed. Was hospitalized multiple times in from 14-15. Was sent to a “troubled teen program” in the wilderness and was forced to go to a boarding school for “Troubled kids” and by troubled I was suicidal and self harming from the bullying and then ended up getting R*aped multiple times and never told anyone.
And then it turns out on top of all this depression and bullying I was diagnosed with autism so no wonder I didn’t know how to cope with any of this and my brain is just wired different not to mention all the trauma from being touched when I was 8 by a family member and to this day I still never told anyone and so much more trauma I can’t even say it all and the point of this damn post is due to my mental health issues…anxiety disorder, panic disorder with agoraphobia, depression, autism, adhd, as well as two autoimmune diseases I don’t want kids. I don’t want to be pregnant.
I would end up with PPD or worse. I’ve been pregnant. I was so crazy I would be crying for hours one minute and then catatonic in the shower staring at the ceiling until the water turned cold. I miscarried in the end anyways.
And I’m so tired of being told I can’t be a fucking Catholic because I don’t want to grow a human being in my body. I’m so tired of being told I can’t ever get married because I don’t want kids. I’m ok with adoption but I make like no money I can’t afford that. I’d even do surrogacy with my own damn eggs if I could afford it but pretty sure that is anti Catholic too idk where we stand on that currently and again no money for that.
But y’all im so over it. I had been feeling a calling back to Christianity for a couple years and finally a couple months ago in January actually, I decided to go to church for the first time in over 20 years and I was so happy and I felt so good , and I felt so welcomed? I loved going to mass I even went to my first confession I even started going to adoration. I’d never even heard of adoration before believe it or not but then again I did stop going to church at age 13.
I even bought a veil because the idea of veiling during adoration just seemed beautiful to me And I started going once a week m. I joined 24 seven adoration chapel. I joined a bunch of Facebook groups for Catholics and started following Catholic subs. I threw away everything occult I owned. I started saying the rosary every day or at least a couple times a week. I really for the first time in a long time. Thought I fucking found some peace.
But instead, I started to realize that while I love Catholicism, I just can’t stand so many Catholics . So many people judging and that’s all they do in these groups is fucking judge. My best friend in the entire world her wife is trans. My aunt is married to a woman because she fell in love with her best friend friend. People make jokes about the LGBTQ community and it’s fine to believe that something is sinful, but that doesn’t mean you have to continuously insult the sinner. And it’s like that’s all they do in these groups. They only ever talk about abortion and how everyone should be a mother and how gay people are basically destroying the world so essentially all I get bombarded with all day is that the people I love are terrible people and I’m a shit human being for not wanting to have children because of all the shit that’s happened to me.
I have been crying off and on and have almost really regretted reverting , and I hate to even say that it makes my heart sick to say that, but my pagan friends, my atheist friends have never been as cruel and cold as the people in these Christian groups. All they ever do is hate on each other and hate on other people had to leave because it was just destroying my mental health. Now I remember why I left all those years ago it hasn’t changed if anything it seems like it’s got even worse.
I’m probably gonna end up deleting this and I’m sure no one’s gonna read this but I just don’t know who to turn to, but I’m really scared. I’m going to make the wrong choice and end up going back to paganism because I’m tired of being hurt every day because of things that I can’t help .
submitted by StrawberryMilk817 to Christianity [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:08 PM_ME_ABOUT_LOVE [H] Mezco, Marvel Legends (MCU & Comic, BAF Parts), Black Series, DC, Rare WWE (15% Off Sale) [W] PayPal

New stuff added, and 15% off everything for today!
Prices aren't shipped. Everything comes with what you see, as shown. I tried to mention what thought was missing. Willing to make deals!
Just ask for more pics and for what they include!
Star Wars KOTOR Trio - Malek, Revan, Bastilla - $100
Mezco Silent Hill 2 Pyramid Head - $100
MCU Flashback Winter Soldier w/ Extra Older Heads form 1st release + random guns (couple are custom and flat) - $35
MCU Far From Home Spider-Man Panel-Lined w/ Homecoming Spider-Man head (As you can see panel lining is wearing a bit in some places) - $25
Apoc Wave Sabetooth & 2-Pack Brood Wolverine - $45
ASTV Spider-Man 2099 (have other hands) - $15
Walgreesn Lilandra Head (came w/ Mystique(?) + Staff (been broken before but glued, don't think can tell, definitely can't if painted, have more pics) - $15
Marvel Select Rocket Raccoon - $15
Ehhh Custom Avalanche - $10
Marvel Legends BAF Parts - $22 for all
Marvel Select Psylocke Heads + Belt - $15
Arkham Knight Robin - $30
3 Faces of Foley 3-pack - $65
DC Direct (I think) Green Lantern Alan Scott - $15
Custom body (Maybe NOTA or cheaper version? Really no idea.) as shown with custom clothes. (I guess shirt is supposed to be Robin, Pants too? NOTE: Shirt is bit torn in back, and pants have glue on them on back, shown in 2nd pic.) 2nd pic. 3rd pic. 4th pic. - $10
Mezco Netflix DD Head - $10
Gears of War Cole Head (Not sure if this is from Storm Collectibles figure or just a really good paint job. It looks too good to not be a wide release, but maybe it is a custom?) Pic 2 - $10
Feel free to ask any questions!
submitted by PM_ME_ABOUT_LOVE to toyexchange [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:08 Snapcrackleburp Watching the Spacey doc..

It’s a trip hearing dudes being in a sexually unwanted situation. Everyone gets it, when it happens to them. Everyone understands when their line is crossed. As a gal, horrible situations are par for the course since day one. I suspect that as difficult it is for a woman to come forward, it’s as complicated for a man. Power dynamic seems to be the Venn diagram here.
Wouldn’t it be a thing if we could all agree that unwanted sexual force, manipulation, and aggression would NOT damn the recipient? I’m just so sick of this accepted and deep rooted way.
submitted by Snapcrackleburp to TwoXChromosomes [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:07 Zenth93 My family is a ball and chain.

My family is a ball and chain.
I've waited 30 years to become independent. To live on my own. To be free, to see the world.
I did all the right things. I went to college, I work full time. Yet in my entire adult life I have never been free.
My family.
My 50 year old mother, I love her dearly, born with a rare condition has not worked since she was 24. Survives off of social security.
My 25 year old sister i love her dearly. Only a highschool diploma and no desire for higher education or job training. For much of our lives only thought she was lazy and a slacker only to realize she most definitely is on the autism spectrum and has only held one job in her life and due to her crippling anxiety and depression and adhd. hasn't worked in over 4 years. She has her own issues, coming out as trans was difficult for her but we have always accepted her.
I discovered my sexuality thanks to a close friend, got passed the internalized homopobia and eventually found my love of my life and we both discovered the gay community and created a large friends group. Something i never thought I'd have. Yet despite these improvements in my mental health I am still trapped.
My family and I live in state funded housing which is cheaper than market rent but its designed to keep you in poverty, not meant to help you out of poverty.
My boyfriend comes from the opposite kind of family. Father worked the stock market. Multiple homes, a vacation home that is larger than an average home. Sent him to college debt free. On a whim giving each of the 4 children $20,000 to save.
My entire life our family has never had much money, my parents divorced, dad is in the picture but never held a steady job. Grandfather passed away, his brother gambled all of his savings away. My other grand father put money into a life insurance program for my sister and I, instead of an investment resource. We never saw a dime.
When my parents divorced I became the man of the house, I got my first job out of highschool as I went to community College.
As a family we have always pooled the family funds. This month I pay off xy and z bills next month mom pays them etc. To make matters worse the amount of times my mother has had to go in the red to pay off something just handicapped us for the following month and so on.
Then a tree hit out apartment and shook our family to its core, we where displaced, lucky enough to get onto a friends lease at the current state supported place but despite all of that nothing has changed.
My sister doesn't work, we pay for everything for her, and when I say we I mean me.
My mother's monthly check pays off rent and all my cash goes to the bills.
I've always wanted to leave. This year I had a chance. My boyfriend and I found a friend, we planned to move. I finally could save. Even just a fraction. My first savings account. A measly 1,000. But of course something needs to be payed, so its always chipped at, but we try to replace what we can.
As the months move closer to the move out, my partner lost his job. Dealing with his own recently diagnosed adhd and depression, I comfort him and after 6 months and eating away at much of his savings just to survive he finally got another job. Things where looking up. I told my coworkers I "this was it."
Then my partner lost his job again, no more than 2 months after getting it. The same mental health reasons caused it. Now his family are truly trying to help him. And in the meantime I'm still here, in the same moneyless pit that my family has become. Where I have to support them on the meager salary I have.
I know it will get better, I will move. I will have actual savings and can continue education when I'm comfortable. But. Tonight as I stare in the black void of my bedroom with the lights off. I just want to be free.
When I have friends with homes, children and savings over a couple 100k i just think, what if I was in there shoes, or they in mine. Would they understand the struggle?
Forgive me, I'm tired, and I need to get ready to work tomorrow. That freedom can't come any faster.
Thanks for letting me vent.
submitted by Zenth93 to venting [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:05 HashTagFinallyWoke MMA Fighter Cedric Marks Fatally Strangled Michael Swearingin & Jenna Scott, Removed April Peases' Hands & Teeth To Prevent Forensic Identification

MMA Fighter Cedric Marks Fatally Strangled Michael Swearingin & Jenna Scott, Removed April Peases' Hands & Teeth To Prevent Forensic Identification
Cedric Joseph Marks, Jenna Scott, Michael Swearingin, April Lee Pease
submitted by HashTagFinallyWoke to Justice4Victims [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:05 Kapples14 Decided to make my own version of a hypothetical Injustice 3

Decided to make my own version of a hypothetical Injustice 3
Main Roster:
First Row: Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Lantern (John Stewart), Aquaman, Cyborg, Supergirl, Blue Beetle, Green Arrow
Middle Row: Black Canary, John Constantine, Plastic Man, Joker, Harley Quinn, Lex Luthor, Scarecrow, Vandal Savage, Rick Flag, Spoiler
Bottom Row: Livewire, Gorilla Grodd, Deathstroke, Granny Goodness, Big Barda, Brozne Tiger, Miss Martian, Amazo, Poison Ivy, Killer Croc

Premier Skins: Bizarro (Superman), Kid-Flash (Flash), Reverse-Flash (Flash), Jay Garrick (Flash), Guy Gardner (Green Lantern), Ocean Master (Aquaman), Power Girl (Supergirl), Silver Banshee (Black Canary), Elongated Man (Plastic Man), King Shark (Killer Croc)
Assists: Robin, Catwoman, Red Tornado, Speedy, Hawkman, Riddler, Cheetah, Captain Cold, Solomon Grundy, Bloodsport
Top Row: Metropolis, Gotham City, Atlantis, Watchtower
Second Row: Smallville, Flash Museum, Jokerland, Wayne Manor, A.R.G.U.S.
Third Row: Belle Reve, House of Mystery, Batcave, Titans Tower, Mogo
Bottom Row: New Genesis, Iceberg Lounge, Hall of Doom, Phantom Zone
DLC: Spectre, Batwoman, Beast Boy, Shao Khan, Booster Gold, Judge Dredd, Etrigan, Engineer, Ras Al Ghul, Invincible
DLC Assists: Shazam, Adam Strange, Raven, Zatanna, Man-Bat, Black Manta, Reptile, Sinestro, Gentleman Ghost, Atom Eve
submitted by Kapples14 to makeafighter [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:04 ThrowRA998851 Confused whether to end the talking stage

This is my first time actually posting on reddit. But I know she’s actively in this community and a couple of others(I only know that because I secretly follow her account) it’s weird I know. She is healing and trying to help others at the same time. If you know this is about you. You don’t have to comment or help. I’m sorry for overstepping.
Context: This guy is 19. He was in a long distance relationship with someone from America she’s either 21 or 22. They had a pretty good relationship despite some issues. He claims she is the problem and toxic. He said she’s a liar, he hates her, that she’s delusional, crazy a narcissist, toxic, controlling and manipulative. They had a future planned together it’s honestly pretty sweet. She had miscarried too They broke up towards the middle-end of April just about a month. I feel weird like I am in the middle of something being a rebound. I am new at relationships and not sure how move forward with the information I know.
The guy who I’ve been seeing keeps talking about their ex constantly. He ONLY speaks bad about her and posts negative things she tries to tell him to stop lying then he deletes her comments. This woman has absolutely BLOWN up this guys cover. I followed her on a second account and watched his lies unfold and her proving this man the complete opposite and with proof. If only his family knew the truth they would be concerned for him being a liar and fooling everyone.
He brings her up so much she will post a random video on social media and get annoyed. But she has him blocked but finds a way to be negative.
I genuinely feel so bad for her because she is traumatized from the emotional abuse. I understand exactly why she acted out. Also him leading her on post breakup. He doesn’t seem like he is completely over here like he say he is. I don’t want him to know that I know he’s exactly what he says she is. When she is nothing like that.
I feel like I am being used. He tells me everything he promised her he wants with me.I would rather leave him but I am scared.
submitted by ThrowRA998851 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:04 ilovecatsverymuch24 How to write a maneater?

Hello, I (16F) made a post earlier on how to write a character likeable when they are lowkey a piece of crap but now I want to know on how to write a man eater? Like sleeping her way at the top man eater, how can I make the readers root for her even if she is literally going to be the homewreckeother woman at some situations.
But at the same time I don't want to romanticize/glamorize being the other woman or being a homewrecker. I figured that I wouldn't give her the mother of perpetual victimhood personality and make her own up on being a manipulative piece of shit, but how do I not make the audience repulse from her?
(Also speaking of maneaters I don't want her to rely only on her looks to do it (let's just say she's averagely beautiful) I want her to use her qualms)
submitted by ilovecatsverymuch24 to writing [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:04 nextonedown [WSIB] looking for short horror games with different aspects.

I enjoy finding games that mess with my husband’s head and having him play them. He enjoys it too…..yeah….
So his biggest fears are bears, water, and being chased/stalked. He also gets really really brave if he gets a weapon for protection… let’s avoid that completely. He’s more scared of physical threats over ghosts but we will play a good ghost story.
With bears they have to be real. Not a teddy bear or Freddy. He has a reoccurring nightmare that he’s being chased though the woods by a grizzly. Sometimes he runs though a playground with a slide of that helps paint a picture.
Water can’t take place solely under water. If he can breath while under water or is in some sort of container, it’s going to be a no go. The water doesn’t need to play a big part in the game, for example when he had to put out the fire in fears to fathom episode 4 Ironbark Lookout, he really really freaked out. It would be best if the game just had a small swimming part, maybe involved with a chase, just not what the whole game is about. Pools will not scare him, has to be water that he can’t see though to know what’s near him.
Chasing and stalking is a given, we recently played a game called “The Stalked” where you play as a woman who broke up with her boyfriend who now wants to, I assume, kill her, and every single man she runs into also wants to kill her… had us both on edge!! But he also hates being chased in general. We played Horrors Inside The Forest and loved it! Well, I loved it. If there’s chasing, I would love if he also had stamina.
Neither of us are great with puzzle. I try to avoid them but we can tackle one or two easy ones(I’m the one who looks up spoilers to get us unstuck sometimes so if there’s a scare involved he’ll still get scared good).
Games that are 2 hours long are not going to be picked. He gets done with the game at around that point and normally isn’t being scared any more.
20-40 minute long games so far have held his attention best while also being great storires and scares. Will look at shorter games or longer games that are under 2 hours.
Please don’t say games that give him a weapon for protection like a gun. He feels so so brave with one and that’s not really what I’m going for.
Jump scares. I just like them, a lot. He…..reacts to them. So the more the better. Perfect when the jump scares are not only associated with dying.
Thank you so much for any suggestions!!
submitted by nextonedown to ShouldIbuythisgame [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:01 Eminence_In_Shad0w Marika maybe is the gloam eyed queen

The recently revealed trailer shows that the gloam eyed queen is maybe a part of Marika that is abandoned. Just like how Miquella abandoned St. Trina, they are now considered separate entities. Marika didn’t have an affair with the old man in the picture because it seems like she took the fetus from a woman for messmir to exist. It’s just my thoughts.
submitted by Eminence_In_Shad0w to fromsoftware [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:01 Zenth93 My family is a ball and chain.

I've waited 30 years to become independent. To live on my own. To be free, to see the world.
I did all the right things. I went to college, I work full time. Yet in my entire adult life I have never been free.
My family.
My 50 year old mother, I love her dearly, born with a rare condition has not worked since she was 24. Survives off of social security.
My 25 year old sister i love her dearly. Only a highschool diploma and no desire for higher education or job training. For much of our lives only thought she was lazy and a slacker only to realize she most definitely is on the autism spectrum and has only held one job in her life and due to her crippling anxiety and depression and adhd. hasn't worked in over 4 years. She has her own issues, coming out as trans was difficult for her but we have always accepted her.
I discovered my sexuality thanks to a close friend, got passed the internalized homopobia and eventually found my love of my life and we both discovered the gay community and created a large friends group. Something i never thought I'd have. Yet despite these improvements in my mental health I am still trapped.
My family and I live in state funded housing which is cheaper than market rent but its designed to keep you in poverty, not meant to help you out of poverty.
My boyfriend comes from the opposite kind of family. Father worked the stock market. Multiple homes, a vacation home that is larger than an average home. Sent him to college debt free. On a whim giving each of the 4 children $20,000 to save.
My entire life our family has never had much money, my parents divorced, dad is in the picture but never held a steady job. Grandfather passed away, his brother gambled all of his savings away. My other grand father put money into a life insurance program for my sister and I, instead of an investment resource. We never saw a dime.
When my parents divorced I became the man of the house, I got my first job out of highschool as I went to community College.
As a family we have always pooled the family funds. This month I pay off xy and z bills next month mom pays them etc. To make matters worse the amount of times my mother has had to go in the red to pay off something just handicapped us for the following month and so on.
Then a tree hit out apartment and shook our family to its core, we where displaced, lucky enough to get onto a friends lease at the current state supported place but despite all of that nothing has changed.
My sister doesn't work, we pay for everything for her, and when I say we I mean me.
My mother's monthly check pays off rent and all my cash goes to the bills.
I've always wanted to leave. This year I had a chance. My boyfriend and I found a friend, we planned to move. I finally could save. Even just a fraction. My first savings account. A measly 1,000. But of course something needs to be payed, so its always chipped at, but we try to replace what we can.
As the months move closer to the move out, my partner lost his job. Dealing with his own recently diagnosed adhd and depression, I comfort him and after 6 months and eating away at much of his savings just to survive he finally got another job. Things where looking up. I told my coworkers I "this was it."
Then my partner lost his job again, no more than 2 months after getting it. The same mental health reasons caused it. Now his family are truly trying to help him. And in the meantime I'm still here, in the same moneyless pit that my family has become. Where I have to support them on the meager salary I have.
I know it will get better, I will move. I will have actual savings and can continue education when I'm comfortable. But. Tonight as I stare in the black void of my bedroom with the lights off. I just want to be free.
When I have friends with homes, children and savings over a couple 100k i just think, what if I was in there shoes, or they in mine. Would they understand the struggle?
Forgive me, I'm tired, and I need to get ready to work tomorrow. That freedom can't come any faster.
Thanks for letting me vent.
submitted by Zenth93 to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:00 DavidDawnDeluxe He who hesitates, masturbates. Doubting yourself is the quickest way to instill doubt in another person!

Hi, David here!
Many guys wrongly believe that attraction works like a video game, and that the time they spend investing in another person is the equivalent of building up experience points. They believe that these accumulated points will later make it more likely that the other person will say "yes" when they finally make a direct move.
But this is not how attraction works. You cannot barter for attention, affection, love or approval.
In most situations, time is not on your side. The longer you wait to make your honest intentions known, the less likely the other person will find you attractive. A woman can tell when a guy likes her, and if you spend weeks pretending that you are just only being "nice" and just want to be friends, she may lose respect for you as a man. (Side note: In an initial interaction it can be beneficial to take it a bit slow and leave space for comfort and attraction to develop. This post is aimed at the guys who spend months trying to win a person over.)
Being hesitant can communicate that a person lacks self confidence. If you don’t believe that you are good enough, then why should the other person think anything different? Doubting yourself is the quickest way to instill doubt in another person.
This form of unattractive hesitance should not to be confused with traits such as being calm, composed, cautious and not over eager or reckless. You can be both forward and direct as well as polite, patient and respectful of another person.
Everything you propose should be interpreted as an offer with no strings attached. That is, you don’t need a specific result or outcome in response to what you propose. If the person is down then cool, if not no problem. This creates a low pressure situation where the other person will feel more comfortable saying yes.

Adding to that, I just finished putting together my dating eBook "How to Date Any Girl" version 4.0 and would LOVE to get some honest feedback from you!
I decided to give it away for free for the time being.

The eBook is 27 pages long and gives you a practical step-by-step solution to meeting women (15+ years of knowledge put into it).
You can get the eBook by clicking here!

This book is the result of going out and socializing with girls for over a decade. I have put in there all the fundamentals I have learned over that time so I would really appreciate all the feedback I could get!!

What are your thoughts? Do you have any tips to add?
Let's discuss in the comments :)
Thanks for reading and have a GREAT day!
Coach David
submitted by DavidDawnDeluxe to PickUpArtist [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:59 OsethReaper Calypso Station Pt 1

The necropolis was gorgeous, for what it was. Its white outer walls hiding the darker Victorian Gothic interior. The tech that was hidden in the walls though was able to move bodies in their caskets from a designated place in the necropolis to the "viewing area" as the necropolians called it. This was where I waited for my, for lack of a better term, escort to take me to the mortuary. Since science has grown surprisingly fast our abilities for forensic sciences have also grown, and that's to whom I was headed. (S)He was an, unusual (wo)man to say the least. An expert in their field and about as learned as a doctor, if not multi-doctorate. If you ever asked them why they never pursued an actual doctorate, they would get angry and act all prissy while saying that going to school would've slowed them down and all they needed were the basic certificates for their work. The reality though, revealed to me during a drunken bout, they just never liked school and believed that it ultimately stunted a person's growth and ability to question the reality around them, that everything that you need to learn is already in books and in some form or another in digital content online. They were brilliant, if a little wacky. About five minutes after I had arrived and was sitting down in the viewing area, a little box rolled up to me making a couple of beeps to let me know to follow it and immediately started rolling towards the wall opposite of where it came from. When it looked like it was about to hit the wall, a hidden door opened up by the casket viewer, inside was a set of stairs leading down into the darkness. Stepping through the doorway I became acutely aware of sounds seemingly coming from all around me suddenly. It really is impressive, as though I just stepped from a tomb to a busy workshop, the sounds of gas escaping pistons, whirring, and clanking chains flooded my ears. I continued down the stairs following my helpful little box, which despite its size and shape would suggest was actually quite nimble on the stairs. It seemed to have wheels that would extend down to the next step as the edge rolled over it and once the back of the box was clear of the step it would drop back into its squat position, hiding its wheels as quickly as possible. It continued to do so the entire way. The box seemed to notice me watching it and made a kinda shrill whistle and its undercarriage light went from a comfortable yellow to a, is that... Peach? Is it blushing? My god I think it is! I let out a small chuckle and my little blushing box stopped dead in its tracks mid-step, its light suddenly going white, almost blinding me from behind and lighting up the hallway for a split second. Luckily both of my feet were solidly on a step so I didn't take a tumble or anything, but I couldn't help doing anything but laughing harder. After a second the little box crept up behind me and continued down, its status light continuing to show pinkish. I followed it slowly, the chuckle slowly dying in my throat as we reached Ceriths office. Well "office" was being nice. Morgue, mortuary, both of these fit just as well. Cerith was, for the most part, a recluse. We reached the door and the little robot continued through a little hole in the wall. I waited a second and knocked. "Enter!" Came the voice on the other side. I opened the door and stepped through. Along one wall set doors that normally housed the dead waiting to be processed. One out of dozens were open, its occupant missing from its silver slab. The middle of the room was brightly lit from a single overhead light. In the middle of the circle of light stood a figure, long Raven colored hair bound in a single braided ponytail, the rest of them bound in medical examination garb. They seemed to be engrossed in the corpse in front of them. The little robot rolled up next to Ceriths feet and made a little chiming noise. "Thank you Tabitha. That'll be all," said a voice that was neither male nor female from beneath the mask. Just sort of in the middle. "Tabitha? Never knew you to be sentimental," I said gently, the chuckle in my voice making itself clear. "I see you still find even the darkest things funny," Cerith quipped back. "My line of work Cer, you take the laughs where you get them. Look who's talking anyway, you're usually elbows deep inside someone 25/8. Even you have a seriously fucked up sense of humor." That got Cerith laughing, sounding like thunder and the whip crack of lightning at the same time. "You've got me there Julius," Cerith said after his laughter subsided. I think he suits him today. Which is both a good and bad sign. When Cerith is acting like a man, it usually means some grim news, but they are going to try to make it seem like not a big deal and laugh a lot. Plus they almost never call me Julius. Something was wrong. Very seriously wrong. As this realization hit me I got this odd tingle in the small of my back. Like someone had put several freezing needles under the skin and into my spine, something I'm familiar with from the anima-games from the cyber sphere. Halos: Divine Retribution If I remember right. Those Angels were sadistic bastards. I shuddered at both the memories from the game and the shockingly similar feeling I was experiencing. Dread, that feeling is dread my friend, the quiet part of my mind whispered to me. "Cer, what's wrong bud," I asked. He didn't say anything. For a long time. After a few minutes I was about to ask again, but then he spoke. And what came out will haunt me, quite possibly till the day I die . "This ones temporal lobes are gray matter. Nothing even close to being coherent. Just. Dead neurons. And he's not the first." Gone was the jovialness of the past ten minutes. This was Cerith the whisperer. In an almost dead tone they continued, "the others didn't fare nearly as well as this one. Most of the brain is intact here, which means that if they didn't deliver a massive shock or something similar to fully kill him he would have possibly lived as a vegetable with memory issues, but that's not what I'm looking for in this one here now. Now I'm trying to figure out what else the others had in common with him, and so far that's brought up all but naught. Well this one has a bit of liver damage. But that's about it. So Mr John was a drinker. Not much there." When Cerith is "whispering" the best thing to do is just let him be. But I couldn't help but prick my ears up at mentions of others with similar wounds, and the fact that this one had liver issues.... "Cer. You said... CERITH," I finally snapped out and caught his attention mid ramble. "Thank you. You said liver problems. But nothing similar to the others? No drugs? Alcohol? Not even a synth brain-pattern? You checked Everything?" "Well let's see, John here was a drinker that's for sure," Cerith said his hands never ceasing their work as he started to put 'John' back together seemingly satisfied that he found nothing else, " Mr Lombardo in chest 3 had cocaine mostly, and Mr Lei in chest 9 had opium. Although to tell you where it came from for both I'd have to do a molecular analysis and see what it compares to. Other than that, no. Absolutely nothing connecting any of them. As far as I can tell they are all unique cases completely separate from each other except for the damages to the brain. And I only found this by accident. During a routine scan I happened to look at the screen as it passed through the brain and noticed an odd density in his temporal lobes. Just slightly higher than normal. Hell to be honest with you it had the density of a fresh cutie, you know those little oranges?" I nodded, and he continued, "Right of course you do, who hasn't? Anyways it's just super dense compared to the surrounding tissues, and I take a sliver probe and drop it in like you do. And when I turn the damn thing on to look at the neurons the area all I see are dead cells packed on top of one another. Not natural decay death, but forced to die. Most of the cell walls were torn open like they had blown up from the INSIDE. That's when I called you." He finished up with 'John' putting the final few perfect stitches in place and sealing him up for good. Once he seemed happy with his work he called out to his seemingly empty morgue, "Grom I'm done! Can you put Mr John Doe here back in his room? Number 11 if you please." He turned away from the body on the table and removed the giant rubber gloves that went to his elbows. He walked into the dark calling out over his shoulder, "I'll be back in a sec I gotta scrub out, want a drink? I have beer, whiskey, vodka, I might have some Cognac somewhere, and bourbon. Your choice, just call out what you want and Tabitha will be there with it. Also have a seat! We have much to discuss." With that he disappeared from both sight and sound in the dark. It was a neat trick I have to admit, and it had something to do with how he had his morgue set up. Even the giant war machine that was Grom was absolutely quiet unless you managed to catch him through the gloom. I thought for the longest time the reason why I could never catch him sneaking around was from some sort of stealth program put into place, but when he goes up and down those stairs he's as loud as can be. So it was definitely not his program but the way the morgue was built. I'm confident in saying that because when I turned back to look at the table, or rather where it was, there was now a chair that looked like it had just grown out of the floor and the body was gone. Also the thought of something as big as a fridge just sneaking up on some poor combatants and snapping their necks as quietly as he walks in the morgue just gives me the heebies. As I sat in the chair a thought occurred to me. Considering how advanced the morgue seemed to be it would make sense that it had some sort of AI or integrated computer. "Computer?" I had been here a million times but I'd never had a chance to think about it nor try anything. But not even a second after I had said anything a response came. "Yes Detective Julius. My name is DANNA. Or Dynamically Actualized Neural Net AI. How can I be of service?" The voice seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere, slightly feminine and breathy, all service but no sex. Honestly I was just surprised that it worked. "DANNA, I was just wondering if I could take a look at the files that Cerith had mentioned? If it is as bad as they claim I think I might need to know anyway. Also if you can get those blood works done for me I'd appreciate it. Also something with whiskey or rum would be amazing." "Of course Detective. I will have Tabitha bring it shortly. And how would you like the information to be displayed? Desktop or dynamic?" That piqued my interest. "Dynamic please." No sooner than I had said a series of screens blinked into existence in front of me. It was some sort of Holographic display. I reached out and touched the display and was surprised that I got stopped by something. It was hard but surprisingly I found that I could push into the screen with my finger if I pushed hard enough. It kinda felt like... Oobleck. I also found that by pinching the corner I could pull the screens closer or further from me. I even found that I could grab individual pages of the reports off the screen and hold it. It felt like a thin sheet of plastic and responded like both a tablet and a singular document. If I switched pages the old one would appear back onto the screen and the next would pop onto it. This was about as slick a set up as I had ever seen and whistled my appreciation under my breath, I'm definitely going to have to ask Cerith about where they got DANNA from. "See something you like, big boy?" A very DEFINITELY female voice said in my ear from behind, soft and throaty, screaming come hither. I felt small dainty hands gently caress the tops of my shoulders before slipping down the front of my chest, pulling me back into the chair that I didn't realize I had been slouching in. "You know better than that, Jules. Your back is important and slouching will destroy the muscles and cause some to atrophy." The voice left no room for argument, and left me more than a little bit flushed. I closed my eyes and dropped my head back as far as it would go, the back of my head hitting something soft and warm, stretching my neck and back out. "Damnit Cer I thought you were scrubbing out, not completely changing." I hadn't realized it, but at least an hour had passed from when I started playing with the computer and working with the files if the clock on the computer was to be believed. "You looked like you were pretty into it so I decided not to disturb you. Plus you know how much fun it is for me to tease you like this. Especially after, well these..." One hand waved at the screens in front of me. The small hands' nails were painted the darkest black and almost made them blend into the void that existed outside of the screens. "I do Cer, and that's part of the problem, we both know that it's never going to happen. Least of all for you." She laughed a little, a clear beautiful sound and the body beneath my head bounced slightly telling me I was against her stomach. "Still I know you enjoy these little moments," she said, the pressure on the back of my head disappearing and was replaced by the voice right by my ear again as she whispered, "especially when we both know that's not at all true." At the last words she nibbled my ear gently. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at her, in spite of my baser instinct rising to meet her VERY juicy insinuations. But for as long as I've known Cerith and as many times as we have both been VERY drunk, they have NEVER cashed in. I just assumed that it was a quirk of theirs. "Anyways," she said standing back up, "what are you thinking so far about the files? Spooky, right? Like I said, nothing that I can see connects them." Her hands gestured in front of me in an approximation of a shrug. She then clasped them together, wringing the knuckles and effectively trapping me in the chair and back against her abdomen. I scrubbed my eyes with my fingertips acutely aware of the growing headache that suddenly made itself known. "Your right from the medical side. I can't see everything you can, of course. I don't have near the knowledge that you have," which is true being that Cerith is at least 200 years old. I never asked directly, the old adage still holding about women and their age. Still though her answers to certain questions would lead one to believe her being her first adult car was a Bing Cherry 2201 Firebird GT with white walled hover trim and chrome accents. From pictures that I could find it looked like a slick piece. Looking back to the screens I couldn't help but feel that itch again. I couldn't explain it. That prickly feeling of ice needles again, this time in the back of my skull. As much as I'd hate to admit it. I think Cerith is right. I sighed heavily before saying "send me everything. I'll open a new case file and have the team start working on it first thing." She made a happy noise and bounced slightly, clearly satisfied with my decision to take it on. I reached out and to my left and a glass was placed gently into my hand by Tabitha. I hadn't even realized she had come over while I was working and was now ready for that drink. Room temperature rum and cola. The drink went down smoothly enough considering I drained the glass in one gulp, during which time I finally got a good eyeful of Ceriths current form. Or rather the underside of part of it. From what I could tell she was wearing a black T-shirt. That was it. I put the glass back down, it's job done without moving my head and said, "What a lovely view Cerith. I'm guessing you chose this to try to get a rise out of me?" I couldn't lie though it was affecting me, but I couldn't let her know that. Not when she's like this. Otherwise she'll continue to tease me till she leaves me with the absolute worst case of blue balls this side of the City. Her hands came up and cupped my chin almost lovingly, and her voice said "Of course Detective. Do you not approve? Or would you rather I change back to my medical examination form? Or something else?" Her words dripped with implied sex. I groaned, loudly, and said, "This is fine. Jesus Cer." Before we could continue our most scintillating of conversations there was a sudden PING! And DANNA said, "I'm sorry to interrupt, but there's a message for you Cerith. It says 'If you can get to the department Cerith, do so. We need you to explain your paperwork. And if Detective Julius is still with you have him come in too.' signed the Chief. Would you like to reply?" 'shit, I forgot the morgue kills all signals,' I thought to myself as I stood up gently (regretfully) prying myself from Ceriths grasp with a, "duty calls. Need a lift?" I stretched gently, the scales in between my shoulders clicking appreciatively for the stretch, and turned around to notice she was indeed, just wearing a black T-shirt that hugged her voluptuous figure closely. The scales in my back clicked shut in surprise. Cerith let out a small cute chuckle, "I see after all this time I can still surprise you," she said blowing a kiss my way, reminding me of a little Gothic pixy. I rolled my eyes away from her and willed my scales to relax. I grabbed my jacket off the back of the chair, slinging it on and clicking the neck clasp shut under the cord that connected my scales to the unit in my head. I was awarded the cybernetics upon completing my training and getting all my licenses to have them. The force had allowed me to customize it, I had chosen top of the line. A dual unit with custom built AI. The individual scales were ceracoated titanium microprocessors all running in both series and parallel, and could move to expel heat or react. The main unit was the same except it was one solid unit that replaced a chunk of skull. Once that was done I zipped up the front of the leathers and ran the scales through the racer setting. They clicked and flattened against the outside of the jacket, securing it to my back. I shrugged making sure it was comfortable. "I'll take the fact that you're only in a t-shirt you'll be along shortly?" "Certainly detective." Her voice was filled with dismissive submission... And sadness? I looked back at her and noticed her makeup was gone. Or had she had any on in the first place? I gave myself a mental shake. There's no way. This was Cerith, veritable goddess of the necropolis. I put the last few minutes away for review later. Chief called. I have to go. On an instinct I thought long dead, I reached out and squeezed her hand. I felt a slight squeeze back. And then she let go with a, "Go on, be a good detective. I'll be along shortly." I left with Tabitha as my guide. Before Cerith disappeared into the darkness I thought I heard her whisper, "please don't leave." My scales raised in a saddened response. I couldn't be sure I heard her right though. If I heard her at all. I reached back and stroked them, knowing my ai probably heard her, and knowing it could feel me touch the scales. After a few seconds the scales settled down. 'I know buddy,' I thought to the AI. It couldn't respond like usual AI. The force thought that was too dangerous. What if it went rogue? What if it tried to kill the host and take over? The list went on and eventually they decided the basics were ok. When I got my unit one of the first things I did was jack it into a diagnostic to see what kind of hardware I was dealing with exactly because manufacturer specs from real use are sometimes different with AI if the bits and bobs are in place. When I did, all I got on the screen was 'Hello?'
submitted by OsethReaper to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:58 FlexXx_D Stolen Bag Downtown San Jose, Couldn’t Believe What Happened Next

Stolen Bag Downtown San Jose, Couldn’t Believe What Happened Next
On May 20th, 2024, around 3 p.m., I experienced a nerve-wracking event in San Jose, Costa Rica. After a fantastic getaway weekend with my Family in La Fortuna in the mountains, I was ready to check into my hotel, Hotel Colonial, located off the main street in downtown San Jose for our last night in the country. As we began offloading our bags in front of the hotel, my son (18) and I miscommunicated. He left one of our bags in front of the hotel, assuming someone would pick it up and bring it inside. Within the span of five minutes, someone stole the bag. Upon returning from parking the car and realizing the bag was missing, I panicked and started running down the street in search of it.
Fortunately, I encountered a couple of police officers and frantically explained the situation. I also informed them that I had an Apple Air Tag in my bag, which would help us track the thief. The officers immediately radioed for assistance and called the local tourist police. The tourist police arrived promptly in a pickup truck. I jumped into the truck with them, and we began tracking the thief using the Air Tag signal.
To my relief, the thief was located only a couple of miles away from where the bag was stolen. We were also lucky that a couple of French ladies who were having coffee in the hotel lobby saw the man picking up the bag and gave me a description. As we were tracking the thief, I saw a man matching the description out in the open on the street, going through what looked like our bag. He was already wearing some of my clothes and my son's clothes, with the rest of our belongings scattered around the street.
I jumped out of the truck to confront him, and the police called for backup as they saw that I was starting to lose my cool. They slammed the thief to the wall and handcuffed him as I was collecting all our clothes from the street. The police undressed him, leaving him nearly naked. The only item he was still wearing was my son's underwear, which I didn't want the police to remove. Feeling a mix of relief and compassion, I realized the young man likely needed help, possibly being a drug addict. I decided to give him a shirt from our bag. I asked the police to release him, as I didn't want to spoil my last night in Costa Rica and in the police station as one of the police officers told me that a full deposition could take up to 5 hours. No harm was done at the end.
Although I knew that asking the police to release him could lead to him stealing again, part of me hoped that somehow, someway, he could be given another chance at life, being young. I do not judge as I know that life can be harsh for some people, though not justifying a life of crime, which is unacceptable.
As a father, I wondered what could have gone wrong in his life. Despite his rough appearance and tattoos, he spoke intelligently, and his English was flawless. When he realized that I was the owner of the bag, he started apologizing frantically in English, trying to lie his way out of the situation by saying someone else gave him the bag. However, we knew he was the thief because he matched the description provided by the French ladies at the Hotel.
Despite the stressful experience, I was grateful for the swift action of the police and the helpfulness of the bystanders, which allowed us to recover our belongings and end the ordeal on a somewhat positive note.
I am truly thankful for the people in Costa Rica and their wonderful hospitality. This experience did not take away from our overall positive impression of our first visit to the country. Everyone there warned us to be careful in San Jose, and I regret not giving clearer directions to my son. I handed him the bag, assuming he would naturally bring it inside the lobby rather than leaving it on the street, thinking someone from the hotel would take care of it. I feel responsible for the miscommunication.
Interestingly, when we returned to the States (earlier today/ May 21st) and were sorting out clothes from the recovered bag, my wife found the young man's ID in the pocket of one of my son's sweatpants. It seems he had time to try on a few items and was planning to wear my son's sweatpants, leaving his ID in the pocket. What should I do with that ID?
This experience serves as a cautionary tale to never let your guard down, even in a beautiful place like Costa Rica. The people there are great, but like everywhere, there are good parts and bad parts of the city. The area around the hotel, while seemingly decent, had many homeless people and drug users. We were just unlucky that day.
The picture I posted is of the two wonderful police (Tourist Police) officers who took the time to help me track down my bag. They were as shocked as I was that we managed to recover the bag, as they told me that usually when something is stolen in San Jose, it is never found. Please be careful and stay safe. Pura Vida!
submitted by FlexXx_D to CostaRicaTravel [link] [comments]