Eken m001 firmware

"Grootste nachtmerrie voor jouw slimme deurbel onthuld!"

2024.05.03 03:25 itinsightsNL "Grootste nachtmerrie voor jouw slimme deurbel onthuld!"

Grootste nachtmerrie voor jouw slimme deurbel onthuld!
Het leek een fantastische uitvinding: de slimme deurbel. Met één druk op de knop kon je zien wie er voor je deur stond, zelfs als je niet thuis was. Maar nu blijkt dat deze handige gadget ook een keerzijde heeft. Consumer Reports heeft namelijk ontdekt dat er een groot beveiligingsprobleem is bij de Eken video deurbel, waardoor deze kwetsbaar is voor hackers. In dit artikel zullen we dieper ingaan op deze ontdekking en wat dit betekent voor jouw slimme deurbel.
Het probleem werd ontdekt door het team van Consumer Reports, een gerenommeerd consumentenorganisatie die producten test op kwaliteit en veiligheid. Zij ontdekten dat de Eken video deurbel, die te koop is op verschillende online platforms zoals Amazon en AliExpress, een kwetsbaarheid heeft in de firmware. Dit is de software die op de deurbel is geïnstalleerd en ervoor zorgt dat deze werkt.
Deze kwetsbaarheid maakt het voor hackers mogelijk om toegang te krijgen tot de beelden en audio van de deurbel, zonder dat de eigenaar hiervan op de hoogte is. Dit betekent dat niet alleen jij, maar ook jouw bezoekers en buren kunnen worden afgeluisterd en bekeken door onbekenden. Dit is natuurlijk een zeer zorgwekkende ontdekking en kan leiden tot ernstige inbreuken op de privacy.
Het is nog niet bekend hoeveel deurbellen er precies zijn getroffen, maar de Eken video deurbel is wereldwijd populair en wordt in grote aantallen verkocht. Daarom is het van groot belang dat deze kwetsbaarheid zo snel mogelijk wordt aangepakt door de fabrikant.
Consumer Reports heeft de fabrikant gecontacteerd en zij hebben toegezegd om een firmware update uit te brengen die het probleem zal verhelpen. Dit is een goede stap in de goede richting, maar het is belangrijk dat gebruikers deze update ook daadwerkelijk installeren op hun deurbel. Zo niet, dan blijft de kwetsbaarheid bestaan en zijn de beelden en audio nog steeds toegankelijk voor hackers.
Daarnaast is het ook belangrijk dat de fabrikant in de toekomst meer aandacht besteedt aan de beveiliging van hun producten. Het is niet de eerste keer dat er beveiligingsproblemen zijn ontdekt bij slimme apparaten en het is duidelijk dat hier meer aandacht aan moet worden besteed. Consumenten moeten erop kunnen vertrouwen dat hun persoonlijke gegevens veilig zijn bij het gebruik van deze apparaten.
Als jij een Eken video deurbel bezit, is het dus belangrijk om de firmware update zo snel mogelijk te installeren. Dit kan via de app die bij de deurbel hoort. Mocht je nog twijfelen over de veiligheid van jouw slimme deurbel, dan kan je er ook voor kiezen om deze uit te schakelen totdat de update beschikbaar is.
Tot slot is het ook een les voor ons allemaal: we moeten bewuster omgaan met de beveiliging van onze slimme apparaten. Het is verleidelijk om voor gemak te kiezen, maar we moeten ons ervan bewust zijn dat dit ook risico's met zich meebrengt. Laten we hopen dat deze fout snel wordt hersteld en dat we in de toekomst beter opletten bij de aanschaf van slimme apparaten.
Bronnen: https://www.consumerreports.org/smart-home/eken-firmware-update-consumer-reports-video-doorbell-security-vulnerability/ https://www.theverge.com/2024/4/26/24141844/eken-firmware-update-consumer-reports-video-doorbell-security-vulnerability https://www.forbes.com/sites/thomasbrewste2019/08/14/kenya-video-doorbell-eken-security-update/#5c6d4bca6c01 https://www.cybersecurity-insiders.com/eken-video-doorbell-contains-vulnerability-that-hacks-into-wi-fi-network/
submitted by itinsightsNL to ITInsightsNL [link] [comments]

2022.06.25 20:26 puppy2016 Viewsonic VP2768A-4K latest firmware version?

What is the latest firmware of Viewsonic VP2768A-4K monitor? I have M001. Thank you.
submitted by puppy2016 to Monitors [link] [comments]

2021.01.11 12:20 dean_yyy Cant record video while connected to monitor

Hey, i need to record while seeing the video feed on an external monitor with my action camera but for some reason you cant do both at the same time. Ive got 2 action camera's, one is an Aukey and the other is an Eken and i have the same problem with both.
Is there any way around this? Any tricks or firmware tweaks or anything?
submitted by dean_yyy to ActionCam [link] [comments]

2020.06.16 19:52 dean_yyy Eken H9R / 9R white screen

Hi, after trying to replace the lens of my new eken action camera the display turned white, then off, then white again once i power on the camera. The same thing happens for other eken cameras ive seen on youtube and people fix it with installing firmware. Just dont know if my disokay is broken or if its a software issue. Anyone had this problem or know how to fix it? Thanks
submitted by dean_yyy to Cameras [link] [comments]

2018.11.28 09:37 cuavas MAME 0.204

MAME 0.204

After a busy four weeks, we’re ready to present the hotly-anticipated MAME 0.204 release. The most exciting stuff this month is definitely on the computer emulation side. We’ve added dozens of working cartridges to the BBC ROM software list, and ROMs required by expansion devices are handled more elegantly. Our HP9000/300 series emulation just keeps getting better: it’s now possible to install and use HP-UX 9, with X11 and the Vue desktop environment on an emulated HP9000/370 with accelerated window drawing and Ethernet networking support. There’s also been some progress on the road to Silicon Graphics workstation emulation. On top of that, we’re seeing preliminary emulation of standalone X Window System terminals.
Thanks to MAME’s modular, device-oriented architecture, improvements for one machine go on to benefit other machines using similar hardware. The Motorola 68k memory management unit improvements that allow HP-UX to run on the HP9000/300 series will also benefit Mac, NeXT and early Sun systems. The same AMD LANCE Ethernet controller is used in HP and Sun workstations, X11 terminals, the Amiga A2065 Zorro card, and numerous applications. This gives us a wealth of test cases, and a virtuous cycle where progress on one system can lead to a breakthrough on another.
With this release, all Tiger game.com games are fully playable. Two more Nintendo Game & Watch titles, Climber and Tropical Fish, have been emulated. XaviX-based TV game emulation continues to progress steadily: numerous e-kara karaoke cartridges have been dumped, preliminary sound output emulation has been implemented (sorry, no microphone support yet, but you can hear the tunes), and more systems have inputs connected.
Graphical effects in the bootleg arcade driving game Blomby Car have been improved, and bad dumps of graphics ROMs for Abnormal Check and the Korean version of Prehistoric Isle have been replaced. As always, you’ll enjoy support for more alternate versions of arcade games (including a version of Pinball Action that shows scores on external LED displays), bug fixes, and general emulation improvements.
You can read a more detailed account of this month’s changes in the whatsnew.txt file, or get the source and Windows binary packages from the download page.

MAMETesters Bugs Fixed

New working machines

New working clones

Machines promoted to working

New machines marked as NOT_WORKING

New clones marked as NOT_WORKING

New working software list additions

Software list items promoted to working

New NOT_WORKING software list additions

Source Changes

submitted by cuavas to emulation [link] [comments]

2018.11.28 09:37 cuavas MAME 0.204

MAME 0.204

After a busy four weeks, we’re ready to present the hotly-anticipated MAME 0.204 release. The most exciting stuff this month is definitely on the computer emulation side. We’ve added dozens of working cartridges to the BBC ROM software list, and ROMs required by expansion devices are handled more elegantly. Our HP9000/300 series emulation just keeps getting better: it’s now possible to install and use HP-UX 9, with X11 and the Vue desktop environment on an emulated HP9000/370 with accelerated window drawing and Ethernet networking support. There’s also been some progress on the road to Silicon Graphics workstation emulation. On top of that, we’re seeing preliminary emulation of standalone X Window System terminals.
Thanks to MAME’s modular, device-oriented architecture, improvements for one machine go on to benefit other machines using similar hardware. The Motorola 68k memory management unit improvements that allow HP-UX to run on the HP9000/300 series will also benefit Mac, NeXT and early Sun systems. The same AMD LANCE Ethernet controller is used in HP and Sun workstations, X11 terminals, the Amiga A2065 Zorro card, and numerous applications. This gives us a wealth of test cases, and a virtuous cycle where progress on one system can lead to a breakthrough on another.
With this release, all Tiger game.com games are fully playable. Two more Nintendo Game & Watch titles, Climber and Tropical Fish, have been emulated. XaviX-based TV game emulation continues to progress steadily: numerous e-kara karaoke cartridges have been dumped, preliminary sound output emulation has been implemented (sorry, no microphone support yet, but you can hear the tunes), and more systems have inputs connected.
Graphical effects in the bootleg arcade driving game Blomby Car have been improved, and bad dumps of graphics ROMs for Abnormal Check and the Korean version of Prehistoric Isle have been replaced. As always, you’ll enjoy support for more alternate versions of arcade games (including a version of Pinball Action that shows scores on external LED displays), bug fixes, and general emulation improvements.
You can read a more detailed account of this month’s changes in the whatsnew.txt file, or get the source and Windows binary packages from the download page.

MAMETesters Bugs Fixed

New working machines

New working clones

Machines promoted to working

New machines marked as NOT_WORKING

New clones marked as NOT_WORKING

New working software list additions

Software list items promoted to working

New NOT_WORKING software list additions

Source Changes

submitted by cuavas to cade [link] [comments]

2018.11.28 09:36 cuavas MAME 0.204

MAME 0.204

After a busy four weeks, we’re ready to present the hotly-anticipated MAME 0.204 release. The most exciting stuff this month is definitely on the computer emulation side. We’ve added dozens of working cartridges to the BBC ROM software list, and ROMs required by expansion devices are handled more elegantly. Our HP9000/300 series emulation just keeps getting better: it’s now possible to install and use HP-UX 9, with X11 and the Vue desktop environment on an emulated HP9000/370 with accelerated window drawing and Ethernet networking support. There’s also been some progress on the road to Silicon Graphics workstation emulation. On top of that, we’re seeing preliminary emulation of standalone X Window System terminals.
Thanks to MAME’s modular, device-oriented architecture, improvements for one machine go on to benefit other machines using similar hardware. The Motorola 68k memory management unit improvements that allow HP-UX to run on the HP9000/300 series will also benefit Mac, NeXT and early Sun systems. The same AMD LANCE Ethernet controller is used in HP and Sun workstations, X11 terminals, the Amiga A2065 Zorro card, and numerous applications. This gives us a wealth of test cases, and a virtuous cycle where progress on one system can lead to a breakthrough on another.
With this release, all Tiger game.com games are fully playable. Two more Nintendo Game & Watch titles, Climber and Tropical Fish, have been emulated. XaviX-based TV game emulation continues to progress steadily: numerous e-kara karaoke cartridges have been dumped, preliminary sound output emulation has been implemented (sorry, no microphone support yet, but you can hear the tunes), and more systems have inputs connected.
Graphical effects in the bootleg arcade driving game Blomby Car have been improved, and bad dumps of graphics ROMs for Abnormal Check and the Korean version of Prehistoric Isle have been replaced. As always, you’ll enjoy support for more alternate versions of arcade games (including a version of Pinball Action that shows scores on external LED displays), bug fixes, and general emulation improvements.
You can read a more detailed account of this month’s changes in the whatsnew.txt file, or get the source and Windows binary packages from the download page.

MAMETesters Bugs Fixed

New working machines

New working clones

Machines promoted to working

New machines marked as NOT_WORKING

New clones marked as NOT_WORKING

New working software list additions

Software list items promoted to working

New NOT_WORKING software list additions

Source Changes

submitted by cuavas to MAME [link] [comments]

2018.08.29 22:32 Xbotr Need help on routing several wireless connections on 1 pc.

So here is the deal: I have 3 "action cams" ( eken 9h) that have a wifi connection. The camera acts as host, and you connect to it. The camera always has the same IP adress: and gives my wifi a ip number in that range.
I want to connect to 3 cameras, so I plugged in 3 wifi USB dongles and they all connect. But all the camera's have the same ip, its fixed.. And unless i am going to study firmware hacks it will be this way forever. So I need to route my connection ( from vlc via rtps ) to an IP attached to a wifi adaptor. How do I figure this out?
submitted by Xbotr to HomeNetworking [link] [comments]

2018.03.16 07:56 pevly Eken H6s 4K Action Camera Review

Let me introduce you to Eken H6s – one of the recent action cams released by EKEN. The Chinese manufacturer has been around for a while. They established their reputation with H9 model which was one of our best cheap action camera picks. That particular model made the company famous and increased their sales substantially.
In this review, I will be taking a look at the H6s from a bit different perspective.
First I want to tell you is that EKEN just replaced the V series with the H series. After the recently reviewed Eken V8s, they launched this model, the H6s. As per curious coincidence, H6s is the direct sister of V8s, because both have almost the same hardware.
As mentioned, due to an incredible amount of similarities between the two models, I will be comparing these throughout this article quite a lot. It’s not entirely clear to me why they released this model with only minor cosmetic design changes and launched it as a completely new camera under a different name.
But more importantly, let’s see what this camera can do. Accessories
Here is a list of accessories which come included in the camera package:
Accessories Here is a list of accessories which come included in the camera package:
It is quite common that a Chinese action camera brand includes plenty of additional accessories with the product. Quality of these additional mounts and frames can be questionable, depending on the brand. The accessories included with Eken H6s are of good quality.
One thing I really like about Eken accessories is the fact that they began including a tripod as an accessory which comes in the package. That small addition makes this whole package quite complete and will satisfy most of the needs of an average action camera enthusiast.
As you can see in a photo above, the package also includes a splash-proof remote control unit. The remote control will give you certain camera control. Pair it with a camera, and you will be able to perform basic operations, like recording a video or capturing a still image.
One more great accessory is the frame which allows you to attach a camera to a 1/4″ screw. In the photo above you can see how I used the frame to attach the camera to a tripod.
There is one problem with the frame. It does not have a hole for a USB cable. Which means that you will not be able to charge the camera when it’s inside a frame. This can be a problem for people capturing long time-lapse videos, where their camera needs to remain still and being charged at the same time.
Users can drill such a hole, of course, but I really do not understand how they “forgot” to provide a hole in the frame. It can’t be that expensive to do it, can it?
Design and Build quality
Well, the accessories are of a good quality – not so the camera itself. To the touch, it appears to have been made from the cheapest plastic on the market! It is also very light, feels almost empty. The color doesn’t help much with raising the enthusiasm, being kinda nondescript gray.
The buttons quality is good. Unfortunately there are only three of those, so at first, navigating the Menu you might find it a little bit confusing. Both monitors are clearly visible, also in the sunlight, but EKEN didn’t remember to include signal LEDs around their cameras. And that makes it IMPOSSIBLE to determine whether the camera is recording or not!
I felt forced to look at either of the two screens and if I use the cam on my helmet, it’s pure lottery to know whether it is working or not. After few hours of usage, I found that the front screen always remains turned on! There is no option to turn it off, and it spells bad news for the battery life. Not good concept! This can possibly be fixed via future firmware upgrade.
Menu Overview
As I already grumbled before, the Menu is a little bit quizzical. With only 3 buttons you can just select a certain option with “record button”, and Scroll down the list only with the “power” button. This sure is neither the best nor the quickest way to move around, but “fortunately” the Menu only offers a few settings anyway, so…
The first part of the menu is composed of quick modes, in this order:
Video Quality
Prior to this model, I had other Eken cams; the H8R and the V8s, and so I can assure you that NOTHING has changed with this camera. The V8s had its lot of problems – and these are still in this model.
I do not need any further evidence that Eken didn’t make much progress with this model in terms of video quality. There’s zero progress in the software. The only hardware change is an image sensor, but in my test, it does not bring any performance improvements.
It seems to me that they did not invest much effort in this model. Everything is the same as in the previous series, except for some design and image sensor changes.
As always, I leave you to see for yourself by way of videos made at 1080p / 60fps, which for now is the most used resolution with almost all action cams.
I don’t think you’d need any better-detailed comments, as it is clear that the camera suffers from a very very low-quality virus. If we take the car videos as examples, I couldn’t even read the license plate of the car in front of me! Honestly, I think it’s ridiculous.
The colors are quite good, but the rest is… well, uncommentable. Videos are neither clear nor sharp enough for the high standards the action camera market expects today.
Photo Quality The photo quality is a little bit better. If you crop the images severely, obviously these are not super detailed. Colors are good and it can manage the light levels well. Unfortunately, this is not only a photo camera. It’s not made for just this purpose, but it can still deliver some acceptable images.
Audio Quality
The sample camera I received had a “defect”. Accidentally or not, my unit did not provide any sound output. I was unable to discover whether this is a hardware defect or a software bug. I contacted EKEN support, but after the first e-mail, nobody replied. If I get a reply from EKEN about the sound issue with this unit, I’ll update this part of the article.
Furthermore, I am unable to tell you whether this is an issue with my unit, or it happens with the larger percentage of the H6s cameras. If you bought an H6s, please add your comment on the issue. It would be very helpful to know if it’s only a singular unit defect – or a serial glitch.
WiFi and App
This camera is provided with a built-in WiFi, so you can operate the camera using your smartphone. The range is quite good, about 3 or 4 meters. Should be enough to use in many situations. This connection is used only for Rec, Playback and Mode buttons – it has no more features. The app is maybe too unstable. Sometimes it will crash, and it’s not exactly the icon of speed, but it helps to change the settings without touching the camera.
Remote Control
One of the good things about Eken H6s is that they add a Remote Control device to their range of accessories. The RC could be very useful if you have the camera mounted in some position uncomfortable to reach. Also good, you can use it in the rain because it is splashproof – but do not take it along for a swim. By the way, the signal range is about 2 to 3 meters, and within said distance it is accurate.
Battery Performance
These are the results of the battery tests I’ve made:
Frankly, I don’t know what the problem with EKEN is. It is a big company and they are trying to get on top of the market with, I think, new cameras. And yet, they are just making the same cameras with another name. It may be a good thing that these cameras are cheaper than other brands, but the performances are absolutely humble.
I can’t honestly find enough reasons to convince you to buy an Eken V6s cam. This was supposed to be an action cam! Everyone knows that such type of cameras is (or should be) built to work in extreme situations, but EKEN stubbornly strives to create a poor product.
Horrible video resolution, battery life lower than the average, flat uninteresting design, and deficiencies in every other aspect. And I don’t want to talk about the software… it seems a pre-compiled list glued into their products. Is there any need to even mention the complete absence of audio (input or output) in my review unit?
I wish the next EKEN camera will strongly show a better care for details and bring improvements.
Review by Pevley
submitted by pevly to ActionCam [link] [comments]

2018.01.08 02:27 yoyoyonono EKEN H9R recognized as a microphone in windows 10 for some reason

So for some reason when I plug in my Eken H9R into my computer with a USB cable windows treats it like a microphone and doesn't let me use it as a webcam. I'm running 64 bit Windows 10 and the firmware revision on the camera is: H9R_v3.0 STD_EKGZA O4D7AX_170924 Thanks.
submitted by yoyoyonono to ActionCam [link] [comments]

2017.06.17 23:09 RlSE_AND_GRIND Help with figuring out a solution with my Action Camera H2R Eken Cam Audio or Android video edit software for my LG G4 4K camera to do a vlog asap. Bootstrapping with little/no cash. Please help :(

So here's the deal.
I'm just going to lay down the "can-do" and "cant dos" to save time and be realistic as well as help you all help me with what i have available to me... It sucks, but hey- that's the beauty of getting advice from those that have done this. I'm basically "bootstrapping" (little/no cash to buy a camera honestly. maybe i could afford good editing software if less than $100 but sure can't get a nice camera and need to work with what I got as my side-business with very limited cash).
The two devices I have that I'm having problems turning into my one device I use for vlogging:
I have a 4K action Camera (its the Eken H2R) like a go-pro knock off... but problem is THE AUDIO IS GARBAGE and VERY low volume. There is no way to increase it, and the firmware sucks with no settings for it. I hit up the manufaturer (I know keep dreaming right haha) but just checking options if there is firmware out there that will increase audio or give better audio drivers OR if alternative firmware I can use for the chipset to make it better. That's my first problem.
My 2nd is- I have an LG G4- this android smartphone is my favorite and it has treated me well and also has apparently 4k/UHD (but unsure if its upscaled or not) however the quality in terms of video is just... not quite there. My problem is I'm trying to figure out how to solve this and use one device to vlog, and produce descent videos without having to tie in a seperate audio file because I'm demo'ing things and devices that require voice-recognition so it will look fake as hell if I post a clip with my audio on the side as like a narrative/voice-over. SO- my dilemna, I can't use my action camera bc it is shit audio and too low and I can't use my LG G4 bc the damn video looks a less quality bc of the resolution/kinda a grainy look (I did try to clean the lens fyi). So basically lol I dont have one device to shoot video with descent sound at the same time.
I'm trying to find out if anyone knows of a solution for either the action camera firmware- or a good app, known tricks with the LG G4. My iphone is much too old (i believe its an iphone 4 or 5) and doesn't produce that descent of video at least like my LG G4... So I figured maybe there is some app/suite/studio program either windows or google play that I can use bc I'm not quite sure if this is upscaled or not on this phone. I know I could "buy" something but honestly I can't- and I'm at a point where I need to shoot some film for my vlog to show that I'm an expert in this technology category I'm going to be shooting about. But I know quality is important and just want to make sure to not screw up credibility or reputation in the beginning bc I've built up thousands of followers is all and I'm going to showcase some really neat shit (like basically my whole house is voice-controlled. Literally). And I just want to do this right and I've got pc apps to edit the videos but the audio volume boost doesn't work good enough or makes the audio from the action cam amplify the background noise and I can't cut it out with these apps and then boost my voice...
I've tried a lot and done a lot of research but have come here bc I've spent the 5 hours or so trying to figure out a solution and am at a loss.
any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!
submitted by RlSE_AND_GRIND to VideoEditing [link] [comments]

2017.06.17 22:52 RlSE_AND_GRIND Need help - Limited Options - Increase Quality of Audio or Video? Any Apps or Go-Pro knockoff/Action Camera Suggestions? Or Good video editing app for phone?

So here's the deal.
I'm just going to lay down the "can-do" and "cant dos" to save time and be realistic as well as help you all help me with what i have available to me... It sucks, but hey- that's the beauty of getting advice from those that have done this. I'm basically "bootstrapping" (little/no cash to buy a camera honestly. maybe i could afford good editing software if less than $100 but sure can't get a nice camera and need to work with what I got as my side-business with very limited cash).
The two devices I have that I'm having problems turning into my one device I use for vlogging:
I have a 4K action Camera (its the Eken H2R) like a go-pro knock off... but problem is THE AUDIO IS GARBAGE and VERY low volume. There is no way to increase it, and the firmware sucks with no settings for it. I hit up the manufaturer (I know keep dreaming right haha) but just checking options if there is firmware out there that will increase audio or give better audio drivers OR if alternative firmware I can use for the chipset to make it better. That's my first problem.
My 2nd is- I have an LG G4- this android smartphone is my favorite and it has treated me well and also has apparently 4k/UHD (but unsure if its upscaled or not) however the quality in terms of video is just... not quite there. My problem is I'm trying to figure out how to solve this and use one device to vlog, and produce descent videos without having to tie in a seperate audio file because I'm demo'ing things and devices that require voice-recognition so it will look fake as hell if I post a clip with my audio on the side as like a narrative/voice-over. SO- my dilemna, I can't use my action camera bc it is shit audio and too low and I can't use my LG G4 bc the damn video looks a less quality bc of the resolution/kinda a grainy look (I did try to clean the lens fyi). So basically lol I dont have one device to shoot video with descent sound at the same time.
I'm trying to find out if anyone knows of a solution for either the action camera firmware- or a good app, known tricks with the LG G4. My iphone is much too old (i believe its an iphone 4 or 5) and doesn't produce that descent of video at least like my LG G4... So I figured maybe there is some app/suite/studio program either windows or google play that I can use bc I'm not quite sure if this is upscaled or not on this phone. I know I could "buy" something but honestly I can't- and I'm at a point where I need to shoot some film for my vlog to show that I'm an expert in this technology category I'm going to be shooting about. But I know quality is important and just want to make sure to not screw up credibility or reputation in the beginning bc I've built up thousands of followers is all and I'm going to showcase some really neat shit (like basically my whole house is voice-controlled. Literally). And I just want to do this right and I've got pc apps to edit the videos but the audio volume boost doesn't work good enough or makes the audio from the action cam amplify the background noise and I can't cut it out with these apps and then boost my voice...
I've tried a lot and done a lot of research but have come here bc I've spent the 5 hours or so trying to figure out a solution and am at a loss.
any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!
submitted by RlSE_AND_GRIND to vlogging [link] [comments]

2017.03.29 01:11 gr8juan Can the Akaso EK7000 be used as a webcam?

I bought the Akaso EK7000 late last year because I had a free $100 gift card and didn't want to spend any money out of pocket. I regret making such a quick decision without the proper research. Since I don't really plan on using this as an action camera, has anyone been able to use it as webcam?
I saw the EKEN H9 can if you take out the sd card and it will connect but when I tried with my Akaso, it worked briefly, but when I turned it off it never worked again. I don't really care if I break this camera so if I need to change the firmware I'm willing to do it if there are steps and instructions.
Any guidance or information would is appreciated.
submitted by gr8juan to ActionCam [link] [comments]

2017.03.09 20:35 DiamondRyce [USA-CA] [H] Samson Q2U Handheld Dynamic USB Microphone, Audio2000'S AST421 Desktop Microphone Stand, Logitech Bluetooth Keyboard, Clone Eken H9se Action Camera [W] Paypal/Local Cash

Local is 95112 on SJSU Campus
Samson Q2U Handheld Dynamic USB Microphone
This mic I bought about a year and a half ago as the Samson Recording Pak from Amazon. Wanting to get rid of it since I need money to get other things I want.
Amazing microphone for its price and audio. Done commentaries, podcasts, and livestreams. Used well with Voicemeeter Banana software on Windows
It comes in its original box with these accessories: HP20 Playback Headphones, desktop stand, mic clip, usb cable and XLR cable
Looking for $45 Shipped
Audio2000'S AST421 Desktop Microphone Stand
This is the mic stand I used with the Samson Q2U Mic. It is very short but works well and allowed me to put a pop filter and it still would not be top heavy and fall over. You can use this as long as it fits the threads from your microphone.
Looking for $7 Shipped SOLD
Logitech Ultrathin Bluetooth Keyboard/Cover Mini
Model number is Y-R0038. This specifically made for the iPad Mini but it connects via bluetooth so any other bluetooth enable device can pretty much connect to it. There is a dent on the back but other than that it is clean. Just the keyboard no original box or charger since it can be charged like any other Android device ie Micro USB.
Looking for $20 Shipped
Clone Eken H9se Action Camera
I say clone because the camera sensor and firmware do not match up well. You can find the specs online but my original plan was to use this as a webcam but found out that I had to reboot my computer and use unsigned drivers so OBS can see the camera as a webcam.
It can record 1080p 30fps, 1080p 60fps (Doubled/Duplicate Frames), 2.7K 30fps and 4K 25fps. Both 2.7k 30fps and 4K 25fps are interpolated videos ie it is a bunch of pictures stitched together to make a video.
Comes in its original box and accessories. It will also come with Micro HDMI to HDMI cable and hardshell case. Any questions on this Action Cam feel free to ask.
Looking for $30 Shipped
As always prices are OBO so feel free to message me offers.
submitted by DiamondRyce to hardwareswap [link] [comments]

2017.02.17 19:00 GeekTesters How to Install Firmware in your Eken H9 PRO Camera

How to Install Firmware in your Eken H9 PRO Camera submitted by GeekTesters to Cameras [link] [comments]

2011.04.13 19:07 bobqjones HELP! tablet borked. needs new firmware, but I'm having problems getting it installed.

i have an 8" eken M003s tablet.
instructions on flashing here
firmware from here. these are from the eken website. they say that the m003t firmware is the one i need, but it won't boot when i put it on the flash card.
i have other images that WILL boot, but they are for a 7" screen and it won't boot android after the flash.
can you tell me why those firmware files will not boot correctly? the tablet just ignores them and goes into the bad image i have on it currently. i can't get it to upgrade using the correct firmware.
any help would be REALLY appreciated.
EDIT: FIXED IT! apparently WM8650 based tablets ignore the script directory and require a boot image in the root of the flash card. normal 'script' roms won't work.
i finally received the factory firmware from the manufacturer and it flashed back to normal.
submitted by bobqjones to Android [link] [comments]

2010.07.01 07:54 almagest Best "cheap" tablet for PDF and ebook viewing?

I currently own a 10" netbook, which i use mostly for reading PDFs and ebooks. I'd like something without the keyboard, however, to feel more like a book. I considered a Kindle, but the lack of color makes that a no-go. I also don't want to spend $500+ on an Ipad or other expensive tablet. What's the best option currently available, or available in the near future? What about the Eken M001 or Archos 7? Are either of these powerful enough/full-featured enough to handle ebooks, large, image-heavy PDFs, and chms? Thanks.
submitted by almagest to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2010.05.22 01:21 scootey $100 Android Tablet now available: the 7-inch Eken M001

$100 Android Tablet now available: the 7-inch Eken M001 submitted by scootey to gadgets [link] [comments]
