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2024.05.21 12:01 AutoModerator Weekly book club by

This week's book club list is as follows (enjoy reading and comment which your favourite is below):

  1. The Lost Art of Compassion: Discovering the Practice of Happiness in the Meeting of Buddhism and Psychology by Lorne Ladner: Dr Lorne Ladner rescues compassion from this marginalised view, showing how its practical application in our life can be a powerful force in achieving happiness. Combining the wisdom of Tibetan Buddhism and Western psychology, Ladner presents clear, effective practices for cultivating compassion in daily living.
  2. Choosing Happiness: Keys to a Joyful Life by Alexandra Stodda: Happiness lies in the passions we pursue and in the pressures we decline. It is in knowing how to work and when to play. It is in the treasured objects we keep nearby and in the ordinary moments we elevate into small celebrations. It is in the note we write to a friend and the kindness we show a stranger. It is in the colors we love and the music that transports us. It may be as simple as sunlight on your face; as sudden as a shared smile; as sensuous as a single flower on your desk, candles on your nightstand, or cookies hot from the oven. Happiness is what you make it, where you make it. Happiness is our best choice.
  3. Health, Wealth and Happiness: You Can Control Your Destiny by David Singh: David Singh's dramatic journey from the jungles of Guyana to the helm of one of Canada's largest financial planning companies provides the backdrop for this guide to lasting happiness. Advocating wise investments, careful planning, and healthy eating choices, this inspirational book uncovers the secrets to a happier and more successful life.
  4. What All the World's A-Seeking: Or, The Vital Law of True Life, True Greatness Power and Happiness by Ralph Waldo Trine: Ralph Waldo Trine was an influential member of the New Thought movement. He was one of the first people to write about the Law of Attraction. Long before Rhonda Byrne discovered the secret that one's positive thoughts are powerful magnets that attract wealth, health, and happiness, Trine already knew it.
  5. Authentic Happiness: Using the New Positive Psychology to Realize Your Potential for Lasting Fulfillment by Martin Seligman: I have read about 80 pages and I am enjoying Seligmen's friendly, engaging writing style so far. Also, there are interesting facts about each person's 'range' of happiness being fixed on a spectrum.Great so far. Will attempt to update review when I have completed the book.
  6. Happiness Hypothesis: Putting Ancient Wisdom to the Test of Modern Science by Jonathan Haidt: Jonathon Haidt is a terrifically productive thinker about psychology. This is book is a credo and a guide book to your own happiness via an accomplished romp through the psychological literature which Haidt uses to explore the truths of ancient religion. I'm surprised it's not a wild best seller, but I think I know why - it doesn't have an singular and catchy formula for your salvation which you can learn in your lunchtime and hear about ad nauseam on late night TV infomercials. Just well written, well thought out commentary on the formula for a happy and fulfilled life distilled from the psychological literature.
  7. It's All in Your Head: Thinking Your Way to Happiness by Stephen M. Pollan, Mark Levine: If you've ever wanted to have a conversation with someone on a normal level about undoing negative thinking patterns, this book is about the closest you'll ever get in written form. The style is conversational, pragmatic, and realistic. Kind of like talking to a favorite uncle or aunt who is just "on the mark" about dealing with life. The book focuses on 8 behaviothought patterns that hinder us from being happy NOW, and provides simple, easy "exercises" to do to help overcome them. It is also one of those rare self-help books that the whole family can read, enjoy, and profit from. In my opinion, this book is better than any other I've read by Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, Nathaniel Branden, and many others. If you've ever thought you can be happier, YOU CAN, and this book can help you get there.
  8. Handbook on the Economics of Happiness by Luigino Bruni, Pier Luigi Porta: This Handbook provides an unprecedented forum for discussion of the economic issues relating to happiness. It reviews the more recent literature and offers the interested reader an insight into the vast scope of the field in terms of the theory, its applications and also experimental design. The Handbook also gives substantial indications as to the future direction of research in the field, with particular regard to policy applications and developing an economics of interpersonal relations which includes reciprocity and social interaction theory.
  9. Freeing your child from negative thinking: powerful, practical strategies to build a lifetime of resilience, flexibility, and happiness by Tamar E. Chansky: This book is excellent for those who wish to embrace Food Combining i.e. what has become known as the Hay Diet. It is where one avoids mixing starch-based foods and protein-based foods in the same meal.
  10. The 7 Steps of Spiritual Intelligence: The Practical Pursuit of Purpose, Success and Happiness Volume by Richard A. Bowell: Pioneering researcher and educator Richard Bowell delivers the first and only self-help guide to the power of spiritual intelligence (SQ)-the next evolutionary stage in our pursuit of purpose, success, and happiness. He introduces the latest breakthroughs in neuro-science. Life lessons from such exceptional individuals as Nelson Mandela to Ghandi and Mother Theresa take readers on a self-guided journey to personal development and growth.
So, which one are you picking up next or have read? Let us know with a comment and upvote and share this post and our sub bodychemistry to stay tuned for more reading lists every week!
Love, marmalada
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2024.05.20 01:06 M4C4BRO BIBLIOTECA MT


Biblioteca MT 1-MentalismoMentalismo-13 escalones del mentalismo-Arte de ler mentes-Henrik Fexeus-O mentalista-Tricks of the mind - Derren Brown-Absolute Magic-Derren Brown-Pure effect-Derren Brown-Easy mentalism-Practical Mental magic-Theodore AnnemannPsiquiatria-Manual de psiquiatria portugues-Cinema e LoucuraPsicologia-Psicologia Facil - Ana Merces Bahia BockPNL-Introdução à programação neurolinguística-Joseph 0'Connor e John Seymour-despertar do gigante interior-PNL Programacao Neurolinguistic - Steve Andreas-Usando Sua Mente (PNL) Richard Bandler-PNL: A Nova Tecnologia do SucessoNeurociência-Neurociências - Desvendando o sistema nervoso Bear, M. F., Connors, B. W., & Paradiso, M. A.,-As bases biologicas do comportamento-marcus brandao-Truques da mente-Stephen L.Macknik & Susana martinez-Condecom Sandra Blakeslee-Subliminar - Leonard MlodinowHipnose-Hipnoterapia Ericksoniana Passo a Passo-Sofia Bauer-hipnose - dicas, métodos e técnicas-o homem de fevereiro-erickson-Manual hipnose completo-fabio puentes-Hackeando mentes - Marcelo Maia-A Realidade é Plástica- Anthony JacquinSedução-Como se dar bem com as Mulheres - Ron Louis e David Copeland-A Arte Natural da Sedução - Richard La Ruina-Manual de Artes Venusianas-O Jogo-Neil Strauss-O livro negro da sedução-Biblia da seduçãoMicroexpressões-linguagem das Emocoes-Paul Ekman-O código de Ekman -A.Freitas Magalhães-Inteligência visual-Amy E.HermanPersuasão-As Armas da Persuasao - Robert B. Cialdini-Manual de Persuasão do FBI - Jack ShaferInterpretação-A preparação do Ator-StanislavskiMemorização-Mentes Geniais - Alberto Dell isola-Mentes BrilhantesArgumentação-A Arte de Argumentar-tratado de argumentação a nova retórica-Chaim Perelman-logica juridica-chaim perelman-Argumentação Juridica-Vitor Gabriel-schopenhauer - como vencer um debate - dialetica eristica-schoppenhauer - do pensar por si-Oratória-Reinaldo Polito-Introducao a retorica-Olivier Reboul-How to Argue & Win Every Time- Gerry SpenceRedação-tecnicas basicas de redacao-branca granaticPedagogia-A encantadora de BebesAdestramento-Adestramento Inteligente-Como Criar o Cão Perfeito Desde - Cesar MillanMotivação-Magica de Pensar Grande-David J SchwartzAMitologia-Mitologia Greco-Romana - René Ménard-Os Mitos Gregos-Robert GravesMágica-Ultimate secrets of card magic-Expert card technique -Jean Hugard & Frederick BraueMagia & Ocultismo A.Alquimia -Alquimia-Marie Louise Von Franz -Psicologia e Alquimia-C.G. Jung -Alquimia E A Imagição Ativa -Marie Louise Von Franz -Anatomia da psique alquimia B.Astrologia -Astrologia e Mitologia-Ariel Guttman e Kenneth Johnson -Curso Básico de Astrologia-MARION D. MARCH & JOAN McEVERS -A Astrologia e a Psique Moderna-DANE RUDHYAR -A Astrologia dos ciganos-Maria Helena Farelli C.Tarot -Tarô de Marselha-Paul Marteau -Tarô Dicionário & Compêndio Jana Riley -O Tarô e a Viagem do Herói-Hajo Banzhaf D.Magia -Dogma e Ritual da Alta Magia -Eliphas Lévi -O Livro Do Prazer-Austin Osman Spare -Lex Satanicus -Curso de magia-J. R. R. Abrahão -A Magia Do Vodu-Maria Helena Farelli -A Bíblia Satânica - Anton LaVey -O livro da Lei - Aleister Crowley2-TradingTrade-Apostila aprenda a investir na bolsa corretora xp-OPERANDO NO MERCADO COM MT4-Analise Fundamentalista-Os supersinais da analise técnica-Investir cada vez melhor-Sobreviva na bolsa-Aprenda a operar-Manual do pequeno investidor em - Fabio AlmeidaTransações imobiliarias-apostila TTI-como montar uma imobiliaria-dominio da venda imobiliariaEconomia-Freakonomics-SuperFreakonomics O Lado Oculto do Dia a Dia - Steven D. Levitt-Curso basico de macroeconomia-Historia Pensamento economico-manual de Economia da USP-Economia nua e crua - Charles WheelanADM-Manual do CEO-O CEO é o limiteEstratégia-os axiomas de Zurique-Pai rico pai pobre-investimentos O segredo de George Soros e Warren Buffet-O X da questão-Investimentos inteligentes - Gustavo CerbasiHistória-Sonho Grande-A jogada do seculo-Michael Lewis-Bumerangue-Michael Lewis-Flash Boys-Michael Lewis-O homem que roubou Portugal-Os Genios dos Negocios-Peter-Krass-Golpes bilionarios-kari nars-A ascensao do dinheiro - Niall Ferguson-A bola de neve-Alice Schroeder-crash-uma breve histria da economia-O Lobo de Wall Street - Jordan Belfort-O Sequestro da America - Charles H. Ferguson-Por que sai do Goldman Sachs - Greg Smith3-CiênciaMedicina———1-AnatomiaAnatomia Humana Basica Dangeloe FattiniAtlas de Anatomia Humana NetterAtlas Fotográfico de Anatomia - YokochiGrays p. estudant.Anatomia Moore orientada para a clínica2-FisiologiaFisiologia Humana - Dee Unglaub Silverthorn3-PatologiaBogliolo Patologia4-HistologiaHistologia Básica - Junqueira e Carneiro5-Biologia celularBiologia Celular e Molecular -Junqueira & Carneiro6-BioquímicaBioquímica Médica Básica de Marks7-Bioestatística8-Embriologiaembriologia clinica Moore9-MicrobiologiaMicrobiologia Medica - Patrick Murray10-ImunologiaMurphy - Imunobiologia De Janeway11-GenéticaGriffiths - Introdução à Genética12-ParasitologiaParasitologia Humana Neves13-RadiologiaFundamentos de Radiologia e Diagnóstico por imagemTratado de Técnica Radiológica - Bontrager14-FarmacologiaFarmacologia Básica Clínica Bertram Katzung Goodman - Farmacologia15-SemiologiaSemiologia Medica - PortoSemiologia BatesExame Clínico-PortoSemiologia médica - mario lópezSemiologia Médica - Rocco16-Clínica GeralHarrison - Medicina InternaCecil17-Urgência e EmergênciaATLSManual APH18-PediatriaBlackbook PediatriaNelson Tratado de Pediatria19-Ginecologia e ObstetríciaObstetricía RezendeObstetricia BasicaRotinas Em ObstetriciaGinecologia FundamentalRotinas em Ginecologia20-NeurologiaA Neurologia que todo médico deve saber - NitriniNeurociências - Bear, M. F., Connors, B. W., & Paradiso, M. A.Cem bilhoes de neuroniosNeuropsicologia - Roger Gil21-PsiquiatriaCompêndio de Psiquiatria - KaplanManual De Psiquiatria Portugues22-Cirurgia geralCirurgia ambulatorial - SavassiManual de técnica cirúrgica para a graduaçãoPropedeutica CirurgicaRuy Garcia - Tecnica Operatória e Cirurgia ExperimentalSabiston - Tratado de CirurgiaTECNICA CIRÚRGICA Goff23-CardiologiaCardiologia para Clinico GeralSerrano - Tratado de Cardiologia SOCESP24-Exames LaboratoriasExames Laboratoriais - Nemer, Neves e FerreiraMedicina Laboratorial para o ClínicoRenato Failace - Hemograma - Manual De Interpretação25-DiversosManual de Medicina Legal - Delton Croce JuniorFundamentos em Toxicologia de Casarett e DoullWilliams - Tratado de EndocrinologiaCurrent ReumatologiaDermatologia - Azulay & AzulayNefrologia - RiellaPneumologia - Série No ConsultórioAndrew Holtz - A ciência médica de HouseOnde não há medicoBiologiaQuimicaRotinas de enfermagemEngenharia———--Princípios de Mecatrônica-João Maurício RosárioFísica,Astronomia e Cosmologia———————————–-50 Ideias de Fisica Que Precisa - Joanne Baker-Física Moderna para iniciados, interessados e aficionados-O Universo Numa Casca de Noz-Stephen Hawking-Breve história do tempo-Stephen Hawking-O universo elegante - Brian Greene-A Realidade Oculta - Brian Greene-O Tecido do Cosmo - Brian Greene-Fisica do futuro - Michio Kaku-Hiperespaco - Michio Kaku-Mundos Paralelos - Michio Kaku-Batendo a porta do ceu - Lisa Randall-O cerne da matéria-Cosmos - Carl Sagan-El grande diseno-Stephen Hawking-E SE Respostas científicas para perguntas absurdas - Randall MunroeMatemática———--50 Ideias de Matematica Que Pre - Tony Crilly-17 Equacoes Que Mudaram o Mundo - Ian Stewart-20.000 léguas matemáticas-As maravilhas da matemática-Introdução a filosofia da matemática-O diabo dos numeros-O andar do bebado-Em busca do infinito-Os misterios dos numeros-Sera que Deus joga dados-Simetria matematica-A Matemática nos Tribunais - Leila Schneps, Coralie Colmez-Mathemagics How to Look Like a Genius Without Really Trying Mantesh Marked-Mania de matemática
-The Numbers Behind NUMB3RS-Keith Devlin & Gary LordenBiologia——–-50 Ideias Genetica - Mark Henderson-O Maior Espetáculo da Terra As Evidências da Evolução-Richard Dawkins-POR QUE A EVOLUÇÃO É UMA VERDADE -Jerry A. CoyneLógica——-A Arte de Pensar Claramente - Rolf Dobelli-Tratado Lógico Filosófico-Wittgeinstein-Pinóquio no País dos Paradoxos-Raciocínio Lógico e Matemática para Concursos CESPE/UNB-Raciocínio Lógico Passo A Passo -Cabral,Luiz Claudio; Nunes, Mauro César-Pense Como um Freak_ Como Pensa - Steven D. Levitt-Guia das falácias de Stephen Downes-Lógica jurídica-Chaim Perelman-Modal Logic for Open Minds - Johan van Benthem-Philosophical Perspectives on Infinity-Graham OppyBibliografia do CombateAMT-C 23-1 - Tiro Das Armas Portáteis- 1ª Parte - Fuzil-EB-C 23-1 - Tiro Das Armas Portáteis- 2ª Parte - Pistola-EB-Caderno de Instrução do Fuzil de Assalto 5,56 IA2 (EB70-CI-11.405)-EB-Catálogo de Armas-Rodrigo Pereira Larizzatti-C 5-37 Minas e Armadilhas-EB-IP-23-90 Morteiro 81 mm ROYAL ORDNANCE-EB-IP 23-34 Lança-Rojão 84mm(AT-4)-MCRP 3-01B Pistol Marksmanship - USMC-MCRP 3-01A Rifle Marksmanship U.S. Marine CorpsAssault-CI 7-5-2 Combate em área edificada-EB-CI 21-75 Patrulhas-EB-Manual de Conduta de Patrulha-PMESP-Apostila Instrução Tática Individual -FNSP-The Hunter’s page-Rodrigo Pereira Larizzatti-In0531 Combat in built up areas-Us ArmySniping-IP 21-2 Caçador-EB-CI 21-2-1 contra caçadores-EB-The Ultimate Sniper -Maj.John Plaster-B-GL-392-005/FP-001 Sniping -Canada-FM 3-22.10 FM 23 10 SNIPER TRAINING AND OPERATIONS-MCWP 3-15-3 Sniping-USMC-MI6-028 Tiradores de élite-Ejército de Tierra(Espanha)-Atirador de elite-Carlos DavidArtes Marciais-C 20-50 luta-EB-Ringue Master-Boxing-Edwin Haislet-Gracie Jiu-Jitsu - Thomas de Soto-A Biblia do MMA- Anderson Silva-Krav Maga-Kobi Lichtenstein-FM 3-25.150 Combatives-US Army-MCRP 3-02 Close Combat-US Marine Corps-Wrestling for Fighting The Natural Way-Randy Couture, Erich Krauss, Glen Cordoza e Eric Hendrikx-GET TOUGH! -W.E.FAIRBAIRN-Ninjutsu - Arte da resistencia-Mystic Art of the Ninja - Stephen Hayes-Ninja Combat Method - Stephen Hayes-Secrets from the Ninja Grandmaster-Stephen K. Hayes & Masaaki Hatsumi-The Way of the Ninja: Secret Techniques - Masaaki HatsumiTFM & Alimentação-EB20-MC-10.350 Treinamento Físico Militar-EB-Guia dos movimentos de musculação-Frédéric Delavier-Musculação além do anabolismo-Waldemar Marques Guimarães Neto-MD42-M-03 Manual de Alimentação das Forças Armadas-EBEsgrima-Manual de Ensino de Esgrima -Volume 1- FLORETE (EB60-ME-25.401)-EB-Manual de Ensino de Esgrima - Volume 2 – Espada (EB60-25.502)-EB-C 20-51-Esgrima-EBSobrevivência-IP 21-80-sobrevência na selva-EB-Fm 21 76 Survival manual- us army-SERE-FASOTRAGRUPAC /LANT 1520-8 (REV 1-99)APH & Medicina-MANUAL DE ATENDIMENTO PRÉ-HOSPITALAR-CBMDF-PROTOCOLO DE SUPORTE BÁSICO DA VIDA-CBMGO-ATLS Advanced Trauma Life Support-Colégio Americano de Cirurgiões Comitê de Trauma-Manual de Diagnóstico e Tratamento de Acidentes por Animais Peçonhentos-FUNASARastreamento-SIGN AND THE ART OF TRACKING-Christian Nellemann with Jack Kearney and Stig Nårstad-SAS Tracking Handbook-Barry Davies-The art of tracking the origin of science-LiebenbergManuais-cgcfn 1003 manual basico do fuzileiro naval-cgcfn 1004 combatente anfibio-Manual Operacional Do Policial Civil SPTécnicas Militares-C 22-5 ordem unida-EB-C-21-74 Instrução Individual-Exército Brasileiro(EB)-EB70-MC-10.233 Defesa QBN-EB-EB70-CI-11.002 CÃO DE GUERRA-EB-C-6-199 Topografia-EB-C-5-40 Camuflagem-EB-Manual de Operações de Choque-The Ultimate Parkour & Freerunning Book-Jan Witfeld, Ilona E. Gerling& Alexander PachApronto Operacional-EB70-CI-11.404 Caderno de Instrução de Aprestamento e Apronto Operacional-EB-Guia do Aluno Comanf-Marinha do Brasil-Orientação Cioesp - EB-Orientação Cigs - EB-Orientação Cam(Curso Avançado de Montanhismo) - EB-Orientação PQD - EBExplosivos-C 5-37 Minas e Armadilhas-EB-FM 5-25 Explosives & Demolitions-U.S.Army-TM 31-210 Improvised Munitions Handbook-U.S.Army-TM 9-1910 Military Explosives-US Army-TM 9-1300-214 Military Explosives-US Army-The Anarchist Cookbook-William Powell-Guerilla Arsenal- David Harber-The Anarchist Arsenal-David Harber-The Advanced Anarchist Arsenal-David Harber-The Preparatory Manual of Explosives-Jared B.Ledgard-Kitchen Improvised Fertilizer Explosives-Tim Lewis-Homemade Semtex-Seymour Lecker-Science of Revolutionary Warfare-Johann Most-The Explosives Course-Abu Khabab al-Masri(Midhat Mursi)-Ragnar’s Homemade Detonators-Ragnar BensonMergulho-B-GL-361-007/FP-001 Combat Diving-National Defense Canada-MANUAL DE NATAÇÃO EsEFEx-EB-U.S. Navy Diving Manual SS521-AG-PRO-010-MANUAL DE OPERAÇÕES DE MERGULHO-CBMESP-A Guide to Public Safety Diving-North Carolina PSD Standards-Manual Operacional de Bombeiros-CBMGO-FM 3-05.212 Special Forces Waterborne Operations-US Army-MULTI-SERVICE TACTICS, TECHNIQUES,AND PROCEDURES FORMILITARY DIVING OPERATIONS-Headquarters of the Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, andCoast Guard USParaquedismo-CADERNO DE INSTRUÇÃO DE TREINAMENTO E TÉCNICA BÁSICA DO PARAQUEDISTA MILITAR EB70-CI-11.001 -EB-MANUAL TÉCNICO DO MESTRE DE SALTO PARAQUEDISTA-EB-Manual Técnico de Salto Livre (EB60-MT-34.405)-EBEquitação-Manual Técnico Equitação (EB60- MT-26.401)-EB-Manual Equitação da Federação Paulista de HipismoOperações-M016 Manual Tecnica Esqui-Ejército de Tierra(Espanha)-Ci9011 Assalto Aeromóvel e Infiltração aeromóvel-EB-Cold Region Operations ATTP 3-97.11/MCRP 3-35.1D (FM 31-70 and FM 31-71)-US Army-MOUNTAIN OPERATIONS FM 3-97.6 (90-6)-US Army-DESERT OPERATIONS-FM 90-3/FMFM 7-27-US Army-Jungle Operations-FM 90-5-US Army-MILITARY MOUNTAINEERING FM 3-97.61(TC 90-6-1)-US ArmyEspionagem-CIA-Manual Oficial truques e espionagem-H.Keith Melton-Techiques of the professional pickpocket-Wayne B.Yeager-Curso de Introdução à Atividade de Inteligência – CIAI-CGISistemas de armasA.Aeronaves-Art of the kill-Pete Bonanni-Natops Flight Manual F16-Natops Flight Manual F18-Natops Flight Manual F14-FLIGHT MANUAL EuroFighter v1-TM 1-1520-251-10 HELICOPTER, ATTACK,AH-64D LONGBOW APACHE-DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY USB.Submarinos-Conocimientos submarinos S-70-Armada EspañolaC.Barcos-Manual de Marinero y del Soldado de infantería de Marina-Armada Española-Manual de policiamento fluvial-PPMPA (Pará)D.Cavalaria-IP 17-82 - A VIATURA BLINDADA DE COMBATE - CARRO DE COMBATE LEOPARD 1 A1-EB-Manual M113-Exército PortuguêsE.Artilharia-SERVIÇO DA PEÇA DO OBUSEIRO 155 mm M109 A3-EBRocketry-Fundamentals of Guided Missiles-S. R. Mohan-AFM 52-31 Guided Missile Fundamentals-Department of the Air Force-Advances in Missile Guidance, Control, and EstimationGunsmithing-Gunsmithing at Home Lock Stock & Barrel- John E.Traister-Building Firearms-Harold HoffmanArmas Nucleares-U.S. Nuclear Weapons - The Secret History Hardcover-Chuck Hansen-Swords of Armageddon - Chuck Hansen-Dark Sun: The Making of the Hydrogen Bomb-Richard Rhodes-The Making of the Atomic Bomb-Richard Rhodes-Atomic Accidents: A History of Nuclear Meltdowns and Disasters- James MahaffeyEngenharia Naval-SNAME Ship Design & Construction-Engineering Economics and Ship Design - BuxtonEstratégia militar-Field Manual of Military Operations (FM 3–0)-United States Army-Manual de Campanha C 124-1 - Estratégia-EB-As grandes estratégias - John Lewis GaddisCriminalística-Techniques of Crime Scene investigation-Barry A.J Fisher-Procedimento operacional padrão:Perícia Criminal-Ministério da Justiça BR-Manual de orientação de quesitos da perícia criminal-DPF-Introduction to Criminalistics-Barry A.J Fisher,William J.Tilstone e Catherine Woytowicz-Fundamentals of forensic science- Max M. Houck & Jay A. Siegel-Ciências Forenses-Alberi Espindula,Gustavo Caminoto Geiser e Jesus Antonio VelhoA.Localística-Practical Crime Scene Processing and InvestigationB.Balística-Hanbook of Firearms and Ballistics-Brian J.HeardC.Hematologia Forense-Interpretation of Bloodstain Evidence at Crime Scenes-Stuart H.James & William G.Eckert-Bloodstain Pattern Analysis -Tom Bevel & Ross M. GardnerMedicina Legal-Medicina Legal-Genival Veloso-Manual técnico-operacional para os médicos-legistas do Estado de São Paulo-Manual de Medicina Legal - Delton Croce Junior-Manual de Técnicas em Necropsia médico-legal-Luiz Carlos L.Prestes Jr. &Roger AncillottiPsicologia ForenseA.Perfil-Serial Killer louco ou cruel-Ilana Casoy-Mentes Perigosas - O Psicopata - Ana Beatriz Barbosa SilvaB.Microexpressões-Linguagem das Emoções-Paul Ekman-O código de Ekman -A.Freitas Magalhães-Inteligência visual-Amy E.HermanC.Persuasão-As Armas da Persuasao - Robert B. Cialdini-Manual de Persuasão do FBI - Jack Shafer-Oratória-Reinaldo PolitoD.Adestramento-Adestramento Inteligente-Como Criar o Cao Perfeito Desde - Cesar MillanE.Motivação-Magica de Pensar Grande-David J SchwartzALógica-Raciocínio Lógico Passo A Passo -Cabral,Luiz Claudio; Nunes, Mauro CésarHistória-The illustrated guide to the world’s top counter-terrorist forces-Samuel M.Katz-Bushido (o Código do Samurai)-Daidoji Yuzan-DA GUERRA-CARL VON CLAUSEWITZ-A Arte da guerra-Sun Tzu-O Livro dos Cinco Anéis-Miyamoto Musashi-Charlie Oscar Tango-Eduardo Betini e Fabiano Tomazi-Oscar Alfa-Fabiano Tomazi-Elite da tropa- André Batista, Rodrigo Pimentel e Luiz Eduardo Soares-Falcão Negro em Perigo-Mark Bowden-Não há dia fácil-Mark Owen-Seal team six -Howard E.Wasdin & Stephen Templin-Diário de um policial-Diógenes Lucca-COE Comandos e Operações Especiais-por Luis Augusto Pacheco Ambar (Autor), Guto Ambar (Fotógrafo)-Matar ou Morrer-Conte Lopes-Rota 66-Caco Barcellos-Thoughts of a Sniper-Vasily Zaitsev-O diário de Guantánamo- Mohamedou Ould SlahiCrime Organizado-A Guerra: a ascensão do PCC e o mundo do crime no Brasil-Bruno Paes Manso e Camila Nunes Dias-Laços de Sangue. A História Secreta do PCC-Marcio Sergio Christino & Claudio Tognolli-Quatrocentos Contra um (uma Historia do Comando Vermelho)- William da Silva LimaFicção-Shibumi-Trevanian-Tom Clancy - A Caçada ao Outubro Vermelho-Tom Clancy - A Soma de Todos os Medos-Tom Clancy Morto ou Vivo-Scarpetta - Patricia Cornwell-Dexter - Design de um Assassino - Jeff Lindsay-Querido e Devotado Dexter - Jeff Lindsay-Duplo Dexter - Jeff LindsayDocumentários-Guerreiro Mais Mortal-Sniper: Deadliest Missions(Sniper:Atiradores de Elite (BR))-Generais em guerra-National Geographic-SAS Survival Secrets-Arma Humana (Human Weapon)-The History Channel-Por Dentro do Mossad-Duki Dror-Terrorismo atentados frustrados - Netflix-Medalha de honra-Netflix-The secrets of seal team six(Secretos de los SEALS VI(espanhol))-COMBATES AÉREOS(Dogfights)-History Channel-Preparados para o fim do mundo -National Geographic-À Prova de Tudo(Man vs. Wild)-Bear Grylls-No Pior Dos Casos-Bear Grylls-A vida em um milhão de anos-NatGeoFilmes-Falcão Negro em Perigo-Ridley Scott-Até o Limite da Honra-Ridley Scott-13 Horas: Os Soldados Secretos de Benghazi-Michael Bay-Sniper Americano- Clint Eastwood-Rede de Mentiras-Ridley Scott-Rota Comando-Elias Junior-S.W.A.T. - Comando Especial-Clark Johnson-Tropa de Elite-José Padilha-A Hora Mais Escura-Kathryn Bigelow-44 Minutos-Yves Simoneau-Beasts of No Nation-Cary Fukunaga-Ameaça Terrorista-Gregor Jordan-Círculo de Fogo (Enemy at the Gates)-Missão Impossível(Saga)-A Identidade Bourne-Doug Liman-Colombiana-Olivier MegatonSéries-Band of Brothers-Phil Alden Robinson et al-White Collar-Jeff Eastin-Generation Kill- Iraque 40 dias de horror-Patrick Norris et al-Polícia 24h-Diego Guebel-Operação de Risco- Carla Albuquerque & Eduardo OliveiraGames-Arma 3-Insurgency-Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell: Blacklist-Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six: Vegas-Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Future Soldier-Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare-Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare-Tom Clancy’s H.A.W.X-ACE COMBAT 7: SKIES UNKNOWN-Microsoft Flight Simulator-X-Plane 11-Ship Simulator Extremes-UBoat-World of Warships4-ArteSadismo-120 dias de sodoma-Justine-Marques de Sade-O orgasmo multiplo do homem-Sexo Tântrico - Alicia Gallotti-Dossiê do beijo5-CeticismoAteísmo-God The Failed Hypothesis- Victor J. Stenger-The Miracle of Theism Arguments for and Against the Existence of God- J L Mackie-The Non Existence of God-Nicholas-Everitt-Arguing About Gods-Graham Oppy-Iron Chariots Wiki-Arguing for Atheism-Robin Le Poidevin-O relojoeiro cego-Dawkins-Atheism: A Philosophical Justification Michael Martin-Logic and Theism - Jordan Sobel-The Cambridge Companion to Atheism - Michael Martin-Irreligion -John Allen Paulos-A Cosmological Argument for a Self-Caused-Quentin SmithCeticismo-The Skeptic’s Dictionary- Robert Todd Carroll-The Skeptic Encyclopedia of Pseudoscience - Michael Shermer-An Encyclopedia of claims,frauds,and Hoaxes ofthe Occult and Supernatural- James Randi-O Mundo Assombrado pelos Demonios-Carl Sagan-Cerebro e Crenca - Michael Shermer-Por que as Pessoas Acreditam em - Michael Shermer-Pura Picaretagem - Daniel Bezerra6-Budismo-A Doutrina de Buda-contos zen budistas-O cérebro de Buda-O Livro de ouro do Zen -David Scott & Tony DoubledayBIBLIOTECA MT
submitted by M4C4BRO to u/M4C4BRO [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:21 Fair_Atmosphere8197 Bobbins for vintage machines? #elnatop300

Hello! I am a beginner with an Elna Top 300. I have room in my life to start sewing, but I think bobbins are not the right ones for this machine. The bobbin winder just spins, and they do not fill. This machine is from 1976, made in Europe and takes bobbin number 494 430, as stated in the handbook. Any and all suggestions for how to fix or where to find the specific bobbin are welcome. I am in Canada. Thank you!
submitted by Fair_Atmosphere8197 to sewhelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:17 Fair_Atmosphere8197 Bobbins for vintage machines?

Hello! I am a beginner with an Elna Top 300. I have room in my life to start sewing, but I think bobbins are not the right ones for this machine. The bobbin winder just spins, and they do not fill. This machine is from 1976, made in Europe and takes bobbin number 494 430, as stated in the handbook. Any and all suggestions for how to fix or where to find the specific bobbin are welcome. I am in Canada. Thank you!
submitted by Fair_Atmosphere8197 to SewingForBeginners [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:06 h20connoisseur Refund, Leaving Canada, Real Estate

I didn't want the title to be very long but I have a few questions and I'm hoping I can get any insights.
  1. How long does it take to receive a large refund? This year it is 90k. Its amazing but I also want this sooner rather than later.
a). Would I receive interest if it takes too long to come back to me?
b) I will work for a Canadian company post leaving. Yes, they know. Yes, ALL legalities have already been sorted. Due to a higher income I want to tread lightly. Would it be advisable to continue paying taxes until Dec 31?
  1. I'm leaving Canada in July. My aim is to be deemed a non resident for tax purposes. I've spoken to the CRA many times and they are confident I will be a non residents after providing additional information.
a) I have a pre-construction condo that will likely not close before I leave. Would this still be considered deemed disposition? It is currently rented. I am hands off
c) The country I'm moving to does not have a tax treaty and do not tax income. Will I continue to pay income tax until Dec 31?
d) They have a social security agreement with Canada. I found this out recently. Can I opt to continue to pay into CPP instead of my new locations social security?
The agents I have spoken to are unsure about the income tax part since I will have worked in Canada physically half the year and half out as a Canadian citizen.
Please feel free to speak to any question that you may have knowledge on. I know that this is not a catch all for any one person.
submitted by h20connoisseur to PersonalFinanceCanada [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:04 bobby_java_kun_do Would college be a good next step in my career?

Hello all. Four years of experience at a big American company that used to operate in my country (Canada) but was laid off when they left the market here. Haven't found anything since. Self taught, did well at previous company and went from front end jr to full stack intermediate II which is as high as web devs could go there in less than two years and was team lead my last year there. I also was on a small team that built a small QA web application for one of their products and really enjoyed it. I would like to shift into more the software development side. I saw both Seneca and George Brown college have 2 and 3 year college diplomas in computer programming and related fields that look interesting. Are these diplomas worth it? The Seneca one has a pathway to a Bachelors in Software Engineering. I got a nice send off package from my last role so money isn't super tight or anything. Would any of these college degrees be a good investment? Links below to the programs I am looking at. Thank you for any insight you may have.
Seneca programs:
George Brown programs:
submitted by bobby_java_kun_do to cscareerquestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:56 akosijared SSS Contribution?

Good morning Reddit, just wondering do you guys still contribute to your SSS? Is it still worth it? Canada provides CPP, and I am actively contributing to my RRSP (with company match) and TFSA. Thanks in advance!
submitted by akosijared to FilipinoCanadians [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:17 CreativeSource1209 If you ‘DAMN’ Pastor Quiboloy, you ‘DAMN’ Duterte, you ‘DAMN’ the country.

If you ‘DAMN’ Pastor Quiboloy, you ‘DAMN’ Duterte, you ‘DAMN’ the country.
A few days ago, I came across this book, 'How to Destroy A Man Now (DAMN): A Handbook' by Angela Confidential. Just from its title, you can easily tell that this is a guide to ruining a man's reputation or life.Basically, this book gives practical tactics on how ‘Allegations,’ the ‘Media,’ and the ‘Authority’ work together to dethrone a man from influence and power.
I would like to use this perspective as we navigate the issues concerning Pastor Apollo.If you want to DAMN, start with making allegations. That is the first weapon. Merriam-Webster defines allegations as ‘an assertion unsupported and by implication regarded as unsupportable.’
This means anyone who makes an allegation against any man is free from the burden of facts. So, the devils made sure he crafted piles of serious allegations to ruin Pastor Apollo’s reputation on a global scale.
The following were made since 2018, roughly six years in the making:Allegations in the United States. The perpetrators here, according to the camp of Pastor Apollo, were in connivance with former workers who had supposedly committed grave crimes in the KOJC and fled to the U.S.
The allegations include conspiracy to engage in sex trafficking, sex trafficking of children, sex trafficking by force, fraud and coercion, conspiracy, and bulk cash smuggling.Until now none of these allegations have been proven true in court, yet the U.S. government agencies like the Federal Bureau of Investigation, put Pastor Apollo's name on the Most Wanted List. In the Philippines, it’s more complicated.
Cases of alleged sexual abuse of a minor and qualified human trafficking were filed against Pastor Apollo but were easily dismissed by Philippine courts. However, recently, the Justice Department overturned the decision and Pastor Apollo is once again facing scrutiny.
The legislature, tasked with making laws, targeted Pastor Apollo through hearings. In the Senate, Senator Risa Hontiveros launched a probe against Pastor Apollo for alleged human trafficking, labor violations, and sex-related offenses. In the lower house, headed by Speaker Martin Romualdez, who is the cousin of President Bongbong Marcos, they targeted the media arm of KOJC - the Sonshine Media Network International, alleging franchise violations and implicating Pastor Apollo as the owner, thus compelling his presence at the hearing.
Notably, the House Speaker generously gave the known CPP-NPA operatives France Castro, Arlene Brosas, and Raoul Manuel the floor to launch ad hominem attacks against Pastor Apollo. They have become one of the mouthpieces of the devils.
Moreover, the House also weaponized the National Telecommunications Commission (NTC) to impose an indefinite suspension on SMNI, as well as the Movie and Television Review and Classification Board (MTRCB) to suspend two programs, including former President Duterte’s 'Gikan sa Masa Para sa Masa' and 'Laban Kasama ang Bayan,' due to alleged franchise violations. This is clearly to silence SMNI. They want to disarm the people of truth, especially about the Dutertes and about the terrorist organization CPP-NPA-NDF.
With all the missiles and bombs of allegations against Pastor Apollo, the devils now need a 'Media' platform to proliferate. If the allegation is the bullet, then the media is the gun. This is the second weapon of the Devil.Use the Power of Media.
You’ve probably heard the philosophical question, “If a tree falls in the woods, and no one hears it, did it make a sound?” The more people who know about an allegation, the more powerful it becomes.
Admit it, we're drawn to the drama, especially Filipinos, which is why you'll notice more scandalous stories in the news and media these days—everyone loves a bit of gossip!"Sex sells,” they say. When it comes to allegations against a holy or religious figure like Pastor Apollo, especially those related to flesh, it can shatter their reputation and can be particularly devastating, regardless of the truth.In a court of law, a man is presumed innocent until proven guilty. But in the court of public opinion manipulated by the media, a man “serially accused” of a scandal is guilty until proven innocent.In this scenario, an allegation doesn't need evidence to DAMN someone because media manipulation turns it into its own proof.
Thousands, even millions, of people can unite against one man.Look at the mainstream media, even the alternative that wants to gain popularity, makes Pastor Apollo their headlines because they profit from it. However, they bear little responsibility for doing it. Apparently, as long as the media labels the scandal as an "allegation," they are somewhat protected from legal consequences.
Moreover, the media can claim they are merely reporting the allegation, not making it. However, the way they report it often contributes to shaping the allegation itself.But we're not only referring to traditional media. With the rise of social media, the realm of trolls and paid vloggers/bloggers, the spread of allegations has become faster and more potent.The "evidence" and public perception of guilt crafted by allegations and the media's collaboration can grow so significant and influential that the third weapon of the Devil, 'Authority,' is compelled to intervene.Authority. In the case of Pastor Apollo, the authority being used by the devils is the US-PH government and its instrumentalities. And their mission is to fully destroy him now.According to the handbook, “Ultimately, it’s authority that plays the final role in condemning a man.
As ‘Daddy Knight’ he takes pride in his role as guardian and savior, especially of the weak, mistreated, violated, and so on. He strives to be the hero who saves the damsel in distress. In other words, authority caters to victims, and nothing gets [Authority]’s attention more than a call to action to save victims.”“Also, keep in mind that with the media’s help, allegations against authorities can be used to motivate authority to take action. Just about any widespread allegation about an authority being remiss, ineffectual, or negligent in its “guardian and savior” role will suffice.”And this is so evident with what Hontiveros is doing as well as Castro, Brosas and Manuel are doing. Listen to their words. It’s almost the same! They want to play the savior role.
They want to pretend heroes but never really give justice to the supposed victims.They are lawmakers but they act as judges. And they want justice for the supposed victims, why don’t they bring it to the proper forum which is the court? Because they’re not after justice; they’re after destroying the person of Pastor Apollo.
Hontiveros, alongside leftist lawmakers and their enablers, have shown disrespect for the sanctity of the institutions they represent.I recently came across a statement from Hontiveros, where she said in Filipino, “I also call on Quiboloy not to resort to drama.” But who's the real drama queen here? Isn’t it Hontiveros?Her bogus witnesses, as members of KOJC call them, joined the drama in the hearing.
Obviously, the script was made. What's more fascinating is that one of the 'witnesses' claimed to have seen Pastor giving a bag of guns to former President Duterte and his daughter, VP Inday Sara Duterte.Both of them denied it. The former president called it ‘silly’ and Sara Duterte has never been to Glory Mountain. It was an error in the script of the devils that they didn’t see coming.Well, if Hontiveros really wanted to stop the drama, then the alleged crimes should be brought to court.
The Senate, especially her, has no power to serve justice; its role is to make laws.The hearing was supposed to aid legislation. So, what law is she trying to make? The Philippines has one of the most laws in the world to combat human trafficking and sexual abuse cases. Did Hontiveros do her research? Or is it just in-aid of re-election?And it’s no secret that leftist lawmakers have been unmasked many times on SMNI through its program Laban Kasama ang Bayan, where former cadres unmasked who they truly are.
These individuals are often referred to as 'wolves in sheep's clothing' by these former members.It's crucial to understand the atrocities committed by the communist-terrorist groups CPP-NPA-NDF over the past five decades of insurgency, resulting in the deaths of thousands of innocent lives, including promising youth leaders, indigenous peoples, women, farmers, and individuals from all sectors affected by their deceptions.
Their objective within the government? To undermine and destroy it.
Only SMNI, of which Pastor Apollo is an honorary chair, has the courage to undertake this task: defending the government and the nation by giving enlightenment to the people.Recently, Castro said that the warrant of arrest issued against Pastor Apollo is "an important step" in obtaining justice for his victims.
Poor Castro, she lost her moral ascendancy a long time ago. I hope Castro will remember that she was charged, together with Satur Ocampo and 16 others for kidnapping and human trafficking over the transport of 14 children from Talaingod town in Davao del NorteIt's not surprising, then, that they are so eager and willing to destroy Pastor Apollo in this manner, especially when the current administration has allowed them to become the attack dogs against the good pastor.
They thirst for vengeance for the near-demise of the CPP-NPA-NDF that suffered a major blow during the Duterte presidency.
They seek to recover under the Marcos regime. This is one of the most alarming issues now that the nation must address: the 'unholy alliance' between the terrorist organization and their friends, and the government.
For now, we will pause here. We’ve given you a glimpse of the people in ‘authority’ that are part of the Devil’s playbook against Pastor Apollo.
In the upcoming parts, we will delve into the alliance dubbed as the "Unholy Trinity" involving the collusion of the US, Marcos, and the CPP, aimed at dismantling Pastor Apollo and the Dutertes.
We will explore why this has now become a matter of national significance. And why the fight of Pastor Apollo is a fight for every Filipino.
Read Part 1
submitted by CreativeSource1209 to u/CreativeSource1209 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:07 Help-please24 Debt advice

I was just hoping that someone could give me some advice.. My father passed away recently quite young and left my mother alone with a mortgage with a line of credit attached to it which has a minimum payment of 800$ a month and the mortgage is 1200$ a month. Our problem is that we went and talked to the bank (Scotia bank) about the life insurance on the mortgage and apparently it got taken away due to delinquency from two missed payments 2 years prior to my dad passing away. As far as we know my parents never received any letters notifying them of this. The insurance policy with scotia bank is through Canada life and I am just curious if anyone knows if there is any way we could appeal this to Canadalife to beg for assistance or some kind of relief? As well if theres any programs for assistance we could get? My mother already receives disability payments and cannot work a full time job and we are waiting for my fathers CPP to come in as well but these wont be enough to cover her. Thank you so much!
submitted by Help-please24 to PersonalFinanceCanada [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:52 Patient_Ad_8984 Confusion over CPP claim

I'm reaching out here on behalf of a friend who's currently going through a puzzling situation. Recently, one of my best friends—a 60-year-old man—died, leaving behind his wife, aged 50, and their three kids, aged 25, 24, and 18. While the widow was arranging all the necessary procedures to claim the CPP benefits at Service Canada, she was shocked by what she was told.
According to the information, she was entitled to claim only 30% of the CPP claim right now, and this partial claim would go on for the next 10 years. Then she would start getting the other amount. She is really confused about everything and apprehensive about her life and the lives of her children.
Unfortunately, I couldn't find any solid information even after searching online or about any such ruling from Service Canada.
Has anybody faced such a situation, or does anybody know about this partial claim rule from Service Canada? Could anybody please advise me where and how to get further information, or try to throw some light on why it has been so decided?
Any advice or information would be really appreciated. Thank you in advance for your help and support during this difficult time.
submitted by Patient_Ad_8984 to PersonalFinanceCanada [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:43 PicaroKaguya My struggle with the Greek Consulate in Canada

Apologies ahead of time, as this post will be easier for me to type out in English than In Greek. Also TLDR at the bottom.
So essentially in 2019, I decided to get my Greek citizenship as everyone in my family has it except for me who was born in Canada and my parents finally gave up on trying to return to Greece.
After a long and exhausting process of papers, translation of official Canadian documents, money spent to correct Canadian documents due to discrepancies, and then finally after 1000 euros spent I was able to finally register my birth and become a Greek citizen.
Now comes the headache.
For the last 4 years I have been in a constant struggle to get my passport. The consular general at the time was VERY helpful, but then she returned to Greece and someone else took over, to when they started demanding a VERY different amount of papers.
They started asking for my CPP (Government Pension Plan) payments, 15 years of tax forms, university forms, letters from my employers, bank statements to see how much money I had, phone bills pretty much anything to prove that I have been living in Canada my whole life (even though I was 32 when I had applied for greek citizenship) While I have provided everything they requested they have given me 3 different answers to what I need to finally get my passport.
First they claimed I need some magical letter from the military. After waiting a year since becoming a greek citizen, they informed me that "the letter will be sent" for conscription. Hastily, I called the stratiologo in my state (peleponneso) and they have told me that I am not even in the system.
When I informed the consulate they told me to keep waiting. So I waited another year and began to get a bit impatient. I found out that all I need to get a passport was proof that I was a resident in an overseas country for over 15 years. When I told the consulate the exact specific document , they began to tell me I need something a μητρώο αρρένων.
Keep in mind that everytime I send them an email (which is the only form of communication they will accept) they will take upto a month to reply to me and usually with 1 sentence responses.
So when I finally asked how do I get the μητρώο αρρένων, they informed me that I need to figure it out with the greek social services office in Kyllini. After scouring the web and finding 10 different numbers I was finally able to get a hold of an office who told me I called the wrong service but finally gave me the right number for getting the μητρώο αρρένων.
So I call the number and the lady who was very helpful kept calling the consulate fucking stupid, and was saying they haven't given a μητρώο αρρένων since 2014 and that's not how it works anymore. She even told me to tell the consulate to call her directly if they have any issues.
After I transcribed our conversation, I wrote back to the consulate which just replied back "Please call the military and figure it out yourself). Everytime I also asked for AMKA number they have ignored me, so to this day I have no proof that I am greek.
At this point I don't know what to do. Even according to the stratiologo website they are not allowed to withhold my passport and give it to me. I have called the embassy in ottawa and they told me that I need to directly communicate with the consulate in Vancouver.
If anyone has any advice for me please let me know.
TLDR; I Became a greek citizen in 2021, but I have no proof I am a greek and the consulate refuses to give me a passport because it's asking for a number they dont give out anymore, knor does the greek military know i exist.
submitted by PicaroKaguya to greece [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:55 Traditional-Basil427 Got a NR4 for Canada Pension Plan benefits for 2023 tax year received while living in NZ. How do I convert this form to enter into my taxes (using Wealthsimple Tax)?

The only box on the NR4 form with a money number in it is box 15. How do I know which is the correct box on the CPP form to enter this number in? In case this is relevant - during the same tax year, I moved back to Canada and am now a resident here. Thanks in advance for your help!
submitted by Traditional-Basil427 to cantax [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:34 mUddling89 Outsourcing tax implications

Hi all, can someone enlighten me about tax implications for a Canadian privately owned corporation that will be paying a virtual clerk / assistant from BC, Canada to Bangladesh. As per usual, I find general rules to be intentionally vague, leaving lots of room for interpretation.
  1. Does cpp ei need to come into the equation despite them not being eligible for either of them.
  2. Is federal tax deduction necessary considering they will not be filing taxes in Canada.
  3. Would this person be classified as an employee if they work regular hours? If so is maintaining Canadian minimum wage a necessity? Any legal ways around this as they are quite happy to do the work for much less. If there are ways to make them independent contractors, please share.
submitted by mUddling89 to cantax [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:26 5cabbages Financial Literacy for 18 year old

My son is turning 18 this week and i was thinking the best gift i could give him would be providing resources to improve his lifelong financial literacy. This should be a requisite course in high school i think.
I was going to ask what's a great all-in-one resource to get him started, but i found in another post on this board, u/bluenose777 posted a couple of great links.
A free course offered by McGill U and RBC and a pdf from the gov't
I will suggest to him to get a no annual fee credit card eg Can Tire MC, and start a TFSA and cash account at Wealthsimple.
Any other suggestions?
submitted by 5cabbages to PersonalFinanceCanada [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 14:44 IamVUSE T4 from a company I never worked for?

The CRA sent me a message asking me to post my T4s from 2022 as they think the CPP contribution is off.
So I'm looking through my T4s on the site and I see one from GWN Operations for 7k earned working OUTSIDE of Canada.
Did they mess up and put my SIN number in by mistake? Is this some kind of scam? I don't see how a fake T4 can benefit a company?
Anyway, I'm not too worried just curious if anyone's experienced this.
submitted by IamVUSE to PersonalFinanceCanada [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 06:20 svreplies Sponsorship for spouse

Can I, a US citizen, living and working in Canada, sponsor my spouse, a Canadian citizen living (with our duel citizen child and pets) who is working working in the US under a TN visa.
We married 12 years ago and share our child. We eventually will all be down in the US. I have my PR for Canada and will be filing for citizenship. I have been here since 2010 and need to work 3 years more to earn my CPP so don’t want to give that up, but reality apart form our house here in Canada that we need to sell, I don’t need to stay.
Ty for your help.
submitted by svreplies to immigration [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 23:22 Aethenoth [Canada to US/Canada][Sell/Picky Swap][Perfume] Samples and full-sizes from Stereoplasm, CocoaPink, Possets, Pulp Fragrances, Nui Cobalt, Astrid, Arcana Craves, Fantome, Sucreabeille, Arcana Wildcraft, and Hexennacht

Bundle deals available! There are mostly samples, but there are some full-sizes as well. I priced to sell, but am open to reasonable offers. More details are on my spreadsheet. New items added recently!
Ivan the Fool, Vasilia (FS)
Candle in the Window, Clemency (2 samples are available), Disco Stardust (both a FS and sample are available), Excitation, Flowers in the Rain, Gone Gnome, Kindling, November Cakes, Opaline, Peche Immortelle, Perdotmint (both a FS and sample are available), Reverie, Rickey, The Presents, Toasted Matchimellow (FS), Wilde, Yellownog
Black Sugar Cake, Black Voodoo, Fear of Ghosts, Full Moon, Gooey Caramel, Handbook for the Recently Deceased, Haunted Carnival, Pumpkin Kiss, Scarecrow, Warm Mittens, You'll Never Grow Old
Mrs. Rabbit's Carrot Cake (FS), Silver Narcissus, Solis Anima
Pulp Fragrances:
An Accidental Interloper, Embrace, South Star, The Phantom Room, Women In Dresses Running From Houses 2021
Nui Cobalt:
Hell Freezes Over, Little Brown Rabbit, Mendacity: Horchata, Roll Initiative
Arcana Craves:
Blueberries Crave Sunshine
Alembic (FS)
Arcana Wildcraft
Witches Cavort with Cupcakes (FS)
I ♥ the 80’s
Andromeda's Curse
Strength, The Call of the Void
Black Hearted Tart
Autumn Sweater, Electric Feel, Fade Into You, Girlfriend In A Coma, Glory Box, Head Over Heels, Heart Shaped Box, Honeybee, Melt With You, My Velouria, Only In Dreams, Piece Of My Heart, Pink Moon
Vanille Armour (FS)
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Thanks for checking out my destash!
submitted by Aethenoth to IndieExchange [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 20:38 Dulaman96 The 2009 Invasion of North Korea

After the April 2009 missile tests conducted by North Korea, the UN adopted strict arms sanctions against the already isolated country for fear of further escalation.
On April 17th, Kim Jong Il warned that he would retaliate with force if the sanctions were not removed. Four days later, with the UN not backing down, North Korea fired two missiles directed at Seoul and Tokyo. Both were intercepted with no loss of life and only some minor property damage from falling debri just north of Seoul.
However it quickly became apparent the missiles were fully armed nuclear warheads, and the nuclear fallout from the destroyed missile north of Seoul caused an evacuation of 140,000 locals.
There was immediate outrage from all parties involved, including the US, China, and Russia.
Minor skirmishes broke out along the border between southern and northern troops, and newspapers around the world ran sensationalised headlines about a nuclear war, a US-china war, or even World War 3. But the skirmishes died down and there was no further escalation for the time being.
That is until a suprise UN security council meeting on the 1st of May which voted to authorise an international coalition invasion of North Korea. To everyones suprise, China voted Yes and Russia abstained.
The US, UK, South Korea, Australia, Canada, the Philippines, and France all supplied troops, however the first strikes would come from the US and South Korea.
Two US carrier groups were already in the sea of japan and there had been a build up of forces in the south, under the guise of warding off further hostile action from the north.
The invasion was swift. A massive naval bombardment and air campaign from the US, supported by coalition partners, destroyed the majority of defensive structures while heavily armoured units rolled over the border and overwhelmed North Koreas outdated and undersupplied army.
Military analysts called it a text-book recreation of the gulf war and the invasion of Iraq.
The siege of Pyongyang lasted just 2 days before the city fell and the Ryongsong Residence was raided by a special forces unit. Kim Jon Il was captured and transported to Kadena USAF base on Okinawa as a prisoner of war.
The North Korean command structure fell apart and the war was considered won, however many northern troops continued fighting a guerrilla war that would last for years to come.
Not long after the invasion was over it was revealed that Chairman Jintao and President Obama held a secret summit to discuss North Korea. The meeting was suprisingly called for by China itself. The summit also invited representatives from Russia, South Korea, and Japan, although it was said they were only invited as observers.
Hu Jintao, chairman of the CPP and a known supporter of non-proliferation, put forward a plan to the US president to end the nuclear threat: • China would withdraw all support to North Korea. • The US would call for a UN security council resolution for the invasion of North Korea and China would approve it. • North and South Korea would be united under a Seoul government. • China would allow the US invasion but afterwards the occupation of North Korea would be executed by South Korean troops only. • After the reintegration of the North, a United Korea would declare official neutrality, guaranteed by both US and China, and all US troops would vacate the peninsula.
The plan would go down in history as a great success, and was seen as the first major step in the warming of US-China relations, closer economic ties between the countries, and a cooling of tensions in the region.
While the north of Korea is still poorer today, and cultural intergration has been slower than adminsitrative integration, Korea as a whole is once again prosperous, peaceful, and united.
Thanks U/443610 for their post on North Korea yesterday, inspired me to write this post. This is actually an excerpt from a book im writing based in the future, but i decides to take it and rewrite the dates/names to fit 2009 instead of trying to explain the political situation in 2032.
submitted by Dulaman96 to AlternateHistory [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 03:42 SteveBolduc Office of the Seniors Advocate Update - May 2024

Activities of the Office of the Seniors Advocate

May Message from Seniors Advocate Dan Levitt

Last month I mentioned I have been touring the province to meet with seniors and hear their ideas for improving programs and services as well as learning firsthand about the challenges and issues they’re facing. I have been to Port Hardy, Dawson Creek, Cranbrook, Abbotsford, Pemberton, Chase, Pender Island and many communities in between.
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OSA at South Vancouver Seniors Forum

On May 10, Seniors Advocate Dan Levitt will be speaking at the at the South Vancouver Seniors Forum. OSA will also have a booth where attendees can drop by to meet our team and learn more about our office. Join us at this free event taking place at the Jewish Community Centre from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. To register, contact the South Vancouver Seniors Network at 604 660-8380 or email [](
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Current Issues and Resources

Shelter Aid for Elderly Renters (SAFER) Subsidy Increase

The Province has made improvements to the SAFER program which will help support low-income senior renters. Current recipients will receive a one-time $430 benefit and an increase in their monthly subsidy. There will also be an increase in the income limit for eligibility so more seniors will be eligible. For more information about the SAFER program, and find out if you are eligible for rental assistance, contact BC Housing toll free at 1-800-257-7756 or visit the SAFER webpage.
Scam Alert - OSA has become aware of scams involving fraudsters contacting seniors via telephone and text message and inviting them to claim their benefit with the purpose of stealing banking and other personal information. Please note that NO ACTION IS REQUIRED for SAFER clients to receive their one-time benefit.
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Emergency Preparedness Week Webinar

Are you and your loved ones ready for an emergency such as a flood, wildfire, earthquake or power outage? Emergency Preparedness Week is May 5-11 and a great time to learn more about emergencies, create a plan and build an emergency kit. Get started with a free B.C. government webinar taking place on May 9th at 5:30 p.m. Attendees will be entered to win a 4-person emergency kit.
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Caregiver Awareness Month Events

Family Caregivers of BC has compiled a list of free in-person and online events taking place in May to celebrate caregivers and provide them with support, education and resources. OSA staff will be at the Caregiver Wellness Fair in Sidney on May 11th from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Drop by our booth to say hello and learn more about our office.
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Property Tax Deferral Applications Opening Soon

British Columbians who own their homes will begin to receive property tax notices this month. If you can’t afford to pay your property taxes this year, consider applying for B.C.’s Property Tax Deferment Program. The program allows eligible homeowners 55 and older, surviving spouses and persons with disabilities to defer paying their property taxes and the best time to apply is right after receiving your property tax notice. Remember that you need to renew your application every year to continue with the program.
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Provincial News

Recent Announcements from the B.C. Government Impacting Seniors

April 30, 202

Affordable, accessible homes coming for seniors in Elkford
April 22, 2024

Minister’s statement on National Immunization Awareness Week
April 16, 2024

Parliamentary secretary’s statement on Advance Care Planning Day
April 12, 2024

Hospital-level care at home launches in Lower Mainland
April 12, 2024

Expanded adult day program supports Surrey seniors
April 11, 2024

Province takes more actions to strengthen primary care for people
April 9, 2024

SAFER improved, top-up benefit coming for people on rental assistance
April 8, 2024

Launch of spring COVID-19 vaccine boosters marks end of respiratory illness season
April 4, 2024

Climate action tax credit helps people with everyday costs
April 3, 2024

Flipping tax means more homes for families, not speculators
April 2, 2024

More protections for renters, parents, landlords, families
April 2, 2024

Parliamentary Secretary’s statement on National Caregiver Day
April 1, 2024

Saving people money on their energy bills

National News

Recent Announcements from the Federal Government Impacting Seniors

April 16, 2024

Budget 2024: Fairness for every generation
May 1, 2024

1 million seniors can now access services under the Canadian Dental Care Plan
May 1, 2023

Message from the Minister of Health and the Minister of Mental Health and Addictions and Associate Minister of Health on National Physicians’ Day

Recent Research

Mapping the Caregiver Experience in a Canadian Province: Research Methodology for the Saskatchewan Caregiver Experience Study

(Canadian Journal of Nursing Research)
Policies and services for older adults are increasingly focused on living in the community, rather than relying on institutions. A total of 70–80% of community care for older adults is provided by family and friend caregivers. With Canada's aging population, the number of caregivers to older adults is growing. The purpose of this paper is to describe the research methodology that was employed in the Saskatchewan Caregiver Experience Study to map their experiences and identify their priority support needs.
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Caring in Canada Survey insights from caregivers and care providers across Canada

(Canadian Centre for Caregiving Excellence)
Canada is facing a caregiving crisis that will only get worse without real action. A perfect storm is brewing: demand for care is growing, caregivers are aging, the number of available caregivers is shrinking, and care needs are becoming more complex due to our aging population and rising rates of disability and mental health conditions.
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7 Steps Toward Better CPP/QPP Claiming Decisions: Shifting the Paradigm on how we help Canadians

(National Institute on Ageing)
When to claim benefits from the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) — or its Quebec counterpart, the Quebec Pension Plan (QPP) — is one of the most important retirement financial decisions Canadians will make. This 8-part series aims to shift the paradigm toward more informed decision-making. Its purpose is simple: to propose new ways to help Canadians understand and benefit from the value of delaying CPP/QPP benefits.
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Outreach by the OSA

If you would like to invite BC Seniors Advocate Dan Levitt to speak to your organization or attend an event, please email [ ](
The Office of the Seniors Advocate has an information and referral line that is available 24 hours a day, every day. Our senior service specialists will work with you during our office hours to provide resources and help resolve issues. Staff at BC211 will assist after hours.
submitted by SteveBolduc to FamilyCnclEvergreen [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 17:30 montross1 Is OAS the #1 thing holding Canada back?

The more I learn about OAS, the more I wonder why this isn't the #1 issue that Canadians are talking about, especially younger Canadians. Given the massive amount of money we spend on this program (it is single biggest line item in the federal budget), this program feels like the root cause of a lot of Canada's issues. After all, how can we invest in the things that matter when we spend a giant and growing portion of our budget on OAS? Am I misunderstanding something about the program?
OAS At A Glance:
Am I misunderstanding something about this program? Personally, if I think of all the things I'd like our government to invest in, they all seem impossible without either reforming OAS or adding to our enormous federal debt (currently over $1.2 trillion). Yes, we can quibble about other areas of spending, but they are all small potatoes compared to OAS. It is wild to me that this issue gets next to no attention.
Does anyone else feel like OAS reform is the single biggest thing we could do to improve the future prosperity of Canadians?
submitted by montross1 to PersonalFinanceCanada [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 11:23 RentLife2020 Student Housing

Student Housing

Student Housing

Ultimate Guide to Student Housing in Ottawa: Find Your Perfect Home Away from Home

Exploring the realm of student housing in Ottawa may seem overwhelming. Armed with the knowledge locating the perfect place to reside during your academic journey can turn into a thrilling escapade. This in depth handbook delves into the array of student housing choices in Ottawa aiding you in making a informed choice that aligns with your requirements and budget.

Popular Student Accommodation Communities

Ottawa boasts student accommodation communities designed specifically to meet the needs of university and college students. These establishments not provide shelter. Also foster a lively community where you can excel academically and socially.
1Eleven Envie I, Envie II and Envie Rideau; Situated near the University of Ottawa these furnished student apartment complexes offer amenities tailored to student life. Residents have access to study areas ideal for group study sessions or individual studying fitness centers for staying communal spaces, for socializing and unwinding.
The Revalie, Capital Park Apartments and Hillside Apartments; These private student accommodation choices feature furnished apartments and studios equipped with amenities. They offer an lifestyle while still being part of a supportive student community. Looking for student accommodation has become more convenient, with the availability of platforms such as and University Living. These platforms assist students worldwide in finding and booking accommodations that suit their preferences ranging from shared suites and studios to one to two bedroom apartments.
Make use of and University Living to explore a selection of housing options compare prices and secure your desired accommodation from any location globally.
Introducing THEO Ottawa; A Fresh Option for Student Residences THEO Ottawa emerges as an addition to Ottawas student housing landscape. Situated close to the University of Ottawa THEO provides furnished apartments with working spaces catering to students seeking a balance between comfort and productivity.
Facilities at THEO Ottawa; Residents can make use of working spaces suitable for collaborative work or private study sessions a modern gym facility along with other amenities aimed at enriching student life.

Expenses Associated with Student Housing in Ottawa

The cost of student housing, in Ottawa varies depending on the type of accommodation and amenities. On average students can anticipate expenses ranging between CA$1,375 and CA$2,300+ covering rent, furnishings and sometimes utilities.

Tips, for Securing Student Accommodation

Get a Head Start; It's an idea to apply for and secure your student accommodation early in areas close to major universities where demand is high. Check the Facilities; Make sure to consider what amenities matter most to you and confirm that your chosen accommodation meets your requirements. Location Matters; The proximity of your accommodation to your university and access to transportation can greatly influence your routine and academic pursuits.
In Ottawa there are student housing options to cater to different preferences and budgets. Whether you prefer a community with amenities or a more peaceful independent living arrangement you can discover suitable choices in the city. Kickstart your search on today. Locate the student residence, in Ottawa.


rentlife #rentlifeapp #studenthousing #students #StudentLife
submitted by RentLife2020 to u/RentLife2020 [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 23:35 heatherjq TN Management Consultant Approved (DIY)

First all, thanks to everyone who has shared their stories re: TN Management Consultant here, which helped me tremendously to prepare my application and got approved.
POE: Detroit Windsor Tunnel (The experience has been nothing but smooth)
Background: Canadian MBA+~7 years working experience in Consulting in financial services industry
US Job: 1 year contract via a recruitment agency in US, which provided me with the TN letter. The project I will be working on is in a field I've already got experience when working in Canada.

I prepared my application package all by myself, including the detailed job description for the employment letter, which is primarily based on the Occupation Outlook Handbook:

I think the reason I was in and out in less than 20 mins, my support letter is very detailed (3 pages), I tied the job responsibilities to my previous professional experience, explained the relationship between those 2 projects, outlined my responsibilities as I was writing a SOW for the client (In this case, this is technically a SOW between myself and the end client).
I also brought my job offers and contracts from previous work as I don't have any experience confirmation letters from before, but the officer only asked for the mandatory documents, and returned everything other than the TN letter.

He asked me to do the fingerprints, took my phone number, paid the $56, gave me the I-94, also with a stamp on my passport. And off we go...
submitted by heatherjq to tnvisa [link] [comments]