Cool name for a weapon

Monster Hunter

2010.05.18 16:58 raithian25 Monster Hunter

Welcome to MonsterHunter, a subreddit dedicated to asking if underwater combat should return in the next Monster Hunter title.

2008.12.06 18:58 /r/Dachshund: a wholesome community for lovers of wonderful dachshunds

A community for images, videos, discussions, artwork, and everything dachshund related. Feel free to share your doxie!

2015.05.31 20:54 YouKnowABitJonSnow Gifs and videos of weapon reloads that are unconventional/cool/weird or a combination

You thought watching weapons being reloaded is static and boring? Watch at these gifs and videos out of video games as well as the real life and be amazed!

2024.05.22 02:31 Doctor_Kataigida What was your favorite thing from each season?

As we're preparing for The Final Shape, I wanted to take a few minutes to look back on the year of LF, from its rocky start to Into the Light, and ask: for each season, what was your favorite thing or what did you like?
For me, it was
Defiance: Avalon mission
Deep: Deep Dives
Witch: The Tarot Deck
Wish: The Coil
What were your highlights from each season?
submitted by Doctor_Kataigida to DestinyTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:29 Gazooonga Wayward III

Third Chapter! I'm having a blast writing this. If you enjoy it, then make sure to like it and give me any feedback you have. I'm grateful for all of it!
Prev First
I was cold, my feet hurt, and I felt even sicker than before. The boreal path stretched on for what seemed like an eternity, the pale sunlight having no effect on me due to the sense, misty fog. Every breath felt like ice, and I could see my breath in front of me, condensed and almost viscous.
I had been waking for at least an hour by now, following the path to wherever it led. This place couldn't be empty, right? There was a tomb built here, so that meant there had to be some kind of civilization nearby, or at least the remnants of it. Even if it was abandoned, I'd kill to have a roof over my head to sleep under.
I wanted to lay down and sleep, but I knew that if I didn't get warm soon I'd die of hypothermia, so I had to keep trudging on. Besides, I was in the deep wilderness, in this place that I knew nothing about, and I wasn't going to risk getting eaten by some wild animal, or worse.
So I trudged on. The sun rose further in the sky after what seemed like an eternity, and the fog cleared up a bit. Birds sang, trees rattled and shook from the wind, and the air became bearable. I still felt awful, but at least it wasn't frigid out anymore and I would feel better eventually. I wanted to sit down so badly, to find a way to start a fire and get some heat into my bones, but I kept going. I needed to keep going. I needed to know what the hell was going on, and I'd rather find some place to sleep that had a roof and even a bed if I was lucky.
I kept thinking while I walked, in an attempt to entertain myself over what seemed like an endless journey. Who was I? I didn't know who I was, or where I was from, or if I even had a name! All I knew is that I was in the body of this weird lizard… dragon… horned thing, and it felt all wrong. The forked tongue in my mouth felt too weird, I was taller than I thought I should have been, and I was definitely stronger than what a human should have been, if I was even a human before. I think that since I defaulted to assuming that my new strength was more than what a human would have instead of any other race, I must have been human before, right? What other races were there, anyway? What if there were only humans here and I was just a freak of nature?
What if I was the only person in this world? What if everything was gone? That couldn't be the case, right? That tomb implied there were people who had been alive at one point to build it. But they could all be dead now…
Okay, that was enough of me being alone with my thoughts. I decided that, if I was going to keep myself sane, I'd have to do something productive to distract myself from the implications of everything going on around me. It was time to consult the useless journal.
I pulled it out and opened it to the page where we had our last conversation, still irritated by how vague it could be. But I pushed that to the side as I pulled out the quill and began to concentrate as I wrote down a question. Where do I go?
Nothing happened for a moment, but eventually my hand moved on its own, scribbling down an answer in the same elegant cursive as before. Follow the path.
That isn't helpful. I wrote back, frustrated. There was another pause, then more furious scribbling.
You asked a question. I answered it. Be more specific next time.
You’re an asshole. I wrote down, snarling. This time, there was no response, nor was there any movement in my hand. The journal remained uncommunicative.
Why didn't you respond? I asked next, surprised that the journal had been silent. More scribbling followed.
I answer questions. Insults are not questions.
I became even angrier at that, knowing my words didn't really affect the journal. Why can't you be more helpful? I wrote down, just to see what the journal would say.
I am only truly helpful to those who are capable of helping themselves.
It took a moment for my emotions to register, but when they did they appeared as a burst of unbridled rage. With a draconic roar, I threw the journal at the closest tree, causing it to elicit a loud thwap as leather hit bark before it fell to the ground. I turned and stomped away, grumbling, just hoping to leave the journal there. Then I looked down and noticed it was in my hand again.
“Wha-” I began, before realizing that the journal was in perfect condition, not even a single scuff. I grit my teeth and slipped it back into my bag with a sigh before returning to my walk,hoping that I'd find something eventually.
After some time, I finally heard it: running water. That must have been a good thing, because villages were usually nestled along some kind of water source. Even if it was a small village, it must have been a safe place because people were living there, and there were enough people to keep the wilderness at bay.
I rushed up the hill and down the path towards the sound, avoiding tripping over roots and rocks before reaching my destination. The creek was a few yards wide and at least a yard deep, so nothing huge, but it was fresh water. I had nothing to store water in, but I had a skin of beer so I wasn't worried about that. What I was interested in was the dirt path beyond this point seemed less faded and more worn, as if it was used more often. Most exciting, however, was a signpost with a few pointed signs hanging from it. There were two, in fact, one pointing to the left of me and the other one forward still, crossing a beaten and rickety wooden bridge that spanned the creek. The sign that pointed left read Forsvolkvr, which was just utterly incomprehensible to me. The other sign has a simple carved framing around the edge, so it might've been a more important place, and it read Ljosavatnsskaro… who in the hell named a place Ljosavatnsskaro? I couldn't even pronounce that right.
Needless to say, I went with Forsvolkvr.
The path led further downhill, into a sparser woodland that seemed more welcoming, and in the distance I saw it: a tiny village of maybe a dozen long huts, with either clapboard or mudbrick walls and thatched roofs. They didn't have chimneys, but they did have little openings at the top that allowed smoke from hearths to escape. Some houses were a bit bigger than others, but all of them were no bigger than a single story tall. As I approached, I noticed that there were people, honest to God people. Humans walked about, wearing pretty ragged clothes but still people nonetheless! I didn't think I had ever been so excited to see another person before, but then I remembered that I didn't actually remember a time before, so that didn't really mean much.
Most of the people I saw from a distance seemed to wear old, stained, and patched clothes: leather trousers stitched together along with long wool shirts and not much else. Some wore hats or pelt cloaks, and all of the men had thick beards, but most seemed to be exceptionally poor. Along with a few barren fields, there were little more than a few sheep and some chickens roaming the stumpy hills and knolls, so beyond the bounty creek I didn't know how this village even sustained itself.
As I approached the entrance of the village, which was a rickety little gate with a sign that simply read Forsvolkvr, people began to notice me, and I could immediately tell that it wouldn't be a positive reception. The adults pushed children into their homes, some picked up hatchets, and a few more had weapons of their own, mostly simple spears and rounded shields painted all sorts of colors with runic designs. One man came riding up on a horse, sword drawn and chainmail gleaming in the sunlight. “Halt, dragon-spawn, how dare you approach this village.” He was a younger man, maybe in his mid to late twenties, with a short beard, baby blue eyes, and golden blonde hair. He wore similar clothes to those around him, albeit a little less dirty and worn, and had a bear fur mantle on his neck, along with a silver circlet with a single ruby in the center that seemed to serve as a lowly crown. “Your kind are not welcome here!”
Great, so I was a freak of nature. I was hoping I was simply just another race in this world, but I suppose I couldn't be that lucky, now could I?
“I'm just looking for a place to rest,” I shouted back, lowering my sword to appear less intimidating. “I simply want to know if you have a place for me to stay: I'm willing to pay.”
“Are you deaf, dragon spawn?” He shouted as he forced his horse to halt, “Get out or I'll slit open your belly and expose your guts to the crows!”
Well, that wasn't good. I was exhausted and ill, but not so much that I was eager to take a dirt nap. And even if I was in peak condition, I was sure I couldn't take on this entire village nor did I want to since massacring otherwise innocent people probably wouldn't be a great start to whatever mess I had gotten myself into. And I wasn’t exactly a master swordsman to begin with. Even though I defeated those undead, it still felt awkward to swing a sword. I was definitely a bit desensitized to violence, but not some kind of warrior. Having a sword doesn't make me a warrior.
I decided to cut my losses and head for Ljosavatnsskaro instead, since maybe the people there wouldn't want to kill me for having scales. But then the crowd began to spread out, making way for a lone figure, hunched over and wrapped in a dusty brown cloak, using a gnarled branch as a walking cane as he pushed himself forward. The crowd’s ire transformed into anxious murmurs as the man passed, not even sparing them a glance. The only one he looked at was the man on a horse, who's face became pale as milk when their eyes met, and when the ringleader was thoroughly cowed, so was the rest of the mob.
“Gone, back to your workings ye shall be,” he rasped, his voice like sandpaper on glass, “begone and allow me to see where others cannot.” As he hobbled past the horseman he waved his hand, sending the mob hurrying away and back to their daily lives, as if I had never appeared.
“Gothi Øbyiorn, you cannot intervene, this thing is an intruder!” the horseman shouted.
“This thing is a person with a name,” the old man said, who's name was apparently Gothi, “And he has humbly requested your patronage. You dare violate the laws of hospitality? Shame on you for insulting the gods so.”
“By the Stormcaster, he's a dragon-spawn! He'll bring damnation down on us all from above! The Stormcaster shall smite us for harboring him!”
Gothi merely shook his gnarled walking branch irritably and gave the horseman an ugly look. “Thorfast Iogæirsson! If you had paid any attention to my lessons when you were a child you'd know that the Stormcaster’s own brother was the father of dragons! They felled the Lord of giants together! Have you no shame in taking his name in vain?”
The horseman, Thorfast, seemed to blush from embarrassment and indignation at that. “Rhörldir betrayed his brother for the skythrone!”
“And then Inir forgave him after humbling him in battle with his spear, and Rhörldir stood by his side ever since,” Gothi spoke, “Yes, some dragons may be wicked and cling to godly grudges, but this young dragon-kin,” he put emphasis on the word kin as if spawn was some kind of slur, “has humbly requested shelter, and even offered to compensate, and you, as Høbding, should be the first to honor the rules of hospitality. Do not shame your late father with your foolishness by being so brash and bigoted towards those who seek you no harm, especially when your father's very own thane himself was of the dragon-kin.”
The horseman, Thorfast, seemed enraged at first, but something about the elderly hunchback seemed to inject some sense in him, because he sighed with disgust and inserted his blade back into his scabbard. “Come, Dragon-kin,” he spoke, as if the words were being forced from him at gunpoint, “I shall find you the accommodations you seek, but he warned: disrupt my village in any way and I'll impale you on a spike in front of my home.”
submitted by Gazooonga to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:29 bttf88 Interesting technique by Jimmy Nicol who played for the Beatles briefly

I recently saw a clip of Jimmy Nicol playing a really cool groove and he seemed to be hitting the snare twice in one motion.
I’m not sure what sort of technique it was but it seems like he was holding the stick loose and resting on the rim so that when he’d pick it up, it would hit the head before he would actually hit it again to make the beat.
Is there a name for this? I’m surprised I haven’t seen it before. Seems sorta old school but really cool.
submitted by bttf88 to drums [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:27 Dry_Reward2997 Anyone have any rare orcs on ps5/ps4?

Anyone have any rare orcs on ps5/ps4?
I'm looking for a suitable overlord for one of my fortresses, I'm trying to get to highest online rating and want a cool and unique but strong overlord. If anyone has one I would love to add you and conquer your fortress. You could also get my coolest orc overlord from my gorgoroth fortress named "Takra the Ranger Killer"
submitted by Dry_Reward2997 to shadow_of_war [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:21 Runieman [Online][5e][Other][RP Heavy][New-Player-Friendly][Long Term][Homebrew][18+] - The Continent of Altaria - Seeking 1 Player

I made this post the other day however have had another player drop out with potentially another one, I am looking for an additional player. MUST have a microphone.

As a heads up The first session is tomorrow Thursday 22/05/24 11AM AEST (I know it may be fast and I apologise)

Welcome everyone!
I'm a relatively new DM who has had some very brief experience running as a DM during my highschool years and have recently become engrossed back in the world of DnD. I have been experimenting over the past several months with running a game with some old friends and have been having a blast, due to the long gaps between sessions I am setting up a second campaign alongside my homebrew world of Altaria!
The game is going to a traditional medieval fantasy/classic adventuring tale within the lands of Altaria, with a focus on political intrigue and consequences between kingdoms which can be influenced by the players and their actions. A focus will be on role play. I am continuously updating the lore of the world with new organisations and locations. For your commitment I will always try to create a handcrafted map or battlescene for the session.
I have 2 friends who are already keen to join and am looking for another 1 players to join along.
Session Outline
I plan on running a D&D campaign via a mix of Foundry VTT and discord. The sessions will run most likely every week, Due to my employment in emergency services my roster is constantly changing making setting a specific/regular session difficult and will require everyone to be slightly flexible.
I will try to have sessions set up every week or 2, most likely on Wednesdays or fridays, session start times ranging from ~1100-1700 AEST. Depending on everyone's availability. the Session length itself I am aiming for is ~4 hours with a break in between.
I am planning on having this be a long-term campaign if you do not believe you can commit please reconsider applying
New players are most certainly welcome! If you need I will help guide you both with setting up characters, teaching you rules and how to use the programs.
World Setting/Description
Discovering Altaria, a continent veiled in mystery and allure, marked a pivotal moment for explorers from the old world. Millennia ago, these adventurers first set foot in what is now known as Wavecrest, but it was the fertile expanses of the mainland that truly captivated their ambitions. Cities and towns emerged along bustling trade routes, flourishing rapidly and soon overshadowing the initial settlement on Wavecrest. The burgeoning civilizations reached heights of prosperity previously unimaginable, until the world was shaken by the "Great Evanescence." Communication with the old world abruptly ceased; ships that set sail to reconnect vanished into the void, sparking fears of a catastrophic demise of the old continent or the wrath of divine or malevolent forces.
In the ensuing chaos, the Eldorian Empire rose to prominence, leveraging its control over fertile lands and the allegiance of migrating nobles and craftsmen to establish a new order. This era of uneasy peace, upheld by Eldoria's military dominance, persisted for centuries. However, complacency and neglect, coupled with the earth-shattering discovery of a new mystical metal, Atherium in the Mountains of Last Ridge within the provence of Verdantia, set the stage for upheaval. This arcane material, promising wealth and power, ignited the flames of envy, particularly in the eyes of the waning Eldorian Empire main counties. The empire's attempts to monopolize Atherium sparked a fierce rebellion by the now new Kingdom of Verdantia, plunging the realm into a devastating conflict known as "The Great Sundering." The war raged, reshaping landscapes and redefining borders, with neither side securing a decisive victory.
The stalemate was broken only when the combined forces of Stoneshield, the Timorian Realm, and Wavecrest intervened, presenting an ultimatum that ultimately led to a grudging peace. In the treaty that followed, Eldoria relinquished control of the western territories, paving the way for the formation of the "Three Leagues," to manage distribution of Atherium through the continent, while Verdantia gained the right to retain control of Atherium production and retaining its new found sovereignty. Although peace has prevailed for five years, unease simmers as reports of raids along the kingdoms' borders escalate.
Amidst political tensions, the presence of magical and monstrous beings adds layers of complexity to the realm. While sightings are rare in civilized areas, the increasing frequency of such encounters has prompted many to form adventuring groups or guilds. Magic, revered for its power, remains an uncommon and dangerous art, commanding respect and fear in equal measure. Those who dare to underestimate its potency often face dire consequences.
In this intricate tapestry of alliances, rivalries, and arcane mysteries, Altaria stands as a realm teeming with potential adventures, challenges, and untold stories, waiting to be discovered by those brave enough to venture into its depths.
18+ content is allowed within reason - Gore and NSWF are allowed. However, nothing extreme eg. sexual assault, rape etc.
No PVP, Exceptions depend on the situation and both parties must consent.
Be respectful towards myself and other players, Try to be a team player, do not steal or ruin the game for everyone else (that includes fudging roles)
No meta-gaming, please try to put yourself into the mind of your character. try not to yell out at other players during their turn.
Let me know if there is an issue, dont let it brew. whether it be from something I'm doing, or if it is another player. This is a game where we are all trying to have fun and I will try to make it the best I can.
Ultimately the rules are up to my discretion, I may make a decision in a situation that is not strictly allowed for either comedic value or for the fun of the game (TLDR Rule of Cool)
Please try to show up on time for our sessions, I know life can get in the way. If something does occur or you have another event please let me know beforehand. if you frequently do not show or respond I will take it as a sign of your disinterest and remove you from the party. I will give you fair warning before this occurs.
Know your characters abilities and how they work, if you are new again I can run through it with you before the session.
DEATH RULES - I am going to take inspiration from Critical role regarding death rules, if a character dies there is going to be a chance that they stay dead. They are able to be revived however it will be both an expensive and laborious process with a chance of failure! (remember retreat is always an option!)
I will not be fudging roles, I believe that the game becomes much more enjoyable if there is a chance of failure, creating suspense and risk.
RP will be a key element of the game, however you can't justify a blatantly evil action as "its what my character would do"
Pay attention when playing, I am putting extensive effort into creating this world and game for you, this includes in combat try to have your turn prepared before it reaches you.
Righto almost done with the wall of text :P, if you are interested either message me on reddit or my discord name (Runieman),
Continent of Altaria -
Continent of Alaria Political -
World Description -
Eldorian Empire -
Kingdom of Verdantia -
Three Leagues -
Timorian Realm -
Stoneshield Dominion -
Petty Kingdom of Wavecrest -
The Whitevale -
Thanks for reading!
submitted by Runieman to lfg [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:17 odd1out93 I think I've got it this time.

I think I've got it this time.
The first sable the lady sold out from under me. The blue merle I got scammed $100 out of. But I found this guy and I called the guy it's an older gentleman on a farm so it seems legit. This is the last pup he has a little umbilical hernia but I'm not super worried about it- I will see what my vet says. I am trying to pick names for him- i have this list though similar unique name suggestions would be cool too!
▪︎Wesley ▪︎ Ronin ▪︎Caspian ▪︎Dallas ▪︎ Bentley ▪︎ Oakley ▪︎Mercedes
submitted by odd1out93 to roughcollies [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:17 odd1out93 I think I've got it this time.

I think I've got it this time.
The first sable the lady sold out from under me. The blue merle I got scammed $100 out of. But I found this guy and I called the guy it's an older gentleman on a farm so it seems legit. This is the last pup he has a little umbilical hernia but I'm not super worried about it- I will see what my vet says. I am trying to pick names for him- i have this list though similar unique name suggestions would be cool too!
▪︎Wesley ▪︎ Ronin ▪︎Caspian ▪︎Dallas ▪︎ Bentley ▪︎ Oakley ▪︎Mercedes
submitted by odd1out93 to roughcollies [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:16 KhajiitHasWares2077 Thought the new Starfield update would bring me back in but I just CAN'T with this game.

To start, I have about 80hrs into the game. Beat the main quest and went into new game plus. Played about 6 hours more with new update but now I just can't bring myself to continue. I feel absolutely nothing for this game now and even when I was playing.
With the new update I thought the new gameplay options, maps, and quality updates would bring me back in but it's still the same boring as fuck chore that I remembered when I finished in SeptembeNovember. This is doubly disappointing because I would probably call myself a fanboy for BGS games. These types of games are why I love video games so much. Fallout 3, Skyrim, and Fallout 4 I can replay over and over until the end of time but Starfield is the biggest dud I have ever played.
The writing is horrendous, the main story is laughable and a chore to get through, most of the cast of characters sound like they're about to die of boredom, the setting is bland as fuck, and the procedural content just kills the variety and identity that BGS games are known for. The entire game lacks creativity and identity. It feels like a BGS game that has been sterilized of all the things that make their worlds interesting and immersive. Ship building can be fun at times but it's not what I'm personally looking for but I can admit it's one of the better aspects of the game. Also the faction quests can be fun at times but they also fall into this general lack of creativity and flair.
With all the lore that you learn, especially with the colony wars, House Varuun and so on, I feel like we were cheated of a really interesting setting because you start your character after all the cool shit has already happened. Everything just feels overly sanitized which kills any sense of character this game was trying to give.
Think of the atmosphere of Fallout 3, the dynamic dragon attacks and next level immersion in Skyrim, and the set pieces and density of Fallout 4. Hell even think about the sheer variety in Fallout 76 with the world of Appalachia. Starfield has none of that. All it has are thousands of barren planets with copy pasted buildings, lackluster weapons, cringe-worthy companions, cities that are pretty to look at yet are completely shallow, endless fetching and boring corporate oriented quests, and writing and dialogue that makes me wanna fall asleep whenever a character opens their mouth.
So yeah sorry I just needed to rant and get my frustrations out about this game before putting it away for good. It stings more considering my affinity for the developers and all the great games they've made before this
submitted by KhajiitHasWares2077 to videogames [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:15 throwaway26extra ID on Pontiac chair?

ID on Pontiac chair?
Hi all, I’m seeking more information about this chair? I got it for free thanks to someone in my neighborhood who set it out on the curb. It has the “Pontiac” name brand printed on its inner fabric, and when I searched online a listing came up for a somewhat similar, but not identical chair. The chair I found online has the same underside construction/rocker mechanism as the chair I now own (included in the pics), but it had different upholstery and a different shape.
It’s a cool chair so I’d love to learn more about its history if possible!
submitted by throwaway26extra to midcenturymodern [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:12 k9llum9nat9 Our ESP

I Don't Know Another Word For U, If It Ain't Similar To Perfect, My Herb Sentinel For The Woo, When U Shirtless, Excuse My French Liquor, French Finger, As Unzip My Zipper, French Kisser, Driving Me Blizzard, Talking Portuguese, On Whipper, Wit Ease, U Sum Knitter, Smiles, Locating The Dipper, Figure On My Styles, This Huey Different, Brown Skin, Wit Morally Pendants, And Militant Kin, Freedom Tribes, Underground Newspapers, Demands I Scribe, Wit Numerical Favors, I'm Be Ur First Aid, Cartel Paid, Cologne, Like Ice, We Grown, Without A Price, Universally Indivisible, Wit White Panthers, Invisible, Dancers, The Ghetto, Is Hampton, Police Is Jello, To A Che Guevara Expansion, I'm Ur Guerrilla, Employed By Killaz, A Capitalist, Can't Pimp Me, I'm Indecent Chit, Dressing Crispy, Cause My Nature Is Godly, I Hit That, Til Ur Disc Shifts, U Splat Chat, To Milk It Wit Deliciousness, Its Like Rules Is Made, To Get In Ur Bed, But I'm Too Made, To Compromise Wit Red, Reducing Knowledge, To Religion, My College, Wit Firearms And Precision, Fuq The Lonely Nights, In Prison, I'm A Bio Crystalline Knight, Americium Trace My Edition, My Name, In Infrasonic, My Rifle Game, Is A Dali Lama Profit, Tea And Roses, When I Undress That, I Moses Like Moses, As I Kill At Bat, Strawberry Tequila, And Facts, Party Wit Pizza, Anywhere On The Map We Close, Like Crip And Coz, My Blood Brothers, Is My Derivatives Of Lost Love, As I Revise Like Hustlers, As Edification Smothers, In My Wonders I'm Negative 80 Celsius, Its Nothing, Butt To A Racist, As Lacerations Keep Cutting, I'm 555 Nuclear Weapons, Mixed In Waste, Warm Temperatures Punt, Another Case, Wit Every Bunt, Revolutionary, Abolitionism, Internationalism, I Vote For Merry, No Fun, No Run, Offsprings, Off The Ceilings, Now We Just, An Underground Creole Culture, Dividing The Crust, For Pulsars, Philosophy Mumbles, We Resist Legally, The Bustle, When Ur Bra Is Removed Peacefully, Its Therapy, I'm Ur Gpt, U Was Good Illiteracy, Til This Esp
submitted by k9llum9nat9 to raplyrics [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:12 Money-Lie7814 What you Imagine a 2nd Spy X Family Movie Being Like?

That is my Question
How do you imagine a 2nd Spy X Family Theatrical Anime Movie being like?
Like a 2nd Anime Movie seems pretty likely to come and wanna ear your pitch for a 2nd Spy X Family Anime Movie and where in Manga/Anime Continuity would it fit in? And would you add a prologue Episode or OVA to a Hypothetical sequel?
Would there be travel or would it all be set in the main setting during some big holiday or celebration? That be nice who would be the main focus and what would be cool idea for original Movie characters?
And the name the name is important to
Please put Spoiler Bars on any Manga Spoilers
Let's do this!
submitted by Money-Lie7814 to SpyxFamily [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:09 Shoddy-Plantain-6893 Help: how bad is it?

Hi there, trigger warning verbal abuse and some violence. My (25F) husband (25M) has now had two instances of severe verbal abuse, the second time escalating to physical- in that there were threats of s*****e and he was going towards a weapon in the house, punching walls and throwing things. He did push me off of him but did not directly hit me.
The verbal abuse ranges from calling me every name in the book, cussing me, telling me if his attempt is successful that it will be my fault, he’s insulted my personality traits and interests, and all around belittled me. These episodes are hours long and he is fully screaming and raging the whole time- I just sort of disassociate.
Context: The first time, I disrespected a boundary of his to not discuss our relationship with friends. The second time, I got jealous and tried to talk to him about it, but he was drinking and all reason went out the window.
I have never called him out of his name or cussed him. I can be insecure and not always handle things the best, but I’ve been in therapy and learned the healthy communication techniques.
What effs me up is that he’s promising to change and go to therapy to not do it again. Recently, I told him calmly that it’s happened twice, and if it happened a third time (episodes of severe yelling and name calling), I would leave. He stayed calm but said that he would probably mess up and do it again, and he asked me to reconsider that boundary. He asked me to stay even if he messed up again, that his parents argued like this and sometimes you forgive for the people we love. But am I meant to continually forgive and forget beating me down and scaring me, and threatening me? Saying this feels like he’s giving up before he tries.
Is my boundary not justified? Would you tolerate episodic verbal abuse? The episodes are very severe, but otherwise he is an okay partner. We do have a major issue of him shifting blame to me when I bring up problems, which I have tried to address to no avail. Overall I feel defeated and disrespected. I feel like my entire life depends on this decision, like if I stay I will just have to tolerate his explosions from time to time. I’m having a hard time navigating this, and ultimately scared to stay and scared to leave.
submitted by Shoddy-Plantain-6893 to abusiverelationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:05 mcm8279 [Interview] ‘Discovery’ Writer Eric J. Robbins on referencing other Trek shows: "Internally, we share a lot of material. On Discovery, we would assign certain writers to cover a show and then you get put into their script distribution. So, if we’re in contradiction with another show, we catch it"

This episode [Discovery 5x8] evokes some Trek classics, especially “The Inner Light.” How much of bringing up older episodes is part of the discussion in the room?
I feel like it is part of every episode that I worked on Discovery. It was always important for me to find reference episodes. There was a common joke during season four when we were working remotely and after we get back on Zoom after lunch I would be like, “I just watched this episode of Voyager!”
So, yes, “Inner Light,” which I hesitate to say because, to me, it is arguably the best written episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation. That and “Family” in terms of emotional exploration of Jean-Luc Picard. “Tapestry” was also on my mind, having an opportunity to reflect on your life and the choices you’ve made. “Balance of Terror” as well, hiding and trying to suss out what your enemy was doing. There are also little inspirations in my episodes from the movies, so in this one trying to gauge shield frequencies and harmonic reference, that is me as a child watching Star Trek Generations in theaters and being like, “Just change the shield frequency!” as the Bird of Prey starts attacking the Enterprise. [laughs]
There was an even bigger movie reference with Hy’Rell…
Oh yeah, Star Trek VI, I love that movie. During the WGA strike last summer I had the opportunity to meet Nicholas Mayer. And I went up to him to talk about how much I loved The Undiscovered Country. And he was like, “Most people come at me with Wrath of Khan.” So yeah, I always loved the Efrosian, I thought he was such a cool design. I always forget there was another Efrosian in Star Trek IV, the helmsmen on the Saratoga. And when we were doing this episode I was like, what species do we want to see, but one that won’t be a production nightmare? I would love to do a Catian, but in live-action it could be expensive. So I went back to Efrosian and I thought we have only ever seen two of them, which is insane because one of them is the President. [laughs] So it was an opportunity to give one an actual name and also see one who has had a female presentation because the other two are very masculine presenting. So I sent the reference and the design team liked it and they thought they could do an updated version of the makeup.
I am sure some fans are going to come at me over the vision. In a deleted scene in Star Trek VI the President has a little eyepiece he uses and in Star Trek IV the Saratoga helmsman also has white contact lenses. So the deleted scene shows the President is blind and that may be a species characteristic. So do we lean into if they are blind or not? And I was like, it’s 800 years later than Geordi, who got his optical contacts, so maybe it has been addressed. I was just really excited to back to a species that has so little defined and add a new character to the mix, but being really cognizant of not defining them too much so writers and storytellers in the future have a real opportunity to dig into the Efrosians and say more about their culture.
A surprising reference comes from something much more recent when Reno made the joke about Hysperia, from Lower Decks. So are you guys on the lookout for ways you can connect to the new shows?
Sure. internally, we share a lot of material. On Discovery, we would assign certain writers to cover a show and then you get put into their script distribution. So, if we’re in contradiction with another show, we catch it. We are not just looking out for making sure we are not stepping on each other’s toes but also, for me, it’s really important to show a little love to the other series.
I think that’s one thing that Star Trek has always done very well. I think it’s one thing the fans have always responded to.
Now for the Hysperians, first, the original pass didn’t include Reno because we didn’t know we were going to have Tig [Notaro] and I was told very late Reno was going to be in my episode. So, we were talking about ideas and somebody wrote a rough version of a joke, “Oh I was repairing buoys out by Talaxia, and Talaxians really know how to party.” I was always very cognizant about not being the “canon cop,” but that’s where I was like, “Wait a minute, Talaxia is way deep in the Delta Quadrant, when did Jett Reno have an opportunity to do that?” We never saw Disco jump to the Delta Quadrant so maybe we should change that planet and that episode of Lower Decks just aired and I was like, “What about the Hysperians?” That episode is hysterical and if you put Jett Reno on a fantasy planet she would get up to some intense shenanigans. I just loved that mental image.
Full Interview (TrekMovie):
submitted by mcm8279 to trektalk [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:03 UglySalvatore New player: Help my casual DG / Knight Desecrator army

I've watched a few 40k videos since some friends started playing recently. But I don't know what I'm doing. All I know is that I love Death Guards (and Chaos Knights). And I want to join the fun.
Unfortunately, I don't really like the Death Guards vehicles too much. And I desperately want a chunky Chaos Knight. It's been tricky to work around that. I choose the Desecrator for ranged/melee versatility. And I heard that one of DG's weaknesses are big units, which he's good at handling? I may have gone overboard to compensate for that supposed weakness several places.
Any glaring mistakes? I don't want a meta army that's too overpowered for casual play. I considered Brigands, but for now a big Knight just looks more fun. Though obviously I still want an army that's coherent and rounded.
My goal was to plan a 2000 pts army, then isolate the 1000 pts that gets priority for purchases. So I can maybe get a playable army up and running without waiting too long.
2 sets of Rhino Plodsquads because they're supposed to be a good combo to cruise around with.
2x Death Guard Rhino (75 pts x2): Armoured tracks, Plague combi-bolter
2x Biologus Putrifier (50 pts x2): Hyper blight grenades, Injector pistol, Plague knives
2x Foul Blightspawn (50 pts x2): Close combat weapon, Plague sprayer
20x Plague Marines (180 pts x2)
• 2x Plague Champion: Plasma gun, Heavy plague weapon
• 18x Plague Marine
2 with Blight launcher
8 with Heavy plague weapon
4 with Plague spewer
4 with Meltagun
1 Predator to protect one of the Rhinos.
1x Death Guard Predator Destructor (130 pts): Armoured tracks, Havoc launcher, Predator autocannon, 2x Lascannon
1 set of Terminators. Because they are good with Typhus, who's joining in the next part. They feel kind of weird, slow and alone here though.
3x Deathshroud Terminators (120 pts)
• 1x Deathshroud Terminator Champion: Manreaper, Plaguespurt gauntlet
• 2x Deathshroud Terminator: 2 with Manreaper, Plaguespurt gauntlet
1 set of Nurglings, because they supposedly help score objectives.
3x Nurglings (40 pts): 3 with Diseased claws and teeth
Mortarion: I don't really know what he does, apart from being a badass mf. But that's enough.
1x Mortarion (325 pts): Warlord, Rotwind, Silence, The Lantern
Typhus: Will hang with the Terminators.
1x Typhus (80 pts): Master-crafted manreaper
Helbrute: Looks cool, and is supposedly fun with Rapid Ingress and then charging into big units. Though I don't understand his weapons options in
1x Death Guard Helbrute (130 pts): Close combat weapon, Helbrute fist, Plague combi-bolter, Heavy flamer, Helbrute fist
More Nurglings to score more objectives.
3x Nurglings (40 pts): 3 with Diseased claws and teeth
The Chonky Boi. Maybe he can join the other Rhino.
1x Knight Desecrator (425 pts): Desecrator laser destructor, Diabolus heavy stubber, Warpstrike claw
submitted by UglySalvatore to deathguard40k [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:59 Actual_Philosophy_83 My(20F) boyfriend (21M) lied to me about his past. How do I heal from this? Should I forgive him?

This is my first reddit post and honestly it's a lot so please bear with me. I'm still trying to figure out how to process everything and make sense of it all. I guess we will start at the very beginning. My boyfriend,( we will call him michael) and I just passed 6 months together. Honestly, hes been great. We clicked pretty fast and have a great bond. I feel safe and comfortable around him and can communicate in a way ive never been able to before. It just kinda works. I definitely fell hard and fast for him and from what I could gather, the feeling was mutual. We had met on tinder in early October and went on our first date in November. We made it official shortly after our first date.
After we started dating, he had briefly mentioned that he had a friend who had a bit of a crush on him. I told him I didn't mind and I trusted him. As long as he kept things respectful to me, it didn't matter. He then explained that her crush was a bit obsessive and he actually wanted to push her out of his life and needed advice. Apparently, this friend, (we will call her beth) was pregnant and wanted Michael to be her baby's God Father. He said that she would follow him and got jealous when he was with other girls. I found this kind of odd but he swore they were just friends, so I told him the best way to let her down gently and let him do his thing. About two weeks later, he told me she was out of the picture. I didn't really care either way but the communication was cool.
Anyways, I pretty quickly forgot about all of that because it was irrelevant and I wanted to focus on our relationship. One night when we were hanging out, he got a snapchat notification. He turned away from me to respond to it but I didn't think much of it, just asked who that was. He said it was just a friend (we will call this one Jen) and they were catching up. I had never heard of her before but I didn't care, I just said cool and dropped it. Just like before, I quickly forgot about that conversation because again,it was irrelevant and I had better things to think about. I trusted him so why should I care who he talks to? He is his own person after all and I understand the importance of friendships.
Fast forward about another two weeks later, him and I had our first argument. I dont remember what it was about. Most likely something small and pointless because I had a stressful day at work but nothing too serious. We did not talk much that day. Later that night, I apologized and we talked it over. Everything was fine. He then told me that earlier in the day, an old friend that he had removed off social media readded him and messaged him. We will call her Molly. Apparently she had just noticed she was removed and was upset and wanted to know why. He told me that he sent her a message explaining that he didn't see her in his life long term and doesn't feel the need to keep someone around who won't be around forever so he didn't want to be friends anymore. He then removed her again. At this point I thought the way he acted was odd. I had never heard of molly before, he waited until he had already removed her before telling me about the conversation, she only came into the picture when we had our first argument and it got me thinking about the other girls who were just friends. I definitely started to over think a bit and was more than curious about who these people were and what their relationship to him was. But he swore they were all just friends. So I continued to believe him.
We went a long period of time without anything coming up so once again I forgot about it and moved on with my life. Him and I were doing great. We were young dumb and in love. I felt truly happy, something I hadn't experienced in a long time. I felt like I genuinely found someone who was right for me and I didn't need to second guess whether or not he was gonna cheat on me. He occasionally would ask to see my phone but I didn't have anything to hide so I allowed him. I had set a boundary with him that if he ever felt concerned or needed reassurance, he needed to bring it up to me first. After we talked it over then he could see my phone, but we would always go through it together. This seemed fair to me. My phone was never off limits, there just needed to be open communication. Anyways, he would always offer for me to see his phone in return but I would decline. I didn't feel the need to and I had learned from past experiences that if you go digging, you will most likely see something you can't unsee.
Then one day he needed to have his wisdom teeth removed. I dropped him off in the morning for his surgery and I was told I needed to hold on to his personal belongings and wait until the operation was over. No big deal. I know this is wrong and I shouldn't have but finally curiosity got the best of me and I looked on his phone. At first it wasn't malicious. I genuinely was just curious. But of course, I saw things I wish I could unsee. It started off on tiktok. In one of his conversations with a friend, he poured his heart out, explaining how he was still so in love with his ex and missed her like crazy. Of course it stung a little to see the things he said but I knew there was someone before me so it wasn't that surprising. That was until I saw those messages had been sent in mid October. So of course i was like huh.we started talking early October and dating early November. So clearly he wasn't over his ex when he met me. But I was willing to forgive it. It wasn't a deal breaker. But Instead of putting the phone down to protect my peace and his privacy, I kept looking. And boy did I find a lot. I found lots of old text messages from contacts that were not saved. Most of then were hard-core sexting and flirting. This dude literally acted like a dog.And yeah it was again hard to see but it was before me and he wasn't like that anymore. With me, he was gentle and respectful and never treated me like an object. Some people just go through a phase and that's okay. Again, it wasn't a deal breaker. But finally i found some very passionate, lovey, intimate messages with an unsaved contact. I was immediately drawn in by the kind words and heartwarming love messages. Whoever this was, they cared for eachother very strongly. I almost immediately felt heartbroken. Not because she was a past love interest, but because he had never spoken to me the way he spoke to her. I read all the way from the top of the conversation. Months worth of love confessions, paragraphs of strong feelings, longing to be with one another, etc. But finally halfway through in one of the paragraphs I see a name. Molly I was shattered. Molly was the girl who supposedly was removed months before him and I even met. The one that was "just a friend" who messaged him and he removed her because he didn't want to be friends anymore. Yeah clearly they were more than just friends. I was livid and felt crushed. Why did he feel the need to lie about something so unnecessary? I wouldn't have been mad if he had told the truth about who she was. But then it got me thinking. Was Beth truly just a friend? Was Jen truly just a friend? What was the actual relationship? I gathered up as much as I could but then the nurse came to the lobby to tell me he was awake and ready to go home. I kind of panicked and in my hurry, I forgot to delete the screenshots out of his phone.
We get in the car and I give him his phone, he's still pretty loopy. Obviously I had a million questions to ask him but I knew he wasn't in the right state of mind to have that conversation so I put my feelings aside and decided it could wait. Well he wanted to take pictures of his bloody swollen face and send it to his uncle. In the process, he sees the screenshots i had forgotten to delete off his phone and immediately screams what the f*** is this? I tried to talk calmly and explain that now wasn't a good time to talk about it and it could wait. He kept pressing "what the f*** did you do? Who the hell is this?" In my mind I thought "uh dude, you tell me." But didn't want to escalate it while he was drugged up. I decided the best option was to simply say that I wasn't mad , I stilled planned on taking care of him while he recovered and that we would need to have a conversation when he was in a better state of mind. He just started sobbing. Oh boy. I kind of ignored it as much as I could. I drove us to the store to get ice cream and other soft foods he could eat before taking us back to my apartment. I helped get him set up in my bedroom and he still was crying. So much so he started coughing out blood. It smelled awful and got everywhere. He was a wreck. I felt bad for everything. I felt guilty for going on his phone behind his back, for leaving the screeshots on his phone and for him crying. It took several hours but eventually I got him to calm down. I kept my word and continued to take care of him until he was recovered.
Finally when enough time had passed I decided it was time to sit down and talk about it. I explained that obviously I had found messages and i wanted an explanation. He told me molly was just a friend, and very clearly it was more than that. I also explained that I had a suspicion that he was not fully honest about his relationship with Jen and Beth either. He looked me dead in the eyes and said he had no idea what I was talking about and they were just friends. I remained calm and explained that I won't be mad at him or leave him. I told him I didn't want to fight. I just felt as though I deserved to know the truth if I was going to continue to be with him, especially since he was still in contact with Beth and Jen while we were dating. We continue to go back and forward for several hours with no progress. I decided then if he didn't feel I deserved the truth, I would find out for myself. I took the screenshots I had found and reached out to the contacts one by one.
Let's start with Beth. She was the quickest to respond. I briefly explained who I was and that I was hoping to ask some questions about my partner because I felt like i was being lied to and was hoping she could fill in some of the gaps. She texted back and simply asked "do you work at blank" I responded that yes, I did. She then asked if I lived at a specific apartment complex. I said yes and was creeped out. She knew where I worked and lived. She then asked if she could call me. I agreed. For some context, he told me that she was a friend he had met in school. He explained that she had gotten out of a rough relationship and he wanted to make sure she was okay when it happened. That's how they became close. He explained that they would hang out all the time and eventually she became obsessed with him. Well during my phone call with her, I heard a very different story. Yes, they met in school and initially started off as friends. But, slowly with time as they started to spend more and more time together, they started to catch feelings. He said I love you first. And she proved this with screenshots. She also sent me pictures of them holding hands and kissing. She explained that they never officially started dating but they definitely were more than just friends. Their relationship was much more physical and romantic than platonic. She also told me that they had hooked up about 3 times. She explained that they had eachothers location and pretty frequently they would make plans then he would last minute cancel. So she would see what he was doing and would see him at two very specific addresses. Visiting my work or my apartment. She eventually asked him where he was and he told her that I was his cousin and was trying to get out of a rough relationship so he was helping me. I felt sick. No wonder why she was "obsessed" he was borderline dating her, telling her he loved her, and then started to ditch her when he made things official with me. Then it killed me to realize that even though they never had an official title, he was dating the two of us at the same time. I didn't know what to do. I ended up apologizing to her for everything he did and told her I never would have agreed to be his if I knew he was entertaining someone else. Michael overheard this phone call between us and looked like he had seen a ghost after. All he did was started crying, said she was lying, and that she was only a friend. I asked "so....these screenshots and pictures are all made up?" No response. He knew he was busted.
I decided I needed to take some time to process that information and I didn't want to say something I would regret. I let him stay at my place because he had nowhere else to go and I went to stay with a friend. He kept calling and texting but I couldn't deal with it. I cried all night. I was a mess. I should have just accepted that I was cheated on and lied to but I couldn't leave. I needed to know the truth. So I kept reaching out. Next up was Jen. I never was able to reach her, but I found out through Michael and Beth that Jen was Beth's best friend. But even more than that, I found out the three of them had a threesome together. He had told me previously that he had never been interested in a threesome and would never want to have one. Then I found out not only did he have one and lied about it, but it was with two girls he told me were just friends.
I went back to my apartment the next day and tried to talk stuff out. He just continued to say they were just friends. I finally snapped. I screamed and cried and told him that I just wanted to know the truth. That I deserved the truth. He looked me in the eyes, pinky promised me no more lies. We talked for a while and basically he explained that he never had an official title with Beth. They were very close but he basically just used her to pass time because he had nothing better to do. He said he loved her because that's what she wanted to hear and he treated her like a partner without ever having any real feelings for her. He knew as soon as he met me that he wanted me but didn't want to hurt her so he just kind of pushed her to the side but kept her in the picture. I felt so sad for her. He used her. He led her on. He treated her like an object and then threw her to the side when he met me.I asked why he lied about having a threesome. He said he felt ashamed Apparently they started to do it and then he chickened out so he didn't really count it. That made sense to me. I was pissed that he lied but at least it made sense. Next I asked why he told me Beth and Jen were just friends instead of being honest about the relationship. He said he never had feelings for either and they never had the official title so he didn't think it was important and he did not want to scare me off. I explained to him that although I understand why he lied to me, I didn't forgive him. I warned him that I would not tolerate anymore lies and obviously for the time being I did not trust him. I told him I wouldn't break up with him but if I found out he lied again, he would lose me. I also told him I considered what he did as cheating since he was seeing us at the same time after him and I became mutually exclusive. After we concluded our conversation about Beth and Jen, I started thinking about molly and the messages I had seen. I asked him what their relationship was, he said just friends. I freaked and told him to give me his phone. I found their old messages and told him to read them. "Hey goofball, you awake? Well if you're not I have something impossible to say to you. You are my sun, my moon, and all my stars. I love you lots and want you to know that no matter what happens I will always care about you. To me you are perfect. Amazing. And attractive asf. You are also very sweet and caring and adorable. Don't think about the negative things about yourself that will drag you down. You are way more than that. This is an official goodnight and I love you goofball." This is just one of the MANY messages sent back and forward. He reads the conversation and just goes oh. He then says he didn't remember any of that happening. We began to argue and the story he tried to spin was that his life must have been so traumatic that his brain literally deleted his past memories and replaced them with false memories where he didn't do these things that he is ashamed of. He got caught in lies and after so long was just like...whoa I did that? I had no idea I didn't remember. Technically I didn't lie because I told what I thought the truth was the way I remembered it. I told him I wanted to break up and he cried and begged me to forgive him and stay. I listened.i tried to move on and make things normal again but I couldn't stop thinking about all the lies and what else he might have been lying about. Then randomly one day, Molly added me back on social media. She was the last and took over 1.5 months so honestly I figured I'd never get ahold of her. I was genuinely surprised to see her show up on my friend list and reached out. Once again back story, he told me that she lived in Wisconin and they had never met. He said he was also using her for nudes and to pass time, same way he used Beth. He had told me that he removed her off social media months before him and I even met and aside from that one night she reached out, he hadn't heard from her in forever. I found out from her that she did not live in Wisconsin, she lived in the same state as us That to her, they were definitely dating and in love. I also saw a messaged saved on snapchat where he had been texting her in October (after we met) and even sent her the same pickup lines he had sent me. he had cheated with not just one, but two (at least that I know of) other girls.
At this point I had been broken so bad I didn't even feel the pain anymore. I just went numb. I had no more tears left to cry and couldn't be bothered to care anymore. I stopped eating and taking care of myself. I just went to work, came home, slept and repeated. I had watched the man that I loved and adored, one that made me feel so safe and happy turn into a monster right in front of me. He wasn't him anymore. I finally could see him for who he was. But I still didn't leave. He told me that he had only ever slept with three girls. I later found out it was actually six. He told me he had never been in love before. I later found out he tells basically every girl he's ever talked to that he loves them AND genuinely was in love with his ex before me. He told me after his ex and him broke up, he had a rebound but he only hooked up with her once before ghosting her. I found out they actually dated for several weeks, hooked up several times, and she had taken cute couple pictures with him and posted them on social media. He said that he never wanted to take those pictures, she made him put his Hands on her and pose and if he didn't cooperate, she would throw a tantrum like a child. One last thing I think that is important to mention,when we went on our first date, I told him I don't do hookups. We stayed out late and hit it off really well so I offered for him to stay the night at my place. I said I was okay with cuddling and whatever but I did not want to have sex. He seemed okay with it. I went to bed and then when I woke up, my pants were off and he was inside me. He claimed he didn't know I was asleep and thought I wanted it because apparently my butt kept rubbing against him while we were spooning.
It's been about a month since all that and I'm still just meh. I haven't exactly forgiven him but I also don't hate him. Things are normal. I act normal we still do couple things. But I can't help but wonder if he is just using me the same way he used them. I mean after all, he lives in my apartment rent free and asked me to buy him a truck for his birthday. He says I should forgive him because he genuinely doesn't remember doing these things and he didn't mean to lie to me. He said he's so ashamed of who he was but isn't like that anymore. He doesn't associate with who he was and wants to be given a chance to show that he is different. But can I ever forgive him? Should I? Where do I go from here? I feel so lost and confused. I dont think I'll ever be able to trust his word again. I dont feel secure. He broke me so bad I can't even feel anymore. Am I crazy and somehow making this a bigger deal than it is? Can I ever have the man I fell in love with back? I'm sorry if this was confusing. I'm typing this all out in one sitting. Please help me because I genuinely am so lost and I don't want to tell any friends because I don't want them to hate him.
TLDR: My boyfriend cheated on me with at least two other girls that I know of at the moment and has lied to me about too many things to count. His argument is that It doesn't actually count as cheating because he technically didn't date these people and he didn't remember doing it.
submitted by Actual_Philosophy_83 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:58 Only-Cryptographer54 Anyone who likes Raves and want to join a group ?

Want to plan something for this upcoming weekend.
Created a group of 10-15 people last summer and it was so much fun. Regularly at Piknik, Stereo, salon daomé, newzpeak and raves we found cool. Techno/house/psytrance/Hardcore/dubstep You name it.
Want to create a group again this summer.
So who's down for some fun ? 🎉 Shoot me a message
Come as you are ✨️
submitted by Only-Cryptographer54 to Concordia [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:56 juicymeat21 don’t know where to go to level up

Rn i’m like level 47 i think and i’m trying to do a moonveil build just cuz it’s a cool weapon and stuff but im ngl idk what to do to level up
I’ve already beat elden ring before on a different character but i made a new one for the dlc and wanted to try something different
In my first play through i mainly just farmed for runes in caelid with that ball thing (idk if anyone knows what im talking about) and then switched to the mohglester one(can’t do that one now because i cant afford online to get to the place)
Since i just farmed for levels now idk where to get levels without farming, i don’t want to farm again either so are there any good early-mid game areas that have mini bosses that drop a decent amount runes?
btw im past renalla and have gone to altus but haven’t really done much in caelid, have just been avoiding both due to a lack of vigor.
submitted by juicymeat21 to Eldenring [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:52 michelangelo1601 [Online][5e][GMT+3][LGBTQIA+friendly] DM looking for 5-6 players for adventures in Eberron!

Disclaimer: I am reposting this so more people get a chance to see the post! If you applied to the previous post, no need to apply again! :)
Hello there! This will be a long post but I do encourage you to read all of it so you have an idea what kinda game you are applying for. This would be a long-term campaign, so be willing to commit to the game! Have fun reading!
Game details:
We play using both Discord for voice and video and Foundry VTT for maps and character sheets! Webcams are mandatory since we all have been using them and it helps a lot with roleplaying when you can see the other people! Make sure that your PC or laptop is capable of running Foundry, here is a link to the Foundry system requirements:
Do note that you don't need to buy or download anything! How Foundry works is that I send you a link and you'll join through there so no need to worry about that!
We are here to make the story together so while there is a main plot for you to follow, there will be distractions along the way and of course, things that relate to your characters and what they might find interesting!
During session 0 we will go over the initial plot hooks, how your characters might know each other, safety rules, and so on!
The available days are listed in the questionnaire. The start time for the session regardless of the day would be at 9 pm GMT+3 and when a day has been chosen, we would play consistently on that day every week!
RP to combat ratio:
I would say 50-50 since you as players can with your decisions affect how much combat or roleplay there is going to be but I as a GM, am geared more towards weighting narrative but that doesn't mean that there wouldn't be some cool combat set-pieces ;).
There might be moments in the game where we focus more on the social aspect of the game, interacting in character with the world around them and then there might be some more action-oriented sessions where you get to sit at the edge of your seat!
I will say that how I like to run games, I like to focus on characters and what their motives, goals, and flaws are. This would be a more character-driven game so be ready for that and don't be afraid to get into character and have fun while doing so!
How to apply:
All that I require from you is that you read the whole post and then fill out the questionnaire to the best of your ability. I pour a lot of time into making sure that the sessions are good and that everyone is having fun and you can contribute to that by being genuinely interested in the game!
Here is the questionnaire:
Basic rules of the campaign:
The most important rule is to: HAVE FUN! We are here to play a game and make a story together and everyone's comfort is important to me! If you have doubts or if something feels off, you can always come to talk with me!
Game Rules:
The reason for Banned spells is that I like to make mysteries and that players need to think. For example, Remove curse would make a situation where you can get cursed not that tense. I like to make curses into plotlines so thus banning the spell gives us that opportunity.
Here are the banned spells:
Banned subclasses:
Races from Eberron, PHB, and MPMM are available minus Tortle, Fairy, and Centaur. Also, flying races are not allowed
Here is a little bit of info about me!
My name is Michael, 22 years old. I have been a GM for 3.5 years now! I have enough experience so I won't fumble around but obviously, I don't know everything.
Something about myself is that I have been a huge fan of TTRPGs ever since I started 3.5 years ago. In that period, I have had the pleasure to play multiple systems such as 5e, pathfinder 2e, Call of Cthulhu, cyberpunk RED/2020, mothership, City of Mist, etc. So I have quite a lot of experience and I know the ropes! I also like to draw, write stories, do worldbuilding, play video games, and watch movies and anime.
I am a huge fan of One Piece, it was also an inspiration for this setting so if you are a fan, you'll notice some subtle references here and there!
I do enjoy Eberron as a setting and have read quite a bit on it! Still, while it's an established setting with its lore, that means that there will be things that I might be unaware of or I might change things here and there. I like to stick to the established lore since it's quite expansive and really good but expect changes at some points!
Final words
Thanks for reading this long-ass post and I do hope that you can see that I am putting my all into this! I hope you do too so feel free to fill out the application! Take it slowly and don't rush it since I am using it to gauge how interested you all are to join in! I will keep the post up for a few days and conduct interviews before Sunday. If you have questions, feel free to comment and I'll answer when I have time!
I hope all of you have a nice day/evening and I hope to talk to you later!
submitted by michelangelo1601 to LFG_Europe [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:51 michelangelo1601 [Online][5e][GMT+3][LGBTQIA+friendly] DM looking for 5-6 players for adventures in Eberron!

Disclaimer: I am reposting this so more people get a chance to see the post! If you applied to the previous post, no need to apply again! :)
Hello there! This will be a long post but I do encourage you to read all of it so you have an idea what kinda game you are applying for. This would be a long-term campaign, so be willing to commit to the game! Have fun reading!
Game details:
We play using both Discord for voice and video and Foundry VTT for maps and character sheets! Webcams are mandatory since we all have been using them and it helps a lot with roleplaying when you can see the other people! Make sure that your PC or laptop is capable of running Foundry, here is a link to the Foundry system requirements:
Do note that you don't need to buy or download anything! How Foundry works is that I send you a link and you'll join through there so no need to worry about that!
We are here to make the story together so while there is a main plot for you to follow, there will be distractions along the way and of course, things that relate to your characters and what they might find interesting!
During session 0 we will go over the initial plot hooks, how your characters might know each other, safety rules, and so on!
The available days are listed in the questionnaire. The start time for the session regardless of the day would be at 9 pm GMT+3 and when a day has been chosen, we would play consistently on that day every week!
RP to combat ratio:
I would say 50-50 since you as players can with your decisions affect how much combat or roleplay there is going to be but I as a GM, am geared more towards weighting narrative but that doesn't mean that there wouldn't be some cool combat set-pieces ;).
There might be moments in the game where we focus more on the social aspect of the game, interacting in character with the world around them and then there might be some more action-oriented sessions where you get to sit at the edge of your seat!
I will say that how I like to run games, I like to focus on characters and what their motives, goals, and flaws are. This would be a more character-driven game so be ready for that and don't be afraid to get into character and have fun while doing so!
How to apply:
All that I require from you is that you read the whole post and then fill out the questionnaire to the best of your ability. I pour a lot of time into making sure that the sessions are good and that everyone is having fun and you can contribute to that by being genuinely interested in the game!
Here is the questionnaire:
Basic rules of the campaign:
The most important rule is to: HAVE FUN! We are here to play a game and make a story together and everyone's comfort is important to me! If you have doubts or if something feels off, you can always come to talk with me!
Game Rules:
The reason for Banned spells is that I like to make mysteries and that players need to think. For example, Remove curse would make a situation where you can get cursed not that tense. I like to make curses into plotlines so thus banning the spell gives us that opportunity.
Here are the banned spells:
Banned subclasses:
Races from Eberron, PHB, and MPMM are available minus Tortle, Fairy, and Centaur. Also, flying races are not allowed
Here is a little bit of info about me!
My name is Michael, 22 years old. I have been a GM for 3.5 years now! I have enough experience so I won't fumble around but obviously, I don't know everything.
Something about myself is that I have been a huge fan of TTRPGs ever since I started 3.5 years ago. In that period, I have had the pleasure to play multiple systems such as 5e, pathfinder 2e, Call of Cthulhu, cyberpunk RED/2020, mothership, City of Mist, etc. So I have quite a lot of experience and I know the ropes! I also like to draw, write stories, do worldbuilding, play video games, and watch movies and anime.
I am a huge fan of One Piece, it was also an inspiration for this setting so if you are a fan, you'll notice some subtle references here and there!
I do enjoy Eberron as a setting and have read quite a bit on it! Still, while it's an established setting with its lore, that means that there will be things that I might be unaware of or I might change things here and there. I like to stick to the established lore since it's quite expansive and really good but expect changes at some points!
Final words
Thanks for reading this long-ass post and I do hope that you can see that I am putting my all into this! I hope you do too so feel free to fill out the application! Take it slowly and don't rush it since I am using it to gauge how interested you all are to join in! I will keep the post up for a few days and conduct interviews before Sunday. If you have questions, feel free to comment and I'll answer when I have time!
I hope all of you have a nice day/evening and I hope to talk to you later!
submitted by michelangelo1601 to lfg [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:49 Mrmander20 [Vell Harlan and the Doomsday Dorms] 4 C7.1: The Elephant in the Room

At the world’s top college of magic and technology, every day brings a new discovery -and a new disaster. The advanced experiments of the college students tend to be both ambitious and apocalyptic, with the end of the world only prevented by a mysterious time loop, and a small handful of students who retain their memories.
Surviving the loops was hard enough, but now, in his senior year, Vell Harlan must take charge of them, and deal with the fact that the whole world now knows his secrets. Everyone knows about Vell’s death and resurrection, along with the divine game he is a part of. Now Vell must contend with overly curious scientists and evil billionaires hungry for divine power while the daily doomsday cycle bombards him with terrorists, talking elephants, and the Grim Reaper himself -but if he can endure it all, the Last Goddess’s game promises the ultimate prize: power over life itself.
[Previous Chapter][Patreon][Cover Art]
“Should I be worried?”
Why would you be worried?” Kim said. “Dean Lichman loves us.”
Dean Lichman had asked the two of them to stop by his office, though his brief message had not said what for. That left Vell to concoct nightmare scenarios in his head.
“He doesn’t love all of us.”
“Alex doesn’t count as ‘us’,” Kim said. She was a looper in purely a technical sense, mostly due to her own refusal to be a team player. “Besides, she’s been behaving lately. She’s only been an asshole, not an active liability.”
“That we know of.”
“If we don’t know about it, Dean probably doesn’t either,” Kim said. “It’s fine, Vell, he probably just wants to ask us for advice or deal with some problem he has.”
“That’s not much better,” Vell said. “How weird would things have to be that the Dean is asking us for help personally?”
“Only one way to find out,” Kim said. She gestured to the door to the Dean’s office.
Kim entered first, and found it in much the same state as it always was. The desk piled high with paperwork, a small bowl of assorted candies shoved into the corner of the desk, and Dean Lichman behind it, frantically tapping away on a laptop. Vell had not been in this office for several years, and it was vastly different than the last time he’d been here.
“Ah, there you are, come in, have a seat,” Dean Lichman said. “Unless you’d rather we have our conversation elsewhere, Vell.”
“Why would I want that?”
“Well, it’s my understanding you haven’t been in this office since my, uh, predecessor,” Dean Lichman said.
“Oh, right, the kidnapping,” Vell said. “No, I’m good, I don’t really get traumatized by things anymore.”
Vell had been killed too many different ways in too many different places to have a functional trauma response. A few days ago he’d gotten his legs chewed off by a vending machine, and still stopped by it to pick up a soda on his way to the office.
“That’s a very concerning response, Mr. Harlan.”
“Yeah. Anyway, what did you need?”
Dean Lichman gestured for the duo to take a seat, and both did so. He folded desiccated hands in front of himself before beginning to speak.
“I would like to ask you two to take a look at an experiment that will be occurring later this week,” Dean Lichman said. “I don’t have any reason to believe it poses a threat, but I would like to be assured it is a safe and ethical environment, and, well, you two have a knack for identifying trouble spots.”
“You could say that,” Kim said. It was more accurate to say that trouble had a way of identifying them -and then leaping at them and ripping their heads off.
“I’d appreciate it if the two of you could simply examine the laboratory and give it your approval, or disapproval, as the case may be,” Dean Lichman said. “Though if you’re too busy, I fully understand.”
“If you don’t think this is dangerous, why are you asking for our help anyway?”
“Simply for my own peace of mind, frankly,” Dean Lichman said. “The school’s policies on animal experimentation are...satisfactory, I suppose, but I do want to take extra precautions when the subject is a creature as smart as an elephant.”
“An elephant?”
“Yes, a resident of a reserve in Thailand,” Dean Lichman said. “An older elephant by the name of Mae Noi. She has cancer, apparently, and she is submitting to experimental treatment in the hopes it will be useful for younger elephants.”
Kim’s digital face briefly flashed with a facial expression of concerned skepticism.
“‘She’ is submitting to treatment? As in the elephant?”
“Yes. Apparently the elephant can talk,” Dean Lichman said. “No, I don’t know how it works, they said it was ‘more impressive in person’.”
“Well now I kind of want to go just to see the talking elephant,” Vell said.
“Well, do try to take a few glances at the experiment’s safety while you’re there,” Dean Lichman said.
“Sounds like a plan,” Vell said. “Thanks for the heads up.”
“I’ll be there too,” Kim said.
“Excellent. Thank you both, and I’ll try not to take up too much of your time,” the Dean said. He then bid them both a polite goodbye and returned to his mountains of paperwork. Vell took a step out of the office and then took a sip from the soda he’d recently retrieved from the evil vending machine.
“So, what do you think?”
“I think I really do want to see the talking elephant,” Kim said.
“Obviously, yeah, we all want to see the talking elephant,” Vell said. “I mean the whole situation. You think the elephant thing is going to be the daily apocalypse for that day?”
“Well, on the one hand, an elephant seems like the kind of thing that would kill us,” Kim said. “But on the other, I feel like the fact we have advance warning means it’s not going to happen.”
“True. The universe probably wouldn’t make it that easy for us.”
“Yeah, but the elephant thing still feels pretty threatening,” Kim said. “Only way to find out is to wait a few days, I guess.”
“Hello you two,” Dean Lichman said. “And Hawke.”
“Hey,” Hawke said.
“He also wanted to see the talking elephant,” Kim explained.
“Well, that’s not a problem, it was an open invitation,” Dean Lichman said.
“Thanks. Still, sorry for not saying I was going to show up in advance,” Hawke said. “It took me a long time to make up my mind whether I was more interested in or afraid of a talking elephant.”
“They are rather large, aren’t they? I suppose that could be intimidating.”
“I’m okay with elephants on their own, it’s the talking part that doesn’t sit right with me,” Hawke said. “What if the elephant doesn’t like me? What if I’m the first person to ever get insulted by an elephant?”
“You’re less afraid of getting trampled by an elephant than insulted by one?”
“I’m a little afraid of trampling, but elephants are chill,” Hawke explained. “They wouldn’t attack unless provoked. I kind of feel like one might call me a dipshit unprovoked, though.”
“You have oddly specifics fears, Mr. Hughes,” Dean Lichman said.
In spite of those fears, Hawke happily stepped through the door to the zoology lab. It did not take a long time to locate the elephant in the room, as it was a literal elephant. The towering pachyderm was in a makeshift pen in the center of the lab, with an ample supply of food and a strange pedestal in front of her.
“Dr. Chanthara,” Dean Lichman said, with a polite wave to one of the researchers in the room. “Good to see you. These are the students I told you about.”
“Hm. Nice to meet you,” Dr. Chanthara said. He was, perhaps not unreasonably, skeptical of why three seemingly random students were in charge of a safety inspection. The fact that one of the three was a robot made him even more skeptical.
“Hi, nice to meet you too, and, uh, don’t mind us,” Vell said. “We just have an eye for weird things other people might miss.”
“Sure. I- wait. Aren’t you that kid who got chosen by a god?”
“Yeah, that’s me,” Vell said. “And her too, technically.”
Kim shrugged. She didn’t care for any extra attention on that point.
“Right,” Chanthara said. He was beginning to see why these students might know their stuff. “I suppose we should start by introducing you to Mae Noi. Say hello, Mae.”
The elephant shifted on her feet and poked her trunk at the wide pedestal in front of her twice.
“Hello. Friends,” a synthesized voice droned. Vell stepped a little closer to the pedestal, just enough to see that there were an array of buttons on the side facing Mae Noi.
“Oh, it’s kind of like a keyboard,” Vell said. He’d seen similar things used with dogs, though usually in a much simpler fashion. Mae Noi seemed to have a few dozen buttons at her disposal.
“Smart,” Mae Noi said, with another prod of her trunk.
“We initially put it into our sanctuary as a bit of a novelty, something elephants could choose to interact with,” Dr. Chanthara explained. “Mae Noi took to it a bit better than most. Especially once she found out she could use it to ask for food.”
“Food. Pumpkin. Pumpkin. Pumpkin.”
“No, Mae, no food until after experiment,” Dr. Chanthara scolded.
“Experiment,” Mae Niko said with a prod. “Pumpkin.”
“Yes, experiment then pumpkin,” Dr. Chanthara said.
“That’s not really a talking elephant, is it?” Hawke said.
“It’s more talking than most elephants,” Dr. Chanthara said.
“Elephant. Smart,” Mae Niko said. “Smart.”
“Yes, uh, right, elephant smart,” Hawke said. He took a step back, to avoid any further offense and any further risk of being insulted by Mae Noi.
“You’re very impressive, Mae, don’t mind him,” Kim said. “How many words does she know?”
“Our platform back home has around three hundred words, though she’s still learning some of them,” Dr. Chanthara said. “The ‘travel’ version we put together only has a hundred, just enough to make sure she can get her basic needs met and communicate about the experiment.”
“Right, speaking of, I do believe we should put some time into our reason for being here,” Dean Lichman interjected. “You’re welcome to stick around afterwards, at Dr. Chanthara and Mae Noi’s discretion, of course, but we should get underway.”
“We probably should get to business, yeah,” Kim said. She tapped the side of her metal head. “I’m going to scan the lab. Vell, you talk to the elephant and make sure everything’s above-board.”
“Abov- oh, right,” Vell said. “Sorry, not exactly used to being able to ask animals if they agree to animal experimentation.”
“Experiment,” Mae said.
“Yeah, experiment,” Vell said, as he turned to Mae. “So, Mae Noi, this experiment might hurt, do you know that?”
“Experiment. Hurt. Elephant,” Mae Noi prodded. “Experiment. Help. Elephant. Help. Baby.”
“Help baby?”
“Baby. Baby. Elephant. Sick. Baby. Sick.”
“We’ve explained the nature of her condition to Mae Noi as best we can,” Dr. Chanthara said. “She has several children, and is concerned they might be similarly affected.”
“Help. Baby,” Mae Noi said. “Experiment. Help.”
The way Mae Noi frantically tapped the buttons tugged at Vell’s heartstrings, but he choked those emotions down.
“So you want to do this experiment to help baby, got it,” Vell said. “Even if it hurts you?”
“Elephant. Old,” Mae Noi said. “Hurt. Okay. Help. Baby.”
“Huh. Well, that does sound like informed consent to me,” Vell said. “Passes ethical muster, at least.”
The campus rules allowed students to be experimented on, with their consent, so Vell saw no reason not to apply the same standard to an elephant.
“You speak up if you change your mind about the experiment, okay?”
“Stop. Stop. Stop,” Mae said, mashing the same button a few times. “Yes.”
“You got it. I’m going to go help my friends check things out,” Vell said. “Good talking to you, Mae.”
“Good. Talk. Friend,” Mae said. She waved goodbye with her trunk, and Vell waved back. He wandered away from Mae Noi’s pedestal and found Kim and Hawke carefully examining rows of beakers and various other supplies.
“Nothing sus yet, boss,” Hawke said.
“Nothing caustic, mutagenic, or explosive?”
“Well, something mutagenic, but it’s supposed to be,” Kim said. She had scanners built into her body much like those that had once been in Vell’s glasses, allowing her to analyze the complex chemical formulas at a glance. “They’re going for some gene editing similar to what we’ve tried to do on human cancer patients. Low success rate, but not harmful. Some adaptations to work on elephants, of course.”
“Run it by any of our chemistry and biology student friends yet?”
“A few,” Kim said. “Haven’t gotten anything back yet, though.”
“Maybe run it by Skye, too,” Vell said. “She’d recognize anything that’d mutate an animal.”
“She does love to mutate things,” Kim said.
“Benevolently,” Vell insisted. “Just show her. I’m going to check for any stray equipment.”
The presence of an unusually large test subject had resulted in the lab being rearranged and reshuffled, so Vell did a quick scan for any misplaced equipment that might pose a threat. He found, to his surprise, a tidy and well-organized environment, with any and all extraneous materials securely locked away. There wasn’t so much as a shrink ray out of place. Vell did another loop just to be sure, but returned to his friends empty-handed.
“This place has less safety hazards than my lab,” Vell said. Hawke stared at him for a while.
“Why does your lab have safety hazards?’
“I do runecarving, there’s like, hammers and chisels,” Vell said. “Those can hurt people.”
“Mm, true,” Hawke said. “So you really didn’t find anything?”
“Nothing,” Vell said. “This place is secure as I’ve ever seen a lab be.”
“It’s like I said,” Kim began. “We got an actual warning about it, so obviously nothing’s going to go wrong. That’d be too easy.”
“Maybe,” Vell said. “Things can get teleported in, or someone could cast a spell, or something.”
“Yeah, but that applies to anywhere, at any time,” Kim said.
“Kim’s right,” Hawke said. “I say we go business as usual.”
“I guess,” Vell said. “We have to branch out a little, at least. Can’t keep an eye on one room all day.”
The trio stopped sulking around the outskirts of the lab and returned to Dean Lichman and Dr. Chanthara.
“Everything looks good,” Kim said. “Probably the safest lab I’ve ever seen.”
“I’ll choose to take that as a compliment,” Dr. Chanthara said.
“We have very high safety standards here at the Einstein-Odinson,” Dean Lichman said, defensively. “Relatively speaking. Innovation requires some risk.”
“I understand perfectly. So does Mae.”
“Hurt. Okay,” Mae said.
“Not that okay,” Vell said. “Nice meeting you, Dr. Chanthara. You too, Mae.”
Mae prodded one of the buttons on her pedestal and then pointed her trunk at the three of them. Hawke looked deeply concerned, but stepped forward alongside Vell and Kim. Mae Noi appraised them with massive brown eyes, and then moved her trunk back towards the pedestal. Vell noticed a distinctive scar on the bridge of her long nose just as Mae Noi pressed another button.
Dr. Chanthara sighed and rolled his eyes.
“Just go along with it,” he said. “She likes to tell her joke.”
“Uh, okay,” Vell said. “Let’s hear it.”
“What. Elephant. Favorite. Part. Tree.”
“Umm...I don’t know, Mae,” Vell lied. He’d heard this joke from a kid, once. “What part?”
“Trunk,” Mae said. She gave a loud bray of amusement and then slammed her trunk down a few more times to emphasize the punchline. “Trunk. Trunk.”
“Oh, ha, I get it,” Kim said, hoping her feigned laugh was convincing. She’d never tried to lie to an elephant before. “Good one, Mae.”
Mae Noi shifted from side to side, looking pleased with herself, while the trio took a step back and stopped their feigned laughter.
“Did you give her buttons just to tell that joke with?”
“She gets upset,” Dr. Chanthara said. “I’m not even sure she understands the pun, she just likes people’s reactions.”
“As long as she’s having fun,” Hawke said.
“We’ll get out of your hair now,” Vell said. “Good luck with the experiment, feel free to let us know if you need a hand with anything.”
“I’ll keep it in mind,” Dr. Chanthara said. Some of his earlier skepticism seemed to have softened, but he did not seem entirely onboard with three strangers mucking about with his experiment. Vell and his friends left before they stretched what little goodwill they had any further. Mae Noi waved her trunk goodbye as the three left the lab and stepped back onto the quad.
“I’m going to try and sneak some classes in,” Hawke said. “Later.”
“I’ll check some of our usual hot spots,” Kim said, before she too left. Once again alone, Vell headed to one of his own classes, and called up Samson.
“Hey, Samson,” Vell began. “See anything interesting while we were playing with the elephant?”
“Well, I thought I clocked someone acting suspicious, but it turns out he was only sneaking around to go see his boyfriend,” Samson said. “Nothing apocalyptic, but I did get called a homophobe, which is pretty emotionally devastating.”
“I’m sure you’ll recover someday,” Vell said. “Keep an eye out. Usually the safer things look, the more dangerous things end up being.”
“Will do,” Samson said, before saying goodbye and hanging up.
Vell got increasingly nervous the longer the day went without its daily disaster. He thought about checking in on Mae Noi again, but then recalled Kim’s warning about it being too obvious, but then remembered that nobody had seen anything suspicious anywhere else, but then remember that Mae Noi’s lab had looked perfectly safe-
“You’re spiraling,” Kim said.
“I’m not spiraling, I’m just,” Vell said, with a pause for contemplation. “Considering multiple options.”
“In a spiral fashion,” Kim said. “Eat the damn french fries. Honestly, what’s the point of ordering so many if you’re just going to let them get cold?”
“It’s not like they’re going to go to waste,” Vell said. The same time loop that allowed him to eat massive amounts of french fries without fear of gaining weight also allowed him to avoid food waste. One of the upsides of life in a time loop.
“Just eat, Vell,” Kim said. “You worry too much about all this shit.”
“I’m in charge, it’s my job to worry about it,” Vell said.
“It’s your job to handle it,” Kim said. “There’s no point thinking about this shit before it happens, you spend all day thinking about an elephant and then the universe drops, like, a bat with tentacles on your head. Just deal with as it comes, Vell.”
Vell leaned on the table and managed to chomp down on a french fry or two.
“You know, next year, when I’m not running the show anymore, I’m going to call and see if you still think it’s that easy.”
“I sure hope so,” Kim said. “I’m saying all this shit trying to make myself believe it too.”
“Oh good, you’re lying to both of us,” Vell said. “That’s cool.”
“Fake it ‘til you make it, Vell, that’s how it goes,” Kim said. “Eat your damn french fries.”
Vell rolled his eyes and returned to his fries, which were now starting to cool. Thankfully he would not have to worry about finishing them. A loud crash from across campus interrupted him mid-bite and nearly made Vell choke on his fries. He painfully swallowed the half-chewed food and then looked over his shoulder.
“Son of a bitch, finally,” Vell said. A few years ago he’d found it weird whenever he was relieved about a disaster, but now he was just genuinely glad to get it over with. The waiting was as killer as the apocalypse. He tossed his fries in the trash and headed toward the sound of chaos, with Kim right behind him.
“Already told everybody?”
“Well, I may or may not have left Alex and Helena out of the loop…”
“They’d find out anyway,” Kim said. “I got to use my brain parts to get in touch with them, even over wi-fi that shit feels dirty.”
“Just get in- stop.”
Vell held out his hand. Kim froze in place and did not move. Not intentionally, at least. There was a small amount of unintentional movement. The ground was vibrating.
“Always love a good earthquake,” Kim said.
“That’s not a quake,” Vell said. “That’s...footsteps!”
Vell grabbed Kim and dove out of the way just in time for something to barrel through the walls of the dining hall and stampede across the room. Tables, chairs, and more than a few students were crushed under the feet of a hulking, brown-furred behemoth as it charged. Kim picked herself and Vell up off the floor and tried to trail its progress.
“That’s a- oh fuck me,” Kim said. “Please don’t say you told me so.”
Vell got his bearings and looked across the room at the titanic form of a woolly mammoth. Though it was definitely recognizable as an archaic mammoth, the ancient creature was also heavily mutated, unnaturally large even by mammoth standards, and with multiple curled, jagged tusks protruding from a slobbering maw.
“Well that could be unrelated,” Vell said. “Mammoths can come from a lot of places, cloning accidents, time machines…”
The mammoth reached a wall, and rather than barreling through, turned around, facing directly towards Vell. A prominent scar covered the bridge of its broad trunk.
“Oh, nope, that’s definitely Mae,” Vell said. The scar was in the same place and at the same angle. Even a clone wouldn’t have an identical scar.
Once the revelation had struck, Mae took her turn. Vell found himself staring straight down the barrel of a very angry mammoth coming right at him at Vell-squishing velocity. Luckily he’d been charged at by a lot of creatures over four years of looping.
Vell jumped up and to the side, and latched on to one of the curled tusks, which made for very convenient handlebars. Kim did the same on the opposite side of Mae, and punched her in the head.
“Wait, wait, hold off on the violence for a second,” Vell shouted. He tried to wave at Kim to stop, but Mae was thrashing so violently he had to grip the tusks with both hands.
“Good plan,” Kim shouted. “Can you get Mae on board?”
Another set of tables got crushed underfoot. Thankfully the other students were out of trampling range by now, but Mae Noi’s feet were still coated in the blood of earlier victims.
“Mae’s smart, maybe we can calm her down,” Vell said. He then ducked to dodge a swat from Mae’s mutated trunk.
“Call me crazy, Vell, but I think this is more than just a bad mood,” Kim said, as she climbed up Mae’s seven jagged tusks like a ladder.
“We have to try,” Vell said. The loopers rule against hurting other intelligent life forms had some flexibility for blood-crazed mutants on violent rampages, but they had to at least try to reason first. Vell climbed up on of Mae’s tusks and looked into one of her bloodshot eyes for any sign of recognition. “Mae! It’s Vell, do you remember?”
The only response Vell got was an enraged trumpet, which he didn’t think was a “yes”.
“Come on, bud,” Vell said. “What’s an elephant’s favorite part of a tree, right? The trunk?”
The massive brown eye staring at Vell blinked, and he felt a brief glimmer of hope. He then felt a brief glimmer of his lungs being crushed as Mae swung her head and slammed her tusks into the wall, and Vell along with them. Kim punched Mae in the throat and then jumped across the tusks to grab Vell and carry him to safety.
“You okay, Vell?”
He opened his mouth to respond, and a pint or two of blood came out instead.
“Apparently not,” he mumbled. “I might be down a few ribs. And a lung. Or two.”
Kim carried Vell a safe distance from the fight and set him down on the ground, where he promptly spat out another mouthful of blood.
“Okay, uh, you just lie there and try to die peacefully, I guess,” Kim said.
“Way ahead of you.”
“Was that last bit as funny as I thought it was?” Vell asked. “I think the blood loss was affecting my sense of humor.”
“It was kind of hard to appreciate in the moment,” Kim said. “But as far as dying jokes go, it was pretty good.”
Vell and Kim walked into the lair for their morning meeting and joined the loopers that had already gathered.
“Okay, what’d I miss while I was dead?”
“Well, after Alex was done getting herself killed,” Samson began.
“You’re saying that as if it’s something to be ashamed of,” Alex said. “Vell also died.”
“Yeah, but he got killed trying to do something good. You got killed trying to do something stupid.”
“Trying to eliminate a threat is not stupid,” Alex said.
“We don’t kill intelligent creatures,” Hawke said. “Sometimes we punch them into a coma, but we don’t kill them.”
“When a dog bites, you put it down, I don’t see why the same principle doesn’t apply to a mammoth that’s crushed seventy people.”
“That wasn’t Mae’s fault,” Vell said. “She got mutated, or something. On that note: did you guys figure out what happened to Mae Noi?”
“Nothing,” Hawke said. “Looked like Mae smashed up the entire lab, trampled everyone involved in the experiment too. Nothing left to investigate, and nobody left alive to interrogate.”
“Typical,” Vell sighed. “At least we have an easy out. Dean Lichman was really concerned about the ethics of that whole experiment. We raise some kind of complaint, we could probably get the whole thing shut down.”
“The problem is getting the complaint,” Hawke said. “That lab was airtight, Vell.”
“Apparently not completely airtight,” Kim said. “I can camp out in the lab and raise an entirely justifiable stink whenever something capable of making a murder-mammoth shows up.”
“And what if it happens so suddenly you can’t complain about it?” Samson asked. “For all we know that could’ve been some kind of dimensional rift, or time anomaly, or something. It might not be as simple as somebody just putting in the wrong syringe at the wrong time.”
“He’s got a point,” Vell said. “We might want to shut this down before it gets there.”
“Seems like our best option is to plant evidence, then,” Alex said.
Everyone else at the table spent a few seconds brainstorming ways to prove her wrong, and much to their frustration, could not.
“Okay, fine,” Vell said. “But it needs to be something incidental, not something anyone would get blamed for. We want to cancel the experiment, not get anyone in trouble.”
“I could have a seizure on some sensitive equipment,” Helena offered. “It’ll break something and nobody would dare get mad at me.”
“Can you fake a seizure?”
“No, but I’m allergic to elephants, so I’d probably have one anyway the moment I stepped in the lab,” Helena said.
“I don’t feel entirely comfortable sending you into anaphylactic shock for a bit,” Vell said.
“Offer’s on the table,” Helena said. “I’ll live. Wouldn’t have made it through that trip to the zoo otherwise.”
“Anybody have any non-medical emergency suggestions?”
“Seagull in the air vents,” Kim said.
“Will that work?”
“It happens now and then,” Kim said. “Seagull gets in, and Dean has to close down the whole lab for potential material damage and biohazard risks if they shit in the vents.”
“Really? We’ve never had to deal with anything like that,” Hawke said.
“It may shock you to learn that sometimes minor, tedious bullshit happens that we have nothing to do with,” Kim said.
“That is kind of surprising, actually.”
“Enough. Kim, can you grab a seagull?” Vell asked. He shouldered his bookbag, and stuck a hand into the extradimensional pocket that existed within it. “I can probably smuggle it in with my bag.”
“Yeah, I can get you a seagull,” Kim said. Since she did not need to sleep, she had to find ways to keep herself entertained at night, seagull-grabbing being among them.
“Alright, we’ll go grab one and put it in the bag,” Vell said. “The rest of you, be ready to meet us when I call.”
Roughly three minutes later, Vell put out the call and they reconvened in front of the biology lab.
“Yeah, that was much faster than I thought it would be,” Vell said.
“I’m great at grabbin’ birds,” Kim said. Seagulls were among the easier birds to snatch, even. They were suckers for food, and many of them were attracted to her shiny metallic body anyway.
“Let’s just get this over with,” Vell said. “I want this thing out of my bag ASAP.”
Even though the seagull was safely within a pocket dimension, Vell would swear he could still feel the bird thrashing and squawking inside his bag. He tightened his grip on the shoulder strap and led the way towards the zoology lab entrance. He grabbed the handle and held it as he froze for a second.
“Vell, what’s up? Is this bird escaping?”
“No, the handle’s vibrating,” Vell said. It was shaking the same way a wall near an incredibly loud speaker might. He pressed his ear to the door and listened closely. He opened the door immediately, and let all his friends hear the frantic trumpeting of a panicked elephant.
Inside the lab, Mae Noi was stomping her feet and trumpeting as loud as he long trunk would allow. She swayed from side to side in her pen, bumping against the walls not quite hard enough to damage them, but hard enough that it was clear she was doing it on purpose.
“What the heck is happening here?”
“Ah, Vell,” Dean Lichman said. He hustled over to Vell’s side and gestured to the entire room. “Maybe you can figure out what’s going on.”
Mae Noi stopped braying long enough to start mashing her trunk against her pedestal, mashing out the word “Bad” over and over again.
“Our test subject, Mae Noi, has been throwing an absolute fit ever since she got here,” Dean Lichman said. “Dr. Chanthara, these are the students I was telling you about earlier.”
While Vell reintroduced himself to Dr. Chanthara, Kim and Hawke stepped up to examine Mae Noi and her enclosure. It was a far cry from the peaceful, orderly scene they had examined on the first loop. They were half an hour earlier this time than before, but Kim found it unlikely that they had been able to calm Mae Noi down, clean everything up, and get back to work in such a short amount of time. They hadn’t mentioned any of this panic on the first loop either. They were soon joined in their confusion by Chanthara and Vell.
“We’ve tried everything; food, water, her favorite toys, even videos of her children,” Dr. Chanthara said. “We’ve even offered to call off the experiment, but she won’t listen.”
“She is an animal,” Alex said. “Sometimes they do things arbitrarily.”
“Not Mae,” Dr. Chanthara said. “Some of our sanctuaries residents from traumatic backgrounds can have outbursts, but Mae was injured in the wild. She’s never been like this.”
“Maybe some experiment on the island is upsetting her,” Vell said. “A sonic experiment only she can hear, or something…”
Vell stopped and thought about it. If there had been such an irritant, it would’ve been there on the first loop too. Everything always repeated exactly the same, except for-
“Could you, uh, take a step back for a second?” Vell mumbled. “I want to try talking to her.”
“Don’t get close,” Chanthara warned him.
“I’m not, I’m not,” Vell said. He didn’t need to get very close to tell a joke.
The massive brown eyes of Mae Noi stayed locked on Vell as he approached, and she continued to mash the “Bad” button on her pedestal.
“I know, I know, bad,” Vell said. “But, uh, do you want to hear a joke?”
Mae Noi stopped. She locked eyes with Vell for a few seconds, and then cautiously tapped a button on her pedestal.
“Right, joke,” Vell said. He tried to recall the exact sequence of words Mae had used on the first loop. “What elephant favorite part tree?”
Mae didn’t blink.
“Trunk,” Vell said.
After a moment of contemplation, Mae Noi let out one final, fervent, trumpet, and then started mashing buttons on her pedestal again.
“Bad. Help. Help. Experiment. Bad. Help. Bad. Help.”
“Yeah, bad help, one second,” Vell said. He turned away from Mae Noi to look at Dean Lichman. “Hey, uh, excuse me, Dean? Hey, uh, if I remember correctly there are some pretty complicated rules on having intelligent animals on campus, yes?”
“Well, yes,” Dean Lichman said. After hearing of some questionable ethical practices involving an octopus back in first year, he had instituted a few clauses into the school’s ethical code of conduct regarding intelligent animals like elephants, octopuses, and dolphins. “Mae’s presence here is a bit of an outlier, but there were workaround, given her apparent consent to the experiment.”
“Yeah, about that, is she, uh,” Vell began. “Is she registered as a student?”
Vell pursed his lips. It took a few seconds for his friends to catch on.
“You have got to be fucking kidding me,” Samson snapped. He turned his back on the crowd and leaned against a wall while Hawke put his head in his hands.
“The first rule of looping,” Alex said quietly. “Loopers are randomly selected-”
She looked up and locked eyes with Mae Noi.
“From all registered students.”
submitted by Mrmander20 to redditserials [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:44 khushi-saini People with 14 backlogs in college crying for jobs now

Am not here to support the current government or any other government. And honestly speaking idk much about employment rates and how that really works.
So basically I want to ask people that when you haven't studied in any semester of your college, you were passing exams with 0 knowledge, then why are you crying now for low paying jobs?
Ok let me clarify my statement first through an example:
Am using my own name in example. So khushi was a very dull student. She never paid attention to the lectures in school. She got 70-75% in 12th standard by rote learning and cheating in exams.
Due to caste based admission (obc/sc/st) she got admission in a college of a reputed university. And Because she never paid attention to her school lectures her basic knowledge is incomplete now. She is facing difficulties in her higher studies. And due to that she isn't paying attention to her college lectures as well.
All she is doing is sleeping in her hostel room watching movies, series etc. Now it's the semester exam, again she is just rote learning and cheating in her exams to get passing marks only. She also thinks like the most of the students "academic knowledge doesn't matter" also "what matters the most is experience and practical knowledge". But she got none of them. It's the last year of college life and companies are here to hire students. Due to zero knowledge khushi got no job. She is blaming the education system now. She is blaming her college by putting a tag of 'shittiest placements'. She knows that she have 0 knowledge about the subjects she passed by cheating. But she wasn't aware that she can't cheat in an interview. Now khushi is working as a credit card seller or accountant for 10-15k a month. Now khushi is blaming government for low salary and low employment rates.
Now my question is, was the government really responsible for it?
In today's world many people are living in this same situation. My senior who was boasting about 14 backlogs in semester exams is crying because there are no jobs for her. She used to be like one of those 'CoOl sTudEnts' who believes in only clubbing and spending money pver silly things which are considered as cool kids things nowadays. And whom she is blaming now? The government. The education system. And yea her parents.
I saw a reel where ashneer grover answered a question asked by a student that "Is the knowledge we are gaining in college life really matters?" To which he answered that "This generation is the most stupid generation who thinks that only they themselves are the most logical people nowadays. For them teachers are fools, universities are fools, their own parents are fools. He also said that if you aren't attending lecture but you are somewhere doing something better than the lecture then it's a good thing for you. But if you are just sleeping in your hostel rooms, binge watching a series at the time of studying then you are the one who is fool here.
This was the most logical and simple answer i have ever heard. People will blame everyone and everything but not themselves, not their own doings. People with full knowledge are getting jobs. They are getting everything for which they worked hard in their school and college days when you were just clubbing and wasting your money over cigarettes and alcohol. When you were looking for casual dates amd hook-ups those people were keeping a check on their exam dates.
My brother (not writing the name or college's name for privacy) topped in his college and got 50+ LPA package from a well reputed company. His current salary is 4.5 lakhs per month. He is living his dream life. And all because of the hard work and time he putted in his studies (and yeah surprisingly not because of his luck.)
The whole purpose of this rant was to make y'all aware that unless you aren't working hard you shouldn't yapp about not having a dream job or dream life you kept dreaming of. Thanks. Have a happy and healthy life. And start studying MFs <3
submitted by khushi-saini to unitedstatesofindia [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:41 GreatMaxNaOre [Spoilers?] All dub names from the credits, team themes and RAIMON + HOKUYOU BENCH

Good evening to y'all.
So a few hours ago I commented on a post that was reflecting about the great number of credited voice actors with the full list of the dubbed names for the eleven starting players for both Raimon and Hokuyou Gakuen. But since then I noticed two thing about that list that I believe to be interesting enough to be on its own post.
Every team in Inazuma Eleven follows an aesthetic theme no matter how loose or obvious it is, from something as obvious such as Zeus (greek mythology) or Big Waves (aussie surfers) to some less obvious teams such as Kidokawa Seishuu (mid to upper-class junior college with strong sporting culture) or The Empire (a team from Captain Tsubasa and just how argentinian footballers looked in the 90s and early 2000s, also their names).
The themes of both Raimon and Hokuyou are pretty evident looking at their names. I don't believe this gives us any hint on how their hissatsu or narrative will be but there's a common pattern. I am also going purely by dubbed names, because for me it takes too much time looking at every japanese name.
This list was already posted once by me, as I said, so sorry for the spam. But here it is:
Raimon Eleven Dubbed Names:
  1. Dantouya Kanata - Zander Warmington (warm tones)
  2. Shigure Yuusuke - Viorain Maleby (violet)
  3. Tenguuji Rei - Clement Mariner (clematis, lemon yellow, marine blue)
  4. Toono Zenya - Boone Wretman (no idea lmfao)
  5. Akasode Matsuri - Jazmine Carmine (jasmine and carmine, this one cannot get more obvious)
  6. Kido Satoru - Colton Sharps (coltsfoot)
  7. Arashi Daisuke - Maddock Johnson (earthworms?)
  8. Hoshimura Nao - Eleanor Estella (no idea at first glance? googling brings up a star shaped flower from LOTR. cool reference if true.)
  9. Tsukikage Ren - Darian Moonward (moonwort and maybe clarian flowers?)
  10. Endou Haru - Harper Evans (I don't really think his name is really a coloubotany reference at all I think they just went with the "H" thing but there's harper's beauty)
  11. Nogami Yuu - Talon Lewis (lewis monkeyflower)
As y'all can see there is a clear pattern of their names having references to both COLOURS and BOTANY. I'm also not implying that the Raimon hissatsu will be flower themed or sum' but it makes a lot of sense coming from this Raimon, especially, taking a look on how over-the-top colourful their designs are and how they first stood out to everyone when people found out about them in the first time.
But what's very interesting about this is the following:
So let me put y'all in game. In the credits the names are grouped together in a very particular way. The are loosely sorted by order of apperance but you can see that the names that were present and SPEAKING in the same cutscene appear next to one another. 1) there's the main cast; 2) then the people from the Raimon vs Hokuyou cutscene; 3) the three more relevant adults from the first chapter that appeared in different cutscenes; 4) then the baseball club cutscene dudes; 5) the rest of the Raimon team; 6) ??????????; 7) the rest of the Hokuyou team and 8) ?????????????
What were those spoiler tagged groups? We don't know for sure. But they're both composed of FIVE names that follow the thematic sense of the previous group. Five as always been the size of a bench in Inazuma Eleven and following the thematic names thing. I believe they are the bench players of both Raimon and Hokuyou, because they cannot be anyone else anyways.
In Raimon they are: Mama Sigdale (sidalcea), Nino Gamberini (idk lol), Kaeo Springfield (cannot get more flowery than this), Milan McGrath (grafting horticulary technique, shoutouts to both my nan and my boy Josefumi Kujou) and Hortensia Raintree (hortensia is a synonym of hydrangea and also their name in español and portuguese).
I would go instantly to Hokuyou Gakuen's possible bench but I'mma go for the main team first to say what I believe to be their pattern of thematic names:
  1. Jinnai Gohei - Milo Rankin
  2. Yagura Takajin - Peake Fletcher (a fletcher is an arrow vendor)
  3. Jouhekidou Sanpei - Sentry Scarborough (sentry guard)
  4. Yarisaki Yuuji - Autry Rogers (auditor, medieval occupation related to accounting)
  5. Tonda Mannen - Bohdi Field (field for battlefield or crops field, most likely the former due to the given name)
  6. Hohira Ayumu - Chase Winthrop (calthrop, anti-cavaltry medieval weapon)
  7. Kishibe Towa - Hawky Savard (no idea, sounds like the most british insult ever tho, read it in a heavy north yorkshire or scouse accent for bonus comedy points)
  8. Shinkari Eito - Taliesin Greenhunt (taliesin is the name of a mythical bard, also "to hunt")
  9. Shinano Masashi - Ivan Mercer (a mercer is an textiles seller)
  10. Tomobe Jin - Erdem Barath (also zero clue)
  11. Soramiya Sei - Nikas Himmelstein (himmel is german for sky/heaven)
So yeah. I believe there's a pattern of MEDIEVAL themed names here. Some are very obvious like the Sentry, Mercer and Fletcher names. Again, not claiming anything about their history, how they'll play in the narrative, hissatsu or anything else. The five names next to them are even more obviously medieval themed than these eleven!
They are: Hugh Pronghorn (prong as in pointed parts of a pointy weapon or tool, think about the Three Pronged Attack tactic in the game), Denzel Harvest (it could either go to damsel or harvest, you pick), Everett Shipman (ship), Armin Marshall (could go to marshall for stable keeper, marshall for military commander or martial for military) ,and finally Conley Quiver (a quiver is a container for arrows).
All the other names are of people we already know because they were in the first chapter, but there are a few exceptions and some more info about some characters we already saw:
Verity is the name of Unmei's mother and Howell is the name of Briar's father. By exclusion of parts we can determine that Raimon's coach is named Addison Norris and the manager is named Leia Caperton.
Then there are five names that I can only assume to be the baseball club's? But they could also be the thug's? Maybe a mix of both? I would go with them being the baseball club's on the very basis of simply believing that they will be named in the future, as they will be recruitable characters for the football team and we already saw them in a 5x5 battle in a trailer. The thugs already had their chance of being named but they went by Thug A, Thug B and Thug C. They are:
Maximus Cordray; Eamon Cattrall; Zayn Pinegrove; Kendrick Townsend; and Flynn Duval.
And that's all. I am also totally open to corrections, I am a fallible human being, as is everyone else. Would love to see y'all's input in the names and their themes and inspirations. Also sorry for not digging the japanese names.
Thank you for reading. :))
submitted by GreatMaxNaOre to inazumaeleven [link] [comments]