Unblock friend myspace

Music built to chill

2014.01.13 04:36 urban_uprising Music built to chill

**Chilledout is built to chill.** We enjoy Ambient, Chill Hip-Hop/Jazz Instrumentals, Blues, Deep House, Witch House, Wave, Liquid, Lounge, Lush, World, Downtempo, Drone, New Age, Experimental, Psychedelic, Shoegaze, Trip-hop, Soft Techno, Soundtrack, Orchestral, IDM; music for coding, concentrating, studying, calming, meditation, relaxation; music to help get over a hangover on a Sunday morning; when you are swamped at work and just need some background music; mellow music to blaze to.

2014.05.17 19:33 urban_uprising Music For Sex

**MusicForSex is for some really sexy tracks for ... *reasons*.** Seriously. Go have sex. Now. Or you could always post sexy tracks ... for science! Maybe you like to get down to Rock? Or Hip-hop? Jazz? What gets you in the mood?

2011.12.30 22:40 jason-samfield Follow Me Where following gets followed.

The subreddit /followme is the place to post your online/digital lifestreams and profiles. Why you might ask? So that others (many others) can start following you, subscribing to your lifestreams, and enjoying the content that you have so diligently curated across the Internet.

2024.05.21 18:32 Sufficient-Alarm-574 Signs of controlling behavior I didn’t see until the end

I’m processing a lot of stuff that happened, and I can’t believe I didn’t act upon anything. This sub saved me and I wanted to return the favor. If you find yourself aligning with any of these, PLEASE question your happiness in this relationship.
-he controlled who I spoke to: he tried to convince me that my friends of 20+ years were jealous of me and wanted him, and he also hated my family. he would get into my phone late at night and block people without telling me. he also threatened to leave me if I unblocked them.
-he controlled what I ate: I wasn’t allowed to eat out, as he said that eating at restaurants was unhealthy for me and I could only eat at home with groceries from stores he approved of. If someone invited me out to eat (family members, friends, etc), he told me not to eat anything.
-he controlled how I looked: he told me I couldn’t wear tight clothes because it was bad for my health, and he also told me I couldn’t wear makeup because I didn’t need it and it would damage my skin. he wouldn’t allow me to buy certain products for my curly hair because it could give me cancer. even though it was proven he couldn’t. same with lotions and perfumes.
-he controlled what I said: I wasn’t allowed to say “yeah” to him, as it was too masculine. I could only say yes. I also couldn’t cuss even though I’m a 27 year old woman. But he could do those things. he also tried to “fix” the way I said thank you, as he said it was too nice.
-he controlled my activities: I couldn’t go anywhere without him, even to family events or work events. I got invited to an Astros game by my company and he was upset they didn’t offer him a ticket. And he said I couldn’t go without him. He also told me I couldn’t watch television or commercials because they would brainwash me to be a sheep. He didn’t allow me to listen to my favorite artists because he said I would be influenced to join the Illuminati.
-he controlled my movements: he constantly said I would do the most mundane actions wrong. I peeled shrimp wrong, so he had to “teach” me how to do it right so I didn’t look stupid. I didn’t open or close doors right, so he would make me open and close doors until I got it right. I would slouch when I got tired and he would physically move me to stand up, even in public.
Please don’t mute yourself for someone else.
submitted by Sufficient-Alarm-574 to BPDlovedones [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:28 Upset_Bet_7855 WW Unblocked AP After 3 Days.

I have been meaning to post her for a bit but have been doing a lot of reading. My (M34) wife (F33) of 4.5 years and together in total about 9 years with a 3 year old son, had an ~15 month long affair with a coworker. He lives on the other side of the country so it was EA with a lot of sexuality that turned into full blown PA at a 3 day work retreat.
I found out because he was fired from his job for unrelated issues, when reviewing his logs, they found explicit conversations with my wife. She was able to keep her job but someone involved with her HR department or someone she told sent me an anonymous email. She played dumb at first and said she had no idea what they were talking about. That night, I checked her text and didn't see much but noticed the text chain with her best friend was gone. I found it in the recently deleted. It was clear of the EA at that point. She finally admitted only with the proof but insisted it was only EA. I found a lot more proof that night that more had happened and the next day (also my birthday) she finally admitted that it was a full PA and gave a basic timeline of events. This all went down about 7 weeks ago, in late March.
We both had underlying issues that put our relationship in a state where she felt the desire to have an affair. But she has taken taken responsibility for it being 100% on her.
They used WhatApp to text and exchange photos but set it to delete after 24 hours so that is all gone. Some of the things I saw in the emails/text from when we were out of country and she had to use email. Including lots of I love you, describing the acts, talking about the marks he left, how he owned her, and how they couldn't wait to be together. We were looking into moving during the affair and she was pushing hard to move to the are where he lived. She texted her BFF how should could then divorce me when I was out there so our son would be stuck out there.
She still has a ton of 'mental blocks' regarding the whole affair and cannot give me many answers that seem like she should know. Both of us are in IC and just started MC.
She told me that if he reached out, she would let me know right away. A few weeks ago, he reached out to her saying that he needed to talk via a new phone number. She told me after a few hours and she contemplated responding but did not. She did not block him. A week later he sent a follow up text blaming her for ruining his life and putting the affair on her. He is also married with 2 kids and I told OBS within a few hours of finding out.
She let me know about this second text after about 7 hours because the time was just not right and she was busy being out to dinner with her girlfriends. I asked if she would block him now and she said she would. I did not see if she did it right then or now. A few days later, on last Tuesday, I asked if he was blocked and she said no, she forgot to do it and went to do it then. A day later, I took her phone and deleted the text because he listed other ways to contact him and I didn't want to have that. She noticed that the text was gone and had issue with it, and it in part started a fight.
Fast-forward to last night, I check to see if he was still blocked and he was not. She admitted to unblocking him on Friday. By her words, she was mad that I deleted the text, it reminder her that he was garbage. She was hoping that when she unblocked him, she could get it back or that he sent another one like that to remind her. She then realized that's not how it work. At that point, since the text were gone, and she removed the block, she did have his phone number and could not reblock him. She never told me about any of this. I have no idea if she had reached out to him in the mean time and no way to know if they set up another way to communicate.
She is making an argument that she never made a promise to keep him blocked and that it was just a moment of weakness..
I did get very upset and said some nasty things. I have done a very good job not doing that until this point. She also lost her control as well and got very aggressive in response to my anger.
For the most part in our R she has been putting in the work. Some days are better than other but we have both improved in our communication but still have a long way to go. We do both have lapse in our communication that have led to arguments 1-2 per week.
What I am looking for here is any input. Is R still viable? Is she creating a pattern of behaviors that she won't be able to break? Anything that you guys may see that I am missing. I have it marked as advice welcomed, I would like to hear from anyone who wants to share.
Thank you.
submitted by Upset_Bet_7855 to AsOneAfterInfidelity [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:07 littlelessgoodhere AIO: bf posts dark shit online and then ghosts

Hi everyone. I'm incredibly stressed and peeved about this repeat behavior, and before I talk to my bf, I need to know if I'm justified in feeling the way I do or not.
Some quick backstory: my bf has struggled with suicidal ideation most of his life. He's also had a really hard couple of years- financial troubles, divorce, losing most of his friends in said divorce, and struggling with a BPD diagnosis. He got low enough that about 6 months ago, he made an attempt on his life. He tried overdosing, and was hospitalized for it. I actually called him at the time because he was texting weird and I got worried, and his speech was so slurred, and I heard him throw up. It's haunted me. I also lost my best friend to suicide 2.5 years ago. It's an extremely sensitive topic.
So the thing I'm upset about. My bf and I follow each other on reddit (sidenote: not this one. This is my venting account). He follows me because I post quite a bit, mostly about my pets and tattoos and clothes. I really only followed him back for shits and gigs- he didn't post anything, ever. Well a few months back, he unexpectedly starting using his account as a sort of journal, just making posts about his mental health. I saw one of these posts, it was rambling and dark and depressing, talked a lot of death. I called him immediately, and after initial confusion, he basically said, "oh, I was just feeling low last night, it's nothing serious, just wanted to get it off my chest." I accepted that.
Flash forward a month, I see another of these dark posts. And I was trying to stay calm; afterall, last time he said it was just journaling. So I texted him. And then again. And again. Then I called him. And I kept calling him. I don't remember how long it took, but I was on the verge of a panic attack and calling in a welfare check when he finally called me back. He'd fallen asleep. I told him how fucking scary that was and that I didn't want to see his reddit anymore, and to please block me. I asked that he block me so that in moments of nervousness/morbid curiosity, I wouldn't go unblocking and looking for him. Now that I know his account, it's really hard when he seems low to not go check. I always get this awful thought in my mind of, "what if he made another post, said goodbye, and actually did it, and I could've intervened if I'd just seen the post?" He's insisted that's not going to happen, that the posts are actually his way of fighting the urge. I just can't handle the stress. So I ended up blocking him.
A few days later, he asked me to unblock him because he wanted me to see a post he'd made. I was hesitant, but I did. It was a post just to his account, a gentle reminder to himself that his life is improving all the time, that he loves me and I him, and that he needs to stop scaring me. It was very sweet and I appreciated it.
Then last night. Another dark, rambling post about suicide. This one I didn't ignore. I again texted him. Waited 20 minutes and texted him again. Rinse and repeat... over the course of 3 hours, I texted him 7 or 8 times. He never even read the texts. I started to panic again, tried to stay calm, but I couldn't breathe or slow my heart rate, I felt nauseous. I tried calling him, over and over. Nothing. Once again, I was on the verge of calling in a welfare check. Finally, 3.5 hours after that post, he calls me back. He'd fallen asleep again.
I'm not upset that he uses his reddit to vent. We all need an outlet, and that's what this account is to me. I've even suggested he get a second, private account, which he has for some reason ignored. I'm upset that he has for some godforsaken reason refused to block me, insists on being open with our reddit accounts, but has twice now completely ghosted after making really alarming posts, knowing how his attempt scared me, and knowing that I've already lost someone I loved. Am I being dramatic? Selfish? Unfair? Or is this something that he's not taking seriously enough, and I am right to have a serious conversation with him?
submitted by littlelessgoodhere to AmIOverreacting [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:40 Conscious_Carpet5234 what do i F21 do about my M25 boyfriend?

I 21F am dating my coworker and best friend M25 and i don’t know how to break it off.
So back in fall of last year i broke up with my long term 4 yr boyfriend (M21)and since then i feel like my life’s been falling apart. he was really the only boyfriend i’ve had longer than a month or so, so we kinda went through all of highschool and our young adult life together. he was my person, i had no doubt i was going to spend my life with him and never really imagined what i would do if we broke up. i just knew we had resentment in the relationship from past stuff he did and i wanted a break to heal from it so i didn’t just take it out on him. in that time at the beginning i had people in my life i thought we’re helping me do that the right way, but if anything all of them just led me away from him and i made rlly poor decisions. i know i’m a bit blind to what he’s done and i have good people in my life now that show me that but i feel like everyone makes mistakes and i did too. i feel bad cause i said some hurtful things when i found out some stuff and everyday i wish i could tell him i’m sorry for it. i know i shouldnt feel the longing i feel for him while i’m in a relationship but my current boyfriend was one of the people i had in the beginning. the people i thought knew best cause they had life experience. although he was always by my side and held me through my hurt, i told him i wanted nothing like that with him and i was still healing. eventually i had to move out of my ex’s and i’s house and one of those friends at the time wanted to move out aswell. we roomed after my lease ended and pretty immediately this guy i’ve never met in the ten years i’ve known her starts living there. not just visiting all the time or sleeping there, living. mind you this home was 90% furnished with my stuff cause she wasn’t moved out on her own for the past few years like i had. he home while she’s not, constantly showering, cooking with my food and dishes, and i’m an open book i love sharing my home and life plus he was nice to her so i didn’t really care. but after the bills shot up a combined 200+ since the month before he wasn’t living there i asked if he couldn’t maybe clean and pay maybe 2-300 w month. she wasn’t happy with that and it caused some other fights, her threading me, putting photos of my neck slashed on the walls. i eventually had to get her mom involved cause she would block and unblock me to send nasty texts and we agreed she needed to live back home since she couldn’t qualify on her own anyways. i had to get another roommate and take over and atp my now boyfriend insisted. now i’m in a lease living with him.
i know it sounds horrible but i don’t know what to do. he’s great to live with and him helping me around the house has been such a huge stress reliever. but it doesn’t make my feelings just go away. everytime i would mention how i don’t feel comfortable being in a relationship he would say “it’s ok i understand” then invited me to his grandparents. i would say i need more time but then he would ask why he wasn’t enough. after a while everyone kept shitting on him for moving in with me while not being in a relationship. it wasn’t him ever “not being enough” it was me just not over my ex. and i keep trying to tell him that. little by little i tell him im unhappy, im miserable, i don’t want to live in this house. but every time he says we will get though it together and i just need more time. but i’ve been feeling like this for months. i have no one to really talk to about it and i’ve just been trying to wait it out, for it to get better, but it’s not.
so i I know what i need to do and what i want to do i just don’t know how. there’s so many thoughts and possibilities going on in my head. if i break up with him we work together so i see him everyday, we live together so i’ll either have to have him live in the other room or move out, but i don’t have the money to live by myself so i can’t even afford for him to move out. oh and he also doesn’t drive so i don’t know how he would afford all the ubers home, and i would most likely just take him to and from like i’ve been doing out of empathy. and what if he moves out and we are still working together? how would he ever get another job if he doesn’t have a car? i also just feel really bad. i think about how to let him down easy so he can be ok with it but there’s just no way. i know why people in movies act like jerks before so the other person isn’t so hurt but i know from experience that doesn’t work. he’s a great guy and rlly sweet i just didn’t want this.
i feel trapped. i don’t know what to do
submitted by Conscious_Carpet5234 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:15 bigbigeee Alarum (ALAR) Provides Q1 2024 Results

TEL AVIV, Israel, May 21, 2024 — Alarum Technologies Ltd. (Nasdaq, TASE: ALAR) (“Alarum” or the “Company”), a global provider of internet access and web data collection solutions, today announced financial results for the three-month period ended March 31, 2024.
“I am thrilled to report another record quarter, marking continued growth and profitability for our company,” said Mr. Shachar Daniel, Chief Executive Officer of Alarum. “As market leaders, our dedication to innovation has never been stronger. This quarter, we introduced the ‘Website Unblocker,’ a product that has not only received positive feedback, but has also attracted new customers. We also launched our revolutionary ‘AI Data Collector’ product line, which features a user-friendly, no-code interface, that allows users to set up data collection in just minutes. We believe this will be a game-changer in the web data collection industry.
We remain agile, continuously planning for the future and advancing our roadmap with potential solutions for data analysis and insights. Our sustained growth, profitability, customer retention, and the successful introduction of innovative products, are propelling us towards the next milestones and achievements of our company.”
“Today we announced another record-setting quarter, highlighting our sustained growth and increasing profitability, which impacts all our financial Key Performance Indicators (KPIs),” said Mr. Shai Avnit, Chief Executive Officer of Alarum. “Our IFRS basic earnings per share (EPS) increased to $0.23 per American Depository Share (ADS), while our non-IFRS basic EPS rose to $0.45 per ADS. Our IFRS net profit was $1.4 million, And our non-IFRS net profit climbed to $2.8 million. The gap between the two, is primarily due to expenses resulting from the fair value increase of derivative financial instruments (warrants issued in 2019-2020) following an increase in our Company’s share price. Our Adjusted EBITDA soared to an impressive $3.2 million – up significantly from just $0.1 million a year ago. We are thrilled to report that NetNut’s upward trajectory continues robustly, with revenues reaching an all-time high, having surged by 139%. This growth is driven by the acquisition of new customers and a strong customer retention rate (NRR), which now stands at 1.66. This demonstrates our success in not only retaining, but also significantly expanding our engagements with existing customers.”
First Quarter Fiscal 2024 Financial Highlights:
Revenues for the first quarter of 2024 reached a Company record high of $8.4 million, an increase of 47% compared to the first quarter of 2023;
Gross margin for the first quarter of 2024 increased to 78%, compared to 66% in the first quarter of 2023;
IFRS net profit reached $1.4 million in the first quarter of 2024, compared to an IFRS net loss of $0.7 million in the first quarter of 2023;
Non-IFRS net profit increased to $2.8 million; Finance expenses in the amount of $0.8 million, due to expenses mainly from the fair value increase of derivative financial instruments (warrants issued in 2019-2020) resulting from the increase in the Company’s share price, are excluded from the non-IFRS net profit calculation. This compared to non-IFRS net loss of $0.1 million in the first quarter of 2023;
IFRS basic profit per American Depository Share – “ADS” was $0.23 ($0.02 basic profit per ordinary share), and non-IFRS basic profit per ADS was $0.45 ($0.03 basic profit per ordinary share);
Adjusted EBITDA for the first quarter of 2024 continued to grow, reaching a Company record of $3.2 million, compared to $0.1 million in the first quarter of 2023;
NetNut’s revenues for the first quarter of 2024 totaled $8.1 million, reflecting growth of 139% year-over-year, compared to $3.4 million for the first quarter of 2023; and
Net Retention Rate (“NRR”)1 climbed to 1.66 in the first quarter of 2024.
Recent Business Developments:
The Company launched an innovative artificial intelligence (“AI”) web data collection product line. This cutting-edge product line represents a significant leap forward in web data collection technology, addressing the challenges of time-intensive collector creation and maintenance that have long plagued businesses across industries;
The Company introduced its new and innovative Website Unblocker, designed to allow automated web data collection tools access to public facing web data without being tagged by anti-bot and bot-management solutions;
The Company announced exciting events lineup, including CEO Spotlight on a leading technology podcast with Dinis Guarda and hosted a webinar: Revolutionizing Data Insights with NetNut’s Website Unblocker; and
NetNut appointed Mr. Yorai Fainmesser as Strategic Advisory Board Member. As a general partner of a leading AI venture capital firm, Disruptive AI, and the former (Colonel Ret.) Head of the AI and Data Science intelligence unit 8200 in the IDF (Israel Defence Forces), Mr. Fainmesser brings unparalleled expertise in AI strategy and cyber technology.
Financial Results for the first quarter of 2024:
Revenues amounted to $8.4 million (Q1.2023: $5.7 million). The increase is attributed to the organic growth in the enterprise internet access and web data collection business revenues, despite a reduction in the consumer internet access business revenues.
Cost of revenues totaled $1.8 million (Q1.2023: $1.9 million). The reduction stems mainly from the Company’s CyberKick division’s traffic acquisition costs stoppage in July 2023 and clearing fees decrease, due to the Company’s updated scale down strategy for its CyberKick operations. The reduction was partially offset by an increase in enterprise internet access and web data collection business costs of addresses and networks and servers used for the generation of the additional enterprise internet access and web data collection business revenues.
Research and development expenses totaled $1.0 million (Q1.2023: $1.1 million). Reduced expenses in the consumer internet access business due to the operations scale down of CyberKick were partially offset by an increase in payroll and related expenses in the enterprise internet access and web data collection business.
Sales and marketing expenses totaled $1.7 million (Q1.2023: $2.2 million). The decrease resulted mainly from the stoppage of media acquisition costs in July 2023 due to CyberKick’s operations scale down strategy. This reduction was partially offset by higher payroll and related expenses in the enterprise internet access and web data collection business.
General and administrative expenses totaled $1.2 million (Q1.2023: $1.0 million). The increase is mainly due to higher payroll and related expenses and professional fees costs related to the enterprise internet access and web data collection business, partially offset by lower payroll and related expenses as a result of CyberKick’s operations scale down strategy.
Finance expenses reached $0.8 million (Q1.2023: $0.2 million). The increase is mainly from expenses resulting from the fair value increase of derivative financial instruments (warrants issued in 2019-2020) due to the increase in the Company’s share price. The increase was partially offset by interest income that stemmed from the Company’s increased cash equivalents.
Income tax expenses totaled $0.3 million (Q1.2023: tax benefit of $0.004 million). The switch to income tax expenses is due to the first-time profitably of NetNut for tax purposes.
As a result, IFRS net profit reached $1.4 million, or $0.02 basic profit per ordinary share ($0.23 basic profit per American Depository Share – “ADS”), compared to IFRS net loss of $0.7 million in the first quarter of 2023, or $0.02 basic loss per ordinary share ($0.21 basic loss per ADS).
Non-IFRS net profit was $2.8 million, or $0.04 basic profit per ordinary share ($0.45 basic profit per ADS), compared to non-IFRS net loss of $0.1 million in the first quarter of 2023, or $0.00 basic loss per ordinary share ($0.03 basic loss per ADS).
Adjusted EBITDA was $3.2 million (Q1.2023: Adjusted EBITDA of $0.1 million).
Balance Sheet Highlights:
As of March 31, 2024, shareholders’ equity totaled $17.1 million, or approximately $2.66 per ADS, compared to shareholders’ equity of $13.2 million as of December 31, 2023. The increase stems from the 2024 first quarter net profit as well as warrants and options exercises.
Outstanding ordinary share count as of March 31, 2024 was 64.1 million, or 6.4 million in ADSs.
As of March 31, 2024, the Company’s cash and cash equivalents balance totaled $15.1 million, compared to $10.9 million as of December 31, 2023.
submitted by bigbigeee to pennystocks [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:01 y-meee Haunted Housr and Memorial?

I've had this dream three times now, all in a different version. It's very vivid and feels extremely real, so real that I asked my friends if they knew anything about it.
The settings of the dreams are the same: it's an old. most likely haunted Colonial-style house somewhere in Birmingham, Al (that was mentioned in my dream) with a large yard surrounded by tall trees. Nothing notable happened in the house, in fact I remember sleeping in it in the dream.
In the backyard of the house, there are two notable structures. The first is a large, dark hole in the ground, coated with cement. In the first and second dream, it was unblocked, but there were signs posted saying "DO NOT ENTER" and the sound of little boys laughing. It's some kind of mine or tunnel, and I remember seeing a ghost in my second dream and a living boy swinging from the entrance in my third.
The second structure is a big concrete room and inside is a WWII naval mine with a face and color. On the side of the room was a chart describing all the faces and colors of the mine and what they meant, like yellow for charge or something like that. There is a hole in the other side of the wall connecting to the first tunnel and more signs above it saying "DO NOT ENTER." In my second dream, I went to this "monument" with two of my friends, but one of my friends stayed behind. She said her parents (who apparently knew about the mine. so I guess this is common knowledge) said she could not go into the room because it was also haunted.
In my third dream, the naval mine was moved from that concrete room into a newly constructed brick shack that had more "official" signs around it. Apparently, the mine had been deemed harmless and there was a small museum further underground for it. This felt more like a video game, as now you could look at all the different faces and colors of the mine. When I say "face," I mean this mine had a woman's face arranged to each color.
So. problem solved? But I'm having a lot of trouble interpreting what it is. My friends and I are still in good standing, I've never visited this house, but I'm sure Birmingham, AL is haunted. Interpretation is welcome.
submitted by y-meee to DreamInterpretation [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:35 Intelligent-Log-8901 Started talking again

So me and my ex sort of started talking again?
After a period of no contact he unblocked me and started watching my stories, he let me follow his account but mine was public so he didn’t follow me
I reached out and asked if he’d ever want to be friends/start talking again, he said he is happy to be friends, after this we had a brief conversation, asked how each other were etc, then that was it
He still kept checking my account so 2 days later I decided to put my instagram on private because I didn’t like how he could have access to my account but didn’t want to follow me, I thought it was weird
A day later he requested to follow me and immediately messaged me asking me how I was, what I was doing etc, and we messaged more than the last time
It’s now been 2 days and neither of us have messaged each other, obviously I want to talk to him but don’t want to come across as pushy
I don’t know what to think, if he was checking my stories and my account and initiated contact without me doing so then surely he is still thinking about me? But he doesn’t continue conversation for too long. I would want to have a relationship with him again but it’s so hard to know if he thinks the same, how can I show him over text without being forward or needy that it’s something I want? How can I make him remember via text why we were together in the first place?
submitted by Intelligent-Log-8901 to ExNoContact [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:31 dee_dubs_ya Awkward exchange of pics with friend of a friend

A couple of months ago a guy messaged me on "the app" (let's call him Jim) and was looking for fun and suggested we exchange photos. I figured his face would be in his photos (mine was but not on my profile) but his just had pictures of a sex room and toys. He said he recognised me via a mutual friend and is someone that I have never met - I think my friend must have showed Jim my face photo.
I just made a comment about the situation was awkward, let Jim know I was going to block him so that he no longer had access to my photos. I then unblocked him in case he wanted to discuss more.
We haven't been in contact since - I wouldn't know how to get a hold of him anyways. But there have been a couple of times now where my friend has mentioned doing something with Jim and him.
Now, my friend is no saint - but not sure if this would upset him, particularly not telling him about it as opposed to the actual exchange of photos. But this happened around December time and I just haven't thought that it was something to raise straight away until Jim's name has started to come up in our conversations.
I am starting to feel by not disclosing that I am not being truthful. And, in hindsight, a bit angered that Jim has seen my dick and everything and all I have seen are some of his kink toys, so not exactly on equal footing here on who has seen what.
In this case, would you mention it to your friend? Would you wait until Jim's name came up or just have a special conversation about it? (or not mention at all)
EDIT: I have never hooked up with my friend but we do discuss hook-ups.
submitted by dee_dubs_ya to AskGaybrosOver30 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:18 Hot-Needleworker1188 Avoidant ex break up

We broke up 1 month ago. I still wanted her and tried to reach out to make things work out and poured my heart out. It really was a beautiful ending. We then agreed to calling each other one day after to talk but not relationship wise. I tried it but I kept talking about our relationship and after she said she doesn't want it anymore I said I'm gonna block her. I hurt her by blocking her and unblocking her one day after because she reached out with a fake profile on instagram to say that if I would love her I wouldn't hurt her so bad. I unblocked her and we agreed to stay friends. I again didn't respect her boundaries and decision by talking about our relationship and how much I want to fix it. She then didn't want to be in contact in general with me. We moved in no contact and about 3 weeks later she removed me from social media. I then asked her if she did it and she said she did I respected her decision. But I asked her if I can send her one last message she was very angry at me but agreed. In the meantime I really worked on myself and reflected me and the way I was in the relationship. She was angry at me the whole time after we broke up. 1 month after the break up I send her my last message. I send her a really ong message with a big apology the way I treated her after the break up but also in the relationship. Because I often controlled her and we argued often because of these things. Like the way she dresses, the way she posts or writes with friends and so on. But it wasn't only a apology I said I really wanted to fix things, improve myself and love her unconditionally. She said she was happy to read it and was happy that I finally understood her. But she said she couldn't hold my hands anymore and I will find my luck even tho it's not her. She also wrote that this message kinda healed and washed her heart. I said the relationship I want now doesn't have up and downs but just ups. She answered by saying she trusts me that there wouldn't be downs but changes need time. She also wrote that when she thinks back to the relationship she gets a bad feeling. This wasn't a long relationship it lasted 4 months. She has the avoidant attachment style which is important when talking about all this here .
Did I push her away with that message even tho I tried my best and worked on myself ? Is she healed and moving on ? Is there any chance in future we can make this work out ? She also reposted a video saying "If she doesn't replace you with a men but peace it's over"
I'm gonna move on and improve myself but I just want to know if this relationship is ever gonna come back.
I know most of you guys maybe will tell me to forget her but I just want answers on my questions.
submitted by Hot-Needleworker1188 to BreakUp [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 09:42 Tempest2001 I cant move on from my ex

So 3 weeks ago I(22M) broke up with my current ex(20F). We had a 2 month relationship. To be honest, for the 2 weeks before the breakup she started telling me that she doesn’t feel being loved anymore. I tried my best for the 2 weeks to treat her as good as I could but she was not as involved as before. So the night before the breakup we had an argument but decided to give our relationship another try. I didn’t sleep the entire night. What she wanted was princess treatment. And i wasn’t sure i would be able to give it to her. I was scared that maybe we will end up in the same situation again. So i told her next morning let us break up. She was mad at my sudden change of behaviour. Then i tried to move on and told her so. I removed her from my insta. But soon i realised that i made a mistake. I was in dilemma then, what should i do. I msg her at whatsapp and then we after talking a while we decided to be friends. After the next few days i realised that i had still been treating her like her bf and she was just getting more detached. But she still wanted me to treat her the same. Now i decided to convince her again to get back together. To be precise, i begged her. But she seemed so detached. I didn’t know what to do. I was missing her so badly. Next day i thought of giving another try. Suddenly my msg stopped going through. So i thought i had been blocked. I got furious. I wasn’t emotionally stable. I said some things to her that i shouldn’t have on insta and blocked. Then cried for hours. later that day i felt horrible abt what i had done. So i unblocked her and sent an apology later that day. And said we should do no contact. The next week was hard for me. I had the withdrawal from the breakup plus the regret of not treating her right. So again i contacted her twice in that week asking her for apology. Finally she blocked me. This was last week. I am still not able to move on. I still am thinking abt it most of the time. I don’t know what i am supposed to do. Sorry for my bad English.
submitted by Tempest2001 to BreakUps [link] [comments]


I 25 F had a best friend 25 F who I have known for 10+ years. We met super young and just had a bond. For some background my ex friend who I'll call B is chronically online. They revolve their whole life around the internet and the people they meet. I didn't have a problem with this until recently. B is transgender FtM and has dozens of Facebook accounts where they tend to post soft core 🌽 of themselves. Awhile back they made a post asking people who wanted to be hidden from their content. I told them I had their accounts unfollowed due to issues with Facebooks notifications not turning off for me. I'd like to mention I have every single person on my account unfollowed for this same reason. Family, friends, pages etc. A few people said my response was rude and hateful. I explained why I said what I said but it still wasn't enough. A few hours later my comment was removed. Several days go by and I noticed while looking for Bs account to message them that I couldn't find it nor could I locate about 22 other individuals. I panicked and checked my block list and saw all 23 people had been randomly blocked. While in the middle of unblocking people my account suddenly signed out. I begin freaking out and tried to contact B another way but I was removed on everything. Upon looking at my email I found that my FB had been reported 176 times. I contacted support and they provided me what had been reported and why. When I asked why had people been blocked Fb support claimed it was similar to when I report someone and can block them but the opposite as well as something they took into their hands until they could investigate the claims made against me. I tried contacting Bs family and tried to explain to them what had happened but they didn't seem to care.
Several weeks go by and I still haven't gotten my account back but I started getting messages from people I didn't know claiming to be friends with B. These messages ranged from threats of doxing, calling CPS, getting my partner involved, and most recently to off myself. I was called transphobic for not wanting to support Bs *orn stuff. The list goes on. I kept ignoring and blocking people but it's just gotten the point I can't anymore. I don't wanna believe B knows this is happening but any attempt to reach them is ignored or met with hostility from others. My only opinion is to reach out to Bs parents again and explain to them what's been going on so that maybe B will contact me and I can stop all of this. So WIBTA?
submitted by throwaway_200145 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 09:22 EvenContact1220 What am I doing wrong ? - trying to get old Myspace photos

So this is my first attempt to trying to actually get these photos back, and I would appreciate any help I can get in understanding what I'm doing wrong. I've content creators use this, in order to get their Myspace photos back. They were even able to get some of their Myspace bulletins. I remember my url, and it's definitely the correct url. Since when I type it in, my page pops up, but all the pictures are gone. Since my face did that thing where they cleared all the photos.
The reason I want to have these photos back, is because my best friend from middle school and high school passed away on May 1st. I want to get these photos for her parents, as I know they don't have them. I have some really good ones that I took, when we were really into photography around 2008-2010. The last time I remember logging into my myspace, was around 2010-2011. The photos were still there at that time. So I would assume that they're somewhere in the ether. I'm just not doing it correctly. Any help would be greatly appreciated, as honestly her death really has rocked me. It would help with the grieving process to have these photos.
submitted by EvenContact1220 to WaybackMachine [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 09:15 lilstinkyflower old friends want to get back in contact, i dont. what do i do?

i was part of a friend group in highscool that i no longer want to associate with but they keep trying to contact me. once the pandemic happened, i pretty much stopped going to in-person school altogether and didnt hang out with them that much. to make a long story short, over the years they got in to tons of trouble fighting people and getting warrents, etc. im not cool with that. yeah i had fun joking around with them but they were never actually violent around me, and now seeing that, i just dont want to be around them at all. not to mention, some of these people in the group were pretty mean to me. one would make fun of my body shape and told me to my face that none of our other friends care about my current relationship. and another in the group that i felt very close to started trying to argue with me via text about something i wasnt even involved in so instead of arguing with them i blocked them. this was all years ago and now theyre trying to get in contact with me again and they want me to unblock that one person. its giving me some much anxiety because even though i have been pretty much friendless over these years, my life has been VERY peaceful. and im not ready to bring in these types of friendships. i dont want to let myself get pushed around again and i really dont think these people have changed. im scared to just block all of them because they know where i live and im so scared they would like confront me or something (this is probably paranoia, but knowing the things they have done to people and the way they act, i wouldnt put it past them fr.) also i want to include these people pushed me around the entire time i was friends with them. we have good memories, but overall they treated me like garbage and i was never cared about. they dont understand things they put me through and if i even attempted to talk with them about it they would definitely take it as an attack. all i want is peace and this situation is very stressful and i have no clue what the best decision is. any advice on how i can handle this is greatly appreciated.
submitted by lilstinkyflower to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 08:44 EntrepreneurDizzy640 My girlfriend 22F broke up with me 22M and she and I still see each other. What should I do?

Me 22M and my girlfriend or ex girlfriend 22F we together for 6 months but have been broken up for a month now, but she and I still see each other no matter how many times I try to ignore her. The reason she broke up with me was because she doesn’t believe that I never had a romantic interest or had a relationship with my girl family friend. My family friend and I had photos in my phone of our memories hanging out, nothing weird. I have been asked by her multiple times if I did like her, and I keep saying no. I’ve told her everything about my relationship with my family friend, but she said something like all she needed was honesty and transparency and that I’m not giving that to her. I then showed her my phone and she looked through the past messages I’ve had with a friend of mine who happens to be involved with the situation and my girlfriend then sees a message of my friend asking if I liked my family friend and me saying that I really do like her, but not in a romantic way. I guess that’s what validated her assumption about the situation about me and my family friend. She then said that she’s been lied to by a lot of guys and knows when someone is lying to her, that is when she broke things off with me.
A week or so goes by and she then checks up on me, then later on would start seeing each other again, with no labels. Then whenever I would talk about getting back together and wanting to work things out, she still thinks that I’m a liar and won’t work things out which caused us to take some space from each other again, and then the same thing happens. This time the issue was about the girls on my instagram following. She made me show her my following and then tells me to unblock the girls that I’ve talked to before, which I have ever since I got in to the relationship with her. She then met someone i knew back in high school that I used to talk to, with no relationship interest, then the next day she asks me if I still talk to any of the girls I used to like or talked to and I said no. She then showed me a screenshot of a comment I had on my high school friend’s post from 4 years ago and she thinks I used to talk to her. I then asked her if my friend ever told her that I liked her or pursued her, she said nothing and wanted to end the call because she was upset about it. I kept my distance from her because I said take her time and talk to me whenever she’s ready. She would then reach out to me to see me but never in the talks of working things out, only to just spend time and hangout. Another issue happens again which caused me to take some time from her because I felt like it was becoming a cycle, and also made me want to stop fighting for the relationship to get back to normal, she said that we can’t get back what we had. As much as want to keep fighting for the relationship, I just felt like I wasn’t being heard and felt like every question she asks me, she wants to hear something right, right that validated her assumptions.
I tried to keep my distance from her by spending more time with my friends because I was really hurt from the situation when she broke up with me and felt like I was in an emotional roller coaster. I know everybody makes mistakes but to her, everything I do seems to be bad… But then few days later she would check up on me again, then spend time with each other, cuddling and everything, like everything was ok. But now I just feel like it’s gonna be the same thing again and I don’t know what to do about it.
She’s been cheated on in the past and have told me before that she had some jealousy from her past relationship and also told me that she was a pretty controlling. I didn’t mind it before because I feel like she might have changed now. But now I feel like everything she has done with her ex has now been projected to me. Earlier times in our relationship, whenever she and I had those issues and would take time apart, she would apologize to me few days after saying that she’s sorry for treating me bad and felt that she should’ve not projected things to me from her past that I had no relations to. And I also find it unfair on why she was focused on my past and not the present, when she was the only person in my life, my only priority.
I tried to have a serious talk about getting back but she said that she’s scared that I might eventually hurt her. Why would she be worried of the worst outcome about what could happen when she and I could be focusing on what we want to happen?
I love this girl and all, but I just don’t know what to do about this. I feel like I’m stuck on a relationship that’s not a relationship. I’ve been looking up a lot these attachment styles and many months ago, she took a quiz and says that she was a fearful avoidant, and I’ve been looking up what a person with narcissist tendencies does, but I don’t want to assume the worst about it because I’m just simply trying to understand where she is at with this type of relationship she and I has. I just really don’t know what to do now at this point and I could use some help because I’ve been sad and angry about the situation I’m in. Thank you for reading this.
What do you think I could do with this situation? What could be the cause of this happening to her and me? Should I let her go?
submitted by EntrepreneurDizzy640 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 07:51 OddOwl9076 Limerence is SO SELFISH

I was hoping I wasn't limerent towards my friend but of course I am. I Definitely am. And he's stringing me along and I am ignoring hints amd just packing on the pressure and obsession. Ugh. I keep blocking and unblocking him, sending fun happy messages then heavy sad ones howww do I stop. I hate this. I know he, and other busy avoidant crushes, remind me of my mom and feel like love when it's just them draining my energy or I should say, them taking the energy that I SO FREELY OFFER & the expect them to like me in exchange for. Even tho nobody asked me to offer that shit. Nobody. I just gave it. Like a manipulative person who has no self esteem. Because he doesn't say im pretty, doesn't respond for days, then when I get so upset I want to go, he says something like, hey you're okay, everything is fine, im just busy with blah blah blah. And peace washes over me. But it never lasts.
submitted by OddOwl9076 to limerence [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 07:50 Inevitable_Age418 I made a mistake

I made a really big mistake and now my friends are mad at me and i feel horrible. I'll start from the beginning. So a little bit ago I was struggling severely with my mental health and still am just not as much as before. I had to drop out off school and now I'm homeschooled. I also cut off all my friends and people from school because i thought that was the best thing I could do at that time. I also was in therapy that wasn't working. Fast forward to now. I'm a people pleaser I guess you could say and that's what started everything. I eventually started talking to my friends again and everything was cool. Until they both called me in our group chat and started arguing with me and calling me a liar. I was hurt but deep down I knew they were right because almost everything they said was true.
They were saying how when one of the speaks to me about the other how I agree with what they say just to avoid conflict and how everytime I say something different depending who I talk to. They also said how I lie and make up stuff that my one friend said. Which I didn't agree with that part but it's wtv. Anyways they were both calling me a liar and saying how I need to be more honest and if I have a problem then to just speak with them about it next time. Which I will admit I do agree with people to please them I'm a push over. But I also kinda feel like they were both attacking me when they both were also talking behind eachothers back but I didn't say that. I also tried apologizing to then and saying sorry for lying to them even though I really never meant to or thought I was. Then my one friend was saying how I never explained what happend when I blocked her and didn't give her an explanation and how I can't just suddenly unblock her and start talking with out giving her an explanation but i told my other friend and not her.
(To clarify my other friend just showed up to my house unannounced so i kinda was forced to say everything by my mom and thats how we made up.)I said I wasn't comfortable with talking about it cause it was a very bad part of my life I wanna forget. But she said I can't just be friends again when it's convenient for me and i apolozged to her again and explained I wasn't comfortable. So after that cause that's all I remember I apologized for the last time about the lieing, people pleasing, and talking behind eachothers backs they were still made and said that's not what we want u to apologize for and just said it's whatever and hung up. Now they arent really talking to me and i feel like it would be awkard to try to hang out when they are both still mad at me. But I don't know what to do or how to fix it. I always avoid my problems and I'm already getting the urge to just block them because I don't know what else to do, but I know that'll be even worse cause there my bestfriends i just hate when we get into fights. Besides saying sorry I don't think there's anyway to fix this. Thank you to whoever read this long. Any advice on how to make up with them or what to do would be nice or any opinions.
submitted by Inevitable_Age418 to PeoplePleasers [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 07:09 TaperingRanger9 8 months later

Well it's 8 months later now. The first 3 or 4 months were really rough. It felt like the world was ending. Then for awhile after I was starting to move on and barely even think about her. About a month ago I was hanging out with a lady friend and a song my ex showed me came on. I started thinking about her again for the first time in awhile. Then a couple hours later I was showing my friend my highlights on instagram. I noticed that all her posts I shared reappeared. She unblocked me out of the blue. I was too scared to check her profile because I didn't know if what I could potentially see would hurt me. I still haven't. But after that I can't stop thinking about her.
Ig a part of me is hoping that she did that to open the door. That maybe she realized the grass isn't greener elsewhere and wants me to contact her. I've waited over a month for her to message or follow me. She never did. The breakup was pretty ugly towards the end. I believe the last things she ever said to me is that I mean nothing to her and she regrets meeting me. But the original reason for the breakup was because she said we both had things to work on and weren't ready for a relationship. However she went on Tinder days after and met some people. She was in another relationship in less than two months. Before that we attempted to rekindle but it didn't work. It really made me feel like she meant what she said about me not meaning anything to her.
But again. Lately I've been missing her a lot and can't stop fantasizing and reminiscing. Is this all just wishful thinking on my part? I feel like I'm just delusional and that she doesn't care. The reason she did that probably wasn't because she missed me. Thoughts?
submitted by TaperingRanger9 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 07:05 Relevant-Heart-8826 Obsessed with a man who is taken

This will be very long get ready.
I am f(21) and during the pandemic I developed this habit of going on Omegle to chat with random strangers. I did this since 2020 up until Omegle shut down. I would put tags related to being a bigger woman, such as bbw, chubby, etc. however one night I decided to just go on with no tags. So in one of the many nights in which I would drink a lot and get stupid drunk and go on Omegle and get purposefully taken advantage of sexually by strange men, I met this one guy who since then I have been utterly OBSESSED with. And I need help forgetting him. He’s this really tall Arab man who is Egyptian. Our first interaction on Omegle was pretty blurry for me and don’t remember much because I was drunk. But I do remember him asking to see my breasts and I did and he came. After that I didn’t really think about him until the next day I get a call from an unknown number. And it was HIM! apparently I gave him my number that night. Then we FaceTimed later that night and I noticed he was calling obviously cuz he was in a very horny mood. Now because i was sober this time, I didn’t really have the confidence so when it came really sexual I hung up and blocked him. I think maybe 2 days later he texted me through his work number. And for some reason this is what had me hooked. Usually when I block people they get the hint. But even though it was so minimal what he did it still felt like to me he went out of his way. And I did find him attractive. He told me to tell him straight up that if I wasn’t interested that he will leave me alone for good. And tbh I became interested so I engaged more with. We became I guess friends with benefits but strictly online cuz he lives 6 hours away from me. We started talking every night then one night he casually mentioned he is ENGAGED. Because I didn’t want to make it seem like a crazy obsessed girl which I am I made it seem like oh okay cool. However I felt guilty, and I felt jealous at the same time. But I had a reality check and this is why I am writing this for advice. It’s gonna be a year in june of me and him talking. At first we used to talk every night. Now he only calls me when he needs to rant about his fiancée or his family back home. It’s like once a week now. And the worst part is that he consumes my thoughts. And I know he doesn’t care about me like that not Even in the slightest. I even gave him 100 bucks when he was on vacation in Egypt because he was running low on money which he never paid back. That was in November we are now in May. He also told me he was going to give me a gift from Egypt never did. Yes I am very stupid for wanting a man that is toxic, a cheater. But I got so use to him and he got so used to me being there every time. I’ve tried blocking him but every time I unblock him cuz I literally have his number memorize. Also, if you couldn’t tell, he’s a narcissist. When I first met him online I was still a virgin then when I lost my virginity I told him about it, and it was a big mistake. He called me all the horrible names and said I wasn’t pure and I was disgusting and that should have lost it to him. Btw he’s 29 years old so there’s a small bit of an age gap but I like older men hence the daddy issues.
How do I stop thinking about him? How do I stop anticipating his calls? How do I stop letting him from dictating my happiness? When he ignores me for a week or 2 weeks or even the whole two months he was in Egypt I begin to be super sad, or irritable. It’s affecting my life. I wish I never met him, how am I so obsess with a guy I have never touched. The only way I can think about solving this issue is by obsessing over someone else preferably someone from the same state.
Please no judgment. Just advice.
submitted by Relevant-Heart-8826 to ToxicRelationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 07:01 Relevant-Heart-8826 Obsessed with a narcissistic married man

This will be very long get ready.
I am f(21) and during the pandemic I developed this habit of going on Omegle to chat with random strangers. I did this since 2020 up until Omegle shut down. I would put tags related to being a bigger woman, such as bbw, chubby, etc. however one night I decided to just go on with no tags. So in one of the many nights in which I would drink a lot and get stupid drunk and go on Omegle and get purposefully taken advantage of sexually by strange men, I met this one guy who since then I have been utterly OBSESSED with. And I need help forgetting him. He’s this really tall Arab man who is Egyptian. Our first interaction on Omegle was pretty blurry for me and don’t remember much because I was drunk. But I do remember him asking to see my breasts and I did and he came. After that I didn’t really think about him until the next day I get a call from an unknown number. And it was HIM! apparently I gave him my number that night. Then we FaceTimed later that night and I noticed he was calling obviously cuz he was in a very horny mood. Now because i was sober this time, I didn’t really have the confidence so when it came really sexual I hung up and blocked him. I think maybe 2 days later he texted me through his work number. And for some reason this is what had me hooked. Usually when I block people they get the hint. But even though it was so minimal what he did it still felt like to me he went out of his way. And I did find him attractive. He told me to tell him straight up that if I wasn’t interested that he will leave me alone for good. And tbh I became interested so I engaged more with. We became I guess friends with benefits but strictly online cuz he lives 6 hours away from me. We started talking every night then one night he casually mentioned he is ENGAGED. Because I didn’t want to make it seem like a crazy obsessed girl which I am I made it seem like oh okay cool. However I felt guilty, and I felt jealous at the same time. But I had a reality check and this is why I am writing this for advice. It’s gonna be a year in june of me and him talking. At first we used to talk every night. Now he only calls me when he needs to rant about his fiancée or his family back home. It’s like once a week now. And the worst part is that he consumes my thoughts. And I know he doesn’t care about me like that not Even in the slightest. I even gave him 100 bucks when he was on vacation in Egypt because he was running low on money which he never paid back. That was in November we are now in May. He also told me he was going to give me a gift from Egypt never did. Yes I am very stupid for wanting a man that is toxic, a cheater. But I got so use to him and he got so used to me being there every time. I’ve tried blocking him but every time I unblock him cuz I literally have his number memorize. Also, if you couldn’t tell, he’s a narcissist. When I first met him online I was still a virgin then when I lost my virginity I told him about it, and it was a big mistake. He called me all the horrible names and said I wasn’t pure and I was disgusting and that should have lost it to him. Btw he’s 29 years old so there’s a small bit of an age gap but I like older men hence the daddy issues.
How do I stop thinking about him? How do I stop anticipating his calls? How do I stop letting him from dictating my happiness? When he ignores me for a week or 2 weeks or even the whole two months he was in Egypt I begin to be super sad, or irritable. It’s affecting my life. I wish I never met him, how am I so obsess with a guy I have never touched. The only way I can think about solving this issue is by obsessing over someone else preferably someone from the same state.
Please no judgment. Just advice.
submitted by Relevant-Heart-8826 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 07:00 Relevant-Heart-8826 I am obsessed with a married man that I never even met in real life.

This will be very long get ready.
I am f(21) and during the pandemic I developed this habit of going on Omegle to chat with random strangers. I did this since 2020 up until Omegle shut down. I would put tags related to being a bigger woman, such as bbw, chubby, etc. however one night I decided to just go on with no tags. So in one of the many nights in which I would drink a lot and get stupid drunk and go on Omegle and get purposefully taken advantage of sexually by strange men, I met this one guy who since then I have been utterly OBSESSED with. And I need help forgetting him. He’s this really tall Arab man who is Egyptian. Our first interaction on Omegle was pretty blurry for me and don’t remember much because I was drunk. But I do remember him asking to see my breasts and I did and he came. After that I didn’t really think about him until the next day I get a call from an unknown number. And it was HIM! apparently I gave him my number that night. Then we FaceTimed later that night and I noticed he was calling obviously cuz he was in a very horny mood. Now because i was sober this time, I didn’t really have the confidence so when it came really sexual I hung up and blocked him. I think maybe 2 days later he texted me through his work number. And for some reason this is what had me hooked. Usually when I block people they get the hint. But even though it was so minimal what he did it still felt like to me he went out of his way. And I did find him attractive. He told me to tell him straight up that if I wasn’t interested that he will leave me alone for good. And tbh I became interested so I engaged more with. We became I guess friends with benefits but strictly online cuz he lives 6 hours away from me. We started talking every night then one night he casually mentioned he is ENGAGED. Because I didn’t want to make it seem like a crazy obsessed girl which I am I made it seem like oh okay cool. However I felt guilty, and I felt jealous at the same time. But I had a reality check and this is why I am writing this for advice. It’s gonna be a year in june of me and him talking. At first we used to talk every night. Now he only calls me when he needs to rant about his fiancée or his family back home. It’s like once a week now. And the worst part is that he consumes my thoughts. And I know he doesn’t care about me like that not Even in the slightest. I even gave him 100 bucks when he was on vacation in Egypt because he was running low on money which he never paid back. That was in November we are now in May. He also told me he was going to give me a gift from Egypt never did. Yes I am very stupid for wanting a man that is toxic, a cheater. But I got so use to him and he got so used to me being there every time. I’ve tried blocking him but every time I unblock him cuz I literally have his number memorize. Also, if you couldn’t tell, he’s a narcissist. When I first met him online I was still a virgin then when I lost my virginity I told him about it, and it was a big mistake. He called me all the horrible names and said I wasn’t pure and I was disgusting and that should have lost it to him. Btw he’s 29 years old so there’s a small bit of an age gap but I like older men hence the daddy issues.
How do I stop thinking about him? How do I stop anticipating his calls? How do I stop letting him from dictating my happiness? When he ignores me for a week or 2 weeks or even the whole two months he was in Egypt I begin to be super sad, or irritable. It’s affecting my life. I wish I never met him, how am I so obsess with a guy I have never touched. The only way I can think about solving this issue is by obsessing over someone else preferably someone from the same state.
Please no judgment. Just advice.
submitted by Relevant-Heart-8826 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 06:44 GlitterEcho 39 [F4M] Australia/Online - Ultimately I just want someone to cook and bake bread for

Don't let the distance deter you, my r4r game is strong!
If you're of a particular age, you will remember the days of MySpace and before, when long lists of 100 questions would circulate with stuff like "Last thing you ate", "Vanilla or chocolate", and "Favourite sound". I am one of the weirdos who LOVED those. Rather than rushing through it, I pondered each question and gave a full and comprehensive response. Those are what seem to have triggered a love for getting to know people, and also sharing with others. I love insights into people's personalities, be it trivial things or the more meaningful.
So, if you'd like to connect, let's start with a little modern reinvention of that game.
  1. If your personality could be felt through a song, what song would it be?
  2. Favourite place to eat in your city? Send me a link to the menu, and/or tell me what you always order.
  3. What is the most important quality that you want to share with someone?
I'm hoping to find
I'd love to meet people around my age (+/- 5 years or so) who enjoy conversation and have significant capacity for it. Preferably single with no kids as that's my life circumstance too which means we will have similar things to talk about. I'm happy to share photos. Humour means a lot to me, and I have a very irreverent and inappropriate sense of humour (Cards Against Humanity style). I am not a particularly sensitive person so am at ease discussing all sorts of topics.
I want to make genuine friends with the means and capability to travel so hopefully one day in the future we can host each other. Reddit chat or message me, but I can also do other platforms if we get along. Be prepared to be open and transparent about where you live and where you're from. If we don't truly click, the conversation will die, and that's okay.
Some tidbits about me
I'm not here to burden you with mental health issues, lies, a need for attention and validation, or anything else of the sort, and I am not interested in yours. Just real conversation, real friendship, real connection.
If you read to the end, you must be one of the serious ones, so here is a pic.
submitted by GlitterEcho to R4R30Plus [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 06:29 Open-Mousse8072 AIW for ignoring messages

For context I am 23 and married with 2 children (20 months and 1 month). Back 3 -5 years ago I spent a lot of time messages bunches of random guys online. I was lonely and bored and used this to feel better about myself while going through a tough time.
One guy in particular we will call O has been obsessed with me. I admit he was a nice guy so much that I knew he would always let me back. When I would get in a short relationship he got blocked and when it ended he was unblocked and I gave a shit apology and it was like nothing ever happened. O had deep rooted feelings for me and I honestly liked him but the distance made it very unlikely I would pursue anything since I had several bad long distance relationships.
I ended up meeting my husband and we've had our ups and downs. Since getting married and having our two kids I have blocked this person and gotten off socials except for one. O managed to find my profile and has sent message requests and attempted to call which I've never received because I'm not friends with o nor do I plan to be. I love my husband and family and would never risk losing trust even if it is one sided. I've told o before blocking that I have a family and a husband and won't be talking with him this was before we had our second. We got married after our first was born.
Am I wrong for ignoring the message request as O doesn't seem to get the hint?
submitted by Open-Mousse8072 to amiwrong [link] [comments]
