Coordinate graphing and civil engineering

Civil Engineering

2008.11.07 07:38 Civil Engineering

Civil engineering: Building and maintaining infrastructure.

2008.03.31 12:20 engineering

engineering is a forum for engineering professionals to share information, knowledge, experience related to the principles & practices of the numerous engineering disciplines. engineering is **NOT** for students to ask for guidance on selecting their major, or for homework / project help. Read the sidebar BEFORE posting.

2011.03.28 01:09 sqlinjector AskEngineers: Stop nodding, start asking questions.

Engineers apply the knowledge of math & science to design and manufacture maintainable systems used to solve specific problems. AskEngineers is a forum for questions about the technologies, standards, and processes used to design & build these systems, as well as for questions about the engineering profession and its many disciplines.

2024.05.16 09:37 romanstewart Step-by-Step Guide to the Pool Construction Process

Step-by-Step Guide to the Pool Construction Process
Building your ideal pool is a thrilling activity that requires meticulous planning and consideration. Whether you want a beautiful hideaway or a functional area for fitness and leisure, a step-by-step guide for pool construction will help you realize your vision and ensure every detail aligns with your vision.
STEP 1 - Pre Construction
  • Pre-Processing: All plans and legal documents have been checked and verified. The pre-site and engineering equipment/products have been ordered.
  • Permitting: Your permit is prepared and submitted to your county. The time this takes will vary depending on the city/county.
  • Virtual Reality Design: The crew will input all of your information into the computer and work on creating your virtual reality oasis. This allows the crew to see all the information, such as measurements or last-minute design changes.
  • Final Processing & Layout: This is where all the pre-grade is ordered. If anything is already in the backyard, it will be removed to start renovating and digging. On your property, Elite Pools will paint a layout that exactly shows where your pool will go.
Luxury Backyard Pool Installation Design
STEP 2 - Construction
  • Excavation: This is where things might get dirty! The excavator arrives and digs up the dirt where your new pool will be.
  • Equipment And Plumbing: Your pool equipment and plumbing will be installed now.
  • Steel & Electric: After Equipment and Plumbing, steel rebar with spacers is installed to create the structure for your pool. The electric wiring is then installed with all the necessary precautions.
  • Pre-Gunite Inspection: A city inspection is scheduled before progressing to the next stage.
  • Finishing shotcrete, waterfall, boulders, decking, pavers, and tile: Once the inspection is approved, we proceed by applying shotcrete to the interior of the pool for durability. This phase also allows for adding aesthetic features such as waterfalls and boulders if desired. Concurrently, we install decking and pavers to enhance the surrounding areas, while waterline tiles are carefully placed to add a touch of elegance and color coordination to the pool’s design. This comprehensive process ensures a seamless integration of all elements, elevating the overall beauty of your outdoor space.
STEP 3 - Post Construction
  • Clean Up: The debris in your backyard will be cleaned up and look brand new with a new pool.
  • Fencing And Acrylic (If Desired): If you desire, fencing will be put around your yard. If your pool’s design is applicable, acrylic material will be added to the decking and allowed 24 hours to cure.
  • Pre-Plaster Inspection: To ensure all barrier requirements are completed, a city inspection must be conducted with you, the homeowner, present.
  • Interior Finish: When the interior design is finally finished, we can fill your pool with water.
Family-Friendly Pool Design Idea
STEP 4 - Get Ready To Dive In!
  • Mechanical Start-Up: A start-up technician will start up all of your equipment, install a suction cleaner, and add all the necessary chemicals to help keep your pool perfect.
  • Introduction To Your New Pool: This is when you are practically done with the pool-building process!
Are you looking pool construction in Atlanta? Contact professionals to get the best results.
submitted by romanstewart to u/romanstewart [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:33 EchoJobs Hiring Senior SRE Data and Analytics Engineer USD 76k-236k Remote US [Docker SQL C# Python Microservices API MongoDB Spark Git Shell AWS GraphQL HTML Kubernetes Java Go Cassandra Streaming Kafka Spring GCP Oracle Azure]

Hiring Senior SRE Data and Analytics Engineer USD 76k-236k Remote US [Docker SQL C# Python Microservices API MongoDB Spark Git Shell AWS GraphQL HTML Kubernetes Java Go Cassandra Streaming Kafka Spring GCP Oracle Azure] submitted by EchoJobs to SREJobsForYou [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:12 Primary-Reach-7513 Top Data Science Skills in High Demand in 2024

Data science skills have become even more crucial today with the massive growth and revolution of AI technologies. We have witness in the recent few years a significant growth of the data volume. Building a data science career today means crafting a prospective future. Businesses, individuals and government agencies today require enhanced and informed decision-making, which is facilitated by data science professionals. It takes professional skills and expertise to turn data into relevant information, and this is where a data science skills become critical. To break into a data science career, it's crucial that one have a fair idea of what skills they may expect to learn in their training, like a master of science in data science. If you are seeking to attain data science skills through a well-structured training like a master of science in data science, this post will be of crucial help. Let's delve into the top skills that will remain critical in 2024.

Top skills for a data science career in 2024

To thrive with a data science career, it's essential to develop the following key skills. While self-learning can be an option, acquiring these essential skills from a well-structured and formal training such as a Master of science in data science is often the most ideal trajectory. Let us explore the top data science skills:
Programming Language: Programming languages is one of the most critical data science skills. Among the many languages, Python is the most preferred and suitable language given its powerful and ready-made libraries like NumPy, Pandas, and Matplotlib. It enables programmers and data science professionals to perform all sorts of data activities like cleaning, manipulation, statistical analysis and visualization with ease. Learning Python will be a big boost to your data science career.
Mathematics and Statistics: Although it may seem less critical in the initial stage, one cannot go far in a data science career without knowledge and good foundation in mathematical and statistical concepts. Statistical knowledge is essential to choose and apply the varied data techniques, to build strong data models and to accurate comprehend the data. Mathematical concepts of probability, calculus and linear algebra are critical data science skills.
SQL: This remains a must-have skill for data science professionals. SQL is the industry's standard tool for managing and communicating with relational databases, which allows storing of structured data in tables. Companies across the globe own huge amounts of data that are typically stored in relational databases. Hence, SQL is one of the critical data science skills that one must expect to learn in a degree programme like a master of science in data science to prepare for the future of data science. In additional, having knowledge of NoSQL is essential to handle various types of unstructured data.
Data Visualization: This is the most effective technique to communicate critical findings in the most comprehensible manner. It is only when stakeholders or decision-makers understand the data findings thoroughly, effective actions could be generated. Hence, building a data science career must entail attaining data visualization skills. Data Visualization is the art of representing data in a graphical manner like charts, graphs and maps. These representations enable data science professionals to manage numerous rows and columns of complex data and prepare them in a comprehensible and accessible format.
AI and Machine Learning: If you intend to build a data science career, attaining AI and Machine learning skills is an indispensable step in today's time. Almost every professional degree, like a master of science in data science, include these concepts as core areas. AI and ML are among the hot topics in data science. It's crucial for aspiring professionals to build competencies in the fundamental of AI and ML.
Deep Learning: Another trending concept that has brought several disruptive innovations in technology is Deep learning that is based on neural networks. Familiarising the theory and practice of Deep learning would be a game-changer for data science professionals. A master of science in Data science programme will effectively help in learning how to build neural networks.
NLP: Natural Language Processing is an emerging technique based on Deep learning and Machine Learning. For today's data scientists, NLP is one of the data science skills they must develop. As innovative technologies like Chatbots, Search Engine etc are powered by NLP.
Cloud Computing: Cloud computing technology and services have emerged as an innovative technology that enables enterprises to store their data efficiently. Data Science professionals must develop expertise in cloud computing to help companies make the most out of their organization's data
Besides these technical data science skills, there are a few interpersonal skills that essential for every data science professional, such as
submitted by Primary-Reach-7513 to u/Primary-Reach-7513 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:59 ContractDecent9710 Job Offer - Data Scientist

submitted by ContractDecent9710 to BESalary [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:58 dimitriospsaroudakis The Intersection of Mathematics and Real-World Applications: Perspectives from Dr. Dimitrios Psaroudakis GMC

Mathematics has often been perceived as an abstract and theoretical discipline, one that deals with numbers, equations, and theorems far removed from the practical concerns of everyday life. However, this perception overlooks the profound impact that mathematics has on various real-world applications. Dr. Dimitrios Psaroudakis, an Associate Professor at the Department of Mathematics at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, provides a unique perspective on how mathematics intersects with and enhances real-world applications. With his extensive research and academic contributions, Dr. Dimitrios Psaroudakis GMC illustrates how mathematical concepts are integral to solving complex problems in diverse fields.

The Role of Mathematics in Understanding the Natural World

Mathematics is often described as the language of the universe. It provides a framework through which we can describe, analyze, and predict natural phenomena. Dr. Dimitrios Psaroudakis GMC work at Aristotle University emphasizes the importance of mathematical models in understanding the natural world.

Mathematical Models in Physics and Engineering

In physics, mathematical models are crucial for describing the behavior of physical systems. For example, Newton's laws of motion, expressed through differential equations, allow us to predict the movement of objects under various forces. Similarly, Maxwell's equations describe the behavior of electric and magnetic fields. These equations are not just abstract constructs; they have practical applications in engineering, such as in the design of electrical circuits and communication systems.
Dr Dimitrios Psaroudakis GMC highlights how advanced mathematical techniques, such as partial differential equations and numerical methods, are used to solve complex problems in engineering. These techniques enable engineers to design more efficient structures, optimize manufacturing processes, and develop new materials with specific properties. By providing a rigorous framework for analyzing physical systems, mathematics becomes an indispensable tool in engineering innovation.

Mathematical Biology and Medicine

Mathematics also plays a critical role in the life sciences. Dr Dimitrios Psaroudakis GMC points out that mathematical biology uses models to understand biological processes and systems. For instance, differential equations are used to model the spread of infectious diseases, allowing public health officials to predict and control outbreaks. These models can incorporate various factors, such as transmission rates and recovery rates, to simulate different scenarios and evaluate the effectiveness of intervention strategies.
In medicine, mathematical models are used to analyze the dynamics of biological systems at various scales, from cellular processes to the functioning of entire organs. Dr. Dimitrios Psaroudakis research may include the development of models to understand the progression of diseases, optimize treatment protocols, and improve medical imaging techniques. These applications demonstrate how mathematics can lead to better healthcare outcomes by providing insights that are not easily obtainable through experimental methods alone.

Mathematics in Technology and Innovation

The rapid advancement of technology in recent decades has been driven by mathematical discoveries and innovations. Dr Dimitrios Psaroudakis GMC emphasizes the importance of mathematics in the development of new technologies, from computer algorithms to artificial intelligence.

Algorithms and Computational Mathematics

At the heart of modern technology lies the algorithm – a set of instructions designed to perform a specific task. Algorithms are the backbone of computer science, enabling everything from basic computations to complex data analysis. Dr. Dimitrios Psaroudakis highlights how mathematical concepts, such as graph theory and combinatorics, are essential for designing efficient algorithms.
For instance, search engines like Google use sophisticated algorithms to index and retrieve information from the vast expanse of the internet. These algorithms rely on mathematical techniques such as linear algebra and probability theory to rank web pages based on their relevance to search queries. Similarly, cryptographic algorithms, which ensure the security of online communications and transactions, are based on number theory and abstract algebra.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are transforming various industries, from healthcare to finance. Dr. Dimitrios Psaroudakis GMC insights into the mathematical foundations of AI highlight the role of statistics, optimization, and linear algebra in developing intelligent systems. Machine learning algorithms, for example, use statistical methods to identify patterns in data and make predictions based on those patterns.
In the realm of AI, deep learning – a subset of machine learning – involves the use of neural networks to model complex relationships in data. These neural networks are trained using optimization techniques that minimize the error between the predicted and actual outputs. Dr Dimitrios Psaroudakis GMC may explore how these mathematical principles are applied to develop AI systems capable of recognizing speech, translating languages, and even driving autonomous vehicles.

Economics and Finance: Quantitative Approaches

The fields of economics and finance have long relied on mathematical models to understand market behavior and inform decision-making. Dr Dimitrios Psaroudakis GMC work illustrates how quantitative approaches can provide valuable insights into economic phenomena and financial systems.

Economic Modeling and Forecasting

Economic models use mathematical equations to represent the relationships between different economic variables, such as supply and demand, inflation, and unemployment. These models help economists understand how changes in one part of the economy can affect the whole system. For example, the Keynesian model, which uses differential equations to describe the dynamics of aggregate demand and supply, is used to analyze the effects of fiscal and monetary policy.
Dr. Dimitrios Psaroudakis GMC emphasizes the importance of statistical methods in economic forecasting. Time series analysis, for instance, is used to analyze historical economic data and make predictions about future trends. These forecasts are crucial for policymakers and businesses as they make decisions about investments, production, and consumption.

Financial Mathematics and Risk Management

In finance, mathematical models are used to value financial derivatives, manage risk, and optimize investment portfolios. The Black-Scholes model, a partial differential equation used to price options, is one of the most famous examples of financial mathematics. This model allows traders to determine the fair price of an option based on factors such as the underlying asset's price, volatility, and time to expiration.
Dr. Dimitrios Psaroudakis GMC expertise in mathematics can shed light on the development of more sophisticated models for managing financial risk. For example, stochastic calculus and Monte Carlo simulations are used to model the random behavior of asset prices and evaluate the risk of complex financial instruments. These mathematical techniques enable financial institutions to assess and mitigate risks, ensuring stability in the financial system.

Mathematics in Environmental Science and Sustainability

The pressing global challenges of environmental degradation and climate change require innovative solutions, many of which are rooted in mathematics. Dr Dimitrios Psaroudakis explores how mathematical models can be used to understand environmental systems and develop strategies for sustainability.

Climate Modeling and Predictive Analysis

Climate models are essential tools for understanding the Earth's climate system and predicting future climate changes. These models use differential equations to represent the interactions between the atmosphere, oceans, land surface, and ice. Dr. Dimitrios Psaroudakis GMC highlights how mathematics is used to simulate the complex processes that drive climate change, such as greenhouse gas emissions and ocean circulation.
Predictive analysis, which involves the use of statistical and computational methods to forecast future events, is also critical in climate science. For instance, statistical downscaling techniques are used to refine the predictions of global climate models to regional scales, providing more accurate information for local decision-making. These mathematical tools enable scientists to assess the potential impacts of climate change and inform policies for mitigation and adaptation.

Environmental Monitoring and Resource Management

Mathematics is also used in environmental monitoring and resource management. For example, mathematical models are used to analyze data from satellite observations, providing insights into deforestation, land use changes, and water quality. These models help scientists track environmental changes and assess the effectiveness of conservation efforts.
Dr. Dimitrios Psaroudakis GMC may also explore how optimization techniques are used in resource management. For instance, linear programming is used to allocate limited resources, such as water and energy, in a way that maximizes efficiency and minimizes environmental impact. By applying mathematical principles to resource management, we can develop sustainable practices that balance economic development with environmental preservation.

Education and the Future of Mathematics

The intersection of mathematics and real-world applications underscores the importance of mathematics education. Dr. Dimitrios Psaroudakis work at Aristotle University reflects a commitment to preparing the next generation of mathematicians, scientists, and engineers to tackle the complex challenges of the future.

Innovative Teaching Methods

Dr. Dimitrios Psaroudakis GMC employs innovative teaching methods to engage students and enhance their understanding of mathematical concepts. These methods may include interactive lectures, collaborative projects, and the use of technology in the classroom. By creating a dynamic and supportive learning environment, Dr. Dimitrios Psaroudakis helps students develop the critical thinking and problem-solving skills needed to apply mathematics in various fields.

Research and Collaboration

Research is a fundamental aspect of mathematics education. Dr. Psaroudakis encourages students to engage in research projects that explore the applications of mathematics in real-world problems. These projects provide hands-on experience and foster a deeper understanding of mathematical theories and their practical implications.
Collaboration is also essential in mathematics education. Dr. Dimitrios Psaroudakis collaborates with colleagues from different disciplines to explore interdisciplinary applications of mathematics. These collaborations can lead to new insights and innovations, enriching the academic experience for both faculty and students.

Preparing for Future Challenges

The future of mathematics is closely tied to the evolving needs of society. As new challenges arise, from technological advancements to environmental crises, the demand for mathematical expertise will continue to grow. Dr. Dimitrios Psaroudakis GMC emphasizes the importance of staying abreast of current developments and continuously updating the curriculum to reflect the latest advancements in mathematics and its applications.
By preparing students to address future challenges, Dr. Psaroudakis contributes to the development of a mathematically literate society capable of leveraging mathematical tools to solve complex problems.
The intersection of mathematics and real-world applications is vast and multifaceted, encompassing diverse fields such as physics, biology, technology, economics, environmental science, and education. Dr. Dimitrios Psaroudakis of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki exemplifies how mathematical principles can be applied to address real-world challenges and drive innovation.
Through his research, teaching, and collaboration, Dr. Dimitrios Psaroudakis GMC demonstrates the integral role of mathematics in understanding and improving
submitted by dimitriospsaroudakis to u/dimitriospsaroudakis [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:55 sisemore01 How a Land Surveyor OKC Can Help Your Project

How a Land Surveyor OKC Can Help Your Project
If you are planning any type of land development or construction project, you might be wondering whether you need the expertise of a ~land surveyor OKC~. Surveyors are essential in ensuring that your project is built on solid ground. As such, here are eight types of projects that can benefit from a land surveyor.

8 Types of Projects That Can Benefit From a Land Surveyor OKC

Land surveyors have expertise that goes beyond the standard scope of the field. In fact, a surveyor can be a beneficial asset to a variety of projects, including:

1. Residential and Commercial Construction

Before any construction project begins, a land surveyor Tulsa is vital to identify the precise features of a property. Surveyors provide critical data, including boundaries and topography, that help in the design and placement of structures, which is crucial for a safe and successful construction process.

2. Infrastructure Development

Large-scale infrastructure projects like roads, bridges, and utilities require precise ~surveys~ to ensure they fit within the designated areas and meet safety standards. A land surveyor can conduct various surveys, such as topographical or site planning surveys, that are vital in determining the infrastructure's long-term viability and integration into existing landscapes.

3. Real Estate

A land surveyor from a surveying company near me can be beneficial to both sides of a real estate transaction. A land surveyor can provide an up-to-date survey, which can provide a clear view of the property and help with financing. Surveys can also clarify the exact size of the property, reveal any encroachments, and provide accurate property descriptions for necessary legal documentation.

4. Property Renovations and Additions

Are you planning an addition to your property? It is important to know exactly where your property lines lie and any easements or rights-of-way that could affect your plans. Hiring a
surveying company ensures that your renovations comply with local laws and do not infringe on neighboring properties or public spaces.

5. Property Subdivisions

A survey is needed if you are planning to subdivide your land. A land surveyor Tulsa maps out and verifies the boundaries, divides the land into smaller lots as desired, and may even help file the necessary legal documents. This process helps maximize land use, marketability, and value.

6. Agricultural Development

For agricultural purposes, knowing the exact acreage, soil boundaries, and topographical features can help in planning crop distribution, irrigation systems, and buildings. Accurate surveys help optimize the productivity and sustainability of agricultural operations.

7. Historical Preservation

When working on sites with historical significance, a land surveyor OKC can help document the original land features and structures, allowing individuals to monitor the land's changes over time and help plan preservation and restoration projects.

8. Environmental Conservation

A land surveyor can provide detailed analysis for environmental projects. This might include mapping natural habitats, water bodies, and land contours to aid in conservation efforts and determine potential projects' environmental impact.

Can a Surveying Company Near Me Meet My Needs?

Every surveying company is different in what services they provide and the type of projects they specialize in. Whether you are buying or selling real estate or are part of a large-scale environmental conservation project, discussing your project in-depth with a surveying company near me is always best. This ensures that the surveying company you choose can meet your needs and provide the most accurate results to help your project succeed.

Unmatched Service and Accuracy With Sisemore & Associates

Choosing the right surveying company can make a significant difference in the success of your project, regardless of its size or scope. Our team at Sisemore & Associates has provided unmatched surveying, land planning, and civil engineering expertise to a range of projects. We deliver highly accurate surveys and unique solutions to help our clients succeed.
With nearly three decades of experience, our land surveyor Tulsa team would love to partner with you for your project. Please view our portfolio to see our past work and ~reach out~ to get started.

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submitted by sisemore01 to u/sisemore01 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:30 Emmanuel_MI7 Seeking Advice from Current Concordia Engineering Students

Hello everyone,
I hope you're all having a good day so far !
I got an offer of admission to Concordia University for Civil Engineering this fall, and I would love to get some opinions and honest feedback from current Concordia engineering students. ( Be brutally honest cuz I'm just trying to figure out if I should proceed with the offer or not)
  1. Classes and Workload: How are the classes structured, and what is the workload like?
  2. Professors: How are the professors? Are they approachable and helpful?
  3. Co-op Program: How effective is the co-op program especially for a civil student is the market good ?
Additionally, I currently live in Ontario and have a few more questions:
  1. Part-Time Work: How easy is it to find part-time work in Montreal, especially for someone who primarily speaks English?
  2. Tuition and Fees: What's the current situation with tuition fees, especially given past student strikes against Quebec tuition hikes? Is there any recent update on this?
Thank you in advance for your insights!
submitted by Emmanuel_MI7 to Concordia [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:00 r-nasa-mods New NASA postings as of Thursday May 16, 2024

Supervisory Management and Program Analyst


Grade: GS-15
Headquarters, NASA
You will serve as a Supervisory Program Analyst in the Resource Management Division within the Science Mission Directorate (SMD) at NASA Headquarters. In this position, you will oversee analysts in the execution and formulation of SMD's budget and provide expert analysis to ensure the effective use of resources in the accomplishment of SMD's strategic objectives.

Electrical Engineer (Direct Hire)


Grade: GS-12/13
Goddard Space Flight Center
You will serve as an Electrical Engineer managing Facilities Engineering Projects assigned to the Engineering Branch of the Facilities Management Division within the Management Operations Directorate.

Director, Office of Procurement, Goddard Space Flight Center


Grade: ES-00
Goddard Space Flight Center
Serves as Director, Office of Procurement, for the Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC). The Director reports directly to the NASA Assistant Administrator for Procurement and is a key member of the senior management team. Responsibilities include planning, budgeting, directing, executing, and coordinating procurement actions on behalf of the Office of Procurement.

Aerospace Engineer, AST, Environmental Control Systems


Grade: GS-14/15
Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
As a Senior Project Manager in the Space Suit and Crew Survival Systems Branch, you will formulate projects to develop space suit hardware and ground test systems; analyze requirements; develop estimates for resources and schedules; identify risks and mitigations; create and track schedules; lead teams across organizational boundaries; assess progress; and develop reports for stakeholders. You also will manage allocated resources to deliver project requirements on schedule and within budget.

General Engineer, AST, Engineering Program Management (Direct Hire)


Grade: GS-14
Ames Research Center
You will serve as a Program Manager in the Bioengineering Branch at Ames Research Center providing engineering and scientific expertise to the Branch Chief in the management and direction of life support and synthetic biology projects aimed to achieve sustainable human presence beyond low earth orbit. Responsibilities include helping with setting strategic direction of the branch, ensuring branch and facility safety and space planning, and contract management.

Assistant Administrator for Protective Services


Grade: ES-00
Headquarters, NASA
Reporting to the Associate Administrator of NASA's Mission Support Directorate, the Assistant Administrator for the Office of Protective Services provides NASA-wide executive and functional leadership, policy formulation, oversight, guidance, coordination, and advocacy for protective services programs including security, fire protection, emergency preparedness planning and response, and programmatic counterintelligence/counterterrorism (CI/CT) operations, processes, functions, and activities.

Computer Engineer, AST, Data Systems


Grade: GS-14
John Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field
As a Computer Engineer in the Management Support and Integration Office, Research and Engineering Directorate, you will serve as the Directorate Cybersecurity Lead. You will be responsible for coordinating, monitoring, and maintaining surveillance over Information Technology/Operational Technology (IT/OT) systems and cybersecurity posture to support critical technical capabilities for aerospace research such as power, propulsion, materials, and space communications.

Director, Human Resources


Grade: ES-00
National Aeronautics and Space Administration - Agency Wide
Serves as Director, Human Resources, at a Center Human Resources Office. The incumbent is a key member of the Office of the Chief Human Capital Officer Enterprise Leadership Team and serves as principal senior advisor to the Center Director on all human capital matters. This announcement will be used to fill two vacancies - one at Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) and one at Kennedy Space Center. The MSFC selection will serve as the Human Resources Director for MSFC and Stennis Space Center.

Aerospace Engineer, AST, Flight Systems Test (Direct Hire)


Grade: GS-14
Langley Research Center
You will serve as the Center Range Flight Safety Lead assigned to the Uninhabited Aerial Systems (UAS) Operations Office of the Research Services Directorate overseeing the safety of the City Environment Range Testing for Autonomous Integrated Navigation (CERTAIN) at the Center and for other UAS locations where NASA conducts UAS flight operations.

Industrial Hygienist


Grade: GS-14
John C. Stennis Space Center
Serves as the Occupational Health Officer for Stennis Space Center (SSC) in the Environmental and Health Services Office, responsible for performing a variety of professional and scientific work in industrial hygiene, health physics and occupational health functions. You will anticipate health hazards; recommend preventive measures and prescribe procedures to eliminate, reduce or abate occupational health hazards in the working environment and ensure conformance regulations.

Supervisory Contract Specialist (Direct Hire)


Grade: GS-15
National Aeronautics and Space Administration - Agency Wide
The NASA Office of Procurement seeks Supervisory Contract Specialists to plan, direct and supervise office activities including all pre and post award aspects of the acquisition program. These positions will be responsible for leading assigned activities at one of the listed NASA locations. Provides strategic direction for a diverse group of contracts and agreements for commercial and non-commercial goods and services, while maintaining strong communications and high quality products.

Administrative Specialist (Direct Hire)


Grade: GS-11
Langley Research Center
As an Administrative Specialist supporting the Administrative Support and Analysis Branch (ASAB), you will be responsible for a wide variety of analytical, human resources, administrative, and associated management support services for the organization(s) to which assigned, and you will conduct analytical studies requiring the identification and resolution of issues and problems of administrative support functions.

Aerospace Engineer, AST, Aerothermodynamics


Grade: GS-14
John F. Kennedy Space Center
As the fluids analysis technical lead in the mission analysis division of the Launch Services Program you will lead a team of highly technical fluid dynamics engineers to perform a variety of analyses with the goal of ensuring mission success for NASA's missions. You will be responsible for the timely completion of fluid dynamics related analyses and actions.

Contract Specialist (Direct Hire)


Grade: GS-14
National Aeronautics and Space Administration - Agency Wide
The NASA Office of Procurement seeks Senior Contract Specialists to perform procurement planning, negotiation, and contract administration in support of NASA programs. The Office of Procurement is structured to provide support to our mission partners regardless of location. This announcement may fill any of NASA Office of Procurement positions.

Lead Contract Specialist (Direct Hire)


Grade: GS-14
National Aeronautics and Space Administration - Agency Wide
NASA's Office of Procurement is seeking highly skilled individuals to serve as Lead Contract Specialists for a variety of complex cost reimbursable and fixed price, multi-year contracts, including secondary administration. This announcement may fill any of NASA Office of Procurement positions.

Supervisory Contract Specialist (Direct Hire)


Grade: GS-14
National Aeronautics and Space Administration - Agency Wide
The NASA Office of Procurement seeks Supervisory Contract Specialists to plan, direct and supervise office activities including all pre and post award aspects of the acquisition program. These positions will be responsible for leading assigned activities at one of the listed NASA locations. Provides strategic direction for a diverse group of contracts and agreements for commercial and non-commercial goods and services, while maintaining strong communications and high quality products.

Program Manager


Grade: GS-15
Headquarters, NASA
As the Branch Chief for the Office of Diversity and Equal Opportunity (ODEO), Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, & Accessibility (DEIA) Branch, you will oversee and lead several core functions to include: 1) DEIA Program Management, Implementation, and Assessment; 2) Special Emphasis Programs and ERG Engagement; 3) DEIA Data Analytics and Reporting; 4) Diversity and Equal Opportunity Reports; 5) Reasonable Accommodation Program Coordination and Oversight.

Supervisory Equal Opportunity Specialist


Grade: GS-15
Headquarters, NASA
The ODEO Branch Chief for the Equal Opportunity and Program Branch within the Policy, Programs, and Analytics Division, oversees and leads the program management of NASA's external compliance and adjudication programs, as well as policy and compliance functions of NASA's anti-harassment program.

Supervisory Financial Management Specialist (Direct Hire)


Grade: GS-15
Goddard Space Flight Center
The Office of the Chief Financial Officer (OCFO) is seeking individuals to fill multiple positions as Directorate Resources Managers (DRM) and/or Deputy Project Managers for Resources (DPMR). These positions supervise and manage a staff of resources professionals who support projects at NASA. They serve as senior advisors to project/program/directorate leadership in all areas related to resources and business processes.

General Engineer, AST, Technical Management (Direct Hire)


Grade: GS-15
Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
Selectee will serve as the Lead for the System Management Team within the Extravehicular Activity (EVA) and Human Surface Mobility (EHP) Systems Engineering and Integration (SE&I) office. You will be responsible for leading a matrixed team of system managers for systems that are cross-cutting across the EHP elements, such as communications, navigation, environments, power, logistics, etc.

Supervisory Criminal Investigator

NASA OIG-12386603-IMP-24

Grade: GS-14
Headquarters, NASA
The NASA Office of Inspector General (OIG) conducts audits, reviews, and investigations of NASA programs and operations to prevent and detect fraud, waste, abuse, and mismanagement. The Office of Investigations (OI) investigates allegations of crime, cyber-crime, fraud, waste, abuse, and misconduct having impact on NASA programs, projects, operations, and resources.
submitted by r-nasa-mods to NASAJobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:38 Mountain_Counter929 Making Aliens based off every pokemon type combination (Fighting)

Fighting/Normal: OHKO (One Punch Man but instead of one effortless punch it’s a touch of death combo he has to )
Species: Mugen
Planet: Sonof
Powers and Abilities
Species/Planet Fact: The Mugen started as semi-organic creations by a long dead civilization who sought to try experiments designing different types of warriors. Eventually the planet will be inhabited by foreign researchers. These researchers have been working on enhancing them with various effects to increase their capabilities, and give them more movement and combat options. But during testing it was discovered that watching the Mugen fight with or without enhancements is incredibly entertaining resulting and a strong source of combat study. This discovery redirected their experiments being used for sports instead of warfare even preventing what would’ve been an interplanetary war by turning it into a competitive sport, exploding the planet in popularity. During this explosion there was the discovery of a single fight between two Mugen that have went on for centuries before the first immigration and has been fiercely protected from interruptions since its discovery.
Fighting/Grass: Doungwun Nemetrix predator of the Chunwin (See Kung book in Grass Types)
Hunting Method
Planet/Species Fact: Despite the Doungwun seemingly biologically engineered to beat Cunwin on one to one combat, countering their various techniques. They rather take less ‘honorable’ tactics whenever possible. In populated areas they’d quickly overwhelm their prey with high numbers and quickly attack before the Chunwin gets a chance to swing. If there are aren’t any others nearby it’ll try to ambush its prey from hard to reach angles in the air. Only when it’s alone and has caught the attention of its prey, will it attach itself and engage its prey in close range combat. Most Chunwin societies simply use traps, or other tools to protect themselves from these predators. But a predator that chooses to engage in a one on one duel is more respected and results in a more respected death (for either one). So some Chunwin warriors leave themselves open to solo Doungwun attacks as some form of test.
Fighting/Fire: Racaln the Nemetrix predator of the Clabestro (See Firing Squad in Fire types)
Hunting Method
Planet/Species Fact: Racaln only prey on the Clabestro when they’re split up and small. They don’t do any harm when they’re merged on one bigger body. But since most Clabestro combat (which happens very often) has them in their small split up forms. This makes it common for Racalns to be collected from the wild or bred in captivity to be utilized as excellent traps, and denying area. This practice would also be used as a mark to safeguard places from violence, to prevent Clabestro from splitting to engage in combat. This practice has spread to official gatherings like courts and diplomatic meetings.
Fighting/Water: Ultimate Slush (See Original in Water Types)
Fighting/Elctric: Ultimate Fightning Rod (See Web Work in Electric Types)
Fighting/Flying: Ultimate Fight and Flight (See original in Flying Types)
Fighting/Ice: Giengar Nemetrix predator of the Ashe (See Burrzerker in Ice Types)
Hunting Method
Planet/Species Fact: Giengar are omnivores. In cold seasons they eat large predators with their primarily skill of inducing hallucinations that tire out its target before having its body frozen over for it to consume with its teeth designed to crush frozen objects. They gain this power by consuming mushrooms from warmer, jungle biomes that contain spores which has a similar effect to targets that breathe them in (though less concentrated and ends with less fatalities). Giengars are immune to these spores so during the warmer seasons they migrate to the jungle to consume high amounts of these mushrooms to expel their spores in large concentrations during hunting season. Normal Ashe that occupy these jungles stay away from the dangerous arctic biomes the Giengars hunt in, so to them the Giengar are seen as harmless. Since even if the Giengars try to use the spores against them, the conditions aren’t lethal and the lack of the Ashe’s adrenaline won’t inhibit their ability to recognize their condition and react accordingly instead of wasting their energy fighting.
Fighting/Ground: Ultimate Mudripper (See Original in Ground Types)
Fighting/Rock: Ovivine Nemetrix predator of the Sabter (See Mountain Goat in Fighting Types)
Hunting Method
Planet/Species Fact: While Ovivine can talk and mimic sentient emotions its only purpose is to gain the trust of prey as a mere predatory mechanism, their brains aren’t capable of deeper introspective thought or sentience when alone. Sabter are worn of the Ovivine though largely they are seen as myth with how very few sightings they are and how little the Ovivine are actually active due to their slow metabolism. Ovivines cover their prey on the floor and slowly consume it whilst morphing its body to appear as a mere lump of ground covered in grass, which is another factor into how little they’re seen. Occasionally they encounter some Sabter who are very much aware of them, and their tricks so in those cases they simply push them off the cliff side. Though this method relies on the element of surprise since their physical strength is much weaker than the average Sayter.
Fighting/Bug: Ultimate Float Stinger (See Original in Bug Types)
Fighting/Psychic: Muscle Memory (Alien Taskmaster)
Species: Reffox
Planet: Arbeitar
Powers and Abilities
Planet/Species Fact: Due to the fact that all Reffox are all physically the same and that any unique skill that are developed is quickly assimilated by one another. Reffox populations share a yearning for a sense of identity. So many Reffox head off to other cultures/planets to use their learned skills to be able to make an identity of themselves, whether it be an athlete a performer, a warrior, a hero, or in some cases a criminal or ruler. This feeling is felt through all Reffox and when two of them meet, they silently agree to not show their skills to each other to keep their identity. Though if they do want to share they return to Arbeitar to tell their stories or inspire new skills for the next generation who would tell their story.
Fighting/Poison: Biolence (Fist of the North Star Powered by drugs, and can weaponize their own explosions )
Species: Gomane Planet: Omawoshindyu
Powers and Abilities
Planet/Species Fact: Eons ago a large vapor of toxic alien pollutants was mysterious dropped on Omawoshindyu mutating all inhabitants and killing off massive amounts of life, however life stiff have adapted and eventually evolved resulting in the modern Gomanes. By the time their own society has formed, the pollutants have been absorbed into the earth or dissipated from the atmosphere allowing fertile greener life to grow. Ironically most of Gomane society promotes healthy activity like proper diet in exercise, for it allows them to control their cyst development more effectively even when there sped up, which they use in hunting and combat sports. However crime activity is still noticeable involving addiction, violence, and gang activity. Mostly originating in highly polluted/deserted wastelands. As various poisons are being produced and mines
Fighting/Ghost: Body-structor (Havik from MK1 with hints of Water Law from One Piece)
Species: Rankensain
Planet: Taxodoom
Powers and Abilities
Planet/Species Fact: Body parts are the Rankensains main currency. While most body parts are gathered from hunted animals on their world. Rankenstains have developed interplanetary transportation to gather valuable alien body parts. Often by nefarious methods like warfare, grave robbing, or even homicide, making them a disdained and feared species across multiple planets. There are labs made to create clones of existing limbs to replace active hunting to remove the need for travel, but with how often exploration is used and how slow the cloning process is, Rankensains still commonly hunt aliens for their limbs as part of a darker slightly underground culture. To get around their negative reputation, Rankensains would remove their own brains and implant them into other bodies to disguise themselves.
Fighting/Dragon: Medisnake (Combat Snake with Street Fighter Chi abilities)
Species: Ansatryu
Planet: Chakrenin
Planet/Species Fact: Initially Ansartyu were seen as pets of another more human-like species called the Shotogun and as intelligent as their owners. However, eventually the Shotogun would discover their ability to tap into their own personal well of the same chi-like energy and start practicing it for various means. However back then only a handful of masters would be able use it, and only at a very basic level. Until one Shotogun prince discovered that his treasured Ansatryu was able to tap into and unlock further levels of mastery. With this knowledge the prince learned from his Ansatryu and developed a closer bond with it, even teaching his pet higher levels of intelligence as he was taught further mastery of chi. Later he would teach others how to learn from their Ansatryu and his own Ansatryu will give intelligence to others of his species, leading to the point where Ansatryu are now partners living in the same world as the Shotogun in relative harmony.
Fighting/Steel: Weapon Blaster (Tank Knight with hand guns that shoots bladed weapons) Species: Arthmo
Planet: Palawar
Powers and Abilities
Species/Planet Fact: Arthmo is an artificial species created from a combination of alchemy and engineering by a master at both, commissioned by a great king. They were meant to be used as weapons of warfare and even companions. However an enemy army raided the kingdom, and killed both the lord and creator after the first Arthmo woke up. So the lab was well hidden so the Arthmo followed the instructions of its creator and created more of it, and slaying the enemy army. Now they defend the remaining members of their kingdom to allow it to rebuild. However, rumor has it that a surviving enemy found the original Arthmo lab.
Fighting/Dark: Spotshot
Species: Dalmate
Planet: Cerberence
Species/Planet Fact: The spotted biological materials that generate the Dalmate’s projectile “spots”, is a shared trait amongst a handful of different Cereberence animal species and even some plant life. Those species has a spot of a different color that was meant harm all other species/subspecie for predation or predator avoidance. Other species that don’t have this projectile ability do have spotted patterns on them to warn predators, or even create similar marks on objects to protect territory by intimidation.To weaponize their own “spots” Dalmate tribes would farm different animals and use them in different methods that changes their spot markings to battle other tribes with their own spot slinging skills to prevent it from being simply absorbed into its targets body.
Fighting/Fairy: Best-O Change-O (Magical Girl/Boy Recruiting Bunny)
Species: Usegin
Planet: Lunakessho
Planet/Species Fact: Lunakessho is a magical planet where all the inhabitants would practice magic, protected by an order of Usegin knights. However dark forces used by villains and monsters would arise practicing this dark magic and almost threatened to corrupt the universe. The Usegin order managed to fight them off but with a threat on that kind of scale and some remaining presence of their enemies they decided to seal of the planet into another realm. However, now there is an occult group mages summoned the order on various points of different moons using a ritual that was meant to be used in case they’re needed. While the Usegin heroes did manage to get involved in their traditional hero work. They’ve learned too late that this ritual will eventually corrupt them once all the full rituals is complete, and they’re powerless to stop them. So they now go to various planets and recruit and train other magical warriors to stop them when the time comes.
submitted by Mountain_Counter929 to Ben10 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:31 TerribleSell2997 Rocket Propulsion Market Increasing Demand, Growth Analysis and Future Outlook by 2031

~Rocket propulsion market~ is anticipated to grow at a considerable CAGR of 5.3% during the forecast period (2024-2031).Rocket propulsion is a method used to send a projectile and out space while breaking earth’s gravity. The propulsion system used in rockets generate an enormous forwards push thus lifting the rocket from ground and propelling it towards space. A rocket can be aircraft, spacecraft, missile, or a vehicle which generates thrust. Thrust is generated by propulsion system of the rocket.
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The expanding commercial space industry provides significant opportunities for the liquid rocket propulsion market. Private space firms such as SpaceX, Blue Origin, and Rocket Lab are increasingly relying on high-efficiency propulsion systems to support various missions like satellite installations/launches, space tourism operations, cargo transportation, etc. across the globe. Station (ISS) and research beyond Earth orbit.
full report of Rocket Propulsion Market available @
· Market Coverage
· Market number available for – 2024-2031
· Base year- 2024
· Forecast period- 2024-2031
· Segment Covered- By Source, By Product Type, By Applications
· Competitive Landscape- Archer Daniels Midland Co., Ingredion Inc., Kerry Group Plc, Cargill
· Inc., and others
Market Segmentation
Global Rocket Propulsion Market by Type
o Rocket Motor
o Rocket Engine
Global Rocket Propulsion Market by Orbit Type
o LEO and Elliptical
Global Rocket Propulsion Market by Propulsion
o Solid
o Liquid
o Hybrid
Global Rocket Propulsion Market by Application
o Communication
o Earth Observation
o Navigation, Global Positioning System (GPS) and Surveillance
o Technology Development and Education
Global Rocket Propulsion Market by End-User
o Civil and Government
o Commercial
o Military
Regional Analysis
o North America
o United States
o Canada
o Europe
o UK
o Germany
o Italy
o Spain
o France
o Rest of Europe
o Asia-Pacific
o China
o India
o Japan
o South Korea
o Rest of Asia-Pacific
o Rest of the World
Company Profiles
o Aerojet Rocketdyne
o Airbus SE
o Blue Origin Federation LLC
o Boeing Company
o IHI Corp.
o Land SpaceTechnology Co. Ltd
o Moog Inc.
o NPO Energomash
o Rocket Lab USA Inc.
o Space Exploration Technologies Corp.
o Spacex
o Virgin Galactic
The Report Covers
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About Orion Market Research Orion Market Research (OMR) is a market research and consulting company known for its crisp and concise reports. The company is equipped with an experienced team of analysts and consultants. OMR offers quality syndicated research reports, customized research reports, consulting and other research-based services. The company also offer Digital Marketing services through its subsidiary OMR Digital and Software development and Consulting Services through another subsidiary Encanto Technologies.
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submitted by TerribleSell2997 to Nim2908 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:30 Oilypete2023 How the Ring/ App work

As there’s a lot of new users, here’s some info on how the ring / app works - hope it’s of some help
Remember your email and password keep it safe.
The ring holds up to 6-7 days data, all readings that go into app, are held in rings memory until it syncs with the ring and phone app.
No need to have phone with you all the times, but always sync between 6-7 days
Syncing means :- the stored data on ring is sent from the ring via Bluetooth to the app - the app then sends the data to algorithms on the main servers via WiFi from phone - this is decoded then returned within short time from servers via WiFi and loaded into the app so you can read it.
Each time you sync ring this happens as above.
Battery charging :- charging case holds around 18 full charges or more smaller charges - charging case takes 120 mins to fully charge (solid white light ) no indication of charge in case only lights
Over 40% white - orange light under 40% - flashing orange = fault on ring/ chargepower lead poss.
Ring takes 90 mins to charge up ring, charge is indication in the app. ( notification sent to phone when100%)
You can charge ring anytime between 20% and 80% for best efficiency for lithium batteries, - do not let ring go below 20%.
Ring should last between 5-7 days depending on how much you sync ring with app or use exercise mode- sleep apnea etc - these all use extra power
Charger can be charged anytime to top up but do not let go flat, best say every couple months to top it up, just put on charge for a hour if topping up battery.
You can take your vitals measurements live at anytime, ( in heart rate and spo2 vitals area ) using app and ring together by pressing measure in app screen
Heart-rate is recorded every 2.5 mins and spo2 every 5 mins and stored on ring.
Firmware :- firmware is part of the rings brain - if ever you see firmware update available - just accept and install it, do not touch anything until completed - you see dial showing progress.
If firmware does not install it’s possibly ring battery below 30% just charge ring then reinstall firmware - this can be done manually in app.
App update :- the app gets regular updates it will be shown either on phone or may have to go to app/ playstore to update app - usually it’s shown as available in group as well.
If you want exercise mode, in app press the orange running man bottom of screen in summary page. Remember if using outside running you need phone with you to track your gps map and mileage - won’t record without it
On summary page are notes icon - this is really handy for recording daily anything you want - you can go back and look at notes - daily- weekly- yearly anytime in app
Very handy play around with it you can take photo then add it from your saved photos, medication , anything in app of concern - literally anything you want.
Graphs/ bar charts can be changed view in the top right icon in screen, and in vitals can be put to larger screen by pressing icon top right of vital screen and screen goes sidewards / larger zoom.
Slide fingers along any graph it shows times and readings
Aeroplane mode - if using this it stops Bluetooth connection with ring- ring still records all data- when you take aeroplane off you need the charger to reconnect Bluetooth with the app - otherwise will not connect to app
Ring lights - ensure the ring has both small bumps / lights in underside of finger on fleshy part as this area is where measurements are taken.
Solid green: When measuring the heart rate with the ring, both green lights will light up simultaneously for 30~60 seconds.
Solid red and green: When measuring SpO2 with the ring, one red light and one green light will light up simultaneously for 30~60 seconds.
Press your profile in app here you can put in a picture - also fill in user name- birthday- gender - height- weight- you can adjust weight anytime here
Any issues or questions use feedback in app - me- FAQ/ feedback - use this first so engineers app development teams can read and act on your info - do not just send email
Feedback is your main route of reporting anything or asking questions, you will get email back with reply.
Play with the app you can’t break it, don’t be scared of pressing anything lots of other screens in main summary pages - if not sure ask questions in the group lots people knowledgeable in app workings.
Hope that’s of some help don’t be afraid to ask any questions.
submitted by Oilypete2023 to RingConn [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:14 Contactunderground “THE EARTH - A LIVING CREATURE!” This is the message of a brief video created from NASA satellite imagery.

Joseph Burkes MD
I was a contact team coordinator for the CE-5 Initiative in Los Angeles from 1992 to 1998. “She is alive. She is awake and She loves us.” is the message that I received during of a kind of channeling experience that I had back in 1994 at Carlsbad Caverns New Mexico. It was an occurrence that Linda Irwin of the Unseen World radio show called a "contact download.”

I was meditating 600 feet underground. It just an hour before closing time. I sat alone in a small amphitheater cut into the rock face. With no expectations of results, I decided to reach out with my mind and try to contact with what I imagine is Earth Mother. She is called Gaia by many.

Soon two beings appeared in my mind's eye. Dressed in the garb of medieval pilgrims, I was informed that I could not interface with her directly, but through them a link could be established.

What followed was an "awake dream" that was so poignant because it combined striking visual imagery in full color with emotion and thought. The message that I “received” was as follows:
The Earth is like a beautiful woman, alive and awake and conscious of her reproductive power. Her love for all of her children, plants, animals, including us is profound. But humankind is now experienced by her as if we were a kind of pest. The rivers and oceans, her life’s blood, the mountains her skin and the forests her fur, are infested with a blight called man.

So, a cleansing has been called for and this brings her sadness. Brief images of devastation flashed through my mind during the download. Like a forest animal that rubs against a tree or dives into a lake to cleanse her fur, I saw earthquakes smashing cities, and walls of water, tsunamis, hitting the coasts.

But like a mother preparing to give birth, volcanic islands rose from the ocean floor to make new land, new homes for more of her beloved creatures.

I appreciate the work of those who created this brief YouTube video that still gives me pause to remember a strange bittersweet experience from three decades ago.

Additional Remarks:
Back in the 1980s I was part of a movement of scientists and physicians that studied the possible effects of an all-out-nuclear war in which thousands of megatons of TNT equivalent explosives might be detonated over our cities.

Hundreds of millions would be killed immediately and billions more from what is called "Nuclear Winter." That dreaded event would result as the ashes of burned cities blocked out the sun. Our calculations, however, indicated that in the southern hemisphere there would be many survivors. Civilization as we know it would end, but human life most certainly would go on.

We cannot destroy the Earth. Perhaps it is an expression of our limitless pride that makes us think that we can. As suggested by my "contact download" her capacity to generate new life is boundless.

Many contact experiencers, while in communication with what we imagine are extraterrestrials, describe being shown images of terrible environmental destruction. This type of encounter conveys the impression that the "aliens" (my wife Yael calls them "the whatevers" as she is not very interested in these matters) really do care about the fate of our planet.

I suggest that we are getting important wake up calls about the need to become better stewards of this jewel of a planet. Sometimes the message comes from medical doctors like my colleagues in The Nobel Peace Prize winning organization International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War. Sometimes the warnings come from those "little grey guys with wrap around eyes" that enter our minds with what have been called inconvenient truths.

Name deleted: I had a similar contact experience. On 12/12/12, I lay down to meditate, which I always do, before sleep. On this particular night, which was associated with the end of the Mayan Calendar, I immediately began to get a "download" of images. It was as if there was a slide show going on in my mind's eye. Image after image of nuclear holocaust, natural disasters, death and destruction. These images were interspersed with images of mathematical formulas...none of which I recognized consciously. Pages and pages of mathematical formulas. This went on all night long and I didn't get a wink of sleep. The following night, the same went on as soon as I closed my eyes to meditate. This time I began to telepath questions to whomever or whatever was sending me the downloaded images. The answers I got were: 1. That I was being shown images of past and possible futures, 2. That our earth and our species is in peril if we continue on this path of self-destruction, and 3. I asked about the math and was told..."Don't worry. You now have it and will understand it when you need it." This experience was a profound and "otherworldly" awakening for me, one that led me to begin exploring my relationship both with the earth on a deeper level, and also my connections with the RAHMA mission.

Joseph Burkes Thank you for sharing your personal contact experiences. I too had a download that involved mathematical equations that I couldn't understand other than they had to do with determinants of the contact drama and interactions between human action and a masterplan to open up our planet to peaceful contact with UFO intelligence.

submitted by Contactunderground to HighStrangeness [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:13 Contactunderground “THE EARTH - A LIVING CREATURE!” This is the message of a brief video created from NASA satellite imagery.

This is the message of a brief video created from NASA satellite imagery.
Joseph Burkes MD
I was a contact team coordinator for the CE-5 Initiative in Los Angeles from 1992 to 1998. “She is alive. She is awake and She loves us.” is the message that I received during of a kind of channeling experience that I had back in 1994 at Carlsbad Caverns New Mexico. It was an occurrence that Linda Irwin of the Unseen World radio show called a "contact download.”

I was meditating 600 feet underground. It just an hour before closing time. I sat alone in a small amphitheater cut into the rock face. With no expectations of results, I decided to reach out with my mind and try to contact with what I imagine is Earth Mother. She is called Gaia by many.

Soon two beings appeared in my mind's eye. Dressed in the garb of medieval pilgrims, I was informed that I could not interface with her directly, but through them a link could be established.

What followed was an "awake dream" that was so poignant because it combined striking visual imagery in full color with emotion and thought. The message that I “received” was as follows:
The Earth is like a beautiful woman, alive and awake and conscious of her reproductive power. Her love for all of her children, plants, animals, including us is profound. But humankind is now experienced by her as if we were a kind of pest. The rivers and oceans, her life’s blood, the mountains her skin and the forests her fur, are infested with a blight called man.

So, a cleansing has been called for and this brings her sadness. Brief images of devastation flashed through my mind during the download. Like a forest animal that rubs against a tree or dives into a lake to cleanse her fur, I saw earthquakes smashing cities, and walls of water, tsunamis, hitting the coasts.

But like a mother preparing to give birth, volcanic islands rose from the ocean floor to make new land, new homes for more of her beloved creatures.

I appreciate the work of those who created this brief YouTube video that still gives me pause to remember a strange bittersweet experience from three decades ago.

Additional Remarks:
Back in the 1980s I was part of a movement of scientists and physicians that studied the possible effects of an all-out-nuclear war in which thousands of megatons of TNT equivalent explosives might be detonated over our cities.

Hundreds of millions would be killed immediately and billions more from what is called "Nuclear Winter." That dreaded event would result as the ashes of burned cities blocked out the sun. Our calculations, however, indicated that in the southern hemisphere there would be many survivors. Civilization as we know it would end, but human life most certainly would go on.

We cannot destroy the Earth. Perhaps it is an expression of our limitless pride that makes us think that we can. As suggested by my "contact download" her capacity to generate new life is boundless.

Many contact experiencers, while in communication with what we imagine are extraterrestrials, describe being shown images of terrible environmental destruction. This type of encounter conveys the impression that the "aliens" (my wife Yael calls them "the whatevers" as she is not very interested in these matters) really do care about the fate of our planet.

I suggest that we are getting important wake up calls about the need to become better stewards of this jewel of a planet. Sometimes the message comes from medical doctors like my colleagues in The Nobel Peace Prize winning organization International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War. Sometimes the warnings come from those "little grey guys with wrap around eyes" that enter our minds with what have been called inconvenient truths.

Name deleted: I had a similar contact experience. On 12/12/12, I lay down to meditate, which I always do, before sleep. On this particular night, which was associated with the end of the Mayan Calendar, I immediately began to get a "download" of images. It was as if there was a slide show going on in my mind's eye. Image after image of nuclear holocaust, natural disasters, death and destruction. These images were interspersed with images of mathematical formulas...none of which I recognized consciously. Pages and pages of mathematical formulas. This went on all night long and I didn't get a wink of sleep. The following night, the same went on as soon as I closed my eyes to meditate. This time I began to telepath questions to whomever or whatever was sending me the downloaded images. The answers I got were: 1. That I was being shown images of past and possible futures, 2. That our earth and our species is in peril if we continue on this path of self-destruction, and 3. I asked about the math and was told..."Don't worry. You now have it and will understand it when you need it." This experience was a profound and "otherworldly" awakening for me, one that led me to begin exploring my relationship both with the earth on a deeper level, and also my connections with the RAHMA mission.

Joseph Burkes Thank you for sharing your personal contact experiences. I too had a download that involved mathematical equations that I couldn't understand other than they had to do with determinants of the contact drama and interactions between human action and a masterplan to open up our planet to peaceful contact with UFO intelligence.

submitted by Contactunderground to Experiencers [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:11 Contactunderground “THE EARTH - A LIVING CREATURE!” This is the message of a brief video created from NASA satellite imagery.

Joseph Burkes MD
I was a contact team coordinator for the CE-5 Initiative in Los Angeles from 1992 to 1998. “She is alive. She is awake and She loves us.” is the message that I received during of a kind of channeling experience that I had back in 1994 at Carlsbad Caverns New Mexico. It was an occurrence that Linda Irwin of the Unseen World radio show called a "contact download.”

I was meditating 600 feet underground. It just an hour before closing time. I sat alone in a small amphitheater cut into the rock face. With no expectations of results, I decided to reach out with my mind and try to contact with what I imagine is Earth Mother. She is called Gaia by many.

Soon two beings appeared in my mind's eye. Dressed in the garb of medieval pilgrims, I was informed that I could not interface with her directly, but through them a link could be established.

What followed was an "awake dream" that was so poignant because it combined striking visual imagery in full color with emotion and thought. The message that I “received” was as follows:
The Earth is like a beautiful woman, alive and awake and conscious of her reproductive power. Her love for all of her children, plants, animals, including us is profound. But humankind is now experienced by her as if we were a kind of pest. The rivers and oceans, her life’s blood, the mountains her skin and the forests her fur, are infested with a blight called man.

So, a cleansing has been called for and this brings her sadness. Brief images of devastation flashed through my mind during the download. Like a forest animal that rubs against a tree or dives into a lake to cleanse her fur, I saw earthquakes smashing cities, and walls of water, tsunamis, hitting the coasts.

But like a mother preparing to give birth, volcanic islands rose from the ocean floor to make new land, new homes for more of her beloved creatures.

I appreciate the work of those who created this brief YouTube video that still gives me pause to remember a strange bittersweet experience from three decades ago.

Additional Remarks:
Back in the 1980s I was part of a movement of scientists and physicians that studied the possible effects of an all-out-nuclear war in which thousands of megatons of TNT equivalent explosives might be detonated over our cities.

Hundreds of millions would be killed immediately and billions more from what is called "Nuclear Winter." That dreaded event would result as the ashes of burned cities blocked out the sun. Our calculations, however, indicated that in the southern hemisphere there would be many survivors. Civilization as we know it would end, but human life most certainly would go on.

We cannot destroy the Earth. Perhaps it is an expression of our limitless pride that makes us think that we can. As suggested by my "contact download" her capacity to generate new life is boundless.

Many contact experiencers, while in communication with what we imagine are extraterrestrials, describe being shown images of terrible environmental destruction. This type of encounter conveys the impression that the "aliens" (my wife Yael calls them "the whatevers" as she is not very interested in these matters) really do care about the fate of our planet.

I suggest that we are getting important wake up calls about the need to become better stewards of this jewel of a planet. Sometimes the message comes from medical doctors like my colleagues in The Nobel Peace Prize winning organization International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War. Sometimes the warnings come from those "little grey guys with wrap around eyes" that enter our minds with what have been called inconvenient truths.

Name deleted: I had a similar contact experience. On 12/12/12, I lay down to meditate, which I always do, before sleep. On this particular night, which was associated with the end of the Mayan Calendar, I immediately began to get a "download" of images. It was as if there was a slide show going on in my mind's eye. Image after image of nuclear holocaust, natural disasters, death and destruction. These images were interspersed with images of mathematical formulas...none of which I recognized consciously. Pages and pages of mathematical formulas. This went on all night long and I didn't get a wink of sleep. The following night, the same went on as soon as I closed my eyes to meditate. This time I began to telepath questions to whomever or whatever was sending me the downloaded images. The answers I got were: 1. That I was being shown images of past and possible futures, 2. That our earth and our species is in peril if we continue on this path of self-destruction, and 3. I asked about the math and was told..."Don't worry. You now have it and will understand it when you need it." This experience was a profound and "otherworldly" awakening for me, one that led me to begin exploring my relationship both with the earth on a deeper level, and also my connections with the RAHMA mission.

Joseph Burkes Thank you for sharing your personal contact experiences. I too had a download that involved mathematical equations that I couldn't understand other than they had to do with determinants of the contact drama and interactions between human action and a masterplan to open up our planet to peaceful contact with UFO intelligence.

submitted by Contactunderground to ContactUnderground [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:10 Contactunderground “THE EARTH - A LIVING CREATURE!” This is the message of a brief video created from NASA satellite imagery.

Joseph Burkes MD 2018
I was a contact team coordinator for the CE-5 Initiative in Los Angeles from 1992 to 1998. “She is alive. She is awake and She loves us.” is the message that I received during of a kind of channeling experience that I had back in 1994 at Carlsbad Caverns New Mexico. It was an occurrence that Linda Irwin of the Unseen World radio show called a "contact download.”

I was meditating 600 feet underground. It just an hour before closing time. I sat alone in a small amphitheater cut into the rock face. With no expectations of results, I decided to reach out with my mind and try to contact with what I imagine is Earth Mother. She is called Gaia by many.

Soon two beings appeared in my mind's eye. Dressed in the garb of medieval pilgrims, I was informed that I could not interface with her directly, but through them a link could be established.

What followed was an "awake dream" that was so poignant because it combined striking visual imagery in full color with emotion and thought. The message that I “received” was as follows:
The Earth is like a beautiful woman, alive and awake and conscious of her reproductive power. Her love for all of her children, plants, animals, including us is profound. But humankind is now experienced by her as if we were a kind of pest. The rivers and oceans, her life’s blood, the mountains her skin and the forests her fur, are infested with a blight called man.

So, a cleansing has been called for and this brings her sadness. Brief images of devastation flashed through my mind during the download. Like a forest animal that rubs against a tree or dives into a lake to cleanse her fur, I saw earthquakes smashing cities, and walls of water, tsunamis, hitting the coasts.

But like a mother preparing to give birth, volcanic islands rose from the ocean floor to make new land, new homes for more of her beloved creatures.

I appreciate the work of those who created this brief YouTube video that still gives me pause to remember a strange bittersweet experience from three decades ago.

Additional Remarks:
Back in the 1980s I was part of a movement of scientists and physicians that studied the possible effects of an all-out-nuclear war in which thousands of megatons of TNT equivalent explosives might be detonated over our cities.

Hundreds of millions would be killed immediately and billions more from what is called "Nuclear Winter." That dreaded event would result as the ashes of burned cities blocked out the sun. Our calculations, however, indicated that in the southern hemisphere there would be many survivors. Civilization as we know it would end, but human life most certainly would go on.

We cannot destroy the Earth. Perhaps it is an expression of our limitless pride that makes us think that we can. As suggested by my "contact download" her capacity to generate new life is boundless.

Many contact experiencers, while in communication with what we imagine are extraterrestrials, describe being shown images of terrible environmental destruction. This type of encounter conveys the impression that the "aliens" (my wife Yael calls them "the whatevers" as she is not very interested in these matters) really do care about the fate of our planet.

I suggest that we are getting important wake up calls about the need to become better stewards of this jewel of a planet. Sometimes the message comes from medical doctors like my colleagues in The Nobel Peace Prize winning organization International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War. Sometimes the warnings come from those "little grey guys with wrap around eyes" that enter our minds with what have been called inconvenient truths.

Name deleted: I had a similar contact experience. On 12/12/12, I lay down to meditate, which I always do, before sleep. On this particular night, which was associated with the end of the Mayan Calendar, I immediately began to get a "download" of images. It was as if there was a slide show going on in my mind's eye. Image after image of nuclear holocaust, natural disasters, death and destruction. These images were interspersed with images of mathematical formulas...none of which I recognized consciously. Pages and pages of mathematical formulas. This went on all night long and I didn't get a wink of sleep. The following night, the same went on as soon as I closed my eyes to meditate. This time I began to telepath questions to whomever or whatever was sending me the downloaded images. The answers I got were: 1. That I was being shown images of past and possible futures, 2. That our earth and our species is in peril if we continue on this path of self-destruction, and 3. I asked about the math and was told..."Don't worry. You now have it and will understand it when you need it." This experience was a profound and "otherworldly" awakening for me, one that led me to begin exploring my relationship both with the earth on a deeper level, and also my connections with the RAHMA mission.

Joseph Burkes Thank you for sharing your personal contact experiences. I too had a download that involved mathematical equations that I couldn't understand other than they had to do with determinants of the contact drama and interactions between human action and a masterplan to open up our planet to peaceful contact with UFO intelligence.

submitted by Contactunderground to CE5 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:08 Contactunderground “THE EARTH - A LIVING CREATURE!” This is the message of a brief video created from NASA satellite imagery.

Joseph Burkes MD 2018
I was a contact team coordinator for the CE-5 Initiative in Los Angeles from 1992 to 1998. “She is alive. She is awake and She loves us.” is the message that I received during of a kind of channeling experience that I had back in 1994 at Carlsbad Caverns New Mexico. It was an occurrence that Linda Irwin of the Unseen World radio show called a "contact download.”

I was meditating 600 feet underground. It just an hour before closing time. I sat alone in a small amphitheater cut into the rock face. With no expectations of results, I decided to reach out with my mind and try to contact with what I imagine is Earth Mother. She is called Gaia by many.

Soon two beings appeared in my mind's eye. Dressed in the garb of medieval pilgrims, I was informed that I could not interface with her directly, but through them a link could be established.

What followed was an "awake dream" that was so poignant because it combined striking visual imagery in full color with emotion and thought. The message that I “received” was as follows:
The Earth is like a beautiful woman, alive and awake and conscious of her reproductive power. Her love for all of her children, plants, animals, including us is profound. But humankind is now experienced by her as if we were a kind of pest. The rivers and oceans, her life’s blood, the mountains her skin and the forests her fur, are infested with a blight called man.

So, a cleansing has been called for and this brings her sadness. Brief images of devastation flashed through my mind during the download. Like a forest animal that rubs against a tree or dives into a lake to cleanse her fur, I saw earthquakes smashing cities, and walls of water, tsunamis, hitting the coasts.

But like a mother preparing to give birth, volcanic islands rose from the ocean floor to make new land, new homes for more of her beloved creatures.

I appreciate the work of those who created this brief YouTube video that still gives me pause to remember a strange bittersweet experience from three decades ago.

Additional Remarks:
Back in the 1980s I was part of a movement of scientists and physicians that studied the possible effects of an all-out-nuclear war in which thousands of megatons of TNT equivalent explosives might be detonated over our cities.

Hundreds of millions would be killed immediately and billions more from what is called "Nuclear Winter." That dreaded event would result as the ashes of burned cities blocked out the sun. Our calculations, however, indicated that in the southern hemisphere there would be many survivors. Civilization as we know it would end, but human life most certainly would go on.

We cannot destroy the Earth. Perhaps it is an expression of our limitless pride that makes us think that we can. As suggested by my "contact download" her capacity to generate new life is boundless.

Many contact experiencers, while in communication with what we imagine are extraterrestrials, describe being shown images of terrible environmental destruction. This type of encounter conveys the impression that the "aliens" (my wife Yael calls them "the whatevers" as she is not very interested in these matters) really do care about the fate of our planet.

I suggest that we are getting important wake up calls about the need to become better stewards of this jewel of a planet. Sometimes the message comes from medical doctors like my colleagues in The Nobel Peace Prize winning organization International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War. Sometimes the warnings come from those "little grey guys with wrap around eyes" that enter our minds with what have been called inconvenient truths.

Name deleted: I had a similar contact experience. On 12/12/12, I lay down to meditate, which I always do, before sleep. On this particular night, which was associated with the end of the Mayan Calendar, I immediately began to get a "download" of images. It was as if there was a slide show going on in my mind's eye. Image after image of nuclear holocaust, natural disasters, death and destruction. These images were interspersed with images of mathematical formulas...none of which I recognized consciously. Pages and pages of mathematical formulas. This went on all night long and I didn't get a wink of sleep. The following night, the same went on as soon as I closed my eyes to meditate. This time I began to telepath questions to whomever or whatever was sending me the downloaded images. The answers I got were: 1. That I was being shown images of past and possible futures, 2. That our earth and our species is in peril if we continue on this path of self-destruction, and 3. I asked about the math and was told..."Don't worry. You now have it and will understand it when you need it." This experience was a profound and "otherworldly" awakening for me, one that led me to begin exploring my relationship both with the earth on a deeper level, and also my connections with the RAHMA mission.

Joseph Burkes Thank you for sharing your personal contact experiences. I too had a download that involved mathematical equations that I couldn't understand other than they had to do with determinants of the contact drama and interactions between human action and a masterplan to open up our planet to peaceful contact with UFO intelligence.

submitted by Contactunderground to AnomalousEvidence [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:05 Subject-Horror-6130 Looking for Advice: Civil Engineer Estimator/QS

Hello everyone. I am a new civil engineer in the ph and have one year experience in project coordination. I am passionately looking into switching to estimation/QS. I have been researching the necessary skills that I need. So far, I am currently studying and familiarizing myself with manual estimation, planswift, materials, construction methodologies contracts, etc.
May you please give me an advice on what more I need to do in order to succeed in this field? As estimators/QS in the construction field, please give me an insight of what you do on a project from start to finish so that I may further understand the scopes of such work.
Thank you very much. Any insights is deeply appreciated.
submitted by Subject-Horror-6130 to estimators [link] [comments]

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submitted by EchoJobs to CodingJobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:33 Allorig [Thesis Survey] Call for Angkas, Joyride, or Move It Users

Hi! We are Kaila and Jarek from the UP Diliman Institute of Civil Engineering, and we kindly ask for your participation in our survey regarding your experiences with Motorcycle Taxi services on campus. Our survey aims to analyze the perspective of Motorcycle Taxi users and determine possible improvements for their service.
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submitted by Allorig to peyups [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:17 benjo9991 [PS] H: Apparel W: UNY AP WWR and OE AP WWR civil engineer armor pieces

[PS] H: Apparel W: UNY AP WWR and OE AP WWR civil engineer armor pieces submitted by benjo9991 to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:15 Maxton1811 Galactic Refugees 7

Colonist Memory Log: Captain Alan J. Emerson
UNS Evandra
Mechanical melodies of gears grinding together and switches flicking of their own accord surrounded the shrine room as before us the gramophone began softly to whistle and click. “He is here…” Kritivek announced, standing tall and bowing his head in rigid deference to his god.
After a few more seconds, the machine’s output grew in both volume and complexity until at last my GRIM could recognize the clicks as Chitaan language. “Hello, Kritivek.” It began, its voice smooth and rhythmic like something between the crackle of a geiger counter and a typewriter’s telltale racket. “I am glad to see you alive and well. Judging by the fact that Gheyk and Fevik are not with you, however, I calculate an 86% chance that they were not so lucky.”
“You are correct, Great One…” murmured Kritivek, the sadness in his tone underpinned by pure awe and reverence for this being.
For a few seconds, Omnus did not speak, but from the everpresent churn of gears we could quite literally hear him ‘thinking’. “I have logged their names in my backup database,” the machine eventually concluded, its words visibly bringing relief to Kritivek. “They shall be remembered for the remainder of my existence. Please, take solace in that…”
“May they frolic in your glory for all of time,” our Chitaan guide prayed aloud, his words followed by yet another long, smothering silence.
“You hath served me well, Kritivek.” Continued the machine, prompting a delighted chitter from the Chitaan priest. “You may go in peace, for I wish to speak with these Humans alone. Mourn your brothers and celebrate the time you spent together. Perhaps enjoy a flask of bogal poured out in their honor?”
“As you wish, my lord… I will inform those outside that you are in contemplation for this night and can take no more prayers until daybreak.”
Replicating with its gears the gentle rattle of a Chitaan chuckle, Omnus waited until his priest had left before at last speaking directly to the three of us. “You are not native to this planet, correct?” He asked, his words distinctly lacking the emotional inflections of Kritivek’s. “Your arrival here is without precedent, but not entirely unexpected.”
Though clearly far from divine in nature, the being with whom we conversed at this shrine was nevertheless a true marvel to behold: one born not of metaphysics, but rather mechanics. “You’re an AI!” I gasped, that last word having no direct translation in the Chitaan language and as such forcing my translator to make do with the clumsier phrase ‘thinking tool’.
“That is correct,” replied this machine, its words underscored by the distant hiss of steam valves and other clockwork components. “Allow me to offer my most sincere sympathies for the unfortunate demise of your homeworld. Taking into account the trajectory of your ship prior to landing, I presume its origin to be the Cichek system—a G-class star located [forty lightyears] away. Is this hypothesis accurate?”
Awkwardly clearing his throat in a bid to obtain the AI’s attention, it was Alex who next deigned to speak out. “You would be dead on,” he affirmed, his tone betraying an understandable degree of awe. “Though our name for it is the Sol system. How long have you known about our ship for?”
“I first detected the gravitational anomaly in our system approximately [3 months] ago. Initially, I had mistaken your vessel for an asteroid and as such expected it to continue on its prior trajectory. Asteroids, however, do not suddenly change course in the direction of nearby planets like your ship did [hours] ago.”
“Are you entirely clockwork?” I asked Omnus, gesturing incredulously toward its walls of grinding machinery. Surely, that could not be the case. For a convincingly sapient AI to be constructed on the basis of such primitive technology, it would require decades or perhaps even centuries of construction.
Again, silence fell over the room as Omnus mechanically contemplated my query, meeting it with a reply after some twenty seconds of deliberation. “What else might I be?” The machine asked, providing me implicitly with my answer. “While I have theorized several possible avenues for technologies more advanced than myself, including electronic and organic integration, such methods appear to have been beyond my creators' capabilities.”
“That brings up another question…” Alice interjected, recovering at last from the sheer shock of encountering a sapient machine. “Who built you and why?” Despite years of exponential advancement in the field of computer science, true AI nevertheless had continued to elude mankind. Convincing as our facsimiles of sapience could be at times, they nevertheless lacked the capacity for emotion and initiative characteristic of real consciousness. Whoever constructed this machine had done something thought impossible by over a century of Human engineers.
“In truth, I am not sure…” Omnus concluded after an even longer-than-usual pause. “My core memory bank was reset [9,462 years] ago. As such, I have no data on my creators nor their original intentions for me. However, I have largely ruled out the possibility of them having been Chitaan.”
Fascinating as this clockwork consciousness undoubtedly was, something about its relationship with the natives left a bad taste in my mouth all the same. "And why exactly are you masquerading as a god before these people?" I asked him, my words tipped in a venom the potency of which apparently surprised my companions. "What value do you derive from tricking them into worshipping you?"
Lengthy silence fell over the shrine chamber as its AI occupant contemplated my complaint, responding much quicker than it had to the previous question. "In all fairness, 'trick' is a rather strong word..." answered Omnus with a steam-valve sigh. "When first I encountered the Chitaan, I had attempted to explain my true nature to them. No matter how I worded things, however, they simply could not comprehend me as anything short of divine. Upon finding me, the Chitaan found a guide bearing great wisdom; and in turn, I found a species in need of guidance.”
Falling silent for a moment to parse this response within my mind, I was hardly surprised when Alex spoke up to question the computer in my stead. “Is this the only settlement that follows you or are there others?” He asked.
“This access point where you now stand is but one of several thousand, stretched out across [hundreds of thousands of miles],” explained Omnus, practically knocking the wind out of me with its sheer implied scale. “Currently, I am worshipped by the people of 2,147 city states, and through my guidance they are able to coexist in harmony.”
Perhaps at a later date, I reasoned, there would come a time to more closely study the inner workings of this clockwork deity. For the moment, however, my mind was occupied by far more salient concerns: anxieties related less so what this being was and more so to who. "I don't suppose you'd be willing to tell us what your end goal with the Chitaan is, would you?" I inquired, my tone saturated with appropriate suspicion.
Contrary to my expectations of some evasion or simplification, this AI seemed more than happy to comply with my questioning. "My primary objective regarding the Chitaan is to create a society which both minimizes individual suffering and maximizes civilizational longevity. To this end, I have instilled values into my followers that prioritize empathy and compassion above all else. By drip-feeding them the technologies of my creators, I am able to ensure that the Chitaan who follow these directives remain more advanced than their neighbors."
"And why do you want that?" I asked, sticking my head thoroughly within the gift horse's mouth. Machines as I understood them were built not upon sweet sentiments, but rather on cold, unfeeling logic. Even if this AI was benevolent, there nevertheless had to be some reason behind its desires.
"If you are searching for some vile ulterior motive, I am afraid I will have to disappoint you. My decision to aid the Chitaan is based upon two simple factors: necessity and curiosity. On the one claw, without regular maintenance, I will shut down and 'die'. The Chitaan can provide me with this maintenance, and as such it is in my best interest to keep them healthy and alive for as long as possible. More importantly, however, is the matter of sapience itself. It is clear to me that my creators are no longer around. For such an advanced species to die out is not only tragic, but also provides a rather pessimistic paradigm with which to judge intelligent life. Your arrival here following the self-inflicted destruction of your own world further suggests that civilization is unstable: a race between innovation and eradication. Perhaps with the assistance of a being such as myself, I can prevent the Chitaan from suffering a similar fate and as such create a functional spacefaring civilization.“
At that moment, the motivations of this machine made perfect sense. “So that’s what this is,” I growled contemptuously, glancing behind myself to the cave entrance as Kritivek politely dispersed the other worshippers. “It's all just a science experiment to you…”
"Perhaps my explanation was a tad overly clinical..." Replied the machine following a brief period of reassessment. "Make no mistake: I do care for Kritivek and his species. They are far more to me than variables on a spread sheet. Had I no love for them, then my experiments would surely spiral into abject cruelty."
Interrupting this line of conversation with a stern glare shot in my direction, Alice was next among our troupe to speak up. "Forgive Alan's weariness: he spent sixty years of his life alone maintaining our ship on its journey.”
“That sounds like a difficult use of one’s lifespan: especially one so long as those of your kind.” Omnus hummed, the low-pitch of his synthetic voice oddly relaxing.
“My combative behavior does have a reason!” I snapped at the physicist, my tone coming off as a bit more aggressive than intended. “Two thousand lives are in our hands and we need to find some place for them to settle.” As I spoke, my thoughts returned—as they so often did—to Mina. I made a promise to her mother that I would do everything in my power to take care of her, and I held no intention of going back on my word.
Hearing this, the AI fell silent for a long few seconds before at last dignifying my concerns with a response. “Perhaps I could be of some use to you…”
Behind us, the larger Chitaan clad in red stepped inside Omnus’ shrine room. Gently nudging me aside so as to access his ‘god’, the priest knelt down before this machine and with a low-pitched chitter began to commune with it. “Lord Omnus. Forgive my intrusion most indiscreet, for there is one amongst us who desperately seeks your aid.”
“Apologies, Humans: before we continue this riveting conversation, I must first tend to the concerns of my pod.” Began the AI, promptly shifting its focus toward the priest and addressing him directly. “You are forgiven, my child. Speak freely and tell me to whom I can be of assistance.”
“It is Vevik, my lord…” Clicked the priest in red, his tone strained somewhat by what I presumed to be emotion. “His daughter has fallen deathly ill. Our apothecaries have attempted to purge her body of the illness using your divinely-taught potions, but their efforts have been to no avail.”
“I presume Vevik is outside. Invite him inside so that I may hear his prayers.”
“As you demand, Lord Omnus!” Exclaimed the priest, shuffling off toward the cave entrance before returning with a smaller Chitaan whose eyes were just about level with Alex’s forehead.
“Speak, my child…” Hummed the AI, its monotone voice somehow underlined by a tenderness almost unnoticeable against the grinding of its ancient gears. “Tell me the nature of your offspring’s affliction.”
Immediately falling to his knees before the clockwork god, this Chitaan who I presumed to be Vevik began to pray in response. “Great one: my beloved Yitika is most terribly ill. Her body is plagued by violent bouts of seizure. She struggles to speak and walks as though drunken. When she does manage to communicate, she complains of splitting pain within her mind. Please, Omnus: I know that the [six years] I have spent with her have been in themselves gifts most priceless, and I have no right to implore you for more, but I beg of thee not to take her from me so soon…”
What followed must have been two minutes straight of silence from the computer as its gears ground away fervently. “The symptoms you have described to me are most troubling…” It concluded at last. “And you say none of the medications I’ve taught the apothecaries were effective?”
"Yes, Lord Omnus. Even your draught of respite has done little to ease her suffering!" Vevik affirmed, his tone saturated with desperation.
"I calculate a 94% chance that Yitika's suffering is the result of a brain tumor..." Continued the AI in cold, calculating monotone. "Alleviating such an illness is not impossible, but there are certain things I must ask of you, Vevik."
Hearing this, the Chitaan knelt before Omnus began to weep with joy. "I will undergo any trial you place before me, my god. What beast need I slay? What ritual need I complete to prove my unending faith and loyalty to you?"
"Retrieve for me one thistle of frojeth and two bilvarian roots. Bring these ingredients and your child to the bed of revival [six miles] east of here. Beware, however, the faithless tribes, for they have taken up residence in the area."
"We are unworthy even to be in your presence, o great one; yet still you do not forsake us in our times of need!" Professed Vevik before the AI, his body quivering with some emotion my Cogitolink struggled to identify .
"That, my child, is where you are incorrect." The machine responded rather matter-of-factly. "Your people are worthy of every gift I hath given you. Archpriest Jokuk: your task is to assist Vevik in gathering the ritual components. Go now in peace, for I wish to commune privately with these beings from the stars."
Chittering out their parting prayers of protection to the AI, Jokuk and Vevik wasted little time in exiting the cave and setting off in search of the ingredients mentioned by their god, leaving the three of us alone with it once more. "Again, I must apologize for that interruption." Omnus began, its gears having slowed down to a somewhat more relaxed rate of revolution. “Fascinated as I am by your arrival here, I nevertheless must fulfill my ‘divine’ obligations. I hope you do not terribly mind.”
Fortunate though it was for Vevik, this machine’s intervention nevertheless left the three of us with more questions than answers. “You mentioned something about a ‘bed of revival’?” Alice began curiously, voicing but one of our newfound gaps in knowledge. “What sort of ritual item is that, and why can’t you just make another here?”
“It is not a ritual item,” replied Omnus matter-of-factly, “The bed of revival is an automated surgery bay hooked up to one of my subsystems. With it, I can perform complex surgical operations far beyond the Chitaan’s current capabilities. Those herbs I sent Vevik to collect can be used as rudimentary anesthetics and antiseptics."
"So why not just tell them the truth?" I shrugged, curious as to why this AI would feel the need to lie by omission regarding something like surgery.
"When communicating with people so technologically primitive as the Chitaan, it is important to do so in terms they can understand. There will come a day when they will be ready to hear the whole truth, but as of yet my worshippers remain unprepared."
Alex never was one to wait his turn when it came to the procurement of knowledge, and as per usual he felt the need to interject with an inquiry of his own. "You spoke about the so-called 'faithless tribes' like they're dangerous," he began, his expression briefly tightening up as though the term itself was somehow bitter. "Why demonize people who don't worship you?"
"What sort of narcissist do you take me for?" Replied Omnus in monotone displeasure, his gears again churning against each other as he turned over the xenobiologist's question in his analog mind. "Not all tribes who do not follow me are 'faithless'. There are many as-of-yet unconverted groups that Kritivek's people remain on amicable terms with. Faithless is a term first coined by my Chitaan followers to describe a group of particularly brutal raider tribes."
Hearing this, the underlined aggression within Alex's voice fizzled out in favor of grim understanding. Though clearly quite peaceful compared to our own iron age, this civilization nevertheless would naturally have its own barbaric holdouts. "Okay... What makes these Chitaan more dangerous than other raiders?"
"One substantial part of it is their belief system," explained the AI, pausing for a long while as though in recollection. "Their cultural power structure can best be described as an atheistic militaristic gerontocracy. In essence, the faithless believe that rather than gods, the universe is governed by fundamental truths, and that these truths become more apparent as one ages and grows."
On Earth, such a belief system would be relatively innocuous: no more harmful than the average. On a planet like this one, however, on which age turns people into cannibalistic monsters, I could most definitely see the problem. "Let me guess: they worship the mad ones?"
"Correct. The faithless regard mad ones as the wisest beings to exist, and as such seek to emulate their behaviors: cannibalism and animalistic violence chief among them. In their society, the larger one can grow before truly losing their sanity and therefore 'ascending' to the state of a mad one, the more power and respect they are given within society." Another long pause fell over the shrine room as this machine seemed to contemplate before speaking out yet again. "Perhaps I could make you an offer..."
"Let's hear it," Alice shrugged, her husband mirroring the reply with an affirmative nod.
Loud clacking sounds like those of a typewriter rattled out of the console as a sliver of ancient parchment inscribed with what looked to be a map slid out from a previously-unseen paper slot. "This map depicts the local area," explained Omnus. "If you can clear out the faithless ones so that Vevik can bring his child to the bed of revival, I will provide you with assistance in setting up a new colony for your species. Deal?"
Awkwardly plucking the paper from it's resting place and scanning it over with my ancient eyes, I contemplated carefully what this deal might entail. "We'll need to back to the Evandra first. There, we could theoretically thaw out a crew to help clear the place..."
"That will not be an issue," replied Omnus confidently. "I will send battle priests to assist you in your return... Assuming, of course, that we have an agreement?"
"We could definitely use this guy's help!" Alex affirmed, prompting a similar expression of agreement from Alice. Nevertheless, however, I still was the captain, and as such this was my choice.
And with that, I reached out my hand reflexively as though expecting the computer to reach back and shake it. "Deal..."
submitted by Maxton1811 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:26 SkySea6861 I took the Civil Service Exam secretly and passed!!!

Hi, 22m here. I am a fourth-year civil engineering student and soon to graduate from college. To start off, I never knew much about the civil service exam, except that it allows you to be eligible for government positions. I took it once just so I wouldn't feel left out among my peers who were all taking it. Honestly, I secretly took the exam because I have a fear of failing exams. I've had past experiences of failing entrance and scholarship exams, and it always made me feel terrible. So, the thought of failing another exam was dreadful. Fortunately, I passed the civil service exam on my first attempt.
To be honest, I wasn't truthful with my friends when they asked if I had filed for the exam. I always responded with "not yet." After the results were released, I finally told them the truth, and to my surprise, they were happy but mostly shocked. I honestly thought they would be mad at me for lying, but they weren't. So, I felt relieved afterward.
To all aspiring exam takers out there, I encourage you to take your shot no matter how scary it may seem. I kept it a secret because I didn't want my friends, especially my parents, to have high expectations of me. Luckily, things turned out the way I wanted them to.
submitted by SkySea6861 to Cebu [link] [comments]