Sequence paragraph samples

RNN generated jokes

2016.03.17 12:24 Chuckytah RNN generated jokes

Posts with random RNN generated jokes! Please understand and enjoy the non-sense fun! [I]( have [trained a RNN]( with about 5000 [jokes]( and generated some samples jokes and neural_bot will post them here.

2024.05.21 10:34 Agreeable-Union-9392 I am not getting any calls, keeps getting rejected. For ML ( NLP primarily)
Please tell how to improve
submitted by Agreeable-Union-9392 to resumes [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 08:58 sandeepmetslab The Process of Food Testing: What Happens in a UAE Lab?

The Process of Food Testing: What Happens in a UAE Lab?
Ensuring the safety and quality of food products is of utmost importance in the UAE, where food testing labs play a critical role in safeguarding public health. These labs use a range of sophisticated techniques to analyze food samples, detecting contaminants, verifying nutritional content, and ensuring compliance with regulatory standards. In this article, we will explore the intricate process of food testing lab in UAE, providing a detailed overview of the various stages involved.
Food Testing Lab in the UAE

Sample Collection and Preparation

Importance of Proper Sample Collection
The first step in the food testing process is the collection of samples. This is a crucial stage, as improper sample collection can lead to contamination, compromising the accuracy of the test results. Samples are collected from various sources, including farms, production facilities, and retail outlets. Trained personnel follow strict protocols to ensure that samples are representative of the batch and free from external contaminants. Proper labeling and documentation are also essential to maintain the chain of custody and traceability.
Initial Sample Preparation
Once the samples arrive at the lab, they undergo initial preparation. This involves homogenization, where the sample is mixed thoroughly to ensure uniformity. Depending on the type of analysis required, the sample may be diluted, concentrated, or otherwise treated to make it suitable for testing. Storage conditions are carefully controlled to preserve the integrity of the sample, preventing any changes in composition before analysis.
Microbiological Testing
Pathogen Detection
Microbiological testing is a key component of food safety, focusing on the detection of harmful microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Common pathogens tested in UAE labs include Salmonella, E. coli, and Listeria. Using techniques such as polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and culture methods, lab technicians can identify and quantify these pathogens, ensuring that contaminated products do not reach consumers.
Spoilage Organisms
In addition to pathogens, labs also test for spoilage organisms that can affect the shelf life and quality of food products. These organisms, including certain bacteria and molds, cause spoilage by breaking down food components, leading to off-flavors, odors, and textures. By identifying spoilage organisms, labs help manufacturers implement appropriate preservation methods to extend product shelf life.
Chemical Analysis
Pesticide Residue Testing
Chemical analysis is another vital aspect of food testing, with pesticide residue testing being one of the primary concerns. UAE labs use advanced techniques such as gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) to detect and quantify pesticide residues in food samples. These tests ensure that pesticide levels are within safe limits, protecting consumers from potential health risks associated with pesticide exposure.
Nutritional Analysis
Accurate nutritional labeling is essential for consumers to make informed choices about their diet. Food testing labs conduct nutritional analysis to determine the content of macronutrients (proteins, fats, and carbohydrates) and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) in food products. Techniques such as spectrophotometry and titration are used to quantify these components, ensuring that the nutritional information provided on labels is accurate and reliable.
Allergen Testing
Common Food Allergens
Food allergies are a significant concern for many consumers, making allergen testing a critical component of food safety. Common allergens tested in UAE labs include peanuts, gluten, dairy, and soy. Accurate detection of these allergens is essential to prevent allergic reactions and protect vulnerable individuals.
Testing Methods
UAE labs employ various techniques to detect allergens in food products. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) is a widely used method that utilizes antibodies to detect specific proteins associated with allergens. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is another technique used to identify allergenic DNA in food samples. These methods are highly sensitive and specific, ensuring that even trace amounts of allergens can be detected.
Authenticity Testing
Verification of Food Authenticity
Food fraud is a growing concern globally, and the UAE is no exception. Authenticity testing helps verify the true identity of food products, ensuring that they are not mislabeled or adulterated. This is particularly important for high-value products such as organic foods, premium meats, and specialty ingredients.
Techniques Used
Labs use a variety of techniques to test for food authenticity. DNA barcoding is a method that involves sequencing a specific region of the DNA to identify the species present in a sample. Isotope analysis can determine the geographic origin of a product, providing information about its production location. These techniques help prevent fraud and ensure that consumers receive genuine products.
The process of food testing in UAE labs is a comprehensive and meticulous endeavor, involving multiple stages and sophisticated techniques. From sample collection and preparation to microbiological and chemical analysis, allergen testing, and authenticity verification, each step plays a crucial role in ensuring the safety and quality of food products. Adhering to strict regulatory standards, UAE food testing lab provide reliable and accurate results, safeguarding public health and maintaining consumer trust.
As consumers become increasingly aware of food safety issues, the role of food testing labs becomes even more critical. By understanding the processes involved in food testing, we can appreciate the efforts made to ensure that the food we consume is safe, nutritious, and authentic. Supporting and prioritizing rigorous food testing not only protects our health but also promotes a transparent and trustworthy food industry in the UAE.
submitted by sandeepmetslab to u/sandeepmetslab [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 07:19 nebulnaskigxulo First ML Project Question

Hello all,
I'm currently doing my first ML project, and I have the issue that the loss rate does not really decrease (at least over the first three epochs). The ML training is supposed to be a binary text classification based on pretrained SciBERT, torch and sklearn. I attach the code below. Am I doing something obviously wrong with the settings/code or is it just that the input data sucks? (they are rather imbalanced, so I wouldn't be surprised; don't have any choice in improving this though, since I don't have time for that at the moment).
I would be immensely grateful for any input.
import pandas as pd from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn.utils import resample from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForSequenceClassification, Trainer, TrainingArguments import torch from import Dataset import os import glob def load_data(file_path): # Read the CSV file into a DataFrame df = pd.read_csv(file_path) # Encode the classification column into binary labels df['label'] = df['classification'].apply(lambda x: 1 if x == "external_rd" else 0) # Debug: Print the initial class distribution print("Class distribution before up-sampling:") print(df['label'].value_counts()) return df def balance_data(df): # Separate majority and minority classes df_majority = df[df.label == 0] df_minority = df[df.label == 1] # Debug: Print the sizes of the majority and minority classes print(f"Number of majority class samples: {len(df_majority)}") print(f"Number of minority class samples: {len(df_minority)}") # Check if there are any minority samples if len(df_minority) == 0: raise ValueError("No minority class samples found. Check the input data.") # Up-sample minority class df_minority_upsampled = resample( df_minority, replace=True, # Sample with replacement n_samples=len(df_majority), # Match number of majority class random_state=42 # Reproducible results ) # Combine majority class with upsampled minority class df_upsampled = pd.concat([df_majority, df_minority_upsampled]) # Debug: Print the new class distribution print("Class distribution after up-sampling:") print(df_upsampled['label'].value_counts()) return df_upsampled def prepare_datasets(df_upsampled): # Split the data into training and validation sets train_df, val_df = train_test_split(df_upsampled, test_size=0.2, random_state=42) print(f"Training set: {len(train_df)} samples") print(f"Validation set: {len(val_df)} samples") return train_df, val_df def clean_text(text): if isinstance(text, str): return text else: return "" def tokenize_data(df, tokenizer, max_length=512): # Clean the text column df['text'] = df['text'].apply(clean_text) texts = df['text'].tolist() # Debug: Print a few examples of texts print(f"Sample texts: {texts[:3]}") return tokenizer( texts, padding=True, truncation=True, max_length=max_length, return_tensors='pt' ) class TextDataset(Dataset): def __init__(self, encodings, labels): self.encodings = encodings self.labels = labels def __len__(self): return len(self.labels) def __getitem__(self, idx): item = {key: val[idx] for key, val in self.encodings.items()} item['labels'] = torch.tensor(self.labels[idx]) return item def main(): # Specify the path to your CSV file csv_file_path = 'myfile.csv' # Load and balance the data df = load_data(csv_file_path) df_upsampled = balance_data(df) train_df, val_df = prepare_datasets(df_upsampled) # Load the SciBERT tokenizer tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained('allenai/scibert_scivocab_uncased') # Tokenize the text train_encodings = tokenize_data(train_df, tokenizer) val_encodings = tokenize_data(val_df, tokenizer) # Create PyTorch Datasets train_dataset = TextDataset(train_encodings, train_df['label'].tolist()) val_dataset = TextDataset(val_encodings, val_df['label'].tolist()) # Load the SciBERT model model = AutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained('allenai/scibert_scivocab_uncased', num_labels=2) # Check if a GPU is available and move the model to the GPU device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") # Define training arguments training_args = TrainingArguments( output_dir='./results_gpu', # Output directory overwrite_output_dir=False, # Don't overwrite output directory num_train_epochs=3, # Number of training epochs per_device_train_batch_size=8, # Batch size for training per_device_eval_batch_size=8, # Batch size for evaluation warmup_steps=500, # Number of warmup steps for learning rate scheduler weight_decay=0.01, # Strength of weight decay logging_dir='./logs_gpu', # Directory for storing logs logging_steps=10, # Enable GPU training fp16=torch.cuda.is_available(), # Use 16-bit (mixed) precision if a GPU is available ) # Create Trainer instance trainer = Trainer( model=model, args=training_args, train_dataset=train_dataset, eval_dataset=val_dataset, ) # Train the model trainer.train() # Evaluate the model results = trainer.evaluate() print(f"Validation loss: {results['eval_loss']}") # Save the trained model model.save_pretrained('./trained_model') tokenizer.save_pretrained('./trained_model') if __name__ == "__main__": main() 
submitted by nebulnaskigxulo to learnmachinelearning [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 04:10 JC-DisregardMe I just finished Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete, and I had a mostly-great time

Wasn't long ago I was in here writing a recent post about my "well, that was OK and now it's over" experience of playing Breath of Fire III. On the request of a friend I played BoF3 concurrently with, I made my immediate next JRPG pick the PS1 remake of the first Lunar game.
Well, as the post title has indicated to you, I had a much better time with this game! It's interesting to have gone right from BoF3 to Lunar when in a number of ways, Lunar kind of feels like the inverse of BoF3. For those not concerned about reading my BoF3 post, I'll quickly go over what I mean:
My biggest criticism for BoF3 was that it felt like the game's story and characters, while obviously having potential with their interesting themes and narrative ideas, were seriously let down by the game's mediocre English localization. The English script just felt consistently like a basic rush job to make the game text readable with no further care put into making it read well in English. As a result I remember almost nothing in the way of specific dialogue moments and exchanges, and almost none of BoF3's characters stand out even in my very recent memory as having any kind of distinct character voice.
In contrast, Lunar's localization (while not making the optimal choice in every situation) is just loaded with sincerity and personality in every friggin' scene of the game. I care about these characters, I want to carry on through the game to see where they go and how their stories progress. This is all a difference of how much care and effort went into conveying the ideas and themes of the story effectively specifically for an English-speaking audience. As far as I know this subreddit is one of those communities I can count on to understand why it's so important to have a quality localization that reshapes the script that way to adapt to a different language - it's not rote "take the words and swap in their equivalents in the other language", which is really what a lot of BoF3's English script felt like. Sure, Lunar's story is very fantasy-RPG-standard and not exactly reaching for high heights in complexity, but I'm very much willing to forgive that in the face of just how genuine it is.
Now, to turn things around the other way, my biggest point of praise for BoF3 was its gameplay and the depth of the battle and leveling systems. So many different ways you can spec your party members and build up their fighting styles, and so many ways to break the game's balance in half with the right setups.
Lunar's gameplay is acceptable. It's functional, it gets the job done. I can't really give it any stronger praise than that. Very, very standard 90s JRPG fare, and it never really reaches any higher than that. The battle system is OK, doesn't really have any glaring problems. Not the biggest fan of how the localization evidently boosted the game's difficulty, since it sort of feels like it skews the balance a fair bit. Battles were pretty consistently "there is one obviously ideal strategy here, just do that in every fight" for the whole game with very few exceptions.
For nearly every boss in the game, Alex's best strategy is just buffing up his attack and then using the heavy damage single-target special attack he's had since the beginning of the game. Nash is best off just constantly using his AOE electricity attack from the moment he first joins you to nearly the very end of the game, with the eventual option of swapping it out for his "just hit all enemies at once" electric attack. Unless I'm mistaken, his status effect spells are basically useless against pretty well all bosses, and with regular enemies it's almost always going to be ideal to just deal damage and finish them off instead of bothering with unreliable statuses that mostly target just one enemy. I think I remember exactly one time in the game that I actually got any useful effect out of trying to land a status on anything. Mia can buff attack and defences for others in boss fights or just fling out multi-target damage with little reason to do anything else. Kyle just hits things really hard. Jessica initially has a cool niche with healing spells obviously similar to Luna's but also a reasonable capacity for physical damage output, but toward the end of the game she's pretty much going to be locked into the heal bot role.
All this means that battles become really boring not all that long into the game and only very rarely pose a challenge or require any deeper degree of strategy. With how ridiculously abundant MP-restoring items are by the endgame, I don't have much reason not to just have everyone persistently throw out the best damage they've got while keeping steady healing from Jessica going.
The inventory and equipment systems are annoying, it's super irritating to keep getting pieces of equipment that can only be equipped by one or two party members but which give no indication of who can use them. Means I have to keep navigating to the "give to other character" submenu, passing the item off between characters, backing out, going to the equipment menu, and just hoping it's usable by whoever just got it, because if it's not I have to repeat the whole process.
Still, since I am playing this game in the modern day, I can very easily alleviate a lot of this stuff with emulator speedup and/or savestates.
Now, with my usual string of bunched-up criticism paragraphs done, I'm just gonna randomly gush about a few things.
fucking love the soundtrack, it's fantastic and it was pretty cool to learn who the composer was - I'm a gigantic Ace Attorney fanboy, and Noriyuki Iwadare was involved with the soundtracks of like half the games in that series
fucking love the whole sequence as you leave for Meribia early in the game and Alex convinces Luna to come along, after which she proceeds to do like an entire Disney "I want" song and it's great
fucking love how unabashedly and sincerely idealistic the whole presentation of the story and world is, same kind of feeling I got from the relentlessly optimistic adventurous spirit of Skies of Arcadia
fucking love how the game isn't even remotely trying to hide the reveals that Luna is actually Althena and Nall is a dragon
fucking love how utterly clueless Alex is about Ghaleon being blatantly and cartoonishly obviously evil
fucking love how in-character it was for Nall to just wait around like a dozen turns before ever bothering to revive Nash during Royce's boss fight in the endgame when I was just letting him stay unconscious because it was more convenient than trying to keep healing him while he was a complete liability for most of that fight
Game's like an 8/10, I thought about maybe 8.5 but figure I shouldn't really downplay the significant areas in which the gameplay is lacking just because emulation benefits made them easier to deal with.
submitted by JC-DisregardMe to JRPG [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 03:12 TheDemonBlue378 Does anyone know why you can't see the letters and it looks so blurry?

Does anyone know why you can't see the letters and it looks so blurry? submitted by TheDemonBlue378 to Unity2D [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 01:54 ruadonk [Q] Getting statistically significant differences of observation patterns

First let me start by saying that if I knew a little more about statistics, I think I would likely be able to find a solution to my problem. However you'll have to forgive me as I'm unsure as to how to even state it in general statistical terms that yield a productive google search. On to the problem.
I have a pattern defined by a sequence of locations. Let's say I have 2 instances of this pattern, each with equal lengths 𝑛 (the lengths of the patterns and the locations will always be the same). Call this pattern 𝑋, and the observation at any location 𝑖=0,1,...𝑛 be 𝑋𝑖.
At any location of my pattern, I have made different number of observations of an attribute (let's call it a type) which exists in 3 types 𝐴,𝐵,𝐶. My observation can also yield blank (no type), meaning no type was found. I can represent by a vector where the column is the type and the value is number of observations: 𝑋𝑖=(𝑋𝑖𝐴,𝑋𝑖𝐵,𝑋𝑖𝐶,𝑋𝑖𝑁). For reference, the order of magnitude of the total number of observations Σ 𝑋𝑖=10.
My pattern 𝑋 is thus a 𝑛∗4 matrix. I have two 𝑋 instances, and I'd like to know if they are different overall (or in a subset that I can generalize). I know that each instance of 𝑋 was taken from a different sampling pool (I mention this in case it matters that the pattern varies with a sampling pool). The sampling pools can be considered independent if that matters.
I appreciate any help you might have pointing me in the right direction. My search so far has led me down the hole of MLE on a multinomial distribution, likelihood ratios and Z-score, however I'm having trouble generalizing what I've learned to my specific solution. Thank you for your time and help.
submitted by ruadonk to statistics [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 01:42 Huge-Practice6715 2024 DAT Breakdown (27AA/26TS/22PAT)

Hi there! I just took my DAT last Friday and wanted to share some of the wisdom I have gained from the process. I have read many of these posts over the last few months and I want to pay it forward so hopefully y’all don’t have to struggle as much as I did. Below you will see a breakdown of how I raised my score.
Scores: PAT - 22 Quantitative Reasoning - 30 Reading Comprehension - 22 Biology - 23 Gen Chem - 30 O Chem - 30 Total Science - 26 Academic Average - 27
Background: Junior with a 3.93 GPA.
Study Materials Used:
1) DAT Booster – This program is brilliantly designed. The communication team has great customer service and really makes students feel important. The tech team is quick to fix any bugs and is consistently implementing student feedback. It was crazy that some of the suggestions I made were actually implemented into the program. Lastly, the tutors were phenomenal. They responded quickly with helpful, detailed responses. I would highly recommend that you guys send them questions and use the AI bot when you do not 100% understand. Also, if you purchase the 90-day (12 week) membership, use the 10-week study plan. Doing that allowed me to take Sundays off (or use it as a catch-up day). It also front loaded the hard part earlier in the semester, so I was just doing review when my classes got more intense.
a) PAT (22) - The generators and question banks were closely representative of what I saw on the real exam. Highly recommend doing 5-10 questions from 3 sections one day (angles, pattern folding and keyhole) and then do 5-10 questions from the other 3 sections (hole punch, TFE, cube counting) the next day. You can skip days but not longer than a week. I skipped two weeks during finals and regretted that a week before to the DAT because I was struggling to finish in the allotted time. I was able to cut my time in half by going with my gut on the angles section. Usually, I would spend 40ish seconds on each angle questions, but if I stuck to my gut, I’d save 20 seconds. Doing this gave me a lot of extra time on the hard sections (keyhole and TFE were mine). Also, do the easiest sections first so that you get the points you know you can get. Then, do the harder ones. By doing this I was able to spend longer on the more difficult sections and raise my subsection score. I started at a 18 and earned a 22 on the real thing.
b) Quantitative Reasoning (30) – The questions on the practice tests were similar or higher difficulty than the real test. I would recommend looking at the solutions to EVERY question (even if you got it right). Sometimes you’ll learn a new method that’ll save you 30 seconds and ever second counts. Just a disclaimer, I was a question off of getting a perfect score on the math section of the SAT, but DAT booster was a good review. If you need “quick and dirty” tricks for answering standardized math questions fast, I’d check out “SAT Prep Black Book” by Mike and Patrick Barrett. They have great tips that greatly helped me with the DAT.
c) Reading Comprehension (22) – The first time I took a practice test I bombed it and only got half the questions right. I combined some of the strategies that Booster recommended and it brought up my score a ton. The first 60ish seconds, I would preview the first 5-8 questions. Then, I would read the first half of the passage and then highlight things I thought were important or answers one of the questions. Then, I would attempt to answer the first 5-8 questions (making sure to double check the passage for each…it is so easy to fall into answer traps). If it did not look familiar (i.e. not in the first half of the passage), I’d skip it. After answering what I knew, I would preview the rest of the questions and read/highlight the second half. If I was low on time, however, I would spend 90 seconds reviewing all of the questions and then read/highlight the entire passage. Then, I would speed run all of the questions. It is crucial to review the questions before reading the passage, because it is easy to passively read and miss the details they will ask you about. Also, if you cannot find the answer in the passage within 50 seconds, skip it and move on. More likely than not, you’ll find the answer when you are searching for a different question. The DAT similar to my prep except that the questions were not evenly distributed like DAT booster (not 16-17-17 but instead 13-20-17). I saved myself though because I previewed the questions and was able to pace myself accordingly.
d) Biology (23) – Biology was a beast. I am a biochem major, but my physiology class did not prepare me well for the DAT. About 4-5 weeks before the test I was making 16-18 on the biology section. I thought the notes on Booster were wonderful and they really encompassed what was on the test; however, the bullet point formatting was not as helpful (for me personally) on the human body systems (the rest of the notes were great). So, I borrowed some textbook from my school that nicely summarized the body systems in paragraph form. The weeks leading up to the exam, I would read the summary paragraph from the textbook and then test my knowledge using 15-20 of the bio bit questions. Once again, read the right and wrong answer descriptions regardless of if you got the question right. More often than not, I would find an area that I needed review on. That process really helped me fill in all of the gaps I had in biology. Do the same for the practice tests. If you do not like to read, what the bio review videos at two times speed. They are so helpful and, in a minute, or two taught me more about the topic and helped me find week areas.
e) Gen Chem (30) – I went through the videos and questions following DAT Boosters study schedule and then reviewed all of the question banks throughout the month leading up to the exam. Note: the second time you go through the question banks, you do not have to answer all of the questions. For example, I would click the shuffle button and do five questions. If I got an 80%, I would move on. This allowed me to target my studying to what I struggled with most. There were some sections I did all 10 sample questions. I think their resources were more than enough to ace gen chem.
f) O Chem (30) – I made a B in organic 2, so it really is possible to raise your score greatly. The amount of time spent on o chem is truly dependent on how well you remember the reactions though. I forgot many of them, but I grinded DAT Boosters practice questions and videos for the first 60 days and then reviewed all of the question banks again throughout the last 30 days. For reactions it is really helpful to look for patterned on the reaction document. For example, I went through and highlighted all of the anti-Markovnikov that we have to know. After doing this, I realized there were only 3-4 that I had to know and several of them had some type of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2 or R-OO-R). Seeing patterns like this helped me to remember the tedious reactions. Note: when you have no idea what a reaction does, think “what would make since given what I have seen before.” That saved me on the practice exams and on test day.
Ending Advice
submitted by Huge-Practice6715 to predental [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 00:48 MetalRecliner Resume Review Request - Solutions Engineer Position

I am looking specifically at a position with a software consulting group on the west coast, USA.
All advice is very appreciated!
submitted by MetalRecliner to resumes [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 23:32 formulator404 A couple of very useful purchases for the One +

A couple of very useful purchases for the One + submitted by formulator404 to mpcusers [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 23:18 BunniBunzzzzz {F playing M for A} Looking for new partners!

Hi there! Not replacing anyone of course, but looking for something to fill some gaps!
So some things about me, I'm 23f in CST. Please be over 18, I do not rp with anyone below 18. I usually have A LOT of time on my hands so I am very active and would love to find a partner that can do at least one or more replies per day. My replies are multi-paragraph, lit to advance lit, leaning more towards advance. My replies will usually match my partner, so if you can only consistently do 2 paragraphs pr shorter replies, that's probably what I'll match with, but longer is always better! I love reading just as much as I love writing. I also rp exclusively on discord. OOC chatter is totally fine, but flirting or being weird is not! I am in a relationship and am NOT looking for a new one.
Some things I like:
❤️ I LOVE fantasy. High, grimdark fantasy settings are my absolute favorites and most of my OCs are in a fantasy setting, but I'm also into Cyberpunk settings a lot, Western can be kinda fun and MAYBE if you've got a cool enough plot and world, I might be convinced to do a more modern setting, but they're not my go-to.
❤️ Slow burn romance is also a fave of mine. I like a little conflict, I like to see characters grow and develop and form relationships with one another, whether it be romantic or not. (I am a sucker for the romance tho. I also love drama and thrill and usually stay away from strict SOL stuff. I get way too bored.
❤️ I love world building and character development and obsessing over worlds and characters! I make mood boards and Playlist for most of my characters and love chatting about them! I like drawing and writing little pics of them on my own so if you like that too, that's awesome!
Some additional things, I do MxM or MxF stories. I'm not opposed to FxF stories, I've just never done them before so it would be a new experience for me! Most of my OCs are male, so I will probably be playing a male character. For a sneak peak of characters, I have a one armed, masked scorned knight, an evil vampire, a gay monster hunter, a forest witch, and a few others that I can go more into detail if anything sounds neat! And most of my characters can be altered a bit to fit into other worlds, so if you like the sound of one but not the setting, I might be able to shift them a bit (all of my OCs have played in countless worlds lmao). I have a few plot ideas, but they're all very loose.
So of you've read this far and you think this sounds cool, let me know! Tell me about yourself and your favorite color somewhere in your messages and chats so I know you read my post. Be prepared with some writing samples, character ideas and even plot ideas! I'd love to hear them!
I will not be replying to low effort responses!!
submitted by BunniBunzzzzz to Roleplay [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 22:43 No-Acanthisitta-2172 [World of Darkness] [Hunter the Reckoning] Glasgow by Night

Welcome to Glasgow, 1923—a city shrouded in perpetual twilight, where the fog rolls in from the River Clyde, seeping through cobblestone streets and curling around every corner like a spectral hand. The echoes of the Great War still resonate, mingling with the despair of economic collapse and political unrest. Amidst this backdrop of gloom and shadow, something far darker stirs, unseen by the ordinary populace but all too real for those who dare to look.
You are fledgling hunters, newly awakened to the hidden horrors that lurk in the shadows. Each of you has faced the supernatural and survived, forever changed by the encounter. Drawn together by fate and necessity, you now find yourselves on the front lines of a war that the rest of humanity doesn't even know exists.
The Glasgow Chantry, overwhelmed by a surge of inexplicable crimes and ghostly occurrences, has reached out to you in desperation. Officially, you are consultants brought in to assist with peculiar cases. Unofficially, you are the city's last line of defense against the darkness that threatens to consume it.
Your journey begins as the train pulls into Glasgow Central Station, its whistle a mournful wail that pierces the fog-draped silence. Stepping onto the platform, you are greeted by a chill that seems to seep into your bones. The station is eerily quiet, the only sounds the distant hum of industry and the faint murmur of uneasy souls.
Before you lies a city of secrets and shadows, where every whisper hints at unseen terrors and ancient evils. The Chantry has provided initial contacts—harried officers and dubious informants who offer the first threads of guidance in this perilous new life.
But beware, for Glasgow is a city where the line between the living and the dead is perilously thin. In this murky metropolis, trust is fragile, and the true threat often wears a familiar face. As you delve deeper into the city's underbelly, you must untangle the web of intrigue and confront the hidden horrors that stalk the night.
The hunt is on, and the fate of Glasgow hangs in the balance. Welcome to the shadows—may you survive to see to see the dawn. ‐----------------------------------- Now, a little about me,
Top of the Morning, names Ruan. 20 year old Avid ttrpg player and fantsy nerd who's deciding to dip thier toes into the grim, pyscho Banana world of darkness.
I'm preety new to the series and world but I've fallen in love with over the course of a few weeks and I've been devouring the wiki and YouTube videos to saith my thirst.
Sadly that hasent been enough for me. I crave more. And more has led me to this. I call out to the void for 4-5 HUNTERS to take up a call too arms and defend Glasgow from the supernatural.
I'm looking for those maybe new to the series like myself within the GMT timezone. Veterans are welcome too but just have patience with me and my lacking of deep deep knowledge. In this series roleplay and investigation are the main staple of the game tho combat is most certainly abundant.
To apply just send me a DM, your name, discord, maybe a little paragraph about you abd your experience with WOD or a small rp sample.
Ta Ta~
submitted by No-Acanthisitta-2172 to pbp [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 21:58 hotandcoolgoth Uon - J - unusual, shifting bassline pattern?

Hello all!
I am confounded/amazed/obsessed with the bassline and tom-like sequences in this track. The upper tom-sounding part that begins at 00:05 and the lower, bassy pattern that begins at 00:45 are so slippery.
Any clues on how to compose such a bassline? It seems to hit on strange intervals. I got close to the sound with a filtered Tabla sample, but the sequencing is blowing my mind rhythmically. Is the sample reversed? Is the attack set higher? What is the pattern being used?
All amazing credit to the producer on this one-of-a-kind track :)
submitted by hotandcoolgoth to synthrecipes [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 21:30 arpaccount2234 Fandoms, F for any playing M

[I'm over 18, you must be over 18, and our characters will be over 18.]
~ I'm looking for a longterm writing partner, not a "quick scene".
~ My time zone is EST but I'm happy to write with anyone of any time zone.
~ I write in third person past tense.
~ I usually write four paragraphs minimum per reply but can easily go beyond that to breaking the Discord character limit.
~ I write as female main characters but I am happy to play various other side characters to help shape the world.
~ If you're interested in writing samples from me please see the pinned posts on my profile.
~ Writes as a male character and can also take on various side characters.
~ Writes in third person past tense.
~ Can give at least three paragraphs per reply.
~ Helps shape the plot by bringing ideas and suggestions.
~ Has time to respond to the roleplay at least every couple of days.
~ Has knowledge of the fandoms and characters they're picking.
~ ~ ~
~ I'm looking for writing partners that want to play the male role in any of the pairings listed below. I'd like there to be romance but I prefer slow burn as we build the world and plot around the characters. Slice of life type of events are nice but I'd also like action and adventure, for the characters to face challenges and adversaries together. Mixing in angst and drama, anything along the lines of hurt/comfort, is always fun too.
~ Usually I'd like whatever plot we decide to play out to be canon divergent, different than the actual storyline and something of our own design, while still keeping the structure of the world and keeping any canon characters present true to who they are.
~ In some cases I have pre written intro posts that follow a loose plot that we can further shape to our needs, if you're interested in those ask! (I do not have these for every listed pairing.)
~ I'm open to AUs so bring those ideas if you have them!
~ ~ ~
[Fandoms & Pairings]
& = If you want to do this one bring some ideas.
Hogwarts Legacy/Harry Potter:
Yu Yu Hakusho:
DC Comics:
Star Trek:
Genshin Impact:
Avatar the Last Airbender:
The Walking Dead:
submitted by arpaccount2234 to Roleplay [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 21:27 arpaccount2234 Fandoms, F for any playing M

[I'm over 18, you must be over 18, and our characters will be over 18.]
~ I'm looking for a longterm writing partner, not a "quick scene".
~ My time zone is EST but I'm happy to write with anyone of any time zone.
~ I write in third person past tense.
~ I usually write four paragraphs minimum per reply but can easily go beyond that to breaking the Discord character limit.
~ I write as female main characters but I am happy to play various other side characters to help shape the world.
~ If you're interested in writing samples from me please see the pinned posts on my profile.
~ Writes as a male character and can also take on various side characters.
~ Writes in third person past tense.
~ Can give at least three paragraphs per reply.
~ Helps shape the plot by bringing ideas and suggestions.
~ Has time to respond to the roleplay at least every couple of days.
~ Has knowledge of the fandoms and characters they're picking.
~ ~ ~
~ I'm looking for writing partners that want to play the male role in any of the pairings listed below. I'd like there to be romance but I prefer slow burn as we build the world and plot around the characters. Slice of life type of events are nice but I'd also like action and adventure, for the characters to face challenges and adversaries together. Mixing in angst and drama, anything along the lines of hurt/comfort, is always fun too.
~ Usually I'd like whatever plot we decide to play out to be canon divergent, different than the actual storyline and something of our own design, while still keeping the structure of the world and keeping any canon characters present true to who they are.
~ In some cases I have pre written intro posts that follow a loose plot that we can further shape to our needs, if you're interested in those ask! (I do not have these for every listed pairing.)
~ I'm open to AUs so bring those ideas if you have them!
~ ~ ~
[Fandoms & Pairings]
& = If you want to do this one bring some ideas.
Hogwarts Legacy/Harry Potter:
Yu Yu Hakusho:
DC Comics:
Star Trek:
Genshin Impact:
Avatar the Last Airbender:
The Walking Dead:
submitted by arpaccount2234 to roleplaying [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 20:09 menaceofCT EIQE Subtest 2: High-Range Sequencing!!

Greetings, ct, and thank you for the support on the last post! Today I will be releasing the first norm report for the EIQE Antonyms Subtest, as well as the second subtest, NVFR Sequencing. A few things before taking the test:
Without further ado, Electric Boogaloo: EIQE Subtest 2—NVFR Sequencing, inspired by JCFS!
This post will be updated with preliminary norms as soon as possible. Thanks!!
Edit 4: these norms are gonna remain the prelims. currently at a low n, but correlation w pro tests is sitting at 0.89. final norms will be uploaded w the norm report once more participants take the test
4- 5= 12ss
6-7= 13ss
8= 14ss
9= 15ss
10= 16ss
11= 17ss
12= 18ss
13-14= 19ss
15-16= 20ss
17-18= 21ss
19-20= 22ss
21-22= 23ss
23-25= 24ss
submitted by menaceofCT to cognitiveTesting [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 19:05 SciFiTime Humans Send Just One Ship (Chapter 4)

The engineers aboard the Phoenix, worked tirelessly to analyze the remnants of Vraxian technology, salvaged from the destroyed ships. In a large laboratory, components were laid out on examination tables under powerful scanners and electron microscopes. Early findings showed the materials, and engineering principles utilized, were somewhat more primitive than current human technologies.
Dr. Amina Suleiman peered through a lens at a sample of the Vraxians' plasma conduit system. "The super ceramics, they use for these conduits have a low tolerance for heat fluctuations. A few well-placed blasts, could cause cascading failures throughout their power distribution grids." She made a note on her tablet.
Across the lab, Commander Sara Backman held up a broken piece of armor plating. "Their alloys seem minimally reinforced. With the right penetrating ammunition, we could punch through their defenses like paper. No wonder a few well-aimed shots took out whole ships."
Amina walked over, taking the armor to examine under a scanner. "You're right, the crystalline structure has numerous weaknesses. With these materials in their ships, a single hardened slug could tear through multiple decks. We may be able to exploit that vulnerability tactically if faced with larger forces."
In another section, engineers Chen and Nadine studied a non-functioning plasma cannon, recovered virtually intact from a destroyed enemy ship. "The power modulation and pulsating discharge sequences are elementary. With a little reverse engineering, we can incorporate similar weaponry that appears Vraxian but far surpasses their firepower," commented Chen.
Nadine nodded, making notes on a datapad. "And because their propulsion systems utilize similar plasma jet vectoring, we could adapt stealth drones, to mimic the ionization signatures of smaller Vrax raider ships. Equipped with more advanced scanners and weapons, the drones could sow havoc amongst their formations from within."
Aboard the Phoenix, Commander Aoki oversaw preparations for a top-secret mission. Engineering teams had spent the past month retrofitting a squadron, of small stealth drones to mimic the energy signatures, and flight profiles of Vraxian scout ships. Though less advanced than actual Vraxian vessels, the drones had been outfitted, with sophisticated sensors, scanners, and cloaking technology available.
"Launch the drones, and initiate randomized patrol routes, near the Vraxian frontier."
Aoki ordered. The squadron of small ships detached from the Phoenix, and engaged their engines, disappearing under active cloaking fields.
Over the next few weeks, the stealth drones stealthily surveyed Vraxian space lanes, and outposts, quietly gathering terabytes of tactical data. They observed shipyard operations, mapped new starbases under construction, and decoded long range communication relays. This provided crucial intelligence on Vraxian weapons, defenses, logistics and troop movements.
One drone came across a convoy transporting a new prototype warship for combat trials. It trailed the convoy discreetly, scanning the vessel's systems, and structure in detail. Another encountered an entire battlegroup undergoing training maneuvers. The drone flew between the massive ships undetected, recording combat simulations and tactics.
The intelligence windfall from the drones, was immediately incorporated into Earth's war planning. Analysts identified new weaknesses to exploit, and loopholes in Vraxian defenses.
Military revised simulations, based on the enemy's true capabilities rather than estimates. Engineers gained insights to develop countermeasures, like advanced jammers or plasma lances of their own.
Though risky, the covert drone missions proved highly successful, in gaining a clearer picture of the looming Vraxian threat.
Their findings were compiled, and transmitted to military analysts on Earth, and the lunar network for review. Strategists incorporated the new intelligence, into revised contingency plans, should further conflict with the Vrax Empire become inevitable.
Meanwhile, urgent sessions were underway in the emergency rooms of global defense headquarters. Drone imagery showed, the full scale of industrial mobilization unfolding across Vraxian-held territories. Shipyards and orbital construction yards, swarmed with activity as armaments grew at an exponential rate.
The Chinese Premier shook his head grimly. "Every projection indicates, their arms buildup will eclipse our combined fleet capacities within the year if left unchecked. We must act to gain a strategic edge, before their armadas are complete."
From the Russian base, analysts displayed simulated engagements incorporating the Vraxian technical data from the Phoenix. "Even ambushing half of their known fleet strengths with, we will suffer losses of 30-40% according to these simulations. A war of attrition against such numbers, means eventual defeat."
In New Delhi, the Indian Defense Minister rubbed her temples. "Our industries are working around the clock as resources allow, but the size of their empire dwarfs all terrestrial forces combined. Any delay in deploying countermeasures risks facing a foe, whose very size may overwhelm earths defenses through numbers alone.
"From the Pan-African Alliance delegation, General Adebayo input new variables, accounting for rapid production quotas. "With reserves reallocated from inactive stockpiles, enhanced by scavenged Vrax designs, fleet strength may outpace current projections by 28%, if disbursement stays on schedule. Still, holding ground across three continents, against a total ground invasion could prove untenable."
As defense updates rolled in, the UN General Secretary called for consideration of preemptive strikes, using newly developed prototypes as a show of strength. "Demonstrating our awakened prowess, could force a retreat to the bargaining table, without igniting full warfare that puts billions at risk."
However, China's diplomat objected. "Direct attacks would make pariahs of us all, for starting hostilities first. We must remain in peaceful contact with other species, we don’t want more to join Vrax empire in their crusade against us. Vrax leaders has staked too much pride on vengeance already. We must bolster deterrence through superior defenses alone, and avoid escalating tensions further for now."
A planetary alert signaled then, diverting attention to a new threat. Collected data shoved Vraxian troop movements, amassing near their border frontier in unprecedented numbers, fleets fueling and arming at a feverish pace. Espionage drones detected frantic operations underway, to complete starbases along all strategic hyperspace lanes, and fueling depots at a pace that could only mean one thing.
"They mean to attack in force," realized the Indian strategist with dread. "Not probes or skirmishes, but an invasion armada whose objective can only be total conquest. We are out of time for slower strategies. Our defenses must harden immediately, or the first blows may shatter in pieces."
Grudgingly, a unified plan was launched into chaotic effect. Shipyards plunged into around-the-clock shifts; cornerstone projects accelerated without regard for cost. Every vessel able to fly received a refit, in enhanced shields and weapons. Production quotas were recalibrated higher by emergency decree, as automated factories switched to wartime programs.
On the lunar bases, General Ito monitored deployments with a grim eye. Enhancements to orbital infrastructure, proceeded at a breakneck pace under combined international lending. Sensor arrays expanded, hard laser batteries powered up for the first time. Within weeks, a defensive grid began to take form that could protect the inner system, if completed before invasion day. Reports predicted the Vraxian war machine, would appear above the asteroid belt, to cripple earths supply of raw materials.
Deep within the vaults of closed research bureaus, top scientists streamed in under presidential order. Top secret files were unlocked, revealing projects decades in the conceptual stages that had never reached production. Now every hesitation was discarded, safety protocols ignored in the race to weaponize untested theories, before the clock tolled midnight.
Meanwhile at the Lunar Command Center, Commander Aoki coordinated final preps for the Phoenix, and her newly upgraded squadron. Most were still lacking in proper combat trials, their upgraded systems untested under fire. But with invasion reported to start in only one to two years, no alternatives remained. The fate of billions now rested on ships and crews flung together at the last moment through desperation alone. Only faith in human adaptability, and ingenuity could transcribe hope from these desperate stakes. As the Phoenix and her untested fleet launched for patrol, all humanity watched and prayed, if Vrax Empire could be convinced to turn back, before doomsday arrived at their shores.
submitted by SciFiTime to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 19:05 SciFiTime Humans Send Just One Ship (Chapter 4)

The engineers aboard the Phoenix, worked tirelessly to analyze the remnants of Vraxian technology, salvaged from the destroyed ships. In a large laboratory, components were laid out on examination tables under powerful scanners and electron microscopes. Early findings showed the materials, and engineering principles utilized, were somewhat more primitive than current human technologies.
Dr. Amina Suleiman peered through a lens at a sample of the Vraxians' plasma conduit system. "The super ceramics, they use for these conduits have a low tolerance for heat fluctuations. A few well-placed blasts, could cause cascading failures throughout their power distribution grids." She made a note on her tablet.
Across the lab, Commander Sara Backman held up a broken piece of armor plating. "Their alloys seem minimally reinforced. With the right penetrating ammunition, we could punch through their defenses like paper. No wonder a few well-aimed shots took out whole ships."
Amina walked over, taking the armor to examine under a scanner. "You're right, the crystalline structure has numerous weaknesses. With these materials in their ships, a single hardened slug could tear through multiple decks. We may be able to exploit that vulnerability tactically if faced with larger forces."
In another section, engineers Chen and Nadine studied a non-functioning plasma cannon, recovered virtually intact from a destroyed enemy ship. "The power modulation and pulsating discharge sequences are elementary. With a little reverse engineering, we can incorporate similar weaponry that appears Vraxian but far surpasses their firepower," commented Chen.
Nadine nodded, making notes on a datapad. "And because their propulsion systems utilize similar plasma jet vectoring, we could adapt stealth drones, to mimic the ionization signatures of smaller Vrax raider ships. Equipped with more advanced scanners and weapons, the drones could sow havoc amongst their formations from within."
Aboard the Phoenix, Commander Aoki oversaw preparations for a top-secret mission. Engineering teams had spent the past month retrofitting a squadron, of small stealth drones to mimic the energy signatures, and flight profiles of Vraxian scout ships. Though less advanced than actual Vraxian vessels, the drones had been outfitted, with sophisticated sensors, scanners, and cloaking technology available.
"Launch the drones, and initiate randomized patrol routes, near the Vraxian frontier."
Aoki ordered. The squadron of small ships detached from the Phoenix, and engaged their engines, disappearing under active cloaking fields.
Over the next few weeks, the stealth drones stealthily surveyed Vraxian space lanes, and outposts, quietly gathering terabytes of tactical data. They observed shipyard operations, mapped new starbases under construction, and decoded long range communication relays. This provided crucial intelligence on Vraxian weapons, defenses, logistics and troop movements.
One drone came across a convoy transporting a new prototype warship for combat trials. It trailed the convoy discreetly, scanning the vessel's systems, and structure in detail. Another encountered an entire battlegroup undergoing training maneuvers. The drone flew between the massive ships undetected, recording combat simulations and tactics.
The intelligence windfall from the drones, was immediately incorporated into Earth's war planning. Analysts identified new weaknesses to exploit, and loopholes in Vraxian defenses.
Military revised simulations, based on the enemy's true capabilities rather than estimates. Engineers gained insights to develop countermeasures, like advanced jammers or plasma lances of their own.
Though risky, the covert drone missions proved highly successful, in gaining a clearer picture of the looming Vraxian threat.
Their findings were compiled, and transmitted to military analysts on Earth, and the lunar network for review. Strategists incorporated the new intelligence, into revised contingency plans, should further conflict with the Vrax Empire become inevitable.
Meanwhile, urgent sessions were underway in the emergency rooms of global defense headquarters. Drone imagery showed, the full scale of industrial mobilization unfolding across Vraxian-held territories. Shipyards and orbital construction yards, swarmed with activity as armaments grew at an exponential rate.
The Chinese Premier shook his head grimly. "Every projection indicates, their arms buildup will eclipse our combined fleet capacities within the year if left unchecked. We must act to gain a strategic edge, before their armadas are complete."
From the Russian base, analysts displayed simulated engagements incorporating the Vraxian technical data from the Phoenix. "Even ambushing half of their known fleet strengths with, we will suffer losses of 30-40% according to these simulations. A war of attrition against such numbers, means eventual defeat."
In New Delhi, the Indian Defense Minister rubbed her temples. "Our industries are working around the clock as resources allow, but the size of their empire dwarfs all terrestrial forces combined. Any delay in deploying countermeasures risks facing a foe, whose very size may overwhelm earths defenses through numbers alone.
"From the Pan-African Alliance delegation, General Adebayo input new variables, accounting for rapid production quotas. "With reserves reallocated from inactive stockpiles, enhanced by scavenged Vrax designs, fleet strength may outpace current projections by 28%, if disbursement stays on schedule. Still, holding ground across three continents, against a total ground invasion could prove untenable."
As defense updates rolled in, the UN General Secretary called for consideration of preemptive strikes, using newly developed prototypes as a show of strength. "Demonstrating our awakened prowess, could force a retreat to the bargaining table, without igniting full warfare that puts billions at risk."
However, China's diplomat objected. "Direct attacks would make pariahs of us all, for starting hostilities first. We must remain in peaceful contact with other species, we don’t want more to join Vrax empire in their crusade against us. Vrax leaders has staked too much pride on vengeance already. We must bolster deterrence through superior defenses alone, and avoid escalating tensions further for now."
A planetary alert signaled then, diverting attention to a new threat. Collected data shoved Vraxian troop movements, amassing near their border frontier in unprecedented numbers, fleets fueling and arming at a feverish pace. Espionage drones detected frantic operations underway, to complete starbases along all strategic hyperspace lanes, and fueling depots at a pace that could only mean one thing.
"They mean to attack in force," realized the Indian strategist with dread. "Not probes or skirmishes, but an invasion armada whose objective can only be total conquest. We are out of time for slower strategies. Our defenses must harden immediately, or the first blows may shatter in pieces."
Grudgingly, a unified plan was launched into chaotic effect. Shipyards plunged into around-the-clock shifts; cornerstone projects accelerated without regard for cost. Every vessel able to fly received a refit, in enhanced shields and weapons. Production quotas were recalibrated higher by emergency decree, as automated factories switched to wartime programs.
On the lunar bases, General Ito monitored deployments with a grim eye. Enhancements to orbital infrastructure, proceeded at a breakneck pace under combined international lending. Sensor arrays expanded, hard laser batteries powered up for the first time. Within weeks, a defensive grid began to take form that could protect the inner system, if completed before invasion day. Reports predicted the Vraxian war machine, would appear above the asteroid belt, to cripple earths supply of raw materials.
Deep within the vaults of closed research bureaus, top scientists streamed in under presidential order. Top secret files were unlocked, revealing projects decades in the conceptual stages that had never reached production. Now every hesitation was discarded, safety protocols ignored in the race to weaponize untested theories, before the clock tolled midnight.
Meanwhile at the Lunar Command Center, Commander Aoki coordinated final preps for the Phoenix, and her newly upgraded squadron. Most were still lacking in proper combat trials, their upgraded systems untested under fire. But with invasion reported to start in only one to two years, no alternatives remained. The fate of billions now rested on ships and crews flung together at the last moment through desperation alone. Only faith in human adaptability, and ingenuity could transcribe hope from these desperate stakes. As the Phoenix and her untested fleet launched for patrol, all humanity watched and prayed, if Vrax Empire could be convinced to turn back, before doomsday arrived at their shores.
submitted by SciFiTime to u/SciFiTime [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 18:53 WinterYak1933 How do I route MIDI from my Akai keyboard to a VST Vocoder plug-in?

I know how to do this in Reaper, but I cannot seem to figure this out in Reason - how can I send MIDI from my keyboard into this VST Vocoder plugin? Audio routing from my mic is already fine.
I'm not seeing any MIDI cables on the back of the rack.
submitted by WinterYak1933 to reasoners [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 17:36 ColeAtUpGen Anyone heard of using Microsoft's OpenXML to automate presentations?

Did you know that all office documents are really just .zip folders that are made up of a bunch of human readable text files in a common data structure format known as XML?
Check this sample out!
  1612 Microsoft Office PowerPoint Widescreen 33 11 0  
If you've ever tried to write code before, this shouldn't be too scary looking, right? Even if you haven't, there's definitely some keys and values in there that you might be able to make sense of ;)
Let me know people's experience with OpenXML:
submitted by ColeAtUpGen to powerpoint [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 17:30 plugindeals Ends Today ⌛️ Forever 89 Visco Intro Sale (Exclusive) - 28% Off 👍

Ends Today ⌛️ Forever 89 Visco Intro Sale (Exclusive) - 28% Off 👍 submitted by plugindeals to plugindeals [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 14:40 deringuyz619 Sampler/Gear Recommendations

TLDR - Use FL studio for most of what I do. Don’t want to go entirely DAW-less but would like an option to work outside the DAW, especially sampling and manipulating drums, sequencing external hardware and building beats on their own outside the DAW. Pretty new to the concept of a workflow seperate from FL studio, can anyone point me in the right direction? Polyend Tracker, SP404, Digitakt, Circuit Tracks are all things I’m looking at. The ability and capability to sequence and sample external physical hardware is pretty important to me.
Thanks in advance
submitted by deringuyz619 to idm [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 14:29 Appropriate-Let-3226 Signals and Systems Final

Signals and Systems Final
How would y'all rate this final exam's difficulty on a scale of 10.
submitted by Appropriate-Let-3226 to ElectricalEngineering [link] [comments]