Free proxy deutschland


2008.11.22 00:38 Netflix

Unofficial Netflix discussion, and all things Netflix related! (Mods are not Netflix employees, but employees occasionally post here).

2008.08.08 08:43 nginx


2014.02.25 18:52 Anonman9 Proxies and Privacy

All about privacy and proxies.

2024.05.21 17:29 deathdramon666 What is this?
I tried opening the options of a chrome extension and this was what opened.
submitted by deathdramon666 to uBlockOrigin [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:35 The_Reading_Texan [WTS] Upper, optics, grips, mounts

I ask for patience as I have not done one of these in several years.
All items are mounted once, never fired unless otherwise noted.
11.5” 5.56 upper, purchased from TNTE sales. - $300
Primary Arms 3x compact prism scope (Gen II) w/ ACSS reticle for 223/5.56 + American Defense AD-B3 Modular base + anti-reflection device - $325, not willing to break up bundle at this time. Approx. 100 rounds fired.
Otter Creek Labs ZRo DTA, Gen 2, 1/2x28, NIP - $75
NIB Wolfpack Armory Night Howler. Threads are 1/2x28. Finish is Black nitride. SKU from Wolfpack Armory is NHFH-1228-BN. - $50
Arisaka Defense Offset Scout Light Mount, Picatinny, - $25
Arisaka Defense Side Scout Mount, Mlok - $25
Irregular Defense MBS V1 PIC (FDE) -$30
Tango Down Stubby Vertical Grip (FDE, includes both keys and instructions) - $30
Magpul MVG (FDE) - $7
Magpul RVG (BLK) -$7
Generic A2 grip w/ bolt -$7
Magpul MOE (BLK) - $7
Magpul MOE SL (FDE) - $7
AIM Sports Inc. 0.75” AR Riser Mount - $7
Magpul sling parts - $7
If you’d like more pictures or information on an item, please feel free to ask. Not interested in trades at this time. I am willing to negotiate on prices. If you live in the Houston area I am willing to do a face to face meet up.
I do not have a PayPal account, I am happy to use Venmo and a proxy. Also happy to verify myself however you prefer, from Instagram account to text message, whatever you prefer. I have a history of transactions on Texas Gun Trader that I am willing to share as well.
submitted by The_Reading_Texan to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:57 jachorus Mini tutorial: circumventing Vimm's "Download unavailable at the request of Nintendo of America"

Basically the roms are still on the server and it's just the download button that is deactivated, and I found a method to still download those seemingly unavailable roms. I'm not sure if it's the easiest one but it's the one I found to be working reliably, if anyone has an easier one feel free to share.
  1. Firstly, go to vimm's vault and open the page of the unavailable game you want to download
  2. Now look for any other game that can still be downloaded and open it in another tab (the game doesn't matter, the only thing that matters is that it has the download button available)
  3. For the sake of simplicity we will call the tab in the first step "true game" and the second one "proxy game"
  4. Go to the "true game" tab and do "right-click -> inspect" on any part of the website
  5. Don't worry if you don't understand this stuff, you only need to perform a search (depending on your browser there will be a bar that says "Search in HTML" or you will have to activate that search bar with Ctrl+F)
  6. On that search bar input "mediaid". Keep pressing intro (this looks for the next matching result, as there will be more than one) until you find a line that reads like this: (where the XXXXX are actually a string of numbers)
  7. Copy or write down that number and you can now close the "true game" tab, we won't need it anymore
  8. Go to the "proxy game" tab and repeat the steps 5 and 6
  9. Now instead of copying it you will replace that number by the one we already copied before from the "true game". Some browsers allow you to directly edit the values but in other browsers you will have to right click on the value and select "Edit attribute"
  10. Once done you can click the download button of the "proxy game". If it all went well it will download the "true game" instead of the "proxy game"
And that's it, if you didn't understand something tell me in the comments and I will make it as clear as possible.
submitted by jachorus to Roms [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 10:04 kimmerdrengen I need some help on how to utilize my current hardware (and some NAS help)

Hello everyone, i'm a long time reader of both homelab and selfhosted. I have been tinkering with a small homelab for some time after i got my hands on a Dell poweredge r720XD. I'm not really a "Hardware"-guy (i can build you a gaming desktop, but servers are something else) so i need some help. I'm still kinda new in the whole homelab/selfhost world so some abbriavations might fly over my head :)
Right now the r720XD is running proxmox, with the following services: LXC's:
I'm about to setup an *arr-stack and Jellyfin/plex (probably Jellyfin, the commercialisation of plex annoys me), and in the long run i want to run some cameras with Frigate.
I recently got my hands on a Dell elitebook 800 g2 mini - for free. So now i'm wondering how to best utilize these 2 machines. Here are some specs:
Dell poweredge r720XD:
Dell elitebook 800 g2 mini:
In addition to the above mentioned services I would also like to make a robust NAS installation, but am unsure how to best go about this, as i only have 2x8TB , 2x500gb, 1x1.5TB and 1x2TB drives and i want to be able to "easily" expand this in the future. (the NAS would probably be hooked up with something like Nextcloud too)
How would you put these services together, with the mentioned hardware? And what would you recomend regarding a NAS setup?
Any and all help is appreciated!
submitted by kimmerdrengen to homelab [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 00:54 Heratic-Robin95 First steps into the Heresy

First steps into the Heresy
I got into the books this year and I’m obsessed. Not currently to playing the game but have got myself some terminators as proxies for a CSM army themed around some rediscovered Sons of Horus. Excuse the free handed eye, that’s something I’m still learning
submitted by Heratic-Robin95 to Warhammer30k [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 23:17 Gameboyadvance64 OpSec basics 101 - stay anonymous while online

A few things you Should know Afore Begin: * Remmina is an RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) Client / in case you run windows you could use other client. * VPN Is A Virtual Private Network that hides you traffic with your ISP (internet provider) the first layer of security you must have. Top noch could be a hardware VPN * VMWare is a Virtual Machine That Hosts The Operatin' System We'll be usin' (Ubuntu in this example) * Socks Proxy Checker is Proxy-client that will connect tae a remote Socks5 Proxy at the end stage where is your target 🎯
Socks5 Proxy Server is the server located within vicinity o' the victim. This is key to success it’s recommended a residential proxy ethically sourced
1.- Download, install an' start VMWare Workstation. 2.- Download Ubuntu an' start it wi' VMWare. This is a bit optional but it’s a recommended setup for this example, tailOS will be more private and windows will be the less private option and used as live in a USB stick.. 3.- In Ubuntu, download and install Firefox and Tor Browser 4.- Download & install "MullvadVPN" tae Ubuntu and PAY WI' BTC! / you can use other VPN like ProtonVPN that offers free services it’s quite ok for a free and they don’t save any logs. 5.- Start MullvadVPN or your preferred VPN Yer connection should then look like this: Your OS -> VMWare -> Ubuntu -> VPN 6.- Buy yersel' a RDP Server Frae. PAY WI' BTC! 7.- Install Remmina RDP client on the virtual machine in case for Windows you can use other client. 8.- Use Remmina tae open a "Remote Desktop" connection tae yer RDP server. Yer connection should then look like this: Yer OS -> VMWare -> Ubuntu -> VPN-> RDP Server. 9.- Download Socks Proxy Checker an' firefox tae the RDP Server, then install the plugin. You could use Foxy Proxy 10.- Buy a socks5 proxy server from @nightshade128 on telegram he can guide you too how to setup correctly for the area you’re working 11.- Connect tae the Socks5 Server wi' Socks Proxy Checker. You can also change your header in Firefox with a plugin so even you’re using other OS will match the desired device and OS. Note: always check yer location wi' an IP tae location service. You can validate in and see your information Your connection should then look like this: Your OS -> VMWare -> Ubuntu -> VPN-> RDP Server -> Socks5 Proxy (victims location). Get the private socks from @nightshade128 on telegram he is very helpful with
This is one example of a op sec but there are many ways to have an efficient and successful opsec with different levels and flexibility according your needs and budget
Stay safe and be anonymous
Disclaimer The information provided is for educational and informational purposes only and solely as a self-help tool for your own use.
submitted by Gameboyadvance64 to darknetmoneycc [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 23:06 Fearless-Pie-1058 Reverse proxy is still far too much of a headache

I know that thanks to webservers like Caddy, reverse proxy has become easier to implement. But the fact is that it's still too much of a pain in many areas.
For example, if your ISP has locked you out in CGNAT hell, getting Caddy to work after generating a proper SSL certificate through Let's Encrypt or Zero SSL, is way too complex. Caddy has a DNS challenge module for those stuck with CGNAT, but it isn't integrated into the package and has to built from the source code.
Even after getting it all to work, there's no guarantee that your preferred selfhosted software will actually work with reverse proxy (eg. Jellyfin, Paperless-ngx need some additional tweaks for reverse proxy to work and for all assets to load, so does almost every other selfhosted software).
With Google Play Store implementing a policy whereby all transmission of data has to happen in encrypted format, connecting to things like, say a selfhosted Joplin server, within the Joplin app, is impossible without reverse proxy.
The bright spot is that (LSIO) has actually solved this problem in one of their packages. LSIO's version of Nextcloud includes the SSL certificate and whenever the Docker container runs, it makes sure that an SSL certificate is generated, if it hasn't been already.
I hope in the coming years, using reverse proxy becomes more seamless and headache-free.
submitted by Fearless-Pie-1058 to selfhosted [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 21:58 dingodad4 Non cedh with points and prizing

Hey all, this has been rent free in my head for a bit now and wanted some feedback. I went to a new local LGS and they were doing a commander league on Sundays. 25 dollars to join, point tracking each week for wins elims and entries. Prizing at the end of an 8 week season. When I inquired about the league they gave some base rules and said the rest will be revealed when it starts. They said no infinite as a rule. No big deal I played decks with infinite removed amd was going through thinking of creative ways to win.
Fast forward to the start. No fast mana before turn 3. No elims before turn 4. Can use banned cards and only receive a dock on points for the day. Have deck building challenged for extra points. So I brought decks every week that fall into these categories. Winota stacks. Ellivere stacks. Non thoacle or mnemonic betrayal yuriko big flips.
They have now introduced as of the last 2 weeks bounties on players who are leading to give other players extra points and push players to actively deny someone points. And yet are complaining about decks being to strong.
My question is it possible to have a pay in event with prizing and not expect people to optimize within the rules. People are have proxied duel lands so it doesn't seem to be financially gatekeeping as that is acceptable. Im probably not going to participate in the next one as the rules are changing week to week and they are now banning cards. It just seems odd to have a prize pool and to not expect people to play for it. I rotate decks every week so the banned commanders the next week don't phase me but I just fail to see the logic and was wondering If someone could give me a different perspective.
Thanks all
submitted by dingodad4 to DegenerateEDH [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 21:58 Creppingtom Earnings Call Info

Earnings Call Info submitted by Creppingtom to GWAV [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 20:45 Important_Phrase 2024-05-20: Pfingstfeiertag

Megathread 1310
Heute ist Pfingstmontag. Ist das bei euch ein freier Tag gewesen? Hier in Deutschland ja. Kennt ihr die Bedeutung von Pfingsten?
Wenn ihr mich glücklich machen wollt, lasst mir ein kleines Upvote da, damit ich weiß, dass ihr mein Thema des Tages lest.
Anleitung auf Deutsch: Wenn ihr über dieses Thema schreiben möchtet, erstellt einen neuen Beitrag mit dem Titel "Streak [Nummer]: [Thema]". Wenn ihr hier einen Kommentar abgeben möchtet, schreibt unten.
Wie immer gilt: Schreibt, was ihr möchtet. Wenn ihr kein Thema habt, dann benutzt eines von uns, und es muss nicht dieses sein. Seht euch die anderen Themen des Tages an.
Denkt daran: Wenn ihr gestern nicht geschrieben habt, ist eure Streaknummer 1!
Anfänger, beginnt mit dem Schreiben! Aus Fehlern lernt man, aber bitte haltet die Länge der Beiträge in etwa auf der Länge von ein bis zwei Tweets (ca. 280 - 560 Zeichen) .
Ihr könnt euch gerne untereinander austauschen (die Beiträge der anderen kommentieren), solange ihr dies in der Sprache tut, die ihr gerade lernt. Je mehr ihr interagiert, desto mehr übt ihr das Schreiben.
Ihr könnt auch den Lernenden eurer Muttersprache in den anderen Writestreak-Untergruppen helfen, ihre Sprache zu korrigieren.
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If you want to write about this topic, make a new post with the title “Streak [number]: [topic]”. If you want to make a comment, write below.
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Beginners, don't hesitate to write. Making mistakes is how you learn, but please keep the length to approximately the length of a tweet (280 characters).
Please feel free to interact with each other (comment on each other's posts) as long as you write it in the language you are learning. The more you interact, the more you practice writing.
You can also help correct language learners of your native language in the other writestreak subs.
Reading streaks for all languages are possible at readstreak ! See you there!
submitted by Important_Phrase to WriteStreakGerman [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 19:51 TipDapper545 LEVAHOST AT&T USA Residential VPS and AT&T USA Residential Proxies Packages Physical Dedicated Server + /24 Residential IP Rental packages...

Hello Reddit users,
AT&T virtual servers of LEVAHOST Information Technologies have been activated. Even if we do not directly host physical servers in the AT&T data center, we have implemented the service of providing you with the quality network structure of this data center with our VPS servers that we will allocate from our business partner in AT&T. Our AT&T Residential Proxy service has also been activated. We would like to tell you about the affordable prices and full, quality features of our AT&T Residential VPS, AT&T Residential Proxy packages. Our LEVAHOST AT&T Residential VPS and AT&T Residential Proxy packages are listed below. You can go to our site by reviewing and order the most suitable package for you.
LEVAHOST AT&T Residential VPS Packages:
USA LOCATION AT&T RESIDENTIAL VPS + 4 Real AT&T Residential IP Start From $ 77 / month 8 vCPU 6 GB RAM 60 GB SSD 4 Real Unshared Residential IP ( It is not a proxy. ) Unlimited Traffic 100 mbps Line 1 Gbps Port Speed Earnapp/Honeygain Supported 24/7 Support USA Location City: Ashburn Virginia or Chicago Opt. AT&T Residential Network-Free Opt.Windstream Res. Network–Free Selectable Operating Systems (Windows,Ubuntu,Debian,Centos)
USA LOCATION AT&T RESIDENTIAL VPS + 8 Real At&t Residential IP Start From $ 90 / month 10 vCPU 8 GB RAM 80 GB SSD 8 Real Unshared Residential IP ( It is not a proxy. ) Unlimited Traffic 100 mbps Line 1 Gbps Port Speed Earnapp/Honeygain Supported 24/7 Support USA Location City: Ashburn, Virginia or Chicago Opt. AT&T Residential Network-Free Opt.Windstream Res. Network–Free Selectable Operating Systems (Windows,Ubuntu,Debian,Centos)
LEVAHOST AT&T or Windstream Residential Proxy Packages:
USA LOCATION (AT&T) 3 x RESIDENTIAL PROXY Start From $ 18 / month The total price is for 3 pieces. You need to buy 3 pieces. 1 IPV4 Proxy Socks v4/v5 Connection Optionally USA Location (AT&T Operator) Optionally USA Location (Windstream Operator) Non-Shared IPv4 Address Upload / Download Speed ​​ between 150-300 Mbps Unlimited Traffic High Line Capacity 30-day usage right Multiple Pickup available
Best Regards.
submitted by TipDapper545 to u/TipDapper545 [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 19:50 Brandon_Won I was wrong about CEDH. Everyone should give it a try!

I had initially thought that CEDH was the ultra sweaty version of edh where the try hards, pubstompers and people who needed to win more than have fun were relegated so the rest of us could play in peace.
I was so wrong. After finally building a cedh deck and getting some games in I finally see the beauty of the format. It is unexpectedly liberating to be able to brew a deck going no holds barred and including all the awesome combos and mana rocks and tutors I've pulled and collected guilt free. Yeah the intricacies of the interaction timings can be intimidating but at least in my lgs the cedh folks are more than happy to help with learning how to time things appropriately even if it means stopping their own combo. Not telling me what to do but helping inform me when there are windows for interaction in the midst of all the complex stuff happening.
And feeling no guilt about targeting someone who "appears" to be behind because I've literally seen someone with 1 mana and 2 rocks get an Etali primal storm out on turn 2-3 and dominate the game with 1 land so given that anything is possible there is no reason to feel mercy in this dojo and I love it.
It also helps me appreciate my casual games more because all the interactions are slowed down and you see more variety in decks and silly commanders. And it's given me that necessary window for deck brewing where if I happen to get a deck or commander I like and it turns out to be a bit too powerful for casual I don't need to power it down to play it I can instead turn that shit up to 11 and just make a cedh deck.
So glad to have finally jumped into the cedh pool and for anyone who feels intimidated like I did take a chance. Proxies are 100% welcome and no holds barred magic is refreshing.
submitted by Brandon_Won to EDH [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 18:22 Snushy_101 Landingi Pricing: Optimize Your Marketing with No-Code Plans

Landingi Pricing: Optimize Your Marketing with No-Code Plans
Did you know that 68% of businesses find pricing, email campaigns, sales automation, and potential customers the most challenging part of their marketing strategy? When it comes to Landingi pricing, understanding the cost structure, price, and learning curve is crucial for optimizing your budget and maximizing ROI. In this post, we'll delve into the various pricing plans, cost, sales features, page creation, and email marketing tools offered by Landingi, helping you choose the right one for your business needs. Whether you're a startup or small business on a tight budget looking to optimize cost or a growing enterprise looking to scale your marketing efforts, finding the perfect pricing plan can make all the difference in achieving your goals.
Useful Links:
  1. Landingi pricing LifeTime Deal
  2. Landingi pricing Free Trial

Key Takeaways

  • Choose Your Plan: Select a pricing plan that aligns with your business needs and budget to maximize the value you receive from Landingi.
  • No-Code Platform Benefits: Utilize Landingi's no-code platform features for the creation and optimization of professional landing pages without the need for technical expertise, saving time and resources.
  • Enhance Campaign Results: Improve your marketing campaign outcomes by leveraging Landingi's tools and templates to optimize conversion rates and drive customer engagement.
  • Seamless Integrations: Integrate Landingi with your existing tools and systems effortlessly to streamline your workflow, enhance productivity, and optimize automation.
  • Risk-Free Trial Offer: Take advantage of Landingi's risk-free trial offer to explore the platform's capabilities and ensure it meets your requirements before committing.

Landingi Pricing: Cost-effective Options for Your Marketing Needs

1. Lite Plan: $29 per Month

Ideal for startups and small businesses, the Lite plan offers a cost-effective solution at just $29 per month. It enables you to create your initial landing pages and connect with potential customers without breaking the bank.

Try for Free

You can explore the Lite plan with a free trial, allowing you to assess its suitability before committing financially. This risk-free trial period lets you experience all features and functionalities firsthand.

Fully Featured with All Integrations

Despite its affordability, the Lite plan includes all integrations, ensuring seamless connectivity with your existing marketing tools.

10 Digital Assets

The Lite plan permits the creation of up to 10 digital assets, such as landing pages and pop-ups, offering flexibility for multiple campaigns.

Unlimited Conversions and Contacts

Enjoy unlimited conversions, leads, and contacts with the Lite plan, accommodating your growing business needs.

5,000 Visits/Month

The Lite plan provides bandwidth for up to 5,000 monthly visits, ample for small-scale operations.

Fast Cloud Hosting

Benefit from fast cloud hosting, enhancing user experience and SEO performance.

1 Custom Domain with Forced SSL

Secure your online presence with one custom domain and forced SSL encryption.

2. Professional Plan: $69 per Month

For those ready to elevate their marketing endeavors, the Professional plan, priced at $69 per month, offers enhanced features.

Try for Free

Similar to the Lite plan, the Professional plan provides a free trial for exploration.

Fully Featured with All Integrations

Access all integrations to streamline your marketing efforts effectively.

Unlimited Digital Assets

Build unlimited digital assets, empowering diverse marketing campaigns.

Unlimited Conversions and Contacts

Enjoy unlimited capacity for conversions, leads, and contacts.

50,000 Visits/Month

The Professional plan accommodates up to 50,000 monthly visits, catering to growing audiences.

Fast Cloud Hosting

Benefit from fast cloud hosting for optimal performance.

10 Custom Domains with Forced SSL

Utilize up to 10 custom domains, enhancing branding opportunities.

Annual Billing Options

1. Unlimited Plan: $999 per Month

Designed for enterprises and agencies with demanding marketing needs, the Unlimited plan offers a comprehensive solution at a fixed rate of $999 per month.

Fully Featured with All Integrations

Access all integrations to align with existing workflows seamlessly.

Unlimited Digital Assets

Build unlimited digital assets to support extensive marketing campaigns.

Unlimited Conversions and Contacts

Enjoy limitless capacity for conversions, leads, and contacts.

Unlimited Traffic

The Unlimited plan provides unrestricted bandwidth to accommodate high traffic volumes.

Fast Cloud Hosting

Benefit from fast cloud hosting for superior performance.

20 Custom Domains with Forced SSL

Utilize up to 20 custom domains for enhanced branding and segmentation.

Audit Log Records and Advanced Permissions

Gain access to audit log records and advanced permissions for effective management.

20 Subaccounts

Manage multiple accounts effortlessly with 20 subaccounts.

Domain Whitelisting and Reverse Proxy Publishing

Enhance security and customization with domain whitelisting and reverse proxy publishing.

No-Code Platform Benefits

Build Pages

Create professional landing pages effortlessly without any coding skills using Landingi. Choose from a variety of customizable templates.

Ready Templates

Select from a range of ready-to-use templates that suit your needs for a quick and efficient setup process. Customize them easily.

Full-Featured Experience

With Landingi's Landing Page Builder, enjoy a full-featured experience that includes drag-and-drop functionality, various integrations, and email marketing.

Enhance Campaign Results

Personalize Messages

Enhance email campaigns by personalizing messages to resonate with your audience, boosting conversion rates effectively. Tailoring content based on subscriber preferences can significantly improve marketing efforts.

Access Advanced Features

Unlock advanced features such as Audit Log records, domain whitelisting, email marketing, and month to ensure landing page performance optimization. These tools offer insights into user interactions and enhance security measures for better results.

Utilize Lead Generation Expert

Leverage the Lead Generation Expert to streamline marketing automation processes and optimize email marketing strategies. This tool provides valuable guidance on creating compelling and converting landing pages.

Priority Support Benefits

Take advantage of priority support services for quick issue resolution and expert guidance. Accessing unique perks like priority support can elevate your marketing initiatives, ensuring seamless operations.

Seamless Integrations

Connect Effortlessly

Integrate landingi with various tools and platforms seamlessly to enhance your marketing strategies. By connecting with a comprehensive suite of automation workflows, you can streamline your processes efficiently.
Expand your reach by linking landingi with the popular WordPress Plugin, enabling you to create customizable templates and drive unlimited conversions. This integration empowers you to access a wide array of automation tools and services, enhancing your overall marketing performance.

Cloud Hosting Optimization

Maximize efficiency and ensure smooth operations with cloud hosting capabilities integrated into landingi. Benefit from advanced features that optimize your landing pages for peak performance, catering to the needs of both small businesses and large enterprises.
Utilize analytics tools embedded within landingi to track and analyze data effectively, enabling you to make informed decisions based on real-time insights. Leverage transactional emails and email sequences to engage with your audience dynamically.

Closing Thoughts

You've learned about Landingi's pricing plans, the benefits of a no-code platform, and how seamless integrations can enhance your campaign results. With a risk-free trial offer, you can experience these advantages firsthand. Make an informed decision by selecting a plan that aligns with your goals and budget. Optimize your campaigns effortlessly and see the results for yourself.
Take action now and start exploring Landingi's features to elevate your marketing efforts. Sign up for the risk-free trial today and unlock the potential of a no-code platform tailored to boost your campaign performance. Your success is just a few clicks away!
📈 Unlock the power of data-driven marketing with Landingi's intuitive platform. Start your Free Trial today and elevate your campaigns!

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the different pricing plans offered by Landingi?

Landingi offers a variety of pricing plans to suit different needs, including Basic, Core, Create, and Automate. Each plan comes with specific features and benefits tailored to various user requirements.

How can using a no-code platform benefit me?

A no-code platform like Landingi empowers users to create professional landing pages without requiring coding skills. This simplifies the process, saves time, and allows for quick customization to achieve desired results efficiently.

What advantages can I expect by enhancing my campaign results with Landingi?

By utilizing Landingi's tools and features to enhance your campaigns, you can experience improved lead generation, higher conversion rates, better user engagement, and ultimately increased ROI on your marketing efforts.

Does Landingi offer seamless integrations with other tools and platforms?

Landingi provides seamless integrations with popular tools such as Mailchimp, HubSpot, Salesforce, and more. This ensures smooth workflow continuity and allows users to connect their landing pages with their preferred marketing automation tools effortlessly.

Is there a risk-free trial offer available for Landingi?

Yes, Landingi offers a risk-free trial period for users to explore the platform's functionalities before committing. This allows you to experience firsthand how Landingi can benefit your marketing strategies without any initial financial investment.
Useful Links:
  1. Landingi pricing LifeTime Deal
  2. Landingi pricing Free Trial
submitted by Snushy_101 to Hairfortin [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 18:10 Agent_Phantom [Offer] Web Scraping, Automation Software and custom Bots

I'm offering my programming services to develop affordable solutions to common tasks such as:
All the solutions are coded in Python 3 in compliance with best practices and PEP 8.
The scripts are cross platform compatible, you can also program them to run automatically using crontab on a Linux VPS, Raspberry PI or GitHub Actions and on Windows.
Prices are affordable and payments can be made via PayPal.
Delivery time is often 1-2 business days depending on project difficulty.


Approximate Costs of Most Requested Tasks

Task Description Approximate Cost (USD) Approximate Delivery Time
Simple Web Scraper A web scraper for websites that are well structured or for web APIs. $30.00 - $50.00 < 24 hours
Complex Web Scraper A web scraper for websites that are not well structured and require a complex spider or managing user sessions. Also for web scrapers that require to rotate proxies and user agents. Starts at $50.00 < 24 hours
Selenium Web ScrapeAutomation A web scraper developed using Selenium WebDriver. Required for the most complex websites, it can include support for proxy rotation. Starts at $100.00 24 - 48 hours
Simple Reddit/TwitteTelegram bot A bot that monitors subreddits/users/hashtags/websites and performs a predefined action. $30.00 - $50.00 < 24 hours
Complex Reddit bot A bot that takes commands and performs actions with the given parameters. The number of commands and their complexity increases the cost. Starts at $100.00 24 - 72 hours
Data Transformation Tool A script that performs transformation tasks on your datasets and raw text files such as extracting, cleaning, renaming, concatenating, removing duplicates, etc. $30.00 - $50.00 < 24 hours
Costs are influenced by the complexity of the given task and the quality of the target website. Feel free to ask any questions here or via PM.
Website GitHub
submitted by Agent_Phantom to slavelabour [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 18:09 Agent_Phantom [For Hire] Web Scraping, Automation Software and custom Bots

I'm offering my programming services to develop affordable solutions to common tasks such as:
All the solutions are coded in Python 3 in compliance with best practices and PEP 8.
The scripts are cross platform compatible, you can also schedule them to run automatically using crontab on a Linux VPS, Raspberry PI or GitHub Actions and on Windows using Task Scheduler.
Prices are affordable and payments can be made via PayPal.
Delivery time is often 1-2 business days depending on project difficulty.


Approximate Costs of Most Requested Tasks

Task Description Approximate Cost (USD) Approximate Delivery Time
Simple Web Scraper A web scraper for websites that are well structured or for web APIs. $30.00 - $50.00 < 24 hours
Complex Web Scraper A web scraper for websites that are not well structured and require a complex spider or managing user sessions. Also for web scrapers that require to rotate proxies and user agents. Starts at $50.00 < 24 hours
Selenium Web ScrapeAutomation A web scraper developed using Selenium WebDriver. Required for the most complex websites, it can include support for proxy rotation. Starts at $100.00 24 - 48 hours
Simple Reddit/TwitteTelegram/Discord (webhook) bot A bot that monitors subreddits/users/hashtags/websites and performs a predefined action. $30.00 - $50.00 < 24 hours
Complex Reddit/Discord bot A bot that takes commands and performs actions with the given parameters. The number of commands and their complexity increases the cost. Starts at $100.00 24 - 72 hours
Data Transformation Tool A script that performs transformation tasks on your datasets and raw text files such as extracting, cleaning, renaming, concatenating, removing duplicates, etc. $30.00 - $50.00 < 24 hours
Costs are influenced by the complexity of the given task and the quality of the target website. Feel free to ask any questions here or via PM.
Website GitHub
submitted by Agent_Phantom to jobbit [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 18:08 Agent_Phantom [For Hire] Web Scraping, Automation Software and custom Bots

I'm offering my programming services to develop affordable solutions to common tasks such as:
All the solutions are coded in Python 3 in compliance with best practices and PEP 8.
The scripts are cross platform compatible, you can also schedule them to run automatically using crontab on a Linux VPS, Raspberry PI or GitHub Actions and on Windows using Task Scheduler.
Prices are affordable and payments can be made via PayPal.
Delivery time is often 1-2 business days depending on project difficulty.


Approximate Costs of Most Requested Tasks

Task Description Approximate Cost (USD) Approximate Delivery Time
Simple Web Scraper A web scraper for websites that are well structured or for web APIs. $30.00 - $50.00 < 24 hours
Complex Web Scraper A web scraper for websites that are not well structured and require a complex spider or managing user sessions. Also for web scrapers that require to rotate proxies and user agents. Starts at $50.00 < 24 hours
Selenium Web ScrapeAutomation A web scraper developed using Selenium WebDriver. Required for the most complex websites, it can include support for proxy rotation. Starts at $100.00 24 - 48 hours
Simple Reddit/TwitteTelegram/Discord (webhook) bot A bot that monitors subreddits/users/hashtags/websites and performs a predefined action. $30.00 - $50.00 < 24 hours
Complex Reddit/Discord bot A bot that takes commands and performs actions with the given parameters. The number of commands and their complexity increases the cost. Starts at $100.00 24 - 72 hours
Data Transformation Tool A script that performs transformation tasks on your datasets and raw text files such as extracting, cleaning, renaming, concatenating, removing duplicates, etc. $30.00 - $50.00 < 24 hours
Costs are influenced by the complexity of the given task and the quality of the target website. Feel free to ask any questions here or via PM.
Website GitHub
submitted by Agent_Phantom to forhire [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 17:11 tolitius colalamo: breaking copilot out of IDE

It feels Copilot is quite lonely to exist "as an IDE plugin" only, since it is not open to be:
this is where colalamo comes in, because, as they say:
"with every Copilot comes great Large Language Model that makes it work"
colalamo breaks Copilot free from the IDE, and makes it available:
which brings Copilot closer to developers and opens it up to anything an LLM can do: communicating agents, retrieval augmented generation, creating and validate user stories, explaining several source files at once, etc.

colalamo as a library

$ python >>> from colalamo import Copilot >>> copilot = Copilot() >>> copilot.ask([{'content': 'how does murmur3 hash work?', 'role': 'user'}]) {'status': 200, 'text': {'reply': 'Murmur3 hash is a non-cryptographic hash fun ... nd data indexing.', 'usage': {'completion_tokens': 286, 'prompt_tokens': 15, 'total_tokens': 301}}} 

colalamo as an HTTP API

$ colalamo colalamo is listening on ask away at "/ask" $ curl http://localhost:4242/ask -X POST -d '{"messages": [{"role": "user", "content": "explain how multi-head attention work"}]}' { "reply": "Multi-head attention is a key component of the Transformer model, wh... focus on semantic information", "usage": { "completion_tokens": 381, "prompt_tokens": 13, "total_tokens": 394 } } 
submitted by tolitius to LocalLLaMA [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 16:36 Elixirial If Solos was to stay, I would love to see these changes

1: Remove syringes, medkits, and phoenix kits. With free health regen, their only utility is to camp out of zone, a strategy that can already be afforded with the heat shields and can be averted with the evac towers.
2: Spawning a shield on an enemy's first death is an amazing implementation. It should carry over to the second death as well, spawning a shield next to the death box for a quick swap. Might be a skill issue but so many of my deaths have been attributed to trying to swap after a fight by standing still opening a box.
3: Awarding ammo for first death is nice but I don't see the reason to have the ammo be spread out. Please just make this 1 stack of 80 or 2x40 for different ammo types. Spamming interact after every early kill is so annoying.
4: Bit of a personal insert but Proxy Chat. Yes it opens the door to toxicity so to hamstring any arguments of that, have it disabled by default. As for the arguments for teaming, well if people were going to team they would already be in party chat or discord.
5: With the amount of weapons that spawn with H-cog optics there should be no reason to ever spawn that optic. Remove it please.
submitted by Elixirial to apexlegends [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 16:12 Likwitmc The Scarlet Cage (18+ ERP, Season 2, Part 2)

Server Info: [US EC], RP-PvP (PC)
Server Lore: Custom
Server Map: The Isle of Tir Na Nog - Spring, Siptah Clustered
Age Restriction: 18+ [Adult themes throughout]
Welcome to the Cage.
The Exiled Lands are in fact an open air prison, however, on The Scarlet Cage, they are a well maintained social, erotic experience, maintained and regulated by terrible, unknowable deities from beyond who believe lesser races of humans, magical beings, and monsters are playthings that exist for their amusement.
What began a century ago as a means to settle disputes between gods via proxy has evolved over the years. The Gods, known to Prisoners as The Endless now use the Scarlet Cage as a form of entertainment and experimentation. They take many people and creatures at random, however all of them possess some unique quality or power that has caught the Endless’ eye.
Core principles of our server are: Community, Inclusion, Consent, and Fantasy Exploration. We are striving to create a unique erotic roleplay experience for players who are interested in deep storylines, personalized plotlines, and political intrigue along with their spice. What we offer:
NPC factions and Quests that involve politics and morality (or lack thereof)
Virtually no restrictions on character creation, the limit is your imagination.
All players have the ability to /cheat nocost for free building to enable you to get into RP quicker.
A focus on community, erotica, and fantasy.
A friendly community
Custom RR Character sheet (currently under development with player input)
A Prey and Capture System for Adventurous Players
A unique dice pvp system with custom magic schools.
Active Admin staff running faction npcs and plotlines.
Weekly Player Auctions.
Custom quests and dungeons
Politics and deep RP experiences, as Gods literally walk among the players.
Mod List:
Server Information:• Server Type: PC / 18+ RP PVP / High Fantasy / Text-based / USEC location• Map: The Isle of Tir Na Nog• Key settings: No purge / No avatars / Chars start at 60 / Level 300/ Bodies do not stay in the world
submitted by Likwitmc to ConanExilesServers [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 14:50 hardyrekshin How do I route requests from one service to another using the external domain?

I have gitea hosting my container images, and woodpecker acting as a CI to build the container images.
Both of these services are behind cloudflare tunnels and resolved using a traefik reverse proxy.
When woodpecker tries to upload the completed image to gitea, I get a 413 error (file too large), which is thrown by Cloudflare, as cloudflare tunnels limits the free tier to files 100mb or less.
What I'd like to do is route requests for `` from `` to point to the traefik instance internal to the cluster so that the request can then be routed to gitea.
What's the correct way to do this?
Googling around shows:
submitted by hardyrekshin to selfhosted [link] [comments]


Only those of fixed mindsets can avoid recognizing the trends regarding Russia now occurring. Russia has evaded all attempts to hold her down, weaken & destroy her & will now rise far beyond their reach.
Russia is not without problems going forward. She lacks manpower for the great many tasks ahead. This is why her president has been encouraging a higher birth rate among the Russian population for some time now. This will mean inviting a movement of labor and specialist personnel from areas outside the boundaries of the Russian Federation for some time to come. Fortunately the economic success that has been engendered despite all the barriers the western powers have set in its path, has been increasing and shows no sign of ending any time soon.
Vladimir Putin has sworn to bring the modernity of Russia’s great cities to the people who live in the outlying territories, the villages and towns across the vast landmass of Russia. This goal will take many years to accomplish and will require the dedication of the willpower to consistently supply the huge energies, massive funds and logistical expertise required. Fortunately again, Russia has expanded the number of close and powerful friends she has in recent years, once again despite the efforts of her adversaries to reduce them.
The military campaign in Ukraine could easily have brought disaster to Russia. The plans of the West were laid long before February 24th 2022 when Russian troops crossed the Ukrainian border. The powers there believed they knew Russia in all its aspects, social, financial, political, economic, military and all else. Was the data they held current? Or was it perhaps ossified in databases accumulated decades before which now provided far less than adequate prognoses of how to bring the Russian state to its knees? In any case Russia proved eminently resilient against virtually every attack by sanctions or financial restrictions against it.
With Russia winning in Ukraine, as we can easily see now is the case, what could easily have been a disaster for Russia will instead result in many benefits to her. The respect with which nations view Russia (whether admitted publicly or not by them) cannot help but be increased. We already see this outcome across several nations in Africa where both France and the USA are being asked to remove their presence in preference to Russia. In the Middle East too we have seen geopolitical changes that would previously have been deemed extremely unlikely if not entirely impossible. The case of Saudi Arabia ending its long term alliance with the West (primarily with the USA and UK) while drawing closer to Russia by joining the BRICS group.
BRICS sees ever more nations queuing up to be allowed membership. Iran is now a member along with Saudi Arabia. Who would have thought a few short years ago that these erstwhile enemies would potentially sit side by side at BRICS conferences? Around forty nations have expressed their interest in joining. Another founding member of BRICS, India has drawn ever closer to Russia and trade between the two is constantly increasing in volume. Nations are increasingly drawing closer to Russia seeking good relations and increasingly too rejecting western narratives and demands by the West to obey its commands. Does this sound like the isolation the western powers wanted for Russia?
Russia’s relationship with China is now arguably the strongest it has ever been. Trade between the two is booming and the protection they can give each other now in relation to both the conflict in Ukraine and the hotspot of Taiwan is iron-clad. A long-planned pipeline, ‘The Power of Siberia Two’ to carry natural gas from Russia’s Western Siberia Altai region to North-Eastern China is now being constructed, This will further enhance and deepen a relationship that once again, the western alliance has tried recently to disrupt but which it has actually assisted in deepening over these past few years where its aggression against both has been all too obvious.
Russia then, as we have seen, is gathering friends while the western nations who tried to bring her down, remove her president and cut her into pieces, have been losing them. Deep in a fast rising debt crisis the United States sees its infrastructure crumble amid increasing social turmoil, drug deaths and rising crime while at the same time pouring hundreds of billions into a failing plan to defeat Russia. Its allies too are suffering through joining this quest. Germany is de-industrializing, Britain is locked into a vicious cycle of economic decline and the boomerang effect of the loss of inexpensive Russian energy is hitting everyone hard. Prices have risen for all western nations creating massive discontent in nations used to constantly positive economic indicators. This is bound to bring enormous political changes in due course.
In the USA there is a rising tide of opposition to the profligate spending of North America’s dwindling resource base, both in terms of money and military assets. Throwing billions into the Ukrainian money pit is becoming a central issue as the emotionally potent, phony idealism button of Ukraine no longer has the same power to motivate such reckless generosity. The facts concerning the illegitimacy of the Ukrainian regime, its non-democratic behavior, its neo-Nazi links and its constant lies are gaining ever greater traction in the USA as in Europe. The recent election of Robert Fico’s party to power in Slovakia is evidence of this as is the long term resistance of Hungary under Viktor Orban. Both refuse to support the fueling of endless war in Ukraine with the supply of weapons and munitions.
Russia, as discussed above, is making new friends and allies as well as discovering more trading partners interested in dealing with her. To a great extent Russia no longer needs the economic links she previously had with the West. And, within Russia the niche fields of commerce that western companies vacated at the insistence of western political elites have, in the great majority of cases, been successfully filled by Russian entrepreneurs and enterprises. The profits from these establishments now stay in Russia and no longer exit the country to bolster her enemies. Once again the western nations shot themselves in a foot now presumably resembling a rather raggedly-looking Swiss cheese.
Things could hardly have gone better for Russia. Free of the western NGO’s that acted as a constantly subversive force, the agents of western intelligence agencies, Russia now has a much cleaner sheet where the small proportion of west-seeking liberals within Russia can be ever more effectively marginalized. This process will further enhance the determination of Russia to remain a country fully dedicated to its traditions and no longer subject to the vagaries of a woke culture that is currently poisoning traditional ways of life in the West. Each trend within Russia, almost without exception, is now working to enhance Russia’s prospects for the future just as the trends concerning her relations with those around her in Eurasia, Asia, the Middle and Far East are likewise trending positively.
Russia will achieve all the goals she set herself in Ukraine. One way or another the danger to Russia from Ukraine and its western sponsors will be neutralized and, in effect, quarantined. Russia will demand and get a new security architecture in Europe that includes herself. The remnants of Ukraine will, as protectorates, be seen to have a new, pro-peace president and government and, slowly but surely cultural relations and exchange, political interchange and trade between Russia and rump Ukraine will recommence. The new regions of the Russian Federation that we now know as the Donbass will be given every assistance in infrastructure renewal and job opportunities as well as the rise of all standards to Russian Federation levels in terms of pay, healthcare, pensions and all aspects of Russian employment benefits, conditions and the Russian social care network.
Russia has all to play for as she approaches an open door to friendships across the most populous, prosperous, incentivized and energy-powerful nations of the world. As the disgruntled West licks its wounds and suffers the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune (brought upon it by its own hand) Russia will prosper and the prosperity seen, as with China increasingly, will be impossible to conceal, celebrated as it is sure to be worldwide. One of the most important of all Russia’s successes, in 2025 we will see the resurrection of what used to be a generally recognized and accepted fact of a debt the world owes to Russia, that of the defeat of the Nazis in World War II, the Great Patriotic War. By defeating the Nazi resurrectionists in Ukraine it will be seen that Russia has won yet one more world war for all humanity.
The western states who instigated the disaster of the last few years in Ukraine will be shamed, their political leadership replaced and will find their power and influence significantly diminished. Ever more nations will abandon their ties to the West in favor of far more trustworthy allies close by. The economic state of western nations will give rise to even greater levels of social and political chaos where seemingly intractable problems beleaguer every attempt to solve them. Russia, having fully reclaimed her place among the great powers and now assured of national security in perpetuity, will move determinedly along with her allies toward the world of peace and international agreement multipolarity then offers us all.
The malignant era of western domination, of threat, subversion using overt and covert manipulation and the ever-present insistence on worldwide interference and potential for military attack… will be over for good. Russia, that stood at first virtually alone in opposing the criminal nature of the USA and its proxies, will stand totally vindicated in all aspects of her struggle. Vladimir Putin, of course, will be lionized globally outside the West for his incredible achievement and for all time.
submitted by DONT_READ_THIS_OKAY to u/DONT_READ_THIS_OKAY [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 14:24 Ibney00 Sordland is not a Good Democracy

This post is in response to this post which several people spoke about regarding its flaws. I feel the need to highlight on a community level the reality of the situation on the ground in Sordland and express just how dysfunctional Sordland is as a Democracy. I will start out by saying I find the comparison of it being a better Democracy than the United States laughable, and that I actually think the United States has many nuanced answers to issues facing a multicultural society that has allowed it to function as the worlds oldest Democracy. Of course, it has had issues in the past that have been subject to extensive reform, but there's the difference: there's been reform.
Sordland is controlled by two distinct political grounds, and an additional one on the fringe: The Old Guard, the Oligarchs, and the Reformists to an extent. The game tells you this explicitly by placing them in the faction screen. The Old Guard represent the political interests of the former Sollist regime, and by extension your own party the USP. The Oligarchs represent the business interests of the country, the interests of the former Alphonso regime, and in a nuanced way, the ideals of liberal democracy. The reformists are a much less powerful group, but represent a more modern political ideal of social democracy.
These three groups battle for control of the government, with much of the power still consolidated within the old guard. The shadow of Soll looms large on Sordland, and his influence is still felt even to the starting point of the Rayne Presidency. It is a reality of the political situation on the ground that it is much easier to push for Sollenomics than for free market ideals. You have the support of your party behind you, as well as the NFP. Many of your ministers are either indifferent to it, are more focused on social policy, or are just abjectly in favor of it such as Lillias. The only opposition you will receive is from the Oligarchs, who use soft power to try to oppose you. This, in a Sollenomics run, doesn't lend to much other than if you are bad at managing the economy an independent crash separate from their actions. This control over the political thought of Sordland, and the economic situation, lends itself towards authoritarianism. I use the key word "lends" to expressly emphasize that it doesn't have to infringe on peoples personal freedoms, but that because Sollenomics lends itself towards state control, there will be a temptation to take further control of the power bases of the country.
Now, I know authoritarianism is a bit of a loaded term, so I want to give the proponents of sollenomics their fair shake. There is an excellent video on the Ideology of Mr. House in Fallout New Vegas by Soup Emporium that I think explores the ideas of what a functional authoritarian state looks like really well by comparing New Vegas to Singapore within the real world. I think that comparison is very apt here, so I suggest everyone else take a look at it as well. In essence, the functional authoritarian state exercises control over the functions of the state in such a way that doesn't impede on personal freedoms. As long as personal freedoms are protected, often times people are willing to give up certain political protections in favor of a functioning and planned economy ruled by the benevolent leader. The game expresses this very well if you look at the Soll Administration and its history. Under Soll, there was a great economic boom that served to make Sordland a regional power. This was due to the centralization of the economy under Soll and his ability to control its many functions. However, while Soll exercised control over much of the economy, he also exercised control over a lot of the culture and personal freedoms of its citizens. During the Soll era, the Bludish people were harshly discriminated against, much of the state was culturally centralized over the cult of personality of Soll, and many personal freedoms are not sufficiently protected by the Supreme Court or the executive branch. Because of an improper balance of powers, and the wants of the man on top outclassing the personal wants of the people, the ideal of the authoritarian regime begins to crack, leading to the loss of Soll and the rise of Alphonso.
Much of the reasons Soll was even able to gain so much power was because he wrote the Constitution to allow him to do so. The Sollist constitution places a significant amount of power within the executive and the Supreme Court. The legislature, by proxy, is given very little power to actually exercise political control. Anything they pass can be vetoed by the president, and alongside Judicial review being able to smack down almost anything they pass due to the Supreme Court's complete immunity, they also can't change anything on a Constitutional level to check the other two powers because the Supreme Court reviews all constitutional changes before they are passed. Because the Supreme Court is hand picked by the President without even a say from the legislature, Soll was able to consolidate power within his branch continue to control much of the Sordish state long after he left office.
Many of you may be now thinking, "this sounds a lot like the United States," which I would argue is a very surface level way of looking at power balance within the country. Yes, much of the names are the same and there are similar motifs, but that is because this game heavily bases their politics and constitution around the Turkish constitution before it was reformed which itself borrowed its constitutional ideals from the United States. The reality is that the United States has a functional checks and balance system that prevents authoritarianism, and Sordland does not.
I am not going to get political or compare this to the modern day. Instead, I am going to explain the functionality of the balance of powers within the United States, and argue how they vastly differ from the Sordish Constitution. I am then going to argue how those balance of powers functionally allow for a democracy, even if it is flawed, and how Sordland is actually a authoritarian regime cosplaying as a democracy at the start of the Rayne Presidency.
To begin, Congress holds legislative authority to decide what laws to write. There is no Presidential decree system within the United States as there is in Sordland. Only Congress can write laws, and the President must follow them. An executive order only has the "force of law" in that it is the execution of the laws passed by Congress. If it is not within the scop of the law passed by Congress, it is considered ultra vires and thus unconstitutional. Congress, having the ability to decide what laws to pass, might use this power to consolidate their power within their branch and rule a dictatorial committee. As such, the United States gave the President a veto power in order o exercise a check on Congressional power. This veto power allows the President to reject a law passed by Congress in a similar function to the assent of the King in the United Kingdom. However, unlike in the United Kingdom, and unlike in Sordland, this veto can be overruled by a 2/3rds majority within Congress. This is so that the President himself can't exercise abject control over the laws that pass and functionally legislate from the executive by rejecting everything that Congress proposes to limit his power.
This system, and this is hard to accept for many people, creates gridlock. That is a function, not a glitch. The goal is to ensure that no one person exercises too much power within the United States political system that they can gain control over the total function of the State. It requires there be a consensus between two separate legislatures, and the President, in order for political change to take place. It also prioritizes compromise and forces sides to come to the bargaining table instead of pushing through legislation that may favor a slim majority. In short, it gives the minority in a government power, when most systems let the majority run rampant.
Alongside this, there is the Supreme Court. The third check on the power of the legislature and the executive. If the system of government is going to essentially write gridlock into its system to preserve freedom ,it must as a result have a way of resolving conflicts. This is where the Supreme Court comes in. Just like in Sordland, the Supreme Court of the United States has the power of judicial review. The purpose of Judicial review is to determine what the law is, and then determine if it is being applied correctly. This power serves as a mediation system between the legislature and the executive, and ensures that if either steps out of line, the other has recourse. Of course, the Supreme Court in the United States is appointed by the President, however, they must be confirmed by the Senate in order to become a justice. This allows both parties to have a say on who the referees are, and ensures that unlike in Sordland, power can't be consolidated into a particular loyalist power block that will side with one side no matter what.
Notably, the Supreme Court in Sordland also has the power to reject constitutional amendments from the legislature. This appears to be an attempt to check the power of the legislature, but the reality is that the legislature in Sordland has absolutely no power in the first place. It can only create laws with the approval of the president, and can only change the constitution with the approval of the Supreme Court. Unlike in the United States where the legislature can impeach both these branches if they feel they are not exercising their duties correctly, the Grand National Assembly has no functional way of getting rid of the President, or the members of the Supreme Court. They are in reality as powerful as the legislative body in Rizia, and no one ever notices.
I mentioned it before, but another important check on the power of any one branch is the ability of the legislature to impeach. This is a political question and is entirely the purview of the House and Senate of the United States to determine when impeachment is necessary. It allows for the legislature to get rid of any person they feel is consolidating power, and ensures that each branch can functionally control the impulses of another branch. This does not exist in Sordland. The executive wields absolute power to control much of the affairs of Sordland and are impeachable by the Supreme Court, not the legislature. Because they decide who is on the Supreme Court, it once again allows for consolidation of power just as with Soll. The country of Sordland calls itself a democracy, but it is a functioning dictatorship by the time of President Rayne, and his ability to consolidate power is a obvious problem.
These are not the traits we see in the United States. The United States is not unitarian like Sordland, but also has a second check on federal power: the powers of the States. While there is much to joke about when it comes to "states rights" in the context of the United States Civil War, the reality of the situation is the federalist principles of the United States additionally restrict the ability of the federal government to exercise control over every aspect of the country. Unlike in Sordland where the President may exercise power over pretty much anything within the country, and there appears to be no enumerated powers of the national government, the Federal government has no actual general policing power within the United States. They have the Commerce clause, which allows them widely the ability to regulate the functions of the economy both interstate, and to a wide extent intrastate, but it does not, for example, allow them to demand a state do a specific thing. In fact, they are actually limited by the 10th amendments anti-commandeering doctrine from instructing states to create specific laws. They can to some extent incentivize them to do so, but if it becomes too coercive the Supreme Court has in the past struck it down. Additionally, the Constitution gives power of the federal government both to the people, as well as to the states. The House is the proportional body of the federal government that has a proportional seat by population. Conversely, the Senate acts as a check on the power of populism by giving power to the states which function as regional microcosms of different cultures within the country. While the senate has the power of advise and consent, the power to approve treaties, and a few others, the house importantly has the power of the purse, or the ability to control spending. These vastly different powers must come together to pass a bill that is approved by both the people, and the cultures of the United States. This allows the minority to exercise protections against the majority, and ensure that they are at least heard in conversation, not just ignored.
This does not exist in Sordland. The Unicameral legislature of Sordland allows the popular whims of the government to function without any regard for the minorities within the country. the USP can, as the majority holder of the GNA, pass legislation unchecked by the other smaller parties. Confusingly, the NFP is able to pass several pieces of legislation targeting religious and ethnic minorities, but that is because their interests align with the conservative power block within the USP. As a result, they are effectively an extension of the USP, not a counterbalance to it. Additionally, while regions exist in Sordland, they exercise no power and do not serve as roadblocks to the power of the President. Your minister for education, for example, can completely reform the education system even in a place like Gruni, where Soll's influence controls the education of the region. Your minister for Health can enforce vaccine mandates throughout the country over the objection of the conservative population centers throughout the country whose only way of checking the power of the president is not through their regional legislatures, which I don't think even exist, but through a vote for a new President. Conversely, whatever you believe about these policies, in the United States it would be much harder for the President to enact these policies either through the DOE or the DHHS. While not impossible, the regions are still given a say and allowed to exercise some control over politics as a minority.
All of this to say that Sordlands checks and balances are non existent, and their governmental system lends itself to authoritarianism, not democracy. With all that said, lets address some of the issued raised in the previous post with an understanding of checks and balances and what happens when we don't have them:
"In Sordland people are outraged over the ten percent threshold keeping some smaller parties out, but in the US we have a voting system that makes it functionally impossible for small parties to win a single seat."
The original poster is talking about first past the post voting systems. I actually tend to agree with him on this point and think that the FPTP voting systems favor the two current political parties, but this does not change the fact that these two parties are "big tent" as a result of the consolidation. Just like how the USP in Sordland has several sub-factions, so do the Democrats and the Republicans in the United States. There are libertarians, authoritarians, and moderates in the Republicans just like there are socialists, communists, and moderates in the Democrats. Additionally, because representatives represent their states and their districts respectively, they are individually able to exercise more control over their ability to say no to their party. Unlike in the United Kingdom where voting against the party would be a death sentence, representatives in the US are able to do so with minimal repercussions. It allows for smaller parties within parties to function while still upholding the Democrat and Republican monikers. Additionally, I'm pretty sure Sordland also uses FPTP for its GNA elections, but I could be wrong about that.
"In Sordland people make a big deal over the election bill making it harder for small parties to get public funding, but in the US we don’t even have public funding for our elections."
This critique misses the problem with the public funding system. The public itself shouldn't even be funding political parties through their taxes. This is something the United States actually gets right and prevents additional consolidation of power within specific political parties, and it is counted against the United States for some reason. Funding political parties by the government only serves to encourage those with the most power to gain more. Its expressly stated in the game that is what is taking place by multiple people, even the USP, and somehow this was lost.
"In Sordland it’s taken for granted that every vote is counted equally for presidential and assembly elections. In the US we have the Senate and the Electoral College and we barely even question it."
This section seems to presume that the Senate and the electoral college are unfair by their very nature without understanding the purposes of either body, not examining the problems with the GNA and Executive structure as I outlined above. While I already went over the purpose of the Senate as a check on the power of the people, the electoral college I did not talk about. Its purpose is a check on the power of the states, and on the people, in a way that allows the President to be decided by both. Essentially, because the electoral votes are appropriated to states proportionally to however many senators and representatives each state has, it gives a lion share of the votes to states with large populations. However, it still emphasizes the importance of states due to the inclusion of at least 3 votes from every state, and makes it important to win victories in particular states, not just in population centers. By diluting the power of the people in this way, it allows minorities to once again have some say in the political process and not be crowded out by the slim majority. Whether you think the electoral college is a good system or not, it is highly unfair to just assume it has no function. Its purpose is to combine the power structures of Congress in order to decide the person who will execute their laws. And to say that "every vote counts" in Sordland just because they are decided by majority is not a nuanced way to look at power structures and rather favors tyranny of the majority over a sharing of power between political groups.
In Sordland people are outraged over the Supreme Court having the power to block constitutional changes. In the US our constitution can’t be changed without such an absurdly high quorum of state and federal governments that it’s pretty much a nonstarter.
Again, checks and balances that mean something. The United States assumes changing the constitution to be a very important affair. It is not merely another law but rather the very makeup of our democracy. As a result, there needs to be a significant backing by the people to actually acomplish a constitutional change. The country at large needs to actually want the change in order for it to be done, and to do so requires a large power base of the states to ensure it actually represents a large majority of the people. This prevents a slim majority of the states from exercising control over the constitutional process, or prevents a small majority of the population from voting away important fundamental protections. Conversely, the Supreme Court's ability to reject any constitutional issue takes the legislative power away from even the states or their populations and gives a full veto to the judiciary appointed by the President. It is far more restrictive than a requirement there be a consensus of states and to think the United State's system is more restrictive than the Sordland system is laughable.
In conclusion, Sordland is not a functional democracy, nor are its system set up in such a way that favors actual political discourse. It is a tyranny of the majority which functionally gives almost all of its power to its president without any real checks on his authority. The United States systems of checks and balances are a feature, not a bug, and serve to prevent much of the issues that can arise from a bad actor, such as Dictator Rayne, gaining power through the electoral process. If Dictator Rayne won the presidential election in the United States, he would not have been able to do almost any of the awful stuff he did in Sordland. That is a reality of the situation, and is a reality because of the systems of checks and balances that exist in the United States that Sordland does not have.
It's ok to think that the United States has problems. It does objectively have problems. But to say its a worse democracy than a Kingdom in a Republican trench coat is laughable at best and concerning at worst.
submitted by Ibney00 to suzerain [link] [comments]