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2009.05.16 17:36 wrboyce Photo Critique

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2024.05.21 13:09 ThrowRA2906 How can I (24F) accept my boyfriend's (27M) misogynistic friends?

So.. i've been with my boyfriend for little over 2 years. It is the first time im in a long term relationship..For the most part, I've enjoyed it a lot. It was really magical at times. But there were breaches of loyalty and respect from my boyfriend constantly the first year. Not exactly cheating physically (from what i can prove), but a lot of emotional cheating. Although I do have evidence of him possibly cheating physically as well, but what do I know. It affected me so badly. It still affects me horribly. At the time, I ignored a lot of it (idiot), because I just didnt want it to end. Eventually I confessed to him about how its hurting me, all of it, we talked through it, cried through it, threw stuff over it, and he seemed to understand, apologize and adjust his behavior. But I've always wondered why someone who looks to be an absolute angel, madly in love with me, would do it at the first place (most naive sentence you've read, maybe ever huh)
Well this brought up horrendous trust issues in me, no matter how much we've discussed these problems. It just didnt bring enough clarity, and left me confused, and feeling pathetic. So I decided to start a conquest, with a goal to understand who am I really in a relationship with. I had suspicions (it was ungodly clear) that my boyfriend's friend group are the biggest, most pathetic manchild, self-reflection lacking assholes. They've made a few mildly misogynistic remarks in front of me, but I, as always, brushed it off. But its that type of people you just feel would say the most heinous stuff if you weren't there.
They have this whatsapp groupchat. This groupchat, I knew for a long while, would break my heart if I ever peaked into it. So I internally concluded looking into it is way past the line 2 years ago. But I, unfortunately, given the circumstances, broke my own promise (which I am ashamed about, although I personally wouldn't care, I truly think going through someone's stuff is shitty). And what I saw was beyond repulsive, as expected. Talking about women as nothing but sexual objects - suggesting my boyfriend should fuck european bitches, but find a latina that would squat on his face, he would finally experience a real woman, he would cook for her all day every day if he had a chick like that (my bf is known for being a good cook), i beat that pussy up this and that, cityboy shiiiii, i hate when chicks dont know we in an open relationship (talking about their long term girlfriends which are all sweet girls), my boyfriend suggesting he wants a "big tiddy goth chick" (which is like, the opposite of what I am), talking about their exes and my boyfriends exes like they are absolute dirt, my boyfriend saying that "denying him fucking models would be culturally insensitive since he is French", and that "post nut clarity makes him want to be a monk" (which broke my heart the most, as our sex frequency did lessen, especially from his side. I asked him about it, was upset about it, he told me he just feels like shit cause he gained weight, because of work, whatever whatever, and of course told me im not initiating as well, but who wants to initiate on someone who doesnt show any sexual desire)
Well yesterday, I told him that I did this, what I saw, I packed my things and left to my parents house to be alone for a couple of days, and to decide what to do next. He barely told me anything, he told me he's not in the mood for this, that he cannot believe im leaving for some banter with the boys, that he is disappointed i treat his stuff like its a public library, but that he still loves me. yuck...
Barely texted me since I left, only that he is sorry that it had to come to this, that there was a better way to deal with this, and that he hopes we will talk soon, and that he loves me.
So... I understand this is perhaps a take it or leave it situation. How can I ever come to terms this is how my boyfriend talks about me? A lot of people told me to break up and run, but its way more nuanced than that, and also I believe in commitment with its dark and ugly sides, and believe in trying everything in my power to make it work before leaving. What can I do here
submitted by ThrowRA2906 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:09 CoraVex GM Intrusion follow-ups (inspired by Fate ideas)

Hello everyone! I've been deep diving into the Cypher System Rulebook for the first time, almost done, and I find myself running comparisons with Fate (which I'm also looking into). Cypher hits so many points beautifully, but there is one idea for Fate, that I'm trying to see how might best work into Cypher (if its even necessary for Cypher).
The makers of Fate released a post as a follow-up to Compels (Fate's version of GM Intrusions, or as close as can be paralleled). They brought up an idea that rather than simply having the player pay up and the compel goes away... turn it into a narrative beat that allows the players to RP out "what happens to prevent the compel", almost turning a compel into a player invocation (almost).
I -love- this idea, and it seems like it would fit well with Cypher, that is, turning a GM Intrusion into a Player Intrusion, so instead of their XP and the twist event just "going away", they are both still put to good use. But I'm curious to hear from others. Is this throwing off a certain balance that I might be overlooking? Are there drawbacks to this idea I should keep in mind?
On a related point, in the same Fate post, there was an idea brought up about Fate Core's idea of "doubling down". That is, offering a second Fate Point to still allow the Compel to go through. To be clear, the point here is, they said that this often NOT a good idea. Here's the interesting part: They said that instead of a double-down... GM offers Compel, Player counters with paying a Fate Point and give their narrative explanation (as described in the first part), THEN the GM works off of THAT counter-narrative to follow-up with a new compel, working off of the NEW narrative that the PLAYER provided. Essentially, rather than adding a complication to the story as it stands, the GM is instead -allowing- the player's narrative twist, and THEN adding the complication on top of that new narrative.
In a system like Fate, where there is such a back and forth between players and GM, with looser mechanics, I can see this working perfectly and beautifully. So here's my open-ended question here. Does some or any of this idea, even in a different "Cypher style", have a place in the world of Cypher, or does this looser back and forth just not fit Cypher's style at all? I'm curious to hear insight from others on this.
For reference:
The article mentions the first part, and the comments mention the second.
Thank you, whoever takes the time to read this, and to those that respond. In any case, to all, have a nice day!
submitted by CoraVex to cyphersystem [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:07 IntelligentLaw2284 Gameboy Enhanced Firmware v0.5 for M5Stack Cardputer More than twice the FPS and Custom Controls, 12 Colour and Super Game Boy modes.

Gameboy Enhanced Firmware v0.5 for M5Stack Cardputer More than twice the FPS and Custom Controls, 12 Colour and Super Game Boy modes.
I've been eager to reach this point; when I can say that I have met my original goals when I started working with this firmware approx 2 weeks ago. Customizable controls, savegames, no memory limitations save for the cost in performance. A slew of other features I couldn't help but implement along the way too. v0.5 is now live on m5burner.
I've spent the time avoiding the user interface work I finally did yesterday, instead optimizing the rendering and memory subsystem to get more than twice the performance of my last announced release(v0.48). Super Mario Land 2 and Donkey Kong Land show more than a 100% improvement in frame rates (17fps -> 53fps in the overworld for super mario land 2)
The next steps planned:
Save States
Some more options; custom palette, performance related things
debug w/ Pokemon, figure out why it restarts the firmware
about information screen crediting Matteo Forlani for concept implementation; any one else who ends up contributing.
And in the would be nice category:
Wifi link-cable; I doubt it would get much use but the hooks for it all appear to be present in peanut_gb.
Custom borders (I wont sacrifice ram for this, but I could stream it from the sdcard, it is not redrawn during normal gameplay)
Any other ideas? If there are any pixel artist out there, there is room in the ROM for a cardputer themed border and I'm more than willing to entertain submissions in that area as well, with full credit of course going to the author(s).
Changelog since I started:
* added bottom menu bar with instructions to the main rom selection menu, pres ESC or ' key (same thing) to enter the settings menu either from the main menu or while playing a game
* added options menu, can be entered from the menu or from within a game; displays the 8 main controls with their current setting, saves settings when closed
* added restore defaults for config menu
* settings are saved to gbconfig.dat; delete this if you are having any issues
* Reimplemented memory subsystem to use progressive partial page seeking/pruning; the original memory management code was the first I had typed in 14 years; after some thought I devised something much more suitable for a real time environment. This resulted in the average page seek time being much lower, and distributes maintenance of the paging system across successive calls. The results are the largest improvement to speed to date. Over double the frame rates from before; less stutter, smoother page transitions in memory. Donkey Kong Land averages around 45fps now; Super Mario land 2 gets an average 53fps on the overworld.
* Reduced rendering workload 6.25% by modifying peanut_gb to inherently skip lines that aren't visible due to scaling.
This prevents the engine from having to process the layer and sprite data for these lines all together. Why 6.25%? because 9 lines are skipped which is 6.25% of the lines that were rendered previously.
* Refactored graphics code; ~120,000 less operations a frame
* Scrolling behaviour and screen content differences no longer effect rendering performance Titles such as final fantasy or even super mario land 2 show a huge improvement in overworld movement speed.
17.05.2024: v0.483 Pushing this now as a BUG FIX RELEASE
* Fixed bug in main menu causing selection to only move upward; you can now navigate properly again.
* added FPS display while Fn button is held, causes slow down which is subtracted from the FPS display. This is so I can evaluate performance improvements more than anything else, but it doesn't hurt to have so I'm leaving it in.
* new borders are on hold while I make decisions about the internal format (leaning towards argb1555,presently 565)
16.05.2024: v0.482
* Added Analogue Pocket 12color palette category with 44 palettes
* Automatic 12color(AP) palettes mapped as per Analogue Pocket suggested mappings for:
Mario 1/2/Wario Land/Balloon Kid/F1 Race/Tetris
* added Cottage Daytime SGB border
* Fixed 12colours not being assigned until palette select bug
* regularly mapped controller up/down/a now functions in addition to arrow/enter keys in main menu to allow a single hand posture for the entire interface if desired.
15.05.2024: v0.481
* proper gameboy startup sequence, may help compatibility with some games.
* Message boxes now will display any emulation errors reported by peanut_gb
* Attempts to access ROM address outside of the available cartridge ROM will display an appropriate message
14.05.2024 v0.48 Added 12 colour mode, with the 12 palettes the game boy colour could apply to old game boy games as the first of this mode, but more to come in this area.
*Super gameboy support added for screen borders with gameboy skin set as default, followed by 1 (for now) of the official borders from the hardware itself. Activate by holding Fn and pressing '[' and cycle borders by holding Fn and pressing ']'. Because these are the same keys used for other visual modifications, I hope using the combination of Fn and these keys is intuitive.
* Super gameboy palette support added for balloon kid, the legend of zelda links awakening and kirbys pinball land
* Various other small tweaks you probably wont notice.
12.06.2025 V0.47 Added first iteration of Super Gameboy Mode with all 32 official palettes that were included with the original hardware. Nintendo included a table on the device to map certain games to certain palettes, and that functionality is partially implemented. Mario 1/2/Wario Land, F1 Racer and Tetris all autodetect and assign their colour scheme. This mode can be toggled on and off at any time during play with the '[' button, and the current cycle palette button will cycle through the 32 included palettes. Games with defined profiles with start with that palette selected automatically when Super Gameboy Mode is engaged for the first time each session.
*Lots of user interface changes; message boxes will appear to describe your palette selections, among other things - no console style debug remains in normal operation.
*Another 4k of memory allocated to ROM storage, may smooth out some edge cases of stuttering.
*Improved readability in the main menu; and made highlighted selection more apparent.
*Added smooth transitions to splash screen.
*Disabled unused (for the moment) configuration file
11,05.2024:: 0.44 squished a bug, added palette control, press ']' to cycle between presets.
b/w, gameboy(original), gameboy pocket and gameboy light (in that order).
Huge performance improvements for larger ROMs with over 110k more ram available to the memory sub-system. Palette values are from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_video_game_console_palettes for accuracy.
10.05.2024:: 0.41 added savegame support. if a game uses it's onboard ram constantly though, use the manual backup button (=). The save feature will only automatically engage after the cartridge ram has been left untouched for a second.
08.05.2024: v0.4 forked from gb_cardputer, added memory management subsystem (paging) to manage random access to roms of any size the filesystem supports.
Yellow bars on either side of the display momentarily indicate that the cartridge ram has been backed up. The savegame format will not be changing, its a simple binary dump.
Have fun!
submitted by IntelligentLaw2284 to M5Stack [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:04 mymother0301 [Exclusive] ‘Female version of Room N’ at a cafe with 840,000 women… Posting nude photos of men and sexually harassing them

[Exclusive] ‘Female version of Room N’ at a cafe with 840,000 women… Posting nude photos of men and sexually harassing them
[단독] 84만 女카페서 ‘여성판 N번방’…남성 나체사진 올리고 성희롱
[Exclusive] ‘Female version of Room N’ at a cafe with 840,000 women… Posting nude photos of men and sexually harassing them
국내 최대 여성 커뮤니티 회원, 데이트앱에서 만난 외국 남성 개인정보ㆍ불법 촬영물 등 공유. 미성년자까지 성범죄 대상에. 수위 높은 성적표현 대다수. 개인정보 유출로 처벌 가능
Members of Korea's largest female community share personal information and illegal footage of foreign men they met on dating apps. Even minors are subject to sexual crimes. High-level sexual expressions. Most of them can be punished for leaking personal information.
“백남(백인남성) 첫 도전할 건데 후기 있나요.”
“This is my first attempt on a white man. Do you have any reviews?”
“눈에 익어서 리스트(회원들끼리 돌려보는 외국 남성 리스트)보니까 얘가 그 애 아빠라는 ○이구만.”
“He looked familiar, so I looked at the list (a list of foreign men shared among members) and saw that this guy was the girl’s father.”
“○○(성기)는 컸어?”
“Is ○○ (penis) big?”
“성남 파일럿 ○○○ 아는 데시(데이트 앱을 사용하는 여성)?”
“Do you know Pilot ○○○ in Seongnam?”
“아프리칸이고 ○(성관계) 잘 못함. 크기는 그냥 그랬어.”
“He is African and he is not good at ○ (sexual relations). The penis size was just okay.”
회원수 84만4000명을 보유한 국내 최대 여성 전용 커뮤니티가 ‘여성판 N번방’ 사태 논란에 휩싸였다.
Korea's largest women-only community with 844,000 members was embroiled in controversy over the 'female version of N-room'.
2019년 2월경 불거진 ‘N번방 사건’은 텔레그램에 개설된 단체 채팅방을 통해 불법 음란물을 생성하고 거래·유포한 디지털 성범죄 사건을 말한다. 당시 피해자는 여성이었고, 가해자는 남성이었다. 해당 여성 커뮤니티에서는 피해자와 가해자의 성별만 뒤바뀐채 비슷한 정보가 유통되고 있다.
The 'N Room Incident', which emerged around February 2019, refers to a digital sex crime case in which illegal pornography was created, traded, and distributed through a group chat room opened on Telegram. At the time, the victim was a woman and the perpetrator was a man. In the women's community, similar information is being distributed with only the genders of the victim and perpetrator reversed.
커뮤니티 회원들은 카페 내에서 외국 남성과 매칭되는 데이트 앱에서 만났다는 남성들의 상세한 정보, 이른 바 ‘후기’글을 올리면서 공유하고 있었다.
Community members were sharing detailed information, so-called 'reviews', of men they had met on a dating app that matched foreign men within the community.
그 중에는 미성년자도 있다. 여러 외국 남성들의 실물 사진을 올리며 “이런 ○ 꼭 ○○야지” “○○보이네요” “이 ○ ○○보신 분” 등 상대의 외모와 성기 등을 외설적으로 언급하며 정보를 교환하는 식이다.
Among them are minors. They upload real-life photos of various foreign men and exchange information by making obscene references to the other person's appearance and genitals, such as "This ○ must be ○○," "You can see ○○," and "Who saw this ○ ○○."
이들이 카페 내에서 공유한 일명 ‘미군남 빅데이터 전차수 총망라’ 라는 리스트에는 약 3페이지 분량의 미군 신상 등이 상세하게 적혀 있었다. 리스트 작성을 주도한 것으로 보이는 한 회원은 “(해당 리스트를) 백과사전처럼 만들겠다”고 했다. 커뮤니티 회원들끼리 공유하고 있는 ‘데이트 앱 사용 외국 남성 리스트’도 있었다.
The list they shared within the cafe, called ‘Comprehensive list of U.S. military men’s big data all years,’ contained about three pages of detailed information on U.S. soldiers. One member who appears to have taken the lead in creating the list said, “We will make (the list) like an encyclopedia.” There was also a ‘list of foreign men using dating apps’ shared among community members.
김승환 법률사무소GB 변호사는 “이들 행위는 명예훼손 행위를 하고 있다는 점에서 정보통신망법 위반에 해당할 수 있고, 개인정보를 무단으로 공개하는 것은 스토킹처벌법에 따라 지속적 또는 반복적으로 행해질 경우 처벌될 가능성이 있다”고 했다.
Kim Seung-hwan, a lawyer at GB Law Firm , said, “These acts may constitute a violation of the Information and Communications Network Act in that they are defamatory, and unauthorized disclosure of personal information may be punishable under the Stalking Punishment Act if it is done continuously or repeatedly.”
현행법에 따르면 사람을 비방할 목적으로 정보통신망을 통해 공공연히 사실을 드러내 다른 사람의 명예를 훼손한 자는 3년 이하의 징역 또는 3000만원 이하의 벌금, 거짓 사실로 명예를 훼손한 자는 7년 이하의 징역, 10년 이하의 자격정지 또는 5000만원 이하의 벌금에 처해진다. 스토킹범죄를 저지른 사람은 3년 이하의 징역 또는 3000만원 이하의 벌금에 처한다.
“He said. According to the current law, a person who defames another person by publicly revealing facts through an information and communications network for the purpose of defaming a person is subject to imprisonment for up to 3 years or a fine of up to 30 million won, and a person who defames someone with false information is subject to imprisonment for up to 7 years, subject to suspension of qualifications for not more than 10 year or a fine of not more than 50 million won. Anyone who commits a stalking crime is subject to imprisonment for up to 3 years or a fine of up to 30 million won.
최근 이 커뮤니티는 여성을 성 상품화하는 행사라며 ‘성인 페스티벌(2024 KXF The Fashion)’ 개최 반대에 앞장섰다. 이들은 KXF를 ‘성매매 엑스포’라 칭하며 KXF가 열릴 예정이었던 지방자치단체에 행사 중단 요청을 하는 청원에 동참하기도 했다. 대외적으로는 여성의 성 상품화를 비판하면서 자기들끼리는 남성을 성적 대상으로 비하하는 것이 이중잣대가 아니면 무엇이냐는 지적이 나온다.
Recently, this community took the lead in opposing the holding of the 'Adult Festival (2024 KXF The Fashion )', claiming that it was an event that commercialized women as sexual products. They called KXF a 'prostitution expo' and joined a petition requesting the local government where KXF was scheduled to be held to stop the event. It is pointed out that criticizing the commercialization of women's sex externally while degrading men among themselves as sexual objects is a double standard.
커뮤니티 회원들은 KXF 개최를 반대하며 “아예 한국에서 하지 말라는 뜻이잖아. 좀 알아들어라” “꾸역꾸역 다른 지역 찾는 거 징그럽다” “지긋지긋하네” “왜 저렇게까지 못해서 안달인 걸까 수상해” “더러운 것들” 등의 반응을 보였다.
Community members opposed holding the KXF and said, “This means it shouldn’t be held in Korea at all. understand!,” “It’s disgusting to keep looking for other areas,” “I’m sick of it,” “I wonder why they’re so anxious about not being able to do that,” and “Dirty things.”
일본 성인비디오(AV) 배우들이 출연하는 KXF는 지자체들과 여성단체들의 반대로 ‘줄퇴짜’를 맞은 끝에 결국 개최가 취소됐다. 이번 성인 페스티벌에서는 일본 AV 배우들의 팬 사인회, 란제리 패션쇼가 진행될 예정이었다.
KXF, featuring Japanese adult video (AV) actors, was eventually canceled after receiving opposition from local governments and women's groups. This adult festival was scheduled to feature signing events for Japanese AV actors and a lingerie fashion show.
외국인을 대상으로 한 여성 커뮤니티 회원들의 성희롱적 접근은 인종차별의 위험성도 내포하고 있다. 이 커뮤니티에서 외국 남성은 인격이 말살된 성적 욕망과 소비 대상으로 주로 언급된다.
Sexually harassing approaches by female community members toward foreigners also imply the risk of racial discrimination. In this community, foreign men are mainly referred to as depersonalized objects of sexual desire and consumption.
구정우 성균관대 사회학과 교수는 “소위 ‘N번방’이라고 하면 남성이 가해자가 되고 여성이 피해자가 된다는 고정관념이 있지만, 여성도 얼마든지 가해자가 될 수 있다는 것을 보여준 사례”라며 “이는 외국인에 대한 차별과 농락을 넘어 범죄 행위이기 때문에 성을 매개 삼아 개인정보유출·명예훼손 등을 한다면 비난과 처벌 대상이 되어야 한다”고 말했다. 그러면서 “남성이든 여성이든 스스로 이러한 성범죄에 가담하고 있지 않은지 돌아봐야 한다”고 덧붙였다.
Koo Jeong-woo, a professor of sociology at Sungkyunkwan University, said, “There is a stereotype that men are the perpetrators and women are the victims when it comes to the so-called ‘N room,’ but this is an example that shows that women can also become perpetrators.” He added, “This is an example of discrimination against foreigners and “It is not just a joke, it is a criminal act, so if you use sex as a medium to leak personal information or defame someone, you should be subject to criticism and punishment,” he said. He added, “Whether you are a man or a woman, you need to check whether you are participating in these sexual crimes.”
submitted by mymother0301 to IssueKorea [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:03 Sadiolect My mother has differing first names on social security card and US Citizenship Certificate

Hello, this question pertains to the US. My mother changed her first name to an Anglicized version of her name such as Ji-Woon to Jenny and this change is reflected on her green card and marriage certificate. She had the impression that since these documents had the name change, she filed all her other legal documents (such as her SSN) under this Anglicized name.
Recently she became a US citizen and the immigration officer told her she could not use this Anglicized name and put her original name (e.g. Ji-Woon) as it was written on her birth certificate onto the document.
My mother wants to apply for a passport so she can go see her own mother who is sick and may pass away in the next year. She’s worried the government will see her differing name between her drivers license/SSN and US Citizenship certificate and not allow her to get a passport. She’s also worried she may loose her assets which are listed under her Anglicized name.
In our eyes the easiest solution is to get the first name on the US Citizenship certificate changed to the Anglicized version of her name. But we are worried this process may take a while. Are there documents we can use such as her old green card or marriage certificate that can expedite this process? Is a lawyer recommended for this process?
Thank you!
submitted by Sadiolect to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:56 Objective-Ad-4208 Drag Race Random Rerun 2.0: AS2 EP2

The Results of the Lip-Sync are in!
❤️ Marina Summers, Condragulations! You're a Winner, Baby!
Marcia Marcia Marcia, great job this week, you are safe to slay another day, you may step to the back of the stage.
Marina Summers, with great power, comes great responsibility... Which queen have you chosen to give the chop?
Both queens in the bottom are absolute legends, and this is not a choice I take lightly. But I had a vision that one of them would get another chance in a different timeline, I love you, girl, but tonight, I'm sending home...
❤️‍🩹 Tia Kofi, as it is written so it shall be done, you are and will always be an All-Star, now sashay away... (10th Place)
Marcia Marcia Marcia steps forward and reveals that she chose Tia’s lipstick by placing it on the table, explaining that she just couldn’t send home the queen she idolizes so much. Danny Beard*, filled with gratitude, embraces her warmly, thanking her for the reprieve.*
Plasma*, meanwhile, stands in a mix of shock and relief. Tia’s early elimination is unexpected, but Plasma is grateful for narrowly escaping the bottom placement herself. With renewed determination, she vows to slay the next challenge.*
The room erupts in applause as the queens gather around Marina Summers*, celebrating her first win of the season. In a confessional,* Cara Melle candidly admits that Marina is shaping up to be the one to beat this season.
Elsewhere, Alexis Mateo and Bosco huddle together, discussing the possibility of forming an alliance with Kahanna Montrese*. Given their shared history and connections from working in Vegas, the trio sees a strategic advantage in banding together. As the first elimination shakes up the competition, the queens are already strategizing for the battles ahead.*
EP2: 🎭 "All Stars Snatch Game" 🎭
The queens impersonate celebrities in a quick-witted TV game show and burn rubber in a latex runway. With guest judge Ross Mathews. (Snatch Game Challenge)
Runway Theme: Latex Eleganza
Spreadsheet/Track Record
submitted by Objective-Ad-4208 to RPDRfantasyseason [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:55 chanma50 'Hit Man' Review Thread

I will continue to update this post as reviews come in.
Rotten Tomatoes: Certified Fresh
Critics Consensus: A deceptively dark thriller that's also loaded with laughs, Hit Man is an outstanding showcase for leading man Glen Powell -- and one of the most purely entertaining films of Richard Linklater's career.
Score Number of Reviews Average Rating
All Critics 96% 81 8.30/10
Top Critics 93% 27 8.00/10
Metacritic: 82 (21 Reviews)
Sample Reviews:
“Hit Man” is studded with delicious moments, but as amusing as the movie is it has a plot that sprawls forward in a rather ungainly fashion, and it goes on for too long. - Owen Gleiberman, Variety
Smart and steamy screwball fun. - Leslie Felperin, Hollywood Reporter
The comedy is a deliriously entertaining star vehicle for actor Glen Powell. - Ben Croll, TheWrap
“Hit Man,” Linklater’s latest film, falls into the fun-with-a-heart (and brain) category. It’s got a lot going for it. For one thing, there’s Linklater’s deft touch, particularly when juggling comedy and romance (with a little crime drama thrown in). 4/5 - Bill Goodykoontz, Arizona Republic
A smartly written, sublimely comedic, and sexy human-scale relationship story with a touch of just enough suspense and hints of criminality to prove that its title is not a complete misnomer. 4/5 - Cary Darling, Houston Chronicle
In the hands of a lesser director, Hit Man would surely have felt rather thin and disposable. But Linklater is a pro, and he manages to make the film’s fripperies feel borderline profound. 4/5 - Xan Brooks, Guardian
An intelligent comedy that contains plenty of laugh-out-loud moments and references Kant and Nietzsche, it is also a thriller that is darker than it first appears. - Jo-Ann Titmarsh, London Evening Standard
Hit Man trips along on great writing, Linklater’s witty, light-touch direction and a rich sense of place, but what makes it especially pleasurable is Powell and Arjona’s naturally steamy rapport. 4/5 - Robbie Collin, Daily Telegraph (UK)
... An effervescent comedy from Richard Linklater that simultaneously snubs its nose at the entire genre while easily nabbing the honour of most purely entertaining film to grace the Lido so far. 4/5 - Kevin Maher, Times (UK)
Another, crueller writer-director would have pivoted to scenes of bloody violence, but Linklater prefers to ponder the question of whether you can will yourself into becoming a different person. 4/5 - Nicholas Barber, BBC.com
A sorta-true story about an average guy who finds himself caught in a web of crime and deception, Hit Man is a cute and clever (sometimes overbearingly so) showcase for Powell’s magnetic charm. - Richard Lawson, Vanity Fair
The police scenes are just light enough to be funny, the screwball sequences are just dark enough to keep you on the edge of your seat, and Powell... is obviously elated to be handling such twisty material. - Shirley Li, The Atlantic
This genial comedy/noir is a genuine crowdpleaser – funny, sexy, clever and confident in building a low-key humour which hits the target over and over again. - Fionnuala Halligan, Screen International
It’s a genuinely riotous time at the cinema and concrete proof Powell is perhaps our brightest hope when it comes to keeping the notion of the movie star alive. - Hannah Strong, Little White Lies
Hit Man is hot and hilarious, a winning combination amplified by a story that gets knottier at every turn. - Nick Schager, The Daily Beast
Powell’s ability to power through some dull material on charm alone only reaffirms the credibility of his stardom, and the film’s general lack of ambition keeps things from going awry whenever a joke doesn’t land. Aim small, miss small. B- - David Ehrlich, indieWire
I’s just fun to watch good old-fashioned comedy in which love, danger, and happy endings are all part of a damn fine evening at the movies. - Alissa Wilkinson, Vox
With Richard Linklater’s Hitman, the charismatic Glen Powell has been offered a plum opportunity to shape his image into something more complicated and often poignant. 3/4 - Zach Lewis, Slant Magazine
[A] light-and-lively comedy. - Jordan Hoffman, The Messenger
Comfortably Linklater’s best movie since Boyhood, Hit Man stands alongside School of Rock for big laughs and good vibes – albeit with a darker streak that slowly kicks in. 4/5 - Philip De Semlyen, Time Out
Powell and Linklater would have done better to take Johnson’s story as a launching point and then spun off into their far more complicated version of his life without literally tethering the movie to a real person. - Alonso Duralde, The Film Verdict
Linklater has long had a gift with playful humor, and he nails the tone here without turning “Hit Man” into the slapstick it could have become. - Brian Tallerico, RogerEbert.com
A comedy/thriller that’s in equal parts charming, nerve-wracking, and ethically challenging. - Glenn Kenny, RogerEbert.com
Every interesting aspect of the true story and the imagined story are smoothed out. - Drew Gregory, Autostraddle
The smoldering, wily, wild-but-true Hit Man returns Linklater to his loquacious take on romance, with a man using his gift of gab to shrug off himself. - Charles Bramesco, Inside Hook
A witty, relaxed, and cheerfully fictionalized comedy-caper-romance; in the bargain there’s some light philosophical meditations on the impermanence of personality. 4/4 - Ty Burr, Ty Burr's Watch List
It’s as if Linklater is playing posthumous wingman for his subject, giving him the rom-com-slick Hollywood ending he never got in life. - Keith Uhlich, (All (Parentheses))
Oscar-nominated director Richard Linklater’s sunlit neo-noir stars Glen Powell as strait-laced professor Gary Johnson, who moonlights as a fake hit man for the New Orleans Police Department. Preternaturally gifted at inhabiting different guises and personalities to catch hapless people hoping to bump off their enemies, Gary descends into morally dubious territory when he finds himself attracted to one of those potential criminals, a beautiful young woman named Madison (Adria Arjona). As Madison falls for one of Gary’s hit man personas — the mysteriously sexy Ron — their steamy affair sets off a chain reaction of play acting, deception, and escalating stakes. Co-written by Linklater and Powell and inspired by an unbelievable true story, Hit Man is a cleverly existential comedy about identity.
DIRECTED BY: Richard Linklater
SCREENPLAY BY: Richard Linklater, Glen Powell
PRODUCED BY: Mike Blizzard, Richard Linklater, Glen Powell, Jason Bateman, Michael Costigan
EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS: Stuart Ford, Zach Garrett, Miguel A. Palos Jr., Shivani Rawat, Julie Goldstein, Vicky Patel, Steve Barnett, Alan Powell, John Sloss, Scott Brown, Megan Creydt
EDITED BY: Sandra Adair
COSTUME DESIGNER: Juliana Hoffpauir
MUSIC BY: Graham Reynolds
MUSIC SUPERVISORS: Randall Poster, Meghan Currier
CASTING BY: Vicky Boone
RUNTIME: 115 Minutes
RELEASE DATE: May 24, 2024 (Limited Theatrical in US; Wide Theatrical in Canada) / June 7 (Netflix)
submitted by chanma50 to boxoffice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:53 billyhecksworth i am a semi-antinatalist, feel free to try to change my view

here is what i mean by i'm a "semi-antinatalist." i believe that our culture where everyone is pressured to have kids and people procreate without any serious thought or consideration is extremely irresponsible. people don't do any work on themselves to heal and become better people and they end up passing all of their generational trauma onto their children, who then end up suffering and passing it on to their children. most people are unfit to be healthy parents and the thoughtless pressure for everyone to have children regardless of whether or not they're prepared should be challenged.
humanity is causing an incomprehensible amount of suffering to innocent, vulnerable beings, like the hundreds of billions of animals who are abused and slaughtered every year and the millions of children in abusive households, forced labor, and human trafficking. i believe that humanity is due for some serious retribution and we deserve to have modern society collapse and for the population to significantly lower. i don't just want people to stop reproducing so that this suffering is phased out, i want something drastic to happen to bring an end to the atrocities going on as soon as possible. i wish it weren't that way, but to me it's about protecting the victims of humanity.
where i depart from antinatalist views is that i don't want humanity to be completely extinguished. humanity has been through so much, an unbelievable amount, and while most people might be either bad or lukewarm (which isn't any better), there are good people out there. do you have any idea the amount of effort and the sacrifices that have been made for humanity to get this far? i know you might say, well what's the point? the point is not what we achieve on this planet. it's not the pleasures of our daily lives or the physical achievements we see in the world. it's what we're gaining within. it's the experiences we're having, the memories we're gaining and the lessons we're learning about ourselves and others. this is my perspective at least.
i think of it this way. imagine a video game that is extremely challenging and frustrating. every time you play it, it leaves you frustrated and boiling in anger, but each time you play it, you learn so much that you become significantly better at every video game. you learn so much from this enraging game that it's teaching you life lessons, helping you develop fortitude and inner strength, and helping you transform your life. this game also has extreme highs. they're difficult to earn, but when you experience them, this game feels like the most satisfying game ever. you keep coming back to this game even though you hate it in many ways because despite all of the negatives, it's worth it - not necessarily because of what you experience in the game - but because of what you're gaining from it.
you might think, what's the point of gaining memories and wisdom if we're just going to die? i'm not here to push my views or spiritual beliefs on anyone, but my spiritual beliefs give me a perspective on why these things are worthwhile. if you don't believe in life after death, then i can understand why you would think that there's no point to this.
i have suffered a lot in life. i have clawed my way to have more inner peace and take care of my health. i for one would like to see a better world where we are able to be ourselves, express our creativity, and have loving connections. that said, i wouldn't have peace of mind in that world if it was filled with remorseless people who contributed to the atrocities that have plagued this planet and never took accountability, so it's difficult.
feel free to try to change my view, though if you try to change my view, i ask that you first do your best to understand my perspective, and i will do my best to understand yours.
submitted by billyhecksworth to antinatalism [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:52 Frequent_Listen4429 Neuropsychology test

Hello, I’m a bit at a loss of words right now and in search of advice. I (21 f) started seeing a psychiatrist that specializes in adhd and autism this past summer. Since then, I’ve talked at length with her about my struggles in daily life, daily tasks, relationships throughout my whole life, overstimulation, following social norms etc. At first I was pretty sure I didn’t have autism, adhd maybe but I was more inclined believing I just had depression (which was diagnosed a few years prior). However, throughout these various meetings with this psychiatrist, she explained to me how adhd and autism present in women, and pointed out all the traits I had for both diagnoses. She then diagnosed me with adhd, saying I have many autistic traits but is not sure about that diagnosis as I do not have the possibility to involve my parents in this process. In my country you need to go through a neuropsychology test in order to have a recognized diagnosis which would make me able to ask for adjustments in my studies or future jobs. Well, I went thru the whole process of the 4 hour long exam, which was with other specialists (so not my current psychiatrist). I have a report that says that as I have many traits of adhd (reduced attention span, difficulty staying focused on a same task without starting another task at the same time for example) and autism (poor eye contact, very sensitive to noise, rigid behavior for example) they do not diagnose any of the two. Why? Because they talked to my sister, which knows me rather well but is 1) probably neurodivergent too and 2) not inside my body and mind and she said she didn’t notice anything weird when I was younger. And because they saw my high school reports that say I was “a polite, nice, quiet and dedicated student” (which to me is infuriating bc I was suicidal throughout all of my high school years, struggled to attend classes which is WRITTEN ON THE REPORTS, had to repeat my last year, attend many support classes etc). How do they base their diagnoses of off a QI test, a few school reports and my sister’s idea of me rather than my personal experience and the opinion of a professional that specializes in this subject and that saw me many hours, talked to me at length, did research with me etc etc?? Why didn’t they ask me about my experience in the school system and in my daily routine? How can anyone else know how I feel except for myself?? Also, if I do not have autism it’s ok! It’s just that it’s frustrating bc things don’t add up, and for adhd, I am pretty sure I have it and my psychiatrist agrees. Also I’ve been searching for answers for a good while now and this exam doesn’t give me any to go forward. I guess as long as my psychiatrist diagnoses me it’s ok, but I’ll always have this feeling that maybe it’s not true and I’m only exaggerating bc that’s what this exam said about me (it literally stated that I was exaggerating my symptoms bc what my sister said about me wasn’t the same as what I was saying in the exam).
So yeah. I don’t really know what to do now. I mean, there is nothing to do. But I’m a bit lost and I’m not sure I can say I think I’m autistic then, bc what if I’m not? Same with adhd even though I’m a bit more confident in that diagnosis. It just leaves me in this grey area and I hate not being sure.
submitted by Frequent_Listen4429 to autism [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:51 Old-Shower-1993 Advice needed. I have to redo my entire probation, should I just eff it and quit?

I'm looking for some advices on how I act to this. I've been an unpaid trainee for 4 months and just finished 2 months of probation as a Game Artist at a small start up company. At the end of a total of 6 months being here, they want me to redo my probation period.
There are a few reasons on why I didn't want to keep working here at all.
First of all, the wage is ridiculously low. For reference, the starting wage is a little below minimal wage, hence my probation is ~70% of my country's minimal wage for a job like 3D Game Artist. I had a job as a waiter before this one that paid the same amount for 4 hour shift, but being a game artist is my passion and I thought I had to start somewhere. It's just ridiculous to me to compare a high key tech job to a waiter's wage and it turned out to just pay the same. The company promised that the starting is a bit low but it will get better based on performance, but until this point I highly doubt it. They said everyone in this company have to do double probation period just like I did, and they said my work is good but lacking proficiency, hence I have to redo another 2 months. I barely survived the probation wage because I live with my family, but financially it gets worse and eventually I will suffer. So far a have gone under 6 months of very low income and entirely relied on my parents.
Secondly, I don't think the work load given to all the employee is realistic. Everyone in my office work 10-12 hours work days, 5 days a week, that leaving before 8pm is abnormal when on paper, clock out is 6pm. Everyone seems to get used to that, but it had been affecting my mental health negatively. I usually leave at 9-10pm on almost everyday of the week. But I still barely meet the desired proficiency.
I love the job itself, the company not so much. It's a small start up with that "family" feel to it if you know what I'm saying. I've learned a lot about the industry during the past 6 months. If I just quit it right now, I will be unemployed for god knows how long, all the work that I have done for 6 months couldn't be used in my portfolio at all and I need to make a whole new portfolio to apply somewhere else, which I will need some time to do it. What should I do?
submitted by Old-Shower-1993 to jobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:50 Mackarosh Massive active community but lack of a Wiki, community "challenges" etc.

Hello fellow managers, I've had this thought recently, and basically you all get it already if you play strategy games, especially grand strategy (Crusader Kings, Europa Universalis etc.).
These games all have wikis with guides about everything, challenge/charactecountry recommendations and everything else you might need/want, all in one place. Obviously FM is in the current day with real teams and people so you can find everyone and everything (almost) on Wikipedia. Also, sites like FMScout, sortitoutsi, fminside, guidetofm etc. do the rest so I won't complain too much.
However, it is weird to me that a game with such a massive active community (even this subreddit is huge) does not really have resources like these. A wiki would compile everything in one place, especially for beginners, You can see an example strategy wiki here. You do not need to understand that game to understand what this wiki has got going for it. Also, do not get me wrong, I am not blaming the community of the subreddit or the FM community in general and if anyone deserves a little blame it's SI themselves as the wiki I linked is an official one with community contributions.
And another thing these communities and wikis and even the game developers offer is "challenges" and charactecountry recommendations. Something like "play this character because he is a Judaist in Ethiopia and his neighbours hate him". As someone who has been playing for 15 years or so and doesn't have too much time to play any more that's what I miss the most. If you restrict me to a specific save, especially with rules, like play this team in Sweden and only sign Greek players, I'll get the most fun out of the least amount time put into the game. Sure, everyone's compiling lists of their personal favourite saves, fallen giants etc. but it's peculiar that we haven't got massive resources about this stuff already, in a wiki or somewhere else. In the game I linked there is a "tutorial" save in Ireland and everybody knows it and the wiki has everything about it. FM for example doesn't have something like this, I would recommend new players to play teams which are juggernauts in their leagues like Ludogorets for the easy league and challenge in Europe without being sacked. Some might recommend managing your team if it's not very difficult as you know what they need etc. Point is compiling these resources and offering the "top" recommendations would go a long way for some people.
Let me know what you think. Link anything similar that might be available like forums etc that I may have not discovered. Also, if I had the time and the knowledge I'd probably make something myself, but I'm really willing to contribute if something promising exists or is in the making.
Edit: No disrespect to the subreddit wiki but it's not a community driven resource and a mod team alone cannot update it frequently enough in order to be the all-in-one resource mentioned.
submitted by Mackarosh to footballmanagergames [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:49 old_bread_energy_ Live Show Takeaways

I'm probably going to get crucified for this, but just an observation after seeing ST live in Philly.
While it's a great show, and the band puts on a great performance, Vessel is definitely not singing all the time. Back of the house does a good job blending his live vocals with backing tracks, but it's not 100% live. Here's a few things that gave it away:
Sounds too "clean": live vocals don't always sound as clean as they did at the show. It was pretty evident from a couple songs, specifically Atlantic, when Vessel was playing piano and his head was moving up and down as he was singing and playing, and during that travel his voice didn't range up and down as his head moved closer and further from the microphone. Screams in the songs also seemed way too clean to be performed live, and when compared to the production tracks, they sound almost identical.
Movement not queued with singing: this was obvious during Ascensionism when Vessel started to "sing with his hands" before the lyrics actually started, which just seemed odd when it happened, like he expected the lyrics to drop about a second earlier.
Breathing: it was inconsistent during the show, when they wanted to increase the emotion of a song, you could hear breathing when you couldn't hear that in other songs throughout the show, and when you did hear it, the mic wasn't that close to his mouth like you'd expect with that sort of sound. This was prob the weakest one I saw, since this can just be something we'll practiced between Vessel and the back of house guys.
I'll be the first to admit I could be wrong. The most difficult thing is that with Vessel wearing a mask and painting the remainder of his face black, it's really tough to see the normal stuff you'd expect to see when a singer is hitting notes live (facial expression, breathing, etc.). There were also times he was definitely singing live, such as TMBTE and Euclid; what I pointed out were some spots through the live set it just seemed the back of the house embellished what was happening live.
Happy to hear everyone else's thoughts.
submitted by old_bread_energy_ to SleepToken [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:49 InevitableOk3697 I firmly believe in my bones that I was not meant to exist, and that if it were possible to undo my existence, I would. No matter what mental state I'm in. But somehow I don't know yet if both of my "selves" think this way.

24F. Diagnosed with Bipolar II, ADHD, and CPTSD. I'm not even sure I can properly explain this because during depressive episodes (right now and for the past 4 months, in fact, though it's gotten marginally better in recent days) I lose a lot of my ability to write coherently, concisely, and accurately about what I'm feeling. The disconnect between emotion and thought has actually gotten so bad I genuinely cannot even journal anymore. (Coming back after finishing to add: this post alone ended up taking me nearly half the day to complete because I kept having to break and come back to it when my brain wouldn't work, and I often thought about giving up entirely lol.) But that's besides the point.
I had a sort of "eureka" moment during a non-depressive state at one point. That being, "This illness is cyclical. It will come back just as surely as it will eventually go away. Next time it comes, don't fight it."
It came back. I haven't been fighting it. I went from feeling immense, active suffering from constant self-hatred and learned helplessness to feeling dissociated and completely disconnected from my own thoughts, both positive and negative. Most moments are spent feeling nothing but irritability and in the moments where I feel something else, I am thoroughly distracted. My days are filled with distraction. The second I have time alone with my brain, I have crying spells that end in pathetic defeat and it's back to dissociation. "I get it. I get it. I wasn't meant to exist. But I am psychologically incapable of ending my life. I'm already here and I can't do anything about it. I have literally no choice but to continue to try."
Good for me for having that barrier to making rash decisions. But now I feel imprisoned by a life I did not choose. A prison of my own making that I am unwilling to break out of because I am just so. tired. I am aware of how much hard work and commitment it takes to live a fulfilling life with these disabilities. I am keenly aware that it is anything but an easy task and in this state it just does not feel worth it. But it is not an act of bravery that I'm still here in the face of suffering. I'm here because I have no choice.
It always comes back to this, and has since one of my first severe depressive episodes at the age of 14: I am too sensitive, too weak, to exist. So much so that I don't think I was supposed to be here in the first place. I do not, and have never cared about doing something "important" with my life. I have never cared about creating a legacy. I have never cared about being remembered. I have never cared about meaning or purpose in the traditional sense; in this state of mind, my purpose is to just exist, let life happen to me, observe carefully, learn, mimic. And in this state, I've realized I use this information as evidence. Confirmation.
At the end of the day, it seems the answer to this hypothetical is always the same. If there was a console with two buttons: one to continue living as is, and one to make it so I never existed at all, I would always choose the latter. Always. Even when things are good, even with all the luck I've had. The unfairness of life coupled with my weak constitution is inherently incompatible. Negative experiences will always feel more powerful, more real, than anything else.
Which brings me to my hypomanic episodes. They tend to involve extreme productivity, usually starting some large project that I spend every waking moment working on, of which there are many considering how poorly I sleep. I have energy and inspiration that simply cannot be funneled into enough things. I am able to "maintain" (these episodes last anywhere from 4 days to about a month) a superhuman-like "schedule" and "routine" that I would otherwise be incapable of adhering to, and would likely outright despise in ordinary circumstances.
But most notably, most of the time, I have a euphoric feeling about the human condition. I obsess over human suffering and our capacity to withstand it. I convince myself that if something catastrophic were to happen at that very moment, I would be resilient and strong in the face of it. That I could be, and would be, like those who can overcome any adversity at all.
But nothing I've ever been through has suggested that is true. Nearly any negative experience can knock me out of any positive or neutral mood and into a kind of dissociative, vegetative depression. My previous baseline state, where I was able to maintain a realistic and beneficial routine and sleep schedule for nearly 2 months, was instantly derailed, pathetically, by the moment I ended up crocheting too much and injured my left hand for a few days.
This one happenstance triggered a depressive state that I've now been in since March. And I tried to prevent it, really I did. I had enough experience practicing good habits by that point that I tried everything in my repertoire to keep it from spiraling. But it did. And now I'm here. I know better than to think I'm resilient. My window of tolerance is embarrassingly low, and I'm sorry that I don't have the will to strengthen it. Mentally, I am still a scared child hiding in the corner of a dark room from any and all real or imagined danger. And until my brain decides otherwise, (because of course mood changes are the nature of this illness), that's how it will stay.
Part of me believes that even my hypomanic self knows this. I don't know entirely how she operates, if I'm honest. So I've decided to conduct an "experiment."
I know she can't fathom how I think the way I do, and similarly I can't fathom how she thinks either. One is always blind to the other. I need to know whether or not, in my heart of hearts, I still say I would undo my existence. Even when everything inside of me is bursting with energy and life and vibrancy. Because instinct says I've always been this way in any state of mind, but I've never proved it.
So I recorded a short video explaining myself to my future hypomanic and even to my baseline self. Maybe I can find some middle ground between us. Because I have to do something. I have no choice but to do something.
submitted by InevitableOk3697 to Healthygamergg [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:48 Better-Departure725 Celebrating Motherhood and Early Learning: 'Mom & I' (Mother-Toddler Program)

Celebrating Motherhood and Early Learning: 'Mom & I' (Mother-Toddler Program)
Mom & I A Groundbreaking Initiative by Mother's Pride
Mother's Pride Preschool
There are seldom many moments as priceless in life as seeing your child walk for the first time. These turning points signal the start of an amazing journey filled with learning and progress. Understanding the importance of these formative years, India's most cherished preschool, Mother's Pride, has introduced a ground-breaking program called 'Mom & I.' Through active mother participation, this unique mother-toddler program aims to make toddlers' early learning experiences meaningful and pleasurable.

A Heartwarming Beginning: The Concept of 'Mom & I

‘Mom & I’ is a special three- and six-month mother-toddler program that has been painstakingly designed to improve early childhood development by child psychologists. It attempts to transform the endearing path of a child's first steps into a series of treasured moments. This program, which enables moms to actively participate in their toddlers' upbringing, is the first of its kind in India. With a range of captivating activities including storytelling, role-playing, and artistic expression, this mother-toddler program guarantees the children's complete holistic development, besides strengthening the relationship between mother and kid.

The Structure of the Mother-Toddler Program: ‘Mom & I

Mom & I' is structured into six distinct phases, each of which addresses a different area of a child's development:

First Month: Laying the foundation The mother- toddler program's first month is dedicated to fostering toddlers' gross motor, fine motor, speaking, listening, and observation skills. Activities are created to accelerate the growth and development of each child, assuring that they have the greatest start possible.
Month Two: Improving Coordinating and Communication The child's self-expression, language, cognition, communication, and hand-eye coordination are all expected to improve during the second month. These exercises are essential for improving cognitive functioning and making sure kids are ready for new learning opportunities.
Third Month: Acquiring Life Skills During the third month of the mother-toddler program, the emphasis is on critical life skills such as positive self-concept, application, reasoning, classification, observation, memory, and understanding. With this all-encompassing approach, toddlers are made ready for preschool, while enabling them to possess the skill set needed for a successful future.
Next three months: Advancing together with family involvement
With a focus on family involvement and shared experiences, the mother-toddler program, i.e., 'Mom & I' continues its journey of growth and learning over the next three months. During this time, toddlers go on fun adventures with their families, visiting interactive museums, cultural sites, and nature trails. Along with this, family get-together for special film screenings and creative workshops also takes place that promotes artistic expression and deepens bonds between them via fun and creativity. In addition to fostering physical and mental growth, this shared experience strengthens family ties by creating treasured memories and a feeling of unity.

Why the Mother-Toddler Program, 'Mom & I Stands Out?

‘Mom & I’ offers a holistic approach to parenting and child development, rather than simply being an early learning program. Here are some explanations for why this mother-toddler program is so unique:
  1. Active Participation of Mothers
'Mom & I' encourages moms to be involved in their child's early learning experiences, in contrast to standard preschool programs. In addition to improving comprehension of the kid's requirements, this mother-toddler program ascertains that this involvement strengthens the mother-child relationship.
2. Holistic Development:
The curriculum of ‘Mom & I’ focuses on a child's physical, emotional, social, linguistic, and cognitive development. Children raised with this holistic approach are bound to be well-rounded and equipped to handle life's obstacles.
  1. Interesting Activities:
The activities of this mother-toddler program are meant to be both fun and instructive. Every activity, from storytelling to artistic expression, is thoughtfully selected to pique the child's interest and maintain their focus.
  1. Support for Mothers:
Being a parent can be a rewarding and difficult experience. Moms can get the support they require from ‘Mom & I’ by participating in a community of like-minded mothers, receiving developmental progress reports, and positive parenting advice. With this assistance, moms may strengthen their relationships with their kids and confidently face the challenges of parenthood.
  1. Cutting Down on Screen Time:
Parents are quite concerned about screen time in the current digital era. Mother’s Pride Mother-Toddler program encourages active learning by offering entertaining and instructive activities that help mothers and kids spend less time in front of screens.
  1. Safe and caring Environment:
Trained staff and devoted caregivers provide a safe and caring atmosphere for conducting the program, by employing age-appropriate teaching tools. Children are kept safe as they play and learn in kid-friendly indoor and outdoor spaces.
The Journey of Growth and Learning
'Mom & I': The Mother-Toddler program is intended to be a path of development and education for the mother and the kid. Mothers who actively engage in their child's early learning experiences get to see their child's growth and holistic development up close. In addition to fostering a deeper connection between mother and child, this shared journey gives moms priceless insights into the growth of their children. Mothers and kids are encouraged to explore, play, and learn together during the session. This interactive method aids in laying a solid basis for subsequent education and growth. Children who complete this program not only are also prepared for preschool, but also develop the skills needed for success throughout their lifetime.
Join the 'Mom & I' Journey
Set out on this amazing adventure with our mother-toddler program- ‘Mom & I’ at Mother's Pride and make lifelong memories. Let's work together to provide love, care, and limitless opportunities for holistic development of the next generation.
‘Mom & I’: A Groundbreaking Initiative by Mother's Pride
There are seldom many moments as priceless in life as seeing your child walk for the first time. These turning points signal the start of an amazing journey filled with learning and progress. Understanding the importance of these formative years, India's most cherished preschool, Mother's Pride, has introduced a ground-breaking program called 'Mom & I.' Through active mother participation, this unique mother-toddler program aims to make toddlers' early learning experiences meaningful and pleasurable.

A Heartwarming Beginning: The Concept of 'Mom & I'

‘Mom & I’ is a special three- and six-month mother-toddler program that has been painstakingly designed to improve early childhood development by child psychologists. It attempts to transform the endearing path of a child's first steps into a series of treasured moments. This program, which enables moms to actively participate in their toddlers' upbringing, is the first of its kind in India. With a range of captivating activities including storytelling, role-playing, and artistic expression, this mother-toddler program guarantees the children's complete holistic development, besides strengthening the relationship between mother and kid.

The Structure of the Mother-Toddler Program: ‘Mom & I'

'Mom & I' is structured into six distinct phases, each of which addresses a different area of a child's development:

First Month: Laying the foundation The mother- toddler program's first month is dedicated to fostering toddlers' gross motor, fine motor, speaking, listening, and observation skills. Activities are created to accelerate the growth and development of each child, assuring that they have the greatest start possible.
Month Two: Improving Coordinating and Communication The child's self-expression, language, cognition, communication, and hand-eye coordination are all expected to improve during the second month. These exercises are essential for improving cognitive functioning and making sure kids are ready for new learning opportunities.
Third Month: Acquiring Life Skills During the third month of the mother-toddler program, the emphasis is on critical life skills such as positive self-concept, application, reasoning, classification, observation, memory, and understanding. With this all-encompassing approach, toddlers are made ready for preschool, while enabling them to possess the skill set needed for a successful future.
Next three months: Advancing together with family involvement
With a focus on family involvement and shared experiences, the mother-toddler program, i.e., 'Mom & I' continues its journey of growth and learning over the next three months. During this time, toddlers go on fun adventures with their families, visiting interactive museums, cultural sites, and nature trails. Along with this, family get-together for special film screenings and creative workshops also takes place that promotes artistic expression and deepens bonds between them via fun and creativity. In addition to fostering physical and mental growth, this shared experience strengthens family ties by creating treasured memories and a feeling of unity.

Why the Mother-Toddler Program, 'Mom & I' Stands Out?

‘Mom & I’ offers a holistic approach to parenting and child development, rather than simply being an early learning program. Here are some explanations for why this mother-toddler program is so unique:
  1. Active Participation of Mothers
'Mom & I' encourages moms to be involved in their child's early learning experiences, in contrast to standard preschool programs. In addition to improving comprehension of the kid's requirements, this mother-toddler program ascertains that this involvement strengthens the mother-child relationship.
2. Holistic Development:
The curriculum of ‘Mom & I’ focuses on a child's physical, emotional, social, linguistic, and cognitive development. Children raised with this holistic approach are bound to be well-rounded and equipped to handle life's obstacles.
  1. Interesting Activities:
The activities of this mother-toddler program are meant to be both fun and instructive. Every activity, from storytelling to artistic expression, is thoughtfully selected to pique the child's interest and maintain their focus.
  1. Support for Mothers:
Being a parent can be a rewarding and difficult experience. Moms can get the support they require from ‘Mom & I’ by participating in a community of like-minded mothers, receiving developmental progress reports, and positive parenting advice. With this assistance, moms may strengthen their relationships with their kids and confidently face the challenges of parenthood.
  1. Cutting Down on Screen Time:
Parents are quite concerned about screen time in the current digital era. Mother’s Pride Mother-Toddler program encourages active learning by offering entertaining and instructive activities that help mothers and kids spend less time in front of screens.
  1. Safe and caring Environment:
Trained staff and devoted caregivers provide a safe and caring atmosphere for conducting the program, by employing age-appropriate teaching tools. Children are kept safe as they play and learn in kid-friendly indoor and outdoor spaces.
The Journey of Growth and Learning
Mom & I': The Mother-Toddler program is intended to be a path of development and education for the mother and the kid. Mothers who actively engage in their child's early learning experiences get to see their child's growth and holistic development up close. In addition to fostering a deeper connection between mother and child, this shared journey gives moms priceless insights into the growth of their children. Mothers and kids are encouraged to explore, play, and learn together during the session. This interactive method aids in laying a solid basis for subsequent education and growth. Children who complete this program not only are also prepared for preschool, but also develop the skills needed for success throughout their lifetime.
submitted by Better-Departure725 to u/Better-Departure725 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:45 LeLittleGirl My Best friend and her messy engagement

Today, I finally put on my altered dress for my (23f) best friend's (24f) engagement party. Although I look beautiful in it and I am feeling myself, I keep having flashbacks and flashfowards of what can go bad.
We met on facebook when we were both in high school and clicked, despite having bad opinions about each other. We had plenty of common things to talk about, and I honestly admired her for how intelligent and well spoken she is. Although, she always was the kind that had her mind set on an ideal when it came to relationships that resulted in a very toxic dynamic between her and her partner. When her partner didn't satisfy her, she would go cold and never said what was wrong. Instead, she was venting to me. That made our friendship toxic. She would constantly cheat emotionally on her partner with me. Things escalated quickly, and we actually caught feelings for each other. I started to be her actual lover, and I felt guilty about it. At some point, we were in a relationship, too. It was a short and bad one that put our friendship on a pause.
4 years later, I decided to reconnect with her because I thought that I wasn't going to waste a good friendship in a bad relationship, and it was a very good decision. We were both healthier, and now we had a better dynamic, too. I talked to her about my boyfriend ( 25m) and our love story. Long story short, he is my soulmate. I am convinced about that. No relationship compares to this one. I told her about how fast we had to move on because of our circumstances and how nice it is to live with him, and she understood. She is happy with our relationship and wishes us the best. Not so much later, she met her current fiancé (25m). He was quite intimidated by me, he told that to my face but we clicked well. That's until we found out that he is quite dodgy. He is a womanizer who decided to "settle" and fell for her quickly. He also is the kind to search for the most dodgy jobs just to make a bit more cash, that he spends quickly on god knows what. He saw everything. Drugs, prostitution, robberies, death, etc. Not only that, but he is cocky about never being caught, too. I thought they were an odd pairing since she is the independent, level-headed but introverted big sister that took no shit from anyone, but whatever. We didn't want to judge. They moved on quickly with their relationship, even quicker than me, and my boyfriend did. They got engaged in 8 months, and three months later, she is pregnant, too. Their engagement lasted only 6 months, and next month, they are getting married. Because a wedding is quite expensive for them right now, they decided to skip the church wedding and only do the official documents and do an engagement dinner party with their close family and friends. Oh boy, the organization is a mess.
First, they asked us to be their godparents but quickly changed their minds after their parents realized that me and my boyfriend are not married, which is a big problem with the church but not with the documents. I wanted to point that out to them since they are not going to be wedded in church but whatever. Ever since we were in high school, she promised me that I would be her godmother to her wedding. It was disappointing, but I knew that I needed to be flexible. Second, she wants her guests to dress more elegantly for the event. Her fiancé and my BF got a bit fussy that they couldn't wear jeans and Hawaiian shirts, but we quickly changed their minds. But this transitioned to the third problem. I had to get my dress pretty early into the engagement so we could save some money. I got a nice dress for my budget: a midi mint dress with puffy veil sleeves and crochet flowers motifs that enhanced my bosom. I checked with her if the color and the model were ok, and she said that she was happy with it... Until she got her dress. She decided to dress in a way more layed back style and get a white cotton beach dress. It's incredibly simple, and my boyfriend described it to be a sack of potatoes in comparation to what I was wearing. Not only that, but it was 5 times more expensive than mine. This was a problem. I didn't want to overdress or upstage the bride to be, so I got another dress that's more laid back, the one that I am currently wearing so my mom could alter her a bit. Fourth, they keep changing the dates, and that got everyone annoyed because it messed with the free work days. Fortunately, this was resolved, and now they have a date that's set in stone. The organization is quite messy, too. BF had the condition that he didn't want to drive in the city, so he would drink, something that can't happen because they have many guests and not enough cars. We live far away from them, in a suburban area. There is a 5 hour drive between us and besides them, we don't know anyone in their city. They offered us a free room ( baby's future room) but even that is uncertain. Fifth, they are not the most stable couple. Her fiancé gets mad and jealous quite easily. He used to fight with her when she wears more make-up than usual or she was too indiferent to his flirting. She is the kind of woman who never wears her emotions, and that drives him nuts. She did open up slowly to him, but it's too slow for his pace. Not only this, but he has a high-sexual drive while her's is low. He gets very fussy when they don't get to have regular sex. When she got pregnant, the gyno told her to stop sexual relations for a while, so the baby stays in place. He said that he can't stop having sex for his own health, and it is quite unfair. She hit him with an ultimatum that if he made her abort it, she would never have kids with him again. That made him settle, at least for a while. He is also the kind that wants a boy, so he could continue his "legacy." If that didn't make it clear for what kind of person he is, then I don't know what more can I tell you. Also, the both of them hinted that me and boyfriend should get pregnant too, so our children could be best friends just like us. We quickly shut it down with "With what money?Plus, we are not mentally prepared for it". Which brings us to the sixth problem, and I and BF are not in a stable money situation like they are. BF used to be overworked and paid badly while I couldn't work right now. He did get to change his job for a better one, which is a huge relief. I wanted to work, I wished to, but bestie and her fiancé keep wanting to have vacations with us twice a year. No workplace would be able to give me that many holidays, which I know is unfair. That's the country we live in. Because of this, for the last year, we were on a tight budget that couldn't allow any more changes.
Besides these problems, there are many more things like family drama and other money problems. Because of the constant change, me and boyfriend are stressed and this got us in an argument. First being about my dress and then about the couple that couldn't understand our money problems. Me and bf resolved it, but he has some good points. The organization is as messy as their future marriage.
I apologize if I've made grammar mistakes, english is not my first language.
submitted by LeLittleGirl to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:41 One-Shower-9086 help

I honestly just don’t get it. sure porn was interesting to look at while i was a budding and horny teen just buying my first vibe, or just giving oral for the first time, but i truly can say i have no interest in anything; porn, other men/partners, whatsoever since i have been in this relationship. i’m 21, so i’m pretty young. i have gained a good bit of weight since we have been together, maybe 20-15 pounds, but he insists he still loves the way i look and that i am perfect. I’m just wondering what, if i am “perfect” there is to gain from porn?? why he is looking at OF leaks on reddit on his break, saving them while he’s in a drive through line, why he’s searching on some dodgy porn site for leaked content less than 10 minutes after we have sex while i am in the bathroom? our first d-day was a good while ago, around late august of last year. we have definitely had more, and while things have gotten marginally better, my one boundary is still not being respected. i even relented that he could still watch porn, but that’s o was not at all comfortable with him consciously seeking out individual women to look at— especially when those women look like everything i would have nearly died to look like at one point. one girl he even knew in person. since maybe the 3rd dday (novemberish) he deleted his “photo vault/spank bank” but i still find myself looking up the women i found on ig and comparing myself to what it is that he actually likes — what actually gets him off. our sex life has suffered, which i feel probably leads him more to porn and other self fulfilling methods.
04/16/24 i wrote that march 18th and to be quite honest, as I sit here mid april in the middle of the night, nothing has changed. I went through his phone again (pain shopping i know i know) after i glimpsed a porn site open while looking at his tax forms and closing his open apps (as i always do). i think i even made a comment about pretending that I didn’t see the porn/naked body on his screen. But I did. So now I sit here, sobbing next to him in bed at 3am while he snores and feeling again like the little girl who just wanted to be the first choice, not a compromise someone settles on. So now I sit here, wondering what is next, who is next, and how I change myself in order to ‘help’ him get away from porn. you see if i looked like the girls he wanted of course he wouldn’t need the others. So now I sit here, fighting the urge to make myself purge for the first time in years, to be closer to that image he so desperately needs, and cannot get from me. i sit thinking of the girl who so dearly wanted to be like the others, the ones who didn’t develop early, or later, the ones who didn’t have abnormally large boobs, just a cute butt and a flat flat stomach. the girl who just wanted to be loved so badly; who craved it as a child and can never seem to achieve it as an adult.
05/20/2024 the first week of may i cried myself to sleep every night. two of those i sobbed so hard he woke up. i don’t know what to do anymore. i grabbed his phone again today, after he had been to the bathroom for an extended amount of time with no shower running, and lo and behold! of course, there it was. every single time without fail. i just don’t know what to do. i want to look like those girls he looks at. i want to throw up my meals and workout relentlessly. i want to shrink my boobs and grow my ass. i want to be tiny again. i want to never eat again. i want him to physically see his harm change me— just as it has forever changed me mentally. i have cut myself down to around 1400 calories daily, with daily exercise of course as well. but even if i lose weight it will still not be enough. i haven’t been going to the gym for years and meal prepping and eating specifically. i fear i will never look like who he prefers. writing this, i want to claw anything ive ever eaten out of my body, i want to go back in time and tell younger me to work out, to care. i want to be pretty again, to stay pretty this time. i know anyone would tell me to break up and to leave, to put myself first, but i cant. i have never loved someone so hugely and completely. i know that i will most likely never have the strength to leave someone who i love, and despite everything, does/did love me in my eyes. at the same time i dont know how to look at him anymore. tonight i went and looked at every girl i could remember him looking at and searched them on instagram. there were 15 of them. i think i may send their profiles all at once to him in the morning when he wakes up. maybe even right in front of him— just to see his reaction. is that sick of me? i just want him to know that i know, and that honestly its ruining my life. i never feel pretty. I have never felt so ugly, so hideous, so monstrous, that my own boyfriend can’t even get off to me. sometimes i can’t even look at him. it hurts too much. i’m worried that if he looks at me too long that he will find something else that he dislikes about me, and look even more to rectify that in yet another woman. i almost wish he would find this and magically know this was about us, not that it would solve anything really. I have already poured my heart out, spoken calmly, been angry, forgiven, and sobbed as hard as i ever have before. what else i can do.
submitted by One-Shower-9086 to loveafterporn [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:41 Pack-Fragrant How do I (29F) "slow things down" with my boyfriend (34M) after 2 months of honeymoon-like relationship?

First of all, sorry for my broken English. Not my native language. Please point out if something isn't clear!
TL;DR we’re rushing things and don’t know how to slow down
It's a nice story tbh. We met 10 years ago, we were in the same friend group. He had a big crush on me but I was a crazy ass 19 y.o. who didn't really care about boys, also I was planning to move to another city (500 km away) - and I did. So in the past 10 years we lost contact, albeit being friends on social media and stuff, and sometimes we would casually meet on nights out with our friends when I came home to visit.
While I was making the rounds of Southern Europe, he started a relationship that lasted approx. 7 years. They were living together and stuff. She's a nice girl, I remember meeting her a couple of times, but she's got a lot of "social" issues that made living together very hard for the both of them. She was in constant need of his presence, and for the last 1.5 year of their relationship he felt more like a father to her than a boyfriend (PLEASE NOTE I have nothing against her and I dont want to make her look bad because SHE'S NOT. If this info wasn't important for the story I wouldn't have shared that). He left her in December 2023, the main reason being that he wanted the relationship to "grow up", think of a family, a bigger house, dogs, kids... but she couldn't even keep a job so he ended things more or less in a friendly manner after trying and trying.
3 months later, in March, I liked a pic he posted on facebook, he sent me a message asking if I was back for good (I am) and basically asked me out on a date. And MAN WHAT A DATE. Everything was perfect, we laughed to the tears, you know when you feel something has clicked and now everything is in its right place? Yeah. We both felt that. So we jumped on this loveboat ride and everything has been great, but we were really rushing things, like I started staying there for the night during the week (aided by the fact that his apartment is 10 mins from my office so it was also covenient for me), he met my parents (by accident tho honestly that wasn't planned, but still) I met his mother, his coworkers, also his boss! He got drunk with my dad! (That was fun haha). I thought that we were rushing things too much but I brushed it off thinking "don't ruin it, if it feels right then let it be", but eventually it came out during a talk we had. We both acknowledged that we'd been getting ahead of ourselves and this was making him uncomfortable, because he didn't really want to end up in another relationship right after ending a 7 year long one, at the same time he thinks what we have is precious and we should cherish it. He wants to see and have a future with me but also wants to take things slow. I agreed, and being the pragmatic little demon I am I had prepared a list of things I thought we should do/stop doing, such as sleeping there on weeknights, parents involved etc, to which he agreed. Also I noticed that he was kind of... I don't really know how to explain, projecting? his ex's persona on me. I noticed that when he was on morning shift (starts at 6 a.m.) and I had spent the night at his apartment, he'd be very worried about me not getting up on time to go to work at 8 (like his ex did) and asked me to send him a message as soon as I woke up. Another thing, there has been a weekend when I was sick, it wasn't that bad, I just had a stomach ache and nausea and needed to go to the bathroom a lot. Well that day it looked like I couldn't even walk for him, he wanted me to stay at home while he was buying the groceries to cook for lunch even though I said I was fine and a trip to the supermarket wouldn't have killed me. I reckon that's because his ex was like that. But I'm not. I'm really an independent person, I've been living by myself for the past six years, I can look after myself! And even though it's lovely to have someone who cares about you, that just felt like having a nanny and not a boyfriend (we also talked about this).
Aprt from that our relationship is great, we discuss things as adults, every discussion/argument ends with a common point. I love this. Also he's the sweetest.
But after the talk we had, and the things we both agreed on, Sunday night we were watching a movie together on his sofa, the movie was over and I said "oh it's 10 pm, I gotta go" and he was like "why don't you just stay here for the night? Your office is basically across the street" I told him that that's exactly what we agreed to avoid, he insisted a bit but then I left.
Now, I don't know what else to do to slow things down apart from to ones I listed and furthermore I don't know how to help him with all of this. He's confused and I can see that, but I trust him and if he said he really cares about our relationship then so it is.
What do you think? What should I do?
Thank you for reading.
submitted by Pack-Fragrant to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:40 Donney__Boy Please Help!!! 30 y/o seeking advice on undergrad major/double majors/minors and CPA designation.

Hi everyone, sorry in advance for the long post! As the title says I’m looking for some input/advice about choosing undergrad majodouble majors/minors and the CPA designation. Wanting input from people of ALL backgrounds but especially looking to hear from current CPA card holders.
Info about me + different options I’m considering and hoping to get opinions on:
I am a 31 y/o male from Alberta, Canada (wanting to move—preferably outside Canada—sometime after graduation/attaining CPA), currently in my second year of a Bachelor of Computer Information Systems (BCIS) degree but possibly switching programs. My goal is to attain my CPA designation and I have a few different paths I am looking at to get there, but I am not sure what would be the best path forward, taking into account my age as well.
I am at the point now where I have to make a decision in order to avoid potentially taking additional classes during undergrad; although a couple of the potential options will still require 1-2 additional on top of the usual 40 courses for bachelors degree. I have been accepted into the two programs (BBA & BS in Data Science) that I applied to that are within my same university and have until May 30 to accept/decline the offer(s) and transfer programs.
Below is the full list of options I am considering along with the remaining # of courses/time it will take for me to complete everything needed. Currently I have 18 courses completed after two years and 22 minimum remaining for a degree. Atm I am signed up for 2 courses this summer to get me up to 20/40 courses done before yr 3 starts. One, potentially both summer classes are not needed though depending on what direction I go, so if I drop one or both that will add small amount of time as it will add to my remaining # of classes needed since no other offered summer courses to make it up are useful to me. If I could get some advice from the people out there on which option you would recommend, that would be greatly appreciated! Any additional info and insights are welcomed and appreciated!
(1)———Stay in BCIS——— — 22 courses left to complete degree(40 total). — 6 CPA core courses left to complete on top. • 18+22+6 = 46 courses needed for BCIS degree & all CPA prerequisite courses completed to start CPA PEP (+30 months to get CPA designation). • Graduate with BCIS degree then finish 6 remaining CPA core classes at same university to receive Advanced Accounting Post Bachelor’s Certificate before CPA PEP. (2)**Only 3 classes short of just getting full Accounting BBA degree as well instead of certificate. 49 total courses(with business department sign off) needed to graduate with both bachelor degrees. 50 total courses without department sign off.** — BCIS degree has a mandatory co-op. One non-credit 4 month work-term required to graduate. Non-credit co-op class has a normal course tuition fee you have to pay and also need to pay a half course tuition fee for the non-credit co-op work term. **Would drop one of two summer classes
(2)———BBA in Accounting w/ BCIS Minor——— — 22 courses left to complete degree(40 total, no extra courses needed). — Least amount of time. — All CPA core prerequisite courses completed within the degree and can go right into CPA PEP(+30 months to get CPA designation). (3)*** Take 3 missing classes needed to get Data Science minor as well. 43 courses total to complete degree with both minors.*** Would not drop any of the two summer classes
(4)—BBA Acct/Fnce double major w/BCIS minor— — 24 courses left to complete double major degree(42 total courses) to obtain BBA Accounting/Finance double major. — Would be missing 2 CPA cores. So, 44 total courses are needed to graduate with double major, BCIS minor and all CPA cores complete. ***** +4 courses(48 tot.) to add Data Science minor. Would not drop any of the two summer classes
(5)———Bach. of Science in Data Science——— -——w/ Finance concentration & BCIS minor——- — 24 courses left to complete degree. It takes 2 extra courses(42 total courses) to switch and obtain BSDS with finance concentration and BCIS minor. + 2 courses(44) for concentration in comp sci & big data instead. — 18+24 + 5 classes to add accounting minor = 47 completed courses to graduate. — 18+24 + 8 classes to receive Advanced Accounting Post Bachelor’s Certificate = 50 total completed courses needed. • 2 additional CPA cores needed also. So, in order to receive a BSDS w/ Finance concentration and have all prerequisites completed to enrol in CPA PEP it will be 52 courses total I would need to complete(34 more courses left). • Would only need 4 more courses to get BBA accounting degree instead of certificate (56 courses). — Data Science degree has one mandatory 4 month work-term as a graduation requirement just as BCIS does. Unlike the BCIS program though, this is a for credit work-term, which means there is actually one less class to take then I numbers above show for this option.— **Would drop one of two summer classes.
(6)Either BBA accounting(40 courses tot.) or BBA accounting/finance double major & CPA cores complete(44 total) — both still with BCIS minor — followed by either some kind of data science/analytics/AI related ((a.))Post Bachelorette diploma/certificate, ((b.))Masters program, or ((c.))self learning and creating a portfolio along with doing online certifications through IBM, Google, and Microsoft.
Thank you so much in advance to anyone taking time to read this super long post and especially to anyone who takes the time to also reply and offer some thoughts! Simple poll posted as well for an easier response option. A written response with some detail would be extra appreciated!
View Poll
submitted by Donney__Boy to Accounting [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:38 Ok_Highlight_4829 [Rant] Lacking portfolio and I'm falling behind everyone else

19F and just finished JC. I did better than average for my A levels but nothing impressive. Was in a sports CCA but I was a nobody there (what I get for wanting to try something new).
I took up my first part-time job this year and worked for a few months before quitting in order to free up my schedule for my driving lessons (which have been a pain in an ass to get, sis could get so many kpop concert tix but not driving lessons)
I don't know what the average portfolio is like, but I'm guessing mine's close to shit. Everyone I know seems to be doing some internship relevant to what they wish to pursue or part of some youth community or volunteer organisation and doing way more productive things than I am. My issue with finding something to do is:
1) I want a flexible schedule. I'm fighting for my life for these driving lessons and I don't want to miss out on a slot because I had something on that day (like work)
2) I'll be attending uni soon and I don't want to be in the middle of a job until I grow more accustomed to my uni life.
3) To be fair, (1) and (2) is me being picky. But there's more. Everything I'm finding requires some form of relevant experience, or you're required to currently be an undergraduate doing a certain degree. Some even require you to be 21 and above. This made me think that I'm a little too young to be panicking over this, but all of my peers have managed so why am I the only one struggling with this? And how am I supposed to get experience if everything requires you to already have it?
Giving up on the idea of work, I tried looking for volunteer opportunities. I know it's not so altruistic of me to want to volunteer just for portfolio reasons, and maybe the organisations can sense that because I was completely ghosted.
I feel like I'm falling behind, like I already lost even though I haven't even completed my studies. With every passing day I'm wasting my life and becoming more unemployable and unimpressive by the second. Yet the only motivation I have right now is the fear of losing out. Everyone seems to have something they want. Meanwhile I have no passion nor drive, though I'm exceptionally good at stressing out because this has been giving me so much anxiety it feels like my A Levels all over again, except the peace of being able to relax is the problem now.
submitted by Ok_Highlight_4829 to SGExams [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:31 Low-Price-5941 Leveraged ETFs in ISA.

I have been reading a lot about leveraged ETFs in the last few months. However it is a complex topic and I wanted to see what thoughts were about it on this sub.
LETFs use various financial instruments to magnify changes in the underlying ETF. They have significant disadvantages including volatility decay, higher fees and overall much greater volatility and with the potential for some eye watering drawdowns. However, they also have the potential to greatly increase your returns. If this is the first time you have come across them then this post is probably not for you. Rather than trying to explain them I will post a few links that may be helpful for those that have not come across them before:
There is a lot of analysis online that discusses the optimum amount of leverage for a portfolio. You can use this calculator for example which currently suggests a leverage of about 1.5. I have checked on some of the ISA platforms and you can indeed purchase LETFs on them.
Let's say somebody has the following investment goals:
1) A >10 year investment horizon
2) A high risk tolerance
3) The ability to invest more than the ISA limit a year
My proposed investment strategy would be:
1) Invest 20% of your ISA into SPXL or similar (SPXL is SPY with 3x leverage)
2) De-risk yourself by investing in bonds in your general investment account (eg VGLS60A)
3) Aim for leverage of around 1.3 (more conservative than the "optimal" amount of leverage
This would have the advantage of focusing most of your gains into the tax free account and limiting your tax bill in the general investment account which seems like a big benefit to this strategy in the UK. The expected return would theoretically be more than 30% higher than an a leverage of 1.0 although I don't quite have the maths to figure this out.
In addition to the usual risks of investing in say the FTSE global all cap there are some additional risks with this strategy:
1) Increasing interest rates and borrowing costs although hopefully these are coming down in the short term
2) LETFs being banned from ISAs in the future
3) Being invested in a less diversified fund. As far as I know there is no FTSE global all cap LETF. To get more diversified one could hold LETFs for multiple different ETFs (eg SPXL, TQQQ, 3UKL, FNGU). However this would require periodic re-balancing.
4) Being able to stay committed to your investing strategy despite massive drawdowns (eg an 80% decrease in the LETF).
5) The higher fees (~1%)
6) Most of these LETFs are held in the US and I am unclear if there are any currency issues with this strategy
I am very cautious about this given to an extent it seems "too good to be true". I thought I would post this so that somebody more knowledgeable than me can point out what I have missed.
submitted by Low-Price-5941 to FIREUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:31 CaradogRhys 2023-2024 Season Review

Now that the sun has set on another season it’s time to reflect on our performance throughout and look forward to how next season could go.
TLDR; Much improved season but game management has cost us throughout. Continued strong recruitment for next season especially at Manager position.
Let’s begin with the raw stats.
We finished 10th for the second successive season but amassed our highest points total of 18 in the WSL alongside our best goal scoring season with 26 goals for and our best defensive season conceding 45 goals against. An improvement of 11 more goals scored and 3 fewer goals conceded than last season.
We finished third in our Continental Cup group losing only one game to Manchester United which ultimately cost us progression to the knockouts.
Furthermore, we reached the FA Cup semi final for the first time in our history, dominating lower league teams along the way.
Our top 5 goal scorers (in all competitions):
Rantala - 10 Cayman - 7 Petermann - 6 Tierney - 4 O’Brien/Whelan/Rose - 3
Top 5 assist providers (in all competitions):
Rantala - 7 Momiki - 5 Petermann - 4 Tierney - 4 Takarada - 3
End of season awards winners:
Player of the Season - Rantala Players player - Rantala Goal of the Season - Goodwin vs Liverpool Academy Player of the Season - Kiera Bell
Congratulations to all. Now on to the review proper.
We start with the positives. Recruitment has been great this year. The additions of Petermann, Rantala and Cayman have increased our goal scoring output and the acquisitions of Lietzig, Kop, Thibaud, Rose, Momiki and Takarada has added greater depth and quality to our squad and made us a more competitive team throughout the season.
We very rarely sat in against teams, aimed to play out from the back and press opposition back lines which served us well and earned plaudits from around the league especially early on in the campaign.
Additionally we have a very solid tandem of goalkeepers in Leitzig and Kop that have shown they can be rotated in for each other and not effect the confidence of the team in front of them which is a great bonus.
Finally, we continue to see success in our youth academy with them winning the double of the PGA Plate and County Cup as well as academy players continuing to get minutes in the senior team.
Now, unfortunately, the negatives.
Elephant in the room is the managerial situation. After Kirk’s dismissal for unprofessional conduct and Foster stepping down as interim manager with the conclusion of the season we are now searching for our fourth manager in three seasons in the WSL.
Something is very clearly not right behind the scenes when our last 2 male managers have crossed professional boundaries with players and our last permanent female manager was unceremoniously dismissed hours after a giving a pre match press conference. Questions have to be asked about how our next manager is going to be recruited, monitored and assessed by the higher ups. This inconsistency has been reflected in our on pitch performances and the players must be commended for how they have handled the off pitch turmoil.
To be optimistic, whomever the next manager shall be they need to keep pushing the progressive, attacking football we have developed under Kirk whilst making us a less porous side defensively and able to manage games better and see them out especially when we have the lead.
Which very neatly leads me to our biggest downside this campaign, our game management.
All of our 4 league victories this season came against two teams (Bristol City and Everton) half of those came in the opening two games of the season (where we were briefly top of the league 🙌🏻) and the other 2 came in three games at the end of January/beginning of February. That is a long time to go without success without it effecting not only our league standing but the morale of the team.
It has been a reverse of our previous seasons where instead of seeing us floundering at the bottom to pop up at the end of the season we have watched us have an electric start only to slowly but surely watch our league position erode away.
The story of our season was giving up leads and losing points from winning positions happening 7 times in the league. The most defining examples is being 2-0 up at halftime at home to Arsenal, being the better side only to be decimated in the second half and lose 6-2. Drawing 1-1 in stoppage time to a 10 player West Ham and both games against Brighton. First surrendering a two goal advantage in the final 10 minutes of the away fixture to draw the game and then taking the lead at home to only go 2-1 down, fight back to level the tie but lose to another goal conceded in the last 5 minutes.
Of those 7 leads and potential 21 points lost, if we win against West Ham and Brighton, that’s 9 points in our favour and we would be celebrating a much stronger finish to our season.
With regards to looking forward to next season I do feel we have very strong foundations to build upon and become even more competitive not only in the league but have strong cup runs as proven by our results in a tough Conti Cup group and our semi final appearance in the FA Cup.
As for personnel we have a squad full of internationals with at least half a season of chemistry with each other, excellent training facilities and the privilege of playing at the King Power for home league games.
Obviously we need a quality manager to lead us. I would have jumped at the chance to take on Carla Ward but she is taking time out to spend time with her family. Aside from her I am not so well versed in the women’s managerial landscape to make an educated suggestion. Maybe Melissa Phillips, formerly of Brighton who seemed to have good respect from her players and a decent track record with London City Lionesses and Brighton.
For players I would like to see another striker brought in. When Petermann isn’t available we lack a focal point up top and Siemsen hasn’t been relied upon much when fit.
Cover at full back would be a priority as well. Bott is outstanding and we can always rely on the experience of Cayman but depth is definitely an issue. Ale did a decent job towards the tail end of the season but is only on loan and Nevin has seemingly dropped down the pecking order.
Further depth in the middle with the departure of Whelan and a younger, more modern centre half (think Plumptre) to complement the guile and physicality that we have in place.
A third experienced keeper wouldn’t go amiss to cover for injury to Kop or Leitzig.
I’m genuinely excited to see how he play with a fully fit complement of wingers next year as that is where we are stacked with promise: Rantala, Rose, Cain, Goodwin, O’Brien and Momiki (on occasion) offer a truly dangerous outlet for us and pose any defender a headache.
One final note. Thank you to Whelan for her services as our club Captain for the last two seasons. She has lead by example, never kicked up a fuss not being a starter this season and always given 100% on the pitch. May she enjoy her retirement from football.
Feel free to add your own thoughts and opinions and we look forward to improving further in the off season.
submitted by CaradogRhys to lcfcwomen [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:30 Puzzled_Lifeguard_ Shell Sort in C and C++

Shell sort is a highly efficient sorting algorithm and is based on insertion sort algorithm. This algorithm avoids large shifts as in case of insertion sort, if the smaller value is to the far right and has to be moved to the far left. Shell short is an improved and efficient version of Insertion Sort rather while compared with other Sorting Techniques like Merge Sort , Bubble Sort and Selection Sort which we have already discussed earlier. In this algorithm we sort the pair of elements that are far apart by gap h. The process is repeated by reducing h until it becomes 1. This algorithm uses insertion sort on a widely spread elements, first to sort them and then sorts the less widely spaced elements.
submitted by Puzzled_Lifeguard_ to Technotoken [link] [comments]
