Monster energy color in sheet

Monster Energy – Unleash The Beast

2011.07.05 01:50 wisewiz11 Monster Energy – Unleash The Beast

Welcome to Monster Energy, a subreddit for Monster Drink lovers by Monster Drink lovers.

2015.09.05 14:48 A place to post, discuss, gift adult coloring books

We're adults now, but that doesn't mean we can't color! Coloring as an adult is a great stress relief and hobby! *:・゚✧ 〆(・∀・@)

2009.09.19 21:39 screenprintguy Screen print all the things!

It's a screen printing subreddit

2024.06.12 03:04 Unique_Relief_5601 Adrenaline is a Hell of a Drug pt.13/???

Jordan Cores, Human Male, Newly Hired Security Officer
Dark. Dark! Can’t see! Panic!
No, don’t! Think!
Think? Warm. Soft?
Okay. Danger?
I slowly and carefully open my eyes to see that I’m being held by Cerelia.
Maybe a bit too close, though to be fair I think most men would love to be this close.
I don’t really budge from my spot as I’m basically being held like a big plushie, and I don’t think I’ll be moving until Cerelia decides to wake up. It’s almost funny how many characteristics these aliens have that I would have thought to have been a human thing.
Like mammaries?
Shut up!
What? It’s hard not to ignore when they’re against your back!
I sigh and furrow my brow, trying to make myself shut up as I force myself to take a nap again. I don’t need those thoughts right now. I can think about that when I’m not being cuddled by said alien my thoughts were referring to.

I feel something gently shaking me before I decide to open my eyes after my potentially long nap.
“Hm..?” I softly grunt as I look up to see that Cerelia is shaking me. Seeing my eyes open, she smiles at me which feels kind of nice to wake up to.
Back home you’d wake up to a terrible alarm clock and a barely operating ceiling light that your landlord wouldn’t let you replace.
Yeah, not to mention the shitty neighbors who would yell at each other all night.
Maybe getting kidnapped and stranded wasn’t so bad after all?
Maybe, it really depends on how things go from here.
“Come on,” Cerelia says as she snaps me out of my thoughts, “Today you’re heading to the fitness center to make sure you’re healthy and in good condition. That and Lys along with his research group wanna see how you… function in a sense.”
“Oh, uh yeah. That sounds fine to me.” I reply as I sit up from the bed. My hair feels kind of wet, but I pay it no mind since I was gonna shower anyway.

A quick shower and a brief breakfast later and I’m guided down to the fitness center. Which was a long 15 minute walk. Given that I usually walk to the grocery store that was down the street, it wasn’t too bad.
Something isn’t right…
Yes, but what?
I try to figure it out, but I shake off the thought for now as it wasn’t necessarily an immediate issue. Upon entering the fitness center, I see that Triwt, Lys, and a few other Scientists as well are talking to each other. It’s Lys who notices me first, his expression seemingly brightening once realizing we were here.
“There you are! We were starting to get worried that you had somehow become sick.” Lys says in a rather happy tone as he walks over and guides me over to Triwt and everyone else. Cerelia follows behind me somewhat closely as Lys begins handing me some sort of equipment.
“Uh, this is..?” I ask, not really sure what to do with it.
“Those are for you to put on. Here.” He begins strapping the equipment onto me as it dawns on me that this stuff is for measuring vitals and the like. I let him securely fasten it to me while I kind of just stare at everyone. Finally he steps back with what I assume is a smile, “There we go, all nice and secure. Ready for some fitness tests, Jordan?”
“Well, not like I have any reason to back out now. Besides, I feel like I have an extreme amount of energy. Side effect of too much cryosleep?”
“Maybe for your species, but probably not. It’s more accurate to say that you’re frozen in time. Only way something like that could occur was if there was a leak in the fluids.”
“So… like a stasis?”
“Yes, that’s actually the true term. Cryo, Cryopods, and Cryosleep came around due to media and folklore. Turns out convergent evolution also affects language and media, it will still find ways to pop up somehow. Like how for my species my dialect sounds ‘Greshewn’ whereas over in the Coprolose Sector of the Galaxy, my dialect sounds exactly like the local dialect called ‘Miltrin’.”
I thought he sounded British...
Lys then hums for a moment before continuing, “Another example would be how a lot of us say ‘Medbay’. That’s not the actual name, but somehow it’s a universally understood term for a medical room aboard any type of ship or vessel.” He smiles again, “But back on topic about the cryo terms. Cryopods are devices meant for preservation of life or in some cases food.”
“Yeah, it would never expire if it’s essentially frozen in time.”
“Huh… that’s actually a really good point.”
“Yes, anyways, Cryosleep is the term from early exploration days when the [astronauts] would be placed into stasis unless maintenance aboard the ship was required. This was early deep space exploration.”
“So then why is stasis the term used for things like the regeneration tube thing?”
“Honestly? The companies probably wanted to stand out and be fancy by using the actual name. I may be a scientist, but I don’t have all the answers.”
“But I have so many questions.”
“We all do. That’s why we’re scientists. That being said, let’s ask some questions and get some answers.” Lys puts a hand on my shoulder and walks me over to the other scientists who were holding data pads. They form a semicircle around me and I can see them already taking notes about me.
I’m not used to this kind of attention…
Yeah, well you’re the new toy.
Don’t put it like that, you make it sound like I’ll be thrown away.
Like your friends did to you?

“Interesting.” The bird like scientist says before continuing, “Look at this, his brain is extremely active even in a state of standard relaxation.”
“Uh, I’m just thinking about things.”
“Oh? Well this kind of activity would suggest you’re thinking of multiple things at the same time, like as if there’s an ongoing conversation.”
“Well, I kind of am? Like I talk to myself in my head, it helps me process things a bit better.”
“How so?”
“It’s hard to explain. Uh…” I visibly struggle to try and explain it, but I’m not some super smart guy who knows these kinds of things. I’m just a guy who graduated high school and went to college for like 2 years. “I honestly can’t tell you why, I’m sorry.”
“That’s fine, we can come back to that at a later date. For now, could you please stand on this platform?” The bird scientist asks me. I oblige and step up onto the platform, it has a monitor with buttons and handlebars that are roughly around my waist.
“Is this a treadmill?”
“Yes it is actually. Hm, how could you tell?”
“Well the handlebars are around waist height for me and there’s a monitor. It kind of reminds me of the ones back on Earth, but I don’t see the ‘tread’ of the treadmill.”
“Well, that’s because the platform itself is the treads. It will move and transform to simulate vast types of geographical formations, but today it will just be flat to see how long you can run and to test your endurance on a cardio level.”
“Oh, that’s both really cool and simple enough.”
“No problem. When you would like to begin, just hit the green button.”
“Sure, just one question.”
“What is it?”
“What’s the longest record for time running on this ship?”
“Hm, well I think that would be from Korextrel. She’s a Security Officer like you, though she outranks you by seniority of course. She has the record of 23 minutes and 47 seconds. Why do you ask?”
“No reason.” I accidentally smirked because running marathons was something I actually did a lot before… all of this.
“Just a quick question, are slow down breaks allowed?”
“Well, yes. It’s a stress test, but if you need to slow down or rest you can. It’s mainly a ‘until you call it quits’ situation.”
With the rules in play and displayed before me, I think today is a good day to run 50 kms since I know I can do that.
Triwt, Female Valis-Trobat Hybrid, Security Commander
What the hells?!
What in the actual hells?!
“How fucking long has he been going?!” I ask in more desperation than I demand as I shake Chryls out of his shock who was stuck staring at Jordan on the other side of the glass wall.
“U-Uhm Mister Cores has been running for about [4 Hours and 25 minutes] and is nearing [50 km/31 mi]. He’s keeping a steady pace of [8.85 km h/5.5 mph].” His beak is a little shaky as he speaks and his feathers are all ruffled.
Damn, he’s like an endurance monster.
I slither over to the display monitors on the wall nearby, looking at vitals, thermal readings, blood flow, and some weird oddities.
“Wait… Chryls and Lys, have either of you noticed that while Jordan’s body is heating up, it seems to be regulating itself?”
Lys speaks up first, “Yes, his body appears to secrete a fluid mostly composed of water, salt, proteins, and oils. It appears to secrete when his body begins to overheat. It’s quite interesting really, but it probably requires a lot of water intake.”
Chryls nods as he then points at a datamonitor with a talon. “I’m more personally interested in this right here.” He’s pointing at a chemical compound that’s being produced by Jordan’s body. “The amino acids, phenylalanine and tyrosine, are being converted into a series of metabolic intermediates, but this is where it gets interesting, where even you might recognize it, Security Commander.”
I follow the chart down and I read one word, in a deep bold. “Epinephrine.” I whisper as I read it aloud before turning my head to Chryls in dismay. “You mean to tell me he is producing the main components for combat drugs?!”
“He calls it adrenaline.”
“Adrenaline. It’s what he says humans call it. It’s what kept him alive and fighting after the plasma bolt shot him and what caused him to gain insane strength from when he sheered the steel bolts holding the table down when he first interacted with us.” Chryls says as he then displays some more feeds. “I recommend however, that we keep this information classified. Especially from scientists like R’dorn who are specialized in pharmaceuticals. R’dorn is also in the industry of creating drugs, so I’d rather he not know about this in case he tries to ‘farm’ Mister Cores for his ‘Adrenaline’.”
I nod my head slowly while I take in this information before pulling up my datapad. I begin classifying the results. I only include the basic information and things that can be talked about, however, I make sure to heavily redact information regarding the adrenaline produced by the human body, only allowing myself, Cerelia, Lys, and Chryls access to these documents unredacted. “If anyone inquires about Jordan, you do not mention anything about this.”
“Inquires about what?” Jordan asks as he walked into the room, ‘sweating’ profusely as he began drinking a lot of water from the nearby fountain.
“Your adrenaline. Don’t tell anyone else about it.” I reply as I cross my lower arms.
Why does he smell like…
No, get those thoughts out of your head!
“Why’s that?”
“It’s no different from a combat drug that’s used in war, but some people would rather produce it for… other illicit means. Some scientists here work in pharmaceuticals and we would rather they didn’t know in case they get… ‘handsy’.”
Jordan pauses, his face visible with his thoughts as he processes what I just said.
It’s better to tell him so he knows the danger instead of letting him be clueless and get himself in trouble.
Jordan nods at me, “Okay, got it. So besides everyone here, no one else?”
“Precisely. Now do you need a break or are you good to continue testing?”
“Give me like 30 minutes please. Oh, where did Cerelia go?”
“She’s taking care of some of her daily duties as Captain. That’s why I’m now overseeing the tests. Now go take a break.”
Jordan Cores, Human Male, Newly Hired Security Officer
What the fuck? Adrenaline is a combat drug?
Well I mean, it would make sense.
I guess, but still like… I mean…
I internally sigh, my brain isn’t really wanting to work after running for so long. I did take breaks of course, but 4 hours is still 4 hours. I lay down on a bench, and place a cool rag on my head as I drink some more water. The next 4 hours are spent simply doing some basic fitness workouts. For some reason, I’m able to lift 90kgs/198lbs somewhat easily when last I remembered, I’ve only been able to lift 63.5kgs/140lbs.
Is gravity lighter here?
Hey everyone, I would like to deeply apologize about the long wait. I've been busy with personal things in life and I've also been struggling with ideas and muses for the story. This chapter, to me and probably to you as well, doesn't flow nicely and it could be a lot better. Trust me, I would prefer to do this chapter better, but this is what I was able to muster for the time being. Which really sucks because I really enjoy writing this series, but I'll still soldier on. I hope you guys can bear with me. Thank you for reading, and I look forward to your comments.
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submitted by Unique_Relief_5601 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.12 03:03 JealousSupport8085 Bigfoot’s lightsaber

Say Bigfoot exists in the Star Wars universe, no Chewbacca isn’t Bigfoot he is not as muscular and isn’t ape like.
Anyway if Bigfoot became a Jedi what color would his saber be? I heard new canon is the crystal tunes to the welder and changes according to their attunement to the force.
Yes I believe Bigfoot exists, same for UFOs, ghosts, at one time a Loch Ness monster but I think that died a long time ago, and a bunch of other wild sh!t . Not flat earth, I’m not a conspiracy theorist, I like cryptids there’s a difference, stuff like Bigfoot adds wonder, magic, and enjoyment to my life the other causes paranoia
submitted by JealousSupport8085 to StarWars [link] [comments]

2024.06.12 03:00 CoralUnderFoot Introducing Leslie Reeves, daughter of Castor

Face Claim: Rachel Zegler
Age: 13
Birthday: December 21st
Hometown: Turtle Bay, Bermuda
Languages: English and Spanish
Background: Leslie lives in Bermuda with her Colombian mother and Canadian stepfather. Her parents both love to travel, which is how they met. As a young child, Leslie was excited to have another traveling companion, and she and Adam quickly bonded over their shared love of swimming, kayaking, and scuba diving. They moved to Bermuda when Leslie was 8 years old, and she made friends at her new school very quickly. None of them know the full truth about Castor - she's too afraid that they won't believe her, even with her powers as proof, so she keeps that part quiet.
Jacqueline - Mother
Adam - Stepfather
Castor - Biological father
Personality: Leslie tends to be calm and quiet around new people, but once she gets to know them, she's pretty open and sometimes talks way too much.
Fashion Sense: Leslie loves anything sparkly, shimmery, or glittery. She can often be seen wearing sequin shirts and jean shorts, or pastel-colored dresses that shimmer in the light. She prefers sandals and flip flops to high heels, and will only be seen wearing them on very special occasions. Her purse is just as sparkly as her clothes. It's covered in layers of pale blue sequins that flop around when she moves.
Inventory: 1 cell phone, 1 sunscreen, 1 sunglasses, 1 hair scrunchie, 1 wallet, 1 chapstick, and 1 double-sided lip gloss. When uncapped, the lip gloss transforms into a trident. When the trident side is capped, the lip gloss side is fully functional (and clearly labeled to prevent accidents).
Domain Powers: Underwater Breathing Bubble Aquatic Healing Underwater Locomotion
Godrent Minor Powers: Water Manipulation Superior Athleticism Summon Water Fowl
Godrent Major Power: Water Generation
Innates: Horse Affinity Celestial Navigation Proficiency Maritime Skill Proficiency
Past: Leslie always knew who her biological father was. She was a baby when the symbol of Gemini appeared above her head, but her mother knew even before that. Jacqueline was on vacation in the Caribbean when she met Castor, who used his powers to save her when her equipment failed during a shipwreck dive.
Present: Before he left, Leslie's father had told her mother about a safe haven for demigods just like her. She was excited to go, but since there had been no monster attacks, her mother had wanted to wait until she was at least 13. When she finally agreed, Leslie squealed in excitement and started packing as fast as possible. Now, she couldn't believe her eyes as she stood at the top of the hill. She was here. Really here. She headed toward the cabins in a daze, incapable of processing all the cool stuff she was seeing.
submitted by CoralUnderFoot to CampHalfBloodRP [link] [comments]

2024.06.12 02:44 Similar_Newspaper365 Sleepless Symphony: Your Melody Amidst the Silence of Insomnia

This is a 'little' essay I just wrote about my experience and struggle with sleep in a second person point of view. It takes you through some of the events I went through and explores some of my feelings on this topic. This is the first time I've ever written anything like this and I would say I've learned a lot from this struggle so i'm sharing a little of that (note that it's a draft and I haven't really edited it so please ignore any mistakes). If you're going through something in life right now, I just wanted to let you know that you will be okay. If you could share it below, maybe we can have a little chat :)
It's been over a year since you started struggling with sleep which as you can clearly remember led to a cascade of other problems that really made you pay with your body and mind and did quite a number on you. But with your undying spirit and iron persistence you kept going at it and you think this time you're very close to the root of the issue (you don’t say you've solved it because you’ve had many of those false positives before). In saying this, you will continue to face more problems in life because that is just the nature of life, but with the skills and lessons you've learned I promise you that you will be fine. This morning when you refused mum's advice/suggestion to go to the doctor for medication you gently refused because you already know (through many trials and tribulations) that that is something that doesn't work well for you. Flashbacks of the period where medications that once worked just ceased to because your force was stronger. Your body rejected the help and you lay there awake in the middle of the night with a racing heart, feeling defeated and rejected. But you don’t dwell on the negatives, you think. You believe this shows great courage and knowledge about yourself and is something you wouldn't have known had you never gone through this tortuous journey before. Yes, tortuous is right. The many nights you stayed awake in bed 12+ hours, tossing and turning in frustration at the thought of not falling asleep and consequently catastrophizing. Don't forget about the heart beating so fast as if you were being chased by a lion (even though it's your favourite animal; maybe not anymore), wondering what the hell is going on. Then the constant plea with oneself and the bargaining that you will do anything if you fall asleep and that you will be good. If only you'd known this wasn't the way to go about it. Then, the deep research into the how's and why's of this method of torture (literally, except you were doing it to yourself) and the bliss of learning a certain thing as well as the horror and fear that continued to add to the growing pile. Then came the ‘trend’ of getting a good night's sleep because you did a certain thing and then trying to replicate the exact conditions that brought you sleep and you cradled it like a baby. But sometimes it was for just one night, and you joke to yourself now you know how some mothers might have felt when their babies were snatched from them (kind of). Sometimes, though, you would get 'lucky' and you would sleep well for a few nights or even a week and you would be the happiest person alive, getting off of the high of actually being rested (you say thank goodness you'll never be a drug addict because you've set the bar too low). Oh, don't you forget your humble beginnings where sleep was the most important thing for you, and you avoided everything including friends and people you loved because you were making a 'sacrifice' for sleep. Locking yourself in that tiny uni apartment sitting on your bed for hours, trying to calm your mind and prepare yourself for bed, but of course, sleep never came. How cruel. It felt like your own body and ‘self’ rejected you, and a place where you used to rest was now a place you dreaded. You wonder how you once used to be such a good sleeper but now that doesn’t even feel like something you could fathom. But you convinced yourself that it was the place and going back home once you finished uni for good would solve all your problems. But of course it didn't. In fact, you struggled more than ever. At least back at uni you used to sleep well on the weekends, you think. Then, 2024 arrived and you hard gained a little momentum and this time you were convinced you did it. You slept well for the first time in a long time and you thought the new year had brought good luck for you and convinced it was your year. How short lived it was, though. Forced to wake up from a racing heart constantly was not new, but it only occurred for times of high stress such as exams. How could this be? There's been a mistake, you say. Confused, you learned that it was a flight or fight response due to a perceived threat. You were at an all time low when things got worse, in fact you wished you could go back to uni. You held it in quite well the whole time, at least from the outside. But eventually it got to you and you cried your eyes out on several occasions. But you despise the feeling and aftermath of crying more than anything else (maybe except vomiting). The eye bags are something you’re used to now, but a part of you that you hate, and the puffy eyes from crying only makes you look worse so you avoid crying. You know you feel bad, but why do you have to look bad also. The skin everyone once used to complement you on is now covered under dullness and stress acne around your chin, but no amount of expensive and consistent skincare can help you now. You go through rock bottom like it’s a shot of tequila, but despite you never having drank before you think you know the feeling of being drunk.. At least this is how you felt most mornings, tired from the life you have lived at night; worrying and then worrying some more. In the present, you wish you could really help your past self at this time. Mornings became the bane of your existence and you hated everyone and everything, but especially yourself. The first thing you checked was your undereye, which always disappointed you so had nothing to do but to look away. What could be so wrong with someone that they have to suffer this bad? Sometimes someone asked you how your sleep was, and if you weren't mad and annoyed at them, you would explain what happened, but their responses were never to your satisfaction. At times, you wished you could put them through the same thing just so they could understand what you were going through, but this made you feel worse because you thought this is something no one should wish and it made you feel like a monster. And you felt like a defeated monster who would do anything for rest. It turned you against yourself, and you started hating your body because despite training so hard, you never got the results you deserved. For weeks, squatting so hard and getting yourself to a comfortable place where you could rep out a few pull ups only to not sleep for a week and lose all that hard work you build through blood, sweat, and tears like it was some cruel trick being played on you for the nth time because you lost count. Something you once you used to be complemented on felt so far out of reach and you know you’re a mundane being but you put yourself into the shoes of those fictional superheroes and you empathise with the ones that lost their powers. Losing an ability you once had is probably the most disheartening thing possible for you, you think to yourself. But this was nothing new, it happened to you before, but then poof it was gone. For a moment you think this would happen to an extreme case, but you are the extreme case, so you spare some empathy for yourself. But you continue to put pressure on yourself to be a certain way and to perform a certain way, but this makes things worse, of course. Now, the flight or fight response makes even more sense. The stake was you being a certain way, and for you that was the ultimate, highest stake. The one thing that you loved so much was not loving you back because of this huge problem which could either make or break you. Then you think to yourself, ‘having a high tolerance when it comes to these things is not always good’. You already embodied discipline, but then you established you were too rigid and unyielding. Something changed, and it wasn't just one thing. The youngest pack of the wolf (little brother’s twin) passed away and something inside you changed. You grieved at first, but then you made a promise to get better and ‘fix’ yourself. Amongst the chaos you did sleep here and there. Of course, you ran to the mirror and looked at your eye bags, and although you were pleasantly surprised some days, other days it was the same. You started your first job and got busy with that and settled into a pretty well routine and you were grateful for that for a while. You were reading books once again and although you didn't comprehend it 100% with the miniscule attention span, you did your best despite taking you twice or thrice as long to complete something you once were proficient in. This had put you down a lot in the past, but something was different ever since you gave that interview for your ADF dream job. Essentially, you had no sleep and you stressed over memorising things so bad you were skimming over the same thing like a maniac for the 30th+ day in a row; something that would have stuck with you like glue in half of the time in the past. As the interview progressed, your mental clarity and abilities declined rapidly as your worrying increased exponentially. You panicked and stressed and by the end you couldn’t hold a single thought. You made it through the introduction fine and felt like you got lucky with the speech topic and ended up doing well. But the interview, something you thought you would breeze through, had let you down. At one point the psychologist asked you what your biggest failure is, and not being able to recall anything from the past (perhaps from the failing memory) you said ‘failing myself’. This felt like a sincere answer, and you knew you weren’t just speaking for the moment, but for all the times you have ever put pressure on yourself to be a certain way. They loved it. Eagerly waiting for the final verdict, you were asked to evaluate how you went and without hesitation you claimed that you had failed. You poured your heart out and blurted out some of the things you wish you had said but her answer was final. Upon hearing that you had made it through, you broke down into tears and the following positives the president had to say about you really surprised you. You never viewed yourself through the lens of someone confident and cheerful and especially as someone who did well under pressure. But this resonated with you and you felt it ring true because you had completely surprised yourself. But that feeling you felt before she had given you the news, that feeling didn’t go away for a while. It was a feeling of disappointment and failure and it felt hideous, even though you had done what you wanted. The ability to appreciate things and focus on the positive had never been your strong suit and you knew that. This one felt sour, despite the win. The fight or flight continued that night, because of you once again. Why can’t we let bad stuff go and look at the bright side? It truly is a curse. But you set yourself on a ‘little’ journey to free yourself from this torment. You started writing down your thoughts and feeling and what bothered you and how you reacted. At first, it did nothing and you sometimes skipped on it and doubted why you were even doing it. But over time, slowly it started to produce results. You bought a crochet kit and candle making kit with your sister and despite not wanting to do it at first, something that required a lot of activation energy for you, you just did. And crocheting stuck with you and you were hooked. Something you loved once had re-entered your life and you were happy about it. Then you started reading books again and were shocked how fast you went through them. You actually understood them and with the journalling you could hold a thought and focus again for once. It was like a positive feedback loop, you read and somewhat comprehended, you gained confidence, then you slept, then you gained confidence and read some more and understood well and so on. Looking back, how did you muster so much energy to keep going on the days you felt like horse shit and knew you shouldn’t, but you just did. Eventually, though, you applied this mindset in other areas of your life and started to ease it up and back off a little because deep in your heart you knew all along you couldn't sustain this forever. You came across 'Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.', and it resonated with you and knew you were doing this all along. So, you decided to listen to Einstein and something happened. You took it easy and didn’t force yourself to do things and decided to keep with the promise of being gentle with yourself. Quite suddenly, your body changed and felt different, and you felt good. Meanwhile, in the background you were not satisfied with your job and you were waiting for it to end so you could have a piece of mind from feeling like you were doing yourself and your potential a disservice. Then you got very determined and jumped into cold showers to prove you were mentally resilient, which you were. Until things reverted back. Just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should; why do you have to relearn the same lesson over and over again? It was all too much again. So, you dropped the cold showers and swore to be gentle again. But sleep didn’t happen. You wondered why this time. The hyperawareness came back again, and you wondered why. The torture of becoming aware of falling asleep and getting in your own way of doing something you want so bad was one the worst feelings you think to yourself. You overcame fight or flight, so why? Until you learned it was because you were worrying again, subconsciously, doubting yourself constantly for no reason. The nature of the game always changed. You used to have trouble going to sleep for a while then you’d be hit with a wave of having trouble going back to sleep (this time it was the latter). Doubt still creeped around the corner apparently so you decided it wouldn’t and eventually you fell asleep again that one night. You continue to be gentle and said ‘no’ to a few things because by now you know better and being flexible is what you decided to be rather then rigid. This is where you are at the moment. You may or may not get good sleep tonight. But you understand that now and know better than to expect, pressurise, and be met with disappointment. You know you have to let go. Let go of the worries and doubt that plague you. Everything you need is within you, just hold on you reassure yourself. Looking back, when the problem first started, there was nothing wrong with you when you went to the doctors to find out what was causing you sleeplessness. Sure, you were stressed and depressed but now you know it was the overthinking that blew the problem out of proportion. The distress it caused (and still causes sometimes) through the terrifying dream experiences where you are so sleep deprived that the body goes into dream mode but you are still aware and you wake up from a nightmare only to see a continuation of that in reality, but you’re too scared because if you close your eyes it’s immediately the nightmare again so you force your eyes open until the sensation goes away. Or the times where you lucid dream which drains the energy out of you but you decide that somehow it is better than being awake (even though you technically are) because sometimes reality is hard. Life happens and we cannot control that but what we can control is how to react and respond to things. You know about stoicism and try to channel that attitude. Sometimes you have to just ‘do nothing’. You learn that is what you had to do all along, but along the way you picked up some ‘bad’ habits that don’t serve you and now you know you have to just let go of them. You think to yourself, ‘even though the journey isn’t over yet, you would benefit from reflecting’. Along the way you realise you’ve been through a lot and some people may understand it but others may not, so you think maybe you should put it online in case someone finds it helpful. You would like the reader to know that they are not alone, because this helped you along the way. You want to assert the importance of people, your friends, your family and the people they love and to not take them for granted; spend as much time as you can with them because at the end of the day all we have is each other and the little chats (where you just talk about life and let them know how you’re feeling) that we sometimes skip on are important and they compound overtime to something positive. You would like to let them know to look after themselves and to know that being gentle is the way; work on yourself and conquer your mind; don’t give into the negative feelings. Journal, journal, journal and don’t worry, worry, worry. ‘Know that life will happen but if you do your best, in the end you will be fine’. You have so much more to say but for now you stop here (because you’re doing this at work) because that’s enough for now and you believed you’ve conveyed the message you hoped you would and written more than you ever thought you could. You hope even one person finds things helpful.
submitted by Similar_Newspaper365 to u/Similar_Newspaper365 [link] [comments]

2024.06.12 02:36 420MacMan [USA-CA][H] PS1+2+3+4+Vita, N64, Gamecube, Wii, Switch, Gameboy, DS, 3DS, XBox360+One+Controller Lot, Dreamcast, Manuals/Covers/Cases [W] Nintendo Lists, SNES Console, Demon's Tier +, Memory Cards and Lists

*Looking at lists for Switch games be it regular, loose or special/collectors editions
*Looking at lists for a SNES console with hookups and 2x controllers if possible.
*Looking at lists for N64 game loose or complete especially Ogre Battle 64.
*Looking at lists for Gamecube & PS1/2 Memory Cards.
*Looking for Physical Magazines like EGM, GamePro, Nintendo Power and Wizard magazines.
*Looking for DS/Gameboy/ColoAdvance games loose or complete.
Thanks Much Fellow Gamers.


PS4 Slim 500 GB Console with 1x OEM Black Dualshock
Metro Redux CIB
Rise of the Tomb Raider 20th Anniversary Extras Only No Game
Plants vs Zombies 2 : Garden Warfare
Has Been Heroes CIB
The Division
Deus Ex MD
One More Dungeon Limited Edition - Sealed Game
Vesta Limited Edition - Sealed Game
Caveman Warriors Limited Edition - Open Game
Bleed 1+2 Limited Edition - Bleed is Open & Bleed 2 is Sealed
XMorph Defense Limited Edition - Open Game
Ghost Blade HD - Sealed
Blue Rider - Open Game

Metro Redux
Rare Replay/Ultimate Gears of War
Torment Tides of Nememura in GameStop Case
Lords of the Fallen
Transformers Devastation
Sunset Overdrive
Pillars of Eternity in GameStop Case
One Lords of the Fallen
XBox One Phantom Black Controller CIB USED
XBox Series S White OEM Controller


Metroid Dread 2 Pack BNIB
Ton of other Amiibo mostly out of box, will take pics if requested

Cruis'N USA
Body Harvest
Aerofighters Assault
Top Gear Overdrive
Tony Hawk 3
Buck Bumble
Pokemon Puzzle League with Manual (game and manual in great condition)
Gex 3: Deep Cover Gecko (Entire label was missing so a cheap replacement was made)
Command And Conquer
Snowboard Kids 1 with Manual (manual and game in great shape small tear on back of Cart)
Robotron 64
Forsaken 64 (video rental sticker on label)
Mischief Makers
NHL Breakaway '98 Box (good condition no inner tray)
Mario Tennis 64 Game with Box (Box is rough shape, missing ride side flap. includes inner tray, Cart is clean)


TMNT Fall of the Foot Clan


Hori Split Pad Pro Blue CIB (used about 7 months in 9/10 condition)
Old Skool GC Controller Adapter (Works on Switch/PC/Wii U)
Hyperkin Joy-Con Grip Charger
Sushi Striker
Monster Hunter Rise Joy-Cons with Grip NIB
Blacksad: Under The Skin [Limited Edition] SEALED
KORG Gadget
Psikyo Collection Vol. 3 JAP
Super Mario Odyssey Carrying Case

PS Vita

The Walking Dead: Season 2
Hot Shots Golf World Invitational
Legend Of Heroes: Trails Of Cold Steel 1
Dynasty Warriors Next
Stranger Of Sword City
Shantae Half-Genie Hero [Risky Beats Edition]
Risk Of Rain SEALED
Aqua Kitty SEALED
Grand Kingdom Case
Toukiden : Kiwami Case


Legend Of Legacy Launch Edition SEALED
Crush 3D Loose in 3DS Case
Cubic Ninja Loose in 3DS Case
Codename S.T.E.A.M
Smash Bros 3DS CIB
Steel Diver CIB


Fighter Maker Loose
FF9 CIB (Case damaged)
Crash Bandicoot 2 Loose in Twisted Metal GH Case
Sim City 2000 Game+Case (damaged)
Oddworld Abes Oddysee CIB


Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Ring Of Fates loose
OEM Charging Base for original 3DS
Intec DS Case
Bleach Blade Of Fate Loose


Final Fantasy X/X2 Remaster Limited Edition CIB
NiNoKuni 1 Steelbook CIB
Zone Of The Enders HD Collection CIB
Yakuza 3 Loose
Metal Gear Solid HD Collection Loose
Genji Days Of The Blade
Genji Days Of The Blade Loose
Need for Speed Most Wanted CIB
Call of Duty : Modern Warfare 3
Need for Speed Pro Street
Red Faction Guerilla
MoH Warfighter LE Loose
Crysis 2
Mercenaries 2 in Generic Case
Call of Duty MW3 x2
Assassins Creed 4 BF
Beyond Steelbook Bad shape broken at spine
Uncharted Dual Pack in Custom generic case

ATV Offroad Fury 4
MDK 2 Armageddon Loose
Need For Speed Hot Pursuit 2
The Getaway
007 Agent Under Fire Loose
Test Drive GH
Star Wars The Force Unleashed CIB
Army Men Soldiers of Misfortune
Welcome to Jumpack Demo Disc
Army Men
NCAA Football 2004
Army Men : Sarges Hero
Full Spectrum Warrior
NCAA Football 2003
NCAA Football 2004
Eye Toy Antigrav with Eye Camera
Wheel of Fortune
Motorcross Mania 3
Seaworld Deep Sea Adventures
Socom US Navy Seal
Red Faction Case
Final Fantasy X-2
Onimusha 2 CIB
MX vs ATV Unleashed CIB
Tekken 5 CIB
Stuntman CIB
Looney Tunes Back in Action CIB Looney Tunes Back in Action
Soul Caliber 3 CIB
God of War 1 First Print CIB
GTA San Andreas missing manual


BF3 Limited Edition
Kinect Adventures
Call of Duty Ghosts
3rd Party Controller
Darksiders 2
Marvel Ultimate Alliance in Gamestop Case


Donkey Kong Bundle (includes CIB copy of Donkey Konga, 1x loose Bogo Drum controller and DK Jungle Beat Bongo Drum controller in box but missing game BOX IS IN ROUGH SHAPE)
Odama CIB with Microphone (Big Box is in rough shape but Game/Case/Manual/Mic are in perfect condition)
GB Player OEM Case Holder *Missing outer cardboard and Manual
Monopoly Party+Manual in Blockbuster Case
Star Wars Rogue Leader+Manual in DVD Case
Spiderman 2 Player's Choice (Missing Manual)
Megaman Anniversary Collection (Missing Manual)
MC Groovez Dance Craze
Fifa Soccer 2002
Spiderman 1 Case
007 NightFire Case with Fantastic Four Games


Nights Journey of Dreams in Gamestop Case & Manual
Generic Dual Wiimote Charging Dock

Covers, Cases and Manuals

8x Universal Game Cases (N64,SNES,Genesis,etc)
3DS Persona Q : Shadow of the Labyrinth Case
Grand Kingdom Case
Toukiden : Kiwami Case
Wii Dragon Quest Swords Manual
Wii Monster Hunter 3 Manual
Wii Elebits Manual
GC Ghost Recon Case & Manual
GC True Crime Streets of LA Case & Manual
GC Spiderman 1 Case Only
GC Dead to Rights Case & Manual
GC Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow Case & Manual
GC Hitman 2 Case & Manual
GC MoH Frontline Case & Manual
GC Rainbow Six 3 Case & Manual
PS2 Red Faction Case
PS2 Call of Duty FH Case & Manual
GC NFL 2K3 Case
PS4 Nioh Case
PS Vita Exist Archive Case
PS3 Zone of Enders HD Collection Case & Manual
PS2 Dragon Quest 8 Case & Manual
PS2 Onimusha 2 Case & Manual
PS2 Tekken 5 Case & Manual
PS2 Kingdom Hearts 1 GH Case & Manual
PS2 Kingdom Hearts 2 GH Case & Manual
PS2 Area 51 Case PAL version
GC NBA 2K2 Case & Manual
PS2 Final Fantasy X-2 Case $ Manual
PS2 Starwars Battlefront Case & Manual
GC Prince of Persia Cover & Manual
GC Viewtiful Joe 1 Manual
PS2 Katamari Damacy Cover & Manual
GC Burnout 3 Takedown
PS2 Nightmare before Christmas Oogies Revenge Cover & Manual
PS2 GTA San Andreas Cover & Manual
PS2 Capcom Classic Collection Cover & Manual
PS2 Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution Manual
PS2 Megaman X Collection Cover & Manual
PS2 Star Ocean Till the End of Time Cover & Manual
PS2 R-Type Final Cover & Manual
PS2 Soul Caliber 2 Cover
XB Panzer Dragoon Orta Cover & Manual
XB Ninja Gaiden Black Cover & Manual
PS2 Mad Maestro Cover & Manual
PS2 007 Everything or Nothing Manual
PS2 Half Life 2 Cover
PS2 Devil May Cry 3 Cover & Manual
PS2 FF X-2 Cover & Manual
PS2 REZ Cover & Manual
PS2 Rygar Cover & Manual
PS2 Chaos Legion Manual
PS2 Zone of Enders 1 Cover & Manual
PS2 Final Fantasy 12 Manual
PS2 Front Mission 4 Cover & Manual
PS2 Metal Gear Solid 3 Subsistence Cover
PS2 Escape from Monkey Island Cover
PS1 Final Fantasy Chronicles GH Back/Front Cover & Manual
PS1 Tenchu 1 Cover & Manual
PS1 Final Fantasy 7 GH Front/Back Cover & Manual
PS1 Buster Bros Collection Cover & Manual
GC Zelda Master Quest Manual + Windwaker Promotional Paperwork
PS2 Black Case & Manual
submitted by 420MacMan to gameswap [link] [comments]

2024.06.12 02:16 Setari Compared to NIKKE, Snowbreak is boring af

No real synergies, events are boring as hell, storyline is vanilla af, premium currency doesn't come at a rate fast enough to matter for banners, all the women are basically the same looking mostly. Uninstalling after playing for a month or so today and hitting 80 Adjutant level.
I saw a post a few weeks ago complaining about how events are super boring, it's just dump energy into materials and that's it. And I gotta agree. The rest of the game is just as plain and vanilla. Dailies take < 10 mins where NIKKE takes 20-30 mins for dailies + unlocking story content for characters I own usually every day, so I get story bits for each character. It took me a MONTH to unlock story content for like 2 characters lmao. I don't give a SHIT about any of these characters because they're just so boring, man. Fenny is the only one with any obvious personality IMO, and maybe robo-arms lady is "strong archetype" personality but honestly if I think hard about it, it's just vanilla all around IMO. Nobody really "stands out".
Premium currency comes at a hella slow drip too. How do you expect people to stick around if you can't get premium currency for 10 pulls once every at least 3 days which is what NIKKE gives? Summoner's War gives even MORE. It takes me a goddamn full week to get enough for a 10 pull usually in Snowbreak.
All the women just look like each other more or less with altered hairstyles/colors. They're not flashy or worth looking at most of the time, much less in missions lmao. Much less in the Hub or whatever it is, why would you dress them all in plain white hospital gown clothing?! It's so BORING, holy shit.
Go play Summoner's War for straight up gacha or NIKKE for waifu gacha if you want a good waifu gacha or gacha in general, this ain't it chief.
submitted by Setari to SnowbreakOfficial [link] [comments]

2024.06.12 02:16 FullBringa "Magic Mike XXL" is a masterclass on modern Scriptwriting and Sequels; Here’s why

I watched all three Magic Mike films and I gotta say MMXXL is not only the best film in the trilogy. I'll Go as far as to say it's also one of the greatest sequels in the past 15 years, alongside Captain America Winter Soldier, The godfather 2, Star Wars episode V and Pokemon Black/White 2. Like many other legendary second instalments, MMXXL takes all the good aspects of the original and either elevate or expands on them while leaving out unnecessary plot elements. Here's why:
1) Simple and easy-to-understand plot
At its core, "Magic Mike XXL" has a pretty simple plot: a road trip from Tampa, Florida to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, to deliver the performance of a lifetime at a male stripping convention. This odyssey-style premise allows the film to focus on what truly matters – the journey of its characters. No unnecessary plot points (except whatever Amber Heard was doing there) that often clutter sequels, replaced instead by a laser focus on character dynamics and personal growth.
2) Streamlined Storytelling
Every character featured for a prolonged time gets to shine and make an impact. Irrelevant figures, such as Dallas played by McConaughey and the rest of the first film's cast, are merely mentioned and the plot still works.
MMXXL is a hero's journey, akin to a trainer's quest to the Pokémon championship but stripped Down & well executed. The protagonist Mike (played by Channing Tatum) already achieved his goals(stripper superstapokemon champ of his region) and is introduced to the viewers enjoying his life pursuing his dream with his furniture company(business + settling down with his partnenew game plus). Dallas, his mentor and past leader of the Kings, rode off to the sunset abroad, leaving the remaining Kings of Tampa to their own devices.
Something i really appreciate about Mike is that he isn't resentful or ashamed of his past as a dancer. He just prefers to move on to the next stage of his life. That said, he won't dismiss his friend's creative call to action for a fake funeral and later road trip.
3) Character Development
Side characters, such as Ken with his interest in Eastern culture, Tarzan's background shaping him to the laid back Big brother-figure or Big Dick Richie's party monster energy become more distinct with their quirks and interests being explored throughout the journey.
4) New Elements
The new side characters all have a purpose and add new things to the story. For example, Andre (played by Childish Gambino) is mainly a musician amongst dancers, whereas Rome (played by Jada Pinkett Smith) has had a good relationship with Mike in the past, unlike his other Boss Dallas who kept trying to bend his environment to his will.
5) Set Up vs Payoff
One of the highlights of this god-tier writing is the art of setups and payoffs, as Elements established earlier in the film get referenced in show-dont tell segments, leading to satisfying payoffs during the film’s climactic finale.
For instance, Ken’s revelation of his singing ability is later showcased in the finale, perhaps influenced by Andre’s performance, which demonstrates that singing can be as impactful as dancing in a striptease. Similarly, Big Dick Richie regains his confidence throughout the trip, culminating in his standout solo performance later on. This attention to detail not only rewards us viewers for paying attention, but also underscores the film’s commitment to crafting a cohesive and engaging narrative. All without having to outright explaining it to us.
Shout out to Gregory Jacobs for bringing this godly script by Reid Carolin to life!
submitted by FullBringa to CharacterRant [link] [comments]

2024.06.12 02:15 Jackhammerjoe42697 What were the Limax wars like?

The war that turned Ben10 into Ben10,000!
What do you think the Limax war was actually like?
My crazy head cannon would be...
Vilgax is tired of Ben being a thorn in his side and has decided to wipe earth from the milky way.
Vilgax sacrifices His arm to Cthulhu in exchange for an amplification of his telepathic abilities.
Vilgax then Uses his new Cthulu enhanced telepathic abilities to torment Ben every night in his dreams, forcing him to have nightmares. The nightmare is always the same, Vilgax appears before Ben saying. "Listen to every word, Be afraid. You cannot run, you cannot hide from me. I will find you. And when I do...I will retrieve my Omnitrix and destroy you.
Vilgax also turns the people of Earth against Ben by telepathically telling them that if Ben gives up the omnitrix He will leave the planet alone and set them free.
Vilgax has now enlisted the Limax in his brutal subjugation of the earth and as such he has had his robot minions splice their DNA with that of the Krakken to erase their weakness to water. Now...All Limax hide amongst the few humans who remain on the planet earth in hiding from Vilgax and once they find human refugees they alert vilgax's forces who come in and wipe them out after the Limax imitate their forms. Nobody knows who's really a human and who's really a Limax minion of Vilgax now all humans are extremely paranoid. ( The limax are basically the skrulls from marvel or the aliens from the invasion of the body snatchers movie)
This would be a game dedicated to telling the story of how Ben 10 became Ben 10,000 and creating your own version of the omnitrix by collecting pieces of ancient Galvan and Cerebrocrustation technology. Azmuth needs you to gather the pieces so he can destroy them but at the end of the game he lets Ben have them as a reward.
The pieces are scattered across 10 alien worlds (original, I know. BITE ME).
So while Ben fights to save a scorched earth from vilgax He's gotta go off world from time to time to stop vilgax and his minions from getting tech to make his armies even stronger.
Vilgax's attack on earth has been so unrelenting the plumbers have essentially dedicated their forces to secretly evacuating as many humans as they can from planet earth.
The Mayan dieties Ah Puch the God of death, disaster, and darkness and Ek chuah the God of war from classic have been resurrected and genetically altered with echo echo dna by Vilgax, giving them the ability to clone themselves and use sonic screams. Vilgax has abducted Dr. Animo and turned him into his cyborg minion like he did with Rojo in the classic episode the alliance. Cyborg Animo will lead the frontlines of Vilgax's Mayan God army.
Ek chuah has summoned his sword which in the words of grandpa Max has the power to level cities in one swing but now Ek Chuah has hundreds of these swords as a result of Vilgax's cloning.
the Ek chuah echo echo clones swing their swords wiping out city after city and Ah Puch echo echo clones use their mastery over death to resurrect the slain humans as a zombie canon fodder frontline for Vilgax's armada.
After imprisoning Dr. Pychobos, Vilgax has forced him to create the ultimate Nemetrix. Once this unholy fusion of the ultimatrix and the nemetrix has been completed Vilgax opens the null void and attaches it to a null guardian before placing a chip in the beasts mind that allows him to control it telepathically. (Similar to Khyber and Zed)
However, Before he sends his new nemetrix wielding monster to earth Vilgax takes the ultimatrix from an imprisoned Albedo and uses it to sync the blank DNA of his Bioid army to the ultimate nemetrix. The ultimate nemetrix Null guardian will now lead the ultimatrix Bioid army in the onslaught against the human race.
Vilgax has covered the Earth's sun in a Dyson sphere in an attempt to harness it's energy. By plunging Earth into eternal night Vilgax has allowed Zs'skayr and his Ectonurite armada to roam freely upon the Earth. After joining forces with Zs'skayr, Vilgax commands his Ectonurite armies to possess billions of the zombies Ah puch has made, creating a zombie/ghost armada for him to use against the remaining humans of earth.
With the help of Albedo, Vilgax fuses Psyphon with Pyronite DNA before giving him a lepidopterran fleet of bioids for Aerial attacks all over the scorched Earth.
After dealing with all of these threats, at the end of the game Ben uses Alien-X, the sword of Ascalon and the sword of Ek Chuah to fight a Cthulu possessed Vilgax.
After Ben stops this laundry list of threats I made up while I was high, the people of Earth build statues of Ben all over the planet and in the city of new Xenon and begin calling their Hero Ben 10,000.
submitted by Jackhammerjoe42697 to Ben10 [link] [comments]

2024.06.12 02:12 sweetnsassy97 Boyfriend’s mom hates me, now what?

Hi all, this is going to be a long one. I apologize in advance, but if you make it to the end, I sincerely thank you. I have been struggling with this for awhile and I finally have some strength, energy, and courage tonight to get it all out here and get some outsideunbiased opinions and hopefully advice as well!
My boyfriend and I have been together for just shy of 2 years.
How it started: We met totally unexpectedly, during a World Series game. He was with his friends, me with mine. I was looking for nothing but a distraction from my current reality the night we met as I was going through a divorce. We bumped into each other on 2 separate occasions at 2 different places on the same night. We exchanged numbers but that was it. A few weeks passed and we’d check-in casually here and there but nothing more than a text or two. As the weeks went by I was back in the area we met and was at dinner with a relative who asked me if I was interested in going out to meet up with some of their colleagues after dinner, we did. Lo and behold my now boyfriend was there. Total coincidence hadn’t even talked that day or the days prior really. After that evening of talking small talk over a few drinks with company we started talking a bit more frequently which eventually led to dates, and then here we are.
My background: Divorced, mom of 3
Boyfriends background: Never married, no kids
Boyfriends mom: His mom has never liked me, I could just tell. I have always been able to read people very well and I could just always tell. Eventually that observation/assumption made itself abundantly clear time and time again. Below I will list the things I can remember that she has done, said, and/or that have come out over the last almost 2 years.
  1. She and her coworker spending hours looking me up on several websites/social media profiles. They thought I was planning a wedding with my boyfriend because they found a Pinterest board from 2010ish with “wedding inspo” that me and my friends all made at a sleepover when we were daydreaming about what we thought life would look like and who we thought we’d marry lol.
  2. Accusing me of lying about my profession due to my LinkedIn not being updated since 2017. I worked in a high-risk pregnancy clinic during college and that’s the last time I had used LinkedIn, I had to create one for one of my professional development classes. So the last employment/job is basically a secretarial position UNTIL I got wind she was accusing me of not being a nurse because her and her coworker were searching me during work hours and came across this old inactive LinkedIn page. Now of course I am utterly paranoid about keeping it up to date and active solely because of her (how sad).
  3. Has called me fat, lazy, a bad mom (even though I have full custody), etc. to the point of saying I wasn’t with my kids on Mother’s Day last year when I very much was (this one is laughable) but just boggles my mind, like why? I’ve been the primary care giver, 100% custody, etc.
  4. Tells me I’m using her son??
  5. Forcing him to live a lifestyle he can’t afford to live??
  6. Would be mad if he was spending more time with me than him. If he cooked for me and not her.
  7. Constantly saying “I just want what’s best for my son” - this is what really confuses my boyfriend and I. As a parent myself I know that at the end of the day I want what’s best for my kids and want them to be happy, and if the person they are with (way in the future as they are little still) isn’t creating a dangerous environment and isn’t abusing them and they are happy even if it isn’t what would make me happy in a relationship then ultimately I will be happy and support them because they are happy!
  8. Before we lived together if we were on the phone for more than 10-15 minutes it was a problem and she would start a fight with him and start saying nasty things so I would hang up.
  9. Loves the narrative of thinking I went from married to hopping on tinder looking for a hook-up. When in reality SIX hours prior to walking down the aisle I found out my soon-to-be-husband was cheating on me. We had 3 kids already, been together for 10 years, were getting married out of the country due to our original wedding being botched due to Covid and we had approx 50 family members/friends there ready to celebrate us. What was I to do? Just cancel it? Maybe? But in the moment I was hoping we could resolve it with counseling, etc once we got back home. But that didn’t happen, the behavior didn’t change and more unfolded.
10.Recently her mother and my boyfriend’s grandmother passed away. She was in the very late stages of dementia. For the last almost 2 years prior to us living together we spent almost every Sunday evening together with her (the late grandmother) now I know this does not compare to that being her mother, nor would I ever state that I held more precedence in her life etc. (just giving some context) over the last almost 2 years my boyfriends late grandmother had gotten to know me (the best she could given her illness), however given her disease she did remember me and my kids. She didn’t need much but I always brought her little things she enjoyed (chocolates, soda, snacks,pj’s, blankets, etc.), took her to dinner, the store (when she still had it in her to want to go out). When we moved in together we made a conscious effort to visit at least 1 time a month (it’s a 2 hours drive each way), plus with 3 kids, who are all involved in extracurriculars, school, etc our lives are busy but we made it a priority. However that was never enough to her and some other family (boyfriend’s mom/narcissist in ?). I was taking him from his family and they were made his proximity and availability to them was affected. (His words, not mine). Anyway, back to late grandmother, her obituary written by my boyfriend’s cousins included me and my children. This sent my boyfriends mom “through the roof”, I was shocked I was included but it made my boyfriend happy, he has been enamored to be the primary father figure in their lives and he knows how much his grandmother enjoyed seeing them/us.
  1. She doesn’t want to contribute to the florals for the services because she doesn’t like the colors/flower types that (late grandmother) liked.
  2. Her husband was banging on her sisters window the other week looking for her (assuming she was cheating) and her response was (it’s not my husband’s business where I was). (Ok I get this isn’t about me or my boyfriend so I shouldn’t include this, but I guess it’s these instances that make me realize maybe it’s not me)
  3. She has “apologized” to me a handful of times but it’s never felt genuine and nothings ever changed after.
There’s more but I feel like this gives enough context, hopefully? It’s causing me so much pain and stress. I don’t want to be the reason they don’t have a relationship but he doesn’t want a relationship with her either. He has been in therapy for awhile now (prior to him moving out) and knows that unless she truly changed and got help herself there’s no change insight nor possibility of a healthy relationship between the two of them. However it’s hard being the target. There are a small few in the family that aren’t this way and don’t see me this way and the rest are the same way as she is. I understand it’s likely a byproduct of how they were raised, trauma they themselves have endured etc. but it’s so damn hurtful. Part of me wants to send one final text, letter, note something but I know it won’t change anything. I know he tries to type something to her but just deletes it. I truly feel like she’s stolen my identity in a sense. There are members of the family that never got to form their own opinion of me because of the false narratives she created, lies spread, and grandiose stories and ideas made up from whatever she could gather. I’m too kind to a fault, I forgive and forgive especially to those who don’t deserve it. I always try and see the best in people but it usually hurts me in the end.
Any advice/support is helpful, best way to instill boundaries and move forward knowing that the relationship we wish we would be able to have with her probably will never be. She likely won’t be at milestone events shall our relationship progress to that point etc.
submitted by sweetnsassy97 to JUSTNOMIL [link] [comments]

2024.06.12 02:09 Significant-Lack-392 Im Baking bourbon into caramel but don't know which caramel to make. Help

I am making maple bacon borboyn cupcakes for a work function. Everyone there loves drinking but I don't really. One of my coworkers is letting me have a couple cups of bourbon for it because he really wants to see how these go. Two questions:
First i wanted to do a caramel then pour it into a pan with dome sort of foil and break off pieces as a garnish. Does that make sense? I don't know what term I'm searching for... it would be not milk recipe caramel because that would not be see through. If I just did sugar in a pan and waited for it to be a medium brown color then cooled it in the lined baking sheet, that would be okay right?
Second, I wanted to put bourbon into the caramel mixture. Would that be okay? I need to know which caramel to do which is why I haven't looked at it.
I'm a little lost and ambitious. I am going off a recipe for everything else though. I will post the results if I can.
submitted by Significant-Lack-392 to Baking [link] [comments]

2024.06.12 02:08 coinsinmyrocket [H] Humble Choice and various Humble Bundle remainders [W] Paypal (USD)

Looking to shed as many keys here as I can, make offers! I'm not interested in trading for any other games or keys right now, only paypal (USD). Thanks!
May 2024 Choice Bundle
Yakuza: Like a Dragon
King of the Castle
Bravery and Greed
Amanda the Adventurer
Mediterranea Inferno
April 2024 Choice Bundle
The Callisto Protocol
Fashion Police Squad
Symphony of War: The Nephilim Saga
The Excavation of Hob's Barrow
March 2024 Choice Bundle
Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Realms of Ruin
Saints Row
Citizen Sleeper
Black Skylands
February 2024 Choice Bundle
Life is Strange: True Colors
Beacon Pines
There is No Light: Enhanced Edition
Children of Silenttown
Snowtopia: Ski Resort Builder
January 2024 Choice Bundle
Marvel's Midnight Suns Digital+ Edition
Midnight Suns- Doctor Strange
Aragami 2
The Red Lantern
Hell Pie
Twin Mirror
December 2023 Choice Bundle
Expeditions: Rome
Midnight Fight Express
Elex II
Nobody Save the World
The Pale Beyond
Last Call BBS
From Space
November 2023 Choice Bundle
Hardspace: Shipbreaker
WWE 2K23
Frends vs Friends
The Legend of Tianding
SCP: Secret Files
October 2023 Choice Bundle
The Quarry Deluxe Edition
Metal Hellsinger
Rebel Inc: Escalation
Spirit of the Island
Lords and Villeins
A Juggler's Tale
Mr. Prepper
September 2023 Choice Bundle
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Post Void
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The USB Stick Found in the Grass
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We Are Alright
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2024.06.12 02:06 maevss 15f needing online friends 😭

(Copied and pasted from another sub I posted in!!) HEY IM MAEVE
I love sanrio (esp kurom!!i) and I'm Draculaura's (MH) #1 stan. Uhm my fav color is probably black, especially when it's paired with pink. I just got reddit cause I wanted to view more Monster High stuff but I need friends on reddit 💀 so yeah :D
submitted by maevss to Needafriend [link] [comments]

2024.06.12 01:57 VexTrooper TC_Battle of Artray II

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After a brief reprieve after training, they, along with the entirety of fresh blooded recruits, were gathered in a large atrium. It was similar in construction to the smaller classroom and designed for larger crowds. When they found their seats, the rest required to attend filled the room until every seat was occupied.
Seeing the room mostly filled, Sergeant Faith then stood at a podium, off center of the main projector and began his briefing. The room darkened and only the glow from the holo-projector could be seen until ultimately coming to life with graphics of their intended targets and ships that orbited an unfamiliar planet, Sellia, as well as the rest of the system.
“As you all know, we are currently at war, and the time to face our enemy is near. Already, on the front lines, the Navy has engaged the enemy and pushed them back to their planet. They are prepared to fight tooth and nail for its security, but that is where we come in.”
The scene changed to a collection of ships of Terran design battling in the outer planets of the system.
“Right now, we engage them on their outer planets, namely, Beladir and Dorn. From there, they plan to wait and sweep for enemy contacts in the Teela asteroid belt. From there, we will link up with our home base, the TRSC Arm of Sol, and where you will each report to your respective commands. Now,” he said before switching the view to the planet of concern.
“All you need to know is that our plan is to take the capital city, Artray, and assist with Raptor Company in their mission to capture the Sellian Command. Be prepared for a hot drop because the area is sure to be swarming with enemy contacts to the north and the east. That is where we’ll insert and raise hell for them to advance…”
The mission description seems watered down, but Jay knew it was only to give them a broad idea of what they were going to get into, with the details to be delivered when they were actually with their commands. The rest of the briefing went as usual, regurgitating enemy organizations and structure, something he was now fairly familiar with.
He knew the enemy to be donned in black and gray armor, much like them, but had amber colored visors. The overall shape of the armor was different and the sashes they wore added to their design. He did well to study up on them, as their likeness grew the more he remembered seeing them early at the start of the war. He was just ignorant of them until now, but he was going to have his chance at retribution.
After the briefing, Jay, Cameron, Fields, and Spears met for their final meal aboard the transport ship. It was to be their final reprieve of normalcy before their encounter with the enemy.
“Say, what should we call ‘em,” sounded Fields, and he took a large bite out of his poorly made and plain tasting food. “I heard some of the guys who are supplementing Viper came up with a name for ‘em.”
“Oh?” Cameron perked up to the query. “Besides Sellan? I don’t know anything that you’d call them that can be… derogatory.”
Fields waved his fork to the sides in a snide motion, denying Cam’s rebuke, “You saw the holograms. With their helmet off, they got those long ears, see? Well, I think we should start calling them Knife-Ears,” he said confidently.
“That’s…” Cameron was the first to begin, but was interjected by Spears, who sat quietly until now.
“It’s stupid. There’s no need to attach a name to them. If it makes you feel better, go ahead,” Spears replied as he returned to his food and began reading off his personal data pad and going over fireteam formations and tactics; ignoring Fields who then turned to Jay for his input.
“What’d’you say, Jay? I think it's fitting,” he said confidently, confident that Jay would agree.
“It doesn’t roll off the tongue. Come up with something better next time,” he replied, earning a gaze from Cam. “What? I just said It doesn’t roll off the tongue. Besides, It doesn't matter what we call them, just as long as we win this war.”
It had already been a year and a half since their first encounter with the Sellians, and they had already pushed far into their territory, capturing several planets and leaving it to the Orbital Guard and Troopers to garrison them.
“Alright, fine. I won’t force you guys to use it, but I'm sure it’ll ring when we finally drop!” said Fields, who garnered a distant ‘Hell yeah’ from a Raider a couple of tables away. They were in compliance with their mission, and Jay dwelled on the subject silently as their surroundings grew loud, with the addition of the new slang.
Now finished with his food, Jay departed, with Cam behind him. Instead of going to bed, he left for his usual seat in their room that gave him a view of space. Instead of stars and nebulas, only a familiar swirl enveloped the ship. They were in Slip-Space and en route to their destination, Sellia. He was quiet, for the most part, and Cameron sat quiet as he began to read.
When some time had passed, Cameron spoke to a listless Jay, who only stared into the portal, “Do you think we’re ready? You know, for war?”
Jay turned to Cameron, who had a look of fear and anxiousness upon him. He replied to comfort his friend.
“No one’s really ready, until it happens. You just have to get ready to adapt. I know I did,” he said. He thought of the words himself, speaking them from experience.
When he looked at his brother in arms before him, he finally remembered that he was older, by nearly five years or so. But due to their rank, he saw a young man who was fresh out of Academy that was now his peer. In the end, he didn’t see age, but rank. It came as a shock to him when he first learned that Sergeant Faith was his own age, with a blood stripe of his own with the experience to match.
It was jarring that Raiders younger than him have seen combat before he had even thought to join. But he saw that they wallowed in it. To be a Raider was a lifestyle, and few thought of leaving the organization; for they believed that only torment would await them.
He had heard stories of Raiders who decided to come home after a large operation, but it wouldn’t last long with reports of them taking their lives shortly after leaving the service. But that was their risk as part of the TRSC. They would leave families behind for months, or even years at a time, hardly growing old because of cryogenics. Those who returned would sometimes come home to nothing, or their partners had moved on. It was a grim reality, but that was the life they lived; as such, it became common for relationships to form with service members aboard a vessel, with marital policies still in effect to punish infidelity. Having lived it for a short while, it was a culture shock, to say the least.
“Hey Cam,” he said quietly. “Do you have anyone back home? A girl? A boy?”
Cameron grew flustered at the sudden questioning, since Jay’s mind had wandered onto the subject, knowing that this might be his life from now on. In the end, it was curiosity that drove the question.
“I did, during my time in Academy,” he laid his reading material on the table in between them, and stared into Slip-Space with Jay. “But, when she learned I wanted to join the Raiders, well, she broke up with me. Wanted me by her side and asked her father if I could get a job at his work.”
“Oh? What’d he do?” questioned Jay, his interest piqued.
“He owned a small ship manufacturer start-up. ‘Bravo-Systems’, he called it. They made B-grade ship components. You heard of it?” replied Cameron.
Jay shook his head in the negative, “First I’m hearing of it, and I dealt with plenty of component manufacturers in my day,” replied Jay.
Cameron was curious, and probed the subject further, “I remember you saying you flew. What’d you do before all this?”
Jay hesitated a moment, but answered honestly, “I used to be a data runner for a small broker. Started in the middle of the Pirate Revolution, but I ran independent; learned to steer clear of the MPR and TRSC alike. But that’s all I did since I was old enough to fly; from Alistair Nebula, to Alpha Centauri, I ran it all, until now.”
He paused, turning to Cameron, who listened intently, “I used to fly the Herald, a last gen craft, with even later gen components. It was a miracle I survived in the first place.”
Cameron then spoke, this time posing a question, “Do you think you’ll fly again? It seems like a waste of a skill, if you ask me.”
Jay was caught off guard by the question, but knew deep down that he still loved to fly; he just felt like he wasn’t worthy of it.
“I don’t think I can, not yet, anyway. After losing Kam, it’s been a sour experience to remember. But we’ll see…” he ended before rising from his seat in preparation for bed. He knew that by the time they wake up, they would need their gear in order for their transfer, so he found it best to prepare himself for what is to come next.
“Well, in any case, let's go to bed. Got lots to get ready for. Good night,” he said as he left for the showers, then finally, to his rack. It took little for him to fall asleep and in his next breath, he was asleep and only the calamity of the ship would wake him.
When he awoke, it was to the silent clamor of shuffling from the other Raiders, as they grabbed their gear and moved to the compartment that connected to a docking collar.
They had all lined up in rows, as dictated by their Sergeant, “Hurry and form up, We have places to be and aliens to kill! Don’t leave shit in your racks because that shit will be lost, and you won’t be able to get it back!” he ordered.
Which caused several others to return for items they may have thought they forgot, making their trips more than it needed to. Jay figured it was due to their rising anxiety of their moment to come. The doors opened, revealing a short hall that was quiet, with the other end open and ready for their reception. Column by column, the fledgling Raiders filtered into the collar and entered into the ship opposite of them.
Jay walked with his gear, followed by Cam and Fields, with Spears leading from the front and noticed that the corridor was viewless, and reinforced with insulation and alloy beams. But as they arrived through the docking tube, they were met by a group of three individuals donned in standard raider armor, but were painted with gold.
He was an older man, but was still in the height of his prime, and the letters spelled out below his neck were ‘RYKOO’; with the individual to his left named, ‘JAKAL’, and the person to his right, ‘CHANDLER’. He knew little of them, but knew by their stripes that they led the companies of which they were to be assigned, so to make things easier, they were put in formation, and called out by name.
“Wasn’t there supposed to be four company commanders?” whispered Cameron to Jay, who could only reply with a shrug; stating that he didn’t know.
Instead, a female appeared beside the three officers, sporting only red strips upon her shoulders and knee guards. From her angle, he couldn’t make out her name, but did overhear her speaking with Rykoo.
“Is that so, O’Clair?” he asked.
“Yes sir. Raptor is full, and is on standby for the second phase. We can’t risk trying to teach a rookie in that kind of field. I take it Cobra has the room, correct?” she explained.
“We have plenty, more so than Viper and Raven combined, I suppose,” he replied. “Don’t worry, with our numbers, I’m sure we’ll be able to nurture a fine batch of bloodied Raiders yet.” She offered a slight bow before departing when he saw her helmet’s visor.
Of the three, they had decorated on their central chest plate with an engraving of their respective company namesakes on the left side of the armor. However, she didn’t have one, and instead had noticeable scratches on her visor that created a sinister décor; one with rows of teeth lining the edges of the visor, with a pair of sharp eyes in the center surrounded by more scratches that created an inversion of empty-space.
By the time she was gone, there was a large pool of recruits who had yet to be put into either Viper or Raven Company, with their respective commanders at the forefront of their new rookies. This had left them with only one option, and the older officer addressed the masses.
“Alright, listen up, and listen well,” he said as he began pacing between the three groups. “I am Major Rykoo, Company Commander of Cobra Company, and current Battalion Commander until we find a replacement. A little bit about me, whom you will be led under; I was born and raised on Alpha Centauri Prime, where I enlisted, then after some years of service, I was commissioned, prior to the start of the Militia-Pirate Revolution. So I have seen it all; all the worst humanity can do to each other, as well as a lot of the good. And it is my belief that we all have a divine right to live among the stars! But we have been attacked by forces unknown, and who have the misfortune of being your enemy!”
He looked about the fresh blood who had just transferred from the transport ship that had already left, and continued.
“For those of you uninformed, we have been attacked by our first contact race who call themselves Sellians! And instead of a friendly greeting from the stars, their brass decided it was a wonderful idea to invade our newest colonies, from Dema to Draxis, and all in between! Those who were not killed were taken as cargo and may be facing a fate worse than death. We have the intel that most civilian populations have evacuated, and those left are hostile forces. And yes, before you say it, no, we are soldiers, not monsters. We are still citizens of the TRSC, and we will NOT stoop to their level. For the lot of you, this will be your first combat engagement, one worthy of earning your blood stripes. But you must first prove you are worthy. Now, get to your racks after convening with your Commanders. Dismissed!”
Jay had felt sincerity and passion in Rykoo’s address, and did as he said, convening with the Major in the center. He thought it was just another speech, but tailored to those he would lead directly. Instead, he was taking the time to learn the names and interests of his new subordinates.
When he approached, he met Rykoo’s eyes with his own, and knew he was about to speak with a major, “Kurt, is it? I’ve heard a lot about you. To think the pilot who warned of the attack would join the Raiders! I would have thought you would join the fly boys, since you share similar talents.”
As per custom and courtesies, he placed himself at parade rest before replying, “Yes sir. But I felt I could get close and personal with the enemy, Sir.”
“Well you chose right! Since we’ll be dropping into the heart of enemy territory. I’m sure you’ll get yours, but make sure you keep a level head when in combat, you understand?” replied Rykoo.
“Yes sir,” replied Jay as he now searched for a new topic, such as the visual intrigued from just moments prior. “Sir, I have a question.”
“Shoot,” he replied in earnest.
“That Sergeant from before. I notice she doesn’t share an engraving like the other companies do. And I noticed how her visor was designed. Is that legal?”
The Major had a countenance of wonder upon his face, indicating that the subject had not yet crossed his mind, and shared a look of familiarity.
“Only few people are 'authorized' to have marked helmets like those. Sergeant O’Clair is just one of the very few. Take note, those with that kind of modification are reserved for the most dangerous and experienced. And know that if they lead the charge, you charge alongside ‘em.”
Jay gave a nod of understanding, knowing that his answer was left unfulfilled, but had decided not to pry.
When they were done with introductions, they moved into their new homes, separated by Company, and found that Cobra had the largest space of the four. Luckily, he was able to find beds that shared a space with Spears, Cam, and Fields, who were already engaged in conversation by the time he had arrived.
“So, what do you think these freaks look like? You think they take the form of a human before eating your brains?” Fields the first voice he recognized, and noticed the disappointed looks of Spears and Cameron.
“First off, we already know what they look like. And second, do you not pay attention to the briefs?” It was Cam who had replied, blatantly berating Fields’ speculation.
“Hey, I'm just saying, but maybe it’s not their real form!” he rebuked, clearly trying to add ground to a baseless claim.
Spears sighed, and replied, “Fields, you fool. We have the biometrics, but if you’re still curious, get a kill of your own and find out then. In the meantime, pipe down and finish putting your gear in your locker.”
By the time he had finished reprimanding Fields, he, along with Cam, had noticed Jay’s presence as he began putting his items away with Cam and Spears relaxing on their beds while they waited for the two to finish.
“I saved you a rack below me. I hope you don’t mind the bottom,” sounded Cam as he leaned over from the frame of his bed, nearly meeting Jay’s face. He momentarily grew flustered from how close he was, but quickly got used to it since it had seemed to be a habit of his.
“It’s fine, and move your face before you kiss a locker door,” he said with a smirk before turning to a more serious topic. “So, you guys ready for our first drop?” he said nonchalantly.
“You never know you’re ready, until you’re in combat,” answered Spears. “I suggest you all get in the right mindset, especially you, Cam.”
The person in question shrunk behind the cover of his rack’s frame, reminding Jay of what he looks like.
“You know what you remind me of, Cam?” he asked, to which he shook his head in a sulking fashion. “Like a cat. The ones with the long fur. Surprises me how lenient they are with hair.”
“Right!?” voiced Fields erratically. “I just got approved for a low-cut Mohawk! Pretty sweet, right?” His comment had caught them off guard, ultimately surprised at his supposed authorization. But he had shown them the paperwork which appeared legitimate.
“Damn, he’s right,” said Spears, “Congrats, I guess.”
Fields had a look of triumph over his peers, but they were quick to dismiss his upcoming new look. They would then continue until their rest period had come, with a simple order to make it on time to the briefing auditorium center of the ship. They were within the final stretch of their first journey into the expanse of the stars.
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submitted by VexTrooper to TerranContact [link] [comments]

2024.06.12 01:55 Raxion_Hyperion New Windows

New Windows
Got a quote today on 10 windows for my house. The quote came out to be about 24k. I have 2 big windows in the front of my house with an arch. It’s 112x31 from the peak and got quoted 6.2k to replace both those windows. This seems absolutely insane. Is this on par for most windows now?
submitted by Raxion_Hyperion to Home [link] [comments]

2024.06.12 01:54 MargoxaTheGamerr My tierlist

My tierlist
Decided to post here because people usually put tierlists on this one. I also didn't include Cancer and other covers because they're covers, didn't include Christmas Saves the Year because I listened to it only one time. And I kinda squeezed Clancy in there, because I made this half a year before it came out, so it didn't have much extra space, choose brown for it, because red, yellow and orange were already taken.(songs inside each tier are not in the order of liking, but in the order of albums more or less)
If you have any questions about why certain songs are in certain places(I know some of them are pretty controversial) or if it's not easy enough to read the picture you can read below:
===Excellent [Always love these and crave]===
  • Isle Of Flightless Birds(love the medieval teaparty vibe with the clavesine and reggae and this fancy vibe, and of course I love the singing style in this album, so yeah)
  • Fall Away(I like the bass and the vibe, it's kinda hypnotic)
  • Implicit Demand For Proof(again, love the singing style, the piano riff, the progression, the contrast, the sounds, evrrything)
  • Friend Please(always liked this one, it's so epic and dramatic, so comforting and I like both the loud synthesator parts and the short quiet parts with the quiet short hopelessness sound before the drop, I dig the singing style)
  • Air Catcher(the song is so epic with harmonies and stuff, absolutely beatiful, remind me of Muse, ABBA and Melanie Martinez for some reason, I like the groove so much and it sounds teathrical, I even like the end, it's kinda tense.)
  • Trapdoor(also reminds me of Melanie Martinez and Muse for some reason, it's so relatable, I like the singing in this one the most of all songs in the album, the emotions, teathre, drama, epic, and I like the bridge with bass, it sounds happy and lively, sounds like enjoying nature and aprecciating life)
  • Clear(the chorus is so epic, I like the vibe of the synthesator, I love the way he sings in the first verse(kinda self-titled style) which plays a big part into why I like this song)
  • Ruby(I love the vibe of this song just so much, the reggae elements, the emotion in Tyler's singing, especially in "you hold the key" part, and the energetic synthesator in the end with "YOU'RE AN ANGEEEEEL" screaming, and the happy vibe pf the chorus, the song gets both sad and happy which fits)
  • Anathema(such a cozy, nostalgic, lo-fi vibe in the first half of the song, has hypnotic qualities, relatable, then the second part is such an exciting nostalgic 2010's EDM part, the buildup is filled with some type of unexplainable happiness and I like the rap in the end)
  • Two(this song gives me such a special feeling, it's so mysterious, calm, but tense, passive-agressive, sad, but kinda happy in a nostalgic way, just beatiful, has these cosmic vibes, slow and ethereal, takes me to a different universe, kinda creepy, I like the way Tyler plays with dissonance in this one, it's kind of happy, kind odf sad, and then something's right but kinda wrong, then really sad, then creepy, calm, hypnotic, ethereal, eerie, nostalgic, cosmic)
  • Forest(the chorus is so anthemic that one wants to scream it at the top of their lubgs in a forest with their hands lift up in the sky, has childhood vibes, I like the lyrics)
  • Ode To Sleep(I love the mysterious vibe of the verses, the cool techno vibe, just makes me feel cool, kinda creepy and mysterious, I like the rapping, the lyrics, the contrast of mysterious verses, calm bass-driven pre chorus and happy electronic chorus, and the transition from the first chorus to the sevond verse is just so cool, the rhumes,Tyler's moaning voice in the end, so much emotion, and again, the viiibe)
  • Migraine(filled with happiness, big contrast to the lyrics, the most relatable TØP song for me, I relate to the "wether it's the letters by my bed", "a ruthless examiner", "my writer just hates the clock" and "defending in suspense, suspended in a defensless", "shadows will scream that I'm alone", "sometimes to stay alive you gotta kill your own mind", I relate to these so much, because I have OCD and the intrusive thoughtsand anxiety are horrible, it makes me feel found, and oh boy the juicy inner rhymes and metaphors in the second verse and Tyler's slight shaking in the voice at the last few lines of the second verse, easily put this in the highest tier, although soundwise I like Ode To Sleep more)
  • Guns For Hands(I like the happy vibe, the different parts, the "don't take it take take take TAKE T TAKE IT TAKE IT" part, the bridge, so relatable, the slight reggae influence in the bridge(yeah I think you already got it that I really like reggae), I like how the instruments sound)
  • Holding Onto You(I like how Tyler's voice sounds in the verses, reminds me of Eminem for some reason, I especially like the imagery in the sevond verse, what an interesting metaphor, I like the bridge, so emotional)
  • Truce(so beatiful, such a nostalgic vibe, makes me apreciate life, hopeful, cozy, I like the backvocals and these little sounds in the background, made me cry when I really needed to, love the message)
  • Message Man(this one just slaps, gave me goosebumps when I first heard the chorus, the "I don't usually listen to this kind of music, but this slaps, so why not" kind of moment, in fact this is my most favorite Blurryface song, the swingy rhythm in the verses and the chorus, the sounds, the vibe, the rap, it makes me feel cool)
  • Fairly Local(actually second favorite Blurryface song, also slaps, also gave me goosebumps when I first heard it thinking "well, I don't usually listen to this kind of music butthis slaps so hard, soyou know what WHY NOT", I like the little "yaaeugh" parts and the bass and this just slaps so much and also has a mysterious vibe I love, and I like how Tyler screams "YEEAAAAH" near the end, and yeah it makes me feel cool)
  • Polarize(the first TØP song I listened to that doesn't have a music video, I liked this song really fast, it also sounds just so happy and kinda nostalgic, I like the slight regfae influence, the rhythm in the pre chorus, the sounds, the organ at the end gives me a special feeling, ooh I just like this so much and the cgorus is wo catchy I randomly sang uit in school all the time, the "lalalala, we have problems" part also has such a vibe and tge end too, it's also the first song I heard Tyler scream in and to be fair it was a little bit unexpexted and I was like "oh, this band does that too?")
  • Ride(probably the most reggae-influenced song hy Twenty One Pilots, tbh when I first listened to the song the start sounded kinda annoying(can't explain why), but over time this feeling wentvaway, so groovy, swingy, I like the way Tyler's voice sounds in this one with this light distortion,so crispy, I like the lyrics, the song is so catchy and groovy, the rap part is cool, the "I've been thinking too much, help me" is relatable, and the song kinda has a nodtalgic vibe with the piano and crackling)
  • Jumpsuit(it's so coooool, it slaps, it makes me feel cool, the verses(especially when watching the MV) are epic, slightly tense, I love the energy, I like walking with this song on, cool bass-driven, kinda in the rock territory, I like the screaming in the end, in fact words can't express how cool this is)
  • Pet Cheetah(at first this song didn't really stand out to me, but oh boooy did it grow on me, the "I can feel the pressure start to possess my mind" is so catchy, cool, teense, kinda hypnotic, I like the buzzy bass and rawr sounds so much, the mysterious sound in the start and throurough the song, the verses, it's so cool, the ending also kinda slaps)
  • Chlorine(at first I didn't really like this song, but over time I started to apreciate this kind of music and the hypnotic qualities of the song, I always liked the metaphor, I especially like the piano running down sound in the chorus, sounds like running down cold water ona hot day on yourself, I especially like the end, it's kinda hypnotic and building up somewhere, I like the piano and other soubds in the very end so much, I like the easter egg with 17 seconds and chlorine and the repeat-reverse effect on the drums)
  • No Chances(it makes me feel so cool, it has such a vibe, I like these sounds in the "we see people on the way, we want you home in one piece now" part, and the syth and everything, it's so epic, I like the flow of rap, especially "spent some weekends on the grind, surveillance out of sight, ride or die my son" part, the chorus also is slightly hypnotic)
  • Redecorate(another one of those where I first thought this is not my kind of music, just so poppy even though I always liked pop, but it grew on me so much it's probably my second favorite from SAI, the chorus is soooo catchy, I like the lo-fi vibes and unique percussion)
  • Never Take It(I like this one so much, it has such a vibe, I like the way he sings and the 90's synthpop-rock vibe, I also like the bridge, reminds me of Seven Nation Army(probably an intentional reference), Tyler's singing is cool in this one)
  • Choker(I like the "mm" sounds, the hypnotising qualities of the chorus and the lyrics so much and the drumming in the transition to the last chorus, and the song just fills me with happiness)
  • Good Day(I love the bouncy feel of the verses and the uke part, and this whole contrast in "lOst My JoB,mY WiFe AnD ChILd🤾🏃🤸💮🌺☀️🌞🍭homie just sued me😔✌️🍄🐭🐰🦄")
  • The Outside(I don't know what genre this is, funk, carribean or reggae or something but I love it, it's so catchy and swingy, the chorus also has hypnotic qualities, the rap part is so cool, the end feels so cool and summery(I mean he literally sings about summer heat but yeah))
  • Routines In The Night(just so hypnotising and atmospheric, right away when I heard it it felt kinda hypnotic, cosmic, kinda calm but tense,as if it's building up somewhere and I love those types of songs, reminds me of some russian club EDM party song, gives the feelof walking tgrough the streets in the evening with neon lights on or riding a car in the night with neon lights outside(well, fits the name))
  • Vignette(my favorite from Clancy, it slaps, I love Tyler's voice in the chorus, it's a welcome throwback to self-titled and RAB with these teathatrical vibes and chamber-pop elements, reminds me of Lana Del Rey because of these orchestral elements, the chorus isso catchy with so much emotion, I love Tyler's voice in it and the verses are also cool, the chorus is epic, I like the pre-chorus too, I like that this one has lore)
  • Overcompensate(it gets me so hyped, it's just so cool(maybe I need to increase my vocabulary...), it has such a mysterious vibe, the chorus is so hypnotic in typical Twenty One Pilots fashion, I like the sounds so much, Tyler's voice, the brass, the synth, the piano, everything, and the bridge is so cool, just reminds me of how much I love Twenty One Pilots, brass sounds remind me of Gorillaz for some reason, groovy, and I like the name, makes me feel cool and the throwback to Bandito, perfect start for the album, I like the starting speech in different languages makes it more mysterious and kind of shows how much we all are connected, another way to hide a message for fans from different countries to unfold)
  • Navigating(really catchy, I like the vibe in the chorus and them going for a more rock style, really relatable too(me irl 24/7 "navigating through my miiiind") and I like the sounds)
===Great [Enjoy most of the time, almost nr. 1]===
  • A car, a torch, a death(I like the metaphors so much, I interpret as a song anout someone ready to lie in a neon gravestone("I just want to fall out of the car") but remember their loved ones("but I remember I packed your heart, for me to drive away with"), I like the vibe and the effects and the upbeat chorus "and then I saw him, torch in hand...", but it's not in the highest tier, because I like the songs in the highest tier from self-titled more)
  • Taxi Cab(Again, I like the teathatrical vibe(I'm not even sure I spelled that right) and the singing style and this song just sounds so cozy and warm, like returning home(like the chorus says ..), makes one apreciate life, I like the way Tyler tells a story in his rap verses in this one, but compared to some other ST songs this one is a little lower)
  • Johnny Boy(mostly it doesn't stand out really much, but I like the tension and vibe of the bridge so much that this goes into "great" and not just "good", and it's kinda comforting, I like the idea of someone wanting to carry someone's names(probably bullying names) and shame, in a way "everything's gonna be okay, it's not your fault")
  • March to the Sea(I like the stuttering pad sound and the atmospheric sounds in the background)
  • Glowing Eyes(I like the "all we are is night's decor, it reveals what we dream of" part, it's just so harmonic and exciting in a way, and the verses, I like them so much, and it's so catchy, I like the sounds)
  • Lovely(the autotune often put me off but over time I accepted it as a stylistic choice, and I just like the picture it paints in my brain, and the happy synthesator, the lyrics, the piano, has a childhood nostalgic vibe)
  • Kitchen-sink(I love the meaning and the unique sounds, I really like the chorus, it's relatable in a way, "Leave me alooone, go awaaay, leeave me aloone, DON'T LEAVE ME ALOOONE, DON'T LEAVE ME ALOOONE" I think many of us felt this confusion, where we kinda want some attention and warmth, but kinda don't, when we can't decide wether we're really lonely or really withdrawn, the sounds are so nostalgic in the chorus, the emotions in Tyler's voice, angelic, and his brother raps cool,kinda makes me wish there were more songs with him)
  • Semi-automatic(Catchy and the synthesator just fills me with joy, it has that lifeapreciating nostalgic happy vibe, and I like the verses about night, the energy, and how he screams closer to the end "I'M SEMI-AUTOMATIC MY PRAYER'S SCHIZOPHRENUC, BUT I'LL LIVE ON, I'LL LIVE ON YEAH YEAH YEAH", and the part before the second chorus, I used to not like this one, along with Fake You Out, The Run and Go, Car Radi abd Migraine because they used to feel too minimalistic and flat, especially Fake You Out and The Run And Go but over time I started to apreciate them more, but that's mostly why these songs aren't as high as Ode To Sleep or Guns For Hands(except Migraine, because I like the lyrics so much))
  • Fake You Out(I like alien underwater vibes, and the melody and how it has all these different parts, the buildup, the lyrics, the rap, the way he screams "OUR BRAINS ARE SICK, BUT WELL THAT'S OKAY", the rhymes in the rap part and the way synthesator wobbles in this part, I used to not like it less because it didn't have enough layers imo, but now I'm so used to the way the song is I can't imagine what would be if there would be more, hut well, remixes exist for that)
  • The Run And Go(I like the lyrics, how it's all overly happy and the lyrics being about being too ashamed to speak up about one's pain, it's relatable, idk if I really love or really hate the "tududududu" part, I like the quiet part, the "cold night, one-way concersations" one, especially how it transitions into the chorus and I like the end, the way it builds up and he screams "BUT TONIGHT I'LL NEED YOU TO STAAAAY")
  • Stressed Out(like for many, for me this was my first introduction to Twenty One Pilots, I first heard it right in 2015 in my aunt's car radio(and she doesn't even remember this song), I didn't speak English very well back then, but all I got is that it's something about money and nostalgia, so this song is really nostalgic for me, but years later when I rediscovered it I listened to it so many times, it started hitting stronger than before and then not as much,and I still like this, it's so nostalgic, I really like the piano in the verses and before the chorus, the vibe, the "ooh", it just reminds me of good times and just a feel good song, I even cried to it, and it got me interested in the band because I really liked the color scheme of the music video, their drip and the expressions and the contrast, and thought this has to have some lore, all these ø's, and the symbols on his backpack, the color scheme, there must be some story explained in other songs, it has to be something it's not just for nothing" and ohh boy I was right even though not exactly how I imagined(the lore wasn't as blatant))
  • Lane Boy(it has a cool tropical vibe, I really like the second verse, it's rhythm and the synth, the rap(remind me of Gorillaz, idk why everything reminds me of smth, I started listening to Gorillaz actively later than to Twenty One Pilots), I really like the vibe and sounds of the chorus)
  • Heavydirtysoul(I love the atmosphere of the start and verses and the way he raps, it's kinsa creepy, but nostalgic, and the "gangstas don't cry, therefore therefore I'm mr.misty-eyed, mr.misty-eyed, therefore therefore I'm" is so hypnotic and the contrast with this poppy happy chorus and the way he sings in the chorus, aah🤩, the parts where Josh hits his drums hard and the music goes TUN DUN DUN DUN DUUN, and the music video is epic and symbolic, the distorted sounds, the "death inspires me like a dog inspires a rabbit 🕊️(why I can't find the angel emoji)", the atmosphere is something)
  • Doubt(it has those cool hip-hop trap drums, I usually don't like trap, but this song is kinda cool, it's kind of solemn, and sounds like something to breakdance to, cool, I like the atmosphere near the end, the verses, I used to not like the chorus so much, but over time it grew on me)
  • Goner(a cozy sad song to sit on the window sill with cocoa with, while it rains outside, it's atmospheric, has these atmospheric sounds added to the piano, Tyler's voice about to crack from sadness, the build up, the solemness, then the loud part with instruments intensifying and Tyler screaming(kinda cathartic), I love this song)
  • The Judge(sounds so diverse, is so spacy, layered and the meaty bass, and the harmony between ukulele, piano and the bass and something, slight reggae influences after the "I don't know if this song..." part, actually just every part is so cool, the falsetto in the chorus, the vibe, the drums, I would put it higher if it wasn't for the difference of how much I love the songs I put higher, the lyrics, the rapping verse, this song is so diverse, it's a whole adventure, Imy relationship with thus song went from "ok" to "I really like it" to "it's not's ok" to "I love it" and in cycles)
  • Cut My Lip(probably the most reggae song Twenty One Pilots has ever made, I'd say pure reggae, I like it's kind of hypnotic and I like the vibe and it has a summer feel(like all reggae songs do), I like the way he sings in the chorus)
  • Levitate(it has such a cool vibe and Tyler raps so cool in it)
  • Nico and the Niners(the vibe, the unique insteumentation, it makes me feel cool, it has hypnotic qualities and some mystery to it)
  • Morph(I like it, it sounds tropical and the chorus is so hypnotic, I also used to think it wasn't my kind at first, but Twenty One Pilots has that power to exposure therapy you into liking new genres and styles)
  • Neon Gravestones(I really like the message, the lyrics, may not be in the top, because of how the verses kinda sound more like spoken word and not rap and the instrumentation doesn't charm me as much, but the chorus is kinda hypnotic and again I like the meaning, it's very bold, I like the backvocals and background sounds, the part "promise me this, if I lose to myself, you won't mourn a day and move onto someone else" hits in the feels)
  • Shy Away(I like the retro style, the nostalgic vibes, the screaming backvocals in the last chorus, but something always seemed off, like it wasn't defined enough, something in the production, it's just so gentle, I like the bridge, presence of an electric guitar, sounds of some creature screeching or backwards reroll)
  • Mulberry Street(again, my relationship with this song changed over time, from "it's nothing special" to "I really like it" to "nothing special and kinda annoyingly happy" to "I like it again", I like the idea that's throwback to Lane Boy about them going "their way" and that there exists some Mulberry Street in their universe, where rules are different, I really like the bridge, the harmonies make it sound epic, with tension and meaning, and I kinda like the happy vibe)
  • Heathens(this was the second song I heard from them, can't quite tell where I heard it first, I think I heard it in many videos in the background, this just gives me goosebumps, it's so mysterious sounding, I like how ghostly and angelic the chorus sounds with the way he sings, the mysterious melody, and effects, the crispiness, the "watch it!" with the bassdrop, the piano, the way he sings and the verses, the part where some woman voice repeats a part of the chorus before the "watch it" repeats(probably just Tyler's voice masterfully pitched), the atmosphere, everything)
  • Backslide(at first I didn't like it that much, but it grew on me, it just has such a cool fancy hip-hop style with an organ(reminds me of one Gorillaz song from Cracker Island), cool vibe)
  • At the Risk of Feeling Dumb(or fear of feeling dumb I don't remember, the chorus is so catchy and the way the bass comes on after and it sounds like going under water and hypnotic in a way too, and I really like the "used to be you and me" part, so happy, and has some reggae influences too like in good ol' days(with SAI being the only album with no reggae influences at all, but I'm not quite sure about The Outside, maybe it counts), oh and I lile tge way the steel pan(or whatever it is) goes round near the end, it kind of has space to it and is so exciting tun tun tun tuun tun tuuun)
  • Midwest Indigo(kind of reminds me of Gorillaz and Empire of the Sun, this whole album reminds me of certain sonfs from Humanz, and Cracker Island, it's hypnotic, I like the synthesator so much, it has that vibe, the way Tyler sings and how it's all so spacey and catchy, again, to answer the question with many songs on "great" not being on "excellent" - it's just because I like them slightly less compared to the ones I put in "excellent")
===Good [Really fun if just in the right mood]===
  • Oh Ms Believer(I like the flow of the melody, the way Tyler sings, it's a cute song, but not so special compared to other selft-titled songs(even though it's really different from the rest if the album))
  • Addict With A Pen(it has a vibe, for some reason I don't crave to listen to it as much as to other songs, I mean everyone thinks immediately it makes sense, it's kind of sad, but I never cried to it, but it definetely has that sad, nostalgic, lifeapreciating vibe, and I like the rap, and the flow of the piano when he raps, and the sounds that I don't even know how to call or describe, but it's just not the most favorite compared to other songs on self-titled)
  • Slowtown(I like the nostalgic childhood vibes and the synth, but definetely not the highest compared to other RAB songs)
  • House Of Gold(never was my favorite, it's kind of nice to vibe to sometimes, but just doesn't hit as strong as the other songs on Vessel(also, is no one gonna talk about the music video? I mean it's art, but I kinda want to know what it means and symbolises))
  • Car Radio(I have no idea how come I forgot it and didn't put it into the tierlist in the actual picture, I was thinking about it all the time, but it totally would be in this tier, look, even though it's the second most relatable TØP song for me I just don't like the sound as much as other Vessel songs, I know it's going for some kind of lo-fi, it's exactly what the title of the tier says "it's fun if just in the right mood", the synthesator may seem boring and flat and everything may seem just weird and minimalstic and rap bordering with spoken word, but also just in the right mood the weird instrumentation is likeable and the synth building up may be exciting, sometimes lyrics may feel weird(I know when I first heard this song they seemed slightly cringy, but mostly relatable), over time you look at the lyrics and oh that is cool and I since then I really liked them, the whole thing with "thinking is life" and that overwhelming feeling when you think too much and your mind sends you in a spiral and overwhelming anxiety and pending doom, I really like "sometimes quiet is violent" and "oohoooaahooh" and the way he screams "AND NOW I JUST SIT IN SILENCE"(actually now that I rwmemember, this one provably was the first one I heard where he screams, with Polarize second, (unless Ride counts with it's "SO I'M TAKING MY TIME ON MYYY" in the end?), first when I heard it I wasn't sure it was an actual song, it was just so ...different), look this one is a perfect example where it can sound either really bad or really good depending on the mood, it's weird, I can't explain it, I feel like no one else feels this way about this song)
  • Trees(nostalgic vibe, again the synthesator has a childhood vibe, I like the drums reverserepeat effect, the effect on his voice, the buildup, the happy vibes, the bass build up or smth, but I rarely want to listen to it and it just doesn't hit the right spot for me compared to, well, Ode To Sleep)
  • Screen(also has some nostalgic childhood vibe, (for some reason "My Chemical Romance - The Black Parade" intro reminds me of it and it doesn't even start with the same note(why this way because I heard the MCR song later than the TØP song)) I like the vibe, the part with "we're broken, we're broken, we're broken peeooople yeah, we're broken people yeeaaah", but overall I just don't like it as much as other Vessel songs)
  • Tear In My Heart(at first I didn't really like it all, just some poppy song about love, but over time it grew on me, I really like the bass in the verses and the synthesator in the end and the bridge is so calm and casual, feels like walking with a pep in the step, I like the MV showing how he feels insecure with eyes of bywalkers increasing in a funny photoshop way, and oh I like Tyler's voice in this one so much, in the chorus, feels fancy, but I don't have the desire to listen to it that often, but that's good, I guess, because I overlistened to it less, so it hits stronger when I listen to it after a long time)
  • Hometown(it's kinda cozy and has it's own nostalgic vibe, but depending on the mood can be either annoyingly happpy or nostalgic and atmospheric and just in the right spot, really depends, I can't explain why, I like the "ooh" moments and the buildup to the last chorus with videogame like sounds, I really like the backvocals in the end(reminds me of how Linkin Park's New Divide ends with that spacey flanger effect), and look, in just the right mood it can be the best song, many times it just doesn't hit, it's just me, but it does have apretty unique kind of nostalgia, it's own type, it sounds like both a hot sunny summer day and a dark evening with stars in the outskirts with streetlamps and walking by a calm neighborhood, so yeah this one depends on the mood)
  • We Don't Believe What's On TV(It has a really nostalgic vibe, in fact it always sounds familiar, it has a cool trumpet, it's a happy uke song, I don't have the desire to listen to it often, but sometimes I really like it)
  • Bandito(I like the whole part "sahlo folina" and what vomes after it a lot, the whole vibe of the song, but it didn't grow on me immeduately, it's still a cool song, but you need to be in the right mood)
  • The Hype(the same as with Bandito, I also like the part after the bridge where everything collects itself back again, where the ukulele is, it sounds so happy and gives vibes of something regenerating, but again, depends on the vibe and I don't listen to this one as often)
  • My Blood(again, it changed from feeling a little bit annoying to really cool, it has cool bass, video game like synthesator, cool drums, that atmospheric sound at the start, but it's something about the vibe, I think it's hard to explain, maybe I have something with really happy-sounding songs idk)
  • Legend(it has a nostalgic vibe with the organ, and I used to not really like it, but it kinda grew on me, depending in the mood I can realy like the vibe)
  • Formidable(something seems weird about it, it sounds so happy but makes you want to cry at the same time, depending on the moid I can either really like it or really dislike it)
  • Saturday(at start it was among my favorites The Outside, Choker, Mulberry Street, Redecorate and No Chances, then it started to feel like an annoying pop song, then I started liking it again, again, can be such a banger just in the right mood, groovy melody, fun rhythm, funk influences, just reminds me of how diverse this band can be)
  • Level Of Concern(again, kind of has both annoying qualities and enjoyable qualities, it's kind of mostalgic, bouncy, I think it would feel good to hear in a shop on the radio in the summer to shop with a pep in the step, the intro reminds me of some 90's or 80's electronic music my mom listens to, it's not something I would listen to everyday, but there's something to it)
  • Time To Say Goodbye(I like that it kinds of soybds mysterious and the lyrics, oh, the lyrics are heartwrenching, but yeah this one is definetely a mood thing)
  • Next Semester(while I like Twenty One Pilots going with a more pop punk rock style, the lyrics, the idea, the sound in both the energetic and calm parts, but something seems off in the production, I can't quite put my finger on it, it doesn't feel spacey enough, something feels flat idk why)
  • Lavish(I like this song, the fancy vibe, but not as much as other Clancy songs)
  • The Craving(I like experimenting with ballads and the melody of this one and the way Tyler sings, but it's not something I'd listen to as often as to, say, Navigating)
  • Snap Back(I kinda like it, but it's not as special as other Vlancy songs, that's it)
  • Oldies Station(for a certain mood maybe, and not because it's sad, it doesn't sound that sad to me, just calm, the lyrics are a little bit sad with letting go and stuff, I like the lyrics, but thus song just doesn't hit as much as the other ones for me, so it's my least favorite on Clancy)
  • Paladin Strait(I like the melody, the vibe, but I kinda expected more for the last song, it's not as exciting as Goner, but it's interesting, it's not really sad, just calm, I kinda lile the end, but it makes me feel like's something's missing, like that's not supposed to be the end(I think many people feel this though))
===Ok [A little bit interesting sometimes]===
  • Before You Start Your Day(look, it has some comfy, calm vibe to it, especially cool when the piano builds up close 'till the end with some strings or smth, but compared to other self-titled songs it's just so boring, I like the meaning, where he says like you wake up and too tired to hide scars("slits in the face"?) so they just show their true side in the morning, I think it's about morning depression and how you don't want to get out of your bed, I like the meaning, it's relatable, it's , but something's missing)
  • Not Today(I kinda like the bass and sad Tyler's voice in the second verse where he almost cracks his voice, the way the bass drops when he says "but the lyrics are so down", the first verse is so relatable I've felt this, the chorus has some vibe to it, but this one just depends on the mood so much, something in the vibe in the sounds, I can either really like it or not at all, I can't explain this duality, maybe I just have....whatever...most of the time I don't really want to listen to it)
  • Smithereens(I kinda like it, but not a lot)
===Meh [Mostly don't care]===
  • The Pantaloon(there's something interesting in that piano and organ and other sounds, but most times when this song comes on I just don't like it as much, either it's the contrast with other songs or what, (but honestly writing this made me want to relisten to it when it started playing in my head for some reason), it feels weird how he sings so happily about someone's grandpa dying, but I mean, I'm used to it now, it just doesn't scratch the same itch other songs on the albums do)
  • Be Concerned(I kinda like the lyrics, and the synth, but the way it's executed is so boring, the way he says "so be concerned" isn't that catchy, it's kind of the same all the way through and is just kind of watery, also production on it seems worse than on other RAB songs for some reason)
  • Leave the City(look, I know people are gonna want to strangle me for this one, I really want to like the song, because I like the lyrics and the idea and it's the last song on Trench and is so important to the lore and absolutely everyone adores this song, but for me it's just kind of boring, it doesn't get stuck in my head, it's my least favorite of Trench, it doesn't have as strong of atmosphere, I always forget how it sounds like, rarely relisten to it, the wind sounds are kind of nice, campfire, "In time I will leave the city, but for now I will stay alive" and "I'm tired of tending to this fire" are parts I kind of like and it kinda grew on me slightly, but it just doesn't have that vibrance to it, look, I'm probably the only one who feels this way about this song)
  • Bounce Man(idk something always seemed off about this song, it just always sounded out of place for some reason even though it's technically retro style like the rest of the album, it just kind of seems boring compared to other songs, it doesn't have that cool vibe other have and I just don't like it when it comes on, after a long time it did grow on me slightly because I started apreciating the way Tyler's voice in this one sounds and the bird sounds or flute or whatever this is)
Also after looking at the tierlist now it feels wrong that Truce and Goner are on different levels, they're on the same level for me, so both either hsve to ve in "great" or "good".
submitted by MargoxaTheGamerr to TwennyWunPilots [link] [comments]

2024.06.12 01:38 TheBestRed1 The Complete Blueprint Protocol - Updated Easy to Follow Format

The Complete Blueprint Protocol - Updated Easy to Follow Format
Hey guys, so I decided I wanted to try out the Blueprint Protocol for myself and measure my progress. Upon reviewing , Bryan Johnson's YT Channel, Bryan's X account, and numerous podcasts and interviews, I realized there are some inconsistencies between what the official protocol states and what Bryan says or does. As many in this subreddit have pointed out, the official protocol page is long overdue for an update, so this is my attempt at compiling all available information and simplifying in a easy to follow format. I will try to update this as new information about his routine pops up. I hope this can be of use to somebody.
This will be a Before Blueprint Stack Protocol. I might make another one with the Blueprint Stack if needed. Also please let me know if I missed something or if you have any suggestions.
  • Bryan's diet is vegan by choice, not by necessity. He often recommends people adding meat and other animal foods to his diet. This diet is also what worked for him and along with his routine is what got him to a speed of aging slower than 99% of 20 year olds.
  • Bryan uses other therapies apart from this protocol.
Disclaimer: This protocol is provided for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute providing medical advice or professional services. The information provided should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, and those seeking personal medical advice should consult with a licensed physician.

Before Blueprint Stack Protocol:

Morning Routine:
4:30 - 6:00 AM - Wake Up Naturally (no alarms)
- Measure Body Temperature using a Braun Ear Thermometer - (Bryan's Avg Temp: 96°F, Most People Avg Temp: 98.7°F)
Light Exposure using a UV Light at 10,000 LUX - For a few minutes to set Circadian rhythm (helps to "replace" the sun as their usually is very little sunlight in early mornings)
Oral Care: First use a Waterpik, then Floss (Bryan recommends choosing a brand with a more thicker string), then Brush (Bryan recommends an electric toothbrush with soft brissles and a non-fluoride toothpaste. Also recommends waiting 30 minutes after a meal before brushing), then add 2 drops of Tree Oil to your mouth *some people prefer to dilute it with water first, swish, then rinse, then apply Coq10 gel, then use a Tongue Scraper. Bryan also uses a mouthwash but only in situations where he will be in close proximity to other people. If you suffer from bruxism like Bryan does, he strongly recommends using a this device. Visit the Dentist every 6 months.
Skin Care: Apply a Mineral Face Sunscreen (Protocol webpage shows Elta MD *confirmed to be his current sunscreen of choice via X, while his evening routine video shows Cerave AM)
Take 2 pills: 10mg of Heme Iron and 250mg of Vitamin C (I could only find this part of the routine in This YT Video from Sep, 2023 where Bryan notes he was trying to get his Iron levels up) - Might be Temporary
Measure weight, muscle, bone, BMI, fat, visceral fat, water, EDa and Heart Rate (Bryan uses a Withings Body Scale
5 Minute Blue Light Therapy (Bryan uses Celluma Pro) - Might be Experimental
10 Minute Meditation to get ready for the day
Check Air Quality Inside and Outside (Bryan uses Air Visual Pro)
Eye Care (Bryan Uses a iTear 100 for 30 seconds because of his Dry Eye and applies Eye Drops for cataract prevention - an electric toothbrush may work just as well as the iTear 100) - Personal for Bryan
Drink Green Giant: 8 oz of water (240ml) + Spermidine (2 Tbsp Chlorella Powder) + 7.6g Amino Complex + 2.5g Creatine + 20g Collagen Peptides + 500mg Cocoa Flavanols + 1Tbsp Ceylon Cinnamon. (Note: Green Giant was discontinued from the protocol as of 10/23. More of a reorganization of where everything goes. Aminoacids aren't necessary anymore as protein intake is now adequate. Spermidine was added to the morning pills. Cocoa was added to Nutty Pudding. Collagen Peptides can be added to Nutty Pudding as well. And Bryan continues to take Creatine - now included in his Longevity Mix Product.)
RIP Green Giant 10/23
Take about 40 pills/supplements: Acarbose 200 mg (Rx), Ashwagandha 600 m, Astaxanthin 12 m, B Complex .50 pill Mon & Thus (1/2 pill, twice a wk), Boron 2 m, BroccoMax 17.5mg, C 500mg, Ca-AKG 1 gram, Cocoa Flavanols 500 mg, CoQ10 100 mg, D-3 2,000 IU, DHEA 25 mg, E 67 mg, EPA/DHA/DPA 800 mg, Fisetin 200 mg, Garlic 2.4 g equivalent, Garlic 1.2 g (kyolic), Genistein 125 mg, Ginger Root 1.1 g, Glucosamine Sulphate 2KCL 1500 mg, Iodine as potassium iodide 125 mcg, K2-MK4 5 mg, K1 1.5 mg, K2 MK-7 600 mcg, Lithium 1 mg, Lycopene 10 mg, Lysine 1 g, Metformin ER 1,500 mg (Rx), Nicotinamide Riboside 375 mg , N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine (NAC) 1,800 mg , Proferrin 10 mg, Turmeric 1 g, Taurine 2 g, Viviscal (male) (female) 1 pill, Zeaxanthin (20 mg Lutein, 4 mg Zeaxanthin) 3x/wk, Zinc 15 mg
6 Minute Red light Therapy for Hair Growth (Bryan uses a Capillus Pro)
30 Minutes of HRV Therapy for Stress Reduction (Bryan uses a Nurosym) - This is repeated in the evening routine
Work on Lung Capacity (Looks like Bryan uses a MIR Spiro or a Airofit Pro)
Workout Routine (45 - 60 Minutes, Every Day, 20+ Exercises): Workout Routine made for the purpose of slowing speed of aging.
Training for Longevity
  • Zone 1 (88 - 105 bpm): ~1 Hour per Week
  • Zone 2-4 (106 - 159 bpm): ~ 4:30 Hours per Week
  • Zone 5 (159+ bpm): ~ 1:30 - 2 Hours per Week
  • Weight Training
  • Incorporate ATG exercises
  • High VO2 Max
Do Routine (in order): Source *For posture correction exercises Bryan recommends starting off with 2-3 times per week at first and to be really careful *No breaks between exercises (think of it as a circuit) *Bryan also does some Hiking, Basketball and Tennis on weekends
  1. Backwards Sled (as a warmup and for knee health): 3-5 Minutes or 4 Laps (Bryan uses a weight of 95lbs or 45kg)
  2. Levator Scapula Shrug (for posture correction): 1 Set (Bryan uses 20lbs or 9kg)
  3. Suboccipital Stretch (for posture correction): 1 Set
  4. Tricep Extensions: 1 Set/25 reps *Hold for 1sec at the top (Bryan uses 10lbs or 4.5kg)
  5. Face Pulls: 1 Set/15 reps (Bryan uses bands)
  6. Butterfly Pulls: 1 Set/15 reps (Bryan uses bands)
  7. Band Pull Apart: 1 Set/15 reps
  8. External Rotation (for shoulder health): 1 Set/10 reps for each arm
  9. Hamstring Stretch (for flexibility): 1 Set of 30-60 seconds
  10. Back Extensions (for flexibility): 1 Set/25 reps *Focus on flexing the glutes (Bryan uses 45lbs or 20kg)
  11. Obliques (for flexibility): 1 Set/25 reps on each side *Touch knee when coming up
  12. Couch Stretch (for flexibility): Gradually work your way up to 1 Set of 60 seconds per leg *Advanced: lunge forward
  13. Kneeling Shin (for flexibility): 1 Set of 30 seconds
  14. Hip Flexor Stretch (for flexibility): 1 Set of 30 seconds for each side
  15. Leg Raises (core strength): 1 Set/50 reps
  16. Oblique Touches (core strength): 1 Set/50 reps
  17. Reverse Pushups: 1 Set/25 reps
  18. Seated Calf Raises: 3 Sets/25 reps (Bryan uses 90lbs or 40kg)
  19. Poliquin Step Up (ATG exercise): 3 Sets/10 reps on each side (Bryan uses 20lbs or 9kg in one hand)
  20. Slant Board Squats: 3 Sets/10 reps (Bryan uses 20lbs or 9kg on both hands)
  21. Split Squats (ATG exercise): 3 Sets/10 reps for each side (Bryan uses 20lbs or 9kg on both hands)
  22. Nordics: 1 Set/10 reps
  23. Reverse Nordics: 1 Set/10 reps
  24. Tib Raises: 1 Set/25 reps (Bryan uses 25lbs or 11kg)
  25. Isotib Ankle Rotations: 1 Set/25 reps for each leg (Bryan uses 10lbs or 4.5kg)
  26. Pull Ups: 1 Set/15 reps
  27. Chin Ups: 1 Set/15 reps
  28. Bicep Curls: 1 Set/15 reps (Bryan uses a 45lb/20kg bar with 10lbs/4.5kg to each side)
  29. 10 Minute HIIT for VO2 Max (only done on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays): Choose either a bike, elliptical or rowing machine. You can also warm up on one and then do high intensity intervals on another.
7:00 - 8:00 AM (depending on time Bryan wakes up) - First Meal of the Day
Eat Super Veggie: 150 grams cooked Black lentils, 250 grams Broccoli (head+stalk), 150 grams Cauliflower, 50 grams Shiitake or Maitake Mushrooms, 1 clove (a piece) Garlic, 3 grams Ginger Root, 1 Lime, 1 Tbsp Cumin, 1 Tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar, 1 Tbsp Hemp Seeds. After prep: 1 Tbsp of Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Optional: Nusalt *All Organic Ingredients
\"Super Veggie makes me suuper happy\"
How to Prepare Notes: *Boil or steam your chopped ginger and garlic for a few minutes (until soft) BEFORE adding to the plate. Jamie does this in the same pot as the broccoli and cauliflower, which gives the vegetables a nice flavor. *"If you chop your broccoli and cauliflower and let it rest in room temperature open air, then it allows the enzyme in broccoli (myrosinase), which is activated when chopped, to convert more glucoraphanin into sulforaphane, thereby doubling its content! Sulforaphane is the strongest known anti-cancer compound known to us in our food! Same benefits apply for cauliflower" (YT Comment) *"One tip: In Japan, we steam the veggies instead of boiling them to retain as many nutrients as possible." (YT Comment)
8:00 - 9:00 AM (1 Hour after Super Veggie) - Second Meal of the Day
Eat Nutty Pudding: 50-100 mL Macadamia Nut Milk or Almond Milk, 3 Tbsp ground macadamia nuts (20% off), 2 tsp of ground walnuts, 2 Tbsp chia seeds, 1 tsp of ground flaxseed (seed that is ground into flour), 1/4 brazil nut, 6 grams of cocoa powder, 1 tsp sunflower lecithin, 1/2 tsp ceylon cinnamon, 1/2 cup blueberries, raspberries or strawberries (your choice), 3 cherries, 2 oz pomegranate juice. *Bryan supposedly consumes 1 Tbsp of EVOO with every meal, so he might be adding it to the nutty pudding mix or taking it directly, before consuming nutty pudding.
\"The saddest moment of my day is the last bite of nutty pudding\"
How to Prepare *video forgot to include cocoa powder in recipe
10:00 - finish by 11:00 AM (~ 2 Hours after Nutty Pudding) - Third Meal of the Day
Eat 3rd Meal: For this 3rd Meal, Bryan presents various options that vary and consist of mostly vegetables, nuts, seeds, berries and Extra Virgin Olive Oil. You can change these each day. See here.
Stuffed Sweet Potato
Take these pills/supplements: Acarbose 200 mg (Rx), BroccoMax 17.5mg, Ca-AKG 1 G, Cocoa Flavanols 500 mg, Garlic 2.4 g equivalent, Garlic 1.2 g (kyolic), Glucosamine Sulphate 2KCL 1,500 mg, Hyaluronic Acid 300 mg, L-Lysine 1g, L-Tyrosine 500 mg, Metformin ER 500 mg (Rx), N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine (NAC) 1,800 mg, NR 375 mg OR NMN 500 mg, Taurine 1 g, Turmeric 1 g, Viviscal (men) (women) 1 pill
*Bryan also takes the following: Rapamycin (Rx) wk 1: 13 mg wk 2: 9 mg wk 3: 13 mg wk 4: 9 mg, 17α-E2, 8 mg wk transdermal, B12 methylcobalamin 1x/wk. Although it is not properly specified at which time during the day.
*A note on EVOO (Extra Virgin Olive Oil) which Bryan takes 3 Tbsp (1 with each meal) daily: These are the criteria Bryan's team suggest when buying EVOO:
\"Better than resveratrol, NR, cold plunge, sauna and your favorite podcast\"
  1. Cold pressed
  2. High polyphenol count (over 400 mg/kg)
  • Blueprint EVOO has 523.4 mg/kg total biophenols (HPLC)
  1. High Oleic acid count (over 67%) • Blueprint EVOO (May Harvest 2023) has 72.26% oleic acid
  2. Harvest Date • Where possible, try to find EVOO with a recent harvest date. This lets you know when the olives were picked. • The fresher the olives, the more nutrients they’ll have.
  3. UV protectant bottle
  4. Third-Party Tested • Every single batch of oil needs to be quality tested by a trustworthy third party, so you know that it is what it says on the bottle.
*A note on Green Tea/Coffee: Bryan has previously stated, in particular in this video, that he takes up to 5 cups of Green Tea per day. A closer look at his pantry reveal in this video, reveals he takes Yogi's Green Tea Super Antioxidant. In this video, he states he doesn't drink coffee, instead drinks a few cups of green tea per day, totalling 60mg of caffeine per day, which would amount to 4 Tea Bags of Yogi's Green Tea. Keep in mind, these are somewhat older videos, and recently there has not been any talk about Green Tea from Bryan nor in the offical protocol website. We do know, that Bryan doesnt like drinking coffee, as sleep is his coffee.
*A note on fasting and calories: Bryan does 18/6 intermittent fasting, meaning he fasts for 18 hours and only eats in a 6 hour time frame. He has stated that the science of fasting is "not there yet", but he found that when he finishes eating ~8-10 hours prior to sleeping, he gets his best sleep. So the reasoning behind his short very early eating window is mostly for sleep quality. Bryan's total daily calories amounts to ~2,250, which aproximates to a 10% Caloric Restriction. Essentially he is burning more than he consumes. This is NOT ideal for building or sustaining muscle and lowers testosterone, so he has mentioned he supplements testosterone with patches to stay in the normal levels.
Afternoon Routine:
12:00 - 6:00 PM - Work, Treatments, Travel Time
*Not much is shown about Bryan's Afternoon routine. We know he mostly travels to work outside of home, (except for when outdoor air quality is very low), is constantly thinking about keeping excellent posture, some days gets new treatments, on weekends enjoys hiking and other activities with his son and friends, and tries to minimize sun exposure.
Stop drinking liquids by 1PM
Evening Routine:
6:30 PM - Arrive Home
Switch shoes: Bryan has outdoor shoes and indoor shoes for hygiene.
Take Thyroid Medicine: 112 mcg Levothyroxine, 60 mg Armour Thyroid (Bryan was diagnosed with hypothyroidism at age 21). - Personal for Bryan
Take Aspirin: 81 mg 3x wk
30 Minutes of HRV Therapy for Stress Reduction (Bryan uses a Nurosym)
Theta Waves for HRV Therapy and Improved Sleep (Bryan uses this Free Youtube Video and puts it on speaker) - Experimental, showes promising short-term results in sleep quality
Eye Care (Bryan uses a iTear 100 for 30 seconds because of his Dry Eye) - Personal for Bryan
60 minutes of Audio Cardio for ear health: stimulation within 4,000Hertz and 12,000Hertz (Bryan uses Skullcandy Headphones without Noise Cancellation) - Experimental, not yet proven
Work on Lung Capacity (Looks like Bryan uses a MIR Spiro or a Airofit Pro)
Skin Care: Apply Facial Cleanser and then Moisturizer (Protocal webpage shows he uses Vanicream Cleanser and Moisturizer, but in his evening routine video he shows Cerave Cleanser and Cerave PM Moisturizer). Then apply a Peptide Serum (couldn't find the exact brand/product). Also apply Tretinoin .1% (couldn't find exact brand). *Bryan does a lot of interventions for his skin, primarily involving lasers, these are what make most of the difference in his skin.
Oral Care: First use a Waterpik, then Floss (Bryan recommends choosing a brand with a more thicker string), then Brush (Bryan recommends an electric toothbrush with soft brissles and a non-fluoride toothpaste. Also recommends waiting 30 minutes after a meal before brushing), then add 2 drops of Tree Oil to your mouth *some people prefer to dilute it with water first, swish, then rinse, then apply Coq10 gel, then use a Tongue Scraper. Bryan also uses a mouthwash but only in situations where he will be in close proximity to other people. If you suffer from bruxism like Bryan does, he strongly recommends using a this device. Visit the Dentist every 6 months. Video Demonstration
*Bryan applies a Hair concoction to reverse gray hair and a Testosterone patch of 2ml
7:00PM - Wind Down Period (get into sleep mode)
*Bryan likes to hang out with son, read, talk, etc.
*Avoid screens or anything that gets you stressed. Avoid alcohol and stimulants. Avoid Blue Light (use blue light blocking glasses and Blue Light Blocking features on devices if you are looking at screens).
Take 300 mcg Melatonin (no liquid)
10 Minutes of Pulsetto or Sensate to relieve stress before going to bed
8:30 PM (non-negotiable) - Sleep
\"Sleep deprivation makes hard things feel impossible. High quality sleep makes seemingly impossible things doable.\"
Sleep environment: Blacked out room, Very quiet, Room Temperature not too hot or too cold, Bed Temperature controlled bed using 8Sleep (Bryan has it set at 71° - 73° F, for deep and rem sleep), grounded sheets, ergonomic pillow (Bryan uses a ZAMAT Memory Foam, 2 air filters. No work or other activities done in the sleep room. Consider sleeping alone. Use a sleep tracking device to gather data (Bryan uses a Whoop).
Sleep position: side sleeping to improve blood flow to brain, ergonomic pillow for head, pillow between knees.
Sleep time: 8 - 8:30 Hours
End of Protocol
submitted by TheBestRed1 to blueprint_ [link] [comments]

2024.06.12 01:18 girlyanimefan Constantly losing dryer balls

Sorry if this is not the right place for this; I couldn’t think of a better sub. In my quest to be more earth-friendly, I made the switch from dryer sheets to dryer balls, adding essential oils to them to replicate the nice smells I get from dryer sheets. Problem is, they are ALWAYS DISAPPEARING. It’s becoming maddening. I started out with 10 six months ago, I’m down to 4, having lost one just now when dryer the comforters. I’ve looked everywhere and I just don’t think I can continue hunting down dryer balls and replacing them every few months. I want to know if anyone has any tips for making sure dryer balls stay in the laundry room. I know for a fact I’m able to find ones that end up tangled in clothes, but for the ones that are seemingly just gone, I’m at a lost. My dryer sits on top of the washer so there is a small chance the ones that disappear could be going in the small crevice behind them, but there would be no way to reach them without taking both units out, which would just be a waste of time and energy. Any tips are appreciated.
TLDR: how do I keep from losing all my dryer balls?
submitted by girlyanimefan to laundry [link] [comments]

2024.06.12 00:57 airwatertea Real or fake crystal char?

Real or fake crystal char?
What do you guys think? Haven’t seen it In person but these are the images from the listing
submitted by airwatertea to pkmntcgcollections [link] [comments]

2024.06.12 00:51 ArmKooky The Darkest Hues

Chapter One: Echoes of the Past
The rhythmic dance of Wolfeius's brush upon the canvas mirrored the incantations of a sorcerer weaving spells. Moonlight filtered through the stained glass window behind him, casting his ghostly form in silver hues, creating an eerie ambiance in his studio. With every stroke, his dark brown eyes, set deep in their hollow sockets, flickered with intensity, as if channeling ancient mysteries onto the canvas. His long brown hair, cascading over tattered robes, seemed to whisper secrets lost to time.
In the silence of his studio, interrupted only by the tap-tap of his brush against the easel, Wolfeius's mind swirled with memories of a past steeped in darkness. The plague had ravaged his world, stealing away everything he held dear. The warmth of his family's embrace had faded, leaving behind only echoes that haunted his every waking moment.
Halting his brush mid-stroke, Wolfeius sighed heavily, his weary gaze fixed upon the unfinished masterpiece before him. Tonight, like so many nights before, the specters of the past clawed at the edges of his consciousness, refusing to be ignored.
Leaving the canvas behind, Wolfeius rose from his chair, its aged wood groaning in protest. He approached the window, its stained glass depicting scenes of life and vitality that now seemed like distant memories. His fingers traced the contours of the glass, cold and lifeless, mirroring the emptiness within him.
Turning away from the window, Wolfeius's eyes fell upon a small table littered with vials and potions, remnants of his futile attempts to drown his sorrows. Among them, a vial filled with a viscous, dark liquid caught his gaze, its contents swirling like shadows dancing in the night.
For a moment, he considered succumbing to the allure of oblivion, to let the elixir whisk him away from his torment. But a spark of resilience, buried deep within his soul, stayed his hand. With a heavy heart, he set the vial aside, its dark contents a grim reminder of the darkness that threatened to consume him.
Returning to his easel, Wolfeius dipped his brush into a palette of spectral colors, each hue tinged with the memories of those he had lost. As the canvas beckoned, he surrendered himself to the creative trance, each stroke bringing to life the faces of his family, their laughter and warmth immortalized in paint.
As the night deepened, a dense fog crept through the village, shrouding it in an eerie cloak. Wolfeius emerged from his studio, the weight of his grief heavy upon his shoulders. The moon, a silent witness to his solitude, cast long shadows upon the path ahead, whispering secrets lost to the night.
Chapter Two: The Abyss Within
The night draped over Wolfeius's modest dwelling like a heavy cloak, thickening the air with an unsettling stillness as he retired to his bed. Shadows, cast by the flickering candle on his nightstand, wove a sinister ballet along the walls, as if rehearsing for a performance of nightmares. The day's unsettling memories lingered, haunting his waking hours and now seeping into his dreams.
In the realm of slumber, Wolfeius found himself navigating a labyrinth of decaying stone archways and twisted alleys. Ethereal wisps of fog clung to the air, distorting the shapes of towering structures around him. A haunting melody echoed, luring him deeper into the spectral maze, while the echoes of distant footsteps drummed in the oppressive silence.
Glyphs etched into the stone pulsed with an otherworldly energy, casting an unsettling glow that illuminated Wolfeius's path. The air grew colder, laden with the weight of unseen eyes that bore into his soul, sending shivers down his spine.
In a chamber bathed in ethereal light, an ornate mirror stood, its surface reflecting distorted images of Wolfeius's tormented soul. A force beckoned him forward, and as he approached, his reflection twisted into a grotesque caricature. Suddenly, the reflection thrust its skeletal hand through the mirror, shattering it into a thousand fragments that scattered like fallen stars.
Claw-like fingers closed around Wolfeius's throat, squeezing violently as pain seared through his body. Gasping for breath, he felt the nightmare become suffocatingly real as his reflection whispered, "The shadows... they hunger."
The phantom dragged him into the shattered mirror, plunging him into a surreal world where nature twisted according to an unseen malevolence. Rotten flesh and decaying bones reached for a sky aglow with blood-red galaxies, while otherworldly creatures whispered incomprehensible chants.
A towering behemoth, an amalgamation of writhing appendages and mottled flesh, emerged from the landscape, its eyes burning with malevolent intent. Wolfeius, paralyzed with fear, felt its tendrils wrap around him, dragging him closer to its gaping maw.
With a guttural roar, the creature devoured him, and Wolfeius awoke, drenched in sweat, the nightmare's echo lingering in the air like a haunting melody.
Gripped by fear, Wolfeius clutched his chest, feeling the rapid beat of his heart. Whispers of cold air slithered across the chamber, carrying an unsettling chill that clawed at his skin.
Armed with a lantern, he ventured into the shadows, the feeble light casting disturbing patterns on the walls. Grotesque whispers filled the air as he explored, his unease growing with each step.
In the hallway, he found the family portraits distorted, their faces twisted into grotesque sneers. The atmosphere seemed to conspire against him, the lantern's flame flickering erratically.
Realizing a sinister entity had taken residence in his home, Wolfeius stepped out into the night, a resolute determination guiding him forward, into the unknown.
Chapter Three: The Cathedral of Wither
The moon hung low in the sky, casting a feeble light over the desolate countryside as Wolfeius navigated the maze of twisting alleys. The silence was eerie, broken only by the creaking of old wood and the distant howls of unknown beasts. Ahead, the Cathedral of Wither loomed, bathed in an eerie, dim light that seemed to seep from the very stones.
As Wolfeius approached, two paladins in black plate armor emblazoned with the insignia of Wither halted him at the entryway. Their eyes bore into him with a chilling intensity, sending a shiver down his spine.
"You. What business do you have in the Cathedral of Wither?" one of them demanded, his voice echoing through the night.
Wolfeius, undeterred, met their gaze with steely resolve. "My name is Wolfeius. I seek an exorcist. My home is plagued by shadows, and I've turned to the followers of Wither for help," he explained.
The paladins exchanged glances, their skepticism evident. "Exorcisms are not granted lightly. What proof do you have of your plight?" one of them demanded.
Without hesitation, Wolfeius recounted the nightmares, the shifting paintings, and the oppressive whispers that plagued his home. After a moment of silent deliberation, the taller paladin spoke again. "Follow us. Archdeacon Gregory will hear your plea."
Inside the cathedral, Wolfeius was struck by its grandeur. Lofty pillars stretched towards the vaulted ceiling, and shadows danced over the weathered floor illuminated by flickering candles. At the heart of the cathedral, seated on a throne adorned with skeletal motifs, was Archdeacon Gregory, draped in dark ceremonial robes.
"Why do you seek the aid of Wither?" Archdeacon Gregory's voice echoed through the cathedral like a haunting hymn.
Wolfeius recounted his harrowing experiences—the nightmares, the shifting paintings, the oppressive whispers. As he spoke, Archdeacon Gregory listened in silence, his piercing gaze fixed upon Wolfeius.
When the tale reached its conclusion, Archdeacon Gregory raised a bony hand, silencing the chamber. "Your request for an exorcism shall be granted, but the favor of Wither comes at a cost. Before I cleanse your home, you must take part in a sacrificial ritual to appease the god of Extermination."
Wolfeius hesitated, a sense of unease settling in his chest. "What kind of sacrifice do you require?" he inquired.
"You shall offer your blood to Wither. Only through sacrifice can the god of Death be compelled to intervene in the realm of the living," Archdeacon Gregory explained.
Reluctantly, Wolfeius agreed to the terms. The paladins guided him to the altar, where the ritual would unfold. The air in the chamber thickened with tension as the hooded priest began chanting ancient hymns that echoed through the cathedral's stone walls.
The ceremonial knife brushed against Wolfeius's flesh as the rite proceeded, spilling blood onto the sacrifice altar. A disturbing tune, a symphony of voices from the underworld, resounded throughout the room.
As the ritual reached its climax, the shadows seemed to recoil, fleeing like specters banished by the first light of dawn. Archdeacon Gregory, exhausted but triumphant, turned to Wolfeius.
"The cleansing is complete. Your home is free from the grasp of the shadows, but remember, the balance between realms is delicate. Be wary of the echoes that linger," he cautioned.
As Archdeacon Gregory departed, Wolfeius felt a newfound sense of solace. The haunting memories still lingered, but the shadows that had plagued him were vanquished, at least for now.
Returning to his village, Wolfeius led Archdeacon Gregory to his house, where the malevolence had taken root. The shadows seemed to retreat in the presence of the priest, as if recognizing the divine authority that accompanied him.
As Archdeacon Gregory recited incantations that echoed through the rooms, the shadows recoiled, dissipating under the weight of Wither's divine presence. Wolfeius watched, a mix of awe and trepidation in his eyes.
The village outside, once desolate and filled with shadows, now seemed to awaken to a new dawn. The air was infused with the promise of a fresh start, and the remnants of Wolfeius's once-vibrant community hinted at the possibility of rebuilding.
With a sigh of gratitude, Wolfeius picked up his brush once more. The canvas before him, once abandoned in despair, now beckoned him to continue the dance of creation. As the brush glided over the canvas, Wolfeius painted with a renewed vigor. The faces of his family emerged once again, not as haunting memories, but as beacons of resilience and love.
As he sat amidst the restored art, Wolfeius felt a newfound purpose stirring within him. The exorcism had not only cleansed his home but had also ignited a spark of determination to face the challenges that lay ahead. The demons of his past would never really leave him, but he bore their weight with the fortitude he had gained by facing the shadows.
submitted by ArmKooky to creativewriting [link] [comments]

2024.06.12 00:48 Away_She_Went Update 5: Palette Monogamy Woes

Update 4 April
Happy end of May and middle of hot June! I've delayed this post for almost two weeks because I've been lacking writing motivation but I've finally felt an urge today haha.
Monthly January - Mini mania - Targeting all my samples and using as many as possible! February - Fancy Feb - Using anything I consider "luxurious" or things I "save" March - You say you like red? - Red lipstick 5x this month, at least 3 different products April - Once lusted after - TTPD release month inspired challenge! Rediscovering heavily researched for and yearned for products that my love for has died down on May - Single palette focus: Naked Basics 2 June - Break month Q1 goal - Q1 goal - Try every moisturizer in my collection + pan one of them Incomplete Q2 goal - Mask once a week! Finish 15 sheet masks In progress 3/15 (+3) Year end goals 1. End the year with 330 products or better 2. Reduce skincare products to <6 of each type (excluding lipbalm) 3. Pan one lip item (excluding lipbalm) 3a.(Stretch) Try every lip product at least once 
Monthly Update
The one thing I've learned from using my all matte, all neutral Naked Basics 2 palette is that I always need a shimmer or a sparkle to compensate for my lack of eyeshadow skill. Despite this being the focus palette I never felt satisfied with an all matte look (prob because I can't blend well lol). I remember when this palette came out years and years and years ago I was all about matte even though I had no eyeshadow brushes and no interest in wearing that's kinda weird thinking about it now.
I still found ways to use it though! The lightest shade works as a undereye powder in a pinch. The midtone shades are still usable when I want a single wash of color on low effort makeup days. The darkest surprisingly works well as a brow powder if I'm light handed with it. I don't looooove this palette but it still has it's function (in addition to me not wanting to declutter it 😅). I did enjoy a single palette focus and I want to do it with some older palettes I haven't used in a while.
Quarter Update
Not too much to report other than I'm still masking once a week! I'm 9/15 (+3) from last month so it's holding steady.
Also not sure why I chose 15 as the goal because....shouldn't it be 12 lol
Year End Update
My favorite portion of the update -- this table!!! /s
Category Q1 End April May
Cleanser 5 6 5
Cleansing Balm 2 2 2
Cleansing Oil 1 1 1
Cream 3 3 3
Essence 1 1 1
Eye Cream 3 3 2
Face Oil 1 1 1
Lipbalm 17 17 17
Masks 5 5 5
Moisturizer 15 15 16
Ointment 5 5 5
Serum 7 6 6
Spray 1 1 1
Sunscreen 9 9 9
Toner 6 7 6
Treatment 9 9 9
Finally got my toners at 6 or better! Total collection sitting at 362 (-6) from last month....but I was at 362 in March so I guess I'm just back to making more progress again 😅
Lip product usage. I've tried 34/75 (+8) items in my lip item category! I did manage to find another lipstick unaccounted for and I bought another gloss recently...........but almost I'm almost halfway!
I feel like I'm making good progress so far and I have high hopes for these upcoming summer months :). June I'll be taking a break from my monthly project so I can use everything more freely and come back with an idea for something in July.
This is my second time writing this post because the first round Reddit drafts told me to kick rocks and only posted my table lmao. Really putting my motivation to the test today, but I made it through another iteration of the same post! Thanks for reading, see you all in another few weeks ~
submitted by Away_She_Went to MakeupRehab [link] [comments]

2024.06.12 00:26 halfdeafdoe My ‘time’ in special ed warped and damaged how I view/viewed the world and other people. 10+ years and the damage is still extensive and affects everyday life. I regret it all, hindsight is 20/20.

I’ll admit that I wanted revenge at some point, then vengeance and justice for what happened not just for me but my sibling/best friend, they deserved so much better.
But I can’t do anything about it now, it’s not up to me to ultimately judge them, we will all be judged ultimately, but that’s out of my hands as a person and I won’t make myself a monster or waste my time and energy at trying to ‘get back’ at anyone now.
But I, as this sub is called, just needed to ‘get this off of my chest’. I can’t let this keep on rattling around in my head anymore, so I’m on a throwaway and spilling my anonymous beans. I need this out of my system, not bottled up inside or forced down.
Thanks for the space. And release.
submitted by halfdeafdoe to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.12 00:21 Heavy-Ostrich-7781 Wouldn't it make sense if Twelve's regeneration energy healed Davros?

I get this won't happen. RTD said whenever Davros shows up again he'll just be his uninjured Kaled form and it doesn't appear they'll adress it.
But to me saying over time the energy he did absorb from 12 healed him and returned his form makes logical sense. So after 12 and Clara escaped the city and Skaro, Davros body then started heal.
This also showcases Davros is a monster whether he is physically disabled or physically fit and being in a chair had nothing to do with him being bad, rather than just nudging it to the side.
submitted by Heavy-Ostrich-7781 to gallifrey [link] [comments]