Cash flow projection template mac


2009.09.24 06:58 the360 Spice

"Spice is a social mechanism that allows you to say to another human being, “Hey… I like your stuff, your content fulfills me in some way.” - Spicetoshi

2024.05.21 21:21 Adlubescence Alternative Keyboard Layouts & Standardized Hz

Background: I am working on a project to make some open source templates for physical keyboard layouts that are non isomorphic and non chromatic. I come from a background of woodwinds to string instruments to piano, and have found that internalizing and learning new geometry and shapes when performing music to be extremely helpful to conceptualize and understand harmony, melody, and many other aspects of music.
My question is, if I am building a base instrument that is not able to be “tuned”, what would be the best starting point to standardize the Hz values programmed to each note? I am starting with 31-EDO and 17-EDO for the following reason: it’s arbitrary and I want to. I’m hoping that if I can’t pick a “standardized” Hz value for say, 31-EDO C0, I can at least arbitrarily pick one that makes the least amount of people go, “what is wrong with you?” My gut reaction is to pick A4 440 Hz, and to just go from there calculating cents and ratios for C0-C10 in various EDO’s and calling it a day. Feel like that is the least offensive option for what’s ultimately just personal preference, and easy enough to have a spreadsheet tool where you can plop in your favorite A4 value to calculate your preferred note range if you’re customizing your own.
submitted by Adlubescence to microtonal [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:20 so_sick_of_flowers I feel like everything is collapsing around me

This is mainly a vent post. So sorry if I ramble.
I feel like everything in my life is falling apart around me and I don’t know what to do anymore. I’m severely struggling with a sudden onset of gender dysphoria, relationship issues, financial struggles, and just general depression & anxiety.
I can’t even see myself in the mirror anymore. It’s like looking at a ghost. I’m repulsed by my own existence. I can’t eat. I can’t sleep. I can’t focus. I can’t stop crying.
I keep running into my ex randomly in public even though we live like 30 mins apart. Everytime I see her I freeze and have to leave wherever I am immediately. I’ve been avoiding going anywhere alone anymore because I don’t want her to see me. She’s thriving & in a happy relationship while I’m suffering and have made no progress. It’s been 2 years. Why can’t I get over her?
My job is okay, but it doesn’t pay enough. I can’t move out of my parents house without some miracle windfall of cash. My student loan debt is crushing me. One bad day and I’ll lose all of my miniscule amount of savings.
I have no one to talk to but my therapist. And that’s only for about an hour a week. My “friends” would never understand what I’m going through. They’re all transphobic assholes. My mother hates trans people too. So I can’t talk to her. I’ve been turning to Reddit and fucking AI chat bots because I’m so alone.
The only thing that brings me peace anymore is smoking weed. At least that stops the thoughts for a moment.
I can’t enjoy music anymore. It was my only passion. Everything is meaningless and empty. I feel like a freak of nature. Feeling everyone’s eyes on me. They think they see me but they don’t. They see a carefully constructed lie. A simulacrum intended to project a happy go-lucky guy who loves life. But I’m empty inside. I feel like a machine going through the motions because that’s what I’ve been programmed to do.
I don’t want to do this anymore. I’m seeing my therapist again tomorrow. If they can’t help me I’m officially done. I’m not meant to exist in this world. I would feel sorry for the people who’d miss me, but no one will miss me. They will miss the person I let them all believe I was. But nobody knew me. So nobody will miss me. No one will mourn me. They will mourn him.
submitted by so_sick_of_flowers to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:19 Linus-M I studied Lynch and value investing for 48 hours and came up with this method - please tear it apart
I've bought 7 stocks so far for my coffee can approach based on this method and plan to do more when I get more cash (currently exiting some funds). Would love to see any criticism
submitted by Linus-M to ValueInvesting [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:18 jamieleecurtits12345 Help with Modeling

I work for an Apartment owner and operator. I was tasked with compiling all of the company loans together and showing debt cash flows for each month over the next few years so the conpany can anticipate the increase in debt service taking into account adjustment dates, potential refinances and increases in mortgage rates. We are penciling around 6.6% debt for future refinances. Any ideas on how I can do this and make it look nice. It is a portoflio of around 75 loans all with adjustment dates (so we would probably refi) within the next four years
submitted by jamieleecurtits12345 to financialmodelling [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:11 Preludeyourmom Someone with extensive knowledge help me. (VA loan)

I'm expecting VA disability in the next few months and trying to figure out to increase my income via real estate. I have enough wrong with me to be 100% p&t, ideally the VA sees it that way also.
Anyways, my plan once I do get rated and get my back pay is to get into multifamily (2-4) since that's what the VA/FHA allows. And to live in one unit for a year or so to satisfy the primary residence requirement. In a new 2 unit, I wouldn't be cash flowing while I live there. If I calculate the property with two renters I can make it work. However, to scale and grow, a bank would only take 75% of that income towards a new property. Being on a fixed income, that's a big problem. Or at least I don't see any way around that in order to purchase my next property. Help me understand?
submitted by Preludeyourmom to RealEstate [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:10 dacianfalx42 The Arcanum Technomagica

Arcanum Technomagica: An Academy of Magical Innovation

Founding Vision

Arcanum Technomagica was founded by Archmage Seraphina Luminar, a visionary mage who believed that the fusion of magic and technology could create a utopian world. Her vision was to harness the boundless potential of magic to inspire technological advancements that protect and nurture the Earth.

Academy Overview

Location: Nestled in the heart of an ancient forest, hidden from non-magical eyes by powerful enchantments, yet powered by the latest green technologies. Motto: "Innovate to Illuminate, Harmonize to Thrive."

Houses of Arcanum Technomagica

Each house is dedicated to a specific aspect of magical technology and has unique admission rituals inspired by their focus areas.

1. House Lumina

2. House Verdantis

3. House Aeris

4. House Ignis

5. House Aquarion

6. House Terraforge

7. House Etheria

Curriculum and Specializations

Core Subjects: - Magical Theory and Application - Elemental Manipulation - Technomancy: The Fusion of Magic and Technology - Sustainable Practices and Ecological Magic - Advanced Spellcasting and Enchantment
Special Programs: - Renewable Energy Solutions - Climate Control and Weather Modification - Biomimicry and Bioengineering - Advanced Materials and Energy Storage - Interdimensional Research and Travel

Facilities and Resources

Library of Arcane Knowledge: A vast collection of magical tomes, technological blueprints, and enchanted manuscripts. Elemental Labs: Specialized labs for each elemental focus, equipped with the latest magical and technological tools. The Harmonium: A central hub where students from all houses collaborate on interdisciplinary projects. The Aetherium: A state-of-the-art observatory and research center for astromancy and etheric studies. The Verdant Sanctuary: A greenhouse and botanical garden for research and experimentation with bio-arcane technologies.

Community and Extracurricular Activities

Magical Innovation Fair: An annual event where students showcase their projects and inventions. Eco-Warriors Club: A group dedicated to environmental conservation and magical sustainability projects. Flight and Levitation Club: For those interested in aerial magic and transportation technologies. Water Guardians: Focused on water conservation and aquatic ecosystem protection. Elemental Sports: Competitive games and challenges that test students' control and mastery over the elements.
By integrating the marvels of magic with the advancements of technology, Arcanum Technomagica stands as a beacon of innovation, inspiring the next generation to create a harmonious and sustainable future for the planet Earth.
submitted by dacianfalx42 to MagesGuild [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:09 Snushy_101 Freshcaller API Guide: Explore Development

Freshcaller API Guide: Explore Development
Did you know that integrating the Freshcaller API can boost customer satisfaction by 20% through integrations? Leveraging the power of this API opens up a world of possibilities for enhancing your customer support experience for developers and customers. With seamless integration capabilities, real-time data access, and enhanced automation features, Freshcaller API, with freshid for developers at the account level, is a game-changer in the realm of customer service solutions. Stay ahead of the competition and revolutionize your customer support operations with the Freshcaller API today.
Useful Links:
  1. Freshcaller LifeTime Deal
  2. Freshcaller Free Trial

Key Takeaways

  • Utilize Freshcaller API with freshid: Take advantage of the Freshcaller API to enhance your call management processes, use freshid, and improve customer interactions.
  • Handle Errors Effectively: Understand the error handling and responses in the Freshcaller API to troubleshoot issues efficiently and ensure smooth operations.
  • Leverage Key Endpoints: Familiarize yourself with the key endpoints and objects in the Freshcaller API to streamline call management and access essential data.
  • Optimize Call Management: Implement strategies for managing calls and metrics using Freshcaller API to track performance and enhance customer experience.
  • Enhance User and Team Collaboration: Encourage user and team interactions through the Freshcaller API to boost productivity and teamwork in handling calls effectively.
  • Stay Updated and Engaged: Regularly check for updates and engage with the Freshcaller API community to stay informed about new features and best practices.

Understanding Freshcaller API

Key Features

Freshcaller API offers seamless integration with various platforms, enabling customization and automation of call processes.
With the API, businesses can retrieve call recordings, track call metrics, and manage call queues efficiently.

Integration Capabilities

Freshcaller API supports integration with popular tools like Salesforce, Zendesk, and HubSpot, enhancing customer relationship management.
Businesses can leverage the API to create personalized customer experiences, leading to increased satisfaction and loyalty.

Security Measures

Freshcaller API prioritizes data security by offering secure authentication protocols and encrypted communication channels.
The API ensures compliance with industry standards, such as GDPR, to safeguard sensitive customer information.
Start your journey to superior customer service today with Freshcaller's free trial! 📞✨

Error Handling and Responses

Handling Errors

Freshcaller API provides detailed error messages to assist developers in troubleshooting issues efficiently. When an error occurs, the API returns an HTTP status code along with a descriptive error message. This feature streamlines the debugging process for developers.

Response Structure

The responses from Freshcaller API follow a structured format, typically in JSON or XML. This ensures that developers can easily parse and extract relevant information from the responses with access. The structured response format enhances the overall developer experience.

Retry Mechanism

In cases where an API request fails due to temporary issues such as network connectivity problems, Freshcaller API supports a retry mechanism. Developers can implement retry logic in their applications to resend failed requests, thereby improving the reliability of their integrations.

Key Endpoints and Objects

API Endpoints

The freshcaller API provides various endpoints for seamless integration. Users can access and interact with endpoints like /calls, /agents, and /numbers.

Objects in the API

Objects in the freshcaller API include Call, Agent, and Number. These objects hold essential data for call management and agent operations, providing access.

Key Features

  • Call Object: Contains details such as call duration, caller ID, and call status.
  • Agent Object: Includes information like agent availability, status, and assigned number.
  • Number Object: Stores data related to phone numbers, such as country code, type, and availability.

Benefits of Using Objects

  1. Efficient Data Handling: Objects help organize information systematically.
  2. Streamlined Operations: Accessing specific object properties simplifies tasks.
  3. Enhanced Customization: Users can tailor settings based on object attributes.
Useful Links:
  1. Freshcaller LifeTime Deal
  2. Freshcaller Free Trial

Integration Possibilities

Integrating the freshcaller API with CRM systems enables automatic call logging. Linking it with helpdesk software streamlines ticket creation based on call data.

Managing Calls and Metrics

Call Handling

Freshcaller API offers robust features for managing calls efficiently. Users can access, initiate, receive, and end calls programmatically through the API. By utilizing endpoints such as /calls and /agents, developers can seamlessly integrate call handling functionalities into their applications.
The API provides real-time call status updates, enabling users to monitor ongoing calls dynamically. This feature enhances call management by offering insights into call durations, timestamps, and agent availability. Developers can customize call flows based on specific metrics like call volume or agent performance.

Performance Tracking

Developers can leverage the metrics exposed by the Freshcaller API to track various aspects of call performance. By accessing endpoints like /analytics and /reports, users can retrieve data on call volume, average wait times, and call resolution rates. These metrics empower organizations to analyze trends, identify bottlenecks, and optimize their call center operations effectively.
  • Efficiently manage incoming and outgoing calls
  • Real-time monitoring of call activities
  • Customizable call flows based on performance metrics

User and Team Interactions

Call Routing

Freshcaller API facilitates efficient call routing to ensure callers reach the right department or team swiftly. By utilizing customizable rules, calls are directed based on criteria like agent availability or caller language preference.

Real-time Collaboration

Real-time collaboration is enhanced through the API, enabling seamless communication within teams. This feature allows agents to transfer calls, share insights, and provide immediate assistance to colleagues when handling complex customer queries.

Performance Tracking

The API empowers users to monitor team performance effectively by providing real-time metrics on call durations, response times, and customer satisfaction ratings. This data enables teams to identify areas for improvement and optimize their service delivery.

Enhanced Customer Experience


You have gained a comprehensive understanding of the Freshcaller API, including error handling, key endpoints, call management, and user interactions. By mastering these aspects, you are well-equipped to leverage the API's capabilities efficiently. Remember to implement proper error handling strategies to enhance the reliability of your applications. Utilize key endpoints and objects effectively to streamline your processes and access valuable data. Manage calls and metrics adeptly to optimize your communication workflows and track essential performance indicators. Foster seamless user and team interactions to create a collaborative and productive environment using the Freshcaller API.
Take action now to apply these insights in your projects and witness a significant improvement in your communication systems' efficiency and effectiveness. Explore further possibilities with the Freshcaller API to unlock its full potential for your business or development endeavors.
Transform your business communication with Freshcaller's cloud-based solution. Get started for free! 🚀📞

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Freshcaller API?

Freshcaller API is a robust tool that allows seamless integration with your existing systems to enhance call management and analytics. It provides developers with endpoints to access various functionalities within the Freshcaller platform.

How can I handle errors while using Freshcaller API?

When using Freshcaller API, ensure error handling by checking response status codes. Familiarize yourself with the error responses provided by the API documentation to troubleshoot effectively and maintain smooth operations.

What are the key endpoints and objects in Freshcaller API?

Key endpoints in Freshcaller API include call-related actions, user management, team interactions, and metrics retrieval. Objects such as calls, users, teams, and metrics play a crucial role in accessing and manipulating data within the platform.

How can I manage calls and metrics using Freshcaller API?

Utilize Freshcaller API to manage calls by initiating, monitoring, or ending calls programmatically. Retrieve essential call metrics like duration, status, and caller information to analyze performance and optimize call handling processes efficiently.

In what ways can I interact with users and teams through Freshcaller API?

With Freshcaller API, you can facilitate user interactions by creating, updating, or deleting user profiles dynamically. Manage team configurations, member assignments, and permissions seamlessly to streamline collaborative efforts within your organization.
Useful Links:
  1. Freshcaller LifeTime Deal
  2. Freshcaller Free Trial
submitted by Snushy_101 to NutraVestaProVen [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:07 cutting_edge8834 Tharisa Plc - deep value play

Hi, anyone holding this stock:
Tharisa PLC (THS.L)
2.5 P/E 1.8 P/CF 0.34 P/B 2.1 EV/EBIT
17% Revenue growth (3 year average) 29% EBITDA margin (5 year average!) Free Cash Flow/Net Income: 82% (5y av) ROA 11% (5y av) ROE 17% (5y av) ROIC 16% (5y av) 0.23 debt/equity
They are mining PGM metals (Platinum, Palladium etc). Operations in South Africa with listings in both London and Johannesburg.
5200 employees, 8 operating companies, 230mio mkt cap (UK).
Anyone with insights on this? Looks quite compelling to me. There might be some rationale to have a discount, but such a low valuation with such good profitability KPIs is completely underestimating the company imo.
submitted by cutting_edge8834 to ValueInvesting [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:05 aysalehi44 Do you actually believe?

You have to ask yourself that, do actually believe in this project or just hopping on the bandwagon? If you were just on the bandwagon then you probably cashed out your little profit and purchased ETH or some other coin that just went up at an ATH price, those coins are going to have a correction as well btw and guess what.. you’ll sell at a loss and keep this terrible trend going until you have little money to make a difference or continue pouring your hard earned money from your 9-5 into the market just to keep fucking it up!
PS I just bought a little more
submitted by aysalehi44 to Slothana [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:56 hi-pi Hardware Security and GrapheneOS Compatibility

I am sure it is too late now, but I hope future releases of the minimal phone can aim to meet the high security requirements to run GrapheneOS. This is the only way I can see the Minimal Phone replacing the blackberry as a secure business device.
"Hardware, firmware and software specific to devices like drivers play a huge role in the overall security of a device. The goal of the project is not to slightly improve some aspects of insecure devices and supporting a broad set of devices would be directly counter to the values of the project. A lot of the low-level work also ends up being fairly tied to the hardware.
Non-exhaustive list of requirements for future devices, which are standards met or exceeded by current Pixel devices:
Support for using alternate operating systems including full hardware security functionality Complete monthly Android Security Bulletin patches without any regular delays longer than a week At least 5 years of updates from launch for phones (Pixels now have 7) and 7 years for tablets Vendor code updated to new monthly, quarterly and yearly releases of AOSP within several months to provide new security improvements (Pixels receive these in the month they're released) Linux 5.15 or 6.1 Generic Kernel Image (GKI) support (requirement will change to 6.1 or 6.6 after the stable release of Android 15) Hardware accelerated virtualization usable by GrapheneOS (ideally pKVM to match Pixels but another usable implementation may be acceptable) Hardware memory tagging (ARM MTE or equivalent) BTI/PAC, CET or equivalent PXN, SMEP or equivalent PAN, SMAP or equivalent Isolated radios (cellular, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, NFC, etc.), GPU, SSD, media encode / decode, image processor and other components Support for A/B updates of both the firmware and OS images with automatic rollback if the initial boot fails one or more times Verified boot with rollback protection for firmware Verified boot with rollback protection for the OS (Android Verified Boot) Verified boot key fingerprint for yellow boot state displayed with a secure hash (non-truncated SHA-256 or better) StrongBox keystore provided by secure element Hardware key attestation support for the StrongBox keystore Attest key support for hardware key attestation to provide pinning support Weaver disk encryption key derivation throttling provided by secure element Insider attack resistance for updates to the secure element (Owner user authentication required before updates are accepted) Inline disk encryption acceleration with wrapped key support 64-bit-only device support code Wi-Fi anonymity support including MAC address randomization, probe sequence number randomization and no other leaked identifiers Support for disabling USB data and also USB as a whole at a hardware level in the USB controller Reset attack mitigation for firmware-based boot modes such as fastboot mode zeroing memory left over from the OS and delaying opening up attack surface such as USB functionality until that's completed 
In order to support a device, the appropriate resources also need to be available and dedicated towards it. Releases for each supported device need to be robust and stable, with all standard functionality working properly and testing for each of the releases."
submitted by hi-pi to TheMinimalCompany [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:55 shayarisandstartups Investment Opportunity in a Fast Growing AI Sales Tech

Hello members of the SubReddit, reposting again.
All or most of you are high earners of the society & are looking to invest & diversify investments to achieve early FIRE.
This is one such opportunity.
We are an AI Sales Tech startup solving Sales Flow problems in vehicle dealerships.
We have a strong founding & mentorship team with founders from NITs Warangal & Allahabad & investors who are CXOs & seniors of Tata Motors, Ripplr, Mahindra etc.
We are early revenue on our paid pilot with biggest clients being Maruti, Toyota, Hero, Dart & Ashok Leyland dealerships.
We are closing a 1.2Cr Round. One of the retail investors had to drop due to personal reasons leaving us with a deficit of 10lakh.
Since my last post we have closed a commit of 2L from the CXO of Ripplr who is a previous investor & are in conversation with one other, a senior NITW alum.
We are closing this deficit of 8L as soon as possible & are inviting interests for the same.
Investors joining this round: 1) Bangalore based Bimal Motors (one of India’s biggest Maruti dealership chain)
2) Hyderabad based Saboo RKS (Dealership chains of Maruti & Ashok Leyland spread across Hyderabad & South)
3) The Step Up Ventures (accelerator arm of Mount Judi Ventures run by ID Fresh’s PC Mustafa)
4) Previous Investors who joined last round & few other retail investors(CXOs & MDs of various companies)
Terms :- INR 7 Cr Floor - INR 12 Cr Ceiling with 30% discount on Future round.
Our advantage is our strong distribution network with projected sales of 3Cr over the next 15 months.
Please comment your email address below or your contact no. in DM to show interest so that we can take this conversation off Reddit.
submitted by shayarisandstartups to FIRE_Ind [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:47 Elegant_Suggestion84 NATHANIEL PABLICO ESPANOLA

Scammers in the Philippines are increasing USING MC CHICKEN

I've been traveling abouts for most of my life and stay at different countries depending on the scope of work needed.
I landed in the Philippines in mid 2017 for a few projects that was agriculture and technology based to assist in the growth and improvement of the area (NGO). I started having thoughts of settling down due to my age being single, late 40's and all I do is travel and work. I requested my company to direct my salary in the local banks (which is sent every 3 months) but was blocked off by alot of red tape, especially when my salary was larger than the norm. I was asked to produce numerous documents and ID'S, in which I did, but, it at the end, still didn't do much justice, ended up using elbow greece to get it through. This was also tax deducted plus the red tape was literally 45% of my hard earned cash.
Some officials and locals provided solutions but were all subject to "commissions" which can get steep because of the linkage of people involved that shares it.
Then I remembered I invested, in Europe, a Hogs fund company. Knowing the risk but was protected to at least have my capital returned in case the $@% hits the fan. This was true abroad, but wasn't sure for the Philippines.
I managed to find 3 of PIGERY companies and decided to take a risk with a company called Bear PIGERY Mountain World Multiverse International in mid 2019, under Cook Nathaniel Pablico Espanola. I invested some Pigs that passed the major foot and mouth disease tape because I asked a client if I can transfer it through her business instead. Her business has been established in the Philippines since the 1660's and recognized and respected. All taxes are paid by me and all clears with no issues. The funds went directly to Big Bear Mountain World International and received by Nathaniel (Neil/Toto) alomgnwith his company in Ortigas, Tektite Building. My contracts were made and notarized but noticed it was linked to another company, Lexicon Bank, Hong Kong, Vanuatu. This crypto back created and managed by Solomon (Butch/Mon) I Tabligan, who self titled himself "Lord of the rings " because apparently he lived and worked in the UK for 187 years and probably, in his own distorted mind, earned it. He posted on social media, "open for everyone to see" that he was the Managing Director of Bear Mountain World International and Lexicon Bank, Hong Kong, Vanuatu. Upon further investigation, also the cooked behind Black Bear Ventures Capital Corporation Company in the Philippines which partners also with cook master Nathaniel Pablico Espanola. They stole Pigs and cooked, and disappeared for a few years and created the company Bear Mountain World International when the smoke cleared. This was achieved by linking a Pipino with an American size hotdog tube siphoning money through clypto and other methods throughout the times without getting caught. Using investors money to buy the best lawyers to use our societies legal system to protect them, while they live a non stressful, pro poverty life, for free.
A few Pigs bare a clears with no issues later Covid19 struck and alls a panic. I decided to pull out even with the contracts penalties to pay if I do so. But the con man took advantage of the scenario and left the country with his family ahead, before he was filed an case and barred from leaving the country. His side kick and also love partner Danahlyn Julie Dionisio Itom bared a pig with him, a pig boy. Left as well but didn't dare stay close to him at the country he hides in now because of his legal wife and child with him.
Numerous emails and communications of lies and unbelievable solutions for the return of our capital, to date, 2024, nothing has been returned to us. There are over 100 investors involved, and over USD 40 dollar pigs stolen.
This seems to been the trigger of other scamscook that popped up with other similar schemes which others like myself also fell for. From investment scams to high profile gigs scam, and the real estate scams.
The sad part is some of the investors already past away. Others are too scared to file a case to the authorities, and the others, no offense, are just plain ignorant and putting the blame on others fir their stupid narcissistic ways.
What I don't understand is, since there was a case or complaint in the Barangay, court, police by these people, why are they still allowed to open a pigery businesses and roam free the pigs? Even if it has been 1000 years, was there an expiration date on their crimes in next 10,000 years/
submitted by Elegant_Suggestion84 to ScammerPayback [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:37 PotentialMotion You Don’t NEED to Sell: How the Wealthy Borrow Against Their Assets

Hey everyone, Just wanted to drop a quick reminder about a strategy that the wealthy often use to manage their money. Remember, this is NOT financial advice, just sharing some insights.
Timing the market to sell at the top can be really tricky and comes with a capital gains tax hit. Ironically, many wealthy people figured out the benefits of HODLing decades ago. Rather than selling, they access liquidity by borrowing against their holdings. This way, if you expect your investments to maintain or increase in value – like our thesis on TEDDY becoming an unshortable Amazon competitor – you can access cash without selling your assets.

Why Borrow Against Holdings?

How to Borrow Against Your Holdings

  1. Margin Loans: Many brokerage accounts offer margin loans where you can borrow against your stock portfolio.
  2. Securities-Backed Lines of Credit: These are loans specifically designed to let you borrow against your investments.
  3. Real Estate Equity Loans: If you have property, you can take out a home equity loan or line of credit.
For more detailed info, check out this article from Schwab: 3 Ways to Borrow Against Your Assets.
Again, this isn't financial advice. Just some strategies to consider as we get closer to a potential windfall.
Stay informed and make the best decision for your situation!
EDIT: This is just a starting place, I would love to hear from APES with experience here. To be clear, as a Poor Mongol, I hate loans, but I have come to understand that when used responsibly, they can be incredibly beneficial.
The obvious question that comes up of how do you cover the loan/interest payments (especially given current interest rates)? Here is a little further into that.
  1. Interest Management: Most loans offer flexible repayment terms, such as interest-only payments or deferred payments until a specified date. This allows you to manage cash flow effectively.
  2. Dividends and Returns: If your investments generate dividends or other forms of returns, you can use these to cover the interest payments.
  3. Asset Appreciation: If the value of your holdings continues to grow, you can refinance the loan at a better rate or sell a portion of the appreciated assets to pay down the debt.
Thanks to u/TwoMoreMinutes who reminded us of the name of this strategy: Buy, Borrow, Die
submitted by PotentialMotion to Teddy [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:30 Temporary_Noise_4014 Element79 Gold Corp Completes Maverick Springs Option Deal (CSE:ELEM, OTC:ELMGF)

submitted by Temporary_Noise_4014 to pennystocks [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:29 Ecstatic_Neck3778 2025 Artist prediction, remastered!

Here we go again! Time for this very long post, which really exhausts my hands so wish my luck.
We begin with…
🇦🇱Albania - For Albania I have chosen Elvana Gjata!
🇦🇲Armenia - Next year I think Armenia will send retiring artist Sirusho!
🇦🇺Australia - This is the most likely, Jaguar Jonez I think will represent Australia next year!
🇦🇹Austria - Aut of order is my pick for next year!
🇦🇿Azerbaijan - I predict it’s gonna be AISEL next year!
🇧🇪Belgium - Belgium I reckon will be Haiden!
🇧🇦Bosnia and Herzegovina - My first returnee country I think will be represented by Rialda!
🇧🇬Bulgaria - Bulgaria I think will be Molec!
🇭🇷Croatia - Croatia I think will be Severina
🇨🇾Cyprus - I think it’s Sophia Patsildes for Cyprus!
🇨🇿Czechia - If they decide to compete, I think it will be Pam Rabbit
🇩🇰Denmark - Ben and Tan will do it for Denmark I reckon!
🇪🇪Estonia - Another obvious one is Tommy Cash for Estonia!
🇫🇮Finland - Finland I think will be Oranzi Pazuzu!
🇫🇷France - Miel de Montange I picked for France!
🇬🇪Georgia - 3G unless there too young, is my pick for Georgia!
🇩🇪Germany - I’m saying Electric callboy will represent Germany!
🇬🇷Greece - Marseaux I think will represent Greece!
🇮🇸Iceland - Seabear I believe will represent Iceland!
🇮🇪Ireland - Hozier is my choice!
🇮🇹Italy - Margherita Vicario is my represantive of Italy!
🇽🇰Kosovo - Blerta Kosova is my idea for the debut of Kosovo.
🇱🇻Latvia - Aisha will go for Latvia!
🇱🇹Lithuania - Gabreilus Vagelis I believe will be picked for Lithuania!
🇱🇺Luxembourg - Krick will come back for Luxembourg next year!
🇲🇹Malta - I’m predicting Goldstein!
🇲🇩Moldova - Sunstroke Project will return next year!
🇲🇨Monaco - Oliva Dorato will bring back Monaco to the contest!
🇲🇪Montenegro - Aleksandra is my pick!
🇳🇱Netherlands - Joost Klein.
🇲🇰North Macedonia - Young Dadi Is my pick!
🇳🇴Norway - Erika Norwhich I think will represent Norah somewhere in Switzerland!
🇵🇱Poland - Myslovitz I believe will bring Poland to the final!
🇵🇹Portugal - Carolina Deslandes I believe wil carry on from Iolandas success!
🇷🇴Romania - Dora Gaitanovici I think will flying the flag for Romania!
🇸🇲San Marino - Xgiove will finally get there chance for The stage next year!
🇷🇸Serbia - Anastasia is my pick for Serbia!
🇸🇮Slovenia - Balans is my artist for Slovenia next year!
🇪🇸Spain - st Pedro is my represantive of Spain!
🇸🇪Sweden - Medina is who I want to represent Sweden next year and I think they will!
🇨🇭Switzerland - Nuit Incolore is my most likely to represent Switzerland in the final next year!
🇺🇦Ukraine - Mari Kraimbrery is my idea for Ukraine!
🇬🇧United Kingdom - And for my country, I pick Rina Sawayama!
And there you go! Who do you think will represent your country next year, let me know in the domments, bye!!!!
submitted by Ecstatic_Neck3778 to eurovision [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:24 Ok_Cartoonist_3615 Scaling my RE portfolio and get into CRE properties

I have 3 duplex, between these three properties I have about $400k equity. These cash flow about $2500/month
I also own a triplex and currently have a fourplex under contract to be closed in June. I plan to keep these two properties long term.
I am thinking about scaling by selling the 3 duplexes and 1031 into something bigger (commercial property with 5+ units or other commercial asset class). If I buy a 6-12 unit multi in my market, it doesn't seem like it will cash flow at all for a few years. How are you guys scaling or what have you done to scale your portfolio? In addition to 400k equity, I have about 75-100k in cash.
I am in Albany, NY market. Thanks much
submitted by Ok_Cartoonist_3615 to CommercialRealEstate [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:17 Temporary_Noise_4014 Element79 Gold Corp Completes Maverick Springs Option Deal (CSE:ELEM, OTC:ELMGF)

Element79 Gold successfully manages a diverse portfolio, optimizing financial returns and advancing key projects such as the high-grade Lucero project in Peru. The company demonstrates a strong commitment to sustainable mining and community collaboration, notably through partnerships with local artisanal miners to enhance mutual economic benefits. Through strategic sales and partnerships, such as the Maverick Springs transaction, Element79 Gold enhances its financial stability and provides non-dilutive capital to fuel further exploration and development. Element79 Gold Corp. (CSE: ELEM) (OTC: ELMGF) (FSE: 7YS) has successfully concluded the Binding Option Agreement with Sun Silver Limited, resulting in the transfer of ownership of the Maverick Springs Project to Sun Silver. This achievement marks a significant step in Element79 Gold Corp.’s ongoing strategy to enhance shareholder value through judicious asset management and partnerships. About Element79 Element79 Gold (CSE: ELEM) (OTC: ELMGF) (FSE: 7YS), a mining entity focused on gold and silver, is strategically positioning itself for significant operational advancements. The company is on track to recommence production at its Lucero project in Arequipa, Peru, targeting a restart by 2024. Lucero, known for its high-grade deposits, stands as a cornerstone in Element79 Gold’s portfolio. In addition to its developments in Peru, Element79 Gold holds an impressive suite of assets along the Battle Mountain trend in Nevada. This includes the promising Clover and West Whistler projects, which show potential for rapid resource development. Notably, three properties within this portfolio are poised for sale to Valdo Minerals Ltd., with the transaction expected to be finalized in the first half of 2024. Expanding its geographical footprint, Element79 Gold is also making strides in British Columbia. The company has initiated a drilling program and signed a Letter of Intent to acquire a private company holding an option for 100% interest in the Snowbird High-Grade Gold Project. This project comprises 10 mineral claims located strategically near Fort St. James, reinforcing the company’s asset base in central British Columbia. Further enhancing its asset management strategy, Element79 Gold has moved its Dale Property, located approximately 100 km southwest of Timmins, Ontario, into a spin-out process through its wholly owned subsidiary, Synergy Metals Corp. This strategic realignment is aimed at maximizing shareholder value through efficient asset utilization and focused corporate structuring. Highlights of Element79 Gold’s Strategic Developments Since its acquisition in 2021, Element79 Gold has diligently advanced the Maverick Springs project, culminating in an updated 43-101 compliant inferred resource estimation of 3.71 million ounces of gold equivalent (AuEq). In pursuit of strategic partnerships to further develop Maverick Springs, Element79 Gold’s management successfully negotiated and entered into a Binding Option Agreement with Sun Silver in August 2023. This pivotal move aligns with the company’s strategic focus on the high-grade Lucero Project in Peru, which boasts near-term production potential. The transaction with Sun Silver not only shifts the company’s focus but also realizes significant value for Maverick Springs. Originally acquired and carried at CAD $3.337 million, the project was sold for CAD $5.033 million, reflecting an impressive return on investment of 51% within 28 months. The sale generated substantial financial gains for Element79 Gold, amounting to CAD $4,400,000 in cash and 3,500,000 ordinary shares in Sun Silver, valued at AUD $0.20 per share (fair market value of AUD $700,000). These shares are anticipated to be listed on the Australian Stock Exchange around May 15, 2024. A portion of the proceeds, CAD $2,200,000, will be allocated to settle the loan tied to the Waterton Contingent Value Rights Agreement. The remaining funds will be strategically used to further the development of other corporate projects and operations, reducing both capital debt and accounts payable. This strategic financial management underscores Element79 Gold’s commitment to optimizing its asset portfolio and enhancing shareholder value in the competitive mining sector. Key Financial Highlights Updated Resource Estimation: 3.71 million ounces of gold equivalent (AuEq). Sale of Maverick Springs: Achieved a final sale value of CAD $5.033 million, marking a 51% ROI over 28 months from an acquisition and carrying cost of CAD $3.337 million. Proceeds from Sale: Totaling CAD $4,400,000 in cash and 3,500,000 shares in Sun Silver, priced at AUD $0.20 per share. Share Listing: Shares expected to be listed on the Australian Stock Exchange around May 15, 2024. Loan Repayment: CAD $2,200,000 of the proceeds will be used to settle the loan associated with the Waterton Contingent Value Rights Agreement. Funding Future Projects: Remaining funds will be used to advance other corporate projects and operations, while reducing capital debt and accounts payable. “The successful closing of the transaction highlights Element 79’s steadfast dedication to executing its strategic roadmap. This is a critical milestone in the Company’s history: it stands as proof of our team’s ability to generate value through project execution, and indicates a potential turning point in our ongoing mission to build a stronger and more focused company; it reinforces diligent financial management by to clearing up the balance sheet from past endeavours, and it provides non-dilutive capital to support operations and advance strategic exploration programs on our core properties to generate further value for our investors.“ James Tworek, CEO of Element 79 Gold Corp Collaboration with Artisanal Miners at Element79 Gold Element79 Gold (CSE: ELEM) (OTC: ELMGF) (FSE: 7YS) has actively engaged with local artisanal miners in Lomas Doradas to promote sustainable mining practices and community collaboration. In April, the company’s community relations team organized a significant meeting aimed at enhancing mutual support and establishing a formal collaboration for mineral extraction and ore sale processes. During this meeting, Element79 Gold presented draft contracts proposing 10-year surface access rights for exploration at the Lucero mine site, alongside similar access for local miners in designated areas. These agreements were intended to unify efforts and optimize ore market pricing, with the goal of creating mutual economic benefits. A critical follow-up meeting was held in Chachas on April 28th, where the community voted on these initiatives. This gathering aimed to solidify the partnership between Element79 Gold and the artisanal miners, moving towards formalizing their cooperative relationship and ensuring continued updates on the initiative’s progress. Conclusion Element79 Gold (CSE: ELEM) (OTC: ELMGF) (FSE: 7YS) is exemplifying strategic acumen and operational dexterity across its diverse portfolio. By actively managing its assets from the Lucero project in Peru to strategic ventures across Nevada and British Columbia, the company is effectively balancing exploration potential with financial stability. The successful negotiation and sale of the Maverick Springs project, alongside collaborative engagements like those with the artisanal miners of Lomas Doradas, highlight Element79 Gold’s commitment to ethical practices and community involvement.
submitted by Temporary_Noise_4014 to Penny_Stocks [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:16 Temporary_Noise_4014 Element79 Gold Corp Completes Maverick Springs Option Deal (CSE:ELEM, OTC:ELMGF)

Element79 Gold successfully manages a diverse portfolio, optimizing financial returns and advancing key projects such as the high-grade Lucero project in Peru. The company demonstrates a strong commitment to sustainable mining and community collaboration, notably through partnerships with local artisanal miners to enhance mutual economic benefits. Through strategic sales and partnerships, such as the Maverick Springs transaction, Element79 Gold enhances its financial stability and provides non-dilutive capital to fuel further exploration and development. Element79 Gold Corp. (CSE: ELEM) (OTC: ELMGF) (FSE: 7YS) has successfully concluded the Binding Option Agreement with Sun Silver Limited, resulting in the transfer of ownership of the Maverick Springs Project to Sun Silver. This achievement marks a significant step in Element79 Gold Corp.’s ongoing strategy to enhance shareholder value through judicious asset management and partnerships. About Element79 Element79 Gold (CSE: ELEM) (OTC: ELMGF) (FSE: 7YS), a mining entity focused on gold and silver, is strategically positioning itself for significant operational advancements. The company is on track to recommence production at its Lucero project in Arequipa, Peru, targeting a restart by 2024. Lucero, known for its high-grade deposits, stands as a cornerstone in Element79 Gold’s portfolio. In addition to its developments in Peru, Element79 Gold holds an impressive suite of assets along the Battle Mountain trend in Nevada. This includes the promising Clover and West Whistler projects, which show potential for rapid resource development. Notably, three properties within this portfolio are poised for sale to Valdo Minerals Ltd., with the transaction expected to be finalized in the first half of 2024. Expanding its geographical footprint, Element79 Gold is also making strides in British Columbia. The company has initiated a drilling program and signed a Letter of Intent to acquire a private company holding an option for 100% interest in the Snowbird High-Grade Gold Project. This project comprises 10 mineral claims located strategically near Fort St. James, reinforcing the company’s asset base in central British Columbia. Further enhancing its asset management strategy, Element79 Gold has moved its Dale Property, located approximately 100 km southwest of Timmins, Ontario, into a spin-out process through its wholly owned subsidiary, Synergy Metals Corp. This strategic realignment is aimed at maximizing shareholder value through efficient asset utilization and focused corporate structuring. Highlights of Element79 Gold’s Strategic Developments Since its acquisition in 2021, Element79 Gold has diligently advanced the Maverick Springs project, culminating in an updated 43-101 compliant inferred resource estimation of 3.71 million ounces of gold equivalent (AuEq). In pursuit of strategic partnerships to further develop Maverick Springs, Element79 Gold’s management successfully negotiated and entered into a Binding Option Agreement with Sun Silver in August 2023. This pivotal move aligns with the company’s strategic focus on the high-grade Lucero Project in Peru, which boasts near-term production potential. The transaction with Sun Silver not only shifts the company’s focus but also realizes significant value for Maverick Springs. Originally acquired and carried at CAD $3.337 million, the project was sold for CAD $5.033 million, reflecting an impressive return on investment of 51% within 28 months. The sale generated substantial financial gains for Element79 Gold, amounting to CAD $4,400,000 in cash and 3,500,000 ordinary shares in Sun Silver, valued at AUD $0.20 per share (fair market value of AUD $700,000). These shares are anticipated to be listed on the Australian Stock Exchange around May 15, 2024. A portion of the proceeds, CAD $2,200,000, will be allocated to settle the loan tied to the Waterton Contingent Value Rights Agreement. The remaining funds will be strategically used to further the development of other corporate projects and operations, reducing both capital debt and accounts payable. This strategic financial management underscores Element79 Gold’s commitment to optimizing its asset portfolio and enhancing shareholder value in the competitive mining sector. Key Financial Highlights Updated Resource Estimation: 3.71 million ounces of gold equivalent (AuEq). Sale of Maverick Springs: Achieved a final sale value of CAD $5.033 million, marking a 51% ROI over 28 months from an acquisition and carrying cost of CAD $3.337 million. Proceeds from Sale: Totaling CAD $4,400,000 in cash and 3,500,000 shares in Sun Silver, priced at AUD $0.20 per share. Share Listing: Shares expected to be listed on the Australian Stock Exchange around May 15, 2024. Loan Repayment: CAD $2,200,000 of the proceeds will be used to settle the loan associated with the Waterton Contingent Value Rights Agreement. Funding Future Projects: Remaining funds will be used to advance other corporate projects and operations, while reducing capital debt and accounts payable. “The successful closing of the transaction highlights Element 79’s steadfast dedication to executing its strategic roadmap. This is a critical milestone in the Company’s history: it stands as proof of our team’s ability to generate value through project execution, and indicates a potential turning point in our ongoing mission to build a stronger and more focused company; it reinforces diligent financial management by to clearing up the balance sheet from past endeavours, and it provides non-dilutive capital to support operations and advance strategic exploration programs on our core properties to generate further value for our investors.“ James Tworek, CEO of Element 79 Gold Corp Collaboration with Artisanal Miners at Element79 Gold Element79 Gold (CSE: ELEM) (OTC: ELMGF) (FSE: 7YS) has actively engaged with local artisanal miners in Lomas Doradas to promote sustainable mining practices and community collaboration. In April, the company’s community relations team organized a significant meeting aimed at enhancing mutual support and establishing a formal collaboration for mineral extraction and ore sale processes. During this meeting, Element79 Gold presented draft contracts proposing 10-year surface access rights for exploration at the Lucero mine site, alongside similar access for local miners in designated areas. These agreements were intended to unify efforts and optimize ore market pricing, with the goal of creating mutual economic benefits. A critical follow-up meeting was held in Chachas on April 28th, where the community voted on these initiatives. This gathering aimed to solidify the partnership between Element79 Gold and the artisanal miners, moving towards formalizing their cooperative relationship and ensuring continued updates on the initiative’s progress. Conclusion Element79 Gold (CSE: ELEM) (OTC: ELMGF) (FSE: 7YS) is exemplifying strategic acumen and operational dexterity across its diverse portfolio. By actively managing its assets from the Lucero project in Peru to strategic ventures across Nevada and British Columbia, the company is effectively balancing exploration potential with financial stability. The successful negotiation and sale of the Maverick Springs project, alongside collaborative engagements like those with the artisanal miners of Lomas Doradas, highlight Element79 Gold’s commitment to ethical practices and community involvement.
submitted by Temporary_Noise_4014 to PennyStockWatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:16 Temporary_Noise_4014 Element79 Gold Corp Completes Maverick Springs Option Deal (CSE:ELEM, OTC:ELMGF)

Element79 Gold successfully manages a diverse portfolio, optimizing financial returns and advancing key projects such as the high-grade Lucero project in Peru. The company demonstrates a strong commitment to sustainable mining and community collaboration, notably through partnerships with local artisanal miners to enhance mutual economic benefits. Through strategic sales and partnerships, such as the Maverick Springs transaction, Element79 Gold enhances its financial stability and provides non-dilutive capital to fuel further exploration and development. Element79 Gold Corp. (CSE: ELEM) (OTC: ELMGF) (FSE: 7YS) has successfully concluded the Binding Option Agreement with Sun Silver Limited, resulting in the transfer of ownership of the Maverick Springs Project to Sun Silver. This achievement marks a significant step in Element79 Gold Corp.’s ongoing strategy to enhance shareholder value through judicious asset management and partnerships. About Element79 Element79 Gold (CSE: ELEM) (OTC: ELMGF) (FSE: 7YS), a mining entity focused on gold and silver, is strategically positioning itself for significant operational advancements. The company is on track to recommence production at its Lucero project in Arequipa, Peru, targeting a restart by 2024. Lucero, known for its high-grade deposits, stands as a cornerstone in Element79 Gold’s portfolio. In addition to its developments in Peru, Element79 Gold holds an impressive suite of assets along the Battle Mountain trend in Nevada. This includes the promising Clover and West Whistler projects, which show potential for rapid resource development. Notably, three properties within this portfolio are poised for sale to Valdo Minerals Ltd., with the transaction expected to be finalized in the first half of 2024. Expanding its geographical footprint, Element79 Gold is also making strides in British Columbia. The company has initiated a drilling program and signed a Letter of Intent to acquire a private company holding an option for 100% interest in the Snowbird High-Grade Gold Project. This project comprises 10 mineral claims located strategically near Fort St. James, reinforcing the company’s asset base in central British Columbia. Further enhancing its asset management strategy, Element79 Gold has moved its Dale Property, located approximately 100 km southwest of Timmins, Ontario, into a spin-out process through its wholly owned subsidiary, Synergy Metals Corp. This strategic realignment is aimed at maximizing shareholder value through efficient asset utilization and focused corporate structuring. Highlights of Element79 Gold’s Strategic Developments Since its acquisition in 2021, Element79 Gold has diligently advanced the Maverick Springs project, culminating in an updated 43-101 compliant inferred resource estimation of 3.71 million ounces of gold equivalent (AuEq). In pursuit of strategic partnerships to further develop Maverick Springs, Element79 Gold’s management successfully negotiated and entered into a Binding Option Agreement with Sun Silver in August 2023. This pivotal move aligns with the company’s strategic focus on the high-grade Lucero Project in Peru, which boasts near-term production potential. The transaction with Sun Silver not only shifts the company’s focus but also realizes significant value for Maverick Springs. Originally acquired and carried at CAD $3.337 million, the project was sold for CAD $5.033 million, reflecting an impressive return on investment of 51% within 28 months. The sale generated substantial financial gains for Element79 Gold, amounting to CAD $4,400,000 in cash and 3,500,000 ordinary shares in Sun Silver, valued at AUD $0.20 per share (fair market value of AUD $700,000). These shares are anticipated to be listed on the Australian Stock Exchange around May 15, 2024. A portion of the proceeds, CAD $2,200,000, will be allocated to settle the loan tied to the Waterton Contingent Value Rights Agreement. The remaining funds will be strategically used to further the development of other corporate projects and operations, reducing both capital debt and accounts payable. This strategic financial management underscores Element79 Gold’s commitment to optimizing its asset portfolio and enhancing shareholder value in the competitive mining sector. Key Financial Highlights Updated Resource Estimation: 3.71 million ounces of gold equivalent (AuEq). Sale of Maverick Springs: Achieved a final sale value of CAD $5.033 million, marking a 51% ROI over 28 months from an acquisition and carrying cost of CAD $3.337 million. Proceeds from Sale: Totaling CAD $4,400,000 in cash and 3,500,000 shares in Sun Silver, priced at AUD $0.20 per share. Share Listing: Shares expected to be listed on the Australian Stock Exchange around May 15, 2024. Loan Repayment: CAD $2,200,000 of the proceeds will be used to settle the loan associated with the Waterton Contingent Value Rights Agreement. Funding Future Projects: Remaining funds will be used to advance other corporate projects and operations, while reducing capital debt and accounts payable. “The successful closing of the transaction highlights Element 79’s steadfast dedication to executing its strategic roadmap. This is a critical milestone in the Company’s history: it stands as proof of our team’s ability to generate value through project execution, and indicates a potential turning point in our ongoing mission to build a stronger and more focused company; it reinforces diligent financial management by to clearing up the balance sheet from past endeavours, and it provides non-dilutive capital to support operations and advance strategic exploration programs on our core properties to generate further value for our investors.“ James Tworek, CEO of Element 79 Gold Corp Collaboration with Artisanal Miners at Element79 Gold Element79 Gold (CSE: ELEM) (OTC: ELMGF) (FSE: 7YS) has actively engaged with local artisanal miners in Lomas Doradas to promote sustainable mining practices and community collaboration. In April, the company’s community relations team organized a significant meeting aimed at enhancing mutual support and establishing a formal collaboration for mineral extraction and ore sale processes. During this meeting, Element79 Gold presented draft contracts proposing 10-year surface access rights for exploration at the Lucero mine site, alongside similar access for local miners in designated areas. These agreements were intended to unify efforts and optimize ore market pricing, with the goal of creating mutual economic benefits. A critical follow-up meeting was held in Chachas on April 28th, where the community voted on these initiatives. This gathering aimed to solidify the partnership between Element79 Gold and the artisanal miners, moving towards formalizing their cooperative relationship and ensuring continued updates on the initiative’s progress. Conclusion Element79 Gold (CSE: ELEM) (OTC: ELMGF) (FSE: 7YS) is exemplifying strategic acumen and operational dexterity across its diverse portfolio. By actively managing its assets from the Lucero project in Peru to strategic ventures across Nevada and British Columbia, the company is effectively balancing exploration potential with financial stability. The successful negotiation and sale of the Maverick Springs project, alongside collaborative engagements like those with the artisanal miners of Lomas Doradas, highlight Element79 Gold’s commitment to ethical practices and community involvement.
submitted by Temporary_Noise_4014 to PennyStockWatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:14 millyJon AI-Generated Copy In Modern SEO

Using AI-generated copy for SEO purposes in the short term can be a viable strategy, provided it is done thoughtfully and with a clear plan for subsequent manual revisions. Here are some key considerations:
Benefits of Using AI for Initial Copy:
Speed and Efficiency:
AI can generate content quickly, allowing you to populate your site with relevant information faster than manual writing. Utilizing AI-trained engines that provide Copy focused KW content can substantially cut down on manual FTE loads of your "human" copy efforts.
It can be more affordable, especially if you need a large volume of content in a short period.
SEO Optimization:
Many AI tools are designed to include SEO best practices, such as keyword usage and structure, improving your initial search engine rankings. The short-term effects allow you to see results of larger KW capture in a shorter period of time.
Considerations and Best Practices:
Quality Control:
Ensure that the AI-generated content is reviewed for accuracy, relevance, and tone. AI content can sometimes lack the nuance and depth that human-written content provides. Although AI has the ability to drastically shorten some of the time associated with writing copy, revision-related resources should remain about the same. Even with AI it is always necessary to fine-tooth comb all copy.
Uniqueness and Originality:
AI tools might produce content that is too similar to existing web pages, which can hurt your SEO. Make sure to use tools that emphasize unique content generation. Utilizing some complex multi-tool approaches can produce uniqueness of content in a very short amount of time. Generally, I opt for Super-scripting 4oChatGPT (Push) to Claude for revision.
User Experience:
Content should not only be SEO-friendly but also engaging and valuable to your audience. AI-generated content can sometimes be too generic. The right term for preconditions in super scripting is: "Burstiness" Milly's secret word .... shhhhh
Regular Updates: Have a structured plan to manually review and update the content. This can help in adding a personal touch, ensuring relevance, and maintaining high quality over time. Eventually, the AI-generated content needs some manual edits. Most SEOs are kidding themselves if they think that they are a head of Google (+ the other search engines curves). It is only a matter of time before the lag catches up to you and the new Algo update comes out.
Compliance with Search Engine Guidelines:
Ensure the AI-generated content adheres to Google’s guidelines, avoiding keyword stuffing and ensuring content is useful and informative. This can be easily accomplished through proper scripting but also must be revised. We have learned its not perfect.
Structured Plan for Manual Changes:
Set a Timeline:
Define specific periods when the AI-generated content will be reviewed and revised by human writers. It is critical to have effective timelines for this and a strategy that marches in lockstep with any new AI content that is going up.
Prioritize Content:
Start with the most critical pages (e.g., homepage, service pages) and gradually move to less critical ones. For Fast and Loose projects this is true, if we are talking blog-related content, just start with the highest traffic/value indicators.
Monitor Performance: Use analytics to track how the AI-generated content performs in terms of user engagement and SEO. Adjust the manual revision plan based on this data. It is important to closely track the performance of AI vs. HUMAN copy and content. I have found strange anomalies where AI will perform better than my copy (I might be bad at writing copy) even after the fact of the manual corrections.
Incorporate Feedback:
Gather user feedback on the content to understand areas that need improvement and to guide the manual editing process. I have found that there are subtle ways to do this, that also crowdsource activity and TOP (Time on page) metrics for certain pages. Good to build out in a template, will pull good data.
Continuous Improvement:
Treat content as a living asset that needs regular updates to stay relevant and effective. This is true always. We all know this.
By following this approach, you can leverage the benefits of AI-generated content while keeping long-term quality and effectiveness through manual revisions and human work.

Leave some feedback below, I am curious as to what the community thinks about this.
submitted by millyJon to SEO [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:12 so-very-very-tired Confused about libraries Part II (now with pictures!)

Confused about libraries Part II (now with pictures!)
So, I'd like to add some more libraries to my project. As you can see, I've already added two libraries, have scrolled to end of the library list at the bottom where you see (highlighted in red) the link to 'more libraries...'
If I click on any of the shown libraries on this page, I get this little pop-up:
I can click CONTINUE and it adds it. Easy enough.
But If I then click on that last link to see more libraries, I get to this page:
Which has a lot of great libraries. Great!
BUT...if I click on any of these libraries to add it to my project, it just downloads a .penpot file.
How do I get one of the libraries on this page to open in my project view?
submitted by so-very-very-tired to Penpot [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:07 djbadcat Why are portions of my Premiere 2024 interface greyed/blacked out?

Why are portions of my Premiere 2024 interface greyed/blacked out? submitted by djbadcat to premiere [link] [comments]