Ex best friend qoutes

A place for gamers who also happen to be women, probably

2010.01.05 04:34 A place for gamers who also happen to be women, probably

A delightfully polarizing term for women who game. This is a community space for ladies to hang out, talk about gaming, and game together. We also discuss topics around women in geek culture and debrief about experiences that occur as a result of their gender. Or you know, just post some bad ass makeup tutorials inspired by video games. We like that stuff here! Folks of all genders and identities welcome to join discussions here! FAQ -https://www.reddit.com/GirlGamers/wiki/index

2017.02.14 10:07 LK_Jets Jordyn Woods

This page is dedicated to Jordyn Woods, an American socialite and model.

2013.05.03 13:12 rWoahDude Alison Rosen

Fan subreddit for Alison Rosen, host of the podcast "Alison Rosen Is Your New Best Friend" and ex-newsgirl for "The Adam Carolla Show".

2024.05.21 17:58 Droooskii Looking to trade for any 5 stars

Looking to trade for any 5 stars submitted by Droooskii to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:58 fatknackercunt Being pulled back?

I was hoping and wondering about other ex Catholic's opinions on this.
I keep feeling pulled back to the church. I don't want to be.
To put it in context: I grew up in a hyper religious environment. My mother was previously a nun before she had me and my siblings etc., etc., so it had a massive impact on us all growing up.
I have tried my best to believe. Genuinely. But I don't believe, whatsoever.
In the country I am from, Catholicism and it's rulership, caused a huge amount of hurt, upset, and grief. It's 'leadership' destroyed countless lives. Whether from sexual abuse, physical abuse and/ or emotional abuse.
I do not like priests. Full stop. Although I'm sure there are priests who are decent.
But I keep being pulled back in.
At this stage, I'm so confused.
I'm not an atheist, but I do believe in something or other. But I feel like my early childhood conditioning will always lead me to doubt what I know and Intuit to be real.
Has anyone had a similar experience? And if so, how did you overcome the doubt and confusion?
Thank you.
submitted by fatknackercunt to excatholic [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:58 ThrowRAcarpetcollect AITAH for not telling my fiancé that I was a wastrel as a teenager?

I've been dating my fiancé for four years, and until now, our relationship has been going great. But we went to a school reunion of mine, and he overheard some of my friends teasing me about being useless. He acted a little oddly the rest of the night. I thought it was just awkwardness from being around a bunch of my friends he didn't know, so I left early.
We pulled over to get drinks on the way back, and when I brought them back to the car, he was pretty upset. He had looked through my journal (he's allowed), and seemed disgusted with what I was like as a teen. I laughed it off at first, bit when he was serious, we started to fight.
He ended up bringing up my family (generally a subject we don't touch) to call me spoiled and concieted. I said he was being insane and that my life was more put together than his, so high school doesn't matter. And he's no one to talk - he had to repeat his senior year. Which isn't as bad, but still, plexiglass houses.
Don't get me wrong - I was an absolute waste in high school. I literally almost never attended classes, barely if ever wore the uniform, and definitely would have been expelled if that wouldn't have cost the school money. I gambled a bit, too, and drank responsibly on the weekends. But I had my excuses - definitely not good ones, but excuses nonetheless. I wasn't a delinquent or anything, I just... treated the dorms like an apartment complex I happened to live in. 😅 I was actually really well liked (because, hey, I had nothing better to do than help out), and my best friend ended up valedictorian.
But I don't see any reason that would be a problem now. I was a lazy, aggrieved teen going through some stuff for four years more than a decade ago. I've been a rancher for twice that! I don't think it suggests that I'm going to break under pressure or not be able to take care of others, because my whole job is taking care of birds and livestock in bad situations. My fiancé has said that he was first attracted to me because of how responsible and attentive I am towards them.
Now, should I have told him sooner? Probably, yeah. But I don't know anything about what he was like in high school either, and I didn't want to come off as whiny or bring up something I'm ashamed of. I genuinely didn't think it would matter to him. And I can't help but be offended that it is.
submitted by ThrowRAcarpetcollect to amiwrong [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:57 crush_francis [CANADA 🇨🇦] ⏳LIMITED TIME⏳ GET 20 GB for $25 from FIZZ MOBILE 🚀

There are no end dates at Fizz so you get to keep your plan (and its price) for as long as you want!
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Spend less of your hard-earned money and get more GREAT VALUE:
It's simple! Use code IFAL7 when you sign up then pay your 2nd month's bill and we'll both get a $25 credit applied to our next payment; see details. Thank you!
submitted by crush_francis to DiscountCodeShare [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:57 Old-Lifeguard-987 Cat peeing outside the litter

For context I have to female cats. I had one of them for 2 years now and she never behaved badly. During march I bring my other cat (she’s probably about 8 years old) that i had back in my home country. At first they didn’t get along very well. The youngest would block her and they would make weird noises at each other but now they’re fine (not best friends but they can be around each other just chilling) Since one month now one of them or both has been peeing in different spots: kitchen floor twice, one in the kitchen countertop, one in the couch and one right outside the litter box. I don’t know who is doing this. I been trying to detect which one it is so i can take her to the vet but it seems impossible because they won’t do it when they’re separated. I also bought another litter box but that doesn’t seems to fix it. If anyone could give me tips about how to tell which one is doing it I would really appreciate it. Thanks!
submitted by Old-Lifeguard-987 to CatAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:57 Impressive_Stuff3956 I think my GF and my best friend are messaging on FB messenger

I go back and forth between thinking I'm just being paranoid, and thinking no, there's something actually going on.
The evidence for: They both are quick to "like" any image containing the other's picture on FB, and I can see when they're each online on messenger and they very, very often match up (are online at the same time). Maybe this "evidence" is pretty thin, I'm not sure what to think. This has been going on for a month or two, I just noticed these things recurring several times and it made me wonder.
The evidence against(?): I have had a quick glance at each of their phones and don't see evidence of them having messaged each other at all. I think they could hide this by disappearing or deleting any messages, but I don't really know how that works. It would make sense that they would cover up something like this from me but also I could just be taking regular friendliness and coincidence and blowing it out of proportion.
I get very stressed out by thinking about my GF perhaps carrying on behind my back with my best friend, I could very quicky go from having two important people in my life who I love, to two people who I resent and don't want in my life. I'm losing sleep over this. Any insights or experience are welcome.
submitted by Impressive_Stuff3956 to Infidelity [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:57 crush_francis [CANADA 🇨🇦] ⏳LIMITED TIME⏳ GET 20 GB for $25 from FIZZ MOBILE 🚀

There are no end dates at Fizz so you get to keep your plan (and its price) for as long as you want!
Enjoy INTRO PRICING from Fizz Mobile:
Spend less of your hard-earned money and get more GREAT VALUE:
It's simple! Use code IFAL7 when you sign up then pay your 2nd month's bill and we'll both get a $25 credit applied to our next payment; see details. Thank you!
submitted by crush_francis to referralcodes [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:57 Shot-Albatross-2268 Will my therapist have to report me for watching CSAM?

I can’t stop feeling guilty. I’m in the USA. I know what I’ve done is wrong and I want to change and make things right. I don’t know how.
These past few days I’ve been feeling so anxious and depressed because of what I’ve felt and done in my past. I used to chat with teenage girls online and watch videos of teenagers twerking and flashing. I haven’t gotten the chance to talk to my therapist about these things yet, but I was going to wait until I could. I ended up telling my mom and my best friend though.
I did hold back the information about chatting with teenagers. I just told them that I had a problem with being attracted to minors. They both told me that as long as I wasn’t acting on my attraction and getting help that things would be ok, but I don’t feel ok.
I thought telling them would make me feel better but I kinda just feel worse. I feel more on edge now, because people know and I didn’t even tell them the worst parts. I still have some time before I can see my therapist and talk about all this, but I feel so bad right now. I don’t know if my therapist is required to report me especially since I work in a school.
submitted by Shot-Albatross-2268 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:57 Notreal892047219 What seems like the correct course of action?

I successfully manifested my ex back but he just wanted to be friends so we had a friends with benefits type relationship. He did say that he loves me but he doesn’t know if it’s a romantic type of love or if just a “i care a lot about you” kind. We were talking all the time and seeing each other frequently. He met another girl about a week ago and has been very interested in her but also told me that there are some things about her that make him question if it would work out. I did a sour jar the other day on their relationship (this was before he made the comment about not knowing if it would work with her) but didn’t know the girls name until slipped up and said it. What would be the best thing for me to do to get him to end things with her and turn his attention back onto me?
submitted by Notreal892047219 to blackmagic [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:57 rokhead22 New diabetes, possible LADA, I guess my story is just starting

I've been reading the stories here and didn't want to be a "me too" poster, but I realize that some people may benefit (as I have) by others sharing their story.
I am male, 56, fairly healthy eater, moderately active and at my best weight in 15 years due to intentional portion control and increased physical activity through yardwork and treadmill (in hindsight, I may have gotten some weight loss "help" from undiagnosed diabetes as well). Honestly, I've been feeling great until 2 weeks ago when I got a slap-in-the-face diabetes diagnosis as a reward for my diligence. GP said diabetes, but he refuses to give a type 1/2 clarification - he said "we'll let the Endocrinologist determine that". My research and test results seem to indicate LADA (negative autoantibodies, mildly positive GAD (39), DKA symptoms, strong auto-immune family history). A recent visit to a dietician sort of supported my suspicions, when she printed out a LADA info sheet and handed it to me without much comment.
It started with a variety of symptoms that you all know, but I was able to write each of them off with a shrug:
Distance vision started degrading (I had perfect vision all my life - hmmm...I must be getting old)
Overnight cramps in my legs and feet like they were in a vice (must have pulled something working in the garden or on the treadmill)
Ankle swelling (whats that about? twisted ankle maybe?)
Rapidly increasing desire for water like I could not get enough (well, its a healthy habit right? and I \have* been trying to drink more*)
Peeing at night - as much as 6 or 7 times at the peak (well, I'm drinking all that water before bed - of course I need to go at night! I'll just shut my water drinking off at 8pm)
These last two are the ones that got my wife noticing and urged me to see a doctor.
By the time I was seen, the vision got even worse to the point I was thinking about not driving myself. Blood test came back glucose 284, A1c 12.1. Urine glucose and Ketones were high as well. I guess that was DKA? By the time I got home, my hands were filled with pharmacy bags of insulin pen, tips, test kit, etc, and my brain spinning with questions, confusion, anger, disbelief and more questions. I have watched my T1 daughter-in-law and a few friends over the years jab themselves and thought "oh thats an unfortunate burden", but I never thought it would be me. How can this be? Surely this is temporary!? Over the next several days, I went through the various stages anger, depression, frustration, denial, etc, but my wife was there by my side researching and supporting me - and still is. I feel bad for those who are going through this alone.
I was literally afraid to eat for several days. I got in early to a dietician and she talked me down from the cliff, telling me I was causing more ketones by fasting and showed me what 15g of carbs looked like in various forms and set a 45g target per meal. I am still hesitant, and I am probably hitting more like 15-30 for "most" meals but not all.
Lately, my feelings have been mostly guilt about feeling bad for myself. I mean, this could have been a cancer diagnosis or something. There are plenty of people out there who have more than this to deal with, so "stop whining" I tell myself. I am not sure where I am emotionally at this point - I guess "acceptance" of a sort, but there are still a lot of unanswered questions. It seems like LADA is not even recognized in some places (if that is even what this is). It will be several more weeks before my endocrinologist appointment.
I'm on 12 units of the long acting insulin each night (almost 2 weeks now), and testing each morning. Glucose is dropping daily and is down to 122 fasting this morning, and ketones have dropped to "none" on the strips. All of the DKA symptoms have gone, but my vision is still wonky. Optometrist saw no retinal damage, so that is good, but last week, my vision went from nearsighted to farsighted in about 4 days and I'm wearing glasses for the first time in my life. I hope the fluctuating eyesight is temporary or at least settles down.
So yeah, thanks for reading. I had to get this off my chest.
submitted by rokhead22 to diabetes [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:56 M4XP4WER [Request][Steam] lossless scaling

hello! I'd like to kindly request a copia de lossless scaling, Lossless Scaling allows you to scale windowed games to full screen using the state-of-the-art scaling algorithms, as well as use ML based proprietary scaling and frame generation.
The latest feature allows you to use Lossless Scaling to generate additional frames in games that do not have such support, including emulators.
Lossless Scaling is also useful for upscaling modern games if you cannot run them at native screen resolution (GPU limited) and want to get rid of blur due to bilinear scaling of the GPU driver, as well as for upscaling older and pixel-art games which do not support modern screen resolutions or full screen mode.
For modern games it is best to use LS1 or AMD FSR. For scaling pixel-art games, use Integer Scaling or xBR. Anime4K is best suited for cartoons or anime. Why am I asking for this? You see, a friend gave me a copy of helldivers to play with and although my faithful battle companion (gtx 1060) has been fighting tooth and nail in all the games I have played, the latter has been giving me acceptable performance, but I would like To reach 60fps and extend its useful life a little more, I have it accompanied by an R5 1600 and 16GB of ram. I could pirate it but since the software is constantly updated I would prefer to have it legal to receive the updates.
Software profile: https://store.steampowered.com/app/993090/Lossless_Scaling/
My steam profile: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198085047230/
Thanks for you time reading this. Game on!
submitted by M4XP4WER to GiftofGames [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:56 crush_francis [CANADA 🇨🇦] ⏳LIMITED TIME⏳ GET 20 GB for $25 from FIZZ MOBILE 🚀

There are no end dates at Fizz so you get to keep your plan (and its price) for as long as you want!
Enjoy INTRO PRICING from Fizz Mobile:
Spend less of your hard-earned money and get more GREAT VALUE:
It's simple! Use code IFAL7 when you sign up then pay your 2nd month's bill and we'll both get a $25 credit applied to our next payment; see details. Thank you!
submitted by crush_francis to ReferralTrains [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:56 jennyngai Philadelphia Love Note: You Have Seen White Man Married to An Asian Woman. Then Why Not White Woman Married to Asian Man?

In the past, I did talk about why Asian women are attracted to white men. But here is a question, why not white girl married to an Asian man? Here are the reasons why in this day and age, it is time for non-Asian/white women should go after Asian man. Ladies, it is time to prove the point why you shouldn't be deny or ignore.
If you haven't noticed, in this day and age, white men would go overseas such as Thailand, Cambodia, or Vietnam just to get married or chase after an Asian woman. Not just white men, even single men who are British, Irish, or Swedish, they would turn their back on their race just to marry an Asian women instead. Every non-Asian men have been giving up on finding singles in their hometown due to the fact that white women aren't the only ones in their department. And ladies, think about this. If your a white woman who have been seeing this trend of white man marrying a Asian man for awhile, imagine what will happen if the game changes if you marry to an Asian man.
Another thing is we are living in the woke culture, where anything can happen. Don't get me wrong, I have ton of friends who are in LGBTQ+ community, and mostly are my bisexual friends also agreed on my personal perspective. Because if we don't change it now, then when? So I really think that the non-Asian ladies should step up the game and show that white or non-Asian men are not the only guys that runs the show here, because we can play the same game as well. Besides, if a white man are willing to turn their back on their ethnicity and married to another race, why not do the same thing and prove the point!
Again, it is already the year of 2024, men and women should be treated equally; men and women should get pay equally; same-sex marriage for all; then why not "diversity marriage" for all. If you have lived in Philadelphia for awhile, then ask yourself this question. How many Asian man are living in Philadelphia these days? And if you think about it, if these Asian man can get marry easily, why there are so many single Asian man these days? And yes, most of the Asian man are introverted but you will never know if you actually speak to those American born Asians. Trust me, they are not afraid to speak their mind. So again, if you marry an Asian man, nobody would see this as a problem. In fact, this is why we called it "Proving The Point" to today's modern society.
According to statistics, how many marriages that a white man have failed compare to an Asian man in today's modern society? In fact, white man has something called "white man privilege" so they felt that they could do whatever they want. That is why single non-Asian ladies should change the game also. One of the main reasons why Asian man lasted a very long time when it comes to the marriage because of their culture and old-tradition. When it comes to marrying an Asian man, they take it as like it is part of the family tradition. If you want my suggestion, I would say non-Asian woman/white woman should go after those American-born Asian man. Why? Because you would never see any cultural differences when it comes to them; they are obviously the better choice. In fact, you can easily tell if they are American-born or not. For example, look at their body language and English speaking skills. It is almost like identical or reflection of yourself, especially day-to-day basis. From my personal perspective, Asian man are less likely to cheat their woman, compare to the non-Asian man. And I DON'T say it because I'm an Asian woman, I say it because I have dated a few in the past. In my old scenarios why my Asian dating didn't go the way I wanted to, because I was too demanding on my Asian man, so they just had enough with me. BUT, in order to keep the relationship going strong, make sure to keep it well-balance and treat together equally. Not only that, regardless of their race or ethnicity, any man wouldn't feel comfortable of being taking advantage especially in today's modern society. I have learned my lessons in my days, so this is why Asian boyfriend is still with me to this day. So if you ever saw an Asian man who have these particular preferences, don't avoid it, take your chance. You never know.
Finding singles are very difficult in today's modern society because of being overly cautious. Besides, nobody wants to make a mistake twice or scenarios that their parents went through in their good old days, right? However, if you are woman who wants to be overly-cautious, make sure NOT to surpass over age 30's, because this is where any man would prefer woman in their 20's instead. Why? At least they would have a better "healthy" choice to have kids compare to woman who are around their 30s. Don't take it too personally, because throughout the history the king have ton of wives and tons of kids. However, would you as a woman have ton of kids with different husbands? It doesn't matter what time period are you in, because you will still consider a no-more-than-an average woman, if you know what I mean. Sorry, loves. Back to the point, if you ladies want to have a long-lasting relationship, it is so obvious that Asian man are probably got way better chance compare to a white man or any non-Asian man because it is according to the statistics. As I mentioned before, why there are so many non-Asian man who are in their 50s or 60s going overseas especially in Southeast Asia to find a wife. It is not personal, but it is the reality.
Keep this in mind, don't expect too much on any type of man regardless of their race when it comes to having higher income or higher standards. Because in today's modern era, women have been giving much more equal or greater opportunity than men does. They are getting paid equally or sometimes higher income than men. This is why white men doesn't seem to have any upper advantage compare back to their good old days so they went somewhere else to find love.
Here is a simple relationship guide that I mentioned on my previous post, but keep this as a reminder: "Do you know that the majority of white men who dated or married to Asian women never last long compare to Asian men?" The best suggestion is go to more Asian meetups or Asian festivals, you would eventually find someone you like there. A great simple way to approach them is to ask questions like, "Hey, are from this area, you look so familiar?" or if the dude is sitting and chill, you could just sit next to them and see if they are willing to talk to you. Again, if you ladies are smart there are many questions you can ask depending on the scenarios.
Keywords: philly, philadelphia, dating, asian, girlfriend, boyfriend, singles, philly singles, philadelphia singles, philly dating, philly asian dating, philly asian meetup, finding singles, dating tips, dating advice, relationship guide, singles, philly asian singles, asian man, white woman, white women, non-asian singles, long-lasting relationship, long-lasting marriage, amwf, asian male white female relationship
submitted by jennyngai to u/jennyngai [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:55 GREATWHITESILENCE Best boxing gym in manhattan

Best as in the quality and knowledge of the trainers more than anything else - beginner friendly
submitted by GREATWHITESILENCE to AskNYC [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:55 crush_francis [CANADA 🇨🇦] ⏳LIMITED TIME⏳ GET 20 GB for $25 from FIZZ MOBILE 🚀

There are no end dates at Fizz so you get to keep your plan (and its price) for as long as you want!
Enjoy INTRO PRICING from Fizz Mobile:
Spend less of your hard-earned money and get more GREAT VALUE:
It's simple! Use code IFAL7 when you sign up then pay your 2nd month's bill and we'll both get a $25 credit applied to our next payment; see details. Thank you!
submitted by crush_francis to Referral [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:55 Head-Year2652 Bla bla posse full story

Response from Luke Mourinet the composer:

J'ai vu que tu m'avais écrit aussi ailleurs en anglais, donc voici également une version anglaise :
On the cover of 'Bougez,' from left to right, you have: Nadia Hamzaoui, Emmanuel Deleplanque, Sammy Hammami, and David Bustin.
It all started thanks to Sammy Hammami's mother, who worked in Brussels at a place I frequented daily. We became friends. She knew I was into music and asked me to evaluate what her son and his friends were doing and see if I could help them.
Impressed by their demos, I asked to meet them. Their energy and talent convinced me to sign them to re-record and professionally rework their tracks.
They were influenced by the raggamuffin trend of the time and had an impressive flow, almost unheard of in French at the time.
We started with the track that best reflected the group's range. I also had the idea to make an uptempo remix, more European for the clubs, in the spirit of Real to Reel's 'I Like to Move It.' This made sense on multiple levels, in terms of lyrics and style.
We organized a photo shoot and set up meetings with the biggest labels in Paris. Some labels hesitated to commit, but Olivier Chatelain from Sony Music / Dancepool fell in love with them and signed the group immediately.
This small, unknown Belgian group suddenly went from demoing with friends to major label artists in just a few months. They worked hard to prepare for this transition, especially mastering the uptempo version for live performances.
To get them road-ready, Sony Music placed them on a tour with a lineup of artists across France and Switzerland, alternating between large venues and clubs. From the first date, the group's phenomenal impact on stage and the audience's response made them the highlight of the show.
The feedback from the field to Sony Music opened unprecedented doors for an unknown group, typically reserved for established artists. They were booked on Jacques Martin's essential TV show, numerous youth programs, and at the Midem in Cannes.
Having attended several editions of the top youth magazine 'Ok Magazine' event, I knew Bla Bla Posse had every chance to win over this audience. Their raw urban style wasn't toned down for this audience. But I trusted their personalities and adaptability. By insisting with Sony to convince the magazine to give them a chance, they ended up being scheduled.
Placed at the end of the show, their performance caused a sensation. The electrified crowd screamed, and at the end of their set, the audience rushed the stage, interrupting the show and overwhelming security. The editor, stunned by this unprecedented situation, then set up a series of reports and articles on the group, opening up a whole new audience and a fan club.
Between increasingly numerous performances, the group was recording their first album with Urban Pop Electro sounds. Their second single, 'DJ Let's Groove,' was released to keep fans engaged as the album was taking longer than expected due to their busy schedule. However, the album would never see the light of day due to a conflict with the studio we had an agreement with to develop the group. With trust broken, the group and I decided to end the co-production with this studio and sue them.
Despite the label's excitement about the group's future singles, the climate of uncertainty no longer allowed Sony Music to release new tracks, let alone the album. After two years of legal proceedings, the group eventually dissolved, much to the regret of their fans, ending the promising journey of this group with a meteoric rise.
submitted by Head-Year2652 to Lostwave [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:54 sniffing_memes I (M/22) am feeling lost after constantly thinking about my ex (F/21) from 4 years ago. I‘m in a new relationship with (F/22) now but this made me realize that I treated my ex wrong and it depresses me. How can I overcome this situation (without hurting my current gf)?

TL/DR: Broke up with gf 4 years ago because I was immature even though we were best friends and loved each other. Got into a new relationship with (F/22) 1 year ago, became more mature and realized that I treated my ex wrong. Now I cant stop thinking about it for 6 months and it depresses and overwhelmes me.
When I (M/22) was 17 I had a girlfriend now (F/21) for 8 months (01/2020 - 08/2020). We had almost everything in common, generally were best friends and loved each other since the first time we met. However I sometimes was very immature when it came to communication and I also wasn’t that motivated to meet her because I used to be lazy. For example when corona started I did not want to meet up with her for ~1 month because I didn’t want to get sick and was scared of the virus. Obviously this made her sad but she loved me a lot and didn’t want to upset me so she accepted it and waited until I decided that not meeting up because of corona is wrong. Another example is that I sometimes neglected her so I could focus on school because that was really important to me.
Of course we also had a lot of great moments that I will cherish forever, but eventually I started to think that we shouldn‘t be together. I thought that I lost feelings for her and told myself that I don‘t actually love her and have to break up with her because she deserves someone who really loves her and treats her better. She really loved me, maybe more than anyone else ever did. But I thought it wasn‘t right. I picked her up from her home, we went to a park, I told her how I felt,i.a. she said that she will forever be happy to have me as her first bf. We broke up and decided to stay friends. Unfortunately that last part didn‘t work out so well because she met a new guy and I didn‘t want to get in their way so I thought that I have to distance myself from her and let them be happy. They got together and I slowly broke contact. (Why didn‘t I just talk to her)
Last year I got together with a girl now (F/22) I met in uni. This is my first adult relationship and I learnt a lot about trust, commitment, communication etc. My partner and I really grew in this relationship and also love each other. However I‘ve never been really convinced that she is the right one since she i.a. sometimes gets panic attacks or aggressive which is too much for me. However I decided to stay with her, partly because I think that I have to be there for her since she has a bad relationship with her mom, I can help her with uni etc. but i.a also because it can be comfortable and fun with her.
In January I started to think about my ex from 2020 and since then I can‘t get her out of my mind. Every day I blame myself for breaking up with her and not putting effort in that relationship. I started to realize how I treated her wrong and how I shouldve acted. I get the feeling that I ruined everything and it depresses me. Even more when I think about how I made my ex feel when I broke up with her.
I talked about this with my current girlfriend and she tried to calm me down. I hoped that I could get over my past relationship but I just can‘t.
It‘s been almost 6 months now and I want to ask my girlfriend if I could text my ex and ask her to meet up and talk about the past so I can hopefully get over it. Another part of me thinks that I should break up with my current girlfriend first and then meet up with my ex. (I have no intentions of getting her back I just want to come clean)
This whole situation overwhelmes and drains me. I think about it everyday and its getting too much.
submitted by sniffing_memes to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:54 lateuralligateur How comfortable would you be with your MIL looking after your toddler full-time?

I am in a difficult situation of choosing whether husband and I send our LO to daycare part-time or have my MIL look after her full-time. For background info, my LO is turning 1 year old soon and I am located in Canada where my maternity leave is also expected to end around the time she turns one. Ever since our daughter was born, my MIL (who lives 30mins away) kept telling everyone in our family how she plans to retire so that she can look after our daughter full-time and for us not to have to pay for daycare. This never became a concrete and direct conversation with us until recently where she told my husband to seriously consider this.
When my SIL used to live in-town, she had my MIL primarily look after her daughter for a bit over 18 months. I had the experience of watching my MIL kind of raise her, and because of this, there are quite a few things that I'm not comfortable with in the way that my MIL "raised" her. I don't know if I'm being too much, but I would essentially like for my husband and I to have more control over the way that we raise our daughter. Because of her experience with my SIL, I guess that my MIL automatically assumes that she will have the same kind of dynamic and privileges with us. My SIL and MIL are very close and basically best friends, so she gave full control to my MIL on whatever she wanted to do with her child and however my MIL pleases. On the other hand, I'm not really close with my MIL (she doesn't speak English very well) and it doesn't help that my parents live in another city, hence why I think MIL wants to sort of impose herself in our daughter's upbringing.
If it wasn't for my SIL moving out of town, my MIL wouldn't wanted to look after my niece till probably kindergarten age because her mindset is that she raised both my husband and SIL at home till that age and they turned out fine, and that daycare costs are unnecessary. For the 18 months that she primarily looked after my niece, they both stayed at home 100% of the time that she had her. My MIL rarely took her out or anything like that, she would always want my niece to be "close" to her and stay with her all the time. Ever since my niece was little as well, she would ALWAYS hold and carry her everywhere. As a result, even when my niece was around 20 months old, she barely walked and refused to walk although she could and always wanted to be carried. She was not used at all to seeing other faces and people and would always need to be either in my MIL's or SIL's arms everywhere. At 20+ months old she barely knew how to interact with other people and was not independent at all. She would always cry and be anxious whenever she's around other people and not in my MIL's or SIL's arms. It was quite bad that even when she was at home with my MIL and MIL needed to use bathroom, she would cry and look for her or follow her to the bathroom.
Niece is now a bit over 24 months old and to this day, she still does not know how to sit on a high chair when eating out anywhere. This also comes from the habit that since she was little, MIL would always hold her whenever dining out and even refuse to eat so that she can hold her to "let her parents eat". Then when parents are done eating, MIL would now eat because her parents are then free to "take turns" to hold her. It's honestly quite embarrassing to see and experience whenever we're having meals together. Another thing is that MIL would have full control over how my niece ate. She would feed her so much because in her culture, when a child eats a lot and is well fed, it's a good thing and at her age, my niece was a lot bigger than the average kids her age. Also, because my niece's attachment, at certain point when MIL would seriously have to attend to other tasks at home and niece would cry, she started just shoving the iPad in her face to calm her down and so that she can be left quietly.
Anyways this is to say that I strongly feel that if we let MIL look after our child full-time, 5 days a week, it will be challenging for us to decide and shape the way that we're actually raising our daughter. I can understand my MIL's excitement in having her grandchild with her, but I also think that she has some boundaries issues. Because I also can't communicate a lot with her, all communication will have to revolve around my husband and her and it's honestly going to be complicated with my husband working long hours most days.
Now the biggest thing for me is that my MIL is suggesting that she retires "for us" so that she can look after our daughter full-time. She argues that because they have no debt, she can freely retire. I am very uncomfortable with this because my MIL is only 56. Technically, she could be working up until 65 so that's almost 10 years of income that she is suggesting to give up on "for us." My in-laws have worked minimum wages their whole lives, and I'm afraid that my MIL's excitement in being a grandma is kind of overshadowing the reality of her retirement life without a steady income and we're surely not a position nor want to be in a position where we have to fund their retirement. If she retires, I also feel like we will be obligated to give her access and time to our daughter rather than having the freedom to decide our own schedule. Otherwise it doesn't make sense to me to have her retire when she can only spend 1-2 days in a week with our daughter, I feel like this is going to create resentment. If we agree to have MIL look after our daughter full-time, at most, that will probably only last for 2-3 years since she will eventually have to go to school. In addition to this, I also want to have my parents come spend time with our daughter as well in the summer since they live so far away and can only see her a few times a year. So during the time that my parents are here, MIL won't have access to our daughter full-time and will be sitting at home all summer by herself if she's retired.
What's my husband take on this? Well, my husband doesn't entirely see all the negative aspects that I've mentioned above in the way that his mother raised our niece. His focus is more on the fact that if we can save on daycare costs for the first couple of years, I'd be great. It may be tight, but we could definitely do daycare at least 3 times a week and if my MIL wanted she could have our daughter 1-2 times a week if she wanted because I don't want to take this relationship away completely. I personally feel that this would be a healthy balance if anything. If MIL wants to take us up on that, then she can decide for herself how she wants to make this work instead of the other way round. Everyone that I know did send their child to daycare at some point. Many at 12 months exactly and others eventually around the 18th month mark. Besides all of this, I have a fully work from home and flexible job, so taking responsibility of our daughter in her everyday needs, especially driving her to places wouldn't be an issue, and husband and I both work from home on Fridays so really, we do not need any sort of extra help. I'm more comfortable with the thought of knowing that there's extra help if or when we need it, rather than help being imposed on us, if that makes sense.
Any thoughts on how to deal with this? TIA.
submitted by lateuralligateur to Mommit [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:54 Ok_Caterpillar5387 I'm going to miss you

After years of being around you I'm going to miss you. I wish that you wanted to be with me and that we could've gotten a home with each other like we used to talk about. That we could've been the family I always dreamed about. I still want those things but I don't believe I make you happy. I really tried to even in small ways. I just wanted to make you smile and I still do. But I let my insecurities and overthinking ruin it and for that I am so deeply sorry. I always look back and wonder if I was better or worked harder or if I had gotten control of my anxiety and depression earlier on if you'd still be with me.you mean so much to me. You were the first person who actually showed me what love is. You were the first person that I felt loved me so deeply. You were my best friend. And now you're leaving. I want to beg you to not leave and to stay but that's not my place. I can't force anything with anyone. And I'd never force someone to stay with me or be with me. And in all honesty all I want is for you to be happy even if it's not with me. I wish you so much happiness and joy even if you moving kills me on the inside. You deserve to be happy. I wish I could express this to you. How badly I don't want you to go. But you've been saying you want this for years and I the last thing I'd ever want to do is hold you back. I love and miss you dearly. And I hope you get everything you've ever desired and want in life.
submitted by Ok_Caterpillar5387 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

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submitted by crush_francis to CanadaReferralCodes [link] [comments]

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submitted by crush_francis to CanadianReferral [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:53 Anxious_Chain820 Relationship BPD help

My boyfriend and I have been dating for over a year now and together for over two years. We’ve had our ups and downs but I feel like I have always been the one making sacrifices for his bad behavior and habits. He’s been abusive (emotionally and slightly physically when drunk) but I still refuse to let go even when I know he isn’t treating me how I deserve to be treated. I’ve always been extremely attached to him however even before we were dating. I would have panic attacks and be insanely irrational any time we had to be apart or he wanted space or even just a trip home for the weekend. When we were living in dorms in college I would wake up in a panic if I’d realized I’d fallen asleep without him and would find any possibly solution to get us to spend the night together. Even nights before we were dating when I’d see him kissing someone else or he’d still be hanging out with his ex I’d be so angry in the moment but still feel that pull to him and I’d end up getting drunk or using drugs to fight that feeling of wanting to cling to him even when he was hurting me only to come back to him in the end and destroy myself for him. When we started dating and moved in together he still saw his ex and there were rumors of him cheating but I still could not let go of him. I get irrationally angry when ever he goes out with people other than me or has a life outside of me and know I shouldn’t be angry at him simply hanging out with friends but it was still there and I’d still act irrationally. The other day, in a fit of rage at work and over text, I told him I was packing up my stuff and leaving knowing I was only doing it to see his reaction. To see if he would accept it or let me go even though I know that leaving is what’s best for me and I’ve been wanting to put myself in a better situation. When the time comes to actually leave I never do it. My emotions are so up and down and all over the place all the time causing a lot of conflict between us because I will get irrationally angry at random things and have a lot of trouble letting go. He got a DUI this year after I continuously told him his behavior would lead to that and that his drinking made me very uncomfortable. Now he’s struggling to come to terms with the restrictions of that and what it means for his life but there’s only so much I can support and put up with. I am finally moving back home to help myself out financially and emotionally but I don’t know how to let go of him and to leave him. I feel like he won’t stay loyal when I’m gone, and he has trouble controlling his emotions and acting impulsively. He lacks maturity, is unable to ever admit when he’s in the wrong or straight up apologize and he will yell at me, blame me when I’m trying to bring up an issue with him, and curse me out. But I still have that gut wrenching feeling when I try to leave him that it isn’t right that I need him and he needs me and I’d rather go down with the ship than do better for myself. Even talking about everything he’s done to me and every rude daily daily behavior I would still do anything for him and in the moment I’m in a rage but after I’m still upset but that attachment to him is stronger. How do I let go? How do I do better for myself when I have no desire to feel any better.
submitted by Anxious_Chain820 to BorderlinePDisorder [link] [comments]
