Bachelorette party truth question

raisedbynarcissists: for the children of abusive parents

2013.02.18 19:38 AFreakingUnicorn raisedbynarcissists: for the children of abusive parents

This is a support group for people raised by abusive parents (with toxic, self-absorbed or abusive personality traits, which may be exhibited by those who suffer from cluster B personality disorders). Please share your stories, your questions, your histories, your fears and your triumphs. Significant others and friends are all welcome.

2018.04.01 12:32 guccibananabricks StupIDPol: Marxist critique of essentialism

Subreddit focused on critiquing capitalism and identity politics from a Marxist perspective.

2021.07.06 23:20 RoboCop: Rogue City

RoboCop: Rogue City is a first-person shooter set in the RoboCop universe developed by Teyon and published by Nacon. It is available on PS5, Xbox Series XS, Nintendo Switch, and PC via Steam!

2024.05.21 13:11 missmightberight Just want a second opinion

Let me describe the situation first. Colleague A was talking a lot of trash about colleague B. I didn’t get involved because I’m quite new in the company and thought this was none of my business. The other day I was talking to B and she told me about a situation that A described completely different. Since I was absolutely baffled I replied that I’m quite shocked since the way A described it was totally different. This led to us realizing that there were a lot of things A lied about. It wasn’t just about “small” things but e.g. B getting warnings from our boss and stuff that could totally ruin her reputation. B wanted to talk about this with our boss. This led to a meeting with all four of us since B wanted me as a witness. Well, let’s say it turned from me being a witness to the guilty party. A declined everything I and B said. “This is not how I am and I stand with myself” or “I didn’t mean it like that so I’m sorry if you misunderstood it”. A started crying in the most random situations during the meeting. To make it clear I never, not in any moment, directly attacked her. All I was hoping for was that we’d all work on our communication so that a situation like that doesn’t happen again, I never intended to expose her or anything. Naively I thought that this was the whole point of the meeting, to work on our team. Things I said was stuff like “sometimes communication gets lost on Microsoft teams or can be misunderstood so we all really need to look at how it might appear”. Although our boss said that she’d stay neutral and not get involved she definitely chose a side because now I’m the one that got the sanctions. Colleague A requested that whenever I want to talk to her our boss needs to be there, too, and that she gets cc’d in any of our mails just in case I “misunderstand” her again. Like bruh, she actually said those things. She told me highly confidential stuff about B I wasn’t supposed to know, so how did I know if nobody told me?
I really need a few opinions on this issue since I have no idea what happened and if I’m in the wrong. I know this is a lot of Text and it probably does sound confusing in some parts so please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks for reading so far
submitted by missmightberight to work [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:09 DogOnTheLeash Cryptic posts

Cryptic posts
I looked into the cryptic posts and searched for some clues, sorry that i just searched on surface level, nothing deep, still here is what i found:

🕐 1. Post

Erica Kennedy

I found a news article (or similar) about her, in connection to Ebony Power 100 and the "Blind items"

The author died under very strange circumstances. The thing is though, the cause of death was never disclosed.
The Mystery
The other day, someone reached out and asked me about the death of an author.
I hadn’t thought about the author in several years.
The author died under very strange circumstances.
The thing is though, the cause of death was never disclosed.
People were waiting for it because there were some questions about how she died and if this A list mogul/wannabe rapper was behind it.
He wasn’t. One of the reasons he had nothing to do with it was the author had characterized him in the book as, umm manly, which he really liked because the truth is far from that.
Stories flooded the media that the author was unstable and a drug addict and had mental issues.
This version of events became golden and people just moved on.
They stopped asking the tough questions because they had been given the answers they thought they needed.
No one was ever given any answers.
One of the reasons for that was the person she was sleeping with was a married man who had a ton of money and connections everywhere and with everyone.
Our author was talking about confronting the wife of her lover because the author thought that the wealthy man was treating the author poorly, which he was.
Apparently this wealthy man decided to kill her.
From the beginning, the police knew who did it, but were stalling until they got orders from someone higher up the food chain.
This was a very powerful person.
Then, the wealthy man died.
When he died, everyone just decided that keeping things quiet was the way to go and so they have stayed quiet about it ever since.
Erica Kennedy Erica Kennedy was an American author, blogger, news correspondent, fashion journalist, and singer. Her 2004 novel Bling, became a New York Times bestseller. In 2010, she was named to the list of 100 most influential African Americans, as published by Ebony magazine and known as the “Ebony Power 100”
Sean Combs – P. Diddy



🕑 2. Post

Somebody almost walked off wid alla my stuff

This is a quote of the peom "For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Suicide/ When the Rainbow Is Enuf"
A youtube comment under the play of the peom said this:
That it's about men taking "something" from a woman (in sexual intercourse?)
The peom reads itself also like from Drakes perspective: "somebody took all of my stuff ->ebony2k24

🕒 3. Post

Paradise lost, paradise regain
This the only thing that stood out to me (ofc also the fighting vs evil, but..). Reminds me of Kendrick saying "One, two, three, four, five, plus five, ayy"
thats all, nothing serious but maybe it helps summarizing
submitted by DogOnTheLeash to DarkKenny [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:07 MangoEnvironmental58 Call of Cthulhu 3rd party policies

Hi redditors! I was reading the Miskatonic Repository Guidelines for publishing and creating 3rd party materials. I noticed that under those guidelines you can only publish via DriveThru and you can't crowdfund your projects. I also noticed that those guidlines only covers the 7th edition of CoC and to the direct question the answer is as follows:
Can I create and sell content for previous editions of Call of Cthulhu?
We will only accept content designed for 7nd Edition. If you have something for a previous edition that you want to use with a product, you must update it to 7th edition to do so. This does not cover updating entire scenarios published in earlier editions – we advise you to email us about such things as a pitch: []( However, a sequel (or even a prequel) would be possible, provided it has more original content than content referenced from a previous editions’ scenario.
I tried to find online if there are rules for publishing 3rd party content with 5th or 6th edition rulesets, but i couldn't find any. Does anyone of you redditors knows if those rulesets are free to use? Are there limitation on crowdfounding projects for 5th/6th edition CoC content?
submitted by MangoEnvironmental58 to callofcthulhu [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:03 FFBot Official: [League, Commissioner, and Platform Issues] - Tue 05/21/2024

DO NOT post Who Do I Start, Add Drop, or Trade questions in this thread; find the appropriate thread within the INDEX.
Questions about Collusion, How Waivers Work, Stat corrections, League Scoring, etc. all belong here. Any commissioner question on how to handle a situation in your league belongs here.
Any simple fantasy football question, especially when you are looking for a quick answer rather than a discussion, usually does not deserve its own thread and should be posted here. Occasionally a platform's customer care department, such as u/YahooFantasyCare may be available to address your questions directly in this thread.
  • Detailed explanation of the issue (collusion, rules question, changing settings, collecting buy-ins, etc), parties involved, waiver settings, etc.
  • Specific scoring rules (PPR, etc.)
  • Other league specific rules and details (league size, roster details, custom scoring, bonuses etc.)
  • Anything else you may think is helpful
Remember: Most answers to simple questions and league questions don't change from year to year. How much has changed in collecting dues in the 2 years? We encourage you to use the search function for questions like this.
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Individual Simple Question or League Issue (with very rare exceptions) threads posted after this point will be deleted in order to keep the subreddit clean. Post here instead! If everyone sorts by new, your questions should be answered. You can also check out /FFCommish

The following users have helped the most people in this thread:
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submitted by FFBot to fantasyfootball [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:01 KgsRoCks Please stop complaining, game is fine

Imma write some facts, probably will get downvoted for spreading the truth and not the memes of doomposters that no longer play the game and are uninformed.
So in the end... Can you guys stop complaining? I know that currently the ingame shop is having some issues in europe, but it will be fixed fast as thats the only thing wrong.
submitted by KgsRoCks to lostarkgame [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:00 AutoModerator Daily Discussion

Please use this thread for any questions, non-Chicago Cubs content, or anything else that might not warrant a new post.
Be excellent to each other. Party on, dudes!
submitted by AutoModerator to CHICubs [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:00 PinHead559 PPT Leo>Civilian

As the title states my questions involve private party transferring and off roster handgun to a civilian from a LEO. Guns that come directly from the source with “hIgH cApAciTy” mags, does the civilian get to keep/use those or is that a no go? Same thing with threaded barrels, my assumption is no but wonder if anyone in here has dealt with a similar situation.
submitted by PinHead559 to CAguns [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:58 Change_username1914 Welcome to ContraDiction Corner!

Hello all! On today’s Contradiction Corner we’re so pleased to have with us Governing Body member Jeffery Winder.
Critical thinker: Hello Jeffery!
gbJW: Hello.
Critical thinker: Jeffery we wanted to ask you a question
gbJW: ok, please go ahead
Critical thinker: In the most recent annual meeting of October 2023, you stated that when it comes to receiving “new light”, the governing body essentially goes back thru all the watchtowers from 1879 to present to research certain topics, correct?
gbJW: yes, that’s correct.
Critical thinker: And Holy Spirit guides the governing body when going thru this process in researching all that information then, correct?
gbJW: yes, we lovingly accept Jehovah’s guidance when he directs us in our study
Critical Thinker: So the literature from the inception of the organization has all been approved by Jehovah since it serves as a reference point for current matters?
gbJW: yes, that’s correct
Critical thinker: Ok, then may I present to you a question regarding a quote from a watchtower from 1931?
gbJW: yes, by all means.
Critical thinker: the quote I am referencing is from November 1st 1931 WT on page 327. It says: “The Watchtower recognizes the truth as belonging to Jehovah, and not to any creature. The Watchtower is not the instrument of any man or set of men, nor is it published according to the whims of men. No man's opinion is expressed in The Watchtower.”
Critical thinker: That’s a pretty straightforward statement, correct?
gbJW: yes, and its truth stands to this very day. Jehovah uses the governing body as his spokesperson on earth, the director of his organization and we teach the adherents by means of what Jehovah gives to us, his governing body.
Critical thinker: so essentially, what is written in the pages of the watchtower and other publications can be taken as coming from God himself?
gbJW: yes, that is correct and we lovingly accept that responsibility he’s bestowed upon us.
Critical thinker: may I present you with another quote?
gbJW: yes, go ahead
Critical thinker: This quote comes from the February 2017 Watchtower on page 20 if I’m not mistaken, paragraph 12. It’s referencing the “Beliefs Clarified” section of the Watchtower index. It states, “Of course, Jesus did not tell us that his faithful slave would produce perfect spiritual food.”
Critical thinker: So when I compare what was said in the 1931 watchtower to what was said in the 2017 watchtower, how would you explain that? Is the spiritual food that comes from Jehovah sometimes incorrect? The quote from 1931 doesn’t leave any room for ambiguity does it?
gbJW: 👀
Critical Thinker: I’m noticing a perplexed look on your face? Are you ok?
gbJW: 😐
Critical Thinker: If I may, I’d like to present to you the definition of contradiction. It’s, “a statement of a position opposite to one already made.”
Critical Thinker: would you say those two articles contradict each other?
gbJW: Well, we are not embarrassed about adjustments that are made, nor do is an apology needed for not getting things exactly right previously. We understand this is how Jehovah operates by revealing matters gradually.
Critical Thinker: Sooo, the literature IS opinion based and could be rightfully described as being published at the whims of men?
gbJW: sir, this is a Wendy’s
Critical Thinker: 😂 good one Jeff!
Critical Thinker: But no, seriously, how can you explain that?
Critical Thinker: Jeffery, it looks as though your handler is saying it’s time to cut the interview.
Critical Thinker: We want to thank Jeffery Winder for being the little dic in today’s ContraDiction Corner! We love you very much Jeffery!
Critical Thinker: To all of you out there, please join us next time as we get another dic from upstate New York to join at the corner, ContraDiction Corner!! Bye for now!
submitted by Change_username1914 to exjw [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:56 FarmerExtreme9600 coinbase trick

last year November, My coinbase account was hacked.
I lost my al fund $40000
I have only on device(iphone) for coinbase with 2FA
However, it never work at the day.
I cliamed more hundred time
they answer like that
21 May 2024
Re: Your Formal Complaint to Coinbase
Hello W,
We are writing in response to your 20 May 2024 formal complaint regarding unauthorized transactions on your Coinbase account.
After an extensive review, we’ve determined that your sign-in credentials were used to access your account and withdraw the funds in question on 30 November 2023, as explained in case 17221713.
The Coinbase User Agreement states that users are responsible for maintaining adequate security and control of any and all access methods and codes used to access Coinbase. Here, you allege that a third-party gained access to your account and had withdrawn the funds in question. The same User Agreement provides that Coinbase is not responsible for any loss suffered due to compromise of account login credentials due to no fault of Coinbase.
As a result, Coinbase is unable to reimburse you for your loss. Additionally, due to blockchain protocol, Coinbase is not able to reverse this transaction.
If you have not already done so, it is imperative that you report this incident to law enforcement agencies in your jurisdiction immediately through this link: Be sure to include as much detail as possible in your report. Coinbase fully cooperates with law enforcement investigations.
We hope this information is helpful to you in showing why Coinbase came to this decision.
As a result, Coinbase considers your complaint closed.
Thank you for your time and attention in pursuing this issue with Coinbase.
Kind Regards,
David Coinbase Customer Complaint Officer
submitted by FarmerExtreme9600 to CoinBase [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:54 Ordinary_Cattle I have a question about the judge at the party in s2e6

Did the judge know about Tench and his son? I feel like I might have missed something, it seemed like he was directly talking about Brian when he mentioned how he wishes he could lock up all juvenile ddelinquents. There was another moment where Tench didn't seem happy to see the judge earlier as well. Is the judge aware of the situation with Brian, was he shown earlier in the show and I missed it?
submitted by Ordinary_Cattle to MindHunter [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:46 Hot-Cancel-6648 I guess she doesn't like bald guys

I guess she doesn't like bald guys submitted by Hot-Cancel-6648 to Tinder [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:44 Timely_Status_6975 Can we help each other progress?

I am sick and tired of not progressing. I turned 25 last week. For the last 2-3 years I’ve been trying (very inconsistently) to achieve financial freedom.
I want to be able to quit my day job, that’d mean having an income of around 1300€/month on my own. (Right now my extra income is of around 200€/month)
Most of the time I loose time scrolling, just to finish the day with a 100 tasks sitting on my mind (and notebooks) that I know could help me progress or develop my health.
The truth is that I currently suck big time at being responsible for myself. I am EXHAUSTED.
However every day I show up at work, and at every job I’ve had I’ve been really good at.
I feel like I need: a) a super clear to do / path b) something to own it to to be responsible and do the work.
I am also so good at helping people plan, organize, brainstorm and at seeing the bigger picture for a project. So here again comes my question.
Can we help each other progress?
• I am looking for someone to partner with, & act as personal managers for each other.
Something like: • Weekly call to do our schedules and assess progress. • Helping each other creating clear to do lists. • Keeping each other on top of what’s real, what’s happening, and how much we can do the work each week.
Not only with business development but overall goals. I have interest in learning Swedish & Breathing theory, and just recently started going to the gym (this month I’ve slip so much).
If you think we can help each other out, comment here to connect :) also general advice on how to start or whatever you want to say here is welcomed. This is my first time posting ahhh.
For some context: I’m a certified/trauma informed breathwork coach and tarot reader. I have experience instructing and guiding since almost 6 years now, but in the outdoor industry. Anywho. I decided to focus on this because it changed my life: I haven’t had asthma in 3 years, cured my acne, can now run without dying, sleep great, lost weight, experience presence more often than not, and got out of sleeping 18h / day to avoid being here. I have now guided more than 200 people, I practice every day, people around me are interested in what I do, I teach at a very nice and unique studio in the city.
I work 35h a week as a barista, half of my pay goes to renting a room in Barcelona. I don’t want to end the year this way. I’m Venezuelan, I want to have the freedom to help my parents & friends progress. Can we help each other progress?
submitted by Timely_Status_6975 to productivity [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:43 No_Pause8153 I (28M) got angry at a joke my girlfriend (29F) made last night during dinner and now things are back to being shaky between us.

Hi folks,
Longtime lurker and first-time poster here. I need a (relatively) unbiased perspective on something that happened last night with my girlfriend.
For context, things between us have been touch and go for the past two months. A combination of issues we had when we first started dating resurfacing and long-distance (she's been working out of the country since March but will be back in about ten days) has made it hard to soothe each other during such times.
Things yesterday were more than okay. Actually, they were great. The warmth that we had at the start of the year when she was still here was back. She was affectionate, loving, cracking jokes, smiling, laughing, etc. I felt great. We decided to prepare dinner together that night on FaceTime, and things were going stellar.
Until she was jokingly telling me to stop singing this one song that she hated and I told her "to relax" in a non-serious tone. I instantly went, "Oh shit haha I'm so sorry, don't take my head off," because I remembered how she hates it when someone tells her to "relax." She clapped back, saying, "Haha don't tell me to relax, I'll fucking punch you in the face." And that is when I got pissed.
I'm a sensitive guy. I always have been. It is something that has caused me a lot of anguish in my previous relationship because I can very quickly get upset about small things. For some reason, I've always had an issue with this kind of language in relationships. Violence. Do I think my girlfriend would actually punch me in the face? Of course not. But for whatever reason, I've always been hyper-sensitive to this kind of talk. I also despise it when anyone goes for my face in a joking manner, whether it's some rough housing with my dad or my friends, or my significant other jokingly giving me a couple of taps on the face.
I've never been physically abused in my life. My parents never laid a hand on me. I've never been physically bullied, either. So I really don't know where this aversion to physical or verbal jokes of this kind comes from.
I got a little pissed. I didn't shout, scream, or throw a tantrum. But I was visibly upset. She asked me why I was so pissed since she was clearly joking and said she would never actually punch me. I said I don't like that kind of language being thrown around even as a joke, to which she said, "Who hurt you?"
She went on to say that if this triggered a soft spot because of something that happened to me, I should communicate that to her. But I can't expect her to understand that if I've never told her. I said nothing happened to me. I've never been physically abused, so there's no "trauma" underlying it. It's just something I don't enjoy. No need to overanalyze it.
That sentence kicked my anger up a few notches. I guess reflecting on it, it felt invalidating. It frustrated me. I said, "Who hurt me? Do you really want to take it there? Is that how you want to handle this?"
I was pretty sure I knew why that sentence hurt me. I was in an emotionally abusive, toxic relationship for five years with a borderline narcississt. My girlfriend knows this. She knows how bad it was. And I guess the crass nature of the 'who hurt you?' comment reminded me of a time earlier in my relationship with my current girlfriend where we were having an argument and she said, "Do I have to treat you like shit to have you?" Which was a clear reference to my previous relationship. She has since apologized for that comment, after I told her how profoundly invalidating and wrong it is to say something like that.
The thing is. My girlfriend has a tendency to say things that come off as rude, hurtful, or invalidating when she's upset. And I think this whole situation triggered that fight or flight response after the 'Who hurt you?' debacle.
Back to the current issue....
I was flooded, so I told her I'd call her back after I've cooled off. I took five minutes to relax and then called her back. I apologized for my "overreaction" to her joke and explained to her that generally, I don't enjoy these kinds of jokes.
She went on to say that she finds me getting upset at something like this, to the degree that I did get upset, "kind of ridiculous."
I told her I understand. I said it was unfair to get roused up like that. I told her it's all water under the bridge now and I know she didn't mean anything she said seriously. I reiterated that I don't appreciate these kinds of jokes and that I don't think it's a big ask not to make them in our relationship. She agreed.
After we spoke about it, I couldn't shake the feeling that her telling me my reaction was "ridiculous" and me doubling down by saying it was "unfair" to her was, in reality, unfair to me, and invalidating for me.
Either way, it seemed like the damage was done, though. She was cold for the rest of the night while we watched something on Netflix. The jokey, smiling, sensual person that was there a few minutes ago was replaced by a cold, frustrated, avoidant person. Things were just lukewarm for the rest of the night. She was back to feeling super anxious about all the things we were going through and I was back to feeling like garbage. My anxiety was through the roof. My heart was beating like I was running away from a tiger. I felt sick to my stomach.
I wanted to beat myself up to a pulp. My internal monologue went straight into self-hatred mode. "Why are you like this? This is all your fault. Things were fine, but your sensitive, fragile ass just had to have a moment, right? You couldn't just enjoy the present moment. You couldn't take two seconds to calm your nervous system down before overreacting. Now she probably feels like she has to walk on eggshells around you. She probably thinks you're a baby. You're not a real man. A real man wouldn't throw a childish tantrum like this over a silly fucking joke. You just gave her the ick. You triggered her, and now she's anxious and feeling like crap, and so are you. You just can't have nice things, can you? You have to self-sabotage, don't you?"
I didn't give into the monologue. I took ten minutes to record a voice note to myself, speaking to myself as though I was a friend. I told myself that while I may have overreacted, I did the right thing by taking accountability and apologizing. I also reminded myself that what I had done was far from a "tantrum." I didn't scream, shout, break stuff, or name-call. I didn't blame her, hold it against her for the rest of the night, or stonewall.
The issue that I am dealing with and have always dealt with in these situations is the intense feelings of shame and guilt that come about after these moments. In addition, I feel like I can never truly validate my feelings. Sure, I recorded that voice note as an exercise to try to rewire that awful, abusive self-talk in my head, but I still felt like the whole situation was entirely my fault. I still sort of blame myself for how she is feeling now. I blame myself for disrupting a moment of peace and well-being in our relationship. And I also know that I am prone to self-sabotage, so that makes it even more difficult to find the middle ground between taking responsibility for my actions and validating my feelings.
Was I being extra? Was I really overreacting? Is my insecure attachment causing me to overanalyze or interpret my girlfriend's actions after the initial episode I had? Did she really invalidate how I was feeling by asking the "who hurt you?" question in a somewhat sarcastic way as well as telling me that it was ridiculous of me to get angry at such a thing? Was I really being unfair to her by reacting how I did? Is my nervous system just picking up on a pattern of invalidating behaviour and the anger after the 'who hurt you?' comment is a natural reaction to that? It is the morning after that situation, and I am feeling rather distant towards her. I feel almost sick in my stomach. As though I'm seeing a side to her that I shouldn't ignore. But again, I think as people with insecure attachments we have this tendency to either put people on an insane pedestal to which they will inevitably fall short of or label any behaviour as a 'red flag'.
I'm not looking for a pity party. I want honest opinions, please. If I was really in the wrong, I want to hear that perspective.
Things have been touch and go with my girlfriend due to resurfacing issues and long-distance challenges. Last night on FaceTime, she joked about punching me in the face, which upset me as I'm sensitive to violent language. I expressed my discomfort, and she responded with a sarcastic "who hurt you?" This reminded me of a past abusive relationship. I took a break to calm down and apologized, but she called my reaction "ridiculous." She became cold afterward, making me anxious and self-critical. Now, I feel conflicted, wondering if my reaction was an overreaction or if her responses were invalidating. Am I overanalyzing due to my insecure attachment style, or is this a red flag? Seeking honest opinions.
submitted by No_Pause8153 to AnxiousAttachment [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:41 PresenceHuman2937 CSE6040.ISYE6501,MGT8803 reviews and tips for A

So, i am a practically recent student started on spring 2024. I have done these 3 courses, ISYE6501 on micromaster , and CSE6040,MGT8803 on spring, got an A on all and want to share my opinion on them.
Also i am right now taking Simulation and MGT6203 any tips for them?
ISYE6501: My first class and my favourite from these 3, The professor was amazing and the class was the right one for introduction. The concepts are too general and i really love the ideas and the thinking behind the teaching methods, not focusing on the theory but on the practical use of the concepts learned. The homeworks and peer grading is strange, you will more likely get 90% with barely some work but it's comepletly hard to get an 100% you need a very good presentation not really matters what work you done , it's all about prospective of other students. The exames where tricky and some questions very strange stated, like they wanted you to get tricked. Midterm 1 was the hardest one while the next became easier each time. I would suggest to start studying early, and DON'T focus on the proofs and math types but try to understand how to use each model and what happens if you change a variable or what's the purpose of it? Also quizlet flashcards were a very big help. ( also the R part on homeworks was easy not really need to learn something complex)
MGT8803: Really don't like the many subjects in one class format, neither the every 3 weeks test . But to tell you the truth, everyone said too much to learn and such a memory class, i have a bad memory and got a 97% overall with average studying. Finance and accounting are the hard stuff, Finance was pretty hard to learn and put a lot of effort, accounting was the first class and was too much to learn in short period of time. But the exams are fairly easy, and the rest of the classes are like 4-5 hours studying per week and you are good to go. Watch the TA and professor recordings and you will be ready for most midterms and actually have a good idea of what's going to happen. Also Bob Mayers on supply chain is my favourite teacher till now , absolutely love this guy the live sessions with him were amazing. Overall easy class , with 2 hard subjects, study early for accounting and finance and use excel and learn how to solve every exercise from the self assesments and you will have at least a 80%.
CSE6040: Professor was good and when he did the classes actually had much fun watching them but the rest classes were blunt and not very informing about what we have to learn. This class was hard, you need to learn to be good on python , actually good not just copy paste master and you need to learn how to have a programming thinking. The midterm 1 was with average 10 so that's tell you enouth , second midterm they screwed up with the long memory and lagging issues and they put 100% SQL problems so that didn't go well but they did a generally curve. The last midterm was a little rough but for someone with no background python knowledge , i scored a 100% overall so that means if you study enough you can too. But be careful, this class need time commitment. The TAs were amazing and very helpful, the best on all classes till now. Also they had these bootcamp sessions every week that they teached and show step to step every coding needed to succed so you have no excuse that you didn't know how to solve something, also they hint many times what's important for the upcoming midterm on these sessions , so unless you are a pro programmer WATCH THEM,and also solve all the past midterms and homeworkds available and you will be on the go for an easy A.
submitted by PresenceHuman2937 to OMSA [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:39 Jetthedog331 Curious of the difference

So I work in cell phone sales and currently on pace to hit 150k this year. I work hard on being reputable truthful and giving my number out to every customer.
My question is I don’t feel special at all. I work hard to make things easy and I serve customers well. I easily clear 3x the team.
I am confident and I am willing to push back on customers because I would rather have someone have everything they need than a cheap quick sale that end me up hurting me and causing issues in the long run for them.
Is being willing to push back the thing that separates me or confidence or both? I want to help try and figure out the “it” factor to help others out as well.
submitted by Jetthedog331 to sales [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:39 Jetthedog331 Curious of the difference

So I work in cell phone sales and currently on pace to hit 150k this year. I work hard on being reputable truthful and giving my number out to every customer.
My question is I don’t feel special at all. I work hard to make things easy and I serve customers well. I easily clear 3x the team.
I am confident and I am willing to push back on customers because I would rather have someone have everything they need than a cheap quick sale that end me up hurting me and causing issues in the long run for them.
Is being willing to push back the thing that separates me or confidence or both? I want to help try and figure out the “it” factor to help others out as well.
submitted by Jetthedog331 to sales [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:39 DeKubus iOS Activity Monitor

tl;dr: Is there an activity monitor for iOS that shows the current CPU and RAM usage per process?
My phone started to get really hot and have massive battery drain issues a while ago. It gets to the point that charging is frequently limited and the phone is barely readable outdoors since it auto-dims down a ton. Safari takes 5 seconds to open a new website. Needless to say, the phone is not fun anymore. When talking to Apples customer service, they recommended setting up the phone as new to find out whether it was a hardware defect or something with the software. Lo and behold, the problems went away. Now, I don’t want to lose years of setting up the phone and the apps and therefore would like to nail down what exactly is causing this. Unfortunately, the onboard tools do not help: battery usage per app does not show any details and seemingly randomly has different apps on top. Privacy monitor does only show connectivity and access issues. Third party apps seem only to be able to show general stats, but nothing on a per-process level. My question: Is there any way to see the current CPU / memory consumption per process?
For completeness sake: it’s a 13 Pro.
submitted by DeKubus to ios [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:38 GooseEasy7709 Most of society do not respect or value autistic people

Throughout my life I have always been a bit of an outcast. I had a few weak friendships in my childhood years, followed by acquaintances through my teenage years and beyond.
Throughout my secondary school years I was bullied relentlessly.
As I have aged I have observed and noticed that people do not feel comfortable with me as a person. They do not feel at ease around me. Let me just give an example:
  1. Work environment -> I am essentially blanked and ignored all day long. Colleagues do not talk to me or appear to even notice that I am present. They get up and go to meals together. This is quite hurtful and mentally damaging. I have to go to bed when I come home from work and constantly have to psyche myself up to go to work to face this isolation.
  2. Parties -> the odd person might talk to me, but for the most part I’m left to my own devices. Few people seek me out to talk to.
  3. Close family members -> those who I don’t contact myself don’t contact me.
  4. I only hear of things after the fact.
  5. I have noticed that most NT’s have a very poor understanding of social anxiety. I have listened to them talking about people like us who don’t speak and their response is always “they don’t know how to speak to people”. This is not the case, social anxiety occurs because we believe that people will not accept and embrace us which is the truth in my experience.
  6. I am frequently gaslighted. People often underestimate both my abilities in life and my abilities to read a social situation.
  7. children always stare at me.
  8. most Neurotypicals are poor at communicating about and resolving conflict. When people have an issue with me they do not directly address it.
I have achieved a lot in my life, well beyond the typical autistic person. However, I continue to have issues socially in part due to my condition but also because people fear me and literally freeze with anxiety when they see someone who is different.
Most extroverts are terrible at communicating with us.
I try to maintain a positive mentality in life and have persevered through a lot of adversity, but I do not see NT’s embracing us and treating us with dignity and respect. Most fear us. I do not see this changing.
submitted by GooseEasy7709 to CasualUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:37 grantw101991 Final campaign bosses

It kind of feels like there's a theme going on here. I havnt run very many campaigns personally but everyone I talk to seems to say the same thing. The final boss is a pushover. Tiamat at the end of RoT pushover, Strahad von Zarovich at the end of CoS, and now Vecna at the end of Vecna: Eve of Ruin. I constantly hear that some of the lower level fights are much more difficult than end bosses.
I guess my main question is rather this is at the fault of WotC, the DM running the Campaign, a mix of both perhaps?
Is it maybe some people struggled more and others didn't because of class and party combos/quantities?
Curious to hear everyone's thoughts.
submitted by grantw101991 to DnD [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:37 castthefirststone79 Election Ballots?

Today is Election Day in Georgia. I wanted to be prepared before I go cast my vote so l checked the ballot. I was surprised to find that Democrat, Republican, and Nonpartisan ballots aren't the same. The Democrat ballot has questions like should the State of Georgia raise the minimum wage to a living wage? Republican ballot has questions like should public officials who allow illegal migration to occur be held responsible for crimes committed by illegal aliens?And those that are Nonpartisan have no questions on their ballot. I have several questions about this. Why aren't all the ballots the same? Wouldn't it be more accurate if both parties were allowed to vote on every issue? Why are these questions on the ballot? Are Democrat, Republican, and Nonpartisan ballots different in every election?
submitted by castthefirststone79 to TooAfraidToAsk [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:33 castthefirststone79 Ballots in Georgia

Today is Election Day in Georgia. I wanted to be prepared before I go cast my vote so l checked the ballot. I was surprised to find that Democrat, Republican, and Nonpartisan ballots aren't the same. The Democrat ballot has questions like should the State of Georgia raise the minimum wage to a living wage? Republican ballot has questions like should public officials who allow illegal migration to occur be held responsible for crimes committed by illegal aliens?And those that are Nonpartisan have no questions on their ballot. I have several questions about this. Why aren't all the ballots the same? Wouldn't it be more accurate if both parties were allowed to vote on every issue? Why are these questions on the ballot? Are Democrat, Republican, and Nonpartisan ballots different in every election?
submitted by castthefirststone79 to Georgia [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:33 PublicSupermarket960 Being guarded

Hi all in the last few years I have gone into a complete shell of myself . I used to be the life and soul of the party now I can barely hold a conversation with people. I'm still new in a house share and I feel very guarded with my house mates even though they always make an effort to be nice to me . Truth Is my family criticised me heavily for years and my parents were extremely cold and raised by the Catholic Church so I find myself being guarded , defensive and may come across as ignorant most of the time. My housemates offer me food and things and are constantly nice to me but I struggle to accept kindness and to be myself around them incase they think I'm strange. Help
submitted by PublicSupermarket960 to AskIreland [link] [comments]