Naming and writing acids worksheets

Piano Teachers

2012.08.30 17:28 yepyep27 Piano Teachers

Welcome to /pianoteachers: A place for piano teachers to exchange ideas, resources, song choices, book choices, and all other things pertaining to educating piano students. Please remember to keep the content shared in the subreddit focused to these topics. Check out our rules for more information.

2019.03.11 01:28 Yuri is good for the soul

A subreddit dedicated to yuri (girlxgirl) memes. Read the rules before posting.

2024.02.26 16:24 Admirable-Middle-664 AllThingsPublishing

This forum was created for writers and authors to discuss everything writing and publishing related - from marketing and writing, to publishing and writing scams, rants and opinion posts, and everything in between. No topic is off limits, we have no problem with users naming names, just remember to keep things CIVIL.

2024.05.28 20:26 Upset-Animal1376 How do I fix error: Test-NetConnection : A positional parameter cannot be found that accepts argument 'if'.

I am trying to mount a File share using the Active Directory or Microsoft Entra auth method. I have the method enabled, I have the PC that I am trying to mount the file share to is enrolled to Intune and the user logged in under their Microsoft Entra ID, and am using the PowerShell script generated by the "Connect" window. Here is the script I am using (with the file share info redacted):
$connectTestResult = Test-NetConnection -ComputerName <> -Port 445
if ($connectTestResult.TcpTestSucceeded) {
# Mount the drive
New-PSDrive -Name M -PSProvider FileSystem -Root "\\<>\u-brandonp" -Persist
} else {
Write-Error -Message "Unable to reach the Azure storage account via port 445. Check to make sure your organization or ISP is not blocking port 445, or use Azure P2S VPN, Azure S2S VPN, or Express Route to tunnel SMB traffic over a different port."
However, when I try to run it, I am getting this error message -
Any help on how to resolve this would be great!
submitted by Upset-Animal1376 to PowerShell [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 20:24 Upset-Animal1376 How do I fix error: Test-NetConnection : A positional parameter cannot be found that accepts argument 'if'.

How do I fix error: Test-NetConnection : A positional parameter cannot be found that accepts argument 'if'.
I am trying to mount a File share using the Active Directory or Microsoft Entra auth method. I have the method enabled, I have the PC that I am trying to mount the file share to is enrolled to Intune and the user logged in under their Microsoft Entra ID, and am using the PowerShell script generated by the "Connect" window. Here is the script I am using (with the file share info redacted):
$connectTestResult = Test-NetConnection -ComputerName <> -Port 445
if ($connectTestResult.TcpTestSucceeded) {
# Mount the drive
New-PSDrive -Name M -PSProvider FileSystem -Root "\\<>\u-brandonp" -Persist
} else {
Write-Error -Message "Unable to reach the Azure storage account via port 445. Check to make sure your organization or ISP is not blocking port 445, or use Azure P2S VPN, Azure S2S VPN, or Express Route to tunnel SMB traffic over a different port."
However, when I try to run it, I am getting this error message:
Any help on how to resolve this would be great!
submitted by Upset-Animal1376 to AZURE [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 20:24 Yveskleinsky Interesting goings on with Teddy

I threw my back out gardening and haven't been able to do much of anything for the past two days as I've been in debilitating pain and, consequently, hopped up on muscle relaxers. (So keep that in mind while you read my tin foil lol.)
I decided to make the most of my time and (finally) got around to ordering RC's books.
First, I went to Amazon where I noticed that the paperback versions of his books were out of print. This is odd, since it's print on demand, and there's no cost to leave them up. I think this is a sign that Teddy is going into publishing. (Of course, it also helps that on the Teddy website it says "Teddy Publishing". Lol)
Then I went to the teddy website and noticed a few more things that struck me as odd:
  1. The page for books is titled "The Book Store." Now, I'm an author and I have an e-commerce website as well. I've never seen someone call this page "The Book Store." It's usually called "Books" or "Book by the Author." So, perhaps this is a nod to becoming/buying a book store chain.
  2. Some of the book covers have Legos on them, even if Legos aren't a part of the story.
  3. "Odd" names for the children. The kids are named Kingston and Princeton, both of which are Ivy League schools. Now the names themselves aren't bad, although having two kids with Ivy Schools for names seems pretentious, and out of character for RC. It seems more like this name choice is a pointer to the interest in developing quality schools or curriculum. (Side note: awhile back RC tweeted about challenging Warren Buffet to a thumb war. This is a fun game for kids. Outside of investing and stocks, Buffet has a series of children's books designed to teach them about money.)
  4. "Odd" design choices for the kids' clothing. In particular, there are several books where the kids are wearing shirts with aliens on them.
  5. "Odd" wording. Flip open to just about any page and you'll notice the flow of the writing is somewhat disjointed. It's as though he's trying to hide what he's saying by squeezing it into the narrative of a children's book.
  6. "Odd" place to visit. Teddy goes to China. I'm sure China is an interesting travel destination, but, again, it seems like there's more to it. ...You know what else is in China? Shaolin. And the name of the Wu Tang album is "Once Upon a Time in Shaolin." One of the most famous lines from Wu Tang is that "Wu Tang is for the children." (Side note: Wu Tang is from New York, and refer to their neighborhood as Shaolin. Wu Tang has a "school" called WuDang. (Which, when translated mean "rock or sway." Both of which were mentioned in RK's tweets. NY is also called "The big apple" which might tie into RC's tweet about "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree." As well as the images of apples that are also on some of his books. Additionally, Teddy seems to always have an iPhone in his shirt pocket. So maybe there's something brewing with Apple too.
  7. "Odd" terms and conditions. The T&C are comprehensive and cover all kinds of things outside of what a "normal" publishing company would need. So they are gearing up for something big.
I took a series of screenshots, but I'm having difficulty adding them to this post. Arg.
submitted by Yveskleinsky to Teddy [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 20:22 Western_Objective Paying Rent with Cashiers Check

Just got a cashiers check from the bank to pay rent. I’ve searched online and can’t find answers so asking you. Do we write our address on the cashiers check somewhere? Bank only put name at bottom but no address.
submitted by Western_Objective to Banking [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 20:19 VexTrooper Vol. 3 UPDATE 1: 2024.05.28

Good Day All!
I figured, I try and keep you guys all in know and not simply let the subreddit stagnate, so Updates like these may become regular at least once a week, or once every two weeks.
To begin:
Vol. 3 is in progress, with a fairly short prologue(about 5-6 pages), that will immediately roll into [Chapter 1, Part One] which is about 36 pages. (I don’t have a word count for y’all right now now). I am now beginning [Chapter Part Two].
A little know structure of how I write, I structure my story in the way of a Light novel, with this kind of structure;
With each chapter also being separated into parts, if need be. With the objective being that each chapter will now be following a singular PoV, usually alternating between sub plots, in the prologue, intermission, and epilogue chapters. With the main chapters alternating between two main plots. So think Chapters 1,3 in the Eyes of Tukari, with 2,4 in the eyes of another main character. Of course, this is derived from the master copy I write on, which is not broken up into smaller chapters you will see here on the reddit, but I will mention in the title the start and end of any particular chapter.
Vol. 3 Preface:
This Volume will be focused mostly in the eyes of an agent of the Union, more specifically, under Neela; Champion Tukari.
I will not reveal more than her name, as i wish to keep the plot hidden. I will however, with the release of characters for the volume, which is what i plan to do, but i will leave it up to a poll if you guys would like to see concept art for key characters of Vol 3.
Before vol. 3 Drops:
Before the drop of Vol. 3, however, I will continue to finish first Jay’s Prequel; TC_Story: The Battle of Artray.
The reason for this is that it will act as context and lore prior to Vol. 4 - The Terran Reclamation Unit Arc.
Luckily, i will be returning home for a month, so I plan to finish Jay’s TC_Story within the next 5-6 weeks.
Thats the update, and thanks for reading and being patient.
When should I drop the art work?
View Poll
submitted by VexTrooper to TerranContact [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 20:16 Sophia-Eldritch Someone, please help

Someone, please help
Part one:
An excursion, somewhere safe, to the divine realm to see family
I've been away from my family so long, I've forgotten more faces than I can remember, even close relatives names and faces sometimes escape me... Something is wrong
Stop, now is not the time to dwell on these things now it's for finding more family, I am safe, brother Torinn is here, I am safe, why do I feel anxious?
I'm too tired, can barely function, but family is here, they're near, I just stay awake, amuse myself, a group of angels seem uncomfortable around me, curious, but uncomfortable... why
...why can't I remember? Wait, these wings, so pretty... Didn't I have wings before?
No, stop, that's a dangerous thought
Different line of thought, the grumpy angel... Michael, her wings are gorgeous (didn't I...? Stop, dangerous) I want to pet them
I had wings, what happened to them? Stop, a voice pleads with me, inside my head, you can't handle it, but I know I had soft silky wings before, why did I have wings?
Torinn seems displeased at this situation, or is he amused? I can never tell
This place is familiar, no... Please stop...
We're in Michael's house now, she is very mad, I need to touch her wings, I need to know how they feel... I don't know why, but I voice my desire anyway
With a wicked grin brother makes sounds but I can't make them out, the wing extends towards me, the softness, I know it's there and it's all that matters, I need to know, I reach out to touch it
I touch them, so soft, something is breaking and I recoil, feels like pain, at not having wings? I know I had wings where are they, why I can't I remember
Please stop... The pleading voice seems weaker, but I ignore it, I need to know
I sit, there's arguing, fear, hate all around me but it doesn't matter, all I feel is need, a need to know, I've forgotten something important...
Crack, crack-crack
Something is breaking and it hurts, I need to escape, I should have listened, I should have stopped
A thought, stall for time, my brother will take me from here, I can trust him, he always puts me on my couch, my mind goes blank, my body collapses
Visions of vague faces, familiar but unknown, I feel wrong, I'm dreaming, I know this, dreams are my domain, but this, my mind won't let me wrench control, this vision, denial, a freak, a... Contradiction? How? Am I wrong? Broken? How am I wrong?
My eyes snap open, but I'm on the hard floor... Where? I look around and I see... Soft wings and pain, ignore, don't think, just help, it's who I am... Right?
The house is a mess, a fight, probably brother, he must have forgotten me (abandoned, neglect, pain, contradiction!) ignore, he didn't, I'm not his charge, I can take care of myself... I feel weak, tired
I stagger around this house, cleaning, trying not to think, clean, cook, be kind, kindness... Is who... I am... (Death, destruction! Contradiction!) A sharp pain, don't think
I write a note, trying to focus on my surroundings, this hurts too
Crack, crack-crack
Pain, summoning all my concentration, I just need one spell to safety
I rip open a portal home
Part two:
Home, I fall through the portal, panic setting in, family, faceless, voiceless asking if I'm ok, I'll be fine I think I answer, I can't be sure, quiet, need
I crawl to the corner, somethings wrong... I can feel it
Crack, crack-shatter
My mind is flooded, pain, endless, turmoil, killing death, it's a mercy, kindness, end them swiftly
Years pass, memories, visions, neglect from those that should love me most, my parents. neglect denial of my existence
Screaming, that I'm a contradiction, that what I am cannot be, fear, great fear, endless killing my wrath, unearned, guilt at lives taken
I have wings, as I fly over the battlefield, I look and see, a part of my mind seeking, what am I? Eldritch goddess, death and destruction! A voice screams at me in my head
No... Something more, a voice whispers 'wings' I see mine, smouldering, ever burning ashen grey wings, wings of death, wings of destruction... Of kindness misused, of Mercy misunderstood
Wings of... An Archangel
Wings of Zadkiel
A thought, where have I heard that name before?
A hazy memory... I used it, I signed it yesterday... Today? Years ago... Brother Torinn was there
Vision focuses, Torinn in front of me, somethings wrong, I can't speak, or move or smile, wings of the night sky so pretty
The visions wrench me back, back to pain to more suffering, trying to make peace between these two sides, these contradictory domains, I can't, I'm too weak
I'm to tired, maybe I can't be me, I should be what they told me I should be, I can't be a contradiction if it's not there
I watch myself in third person casting a seal on the memories of the Archangel Zadkiel, of me, of my true self, I'm breaking myself doing this, all goes dark and time passes
Thousands of years, I see myself building things, more of me, and I'm being hurt, looking around, ah my punishment room
Part three: final for chapter 1
My eyes open, I'm sitting on the floor, a strange feeling, a bubbling, a Burst, I am not me, I am Zadkiel, Archangel
I stand and I-
Across the realms it could be heard in heaven, in hell, the elemental planes to the deep recesses of space, a-
I- scream, it warps reality around me, anyoje looking at me sees space bend and warp, and a crack and shatter as the pain rich scream shatters a hole into Tel'aran'rhiod, my realm the goddess, the archangel, this realm... Brings peace and pain in equal measure, but my mind is clearing, the hole left open behind me would close soon
But looking ahead of me, at myself, an army of myself, marching through similar cracks in reality leading out, to elsewhere
What have I done,
Someone please, save me, this contradiction in one body, someone, please help
What have I done
submitted by Sophia-Eldritch to wizardposting [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 20:15 IdenticalThings Garland's Civil War: I think I have evidence there's a wider race war going on behind the scenes (Spoilers)

I know people think this film is apolitical and are irritated by left and right interpretations, and it's about journalism, which it is. For sure. I don't give a shit about politics and I'm a white guy that doesn't any kind of agenda, I'm not even American. I generally despise conversations about people looking too far into art/media but this film has the ol' wheels turning.
TLDR: there's a good amount of implied evidence that the Civil War in the film is somewhat connected to a wider race war. Would only be apt since the first Civil War was kind of about race... or was that just... state's rights (to WHAT?).
Throughout my two rewatches - I absolutely was NOT looking for political undertones, just more background reasons for the war itself. There's lots of there's lots of showing, not telling in this film and here's what I've got:
Hotel Bar Scene
Sammy: "And you can't get anywhere near Philly. So you gotta go west, maybe as far as Pittsburgh."
Question is why can't we go anywhere near a city that's still in the loyalist part of the US? It's 700 miles from the front lines, and thousands of miles away from the successionist states, so what's going on? (43% of Philly identifies as black, the most in PA.)
Sammy: "But... you gonna make me explain why I have to be there?"
Why the fuck does Sammy have to BE THERE in particular? Job security? Both Lee and Joe don't have a response and look semi-ashamed after he says this, they then agree to take him to Charlottesville, he is 100% fearful of going near Washington, possibly because he's big boned.
Road Trip Through PA
Impartial counterpoint: on the way out of NY into PA, a few of the checkpoint soldiers are indeed black or POC - but these are possibly just militarized police, conscripted MPs or National Guard, the Gov't is getting squashed in the war and probably aren't sparing real manpower to lowly checkpoint posts.
Sammy: "You don't wanna miss this" - he has Jesse look to up at the road - the US version of the highway of death in PA - Sammy damn well knows it's coming up (cars are pointing West - the direction they're travelling, likely on the Westbound road out of Philadelphia toward Pittsburgh. (digital highway sign says MINES AHEAD).
This is possibly an allusion to the infamous (in the 90s and 2000s at least) "Highway of Death" from the Gulf War, US/UK/Canada/French forces destroyed some 3000 mostly stolen Kuwaiti fleeing vehicles on the road from Kuwait to Basra mostly by airpower.)
So WHY were these people in particular targeted when other cities and people seem to functioning? These people weren't WF, maybe just sympathizers. They were clearly fleeing and stopped by force, fleeing from Philly going west?
Impartial counterpoint: Two looters strung up (and shot off screen) are white.
Sammy suggests hardball questions Joel should ask the President, obviously he's thought a lot about what he'd like to ask him himself but for some reason can't go to DC himself (possibly he's too big boned)
Sammy: "State of the nation is QED"? (Don't know what this means)
Hawaiian Shirt Militia scene
Like 80% of the Hawaiian shirt militia are POC. They execute a (white) wounded solider on sight and very happily machine gun three of the captives (white). This is the literal definition of a war crime. Joel is seen having a good laugh with the "war criminal henchman" afterward, the others are nonplussed as usual. But Joel is characterized as a generally good dude, so what gives?
Stadium Refugee Camp
Most people in the refugee camp stadium are POC, like 90%. No where anywhere does it say this, and it's a stretch, but is this a cordoned off ghetto? This can't be geographically far from idyllic pristine white town scene that comes next. The girl that lets them in looks like a volunteer, UNICEF type person, so maybe not.
Through exposition, Jesse's and Lee's parents are revealed to be back home on a farm 'pretending it's not happening'. They're white and possibly don't have an existential stake in this war for whatever reason.
Idyllic Town in West Virginia
All white, where are the POC? Sammy doesn't go in to the shop for whatever reason and leans against the truck on the curbside, physically covering his big bones from the line of fire from the two snipers on the roof, the camera pans up to reveal they've been watching him closely. He says be subtle when he asks Lee to take a look, then asks her "you actually bought something?". But not in a judgmental tone, just one of mild surprise. Lee says this is everything she'd forgotten (normalcy) and Sammy says it's everything he's remembered (people watching him with suspicion).
At this point the 'all white townspeople' dispels the notion that Garland just casted random extras for all the scenes. For me at least.
Meth Damon and the Genocide Boys
Meth Damon and the two guys are using 3 military earth movers, the SUV they captured (Hong Kong guy and Jesse) was forcibly parked and detained off camera just out front of a nicely kept estate with a freshly mowed lawn, the secret mass graves are literally in the backyard. This means the "secret" mass graves are mostly in plain sight.
From a distance Joel guesses they're "not government forces, not up here". Implying they're too far from the front line to be an active Gov't unit. So they're possibly deserters or extreme (very extreme) far right local civilian LARPers. Possibly taking advantage of the chaos and having a good laugh while ethnically cleansing their neighborhood.
However they have a CIB patch and SSI on their left shoulders which imply at least the uniforms are Gov't military. Nametags/rank/etc, are stripped from their uniforms and they don't seem to be enforcing much of a dress code, hence the sexy non-reg glasses. So they've been operating without oversight for a good while.
All of the people in the dump truck bed being dumped into the mass grave are POC.
Here's a stretch - they could be the far right US Gov't version of the Einsatzgruppen (Nazi death squads). The Nazis tended to choose real hardliners for these units, guys who violently put down prison revolts, etc., seems within character with Meth Damon.
The first execution is the most obvious POC - no questions asked. Next is Joel, while facing execution, Joel pauses and is trembling when he's compelled to say he's from Florida, which the audience expects will seriously piss off Meth Damon because Florida is a (fucking) successionist state leading an insurrection against the US government.
Meth Damon replies 'central', as in "Central America", implying he cares more about Joel's ethnicity than the fact he's hailing from a literal enemy state.
Meth Damon gives the two white people (Jesse and Lee) free passes for being from Colorado and Missouri. American. Then shoots guy from China. The mass grave is full of POC, including lots of women, women weren't spared on account of them being women, but white. Post scene exposition regarding what the holy fuck just happened is completely missing because Sammy is dying and because of Sturgill Simpson.
There's definitely a kindergartener in the mass grave.
Counterpoint: Some people in the grave look potentially white/have white people looking hair.
My takeaway is that they're just a side effect of the chaos and lawlessness near the front - they're what the farthest of the far right neo nazis would do - Even the reporters haven't seen anything this bad, the underestimate it.
Counterpoint - If Garland wanted us to think they were legit, Govt forces carrying out policy he'd have out them in full kit, full name badges, receiving orders from superiors, etc. Clear decision here to leave the fundamental reasons ambiguous, but 100% racially motivated.
Why don't the journalists know any better? They don't know shit about the war.
At the hotel scene Sammy, a New York Times reporter, says the WF supply lines are collapsing and they are operating in anarchy, competition with one another, and will turn on themselves once the war is over. Totally not true when we see finally see the WF FOB, even reporters have been fed propaganda and don't know shit what's going on out there. There doesn't seem to be a functioning Internet anywhere on the road, outside of the hotel, which is slow and prone to disconnects (probably firewalled worse than China's).
After Sturgill Simpson
Super ambiguous - Lee says "it may sound fucked up there were so many ways it could have ended for him, and a lot of them a lot worse. He didn't want to quit." Why does Sammy have horrifying potential deaths and not the rest of them? Big bones?
White House
Presidents staffers and staff in the Beast are white. Secret service all seem white, I didn't rewatch this part closely so don't quote me.
Counterpoint - Press Secretary ? who tries to negotiate the President's extradition is black. However, the black lady WF soldier is the only person the squad allows to speak to her, the others don't interrupt, and she is the only person to open fire on her - a single shot, no backup fire or doubletapping. Why? At no point is she leading the squad so why does she speak for them? Seems like an very specific and intentional decision by the director.
Counterpoint - Before she dies, he requests the President's extradition to a neutral territory - Greenland or Alaska - Alaska isn't part of the US anymore (Alaska has been solely run by Republicans since the 1960s, and is only 4% black)
The most telling point of the film:
The three "Navy Seals" and the other WF Forces holding the President at gunpoint are white, except for WF black lady. The black WF soldier is allowed to fire the only two execution shots. The others don't jump the gun or ask if they can be the hero who pulls the trigger, or fire additional shots.
Imagine how thirsty Seal Team 6 was to be the guy who shot fucking Bin Laden. Why did Garland write this so only the black female soldier gets the kills shot?
That's what I got.
submitted by IdenticalThings to movies [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 20:14 IdenticalThings Garland's Civil War: I think I have evidence there's a wider race war going on behind the scenes (Spoilers)

I know people think this film is apolitical and are irritated by left and right interpretations, and it's about journalism, which it is. For sure. I don't give a shit about politics and I'm a white guy that doesn't any kind of agenda, I'm not even American. I generally despise conversations about people looking too far into art/media but this film has the ol' wheels turning.
TLDR: there's a good amount of implied evidence that the Civil War in the film is somewhat connected to a wider race war. Would only be apt since the first Civil War was kind of about race... or was that just... state's rights (to WHAT?).
Throughout my two rewatches - I absolutely was NOT looking for political undertones, just more background reasons for the war itself. There's lots of there's lots of showing, not telling in this film and here's what I've got:
Hotel Bar Scene
Sammy: "And you can't get anywhere near Philly. So you gotta go west, maybe as far as Pittsburgh."
Question is why can't we go anywhere near a city that's still in the loyalist part of the US? It's 700 miles from the front lines, and thousands of miles away from the successionist states, so what's going on? (43% of Philly identifies as black, the most in PA.)
Sammy: "But... you gonna make me explain why I have to be there?"
Why the fuck does Sammy have to BE THERE in particular? Job security? Both Lee and Joe don't have a response and look semi-ashamed after he says this, they then agree to take him to Charlottesville, he is 100% fearful of going near Washington, possibly because he's big boned.
Road Trip Through PA
Impartial counterpoint: on the way out of NY into PA, a few of the checkpoint soldiers are indeed black or POC - but these are possibly just militarized police, conscripted MPs or National Guard, the Gov't is getting squashed in the war and probably aren't sparing real manpower to lowly checkpoint posts.
Sammy: "You don't wanna miss this" - he has Jesse look to up at the road - the US version of the highway of death in PA - Sammy damn well knows it's coming up (cars are pointing West - the direction they're travelling, likely on the Westbound road out of Philadelphia toward Pittsburgh. (digital highway sign says MINES AHEAD).
This is possibly an allusion to the infamous (in the 90s and 2000s at least) "Highway of Death" from the Gulf War, US/UK/Canada/French forces destroyed some 3000 mostly stolen Kuwaiti fleeing vehicles on the road from Kuwait to Basra mostly by airpower.)
So WHY were these people in particular targeted when other cities and people seem to functioning? These people weren't WF, maybe just sympathizers. They were clearly fleeing and stopped by force, fleeing from Philly going west?
Impartial counterpoint: Two looters strung up (and shot off screen) are white.
Sammy suggests hardball questions Joel should ask the President, obviously he's thought a lot about what he'd like to ask him himself but for some reason can't go to DC himself (possibly he's too big boned)
Sammy: "State of the nation is QED"? (Don't know what this means)
Hawaiian Shirt Militia scene
Like 80% of the Hawaiian shirt militia are POC. They execute a (white) wounded solider on sight and very happily machine gun three of the captives (white). This is the literal definition of a war crime. Joel is seen having a good laugh with the "war criminal henchman" afterward, the others are nonplussed as usual. But Joel is characterized as a generally good dude, so what gives?
Stadium Refugee Camp
Most people in the refugee camp stadium are POC, like 90%. No where anywhere does it say this, and it's a stretch, but is this a cordoned off ghetto? This can't be geographically far from idyllic pristine white town scene that comes next.
Through exposition, Jesse's and Lee's parents are revealed to be back home on a farm 'pretending it's not happening'. They're white and possibly don't have an existential stake in this war for whatever reason.
Idyllic Town in West Virginia
All white, where are the POC? Sammy doesn't go in to the shop for whatever reason and leans against the truck on the curbside, physically covering his big bones from the line of fire from the two snipers on the roof, the camera pans up to reveal they've been watching him closely. He says be subtle when he asks Lee to take a look, then asks her "you actually bought something?". But not in a judgmental tone, just one of mild surprise.
At this point the 'all white townspeople' dispels the notion that Garland just casted random extras for all the scenes. For me at least.
Meth Damon and the Genocide Boys
Meth Damon and the two guys are using 3 military earth movers, the SUV they captured (Hong Kong guy and Jesse) was forcibly parked and detained off camera just out front of a nicely kept estate with a freshly mowed lawn, the secret mass graves are literally in the backyard. This means the "secret" mass graves are mostly in plain sight.
From a distance Joel guesses they're "not government forces, not up here". Implying they're too far from the front line to be an active Gov't unit. So they're possibly deserters or extreme (very extreme) far right local civilian LARPers. Possibly taking advantage of the chaos and having a good laugh while ethnically cleansing their neighborhood.
However they have a CIB patch and SSI on their left shoulders which imply at least the uniforms are Gov't military. Nametags/rank/etc, are stripped from their uniforms and they don't seem to be enforcing much of a dress code, hence the sexy non-reg glasses. So they've been operating without oversight for a good while.
All of the people in the dump truck bed being dumped into the mass grave are POC.
Here's a stretch - they could be the far right US Gov't version of the Einsatzgruppen (Nazi death squads). The Nazis tended to choose real hardliners for these units, guys who violently put down prison revolts, etc., seems within character with Meth Damon.
The first execution is the most obvious POC - no questions asked. Next is Joel, while facing execution, Joel pauses and is trembling when he's compelled to say he's from Florida, which the audience expects will seriously piss off Meth Damon because Florida is a (fucking) successionist state leading an insurrection against the US government.
Meth Damon replies 'central', as in "Central America", implying he cares more about Joel's ethnicity than the fact he's hailing from a literal enemy state.
Meth Damon gives the two white people (Jesse and Lee) free passes for being from Colorado and Missouri. American. Then shoots guy from China. The mass grave is full of POC, including lots of women, women weren't spared on account of them being women, but white. Post scene exposition regarding what the holy fuck just happened is completely missing because Sammy is dying and because of Sturgill Simpson.
There's definitely a kindergartener in the mass grave.
Counterpoint: Some people in the grave look potentially white/have white people looking hair.
My takeaway is that they're just a side effect of the chaos and lawlessness near the front - they're what the farthest of the far right neo nazis would do - Even the reporters haven't seen anything this bad, the underestimate it.
Counterpoint - If Garland wanted us to think they were legit, Govt forces carrying out policy he'd have out them in full kit, full name badges, receiving orders from superiors, etc. Clear decision here to leave the fundamental reasons ambiguous, but 100% racially motivated.
Why don't the journalists know any better? They don't know shit about the war.
At the hotel scene Sammy, a New York Times reporter, says the WF supply lines are collapsing and they are operating in anarchy, competition with one another, and will turn on themselves once the war is over. Totally not true when we see finally see the WF FOB, even reporters have been fed propaganda and don't know shit what's going on out there. There doesn't seem to be a functioning Internet anywhere on the road, outside of the hotel, which is slow and prone to disconnects (probably firewalled worse than China's).
After Sturgill Simpson
Super ambiguous - Lee says "it may sound fucked up there were so many ways it could have ended for him, and a lot of them a lot worse. He didn't want to quit." Why does Sammy have horrifying potential deaths and not the rest of them? Big bones?
White House
Presidents staffers and staff in the Beast are white. Secret service all seem white, I didn't rewatch this part closely so don't quote me.
Counterpoint - Press Secretary ? who tries to negotiate the President's extradition is black. However, the black lady WF soldier is the only person the squad allows to speak to her, the others don't interrupt, and she is the only person to open fire on her - a single shot, no backup fire or doubletapping. Why? Seems like an very specific and intentional decision by the director.
Counterpoint - Before she dies, he requests the President's extradition to a neutral territory - Greenland or Alaska - Alaska isn't part of the US anymore (Alaska has been solely run by Republicans since the 1960s, and is only 4% black)
The most telling point of the film:
The three "Navy Seals" and the other WF Forces holding the President at gunpoint are white, except for WF black lady. The black WF soldier is allowed to fire the only two execution shots. The others don't jump the gun or ask if they can be the hero who pulls the trigger, or fire additional shots.
Imagine how thirsty Seal Team 6 was to be the guy who shot fucking Bin Laden. Why did Garland write this so only the black female soldier gets the kills shot?
That's what I got.
submitted by IdenticalThings to TrueFilm [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 20:11 an0nthr0waway69 why have i always thought they'd kill me some day?

tw: RAMCOA + SRA talk. my therapist/DID specialist says that thoughts like this in early childhood, especially with it persisting for the rest of my life- come from somewhere, and can't be just a delusion. the thought that one day my parents would kill me has stuck with me for my whole life, im now 25. ive thought this for as long as i can remember- definitely below the age of three. since being diagnosed with DID after knowing about my condition for about 7 years, i have cut off my parents significantly and convinced them to go to family therapy with me or never speak to me again. our first session went horribly and they yelled at me and didn't have any empathy for my feelings, as usual. i cant tell you how scared i am.
i really just have three choices and i beg anyone to leave other options or advice in the comments...
1- convince myself that im delusional and that the origins of many of our alters are rooted in a delusional disorder of some kind (ive tried about 5 antipsychotics over several years and my thoughts of ramcoa and system experiences have never gone away). i cannot force myself to have a relationship with my family though due to my Fear, but with this option- i'd have no justification for fully cutting them off and might eventually disclose that i am diagnosed with DID. with this option though, whatever i remember in therapy...recovering the origins of my collection of bizarre somatic responses- would have to be disregarded and dismissed as delusion. but i need to keep working, i want these bodily responses to lessen and eventually go away.
2- believe my gut, heart, and what my alters are telling me. go to the ramcoa support group that my specialist is looking into for me. discontinue family therapy, accept i have no family anymore, and move out of the state- maybe even country.
3- believe what my alters are telling me and accept all forms of help, but continue family therapy and feign ignorance in the hopes of uncovering physical evidence. but be prepared to run.
and speaking of evidence, there are many many many red flags (more than i can write here now) that have pointed to this. for years i have been scared that i somehow survived satanic ritual abuse and programming since almost the beginning of uncovering my system, before i even had a name for it, before i saw the proof it really exists, when i was living in acceptance that i had drug enduced psychosis...
i shut it all down for three years, it was easier to accept. so fucking much easier to believe i was making it all up. i tried to not think about any of it, not even the alters that helped me function so much better, so i sedated myself with antipsychs but it didnt work. i want it to go away please god.
i want any other explanation, please. but i have been independently following the same fucking spiritual belief system as these satanic/luciferian cults for over a decade (besides sacrifice, which has always turned my stomach) and understood the metaphysical beliefs behind it all, instantly- i read in horror. i can still hear the echos of a shocked "oh my god" over and over and over when we read a description of our colors for the first time, seeing our traits written down in a programming book right there in front of our eyes. Reading verbatim descriptions of things in the headspace that we never consciously built ourselves but that we have seen inside our brain every day for over 7 years. the like five+ seperate somatic trauma responses that make this brain feel like its frying itself or that we are trapped in a box with our eyes sewn shut or that something horrible is feeding from our breasts. the flashbacks that i cant stop- that explain it all- but that i cannot believe because that means that my entire life has been a grand lie.
but why do i still think that my parents might kill me at a specific time, for a specific reason or at a certain age? they neglected me and psychologically/verbally abused me, spanked me as a kid...but theres nothing to explain a thought like that living inside me for so long. they are telling me over and over in therapy that they don't know what has caused my abandonment issues and this paranoid belief and fear of them. but something happened, something happened that was horrible beyond belief but i have no proof.
if nothing happened- then i'd be a medical anomaly for having these conditions from just brain chemistry, and for it to not be progressive- for me to be a perfectly functional adult but living with this horrible darkness inside me.
trusted people in my life say that occam's razor, the most logical explanation, is that i have a delusional disorder that is masking my trauma as something else. i also have my DID specialist who has other ramcoa victims on her caseload saying that the most logical explanation is that this is true and that everything lines up. i have another therapist that, like all of my many others besides my specialist, has never encountered any patient like me. and then theres my alters- the ones whose trauma origins are rooted in this and that can tell me the explanation for so much. but even they are willing to go along with being delusional... if this is the path we are going to go down again. because we are just so scared. we are seeking a fourth opinion soon...
any help or advice is very appreciated, thankyou. and i'm making another appeal to be let into the ramcoa subreddits.
submitted by an0nthr0waway69 to DID [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 20:10 Gazooonga Wayward VII

Prev First
What is a name really?
I had been asking myself that for the past few hours now. I realized that I couldn't continue on without a name, but I didn't even know where to start. I couldn't name myself just anything and hope to fit in, especially with how strange my appearance was to humans.
The Gothi who defended me (which I had learned was his title and not his actual given name), had also mentioned something about me being ‘Dragon-Kin’, which seemed to imply that there were more like me, at least biologically. That meant they had their own culture and beliefs that I would know nothing about if I ever met them. How would I ever fit in if I needed to? Would I even be accepted into their villages and towns or would I be shunned as some kind of madman?
I couldn't live like this, never having the answers I needed. I had to learn about them, and the rest of this wretched place, so I could at least have some idea of what to expect.
So I did what I always do: I consulted the journal. I pulled out the leather bound book and held the quill in my hand before considering what to ask first. My biggest concern was figuring out how to become used to this body, because it felt so wrong, but then I realized that if there was some kind of quick fix on how to become used to this strange body, the journal would have enlightened me earlier. So I decided not to disappoint myself. Instead, I'd ask something more simple to start out with.
What is my name?
Silence for a few moments, then my hand moved on its own once more, the journal responding. You were never given one. That was always for you to decide.
I sighed and stewed in that for a moment. I was back at square one again, but then I remembered what I had been told: I had been using the Journal wrong, hoping for it to answer all of my most vague and open ended questions. The journal might have been able to read my mind to a limited extent, but it couldn't always discern my desires and intentions. I had to be more specific.
So then maybe it would be better to put the cart before the horse in this one instance and see what he had to say about the dragon-kin before I chose a name, then maybe I could pick a good dragon-kin name that would help me fit in if I ever interacted with them.
What are Dragon-Kin? What are they like?
This time, the response was almost instantaneous. That is a complicated question. What would you like to know?
What is there to know?
Another immediate response, although this one almost seemed to be written out of frustration with how hard the quill touched the pages.
To answer that question, it would take days of nonstop writing, and more pages than you could possibly imagine. You need to be more specific.
He was right, of course: now that I thought about it, that question was impossibly open ended. Then what about their culture? What would I need to do to fit in?
Silence, for a minute. I was worried that I had asked a question he couldn't answer, but then my hand began to move once more. The Dragon-kin live along the warmer coasts of the world, and are prolific raiders, shrewd traders, and fearsome warriors. They are also slavers and worship Rhörldir as the supreme god instead of his brother Inir, who the humans worship as the supreme god. If you show strength and discipline, give glory to the father of dragonkind, and turn a blind eye to slavery, very few will question your authenticity as one of them, as to do so is a grave insult.
That didn't sit well with me. Is that why the humans in the village seem to hate me? They think I worship Rhörldir?
It is more complicated than that, The Journal replied, Rhörldir and Inir are trapped in an eternal struggle for dominance, but not the kind of struggle one would attribute to a war or a battle to the death. Think of it as a series of never ending, honorable duels and ploys that constantly shift the balance of power one way or another, but never fully tip the scales in any one way. It is the way of brothers to compete, after all.
That didn't really explain my question, I wrote back, will humans hate me because I worship Rhörldir, or because they think I'm a slaver?
No, The journal replied, Humans are static creatures compared to their other fair folk, like the elves and the dzedka, and tend to hate change. They see you as one intrusion of many into their sense of normalcy, and it doesn't help that there's apparently a bloodthirsty cult of natives attacking anyone who strays too far from the village. Once you prove yourself as a positive force in their loves, who you worship will be more of a source of jests and jokes, and you won't be attributed as a slaver. They are scared and desperate, as was the Høbding.
But will I fit in? I wrote down nervously, the cold feeling of anxiety settling in my stomach, Will I be seen as an equal, or simply be tolerated?
The journal was quiet for a long time, my hand not responding to its subconscious demands. So I simply sank back into the cool creek water, disappointed by the harsh reality of what the journal had confirmed: I needed to get home, wherever that was, because I wouldn't fit in here.
After a while, I felt an incredible urge to pick up the quill and write more, and soon I did. Immediately, the quill moved on its own, and the Journal replied. You will find those who will value you, it is written, but you must also understand that there are those who are not worth appeasing: they will only see you for what you are and not who you are. Have faith.
I set the quill down and looked into the woods, the shimmering of the midmorning dew and most in the scant rays of sunlight that pierced the canopy was oddly mesmerizing, and very peaceful. It helped me focus as I dug deeper into my thoughts.
Part of me wanted yet another excuse to reject all of this, to hope that all of this was just one bad dream that I'd eventually wake up from. But I knew that wasn't the case, and I was also worried that, if I had to make a life here, it'd be a pitiful and meaningless one where all I would ever be considered as would be a delusional outcast. What I really wanted was some piece of mind, but maybe I’d achieve that one day.
Now all I needed was a name. I had become distracted from my initial purpose. What name would I have? What is a dragon-kin name that would fit me?
There was a thoughtful pause, then an answer. I would say the name Varaxis suits you well. It means ‘to be illuminated’ in their oldest tongues.
I liked that name enough, so I figured I would keep it. I finally decided it was time to pull myself out of the creek and do something productive. I stepped out and laid in the sun for a bit to dry off, then once my scales were smooth but dry enough to have friction again, I put on my braies and leather trousers and slung the rest over my shoulder as I headed back to my room in the inn, ready to prepare to find the old Huskarl’s body.
The inn was quiet due to it still being midmorning, though there were a few individuals sitting around a table near the back. Æstrid bowed to me as I entered. Morning, M'lord, how can I be of service?”
“Just looking for some rations for the journey into the woods,” I said, “I'm going to find Huskarl Kothtal’s body for the Høbding so he can receive a proper burial, or so I've been told. Is there anywhere I could get a few water skins? I have food, just not enough clean water.”
“Aye, the tanner’s stall and the tailor, down by the other end of the creek, should have what you're looking for,” she explained as she began doing up some onions and chopping garlic for a stew and tossing it into a pot over the hearth behind the bar, “and if I may, M'lord, you may want to get some warmer clothes: the spring is still bitterly cold in the mornings, especially after a good rain like we had for a few days before you arrived. I'm sure the tailor could find a coat and a mantle that will fit over your armor.”
I actually hadn't thought about that, but she was right: it was too damn cold for me to be walking around with just a gambeson on. “Thank you, I appreciate the advice,” I said before digging a coin out of my bag awkwardly and tossing it to her, “You take care.”
“Blessings from the gods be upon ye,” she called back to me as I entered my room, “and I wish nothing but luck upon you, M'lord.”
I walked into the room, set my pack down, and examined everything. I still had the mace and shield, but I decided to leave those: they would weigh me down, and I preferred the longsword anyway. Then it was simply a matter of getting dressed and getting everything I needed before I headed over to the tanner and the tailor for what I needed. The idea of a coat and a mantle seemed pretty enticing actually, and maybe I could get something a little more warm and protective to wear under my ragged old breastplate than just a worn and patched gambeson.
The villagers still seemed wary of me, although they were less straightforward about it to not offend me. They always scurried away when I walked by, ending conversations early or switching chores mid-work to get away. And when someone was doing something they couldn't put down so easily, like the blacksmith who seemed to have been repairing some farm equipment, they refused to make eye contact with me and kept their heads down, as if they were hoping and praying I'd move along.
That actually made me a bit angry: I understood the journal’s reasoning from earlier, but it was no excuse to be rude to me. So I decided to see how far they would go to avoid me, maybe see if I could change their minds in the process.
I approached the blacksmith, and I could practically hear him hiss a string of curses under his breath. He dunked an unfinished scythe into the quench bucket and tried to walk back into his storeroom, but I raised my clawed hand to signal to him. “Blacksmith! Might I have a word?”
He froze and looked over his shoulder before sighing and attempting to straighten out his red wool shirt and dust off his black apron. “Aye, how can I help you, M’lord?” He said, eyeing me warily.
“I was in the market for some new armor, and I figured you'd be able to forge me some while I'm out completing a task for the Høbding,” I said, racking my brain for what I'd need. Maybe chainmail? Plate armor was probably both expensive and heavy, and while I did have a decent bit of money I didn't feel like spending it all on armor when I'd need money for room and board, food, and maybe even a horse. I had no desire to walk everywhere, so a horse would be ideal. “What would a good hauberk cost me?”
The old blacksmith sputtered and bounced on the balls of his feet. “I- I'm just a humble toolsmith M'lord,” he said, “I don't make good armor, maybe the scant mail for some of the frimann, but nothing someone like you would want, M'lord.”
“I'm not looking for much, just some decent armor to replace this old, dented breastplate with,” I insisted. I unstrapped it and presented it to him. It was beginning to rust on the edges and stain my gambeson, and there were plenty of dents in the armor. “You wouldn't happen to have any chainmail in the back? I'd pay handsomely.” I pulled out a few gold coins from my pack and showed them to him, at least fifteen of them. He gulped, eyes focused on the coins, and for a moment I thought he might crack. But no, he held firm against my offers. “I couldn't, M'lord, I don't know how to design armor for you,” he said, “you're too different and too big, so yer measurements would be different than what I could work with.”
“Shame, I was willing to pay more,” I said, ready to put the coins away, but he wasn't finished.
“Wait, M'lord,” he said, “th- there's a dragon-kin armorsmith in Ljosavatnsskaro, with a big forge along the docks. Apparently he makes armor for some of the dragon-kin warriors who raid further west, and he was the one who Kothtal purchased his armor from before being chosen as Huskarl for the previous Høbding. That smith should be able to get you what you need.”
I thought about that for a moment. The idea of dealing with a dragon-kin still unnerved me, but I wasn't beyond the irony of that feeling since I was trying to get these villagers to accept me as well. Maybe it was time I let go and took a risk, to see if I could fit in with them when I had a chance.
Maybe Kothtal could teach me, maybe he'd be willing to teach me about the Dragon-kin once I rescued him, if he was even still alive that is. I'd have to pursue that once I figured out where he was, and if he was dead or not.
“Thank you for the information, blacksmith, what is your name?”
“I am Æirik, M'lord, and I'm the local toolsmith. I wish I could be of more use.”
“Nonsense,” I said, tossing him a coin, “take care, blacksmith: I must be on my way, but I hope you won't be as anxious around me in the future, I won't bite.”
He turned red as a tomato when I called him out, but didn't respond. I nodded to him and walked away, heading for the tanner and the trailer soni could get the rest of what I needed and get going on this quest.
submitted by Gazooonga to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 20:09 Angelcuddly My 9th time taking edibles. Here's my experience:

Feel free to share yours too. 😊
This is part 1 of 3.
Time was around 8:40 PM when I took 2 edibles and unlike several times before, it kicked in earlier at like 20 minutes in.
I wasn't starving or even really hungry. Though I guess just right, 'room temperature' level hunger lol. Neutral lol for those who don't speak broken English. These following events aren't really in a particular order lol. Because I'm writing about it when I sobered up the next day. I couldn't really write about it while I was high. There are times that I could and sometimes I'm too out of it to.
On my way, to here and there is when I took it. It started kicking in after I was returning from the first place and almost reaching the second. It also kicked in like 20 or 30 minutes earlier than the other times, and was starting to kick harder quickly lol. I started really feeling the music and wanting to dance. Then I was like people are gonna think I'm weird high or both... Then I started thinking like "OMG WHO CARES... why are we even this afraid to enjoy our lives..."
We so often see people with earphones/ and I bet like 60%+ of them are listening to music. Though you barely ever see anyone just dancing on their walk. Though youmans will listen to lectures, music, audiobooks, etc., on their walks, jogs, runs, etc., though dance? Oh no... lol.
Is there anywhere where people just dance around on their walks and where that's so socially acceptable? Cause I need to go there lol. Or start a revolution right here at home. Y'all could help me come up with a name for it though. 😂
Anyway, I don't mean anything too wild that can endanger anyone. Though even people jamming to their music a little is not really something we ever see. Why does it have to often be limited behind 4 walls and which you often have to learn to do 'correctly'. What's wrong with just freely expressive dancing while being safe and considerate of others.
Anyway I digress, and that's something Imma wonder why it's for maybe a day or two lol. So I allowed myself to dance a little and just really enjoy myself. Though I'll be spending a lot more time trying to, sober or not, letting myself dance to my music basically no matter where I'm. Meeting the president? You bet I'll walking on that red carpet like it's cloud 9 and dancing on it. 😂
To be continued... in the comment section sometime.
submitted by Angelcuddly to ediblestories [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 20:06 Naesi [PF2e][9pm-12am ET][Online/Forge][25+] LF 3 players. Long-term campaign. Roman Republic themed campaign.

Hey my name is Gabe. I am looking for 3 hardcore nerds that want to play PF2e with about a 50/50 spread of combat and RP. I am the DM of this game and I've been running games for 7 years now in various forms. The group will have approximately 6 people. We'll be starting late at night on EST. There will be a session zero starting the 8th of June. This will be to get everyone together and acclimated to each other.
We run Forge with Foundry VTT and we use discord for chatting and cytube for music. You must be able to use all these applications at once. Foundry can be somewhat taxing on your computer so you may need a decent setup to play with us. I create a lot of maps on my own and create a lot of custom monsters and other things to help facilitate the feeling of my world. I find this game allows me to express myself creatively. I really enjoy it and want to share my stories with my players. I expect you to make most Saturdays and to be prompt and on time. I want players who are really into PF2e and love the rules and want to get even further in depth with them.
The campaign is based heavily in my own custom world built around the pantheon of the PF2e universe. There are a few custom gods. I've been running this world for about three years now and all of my campaigns take place in the same world. Meaning you can run into old PCs and experience the way the world has been shaped from previous adventures.
Games will be EVERY SATURDAY from 9pm et to 12am et.
Here is a writing sample from a previous campaign in the same world:
"A woman veiled in birch branches and red leaves. She sits waiting, at the bottom of her land, at the bottom, at the bottom.
You’ve been running through the forest for days. Chased, hounded by your former masters. Your saviors took you across the island. Along the way you encountered a lake, above it a griffin so large it could cast a shadow over a city, and a thousand strong Kimmerian army wiped from this island by the griffin. Through all this Tygram, Nadrya, Walter, Po’tash, Andre, and Nooh’j rescued and guided you. These heroes, through some infighting brought you intact to a safe town. They were mighty, like adventurers in stories you’ve read as children or told over a campfire to your fellow captured. They’ve left to the underground to clear the town of dangers.
The Kimmerians were cruel. Far too cruel. Casual violence is their nature. Toward their slaves and even each other. Every interaction with these people shows their capacity for force. They pick you up, toss you around. Force you into the mines, drag you out. They treat you as dogs, withholding and giving food almost nonsensically. A wrong look a downward gaze, meeting their eyes, all of these things you’ve seen a slave be beat or even killed over. It was all insane. You could never understand exactly why they were driven to this. Every day they’d drag you out of bed, throw you into the mines, throw some slop in front of you when you bring some rocks out. Your stomach gurgles and the pain causes even the strongest amongst you to break down in tears. This happened so frequently that your body somewhat adapted. Routine almost seems like ritual from a certain perspective.
You’re a thousand strong now. You and your people will need to carve out a life here in this abandoned village. Discern what the red meteor is to the east, explore the caves and grounds, find a path home or else create a new one here."
You can expect a similar level of quality going forward for RP and such. So if you like what you read above please fill out the form below and DM me! Stuff like race restrictions will be talked about when we talk after you apply.
Required Google Sheet Please fill it out:
submitted by Naesi to lfg [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 20:06 IdenticalThings Garland's Civil War: I think I have evidence there's a wider race war going on behind the scenes (Spoilers)

I know people think this film is apolitical and are irritated by left and right interpretations, and it's about journalism, which it is. For sure. I don't give a shit about politics and I'm a white guy that doesn't any kind of agenda, I'm not even American. I generally despise conversations about people looking too far into art/media but this film has the ol' wheels turning.
TLDR: there's a good amount of implied evidence that the Civil War in the film is somewhat connected to a wider race war. Would only be apt since the first Civil War was kind of about race... or was that just... state's rights (to WHAT?).
Throughout my two rewatches - I absolutely was NOT looking for political undertones, just more background reasons for the war itself. There's lots of there's lots of showing, not telling in this film and here's what I've got:
Hotel Bar Scene
Sammy: "And you can't get anywhere near Philly. So you gotta go west, maybe as far as Pittsburgh."
Question is why can't we go anywhere near a city that's still in the loyalist part of the US? It's 700 miles from the front lines, and thousands of miles away from the successionist states, so what's going on? (43% of Philly identifies as black, the most in PA.)
Sammy: "But... you gonna make me explain why I have to be there?"
Why the fuck does Sammy have to BE THERE in particular? Job security? Both Lee and Joe don't have a response and look semi-ashamed after he says this, they then agree to take him to Charlottesville, he is 100% fearful of going near Washington, possibly because he's big boned.
Road Trip Through PA
Impartial counterpoint: on the way out of NY into PA, a few of the checkpoint soldiers are indeed black or POC - but these are possibly just militarized police, conscripted MPs or National Guard, the Gov't is getting squashed in the war and probably aren't sparing real manpower to lowly checkpoint posts.
Sammy: "You don't wanna miss this" - he has Jesse look to up at the road - the US version of the highway of death in PA - Sammy damn well knows it's coming up (cars are pointing West - the direction they're travelling, likely on the Westbound road out of Philadelphia toward Pittsburgh. (digital highway sign says MINES AHEAD).
This is possibly an allusion to the infamous (in the 90s and 2000s at least) "Highway of Death" from the Gulf War, US/UK/Canada/French forces destroyed some 3000 mostly stolen Kuwaiti fleeing vehicles on the road from Kuwait to Basra mostly by airpower.)
So WHY were these people in particular targeted when other cities and people seem to functioning? These people weren't WF, maybe just sympathizers. They were clearly fleeing and stopped by force, fleeing from Philly going west?
Impartial counterpoint: Two looters strung up (and shot off screen) are white.
Sammy suggests hardball questions Joel should ask the President, obviously he's thought a lot about what he'd like to ask him himself but for some reason can't go to DC himself (possibly he's too big boned)
Sammy: "State of the nation is QED"? (Don't know what this means)
Hawaiian Shirt Militia scene
Like 80% of the Hawaiian shirt militia are POC. They execute a (white) wounded solider on sight and very happily machine gun three of the captives (white). This is the literal definition of a war crime. Joel is seen having a good laugh with the "war criminal henchman" afterward, the others are nonplussed as usual. But Joel is characterized as a generally good dude, so what gives?
Stadium Refugee Camp
Most people in the refugee camp stadium are POC, like 90%. No where anywhere does it say this, and it's a stretch, but is this a cordoned off ghetto? This can't be geographically far from idyllic pristine white town scene that comes next.
Through exposition, Jesse's and Lee's parents are revealed to be back home on a farm 'pretending it's not happening'. They're white and possibly don't have an existential stake in this war for whatever reason.
Idyllic Town in West Virginia
All white, where are the POC? Sammy doesn't go in to the shop for whatever reason and leans against the truck on the curbside, physically covering his big bones from the line of fire from the two snipers on the roof, the camera pans up to reveal they've been watching him closely. He says be subtle when he asks Lee to take a look, then asks her "you actually bought something?". But not in a judgmental tone, just one of mild surprise.
At this point the 'all white townspeople' dispels the notion that Garland just casted random extras for all the scenes. For me at least.
Meth Damon and the Genocide Boys
Meth Damon and the two guys are using 3 military earth movers, the SUV they captured (Hong Kong guy and Jesse) was forcibly parked and detained off camera just out front of a nicely kept estate with a freshly mowed lawn, the secret mass graves are literally in the backyard. This means the "secret" mass graves are mostly in plain sight.
From a distance Joel guesses they're "not government forces, not up here". Implying they're too far from the front line to be an active Gov't unit. So they're possibly deserters or extreme (very extreme) far right local civilian LARPers. Possibly taking advantage of the chaos and having a good laugh while ethnically cleansing their neighborhood.
However they have a CIB patch and SSI on their left shoulders which imply at least the uniforms are Gov't military. Nametags/rank/etc, are stripped from their uniforms and they don't seem to be enforcing much of a dress code, hence the sexy non-reg glasses. So they've been operating without oversight for a good while.
All of the people in the dump truck bed being dumped into the mass grave are POC.
Here's a stretch - they could be the far right US Gov't version of the Einsatzgruppen (Nazi death squads). The Nazis tended to choose real hardliners for these units, guys who violently put down prison revolts, etc., seems within character with Meth Damon.
The first execution is the most obvious POC - no questions asked. Next is Joel, while facing execution, Joel pauses and is trembling when he's compelled to say he's from Florida, which the audience expects will seriously piss off Meth Damon because Florida is a (fucking) successionist state leading an insurrection against the US government.
Meth Damon replies 'central', as in "Central America", implying he cares more about Joel's ethnicity than the fact he's hailing from a literal enemy state.
Meth Damon gives the two white people (Jesse and Lee) free passes for being from Colorado and Missouri. American. Then shoots guy from China. The mass grave is full of POC, including lots of women, women weren't spared on account of them being women, but white. Post scene exposition regarding what the holy fuck just happened is completely missing because Sammy is dying and because of Sturgill Simpson.
There's definitely a kindergartener in the mass grave.
Counterpoint: Some people in the grave look potentially white/have white people looking hair.
My takeaway is that they're just a side effect of the chaos and lawlessness near the front - they're what the farthest of the far right neo nazis would do - Even the reporters haven't seen anything this bad, the underestimate it.
Counterpoint - If Garland wanted us to think they were legit, Govt forces carrying out policy he'd have out them in full kit, full name badges, receiving orders from superiors, etc. Clear decision here to leave the fundamental reasons ambiguous, but 100% racially motivated.
Why don't the journalists know any better? They don't know shit about the war.
At the hotel scene Sammy, a New York Times reporter, says the WF supply lines are collapsing and they are operating in anarchy, competition with one another, and will turn on themselves once the war is over. Totally not true when we see finally see the WF FOB, even reporters have been fed propaganda and don't know shit what's going on out there. There doesn't seem to be a functioning Internet anywhere on the road, outside of the hotel, which is slow and prone to disconnects (probably firewalled worse than China's).
After Sturgill Simpson
Super ambiguous - Lee says "it may sound fucked up there were so many ways it could have ended for him, and a lot of them a lot worse. He didn't want to quit." Why does Sammy have horrifying potential deaths and not the rest of them? Big bones?
White House
Presidents staffers and staff in the Beast are white. Secret service all seem white, I didn't rewatch this part closely so don't quote me.
Counterpoint - Press Secretary ? who tries to negotiate the President's extradition is black. However, the black lady WF soldier is the only person the squad allows to speak to her, the others don't interrupt, and she is the only person to open fire on her - a single shot, no backup fire or doubletapping. Why? Seems like an very specific and intentional decision by the director.
Counterpoint - Before she dies, he requests the President's extradition to a neutral territory - Greenland or Alaska - Alaska isn't part of the US anymore (Alaska has been solely run by Republicans since the 1960s, and is only 4% black)
The most telling point of the film:
The three "Navy Seals" and the other WF Forces holding the President at gunpoint are white, except for WF black lady. The black WF soldier is allowed to fire the only two execution shots. The others don't jump the gun or ask if they can be the hero who pulls the trigger, or fire additional shots.
Imagine how thirsty Seal Team 6 was to be the guy who shot fucking Bin Laden. Why did Garland write this so only the black female soldier gets the kills shot?
That's what I got.
submitted by IdenticalThings to FIlm [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 20:06 Leifem Auto-renewal mishap, do I have ground to stand on?

Writing this on behalf of a family member but I'm going to type as if it's happening to me.
Last year I got an email from my insurer ("Insurer A") telling me they were no longer insuring cars, which I took as "go and find somewhere else to insure your car for you" as it didn't tell me they were swapping me to anywhere else. My daughter set up insurance with "Insurer B" and I thought that was the end of the situation.
Today I received a letter telling me about paying for car insurance with a company I have never heard of before and the policy agreements that I have apparently agreed to. Lets call this company "Insurer C" as I don't know if I can name any names. After looking at my bank account, they've taken £115 within the last 2 months, way more than Insurer B makes me pay.
My daughter went to Insurer C's website, got on Live Chat and found out that I was emailed about the switch over last month, but when it had come through I didn't recognise the company name and so brushed over it being something unimportant. In said email, it states that if I don't contact them within a time-frame, I agree to the new policy and cost of the insurance. When I went to cancel the policy today as I had not agreed to the quote, they asked for nearly £90 which included the month of insurance and a £50 cancellation fee.
My first step is going to be calling my bank about this and seeing if they can stop the direct debit. Next I plan to call Insurer C and talk to someone because I feel this is unfair, but before that I want to know if I have any ground to stand on in terms of 1) not paying a cancellation fee and 2) getting any money they've taken back.
My daughter is happy to answer any questions and/or provide more information in the comments.
Posted this elsewhere but was redirected to this subreddit.
submitted by Leifem to LegalAdviceUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 20:06 1998SIOMAI VAGUE WRITING (?)

Hi! Can anybody give me tips on how to write "vaguely" about specific things so I can properly illustrate it and offer the readers a good grasp of the current scene without having the need to name drop?
I know thats kinda confusing so let me offer an example:
I want to write a story based on my university life, however I do not want to specify my university because I dont want my identity to be revealed. How do I purposely write the setting/environment in a vague way while still evoking a sense of wistfulness?
Thank you so much.
submitted by 1998SIOMAI to writing [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 20:03 moss42069 I just read Giovanni's Room by James Baldwin and holy shit

It's a book from the 50s about an American man who moves to Paris and has a love affair with another man named Giovanni. From the beginning, you know that the story will end in tragedy, but the book is about how that plays out and the forces that leads to it. I honestly wasn't really expecting to like it that much- I don't normally read older books, and I especially avoid classics because I kind of assume I'll be let down because surely they can't live up to their hype. But as soon as I started reading, I was hooked and finished it in just a day.
It has this really emotional, gripping writing style that sucked me in. It ties together things we think of as opposites- hatred and love, joy and tragedy, beauty and ugliness- and shows that they are in fact inseparable. There's so many lines that just punched me in the gut and astounded me at how relatable and profound it was.
I thought the main character's arc was so fascinating. It's slowly revealed how empty of a person he is. He's so alienated and aimless, with no real passions or goals. He's terrified of his own sexuality, he wants freedom but he abhors it at the same time, he wants to be able to go home but he doesn't want to go home. He regrets his mistakes yet can't help but repeat them. He resents all the older men in his life (his father, Jacques, Guillame) and yet knows he will either die young or become one of them. He doesn't really love people, he just wants to fill the hole inside of him. I think this is supposed to be a commentary on youth in general, which is still very salient today.
The backdrop of Giovanni's room itself had a claustrophobic feeling, with Giovanni's constant and fruitless renovation projects symbolizing failed hopes and lack of direction. I also think the uncleanliness of the room is linked to David's feeling of his own sexuality being unclean. The tension between dirtiness and cleanliness is a constant motif. There's some generally very fascinating commentary on queerness, repression, intimacy, class, etc that I could write several papers on (if I had the time and energy). Would definitely love to hear other people's thoughts on this. And if you haven't read the book I'd highly recommend it.
submitted by moss42069 to books [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 20:02 rockpunkzel Parents are claiming that child abuse is going on in my classroom - how do I calm them down?

I'm a first year kindergarten teacher, and all of my students have previously done a year of preschool. My teacher assistant has around 20 years of experience in teaching various elementary levels and has a more authoritative way of handling issues in the classroom (stern voice, mostly). I also have class management strategies such as having practiced procedures (take out your pencil, how to sit down, subject transitions, lining up, lunch time, writing your name, etc.) and the students know them well! I use a sticker chart and have a prize for Friday for earning enough points!
I have one student that has behavioral issues. It's gotten better, but he has an intense need to be the center of focus by an adult and will mock, insult, hit others in the face, steal things, throw things or destroy other student's assignments when he is being ignored or not getting his way. He doesn't want to do classroom assignments and previously would run out the classroom, and now heads to our reading corner to hug the pillows. The sticker chart works to give positive reinforcement and I give him more positive reinforcement with stickers and check marks when he completes assignments and communicate daily with his parents on improvements and misbehavior. This student, who I'll call Tommy, is usually monitored by the teacher assistant.
Tommy has claimed that the teacher assistant hits him in the head (lies) and I've documented continuously that this child claims he is being mocked or hit when it's actually him doing it to others. He gets reprimanded by the teacher assistant with a stern voice and count downs. Susie, a classmate close to him, began to have night terrors and cry not wanting to go to school and the parents blamed it on the teacher assistant's "screaming". I have a meeting with Susie's parents and clear up their screaming allegations by stating that she speaks sternly, and never screams, at another student who misbehaves and Susie sits close to him. These parents began the meeting by stating they were lawyers and know about child abuse and they will sue the school if anything "happens" and they were "about" to go directly to the head principal. Admin sides with them that screaming is not okay and they would speak to the assistant (again, I tell them there is no screaming).
Last week one of my students stopped her bus twice and backed it up 20 minutes to find her jacket inside the school. I attended her once, stopping a parent teacher conference since I was confused as to why she came running into my classroom in tears, and she gets off the bus a second time and the teacher assistant reprimands her that she cannot stop a bus at dismissal over a jacket. I later spoke to the monitor that to please not let this happen again unless it's an emergency (medical or the student soiled themselves). I think it's not fair to back up a bus 20 minutes when students have to get home at a certain time. Turns out her jacket was at home anyways!
One of the parents saw the assistant reprimand this student over the jacket and blows up the parent group chat that this is wrong. Susie's mom jumps in and sends voice notes that this is child abuse and it shouldn't be tolerated. Tommy's mom also jumps in and says that her son claims that the assistant "hits him in the head". The first parent comes into the school to talk to admin about the incident, and admin comes to me stating that I need to talk to my assistant and that this is the second time that the assistant "screams" at students. I'm confused since I cleared up in the first meeting that screaming doesn't happen, and the jacket incident occurred at dismissal time when hundreds of students, teachers and parents are getting picked up. No one else heard this screaming?
I know admin doesn't like this assistant. She's been around so long that it's more expensive to fire her, and she has a personality where she will speak up in meetings to "say things like it is" and why certain ideas won't fit in with the school or parent culture. I don't know if I am biased since I really appreciate how this assistant mentors me (both in teaching and surviving private school culture), but I feel it is absolutely wrong that parents are ganging up on her without any evidence to their claims and admin is feeding into the claims to be on the clients side. And I am out of the loop until recently when admin comes up to me and I see the group chat screen shots.
I need advice on how to handle admin, the parents and assistant. I admit that I do have a fear of admin going against me if I side with the assistant and I also want another perspective in case I am biased and on my assistant's side. But I feel it is so WRONG that admin and parents are ganging up with no evidence to back up their claim and have used the term "child abuse". I would never tolerate that in my presence and it offends me, I enjoy working with children.
How do I calm down the parents to stop the ganging up on my teacher assistant? What would be the best way to speak to them? I do have a parent that leads the group and I get along with her.
submitted by rockpunkzel to Teachers [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 20:01 Acidic97 29M London looking for new people to talk to

I'm a 29 year old guy living in London on the lookout for new people to talk to 😊. Ideally I’d prefer if you’re local, but long distance is absolutely fine too 😊.
I like going out and exploring new places around London. Additionally, I enjoy various sports, working out, cooking, chess, board games, and writing my novel and travelling to name a few. I like to watch the occasional film or show and some of my favourites are (Marvel, Disney, Stranger things, Umbrella Academy, One Piece, and Squid Game to name a few). I also play Xbox, (mainly Disney Dreamlight Valley, Grounded and Fallout 4 at the moment, but I also play a variety of multiplayer games too).
If we have things in common and you fancy messaging me, I look forward to chatting with you :).
submitted by Acidic97 to chat [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 20:01 Acidic97 [29M] London looking for new people to talk to

I'm a 29 year old guy living in London on the lookout for new people to talk to 😊. Ideally I’d prefer if you’re local, but long distance is absolutely fine too 😊.
I like going out and exploring new places around London. Additionally, I enjoy various sports, working out, cooking, chess, board games, and writing my novel and travelling to name a few. I like to watch the occasional film or show and some of my favourites are (Marvel, Disney, Stranger things, Umbrella Academy, One Piece, and Squid Game to name a few). I also play Xbox, (mainly Disney Dreamlight Valley, Grounded and Fallout 4 at the moment, but I also play a variety of multiplayer games too).
If we have things in common and you fancy messaging me, I look forward to chatting with you :).
submitted by Acidic97 to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 20:00 Acidic97 29M London looking for new people to talk to

I'm a 29 year old guy living London on the lookout for new people to talk to 😊. Ideally I’d prefer if you’re local, but long distance is absolutely fine too 😊.
I like going out and exploring new places around London. Additionally, I enjoy various sports, working out, cooking, chess, board games, and writing my novel and travelling to name a few. I like to watch the occasional film or show and some of my favourites are (Marvel, Disney, Stranger things, Umbrella Academy, One Piece, and Squid Game to name a few). I also play Xbox, (mainly Disney Dreamlight Valley, Grounded and Fallout 4 at the moment, but I also play a variety of multiplayer games too).
If we have things in common and you fancy messaging me, I look forward to chatting with you :).
submitted by Acidic97 to friendship [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 20:00 Acidic97 29M London looking for new people to talk to

I'm a 29 year old guy living in London on the lookout for new people to talk to 😊. Ideally I’d prefer if you’re local, but long distance is absolutely fine too 😊.
I like going out and exploring new places around London. Additionally, I enjoy various sports, working out, cooking, chess, board games, and writing my novel and travelling to name a few. I like to watch the occasional film or show and some of my favourites are (Marvel, Disney, Stranger things, Umbrella Academy, One Piece, and Squid Game to name a few). I also play Xbox, (mainly Disney Dreamlight Valley, Grounded and Fallout 4 at the moment, but I also play a variety of multiplayer games too).
If we have things in common and you fancy messaging me, I look forward to chatting with you :).
submitted by Acidic97 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 20:00 Future-Attempt-3885 Inpost mess up help (no personal info)

Inpost mess up help (no personal info)
I have a buyer claiming they have received the wrong parcel. They have sent me screenshots (hiding the username) and won’t pass on any info for me to contact them myself.
On my side the parcel still says in transit
This was done with Inpost and the buyer is demanding a refund as I’ve clearly messed up the labels. What is infuriating is you don’t handle labels with Inpost locker? I only posted one item? How would I mix them up?
So confused on what to do and just have my suspicions that buyer isn’t being 100% honest.
I’ve had a few abusive messages demanding I refund them for being so stupid 😭😭😭 it’s taking everything in me not to give a petty response. It’s totally out of my hands 🥲🥲
submitted by Future-Attempt-3885 to vinted [link] [comments]