Cheat codes for original gangstaz app

Shovel Knight

2013.04.14 05:37 Shovel Knight

Shovel Knight is a sweeping classic action-adventure game with awesome gameplay, memorable characters, and an 8-bit retro aesthetic. If you love games with perfect platforming, beautiful art, infectious music, lovable bosses, humor and levity, and real heart… Shovel Knight is for you! Developed by Yacht Club Games.

2014.03.10 23:47 thewanderer888 Town of Salem Game

An unofficial community for players of the mafia-style online game Town of Salem and its sequel, Town of Salem 2. Community-run. Moderators are not employees of Blank Media Games.

2011.08.18 22:36 misnamed ArtPorn: Art that is Awesome Enough to Share

High quality images of SFW art meant for appreciating, and sharing.

2024.05.29 07:41 SrijSriv211 I built a simply command-line tool.

I built a simply command-line tool.

I call this tool AOs.
Originally the project was written in Python but then later I changed to C#. I also started working this as a hobby project back in 2020.
I kept some imaginary costumers in my mind and at first tried to create a more of a dummy-like CMD clone (as I was learning C# at that time) which couldn't do really anything but then it slowly turned into something that could actually do something.
The goal of AOs is simple. To better customize command-line along with some basic features like syntax highlighliting and autocomplete suggestions or something like that.
Currently it only supports windows.
I would be really happy if anyone can rip apart the code and give me some feedback on the project. I'm open for all criticism.
NOTE: I once posted about it from my another account and it did got a lot of well deserved criticism, specially on its README so I've spent some time (not longer than I would like to admit) to rewrite the README.
submitted by SrijSriv211 to SideProject [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 07:39 HomeStar182 I'm Paying $60 to sign up for Acorns

Hey Guys,
I need a few more people to sign up for Acorns and I'm willing to pay $60 per referral. If you are interested please ping me. I can pay half after sign up ($30) and another half after I get paid my bonus ($30), which happens 3 weeks after the promotion ends. I can pay you however you like, Zelle/Venmo/CashApp, whatever.
The promotion requires the following:
  1. Signup with my referral link.
  2. Create an account - follow steps to download the app.
  3. It will ask you to choose a subscription plan, you choose the cheapest one, $3 a month. This is waived for the first month, so you won't be charged. And you can simply cancel after I get the bonus within a month.
  4. Invest a one-time $5 investment. You can pull out your investment after the bonus has been paid out to me as well. But you should not pull out your investment prior to the bonus being paid or else I don't get the bonus and you won't receive your final $30 from me.
Additionally, we should both receive a small $5 bonus from Acorns as well :)
Please ping me for more info. I'm happy to message you and guide you through the process and answer any questions you might have.
submitted by HomeStar182 to Referrals [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 07:38 SpeechMobile1722 Chat RTX not working

i downloaded chat RTX successfully , but it wont run , I get the error of
httpx.ConnectError: [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: unable to get local issuer certificate (_ssl.c:1007)
and here what does it look like in the web:
and here what look like in app cmd

This site can’t be reached refused to connect.
ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSEDReloadHide detailsCheck your Internet connectionCheck any cables and reboot any routers, modems, or other network devices you may be using.Allow Chrome to access the network in your firewall or antivirus settings.If it is already listed as a program allowed to access the network, try removing it from the list and adding it again.If you use a proxy server…Check your proxy settings or contact your network administrator to make sure the proxy server is working. If you don't believe you should be using a proxy server: Go to the Chrome menu > Settings > Show advanced settings… > Change proxy settings… > LAN Settings and deselect "Use a proxy server for your LAN".This site can’t be reached refused to connect.
hope someone can help, Thanks
Environment path found: C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatRTX\env_nvd_rag
Privileges of original process: ['SeShutdownPrivilege', 'SeChangeNotifyPrivilege', 'SeUndockPrivilege', 'SeIncreaseWorkingSetPrivilege', 'SeTimeZonePrivilege']
Privileges of restricted app token: ['SeChangeNotifyPrivilege']
Process Id = 17940
Environment path found: C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatRTX\env_nvd_rag
App running with config
"models": {
"supported": [
"name": "Mistral 7B int4",
"id": "mistral_model",
"ngc_model_name": "nvidia/llama/mistral-7b-int4-chat:1.2",
"is_downloaded_required": true,
"downloaded": true,
"is_installation_required": true,
"setup_finished": true,
"min_gpu_memory": 8,
"should_show_in_UI": true,
"prerequisite": {
"checkpoints_files": [
"tokenizer_ngc_dir": "mistral7b_hf_tokenizer",
"tokenizer_files": {
"config": "config.json",
"tokenizer": "tokenizer.json",
"model": "tokenizer.model",
"tokenizer_config": "tokenizer_config.json"
"checkpoints_local_dir": "model_checkpoints",
"tokenizer_local_dir": "tokenizer",
"engine_build_command": "trtllm-build --checkpoint_dir %checkpoints_local_dir% --output_dir %engine_dir% --gpt_attention_plugin float16 --gemm_plugin float16 --max_batch_size 1 --max_input_len 7168 --max_output_len 1024 --context_fmha=enable --paged_kv_cache=disable --remove_input_padding=disable",
"engine_dir": "engine"
"metadata": {
"engine": "rank0.engine",
"max_new_tokens": 1024,
"max_input_token": 7168,
"temperature": 0.1,
"prompt_template": "Default"
"model_info": "The Mistral-7B is a instruct fine-tuned text generation model License ",
"model_license": " License ",
"model_size": "4GB"
"name": "Llama2 13B int4",
"id": "llaam2_model",
"ngc_model_name": "nvidia/llama/llama2-13b:1.5",
"is_downloaded_required": true,
"downloaded": false,
"is_installation_required": true,
"setup_finished": false,
"min_gpu_memory": 16,
"should_show_in_UI": false,
"prerequisite": {
"checkpoints_files": [
"tokenizer_ngc_dir": "llama13_hf_tokenizer",
"tokenizer_files": {
"config": "config.json",
"tokenizer": "tokenizer.json",
"model": "tokenizer.model",
"tokenizer_config": "tokenizer_config.json"
"checkpoints_local_dir": "model_checkpoints",
"tokenizer_local_dir": "tokenizer",
"engine_build_command": "trtllm-build --checkpoint_dir %checkpoints_local_dir% --output_dir %engine_dir% --gpt_attention_plugin float16 --gemm_plugin float16 --max_batch_size 1 --max_input_len 3072 --max_output_len 1024 --context_fmha=enable --paged_kv_cache=disable --remove_input_padding=disable",
"engine_dir": "engine"
"metadata": {
"engine": "rank0.engine",
"max_new_tokens": 1024,
"max_input_token": 7168,
"temperature": 0.1,
"prompt_template": "Default"
"model_info": "LlaMa 2 is a large language AI model capable of generating text and code in response to prompts License ",
"model_license": " License ",
"model_size": "6.8GB"
"name": "ChatGLM 3 6B int4 (Supports Chinese)",
"id": "chatglm3_model",
"ngc_model_name": "nvidia/chatglm3-6b-chat-int4:1.0",
"is_downloaded_required": true,
"downloaded": false,
"is_installation_required": true,
"setup_finished": false,
"min_gpu_memory": 8,
"should_show_in_UI": true,
"prerequisite": {
"checkpoints_files": [
"tokenizer_ngc_dir": "Tokenizer",
"tokenizer_files": {
"config": "config.json",
"model": "tokenizer.model",
"tokenizer_config": "tokenizer_config.json"
"checkpoints_local_dir": "model_checkpoints",
"tokenizer_local_dir": "tokenizer",
"engine_build_command": "trtllm-build --checkpoint_dir %checkpoints_local_dir% --output_dir %engine_dir% --gemm_plugin float16 --max_batch_size 1 --max_input_len 7168 --max_output_len 1024",
"engine_dir": "engine"
"metadata": {
"engine": "rank0.engine",
"max_new_tokens": 1024,
"max_input_token": 7168,
"temperature": 0.1
"model_info": "ChatGLM-6B is an open bilingual language model based on General Language Model framework, with 6.2 billion parameters License ",
"model_license": " License ",
"model_size": "3.8GB"
"name": "Gemma 7B int4",
"id": "Gemma_model",
"ngc_model_name": "nvidia/llama/gemma-7b-int4-rtx:1.1",
"is_downloaded_required": true,
"downloaded": false,
"is_installation_required": true,
"setup_finished": false,
"min_gpu_memory": 16,
"should_show_in_UI": false,
"prerequisite": {
"checkpoints_files": [
"tokenizer_ngc_dir": "Gemma7b_hf_tokenizer",
"tokenizer_files": {
"vocab_file": "tmp_vocab.model"
"checkpoints_local_dir": "model_checkpoints",
"vocab_local_dir": "tokenizer",
"engine_build_command": "trtllm-build --checkpoint_dir %checkpoints_local_dir% --gemm_plugin float16 --gpt_attention_plugin float16 --max_batch_size 1 --max_input_len 4096 --max_output_len 1024 --output_dir %engine_dir%",
"engine_dir": "engine"
"metadata": {
"engine": "rank0.engine",
"max_new_tokens": 1024,
"max_input_token": 7168,
"temperature": 0.1
"model_info": "Gemma-7B is a 7B parameter model from Gemma family of models from Google License ",
"model_license": " License ",
"model_size": "6.6GB"
"name": "CLIP",
"id": "clip_model",
"hf_model_name": "openai/clip-vit-large-patch14-336",
"is_downloaded_required": true,
"downloaded": false,
"download_link": "https ://",
"is_installation_required": false,
"setup_finished": false,
"min_gpu_memory": 8,
"should_show_in_UI": true,
"prerequisite": {
"checkpoints_files": [
"checkpoints_local_dir": "clip_model"
"metadata": {},
"model_info": "CLIP is a multi-modal vision and language model used for image-text similarity and for zero-shot image classification License ",
"model_license": " License ",
"model_size": "1.5GB"
"selected": "Mistral 7B int4",
"enable_asr": true,
"supported_asr": [
"name": "Whisper Medium Int8",
"installed": true,
"metadata": {
"encoder_engine": "whisper_encoder_float16_tp1_rank0.engine",
"decoder_engine": "whisper_decoder_float16_tp1_rank0.engine",
"model_path": "model\\whisper\\whisper_medium_int8_engine",
"assets_path": "model\\whisper\\whisper_assets"
"sample_questions": [
"query": "How does NVIDIA ACE generate emotional responses?"
"query": "What is Portal prelude RTX?"
"query": "What is important about Half Life 2 RTX?"
"query": "When is the launch date for Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart on PC?"
"sample_questions_chinese": [
"query": "NVIDIA ACE是如何生成富有情感的回复的?"
"query": "传送门:序曲是什么?"
"query": "半条命 2 RTX版有什么重要意义?"
"query": "瑞奇与叮当:时空跳转何时会在PC平台发布?"
"sample_questions_clip": [
"query": "Pictures of bicycles"
"query": "Pictures of toys"
"query": "Pictures of dinosaurs"
"query": "Pictures of computer"
"dataset": {
"sources": [
"selected": "directory",
"path": "dataset",
"path_chinese": "chinese_dataset",
"path_clip": "images_dataset",
"isRelative": true
"strings": {
"directory": "Folder Path",
"nodataset": "AI model default"
[TensorRT-LLM] TensorRT-LLM version: 0.9.0
Privileges of app process: ['SeChangeNotifyPrivilege']
C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatRTX\env_nvd_rag\lib\site-packages\langchain\chat_models\ LangChainDeprecationWarning: Importing chat models from langchain is deprecated. Importing from langchain will no longer be supported as of langchain==0.2.0. Please import from langchain-community instead:
`from langchain_community.chat_models import ChatAnyscale`.
To install langchain-community run `pip install -U langchain-community`.
C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatRTX\env_nvd_rag\lib\site-packages\langchain\chat_models\ LangChainDeprecationWarning: Importing chat models from langchain is deprecated. Importing from langchain will no longer be supported as of langchain==0.2.0. Please import from langchain-community instead:
`from langchain_community.chat_models import ChatOpenAI`.
To install langchain-community run `pip install -U langchain-community`.
C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatRTX\env_nvd_rag\lib\site-packages\langchain\embeddings\ LangChainDeprecationWarning: Importing embeddings from langchain is deprecated. Importing from langchain will no longer be supported as of langchain==0.2.0. Please import from langchain-community instead:
`from langchain_community.embeddings import HuggingFaceBgeEmbeddings`.
To install langchain-community run `pip install -U langchain-community`.
C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatRTX\env_nvd_rag\lib\site-packages\langchain\embeddings\ LangChainDeprecationWarning: Importing embeddings from langchain is deprecated. Importing from langchain will no longer be supported as of langchain==0.2.0. Please import from langchain-community instead:
`from langchain_community.embeddings import HuggingFaceEmbeddings`.
To install langchain-community run `pip install -U langchain-community`.
C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatRTX\env_nvd_rag\lib\site-packages\langchain\llms\ LangChainDeprecationWarning: Importing LLMs from langchain is deprecated. Importing from langchain will no longer be supported as of langchain==0.2.0. Please import from langchain-community instead:
`from langchain_community.llms import AI21`.
To install langchain-community run `pip install -U langchain-community`.
C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatRTX\env_nvd_rag\lib\site-packages\langchain\llms\ LangChainDeprecationWarning: Importing LLMs from langchain is deprecated. Importing from langchain will no longer be supported as of langchain==0.2.0. Please import from langchain-community instead:
`from langchain_community.llms import Cohere`.
To install langchain-community run `pip install -U langchain-community`.
C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatRTX\env_nvd_rag\lib\site-packages\langchain\llms\ LangChainDeprecationWarning: Importing LLMs from langchain is deprecated. Importing from langchain will no longer be supported as of langchain==0.2.0. Please import from langchain-community instead:
`from langchain_community.llms import FakeListLLM`.
To install langchain-community run `pip install -U langchain-community`.
C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatRTX\env_nvd_rag\lib\site-packages\langchain\llms\ LangChainDeprecationWarning: Importing LLMs from langchain is deprecated. Importing from langchain will no longer be supported as of langchain==0.2.0. Please import from langchain-community instead:
`from langchain_community.llms import OpenAI`.
To install langchain-community run `pip install -U langchain-community`.
Using the persisted value form dataset_vector_embedding
Open HTTP s:// in browser to start ChatRTX
Running on local URL: HTTP s://
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatRTX\env_nvd_rag\lib\site-packages\httpx\_transports\", line 69, in map_httpcore_exceptions
File "C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatRTX\env_nvd_rag\lib\site-packages\httpx\_transports\", line 233, in handle_request
resp = self._pool.handle_request(req)
File "C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatRTX\env_nvd_rag\lib\site-packages\httpcore\_sync\", line 216, in handle_request
raise exc from None
File "C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatRTX\env_nvd_rag\lib\site-packages\httpcore\_sync\", line 196, in handle_request
response = connection.handle_request(
File "C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatRTX\env_nvd_rag\lib\site-packages\httpcore\_sync\", line 99, in handle_request
raise exc
File "C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatRTX\env_nvd_rag\lib\site-packages\httpcore\_sync\", line 76, in handle_request
stream = self._connect(request)
File "C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatRTX\env_nvd_rag\lib\site-packages\httpcore\_sync\", line 154, in _connect
stream = stream.start_tls(**kwargs)
File "C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatRTX\env_nvd_rag\lib\site-packages\httpcore\_backends\", line 152, in start_tls
with map_exceptions(exc_map):
File "C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatRTX\env_nvd_rag\lib\", line 153, in __exit__
self.gen.throw(typ, value, traceback)
File "C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatRTX\env_nvd_rag\lib\site-packages\httpcore\", line 14, in map_exceptions
raise to_exc(exc) from exc
httpcore.ConnectError: [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: unable to get local issuer certificate (_ssl.c:1007)
The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:\chatrtx\CRTX\RAG\trt-llm-rag-windows-ChatRTX_0.3\", line 706, in
File "D:\chatrtx\CRTX\RAG\trt-llm-rag-windows-ChatRTX_0.3\ui\", line 426, in render
File "C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatRTX\env_nvd_rag\lib\site-packages\gradio\", line 2209, in launch
File "C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatRTX\env_nvd_rag\lib\site-packages\httpx\", line 198, in get
return request(
File "C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatRTX\env_nvd_rag\lib\site-packages\httpx\", line 106, in request
return client.request(
File "C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatRTX\env_nvd_rag\lib\site-packages\httpx\", line 827, in request
return self.send(request, auth=auth, follow_redirects=follow_redirects)
File "C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatRTX\env_nvd_rag\lib\site-packages\httpx\", line 914, in send
response = self._send_handling_auth(
File "C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatRTX\env_nvd_rag\lib\site-packages\httpx\", line 942, in _send_handling_auth
response = self._send_handling_redirects(
File "C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatRTX\env_nvd_rag\lib\site-packages\httpx\", line 979, in _send_handling_redirects
response = self._send_single_request(request)
File "C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatRTX\env_nvd_rag\lib\site-packages\httpx\", line 1015, in _send_single_request
response = transport.handle_request(request)
File "C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatRTX\env_nvd_rag\lib\site-packages\httpx\_transports\", line 232, in handle_request
with map_httpcore_exceptions():
File "C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatRTX\env_nvd_rag\lib\", line 153, in __exit__
self.gen.throw(typ, value, traceback)
File "C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatRTX\env_nvd_rag\lib\site-packages\httpx\_transports\", line 86, in map_httpcore_exceptions
raise mapped_exc(message) from exc
httpx.ConnectError: [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: unable to get local issuer certificate (_ssl.c:1007)
Press any key to continue . . .
submitted by SpeechMobile1722 to techsupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 07:37 ImpatientDelta 10 Best Writing Apps for iPhone

10 Best Writing Apps for iPhone
Writing apps have become essential tools for writers of all levels, offering a wide range of features to enhance creativity, productivity, and organization. From simple text editors to comprehensive writing suites, these apps provide users with the tools they need to brainstorm ideas, draft manuscripts, edit prose, and collaborate with others. With intuitive interfaces, customizable settings, and cloud-based storage, writing apps empower users to write anytime, anywhere, and on any device. Whether you're a professional author, a student, or a hobbyist writer, writing apps offer the flexibility and versatility to support your creative process and bring your ideas to life.

1. Microsoft Word
Microsoft Word is a powerful and widely-used word processing app that offers a comprehensive suite of features for creating, editing, and formatting documents. With Microsoft Word, users can easily compose essays, reports, resumes, and more with its intuitive interface and familiar tools. The app provides advanced formatting options, spell-checking, grammar correction, and collaboration features, making it suitable for professional and academic writing tasks. Additionally, Microsoft Word seamlessly integrates with other Microsoft Office applications, allowing users to create complex documents with ease.

2. Story Planner for Writers
Story Planner for Writers is a specialized app designed to help writers plan, organize, and develop their stories. With Story Planner, users can outline plot points, create character profiles, and brainstorm ideas using customizable templates and tools. The app offers features such as timeline views, scene mapping, and goal tracking to assist writers in crafting compelling narratives. Whether you're writing a novel, screenplay, or short story, Story Planner provides the structure and guidance needed to bring your ideas to life.

3. Day One Journal: Private Diary
Day One Journal is a versatile app that allows users to create and maintain a digital journal or diary. With Day One, users can capture their thoughts, memories, and experiences through text, photos, and audio recordings. The app offers customizable prompts, reminders, and tags to help users organize and reflect on their entries. Additionally, Day One provides advanced security features to keep personal journal entries private and secure. Whether you're journaling for self-reflection, gratitude, or creative expression, Day One offers a convenient and intuitive platform to document life's moments.

4. Editorial
Editorial is a sophisticated text editing app designed for writers, bloggers, and journalists. With Editorial, users can write and edit documents using Markdown syntax, allowing for efficient formatting and styling. The app offers powerful automation features, including workflows, scripts, and custom actions, to streamline repetitive tasks and boost productivity. Editorial also integrates with various cloud storage services and publishing platforms, making it easy to sync and share documents across devices. Whether you're drafting articles, taking notes, or writing code, Editorial provides the tools and flexibility to support your writing workflow.

5. Google Docs: Sync, Edit, Share
Google Docs is a cloud-based word processing app that enables users to create, edit, and collaborate on documents in real-time. With Google Docs, users can access their documents from any device with an internet connection and seamlessly collaborate with others through comments, suggestions, and simultaneous editing. The app offers a range of formatting options, templates, and add-ons to enhance document creation and productivity. Google Docs also integrates with other Google Workspace applications, such as Google Drive and Google Sheets, providing a comprehensive suite of tools for productivity and collaboration.

6. Byword
Byword is a minimalist writing app that offers a distraction-free environment for focused writing. With Byword, users can create and edit documents using Markdown syntax, allowing for quick and efficient formatting. The app features a clean and intuitive interface, customizable themes, and typewriter mode for improved concentration. Byword also supports seamless syncing with iCloud and Dropbox, enabling users to access their documents across devices. Whether you're jotting down ideas, writing drafts, or composing blog posts, Byword provides a simple yet powerful platform for writing without distractions.

7. Medium: Read & Write Stories
Medium is a popular platform for reading, writing, and sharing articles and stories on various topics. With the Medium app, users can discover and follow their favorite writers, publications, and topics to explore curated content tailored to their interests. Additionally, users can write and publish their own stories directly from the app, reaching a global audience of readers. Medium offers a clean and intuitive writing interface, as well as features such as drafts, editing tools, and social sharing options to enhance the writing experience. Whether you're a seasoned writer or aspiring author, Medium provides a platform to share your voice and connect with others through storytelling.

8. Tumblr – Fandom, Art, Chaos
Tumblr is a unique blogging platform and social network that allows users to create and share multimedia content, including text posts, photos, videos, and GIFs. With the Tumblr app, users can discover and explore a wide range of content from creators around the world, as well as create their own blogs to share their interests and creativity. The app offers intuitive tools for composing posts, customizing blog themes, and interacting with other users through likes, reblogs, and comments. Whether you're sharing personal thoughts, creative projects, or fandom content, Tumblr provides a dynamic and expressive platform for self-expression and community engagement.

9. WordPress – Website Builder
WordPress is a popular website builder and content management system that empowers users to create and manage professional websites, blogs, and online stores. With the WordPress app, users can easily publish and manage content on their WordPress-powered sites directly from their mobile device. The app offers intuitive editing tools, customizable themes, and media management features to streamline website creation and management. WordPress also provides access to site analytics, comments moderation, and user management tools for monitoring site performance and engagement. Whether you're a blogger, business owner, or developer, WordPress offers a flexible and scalable platform to build and grow your online presence.

10. Daily Tracker Journal & Diary
Daily Tracker Journal & Diary is a versatile app that allows users to track and journal their daily activities, moods, and goals. With Daily Tracker, users can create customizable journal entries, set reminders, and track progress towards personal goals and habits. The app offers features such as mood tracking, habit streaks, and customizable prompts to encourage reflection and self-improvement. Daily Tracker also provides data visualization tools and export options to help users gain insights into their habits and behaviors over time. Whether you're journaling for personal growth, productivity, or mindfulness, Daily Tracker offers a convenient and intuitive platform to track your daily life and progress towards your goals.


In conclusion, writing apps have revolutionized the way we write and communicate, providing a wealth of features and functionalities to support writers in their craft. With their user-friendly interfaces and robust tools, writing apps empower users to unleash their creativity, organize their thoughts, and produce polished prose with ease. Whether you're writing a novel, a blog post, or a research paper, writing apps offer the flexibility and convenience to adapt to your writing style and workflow. As technology continues to advance, writing apps will likely continue to evolve, offering new features and innovations to further enhance the writing experience. No matter your writing goals or preferences, there's a writing app out there to help you achieve success in your literary endeavors.
submitted by ImpatientDelta to appmania [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 07:36 SpeechMobile1722 Chat RTX not working

Chat RTX not working
i downloaded chat RTX successfully , but it wont run , I get the error of
httpx.ConnectError: [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: unable to get local issuer certificate (_ssl.c:1007)
and here what does it look like in the web:
and here what look like in app cmd
hope someone can help, Thanks
Environment path found: C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatRTX\env_nvd_rag
Privileges of original process: ['SeShutdownPrivilege', 'SeChangeNotifyPrivilege', 'SeUndockPrivilege', 'SeIncreaseWorkingSetPrivilege', 'SeTimeZonePrivilege']
Privileges of restricted app token: ['SeChangeNotifyPrivilege']
Process Id = 17940
Environment path found: C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatRTX\env_nvd_rag
App running with config
"models": {
"supported": [
"name": "Mistral 7B int4",
"id": "mistral_model",
"ngc_model_name": "nvidia/llama/mistral-7b-int4-chat:1.2",
"is_downloaded_required": true,
"downloaded": true,
"is_installation_required": true,
"setup_finished": true,
"min_gpu_memory": 8,
"should_show_in_UI": true,
"prerequisite": {
"checkpoints_files": [
"tokenizer_ngc_dir": "mistral7b_hf_tokenizer",
"tokenizer_files": {
"config": "config.json",
"tokenizer": "tokenizer.json",
"model": "tokenizer.model",
"tokenizer_config": "tokenizer_config.json"
"checkpoints_local_dir": "model_checkpoints",
"tokenizer_local_dir": "tokenizer",
"engine_build_command": "trtllm-build --checkpoint_dir %checkpoints_local_dir% --output_dir %engine_dir% --gpt_attention_plugin float16 --gemm_plugin float16 --max_batch_size 1 --max_input_len 7168 --max_output_len 1024 --context_fmha=enable --paged_kv_cache=disable --remove_input_padding=disable",
"engine_dir": "engine"
"metadata": {
"engine": "rank0.engine",
"max_new_tokens": 1024,
"max_input_token": 7168,
"temperature": 0.1,
"prompt_template": "Default"
"model_info": "The Mistral-7B is a instruct fine-tuned text generation model License ",
"model_license": " License ",
"model_size": "4GB"
"name": "Llama2 13B int4",
"id": "llaam2_model",
"ngc_model_name": "nvidia/llama/llama2-13b:1.5",
"is_downloaded_required": true,
"downloaded": false,
"is_installation_required": true,
"setup_finished": false,
"min_gpu_memory": 16,
"should_show_in_UI": false,
"prerequisite": {
"checkpoints_files": [
"tokenizer_ngc_dir": "llama13_hf_tokenizer",
"tokenizer_files": {
"config": "config.json",
"tokenizer": "tokenizer.json",
"model": "tokenizer.model",
"tokenizer_config": "tokenizer_config.json"
"checkpoints_local_dir": "model_checkpoints",
"tokenizer_local_dir": "tokenizer",
"engine_build_command": "trtllm-build --checkpoint_dir %checkpoints_local_dir% --output_dir %engine_dir% --gpt_attention_plugin float16 --gemm_plugin float16 --max_batch_size 1 --max_input_len 3072 --max_output_len 1024 --context_fmha=enable --paged_kv_cache=disable --remove_input_padding=disable",
"engine_dir": "engine"
"metadata": {
"engine": "rank0.engine",
"max_new_tokens": 1024,
"max_input_token": 7168,
"temperature": 0.1,
"prompt_template": "Default"
"model_info": "LlaMa 2 is a large language AI model capable of generating text and code in response to prompts License ",
"model_license": " License ",
"model_size": "6.8GB"
"name": "ChatGLM 3 6B int4 (Supports Chinese)",
"id": "chatglm3_model",
"ngc_model_name": "nvidia/chatglm3-6b-chat-int4:1.0",
"is_downloaded_required": true,
"downloaded": false,
"is_installation_required": true,
"setup_finished": false,
"min_gpu_memory": 8,
"should_show_in_UI": true,
"prerequisite": {
"checkpoints_files": [
"tokenizer_ngc_dir": "Tokenizer",
"tokenizer_files": {
"config": "config.json",
"model": "tokenizer.model",
"tokenizer_config": "tokenizer_config.json"
"checkpoints_local_dir": "model_checkpoints",
"tokenizer_local_dir": "tokenizer",
"engine_build_command": "trtllm-build --checkpoint_dir %checkpoints_local_dir% --output_dir %engine_dir% --gemm_plugin float16 --max_batch_size 1 --max_input_len 7168 --max_output_len 1024",
"engine_dir": "engine"
"metadata": {
"engine": "rank0.engine",
"max_new_tokens": 1024,
"max_input_token": 7168,
"temperature": 0.1
"model_info": "ChatGLM-6B is an open bilingual language model based on General Language Model framework, with 6.2 billion parameters License ",
"model_license": " License ",
"model_size": "3.8GB"
"name": "Gemma 7B int4",
"id": "Gemma_model",
"ngc_model_name": "nvidia/llama/gemma-7b-int4-rtx:1.1",
"is_downloaded_required": true,
"downloaded": false,
"is_installation_required": true,
"setup_finished": false,
"min_gpu_memory": 16,
"should_show_in_UI": false,
"prerequisite": {
"checkpoints_files": [
"tokenizer_ngc_dir": "Gemma7b_hf_tokenizer",
"tokenizer_files": {
"vocab_file": "tmp_vocab.model"
"checkpoints_local_dir": "model_checkpoints",
"vocab_local_dir": "tokenizer",
"engine_build_command": "trtllm-build --checkpoint_dir %checkpoints_local_dir% --gemm_plugin float16 --gpt_attention_plugin float16 --max_batch_size 1 --max_input_len 4096 --max_output_len 1024 --output_dir %engine_dir%",
"engine_dir": "engine"
"metadata": {
"engine": "rank0.engine",
"max_new_tokens": 1024,
"max_input_token": 7168,
"temperature": 0.1
"model_info": "Gemma-7B is a 7B parameter model from Gemma family of models from Google License ",
"model_license": " License ",
"model_size": "6.6GB"
"name": "CLIP",
"id": "clip_model",
"hf_model_name": "openai/clip-vit-large-patch14-336",
"is_downloaded_required": true,
"downloaded": false,
"download_link": "https ://",
"is_installation_required": false,
"setup_finished": false,
"min_gpu_memory": 8,
"should_show_in_UI": true,
"prerequisite": {
"checkpoints_files": [
"checkpoints_local_dir": "clip_model"
"metadata": {},
"model_info": "CLIP is a multi-modal vision and language model used for image-text similarity and for zero-shot image classification License ",
"model_license": " License ",
"model_size": "1.5GB"
"selected": "Mistral 7B int4",
"enable_asr": true,
"supported_asr": [
"name": "Whisper Medium Int8",
"installed": true,
"metadata": {
"encoder_engine": "whisper_encoder_float16_tp1_rank0.engine",
"decoder_engine": "whisper_decoder_float16_tp1_rank0.engine",
"model_path": "model\\whisper\\whisper_medium_int8_engine",
"assets_path": "model\\whisper\\whisper_assets"
"sample_questions": [
"query": "How does NVIDIA ACE generate emotional responses?"
"query": "What is Portal prelude RTX?"
"query": "What is important about Half Life 2 RTX?"
"query": "When is the launch date for Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart on PC?"
"sample_questions_chinese": [
"query": "NVIDIA ACE是如何生成富有情感的回复的?"
"query": "传送门:序曲是什么?"
"query": "半条命 2 RTX版有什么重要意义?"
"query": "瑞奇与叮当:时空跳转何时会在PC平台发布?"
"sample_questions_clip": [
"query": "Pictures of bicycles"
"query": "Pictures of toys"
"query": "Pictures of dinosaurs"
"query": "Pictures of computer"
"dataset": {
"sources": [
"selected": "directory",
"path": "dataset",
"path_chinese": "chinese_dataset",
"path_clip": "images_dataset",
"isRelative": true
"strings": {
"directory": "Folder Path",
"nodataset": "AI model default"
[TensorRT-LLM] TensorRT-LLM version: 0.9.0
Privileges of app process: ['SeChangeNotifyPrivilege']
C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatRTX\env_nvd_rag\lib\site-packages\langchain\chat_models\ LangChainDeprecationWarning: Importing chat models from langchain is deprecated. Importing from langchain will no longer be supported as of langchain==0.2.0. Please import from langchain-community instead:
\from langchain_community.chat_models import ChatAnyscale`.`
To install langchain-community run \pip install -U langchain-community`.`
C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatRTX\env_nvd_rag\lib\site-packages\langchain\chat_models\ LangChainDeprecationWarning: Importing chat models from langchain is deprecated. Importing from langchain will no longer be supported as of langchain==0.2.0. Please import from langchain-community instead:
\from langchain_community.chat_models import ChatOpenAI`.`
To install langchain-community run \pip install -U langchain-community`.`
C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatRTX\env_nvd_rag\lib\site-packages\langchain\embeddings\ LangChainDeprecationWarning: Importing embeddings from langchain is deprecated. Importing from langchain will no longer be supported as of langchain==0.2.0. Please import from langchain-community instead:
\from langchain_community.embeddings import HuggingFaceBgeEmbeddings`.`
To install langchain-community run \pip install -U langchain-community`.`
C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatRTX\env_nvd_rag\lib\site-packages\langchain\embeddings\ LangChainDeprecationWarning: Importing embeddings from langchain is deprecated. Importing from langchain will no longer be supported as of langchain==0.2.0. Please import from langchain-community instead:
\from langchain_community.embeddings import HuggingFaceEmbeddings`.`
To install langchain-community run \pip install -U langchain-community`.`
C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatRTX\env_nvd_rag\lib\site-packages\langchain\llms\ LangChainDeprecationWarning: Importing LLMs from langchain is deprecated. Importing from langchain will no longer be supported as of langchain==0.2.0. Please import from langchain-community instead:
\from langchain_community.llms import AI21`.`
To install langchain-community run \pip install -U langchain-community`.`
C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatRTX\env_nvd_rag\lib\site-packages\langchain\llms\ LangChainDeprecationWarning: Importing LLMs from langchain is deprecated. Importing from langchain will no longer be supported as of langchain==0.2.0. Please import from langchain-community instead:
\from langchain_community.llms import Cohere`.`
To install langchain-community run \pip install -U langchain-community`.`
C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatRTX\env_nvd_rag\lib\site-packages\langchain\llms\ LangChainDeprecationWarning: Importing LLMs from langchain is deprecated. Importing from langchain will no longer be supported as of langchain==0.2.0. Please import from langchain-community instead:
\from langchain_community.llms import FakeListLLM`.`
To install langchain-community run \pip install -U langchain-community`.`
C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatRTX\env_nvd_rag\lib\site-packages\langchain\llms\ LangChainDeprecationWarning: Importing LLMs from langchain is deprecated. Importing from langchain will no longer be supported as of langchain==0.2.0. Please import from langchain-community instead:
\from langchain_community.llms import OpenAI`.`
To install langchain-community run \pip install -U langchain-community`.`
Using the persisted value form dataset_vector_embedding
Open HTTP s:// in browser to start ChatRTX
Running on local URL: HTTP s://
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatRTX\env_nvd_rag\lib\site-packages\httpx\_transports\", line 69, in map_httpcore_exceptions
File "C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatRTX\env_nvd_rag\lib\site-packages\httpx\_transports\", line 233, in handle_request
resp = self._pool.handle_request(req)
File "C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatRTX\env_nvd_rag\lib\site-packages\httpcore\_sync\", line 216, in handle_request
raise exc from None
File "C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatRTX\env_nvd_rag\lib\site-packages\httpcore\_sync\", line 196, in handle_request
response = connection.handle_request(
File "C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatRTX\env_nvd_rag\lib\site-packages\httpcore\_sync\", line 99, in handle_request
raise exc
File "C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatRTX\env_nvd_rag\lib\site-packages\httpcore\_sync\", line 76, in handle_request
stream = self._connect(request)
File "C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatRTX\env_nvd_rag\lib\site-packages\httpcore\_sync\", line 154, in _connect
stream = stream.start_tls(**kwargs)
File "C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatRTX\env_nvd_rag\lib\site-packages\httpcore\_backends\", line 152, in start_tls
with map_exceptions(exc_map):
File "C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatRTX\env_nvd_rag\lib\", line 153, in __exit__
self.gen.throw(typ, value, traceback)
File "C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatRTX\env_nvd_rag\lib\site-packages\httpcore\", line 14, in map_exceptions
raise to_exc(exc) from exc
httpcore.ConnectError: [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: unable to get local issuer certificate (_ssl.c:1007)
The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:\chatrtx\CRTX\RAG\trt-llm-rag-windows-ChatRTX_0.3\", line 706, in
File "D:\chatrtx\CRTX\RAG\trt-llm-rag-windows-ChatRTX_0.3\ui\", line 426, in render
File "C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatRTX\env_nvd_rag\lib\site-packages\gradio\", line 2209, in launch
File "C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatRTX\env_nvd_rag\lib\site-packages\httpx\", line 198, in get
return request(
File "C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatRTX\env_nvd_rag\lib\site-packages\httpx\", line 106, in request
return client.request(
File "C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatRTX\env_nvd_rag\lib\site-packages\httpx\", line 827, in request
return self.send(request, auth=auth, follow_redirects=follow_redirects)
File "C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatRTX\env_nvd_rag\lib\site-packages\httpx\", line 914, in send
response = self._send_handling_auth(
File "C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatRTX\env_nvd_rag\lib\site-packages\httpx\", line 942, in _send_handling_auth
response = self._send_handling_redirects(
File "C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatRTX\env_nvd_rag\lib\site-packages\httpx\", line 979, in _send_handling_redirects
response = self._send_single_request(request)
File "C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatRTX\env_nvd_rag\lib\site-packages\httpx\", line 1015, in _send_single_request
response = transport.handle_request(request)
File "C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatRTX\env_nvd_rag\lib\site-packages\httpx\_transports\", line 232, in handle_request
with map_httpcore_exceptions():
File "C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatRTX\env_nvd_rag\lib\", line 153, in __exit__
self.gen.throw(typ, value, traceback)
File "C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatRTX\env_nvd_rag\lib\site-packages\httpx\_transports\", line 86, in map_httpcore_exceptions
raise mapped_exc(message) from exc
httpx.ConnectError: [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: unable to get local issuer certificate (_ssl.c:1007)
Press any key to continue . . .
submitted by SpeechMobile1722 to nvidia [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 07:35 Lopsided_Smile_4270 Urgent 🆘 Please help us save Lordy.🙏❤️

Urgent 🆘 Please help us save Lordy.🙏❤️
Lordy is on San Antonio ACS shelter euthanasia list this week simply due to shelter overcrowding.
Lordy arrived with scars on his head and malnourished. Poor Lordy has had a hard life and deserves his chance at happiness.
Lordy needs pledges/donations so a rescue group will save him. Please consider donating what you can.🙏❤️
Pledge here:
Pledge form:
Pledge amounts:
Original post:
submitted by Lopsided_Smile_4270 to mutt [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 07:34 Lopsided_Smile_4270 Urgent 🆘 Please help us save Lordy.❤️🙏

Urgent 🆘 Please help us save Lordy.❤️🙏
Lordy is on San Antonio ACS shelter euthanasia list this week simply due to shelter overcrowding. Lordy is listed as a Lab mix but we believe he is a Hound mix.
Lordy arrived with scars on his head and malnourished. Despite this Lordy is still a happy, friendly boy. Poor Lordy has had a hard life and deserves his chance at happiness.
Lordy needs pledges/donations so a rescue group will save him. Please consider donating what you can.🙏❤️
Pledge here:
Pledge form:
Pledge amounts:
Original post:
submitted by Lopsided_Smile_4270 to Hounds [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 07:32 Timely_Appearance_17 Uncover the Online Entertainment Market: Trends, Stats, and Insights

Uncover the Online Entertainment Market: Trends, Stats, and Insights

Online Entertainment Market Introduction

The global online entertainment market size was valued at USD 419.87 billion in 2023. The market is further projected to grow at a CAGR of 19.30% between 2024 and 2032, reaching a value of USD 2048.33 billion by 2032. In this era of rapid technological advancement, one of the most significant shifts in consumer behavior and media consumption habits has been the rise of streaming services.
Online Entertainment Market
This shift has not only transformed the way we access and consume content but has also had profound implications for traditional media industries such as television, radio, and cinema. In this blog post, we will delve into the impact of streaming services on traditional media through a comparative study, exploring the evolution of streaming platforms, the disruption of traditional media, changes in content production and distribution, viewer behavior and preferences, economic implications, regulation and competition, and future trends and predictions.

Evolution of Streaming Services:

Streaming services have revolutionized the entertainment landscape, providing consumers with on-demand access to a vast array of content anytime, anywhere. The emergence of streaming platforms such as Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Hulu, and Disney+ has fundamentally changed the way we consume television shows, movies, and other forms of entertainment.
These platforms offer subscription-based or ad-supported streaming services, allowing users to stream content over the internet without the need for traditional cable or satellite TV subscriptions. According to statistics, the number of streaming subscribers worldwide has been steadily increasing, indicating the growing popularity and demand for streaming services.
Get a Free Sample Report with Table of Contents@

Disruption of Traditional Media:

The rise of streaming services has disrupted traditional media industries such as television, radio, and cinema in several ways. One of the most significant impacts has been the decline of traditional TV viewership, with more and more consumers opting to cut the cord and switch to streaming platforms for their entertainment needs. This shift has led to a decrease in advertising revenue for traditional broadcasters and cable networks, as advertisers increasingly allocate their marketing budgets to digital platforms with targeted advertising capabilities. Moreover, the proliferation of streaming services has challenged the dominance of cable and satellite providers, forcing them to adapt their business models to compete in an increasingly crowded marketplace.

Content Production and Distribution:

Streaming services have not only changed how content is consumed but also how it is produced and distributed. With the rise of original content creation by streaming platforms, we have witnessed a paradigm shift in the entertainment industry. Platforms like Netflix and Amazon Prime Video have invested heavily in producing high-quality original content, including TV shows, movies, documentaries, and more. This has disrupted the traditional content production model, where content was primarily produced by studios and networks and then distributed through various channels. Additionally, streaming platforms have disrupted content distribution channels by securing exclusive rights to popular TV shows and movies, bypassing traditional distribution channels such as DVD and Blu-ray sales.

Viewer Behavior and Preferences:

The advent of streaming services has also influenced viewer behavior and preferences, leading to changes in how we consume and engage with content. One notable trend is the rise of binge-watching culture, where viewers watch multiple episodes of a TV series in a single sitting. This binge-watching behavior is facilitated by the availability of entire seasons of TV shows on streaming platforms, allowing viewers to binge-watch at their own pace. Moreover, streaming platforms use sophisticated recommendation algorithms to personalize the content recommendations for each user based on their viewing history, preferences, and demographic information, further enhancing the user experience and increasing engagement.

Economic Implications:

The rise of streaming services has had profound economic implications for both the entertainment industry and the broader economy. On the one hand, streaming services have created new revenue streams for content creators and rights holders, providing them with additional avenues to monetize their content through subscription fees, advertising revenue, and licensing deals. On the other hand, traditional media industries have faced revenue losses as consumers increasingly shift their attention and spending towards streaming platforms. This has led to job market shifts in the entertainment industry, with layoffs and restructuring occurring in traditional media companies while new job opportunities emerge in the streaming sector.

Regulation and Competition:

As streaming services continue to gain prominence, they have come under increased regulatory scrutiny and faced growing competition from both traditional media companies and tech giants. Regulators have raised concerns about the market power of streaming platforms and their impact on competition, consumer choice, and cultural diversity. Additionally, streaming platforms face competition from other digital entertainment platforms such as social media, gaming, and e-commerce, as well as from new entrants seeking to disrupt the market with innovative business models and technologies.

Future Trends and Predictions:

As we peer into the future of the entertainment industry, it becomes evident that the landscape will continue to evolve at a rapid pace, driven by technological advancements, changing consumer preferences, and shifting market dynamics. Here are some future trends and predictions that are likely to shape the future of the online entertainment market:

Content Fragmentation and Personalization:

The era of mass media is gradually giving way to a more fragmented landscape, characterized by niche content catering to specific audiences. Streaming platforms will increasingly invest in personalized content recommendations and targeted advertising to cater to the diverse preferences of individual users. This trend will lead to a proliferation of niche streaming services focusing on specific genres, languages, or demographics.

Convergence of Entertainment and Technology:

The boundaries between entertainment and technology will continue to blur as advancements in artificial intelligence, augmented reality, virtual reality, and immersive technologies transform the entertainment experience. We can expect to see the rise of interactive storytelling experiences, virtual concerts and events, and personalized entertainment experiences tailored to individual users' preferences and interests.

Global Expansion and Localization:

Streaming platforms will continue to expand their global footprint, tapping into emerging markets with growing internet penetration and smartphone adoption. However, success in these markets will require a nuanced approach, including localization of content, pricing, and payment options to cater to local preferences and cultural sensitivities. We can expect to see increased investment in regional content production and partnerships with local content creators and distributors to drive growth in emerging markets.

Hybrid Business Models:

Traditional media companies and streaming platforms will experiment with hybrid business models that combine subscription-based, ad-supported, and transactional revenue streams. We may see the emergence of tiered subscription plans offering different levels of access to content, as well as innovative monetization strategies such as pay-per-view events, merchandise sales, and brand partnerships.

Regulatory Scrutiny and Industry Consolidation:

As the online entertainment market matures, regulators will likely ramp up scrutiny of streaming platforms' market power, data privacy practices, and content moderation policies. This may lead to increased regulatory oversight and compliance requirements, as well as potential antitrust investigations and regulatory interventions. Moreover, we can expect to see further consolidation and convergence in the industry through mergers and acquisitions as companies seek to strengthen their competitive positions and expand their market reach.

Sustainability and Social Responsibility:

With growing awareness of environmental issues and social responsibility, consumers are increasingly demanding sustainable and ethical practices from entertainment companies. Streaming platforms will come under pressure to reduce their carbon footprint, minimize waste, and promote diversity and inclusion both on and off-screen. We may see increased investment in eco-friendly production practices, diversity initiatives, and corporate social responsibility programs as companies strive to meet these evolving consumer expectations.

Emergence of New Platforms and Formats:

The rapid pace of technological innovation will give rise to new platforms and formats for consuming and experiencing entertainment. From social audio platforms and live streaming apps to virtual reality theme parks and blockchain-powered content marketplaces, we can expect to see a proliferation of new platforms and formats that push the boundaries of traditional media and redefine the entertainment landscape.
Read More:
Media Contact:
Company Name: Claight Corporation Contact Person: Louis Wane, Corporate Sales Specialist – U.S.A. Email: []( Toll Free Number: +1-415-325-5166 +44-702-402-5790 Address: 30 North Gould Street, Sheridan, WY 82801, USA Website: Aus Site:
submitted by Timely_Appearance_17 to u/Timely_Appearance_17 [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 07:31 Ok_Ebb2994 Beta Software Update

BETA Software Update
Formuler Z11 Series & Z mini devices
Software cannot be rolled back after installation.
Z11 Series Firmware Version : 11.3.0 BETA
Change Log:
NEW Modern Launcher
Improvement: Added "Estonian" in system language
Bug fixes, optimizations, and performance enhancements
Z mini Firmware Version : 12.1.0 BETA
Change Log:
NEW Modern Launcher
Improvement: System performance boost
Improvement: Added "Estonian" in system language
Bug fixes, optimizations, and performance enhancements
MYTVOnline 3 Version : 12.1.0 BETA
Change Log:
NEW: Added Provider column and headings in Group list
NEW: Added Subtitle & Audio synchronizer
NEW: Added more formats in Aspect Ratio menu
NEW: Added "Convert Playlist to Portal" menu in Settings
NEW: Added portal expiry reminder
FIX: Catchup playback issue after Daylight saving time
Improvement: Optimized UX for Manual content refresh
Improvement: Improved Search results for characters with accents
Improvement: Improved Onlinesubtitles menus
Improvement: Default save location for Recordings changed to usb:\Recordings
Improvement: Added Italian translation
Bug fixes, optimizations, and performance enhancements
To access the latest Beta update for your Formuler devices :
Access Code: 1339
  1. Open the Software Update app
  2. Enter the appropriate access code, then press the red box button
  3. Start Download
submitted by Ok_Ebb2994 to Formuler_Official [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 07:29 Lopsided_Smile_4270 Urgent🆘 Please help us save Socks and Pebbles.❤️🙏

Urgent🆘 Please help us save Socks and Pebbles.❤️🙏
Socks and Pebbles are on San Antonio ACS euthanasia list simply due to shelter overcrowding. They are both great dogs! They need pledges/donations so a rescue group will save them. Please consider donating what you can.❤️🙏
Pledge form:
Pledge amounts:
Original post:
submitted by Lopsided_Smile_4270 to akita [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 07:24 Lopsided_Smile_4270 Urgent 🆘 Please help us save Bailey & friends.❤️

Urgent 🆘 Please help us save Bailey & friends.❤️
I know there are so many dogs in need but these poor dogs were unlucky enough to end up on San Antonio ACS's euthanasia AFTER "no-kill" day.
They are a great bunch of dogs. Please help us save these good dogs. They need pledges/donations so a rescue group will save them. Please consider donating what you can.❤️🙏
Pledge form:
Pledge amounts:
Original post:
submitted by Lopsided_Smile_4270 to pitbulls [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 07:23 Electronic-Tart3381 Best VPN Software? – Detailed Reddit Guide

Seriously, all these diff posts on diff subs telling you about the best VPNs are getting out of hand. And I’m feeling like it’s all over the place right now. I’ve come across so many different opinions on this topic so far and I came to a point where I didn’t know what to believe and what not to believe.
So while I navigate this journey and try to find the best VPN for myself, I thought why not document my findings and summarize them in this post. Might help some of you out there. It’s gonna be a bit long, so if you’re looking for a quick ans: Surfshark was what I found to work best.

5 Best VPN Services According to Reddit

Surfshark – Best VPN Overall

Surfshark offers a variety of subscription plans designed to meet different needs and budgets:
Surfshark Starter Plan:
Surfshark One Plan:
It Includes a VPN service and an integrated antivirus feature for enhanced online security.
Surfshark One+ Plan:
It Includes a VPN, antivirus, a private search engine, and a data removal tool for comprehensive online security. All plans include a 30-day money-back guarantee, unlimited device connections, and no bandwidth limitations.
Surfshark is a comprehensive cybersecurity service that offers a variety of tools to protect your online presence. From VPN and antivirus to data breach alerts and identity protection, Surfshark provides an all-in-one solution to ensure your internet activities remain secure and private. With user-friendly features and a commitment to safeguarding your data, Surfshark stands out as a reliable choice for individuals seeking robust online protection.

Norton VPN – Best for Online Anonymity and Privacy

Keep in mind that Norton VPN bills you upfront for the entire year (starting at $29.99/year) rather than on a monthly basis.
1-Month Plan:
1-Year Plan:
Norton VPN can be purchased separately or included with Norton antivirus packages, such as Norton 360 Standard ($39.99/year), Deluxe ($49.99/year), and with LifeLock Select ($99.99/year).
Norton Secure VPN ensures online anonymity and privacy by encrypting traffic and protecting against trackers from ISPs and the government. It employs strong encryption, reliable tunneling protocols, and an effective kill switch for enhanced safety. While it retains about 74% of the original internet speed using OpenVPN and L2TP/IPSec protocols, it's not the fastest VPN available. With servers in 29 countries, it lacks specialized servers for optimal streaming and torrenting.

Avast – Best for Online Security

The pricing for Avast SecureLine VPN is as follows:
All plans come with a 30-day money-back guarantee. Avast also offers a free trial: 7 days for Mac and 60 days for Windows, allowing users to test features like secure browsing, IP address hiding, and global content access without initial costs.
Avast SecureLine VPN is a service provided by Avast that encrypts your internet connection, ensuring your online privacy and security. It is particularly useful for protecting your data on public networks, preventing hackers and other entities from spying on your online activities. The VPN also helps to mask your IP address, allowing you to browse the web anonymously and access content that might be restricted in your region.

Betternet – Best for Geo-Restrictions & Censorship

Betternet VPN offers a free version and a premium version. The premium version provides more locations, better speeds, and up to five simultaneous connections but is relatively expensive. It includes:

The free version is limited to 500MB per day, suitable for minimal browsing, and requires no account creation.
Betternet VPN is a virtual private network service designed to provide users with secure and private internet access. It helps protect online privacy by masking IP addresses, encrypting internet traffic, and allowing users to bypass geo-restrictions and censorship. Betternet offers both free and premium versions, with the premium version providing faster speeds and access to more server locations. Its user-friendly interface and easy setup make it accessible to users with varying levels of technical expertise.

NordVPN – Best for Fast and Stable Connections

NordVPN offers three pricing plans:
All plans offer a 30-day money-back guarantee.
NordVPN is widely regarded as a great VPN due to its strong security features, including AES-256 encryption and a no-logs policy. Based in Panama, it offers excellent privacy and has been independently audited four times. It consistently delivers the fastest connection speeds using its NordLynx protocol. Additionally, NordVPN excels at bypassing geo-restrictions and includes features like Smart DNS, split tunneling, and broad device compatibility.

What Is a VPN?

A VPN (Virtual Private Network) is a service that creates a secure, encrypted connection over the internet. It allows users to protect their online privacy and data by masking their IP address and routing their internet traffic through a remote server. This helps to safeguard sensitive information, prevent eavesdropping, and access content that may be restricted based on geographic location.

How VPNs Safeguard Your Privacy and What Are Their Limitations?

Using a VPN on personal and business devices helps protect your privacy by encrypting your data and keeping your online identity and transmitted data secure. However, VPNs do not protect against malware or phishing scams. They secure active online data transmissions but do not safeguard data stored on your device, so it's essential to use antivirus and anti-malware software and exercise caution with suspicious links and emails for complete protection.

Bottom Line

In conclusion, choosing the best VPN service ensures enhanced online privacy, robust security, and unrestricted access to global content. For businesses or personal use, integrating top-tier VPN solutions with platforms like Salesforce can safeguard sensitive customer data and streamline secure operations.
Seriously, all these diff posts on diff subs telling you about the best VPNs are getting out of hand. And I’m feeling like it’s all over the place right now. I’ve come across so many different opinions on this topic so far and I came to a point where I didn’t know what to believe and what not to believe.
submitted by Electronic-Tart3381 to software [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 07:22 Livdaboba Can someone explain, how to make an app? [ios, android]

I’m fairly new to programming but don’t mind learning another language, this is for my personal project, and I’m enthusiastic in adding to my skill repertoire.
Can you explain: 1. What programming language I need to learn 2. How to turn code to app? 3. What emulators I need? 4. Any debugging feature like quick test? 5. What difference there is coding for iOS or android? 6. Can you explain the hybrid and native mobile development framework?
Thank you so much for helping out a newbie like me😊
submitted by Livdaboba to learnprogramming [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 07:08 Starwerznerd 🤑 Looking for actual money to withdraw to your bank? Here are 3 apps paying $20 CASH with easy detailed instructions! Posting pay proof in pics

🤑 Looking for actual money to withdraw to your bank? Here are 3 apps paying $20 CASH with easy detailed instructions! Posting pay proof in pics
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submitted by Starwerznerd to promocodes [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 07:07 microgem Looking for partners for an extensive monolith Django app

I started this project back in 2022, and is still under daily active development. It mainly arose out of my frustration with existing knowledge management solutions.
For some frame of reference, it is a monolith (not open-source) Django app with roughly 75k LOC. The backend is pure Python with HTMX, JS, and TailwindCSS for the frontend. The main tech/services are Neo4J, PostgreSQL, Redis, Celery, Websockets, GCP.
As for my background, I am a soon-to-be second-year CS undergraduate at a university in the UK, with a prior specialisation in Django.
Its core features (still in early phases of development):
This is an extremely large (and very exciting!) project. In fact, I am using this app as my knowledge-store in place of note-taking tools or ChatGPT, and so forth.
So far, it is just me, consistently implementing these features. It is evident that it will take me an incredibly large amount of time to implement certain aspects (e.g. sentience) on my own. If you resonate with my issues, feel free to reach out!
Regarding the front end, some understanding of JS would be helpful but non-essential. Ideally for contributing to the core functionality you should have good experience (>1 year) in Python or JS, it is expected to write clean, succinct, performant, and well-commented code. Regarding the front end, some JS would be helpful but non-essential. You can also help by simply using the app to test features and identify bugs, changes, vulnerabilities, performance issues, and desired functionality.
submitted by microgem to ProgrammingBuddies [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 07:03 Sad-Battle7802 Temu Canada C4C

Temu Canada code for code. My username is Sal
Can you accept my invitation so that I can get a free gift? Download Temu App and search the code below to accept my invitation! 259221642
submitted by Sad-Battle7802 to temu_old_users [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 07:02 Sad-Battle7802 Temu Canada C4C

Temu Canada code for code. My username is Sal
Can you accept my invitation so that I can get a free gift? Download Temu App and search the code below to accept my invitation! 259221642
submitted by Sad-Battle7802 to TemuThings [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 07:01 Sad-Battle7802 Temu Canada C4C

Temu Canada code for code. My username is Sal
Can you accept my invitation so that I can get a free gift? Download Temu App and search the code below to accept my invitation! 259221642
submitted by Sad-Battle7802 to TemuThings [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 07:01 ReverseMod Daily Questions Megathread - May 29, 2024

Welcome to the Reverse: 1999 Daily Questions Megathread!

Please use this thread to ask any general inquiries about Reverse: 1999. Also, kindly search keywords under this thread as your questions may have already been answered by other Timekeepers.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):
Q1. Should I re-roll?
Q2. Why is my answer incorrect in for the trail puzzle?
Q3. When is the daily reset?
Q4. Does pity transfer over to the next banner?
Q5. How should I build my team?
Q6. Can I re-watch the cut-scenes/story?
Q7. Are multiple copies of a certain character necessary?
Q8. When should I stop leveling characters?
Q9. What should I purchase in the Psychube Shop (Thought Elements/Thoughts in Eternity)?
  1. LF Polarization
  2. Englighten I
  3. Enlighten II
Q10. What should I prioritize in the Oneric Shop (Oneric Fluid)?
  1. Monthy Brief Cacophony
  2. Crystal Casket
  3. Permanent Brief Cacophony (or Moment of Dissonance to craft Brief Cacophony if needed)
  4. Sonorous Knell
Misc Questions
M1. Are macros and auto-clickers allowed?

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If you have any suggestions or would like to add anything to this post, please contact the moderation team!
submitted by ReverseMod to Reverse1999 [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 07:00 ComparisonGold1592 Use of AI

Hey guys,
I had to post this up here to know what you guys think. I just got back my grades for an essay type of assignment I gave in and got this message back from the person marking it.
"Overall this is a decent first piece of individual work for the semester. Please be aware that the use of Al was not allowed for this assignment. Upon further inspection it was found that your assignment was heavily aided by Al - due to this not being picked up by Turnitin, there will be no further repercussions for you in this instance. However, I urge you to be careful in future as it could have severe consequences for your university career."
Now, I want to clarify I have NOT used AI for any of the writing or researching. All the work in the assignment, each word is my own or properly referenced (painstakingly). All the reserch was done by me for this paper and the sources I found were either reputable sources off the Internet or peer reviewed articles from scholar.
HOWEVER, I do use AI in the absolute beginning of my assignment during the planning stage for generation of ideas and to bounce my ideas off of it, just to hear it's thoughts about them. I ask it for prevailing research on the topic or where it suggests I should start with, just to get an idea of what's in the field. This is it.
I NEVER put in whatever the AI has given me directly because I know it probably has a lot of flaws, and always research these ideas further atleast 2-3 times on my own and if I find proper evidence of this point, I write it in my essay (on my own!).
What does this mean- What my tutor has written? Am I not even allowed to do this? I would've thought I'm okay because technically everything on that is my own stuff. I don't use AI to rewrite anything or even check my grammar. Am I alright? Am I f*cked? Am I allowed to do this with assignments? Will I get into further trouble with this assignment either now or in the future? Should I change my writing style or something? Or probably something wrong with my referencing?
Also, with the research I've put into this assignment, I've hardly stuck with any of the points AI gave me originally when I planned this assignment. Maybe 2-3 here and there (referenced properly, with sources I found on my own). Why does the tutor think I've used AI or how do they know this? To write such a scathing comment. I was under the assumption that other than turnitin (which is notoriously inaccurate in itself), there's not many reputable techniques to prove AI use. It might just be a friendly warning, but I'm kinda hurt that something I worked hard for was treated this way and with the accusations laid against me quite frankly. Could it just be a case or poor writing or referencing? But I would've rather heard that as advice rather than an accusation of cheating, if it was.
Also, I've begun my final piece of assessment for this subject, using pretty much the same technique. Should I scrap it and just redo it atp?
Thanks for reading this far. Hope to hear what you guys think, cheers.
Tl;dr I was accused of using AI in my essay, although I only used it in a very limited capacity for initial idea generation. All work was written by me and researched further by me. The tutor warned of severe future consequences but didn't penalize me this time. I'm confused and hurt by the accusation and need advice on whether my method is acceptable and if I should change my approach for future assignments.
submitted by ComparisonGold1592 to unimelb [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 07:00 Happy-Crow2753 Netflix v8.116.0 MOD APK (Premium, 4K HDR, Region Unlocked)

Netflix v8.116.0 MOD APK (Premium, 4K HDR, Region Unlocked)
Name Netflix
Publisher Netflix
Genre Entertainment
Size 21M
Version 8.116.0
MOD Premium Unlocked/4K HDWork 100%
Check Down
When watching movies, go to Netflix. This is almost obvious in today’s society. It can even replace theater movies if you have a large screen at home. Indeed, the need to watch movies today is no longer as popular as before. There are too many current sources of entertainment everywhere. Therefore, people no longer sit at home waiting for their favorite shows to show. Netflix has become a mainstream movie source, both convenient and providing a personalized experience.


  • Hit Originals: Netflix’s self-produced series has brought attractive content to everyone. List popular names like Stranger Things, The Crown, and Roma. Surely, you’ve heard of them at least once.
  • Comedy Specials: It also has stand-up specials from world-famous comedians such as Dave Chappelle, Amy Schumer, and Ali Wong. Their stories are certainly creative and open to inspiring many trends.
  • Documentaries: This platform also has many eye-opening documentaries and docuseries on various topics. Viewers cannot imagine the amount of knowledge they bring while entertaining.


Once you are a Netflix customer, you can freely download all of the above content to your device for offline viewing as long as your device has enough space to accommodate them. For example, if you have about 1 hour to travel on the train, you should download an episode of equal length to your smartphone. During that time, you can have fun without wasting data. Offline entertainment has never been easier.
  • Offline Access: As mentioned, the length of the movies here is very diverse. You just need to accurately measure the time you cannot access the internet and download the movie.
  • Ideal for Travel: Watch on the train, watch on the plane or park, anywhere without WiFi, prepare yourself a certain amount of movies to watch.
  • Storage Not an Issue: The automatic expiration after 48 hours mechanism helps your device never run out of memory. It’s like it motivates you to watch the downloaded episodes you haven’t watched yet. Many people download movies and promise to watch them but forget.


Like many other entertainment platforms, it tracks user habits. Thanks to this, users will quickly have moments of entertainment without spending too much time choosing appropriate movies. This also happens because the amount of content on Netflix is ​​too much. So much so that you can sit all day and still not be able to choose what you like the most if you keep scrolling through the platform’s newsfeed. If you don’t know what to watch, let the system choose. Surely you will never feel disappointed.
  • Advanced Algorithms: This platform’s algorithm is extremely smart when it analyzes your movie viewing history. It will then offer shows with high viewership, suitable for your taste, and of similar duration.
  • Improves Over Time: The more you watch content on this, the more accurately it analyzes.
  • Discover New Favorites: You can’t imagine that you’ll find cool content like this on your own. Enjoy that free time.


Of course, to watch movies on Netflix, you must become their customer. The monthly money you spend to watch this content is very little compared to what you must pay for such unlimited entertainment. It also offers many different plans that are suitable for your budget. Thanks to that, viewers can still plan their spending and be entertained appropriately.
  • Budget Options: Starting with the $9/month package, users can upgrade to receive more benefits or downgrade when they only need to view the content available on this platform.
  • Watch Anywhere: Users can watch on any device connected to the account. Laptops, TVs, phones, and tablets are all fine as long as they are within 5 personalized profiles per account.
  • Cancel Anytime: It does not require users to commit or bind anything. You can cancel it if you no longer need it.
submitted by Happy-Crow2753 to Modded_Apps [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:59 Sad-Battle7802 Temu Canada C4C

Temu Canada code for code. My username is Sal
Can you accept my invitation so that I can get a free gift? Download Temu App and search the code below to accept my invitation! 259221642
submitted by Sad-Battle7802 to TemuCANADAcodes [link] [comments]