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2013.04.09 01:48 Baconquake SmallYTChannel

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2009.09.13 17:48 Null_State I only need two buttons, Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V.

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2024.05.19 17:41 ImCursedM8 [REQUEST] [STEAM] Dark souls 3- $20 on

Hello, I am kinda new to this sub and still trying to figure out some stuff, I just hope I didn't make any mistake with Post Format.
I am not too familiar with this sub and at first when I found out about it I was actually kinda surprised to learn there was any sort of website out there in deep parts of the internet where people were willing to give away some games to people who were desperate for it but didn't have the means to buy them themselves , but I actually witness the opposite of my skepticism.
many of those that had posted in here actually had their wish fulfilled, and that gave me hope to, maybe, also try my luck here.
Games are something most of us, by the moniker of " gamer ", enjoy thoroughly in our free time. Whether it is to escape the real life struggles or just feel something that cannot be felt it the said real life, doesn't really matter. All of us enjoy games for one reason or another.
What really matters tho, is the feeling bliss all of us feel when playing the game either with our friends or just enjoy the struggles and outcomes of fictional characters' lives.
I still remember how much fun I had as a child when my father brought me my first PC and I downloaded GTA San Andreas there.
sadly, I haven't enjoyed games much in those last couple years, not as I used to as kid. at least, not until few months ago when I tried souls games, mainly Elden ring.
I didn't know much about souls games till I tried Elden RIng, and man. it was such an amaizing journey from beginning to the end. I already put more then 160 hours in it. but as much fun as it is, eventually I stopped playing it as I memorized pretty much everything in the game and it was not as fun to play as it was in the first few playthroughs.
and just as I finally let go of Elden ring and returned to my dull life, my friend decided to invite my friends and me at sleep over and when I got there I saw Dark souls 3 installed on their desktop. I was bored in that moment and booted it to have some fun and kill time.
I was miserable in the first hour. it took some time to get used to the controls which were beet different from that of Elden RIng's but once it clicked, it was never the same afterwards.
I played the whole game that night and didn't even pay my friends any attention, even tho I was there to have fun with bros to begin with haha.
This was my second time having so much fun playing a game since my childhood. Dark souls 3 and Elden ring reignited the fun of playing games that i thought was slowly disappearing inside of me.
I don't have a game myself on Pc so I have been staying over with my friend for a while, playing it as much as I possible can before he gets finally annoyed and kicks me out haha.
I just love dark souls 3.
I love how hopeless and melancholic the whole world is. I love how miserable everything feels. the whole world feels like it is dying and just can't keep on going. I love the NPCs, each more interesting then the other.
If Elden Ring is power fantasy adventure. then Dark souls 3 is just a miserable tragic tale of a dying world.
as much as it is fun to annoy my friend by staying over doing nothing but playing that game, I would like to own it too on Pc. sadly, I been struggling financially lately. not just me but my whole country.
I cannot afford Dark souls 3 on my own so I would like to make an humble request here. IF any of you kind redditors have opportunity to gift me this beautiful game, I would be truly honored and happy.
The game's 60$ of steam which is way to much to ask
but it's $20 bucks here, or u can gift it to me from any other sites if u want. Thanks
My Steam account-
submitted by ImCursedM8 to GiftofGames [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:36 leaveinsilence U-shaped AC in sliding window: how doable is this in my situation?

After years of having a loud portable unit next to my bed (where the only window in the place is), I decided to buy my dream AC. It's the Midea U-shaped one, and my windows are left-to-right sliding. No biggie, I thought I would:
So far, the issue I have run into is the fact that the bracket's feet don't angle properly. I was hoping to not use them since the incline without them is perfect for drainage. The bracket tilts towards the window with them in.. Is this manageable?
The AC is so efficient and quiet that I think it's worth it to do all the workarounds, but I am no handyman, and I can't gauge how stupid the project is. What do you think? What am I forgetting?
submitted by leaveinsilence to hvacadvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:34 troublesome7 just read it because theywouldn’t

all these days you pushed nothing about this you werent mean at all but obviously the week before my finals is when you want to be awful to me. i had told you not to cause me trouble because i didnt want to be stressed out and i wanted a clear mind so i could try and get some stuff done cos ive had a rough year trying to focus on things while my head only thinks about you and all this and my hearts always crying over it. but no you did the complete opposite of what id asked, they begin tomorrow i hope youre proud of ruining whatever tiny chance i had left of trying to pass this year.
ive spent the last week panicking and crying and trying to figure out how to kill myself more than i did for the whole month. ive been rotting in my bed and i havent felt like eating a proper meal since tuesday night. i shouldve known youd ruin things just when it started to look a bit fine. just when you started to do nice things with me and say some rather sweet things and stopped being mean. just when id stopped crying for weeks and stopped waking up with that horrible anxiety and panic. of course youve felt the need to bring all of this traumatic rubbish back. of course you had to ruin it just when i was feeling seriously so much better. i hope youre proud of yourself for ruining my feelings once again and having it effect my daily life. u knew what itd do to me yet u still did it. ur addicted to hurting my feelings and ur addicted to trying to make me want to kill myself.
congrats cus im just gonna try it out now. maybe in my grave youll consider stopping hurting me. youll go off to someone else either way and give practically anyone the bare minimum simply because they are not me. i lost my body over you, i lost my money over you, i lost whatever little confidence and will to live i had over you. my future has turned to dust because of you. i wouldnt need to worry feeling a thing in my body over this all anymore. thats my reality.
submitted by troublesome7 to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:31 LufroLufringo Should I write this "fanfic"/remake of Mistborn?

You see, I recently wrote this little "fanfic" because of the comments, and some people loved the ideas I had.
It's about Vin and Elend's relationship, and since I never completely liked it, I started to write a little about how I would have liked it to develop, what surprised me is that several people liked what I wrote , and some others left me with some equally good ideas.
So, I was thinking: "What if I make a fanfic with these ideas, keeping the rest of the story and only changing the romance?"
It seems like a good idea to me, although I'm writing a novel right now, I think I could find time to write this
Below is a summary of what I plan to do, feel free to comment any changes you would like to make or advice:
I would start with Elend's povs from the beginning, to increase the reader's empathy apart from "what a shame! He wants to be the best for the people, but they won't let him."
Then at the dances he would be instead of reading alone, trying to contradict his father Straff, and that's when Vin sees him, being different, not by words, but by actions.
(Maybe keep the scene where they meet on the balcony, but it doesn't go much further than that.)
Elend would also see Vin, but from afar, seeing her as she is different from all the nobles. I guess because she seems attentive from time to time and Elend starts investigating, maybe eventually finding that she's a mistborn.
Then, almost at the end, Straff or some InquisitoObligor put him in jail for revealing himself all the time, but right there the rebellion against Lord Ruler occurs
Later, Vin is put in the dungeons with Elend as well, and there for the first time they talk "You're the mistborn undercover!" and "You're the noble who yells at his father!"
Vin would then TRY to trust Elend by handing over power to her when she defeats Lord Ruler, but tells her "If you fuck up, I'll kill you"
Thus, in WoA, If we kept Zane, it would be justified for Vin to be attracted to him, and Elend would realize that (because in the books he doesn't realize that someone wants to take his girl away from him until Zane is dead)
Elend would also have internal doubts, "Did I meet the real Vin? Or did I just know their Valette façade? Am I seeing the real one?" Elend would then try to get to know her better, showing her his insecurities and being really Honest.
Maybe inviting her on dates and doing normal things that Vin has never done before, as well as a scene where they are having dinner at a place in Luthadel and Vin is so tense that she can barely eat, and Elend tries to support her (not so much as "fix her"). so that she makes her own decision, not forcing her like Zane would do. Then Vin would realize who she should love.
In HoA, I would make Elend and Vin dance, and there Elend proposes to her, promising to marry her when it's all over (Because they didn't get married in the previous movie). Elend would say nervously, "um... I wanted to ask you if... You'd like to repeat this dance when it's all over... But at an even more special time. At our wedding" Boom! And he pulls out the ring, proposing in front of everyone.
Obviously it's the last time they see each other, and that's how we make it more tragic.
Perhaps the icing on the cake would be for Sazed, now Harmony, to marry them on the cognitive plane and then put a ring on their dead bodies, to represent that they are together in the afterlife.
Like I said, if you feel like you don't like something, feel free to help me with script holes
submitted by LufroLufringo to Cosmere [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:26 SmoothBarnacle4891 "THE FALCON AND THE WINTER SOLDIER" (2022) Commentary

During the height of my high regard for the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), among the movies of which I had been a major fan were the Captain America releases. At least two of them. The third film in this mini franchise - 2016's "CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR" proved to be a major disappointment for me. However, when I heard that Disney and Marvel Films had plans to air a miniseries about the characters Sam Wilson aka the Falcon and James "Bucky" Barnes aka the Winter Soldier, I must admit that I felt a renewed interest in the franchise again.
When I said a renewal of the MCU franchise, I meant it. Aside from a few movies like "ANT-MAN", "BLACK PANTHER", "CAPTAIN MARVEL" and "ETERNALS"; the MCU had become a major disappointment for me ever since the release of 2015's "THE AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON". One might ask . . . what about the MCU television productions that aired on the Disney Plus streaming channel? Aside from one production that I somewhat liked and one that I loved, most of them have been disappointing to me. Unfortunately, I have to include this follow-up to the Captain America movies, "THE FALCON AND THE WINTER SOLDIER".
Set six months after 2019's "THE AVENGERS: ENDGAME", "THE FALCON AND THE WINTER SOLDIER" followed former war veteran/Avenger Sam Wilson, who has resumed working the for the U.S. government, while using his role as the Falcon. When the government recruits Sam to track down and deal with a group of enhanced anarchists known as "the Flag Smashers", former World War II veteran/HYDRA tool/Avenger James "Bucky" Buchannan aka the Winter Soldier decides to join Sam in his mission, due to his lingering guilt as a former HYDRA assassin and their shared experiences as Steve Rogers' close friends and battling Thanos and his army.
Since "THE FALCON AND THE WINTER SOLDIER" had aired on the DisneyPlus channel in six episodes, I had seriously considered ranking the episodes. But like Season three of the Marvel Netflix series, "DAREDEVIL", the more I watched "THE FALCON AND THE WINTER SOLIDER", the more it disappointed me. Aside from complaints about its pacing, the limited series had received a great deal of praise from critics and fans alike. Because of this, I believe it was one of the most overrated productions in the MCU history. People had seemed so focused on little moments and scenes that very few had noticed how the series' narrative seemed to be all over the map. For example:
~\Sam Wilson~* - This limited series is supposed to be a follow up to the events of "ENDGAME" in which Sam had received the Captain America shield from an aging Steve Rogers, a sign for him to take up the latter's costumed role. Was this an attempt by Marvel Films/Disney to make Sam a more relevant character? If so, why? Why did a MCU character have to replace Steve as the new Captain America to be more relevant? Why not allow Sam to continue as the Falcon, only push his role to the forefront as one of the franchise's new leading characters? Some might accuse me of not wanting a black man as Captain America, a topic that was brought up in the series. Frankly, I never wanted another character - regardless of race, gender or ethnicity - to become the new Captain America. That includes Bucky Barnes. Allow Steve Rogers to fade into the background and let Sam (as the Falcon) shine as one of the franchise's new leads. However, the die has been cast. One can only sit back and see if moviegoers are willing to accept Sam as the new Captain America.
Perhaps the MCU had to make Sam the new Captain America in order to make him more relevant. Why would I say that? The showrunner for "THE FALCON AND THE WINTER SOLDIER", Malcolm Spellman, came dangerously close to shoving Sam into the role of the second lead or worst, a role he has been since his debut in 2014's "CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE WINTER SOLDIER" - a supporting character. During the series' first three or four episodes, someone other than Sam (either Bucky Barnes or Helmut Zemo - two white men) made decisions that allowed the plot to move forward, not Sam. He was simply regulated to being an observer or reactor. The series even managed to undermine Sam's decision not to support the Sokovia Accords in "CIVIL WAR". In thee 2016, Sam became the first Avenger to speak out against the Accords and declare his intentions not to sign it. Yet, according to Bucky in this series, Sam had merely followed Steve's example in rejecting the Accords. And Spellman did nothing to allow Sam to correct this misconception.
~\James "Bucky" Barnes~* - One of the few aspects of "CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR" I found enjoyable proved to be the interactions between Sam Wilson and Bucky Buchannan. Despite their lingering jealousy and competition over the role as "Steve Rogers' best friend", the pair's interactions proved to be very entertaining, thanks to the screen chemistry between Anthony Mackie and Sebastian Stan. Unfortunately, Mackie and Stan could not save "CIVIL WAR" for me. Nor could they save "THE FALCON AND THE WINTER SOLDIER", due to its problematic writing. A good deal of that writing surrounded Bucky's character. I have so many questions about his role in this series. For example:
-Why would any official of the Joint Counter Terrorist Center allow Bucky to visit and question Helmut Zemo, the man responsible for the U.N. conference bombing in Vienna, in "CIVIL WAR"? That made very little sense to me. Surely the JCTC authorities remembered how Zemo managed to brainwash Bucky into making his own prison break in "CIVIL WAR"? Also, Bucky was on parole for his activities as a brainwashed HYDRA assassin. Yet, the JCTC had allowed him to visit Zemo? Surely, the showrunner could have allowed Sam, who was serving the U.S. government again, to be the one to visit and question Zemo?
-How on earth did Bucky managed to evade being arrested and charged for helping Zemo escape from the JCTC? The U.S. and other governments should have been suspicious of Bucky after learning about his visit to Zemo.
-Bucky came off as an arrogant school jock, who thought he was entitled to get his way - especially in his interactions with Sam. I found it hilarious that many fans had criticized John Walker aka Captain America aka U.S. Agent for such toxic behavior. Yet, they had turned a blind eye to Bucky's own behavior. And so did the series - up until the last two episodes. Why did the showrunner allow Bucky to get away with this behavior toward Sam for so long without any complaints from the latter?
-I did not care how Bucky had bullied his way into Sam's mission without the latter's consent. What I found even more annoying was the U.S. government's decision to allow Bucky to join Sam's mission after that ludicrous "therapy session" they were forced to attend together.
~\Racism -~* A good number of MCU fans had complained about the inclusion of racism in "THE FALCON AND THE WINTER SOLDIER". I had no problems with this direction, considering the story was about Sam, an African-American man, becoming the new Captain America. However, I had a good deal of problems with how the production explored the topic of racism.
The story of Isaiah Bradley, Marvel's second Captain America, had originated in the comics. In the MCU, he was a Korea War veteran whom the United States Army used as one of several unwilling African-American test subjects for their version of the Super Soldier serum. I realize that both Marvel Comics and the MCU had attempted to use Bradley's experience as a metaphor for the Tuskegee Syphilis Study. The problem is that I cannot see the U.S. government and the Army - both racist organizations in the early 1950s - be willing to risk the possibility of creating a non-white super soldier. Despite the recent desegregation of the Armed Forces in the late 1940s. And both the government and the Army had been more than willing to use white soldiers in other experiments.
After saving a group of black American super soldiers from a prison camp, Bradly was imprisoned by the U.S. government for thirty years. I saw nothing wrong with this twist in the character's narrative, until I remembered two things - Bradley had been able to free his fellow soldiers without anyone's help; and nearly sixty years later, Steve Rogers managed to break into the Raft and free those Avengers who had refused to sign the Sokovia Accord. Why was Bradley unable to free himself from prison? This is the man who had defeated the Winter Soldier by breaking the latter's metal arm. And he was not powerful enough to make a prison break, let alone evade capture?
I had assumed Sam's difficulty in becoming the new Captain America would stem from the government's reluctance to recruit a black man for the position. That would explain their decision to recruit the blond-haired John Walker instead. But the series never really made it clear whether political racism had played a role in Walker's recruitment. The series also had James "Rhodey" Rhodes had paid Sam a visit, emphasizing the importance of the new Captain America being black. As it turned out, Sam's own insecurities about becoming Captain America had more to do with him not initially assuming the role. There was also that interesting scene outside Bradley's Baltimore home where the police arrested Sam during verbal argument with Bucky. Although the cops backed away when they recognized Sam as an Avenger, they ended up arresting the parolee Bucky for missing his required therapy appointment. This scene was supposed to be a case of racial profiling. But . . . we might as well be honest. In the real world, the police would not have backed down from hassling Sam. What I found more disturbing was the production's handling of Bucky's arrest. Once the police discovers that Sam was an Avenger; they turned to arrest Bucky for failing to show up for his missing his therapy session. Not only did the police arrest Bucky with a more gentle behavior, they did so, accompanied by Henry Jackman's mournful score, something that did not accompany the moment of Sam being arrested. Were the audiences expected to notice the hypocrisy and racism in the police's handling of the two men? Expected to feel sympathy for Bucky? Or both?
The last episode featured a scene of two black kids playing with toy Captain America shields. Someone had commented that the shields (especially in the hands of non-white children) represented hope to the future of race relations in the United States. Why? How? This country had a biracial president for EIGHT YEARS. Yet, U.S. racial policies have remained problematic even to this day. I can say the same for other countries. The so-called symbolism of this scene only reminded me of how human beings put so much faith in imagery and symbolism. And this strikes me as a FALSE FAITH. Why was taking up the mantle of a costumed hero that had been previously occupied by a white man, the only way for Sam Wilson to become relevant within the MCU franchise? What was wrong with him being "the Falcon"? Sam becoming the next Captain America was not going to save the U.S. in regard to race relations - not in real life and not in the fictional world of the MCU. Looking back on the series, the series' only scenario that seemed to expose racism in a realistic manner, proved to be Sam's failure to acquire a bank loan for his family's fishing boat in Louisiana.
~\Sharon Carter~* - I am certain many MCU fans are aware of this. One of Marvel Comics' most iconic couples happened to be Steve Rogers aka Captain America and Sharon Carter aka Agent 13. She also happened to be the great-niece of Peggy Carter, Steve's love interest during World War II. Portrayed by Emily VanCamp, Sharon was first introduced as a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent in "CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE WINTER SOLDIER" as a potential love interest for Steve. Despite Sharon's appearance in the following Captain America movie, "CIVIL WAR", their romance never really developed. Many blamed the lack of chemistry between VanCamp and Chris Evans. I never had a problem with their screen chemistry. I had a problem with the lack of relationship development between Sharon and Steve. And I blame Kevin Feige's decision to transform the third Captain America film into a third (and badly written) pseudo Avengers movie. The change in the film's narrative, along with Sharon's failure to appear in "THE AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR" and "ENDGAME", left no opportunity for Sharon and Steve to become the romantic pair they had been in the comics. Instead, Sharon became a fugitive from the U.S. government after helping Steve and Sam hunt down Bucky, moved to Madripoor, a city-state with no U.S. extradition and became an embittered criminal known as "the Power Broker".
After "CIVIL WAR", nearly five years had passed before Sharon appeared in another MCU production - namely this series. And what happened? The franchise, with Spellman, ended up completely destroying her character by transforming her into the villain known as Power Broker, the criminal leader of an Indonesian city-state called Madripoor. After helping Steve and Sam acquire their suits and equipment in order to go after Bucky in "CIVIL WAR", Sharon lost her job with the C.I.A. and became a fugitive. She eventually moved to Madripoor, a city-state with no U.S. extradition, to evade capture, survived Thanos' Snap and became an embittered criminal nicknamed "the Power Broker" in order to survive the new world.
What really pissed me off about Sharon's arc between "CIVIL WAR" and "THE FALCON AND THE WINTER SOLDIER" is that her development into a major villain all happened OFF SCREEN. Off screen. Apparently, screenwriters for "INFINITY WAR" had written a draft that included Sharon in the movie. But according to Christopher Markus, he and Stephen McFeeley could not imagine scenes featuring Steve and Sharon trying to make it work in an apartment, because the 2018 movie did not have time to focus on their personal life. Why did Marvel simply fail to allow Sharon to be part of Steve's vigilante team - like Sam and Natasha Romanoff? I mean . . . good fucking grief! And why did Malcolm Spellman believe the only way Sharon could be interesting was to become a villain in "THE FALCON AND THE WINTER SOLDIER"? This was his idea of improving Sharon's character?
~\Helmut Zemo aka Baron Zemo~* - Why did Malcolm Spellman, Kevin Feige and the MCU thought it necessary to bring back Helmut Zemo, the Sokovian-born villain from "CIVIL WAR"? What role did he play in "THE FALCON AND THE WINTER SOLDIER"? I realize that Bucky, of all people, visited the incarcerated Zemo to acquire information on who had created the super-soldier serum that empowered the Flag Smashers. But why did he believe Zemo could provide the answer? Because he thought HYDRA was involved? Bucky or Sam could have searched for information from sources other than Zemo, who had been incarcerated for . . . what? Eight years? Eight years. Zemo managed to become something of a crowd-pleaser, thanks to Daniel Brühl's performance. Otherwise, I found his presence in this series unnecessary.
~\The Big Bad~* - Why on earth did it take this series so long to finally reveal the main villain's identity? At first, the series hinted the Flag Smashers, led by Karli Morgenthau. However, the series tossed other potential candidates for the Big Bad before viewers - John Walker, Helmut Zemo and yes, Sharon Carter. But in the end, Morgenthau and her group proved to be the main villains.
The Flag Smashers were a group of empowered people who believed the world was a better place between Thanos' Snap and the Blip (resurrection of those who had died during the Snap), when Humans around the world managed to unite and form a borderless society, one in which people helped others without any thought to nationalism and bias. Thanks to the Avengers, the world resumed its conflicts between nationalities and other groups. In other words, the borders returned.
Frankly, I have nothing against this ideal. Only Ms. Morgenthau and her followers resorted to violence and terrorism to achieve their goals. Does this sound familiar? It should. The Flag Smashers proved to be another example of characters with a progressive goal, resorting to extremism and becoming villains. This seemed to be a growing trend within the franchise, which I believe began with Erik "Killmonger" Stevens aka Prince N'Jadaka in 2018's "BLACK PANTHER". Since then, the MCU has not looked back at its growing roster of progressive villains. Perhaps I should not have been surprised. The franchise's ambiguous portrayal of an unconstitutional document like the Sokovia Accords, should have been the wake-up call. It seemed as if Kevin Feige, Marvel Films and Disney Studios had finally exposed themselves for the faux progressives they pretend to be. Frankly, this form of villainy has become tiresome to me.
After writing this article, I had considered ranking the six episodes featured in "THE FALCON AND THE WINTER SOLDIER" anyway. But I decided against it. My dislike of the series made it impossible for me to even bother. Being a fan of the first two Captain America movies, I had truly hoped this series would redeem the franchise. Unfortunately, it proved to be just as disappointing as "CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR". Pity. Perhaps the fourth film, "CAPTAIN AMERICA: BRAVE NEW WORLD" will do the trick. I hope so.
submitted by SmoothBarnacle4891 to u/SmoothBarnacle4891 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:20 kingofthedeadites Pathway to Canada (BC) for US Citizen married to Canadian (have a child together)

I have browsed this subreddit and the guide and kind of have an idea of the process. I guess this post is to enquire about other people's experiences in a similar situation to me regarding timelines, inland vs outland applications, etc.
So, I (US Citizen) am married to a Canadian (she's dual, Canadian/US now, after emigrating here a few years ago.) We have a child together (2yo). As a family, we live together in the U.S.
The plan originally had been to start and raise our family here in the U.S. But now that we have our daughter, the call to move to BC where my wife is from is very strong.
The issue we are debating is applying for my PR from within or outside Canada.
Applying from outside: We submit our application and I can continue to work and earn a paycheck while application is being processed (could take 1-2 years?). The issue is, I work in law enforcement- the job is taking a toll on my mental health, where we currently live has my wife pretty unhappy, and the job is not conducive to a family with regards to scheduling. I miss my kid, man. But, the pay is good, and by continuing to work while the application is being processed, we have insurance, health coverage, etc, and we can set ourselves up for success and hit the ground running in Canada (BC ain't cheap!). ...just dunno how I'll do another 12-18 months of this job.
Applying from inside: Again, a long time to process application, but get to live in Canada and spend time with my daughter as a stay-at-home Dad while PR is being processed. But, I wont be making money (Wife will tho), and with regards to Healthcare- I don't think I would be eligible, at least for a few months? I'm healthy, but there is always that 'What if' factor. Also, if we go this route, we have to get to Canada first, which means quitting my job, trying to cross the border with all our stuff, and possibly getting denied entry due to intent to emigrate without PR status? I'd be jobless at that point...
Some other 'background' info: - Wife's job is remote at a US based company, with processes to allow for international work, including in Canada. This includes processes for taxes, benefits, etc.
So, Reddit, if you were in our shoes - what would you do? What route would you take? Are there any other factors/ considerations that I haven't thought of?
submitted by kingofthedeadites to ImmigrationCanada [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:19 TG3_III Boomer In The Sportsbook

So for starters I work in a sportsbook attached to a bar. Yesterday was the 2nd leg of the triple crown and the Fury/Usyk fight. When there's big events like this on it always brings in new customers, many who just wonder in because they can't believe they can actually legally gamble inside a sports bar. I've been working in Sportsbooks for over a year and I've kinda gotten used to the normal questions that come on days like these.
While it is the Preakness our Sportsbook doesn't offer horse racing. To save people from wasting time who are interested in betting horses I have posted a sign at the front of the door that clearly states we do not offer horse racing, and to bet online if they are trying to get Preakness bets in. Then in walks the boomer...
The problems start immediately at the door. Everyone who walks in the sportsbook must show ID to security. It doesn't matter if you're a regular who's in everyday or if it's your first time, it's required to make sure you're over 21, and to make sure you aren't banned from the property, or self excluded from gambling and we are extremely strict about it.
The boomer tries to walk right past our security and right to me because he's got questions. My security cuts him off immediately.
Security: Excuse me sir I need to see your ID
BB: Whaaat? My ID? You can't tell I'm over 21? I'm more than 21 x3
Security: I can see that sir, I still need your ID
BB: oh man you need a couple vials of blood too?
Security: No sir just your ID is fine
Boomer proceeds to take a solid 2 mins just to wrangle his ID out of his wallet. Security checks it, proceeds to give it back and the boomer then heads to me.
Starts by telling me how this is his first time and wants to know some information...great what's up man. Asks if we have business cards or brochures. I say no. His face starts to get a little red. He asks how he's supposed to get any information on the place. I politely told him his phone. Which he was holding in his hand out of his side holster. Face starts to get a little more red and proceeds to give me a speech about how cell phones don't always work and then told me we should really have physical literature for people who don't get on their phone. Sure thing sir I'll keep that in mind, anything else?
Asks me the stores hours for everyday of the week. I start to tell him but wait he's gotta write it down. Proceeds to take my security's sticky notes without asking that he has things already written on. I stop him immediately and say sir give that back (like I'm talking to a child). I take one sticky note and hand it to him. He gets smart and says "oh you sure it's ok I have this one ha ha ha" I give him the hours. He then asks what other locations we have, I tell him.
Finally after this dickhead has managed to piss me, my ticket taker, and security all off in a 5 minute span he finally starts to place a bet....what does this motherfucker start with? Take a guess? Oh well I wanna bet Mystic Dan to place... fucking horse racing. I let go that he walked past a sign directly in his eye line that says we don't have horse racing, and politely said "I'm sorry sir we don't offer horse racing here.
BB: Whaaat? How can you not have horse racing the Preakness is on.
Me: We don't have the license to offer horse racing sir
BB: Why?
Me: That's above me sir
BB: 😡
The boomer fucks off and hangs out at the bar for a few minutes. He walks back in while my ticket taker and I are assisting another customer. He walks right up to security and asks him to look up a round o/u on the Fury/Usyk fight.
Security: No sir I don't do that I'm security, you'll have to wait till they're done assisting this customer.
BB: 😡
We finally get to him. Places a $20 fucking dollar bet after all his bullshit. $20 fucking dollars. I tell him have a great day with a smile, 30 minutes later his bet loses and all is good in the world.
submitted by TG3_III to BoomersBeingFools [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:14 DocWatson42 Anime That Deserve a Remake/Should Be Remade/You Want Remade

My lists are always being updated and expanded when new information comes in—what did I miss or am I unaware of (even if the thread predates my membership in Reddit), and what needs correction? Even (especially) if I get a subreddit or date wrong. (Note that, other than the quotation marks, the thread titles are "sic". I only change the quotation marks to match the standard usage (double to single, etc.) when I add my own quotation marks around the threads' titles.)
The lists are in absolute ascending chronological order by the posting date, and if need be the time of the initial post, down to the minute (or second, if required—there are several examples of this). The dates are in DD MMMM YYYY format per personal preference, and times are in US Eastern Time ("ET") since that's how they appear to me, and I'm not going to go to the trouble of converting to another time zone. They are also in twenty-four hour format, as that's what I prefer, and it saves the trouble and confusion of a.m. and p.m. Where the same user posts the same request to different subreddits, I note the user's name in order to indicate that I am aware of the duplication.
Thread lengths: longish (50–99 posts)/long (100–199 posts)/very long (200–299 posts)/extremely long (300–399 posts)/huge (400+ posts) (though not all threads are this strictly classified, especially ones before mid?-2023, though I am updating shorter lists as I repost them); they are in lower case to prevent their confusion with the name "Long" and are the first notation after a thread's information.
See also The List of Lists/The Master List of recommendation lists.
[In Progress]
submitted by DocWatson42 to Recommend_A_Book [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:04 Fabulous-Fox-8303 Looking for Some Understanding/Support During a Really Hard Situation

Trigger warning, mental health topics like suicide. Thanks for reading this. I filed for divorce back in Nov because my husband’s mental health was not improving and he was getting more abusive towards me and his disabled 10 year old son (whom I adopted). We had spent Oct apart to see how a split would be and I felt my like was more peaceful. His mental health continued to decline and this culminated in a bad episode where he screamed and cursed at me then threatened to kill himself in front of our son. I got us out and called the police and they took him to the hospital. After getting out, he was not allowed to see my son other than at supervised visitation locations or to come to the house.
He went out of state to stay with family, then found an inpatient treatment center in Cali. We agreed that I would hold off with the divorce to allow him to use the health ins and focus on treatment full time while I took care of our son and worked full time. During this time, he would still try to flirt with me and say he still loves me, etc. I turned him down and eventually his advances stopped and I hoped he was focusing on recovery. The first treatment center was not good (understaffed, false advertising, etc.) so he then moved to an intensive outpatient center that he had found nearby.
He started saying that he wanted to move to Cali because of state programs and lifestyle. I was annoyed that he would be so far from our son, leaving me with full time care, but he had never been very reliable or responsible. He said he was depressed and his calls grew less frequent. However, I foolishly started harboring a small hope that he would actually get better and come back to our family.
He told me about a month ago that he was being released. He mentioned randomly wanting to move to the same town where the treatment center was located. This bothered me, why there? On the day he was released, I figured it out…there must be a woman. I confronted him and he said he had a gf but they broke up. I was immediately DEVASTATED. Couldn’t eat, couldn’t sleep. Couldn’t understand how he could be so immature and selfish to do this while he was supposed to be focusing full time on treatment. He acted like I was over-reacting and I spent hours texting him and explaining my concerns, such as, what if she ends up pregnant? He continued to act like I was overreacting, that his treatment was not affected, that trauma bonding between patients is common, etc. I pivoted in our divorce to continue requiring supervised visits as I could not trust his recovery. I also started having intrusive thoughts about the woman, who I found out was another patient. I grew extremely jealous. I spent time trying to convince him not to abandon our son and move across the country. We ended up spending countless hours talking and going over our communication issues, he finally apologized profusely, took accountability for fucking up, and was somewhat friendly. He said the relationship with the other patient was toxic and completely over. He said I had made it pretty clear after Oct and by filing divorce that our relationship was completely over, if he had known that there was still some hope, or how much this would have hurt me, that he would have made different decisions.
He arrived back in town on Wed. I spent the evening talking to him, and the is point my desire to rekindle something was embarrassingly full tilt, he was soo much calmer and collected but also very distant. We spent more time together and I grew more confused. I finally confessed to him yesterday that I wanted to try and see if anything was left of our relationship before filing the final papers. The extra draw to it for him would be the financial stability and support I am capable of providing. We talked on the phone and he said it was all too fresh and too much, as I have the house he is basically on the verge of being homeless and is jobless. But he said he was open to discussing it further.
Fast forward to last night, he exercised a supervised visitation with my son and we talked briefly after. He told me he needed to tell me something, that his ex-gf from the facility was indeed pregnant. I almost threw up. I am 38 and wanted kids with him, but our relationship was never stable enough emotionally or financially to try. I asked if she was going to keep it and he said at first no but now she was changing her mind. She is still a patient at the treatment center and is there bc of a recent suicide attempt. The whole thing makes me feel so ill.
The icing on the cake was last night, when he indicated that he had stipulations for getting back together with her. When I wanted to get back with him he was unsure (he already knew she was pregnant), but potentially wanted to go back to her. That was the final straw for me, I really lost it on him. He was already thinking about abandoning his living son to go live with this woman, now they will have a baby. But now I can’t sleep or eat or do anything. My life feels like a Jerry Springer episode, but I am a responsible, kind, hardworking person who did so much for my husband for years, including saving his son from his abusive, drug-addicted, ex-wife and raising him as my own. I know I made choices here too that led to this mess, but I have never felt this hurt and lost before. I am trying to seek out more therapy, etc, but nothing seems to be helping yet.
submitted by Fabulous-Fox-8303 to Divorce [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:59 amdrunkwatsyerexcuse LSoS CoC Discharge of Misery - made a "build" out of it

Just wanted to give an update on my post from the other day, I've put together something that actually resembles a build (kind of), here's a map showcase:
Sadly because chest and ammy slots are pretty much unchangable, getting decent defenses is somewhat difficult, for now I am fully relying on Bloodnotch, which I'm not even sure if I am using correctly. I'm just assuming stun threshold is based on the amount of ES you have, not the amount you could have, so I just used Ghost Dance and reduced my evasion to almost 0.
There is obviously lots of room for improvements, I think I spend maybe like 20-30 divs? Stuff like awa CoC, Mageblood, power charge shield/ring or maybe even Nimis would of course give a lot more power and open up different ways to scale defenses, for example get ailment immunity from Stormshroud and Mageblood flask, then replace Purity of Elements with Determination or something. Maybe abandon the left side of the tree entirely, annoint the power charge and focus on suppression. Maybe somehow make RF sustainable, maybe go Willclash with Tempest Shield, maybe go for Adorned, etc etc. And ofc Assassin might not be the best choice in the first place (though I do think it's better than Inquis or Occu).
I am somewhat certain this build could be brought to like 20-30m dps and maybe more? It all depends on how much currency you would want to sink into it. But for the cost of making this build actually good there are many other builds that do much better.
Overall a pretty fun experience, build feels a bit clunky from the lack of move and attack speed, but it's managable. Seeing and hearing the explosions feels pretty good (the audio of my recordings always get fked for some reason), plus it's not something you see everyday. Putting it together was a nice experience, though it did have quite a few problems, especially mana was a huge pain in the ass, losing the flask suffix craft hurts a lot.
submitted by amdrunkwatsyerexcuse to PathOfExileBuilds [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:48 ACertainThrowawayTag A Brief Review of Trails into Reverie: Act Two- Swings, Roundabouts, and Corridors

Previous Post-
A Brief Review of Trails into Reverie: Act One- Lost Freedom and Plans Laid byu/ACertainThrowawayTag inFalcom
Introduction- In this review, I will indicate where Rean and C's sections (C Section???) overlap, as they each share some really cool elements. Outside of that, pretty interesting Acts! Obviously you have the True Reverie Corridor, which I'll touch on briefly, but mostly won't mention unless there's anything in particular that's cool about it, and whose content I will mostly be reviewing in my separate review series about the Daydreams, which doesn't have enough content to be mentioned just yet.
Lloyd's act was probably my least favourite, it had some really sweet moments, especially Lloyd's pain right at the start of the act, as well as Lechter's appearance, but for the most part I think it has some pretty major issues which I'll go into more in the pros and cons. Rean's act was pretty standard fare for what we're used to with Class 7, nothing revolutionary there, but it was C's act that stands out for both its comedy and light nature, as well as the way it ties into Rean's act and makes it better as a result. Anyway, lets get into some specifics.
Pros (Lloyd's Route)- -The Opening Scenes The emotional impact of seeing Lloyd beat down and bedridden after the end of Act One, as well as Rixia's concern, and his foolhardy stubbornness in the face of everything that just happened was quite something. It really did remind me of how his character was during his best bits in Azure. Shame it kind of faded as the Act went on.
-Lechter Like with Claire, the fact that Lechter is one of the first people to rejoin your party after everything (ESPECIALLY given what's going on, and what he did to the SSS during Cold Steel 3 for example) is a really clever move in my opinion, and it adds a different dynamic to the party. That and he's just really cool here, kind of regaining his aloof but clued in schtick that he had in the original Crossbell games.
-Rixia Unlike Elie, whose emotional beats don't really hit (but that's an issue with her character as a whole), Rixia's emotion at the end of this act, as well as throughout it are just pretty well done. Not the best writing the series has seen, but it's consistent with her character, and adds some weight and emotional gravity that quite frankly wouldn't exist otherwise.
Cons (Lloyd's Route)- -Cao and Heiyue God I can't emphasise how much I hate Cao fucking Lee. Of all the 'all according' to plan characters he's by far the worst. Gets his shit kicked in every time, his plans never fully work, and then he fucks back off into the shadows. I appreciate morally grey characters, and scheming characters, if they're done well, and Cao is far from done well here.
-Ilya (and Shanshan as well I guess) Why? What does this do? Like sure I getting her dance hypnotises the population but why is this the story beat they decided to use here? More to the point why is Ilya the character at the heart of the plot beat? It all just feels a bit weak tbh. Also as much as I loved Rixia's appearance here, the stuff with Shanshan was just weak lmao I'm sorry.
Pros (Rean's Route)- -The investigation of Heimdallr It was great to be back in the old Eastern Districts we hadn't seen since CS1. Just seeing the old sights and going round the old places again really worked somehow. Kind of makes me wish we got more of the old CS12 cities like Bareahard and Roer. Hell, I'd love to have seen Celdic again. But I understand that probably wouldn't work for CS34 and Reverie.
-Millium and Altina Man I've missed these two. Their character relationship has certainly evolved since CS2 and early CS3, however it feels natural (to an extent), and it's just such a blast seeing them finally able to talk to each other as 'family' after all the stuff that happened in CS4. The bit with Millium figuring out how Lapis and Nadia were moving across the city because she also happens to be a massive foodie was great as well.
-The Big Reveal This goes for both Rean and C's routes, but the way the big reveal actually happened was brilliant. Jusis being the one to land the 'demasking' blow, Rufus showing his usual cunning, the demonstration of how far he can plan ahead when his back is against the wall, to just the atmosphere of the situation. Really well done in terms of the build up, reveal, and the events afterwards.
Cons (Rean's Route)- -Rean's party doesn't really do anything Sure they did do investigation things, but most of the time they were either being strung along by C or not being able to do much of anything due to plot reasons. I wanted to see them do at least a little bit of something for themselves before C's machinations started to kick in. Eh, could've been worse.
Pros (C's Route)- -Swin, Nadia, and Lapis These three are some of the most refreshing characters from the series in a while. Their comedic dynamic and overall vibe feels closer to something out of Sky than anything we've gotten since somehow, and overall they just feel very different in both comedic style and character dynamic compared to the Cold Steel and Zero/Azure casts. It's a change in writing style that at this stage is more than welcome.
-The Interplay This game has so far done all of its sequence breaking right. You start of thinking you're doing a pretty standard multi character story, but then the TRC happens. And with C and Rean's route, the full potential of a multi perspective story is realised almost completely. From each team fighting each other, to each team influencing the other's actions across the course of the story, to the sheer novelty of what's happening, I think this part of the game is downright genius and one of the best things the writers have done in terms of game design since the isometric games.
-Rufus An enigma even when you're playing as him, the fact he's one of the main characters is fascinating, and I really like how it pulls the rug from under you. I've heard a lot of people thought it might've been Cedric before the reveal, but honestly I think this is so much cooler.
Cons (C's Route)- -Under Heimdallr I like underground sewer levels when they're done right but I'm really tired of them at this point, drab scenery with not much else to do other than follow the straight path that you might need to deviate from to grab a chest or flip a switch, and then right back. The scenery is dull, the travelling is dull, the only real motivation here is that you have to do it to advance the main story. If these levels come up again in Calvard, I really hope they've revamped them into something a little more unique.
Conclusion- This is a really promising start. The TRC was great, a somewhat different area for the different casts to interact, and for the various Daydreams to be accessed. This is definitely an upgrade on Sky the 3rd. My one complaint is that the end to Lloyd's act two isn't... great... but it's okay enough that I can just let it exist and move on. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed reading, and I'll see you after Act Three! Or whenever I view my 5th Daydream because I'll be posting a separate review for that.
submitted by ACertainThrowawayTag to Falcom [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:47 Glum_Angle69 Another Carrie and Aiden Thought- But I Have to Say It

I’ve literally never made a post on Reddit before, but I have to get this out because I adore this show. I’m rewatching and I’m on season 3. The intro in the first episode is brilliant. BUT when Miranda and Carrie get invited to Scouts opening, and we learn that Aiden is a “silent partner,” Carrie asks Miranda if she ever thinks she still has feelings for Steve and Miranda says no. Then Carrie is asked the same about Aiden and she also says no. Sure she may have been lying, but why lie to your best friend, especially Miranda. At the bar opening, we can see Aiden doesn’t want anything to do with her but then feeds her cake? That felt so out of place. Carrie brings it up at one of their girls brunch that she wants him back and Samantha literally says that Aiden is not her type. Miranda also pushes back and says you just said you don’t miss him. Why didn’t Carrie pause and listen to the people how know her best? When she is trying so hard to get him she goes CRAZY. Like berating him about not answering her random email. What made me the most upset about this whole thing is how manipulative she is towards him. She throws rocks at his window after he said he didn’t want a relationship. Then he gets mad and yells “you broke my heart!!” And what does she do? RUN away making Aiden feel bad for his own feelings. When they finally do get back together she talks to him like ………a child? Or something. Saying he’s such a good boyfriend over and over. It feels desperate and forced. Then the whole thing with the bartender at Scouts and how Aiden is very clearly flirting with her.
Ugh the whole thing is cringe and frustrating that they both couldn’t see how they are NOT meant to be. And that’s just the beginning. We know how catastrophic it later becomes. It’s truly my least favorite version of Carrie. She is so mean to him.
submitted by Glum_Angle69 to sexandthecity [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:41 TraditionSalt4243 My (17m) gf (17f) Broke up with me and I cannot decide if she will be back or not

Never really used Reddit before but I feel like it might help to get this of my mind. So yea my gf of about 6 months left me 2 weeks ago, we met at a mutual friends party in late November last year (we vaguely knew each other prior) and we really hit it off there was so much we never knew we had in common and I just was so attracted to her as a person like omg this girl is so unbelievably cool we have so many common interests and she is physically stunning and we start sending tic Toks and snaps daily and eventually she invites me over to watch some movies n chill and it went great we did this a few times as friends and I didn’t really wanna overstep because if we weren’t a romance I sure as shit wanted to be this girls friend cuz she was so fun and easy to talk to!
Anyways some time passes and we become closer and one night after a house party she kisses me for the first time and I was shocked I couldn’t stop smiling for weeks and from there on we just get closer and closer and one day I’m cuddling with her and I’m like “hey what are we?” And she’s all like I’m ur gf u idiot and I felt so warm in that moment like oh my gods bros I did it, we talked about relationships before and she kinda seemed like she didn’t want anything too serious and I was ok with that but she seemed to change her mind and want me as her bf and I wasn’t gonna complain I was honestly in love with this girl, but I have had rough breakups before and so has she so obviously I was a little worried that oh sht I’m venerable now but like I trusted her to be open w me and everything was going great.
Sometimes there would be weeks where she was too busy to meet and she’d let me know and I was ok with it I trusted her cause she was genuinely busy with work school and home and I knew that and always after these times passed on like school holidays we would pick up as if nothing happened.
But this term she grew distant almost avoidant anytime I tried to make plans I’d be shut down and after about a month of this I asked her “hey how are you doing I don’t ask enough” and she responded with “u don’t have to ask anymore, we haven’t been talking” and I was like yea because your always too busy to talk or see me and she agrees and says that she taught she was ready for a bf but she wasn’t and it’s mostly her fault for “shutting down on me” and all stuff like we want different things but all I want is her as a friend or a lover idk I just miss her but she just said she has nothing more to say and I’m just devastated now that she did this over text and doesn’t care act me enough to check in or stay in touch
One of her friends said she just didn’t have time for me between exams and work and that it isn’t my fault but I just feel so used and discarded I broke no contact I sent her a tick too I taught she’d find funny and she sent one back everyone’s telling me to move on and that it’s over and she won’t be back but I just don’t know a part of me hopes she’ll get back in touch after exams but a part of me knows that if she cared she wouldn’t of done this like this she spoke to me in class one day this week abt nothing in particular just abt the class but she did it so calm and normal as if nothing was wrong and I’m just so confused I want her back really bad
submitted by TraditionSalt4243 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:32 fruotypebbles Rant 2

“I don’t know what you want me to do”
So do I have to tell you each and every time how to help me?
We’ve gone through this problem so many times and I tell you solutions.
You tell me things like “what can I do to change” but I have not seen you try to change yourself at all.
I’ve changed myself, or have tried to I’ve done my best to not lash out and be angry towards you. You told me a flaw I have in myself that I try to change.
I’ve showed you my love through my own way such as doing your skincare, drying your hair, massaging you when you’re sore. Just doing things for you out of love for you. Because I know you need it and because I want to.
Even when your upset u do my best to console you
But when I need help it’s too difficult.
When I need help it’s to frustrating for you and you end up ignoring me or getting frustrated at me. Playing games is your way to ignore the world I know.
And that’s what makes it upsetting for me.
When I’m in my low you choose not to be there for me. I just want reassurance. When I overthink and reject everything it’s because I feel like I don’t deserve it my mind in constantly telling me bad things. Then I’m met with you getting frustrated and angry at me it just encourages these thoughts and this isn’t the only time it has happened. When all I wanted was your attention and your words to help soothe me.
Constantly, I feel like I have no self worth when I’m with you. I put myself above you always and you can never do that for me
You’ve been with me long enough. You should know me just a little or learned something about me. You don’t have to know every single thing that’s not what I’m asking you to do, but it feels like you haven’t tried for me.
And even if you do something nice it’s once every blue moon.
Things lately have been nice, but I just notice the lack of attention I get from you even when we are closely together and I do my best not to ask for it because I feel bad and know you yourself have things to do.
I know you’re not good with your words, but you know it helps me. Even just a little is fine.
submitted by fruotypebbles to u/fruotypebbles [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:25 Advanced-Ad-1201 My (29M) fiace (25F) left me due to my overreaction when finding out she was pregnant with our child. Can i ever regain herr trust?

Hey people,
I have a tough situation that i'm going through right now and i could use some advice to see if things can be mended or if this is not possible. This is going to be a very long one, my apologies....Even with all this, it does not contain half of the whole story. (sorry for the spelling errors, English is not my frist language)
Short background: i live in Europe and she lives in the U.S. we were planning on moving in together in my country due to family/friend issues that she had in the U.S. and after being here she found that my country felt more like home than her home. We were set to get married this year and had everything planned out. She would take her 3 dogs and her cat with her, work or study here and we would settle here. It would be a little bit of a tough start, but we would figure it out. We both had a little worry for our finances but it would be okay eventually.
pregnancy and panick: In late january of this year we found out that my then fiance was pregnant with our child. At that time i panicked over it because of the situation we were in at the time. In short, neither of us owned a house, i did not own a car, she had substantial debt to pay off, there would be 4 pets, a wife and now also a child under my responsibility and it scared the shit out of me. I'm absolutely not proud of what i did and ashamed of my behavior, but what i proceeded to do over the span of a whole weekend was the following: ask if she would be willing to go for an abortion multiple times, drink a bottle of wine and get intoxicated, buy a pack of sigarettes (i don't smoke), and basically just act inconsiderate and like a total ass.
After the weekend where i had my tantrum, i head her cry over the phone and it woke me up from my stupid behavior and i realized (too late) that i royally screwed up. I apologized for it and we talked about how angry she was and rightfully so. In that moment, again, i started to do things i shouldn't have done by: continuesly try to talk about it, fix it, and not give her space where she needed space. All i did was say "sorry sorry sorry please forgive me, sorry sorry sorry". That again, is not the way to go about it. She did ask me to fly to the u.s. to talk face to face so i booked plane tickets that same day for the next week. After 3/4 more days of that i pulled myself together (again...too late) and sent her a message stating that i know what i have done and been doing is wrong and i have a lot of difficulty not trying to fix it because i knew i messed up and hurt her and from that day i would just leave her be and not talk. Finally giving her the space she needs from me.
Anger and breakup: After all of the above in the weekend that followed, she called me and said that she had an amazing time together, but she did not see a future with me at this time. We had a long phone call about it and se said that if i were to come over to the U.S. for that week, that would be up to me but that is where she stands. So that is what i did, i came over to the U.S. and she said that we will spend this week getting to "re-know" eachother. She did say that we were still in a relationship and still engaged...which i found odd to hear but i was happy about it nonetheless. In this week i made sure to take a moment every day to sit her down somewhere and simply take a moment to apologize for my behvior and that i am incredibly sorry for what i have done. We went out to dinner a few times and just talked about everything. Though in the end it led to the same result, she did not see a future with me. I had tried a last time to have a conversation about it, but she gave me back the engagement ring and said no. Hurt by this, i went out for a long walk and just breathed and accepted that i screwed it up and went back to her saying that she is right, i will give her the space she asks for and let her go. She became angry and sad over this and said that she had just went through the fase of dealing with the breakup and now i am making her do that all over again, she started packing up all my gifts and gave it back to me. I did not understand that and am still a little confused about it. The day after, i had my flight back home and she dropped me off at the airport. she said that "despite how it looks, she still loves me" to which i said that i love her too. We hugged and siad goodbye and i left.
Back home week 1: In the first week, she had told me that i could call her 20 times a day and she would still pick up her phone. We can talk to eachother and we still love eachother and want the best for eachother. She kept me updated about the child and i was happy to simply talk to her and hear her say that she loves me. She had planned to talk to a pastor from her church which did couples counseling and wanted to first do this by herself and then together with me (over skype or zoom etc.). She gave me a book called "how to be the love you seek" and said i could listen to it on her spotify because that is exactly how she identifies and she relates a lot to this book, so i started to give it a listen and took notes of everything i thought was important. We made a plan t odiscuss teh book together over the phone soon and go over the notes that i made. We were broken up but there was hope.
week 2/3: I tried not to text her too often anymore and said that i am available at any time should she need me and will give her the space she asked for by not constantly texting. After a few days she was becoming more agitated and short in her responses. My words were often twisted in to something negative and they constantly made her angry. I didn't understand what was going on, but i thought she was angry and just wanted me to know. We had planned a phone call to discuss the book one weekend and the phone call started off by her telling me "i asked for space and it's not being respected". We taked about everything for a moment and then ended it where i told her that i love her and she said "good to hear". She said that she didn't want to say anything she didn't mean. After a week we texted a few times a day, but barely anything, just a good morning, baby update, and goodnight. I would check in on how she was doing, and that is it. I didn't know what to do or say anymore because for some reason everything was mkaing her angry regardless of what i say, and so i tried not to text her unless she texts me.
week 4 end of conversation: In the first week of march, she had her appointment with her pastor, where she would talk about us, but as she said "not in theway that i think she was going to talk about us". After the conversation she wanted to discuss it with me. though the day she had the conversation she texted me and said "i do not feel ready for a conversation, i will let you know when i am." and she asked me to make bulletpoints for the conversation. I was also not allowed to speak to her cousin anymore as she was trying to be a "middleman" for the both of us, but my ex wanted to have all the conversations between the two of us. i told her that i will do that, and i told her i also started therapy. Yet that was the last thing i have heard from her untill 2 months later.
2 monts of silence and my letters: Whle not speaking to her for 2 months I had been going to therapy twice a week and sought help for why i reacted the way that i did. I had time to reflect and started to slowly piece together a better mindset. I had noticed in the mean time that she had deleted me from social media and deleted some of the piutres she had of us. then later on deleted everything and started selling her engagement dress and date dresses she had bought and finally blocked me from social media entirely.
Late april, i thought it would be a good idea to send her a letter instead of a text. i had written page after page where i had written down the many things that i did wrong and how much shame i feel for it. In the end i realized that i was simply doing too much again and i decided to send her an envelope with 2 letters. 1 containing the many letters combined, and 1 containing a single letter that simply said (summarized) "i am sorry, i will be there for you whenever you need me, you don't have to do life on your own". She did not react to it and 2 weeks later i sent her a text asking how she was doing and if she recieved the letters. she responded by saying she did and she has been sitting with the content they contained. I offered that if there is anything she needs, she can let me know and she said "i am torn between wanting to just update you on everything but a bigger part of me is still hurt and trust entirely broken". I told her she can take all the time she needs, there's no need to pressure anything, and i will just be here if she needs anything.
She said what i can do to help is this: Be respectul, respect her boundaries, respect her wishes, and financial support. I said i can do all of that, though due to circumstances (i bought a house and a car) money is tight right now and i can't do anything right now at this moment. She said that confused her, she had no words for it and it was a good idea to stop the conversation for the day and she will let me know when she is ready to talk. that is the last i have heard from her since 2 weeks ago.
Outlook: Let me make this very clear, i know i have messed up very very badly, you don't have to tell me that. Though i would like to know what other people's take is on this situation on the future and if there are thing i could possibly do to regain the ability to talk to her so that i can support her and my child in any way that i can. If the relationship can be saved, that would be my dream, however supporting them is my number 1 priority regardless of the relationship.
TL;DR: I aboslutely destroyed my engagement by acting like an idiot for a whole damn weekend when finding out my fiance was pregnant. She broke up with me and now we have no communication whatsoever for months on end.
submitted by Advanced-Ad-1201 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:24 S_K_25 stealing idea and also reviewing all professors i’ve had

stealing u/epiccabbage123 idea, feel free to ask any questions!!
FALL 2020
Adam Kane- WR120, first year writing, nonsense fiction. very fun class honestly with a lot of interesting discussions, and super interesting and thought provoking material with very interesting perspectives. recommend
Laura Brusetti- LI111, first sem italian, fun professor but tbh i was just in the class for lang requirement, but made learning the language easy and didn’t put a ton of pressure. recommend
Dan Dill- CH101, gen chem 1, i mean everyone knows dill what do i say, took it online which made it a lil easier tbh but i guess that may depend who you talk to. talks really slow and i felt like the book explained concepts better than he did
Mark Howe- NE101, intro to neuroscience, this class moves pretty fast and is very content packed, also took it online. i really enjoyed this class since i was super interested, but could be tough if you’re not. don’t think he teaches this class anymore tho (take it with gobrogge in the summer if he still does that!)
Walter Hopp- PH248, existentialism, idk this is where i found out academic philosophy wasnt for me, but jf you’re interested in the subject you’d probably like it, remember doing some kant and nietzche but i stopped reading the material halfway through the class tbh
Rita Cote- LI112 (2nd sem italian), LI211 (3rd sem), more difficult professor people say but tbh if you pay attention to the questions she asks they are the same she puts on oral exams and paper tests so just write them down in class and prepare an answer (if she hasn’t changed how she teaches)
Lucia Pastorino- NE102, Intro to cell and molecular bio, really great professor but i didn’t get to take her courses outside of this one and it was online, so i didn’t get to know her that well. class was great tho and she is a great lecturer, neuro department is great here. recommend
Binyomin Abrams- CH102, gen chem 2, explained things better than dill but still found the best help was reading the textbook, honestly just taught myself that one
Kyle Gobrogge- NE102 Lab, NE203 Lab (Principles of Neuro), NE456, the absolute goat, i love him to death. probably my favorite professor i’ve had and a huge part of what makes the neuro department great. truly cares about all his students and is willing to talk about anything and everything. will push you to reach your potential and it feels like he truly believes in you. he will open doors for you if you really want, and you can get anywhere you want if you want to work for it, he will offer paths to publish papers, undertake whatever experiment you can come up with that he has the facilities to support. they run a lab as well called the gobrogge teaching lab where he gave me access to whatever resources he could to come up with experiments and do whatever i wanted with them. very low pressure on the research as well, it truly felt like a perfect learning experience and through him i was able to start learning how to actually undertake research. take their sex and aggression class, it’s something everyone should be exposed to at some level and gives you an opportunity to talk about topics on human sexuality, neuroscience, philosophy, psychology, sociology, anything and everything freely and openly. i could go on for a while about them. highly highly recommend take any classes they’re teaching
FALL 2021
Cote, 3rd sem Italian, above
Rebecca Kinraide- WR152, Medical debates, seemed like a class but i wasn’t super engaged tbh. she was super nice though from what i remember and i don’t have any bad things to say about her
Jeff Gavornik- NE203, principles of neuro lecture, moves quick but i found it interesting, explains basic functions of the brain and builds a good foundation for future classes, he specialized in the electrical side of things so the class was slightly heavier in that aspect. felt like he explained things well though, didn’t go to office hours much so i don’t know him very well
huge shoutout to Caroline Dugan, think she is currently teaching NE203 lab which was easily my favorite lab class at BU. got to design our own experiment on fruit flies and this class has only improved since. you get access to some really powerful tools that you can do some really interesting things with. caroline was a LA when i took the class and she was always a great help, great at explaining concepts from lecture or lab and i highly recommend.
also huge shoutout to John Tullai, i didn’t have the pleasure of taking one of his classes directly since i did 203 lab under gobrogge, but every interaction I’ve had with tullai all the way through graduation has been great. another huge part of what makes the neuro department great, great person and great teacher. highly recommend.
Tracy Dunne- PS101, intro to psych, she was good but i wasn’t always super engaged and honestly wish i did a different minor. great professor though with interesting lectures and funny stories, i’d recommend if you are looking at this class
Zeynep Demiragli- PY105, physics 1, honestly felt like she went over some concepts a little too quick and found reading textbook to be really helpful to supplement, but was super nice and seemed to care about her students a lot.
David Somers- NE202, Intro to Cognitive neuro, this class was also interesting and he brought up a lot of interesting experiments, definitely have to study for this one. his lectures were engaging enough imo but not standout. recommend
Arash Yazdanbakhsh- NE212 (Intro to Matlab), NE204 (Intro to Computational Neuroscience), both classes are matlab, expects his students to do well and put in effort but is also more than willing to explain things to the most minute detail and repeat whenever you’re confused. go to office hours and ask questions, exams are open note and open internet as well so take notes and use them. his lecturing style is a bit different than most, instead of directly telling you information he tries to lead you there with questions and student input. he wants you to try to make the steps that people discovering these things did and think about everything is presented, he will give you all the information you need. recommend
FALL 2022
Paul Trunfio- PY106, physics 2, loved this man honestly, he wants his students to do well and will explain and answer any questions you have. gave great lectures and very accessible but also felt textbook material/assigned work pretty helpful. recommend
Brett DiBenedictis- NE333, drugs and behavior, really interesting class and he is a great lecturer, but the professors for this class change all the time. he gives a lot of detail and a very wide perspective outside of just how drugs work, but also touches on how they’ve impacted society. recommend if you get the chance
Steve Ramirez- NE337, Memory Systems, this man is incredible and i wish i got to interact with him more. leads a really interesting lab as well doing sick memory research. learned a ton in this class about how human memory works, things that can apply outside of just neuro knowledge but you can apply to your life. engaging lectures, funny professor with great stories and is great at explaining concepts. highly recommend.
Alice Cronin-Golomb- NE338, neuropsychology, learned some really interesting information in this class and she brought in some interesting guest lecturers. great lecturer herself, can expect a lot but is very informative. recommend.
Andrey Vyshedskiy, MET BI366, Neurobiology of Consciousness and Imagination, this guy is a genius, like seriously. go read his book, titled on the origin of the human mind, especially if you are interested in neuro and human evolution. he proposes a super interesting theory on what makes humans unique and is doing some really interesting research trying to examine his theory. unfortunately idk if you can get into this class anhmore unless you are in MET, and i took this class with 4 other people. super super interesting though and really pushed my understanding of the brain but also began to build a much more holistic overview of how the cortex works and how humans can do what we do. highly highly recommend and seriously read his book if you’re interested in this kind of thing.
Rachel Denison- PS222, perception, she seemed like a super sweet woman but i didn’t enjoy the class much, felt very surface level and memorization based honestly and i wasn’t engaged. also didn’t let students leave the classroom after finishing midterm/final until the whole allotted time was up even if you finished early so idk what that was about?
Michael Lyons- PS371, psychopathology, again i wish i did a different minor but old psych white guy vibes, seemed fine enough but lectures weren’t very engaging and felt like they consisted of either some random story that was only slightly related or reading off entries in the DSM
Stephen Prothero- RN106, Death and Immortality, this was the last class that he taught but i would recommend if i could. didn’t read much of the material but lectures were interesting and discussion based, even with a large class. impressed how they managed that tbh. recommend this class for more than just hub recs even tho we all know that’s what you’re taking it for
FALL 2023
Kyle Gobrogge, NE456, above
Kevin Barents/Jeremy Yudkin MH408/AM336, bob dylan: music and words, love these guys, lowkey penn and teller vibes but very interesting professors. class is super fun, listen to bob dylan and discuss his music, influence, life, ideas, whatever. recommend
Meg Younger- NE520, Sensory Neurobiology, great class and great professor. not only do you get to look at the groundbreaking discoveries in sensory neurobio, she teaches you how to read and digest scientific articles and prepares you to move into a lab. runs her discussion sections like a lab would run a journal club which i found super helpful. also will always engage with student feedback and is willing to challenge students if she doesn’t feel like we are putting in enough effort. really enjoyed her class and teaching style, this was a smaller class that allowed for open discussion and lots of perspectives. she also runs a really interesting mosquito lab investigating olfaction, so she has some really interesting insights there. highly highly recommend.
Kevin Gold, DS110, intro to Data Science with Python, good professor and chill dude, didn’t go to office hours so i didn’t know him much. cool class tho, helpful information to know and a good beginyning exposition to python and data science. recommend.
Arash Yazdanbakhsh, NE204, above
Leonidas Kontothanasis, DS210, Programming for Data Science, difficult and demanding class but good professor, gives some interesting stories in office hours and fun to talk to. good lectures but definitely need to do some reading outside of lecture as well. his class began to spark my interest in programming. recommend.
Tanima Chatterjee- DS120, Foundations of Data Science, seemed like a great professor but honestly i didn’t attend lecture much, seemed super nice from her recordings and didn’t actually require lecture attendance, gave really detailed lecture notes that were super easy to teach myself from. class itself was just basic topics in probability, proofs and logic, calculus, and linear algebra, i didn’t find it too difficult. she’s good at explaining concepts and if i didn’t take this class as a second semester senior i probably would have been more engaged. recommend.
submitted by S_K_25 to BostonU [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:19 Theextrachromoso Girls out of my league has interest in me

Im 14 so i will get 2 months at most but I'm still nervous and don't wanna fumble another baddie.
I am barely a 5 with a new cut and skin care.She is a good 8 who's humble enough to find me as a friend. I really don't wanna fuck stuff up and wanna bag her(get her to be my GF) but I'm nervous.
She shows signs of liking me too like sharing me stuff and secrets daily,quick responses and apologizing if she can't,friendlines,laughing at my jokes and being understanding. It is all i could ever want.
I took her out once to but while i got sushi she only got a chicolate cake which makes sence,since she's incecure about her weight(she isn't fat at all like she's 46 kg(don't forget we are 14) Then we went to a bar and got drinks (SHE PAID FOR MY DRINK) i felt so bad but it's ok i guess.
I plan to take her to a cinema to watch a horror movie,by her request,but i don't know what to do either.
Give me ideas about places to take her,gestures to make, subtle compliments and different ways to hint that I like her.
Im really good at psychology and can easily tell by eyes,body language, language,way with words,gestures and literally everything about what someone wants from me. She wants us to be equel not me paying for everything but paying for most stuff of course.
TL;DR:Planning to take a girl out of my league to the cinema. What to do next? How to act? How to hint my interest in her?
submitted by Theextrachromoso to dating [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:16 SrijanK HBAR Foundation’s Latest Post – Dell Edge’s use case with Nvidia?

HBAR Foundation’s Latest Post – Dell Edge’s use case with Nvidia?
Sorry for yet another post on this, but I just wanted to wrap my head around the below post by HBAR Foundation hinting at a possible announcement for Monday.
With clear wordplay around brewing, many in the community have already connected this to potentially refer to Dell’s Open Brew use case in partnership with Nivdia. Digging a bit into this rabbit hole, it definitely seems like a distinct possibility.
What is OpenBrew?
Dell developed the OpenBrew concept in partnership with Nvidia.
Introductory video:
Dell partnered with Nvidia to create a solution that monitors the canning line at Exhibit A Brewery. With constant monitoring during the brewing process, the solution records and stores temperature and pressure during the entire fermentation process. This is where Edge comes in. Together with 5G Open Innovation Lab, Dell built a solution to digitize and connect their fermentation tanks via its Edge Gateways, developing a dashboard for continual monitoring of temperature and pressure that can be seen from anywhere via 5G connection. The timing makes it super interesting given that Dell is hosting its Tech World Summit from May 20th-May 24th, happening in Las Vegas.
Dell’s Tech World Summit Monday marks the beginning of the Dell Tech World Summit. Looking at the agenda, one of the sessions planned for Monday is:
Scaling AI innovation with the Dell AI Factory with NVIDIA
Monday, May 20, 2024 - 12:00 PM-1:00 PM PT
Join us to hear about the visionary trajectory of Dell AI Factory with NVIDIA and engage in a dynamic question-and-answer session with our technical experts and strategic leaders. Travis Vigil, SVP, Dell ISG Portfolio Management, along with Greg Findlen, SVP, Dell AI and Data Portfolio Management, Bob Pette NVIDIA VP/GM Enterprise Platforms and moderated by Varun Chhabra, SVP, Dell Product Marketing will discuss Dell’s unique approach for AI adoption and deployment at scale with NVIDIA. Don’t miss this opportunity to hear the latest announcements and gain insights into how Dell and NVIDIA are shaping the future of AI in the enterprise landscape.
Dell’s paper on DLT illustrates the use of Distributed Ledger Technology for its Edge Computing application and how they selected Hedera for their solution after a rigorous selection process which also prompted them to join the governing council. The below excerpt from the report lists out the use of DLT to provide trustworthy tracking of IoT data from birth to application delivery.
Also sharing the below tweet from Mat Yarger with Demia who has worked extensively with Dell on Project Alvarium. In this tweet, he mentions “the new work we’re doing connecting iota capabilities to Hedera with the HBAR Foundation.
While I am still not sure if there is any inference to DEFI as highlighted in the tweet and if it connects with the above somehow, but looking at everything else along with Dell’s showcase of the OpenBrew capability scheduled for Monday, it is quite possible that the announcement is related. What do you guys think?
Hat tip to u/Perfect_Ability_1190/ and u/Cold_Custodian/ for their discussion here – it forms the foundation of everything that is covered in this post. Can't wait for Monday now!
submitted by SrijanK to Hedera [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:11 bekefried William Golding's (the author of Lord of the Flies) opinion on the Andes tragedy,to be honest it shocked me

In the other thread regarding the novel Lord of the Flies, u/dasoskoritsi kindly posted an article which William Golding wrote in the Guardian in 1974.
I must say I was quite shocked by how unimpressed he was by the Andes survivors, so I'd like to address and discuss this. It's worth reading the whole article but I'll just point out a few passages.
A few parts of his article:
(about the book Alive): "If the whole thing were a fiction, Mr Read's prose, simple, direct, unadorned, would put him straight into the class of Stevenson. But this is supposed to be fact. Mr Read implies that these young men were trapped in a terrain from which they could only escape by the most desperate bravery and endurance. It may have been so; and in fiction we would accept his word that it was so. Yet when we look closely at the fact of the terrain, it dislimms."
Then he writes about how the position of the tail and the fuselage and the distance between them and the altitude difference doesn't add up to him. Then goes on about supposed houses and a village in the vicinity and that "the "maps" may have been designed to conceal the relevant information rather than give it."
Does he mean that the survivors should have been able to find houses and a village nearby and it was their fault that they didn't do so? What does he even mean by this?
And here comes the part that is the most shocking to me:
"Of course the accident was horrible. Of course the young men were in deep shock and became enfeebled by altitude, exposure, and hunger. But they did stay by the wreck for ten weeks before they made a real effort to get themselves rescued. Why must the epigraph invite us to pose in solemn admiration?"
Excuse me? Does he even know what he is talking about? What circumstances were the boys in, how cold it was during the nights, how much snow there was in the first weeks? Does he know about the snowstorms? How they didn't have anything to protect them before they made the sleeping bag? And it is not true that no effort was made in the first ten weeks, they did have various expeditions, and the expedition to the tail was also an attempt to escape from the mountains originally, but anyway, they definitely would have frozen to death without the sleeping bag if they had had to spend more than one night outside.
Then he adds the following quote from the Bible, which became famous in the movie by Numa:
"Greater love hath no man than this, that he lay down his life for his friends." Nobody lay down his life. They cared for the injured as best they could, they prayed and argued and quarrelled and made it up and fiddled with the radio."
Really? Nobody risked their life? Has he heard about Nando Parrado, Roberto Canessa and Antonio Vizintin? Even experienced mountaineers were shocked when they found out how Nando and Roberto got out of the mountains, climbing and hiking for 10 days in the Andes, down from a 4500 mountain, in a very weak condition, after losing 30-35 kg of their weight, starving, sleep-deprived and exhausted? In Nando's case, with a broken skull, after being in a coma for days after the crash?
And we also have:
"These young men were the pampered children of the Uruguayan upper classes and ignorant of practically anything but the rosary."
Again, excuse me? Yes, they came from well-off families, but most of them were really intelligent, well-educated, the majority of them were university students preparing for serious careers and they did have meaningful interests and knowledge about lots of things.
About their religious beliefs:
"Yet when the price of survival was the breaking of a massive taboo, they not only broke it, but contrived to make a virtue of breaking it. They invested the eating of their companions' bodies with the mystery of Christ's last supper."
I guess he means Pancho Delgado's words at the press conference a few days after the rescue. Well, by then the boys were literally harrassed by journalists and there were a big number of articles calling them cannibals, they had to give an explanation and they were criticised so badly that I guess they made the Bible analogue to make their deed as acceptable as possible even to religious people.
Well, as we know, in Golding's book the Lord of the Flies, the survivor boys stranded on an island have a different attitude; they turn against each other and by the time rescue arrives, they are torn into two tribes who are at war with each other, and children are even being killed. This fiction is very different from what happened in the Andes in real life, perhaps Golding was frustrated that his book would have a worse reputation because it was proved by real life that human beings can be compassionate and loving even in such dire circumstances?
submitted by bekefried to SocietyOfTheSnow [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:10 StoicalKartoffel American consumerism is an existential threat and I’m emotional about it

I’ve been crying about the gold mining in the Amazon ( miners poachers and illegal coco cultivators are the only people who deserve to be summarily executed is my hot take) , the Israel , the underdevelopment of Africa and I have been researching up on most of the production of resources and where it goes.
the vast majority of gold is not being produced by Brazil’s illegal mining for China ( why is DW allowed to lie about this shit) , it’s going to the US. recently the state department is trying to pressure the military crackdowns on illegal miners to end , which have saved the lives of countless tribes and protect hundreds of thousands of acres of land. By creating sanctions that are resulting in budget cuts. Ironically Lula strengthening ties with China has resulted in less pressure on the Amazon , allowing for deforestation to be halted more smoothly. the majority of palm oil and soy is for American cosmetics and to feed the insane beef industry here. And ofc cocaine , which is killing South America and as a result of its effect on South American biospheres will have global consequences by majorly messing up climate systems. Ofc the paper industry is honestly unnecessary.
yet all that palm oil, beef and cocaine gives nothing of value to the American consumer that parasitically siphons it off. Cosmetics make them unhappy and conformist , beef in the US has made them unhealthy obese and sickly , cocaine is a disguise for misery which just fucks u up inevitably but everything good from their own social fabric to their natural world , the things that give people happiness , are destroyed to a point of no return , for a dopamine rush that ends so quickly and leaves the consumer desensitised and spiritually destroyed. So it’s all for fucking nothing. This black pill has sort of fractured my psyche. At the expense of the millions of innocent people who die due to these cartels.
I honestly do hate cocaine users who do it for “fun” because fuck you for using it when the blood of the people required to produce each ounce of it numbers in the thousands. i want to replace the victims of those cultivators and cartels with the users in this country and make them experience the horrors of the industry and how living next to environmental degradation physically and mentally destroys you. that’s just my personal schizo anger though.
and Ofc when North America experiences the inevitable consequences of the shitstorm , none of it will have mattered, none of the dopamine , none of the social validation , none of the food and they will be the first pigs thrown out for the slaughter.
the capitalist superstructure made them this way but how do you convince the consumer proletariat that they have the power to just detach for this shit in order to weaken the superstructure. the system has successfully made them view anything for their benefit , like honest leftism , as anathema. the US has genuinely destroyed the world and is responsible for the majority of climate change. World hunger should not exist , the majority of conflicts in this world shouldn’t exist. Massive extinction events shouldn’t exist. We have the solutions but will we continue to destroy everything till there’s nothing left to solve? Probably . I am losing it.
submitted by StoicalKartoffel to stupidpol [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:10 Vicivinvi I know something's wrong with me

im starting to realize that there's something wrong with me. I've always thought that i was normal and whatever and everyone just hates me for no reason but know im starting to feel it. I've noticed that i'm honestly super materialistic and selfish and i dont really care about people who arent relevant to me. It's to the point my brain never even bothered to remember their faces or name or anything unless again theyre relevant. Another big thing i noticed is that I dont love anyone? I'm not talking only romantically, but also like in a familial sense. My parents? Meh. They could leave me for a long vacation and not call and i wouldn't care, my only concern would be who would feed me. My grandma? Sure, I like her she's the best. But do I love her..? I don't know. As a child, I went to several funerals of family members I knew and i remember myself thinking "so what? it's so hot in here theres no point why cant we just stay home theyre dead anyways" and mind u I was 9. I KNOW there's something super wrong with me but i can't put my finger on the specifcs. Do i want to think this way? No. But i can't help it. I've also never cared for helping out people or whatever and just donate to cancer researches cuz thats whats morally expect of me and everyone else. I never cared to cry during sad speeches and school cuz "what the fuck that gotta do with me?" i'm honestly starting to hate myself. Or is that why i'm forcing myself to think? Am I typing this because Im actually upset with myself or is it because i feel like i'm going against the norm and need to fix myself for my own good? I don't know. i've thought about maybe seeking professional help but idk, my parents are the traditional asian type and anything mental health is considered "crazy" and i've never told them either. I know they notice these things about me, they bring it subtly sometimes but label it was "extreme selfishness". How do i tell the people who brought me up that i don't and never have loved them? I don't want another annoying session of them screaming at me and crying cuz it honestly makes me so irritated and my lack of a reaction would only drag it longer. Is faking the only path I could go? Should i just pretend everything?
submitted by Vicivinvi to helpme [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:05 Purple_Assumption410 Man V.S. Bear Debate - Why I choose the Bear

If you're feeling offended already from this post, I highly suggest you click off and make yourself some tea. Please do yourself that favor
[Scroll to the bottom for TDLR]
So there’s this online trend going on right now (it's sort of dying off I think, I could be wrong) where people are asking women if they’d rather be stuck alone in the forest with either a random man or a random bear.
I’ll say it again. Would these women rather be stuck ALONE in the forest with a random man or a bear? Lots of the women are picking a bear. And I also picked the bear. I asked my mom, my aunt, and my dad this question. They all said bear. And here’s why *I* personally chose to pick the bear.
First of all, it’s because God gave me permission. I’m a Christian. Literally, in the Bible, in Proverbs 17:2, it says, “It is safer to meet a bear robbed of her cubs than to confront a fool caught in foolishness” (NLT version). Even God is saying I should pick the bear. If God tells me I’m allowed to do or pick something, trust and believe I’m gonna take it.
Secondly, let’s say that Bibilicality or Christianity had nothing to do with this conversation. I’d still pick the bear and here’s why. Humans in general are completely unpredictable. Yes, a human is smart. Yes, a human could help you survive. But that’s the scary thing. Humans are incredibly freaking smart. So if that person–not just a man—wishes to kill me, abuse me, or whatever—they’re gonna find the best way to do it.
Even then, I’d rather be stuck in the woods with another woman because statistically, women commit violent crimes significantly less than men do. I’m sorry, that’s just the truth. That’s not to say that women aren’t capable of committing crimes either and there’s a chance that the rate women commit crimes is higher than we know—there’s still a consistent pattern in who predominantly commits the overwhelming majority of the crime—men.
Literally, according to the United States Sentencing Commission, women accounted for only 13.5% of crime in the U.S. during 2022 and even then, the majority of the time, those women were being arrested for drug related offenses. Not rape, not kidnapping, not sex trafficking, not murder—DRUGS. And the craziest part is that the number of women committing those crimes had not changed much at ALL during the years between 2013-2022.
If that’s still not enough for you, according to the Bureau of Prisons (BOP – an official site from the U.S. government), women only make up 6.8% of inmates in prisons, whereas men make up 93.2%. Try to discredit this all you want but at the end of the day, men are MUCH more likely to commit crimes than women. Which, by association, would also mean that women are less likely to commit VIOLENT crimes than men are.
So yeah, pardon me if I’m gonna be scared crapless to be completely alone in the woods by myself with a man I do not KNOW. If that’s the situation I’m in—where I’m completely vulnerable, by MYSELF, and civilization isn’t around because I’m STUCK in the forest—what incentive does that man have to be a good person to me (especially considering that no other witnesses are around)? HE HAS NONE.
Note that us women picking the bear is not a man-hater thing. I do not hate men as a whole. But I am cautious of men. I have men in my life that I love and admire like my father, my brothers, and my cousins. If I was plopped in the woods with any of them, I would be 100% fine with it. But if you’re seriously asking me to be stuck ALONE by myself with a random guy, I may as well be playing Russian roulette with my life. A bear is predictable. Humans are not. I am built like a string bean, I cannot fight. So if a man chooses to cripple me for whatever reason, I’m done for.
When it comes to women picking the bear, it’s not necessarily us thinking that the bear is inherently ‘safer.’ We know the bear could eat us. All we’re doing is choosing which worst-possible outcome we’d rather deal with should that worst-possible situation show up. The worst thing a bear can do is kill you. You wanna see the worst a man can do? Search up the Junko Furuta case and then get back to me. Even then, there's probably some sicko who managed to rival THAT.
Don’t even try to act obtuse on the subject, boys. Because I know for a fact that when y’all have daughters, wives, girlfriends, cousins, sisters, etc—and they’re out somewhere late at night, you tell them, “Get home safe.” Safe from what? A bear? (LOL)
You guys know full well how dangerous other men are. That’s why you tell the women in your life not to wear certain stuff. Not to go out late at night. Not to go anywhere alone. Because you know full and dang well that other men are flipping crazy and I’m tired of being gaslit from you guys wanting to play dumb to suit your narrative.
The fact you guys are THIS pressed about a HYPOTHETICAL situation, insulting us and whatnot, is only proving our point. You are the exact type of man we wouldn’t wanna be in the woods with.
If a bear attacks us, it’s not doing it out of malice. It’s doing it because it sees the woman as a threat. If it’s a female bear attacking you, it’s because you were too close to her babies. If it’s a male bear attacking you, he’s most likely hungry. With men (or humans in general), you cannot predict them. There’s actually MORE protocols and steps you can take to avoid or prevent a bear attack. But there is absolutely NOTHING you can do in this situation to prevent the other human from wanting to harm you—especially if they’ve already chosen to do so.
If you’re a dude and still pissed off that we chose the bear, I hope God gives you more empathy when it comes to women and their struggles. Maybe then you’ll understand the reason why God ALSO says we should pick the bear.
TLDR: I'd pick the bear because a bear is more predictable than a man, and even then, worst-case scenario---I'd rather be killed by a bear than be subjected to whatever sick intentions a RANDOM man could potentially have. Because humans are unfortunately very creative when it comes hurting each other. Bears are not.
submitted by Purple_Assumption410 to self [link] [comments]