Bruce ellington high school football

High School Football

2011.08.21 07:57 rastabean High School Football

A subreddit containing peoples experiences, news, tips, and pride about High School Football.

2013.05.31 08:25 grizzfan High School Football

This sub, started by a high school football coach, is for all things related to high school football. Players, coaches, and fans of the game are more than welcome. Please read the rules and guidelines before posting.

2020.08.24 08:45 sergeibaka1 high school football

High School Football Games in the State of Indiana

2024.05.14 10:26 RyounoAlter Any advice on how to start a conversation online with a girl?

There’s this girl I’m interested in but we don’t really know each other. I mean, we know we attended the same high school but that’s about it. Thinking about messaging her but I’m afraid that I might look like a creep or something or maybe afraid of getting rejected.
Yes, I know I’m a coward, I’m not gonna deny that but to be fair, my last relationship was SO horrible, it traumatized me. Ever since then, I’ve been having anxiety approaching/messaging women, only now that I kinda want to break out of that shell and move forward.
Any advice on how to approach on messaging her?
submitted by RyounoAlter to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:25 its_ya_girl420 What's the "school progression" in America?

I always see terms like "high school" and "middle school" but never specifically learned what they all mean. From what age do you go to which school? Is it mandatory (up to a level)? How advanced do the classes get and do you get any choice in what you're taught?
To explain what I mean, this is the usual progression where I'm from (Belgium):
The first three "tiers" are mandatory for everyone, but it is possible to skip a year or on the contrary, have to redo a year. The day someone turns 18 they have the right to quit school.
In secondary school you have broad options to pick from, but no control over which specific classes you get. Some secondaries focus on prepping for work immediately after, usually more menial jobs, some focus on economics, or languages, math, ... but each option still offers the same base knowledge.
Colleges and universiteites offer all kinds of specialized courses usually lasting around 3-5 years. College gets you a professional bachelor's degree, universities get you an academic bachelor's or a master's degree.
submitted by its_ya_girl420 to AskAmericans [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:25 Fluffy-Arugula8148 Should I step down from BFFs Bridal Party

Apologizes for the long post, some important details to explain in the beginning to help better set the stage to explain things.. So my fiancé and I got engaged back in 2021 after dating for 10 years, being high school sweethearts & moving down south together to start a new life together where it’s more affordable. We’ve always managed to do ok for ourselves & are completely self sufficient. With that said our jobs pay well but we still struggle sometimes.. which is part of the reason why we haven’t tied the knot just yet.
We originally set our date to fall of 2023 back in spring of 2022.. proposed to our bridesmaids and groomsmen, mailed out save the dates, etc. In early spring of 2023, my fiancé ended up getting hurt at work which required surgery on his shoulder.. with the timing of everything this would mean he’d still be in a sling at the wedding.. we made the hard decision to postpone our big day to next fall of 2024 so we could both properly enjoy our big day and sent out new save the dates immediately. (This gave all our guests little over a years notice of the switch)
Jumping to the whole point of this now, December 2023 comes around and my best friend of 18 years gets engaged to her now fiancé whom she started dating right after I moved & barely know aside from the stories she tells me yet I’m OVER the moon for her ! (How exciting I am to have someone to go thru this wedding stuff with who can related !?) She is so excited and starts planning immediately & they tour venues the following week. They toured 2 venues & instantly loved 1 of them and immediately put down a deposit. She tells me right after and sends me pics & it’s this gorgeous venue that is also right on the wateocean. I am so shocked they lucked out so fast and ask when’s the wedding ?! She told me the date LITERALLY 3 weeks before my wedding…
At this point I’m speechless.. I immediately while in a state of shock congratulate her.. I’m so happy for you...
I told this to my fiancé who’s known my BFF just as long as me as we all grew up & went to the same school & he was FURIOUS & hurt.. he said it was selfish & that she basically f’d me over by getting married literally 1 month prior to us. He now wants nothing to do with her and refuses to speak to her again or attend their wedding period due to the disrespect of it all. I’m not a confrontational person & was so hurt by all this.. but knew I had to address it with her.. I waited a week or 2 then explained how hurt both me and my fiancé are & how difficult of a situation this puts us in (given she’s my BFF & knew how sad I was to have had to postpone the year prior) & how it hurt that they could consider his brothers feelings and his big day but not mine ?
(FYI she’s an only child if it means anything & we were so close my parents call her their daughter & I refer to her as my sister… she also told me I’d be her maid of honor whenever she’d get married bc of how close we are.. she was at least smart enough to not throw that on my plate thankfully.. however not to sound arrogant but if our dates weren’t on top of each other I’m POSITIVE she would’ve asked me)
Shel went into “defense” mode and instantly began stating why they chose the date..
1) her fiancés little brother is getting married in 2025 & so he refuses to get married the same year as it’s “not fair to steal his spotlight” if I remember correctly
2) it’s their dream venue
3) the only available dates left for 2024 was that last week of summer or November 2024.. she stated that bc her venue is on the water, she couldn’t do November bc of her elderly grandmother and how she could get sick (which is understandable)
4) they want to start having kids like now so they are in a rush to get married asap
Now this left me in such a weird feeling of confusion, hurt & sadness.. she already agreed to be my bridesmaid 2 yrs ago, our other mutual best friend who is a single mom as her child’s father passed was now asked to also be her bridesmaid too.. we have a TON of mutual friends & guests & with me moving down south 5 yrs ago & having the wedding down here.. my wedding is kinda considered a “destination” wedding as majority of our guests are traveling to our state.
She then tried to smooth it over by saying how she never meant to make me feel that way & then blamed her fiancé bc HE wanted that date & “didn’t give her any other option”… By her blaming it also makes me want to believe her bc he has always been very controlling of her.. constantly makes comments about her weight & says she’s getting fat, calls her 3x a day to see if she went to the gym, gets mad if she ever plays Xbox w me once in a blue moon bc that makes her “lazy” (mind you she’s an LPN and works 12 hour shifts smtns and is ALWAYS on her feet, she never wants to do nothing period- she has gastro issues that cause bloating & HE KNOWS THIS). He always tells her she’s not allowed to cut her hair prior to the wedding bc HE wants it long.. and it’s not like he asks or says it nicely either.. (bottom line, me and the rest of her bridesmaids strongly dislike him for all this and several other reasons which we’ve told her for years but are trying to be supportive bc in the end it’s her life/decisions )
Fast forward a little more, right after I tell her this & she gives me that story.. I tell her I need some time to heal, get over it, etc.. but that I love her bc she’s like a sister to me and I can’t imagine missing her big day or not being apart of it…
About a week or 2 after this, her MOH starts a chat and surprisingly has her bridal shower & Bach dates picked out already.. leaving me with not many options of when to do mine as mine will also be up North since none of my family is down south.. this makes my fiancé even more mad bc now he’s saying how I have to plan around her & this adds to why he was initially pissed bc it takes my spotlight away that I’ve patiently waited for.. so her Bach is May 2024 & shower is June 2024.. wedding last day of August 2024.. I decline her bach bc I can’t afford/take more time off work to travel.. and said I’d aim for shower if I can and yes to her wedding..
my Bach & Shower are now in July 2024.. back for back weekends so I’m up there for a week and a half for both.. (I had no idea how else to make it work at this point so just decided to do it all together.. )
She just had her Bach this past weekend and apparently she fought and said mean things to ALL of her bridesmaids and they are all pissed at her and 1 even dropped out of her wedding all together because of it.. our mutual BFF went and called me in tears when she got home bc of how selfish she was acting apparently & basically told them all that “this weekend was all about her and it’s not like any of them are getting married anytime soon or have anything excited going on in their lives so they need to get their shit together” (this was the 1st night on a Friday after everyone worked an 8+ hour day then drove 4-5 hours to the Airbnb). They dropped so much $ on this trip for her and she got into a verbal altercation with each of the 7 of them about how they weren’t doing enough to “party” and have fun with her the moment they got there.. this same argument continues the next day/night apparently to the point NOBODY wanted to be near her as they felt they’d be her next target. Come morning, everyone packed their stuff & ran home upset that the whole weekend they planned was nothing but arguments and ruined..
After hearing this & the comments she made, it really sent my thoughts racing.. how can she be so selfish to these girls whom I watched and helped from afar plan this whole trip for her? I’ve only been “gone” for 5 yrs and visited at least 1-2x a year since & constantly kept in touch everyday but I don’t recognize this person who’s supposed to be my BFF anymore..
To sum up this whole thing now.. I’m torn.. should I have ever bothered letting my initial hurt of the whole month before our wedding situation go in the first place when I forgave her? My Father, FIL & SIL are just as pissed as my fiancé is and don’t understand how I could just be okay with it all but commended me on being the bigger person to save my 18+ yr friendship bc they couldn’t.. Should I just back out of shower too and or her wedding entirely to save myself the extra stress ? I also have my Bach & Shower in July & her still one of my bridesmaids on top of all this to which some of my other bridesmaids are also mad at her for the situation & also agree w my fiancé who messed up it is… 🤦🏻‍♀️ SOS & please be kind to me if you can.. I’ve been so emotionally all over the place bc of this 🙏🏻🫶🏻
submitted by Fluffy-Arugula8148 to weddingdrama [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:23 Optimus-Unprime Is there a way to qualify for the US Visa Lottery without completing high school in Australia?

Hey so I tried searching on Google and Reddit and couldn't find the answer to this anywhere, would much appreciate some help. I'm Australian and really want to immigrate to America, however I dropped out of school in Year 10 due to depression. I've been working at my local farm for almost two years, and my boss is the type who HATES when people quit so I 100% know they would not help supply evidence of my work there for 2 years or be a reference. Is there any other way to prove I've been working at my farm for the two years of evidence? Would my pay stubs work for example?
If not, I've been looking into adult education anyway, and was wondering if TAFE qualifies for the 12 years of education requirement? Online it says a Year 12 Certificate satisfies the requirement so I'm not sure if TAFE falls under that or if SACE from a secondary continuing learning school is the only way, or if there's no way for me to fulfill the HS requirement for the Visa lottery.
I know this is a bit of a complicated question so thanks for the help.
submitted by Optimus-Unprime to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:22 PinkAlienGamer Pay attention to what you eat with your medication! [TW: eating disorders]

Hello everybody!
This is my cautionary tale and potential advice!
As you are probably aware, women on the spectrum are more likely to have eating disorders. Moreover we are more likely to not get sufficient or direct instructions from our doctors regarding our medical care. Below is my story on how that hurt my health and wellbeing.
Since I was a child I was a picky eater, with limited food I would accept and not a big apetite. I was also a very thin person, could not put on any weight no matter what I tried. I remember first learning what anemia is when I was 9 or 10. I struggled with my blood for years after that, despite diets and supplements. At some point I accepted that this is just what my body is like and I will be forever underweight and anemic.
Suddenly in high school I learned I developed lactose intolerance. I was devastated because diary was one of my go-to foods and a main breakfast food (either cereal or cheese sandwitch/toast). It was near impossible at that time to find any lactose-free products where I live and so my diet had to drastically change. Overnight I stopped my usual breakfast and went lactose free. That alone was a big issue but then suddenly I developped unusual headaches, dizzyness and chills.
My parents (with a history of dismissal of my health concerns) thought I am pretending to skip school. Luckily I was over 16 and scheduled my own doctor visit behind their back. Before the visit [warning: gross] I had an unexpected toilet visit with green feces. I was surprised but put it down to eating something green and not noticing. Doctor sent me for blood tests and included iron levels knowing my anemia history and worrying I have dangerously low iron levels again. Surprise surprise, my iron levels were through the roof. Turns out you can poison yourself with iron supplements. Doctor was surprised, ordered me off of any iron supplements I was taking.
I only learned years later (in university course on farmacotherapy) that drinking milk with iron pills significantly decreses their effectivness. Suddenly it all made sense. It even explained why I got worse again once lactose-free products became available (but not as bad as before).
Since then I learned that there is a lot of different interactions with medication and food you consume around the time of taking your drugs. Make sure to check grapefruit interactions if you're on antyhistamines, xanax or others, and check for St. John's Wort if you're on antidepressants.
TL:DR I overdosed on iron supplements because I stopped drinking milk everyday.
submitted by PinkAlienGamer to AutismInWomen [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:21 narcissistich03 I'm looking for friends !

I (19f) live in western Kentucky and have NO friends since I had to withdraw from college. I've gotten kind of desperate, since I keep seeing tik toks of groups of girls having fun, swimming, doing trends together. I also recently watched Euphoria, and they just looked like they were having fun with someone to talk to and drive with. I can drive, I play a lot of games, I like movies and the color pink, I have cats, I watch Hermitcraft and I like to do feminine things, when I had friends I enjoyed doing themed parties even outside of holidays, and I'm down for those 2am outings for something as small as helping friends with homework. I've tried to find groups I could just join, since when i was in high-school I normally joined already established groups, but I've just got no luck lately.
submitted by narcissistich03 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:20 narcissistich03 Looking for friends for summer

I (19f) live in western Kentucky and have NO friends since I had to withdraw from college. I've gotten kind of desperate, since I keep seeing tik toks of groups of girls having fun, swimming, doing trends together. I also recently watched Euphoria, and they just looked like they were having fun with someone to talk to and drive with. I can drive, I play a lot of games, I like movies and the color pink, I have cats, I watch Hermitcraft and I like to do feminine things, when I had friends I enjoyed doing themed parties even outside of holidays, and I'm down for those 2am outings for something as small as helping friends with homework. I've tried to find groups I could just join, since when i was in high-school I normally joined already established groups, but I've just got no luck lately.
submitted by narcissistich03 to Kentucky [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:20 Minasback1 My professor accused me for cheating ;-;

I am a student at STI College Cubao taking a bachelor's degree in information technology. I am a late enrollee and a new student. My professor in my major class accused me of cheating ;-; I cant blame her for suspecting us, as it's kinda suspicious as we both have the same corrects and wrongs for the three quizzes and that we're sitting next to each other. But, is it a solid proof that we were cheating? I know for myself that I wasn't cheating as my past quizzes from her was high and I reviewed my subjs a lot. I am an achiever since I was in my junior high school so its already given that I am a grade conscious. She considered it as cheating and she marked all of my quizzes half. I really want to reach out to the program head but Im scared that it might cause me more damage ;-;
submitted by Minasback1 to studentsph [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:18 Sinister-John I have lived with a Ghost my entire life.

Here is a TRUE Haunted House Story that a gentleman by the name of “Kenneth” emailed to me last week. This is one creepy story. 😬 I hope you enjoy. 🫶
Story by - “Kenneth”
I’ve been living in a house that is very haunted for the better part of 53 years. I guess you can say that, I grew up here. And lived here my entire life.
And I’ve made a happy home for my wife and daughter here as well. At least we try to make this a happy home. We’ve experienced things that are so bizarre you’d almost think that we were crazy for even talking about them.
Nevermind the things I’ve heard and seen in this house while growing up.
While I would love to talk about everything that has happened here, I would like to tell you about how it all started for me when I was seven years old. It's actually the very first incident that I encountered while living here.
The house was built in 1875. It’s been remodeled throughout the years to keep up with modern times, but it still rests on the very foundation it was built on.
This house… as I’m writing this, I can hear footsteps creaking above me on the second floor. This is an all day thing. But we’ve learned to live with it. While growing up here, and being the only child, my parents already knew about the house being haunted. But they tried sheltering me from it. Meaning, if I heard something strange, my father or mother would say something to the likes of…
“Oh honey, those damn pipes again. We need to call the plumber.”
Or if there were footsteps creaking on the floor boards they would blame the flooring for being very old. I would hear scratching all throughout the walls and ceilings. All sorts of strange and bizarre sounds.
But this incident, this day, changed everything. And I remember this day, or rather night, as if it happened yesterday.
It was around 11:00 at night. It was a school night. And I was asleep. But something woke me up. I heard a voice whisper in my right right ear…
“We can’t let them get away.”
My eyes slowly opened up and I laid there for a moment. I called out for both my mother and father and looked over at my bedroom door but it was shut. I flipped over to my side and fell back asleep.
I heard this voice loud and clear. I know I did. But I think my brain was telling me to ignore it. Well, that was just the beginning of it. Because a few moments later it decided to really stir things up with me…
I jumped out of bed so rapidly and even peed myself as I ran to my parents bedroom. My parents both looked at each other and then looked at me like they knew something but didn’t want to tell me. They gave me the old mumbo jumbo and told me that I was having a bad dream. My mother got out of bed. Got me fresh pajamas and socks while I cleaned myself up.
Peeing yourself at seven years old isn’t fun. Especially when it’s a raspy old scary voice shouting that someone’s burning alive in your bedroom while you’re sleeping.
My mother asked if I wanted to sleep with her and my father in their bed after that. You bet your ass I did. I hopped in that bed quicker than a fox chasing a rabbit. I was a small boy for seven. And both of my parents were average sized too, so, I fit right in there.
Alright… Here is where it gets very, very scary. If this doesn’t scare the socks off of you I don’t know what will. And before I continue, the voice that I heard? We think it’s the original owner of the house. Without giving away too much information about my home, the very first owner of this home…
He was an evil man…
We’ve heard stories about him torturing animals, killing them, and then taxiderming them, scattering them all throughout the house like his own little museum of horror.
Throughout the years I would experience more voices, more scratching on the walls and ceilings. Eventually my parents wound up telling me that the house was haunted by a creepy man with an evil past. And we lived with it. We were never physically harmed by it. It was more of a nuisance than anything.
That all changed on the night I brought my wife home to begin a life here with me.
We’re high school sweethearts. So, she knows about this place. She stayed here overnight plenty of times before we got married. But on the night she moved in, it wasn’t happy at all.
I’ll never forget the hour and minute. It was 2:27 in the morning. We were both asleep. My wife woke up first because she felt something tugging on her arm. She then woke me up and told me what she felt. This was the first time in all the years anyone has ever been physically touched by this spirit. This had never happened before so it was quite a shock to me.
And after being awake for about a few minutes or so, our bedroom door slammed shut! Our blanket was pulled away from us and thrown across the room. And we heard heavy footsteps as if someone was walking across the roof!
It was as if the house was coming to life.
In all my years of living here, I have never seen this much activity. Yet alone in one single night.
After the blanket got pulled away from us and thrown across the room things finally seemed to calm down. And the entire house was ominously quiet.
Too quiet…
But then a dark black shadow decides to grace us with its presence by moving along the walls in the bedroom and fading into nothingness. My wife and I did not move from the bed during all of this. We were terror-stricken. And then a foul odor begins to come from underneath the bed followed by a sonorous growl that vibrated underneath us.
By this point it felt like something grave was about to happen and I had to do something. Or at least I had to try. I grabbed a hold of my wife’s hand and told her to be brave and to not fear this thing. Because that's what it wants. It wants to scare us out of our home and we can’t allow that to happen. But we mustard up the courage to face this evil spirit and began reciting the Lord’s Prayer.
The bedroom door slammed again and again, four times consecutively. With steady growls underneath the bed, but we stood our ground. Praying to the almighty to help and asking him to show this spirit to the light.
A raspy old voice then shouts from underneath the bed.
“Get out!… Leave my house!”
And I said…
“No! If you're stuck here like you’ve been all these years, then you’re going to have to learn to live with us. In peace or war. Because this is my house now. Not yours. You're dead! Leave already! Go! Go with God. And Go into the light.”
After 10 minutes of praying and arguing with this thing. It all just seemed to come to a pass. I wiped the tears of fear from my wife’s eyes and embraced her painful shivers.
I, too, was frozen over by the horror that leveled us during that night.
And nothing of that magnitude ever occurred again. And our home stood silent for a while. For a year to be exact. Which was very peaceful. The voices and scratching on the walls and ceilings, footsteps and disembodied voices eventually returned. But it doesn’t bother us at all. We pay it no mind.
Doesn’t bother my daughter. Not my wife nor I. We’ve just learned to live with it.
I know that must sound strange. But this is my home. Our home. And we intend to keep it that way.
Thank you, Kenneth Sr.
Disclaimer: This story is not to be used in any other way other than reading, sharing your thoughts on it, and enjoying the creepy thought of living with a Poltergeist/Ghost in your home. 👻
The content producer has this story copyrighted and protected by the Library of Congress/Copyright Office.
submitted by Sinister-John to scarystories [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:17 at_2004 Prank for a Stone Cold Principal

Prank for a Stone Cold Principal
Queen of petty and great sovereign of potatoes, hear my plea and I hope you do not judge me too harshly.
Ok, but all and all, I don’t think I did anything to over the top. Allow me to see the stage..
It’s my junior year of high school and it’s a few weeks into the new year where this story starts, my family and I had received news that my mom’s oldest brother, my uncle, had been admitted to the hospital suddenly and was having difficulty, it was especially hard for my grandparents and his two daughters. Naturally I was worried because it’s my uncle and I’m hoping that he’ll be okay, I come to find out after getting back from school that day and after picking up my brothers from school that he had passed away a bit before we had gotten home. I was devastated along with the rest of my family and everyone was making plans to fly to my grandparents house.
I did the usual song and dance of letting teachers know I would be gone along with brief reasons why including: it’s a funeral, I was staying with my grandparents and they don’t have the best internet, likelihood of any schoolwork being done was slim, please be understanding, you get the picture. Well, sometime after the actual funeral and I went to briefly checked my email because a couple of friends had been checking in on me via school email. My emotionally, physically and mentally exhausted self saw that there was an email from my Spanish teacher (who a quick FYI is also the principal, for the sake of the story is being dubbed Medusa) who said I should still be doing schoolwork and following COVID regulations regardless of the reason, while I was grieving my uncle.
And let me just say, it got worse after I got back to school. Shortly after getting back, Medusa called on me to give a presentation which I hadn’t known about beforehand and she KNEW why I didn’t have it done. She was the only teacheadult who was completely unsympathetic to my situation, even going as far as to say she had expected more from me and she was disappointed, not to mention I was already struggling to catch up in the rest of my classes so Medusa wasn’t a special case in lagging behind.
I’m sorry- but what in the ever living name of the mother of sanity did you think would happen?! I was acting like a robot for quite a while so pardon me if I’m not up to your standards lady (sorry, there’s still a lot of annoyance and anger towards this woman but it’s way more diluted than it had been originally), any respect I had for her as an adult died that day. So when the opportunity came to came her at the very least some minor inconvenience and petty vengeance for me, I took it (not entirely necessary or important to the story but Medusa is an older woman who via the school gossip grapevine was apparently a former nun, not sure how that makes sense but not my circus, not my monkeys).
A little of context for how it went down: I went to a private Catholic high school in town (I doubt anyone from there is in this thread but hello!) that had a dress code/uniform situation going on, school polo and shorts/pants in black or khaki. Anyways~ a friend of mine, calling her N, came up with the great idea of pranking the entire school population on our school computers/ emails with a free dress day (wear anything within reason), and then the email that would be sent out detailed it would set for Friday. Granted, the email had been intended to be sent by at least one person from every grade in our friend group, what ended up happening was that N and I drafted up the email on my computer because it wouldn’t hurt me as much and Medusa had it out for her, I didn’t mind since I wanted back at her. N sent the email to everyone in our grade, but it went sideways afterwards.
Later as about 10:00 that morning, I was called to Medusa’s office who had the email “I” sent pulled up. She then proceeded to all but yell at me that parents were calling the school about a supposed free dress day, how it was incredibly inappropriate and dangerous to pull something like this (it really wasn’t, this is honestly way more tame than what we had originally planned), someone could have been hurt and to come forth with anyone else involved, thanks little oops I made while trying to stay calm and not cry. I didn’t because I wasn’t about to throw N under the bus, and I was honestly fed with medusa and her bs. She eventually sent me back to class which took even longer because I just about collapsed and was so close to crying.
I was questioned if I was alright when I got because at this point everyone knew about or read the email, told them I was fine and stuck to that til my friends got their hands on me because Principal Medusa already had a reputation. I told them the details, I got my eyes more red than I would have liked but I would ok.
The kicker? The goddamn freshmen had been given permission, and by extension the rest of the students did as well, for a free dress day. I lost it and said/quote “That’s freaking bullshit!” Luckily for me, the teacher I had during that class didn’t take too much offense to me swearing and had heard through the grapevine. At this point, I still don’t know if it had been pressure from teachers, students, what I did, or a combination of everything that did it. But I don’t care, I caused her some trouble and I felt accomplished for it!
I still have the pic I took about the project lol. Should be visible for yall, but either way, I don’t think I was too bad, but do you all think?
submitted by at_2004 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:16 Snoo-71844 Fucking doomed.

M18 and despite only being 18 I already have plenty of evidence that I will be FA. Never been on a date, never kissed anyone, never went to high school events, and obviously never had a relationship. I tried talking to many girls irl and even online but I never had success. The only time where I was CLOSE to being in a relationship was when I had a friend which I met over a year ago who seemed very nice and genuine but eventually started ghosting me a lot and was very passive. We were going to go to prom but because of her doing this, she bashed me when I told her about me being ghosted saying that she isn’t my GF and wont be my GF and APOLOGIZED if she did something that made me feel that way DESPITE her saying us being in a relationship would be a good idea. I realized I wasn’t good enough and walked away a week before prom which was April 13th. The day of prom I went for a walk and I saw a lot of people taking photos of themselves going to prom and I cried myself to sleep. I then saw a bunch of IG posts of their prom days later which didn’t make me feel any better.
Pretty much after that I decided to try dating apps since I knew that meeting people in real life would fuck me over and I’d have a better chance of getting good luck online than IRL and boy was I wrong. My word of advice for anyone wanting to try dating apps, you will not have good luck on tinder or bumble. The app I’ve had more luck on was on Hinge but it’s not by much.
First match on Hinge was a girl who we seemed to have a decent conversation till she randomly started ghosting. She changed her photos on the app hours after I sent her a message and honestly I wasn’t going to fuss so I just unmatched.
Second match on Tinder was a girl who was attractive and we also seemed to have spoken well to each other. We got each other’s social media accounts and that was when I found out that SHE HAD A BF. After that I immediately removed her and unmatched her.
Third match on bumble was a girl who liked anime like me (mainly dragon ball) she matched me and said hello. I replied saying hello and asked how she was. Later on she randomly unmatched me.
Fourth Match on Hinge is a girl I’m still currently matched with but I have very low confidence. She seems disinterested in me and when I later asked we should do something over the summer she said maybe and usually Maybe=NO so I really don’t know anymore.
After all of this and more that happened without sharing them basically shows that I’m not good enough to be in a relationship. Whether it’s in person or online I have very shitty luck making progress and it seems like I’m going to have one for the rest of my life and die alone. It’s impossible for me to look positive because all I had was bad experiences and never any good ones with woman and nothing has changed despite me trying and giving my all. I’m really dreading going into my late 20s and 30s because once I’m there it’s basically impossible to find love because everyones married and possibly have a family so that’s the end of me. I’m absolutely cooked and finished.
submitted by Snoo-71844 to ForeverAlone [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:14 what_how_n_whyy How to fight with health misinformation?

I am outraged by the recent case against dr Phillips
I know it's not the first time.
I am a med school student working as an intern
I also see the cost of health misinformation around me a lot.
My grandmother took a herbal medication called 'rheumate' for 2 yrs and now she's suffering from iatrogenic cushing
2 of my other relatives are also took it for many months and suffered some milder consequences.
Now the the distressing thing is my grandmother is suffering from osteoarthritis both knees and taking unani medicines. I can see her developing deformity but she's refusing to stop.
My another aunt is taking homeopathic pills for osteoarthritis.
These things troubles me a lot and may be you also.
The alternative medicine has a lot of problems. But It has it's sympathizers in many govt offices and influencal places in society.
I greatly admire the work dr Phillips is doing.
It's an constant uphill battle.
I know most of the doctors, med students are ignorant of this issue.
But still Is there any thing i can do to help?
The answer of this question is probably never be easy one.
I will highly appreciate any suggestions/ guidance.
At last Thanks for your time and attention.
submitted by what_how_n_whyy to TheLiverDoc [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:14 uncouthslayer child of parents who both cheated, messing me up

this happened when i was a child till my teens. I'm in my 20s now. prefacing this by mentioning my parents are often in other states due to their work, so I grew up with my mother majorly but even then I was alone for a bit in my high school years due to her getting a gig in another state and we couldn't accommodate a shared living space.
i knew my dad had cheated on my mom twice (?) with his coworker once when I was 13, and neighbor when I was 15. shit apparently went down and my mother blew up and it was a huge thing but they stayed together bc at that point they entered two decades of marriage (so idk figure that logic out beats me personally.) my mother acts like my father is the only one who had cheated but both my brother and I know she had been seeing her coworker for years when I was 8-14 years old. she would call him home and make my brother and I study in our room while she would "talk" to him about office work in their room. my brother and I are not dumb and during that time I remember my brother digging her stuff up and we saw all the exchanges and everything and tbh we laughed and made a pact to extort her at every single point possible without ever mentioning the affair (We were kids so that meant ps4s etc lmao) yet I do drop hints but bc I haven't secured my job yet and I'm living under their roofs I don't say shit. but I remember it single handedly altering my brain chemistry and since that age I have not been able to look both of them the same way again. even though the affairs they had are dead and buried. my brother also chooses to ignore it but he tells me from time to time just how sad he used to get thinking about it. i don't talk to him much now because he's older than me and has moved out and we have some issues i can't look past but we both agree on this traumatizing us both.
last week my mother told me that her coworker's kid cleared this rlly tough job entrance and I was surprised to see the way she talked about it, she thinks I don't know. i asked her who is this guy and daughter and she played it off by saying he's a lowlife and she wants me to be better than his kid career wise and I was like ok. i checked her phone on the side (don't crucify me I was placing an order for food) and she had him blocked. which was curious. i also made the connection of how she despises a certain section of society members after I found out he belonged to that section. i guess the entire thing just makes me icky, and I involuntarily cry at times. i dislike seeing my this light but I cant seem to make peace with it. i just get so angry, I want to yell at them for doing this but I cant. they both love me to bits and pieces but I am afraid I do not extend the same affection for them, ever since I was a kid. and I never will. and it sucks. the only way I can feel anything is when I charge them money for my purchases, it's my way of "getting back" for the trauma I feel. I'm more upset with the hypocrisy of my mother. i don't like my father very much as it is, so it's easier of me to dismiss him, but he loves me....and i just can't remove the "cheating" lens when I see them. i don't see them as parents beyond a point...just horrible humans. I'm cordial and friendly to both of them on the surface level bc I'm a built like that, but my resentment runs deep. my mortal fear is becoming like them.
they're both god fearing. I'm not tbh, god hasn't done anything for me for 20+ years so i gave up lol. but every time either of them mentions god and karma, my favorite thing to mention is that karma will get everyone, including the ones who pray everyday and wear talismans. (what they wear) while staring them dead in their eyes.
i just want to know how to navigate this situation without it eating me up until i become the manifestation of a hurt, angry kid so much so i cant do my daily tasks without feeling boiling rage. therapy is not an option.
tldr: something in me dies when I think of how both of my parents cheated on each other. I'm so. ugh.
submitted by uncouthslayer to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:12 Comprehensive-Car435 20F Questioning if I should join.

I'm a 20/F, I made good grades in high school but decided not to go to college because I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life. Now I work a dead-end retail job and I still live at home with my parents. I don’t want to go in debt in order to go to school, I don’t have kids or medical issues, nor do I have anything tying me down to staying in my city. I'm honestly embarrassed and ashamed of myself for not doing more with my life, and I feel like this might be a stepping stone for me to go on to do greater things. I have a couple of marine friends and seeing the pride they have and the hard work they put in has made me want to pursue this path even more. BUT with that being said I'm not Marine material.. Ideally I would want to join the air force with a career in cyber or aircraft maintenance. I know the road will be tough but I want something that is worth fighting for if that makes sense, something that pushes me to be a better woman. Should I join? Do the benefits outweigh the cons?
submitted by Comprehensive-Car435 to Militaryfaq [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:10 GoldGarage115 Can a workplace require I wear hearing aids?

I didn't have hearing aids when I signed on, and I'm not deaf by any means but I do have hearing aids that I bought for personal use.
I work with a guy who I struggle to communicate with, there's reasons for it, for the most part though it's just a personality clash, that said, the company I work for are aware that I have hearing aids (that I bought for my own convenience) and they are demanding that I wear them at work
My hearing aids take batteries that I have to replace and my employer originally offered to pay for the batteries if it meant I wore them every day but then they wheeled that back meaning I have to buy the batteries
I never intended to wear these hearing aids at work, they are delicate and the work I do is sweaty outdoor work (groundsman at a high school) it often rains and I wear ear muffs a lot of the time, there is no safety imperative, my hearing loss is only very minor and the only reason they know about them is because I was telling my boss about them once a while back, I understand where they are coming from but I'm just curious about the legal side of it
Any advice appreciated
submitted by GoldGarage115 to LegalAdviceNZ [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:10 yurawastaken I am a freshman In High School And I want to kill myself.

I am a freshman in High School and I want to kill myself. I am only 15 years old and I’m honestly probably going to fail my freshman year. I have no motivation to do anything, I’m depressed, I don’t put effort in life even though the profession I want requires both a Bachelors and Masters degree in College. I throw my life away by not doing my work and bed rotting and as I lay there I’m well aware I should be working and I should be doing my required tasks. I sit there and I continue to hate myself, I sit there and continue to hate the way I dress, the way I sound, the way I think, the way I breathe, the way I eat, how much I weigh, the way I want to end my life…and yet I can’t because the guilt of the loved ones around me makes it hard to bring myself to do it. I hate myself and I hate my life. I don’t know how to get better and nobody in my life even tries to help me and no one understands me that much at all. I feel unsavable and I’m losing all faith and hope in myself.
submitted by yurawastaken to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:07 Nikki_b527 Is it too soon to move in with my boyfriend?

Hey Reddit! I don’t know if I’m looking for advice or insight so any opinion is welcomed tl;dr My boyfriend and I (M24 and F24) have known each other for our entire lives. Parents were friends we grew up right next door to each other for a majority of our childhood until his family moved. Didn’t really stay in contact through out teen year or after high school. I moved out of state for a couple of years came back home and he reached out as he heard through the grapevine I want doing to well. Started just hanging out kinda like catch up but over the span of 7 months we grew close which eventually wound up to a very drunk night which led to us dating. I never understood the whole idea of marrying your best friend thing until now. I know I’m young but I only see a future with him, I have never been comfortable and open to anyone else. Well the current issue is we live over a hour away from each other, I run my own business and work primarily from home while he works in construction with very long hard hours. During the week we don’t see each other as our schedules don’t line up or we’re too tired. There are mostly daily phone calls, but we don’t really text and frankly I’m not a fan of phone calls in general I try and enjoy our conversations but it’s just not the same. Weekends are a hit or miss due to events, friends or family while also prioritizing our quality time together. In the weekend he comes out to my place as I live alone and I have too many pets to go to his place. I did however mention pretty early on in our relationship the idea of moving in together which he said felt too much and I learned was a lot to suggest so early but I want to see how we can progress. We live in a rural area so most things we do on weekends are mostly home base as I live 30 minutes from town. I honestly feel like I have to put my routine on pause on weekends, like yeah we go out to my events or go hangout with my friends and I drive in for his family events which feels like it takes into our time together because are very social but they do drain the social battery. Am I crazy for thinking our solution to more time together is moving together? Or thinking this is the next step? Extra info. We have been dating for over a year but I have known him and his family all my life. Him and I have traveled together with no issues. I am loving out of state next year to finish my graduate degree (he did know about this even before we started dating) we have had very in depth conversations about how we will proceed and have agreed living together will happen before moving away from friends and family as he has never left our town and making final decisions before completely uprooting his entire life for me to focus on school. Thank you
submitted by Nikki_b527 to relationships_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:03 iTzRon 27 (M4A) Greater Toronto Area - Looking for friends to practice Tagalog and/or Japanese with

hi r4r,
i'm a Canadian born Filipino who recently came back from a trip to Asia (🇨🇦>🇯🇵>🇵🇭>🇨🇦). i loved watching anime in high school and while i don't watch as much as i used to, i believe the language and culture of Japan is beautiful and i plan on visiting again. on my trip i also visited the Philippines as a tourist for the first time without my parents. there's so much beautiful nature to explore and an extroverted culture which i admire.
i have been casually learning Japanese on and off for about 6 years, and practicing Tagalog for about 6 months. my parents never spoke to me in Tagalog growing up (only in their local dialect that has some similarities to Tagalog, which helps). i realized you learn languages incredibly fast when being surrounded by native speakers. i'm not expecting to get the same level of immersion as i would by being in these countries again, but i would like some friends who wouldn't mind teaching me/answering my questions. not necessarily looking for native or fluent speakers either! i'm looking for friends first and foremost.
things I like: * going out for food - when you live in the GTA there's not much else to do but eat 🥲 i do appreciate the food scene here tho
comment or DM if you're interested in a conversation or a meetup! thanks for stopping by
submitted by iTzRon to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:00 Whoopsiee_22213 In high school I stole money and goods at a rich school

The school I went to was considered ghetto and ugly. We had a track meet and I got into it with one of the girls from the rich school. I had to use the bathroom, so I went to the locker room. I was so surprised that none of their stuff was locked up. You can call me a piece of shit, I was young. I was 15 at the time. I’m almost 30 now. Grew up in different parts. Anyways, I walked out with $700 and an iPod. I gave the iPod to one of my sisters Mormon friend. He knew how I got it.
The next track meet, everything was put in their lockers, Locked.
submitted by Whoopsiee_22213 to confession [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:59 salad_knife I can’t handle recent revelations about my brother

I (24F) just recently found out that my brother (19M) is a serial rapist and didn’t get prison because he committed them before he turned 18. He raped several girls in his high school and both of our sisters.
This isn’t sitting at all with me; I am beyond livid. I feel like he needs to face justice even if I need to be the one to serve it to him. I’ve thought about torturing him and killing him. My thoughts keep circling back to the latter.
I tried talking to a hotline and got nothing. I tried talking to my other family about it and was just told that I can’t do anything because it’ll be bad for me and they’re right, but I think it’s only a matter of time before I stop caring about the consequences I’ll face if it means justice for his victims.
submitted by salad_knife to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:59 Peonies67 I need advice/insights if we should continue online learning for remainder of high school.

I need advice or insights. In February we decided to transistion our 15 year old son (sophomore) from in class to Accellus. He was struggling with having friends and his grades were tanking. Previous to HS, he always had A grades without much effort and had friends and mostly been a fairly well like and adjusted kid. We got him counseling and he now takes a medication and is thriving in feelings about himself and in life in general. You can even tell he's different if you hadn't seen him for awhile.
Here is my concern, should we make him go back to school in the fall? He doesn't want to, but I don't think online learning at home for the next 2 years will serve.him well going into adulthood.
For those who did this kind of learning at home, how did you cope as an adult? Did you pursue a post secondary education? Did your world get really small and then you found out life was different outside your home amd have trouble coping? Did you feel like you missed out or felt cheated out of your youth by learning at home?
For context my husband and I work full time jobs so he is at home alone quite a bit which he says he does not mind. He has about 3 to 4 hours of school work per day.
You can see my concerns. School is more than just learning subjects online. On one hand he's doing great but I don't know what I don't know. For context he has 2 older brothers who graduated from the high school he was attending. They are both 10 and 15 years older than him.
Thank you in advance for your thoughtful responses.
submitted by Peonies67 to homeschool [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:54 aspirer_ Problemadong Teenager

Hello, gusto ko na lang talagang ilabas 'to kasi hirap na hirap na talaga ako. Please suggest some things that I can do to lessen my problems, pero sana hindi masyadong harsh hehe.
I'm 18 years old and pakiramdam ko sa lahat ng parte ng buhay may problema ako. Dapat 1st year na ako ngayong AY and turning second year next sem, pero I dropped out first sem pa lang ng freshman year ko. Sinabi ko sa family ko na ittry kong mag-aral mag-code/program (since yung kinuha kong course is Computer Science) and bigyan lang nila akong 1 year, pag nag fail mag-eenroll ako ngayong year. And yun na nga, nag-fail. Wala akong idea sa coding/programming and hindi ako masyadong interested doon, gusto kong makakuha ng IT related knowledge kasi yun ang in-demand ngayon at hindi kami mayaman kaya kailangan kong maging wais sa pagdedesisyon sa buhay. Pero ngayon parang lalo ko pang pinalala ang sitwasyon ko, I tried mag apply sa ibang univs as freshman pero hindi pala ako pwedeng matanggap dahil nakapag-enroll na ako last yr sa ibang school and kailangan tranferee na ako. Kailangan kong makuha yung documents ko sa dating school and malaki yung babayaran. Sinabi ng mga magulang ko na kunin na yung documents at bayaran na lang namin yung balance sa school pero naaawa na talaga ako sa kanila, alam kong pinaghirapan nila yung pera pero parang mawawala lang ng ganon dahil sa mga maling desisyon ko sa buhay. Nag enroll ako sa univ na yon dahil tutulungan kami ng mga pinsan ko (mother's side) sa tuition fee and sa allowance.
Pero here's the real reason why I dropped out of college: - I was pressured, since maraming nag-papaaral sa'kin ang dami kong tao na kinoconsider bago ako makapag desisyon, and I overthink a LOT. - add ko pa rito na I applied for scholarships tapos lagi akong tinatanong kung nakapasa ba ako, sobrang tagal ng resulta and may scholarship na nag-release ng result tapos hindi ako nakapasa so lalo pa akong na-down. (may isang scholarship na nakapasa ako pero too late because nag-drop out na ako when they released the passers.) - medyo strict din yung mga pinsan ko na nagpapaaral sa'kin so medyo napressure din ako don, and they're pretty successful people so yon. - I was shocked, sobrang laking adjustment para sa akin dahil mula elementary - senior high school ay sa lugar lang namin ako nag-aral then biglang nag Manila ako. Nag-adjust rin ako sa environment, kasi sa bahay na ako ng mga pinsan ko nakatira and sobrang nahihiya akong kumilos, tinutulungan na nila ako financially tapos sila pa nag-aasikaso sa akin. - Friends & cousins (not the ones that are helping me, father's side), nung nakapasa ako sa univ na yon my friends and cousins weren't that happy for me, they were asking kung dun na ba ako mag-aaral and all. Ayokong sabihin yung tuition fee sa mga pinsan ko pero nasabi ng nanay ko sa tita ko because natanong sya on the spot so nasabi nya and nalaman ng mga pinsan ko, tapos nung nalaman nila they acted na parang papahirapan ko mga magulang ko (kasi di nga kami mayaman and di namin afford) and they were telling me na gusto ko lang kaya ako papapasukin doon, when in reality gusto ko rin naman talaga pero gusto rin akong ipasok ng mga magulang at mga pinsan ko (mother's side) sa maayos na school.
Hindi ko na alam ang gagawin ko. Gusto kong kausapin yung mga magulang at mga pinsan ko na bigyan ulit ako ng chance na pag-aralin ako at dun ulit sa univ na yon (bc baka mahirapan na akong lumipat) pero hindi ko alam kung papayag pa sila because na-disappoint ko na sila. Sobrang naappreciate ko pa rin talaga silang lahat kasi nung nagdecide na akong ganon hindi nila ako pinagsalitaan ng masama, they even tried things para mas maging magaan yung loob ko kasi lumalayo na ako sa lahat at that time. Sobrang hirap para sa akin kasi pakiramdam ko sinayang ko lang yung pag-aaral ko nang mabuti mula elem - shs, alam ko naman rin na hindi ako tanga pero parang naging ganon na ngayon yung tingin ko sa sarili ko, lol.
I deleted my socmeds when I dropped out, wala akong na akong connections sa lahat ng mga kaibigan ko for the past 8 months.
May nangyayari pang gulo sa pamilya namin ngayon so mas lalo akong nahihirapan pero hindi na ako magdedetail sa part na to.
And I'm also broken hearted rn haha, my ex who is also my best friend is now out of my life. Malaki rin yung naging parte nya sa buhay ko because we've known each other for around 6 years. Ayoko na rin idetalye to kasi baka mabasa nya, gusto ko na lang rin syang hayaan kasi may iba na na nagpapasaya sa kanya. Salamat pa rin sa kanya.
Kailangan ko lang talagang mafigure out yung gagawin ko para makabalik sa pag-aaral kasi nung yun pa lang yung problema ko sobrang sakit na sa ulo, tapos habang tumatakbo yung oras lalo lang nadagdagan yung mga problema.
Sorry pero hirap na hirap na ako, araw-araw na iyakan, sleepless nights, at ngayon hindi na ako makakain kahit ako yung tipo ng tao who loves to eat, lol. Naaawa na rin ako sa nanay ko kasi laging kaming dalawa lang ang magkasama and siya yung nakakasaksi ng mga pag-iyak at panghihina ko. I'm even considering na tapusin na lahat ng paghihirap na to kasi hindi ko naman alam kung worth it ba talaga, kung may liwanag ba talaga at the end of the tunnel. Pero iniisip ko rin na sobrang laki ng mundo, bilyong-bilyong tao ang walang pakialam kung mawawala ako ngayon kaya gusto ko na lang rin sanang maranasan kung paano maging successful at maranasan maging totoong masaya.
Pasensya na po wala na akong ibang mapagsabihan, nakakatakot na rin magtiwala at magsabi sa iba, at least dito anonymous haha.
submitted by aspirer_ to OffMyChestPH [link] [comments]