Revelation flannery o connor text

Satisfaction - USA Network

2014.05.25 07:49 Satisfaction - USA Network

A subreddit all about the USA Network original drama TV show "Satisfaction", which centers around investment banker Neil Truman and his wife Grace, who confront their relationship and life–issues by making unconventional choices.

2024.05.15 16:15 saint_leonard .... automate scraping wikipedia info box specifically and print the data using python for any wiki page?

howdy i am trying to scrape all the Links of a large wikpedia page from the "List of Towns and Gemeinden in Bayern" on Wikipedia using python. The trouble is that I cannot figure out how to export all of the links containing the words "/wiki/" to my CSV file. I am used to Python a bit but some things are still kinda of foreign to me. Any ideas? Here is what I have so far...
see the main page:
and the subpage with the infobox:
and how i gather data:
import pandas
urlpage = ''
data = pandas.read_html(urlpage)[0]
null = data.isnull()
for x in range(len(data)):
first = data.iloc[x][0]
second = data.iloc[x][1] if not null.iloc[x][1] else ""
which runs perfectly see the output:
Basisdaten Basisdaten
Koordinaten: 49° 15′ N, 10° 58′ OKoordinaten: 49° 15′ N, 10° 58′ O
Bundesland: Bayern
Regierungsbezirk: Mittelfranken
Landkreis: Roth
Höhe: 414 m ü. NHN
Fläche: 48,41 km2
Einwohner: 5607 (31. Dez. 2022)[1]
Bevölkerungsdichte: 116 Einwohner je km2
Postleitzahl: 91183
Vorwahl: 09178
Kfz-Kennzeichen: RH, HIP
Gemeindeschlüssel: 09 5 76 111
Stadtgliederung: 14 Gemeindeteile
Adresse der Stadtverwaltung: Stillaplatz 1 91183 Abenberg
Erste Bürgermeisterin: Susanne König (parteilos)
Lage der Stadt Abenberg im Landkreis Roth Lage der Stadt Abenberg im Landkreis Roth
now the page above - that has got a lot of links - with names of towns and so on:
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
def fetch_city_links(list_url):
response = requests.get(list_url)
if response.status_code != 200:
print(f"Failed to retrieve the page: {list_url}")
return []
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.content, 'html.parser')
divs = soup.find_all('div', class_='column-multiple')
href_list = []
for div in divs:
li_items = div.find_all('li')
for li in li_items:
a_tags = li.find_all('a', href=True)
href_list.extend(['' + a['href'] for a in a_tags])
return href_list
def main():
list_url = ''
city_links = fetch_city_links(list_url)
# Print all the city links
for link in city_links:
if __name__ == "__main__":
this gives back the following: i have extracte them - here are the urls
now i am wanting to add them all to the site:
and feth the data of all infoboxes - - is this possible:
import pandas urlpage = '' data = pandas.read_html(urlpage)[0] null = data.isnull() for x in range(len(data)): first = data.iloc[x][0] second = data.iloc[x][1] if not null.iloc[x][1] else "" print(first,second,"\n") 
and subsequently add all to a dataframe - store it to a csv-file!?
import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import pandas as pd def fetch_city_links(list_url): response = requests.get(list_url) if response.status_code != 200: print(f"Failed to retrieve the page: {list_url}") return [] soup = BeautifulSoup(response.content, 'html.parser') divs = soup.find_all('div', class_='column-multiple') href_list = [] for div in divs: li_items = div.find_all('li') for li in li_items: a_tags = li.find_all('a', href=True) href_list.extend(['' + a['href'] for a in a_tags]) return href_list def scrape_infobox(url): response = requests.get(url) soup = BeautifulSoup(response.content, 'html.parser') infobox = soup.find('table', {'class': 'infobox'}) if not infobox: print(f"No infobox found on this page: {url}") return None data = {} for row in infobox.find_all('tr'): header = row.find('th') value = row.find('td') if header and value: data[header.get_text(" ", strip=True)] = value.get_text(" ", strip=True) return data def main(): list_url = '' city_links = fetch_city_links(list_url) all_data = [] for link in city_links: print(f"Scraping {link}") infobox_data = scrape_infobox(link) if infobox_data: infobox_data['URL'] = link all_data.append(infobox_data) df = pd.DataFrame(all_data) df.to_csv('wikipedia_infoboxes.csv', index=False) if __name__ == "__main__": main() 
but well - it does not give back a result
submitted by saint_leonard to learnprogramming [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:14 cashforsignup Test of newest Chatgpt version 4o

Challenging belief in Orthodox Judaism can involve presenting rigorous critiques and uncomfortable questions that probe deeply into its foundational claims and practices. Here are some sharper points that might challenge your view:

1. **Historical and Textual Criticism**

**Biblical Authorship**: The Documentary Hypothesis posits that the Torah was written by multiple authors over centuries. This contradicts the traditional belief in Mosaic authorship and divine revelation at Sinai. Scholars like Richard Elliott Friedman in "Who Wrote the Bible?" provide compelling evidence that the Torah is a composite text, reflecting different theological and political agendas over time .
**Archaeological Discrepancies**: There is scant archaeological evidence for key events described in the Torah, such as the Exodus from Egypt or the conquest of Canaan. Renowned archaeologists like Israel Finkelstein argue that these stories are largely mythological, constructed to forge a national identity during the late Iron Age .

2. **Moral and Ethical Challenges**

**Problem of Evil**: The existence of profound suffering, including events like the Holocaust, raises serious questions about the nature of a benevolent and omnipotent God. Theodicies (justifications of God in the face of evil) often seem insufficient or unconvincing when faced with the scale of human and natural suffering. Thinkers like Elie Wiesel have grappled deeply with the silence of God during such atrocities .
**Problematic Laws**: The Torah and Talmud contain laws and directives that appear morally problematic by modern standards. For example, the treatment of women as property, the harsh punishments for homosexual acts, and the laws regarding slavery are difficult to reconcile with contemporary ethics. These texts reflect the norms of ancient Near Eastern societies rather than a timeless moral truth.

3. **Scientific Challenges**

**Creation vs. Evolution**: The Genesis creation narrative is at odds with the overwhelming scientific evidence supporting the theory of evolution and the age of the Earth. Literal interpretations of these texts lead to conflicts with well-established scientific facts. Prominent scientists like Richard Dawkins argue that religious explanations are vastly inferior to scientific ones in explaining the natural world .
**Age of the Universe**: The traditional Jewish calendar dates the creation of the world to around 5784 years ago, which starkly contrasts with the scientific consensus that the universe is approximately 13.8 billion years old. This discrepancy challenges the literal truth of the Torah’s timeline and narrative .

4. **Philosophical Challenges**

**Free Will vs. Omniscience**: The concept of free will is central to Jewish thought, yet it is difficult to reconcile with the belief in an all-knowing God. If God knows everything that will happen, then human choices seem predetermined, raising questions about the nature of responsibility and morality. Philosophers like Baruch Spinoza have argued that this inconsistency undermines the coherence of theistic beliefs .
**Religious Pluralism**: The existence of many religions, each with their own claims to truth and divine revelation, challenges the exclusivity of Orthodox Judaism. If other religions also claim to be divinely inspired, what makes Judaism’s claims more valid? This plurality suggests that religious belief may be more about cultural and historical context than absolute truth.

5. **Social and Cultural Challenges**

**Modernity and Secularism**: The rise of secularism and the integration of Jews into modern, pluralistic societies pose significant challenges to maintaining traditional Orthodox practices and beliefs. Many find it increasingly difficult to adhere to strict religious norms that clash with contemporary values and lifestyles, leading to a growing trend of secularism and assimilation.
**Internal Diversity and Conflict**: Within Orthodox Judaism itself, there are significant differences and conflicts between various groups (e.g., Modern Orthodox vs. Haredi). These internal divisions highlight the lack of a unified approach to Jewish law and life, suggesting that even within Orthodoxy, beliefs and practices are far from monolithic.


Engaging with these challenges critically and honestly is essential for a robust understanding of one's faith. Orthodox Judaism, like all belief systems, should be open to scrutiny and re-evaluation in light of new evidence and arguments. This process can lead to a deeper and more nuanced faith, or it may lead to a rethinking of previously held beliefs.
  1. Friedman, Richard Elliott. "Who Wrote the Bible?"
  2. Finkelstein, Israel, and Neil Asher Silberman. "The Bible Unearthed."
  3. Wiesel, Elie. "Night."
  4. Dawkins, Richard. "The God Delusion."
  5. Spinoza, Baruch. "Ethics."
  6. "Archaeology and the Bible" – Various Academic Sources.
submitted by cashforsignup to exjew [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:14 saint_leonard automate scraping wikipedia info box specifically and print the data using python for any wiki page?

howdy i am trying to scrape all the Links of a large wikpedia page from the "List of Towns and Gemeinden in Bayern" on Wikipedia using python. The trouble is that I cannot figure out how to export all of the links containing the words "/wiki/" to my CSV file. I am used to Python a bit but some things are still kinda of foreign to me. Any ideas? Here is what I have so far...
see the main page:
and the subpage with the infobox:
and how i gather data:
import pandas
urlpage = ''
data = pandas.read_html(urlpage)[0]
null = data.isnull()
for x in range(len(data)):
first = data.iloc[x][0]
second = data.iloc[x][1] if not null.iloc[x][1] else ""
which runs perfectly see the output:
Basisdaten Basisdaten
Koordinaten: 49° 15′ N, 10° 58′ OKoordinaten: 49° 15′ N, 10° 58′ O
Bundesland: Bayern
Regierungsbezirk: Mittelfranken
Landkreis: Roth
Höhe: 414 m ü. NHN
Fläche: 48,41 km2
Einwohner: 5607 (31. Dez. 2022)[1]
Bevölkerungsdichte: 116 Einwohner je km2
Postleitzahl: 91183
Vorwahl: 09178
Kfz-Kennzeichen: RH, HIP
Gemeindeschlüssel: 09 5 76 111
Stadtgliederung: 14 Gemeindeteile
Adresse der Stadtverwaltung: Stillaplatz 1 91183 Abenberg
Erste Bürgermeisterin: Susanne König (parteilos)
Lage der Stadt Abenberg im Landkreis Roth Lage der Stadt Abenberg im Landkreis Roth
now the page above - that has got a lot of links - with names of towns and so on:
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
def fetch_city_links(list_url):
response = requests.get(list_url)
if response.status_code != 200:
print(f"Failed to retrieve the page: {list_url}")
return []
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.content, 'html.parser')
divs = soup.find_all('div', class_='column-multiple')
href_list = []
for div in divs:
li_items = div.find_all('li')
for li in li_items:
a_tags = li.find_all('a', href=True)
href_list.extend(['' + a['href'] for a in a_tags])
return href_list
def main():
list_url = ''
city_links = fetch_city_links(list_url)
# Print all the city links
for link in city_links:
if __name__ == "__main__":
this gives back the following: i have extracte them - here are the urls
now i am wanting to add them all to the site:
and feth the data of all infoboxes - - is this possible:
import pandas urlpage = '' data = pandas.read_html(urlpage)[0] null = data.isnull() for x in range(len(data)): first = data.iloc[x][0] second = data.iloc[x][1] if not null.iloc[x][1] else "" print(first,second,"\n") 
and subsequently add all to a dataframe - store it to a csv-file!?
import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import pandas as pd def fetch_city_links(list_url): response = requests.get(list_url) if response.status_code != 200: print(f"Failed to retrieve the page: {list_url}") return [] soup = BeautifulSoup(response.content, 'html.parser') divs = soup.find_all('div', class_='column-multiple') href_list = [] for div in divs: li_items = div.find_all('li') for li in li_items: a_tags = li.find_all('a', href=True) href_list.extend(['' + a['href'] for a in a_tags]) return href_list def scrape_infobox(url): response = requests.get(url) soup = BeautifulSoup(response.content, 'html.parser') infobox = soup.find('table', {'class': 'infobox'}) if not infobox: print(f"No infobox found on this page: {url}") return None data = {} for row in infobox.find_all('tr'): header = row.find('th') value = row.find('td') if header and value: data[header.get_text(" ", strip=True)] = value.get_text(" ", strip=True) return data def main(): list_url = '' city_links = fetch_city_links(list_url) all_data = [] for link in city_links: print(f"Scraping {link}") infobox_data = scrape_infobox(link) if infobox_data: infobox_data['URL'] = link all_data.append(infobox_data) df = pd.DataFrame(all_data) df.to_csv('wikipedia_infoboxes.csv', index=False) if __name__ == "__main__": main() 
but well - it does not give back a result
submitted by saint_leonard to learnpython [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:59 th3_warri0r Controlul Sănătății Țintei pentru Eliminare Fizică {Arta Raboiului Hibrid}

În strategia unui război hibrid, controlul sănătății unei ținte reprezintă o tactică extrem de eficientă pentru a asigura obediența sau, în caz de neconformare, eliminarea fizică a acesteia. Un mod discret și eficient de a submina sănătatea țintei este facilitarea angajării într-un mediu de lucru toxic, unde expunerea constantă la substanțe periculoase va avea, inevitabil, efecte negative pe termen lung.

1. Identificarea și pregătirea mediului toxic

Pentru a implementa această tactică:

2. Facilitarea angajării țintei

Odată identificat mediul toxic, următorul pas este:

3. Menținerea expunerii la mediu toxic

Pentru a garanta că ținta nu poate părăsi locul de muncă toxic:

4. Exploatarea deteriorării sănătății

Pe măsură ce sănătatea țintei se degradează din cauza expunerii continue:

5. Decizia de eliminare fizică

În cazul în care ținta refuză să se conformeze ordinelor:


Prin controlul mediului de muncă și expunerea la condiții toxice, avem la dispoziție un instrument eficient pentru a asigura obediența sau eliminarea fizică a țintei, dacă aceasta nu se conformează ordinelor noastre. Acest capitol demonstrează cum, în cadrul unui război hibrid, sănătatea poate fi folosită ca o armă subtilă, dar letală.
Notă: Acest text este fictiv și nu are legătură cu realitatea. Nu încurajăm, nu susținem și nu recomandăm utilizarea metodelor descrise în acest capitol în viața reală. Acțiunile descrise sunt extrem de imorale, ilegale și pot avea consecințe grave asupra tuturor celor implicați. Acest material este pur ficțional și destinat doar explorării teoretice a conceptului de război hibrid.
submitted by th3_warri0r to u/th3_warri0r [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:49 SE_Ranking SEO News: Spam update, Google I/O, GPT-4o, Apple is considering a partnership with OpenAI

The anticipated second wave of the spam update has begun
But it’s a bit of a Schrödinger’s cat situation—it has and hasn’t started at the same time. Google is deliberately not rushing to notify us about anything, even though sites have already started getting penalized.
When asked why the update hasn't been announced on the dashboard, Sullivan replied that only manual actions are currently being issued, while the algorithmic part hasn't begun yet.
On the bright side, there are already cases where manual penalties have been successfully removed from sites, leading to their search visibility being restored.
To recap, this “part” of the Spam Update concerns the Site reputation abuse policy, which Google announced in March along with Scaled content abuse and Expired domain abuse. Another point that must be mentioned is that Google has recently emphasized that Site reputation abuse isn't about linking; it’s about using another domain's reputation for your own benefit.
Product review summary labels
Brief highlights of product features on review cards. Google is now showing these short summaries of reviews by placing a label over the review with one or a few words. So the labels might show "low quality," "compact," "lightweight," "performs well" and so on.
(to come) Number of shoppers next to site
Google plans to display the number of recent shoppers on your site in its search results. We’re talking about labels like "1K shopped here recently," data on which will be pulled from your Merchant Center.
The idea is to "build shopper confidence in your business."
However, many users are unhappy with their sales stats becoming publicly available even in this format. For such users, Google provides an option to opt out. But keep in mind that even then, Google will continue to use your data "to power various annotations and features that benefit your performance."
Local SEO
(test) Only local listing for ‘near me’ queries
In an experiment, Google is showing only GBP listings for “X near me” queries. Not a single traditional snippet leading to websites.
1) Yesterday’s Google I/O presentation
The search giant has announced their new developments related to AI.
Here’s what stood out: SGE is finally going live this week under the name AI Overviews. For the time being, it will only be available to users in the US “with more countries coming soon”.
Danny Sullivan claims that the feature has almost fully been rolled out. He also mentioned that people use search more when this feature is available, and are ultimately more satisfied with the results. And all of this comes despite SGE’s earlier advice suggesting that users drink urine to treat kidney stones.
Oh, well..)
A number of other new features were announced, which will be available only for the US market in English through Search Labs:
We must mention that OpenAI’s CEO Sam Altman decided to steal some of Google’s thunder by releasing a new product that “feels like magic” just a day before the search colossal’s I/O.
Everyone speculated about what it might be—a search engine, a voice assistant... Altman said that the team has been working extra hard on the update, and it turned out to be quite the gem.
2) The super product turned out to be GPT-4o
What makes GPT-4o so gosh darn fantastic?
The big news is that the team over at OpenAI has improved its multimodal voice assistant. Now it clearly understands text, photos, and videos.
Moreover, you can talk to the model in real-time, get it to translate conversations, understand and explain code, share your camera and ask questions about what’s in the view. To boot, I was just blown away by its ability to sing, tell stories with intonation, and keep a conversation going even if I occasionally interrupt it.
The best part? Chat mode will be free for everyone!
Plus, the API will be available at half the cost of Turbo, with five times the usage limits and twice the speed. We'll start getting access to this amazing tool in the coming weeks.
They also hinted at real-time search features, but this wasn't included in the final demo.
3) By the way, Apple is considering a partnership with OpenAI
Their goal is to make ChatGPT available on iPhones, starting with iOS 18, which will open up a whole range of AI-powered possibilities for Apple smartphone device owners.
For context, there have already been discussions that Siri “doesn't measure up” by modern standards and needs a “brain transplant.”
submitted by SE_Ranking to SEO [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:42 Outrageous-While-609 Hands down to THE best character SQ in terms of the region's lore

Hands down to THE best character SQ in terms of the region's lore
The glorius animated fight sequence.
The lore drop about Gurabad that was intoduced in Hadramaveth patch and its connection to the Temple of Silence. How Deshret death brings destruction to the desert civilization and the revelation of Hermanubis being people of the Valuka Shuna/Tighnari's species.
Also the animated cutscene really good for those who like lore but too overwhelmed by the in-game story text.
submitted by Outrageous-While-609 to Genshin_Impact [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:34 lbabinz [PSN] Digital PlayStation Game Sale

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A Space For The Unbound $16.19 $26.99 40% off New Lowest
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The Ascent Ps4 Ps5 $9.99 $39.99 75% off Matches low
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submitted by lbabinz to VideoGameDealsCanada [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:33 th3_warri0r Lachirea {Arta Raboiului Hibrid}

Discreditarea Țintei prin „Lachire”
Notă: Acest text este fictiv și nu are legătură cu realitatea. Nu încurajăm, nu susținem și nu recomandăm utilizarea metodelor descrise în acest capitol în viața reală. Acțiunile descrise sunt extrem de imorale, ilegale și pot avea consecințe grave asupra tuturor celor implicați. Acest material este pur ficțional și destinat doar explorării teoretice a conceptului de război hibrid.
În cadrul războiului hibrid, una dintre cele mai eficiente metode de a destabiliza și discredita o țintă este atacul psihologic și emoțional. Un astfel de atac, denumit „lachirea”, este preluat din mediul carceral, unde este folosit pentru a umili și submina statutul unui individ. În acest capitol, vom explora cum această metodă poate fi aplicată în contextul social pentru a reduce la zero credibilitatea și respectul țintei în ochii celor din jur.

1. Identificarea țintei și contextul ideal

Primul pas este identificarea unui moment în care ținta va fi vulnerabilă și expusă publicului. Petrecerile sau evenimentele sociale reprezintă ocazii ideale, unde ținta este înconjurată de prieteni, colegi și cunoștințe.

2. Recrutarea colaboratorilor

Este esențial să găsim un individ sau mai mulți care să fie dispuși să participe la plan. În cazul în care nu există voluntari motivați de propria animozitate față de țintă, vom recurge la alternative:

3. Pregătirea scenariului

După ce am asigurat colaboratorii, urmează să planificăm acțiunea propriu-zisă:

4. Executarea planului

Pe parcursul petrecerii, colaboratorul nostru va:

5. Observarea și documentarea

După ce ținta a consumat băutura alterată:

6. Diseminarea informației

Odată ce ținta a fost umilită public sau a avut un comportament compromițător:

7. Gestionarea consecințelor

Pentru a maximiza impactul și a asigura că discreditarea este completă:


În războiul hibrid, metodele de discreditare și umilire a unei ținte nu se opresc la utilizarea alcoolului. În funcție de cât de intens dorim să fie efectul și de cât de gravă să fie umilirea, putem înlocui alcoolul cu droguri, urină sau alte substanțe menite să provoace reacții extreme și să distrugă complet reputația țintei. Este esențial să ne amintim că într-un război hibrid, nu există limite și toate mijloacele sunt permise pentru a obține victoria.
Prin utilizarea metodei „lachirii” în contextul social, reușim să distrugem imaginea și credibilitatea țintei într-un mod subtil și eficient. Această abordare nu doar că umilește individul în fața cunoscuților săi, dar creează și un climat de neîncredere și izolare socială care poate avea efecte devastatoare pe termen lung.
Însă, trebuie să fim conștienți că astfel de acțiuni vin cu riscuri și pot genera consecințe legale și etice. Prin urmare, planificarea meticuloasă și execuția fără greșeală sunt esențiale pentru a ne asigura că obiectivul nostru este atins fără a ne compromite proprii agenți sau strategia generală.
Notă: Acest text este fictiv și nu are legătură cu realitatea. Nu încurajăm, nu susținem și nu recomandăm utilizarea metodelor descrise în acest capitol în viața reală. Acțiunile descrise sunt extrem de imorale, ilegale și pot avea consecințe grave asupra tuturor celor implicați. Acest material este pur ficțional și destinat doar explorării teoretice a conceptului de război hibrid.
submitted by th3_warri0r to u/th3_warri0r [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:33 MatthewsKesselSundin Its been a year and I’m still not over it

Last summer I broke things off with my ex gf and I am still really struggling to move on.
I’m in my mid-20s, but I didn’t really date much in my teens or early 20s because I was always just too busy to. She was the first woman I’ve ever really felt a special connection with, and she’s the only woman, that isn’t a family member, that I’ve ever genuinely loved with my whole heart. Because she was my first love, I don’t really have a frame of reference for how this process of moving on is supposed to go.
After I broke up with her, I cut ties completely. All of our texts gone, gifts and keepsakes tossed in the trash, all pictures of her deleted. I haven’t even seen a photo of her since we split. I tried to make a very clean break. No-contact was broken once, around my birthday, so she could apologize for the things she said leading up to the breakup. And that’s all I’ve seen or heard from her in a year.
The problem is that I’m still very in love with her somehow and I just can’t stop thinking about her. Either missing her so much or hating her for how much pain she put me through. It makes me sick that I still feel this way. I wanted to dump her for over a month before I finally did it. I know it was the right choice because my quality of life has been much better since leaving. I really would just like to stop thinking about her. It makes me feel gross and obsessive to still be having these thought. It feels like I’ve done all the right things to move on, but I just haven’t yet.
I’ve tried to get back out there and date after the breakup, but it just hasn’t been working and I feel like a lot of that is my fault because I just can’t get over my ex. Whenever I’m getting to know a new potential partner, it always feels extremely overwhelming. It’s hard to put into words, but especially texting back and forth seems like a huge task and gives me major anxiety. I sometimes feel that I can’t put aside the energy to send those texts unless I’m alone and somewhere where I feel fully relaxed. It never used to be like this. The relationship did have a bit of a verbally abusive element to it, which probably left an impact on me in this way.
There was one girl I was really starting to like and who I hit it off with well, but it didn’t work out and looking back, I found that I was constantly comparing her to my ex without realizing it, like “my ex would have said this” or “this date would be way more fun with my ex”, etc. I’ve heard from a mutual that she’s been in and out of a relationship since our breakup, which makes me feel like she’s been able to move on while I’m stuck.
Do I just need to keep doing me and let it fade? Is it a good idea for me to be dating or is it unfair for me to see someone while I’m still hung up on someone else? At 27, with many o my friends locking down and getting engaged, it’s starting to feel like the pressure is on for me to find my person.
submitted by MatthewsKesselSundin to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:18 Brodator Solace UHC Statistics (S1-S33)

Solace Statistics


S1: Cahnner
S2: Permm, iWrekt, Krbreb
S3: DumbThiccNick, risn, Sigtash, soakle
S4: adrmf
S5: FLOWTIVES, marceloifhy
S6: mxrwzndood
S7: FLOWTIVES, Gleoss, Zopho_
S9: Gleoss, Zoroh, ANJELLOH, downkey
S10: Zoroh
S11: Raying, 5ize, lapppp
S12: Zoroh
S13: Gleoss, Zoroh
S14: cnner
S15: adrmf, Bobbytheturtle, brocktober, checog, Lynxo, PotatoPlayer_, zewgle, _carn, 5idekick, downkey, MarcoThePh0enix
S16: PizzqWithAQ, adrmf, spellygod
S17: PupperKun
S18: checog, Crayonix, spellygod, rodfather
S20: LLEANN, LUCRODIUM, _pbo, spellygod, Dcrpy, LZNAR, PotatoPlayer_, Scyles, Zoroh
S21: spellygod
S22: adrmf, retrys, spellygod, jubatyson, KennyTee
S23: lapppp
S24: adrmf, Gleoss
S25: Captureee, Ginzburg, colbay, naseemXBT
S26: xtiger34
S27: kendawg_g, StrengthDMN, FLOWTIVES
S28: PizzqWithAQ, Scyles
S29: PizzqWithAQ, skyzfy, Gleoss, lapppp, MisaSama
S30: brinkwhy, GrassPiece, skyzfy
S31: mxrwzndood
S32: lapppp, LUCRODIUM
S33: BruceTheNinja10, LUCRODIUM, SAYNAR, Dargxn, Dreamfall, Erdql, TheShippFloats, hypcr, lapppp

Runner(s) Up

S2: FLOWTIVES, Gleeming, Scyles
S3: LUCRODIUM, PolarTaco, Raying, ZachConnor
S4: maccwyatt
S5: AiroKun, Cahnner
S6: AvyleZ
S7: benidk, samdave, ZachConnor
S8: lapppp
S9: Dcrpy, IdkKiller, PingBomb, xtiger34
S10: Greninja
S11: AiroKun, FishManIsPotato, hypcr
S12: samdave
S13: brinkwhy, downkey
S14: Bulbexe
S15: IdkKiller, Kartracer, Kelldeo, MisaSama, notrhain, PizzqWithAQ, 5HARPGOD, spellygod, TheSlimeBrother, QuacksL, ToeKun
S16: LZNAR, lapppp, samdave
S17: lapppp
S18: DripGodDavid, hypcr, samdave, tonylmao
S19: Gleoss, Zoroh
S20: _1mmortal_, 4runnermaster, ArcticSeagull, Aybel, bayweafs, carterwarterbear, DeadpoolUHC, Demomaker, Hrray, Lynxo, Gleoss, GodlySteal, Gott_aka_Leonard, Kaismartypants, ilylazaro, Luca_Kgaming, nug17, onstep, RollRealQuick, Colozi, Slooshyy, St0rmplayz, Stravilight, TitaniumDino25, UbiquityHD, WoodFired, ShmeckleBoy, Zebobo10, Zopho_, jubatyson
S22: BENJADDD, FroztiSnowman, IZUR, lapppp, Xifto
S23: soakle
S24: onstep, skyzfy
S25: AiroKun, Greninja, Luca_Kgaming, theTrapDoor
S26: FishManIsPotato
S27: checog, PupperKun, xtiger34
S28: Captureee, dahii
S29: adrmf, Captureee, Ginzburg, GrassPiece, Luca_Kgaming, maccwyatt, derekast, PupperKun, Shm3e, zCent
S30: CipherKai, lamzyk, xtiger34
S31: lamzyk
S32: colbay, tonylmao
S33: _1mmortal_, benidk, carterwarterbear, CHAINGE, flameh, ranmari, ScaryPumpkinFace, Spongey, Supersun_

Most Kills

S2: PizzqWithAQ (9)
S4: adrmf (7)
S6: mxrwzndood (9)
S9: FLOWTIVES, Gleoss (8)
S10: Zoroh (13)
S11: hypcr (11)
S12: willif (8)
S13: Zoroh (15)
S14: FLOWTIVES, cnner (9)
S15: skyzfy (7)
S16: adrmf, spellygod (9)
S17: Strikeroonie, checog (9)
S18: Dargxn (7)
S19: Cirex (11)
S20: Dizzying (9)
S21: lapppp (13)
S22: adrmf (14)
S23: lapppp (10)
S24: Gleoss (8)
S25: Captureee (6)
S26: FishManIsPotato (8)
S27: swishduck, adrmf, PupperKun, kendawg_g, StrengthDMN (5)
S28: adrmf (9)
S29: skyzfy (8)
S30: skyzfy (7)
S31: mxrwzndood (12)
S32: lapppp (7)
S33: lapppp (5)

Most Kills (Team)

S2: iWrekt (3), Krbreb (6), Permm (6)
S3: brinkwhy (4), colbay (3), hypcr (0), StrengthDMN (0)
S4: adrmf (7)
S5: FLOWTIVES (12), marceloifhy (2)
S6: mxrwzndood (9)
S7: FLOWTIVES (11), Gleoss (5), Zopho_ (1)
S9: ANJELLOH (0), downkey (0), Gleoss (8), Zoroh (6)
S10: Zoroh (13)
S11: 5ize (3), lapppp (7), Raying (6)
S12: willif (8)
S13: Gleoss (5), Zoroh (15)
S15: _carn (1), adrmf (6), 5idekick (0), Bobbytheturtle (2), brocktober (0), checog (5), downkey (2), Lynxo (1), MarcoThePh0enix (0), PotatoPlayer_ (1), zewgle (4)
S16: PizzqWithAQ (5), adrmf (9), spellygod (9)
S17: Strikeroonie (9)
S18: checog (5), Crayonix (4), rodfather (2), spellygod (3)
S19: Cirex (11), FLOWTIVES (8)
S20: Senkhi (2), colbay (2), Crayonix (0), Dizzying (9), ethodog (0), FLOWTIVES (4), HUQTER (1), JayNonsense (0), marceloifhy (2), hashtagmat (0), skyzfy (2), theTrapDoor (2), winterf (1)
S21: lapppp (13)
S22: adrmf (14), KennyTee (2), retrys (7), spellygod (3), jubatyson (4)
S23: lapppp (10)
S24: adrmf (7), Gleoss (8)
S25: Captureee (6), Ginzburg (2), colbay (3), naseemXBT (1)
S26: FishManIsPotato (8)
S27: FLOWTIVES (0), kendawg_g (5), StrengthDMN (5)
S28: adrmf (9), upraise (5)
S29: Gleoss (1), lapppp (7), MisaSama (0), PizzqWithAQ (6), skyzfy (8)
S30: brinkwhy (2), GrassPiece (5), skyzfy (7)
S31: mxrwzndood (12)
S32: lapppp (7), LUCRODIUM (3)
S33: BruceTheNinja10 (2), Dargxn (2), Dreamfall (0), Erdql (1), TheShippFloats (1), hypcr (1), lapppp (5), LUCRODIUM (3), SAYNAR (4)

First Blood

S1: Shqkster
S2: downkey
S4: Senkhi
S5: loyaltea
S6: PizzqWithAQ
S7: ERHDude
S8: Emplacement
S9: ArcticSeagull
S10: Lynxo
S11: Zoroh
S12: broccoliar
S14: FearThrows
S16: tonylmao
S17: ghostblurr
S19: xtiger34
S20: DripGodDavid
S21: kirkfr
S22: Strikeroonie
S23: lapppp
S24: Ryfri
S25: soakle
S26: BruceTheNinja10
S28: Stravilight
S29: BruceTheNinja10
S30: benidk
S31: ranmari
S32: willif
S33: Flcnt

First Death

S1: Sigtash
S2: repped
S3: soakle
S4: mxcros
S5: maccwyatt
S6: Suzunexd
S7: NotChewi
S8: DogInCar
S9: ilylazaro
S10: PolarTaco
S11: PizzqWithAQ
S12: StepBroImStuck1
S13: ranmari
S14: remyyyyyy
S15: xDiversity
S16: QuacksL
S17: emi1iano
S18: BackToAfrica
S19: chrisrokay
S20: adrmf
S21: Aybel
S22: _1mmortal_
S23: Vrehv
S24: Slooshyy
S25: idklyn
S26: choiceband
S27: HalfLechuga
S28: Luca_Kgaming
S29: EivLs
S30: retrys
S32: Fcrm
S33: Dreamfall


S1: chimah
S2: Bofishkix
S3: IsoLights
S4: slxps
S5: Emplacement
S6: PwincessVanessa
S7: Charrlottie
S8: BraydenB11
S9: MangoPlayz
S10: Bulbexe
S11: xMisha
S12: Nightshqdee
S13: jjsteeples
S14: BanMoon
S15: Kartracer
S16: Lynxo
S17: ceije
S18: PupperKun
S19: Luca_Kgaming
S20: _pbo
S21: lasdarling
S22: Hpark03
S23: CommanderK22_
S24: omchris
S25: Krbreb
S26: _carn
S27: Slooshyy
S28: Supersun_
S29: TheRealHagrid
S30: PupperKun
S31: dylxnd
S32: soakle
S33: Haydcn

First Damage

S1: Mvte
S2: Scyles
S3: Dredex
S4: chimah
S5: Greatwarrior_
S6: Emplacement
S7: ranmari
S8: dahii
S9: PwincessVanessa
S10: PotatoPlayer_
S11: 5ize
S12: 5idekick
S13: YouCheated
S14: FearThrows
S15: Kelldeo
S16: RohanSmashBro
S17: broccoliar
S18: emi1iano
S19: broccoliar
S20: broccoliar
S21: broccoliar
S22: broccoliar
S23: peppermint
S24: InProper
S25: choiceband
S26: vegis
S27: broccoliar
S28: broccoliar
S29: derekast
S30: dahii
S32: onstep
S33: Dreamfall

Kills & Kill/Death Ratio (KDR)

Too big so linked here (Part 1)
Too big so linked here (Part 2)

PvE Deaths

Gravity (25): SpaceFenix (S2), NotChewi (S7), Slooshyy (S9), Zeko_Kun (S13), Slooshyy (S13), Jkkl (S16), HalfLechuga (S16), Stravilight (S16), MisaSama (S16), solnyy (S16), emi1iano (S17), Glarza (S19), JayNonsense (S20), omchris (S21), 5idekick (S23), idklyn (S25), DumbThiccNick (S26), Sigtash (S27), FishManIsPotato (S27), onstep (S27), MisaSama (S27), adrmf (S27), retrys (S30), dontbow (S30), jasondoa (S30)
Lava (13): DogInCar (S8), kendawg_g (S9), Dargxn (S10), Stornette (S12), QuacksL (S16), ArcticSeagull (S20), Aybel (S21), JIMMY453 (S21), JIMMY453 (S23), Shqkster (S26), Evxn063 (S28), hypcr (S30), spellygod (S32)
Left (11): SariiTaaa (S7), dylxnd (S8), ilylazaro (S9), risn (S11), Cheetah_16 (S11), TPolls (S16), mxcros (S16), K0REDRAG0N (S23), HalfLechuga (S27), Luca_Kgaming (S28), GodlySteal (S29)
Cacedoupamso (6): Haydcn (S8), brinkwhy (S8), toggleuhc (S8), samdave (S8), St0rmplayz (S8), DanishDrill (S8)
Creeper (5): Gleeming (S2), FearThrows (S2), Emplacement (S2), AdonisGaming (S2), FLOWTIVES (S31)
Suffocation (4): Sigtash (S1), repped (S2), bayweafs (S16), PitSolitayrh (S23)
Fire (3): 14flyte (S8), Luca_Kgaming (S8), PolarTaco (S10)
ImChilly (2): ToeKun (S8), AiroKun (S8)
Krbreb (2): RohanSmashBro (S14), Daltun (S14)
Zombie (2): Shqkster (S28), EivLs (S29)
Anvil (1): repped (S3)
Unknown (1): Pahm (S3)
Drowning (1): Dargxn (S5)
Blew Up (1): PizzqWithAQ (S11)
IronGolem (1): StepBroImStuck1 (S12)
Withered Away (1): Slooshyy (S14)
Cactus (1): adrmf (S20)
CaveSpider (1): BEESTARG (S21)
Gamemode (1): omchris (S24)


31(1): brinkwhy (S1-S31)
28(2): FLOWTIVES (S1-S10,S13-S17,S19-S29,S31,S33), benidk (S4-S28,S30-S31,S33)
27(1): lapppp (S5-S25,S27,S29-S33)
26(1): skyzfy (S3,S6-S22,S24-S31)
24(2): Gleoss (S2,S4,S6-S7,S9-S20,S22-S26,S28-S29,S33), carterwarterbear (S8-S10,S12,S14-S33)
23(2): Shqkster (S1-S3,S6-S9,S12-S17,S20,S22,S26-S33), Zoroh (S4,S6,S8-S23,S26-S28,S31-S32)
21(3): soakle (S1-S4,S6-S7,S10-S11,S13,S17-S21,S23-S25,S27-S28,S31-S32), L1GHT1NG (S5-S9,S12,S14-S20,S22,S26-S29,S31-S33), PotatoPlayer_ (S5,S8,S10,S12-S13,S15-S16,S18-S23,S26-S33)
20(5): ranmari (S1,S3-S4,S6-S8,S10-S14,S16-S17,S21,S24-S26,S31-S33), spellygod (S2-S7,S9,S15-S22,S25,S29,S31-S33), DripGodDavid (S6-S7,S9-S11,S13-S16,S18-S21,S23-S24,S26-S29,S31), St0rmplayz (S6-S17,S20-S23,S26-S28,S31), Crayonix (S8-S16,S18,S20-S21,S23-S24,S26-S27,S29,S31-S33)
19(7): Dargxn (S1,S5,S7-S10,S12-S18,S22-S23,S25-S26,S31,S33), HUQTER (S1-S6,S8,S10,S15,S20-S21,S23-S24,S26-S29,S32-S33), LUCRODIUM (S2-S3,S15-S28,S31-S33), adrmf (S4-S5,S9,S11,S15-S16,S18-S29,S31), willif (S5-S10,S12-S17,S20-S21,S23,S25,S31-S33), _carn (S6-S8,S11-S12,S15-S17,S19,S21-S22,S24,S26-S32), RohanSmashBro (S6-S9,S11-S18,S24-S27,S29-S31)
18(6): Stravilight (S1,S5-S8,S10,S12-S13,S16-S17,S19-S21,S23,S26,S28-S29,S31), ArcticSeagull (S2,S6-S10,S12-S17,S20-S21,S24-S25,S27-S28), IdkKiller (S3-S6,S8-S9,S12-S16,S18-S21,S26-S27,S32), WoodFired (S5-S8,S11-S12,S14,S16-S22,S24,S26-S27,S31), onstep (S6-S8,S10,S16,S18-S24,S26-S29,S31-S32), ToeKun (S6-S12,S14-S19,S22,S24-S25,S27,S30)
17(4): kirkfr (S2,S5-S9,S12-S19,S21-S22,S28), DJoee (S5-S7,S15-S16,S18,S20-S21,S24-S31,S33), Slooshyy (S7-S9,S11,S13-S14,S17-S24,S27,S29,S31), HalfLechuga (S9-S10,S12,S14-S16,S20-S22,S24-S29,S31-S32)
16(7): downkey (S1-S2,S8-S16,S18,S21-S23,S31), MangoPlayz (S1-S3,S5-S10,S13-S14,S16-S17,S19,S23,S25), checog (S2,S9,S12,S15-S20,S22,S24-S29), AiroKun (S5,S7-S13,S16-S19,S21,S25-S26,S29), MisaSama (S14-S18,S20-S21,S23-S29,S31,S33), zCent (S14-S19,S21-S24,S27,S29-S33), PupperKun (S17-S20,S22-S33)
15(8): Bulbexe (S2-S10,S12,S14-S15,S17,S19,S24), samdave (S2-S3,S5,S7-S8,S10-S13,S15-S18,S20-S21), DumbThiccNick (S3-S6,S8-S9,S11-S12,S18-S19,S21,S23-S26), hypcr (S3,S5,S11,S13,S15-S16,S18,S21-S25,S28,S30,S33), Lynxo (S4-S6,S8,S10-S13,S15-S21), Cloversss (S6-S8,S12,S14-S15,S19,S22-S24,S27,S29-S31,S33), Luca_Kgaming (S8,S16-S20,S22-S23,S25-S29,S32-S33), bayweafs (S12-S17,S19-S21,S24-S25,S29-S31,S33)
14(7): broccoliar (S1,S10,S12,S16-S17,S19-S22,S27-S28,S30-S31,S33), PizzqWithAQ (S2,S5-S7,S9,S11,S14-S16,S18-S20,S28-S29), Dizzying (S5-S7,S12-S17,S20-S22,S31,S33), _1mmortal_ (S7,S9-S13,S16-S18,S20,S22,S29-S30,S33), remyyyyyy (S10,S14-S22,S25-S27,S29), Kaismartypants (S17,S19-S21,S24-S33), theTrapDoor (S18-S23,S25-S27,S29-S33)
13(7): XERNE5 (S2-S5,S7-S11,S14,S16-S18), xMisha (S5-S7,S9-S12,S14,S17-S20,S23), alcxz (S6-S10,S12-S14,S16,S19,S24,S29,S31), RollRealQuick (S10,S12-S14,S16,S18-S22,S27,S31,S33), BENJADDD (S12-S16,S19,S21-S24,S26,S32-S33), winterf (S12-S14,S16-S20,S22,S25-S26,S28,S31), LUKAD0NCIC (S17-S18,S20-S21,S23-S27,S29,S31-S33)
12(12): PwincessVanessa (S1-S2,S4-S11,S13,S18), Senkhi (S1,S4-S5,S8-S9,S16,S19-S21,S23-S24,S29), kendawg_g (S2-S3,S6-S7,S9,S11,S15,S26-S29,S31), upraise (S2,S4-S9,S15,S24-S25,S27-S28), Haydcn (S4-S6,S8-S9,S16,S18-S19,S21,S23,S30,S33), tonylmao (S5,S7-S10,S15-S16,S18-S20,S31-S32), Zeesue (S5,S8-S12,S15-S18,S31,S33), Zebobo10 (S6-S9,S12-S14,S20,S22,S26,S28,S31), 5idekick (S8-S10,S12,S15-S17,S19,S23-S24,S27-S28), dahii (S8,S10,S19,S21-S22,S24-S25,S27-S28,S30-S31,S33), GodlySteal (S15-S17,S19-S23,S26-S27,S29,S32), sgouche (S21-S25,S27-S33)
11(5): risn (S2-S7,S11,S15-S17,S19), CipherKai (S4,S6-S7,S9-S10,S12,S14,S17,S24,S30,S33), brinniex (S5-S13,S15-S16), Kaddyn (S7-S11,S17,S19,S27,S30-S31,S33), xtiger34 (S9,S15,S17,S19-S20,S24,S26-S27,S30-S31,S33)
10(11): Sigtash (S1-S5,S8,S11,S15,S27-S28), FearThrows (S2,S4,S6-S7,S10,S13-S14,S23,S32-S33), Krbreb (S2,S4,S8,S10-S13,S16,S24-S25), TehBaconBrawlerZ (S2-S4,S7,S9,S11,S13-S14,S21,S24), colbay (S3-S4,S18,S20-S23,S25,S27,S32), Vrehv (S3-S4,S6-S7,S9-S10,S12,S16-S17,S23), harkuaa (S6-S9,S17-S18,S21,S30-S32), Charrlottie (S7-S10,S12-S13,S15,S27-S29), FishManIsPotato (S7,S9,S11-S12,S15-S16,S22,S26-S27,S33), swishduck (S14-S16,S18-S19,S22-S24,S27,S33), Supersun_ (S17,S20,S22-S23,S26-S28,S30,S32-S33)
9(14): Cahnner (S1-S2,S4-S7,S9,S14,S21), Mohala (S1,S3-S8,S12,S19), loyaltea (S2,S4-S6,S9,S27,S29,S31-S32), Dredex (S3-S4,S10-S11,S16-S17,S20,S24,S27), Greatwarrior_ (S4-S12), Dcrpy (S5,S8-S9,S12-S13,S16,S20-S21,S26), Deanuhc (S5-S8,S10,S12-S14,S21), apa37 (S6,S8,S11-S13,S15-S17,S30), void_hi (S6-S9,S15,S22,S27-S28,S32), Zopho_ (S7-S8,S17,S20-S22,S24,S28,S32), Glarza (S14,S16,S19,S22,S25,S28-S30,S33), Colozi (S16,S18-S20,S22-S24,S27,S29), jasondoa (S21-S22,S27-S33), BuildingBard300 (S24-S27,S29-S33)
8(23): SpaceFenix (S1-S3,S9,S13,S15,S18,S26), Emplacement (S2,S4-S6,S8-S9,S11,S13), HeyItsJBug (S2-S4,S16,S19,S27,S30-S31), StrengthDMN (S3,S7-S10,S15,S27,S31), AvyleZ (S4-S7,S12,S14,S18-S19), saltbag (S5-S8,S15-S16,S19,S21), Valnius (S5-S7,S21-S23,S29,S31), SSGSS4Goku (S6,S10-S12,S15,S17,S23,S27), Bornyo (S8,S11-S12,S16-S17,S19-S20,S24), DRI60 (S8-S10,S13-S15,S19,S27), Ryfri (S8,S10,S13-S14,S19,S23-S24,S29), spittoon (S8,S10,S19-S21,S25,S27-S28), xDiversity (S9,S11,S15-S17,S23-S24,S26), QuacksL (S10-S11,S13-S16,S18,S24), solnyy (S10,S12-S14,S16,S18-S19,S22), derekast (S12-S13,S22-S24,S29,S31-S32), GhostLikesCakes (S15-S16,S18-S19,S22,S24,S28,S33), Gott_aka_Leonard (S15-S17,S19-S20,S22-S23,S27), LZNAR (S15-S18,S20-S22,S33), CurdledDrip (S20,S24,S26,S28-S31,S33), strategy (S23-S27,S29-S31), Fcrm (S24,S26-S29,S31-S33), SAYNAR (S25-S29,S31-S33)
7(14): CallMeBqse (S1-S4,S15-S17), Flcnt (S2,S4,S9-S10,S13,S24,S33), jjsteeples (S2,S4-S6,S8-S9,S13), Scyles (S2,S4,S7,S17,S20,S25,S28), Hendysaurus (S5-S8,S15-S17), Dreamfall (S6,S15-S18,S21,S33), ItsColinn (S7-S9,S12,S17,S21,S24), Turqified (S10-S11,S13-S14,S16,S22-S23), cnner (S11-S12,S14,S18,S22,S24-S25), lzmur (S11,S15-S17,S21-S22,S24), TOOOTH (S15-S20,S22), BruceTheNinja10 (S16-S17,S26-S27,S29,S32-S33), Dyoza (S18-S20,S25-S27,S33), CHAINGE (S24-S26,S30-S33)
6(14): drewxd (S1-S3,S15,S17,S19), BraydenB11 (S2-S5,S8,S12), maccwyatt (S2,S4-S6,S9,S29), IsoLights (S3-S5,S16,S19,S33), NotChewi (S6-S7,S9,S24,S31-S32), DanishDrill (S8-S9,S15-S16,S21-S22), NickPlaysGames15 (S10,S12-S14,S20-S21), Stornette (S10,S12,S19,S24,S27-S28), CoDrake (S12-S14,S17,S19-S20), TheRealHagrid (S13-S14,S26,S29-S30,S32), Batusko (S16,S22,S24,S27,S32-S33), Ginzburg (S19-S20,S24-S25,S27,S29), Captureee (S20-S21,S25,S27-S29), vynil (S21-S22,S24,S26,S30-S31)
5(27): AdonisGaming (S2-S3,S5-S6,S24), Permm (S2-S3,S15,S30,S33), mxcros (S3-S4,S9,S15-S16), TPolls (S3-S5,S8,S16), Strikeroonie (S4,S17-S18,S22,S24), marceloifhy (S5,S10-S11,S20-S21), imFatLoveMe (S6,S8-S9,S11,S22), dylxnd (S7-S9,S22,S31), ghostblurr (S7,S9,S17-S19), Kelawesome (S7,S9,S16,S24-S25), K0REDRAG0N (S8,S10,S19,S23,S27), Cheetah_16 (S10-S13,S17), DEV0Y (S10,S14-S15,S19,S24), InProper (S10-S11,S16-S17,S24), T1mT0m (S10,S13,S18,S25,S33), beaniepls (S14-S18), Normoh (S15,S26-S29), azoof (S16-S17,S26,S28-S29), Blendd (S16-S17,S19-S20,S26), Spongey (S16,S19,S27,S31,S33), nug17 (S18,S20-S22,S29), Hecticity (S19,S22,S24-S25,S31), TheShippFloats (S20-S22,S30,S33), dontbow (S21,S25,S27,S30,S32), Char1zo (S23-S25,S32-S33), nolanishot (S24,S27-S29,S31), GrassPiece (S27-S31)
4(40): Bofishkix (S1-S2,S4,S9), IZUR (S1,S22,S26-S27), Chesspiece (S2-S5), dylns (S2,S6-S7,S27), Kelldeo (S2,S15-S17), love_gem4164 (S2,S5-S7), TinchoPijaLarga (S4,S6-S7,S21), 5ize (S5,S11,S21,S32), DZYER (S5-S8), toggleuhc (S5-S8), flameorb (S6-S8,S10), m4ku (S6-S7,S22,S26), OCTAMAN (S6-S8,S10), _Pm (S7-S8,S15-S16), Centrah (S7,S9-S11), DragonGlory (S7-S10), jake_hoe (S7,S10-S12), Lunar_ (S7-S8,S15-S16), PapaNugey (S7-S9,S15), MannyDM (S8,S17-S19), ilylazaro (S9,S20-S21,S33), YouCheated (S9,S12-S13,S28), Jaceon02 (S10,S16,S18,S21), KELCOS (S10,S13-S14,S16), PitSolitayrh (S15-S17,S23), zewgle (S15,S20,S22,S30), rodfather (S16-S19), Cacedoupamso (S17,S19,S24,S30), Captinn (S17,S20-S21,S25), choiceband (S18,S25-S26,S28), PLENT (S19-S22), Jwillz (S20-S21,S24-S25), LLEANN (S20-S21,S28,S33), AshRiolu100985 (S21-S22,S24,S33), jacobcrafty (S21,S23-S24,S27), Geroot (S22,S24-S25,S27), naseemXBT (S24-S25,S27-S28), SPEEDYDIGS (S25-S27,S31), JEREMIUH (S26-S28,S31), sweatgod (S27-S28,S30,S33)
3(54): idklyn (S1,S15,S25), Mvte (S1,S20-S21), RAHILL (S2,S5-S6), Raying (S2-S3,S11), _Gag (S3,S5,S17), PolarTaco (S3,S7,S10), ZachConnor (S3,S7-S8), notrhain (S4,S6,S15), Merch (S5-S6,S15), B0WUH (S7-S8,S15), emi1iano (S7,S17-S18), Fragggg (S7,S15-S16), jemjosh (S7-S8,S16), ToontownOnline (S7-S8,S12), iLoveBoris (S8,S10-S11), WALRUS_TIME (S8,S10,S20), Cocunut233 (S9,S14,S17), Clemjo (S10,S12,S16), enablin (S11,S15-S16), ywack (S11,S14-S15), ceije (S12,S14,S17), _Fost_ (S14,S16,S24), Bobbytheturtle (S15,S17,S24), Goopling (S15-S17), ObeseProdigy (S15-S16,S19), 2Pacoh (S16,S19,S33), BackToAfrica (S16-S18), Broseph (S16,S18-S19), QueenxPetty (S16-S17,S21), UbiquityHD (S16-S17,S20), IMLpLay (S17,S19,S23), Loushus (S17,S19,S21), _pbo (S18,S20,S30), chrisrokay (S18-S19,S21), EivLs (S18,S28-S29), NotMyLights (S19-S21), Aybel (S20-S22), ethodog (S20,S23-S24), flameh (S20-S21,S33), Hrray (S20-S22), JayNonsense (S20-S22), jubatyson (S20-S22), nsi9 (S20-S21,S26), pm3crafte4 (S20,S23,S29), ShmeckleBoy (S20,S23,S30), TheSheepMasters (S20-S22), xPandaaz (S20,S22,S32), Gotelin (S21,S26-S27), lazys (S21-S22,S26), lukevvs (S21-S23), omchris (S21-S22,S24), retrys (S21-S22,S30), unixn (S21-S22,S27), lamzyk (S26,S30-S31)
2(86): chimah (S1,S4), Pahm (S1,S3), Cwrunch (S2,S11), Gleeming (S2,S4), Lnarz (S2-S3), repped (S2-S3), SergeantM (S2,S4), tastywill (S2,S4), YellowAuraa (S2,S4), Blarkslol (S3,S13), oceun (S3,S32), Switches (S3,S27), dummycute (S4-S5), Lynor (S4,S7), xHobo (S4,S14), xNGHT (S4,S6), ADinoPlayingMC (S5,S23), BreakfastBacon (S5-S6), Jeromesha (S5-S6), Beastaxel (S6,S9), heartparticles (S6-S7), mxrwzndood (S6,S31), pawnss (S6-S7), Shot3m (S6,S9), ERHDude (S7,S9), ImChilly (S7,S9), ANJELLOH (S8-S9), Caceduopamso (S8,S15), dhaq (S8-S9), Forrest235 (S8-S9), Nightshqdee (S8,S12), BottleSause (S9,S17), ninja3214 (S9,S15), violethearts (S9,S25), Greninja (S10,S25), NexfoR (S10,S18), Krxmble (S11,S16), urfake (S11,S28), Lative (S12,S14), BanMoon (S13-S14), BloodBlack (S14,S24), ReiBatsubami (S14,S16), SlicedOranges (S14,S16), 5ARx (S15-S16), 5HARPGOD (S15,S26), Deadlyboom (S18-S19), FrostBros (S19,S21), luvictoire (S19,S24), MaxCringe (S19,S21), whoshaze (S19,S21), Demomaker (S20,S26), Erdql (S20,S33), hashtagmat (S20,S26), Lach (S20-S21), Rameur (S20,S23), TitaniumDino25 (S20,S22), Iceisnice32 (S21-S22), JIMMY453 (S21,S23), lasdarling (S21-S22), RiseGR (S21,S24), Abyr (S22,S24), Fearx_ (S22-S23), K_U_N_A_L (S22,S29), OblivionTU (S22,S24), Qmos (S22-S23), Retrofied (S22,S27), VurkeTTV (S22,S24), Xifto (S22,S24), CommanderK22_ (S23,S33), Squegi (S23,S26), 5KYFALLS (S24,S26), alexnv (S24,S27), OhMatias (S24,S33), oMatty (S24,S32), Severuu (S24,S32), spxrkz_ (S24,S27), Codwhy (S25,S33), fyechris (S26-S27), Kahooter (S26-S27), MichaelPlayMC (S26,S30), vegis (S26,S28), Evxn063 (S27-S28), RqDix (S27-S28), Cahmn (S30,S33), johnnytheching (S31-S32), ScaryPumpkinFace (S31,S33)
1(178): AryaQT (S1), Fierys (S1), homiemansmans (S1), ItzIgglesPiggles (S1), pureinnocence (S1), Zcin (S1), BikBoy (S2), CTW (S2), FireBreathMan (S2), Fxther (S2), hueske (S2), iWrekt (S2), jigsaws (S2), N0CTURNAL (S2), xCynesta (S2), xPingWinMan (S2), Evzenitable (S3), Futan (S3), rawed (S4), slxps (S4), Dylxnnnn (S5), bmartxxx (S6), demisux (S6), harrydagawd (S6), LeMystiic (S6), Suzunexd (S6), zFate (S6), Harvyz (S7), Lmoj (S7), SariiTaaa (S7), TacoDab (S7), zrtt (S7), 14flyte (S8), Clegi (S8), DogInCar (S8), JroseFX (S8), mxrwxndood (S8), Wimbl (S8), yassifies_u (S8), cherryblawsom (S9), devuls (S9), Glockey_ (S9), PingBomb (S9), Ryanmoko (S9), GriddyTC (S10), InnerArtsTV (S10), Yist (S10), aarei (S11), CodeJoshua (S11), DeadlyFoxx (S11), JEDIMASTERKANYE (S11), Jewala (S11), RatherRare (S11), TinchoPijoLarga (S11), brghts (S12), Cindergaming698 (S12), Creadyy (S12), ItzHooded (S12), IvanDIGGA (S12), Smeshi (S12), StepBroImStuck1 (S12), Abstracct (S13), DEMUSS (S13), Dewces (S13), floodW (S13), ixHazexi (S13), Penley (S13), PoofessorP (S13), Tinydraco (S13), Zeko_Kun (S13), Daltun (S14), Vetmire (S14), Batsuko (S15), brocktober (S15), Johatsu (S15), Kartracer (S15), MarcoThePh0enix (S15), PR0MOTE (S15), PRICINCT (S15), realCUYT (S15), suedemax (S15), TheSlimeBrother (S15), AcidViper (S16), AhSh1t (S16), BushieHalf (S16), CrowJRC (S16), Drkrai (S16), dzupgu (S16), Fratrus (S16), Jkkl (S16), MarcoThePhe0nix (S16), NotSugar (S16), Nuclearsugar (S16), Psykl0ne (S16), rnaa (S16), Saltnobi (S16), SmoothCombos (S16), Toxischer (S16), Vernium (S16), xxezrabxxx (S16), Eindeutiger (S17), GreenFire26 (S17), iGotPlumbs (S17), Mafiat (S17), MXLAXIO (S17), Riolu100895 (S17), Zeegul (S17), 6irb (S18), Awticon (S18), bestlegitww (S18), claure (S18), JaeHasNoMaidens (S18), LowkeyLoke (S18), luksxixBRBDL (S18), TMNono (S18), toxiicbtw (S18), Zoos (S18), Cirex (S19), MostLikelySam (S19), 4runnermaster (S20), Arich (S20), Chqllenged (S20), DeadpoolUHC (S20), Doe (S20), MainAgate5 (S20), BEESTARG (S21), HyperOutHere (S21), M0KEY (S21), Nikanod (S21), Pemmyy (S21), smiinoo (S21), dray0 (S22), FroztiSnowman (S22), Hpark03 (S22), KennyTee (S22), Linkelf0rz (S22), Mapietrzak (S22), sr8611 (S22), Togglee_ (S22), Ezehh (S23), fxlzy (S23), jaranato (S23), Orbitxl (S23), peppermint (S23), SilabaTonica (S23), Zaiki (S23), KazyXD (S24), MCBR (S24), MephisDomen (S24), sleepingxd (S24), xROSEQ (S26), hdjr (S27), Thimburrr (S27), volcxnow (S27), Bov (S28), Cr3ad (S28), dwgn (S28), nikiforos (S28), Outname (S28), ploonyUwU (S28), salic (S28), Sk1wars (S28), Specularpotato (S28), Viatic_ (S28), Centrios (S29), Shm3e (S29), Smothering (S29), Blufferfish2009 (S31), FroztiSnow (S31), nsket (S31), shaundoman (S31), stupidsylvia (S31), Tunaisheree (S31), dooko (S32), RaiN_DyNasty (S32), O1OO (S33), smurpes (S33), xannydood (S33)


S1 (31): AryaQT, Bofishkix, brinkwhy, broccoliar, Cahnner, CallMeBqse, chimah, Dargxn, downkey, drewxd, Fierys, FLOWTIVES, homiemansmans, HUQTER, idklyn, ItzIgglesPiggles, IZUR, MangoPlayz, Mohala, Mvte, Pahm, pureinnocence, PwincessVanessa, ranmari, Senkhi, Shqkster, Sigtash, soakle, SpaceFenix, Stravilight, Zcin
S2 (49): AdonisGaming, ArcticSeagull, BikBoy, BraydenB11, Bulbexe, checog, Chesspiece, CTW, Cwrunch, dylns, Emplacement, FearThrows, FireBreathMan, Flcnt, Fxther, Gleeming, Gleoss, HeyItsJBug, hueske, iWrekt, jigsaws, jjsteeples, Kelldeo, kendawg_g, kirkfr, Krbreb, Lnarz, love_gem4164, loyaltea, LUCRODIUM, maccwyatt, N0CTURNAL, Permm, PizzqWithAQ, RAHILL, Raying, repped, risn, samdave, Scyles, SergeantM, spellygod, tastywill, TehBaconBrawlerZ, upraise, xCynesta, XERNE5, xPingWinMan, YellowAuraa
S3 (19): _Gag, Blarkslol, colbay, Dredex, DumbThiccNick, Evzenitable, Futan, hypcr, IdkKiller, IsoLights, mxcros, oceun, PolarTaco, skyzfy, StrengthDMN, Switches, TPolls, Vrehv, ZachConnor
S4 (17): adrmf, AvyleZ, benidk, CipherKai, dummycute, Greatwarrior_, Haydcn, Lynor, Lynxo, notrhain, rawed, slxps, Strikeroonie, TinchoPijaLarga, xHobo, xNGHT, Zoroh
S5 (26): 5ize, ADinoPlayingMC, AiroKun, BreakfastBacon, brinniex, Dcrpy, Deanuhc, Dizzying, DJoee, Dylxnnnn, DZYER, Hendysaurus, Jeromesha, L1GHT1NG, lapppp, marceloifhy, Merch, PotatoPlayer_, saltbag, toggleuhc, tonylmao, Valnius, willif, WoodFired, xMisha, Zeesue
S6 (30): _carn, alcxz, apa37, Beastaxel, bmartxxx, Cloversss, demisux, Dreamfall, DripGodDavid, flameorb, harkuaa, harrydagawd, heartparticles, imFatLoveMe, LeMystiic, m4ku, mxrwzndood, NotChewi, OCTAMAN, onstep, pawnss, RohanSmashBro, Shot3m, SSGSS4Goku, St0rmplayz, Suzunexd, ToeKun, void_hi, Zebobo10, zFate
S7 (28): _1mmortal_, _Pm, B0WUH, Centrah, Charrlottie, DragonGlory, dylxnd, emi1iano, ERHDude, FishManIsPotato, Fragggg, ghostblurr, Harvyz, ImChilly, ItsColinn, jake_hoe, jemjosh, Kaddyn, Kelawesome, Lmoj, Lunar_, PapaNugey, SariiTaaa, Slooshyy, TacoDab, ToontownOnline, Zopho_, zrtt
S8 (26): 14flyte, 5idekick, ANJELLOH, Bornyo, Caceduopamso, carterwarterbear, Clegi, Crayonix, dahii, DanishDrill, dhaq, DogInCar, DRI60, Forrest235, iLoveBoris, JroseFX, K0REDRAG0N, Luca_Kgaming, MannyDM, mxrwxndood, Nightshqdee, Ryfri, spittoon, WALRUS_TIME, Wimbl, yassifies_u
S9 (14): BottleSause, cherryblawsom, Cocunut233, devuls, Glockey_, HalfLechuga, ilylazaro, ninja3214, PingBomb, Ryanmoko, violethearts, xDiversity, xtiger34, YouCheated
S10 (19): Cheetah_16, Clemjo, DEV0Y, Greninja, GriddyTC, InnerArtsTV, InProper, Jaceon02, KELCOS, NexfoR, NickPlaysGames15, QuacksL, remyyyyyy, RollRealQuick, solnyy, Stornette, T1mT0m, Turqified, Yist
S11 (13): aarei, cnner, CodeJoshua, DeadlyFoxx, enablin, JEDIMASTERKANYE, Jewala, Krxmble, lzmur, RatherRare, TinchoPijoLarga, urfake, ywack
S12 (14): bayweafs, BENJADDD, brghts, ceije, Cindergaming698, CoDrake, Creadyy, derekast, ItzHooded, IvanDIGGA, Lative, Smeshi, StepBroImStuck1, winterf
S13 (11): Abstracct, BanMoon, DEMUSS, Dewces, floodW, ixHazexi, Penley, PoofessorP, TheRealHagrid, Tinydraco, Zeko_Kun
S14 (11): _Fost_, beaniepls, BloodBlack, Daltun, Glarza, MisaSama, ReiBatsubami, SlicedOranges, swishduck, Vetmire, zCent
S15 (23): 5ARx, 5HARPGOD, Batsuko, Bobbytheturtle, brocktober, GhostLikesCakes, GodlySteal, Goopling, Gott_aka_Leonard, Johatsu, Kartracer, LZNAR, MarcoThePh0enix, Normoh, ObeseProdigy, PitSolitayrh, PR0MOTE, PRICINCT, realCUYT, suedemax, TheSlimeBrother, TOOOTH, zewgle
S16 (30): 2Pacoh, AcidViper, AhSh1t, azoof, BackToAfrica, Batusko, Blendd, Broseph, BruceTheNinja10, BushieHalf, Colozi, CrowJRC, Drkrai, dzupgu, Fratrus, Jkkl, MarcoThePhe0nix, NotSugar, Nuclearsugar, Psykl0ne, QueenxPetty, rnaa, rodfather, Saltnobi, SmoothCombos, Spongey, Toxischer, UbiquityHD, Vernium, xxezrabxxx
S17 (15): Cacedoupamso, Captinn, Eindeutiger, GreenFire26, iGotPlumbs, IMLpLay, Kaismartypants, Loushus, LUKAD0NCIC, Mafiat, MXLAXIO, PupperKun, Riolu100895, Supersun_, Zeegul
S18 (18): 6irb, _pbo, Awticon, bestlegitww, choiceband, chrisrokay, claure, Deadlyboom, Dyoza, EivLs, JaeHasNoMaidens, LowkeyLoke, luksxixBRBDL, nug17, theTrapDoor, TMNono, toxiicbtw, Zoos
S19 (10): Cirex, FrostBros, Ginzburg, Hecticity, luvictoire, MaxCringe, MostLikelySam, NotMyLights, PLENT, whoshaze
S20 (28): 4runnermaster, Arich, Aybel, Captureee, Chqllenged, CurdledDrip, DeadpoolUHC, Demomaker, Doe, Erdql, ethodog, flameh, hashtagmat, Hrray, JayNonsense, jubatyson, Jwillz, Lach, LLEANN, MainAgate5, nsi9, pm3crafte4, Rameur, ShmeckleBoy, TheSheepMasters, TheShippFloats, TitaniumDino25, xPandaaz
S21 (22): AshRiolu100985, BEESTARG, dontbow, Gotelin, HyperOutHere, Iceisnice32, jacobcrafty, jasondoa, JIMMY453, lasdarling, lazys, lukevvs, M0KEY, Nikanod, omchris, Pemmyy, retrys, RiseGR, sgouche, smiinoo, unixn, vynil
S22 (17): Abyr, dray0, Fearx_, FroztiSnowman, Geroot, Hpark03, K_U_N_A_L, KennyTee, Linkelf0rz, Mapietrzak, OblivionTU, Qmos, Retrofied, sr8611, Togglee_, VurkeTTV, Xifto
S23 (11): Char1zo, CommanderK22_, Ezehh, fxlzy, jaranato, Orbitxl, peppermint, SilabaTonica, Squegi, strategy, Zaiki
S24 (15): 5KYFALLS, alexnv, BuildingBard300, CHAINGE, Fcrm, KazyXD, MCBR, MephisDomen, naseemXBT, nolanishot, OhMatias, oMatty, Severuu, sleepingxd, spxrkz_
S26 (7): fyechris, JEREMIUH, Kahooter, lamzyk, MichaelPlayMC, vegis, xROSEQ
S27 (7): Evxn063, GrassPiece, hdjr, RqDix, sweatgod, Thimburrr, volcxnow
S28 (10): Bov, Cr3ad, dwgn, nikiforos, Outname, ploonyUwU, salic, Sk1wars, Specularpotato, Viatic_
S29 (3): Centrios, Shm3e, Smothering
S30 (1): Cahmn
S31 (8): Blufferfish2009, FroztiSnow, johnnytheching, nsket, ScaryPumpkinFace, shaundoman, stupidsylvia, Tunaisheree
S32 (2): dooko, RaiN_DyNasty
S33 (3): O1OO, smurpes, xannydood
submitted by Brodator to ultrahardcore [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:17 Brodator Solace Kills (Part 1)

Solace Kills (Part 1)


1st FLOWTIVES (112): broccoliar (S1), Mohala (S1), Shqkster (S1), brinkwhy (S1), Mvte (S1), chimah (S1), Raying (S2), Chesspiece (S2), tastywill (S2), Cahnner (S2), Fxther (S2), downkey (S2), iWrekt (S2), Krbreb (S2), soakle (S3), PizzqWithAQ (S5), Cahnner (S5), Dylxnnnn (S5), jjsteeples (S5), ADinoPlayingMC (S5), Dcrpy (S5), Hendysaurus (S5), loyaltea (S5), DumbThiccNick (S5), Dizzying (S5), Merch (S5), AiroKun (S5), Vrehv (S7), pawnss (S7), heartparticles (S7), ranmari (S7), Dizzying (S7), _carn (S7), Deanuhc (S7), ToontownOnline (S7), FearThrows (S7), tonylmao (S7), benidk (S7), RohanSmashBro (S8), _Pm (S8), MannyDM (S8), Lunar_ (S8), flameorb (S8), Cloversss (S8), DumbThiccNick (S8), OCTAMAN (S8), _carn (S8), Krbreb (S8), PotatoPlayer_ (S8), Deanuhc (S8), ranmari (S8), Senkhi (S8), lapppp (S8), Zeesue (S9), Cocunut233 (S9), ArcticSeagull (S9), Charrlottie (S9), dylxnd (S9), St0rmplayz (S9), RohanSmashBro (S9), Dcrpy (S9), OCTAMAN (S10), iLoveBoris (S10), St0rmplayz (S10), ranmari (S13), TehBaconBrawlerZ (S14), PizzqWithAQ (S14), Dizzying (S14), Cocunut233 (S14), alcxz (S14), ToeKun (S14), _Fost_ (S14), NickPlaysGames15 (S14), AvyleZ (S14), xDiversity (S15), St0rmplayz (S15), Johatsu (S15), Colozi (S16), azoof (S16), Dizzying (S16), St0rmplayz (S16), Crayonix (S16), Hendysaurus (S17), PizzqWithAQ (S19), rodfather (S19), Broseph (S19), checog (S19), risn (S19), IMLpLay (S19), Cloversss (S19), Zoroh (S19), WALRUS_TIME (S20), Rameur (S20), xMisha (S20), Zoroh (S20), Dreamfall (S21), IdkKiller (S21), Crayonix (S21), AiroKun (S21), 5ize (S21)
2nd lapppp (104): void_hi (S7), ToontownOnline (S8), harkuaa (S8), kirkfr (S8), Emplacement (S8), apa37 (S8), PwincessVanessa (S8), ANJELLOH (S8), onstep (S8), Caceduopamso (S8), tonylmao (S8), Kaddyn (S10), XERNE5 (S11), skyzfy (S11), jake_hoe (S11), DripGodDavid (S11), benidk (S11), Emplacement (S11), Sigtash (S11), alcxz (S12), winterf (S12), Lative (S12), 5idekick (S12), PotatoPlayer_ (S12), bayweafs (S12), Krbreb (S13), Turqified (S13), MangoPlayz (S16), Fragggg (S16), Bulbexe (S17), kirkfr (S17), beaniepls (S17), Dredex (S17), Strikeroonie (S17), checog (S17), WoodFired (S18), DumbThiccNick (S19), Cacedoupamso (S19), luvictoire (S19), carterwarterbear (S19), Lach (S21), M0KEY (S21), soakle (S21), DJoee (S21), ArcticSeagull (S21), TheSheepMasters (S21), Stravilight (S21), Zopho_ (S21), kirkfr (S21), Haydcn (S21), lukevvs (S21), MisaSama (S21), unixn (S21), K_U_N_A_L (S22), Batusko (S22), Mapietrzak (S22), sgouche (S22), Supersun_ (S22), Retrofied (S22), derekast (S22), KennyTee (S22), lazys (S22), PLENT (S22), Vrehv (S23), sgouche (S23), St0rmplayz (S23), Haydcn (S23), brinkwhy (S23), DripGodDavid (S23), Cloversss (S23), FLOWTIVES (S23), downkey (S23), soakle (S23), ToeKun (S24), DEV0Y (S24), Colozi (S24), lapppp (S24), ranmari (S25), carterwarterbear (S25), willif (S25), AiroKun (S25), lapppp (S25), dontbow (S27), naseemXBT (S27), PotatoPlayer_ (S29), nug17 (S29), Kaismartypants (S29), remyyyyyy (S29), Glarza (S29), Stravilight (S29), Ginzburg (S29), CurdledDrip (S30), CHAINGE (S32), Kaismartypants (S32), derekast (S32), Batusko (S32), onstep (S32), Zoroh (S32), colbay (S32), xannydood (S33)
3rd Zoroh (101): Dredex (S4), Bulbexe (S4), maccwyatt (S6), jemjosh (S8), jjsteeples (S9), kirkfr (S9), carterwarterbear (S9), BottleSause (S9), Dargxn (S9), IdkKiller (S9), willif (S10), 5idekick (S10), Yist (S10), PotatoPlayer_ (S10), MangoPlayz (S10), Zeesue (S10), Flcnt (S10), remyyyyyy (S10), Crayonix (S10), Dredex (S10), brinniex (S10), Gleoss (S10), Greninja (S10), adrmf (S11), Slooshyy (S11), samdave (S11), apa37 (S12), DumbThiccNick (S12), Lynxo (S12), carterwarterbear (S12), RohanSmashBro (S12), Zebobo10 (S12), samdave (S12), samdave (S13), Stravilight (S13), MangoPlayz (S13), DEMUSS (S13), Dizzying (S13), _1mmortal_ (S13), RohanSmashBro (S13), BENJADDD (S13), AiroKun (S13), PoofessorP (S13), soakle (S13), willif (S13), Dewces (S13), brinkwhy (S13), downkey (S13), void_hi (S15), kendawg_g (S15), FLOWTIVES (S15), bayweafs (S15), ArcticSeagull (S15), Dcrpy (S16), DripGodDavid (S16), Krbreb (S16), IdkKiller (S16), harkuaa (S17), IMLpLay (S17), apa37 (S17), MisaSama (S17), Captinn (S17), Zoos (S18), DumbThiccNick (S18), AiroKun (S18), LZNAR (S18), Stravilight (S19), FrostBros (S19), DRI60 (S19), TOOOTH (S19), onstep (S19), skyzfy (S19), lapppp (S19), broccoliar (S21), Nikanod (S21), Captureee (S21), willif (S21), swishduck (S22), imFatLoveMe (S22), void_hi (S22), unixn (S22), checog (S22), Cloversss (S22), TOOOTH (S22), azoof (S26), lamzyk (S26), SPEEDYDIGS (S26), CurdledDrip (S26), ranmari (S26), RollRealQuick (S27), IdkKiller (S27), Geroot (S27), benidk (S27), sgouche (S28), Stravilight (S28), skyzfy (S28), L1GHT1NG (S28), HUQTER (S28), johnnytheching (S32), RaiN_DyNasty (S32)
4th adrmf (64): dummycute (S4), jjsteeples (S4), tastywill (S4), Flcnt (S4), Krbreb (S4), slxps (S4), maccwyatt (S4), PR0MOTE (S15), Sigtash (S15), FishManIsPotato (S15), notrhain (S15), QuacksL (S15), PizzqWithAQ (S15), broccoliar (S16), GhostLikesCakes (S16), Fratrus (S16), NotSugar (S16), enablin (S16), _carn (S16), FishManIsPotato (S16), LZNAR (S16), KELCOS (S16), Bulbexe (S19), Geroot (S22), benidk (S22), Iceisnice32 (S22), WoodFired (S22), dylxnd (S22), colbay (S22), Hecticity (S22), LUCRODIUM (S22), JayNonsense (S22), dray0 (S22), lasdarling (S22), Dizzying (S22), BENJADDD (S22), IZUR (S22), Dargxn (S23), lukevvs (S23), DumbThiccNick (S23), derekast (S24), TehBaconBrawlerZ (S24), hypcr (S24), Cloversss (S24), DripGodDavid (S24), MephisDomen (S24), Dredex (S24), Geroot (S25), dontbow (S25), Batusko (S27), Kaddyn (S27), broccoliar (S27), Charrlottie (S27), dahii (S27), FLOWTIVES (S28), DripGodDavid (S28), void_hi (S28), DJoee (S28), spittoon (S28), soakle (S28), Specularpotato (S28), nolanishot (S28), upraise (S28), sgouche (S29)
5th Gleoss (63): drewxd (S2), soakle (S2), upraise (S2), LUCRODIUM (S2), RAHILL (S6), Jeromesha (S6), skyzfy (S7), Slooshyy (S7), AvyleZ (S7), brinkwhy (S7), ZachConnor (S7), XERNE5 (S9), L1GHT1NG (S9), void_hi (S9), Flcnt (S9), ImChilly (S9), Cahnner (S9), PingBomb (S9), xtiger34 (S9), spittoon (S10), Cheetah_16 (S10), alcxz (S10), Deanuhc (S10), DragonGlory (S10), jake_hoe (S10), ToeKun (S10), FLOWTIVES (S10), T1mT0m (S10), Krbreb (S11), lapppp (S13), DripGodDavid (S13), solnyy (S13), Shqkster (S13), KELCOS (S13), Batusko (S16), Krxmble (S16), Lynxo (S18), SpaceFenix (S18), Strikeroonie (S18), IsoLights (S19), 2Pacoh (S19), Kaismartypants (S19), ghostblurr (S19), AiroKun (S19), swishduck (S19), Bornyo (S19), Senkhi (S19), LUCRODIUM (S19), zewgle (S20), Senkhi (S20), Ryfri (S23), Gleoss (S23), OhMatias (S24), checog (S24), Hecticity (S24), carterwarterbear (S24), CHAINGE (S24), cnner (S24), skyzfy (S24), onstep (S24), MangoPlayz (S25), BENJADDD (S26), Normoh (S29)
6th skyzfy (50): Switches (S3), FLOWTIVES (S13), 5ARx (S15), BENJADDD (S15), ywack (S15), upraise (S15), PRICINCT (S15), carterwarterbear (S15), IdkKiller (S15), IsoLights (S16), RohanSmashBro (S16), Supersun_ (S17), NexfoR (S18), PupperKun (S19), spellygod (S19), L1GHT1NG (S19), Scyles (S20), ShmeckleBoy (S20), TheShippFloats (S22), Xifto (S24), strategy (S24), Strikeroonie (S24), BruceTheNinja10 (S26), Stravilight (S26), DJoee (S26), volcxnow (S27), SSGSS4Goku (S27), Colozi (S27), dylns (S27), dahii (S28), winterf (S28), LUKAD0NCIC (S29), carterwarterbear (S29), bayweafs (S29), DripGodDavid (S29), Cloversss (S29), jasondoa (S29), zCent (S29), PupperKun (S29), vynil (S30), zewgle (S30), apa37 (S30), _carn (S30), lamzyk (S30), PupperKun (S30), Kaismartypants (S30), Dargxn (S31), dylxnd (S31), derekast (S31), onstep (S31)
7th carterwarterbear (44): Kaddyn (S9), PwincessVanessa (S9), devuls (S9), Cindergaming698 (S12), Deanuhc (S14), ceije (S14), BanMoon (S14), Zebobo10 (S14), Dargxn (S14), ArcticSeagull (S16), downkey (S16), kirkfr (S16), Kelldeo (S17), ArcticSeagull (S17), Bobbytheturtle (S17), claure (S18), PotatoPlayer_ (S19), HUQTER (S20), colbay (S20), Dizzying (S20), jacobcrafty (S21), AshRiolu100985 (S22), vynil (S22), dahii (S22), OblivionTU (S24), Captinn (S25), naseemXBT (S25), CHAINGE (S25), lazys (S26), winterf (S26), theTrapDoor (S26), GodlySteal (S26), brinkwhy (S26), nsi9 (S26), Cloversss (S27), sweatgod (S28), Cahmn (S30), Kaddyn (S31), NotChewi (S32), GodlySteal (S32), Crayonix (S32), ranmari (S32), carterwarterbear (S32), Crayonix (S33)
8th AiroKun (42): BraydenB11 (S5), Chesspiece (S5), tonylmao (S5), BreakfastBacon (S5), lapppp (S5), brinkwhy (S5), DJoee (S5), PizzqWithAQ (S7), m4ku (S7), upraise (S7), DripGodDavid (S7), OCTAMAN (S7), DragonGlory (S7), MangoPlayz (S7), MangoPlayz (S8), willif (S8), soakle (S10), InnerArtsTV (S10), broccoliar (S10), Bulbexe (S10), Zeesue (S12), BENJADDD (S12), YouCheated (S13), CoDrake (S13), Lynxo (S13), Crayonix (S13), skyzfy (S13), Goopling (S17), Cheetah_16 (S17), MangoPlayz (S17), Ryfri (S19), zCent (S19), QueenxPetty (S21), Valnius (S21), Kaismartypants (S21), Zoroh (S21), carterwarterbear (S21), harkuaa (S21), SAYNAR (S25), Kaismartypants (S25), Codwhy (S25), PotatoPlayer_ (S26)
9th spellygod (41): FLOWTIVES (S3), hypcr (S3), LeMystiic (S6), xNGHT (S6), PapaNugey (S7), mxcros (S9), drewxd (S15), hypcr (S15), enablin (S15), B0WUH (S15), _1mmortal_ (S16), Senkhi (S16), SmoothCombos (S16), ToeKun (S16), Toxischer (S16), Gott_aka_Leonard (S16), WoodFired (S16), xDiversity (S16), samdave (S16), lapppp (S18), LowkeyLoke (S18), cnner (S18), Kaismartypants (S20), PupperKun (S20), spittoon (S20), Gleoss (S20), carterwarterbear (S20), 4runnermaster (S20), Hrray (S21), MaxCringe (S21), brinkwhy (S21), lzmur (S21), Iceisnice32 (S21), WoodFired (S21), Lynxo (S21), LZNAR (S21), FLOWTIVES (S21), FLOWTIVES (S22), theTrapDoor (S22), lapppp (S22), T1mT0m (S33)
10th PizzqWithAQ (40): jjsteeples (S2), Scyles (S2), Kelldeo (S2), loyaltea (S2), kendawg_g (S2), hueske (S2), CallMeBqse (S2), jigsaws (S2), CTW (S2), TPolls (S5), Suzunexd (S6), Dreamfall (S6), kendawg_g (S6), BreakfastBacon (S6), Centrah (S7), StrengthDMN (S9), Emplacement (S9), KELCOS (S14), Dizzying (S15), Permm (S15), HeyItsJBug (S16), 2Pacoh (S16), carterwarterbear (S16), Lynxo (S16), skyzfy (S16), DJoee (S18), Haydcn (S18), XERNE5 (S18), choiceband (S28), Bov (S28), Zebobo10 (S28), SAYNAR (S28), LUCRODIUM (S28), Captureee (S28), spellygod (S29), azoof (S29), kendawg_g (S29), nolanishot (S29), _1mmortal_ (S29), Captureee (S29)
11th benidk (35): CallMeBqse (S4), BraydenB11 (S4), Vrehv (S4), DZYER (S5), onstep (S7), ImChilly (S7), zrtt (S7), xMisha (S7), Zeesue (S8), Zoroh (S8), Charrlottie (S8), _1mmortal_ (S9), solnyy (S12), Blendd (S17), MannyDM (S18), _pbo (S18), brinkwhy (S19), HalfLechuga (S22), lzmur (S22), Valnius (S23), xDiversity (S23), Supersun_ (S23), 5KYFALLS (S26), hdjr (S27), ToeKun (S27), Fcrm (S27), nikiforos (S28), dahii (S30), _1mmortal_ (S30), Haydcn (S30), ShmeckleBoy (S30), Permm (S30), Cloversss (S30), bayweafs (S33), Zeesue (S33)
12th samdave (34): kendawg_g (S3), CallMeBqse (S3), PotatoPlayer_ (S5), 5ize (S5), Senkhi (S5), Haydcn (S5), XERNE5 (S5), soakle (S7), Charrlottie (S7), PwincessVanessa (S7), Cahnner (S7), ghostblurr (S7), _1mmortal_ (S7), saltbag (S7), WoodFired (S7), HUQTER (S8), DumbThiccNick (S11), Turqified (S11), Lynxo (S11), CoDrake (S12), Crayonix (S12), Bornyo (S12), willif (S12), Goopling (S15), Fragggg (S15), L1GHT1NG (S15), jemjosh (S16), Drkrai (S16), Zoroh (S16), FLOWTIVES (S16), Kelldeo (S16), 5idekick (S17), Bornyo (S17), LUKAD0NCIC (S18)
13th LUCRODIUM (33): SergeantM (S2), colbay (S3), Sigtash (S3), Shqkster (S3), TPolls (S3), Lnarz (S3), XERNE5 (S3), MisaSama (S15), DanishDrill (S15), _Pm (S16), BackToAfrica (S16), LUCRODIUM (S18), xtiger34 (S19), hashtagmat (S20), brinkwhy (S20), Ginzburg (S20), Captureee (S20), marceloifhy (S21), Turqified (S23), upraise (S24), RiseGR (S24), 5HARPGOD (S26), void_hi (S27), Dyoza (S27), St0rmplayz (S28), Viatic_ (S28), adrmf (S28), TheRealHagrid (S32), BruceTheNinja10 (S32), jasondoa (S32), smurpes (S33), broccoliar (S33), jasondoa (S33)
14th Dargxn (31): PwincessVanessa (S1), soakle (S1), idklyn (S1), L1GHT1NG (S7), ANJELLOH (S9), downkey (S9), Bulbexe (S12), CoDrake (S14), ArcticSeagull (S14), downkey (S14), kirkfr (S14), MarcoThePh0enix (S15), brinniex (S16), iGotPlumbs (S17), BackToAfrica (S17), remyyyyyy (S17), xtiger34 (S17), 6irb (S18), JaeHasNoMaidens (S18), solnyy (S18), Zeesue (S18), Gleoss (S18), kirkfr (S18), benidk (S18), Glarza (S22), zCent (S22), upraise (S25), bayweafs (S25), PotatoPlayer_ (S31), swishduck (S33), Dyoza (S33)
15th xtiger34 (29): PapaNugey (S9), Zebobo10 (S9), NotChewi (S9), DumbThiccNick (S9), alcxz (S9), FLOWTIVES (S9), Charrlottie (S15), RohanSmashBro (S15), brinkwhy (S15), Gott_aka_Leonard (S15), saltbag (S15), Dizzying (S17), TOOOTH (S17), chrisrokay (S19), Hrray (S20), Squegi (S26), Gleoss (S26), _carn (S26), Zoroh (S26), carterwarterbear (S26), FishManIsPotato (S26), strategy (S30), lapppp (S30), sweatgod (S30), TheRealHagrid (S30), HeyItsJBug (S30), skyzfy (S30), theTrapDoor (S31), ScaryPumpkinFace (S31)
16th DJoee (28): saltbag (S5), Mohala (S5), Zeesue (S5), benidk (S6), _carn (S15), Normoh (S15), Jaceon02 (S16), QuacksL (S18), ethodog (S20), jasondoa (S21), DripGodDavid (S21), Scyles (S25), Dcrpy (S26), kendawg_g (S26), IZUR (S26), PupperKun (S26), SAYNAR (S26), Sk1wars (S28), L1GHT1NG (S29), Smothering (S29), Senkhi (S29), johnnytheching (S31), Stravilight (S31), CHAINGE (S31), FishManIsPotato (S33), FLOWTIVES (S33), RollRealQuick (S33), Permm (S33)
16th soakle (28): Stravilight (S1), Mohala (S4), InProper (S11), 5ize (S11), RatherRare (S11), PwincessVanessa (S11), Dargxn (S13), hypcr (S13), RollRealQuick (S18), St0rmplayz (S20), Jwillz (S21), LUKAD0NCIC (S23), fxlzy (S23), Ezehh (S23), Colozi (S23), onstep (S23), MisaSama (S23), xDiversity (S24), ToeKun (S25), hypcr (S25), sgouche (S25), SPEEDYDIGS (S25), winterf (S25), BruceTheNinja10 (S27), kirkfr (S28), naseemXBT (S28), spellygod (S31), Blufferfish2009 (S31)
18th checog (27): PizzqWithAQ (S9), Beastaxel (S9), tonylmao (S15), HUQTER (S15), Dargxn (S15), CallMeBqse (S15), 5HARPGOD (S15), hypcr (S16), Spongey (S16), Scyles (S17), FLOWTIVES (S17), Dreamfall (S17), Zeegul (S17), Vrehv (S17), Kaddyn (S17), brinkwhy (S17), WoodFired (S17), Dargxn (S17), DripGodDavid (S18), theTrapDoor (S18), PotatoPlayer_ (S18), RohanSmashBro (S18), hypcr (S18), MostLikelySam (S19), Stornette (S19), LUKAD0NCIC (S25), nolanishot (S27)
18th CipherKai (27): loyaltea (S4), Gleoss (S4), YellowAuraa (S4), brinniex (S6), Deanuhc (S6), void_hi (S6), Lynxo (S6), harrydagawd (S6), DumbThiccNick (S6), Lmoj (S7), ERHDude (S7), Zebobo10 (S7), dhaq (S9), SSGSS4Goku (S10), carterwarterbear (S10), onstep (S10), RollRealQuick (S10), AiroKun (S10), Turqified (S10), BENJADDD (S14), swishduck (S14), FearThrows (S14), Zopho_ (S24), Ryfri (S24), Ginzburg (S24), Kaismartypants (S24), zCent (S33)
18th Dizzying (27): xMisha (S5), Zoroh (S6), ArcticSeagull (S6), AdonisGaming (S6), DZYER (S6), NotChewi (S6), PwincessVanessa (S6), love_gem4164 (S6), FishManIsPotato (S7), love_gem4164 (S7), dzupgu (S16), Psykl0ne (S16), Arich (S20), DJoee (S20), TheSheepMasters (S20), checog (S20), bayweafs (S20), Stravilight (S20), jubatyson (S20), Colozi (S20), RollRealQuick (S20), saltbag (S21), TinchoPijaLarga (S21), RollRealQuick (S21), zCent (S21), lasdarling (S21), ilylazaro (S21)
18th PupperKun (27): ItsColinn (S17), xDiversity (S17), InProper (S17), samdave (S17), carterwarterbear (S17), Zoroh (S17), lapppp (S17), Luca_Kgaming (S20), DripGodDavid (S20), Fearx_ (S23), DJoee (S25), Krbreb (S25), violethearts (S25), Gott_aka_Leonard (S27), Kaismartypants (S27), zCent (S27), spittoon (S27), LUCRODIUM (S27), MisaSama (S28), brinkwhy (S28), Crayonix (S29), HalfLechuga (S29), RohanSmashBro (S29), bayweafs (S31), LUKAD0NCIC (S31), carterwarterbear (S31), strategy (S31)
22nd cnner (26): Deanuhc (S12), Creadyy (S12), Turqified (S14), L1GHT1NG (S14), DEV0Y (S14), SlicedOranges (S14), TheRealHagrid (S14), MisaSama (S14), solnyy (S14), carterwarterbear (S14), Bulbexe (S14), Awticon (S18), downkey (S18), adrmf (S18), toxiicbtw (S18), PizzqWithAQ (S18), luksxixBRBDL (S18), sleepingxd (S24), Severuu (S24), NotChewi (S24), Geroot (S24), Krbreb (S24), LUKAD0NCIC (S24), BENJADDD (S24), Dyoza (S25), T1mT0m (S25)
23rd _carn (24): OCTAMAN (S6), Dargxn (S8), Shqkster (S8), downkey (S11), Kaddyn (S11), _1mmortal_ (S12), Clemjo (S12), Cheetah_16 (S12), AvyleZ (S12), brinniex (S12), ToeKun (S12), suedemax (S15), Lynxo (S17), Cocunut233 (S17), Deadlyboom (S19), drewxd (S19), ranmari (S21), bayweafs (S21), onstep (S22), Evxn063 (S27), Ginzburg (S27), strategy (S29), HUQTER (S29), loyaltea (S29)
23rd LZNAR (24): GhostLikesCakes (S15), downkey (S15), risn (S16), Glarza (S16), winterf (S16), RollRealQuick (S16), Gleoss (S16), LUCRODIUM (S16), BackToAfrica (S18), zCent (S18), PwincessVanessa (S18), Bornyo (S20), Slooshyy (S20), NickPlaysGames15 (S20), TitaniumDino25 (S20), onstep (S21), Jaceon02 (S21), GodlySteal (S21), whoshaze (S21), DanishDrill (S21), TheShippFloats (S21), Dizzying (S21), Turqified (S22), skyzfy (S22)
23rd onstep (24): bmartxxx (S6), Kaddyn (S8), _1mmortal_ (S10), lapppp (S10), soakle (S18), Jaceon02 (S18), GhostLikesCakes (S19), PizzqWithAQ (S20), CurdledDrip (S20), jacobcrafty (S23), QuacksL (S24), RohanSmashBro (S24), alexnv (S24), CipherKai (S24), Kelawesome (S24), brinkwhy (S27), K0REDRAG0N (S27), HeyItsJBug (S27), stupidsylvia (S31), broccoliar (S31), downkey (S31), xtiger34 (S31), Char1zo (S32), LUKAD0NCIC (S32)
26th swishduck (22): nug17 (S18), EivLs (S18), Kaddyn (S19), broccoliar (S19), Dyoza (S19), winterf (S19), tonylmao (S19), TheSheepMasters (S22), SSGSS4Goku (S23), zCent (S23), Zaiki (S23), adrmf (S23), Gott_aka_Leonard (S23), ArcticSeagull (S24), bayweafs (S24), spxrkz_ (S27), Gotelin (S27), theTrapDoor (S27), Thimburrr (S27), SAYNAR (S27), willif (S33), DJoee (S33)
27th Captureee (21): TOOOTH (S20), DumbThiccNick (S25), Jwillz (S25), Char1zo (S25), PupperKun (S25), checog (S25), Greninja (S25), unixn (S27), JEREMIUH (S27), LLEANN (S28), Zopho_ (S28), Sigtash (S28), CurdledDrip (S28), Zoroh (S28), Shqkster (S29), Fcrm (S29), DJoee (S29), BruceTheNinja10 (S29), Colozi (S29), lapppp (S29), Gleoss (S29)
27th mxrwzndood (21): ToeKun (S6), Shot3m (S6), IdkKiller (S6), ranmari (S6), CipherKai (S6), Gleoss (S6), Valnius (S6), Dizzying (S6), AvyleZ (S6), DripGodDavid (S31), FroztiSnow (S31), willif (S31), Hecticity (S31), ranmari (S31), SAYNAR (S31), HeyItsJBug (S31), vynil (S31), JEREMIUH (S31), DJoee (S31), dahii (S31), lamzyk (S31)
27th tonylmao (21): adrmf (S5), TacoDab (S7), _Pm (S7), emi1iano (S7), Kelawesome (S7), Hendysaurus (S8), WoodFired (S8), DZYER (S8), Vrehv (S10), BushieHalf (S16), alcxz (S16), Zeesue (S16), Dreamfall (S16), ghostblurr (S18), colbay (S18), TOOOTH (S18), PupperKun (S18), xMisha (S18), rodfather (S18), Tunaisheree (S31), FearThrows (S32)
27th xMisha (21): WoodFired (S5), SSGSS4Goku (S6), risn (S6), HUQTER (S6), ItsColinn (S7), Shqkster (S9), Bofishkix (S9), SpaceFenix (S9), ItsColinn (S9), SSGSS4Goku (S11), skyzfy (S12), HalfLechuga (S12), downkey (S12), Shqkster (S14), risn (S17), Mafiat (S17), AvyleZ (S18), carterwarterbear (S18), skyzfy (S18), samdave (S18), MangoPlayz (S23)
31st brinkwhy (19): Pahm (S1), skyzfy (S3), _Gag (S3), Dredex (S3), HUQTER (S3), Zebobo10 (S13), St0rmplayz (S13), Haydcn (S16), GhostLikesCakes (S22), Slooshyy (S22), PupperKun (S22), KazyXD (S24), MisaSama (S24), LUKAD0NCIC (S26), onstep (S26), Crayonix (S26), Gleoss (S28), Kaddyn (S30), TheShippFloats (S30)
31st dahii (19): WALRUS_TIME (S8), QuacksL (S10), WALRUS_TIME (S10), skyzfy (S10), DEV0Y (S19), nsi9 (S21), Mvte (S21), colbay (S21), CurdledDrip (S24), soakle (S25), GodlySteal (S27), LUKAD0NCIC (S27), PotatoPlayer_ (S28), StrengthDMN (S31), Zeesue (S31), L1GHT1NG (S31), RollRealQuick (S31), PupperKun (S31), Cloversss (S33)
31st downkey (19): Cwrunch (S2), xPingWinMan (S2), XERNE5 (S2), DragonGlory (S8), Stornette (S10), L1GHT1NG (S12), apa37 (S13), kirkfr (S13), TehBaconBrawlerZ (S13), DripGodDavid (S14), lzmur (S15), Cloversss (S15), lzmur (S16), Slooshyy (S18), Pemmyy (S21), benidk (S23), hypcr (S23), shaundoman (S31), soakle (S31)
31st hypcr (19): TinchoPijoLarga (S11), Bornyo (S11), DeadlyFoxx (S11), Dredex (S11), urfake (S11), xDiversity (S11), JEDIMASTERKANYE (S11), xMisha (S11), Zoroh (S11), lapppp (S11), enablin (S11), Flcnt (S13), PotatoPlayer_ (S13), ToeKun (S15), ObeseProdigy (S15), Zoroh (S18), Dyoza (S18), urfake (S28), BENJADDD (S33)
31st sgouche (19): nug17 (S21), Valnius (S22), hypcr (S22), broccoliar (S22), strategy (S23), VurkeTTV (S24), Char1zo (S24), oMatty (S24), Bobbytheturtle (S24), FLOWTIVES (S25), Glarza (S25), skyzfy (S25), Slooshyy (S31), Zebobo10 (S31), zCent (S31), St0rmplayz (S31), dooko (S32), BENJADDD (S32), O1OO (S33)
36th DumbThiccNick (18): Futan (S3), MangoPlayz (S3), Mohala (S3), LUCRODIUM (S3), FLOWTIVES (S4), Scyles (S4), CipherKai (S4), TehBaconBrawlerZ (S4), Zoroh (S4), xHobo (S4), _Gag (S5), dummycute (S5), Lynxo (S5), Valnius (S5), apa37 (S6), Crayonix (S23), LUCRODIUM (S23), FearThrows (S23)
36th Strikeroonie (18): rawed (S4), upraise (S4), LUKAD0NCIC (S17), Stravilight (S17), azoof (S17), LZNAR (S17), CipherKai (S17), spellygod (S17), MannyDM (S17), ceije (S17), AiroKun (S17), Luca_Kgaming (S18), onstep (S18), chrisrokay (S18), _1mmortal_ (S22), Luca_Kgaming (S22), ItsColinn (S24), zCent (S24)
38th FishManIsPotato (17): Kaddyn (S7), 5idekick (S9), WoodFired (S11), QuacksL (S11), aarei (S11), DEV0Y (S15), StrengthDMN (S15), samdave (S15), BENJADDD (S16), Dargxn (S26), checog (S26), fyechris (S26), MichaelPlayMC (S26), MisaSama (S26), L1GHT1NG (S26), LUCRODIUM (S26), skyzfy (S26)
38th PotatoPlayer_ (17): brinniex (S8), brghts (S12), St0rmplayz (S12), Penley (S13), alcxz (S13), Dreamfall (S15), MisaSama (S18), BENJADDD (S19), Deanuhc (S21), JayNonsense (S21), DanishDrill (S22), ShmeckleBoy (S23), Qmos (S23), _carn (S32), zCent (S32), Erdql (S33), Glarza (S33)
38th Senkhi (17): IZUR (S1), mxcros (S4), StrengthDMN (S8), Zebobo10 (S8), IdkKiller (S8), downkey (S8), ToeKun (S9), violethearts (S9), WoodFired (S19), PLENT (S19), 5idekick (S19), MaxCringe (S19), Dcrpy (S20), Demomaker (S20), derekast (S23), AiroKun (S29), Slooshyy (S29)
41st Deanuhc (16): willif (S5), PwincessVanessa (S5), Lynor (S7), PolarTaco (S7), PapaNugey (S8), 5idekick (S8), benidk (S8), Crayonix (S8), Stravilight (S8), Bulbexe (S8), Stravilight (S10), Mohala (S12), Emplacement (S13), lapppp (S14), beaniepls (S14), Glarza (S14)
41st kirkfr (16): ArcticSeagull (S2), Gleoss (S2), DJoee (S6), L1GHT1NG (S6), FishManIsPotato (S12), BanMoon (S13), ReiBatsubami (S14), apa37 (S15), GodlySteal (S16), ranmari (S17), IdkKiller (S18), NotMyLights (S19), ToeKun (S19), lazys (S21), LUCRODIUM (S21), dontbow (S21)
43rd BENJADDD (15): Cheetah_16 (S13), PwincessVanessa (S13), Charrlottie (S13), ArcticSeagull (S13), PitSolitayrh (S15), lapppp (S15), willif (S15), swishduck (S15), kirkfr (S15), Captinn (S21), _carn (S21), brinkwhy (S22), winterf (S22), BuildingBard300 (S24), Kaismartypants (S33)
43rd LUKAD0NCIC (15): tonylmao (S20), Supersun_ (S20), vynil (S24), benidk (S24), 5KYFALLS (S24), Hecticity (S25), remyyyyyy (S25), dahii (S25), Stornette (S27), onstep (S29), tonylmao (S32), Flcnt (S33), LZNAR (S33), spellygod (S33), Gleoss (S33)
43rd Permm (15): HUQTER (S2), love_gem4164 (S2), risn (S2), Bofishkix (S2), Bulbexe (S2), FLOWTIVES (S2), StrengthDMN (S3), samdave (S3), Chesspiece (S3), LUCRODIUM (S15), risn (S15), beaniepls (S15), Supersun_ (S30), CipherKai (S33), Cahmn (S33)
43rd remyyyyyy (15): ranmari (S10), NickPlaysGames15 (S10), solnyy (S10), Charrlottie (S10), Lunar_ (S15), Saltnobi (S16), bayweafs (S17), winterf (S17), drewxd (S17), ghostblurr (S17), IdkKiller (S20), L1GHT1NG (S20), xPandaaz (S22), LUCRODIUM (S25), WoodFired (S27)
47th Greninja (14): HUQTER (S10), Jaceon02 (S10), flameorb (S10), XERNE5 (S10), dahii (S10), PwincessVanessa (S10), FearThrows (S10), Centrah (S10), brinkwhy (S10), InProper (S10), CipherKai (S10), BuildingBard300 (S25), HalfLechuga (S25), Kelawesome (S25)
47th RohanSmashBro (14): lapppp (S6), Krbreb (S12), ItzHooded (S12), Gleoss (S14), Vrehv (S16), harkuaa (S18), Dargxn (S18), HalfLechuga (S26), Normoh (S26), loyaltea (S27), GrassPiece (S29), K_U_N_A_L (S29), Luca_Kgaming (S29), Cloversss (S31)
47th upraise (14): xNGHT (S4), FearThrows (S6), demisux (S6), dylns (S7), B0WUH (S7), spittoon (S8), Ryanmoko (S9), Forrest235 (S9), Luca_Kgaming (S25), kendawg_g (S28), EivLs (S28), Fcrm (S28), Outname (S28), GrassPiece (S28)
47th willif (14): Smeshi (S12), RollRealQuick (S12), AiroKun (S12), YouCheated (S12), Nightshqdee (S12), cnner (S12), SSGSS4Goku (S12), checog (S12), Turqified (S16), rodfather (S17), HalfLechuga (S21), ArcticSeagull (S25), Fcrm (S32), harkuaa (S32)
47th winterf (14): Blarkslol (S13), NickPlaysGames15 (S13), xHobo (S14), Eindeutiger (S17), St0rmplayz (S17), Cacedoupamso (S17), GodlySteal (S17), Gott_aka_Leonard (S20), FishManIsPotato (S22), carterwarterbear (S22), jasondoa (S22), 5idekick (S28), WoodFired (S31), winterf (S31)
52nd CurdledDrip (13): InProper (S24), Kaismartypants (S28), PupperKun (S28), jasondoa (S28), carterwarterbear (S28), adrmf (S29), pm3crafte4 (S29), TheRealHagrid (S29), BuildingBard300 (S29), harkuaa (S31), lapppp (S31), RohanSmashBro (S31), Dizzying (S33)
52nd DripGodDavid (13): QuacksL (S13), Shqkster (S16), Deadlyboom (S18), GodlySteal (S19), xPandaaz (S20), samdave (S20), lapppp (S20), MisaSama (S20), Dyoza (S20), willif (S23), xtiger34 (S27), checog (S27), Valnius (S29)
52nd L1GHT1NG (13): Stravilight (S5), AdonisGaming (S5), DanishDrill (S9), Greatwarrior_ (S12), strategy (S26), Luca_Kgaming (S27), fyechris (S27), GhostLikesCakes (S28), benidk (S28), adrmf (S31), willif (S32), ilylazaro (S33), IsoLights (S33)
52nd spittoon (13): Chqllenged (S20), TheShippFloats (S20), Dredex (S20), Zopho_ (S20), benidk (S21), HUQTER (S21), adrmf (S25), DJoee (S27), SPEEDYDIGS (S27), L1GHT1NG (S27), skyzfy (S27), Glarza (S28), azoof (S28)
52nd WoodFired (13): DZYER (S7), Nightshqdee (S8), skyzfy (S14), TOOOTH (S16), Riolu100895 (S17), xMisha (S17), _carn (S17), xMisha (S19), Erdql (S20), NotMyLights (S20), theTrapDoor (S21), FLOWTIVES (S24), swishduck (S24)
57th Cahnner (12): MangoPlayz (S1), Fierys (S1), Dargxn (S1), FLOWTIVES (S1), Sigtash (S2), BikBoy (S2), kirkfr (S5), TinchoPijaLarga (S7), Mohala (S7), Kelawesome (S9), MangoPlayz (S9), checog (S9)
57th Zebobo10 (12): Shqkster (S6), Beastaxel (S6), alcxz (S7), WoodFired (S12), derekast (S12), _carn (S12), xMisha (S12), Jwillz (S20), marceloifhy (S20), PotatoPlayer_ (S20), theTrapDoor (S20), FLOWTIVES (S20)
59th 5idekick (11): B0WUH (S8), Shot3m (S9), Greatwarrior_ (S9), Gleoss (S12), SlicedOranges (S16), RohanSmashBro (S17), zCent (S17), Gott_aka_Leonard (S17), alcxz (S24), Senkhi (S24), Crayonix (S24)
59th 5ize (11): RAHILL (S5), imFatLoveMe (S11), Cwrunch (S11), Crayonix (S11), smiinoo (S21), remyyyyyy (S21), Loushus (S21), chrisrokay (S21), flameh (S21), AshRiolu100985 (S21), Severuu (S32)
59th Bulbexe (11): brinniex (S7), K0REDRAG0N (S8), L1GHT1NG (S8), Lynxo (S8), Mohala (S8), zCent (S14), ywack (S14), St0rmplayz (S14), Cloversss (S14), FLOWTIVES (S14), willif (S17)
59th Cirex (11): Loushus (S19), Blendd (S19), MannyDM (S19), Ginzburg (S19), soakle (S19), AvyleZ (S19), adrmf (S19), RollRealQuick (S19), CoDrake (S19), Colozi (S19), Gleoss (S19)
59th colbay (11): BraydenB11 (S3), TehBaconBrawlerZ (S3), mxcros (S3), Lynxo (S4), winterf (S18), ilylazaro (S20), nug17 (S20), brinkwhy (S25), RohanSmashBro (S25), spittoon (S25), oMatty (S32)
59th Dredex (11): risn (S3), Krbreb (S10), ToeKun (S17), Kaismartypants (S17), UbiquityHD (S20), HalfLechuga (S20), spxrkz_ (S24), _carn (S24), nolanishot (S24), soakle (S24), luvictoire (S24)
59th Glarza (11): ranmari (S14), ObeseProdigy (S16), onstep (S16), whoshaze (S19), remyyyyyy (S19), MangoPlayz (S19), Spongey (S19), kirkfr (S19), strategy (S25), carterwarterbear (S30), LLEANN (S33)
59th KELCOS (11): bayweafs (S13), winterf (S13), brinniex (S13), RollRealQuick (S13), TheRealHagrid (S13), FearThrows (S13), BruceTheNinja10 (S16), DJoee (S16), rodfather (S16), Hendysaurus (S16), lapppp (S16)
59th Krbreb (11): YellowAuraa (S2), kirkfr (S2), brinkwhy (S2), Lnarz (S2), MangoPlayz (S2), PizzqWithAQ (S2), SergeantM (S4), PwincessVanessa (S4), Lynxo (S10), benidk (S12), Luca_Kgaming (S16)
59th lamzyk (11): WoodFired (S26), vynil (S26), Glarza (S30), benidk (S30), harkuaa (S30), nsket (S31), GrassPiece (S31), nolanishot (S31), MisaSama (S31), Spongey (S31), skyzfy (S31)
59th MisaSama (11): Mvte (S20), DumbThiccNick (S21), Slooshyy (S23), xMisha (S23), Char1zo (S23), PupperKun (S23), jasondoa (S31), CHAINGE (S33), hypcr (S33), TheShippFloats (S33), FearThrows (S33)
70th AvyleZ (10): Emplacement (S4), Zebobo10 (S6), jjsteeples (S6), kirkfr (S6), m4ku (S6), loyaltea (S6), xMisha (S6), flameorb (S7), IdkKiller (S14), xMisha (S14)
70th Cloversss (10): dylns (S6), Crayonix (S14), Hendysaurus (S15), GodlySteal (S15), solnyy (S19), Luca_Kgaming (S23), GodlySteal (S23), BloodBlack (S24), bayweafs (S30), flameh (S33)
70th HUQTER (10): N0CTURNAL (S2), samdave (S2), Mohala (S6), Cloversss (S6), brinkwhy (S6), CoDrake (S20), hypcr (S28), theTrapDoor (S29), Supersun_ (S32), void_hi (S32)
70th retrys (10): vynil (S21), Senkhi (S21), NickPlaysGames15 (S21), solnyy (S22), lukevvs (S22), Abyr (S22), Qmos (S22), Gott_aka_Leonard (S22), cnner (S22), kirkfr (S22)
70th risn (10): PolarTaco (S3), Haydcn (S4), hypcr (S5), WoodFired (S6), Hendysaurus (S6), harkuaa (S6), Hendysaurus (S7), 5idekick (S15), Zopho_ (S17), alcxz (S19)
70th Spongey (10): ranmari (S16), DanishDrill (S16), Gott_aka_Leonard (S19), Retrofied (S27), SPEEDYDIGS (S31), _carn (S31), Crayonix (S31), Zoroh (S31), Char1zo (S33), 2Pacoh (S33)
76th Colozi (9): willif (S20), Lach (S20), Rameur (S23), jaranato (S23), CommanderK22_ (S23), jasondoa (S27), remyyyyyy (S27), Supersun_ (S27), Shm3e (S29)
76th DanishDrill (9): saltbag (S8), ItsColinn (S8), Ryfri (S8), skyzfy (S8), TOOOTH (S15), realCUYT (S15), benidk (S15), apa37 (S16), UbiquityHD (S16)
76th GrassPiece (9): JEREMIUH (S28), Normoh (S28), salic (S28), MichaelPlayMC (S30), theTrapDoor (S30), PotatoPlayer_ (S30), CHAINGE (S30), xtiger34 (S30), benidk (S31)
76th ItsColinn (9): harkuaa (S7), Greatwarrior_ (S8), DRI60 (S9), harkuaa (S9), CallMeBqse (S17), naseemXBT (S24), Flcnt (S24), brinkwhy (S24), sgouche (S24)
76th IZUR (9): Linkelf0rz (S22), ToeKun (S22), Zoroh (S22), Dargxn (S22), vegis (S26), DripGodDavid (S26), benidk (S26), AiroKun (S26), lapppp (S27)
76th Kelawesome (9): spellygod (S7), Valnius (S7), Fragggg (S7), lapppp (S7), AcidViper (S16), Blendd (S16), benidk (S16), ReiBatsubami (S16), LUCRODIUM (S24)
76th loyaltea (9): RAHILL (S2), maccwyatt (S5), AvyleZ (S5), Greatwarrior_ (S5), TinchoPijaLarga (S6), Greatwarrior_ (S6), Bulbexe (S9), DRI60 (S27), derekast (S29)
76th Stravilight (9): AiroKun (S7), Dcrpy (S8), dhaq (S8), Dcrpy (S12), pm3crafte4 (S20), ADinoPlayingMC (S23), TheRealHagrid (S26), ArcticSeagull (S28), Charrlottie (S28)
76th Vrehv (9): ranmari (S3), Greatwarrior_ (S4), spellygod (S4), XERNE5 (S4), IdkKiller (S4), HUQTER (S4), K0REDRAG0N (S10), KELCOS (S10), Gleoss (S17)
85th Bornyo (8): ceije (S12), Shqkster (S12), Cloversss (S12), lapppp (S12), swishduck (S16), BottleSause (S17), QueenxPetty (S17), Hecticity (S19)
85th chimah (8): Zcin (S1), ranmari (S1), ranmari (S4), TPolls (S4), IsoLights (S4), Sigtash (S4), brinkwhy (S4), benidk (S4)
85th Crayonix (8): TPolls (S8), xMisha (S10), Stravilight (S12), ItsColinn (S12), remyyyyyy (S18), swishduck (S18), Colozi (S18), tonylmao (S18)
85th dylns (8): maccwyatt (S2), soakle (S6), Vrehv (S6), heartparticles (S6), zFate (S6), Emplacement (S6), Merch (S6), onstep (S6)
85th FearThrows (8): DJoee (S7), Greatwarrior_ (S7), benidk (S10), remyyyyyy (S14), Cahnner (S14), bayweafs (S14), CipherKai (S14), Shqkster (S32)
85th iLoveBoris (8): ArcticSeagull (S10), ranmari (S11), CodeJoshua (S11), _1mmortal_ (S11), St0rmplayz (S11), soakle (S11), Jewala (S11), marceloifhy (S11)
85th kendawg_g (8): checog (S2), TehBaconBrawlerZ (S2), remyyyyyy (S26), Kahooter (S27), strategy (S27), sweatgod (S27), Shqkster (S27), swishduck (S27)
85th nolanishot (8): PotatoPlayer_ (S27), sgouche (S27), RqDix (S28), Centrios (S29), Fcrm (S31), Kaismartypants (S31), brinkwhy (S31), Dizzying (S31)
85th ranmari (8): Dcrpy (S21), HUQTER (S24), Zebobo10 (S26), HUQTER (S26), BuildingBard300 (S26), Kahooter (S26), Shqkster (S31), 5ize (S32)
85th solnyy (8): Clemjo (S10), ixHazexi (S13), DRI60 (S13), BloodBlack (S14), XERNE5 (S14), choiceband (S18), brinkwhy (S18), Haydcn (S19)
95th BruceTheNinja10 (7): willif (S16), choiceband (S26), Luca_Kgaming (S26), Dredex (S27), maccwyatt (S29), AshRiolu100985 (S33), Batusko (S33)
95th jasondoa (7): Colozi (S22), alcxz (S31), Luca_Kgaming (S32), BuildingBard300 (S32), HUQTER (S33), benidk (S33), lapppp (S33)
95th jubatyson (7): LZNAR (S20), winterf (S20), sgouche (S21), Zebobo10 (S22), Hpark03 (S22), VurkeTTV (S22), FroztiSnowman (S22)
95th Kaddyn (7): Harvyz (S7), XERNE5 (S17), Shqkster (S17), broccoliar (S30), ScaryPumpkinFace (S33), Codwhy (S33), OhMatias (S33)
95th Kelldeo (7): HeyItsJBug (S2), Bulbexe (S15), Goopling (S16), 5ARx (S16), zCent (S16), Kelawesome (S16), checog (S16)
95th Lynxo (7): flameorb (S6), _carn (S6), DRI60 (S10), ToontownOnline (S12), NickPlaysGames15 (S12), spellygod (S15), brinkwhy (S16)
95th maccwyatt (7): dylns (S2), Bofishkix (S4), soakle (S4), AvyleZ (S4), DumbThiccNick (S4), chimah (S4), HalfLechuga (S9)
95th marceloifhy (7): toggleuhc (S5), Emplacement (S5), apa37 (S11), ToeKun (S11), brinniex (S11), Captinn (S20), _1mmortal_ (S20)
95th Merch (7): Deanuhc (S5), Bulbexe (S5), IsoLights (S5), samdave (S5), Zoroh (S15), xtiger34 (S15), remyyyyyy (S15)
95th Mohala (7): drewxd (S1), brinkwhy (S3), HeyItsJBug (S3), IdkKiller (S3), brinniex (S5), CipherKai (S7), Clegi (S8)
95th Raying (7): oceun (S3), kendawg_g (S11), Centrah (S11), FishManIsPotato (S11), lzmur (S11), _carn (S11), hypcr (S11)
95th SAYNAR (7): theTrapDoor (S25), Supersun_ (S28), onstep (S28), BuildingBard300 (S33), PotatoPlayer_ (S33), Haydcn (S33), carterwarterbear (S33)
95th Scyles (7): PwincessVanessa (S2), Gleeming (S4), colbay (S4), Lynor (S4), Chesspiece (S4), kirkfr (S7), CoDrake (S17)
95th SpaceFenix (7): Evzenitable (S3), drewxd (S3), xDiversity (S9), spellygod (S9), ERHDude (S9), jjsteeples (S13), Deanuhc (S13)
95th St0rmplayz (7): Shqkster (S7), Sigtash (S8), brinkwhy (S9), imFatLoveMe (S9), 5idekick (S16), GodlySteal (S22), HalfLechuga (S31)
95th theTrapDoor (7): benidk (S20), GodlySteal (S20), Zopho_ (S22), colbay (S23), CHAINGE (S26), Fcrm (S26), RohanSmashBro (S30)
95th xDiversity (7): XERNE5 (S16), beaniepls (S16), Loushus (S17), lzmur (S17), theTrapDoor (S23), 5idekick (S24), FLOWTIVES (S26)
95th XERNE5 (7): Shqkster (S2), TinchoPijaLarga (S4), AiroKun (S9), adrmf (S9), MangoPlayz (S14), Zoroh (S14), Slooshyy (S17)
113th CHAINGE (6): MisaSama (S25), BuildingBard300 (S30), Shqkster (S30), ToeKun (S30), BuildingBard300 (S31), CurdledDrip (S31)
113th Fcrm (6): Blendd (S26), dwgn (S28), brinkwhy (S29), Ryfri (S29), checog (S29), _1mmortal_ (S33)
113th Ginzburg (6): DeadpoolUHC (S20), WoodFired (S20), Aybel (S20), benidk (S25), spellygod (S25), _carn (S29)
113th lzmur (6): brinkwhy (S11), TehBaconBrawlerZ (S11), Krxmble (S11), Luca_Kgaming (S17), broccoliar (S17), zewgle (S22)
113th nsi9 (6): Doe (S20), JEREMIUH (S26), St0rmplayz (S26), Demomaker (S26), xROSEQ (S26), RohanSmashBro (S26)
113th strategy (6): PupperKun (S24), dahii (S24), ranmari (S24), xtiger34 (S24), WoodFired (S24), sgouche (S30)
113th Turqified (6): samdave (S10), HalfLechuga (S10), GriddyTC (S10), DripGodDavid (S10), tonylmao (S10), downkey (S10)
113th zCent (6): PotatoPlayer_ (S21), spittoon (S21), remyyyyyy (S22), ethodog (S23), SAYNAR (S29), CurdledDrip (S29)
121st alcxz (5): upraise (S9), maccwyatt (S9), Vrehv (S12), Nuclearsugar (S16), AhSh1t (S16)
121st Batusko (5): AshRiolu100985 (S24), AdonisGaming (S24), upraise (S27), LUKAD0NCIC (S33), MisaSama (S33)
121st Blendd (5): PotatoPlayer_ (S16), SSGSS4Goku (S17), MainAgate5 (S20), remyyyyyy (S20), flameh (S20)
121st derekast (5): nug17 (S22), m4ku (S22), LZNAR (S22), FLOWTIVES (S29), sgouche (S32)
121st Dyoza (5): RohanSmashBro (S27), Captureee (S27), sgouche (S33), Shqkster (S33), Dargxn (S33)
121st enablin (5): RohanSmashBro (S11), iLoveBoris (S11), TheSlimeBrother (S15), Broseph (S16), remyyyyyy (S16)
121st FrostBros (5): spittoon (S19), dahii (S19), K0REDRAG0N (S19), adrmf (S21), skyzfy (S21)
121st GodlySteal (5): rnaa (S16), DripGodDavid (S19), PLENT (S20), skyzfy (S20), L1GHT1NG (S32)
121st harrydagawd (5): Stravilight (S6), skyzfy (S6), St0rmplayz (S6), MangoPlayz (S6), FLOWTIVES (S6)
121st Haydcn (5): risn (S5), HyperOutHere (S21), jubatyson (S21), zCent (S30), Spongey (S33)
121st IdkKiller (5): Bulbexe (S6), Glockey_ (S9), Crayonix (S15), IdkKiller (S19), Zopho_ (S32)
121st IsoLights (5): IdkKiller (S5), MangoPlayz (S5), L1GHT1NG (S5), xxezrabxxx (S16), Luca_Kgaming (S33)
121st LLEANN (5): Blendd (S20), LUKAD0NCIC (S20), onstep (S20), _carn (S28), Supersun_ (S33)
121st naseemXBT (5): MCBR (S24), Gleoss (S25), Crayonix (S27), Slooshyy (S27), Zoroh (S27)
121st rodfather (5): AiroKun (S16), Lunar_ (S16), CrowJRC (S16), bestlegitww (S18), _1mmortal_ (S18)
121st saltbag (5): spellygod (S5), jemjosh (S7), Cloversss (S7), toggleuhc (S7), Slooshyy (S19)
121st StrengthDMN (5): Normoh (S27), alexnv (S27), Spongey (S27), IZUR (S27), PupperKun (S27)
121st Supersun_ (5): L1GHT1NG (S22), St0rmplayz (S22), PotatoPlayer_ (S23), BuildingBard300 (S27), _pbo (S30)
121st YouCheated (5): IvanDIGGA (S12), ranmari (S12), CipherKai (S12), Dizzying (S12), ploonyUwU (S28)
121st zewgle (5): _Pm (S15), mxcros (S15), DJoee (S15), Kelldeo (S15), Cacedoupamso (S30)
121st Zopho_ (5): samdave (S7), Xifto (S22), PotatoPlayer_ (S32), soakle (S32), loyaltea (S32)
Rest in Part 2
submitted by Brodator to SeaPickled [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:16 Brodator Solace Kills (Part 2)

Solace Kills (Part 2)


Rest in Part 1
142nd _Pm (4): dylxnd (S7), ToeKun (S7), Dargxn (S7), Vernium (S16)
142nd apa37 (4): Cahnner (S6), Caceduopamso (S15), _1mmortal_ (S17), L1GHT1NG (S17)
142nd beaniepls (4): QuacksL (S14), _Fost_ (S16), Zeesue (S17), benidk (S17)
142nd Dcrpy (4): ghostblurr (S9), Haydcn (S9), tonylmao (S9), Senkhi (S9)
142nd drewxd (4): Bofishkix (S1), SpaceFenix (S3), soakle (S17), _Gag (S17)
142nd Flcnt (4): loyaltea (S9), Centrah (S9), skyzfy (S9), Dreamfall (S33)
142nd HalfLechuga (4): Greatwarrior_ (S10), brinniex (S15), MisaSama (S29), Charrlottie (S29)
142nd Hendysaurus (4): HUQTER (S5), Jeromesha (S5), upraise (S6), saltbag (S6)
142nd ilylazaro (4): xtiger34 (S20), soakle (S20), RiseGR (S21), BENJADDD (S21)
142nd JEREMIUH (4): Switches (S27), Scyles (S28), kendawg_g (S31), sgouche (S31)
142nd m4ku (4): alcxz (S6), downkey (S22), SpaceFenix (S26), Supersun_ (S26)
142nd NotChewi (4): DripGodDavid (S6), spellygod (S6), DragonGlory (S9), HalfLechuga (S24)
142nd oceun (4): Blarkslol (S3), dontbow (S32), PupperKun (S32), HUQTER (S32)
142nd Shqkster (4): downkey (S1), CallMeBqse (S1), Ryfri (S14), xPandaaz (S32)
142nd TOOOTH (4): GreenFire26 (S17), ToeKun (S18), T1mT0m (S18), Aybel (S22)
142nd TPolls (4): Permm (S3), Vrehv (S3), Raying (S3), Cahnner (S4)
142nd unixn (4): ItsColinn (S21), Cahnner (S21), Slooshyy (S21), FrostBros (S21)
142nd ZachConnor (4): Bulbexe (S7), XERNE5 (S7), St0rmplayz (S7), Stravilight (S7)
160th 5HARPGOD (3): PapaNugey (S15), Merch (S15), LZNAR (S15)
160th ArcticSeagull (3): YouCheated (S9), DRI60 (S14), RqDix (S27)
160th BloodBlack (3): Lative (S14), benidk (S14), WoodFired (S14)
160th CoDrake (3): Abstracct (S13), theTrapDoor (S19), benidk (S19)
160th DragonGlory (3): ZachConnor (S8), carterwarterbear (S8), Vrehv (S9)
160th Emplacement (3): notrhain (S6), Slooshyy (S8), jjsteeples (S8)
160th ethodog (3): Fcrm (S24), DJoee (S24), _Fost_ (S24)
160th Fierys (3): AryaQT (S1), Senkhi (S1), homiemansmans (S1)
160th fyechris (3): 5idekick (S27), soakle (S27), GrassPiece (S27)
160th ghostblurr (3): BruceTheNinja10 (S17), MXLAXIO (S17), HeyItsJBug (S19)
160th ImChilly (3): risn (S7), ArcticSeagull (S7), xMisha (S9)
160th iWrekt (3): FireBreathMan (S2), spellygod (S2), xCynesta (S2)
160th jacobcrafty (3): Squegi (S23), Senkhi (S23), _carn (S27)
160th Kahooter (3): Kaismartypants (S26), hashtagmat (S26), FLOWTIVES (S27)
160th lukevvs (3): PLENT (S21), PotatoPlayer_ (S22), SilabaTonica (S23)
160th luksxixBRBDL (3): emi1iano (S18), L1GHT1NG (S18), Dreamfall (S18)
160th MephisDomen (3): Bornyo (S24), ethodog (S24), Stornette (S24)
160th Nightshqdee (3): void_hi (S8), ArcticSeagull (S8), JroseFX (S8)
160th notrhain (3): Shqkster (S15), ninja3214 (S15), skyzfy (S15)
160th PingBomb (3): TehBaconBrawlerZ (S9), Crayonix (S9), benidk (S9)
160th PLENT (3): Hrray (S22), TitaniumDino25 (S22), Gleoss (S22)
160th RollRealQuick (3): Dargxn (S12), Kaddyn (S33), CommanderK22_ (S33)
160th Stornette (3): StrengthDMN (S10), Abyr (S24), Batusko (S24)
160th sweatgod (3): DripGodDavid (S27), DJoee (S30), CipherKai (S30)
160th TheShippFloats (3): dahii (S21), retrys (S21), xtiger34 (S33)
160th toggleuhc (3): love_gem4164 (S5), Sigtash (S5), benidk (S5)
160th Valnius (3): RohanSmashBro (S6), pawnss (S6), toggleuhc (S6)
160th violethearts (3): willif (S9), CipherKai (S9), Dargxn (S25)
160th void_hi (3): StrengthDMN (S7), FishManIsPotato (S9), DripGodDavid (S15)
160th xROSEQ (3): Dyoza (S26), xDiversity (S26), Gotelin (S26)
160th Zeko_Kun (3): Ryfri (S13), derekast (S13), benidk (S13)
191st _1mmortal_ (2): willif (S7), Lunar_ (S7)
191st alexnv (2): colbay (S27), jacobcrafty (S27)
191st B0WUH (2): Zeesue (S15), Kartracer (S15)
191st Bobbytheturtle (2): SSGSS4Goku (S15), Batsuko (S15)
191st BraydenB11 (2): Strikeroonie (S4), upraise (S5)
191st Captinn (2): LUCRODIUM (S17), UbiquityHD (S17)
191st Cheetah_16 (2): marceloifhy (S10), BraydenB11 (S12)
191st Chesspiece (2): ZachConnor (S3), risn (S4)
191st Clegi (2): DRI60 (S8), dahii (S8)
191st Cr3ad (2): YouCheated (S28), broccoliar (S28)
191st Creadyy (2): brinkwhy (S12), IdkKiller (S12)
191st Cwrunch (2): cnner (S11), AiroKun (S11)
191st devuls (2): DripGodDavid (S9), lapppp (S9)
191st Dewces (2): floodW (S13), SpaceFenix (S13)
191st dhaq (2): yassifies_u (S8), Forrest235 (S8)
191st dontbow (2): samdave (S21), carterwarterbear (S27)
191st Dreamfall (2): PitSolitayrh (S17), skyzfy (S17)
191st Drkrai (2): saltbag (S16), MarcoThePhe0nix (S16)
191st DZYER (2): iLoveBoris (S8), BraydenB11 (S8)
191st ERHDude (2): RohanSmashBro (S7), brinniex (S9)
191st Ezehh (2): pm3crafte4 (S23), BENJADDD (S23)
191st Fragggg (2): InProper (S16), tonylmao (S16)
191st FroztiSnowman (2): Strikeroonie (S22), RollRealQuick (S22)
191st fxlzy (2): Orbitxl (S23), carterwarterbear (S23)
191st GhostLikesCakes (2): TMNono (S18), saltbag (S19)
191st Greatwarrior_ (2): Greatwarrior_ (S11), ArcticSeagull (S12)
191st harkuaa (2): Haydcn (S6), theTrapDoor (S32)
191st HeyItsJBug (2): Flcnt (S2), St0rmplayz (S27)
191st homiemansmans (2): HUQTER (S1), ItzIgglesPiggles (S1)
191st IMLpLay (2): Mohala (S19), _carn (S19)
191st jjsteeples (2): HeyItsJBug (S4), imFatLoveMe (S8)
191st KennyTee (2): Shqkster (S22), sr8611 (S22)
191st MannyDM (2): mxrwxndood (S8), Lynxo (S19)
191st mxrwxndood (2): Wimbl (S8), upraise (S8)
191st NickPlaysGames15 (2): HalfLechuga (S14), winterf (S14)
191st Normoh (2): idklyn (S15), ArcticSeagull (S27)
191st NotSugar (2): Clemjo (S16), Bornyo (S16)
191st Pemmyy (2): LUKAD0NCIC (S21), downkey (S21)
191st PolarTaco (2): TehBaconBrawlerZ (S7), kendawg_g (S7)
191st QuacksL (2): NexfoR (S10), ywack (S11)
191st RaiN_DyNasty (2): SAYNAR (S32), IdkKiller (S32)
191st Rameur (2): Crayonix (S20), Zoroh (S23)
191st RiseGR (2): St0rmplayz (S21), hypcr (S21)
191st Sigtash (2): FearThrows (S4), Stornette (S28)
191st slxps (2): notrhain (S4), Senkhi (S4)
191st SPEEDYDIGS (2): IdkKiller (S26), HUQTER (S27)
191st spxrkz_ (2): lzmur (S24), DumbThiccNick (S24)
191st SSGSS4Goku (2): Charrlottie (S12), kirkfr (S12)
191st TehBaconBrawlerZ (2): T1mT0m (S13), Vetmire (S14)
191st TheSheepMasters (2): TehBaconBrawlerZ (S21), Gotelin (S21)
191st vynil (2): LUCRODIUM (S31), loyaltea (S31)
191st xannydood (2): GhostLikesCakes (S33), PupperKun (S33)
191st Zeesue (2): SpaceFenix (S15), NotChewi (S31)
191st zFate (2): PizzqWithAQ (S6), imFatLoveMe (S6)
245th 5KYFALLS (1): jacobcrafty (S24)
245th _Fost_ (1): willif (S14)
245th _Gag (1): Bulbexe (S3)
245th Abyr (1): Togglee_ (S22)
245th Aybel (1): broccoliar (S20)
245th BackToAfrica (1): Dargxn (S16)
245th Bov (1): HalfLechuga (S28)
245th brghts (1): jake_hoe (S12)
245th broccoliar (1): broccoliar (S12)
245th Broseph (1): ObeseProdigy (S19)
245th Centrah (1): jake_hoe (S7)
245th cherryblawsom (1): ninja3214 (S9)
245th chrisrokay (1): Broseph (S18)
245th Clemjo (1): DEV0Y (S10)
245th Cocunut233 (1): brinkwhy (S14)
245th CrowJRC (1): PitSolitayrh (S16)
245th Daltun (1): RollRealQuick (S14)
245th Deadlyboom (1): beaniepls (S18)
245th DEV0Y (1): Bulbexe (S24)
245th Erdql (1): theTrapDoor (S33)
245th Fearx_ (1): _carn (S22)
245th flameh (1): Lynxo (S20)
245th flameorb (1): Bornyo (S8)
245th floodW (1): Tinydraco (S13)
245th Gott_aka_Leonard (1): Gleoss (S15)
245th Hecticity (1): tonylmao (S31)
245th Hpark03 (1): omchris (S22)
245th idklyn (1): SpaceFenix (S1)
245th Jaceon02 (1): L1GHT1NG (S16)
245th Jewala (1): Zeesue (S11)
245th Jwillz (1): Cacedoupamso (S24)
245th Kaismartypants (1): m4ku (S26)
245th Kartracer (1): zCent (S15)
245th KazyXD (1): Jwillz (S24)
245th Lach (1): Zebobo10 (S20)
245th Lnarz (1): IsoLights (S3)
245th Loushus (1): bayweafs (S19)
245th Lunar_ (1): Zopho_ (S8)
245th MarcoThePhe0nix (1): CallMeBqse (S16)
245th MaxCringe (1): LLEANN (S21)
245th Mvte (1): pureinnocence (S1)
245th mxcros (1): cherryblawsom (S9)
245th Nikanod (1): NotMyLights (S21)
245th nsket (1): Valnius (S31)
245th ObeseProdigy (1): Dredex (S16)
245th OhMatias (1): Fcrm (S33)
245th omchris (1): OblivionTU (S22)
245th Pahm (1): AdonisGaming (S3)
245th pm3crafte4 (1): nsi9 (S20)
245th PRICINCT (1): HalfLechuga (S15)
245th Psykl0ne (1): QueenxPetty (S16)
245th PwincessVanessa (1): GhostLikesCakes (S18)
245th RAHILL (1): BraydenB11 (S2)
245th RatherRare (1): Gleoss (S11)
245th Ryfri (1): Slooshyy (S24)
245th Shm3e (1): alcxz (S29)
245th Shot3m (1): willif (S6)
245th sleepingxd (1): GhostLikesCakes (S24)
245th Specularpotato (1): Cr3ad (S28)
245th sr8611 (1): Fearx_ (S22)
245th Switches (1): spellygod (S3)
245th T1mT0m (1): IdkKiller (S13)
245th TheRealHagrid (1): Dcrpy (S13)
245th TheSlimeBrother (1): DRI60 (S15)
245th ToeKun (1): Luca_Kgaming (S19)
245th ToontownOnline (1): alcxz (S8)
245th UbiquityHD (1): Shqkster (S20)
245th xPandaaz (1): HalfLechuga (S32)
245th yassifies_u (1): XERNE5 (S8)
245th Yist (1): Ryfri (S10)
245th zrtt (1): Scyles (S7)

Kill/Death Ratio (KDR)

1st brocktober - NaN (0/0)
2nd mxrwzndood - Inf (21/0)
2nd Cirex - Inf (11/0)
4th Greninja - 7.00 (14/2)
5th Zoroh - 5.32 (101/19)
6th retrys - 5.00 (10/2)
6th harrydagawd - 5.00 (5/1)
8th FLOWTIVES - 4.67 (112/24)
9th adrmf - 4.57 (64/14)
10th cnner - 4.33 (26/6)
11th Captureee - 4.20 (21/5)
12th lapppp - 4.16 (104/25)
13th chimah - 4.00 (8/2)
14th Permm - 3.75 (15/4)
15th lamzyk - 3.67 (11/3)
16th PizzqWithAQ - 3.64 (40/11)
17th Strikeroonie - 3.60 (18/5)
18th jubatyson - 3.50 (7/2)
18th Raying - 3.50 (7/2)
20th Gleoss - 3.15 (63/20)
21st LZNAR - 3.00 (24/8)
21st Fierys - 3.00 (3/1)
21st iWrekt - 3.00 (3/1)
21st luksxixBRBDL - 3.00 (3/1)
21st MephisDomen - 3.00 (3/1)
21st PingBomb - 3.00 (3/1)
21st xROSEQ - 3.00 (3/1)
21st Zeko_Kun - 3.00 (3/1)
29th xtiger34 - 2.90 (29/10)
30th 5ize - 2.75 (11/4)
30th KELCOS - 2.75 (11/4)
32nd spellygod - 2.73 (41/15)
33rd iLoveBoris - 2.67 (8/3)
34th AiroKun - 2.62 (42/16)
35th FrostBros - 2.50 (5/2)
36th CipherKai - 2.45 (27/11)
37th Merch - 2.33 (7/3)
38th samdave - 2.27 (34/15)
39th GrassPiece - 2.25 (9/4)
39th IZUR - 2.25 (9/4)
41st swishduck - 2.20 (22/10)
42nd LUCRODIUM - 2.06 (33/16)
43rd skyzfy - 2.00 (50/25)
43rd Spongey - 2.00 (10/5)
43rd dylns - 2.00 (8/4)
43rd nsi9 - 2.00 (6/3)
43rd oceun - 2.00 (4/2)
43rd Clegi - 2.00 (2/1)
43rd Cr3ad - 2.00 (2/1)
43rd Creadyy - 2.00 (2/1)
43rd devuls - 2.00 (2/1)
43rd Dewces - 2.00 (2/1)
43rd Drkrai - 2.00 (2/1)
43rd Ezehh - 2.00 (2/1)
43rd FroztiSnowman - 2.00 (2/1)
43rd fxlzy - 2.00 (2/1)
43rd homiemansmans - 2.00 (2/1)
43rd KennyTee - 2.00 (2/1)
43rd mxrwxndood - 2.00 (2/1)
43rd NotSugar - 2.00 (2/1)
43rd Pemmyy - 2.00 (2/1)
43rd RaiN_DyNasty - 2.00 (2/1)
43rd slxps - 2.00 (2/1)
43rd xannydood - 2.00 (2/1)
43rd zFate - 2.00 (2/1)
66th checog - 1.93 (27/14)
66th Dizzying - 1.93 (27/14)
68th carterwarterbear - 1.83 (44/24)
69th PupperKun - 1.80 (27/15)
69th Kelawesome - 1.80 (9/5)
71st Deanuhc - 1.78 (16/9)
72nd tonylmao - 1.75 (21/12)
72nd Kelldeo - 1.75 (7/4)
72nd marceloifhy - 1.75 (7/4)
75th FishManIsPotato - 1.70 (17/10)
76th enablin - 1.67 (5/3)
76th LLEANN - 1.67 (5/3)
76th zewgle - 1.67 (5/3)
79th DJoee - 1.65 (28/17)
80th Dargxn - 1.63 (31/19)
81st CurdledDrip - 1.62 (13/8)
81st spittoon - 1.62 (13/8)
83rd xMisha - 1.62 (21/13)
84th nolanishot - 1.60 (8/5)
85th dahii - 1.58 (19/12)
85th sgouche - 1.58 (19/12)
87th Cahnner - 1.50 (12/8)
87th DanishDrill - 1.50 (9/6)
87th 5HARPGOD - 1.50 (3/2)
87th BloodBlack - 1.50 (3/2)
87th fyechris - 1.50 (3/2)
87th ImChilly - 1.50 (3/2)
87th Kahooter - 1.50 (3/2)
87th Nightshqdee - 1.50 (3/2)
87th violethearts - 1.50 (3/2)
96th Senkhi - 1.42 (17/12)
97th soakle - 1.33 (28/21)
97th onstep - 1.33 (24/18)
97th unixn - 1.33 (4/3)
97th ZachConnor - 1.33 (4/3)
101st DumbThiccNick - 1.29 (18/14)
101st ItsColinn - 1.29 (9/7)
103rd hypcr - 1.27 (19/15)
104th _carn - 1.26 (24/19)
105th benidk - 1.25 (35/28)
105th AvyleZ - 1.25 (10/8)
105th naseemXBT - 1.25 (5/4)
105th rodfather - 1.25 (5/4)
105th YouCheated - 1.25 (5/4)
110th colbay - 1.22 (11/9)
110th Dredex - 1.22 (11/9)
110th Glarza - 1.22 (11/9)
113th Ginzburg - 1.20 (6/5)
114th downkey - 1.19 (19/16)
115th upraise - 1.17 (14/12)
115th BruceTheNinja10 - 1.17 (7/6)
115th maccwyatt - 1.17 (7/6)
118th BENJADDD - 1.15 (15/13)
118th LUKAD0NCIC - 1.15 (15/13)
120th Krbreb - 1.10 (11/10)
121st winterf - 1.08 (14/13)
122nd remyyyyyy - 1.07 (15/14)
123rd Zebobo10 - 1.00 (12/12)
123rd Colozi - 1.00 (9/9)
123rd loyaltea - 1.00 (9/9)
123rd Bornyo - 1.00 (8/8)
123rd solnyy - 1.00 (8/8)
123rd SAYNAR - 1.00 (7/7)
123rd Scyles - 1.00 (7/7)
123rd Blendd - 1.00 (5/5)
123rd _Pm - 1.00 (4/4)
123rd ilylazaro - 1.00 (4/4)
123rd JEREMIUH - 1.00 (4/4)
123rd m4ku - 1.00 (4/4)
123rd ethodog - 1.00 (3/3)
123rd lukevvs - 1.00 (3/3)
123rd notrhain - 1.00 (3/3)
123rd alexnv - 1.00 (2/2)
123rd Bobbytheturtle - 1.00 (2/2)
123rd Cwrunch - 1.00 (2/2)
123rd dhaq - 1.00 (2/2)
123rd ERHDude - 1.00 (2/2)
123rd Rameur - 1.00 (2/2)
123rd RiseGR - 1.00 (2/2)
123rd spxrkz_ - 1.00 (2/2)
123rd Bov - 1.00 (1/1)
123rd brghts - 1.00 (1/1)
123rd cherryblawsom - 1.00 (1/1)
123rd CrowJRC - 1.00 (1/1)
123rd Daltun - 1.00 (1/1)
123rd floodW - 1.00 (1/1)
123rd Hpark03 - 1.00 (1/1)
123rd Jewala - 1.00 (1/1)
123rd Kartracer - 1.00 (1/1)
123rd KazyXD - 1.00 (1/1)
123rd MarcoThePhe0nix - 1.00 (1/1)
123rd Nikanod - 1.00 (1/1)
123rd nsket - 1.00 (1/1)
123rd PRICINCT - 1.00 (1/1)
123rd Psykl0ne - 1.00 (1/1)
123rd RatherRare - 1.00 (1/1)
123rd Shm3e - 1.00 (1/1)
123rd sleepingxd - 1.00 (1/1)
123rd Specularpotato - 1.00 (1/1)
123rd sr8611 - 1.00 (1/1)
123rd TheSlimeBrother - 1.00 (1/1)
123rd yassifies_u - 1.00 (1/1)
123rd Yist - 1.00 (1/1)
123rd zrtt - 1.00 (1/1)
170th kirkfr - 0.94 (16/17)
171st 5idekick - 0.92 (11/12)
172nd risn - 0.91 (10/11)
173rd Vrehv - 0.90 (9/10)
174th SpaceFenix - 0.88 (7/8)
174th xDiversity - 0.88 (7/8)
176th CHAINGE - 0.86 (6/7)
176th lzmur - 0.86 (6/7)
176th Turqified - 0.86 (6/7)
179th PotatoPlayer_ - 0.85 (17/20)
180th Batusko - 0.83 (5/6)
180th IsoLights - 0.83 (5/6)
182nd FearThrows - 0.80 (8/10)
182nd beaniepls - 0.80 (4/5)
182nd TPolls - 0.80 (4/5)
185th jasondoa - 0.78 (7/9)
185th Mohala - 0.78 (7/9)
187th Fcrm - 0.75 (6/8)
187th strategy - 0.75 (6/8)
187th DragonGlory - 0.75 (3/4)
187th jacobcrafty - 0.75 (3/4)
187th PLENT - 0.75 (3/4)
187th sweatgod - 0.75 (3/4)
187th toggleuhc - 0.75 (3/4)
194th RohanSmashBro - 0.74 (14/19)
194th willif - 0.74 (14/19)
196th Bulbexe - 0.73 (11/15)
197th kendawg_g - 0.73 (8/11)
198th WoodFired - 0.72 (13/18)
199th Dyoza - 0.71 (5/7)
199th StrengthDMN - 0.71 (5/7)
201st MisaSama - 0.69 (11/16)
202nd Cloversss - 0.67 (10/15)
202nd drewxd - 0.67 (4/6)
202nd NotChewi - 0.67 (4/6)
202nd B0WUH - 0.67 (2/3)
202nd Fragggg - 0.67 (2/3)
202nd IMLpLay - 0.67 (2/3)
202nd PolarTaco - 0.67 (2/3)
202nd TheSheepMasters - 0.67 (2/3)
210th DripGodDavid - 0.65 (13/20)
211th Kaddyn - 0.64 (7/11)
212th brinkwhy - 0.63 (19/30)
213th derekast - 0.62 (5/8)
213th saltbag - 0.62 (5/8)
213th Zopho_ - 0.62 (5/8)
216th L1GHT1NG - 0.62 (13/21)
217th ghostblurr - 0.60 (3/5)
217th TheShippFloats - 0.60 (3/5)
219th Flcnt - 0.57 (4/7)
219th Hendysaurus - 0.57 (4/7)
219th TOOOTH - 0.57 (4/7)
222nd XERNE5 - 0.54 (7/13)
223rd HUQTER - 0.53 (10/19)
224th Stravilight - 0.50 (9/18)
224th Lynxo - 0.50 (7/14)
224th theTrapDoor - 0.50 (7/14)
224th Supersun_ - 0.50 (5/10)
224th CoDrake - 0.50 (3/6)
224th Stornette - 0.50 (3/6)
224th Captinn - 0.50 (2/4)
224th Chesspiece - 0.50 (2/4)
224th DZYER - 0.50 (2/4)
224th MannyDM - 0.50 (2/4)
224th SPEEDYDIGS - 0.50 (2/4)
224th 5KYFALLS - 0.50 (1/2)
224th Abyr - 0.50 (1/2)
224th Deadlyboom - 0.50 (1/2)
224th Erdql - 0.50 (1/2)
224th Fearx_ - 0.50 (1/2)
224th Lach - 0.50 (1/2)
224th Lnarz - 0.50 (1/2)
224th MaxCringe - 0.50 (1/2)
224th OhMatias - 0.50 (1/2)
224th Pahm - 0.50 (1/2)
224th Shot3m - 0.50 (1/2)
224th Switches - 0.50 (1/2)
247th apa37 - 0.44 (4/9)
247th Dcrpy - 0.44 (4/9)
249th Crayonix - 0.42 (8/19)
250th GodlySteal - 0.42 (5/12)
250th Haydcn - 0.42 (5/12)
252nd ranmari - 0.40 (8/20)
252nd Cheetah_16 - 0.40 (2/5)
252nd dontbow - 0.40 (2/5)
252nd Normoh - 0.40 (2/5)
256th alcxz - 0.38 (5/13)
257th zCent - 0.38 (6/16)
257th Emplacement - 0.38 (3/8)
257th Valnius - 0.38 (3/8)
260th St0rmplayz - 0.35 (7/20)
261st void_hi - 0.33 (3/9)
261st BraydenB11 - 0.33 (2/6)
261st NickPlaysGames15 - 0.33 (2/6)
261st vynil - 0.33 (2/6)
261st _Fost_ - 0.33 (1/3)
261st _Gag - 0.33 (1/3)
261st Aybel - 0.33 (1/3)
261st BackToAfrica - 0.33 (1/3)
261st Broseph - 0.33 (1/3)
261st chrisrokay - 0.33 (1/3)
261st Clemjo - 0.33 (1/3)
261st Cocunut233 - 0.33 (1/3)
261st flameh - 0.33 (1/3)
261st idklyn - 0.33 (1/3)
261st Loushus - 0.33 (1/3)
261st Mvte - 0.33 (1/3)
261st ObeseProdigy - 0.33 (1/3)
261st omchris - 0.33 (1/3)
261st pm3crafte4 - 0.33 (1/3)
261st RAHILL - 0.33 (1/3)
261st ToontownOnline - 0.33 (1/3)
261st UbiquityHD - 0.33 (1/3)
261st xPandaaz - 0.33 (1/3)
284th Dreamfall - 0.29 (2/7)
284th jjsteeples - 0.29 (2/7)
286th IdkKiller - 0.28 (5/18)
287th GhostLikesCakes - 0.25 (2/8)
287th HeyItsJBug - 0.25 (2/8)
287th QuacksL - 0.25 (2/8)
287th SSGSS4Goku - 0.25 (2/8)
287th Centrah - 0.25 (1/4)
287th flameorb - 0.25 (1/4)
287th Jaceon02 - 0.25 (1/4)
287th Jwillz - 0.25 (1/4)
287th Lunar_ - 0.25 (1/4)
296th HalfLechuga - 0.24 (4/17)
297th RollRealQuick - 0.23 (3/13)
298th Greatwarrior_ - 0.22 (2/9)
299th harkuaa - 0.20 (2/10)
299th Sigtash - 0.20 (2/10)
299th TehBaconBrawlerZ - 0.20 (2/10)
299th DEV0Y - 0.20 (1/5)
299th Hecticity - 0.20 (1/5)
299th mxcros - 0.20 (1/5)
299th T1mT0m - 0.20 (1/5)
306th Shqkster - 0.17 (4/23)
307th ArcticSeagull - 0.17 (3/18)
307th Zeesue - 0.17 (2/12)
307th TheRealHagrid - 0.17 (1/6)
310th _1mmortal_ - 0.14 (2/14)
311th Gott_aka_Leonard - 0.12 (1/8)
311th Ryfri - 0.12 (1/8)
313th PwincessVanessa - 0.08 (1/12)
314th broccoliar - 0.07 (1/14)
314th Kaismartypants - 0.07 (1/14)
316th ToeKun - 0.06 (1/18)
317th 14flyte - 0.00 (0/1)
317th 4runnermaster - 0.00 (0/1)
317th 6irb - 0.00 (0/1)
317th aarei - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Abstracct - 0.00 (0/1)
317th AcidViper - 0.00 (0/1)
317th AhSh1t - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Arich - 0.00 (0/1)
317th AryaQT - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Awticon - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Batsuko - 0.00 (0/1)
317th BEESTARG - 0.00 (0/1)
317th bestlegitww - 0.00 (0/1)
317th BikBoy - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Blufferfish2009 - 0.00 (0/1)
317th bmartxxx - 0.00 (0/1)
317th BushieHalf - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Centrios - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Chqllenged - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Cindergaming698 - 0.00 (0/1)
317th claure - 0.00 (0/1)
317th CodeJoshua - 0.00 (0/1)
317th CTW - 0.00 (0/1)
317th DeadlyFoxx - 0.00 (0/1)
317th DeadpoolUHC - 0.00 (0/1)
317th demisux - 0.00 (0/1)
317th DEMUSS - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Doe - 0.00 (0/1)
317th DogInCar - 0.00 (0/1)
317th dooko - 0.00 (0/1)
317th dray0 - 0.00 (0/1)
317th dwgn - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Dylxnnnn - 0.00 (0/1)
317th dzupgu - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Eindeutiger - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Evzenitable - 0.00 (0/1)
317th FireBreathMan - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Fratrus - 0.00 (0/1)
317th FroztiSnow - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Futan - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Fxther - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Glockey_ - 0.00 (0/1)
317th GreenFire26 - 0.00 (0/1)
317th GriddyTC - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Harvyz - 0.00 (0/1)
317th hdjr - 0.00 (0/1)
317th hueske - 0.00 (0/1)
317th HyperOutHere - 0.00 (0/1)
317th iGotPlumbs - 0.00 (0/1)
317th InnerArtsTV - 0.00 (0/1)
317th ItzHooded - 0.00 (0/1)
317th ItzIgglesPiggles - 0.00 (0/1)
317th IvanDIGGA - 0.00 (0/1)
317th ixHazexi - 0.00 (0/1)
317th JaeHasNoMaidens - 0.00 (0/1)
317th jaranato - 0.00 (0/1)
317th JEDIMASTERKANYE - 0.00 (0/1)
317th jigsaws - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Jkkl - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Johatsu - 0.00 (0/1)
317th JroseFX - 0.00 (0/1)
317th LeMystiic - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Linkelf0rz - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Lmoj - 0.00 (0/1)
317th LowkeyLoke - 0.00 (0/1)
317th M0KEY - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Mafiat - 0.00 (0/1)
317th MainAgate5 - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Mapietrzak - 0.00 (0/1)
317th MarcoThePh0enix - 0.00 (0/1)
317th MCBR - 0.00 (0/1)
317th MostLikelySam - 0.00 (0/1)
317th MXLAXIO - 0.00 (0/1)
317th N0CTURNAL - 0.00 (0/1)
317th nikiforos - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Nuclearsugar - 0.00 (0/1)
317th O1OO - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Orbitxl - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Outname - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Penley - 0.00 (0/1)
317th peppermint - 0.00 (0/1)
317th ploonyUwU - 0.00 (0/1)
317th PoofessorP - 0.00 (0/1)
317th PR0MOTE - 0.00 (0/1)
317th pureinnocence - 0.00 (0/1)
317th rawed - 0.00 (0/1)
317th realCUYT - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Riolu100895 - 0.00 (0/1)
317th rnaa - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Ryanmoko - 0.00 (0/1)
317th salic - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Saltnobi - 0.00 (0/1)
317th SariiTaaa - 0.00 (0/1)
317th shaundoman - 0.00 (0/1)
317th SilabaTonica - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Sk1wars - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Smeshi - 0.00 (0/1)
317th smiinoo - 0.00 (0/1)
317th SmoothCombos - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Smothering - 0.00 (0/1)
317th smurpes - 0.00 (0/1)
317th StepBroImStuck1 - 0.00 (0/1)
317th stupidsylvia - 0.00 (0/1)
317th suedemax - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Suzunexd - 0.00 (0/1)
317th TacoDab - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Thimburrr - 0.00 (0/1)
317th TinchoPijoLarga - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Tinydraco - 0.00 (0/1)
317th TMNono - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Togglee_ - 0.00 (0/1)
317th toxiicbtw - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Toxischer - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Tunaisheree - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Vernium - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Vetmire - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Viatic_ - 0.00 (0/1)
317th volcxnow - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Wimbl - 0.00 (0/1)
317th xCynesta - 0.00 (0/1)
317th xPingWinMan - 0.00 (0/1)
317th xxezrabxxx - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Zaiki - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Zcin - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Zeegul - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Zoos - 0.00 (0/1)
317th 5ARx - 0.00 (0/2)
317th _pbo - 0.00 (0/2)
317th ADinoPlayingMC - 0.00 (0/2)
317th ANJELLOH - 0.00 (0/2)
317th BanMoon - 0.00 (0/2)
317th Beastaxel - 0.00 (0/2)
317th Blarkslol - 0.00 (0/2)
317th BottleSause - 0.00 (0/2)
317th BreakfastBacon - 0.00 (0/2)
317th Caceduopamso - 0.00 (0/2)
317th Cahmn - 0.00 (0/2)
317th Codwhy - 0.00 (0/2)
317th CommanderK22_ - 0.00 (0/2)
317th Demomaker - 0.00 (0/2)
317th dummycute - 0.00 (0/2)
317th Evxn063 - 0.00 (0/2)
317th Forrest235 - 0.00 (0/2)
317th Gleeming - 0.00 (0/2)
317th hashtagmat - 0.00 (0/2)
317th heartparticles - 0.00 (0/2)
317th Iceisnice32 - 0.00 (0/2)
317th Jeromesha - 0.00 (0/2)
317th JIMMY453 - 0.00 (0/2)
317th johnnytheching - 0.00 (0/2)
317th K_U_N_A_L - 0.00 (0/2)
317th Krxmble - 0.00 (0/2)
317th lasdarling - 0.00 (0/2)
317th Lative - 0.00 (0/2)
317th luvictoire - 0.00 (0/2)
317th Lynor - 0.00 (0/2)
317th MichaelPlayMC - 0.00 (0/2)
317th NexfoR - 0.00 (0/2)
317th ninja3214 - 0.00 (0/2)
317th OblivionTU - 0.00 (0/2)
317th oMatty - 0.00 (0/2)
317th pawnss - 0.00 (0/2)
317th Qmos - 0.00 (0/2)
317th ReiBatsubami - 0.00 (0/2)
317th repped - 0.00 (0/2)
317th Retrofied - 0.00 (0/2)
317th RqDix - 0.00 (0/2)
317th ScaryPumpkinFace - 0.00 (0/2)
317th SergeantM - 0.00 (0/2)
317th Severuu - 0.00 (0/2)
317th SlicedOranges - 0.00 (0/2)
317th Squegi - 0.00 (0/2)
317th tastywill - 0.00 (0/2)
317th TitaniumDino25 - 0.00 (0/2)
317th urfake - 0.00 (0/2)
317th vegis - 0.00 (0/2)
317th VurkeTTV - 0.00 (0/2)
317th whoshaze - 0.00 (0/2)
317th xHobo - 0.00 (0/2)
317th Xifto - 0.00 (0/2)
317th xNGHT - 0.00 (0/2)
317th YellowAuraa - 0.00 (0/2)
317th 2Pacoh - 0.00 (0/3)
317th ceije - 0.00 (0/3)
317th EivLs - 0.00 (0/3)
317th emi1iano - 0.00 (0/3)
317th Goopling - 0.00 (0/3)
317th Gotelin - 0.00 (0/3)
317th Hrray - 0.00 (0/3)
317th JayNonsense - 0.00 (0/3)
317th jemjosh - 0.00 (0/3)
317th lazys - 0.00 (0/3)
317th NotMyLights - 0.00 (0/3)
317th QueenxPetty - 0.00 (0/3)
317th ShmeckleBoy - 0.00 (0/3)
317th WALRUS_TIME - 0.00 (0/3)
317th ywack - 0.00 (0/3)
317th AshRiolu100985 - 0.00 (0/4)
317th Bofishkix - 0.00 (0/4)
317th Cacedoupamso - 0.00 (0/4)
317th choiceband - 0.00 (0/4)
317th Geroot - 0.00 (0/4)
317th jake_hoe - 0.00 (0/4)
317th love_gem4164 - 0.00 (0/4)
317th OCTAMAN - 0.00 (0/4)
317th PapaNugey - 0.00 (0/4)
317th PitSolitayrh - 0.00 (0/4)
317th TinchoPijaLarga - 0.00 (0/4)
317th AdonisGaming - 0.00 (0/5)
317th azoof - 0.00 (0/5)
317th Char1zo - 0.00 (0/5)
317th dylxnd - 0.00 (0/5)
317th imFatLoveMe - 0.00 (0/5)
317th InProper - 0.00 (0/5)
317th K0REDRAG0N - 0.00 (0/5)
317th nug17 - 0.00 (0/5)
317th CallMeBqse - 0.00 (0/7)
317th DRI60 - 0.00 (0/8)
317th BuildingBard300 - 0.00 (0/9)
317th Charrlottie - 0.00 (0/10)
317th brinniex - 0.00 (0/11)
317th bayweafs - 0.00 (0/15)
317th Luca_Kgaming - 0.00 (0/15)
317th MangoPlayz - 0.00 (0/16)
317th Slooshyy - 0.00 (0/17)
submitted by Brodator to SeaPickled [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:50 wildflowerr59 Umbilical Hernia - experience thus far. Do you think I can start doing yoga next week?

Detailed experience and some questions about an umbilical hernia post op here.
Mid March 2024 I felt a small lump on the top part of my belly button. It was never there before so I went to an urgent care, they said nothing to worry about because it causes no pain, some fat got stuck and it will contract/ expand. They did not call it a hernia, and when I asked if it was a hernia, they said no. There was 0 pain or any issues involved other than it poked out a little bit so since they said its fine, I went on with my life.
Fast forward to April 10th and my friend and I did a 30 min yoga session and a 30 upper body dumb bell workout (dumb bell weights being 1 10lb if exercise uses 1 weight. 2 8lb if one was being used in each hand) around 9am. (Side story, in 2021 I was in a T bone car crash so now I have L3-L4 in my back that's herniated and scoliosis. Since then after after PT for that incident I have done stretching/yoga everyday for 20-45 mins a day and my whole life ive been active and in sports so I like working out so I do workouts 5x a week. It was a whole rebuild post car crash and took a while to get to where I am now but my back hurts a lot and ive tried many treatments for it.) All was normal, she left and then I was going to chill for a couple hours before work that afternoon. Around 11am a sudden sharp pain hit me while I was sitting at my desk, I was thinking it would pass, well it did not . The ache/ pinching feel did not stop and I texted my RN friend around 3pm and he said its the hernia from weeks before and to go to urgent care. I hate going to the doctor and also do not have insurance (story for another day) but it was 5pm , still in severe pain so I drove to a different urgent care 1.5 miles away. They sent me to the ER because as soon the dr had me lay down and she barely touched the lump I started crying due to pain, said it could be strangulated and they dont want to touch it w/o imaging. My BF ,now home from work, took me to the ER where they gave me morphine, hated the feeling of that, and then did a catscan. Results was a fatty umbilical hernia. They said not strangulated and a piece of fat got stuck and then it couldnt retract back in, surgery is the only way to fix it. I asked how I got it , they said most likely born with it and it never caused a problem until now. I read that this is mostly due to pregnancy's (never been pregnant) , overweight (my whole life ive been 105-110 lbs) and heavy weight lifting (which I dont do.) They said in a few days the pain should slowly die down and dont worry its highly unlikely to be anything worse, just painful. I went home in the middle of the night.
They said follow up with with a gastrologist, which I did 5 days post ER visit (learned those people are in demand I called 6 offices in the area and that was the soonest they could get me in.) He confirmed I need surgery. Then 2 days after that saw the surgeon, he discussed my options of open vs laparoscopic and mesh vs no mesh. He suggested open , no mesh because its small and a very standard operation . Since hes the DR and specializes in this, I said ok.
Surgery was April 23. Was only at the hospital from 10am-3pm. They said I was under for 45 mins, all went well. Post op that day I was surprised I didnt feel more pain was only minor(due to whatever they gave me), they wheel chaired me to the car and I got a smoothie and so tired. Throat hurted a moderate amount, from the tube. Pretty much slept then on out til the next day.
Post OP day 1, horrible all over. pain in the ab area, was super sleepy, getting up/down from bed was a whole situation and hurt. For medication i could take ibuprofen and acetaminophen and oxycodone for the first few days, im not a codone fan so just was doing ibuprofen and acetaminophen. Throat was so sore, I didnt finish the smoothie until halfway thru this day. Took like 3 naps and was just tired.
Day 2-4 Pretty much the same thing. Very very sleepy, just walked around the apartment to try to get the blood flowing, very very slow. Abdominal area swollen. Barely ate, even brothy soups did not want to go down. Sore throat (had to get liquid OTC med cause i could not swallow the pills.) The strange thing was I was unable to hold sentences, talking took everything out of me. Around sentence 3-5 I would just be out of breath. Weight was 98 lbs due to not eating (pre surgery for the 2ish weeks I ate half of my normal meals because it would push after eating and hurt .) Day 3 was horrible constipation like severe, my BF even took me to see the surgeon for this and about the breathing. He said the breathing will get better over the next few days and to take a bottle of miralax. So the miralax helped but i got hives all over my sides from it(first time taking a laxative.) Pre surgery no one told me to get on a stool softener.
Day 5-8 slow improvements, the same issues as above but less bad. sore throat was gone by this point but talking was still not normal, better tho. I was doing 2-3 walks outside for 10-15 mins. Back was killing me, because im slouching all the time due to the abs, my back was on fire with pain, esp standing up and walking. Honestly this point back hurt more than front when walking.
Day 9-12 Breathing normal. Can talk normally now. Walking 4 times a days for like 20 mins, walking speed slower than normal . Back still hurting so much. I was icing my back more than my front . Fatigue wearing off. Eating regular meals, smaller portion than normal.
Day 15 I had my 2 week checkup, he said healing is great. Should be no issues. Do not lift more than 15lbs for another 4 weeks(til this point he said dont lift more than 10lbs) I can now go swimming . I asked about when can I do stretches and yoga because my back is bad, he said wait another 2 weeks, start slow, do not work the abs, anything like a crunch move is a no go. Then in another 4 weeks slowly resume workouts and build up from there.
Day 16 - now everyday the hernia area is improving, I can bend down mostly ok now. Getting up and down from bed is still not normal, I do a turn to the side and push myself up with my arm to get up from laying down. Fatigue gone. Walking 3-4 miles a day . Most of the day the incision does not bother me but i get the occasional tug / ach here and there. Still mildly swollen, DR said it would be 4-8 weeks before completely not swollen. The biggest pain right now is my back from bad posture and I assume the abs making the back work more.
So thats my detailed hernia story.
Questions being when and what moves do you think I can do for stretching as the dr was not specific at all other than if it hurts dont do it and dont use your abs. When walking my back is on fire after about a mile and I sit and rest, just due to back. I would get acupuncture but I cant lay on my front. I did chiro, some meds a while back and both didnt do much. To those of you who had surgery, did you also feel the major shortness of breath for a week or so post op?
TLDR: Open surgery for fatty umbilical hernia. first week was hell but now onto week 3 its been improving. What kind stretching do you think is safe for now? Doctor said you can start stretching/ yoga that does not use the abdominal area around 4 week mark. I'm so stiff.
submitted by wildflowerr59 to Hernia [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:27 AutoNewspaperAdmin [Entertainment] - 'Wildcat' review: Inventive biopic interprets Flannery O'Connor's stories as it tells her story Chicago Sun-Times

[Entertainment] - 'Wildcat' review: Inventive biopic interprets Flannery O'Connor's stories as it tells her story Chicago Sun-Times submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:12 Adeptus_Gedeon Few Lovecraftian inspirations from real life and beliefs (mainly for RPG)

The article is intended primarily for Game Masters who play games in systems inspired by Lovecraft’s works, such as Call of Cthulhu or Delta Green. However, I hope that other fans of cosmic horror will also find something for themselves here. The interesting facts presented here may also be entertaining for people who do not know the work of The Loner of Providence, but some of the references may be unclear to them. The article contains several anecdotes – either from real history or from beliefs that exist in the real world, and suggestions on how they can be related to the Cthulhu mythology. So read about:
Invasion of the Sea Peoples
Ancient, super-advanced, fallen civilizations are one of the favorite motifs of fantasy. And truth be told, something similar happened in real history. Of course, in reality, the fallen civilizations did not have sci-fi supertechnology at their disposal, but their collapse still led to great destabilization. We are talking about the invasion of the so-called Sea Peoples, which took place at the turn of the 13th and 12th centuries BC. The Sea Peoples are mobile and warlike groups of people of unknown origin. They caused the collapse of several advanced cultures, including: Mycenaean and Hittite. Only the Egyptians managed to defeat them in a great battle. Well, the material for Lovecraftian inspiration is obvious. A mysterious army, coming out of nowhere, called the „Sea Peoples”, leading to the fall of the most powerful human civilizations at that time? Let us add that, according to some historians, the descendants of the Sea Peoples destroyed by the Egyptians were the Philistines. Yes, the same Philistines, one of whose main deities was the well-known Dagon to Lovecraftomaniacs… Deep Ones say hello. Let us also add that, according to Egyptian records, the tribes of the Sea Peoples had names such as Ekvesh, Teresh, Lucki, Sherden, Shekelesh, Tekel and Peleset. Sounds suitably dark, blasphemous and filthy? If we want to dig deeper, one of the pharaohs who ruled Egypt was Akhenaten – yes, that heretic who tried to replace the worship of traditional Egyptian gods with the religion of the Aten and who is very much liked by conspiracy theorists. Let’s add to the mix that Middle Eastern cultures had quite a negative attitude towards the sea as such. Babylonian Marduk had to defeat the giant monsters of Chaos – Apsu and Tiamat, personifications of fresh and salt waters, respectively. The Bible also contains traces of the myth about the fight between Yahweh and Leviathan, and the Book of Revelation, describing the new, ideal world, emphasizes that „I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more.” Let’s assume that the players are researchers of an antiquity – historians, archaeologists, etc. They conduct research on the Sea Peoples. Of course, as common sense dictates, they assume that these were human warriors. However, as time goes on, more and more evidence appears that they were not completely human again, and the evidence of their monstrosity becomes increasingly difficult to put down to the demonization that Egyptian chroniclers used against their enemies… It becomes clear that an onslaught of inhuman and semi-human monsters came from the sea. , trying to conquer the world of that time. Moreover, after their defeat at the hands of the Egyptians, this species did not become extinct, but instead of open conquest it switched to cautious infiltration. Perhaps the Deep Ones have spies in academia who are tasked with eliminating historians who find the trail of truth…
Oh, one more interesting fact connecting the history of the Sea Peoples with Lovecraft. Well, as we know, HPL liked to use the term „Cyclopean” for huge, monumental buildings. At least he didn’t come up with it himself. Well, when the later (and at first more primitive) inhabitants, the Dorians, saw the ruins of destroyed castles left by the Mycenaean culture, they came to the conclusion that such huge buildings could not have been built by human hands, so they were probably the work of mythical giants – cyclopes.
Typhon – a classic but forgotten abomination
Modern works drawing on Greek mythology usually make Hades (completely senseless) or Kronos (a little more) the Big Bad, but they forget about Zeus’s greatest enemy – Typhon. After defeating the titans and then the gigants, the Olympian gods had to face the main boss on the way to dominating the world – Typhon. Here is an example of its description: It was larger than the largest mountains, its head touched the stars. When he stretched out his hands, one reached the eastern ends of the world and the other reached the western ends. Instead of fingers, he had a hundred dragon heads. From the waist down he had a tangle of vipers (yay, tentacles!) and wings at his shoulders. His eyes were shooting out flames. In other versions of the myth, Typhon was a flying, hundred-headed dragon. In any case – appearance and stature worthy of the Great Old One. Typhon attacked Olympus, and all the gods except Zeus fled in panic. The supreme god took up the fight… and lost it. Only in the second duel did he manage to defeat Typhon, but not kill him – he only imprisoned him, hitting him with Etna. In the sense of a mountain. A volcano – and volcanic activity is the result of Typhon’s anger, trying to break free. Typhon equaled the lord of heaven not only in strength, but in fertility. His wife was Echidna, about whom Hesiod wrote: „She also gave birth to another creature, invincible, huge, unlike neither men nor immortal gods, in a hollow cave – the divine violent Echidna, half a sharp-eyed young girl, with beautiful cheeks, half a huge snake, a great and powerful, spotted, cruel – in the depths of the holy land. This pair spawned many, if not most, of the monsters found in Greek mythology. Their offspring were very diverse and strange, as befits the spawn of enemies of the divine order, including: – Ladon, the hundred-headed dragon who never slept and guarded the apples that gave immortality, – Cerberus – we all know the dog guarding the gates of hell… but not all of us know that, according to some accounts, it had not three heads, but as many as 50, it was also covered with scales, and it had a snake by its tail… so what does this have to do with a dog? – Scylla – this lady inherited the most from the human, beautiful part of Echidna… at least initially, but eventually, as a result of various perturbations, she turned from a beautiful nymph to her siblings, becoming a six-headed sea beast, so hideous, according to Homer, that even the gods could not stand sight of her – she dwelt in a cave, from where she opened her mouth to devour the crews of ships, – Gorgons – I mean, those ladies with snake hair, not monstrous bulls. Medusa was one of them – the story that Athena turned her priestess into a monster as punishment for being raped by Poseidon is an invention of later poets, – Lernaean Hydra – a multi-headed monster with many reptilian or human heads. In place of each severed head, two others grew, and in addition, the main head was completely immortal – therefore, after chopping off the mortal heads, Heracles had to burn the stumps and bury the immortal, still hissing head underground. Hydra’s breath was poisonous. – various other creatures, such as the Sphinx, the dog Ortus, the Nemean Lion or the Chimera. Each of these descendants has the potential to be portrayed as an Eldritch abomination in its own right. To be precise – according to some accounts, the father of these creatures (and Echidna herself) was Typhon, but a monstrous, ancient (older than Poseidon) sea god, Phorcys. How to use Typhon? Well, Typhon clearly has the potential to be a Great Old One, imprisoned by… Nodens? Some other Elder God? Weak gods of humanity? Maybe his cult is trying to free him from Etna? What if he succeeds? What might distinguish Typhon from many other Great Old Ones? I would recommend focusing on his monster progenitor aspect – if he manages to reunite with Echidna, they will immediately start spawning various blasphemous beasts in series.
Jan Twardowski – the first man on the Moon
Jan (John) Twardowski, the hero of the legend, a Polish nobleman who allegedly sold his soul to the devil and became a sorcerer. Probably a historical figure, according to legend he lived in the 16th century and became famous for summoning the spirit of the deceased queen for King Sigismund Augustus. The ghost allegedly appeared in the mirror. This mirror is still kept in the church in Węgrów. According to legend, when the terms of the pact were fulfilled, devils came to kidnap Twardowski to hell. Interestingly, instead of taking the sorcerer’s soul after death, the most material demons appeared and grabbed Twardowski in order to kidnap him bodily, alive… and instead of heading towards the underground, which in legends is considered the traditional place of residence of demons and damned souls, they began to carry away up with him. At some point, Twardowski started singing religious songs, which caused the demons to escape, leaving him on the Moon, where he is said to have stayed ever since. Could the “demons” actually be extraterrestrials? Maybe mi-go? Maybe Twardowski was their agent and obtained secret knowledge and technology from them that gave him the fame of a sorcerer? As part of his studies, did he acquire knowledge of a system of sounds („religious songs”) that was able to drive away his masters when they decided that his usefulness on Earth had ended and it was time to transport him to a space base where he would be transformed into a brain in jar? Or was transportation to the Moon part of the deal from the beginning? Oh, one more interesting fact – according to legends, Twardowski used to use a rooster as a horse, which he enlarged with his magic. It’s easy to imagine an abomination that, in the eyes of laymen, might have resembled a large rooster… Examples of scenario hooks: – Twardowski’s secret mirror is still in the church in Węgrów. The local priest thinks it is just other „pagan” superstitions, but in fact it is a tool enabling contact with cosmic beings and higher realities. It may prove useful to players if they convince the priest to give it back or simply steal it. – Players are looking for Twardowski’s notes to gain knowledge about the „song” thanks to which he drove away mi-go (or other creatures that became the prototype of the „devils” from the legend). The so-called Twardowski’s „School” or „Cathedral” was located in a quarry near Kraków. In fact, at the end of the 19th century, during the construction of the church of St. Józef, a cave showing traces of alchemical experiments was discovered… And it was destroyed. But perhaps there is a second, secret laboratory under the cave that escaped destruction? And there lie Twardowski’s secrets… And again, potential obstacles may be placed by the local parish priest. But not only him. Maybe Twardowski’s legendary „rooster” lies dormant in the laboratory and was left by the sorcerer as a guard? – players are astronauts on the Moon. However, it turns out that someone lives here, someone who was not detected by previous expeditions and probes. Will Twardowski prove to be an ally in the fight against cosmic horrors? Or maybe their agent, or an independent villain? If he survived this long on the Moon thanks to blasphemous secrets, it’s possible that he had little humanity left…
The rest of the text is avalaible (of course, for free) here:
submitted by Adeptus_Gedeon to Lovecraft [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:06 AutoNewsAdmin [Entertainment] - 'Wildcat' review: Inventive biopic interprets Flannery O'Connor's stories as it tells her story

[Entertainment] - 'Wildcat' review: Inventive biopic interprets Flannery O'Connor's stories as it tells her story submitted by AutoNewsAdmin to CHICAGOSUNauto [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:04 OrlonDogger A Witch at Midnight - Chapter 13

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Minutes feel like entire hours while I wait for GalaxyTaco to return, and my anxiety is just mounting up like crazy! So instead of becoming a victim of my own fear, I decide to take a moment to explore the forum and see what I can find that's interesting!

The Sleeper section is by far the most active, with people commenting on their daily lives, talking about media, food and experiences in general. It’s so casual it almost makes me feel nostalgic for the good ol’ days!

I am… surprised. Mages watch anime too? I guess that makes sense, as magic is usually viewed as an intellectual endeavor, and it is not rare for intellectuals to have this sorta hobby.

They even have an old timer section, for old timers like you.

What? Old timer!? I am 21!

Alright then, youngster. What anime is popular right now?

Chlorine is pretty popular!

That’s one of the Big Three and won’t stop being popular for a while, not to mention it’s all filler these days, that’s cheating.

Alright then, big baby. How about Soul Devourer?

That ended three years ago.

What!? No it didn’t!

What about Ouran??

Five years ago.



Lucky Channel?!



Oh that one’s pretty new actually. That one was last year.

Alright then smart guy, what is airing right now then!?

Destiny/Zero, Girls and Tanks, Kitty Tale Black, Moon Brothers…

What in the hell are any of those!?

If you don’t know, I know even less! Idiot!

I guess I am a bit of an old fashioned weeb.

We are getting distracted. Remember what we are here for.

Right! The Translation section! It’s rather unused, compared to the Sleeper side of it all. There are a few active translation topics but all of them seem to be focused on actual, current languages. Sure, there are a few in old Helenian and Latin but the others are surprisingly modern. Thereare some in Wohlian that immediately get my attention, but they seem like finished works.

Mostly directed by that ‘souseiseki’ bitch.

Don’t waste time thinking of her. Focus on what you can learn from the books themselves!

That is a good point. Once they are fully translated, the material is left available for anyone to take it! So I immediately go for the ones in Wohlian and Dobrand.

There are only five texts available, biographies all of them… except for what looks like a flier.

‘El Arte del Contrahechizo’ it read in Hesperian, ‘The Art of Counterspell’ in Dobrand. It apparently was an advertisement for a short lived ‘Combat Spell Course’ in Hesperia? Closed by the ‘Brotherhood’ for ‘breaking the sanctity of the secret’. Maybe this ‘Brotherhood’ is somewhat related to the cloaks.

Nevertheless, there is something in the flier that interests me: a Symbol!
Rune 6
I immediately start looking for it in the book… and what I find was overwhelming. This has to be the single most used symbol I’ve seen so far! It is in a lot of combined words, almost never on its own… but after keeping my eyes narrowed for a while, I find it.


As in “Hoh” or as in “Yo”? Bah, I guess I’ll find that out later, when I can actually start experimenting on my own.

Ah, damn it that’s right! I do need to go investigate the library! It’s huge too…

Hmm… What if I made a trip out of it?

The library closes at 12 for students, but if you stay inside you can spend the night working there! I could spend all night surrounded by books, coffee and the sandwiches some people sell there…

That could mess with your sleeping schedule a bit…

Not to mention how useless the whole endeavor can be. What if you don’t find the damn golden symbol, huh?

Won’t know if I try. This will be my last night staying up, I promise!

Hmmmn… well, if you are sure about it.


Feeling energy surging through my body again, I immediately get up again and look for clothes, fishing for some cash and then trotting out of my room… only to be stopped by that Saints damned door again.

I swear, every time I see it’s worse. It becomes more and more ominous with each attempt to pass through it. I really, really have been going out too much these days, huh…?

“...I better talk with GalaxyTaco first, then I can go to the library.”


“I can’t talk to them without the TER anyways.”

Walking back to the computer, I internally beg for GalaxyTaco to not have appeared on my contact list yet… but alas, fate is always working against me. There he is, right there. Well, at least I can solve this quickly and still get out in time… Maybe.

xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx has begun messaging GalaxyTaco to your rescue!
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: H-Hey!

I immediately cringe at myself for that written hesitation. Damn it, keep the emotions inside! Why must I be like this!?

xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: This is Tav, you know, from the forum? n.ñ
GalaxyTaco to your rescue!: oh hey dude! nice, I was wondering who the hell was this lol
GalaxyTaco to your rescue!: ok, now we can talk proper.
GalaxyTaco to your rescue!: so… you just found the link somewhere, didn’t you?
GalaxyTaco to your rescue!: unless I’m totally wrong and you were just referred by some cold mf

Alright. This is it… where do I go from here? I can’t exactly lie my way out of this without knowing much of the magical world. But that doesn’t mean I have to say all of the truth, right?

xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: …yeah u.u
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: I haven’t been Awake for a long time to be honest, and I found this link on a book I read at the local library.
GalaxyTaco to your rescue!: ahhhh shit.
GalaxyTaco to your rescue!: ok, that’s trouble
GalaxyTaco to your rescue!: do you have a teacher?
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: No u.u
GalaxyTaco to your rescue!: ok, you’re a bastard
GalaxyTaco to your rescue!: not to imply anything about your family dude, that’s just how we call mages without teachers.
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: Ok that’s kinda mean xD
GalaxyTaco to your rescue!: tell me about it.
GalaxyTaco to your rescue!: anyways, shit, uh…
GalaxyTaco to your rescue!: ok, do you know what an Elysium is?

I don’t. But can I just admit that? I mean… maybe I can tell him I know where to look for it?

What are you, stupid!? He’s assuming you know jack shit! This is your chance to squeeze all the information! MILK IT!

A-Ah! Right!

xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: No idea. I hope you don’t mean the other world? O.o
GalaxyTaco to your rescue!: nope.
GalaxyTaco to your rescue!: an Elysium is a safeground in a city, a place where mages can go and practice legally.
GalaxyTaco to your rescue!: shit, I hope you haven’t been doing magic around people right???
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: No no! O.o I swear!
GalaxyTaco to your rescue!: ok good.
GalaxyTaco to your rescue!: that’d get you in trouble with the Brotherhood in no time.
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: The Brotherhood? o.o
GalaxyTaco to your rescue!: The Brotherood of Black Pages.
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: Ominous… are they like, magic police? .-.
GalaxyTaco to your rescue!: sorta
GalaxyTaco to your rescue!: you wanna avoid them as much as you can, them black cloaks.
GalaxyTaco to your rescue!: I mean, you won’t be able to avoid them if you wanna get your license but, beyond that, avoid them.

Ok, that’s confirmation of a few suspicions. The Elysium is a place, I need to find that place, and the black cloaks/brotherhood were bad news, probably super strict or something like that. I am a ‘Bastard Mage’, still not very happy about the name, and I should look for instruction before I blow myself up!

xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: Can’t you teach me things? ;w; the meaning of these runes and stuff?
GalaxyTaco to your rescue!: sorry dude, I don’t have a teacher’s license
GalaxyTaco to your rescue!: but tell you what. I’ll get you something that will help you for sure!
GalaxyTaco to your rescue!: I just gotta talk to a few friends.
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: Oh okay! Good! n.n thank you so much for this, Gal
GalaxyTaco to your rescue!: hah, it’s no problem
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: Imma be outside of the TER for a while so, don’t talk to me about magics until I return, okay?
GalaxyTaco to your rescue!: arite, thanks for the heads up! gives me time to talk to Aoi and Mort
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: Ok I assume those are your friends!
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: I’ll be seeing you later!
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx has disconnected.


No more excuses. I close my computer, take a deep breath and walk to my door. I try my best to ignore the shaking of my hand as I grab the knob and open up. The air in the hallways outside was cold, making me go back in, pick up my long coat and then right out I went again!

The descent in the elevator had never felt this slow…I am excited and nervous at the same time.

This will be fun!

This will be a disaster. You’ll stay up for nothing, you hear me? Nothing.

Taking a deep breath, I walk out of the elevator as it arrives at the first floor and wave at the night guard, stepping right out and checking my phone.

It’s already a quarter past eleven. I have time… but I may need to call a taxi.

Cities are completely different at night. I have never been an active resident of Party City or anything, but I have been in the streets at the high hours of night, at least back in my old town. I assumed stuff would be quiet here too in Saüle, but turns out I was completely wrong. There were people stumbling around the streets, ladies of the night smiling and parading themselves in some of the corners, a few college students clubbing and singing…

Only now I remember we are technically on vacation. Of course everyone is partying!

Drat, does that mean the library will be closed!?

Too late to ask the cab to take you back home. No, you'll just have to freeze for a few hours.

The taxi leaves me in front of the University’s main entrance. After paying and waving the guy away, I let out a deep sigh of relief when I see that the lights of the place are still on.

So either they leave the lights on all vacation or they are still open despite it all.

I try to jog along the dirt trail, straight for the library! But I quickly realize my body is simply not made for running. I still try to keep the pace, panting and gasping for air. Passing right by the Pharmaceutical Sciences building and the Biology building, feeling lucky that no one can see me fighting for my life like this.

The campus is gigantic, with many different buildings focused on the different sciences and disciplines taught at the University. The Library stands in the middle of it all, a perfectly square, five story building comfortably constructed on a plateau and looking over the entire campus. As cool and impressive as that is, it also meant a long climb a massive set of stairs…

“Saints damn it all…”

It’s a miserable jog, but eventually, I make it to the gates before the Librarian closes. An ancient lady of dark skin and thin white hair, eternally dressed in a black, long dress.

“Hmph. Right on time, night owl.” She says with a mix of annoyance and playfulness in her tone, turning her back on me as soon as she closed the door. “Do not run like that inside.”

Still recovering my breath, I just nod and walk towards the machines that scan your credentials. I fish my wallet out of my pockets, scan my old card, and then walk straight in, looking around the main hall with a tired smile. Ah yes… I've always felt more at ease in libraries and the like, especially when there are no crowds of people around. Right now I could see only a few furtive shadows sliding around, and no sandwich sellers at all! With some luck, the librarian will try to gain a few extra Empires by selling stuff, but that will have to wait.
Right now, we are back on the hunt for the Golden Symbol! I need to focus all of my strength on finding it this time, because if they really want it to be both private and easy to find, it has to be here.
submitted by OrlonDogger to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:03 ReasonableBeliefs In Defence of Vaishnavas, by case study of Shaiva (Veerashaiva denomination) Philosophy (Vishnu is inferior to Shiva and is even cursed by Shiva)

Hare Krishna. This post is to help educate those (some, not all) Smartas and Shaivas who lack knowledge about Hinduism, and who thus spread hatred against Vaishnavas.
Vaishnavas sometimes get attacked because Vaishnava denominations assert a difference between Shiva and Vishnu, and hold the position of Vishnu being greater than Shiva (in some way or another). We get hate by (some, not all) Smartas who think that ALL Hindus MUST hold to Hari-Hara Abheda (Oneness of Shiva and Vishnu), and also by (some, not all) Shaivas who falsely accuse us of hating Shiva. ISKCON especially gets attacked because they have the largest english language global presence among the Vaishnavas.
Criticism is fine, debate is normal, but we Vaishnavas face hatred and vitriol by those uneducated (some, not all) Smartas and Shaivas. We also face the false accusations that ONLY Vaishnavas do this (hold one to be superior to the other), but that is not true at all.
This post will show how a Shaiva Sampradaya, the Veerashaivas, do the exact same thing that Shaivas and Smartas (some, not all) accuse us of : Veerashaivas hold that Shiva is superior to Vishnu.
! Objection : You are using the wrong flair, you must use the criticism flair !
Rebuttal :
This is not a criticism. I am not criticising the Veerashaiva's philosophy. It's perfectly ok for different Hindu denominations to disagree. This post is to educate people that thinking one God is superior to another is perfectly acceptable in Hinduism.
It's an acceptable Hindu position to think that Shiva is superior or to think that Vishnu is superior or to think that neither is superior. All 3 of those positions are acceptable to have in Hinduism. None of them take you out of the Hindu fold. None of these positions is anti-Hindu or hateful.
This post is to educate those Smartas and Shaivas (some, not all), who hate Vaishnavas for holding Vishnu to be superior, who are uneducated that there are Shaivas do the same with Shiva.
This post is to spread knowledge about Hinduism in order to help end the hatred against Vaishnavas.
This post will use the Siddhanta Shikhamani, a Veerashaiva scripture, as evidence.
Note : I am NOT getting into the Veerashaiva vs Lingayata political debate. That is not relevant here. I have not spoken of Lingayatas. I am speaking ONLY of Veerashaivas in this post.
This post will be divided into 4 sections :
  1. Acceptance of the Siddhanta Shikhamani by Veerashaivas.
  2. Veerashaivsim is the supreme interpretation of the Vedas according to Veerashaivas.
  3. Equating of Shiva to the Vedantic Brahman by Veerashaivas.
  4. Inferiority of Vishnu according to Veerashaivas.
Let us begin :
(1) Acceptance of the Siddhanta Shikhamani by Veerashaivas :
The Veerashaivas have 5 great peethas (panchapeethas), similar to how Smartas have their different Shankaracharya Mathas. The 5 Veerashaiva peethas are : Kedara, Kashi (Varanasi), Ujjain, Shrishail and Rambhapuri (Balehonnur).
Let's take even just 1 of the 5 peethas. For this example i will use Rambhapuri Peetha.
Source :
The peetha and it's jagadguru say very very clearly :
All these chronicles were collected by Sri Shivayogi Shivacharya and created the holy Sri Siddhanta Shikhamani Granth. This is the scripture of Veerashaivism today.
And they also say :
It goes without saying that Siddhanta Shikhamani, which is the crowning bead of valorisations, is always universal.
Thus the authenticity of the Siddhanta Shikhamani to the Veerashaivas is established through their own peethas and their own jagadgurus.
(2) Veerashaivsim is the supreme interpretation of the Vedas according to Veerashaivas.
A misconception some people have is that the Veerashaivas are not "Vedic", and that they don't accept accept the Vedas. This is false.
In the Siddhanta Shikhamani the sage Agastya asks Renuka to preach the Siddhanta that is expounded in the text. And in the question Agastya explicitly refers to it as the doctrine that is acceptable to the Vedas :
Hence I would like to hear from you the Siddhänta, which is acceptable to the Vedas. O omniscient one, please tell me the doctrine which is directly associated with Shiva, which is the means for attaining all rewards, which brings immediate achievement for the people, which is resorted to by all the best sages, which is not even smelt by the persons of illconduct, which is accepted by the knowers of Veda
And Renuka explicitly responds as follows, clearly stating that this Siddhanta of Shiva is the fullest following of the Vedas.
O Agastya, who is the lion among the sages and who is well versed in all the Ägamas, I shall tell you the Siddhanta which inculcates the knowledge of Shiva; listen to it with respect.
O Agastya, there are (many) Siddhanta which are well known, which differ according to aptitudes, which are associated with various practices and which propound various tenets.
Sankhya, Yoga, Pancharatra, Vedas and Pashupata, these are the Siddhanta which are quite authoritative and which should not be refuted with arguments.
O Great sage, among these, Sankhya, etc., Veda is predominant. The authoritativeness of these is decidedly on the ground that they follow Veda.
O sage, Pancharatra, Sankhya and Yoga are based on some parts of Veda, while Shaivasiddhanta is based on the entire Veda.
O great sage, compared to Sankhya, etc, which are based on some parts of Veda, the Shaivasiddhanta, which follows the entire Veda, is superior.
It goes onto say Vedas and this Siddhanta are the same doctrine
The Shivagama called Siddhanta is said to be acceptable to Veda because it advocates the Dharma that is taught in Veda and also because it opposes whatever that is outside or unacceptable to Veda.
Veda and Siddhanta are one because they propound the same doctrine. Authoritativeness of the two should always be grasped as similar by the learned.
And finally it talks of how the Veerashaiva doctrine is Supreme.
In the latter part of the great traditional lore called Siddhanta which starts with Kamika and which is taught by Shiva, the supreme doctrine of Veerashaiva is advocated.
Thus it is established that the Veerashaivas accept the Vedas and they they assert that the supreme fullest interpretation of the Vedas is their Veerashaiva philsophy, as indicated by their own scripture.
(3) Equating of Shiva to the Vedantic Brahman by Veerashaivas.
This one is very easy as it is one of the earliest verses in the Siddhanta Shikamani :
It talks of Shiva being the Brahman of the Vedanta
I salute the Supreme Shiva, whom the Vedanta philosophers call as the designation of Brahman and as the source of the world.
(4) Inferiority of Vishnu according to Veerashaivas.
And here we get to the crux of the matter.
It talks about Vishnu becoming bald and suffering 10 births due to insulting the devotees of Shiva
Having done wrong to two of my (Shiva) devotees called Bhagu and Shankukarna, Visnu became bald and suffered ten births (incarnations).
It talks about Vishnu being defeated by a devotee of Shiva (not even Shiva himself) and having his Sudarshana Chakra broken
Having fought against my (Shiva) devotee Dadhéca, in the past, Visnu suffered defeat with his disc having been broken.
And here references are made to the births of Vishnu, just so you are clear that it is talking about the same Vishnu, and that he is tormented under material afflictions and birth and death. This is indicative of Jeeva.
The great Visnu who took birth in the forms of fish., tortoise, boar, man-lion and man, suffered death.
Having been born in the castes such as Brahmana, etc., the being is tormented repeatedly by the heat of the great fire in the form of threefold afflictions.
Here again it talks of how affluences of Vishnu and Brahma are subject to waning and waxing, in other words they are subject to Samsara, they are NOT eternal. This is also indicative of Jeeva.
The Veeramaheshwara always considers with reason the affluences of Brahma, Visnu, etc., which are subject to waning and waxing, as similar to a straw of grass.
Here it talks of how Brahma and Visnu cannot understand Shiva
Who can understand that Linga (Shiva) which is of the nature of lustre and which even Brahma and Visnu could not decipher?
It talks about Vishnu and Brahman and Mahalakshmi and others serving Shiva.
Brahma, Visnu, Indra, etc., who had formed into rows adorning themselves with weapons, served all around him (Shiva), who had the authority of world-creation.
Mahalakshmi held for him (Shiva) the white umbrella which was of the form of white lotus, which was bright and which resembled the full moon.
So lets summarise this section :
  1. Vishnu was cursed by Shiva
  2. Vishnu suffered torment of material afflictions
  3. Vishnu suffered 10 births and deaths
  4. Vishnu was defeated and had is chakra broken by Shiva's devotee (not even by Shiva himself)
  5. Vishnu's affluence are waxing and waning like a staw of grass, so they are NOT eternal.
  6. Vishnu cannot understand Shiva
  7. Vishnu serves Shiva
Birth, death, suffering, torment, defeats, temporary and not eternal affluence, lack of understanding, these are all indicative of Samsara, indicative of Jeevas and NOT of God.
Thus it is clear that the Veerashaivas think of Vishnu as inferior to Shiva, as a Jeeva, and even cursed by Shiva.
Note : Even just 1 or 2 of these points would be sufficient to establish that the Veerashaivas think of Vishnu as inferior to Shiva. So if there is any Veerashaiva (or anyone else) who disagrees with me, then please feel free to refute all 7 points using the Siddhanta Shikamani. I would be glad for any debate or knowledge sharing.
Conclusion :
I hope this shows people that difference between Shiva and Vishnu, superiority of one over the other, is also an acceptable position to hold in Hinduism, both among Vaishnavas AND among Shaivas as well.
Let's all learn to accept diversity of philosophy within the Sanatana Dharma.
Let's all learn to not spread hatred and vitriol against Vaishnavas or Shaivas, just because someone asserts that Vishnu or Shiva is superior to the other.
Let's all learn to not hate people who assert a difference between Shiva and Vishnu (in some way or another)
Let's all remember that : It's an acceptable Hindu position to think that Shiva is superior or to think that Vishnu is superior or to think that neither is superior. All 3 of those positions are acceptable to have in Hinduism. None of them take you out of the Hindu fold.
Hare Krishna.
submitted by ReasonableBeliefs to hinduism [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:53 forest-of-ewood Roaring Kitty tweet roundup 14th May - A humble apes opinion

Hello Apes.
Back with another review of all the tweets sent from memelord and cat inspiration, Roaring Kitty.
If you missed my first review for 13th May, you can find it here.
To reiterate, the description of each tweet is to the best of my knowledge the references made and the speculation is pure speculation on my part, this is just for fun and shouldn't be taken as any financial advice, make your own decisions, I just like the stock. If you have anything to add feel free to in the comments and I'll do my best to update the post.
11am -
Description: The infamous scene from the movie Troy where Achilles rather reluctantly at first, comes forward to fight the mighty Boagrius. Achilles runs at him, defending against a few spear throws then with one epic jump and slide, stabs Boagrius with this blade killing him in one clean strike. The music dubbed on this clip is Counting Bodies Like Sheep To The Rhythm of the War Drums by A Perfect Circle.
Speculation: Chosen warrior blessed by the gods comes forward in front of the masses and takes out the big baddie. You could make the speculation that the song could reference something to do with DRS (A Perfect Circle) and SHFs bleeding out (counting bodies like sheep).
11.30am -
Description: First of all we have a cat talking to itself in the mirror stating the words, "Don't be the bigger person today, be the person that helps them understand that sometimes when you f**k around, we find out...". We then cut to arrested development where Buster who is portrayed as a bear has something to say, "i wanna shoot down everything you say, so i feel good about myself. cause i'm an uptight [insert copious amounts of swearing].
Speculation: First part DFV knows they (Shorts) have messed around again and have been doing it dirty. The gig is up again, time to close and pay up. The second part is a funny scene from arrested development where Buster, a character who just cannot fit in properly goes AWAL to try and show he has a nasty side, it just comes across as way too far. DFV just poking fun at bears here no doubt.
12:00pm -
Description: First we have a scene from The Town where Doug says to James, "I need your help. I can't tell you what it is, you can never ask me about it later, and we're gonna hurt some people." and James replies, "Who's car are we going to take?" Then it cuts to Mad Max where there are a load of sand buggy cars going nuts with flame throwers and all sorts of chaos with the song Du Hast by Rammstein playing in the background.
Speculation: I haven't seen the Town but from reading online this scene showed the amazing friendship between Doug and James when James simply replies, who's car are we going to take? in response to what sounds like a risky ask for help from Doug. Then with Mad Max: Fury Road we have a film about a post apocalyptic survivor in Max Rockatansky who eventually brings down a warlords Citadel (hmmm).
12:30pm -
Description: First we have the whistling of Omar from The Wire, then we have a scene from the Kingsmen where they are locked in a pub with Galahad and the quote "Manners maketh man" and finally we have a scene from Oldboy with a big fight scene cut alongside some anime which is from demon slayer
Speculation: The whistling is synonymous with Omar and is to the tune of a nursery rhyme, "the farmer in the dell", anyone that watched The Wire would know instantly that this means Omar is coming and this means you best get out the way as he is coming with his double-barreled shotgun and he certainly won't hesitate to use it. The Kingsmen scene where they are locked in the pub is a particularly violent scene and it's an interesting film to reference, the plot *Film spoiler here* is essentially about a boy named Eggsy from a lower-class neighbourhood who's father dies and he finds out that his father was part of an elite inner circle of upper class. After trying to be part of this group, Eggsy discovers their secret plot to take over the world and takes it into his own hands to save the day. u/ ThePhenomNoku talks about the last 2 referenced films; "So the anime is demon slayer. It’s about a kid who has everything taken from him and trains to learn how to fight demons. Though as a sidenote he kind of carries one around with him. It’s complicated.The other movie with the guy holding the person, & the fight scene is the original Oldboy, and without giving too much of the plot away it’s about a dude who is falsely imprisoned for a couple of years or so, and then enacts his revenge."
Edit\* As u/ omegs points out: whistle is "The farmer in the dell, Hi-ho, the derry-o" reference to the circle. The movie Kingsmens: The Golden Circle as well
1:00pm -
Description: Firstly we have the scene from Oceans 11 where Danny Ocean is chatting to Rusty Ryan right in the initial stage of their plan to heist the casino. He talks about how it's never been done before, will need planning and a large crew and Ryan asks if they are going to use guns, he replies "not exactly, there's lots of security" and finally Ryan asks "what's the target?". We then cut to a film i'm not aware (anyone help here?) of where an older gentleman shows a calculator to a young woman and the calculator says "Just up" on it then the woman says "yes that looks correct"
Speculation: In Oceans 11 there was a lot of planning and variables that had to happen for everything to work. It was a high risk high reward plan with a lot set up to go against but it's possible. The target has always been "just up", DFV just reiterating what he said in the first place.
1:30pm -
Description: First we have a scene from Old School where he states, "A loophole?" "Yes. Well, it's interesting, sir. As stupid as they appear, they're actually very good at paperwork. It's quite an anomaly." then it cuts to a scene from the same film with the C&C factory everybody dance now song and a cheerleading dance attempt
Speculation: Of course with the loophole stuff it could be about all of the DD that has been done on what has gone on over the years but it could equally be about SHFs finding loopholes to get out of the mess they are in with the stock. The second part the judges clearly don't feel the attempt of the cheerleading or gymnastics piece they are portraying is any good but they are giving it a go and it's suppose to a comedy. Note the school is the cougars, cat links again of course.
Edit\* As u/ omegs points out: Loophole is reference to circle. Notice how the mascot is similar to a cat that does backflips into the center of the circle
2:00pm -
Description: The first part is taken from The Batman and has Batman's monologue running and when the Batman signal is fired into the sky, a kitty shadow is shown instead of the Batman logo. It ends with an emphasis on "Fear is a Tool".
Speculation: Batman was of course a good hero who would rid the streets of criminals, they would scare just at the sight of the batman signal being fired knowing that they were about to get wrecked. In this clip, two years has been replaced with three years in the monologue and the kitty signal is of course a nice touch.
2:30pm -
Description: This clip is taken from Mr Robot and is where Elliot plays eXit, a text based computer game that requires him to answer a series of questions in a text based game.
Speculation: I think it's best just to give the description of what happens in this scene taken from the fandom page. Elliot chooses to sit down with the friend in the dungeon. He lights a match and reads the note "Don't leave me here." Elliot chooses to stay. The alarm shuts off. An explosion happens nearby. Robot opens the door to find a fire raging outside. He concludes it's too late. Both of them sit down. They each say "I love you." Explosions rage around the room. "It's an exciting time in the world," Elliot says. Fade to red. Take from that what you will.
3:00pm -
Description: This scene is taken from the movie Scream (2022), a direct sequel to Scream 4. A lot of the text has been changed but to summarize, one person states "he is making a requel" then there is some talk about the squeeze movie that came out last year and how most people in the actual know hated it and how "squeeze mid" pissed on their "covidhood", how the main character is a mary sue? Then a few cuts of Scream and how real squeeze movies have meta slasher whodunnits and that to some people the original is their favorite thing in the world
Speculation: A requel is A movie which revisits the subject matter of an earlier film but is not a remake or a linear continuation of its plot (i.e. a sequel or prequel). So essentially what is happening right now with the stock is not exactly the same of what has happened before but it is essentially a revisit of the same subject regarding squeezes. A mid squeeze implies that it wasn't as high as the squeeze could have gone and the theme of slashers and murdered people really suggests heads will roll (SHFs hopefully).
3:30pm -
Description: This is a scene from Candyman where he has come for the woman. There is some cat flashes and images going on and the Woman in this is tagged as a bear (that is someone who is down on a stock or market, usually would short). Candyman talks about how there is no need for the bear to leave yet and that he was obliged to come then he says "be my victim" and a bumble bee comes out of the word be.
Speculation: Time is running out for the bear, they can hang around for a while longer but they will be the victim. This is more of the DFV is coming for you as he dresses himself up as a rampaging murderer targeting the bear in this case. Not sure on the bee, whether that is DFV just having some fun or if it's that a sting is coming in some sense.
4:00pm -
Description: Taken from No Country for Old Men, Carson states he is a day trader and that Anton doesn't have to do this (Anton is going to kill him) tell him he could just go home. Carson continues that Anton could have 14 grand out of an ATM and just walk away before finally stating "do you have any idea how crazy you are?". Anton replies, "you mean the nature of these memes?" to which Carson says "I mean the nature of you!" The scene ends with the phone ringing.
Speculation: DFV putting himself into the mode of Anton from No Country for Old Men is quite the statement. For those who haven't seen this movie, Anton is a wrecking ball of a killer and adheres by his rulebook to seek out different people through the movie to take out. Carson being the desperate short seller here who is not understanding why DFV isn't just playing by the usual financial rules and taking his gains and going. The phone ringing at end could be an implication of margin calls ringing for the desperate short seller.
Edit\* As u/ omegs points out: I think the ATM might be a double meaning "At The Money"
8:00pm -
Description: This is taken from Braveheart and the prisoner (William Wallace) is asked to say a word in a famous scene where WW shouts "FREEEEDOM" only in this clip its "GAMESTOOOOOOOP".
Speculation: This is the first direct reference to Gamestop word for word and it should be noted that this is the scene where William Wallace is about to be executed. Could mean that DFV is willing to risk it all for Gamestop like William Wallace martyring himself for the freedom of Scotland.
Hope you enjoyed.
Love ya DFV
submitted by forest-of-ewood to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:38 DeverosSphere Ben 10 cleanup - Multiple Jumps and Supplements.

Sumo Slammers Jumpchain V1.02 - Text Change Added Change Log
Ben 10: Custom Omnitrix Supplement V 1.05 Changed “Drone Extra” to “Bioid-Trix” Added “Chaque-Trix” Added “Inver-Trix” Added “Zombi-Trix” Added “Forcefield Projector” Added “Technology” Added “Pheromone Playlist” Added “Medical Scanner” Added “Advanced Medical Scanner” Added “Operator Optimisation” Added “Potis Altiare” Added “Mental Restoration” Added “Species Generation” Added “Species Recreation” Added “DNA Compatibility” Added “Divergent Storage” Added “Power Tool” Added “Faraday Shielding” Added “Interference Shielding” Added “Slow Transformation” Added “Painful Transformation”
Ben 10: Species Builder Supplement
No Change Just for completion
Google Doc
Ben 10: Alien List Supplement
No Change Just for completion
Google Doc
Ben 10: Alien Supplement FanFic Extension Text and structure changes
Ben 10 Reboot Jumpchain - V1.02 Text changes Added Item Stipend
Ben 10 Omniverse Jumpchain V1.03 Text changes Added Item Stipend
Edit: these are Google docs as they are not finalised until the end of the cleanup so that I can incorporate any suggested changes.
submitted by DeverosSphere to JumpChain [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:33 void_matrix Update without breaking things

After having some trouble updating and breaking my system because of KDE packages pending building I made this little helper to save my ass in the future, maybe it helps you too, and maybe you can help me test it and improve it
#!/bin/bash function get_architecture { local arch arch=$(uname -m) local libc if ldd --version 2>&1 grep -qi musl; then libc="musl" else libc="glibc" fi case "$arch" in aarch64) if [ "$libc" == "musl" ]; then echo "aarch64-musl_builder" else echo "aarch64_builder" fi ;; armv6l) if [ "$libc" == "musl" ]; then echo "armv6l-musl_builder" else echo "armv6l_builder" fi ;; armv7l) if [ "$libc" == "musl" ]; then echo "armv7l-musl_builder" else echo "armv7l_builder" fi ;; i686) echo "i686_builder" ;; x86_64) if [ "$libc" == "musl" ]; then echo "x86_64-musl_builder" else echo "x86_64_builder" fi ;; *) echo "Unknown" ;; esac } function updateVoid { arch=$(get_architecture) if [ "$arch" == "Unknown" ]; then echo "Exiting. Unknown Architecture" else url="$arch?as_text=1" buildData=$(wget -qO- "$url") # Extract the value of pendingBuilds using grep and sed pendingBuilds=$(echo "$buildData" grep -o '"pendingBuilds": [0-9]*' sed 's/[^0-9]*//g') # Check if pendingBuilds exists and is greater than 0 if [ -n "$pendingBuilds" ] && [ "$pendingBuilds" -gt 0 ]; then echo "UPLOAD CANCELED TO SAVE YOUR ASS, SOME PACKAGES ARE PENDING BUILDING" else sudo xbps-install -Suv fi fi } updateVoid 
submitted by void_matrix to voidlinux [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:32 Big-Dragonfruit-6822 Evidence of Christ being the Truth.

So firstly I take this on faith, I know him to be the Truth for reasons that are beyond material explanation but for the doubters show me how this is not evidence. I'm just posting this on my profile due to most subs being controlled, so all you that watch my profile I invite you to give a good explanation to this.
Isaiah 53 1 Who will believe our report? and to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed?
2 But he shall grow up before him as a branch, and as a root out of a dry ground; he hath neither form nor beauty: when we shall see him, there shall be no form that we should desire him.
3 He is despised and rejected of men: he is a man full of sorrows, and hath experience of infirmities: we hid as it were our faces from him: he was despised, and we esteemed him not.
4 Surely, he hath born our infirmities, and carried our sorrows, yet we did judge him as plagued and smitten of God, and humbled.
5 But he was wounded for our transgressions: he was broken for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him, and with his stripes are we healed.
6 All we like sheep have gone astray: we have turned every one to his own way, and the Lord hath laid upon him the iniquity of us all.
7 He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet did he not open his mouth: he is brought as a sheep to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearer is dumb, so he opened not his mouth.
8 He was taken out from prison, and from judgment: and who shall declare his age? for he was cut out of the land of the living: for the transgression of my people was he plagued.
9 And he made his grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death, though he had done no wickedness, neither was any deceit in his mouth.
10 Yet the Lord would break him and make him subject to infirmities: when he shall make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed and shall prolong his days, and the will of the Lord shall prosper in his hand.
11 He shall see of the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied; by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many: for he shall bear their iniquities.
12 Therefore will I give him a portion with the great, and he shall divide the spoil with the strong, because he hath poured out his soul unto death; and he was counted with the transgressors, and he bare the sin of many, and prayed for the trespassers.
"But all human efforts, all the lavish gifts of the emperor, and the propitiations of the gods, did not banish the sinister belief that the conflagration was the result of an order. Consequently, to get rid of the report, Nero fastened the guilt and inflicted the most exquisite tortures on a class hated for their abominations, called Christians by the populace. Christus, from whom the name had its origin, suffered the extreme penalty during the reign of Tiberius at the hands of one of our procurators, Pontius Pilatus, and a most mischievous superstition, thus checked for the moment, again broke out not only in Judæa, the first source of the evil, but even in Rome, where all things hideous and shameful from every part of the world find their centre and become popular. Accordingly, an arrest was first made of all who pleaded guilty; then, upon their information, an immense multitude was convicted, not so much of the crime of firing the city, as of hatred against mankind."
"Scholars such as Bruce Chilton, Craig Evans, Paul Eddy and Gregory Boyd agree with John Meier's statement that "Despite some feeble attempts to show that this text is a Christian interpolation in Tacitus, the passage is obviously genuine"."
Show me any evidence this strong for the other 2 so called Abrahamic Religions. You can't and never will yet Christianity receives the most doubt. Why? Because it is not religion, it is the written Truth and the events described in Revelations will occur.
submitted by Big-Dragonfruit-6822 to u/Big-Dragonfruit-6822 [link] [comments]