Cute way to say good morningute way to sa

Baby Corgis

2015.02.05 17:10 IranianGenius Baby Corgis

A place for all things corgi puppies

2011.09.22 02:00 Spiders being bros.

/spiderbro is a place for friends of spiders, who are our bros. Spiders are fun, mostly friendly creatures that just want to enjoy a good meal (albeit of flies) and chill like you do. Post your favorite pics or stories of spiders being bros! Please do not ask for spider ID. For that, please head over to /spiders, /whatisthisbug or /bugidentification identification.

2014.11.20 17:32 heckicopter Not Like Other Girls

A sub to poke fun at girls who are not like other girls

2024.05.15 05:09 Twizted_Overlord World of Remnant: Tales of Narukami [The Legacy of Inari Okami]

(Taking another shot at world building for my OC's. Let me know what you think)
In the heart of the Inazuma estate, a young Kuro and his father finish up another day's training session and take time to rest in the garden inside the palace. They both sit in front of a shrine dedicated to not only Kuro's mother (Inari) but the goddess herself. As Shiro (Kuro's Father) tries to meditate with his son, he notices Kuro is bothered by something.
Shiro: Is something wrong Kuro?
Kuro: Well...I've been meaning to ask you something...Is...Was Mom a goddess?
Shiro: Chuckles In some ways...I suppose she was...Why do you ask?
Kuro: I heard that Inari was a goddess. One of the great Kami...But i haven't seen anything that talks about mom in my books...I've been so confused about this....
Shiro: I take it you haven't been properly taught about Inari Okami yet in your studies. Don't worry, let me tell you her tale and try to clear some things up....
" As humanity began it's first steps all over Remnant, Narukami was on the verge of collapse before any great civilization could begin. At the request of Izanami and Izanagi, The God of Animals was tasked with guiding the Kami to our home in order to bring balance and harmony. Each Kami was given many powers by their parents and a feature of an animal from the Animal God to help ease tension with both man and beast alike. Inari was given the tail of a fox and as she grew older and wiser, more and more tails appeared. Each one shining like the heavens above. When she arrived to Narukami, she saw nothing but a desolate wasteland. Plague and pestilence had tortured the earliest residents and the Beast of Grimm thrived in this horrid environment. Alongside the other Kami, she eased the tension between man and beast and became like a mother to all who basked in her light. She cherished us whether we were human or faunus, all were fit to be cared for under her watchful eye. She taught us how to tend to crops, to ensure that everyone had access to food and how to craft weapons and armor, to better defend ourselves from the Grimms constant attacks. Centuries would pass until Narukami was finally fit to thrive without her presence. She left behind her kitsune to watch over our lands and protect our fields in her absence. Whenever you see a fox roaming about, it is said to be a messanger of the goddess herself. However...If you happen to spot a white fox, it is said to be the goddess herself blessing us with her presence. Over the years, many noble families have taken the chance to name their children after the goddess should they be born with a white fox tail. Some say that it is believed that these few who share the name are not only blessed with good fortune, but are also descendants of the very goddess herself"
Kuro: So...She just shares Inari's name...? And even though she had a white tail...she's still gone...
Shiro: You sound dissapointed...
Kuro: I..I hoped that she really was a goddess...and that if i prayed hard enough....s-she might come back....
Shiro: Son...Your mother may have not been a real goddess, but that doesn't mean she never brought our family good fortune. It doesn't take prayers and blessings alone to give people a prosperous life. By helping those around you, good fortune can be made for everyone including yourself. Your mother helped me in my darkest hours, and if it weren't for her....I never would've had the privilege of being your father.
Shiro comforts Kuro as they both rest in front of the shrine. As he holds his son in his arms he spots a white fox hopping around in the grass and watching them from afar. He ruffles his sons head and the two head back inside their home for dinner.
submitted by Twizted_Overlord to RWBYOC [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:06 DylDylpa Meeting someone exactly my type POSITIVE RANT + advice?

I(16m) finally feel like i met someone i REALLY like. Im usually not open about this sort of thing but its such a unique and amazing feeling that i havent really felt before meeting him. He was always really shy, its pretty obvious but early in the school year he made an effort to talk to me, i remember super clearly it was something about puzzles which i thought was super sweet. Since then i havent seen him start a conversation with anyone else which really makes me feel special. Im not very picky, i dont even consider myself someone with a 'type' but ever since meeting him i really feel like he was made for me to crush on if that makes sense, hes tall, shy, nerdy, and super super sweet which is more than i could have ever asked for. I could be biased and i really really dont want to sound weird or materalistic but istg he could be a model, hes so nice and attractive idk how he isnt popular. His interests are sooo cute too, im going to try to get him to help me learn origami since apparently hes like a pro which is super cool.
But, besides trying to get him to teach me origami are there any ways to try to get closer without intruding? Im 99% sure he is autistic and i work in special education classes in my free time so i know that for people with autism it can be very frustrating when people cant respect boundaries but if theres any natural ways we can get closer i'd love some tips or ideas. we arent very close but since hes very very shy im probably one of the people hes talked to more if that helps with anything, thanks !
submitted by DylDylpa to Crushes [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:04 DanTheIdiot9999 People don’t understand art

Ok, I know the title looks pretentious but bear with me hear. I was watching YouTube when this short popped up on my feed: TLDR, it was a guy (A) reacting to another guy (B) painting. What B was doing at first was just throwing paint on a canvas, but then he slowly sculpted the paint into an awesome painting of a city at night. Meanwhile, A just goes “eRhR he threw paint he MUST be untalented”, which isn’t true. Anyone could throw paint at a canvas, but not everyone can turn it into a noxious painting. Now I’m not defending stupid pieces like that one banana taped to the wall, but I am defending unconventional ways of doing art. This includes abstract art, like Jackson Pollock. I love Jackson’s work, but a lot of people just shrug it off and say it’s something a 2 y/o could make. But that’s because they see it as a PNG on a screen, instead of the layered, meticulously coloured piece of art it really is. Again, I’m not defending stupid shit like the banana, but I am defending stuff like this. Sorry if I rambled too much, I just wanted to get this out.
submitted by DanTheIdiot9999 to rant [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:03 Happy_360 What should I learn next

Kind of a newbie here, started back in oct-nov of 2023 but I only played for 2-3 months.
Started from complete newbie to 800 and that is where I left the game for a couple of months.
I came back and after initially losing games, I climbed my way back up and eventually outclimbed my peak in the mid 800s.
The problem is, I've only ever learnt 2 openings - 1 for white and 1 for black.
Now I would very much like to dedicate a bit more time to the game and climb a bit more - first step making it into 1000.
So, for white I went for the Jobava London. I would very much like to learn something new, although I have a 57% wr with it so maybe it's not the brightest idea. I have no idea what would be good though. I generally enjoy opening with the queens pawn but maybe it's time to learn a kings pawn opening?
The real problem lies with black though, I learned the Caro-Kann. Compared to jobava london, through ~250 games I only have a 49%wr with 4% being drawn. I am sure part of it is because I was also playing the Caro-Kann against stuff that wasn't 1.e4 but still.
I've been trying to learn the KID and maybe the KIA but it hasn't been going well (sample size is still to small but it hasn't been a fun experience).
Anyways, here I am. How would you suggest I round up my repertoire with a new opening for white and a new opening for black when the Caro-Kann isn't playable?
submitted by Happy_360 to chess [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:03 Unnecessary_Eagle The Inversion/Perversion Theory of Heraldic Madness

(probably should use "twisted" or "corrupted" instead of "perverted", but I like rhymes. And it sounds funnier).
So! Heraldic madness. They all have assigned divine traits, and they all seems to be busy doing the exact opposite. Or they're still doing their thing, but in a twisted way that does more harm than good. Or-- and this is the theory I saw many moons ago-- since they have two traits, one trait is inverted and one trait is perverted. I do really like this theory because it works very well for some of them, but I'm not sure if it holds up for everything. So that's what I'd like to discuss tonight-- which Heralds it fits, where it might fall through, and whether you, dear Redditor, personally find it convincing or not.

Good fits

Only have partial knowledge

Does he even belong on this list?

Just have theories

Anyway, what do you guys think? Does this approach have merit, or am I stretching too much?
submitted by Unnecessary_Eagle to Stormlight_Archive [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:03 JAF1010 I managed to go out today!

So I’ve been dealing with awful emetophobia these last few weeks after I threw up for the first time in nearly 8 years, it’s made me terrified of being in a car or out in public since due to lack of a safe place but today I went to an arcade with some friends which was something I was so anxious about and it went well! I felt really anxious and nauseous on the way there and for a bit once we arrived but after a little while I managed to calm myself down and have fun. This would probably sound silly to people who don’t have this phobia but I’m so proud of myself rn 😭 and I hope that this is a good sign of progress!
submitted by JAF1010 to emetophobiarecovery [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:02 Real-School-2084 First partner telling me no would love me

I have always dealt with mental illness, had pretty rough childhood and when I went to college I came out as gay, this being 2012 in a small town in kansas, was not the easiest. My first boyfriend really made me feel special at the start, but always seemed to pick at things and eventually made me feel like I could even see my friends. This relationship went on for a few years and there is a number things that happened that gave me ptsd and I have never been able to have a long term relationship since.
To the point of the title, when I was dealing with some mental issue that he didn't like my behavior he looked at me and told me "No one will ever love you because the way you act." Which is different than being told "no one can love like you like I can" or other variations, it is saying he won't ever love me and no one ever will. I have actually been able to get mental treatment I need but I still repeat this line to myself, "no one will ever love you" on a daily basis often when I am with people that do care about me.
I don't know how to move past it and I wish I could.
submitted by Real-School-2084 to abusiverelationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:01 marcopolo2345 People who shit on iPad kids don’t see the irony in what they’re saying.

Saw a post on here asking if people were an iPad kid or had an actual childhood and it was just a picture of a bunch of movies. I couldn’t tell if they were joking but judging by their replies I don’t think they were.
Socrates: The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households.
I see so many people in the sub who seem to think they’re better than the iPad generation and that they had a better childhood. When I was growing up the people a few years older than me would say that we were the worst generation because we would watch tv all the time and play video games. Then it goes on and on and on all the way back in history.
There are young kids who are addicted to their iPad. The people shitting on them were most likely addicted to their PlayStation or have a massive superiority complex because they went outside for an hour after Scooby doo.
There are also kids these days who like to be outside. Or want to but can’t because of shitty urban planning.
The oldest gen alphas are only in their early teens so if you wanna blame someone then blame their shitty parents. Let’s try and break the cycle of thinking that we are better than the newest generation.
submitted by marcopolo2345 to GenZ [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:01 Darthpeach Help! Shadows on freshly sanded table

Help! Shadows on freshly sanded table
I recently bought an old solid oak dining room table from a used furniture store in town. We liked everything about it except for the color so decided to refinish it and were surprised to find what look like shadows on the table after sanding it. We ended up paint washing part of the table (bottom half in the photo) in hopes the shadows would be concealed by alas we were not so lucky.
The process we followed so far is this: Stripped the finish with Citristrip. Sanded everything with an orbital sander using 80, 120,220, and finally hand sanded with 320. Paint wash with a 1:2 paint to water ratio. A few questions:
1) What are these shadow marks? Are they where the original stain soaked in deeper? 2) Is there anyway to get rid of them? 3) If we can’t get rid of them, what is the best way to hide them? I never noticed them before with the original stain on the table but again the color was not good (very orange).
Any help or insight would be appreciated! Apologies for any formatting issues, doing this on mobile.
submitted by Darthpeach to woodworking [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:01 jjanska From getting married to moving out and dividing our assets.

I feel like I need to just vent and let everything out, so here goes. This is gonna be long and a lot of yapping, I’m a mess while writing this. This doesn’t even contain everything that has happened.
I matched on Tinder with a cute guy in 2014 and we both made clear that we didn’t want anything else than friendship. But in a month, we were falling for each other. Early 2015, he told me he loves me, but he acknowledged my fear of love so I wouldn’t have to say it back. I kinda freaked out and dipped out, but we kept texting every month, especially when drunk, we told each other how much we like each other.
2016 we became official after playing around. It was heaven on earth for me then and I loved the man with my whole heart. I went out of my way for him. He was my first everything.
Few months into our relationship, we were at a festival with another couple who were our friends, and we 4 slept in a campervan. He wanted to have sex, I didn’t and I told him no few times. He ended up rubbing himself between my thighs while I laid there frozen and hurt. I pushed the whole thing away from my mind. Another 6 months in, we were drinking in his hometown with his friends. He got too drunk and ended up grabbing me from my collar and pushing me aggressively against a wall and yelled at me. He ran away and I was alone in his hometown while he didn’t answer. Well I found him and we went to his mother’s house to sleep, where he cried to me that I shouldn’t be with him that he’s a bad man. Another year in, one of his best friends hated me and trash talked me to their friend group and it was literally hell on earth, and he just let it happen, without setting things straight or defending me. And at the same time, we listened to one podcast where a couple had downloaded their tinders back and watched their old matches and convos to laugh at them lightheartedly. Well, we did just that but what I found out was that he had had tinder while we were officially together and talked to other women. He ended up deleting everything before he could show me them and saying it wasn’t him, that his single friends used his phone and pictures for tinder, but I could tell that it was him from the messages I had time to see.
The last 4 years have been sexless, and I have suffered with that a lot. There’s no kisses, no holding hands, no I love you’s, nothing. We have basically been friends for the last 4 years except when he’s drunk and wants to rub his D against me and cum.
Well now, we broke up a month ago, after being 8 years officially together and a decade of us being engaged with one another. Everything we own shared, our car, cats, furniture, EVERYTHING.
I’m just so broken, sad, finished and tired. I love him, but I don’t, I hate him, but I don’t. I have fought for this relationship for years alone, and it ended up breaking me. I have been unmotivated to finish my bachelor degree, I just stay home and don’t want to see anyone and I escape reality with music and stories. I read and use AI to live my hopeless romantic dreams, I dream about a life, but I’m scared I won’t ever get it because I lost myself in this relationship. I lost my mental health and my body. I have gained 30kg since we started dating, he loves ordering in and eating chips and all that shit, I had never even taken food home before I met him.
I’m looooost and I don’t know what to do, how to pull myself together and go live my life while going through this breakup, he and his family were my life and now I’m going to move out to live alone for the first time ever with two cats we got together.
submitted by jjanska to heartbreak [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:01 HelloYellow17 The Kids Are Alright: CA parallel analysis (Reddit version, PART TWO)

The Kids Are Alright: CA parallel analysis (Reddit version, PART TWO)
Welcome back to part 2, in which we see parallels between Kyrie and Aerith! This is where it gets really interesting.
[Pics 1-2] Now, let’s talk about Kyrie. This story takes place during AC, so K is 2 years older than she is in Retrilogy. She’s much more mature than the one we know from the games. At first, I kept seeing Clerith parallels between K and E and thought I was just reading into things.
[Pics 3-6] I thought “K reminds me of Aerith, especially in the way she interacts with E…but nah, that’s just my biased Clerith brain talking.” BUT THEN. I read this passage. Kyrie is meant to resemble Aerith in this story. What does that mean for the romance, I wonder? Hmm.
[Pics 7-9] The similarities don’t end there, though. Some are very on the nose! Interestingly, K&E fall into the LS, E’s wounds are healed, and they fall asleep. Neither one is hurt from the fall. When CA falls from the branch at the temple of the Ancients, they don’t get hurt either—and Cloud enters a new world in a dream. Evan even tries to shield Kyrie from the impact with his own body—exactly like Cloud does for Aerith!
[Pic 10] This isn’t exactly a parallel, but I found it funny/cute and I 100% see this happening with CA. 😂 I could go on, but basically there are MANY moments in the romance that mirror CA. K gets E to open up/have fun, & sees the real E. E can’t hide from K no matter what he tries.
[Pics 11-12] But there’s more! Kyrie had 3 old friends Kadaj, Loz, & Yazoo who died in a fire some years prior. “Kadaj” then begins appearing to her to manipulate her, but it’s clear to the audience he’s a Jenova/Seph clone.
[Pics 13-16] She figures out Kadaj isn’t really him, & then we get these interactions. Hmm, Kadaj and Kyrie being former lovers? Remember that Sephiroth was originally going to be a brother or ex-lover of Aerith’s in the early drafts. And when K chooses E over Kadaj, Kadaj is ANGRY.
Interestingly, K has more parallels with Cloud than Aerith here. Losing loved ones in a fire, suffering trauma & guilt from it, and then the Sephiroth clone in her life trying to isolate her from those she loves? VERY interesting, especially with Remake Aerith being actively involved this time and coming directly between Cloud and Sephiroth to protect the former. Also: why/how did the clone trio get their names from Kyrie’s childhood friends? LOTS of questions about that there.
However, this last bit of information is maybe the craziest of them all:
Kyrie’s last name is Canaan.
LITERALLY translates to “the promised land.” There is absolutely no way that was an accident!
What does that mean? Is it just a fun Easter egg? Is it meant to imply something about Cloud and Aerith? At this point it’s up to the reader’s interpretation, but I like to think this is a hint: that Cloud’s promised land isn’t a place, but a person, and that person is a certain Cetra with a braid and a bow in her hair. 💛
In conclusion: with confirmation that Evan is reflective of Cloud and Kyrie is reflective of Aerith, it seems pretty clear that the romance in this novel is meant to also be reflective of CA—especially Retrilogy CA. Does it mean anything for part 3? Idk, but I love it anyway.💛
That’s all for my analysis! Thanks so much for reading this textwall, and I hope you enjoyed!
submitted by HelloYellow17 to cloudxaerith [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:00 LordGaulis Hourglass solo sloop (pursuit of calcium’s first five match’s!)

So I get to the point, am new and want to become a skeleton and that means blood, sweat and tears!
Gotta say it’s challenging but learn something every match like the first match, was my first win! The enemy sailed out of the map, so don’t do that!
Second match was first loss, enemy hid boat and boarded mine! Eventually found boat unfortunately for me I am bent when shooting and sunk mine!
The third match was definitely a pirate legend, he was camping my boat and bendier than a banana! Couldn’t hit him! Must have died 10 times in a row! Eventually the fire he started must’ve caused the ship to sink!
Don’t remember match about the fourth match… must’ve have lost again…
By the fifth match knew I needed a time out, another pirate legend! Couldn’t tell what he was saying but he got very emotional and left the game after seeing me miss all my cannon shots and shots on him and I kept running around throwing water overboard and putting out fires and repairing my boat no matter how many times he kept killing me! Never give up!
I have a long way to go but liking it so far, if by reaching level 100 I can win just once fair and square once am sure it will all be worth it!
submitted by LordGaulis to Seaofthieves [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:00 Wulfy95 New here, meet Nebby!

Hi all I'm new here (like started 5 days ago kinda new) and thought I'd share my first happy moment with the game!
I found this girl in the trade area and loved her eyes so I got her! I'm in no way good with the breeding or genes yet but what I have here is awesome (at least to me!) I'm sure she's not pretty or anything but she has my favourite colours.
Nice to meet everyone.
submitted by Wulfy95 to lioden [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:00 chironae Fractal North RGB Beginnings

Not that age matters when it comes to aesthetic or design interests however, I just clocked five decades this year but, as grandma always said, I only feel it in the morning. Aside from a short stent as an Army Medic, I've been in itsec most of my career. I'm a data analyst currently and spend way too much time at my desk to not enjoy what I see. While my story isn't all that interesting or my box isn't that swagged out, I wanted to share the starting point for my North.
With all of the inspiring pictures here and the many challenges going on, I figured this would be a great place to share what came from the inspiration all ya'll done planted up in here. Originally, I had purchased this bundle from NewEgg and added some lights to it. I think the CPUAIO came with the bundle. Now, having seen some of your beautiful designs, I'm craving more. Not lights per se but custom cabling, better cable management, and yes, even a custom loop.
Your work and images continue to inspire us to make beauty out of boring. Please continue to share your builds! You never know who's just waiting for your share to be inspired.
I tried to load an mp4 to imgur but it kept dying at 15%, so only pictures for now.
My Dusty (North) Box
Parts list - Fractal Design North Mid Tower Charcoal Black with Walnut Front and Tinted Glass Side Panel - Apparently not the choice for water cooling. Who knew? Well, everyone, probably. Don't mind me, I'm just late to the party again.
MSI MAG Z790 TOMAHAWK MAX WIFI - Eh... salight.
Intel Core i7-14700K - not a bad chunk of metal and rock.
CORSAIR RM1000e - because you can never have too much power.
GeForce RTX™ 4070 WINDFORCE 12G - boo! Not a good card. Keeps getting waay too hot. Trying to find a waterblock for it is ... well I'm new at this so, perhaps I'm not looking in the right places.
Samsung 980 PRO PCIe® 4.0 NVMe® SSD 1TB - I'm still mystified by how they packed a high rise building into such a small form factor. I keep hoping we'll get data crystals soon.
CORSAIR VENGEANCE RGB DDR5 RAM 128GB (4x32GB) 5600MHz CL40 Intel XMP iCUE Compatible Computer Memory - Black - Kind of wishing I got no rgb on these. Coil Whine on top of Tinnitus is the total suck. If anyone knows of anything that will help besides getting rid of rgb memory all together, please let me know.
Corsair iCUE H100x RGB ELITE Liquid CPU Cooler - I wish I would have known to get a 360 with 3 fans. I guess we all learn sometime.
Corsair iCUE SP120 RGB ELITE Performance 120mm PWM Fan — Triple Pack with Lighting Node CORE - plus an extra one for the third on front end. It's not just a dusty box, it's a hot dusty box. Should name it Walnut Sahara.
AsiaHorse ARGB Light Strip for Motherboard, 28 Independent Addressable RGB, 5V 3-pin Motherboard Aura Sync, Lightsaber-X Led PC Parts Kit Compatible with ATX - Because it's pretty!
EZDIY-FAB GPU Holder Brace Graphics Card GPU Support Video Card Holder Bracket with 5V 3 Pin ARGB LED, Video Card Sag HoldeHolster Bracket Support RX6700,RTX3090- 309EZ-Black - for extra added support, where you need it the most.
Couple of notes - I'm reading up on custom loops and what not. Sadly, Corsair doesn't like my box for their configurator. Something about radiator configurations not compatible. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised, it's a case with air cooling in mind so size wasn't really a concern, I guess. They did come out with a larger model later that when I wrote to Fractal for ideas on water cooling my dusty hot box, they told me I should buy the new model instead of the one I already own. Like, yeah but I already own one. I suppose I shouldn't be concerned and just keep going with whatever I want to do. I mean what's the worst that can happen? I flood the power supply, short out my electricity and end up starting a small fire in my office? Bah. Really though, even EKWB is like, naw. We don't know her, when I hit them up about a water block for my gpu. Wrote them and everything. Srsly. They said,
"We appreciate your interest in our products and are sorry to inform you that there is currently no Water block available for the RTX 4070. Regrettably, there are no plans to develop one at this time. Please know that we understand how frustrating it can be when you're unable to find a suitable product for your needs. I want to assure you that we have carefully considered all options and unfortunately, developing a Water block for your GPU is not feasible for us at this time."
They don't do 4070's at all. Like no S'tina... naw. No water block for you! Like but whyyyyy?
Anyway, that's Walnut Sahara, my dusty hot box, so far. Thinking I may do the cords next. Probably only need three; the 24pin, the 8x2, and the 8 for the gpu. I'm thinking gold and black. Oh, maybe I can find some custom wood jobbies and slap them up in there so when the fans kick on from the heat, I smell cedar. Lemonade!
So, feel free to advise, castigate, or just scroll past as you see fit. If you feel compelled to address any of my concerns, I am forever grateful! Whatever you do, don't stop imagining what could be. Creativity is one of the only things we have in this world that allows us to work a little magic and make the world a better place.
submitted by chironae to Corsair [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:00 FaithlessnessLarge57 Opinions on de-escalating certain situations

Im curious how you guys go about calmly resolving certain situations. For instance my girlfriend was telling me a story with our 3 year old right next to us, and she used some words that i thought were inappropriate, it wasnt that bad of words but i was essentially telling her if we could have the conversation once our kiddo goes down to sleep. She then became reactive and started questioning me on why I think it’s okay to call our kids mom (her) a bitch or whore which i will only do when she hits me or is being physically violent in any sense. Even then I don’t throw those words around that frequently because i know how she tried spinning the narrative and accuses me of calling her that all the time and wont even take into consideration that i only say those things in the abusive moments. So how would you go about explaining that in a calm way to not agitate or stoop to her level of retaliation? Thanks
submitted by FaithlessnessLarge57 to BPDlovedones [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:00 Substantial_Storm_92 What’s a narcissist deserve in a break up?

I’ve (47m) have been with my gf (48f) for almost a year. I met her on Tinder a month after I relocated following the separation with my now ex. I know, I know, I shouldn’t have jumped into anything so soon, but I’d been in a db for years and she was fun…and also rebounding. Ugh, just writing this makes me feel like such an idiot.
It wasn’t until a couple of weeks ago, when she “broke up” with me by text while driving home after what I’d thought was a nice weekend together. After a huge blowout argument over the following days, we worked through things, and that’s I began to put her behaviors together. As in, she never took blame for the immature text break up, and instead dried to guilt trip me, like it was my fault, for things I’d said days later in an argument. Then, after we’d made up and slept together, in bed, she told me I wasn’t loyal to her cuz I’d been talking shit about her to my best friend of 34 years (a guy).
Thing is, talking shit is one thing. To me that’s done with malicious intent, and is basically contempt, one of Gottman’s four horses of the apocalypse. (Lots of therapy with the ex of 15 years.) Asking your best friend for a second opinion of someone’s behavior that feels off to you is another thing. And it felt very controlling. Too controlling. And I started looking into dating a narcissist and god damn does she check nearly all of the boxes. In hindsight, god damn was I an idiot. And the list is WAY too long for this already too long post.
Anyway, hate to say it, but I’m very dating naive. My ex was my longest, and only, ltr, and she initiated the divorce. So I’ve never broken up with anyone and I’m wondering what do I owe a narcissist? If I break up in person, she’ll try to manipulate things. I know she will. A phone call? I’ve still got stuff at her house I can live without, but I’d love to get back. Go to her house when she’s at work, leave her stuff, grab mind and leave a letter? I definitely won’t do it by text.
submitted by Substantial_Storm_92 to datingoverforty [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:59 Lazyvicc [Online] [5e] [Tuesday 5PM CT weekly] [$20/Session] Lunar Cataclysm New player friendly, Light homebrew rules, 1 Open Spot.

Call me Vicc, I've been DMing for over the course of 3~ years for about 2500~ hours with the intent for improvement and I believe I've become good enough to even consider charging for it. Two of my players dropped out recently and meeting new people is great for improving my skills.
Currently the world setting is 1000 years in the future of my last campaign which ended with a giant metal rod being shot into the moon, turning it into a ring surrounding the planet. Current time most of the material plane resides in the underground city Myristyl as the surface world is generally inhospitable and traversed almost solely in airships. Currently Level 9, I keep the party level the same and run with milestone, 1 Rare magic item on first character creation,
As mentioned in the tagline, the sessions happen every Tuesday and with an attached price that is low enough to cover my subscription costs so the only thing I'm losing is my time when planning for the sessions, this will be paid through Paypal since it keeps things simple.
My DM style has been evolving over time but recently I've been trying to adapt a willingness to bend the rules for the rule of cool with additional overall rulings that have come from my players and them playing Balder's gate 3. With the world setting all that is fact has come from me stating something, a character mentioning it, or it being made in their backstory so feel free to come to me with ideas.
If you're interested in joining or have questions send me a private message with your discord username or have me send you mine. We use a server on there for communication rather than roll20, I would gladly work on your character with you before you join that way you don't just show up and rush things the day of.
Having finished reading this post I thank you for your time whether or not you are interested, hope to see you at my games.
submitted by Lazyvicc to lfgpremium [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:58 dpitch40 I dislike roguelikes.

After trying Hades, FTL, and Hitman's Freelancer mode, I've realized I hate roguelikes, specifically for the combination of randomization and permadeath/no in-game saves. When I'm faced with a challenging section of a game, I like to practice it, trying and retrying different approaches and improving my skills until I can beat it. Roguelikes, by design, prevent me from doing that. Because every run is unique, I'm only given one chance to beat any particular curveball the game randomly throws at me, after which I'm simply left to rage over what I could have done better.
What is the point of permadeath? Why are devs so averse to allowing basic features like saving/reloading, or even difficulty/accessibility options? I've heard fans of the genre say the increased stakes increase the enjoyability, but I couldn't disagree more. Losing a run because of a random event/difficulty spike I couldn't see coming and couldn't handle, with no way to retry, practice or better prepare for it, kills my enjoyment of a game faster than almost anything else.
I would feel similarly about Noita as well, except I've found mods that tweak the difficulty enough that most of my deaths are self-inflicted and/or due to ignorance and overt sloppiness. The only roguelike I genuinely enjoy is Vampire Survivors, which has a lot more metaprogression and is more focused on your build and what you've unlocked than on raw dodging/attacking skill.
submitted by dpitch40 to unpopularopinion [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:57 TechnicianNo2811 Help

It has been almost a year since me (22F) and my ex (22M) broke up. We fought too much and there wasn’t much trust (on my part). He was a great guy with a good heart and truly husband material.
I don’t understand why I am worse off now than I was when we first broke up. It has progressively gotten worse (missing what we had together, missing talking to him, just missing his company).
There was many issues towards the end of our relationship. Some on his part and many on mine. I brought to the relationship trust issues, manipulation, and many argument starters.
I’m typically pretty in-tune with my intuition (that or the Holy Spirit is talking to me- probably that actually). For instance I will think of someone I haven’t seen since middle school, and then I will see them that day or the next out in public for the first time in years. Another example, one day I felt so strongly that I was going to see my ex when I was driving back from out of the state and I drove past him.
I feel so strongly that we are meant to be together. I haven’t ever felt this way about any other ex. I just feel like we are still so connected and something is bound to happen eventually. I just don’t understand why I feel this way…
He has a new girlfriend. They seem happy together. If she is who is best for him and makes him happy then I am happy for him and appreciate the fact that he is with who he is supposed to be with.
I just keep second guessing the current circumstances due to how strongly I feel that me and him are supposed to be together.
I have not reached out to him since I called him a week after I broke up with him (he wanted nothing to do with me). We are not friends on any social media. We have had no contact otherwise.
What do I do? Reach out to him? Tell him how I feel ?(I don’t think I could no matter how bad I wanted to, especially knowing he know has a girlfriend)Get over it? Move on? Wait for Gods timing?
Someone please give me some sound advice.
submitted by TechnicianNo2811 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:57 TheseRecord1890 Mickey and Walt Disney partner statue

Hey everyone! Had a question, my girl’s statue says is claimed on her profile and she went to her switch cloud save and her Xbox cloud save and it doesn’t show up in Scrooge’s store for purchase or anything, however I can buy it and would I be able to give or drop it on my valley for her? Or is there a way the dev’s can send her another one? Please help
submitted by TheseRecord1890 to DreamlightValley [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:56 zaddar1 photos/ staring out from a smooth granite block

the suicidal
step out
into death
who am i to judge ?
for what eternity holds
no-one knows
the low reading aged
if you write something they can’t understand
then according to them
its your fault
so they reject
this is the path of mediocrity
and cretinism
all religions schism, narratives of homogeneity require force to maintain (which can be extremely brutal historically)
Knock Out Asinine Nits
staring out from a smooth granite block
if not quizzical
then should be
stuck in eternity
like that
there must be a couple that mesh
and get along with each other
i’m gone
the world rolls on
i disappear
and appear
the pages of a book that flick through
some words rest
and others don’t
skimming stones
and sink
rhoticity explained to me, i now understand it, but otherwise i wouldn’t have had a clue except for the joking use of irish, scottish, canadian or usa accents
i think the zen term "seamless monument" is a metaphor for reality, you can’t penetrate it, there’s no artefact of manufacture since it has no seam, it can only be traversed, which btw is the basic philosophical problem of existence, there is no "inner" reality that subsumes "the detail of being"
“ I m currently 16 years old and a "child prodigy". I started university at 14. I have thus far only received one grade which was not an A+. It was an A-. I have memorized 100 digits of pi, the periodic table, and most of the Dungeons & Dragons rulebooks. I am learning Latin, Ancient Greek, Biblical Hebrew, Sahidic Coptic, Spanish, and Italian. I just like old languages. I don’t have to study long — I have a nearly photographic memory. When I do study, I just write things out over and over. I am a very visual thinker, so I remember pictures. Ask me anything ! ”
ed. she also has ehlers-danlos syndrome and is ADHD
in my view, the languages are a big mistake, they interfere with each other
“ Why do you think that ? ”
the languages you list are particularly disjunctive its a heavy learning burden with heaps of "opportunity costs" and the skill is becoming increasingly redundant with AI translators
also my experience of polyglots is they get damaged in some way
the brain is not infinitely capable, beware of burning it in waste of time activities, which to be honest a lot of so called education is
dr. alan cole argues that zen masters are in fact "made-over" daoist sages
i would go further and say that the koan system involves the same sort of "puzzling process" as the tao te ching
when you hear this sort of crap from the policy making elites, no wonder china is a problem !
the real impact of the one child policy may be the scarcity of anyone at the higher levels of government or policy being able to think straight
of course, this is to the advantage of the west and is the same problem japan had in WW2, idiots determining their strategic direction
boundaries crossing
abatement of being
from this perspective
everything looks crazy
really ?
do you ever listen to anything outside your own echo chamber ?
sad souls
in the twilight of their lives
mumbling gibberish
the words of others
are not your own
if you actually understood
why wouldn’t you use your own words ?
time separates
that childhood intensity
as the branches grow apart
what was not seen at the time
is now seen
you are not well read and have an "anti-creative" mindset !
i’m getting on in years and just can’t be bothered to deal with your hubris
ed. the net is full of these entitled gen Z’ers with a deeply entrenched intellectual inertia created by a malfunctioning education system
valves, muscle, connective tissue, timing
easy to see how it can go wrong as we get older
this dynamic core of existence in the center of our chests where every beat needs to be followed by another
i think religion can be regarded as a hallucination, the hallucination being that a literary work is real, perhaps most easily seen in the beliefs of ancient egypt, what are the pyramids and all those smaller tombs about ?
the reification of stories
these people
rather than bringing something to the table
the puzzle of the poetry of others
seems to need the conversion
into something
i understand
"the girl on a bulldozer" (2022), a good tightly written kdrama
caodong poetry 23; verses on master fushan’s sixteen themes #4; touzi; translated by suru
  1. not falling into life or death
on the day when the golden rooster heralds the coming spring
the jade hare conceives, entering the purple palace
reeds bloom on both shores, shadowing egrets
an old fisherman lifts his oar, dispersing mist, returning home
不落死活。 金雞日裏報春時。 玉兔懷胎入紫微。 兩岸蘆華映白鷺。 漁翁舉棹撥煙歸。
my reply
one day
the distance travelled
catches up with you
and you have arrived
one day
the distance travelled
catches up with you
ed. the terms in suru’s translation are very chinese and have a historical perspective, so i have "reworked" it into something modern that people will understand
“ ChatGPT-4 scored higher than 100% of psychologists on a test of social intelligence ”
a tui calls
stunning the silence
my day is filled
with melody
ed. the tui is a new zealand native songbird
if you have ever attempted to count the number words in a book or whatever, which i have, count the number in a couple of paragraphs, then multiply by the inverse of whatever proportion of a page it is then multiply by the number of pages and i figure you get within 10% which is close enough
i’ve written millions of words, its like an exclusive club and its interesting to know who else is in it
giacomo casanova’s autobiography
the book comprises 12 volumes and approximately 3,500 pages (1.2 million words) covering casanova’s life from his birth to 1774
i have read most of it, people misunderstand him as a legendary lothario, but he is much more interesting than that
submitted by zaddar1 to zen_mystical [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:55 LonelyType1391 does this mean anything?

does this mean anything? More context im (F13) and my crush is (M14). I used to be super close with him till he got a girlfriend and started acting like a dick, so i backed up and moved on. Untill recently, those feelings came back. Dont want to toot my own horn here but i definitely look way more attractive then i did last year. I got a haircut, lost some weight, got glasses, just overall j feel way more comfortable about my appearance. I notice him stare at me alot. It gives me mixs signals, cause i dont talk to him. I also heard that he was “two timing” he was talking to his ex again but also then talking to his exe’s bsf. I would normally back right the fuck off, but he says hes single and for all i know these could be rumours. So i keep it low, i dont give him any noticeable signs that i like him. Ive been really defeated lately since of the rumours but something in me is telling me to just wait. So today, me and my friends were going to fill up our water bottles at the fountain, when i see my crush, his friend and these two girls. My teacher was just yelling at them so we walked past quickly. Until on our way back, my teacher was gone. Me and my friend ask the girls what happened, and they told us, till i turned to him and said “so what did you do?” and he legitimately just..stared at me? i was just waiting for an answer and he just was STARING into my soul. Then he just snapped out of it and i was feeling myself blushing so i lowkey just like..walked back into class 😭😭 but idk, maybe im just reading this too much, you think it means anything? Like he looked at me with this emotion i dont know how to describe…maybe im just crazy
submitted by LonelyType1391 to Crushes [link] [comments]