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Plus one needed

2024.05.15 20:00 DaySwimming8519 Plus one needed

Plus one needed
So my friend canceled on me today to go Billie Eilish listening party at Barclay. I seen how there were people who wanted to go to the listening party but couldn’t make it. So if anyone wants to come with me tell me. I’m in section 31 row 17. I’m not looking for money, or anything. Maybe some chips would be appreciated👀 other than that I’m female 21. Just so you are slightly familiar with me.
submitted by DaySwimming8519 to billieeilish [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 20:00 reimbirtheds Flat affectation/ “faking it syndrome”

I have tried 1000’s of times to better my mental health, more precisely, cure myself.
I would like to tell you two things that might help
  1. If you pretend to be okay, people will believe you.
  2. If you don’t pretend to be okay and you are not acting OUT of who you are on the inside, then your facial expressions are most likely flat and non existent.
The people we see that are mentally sane, are either 1. Pretending to be okay until they believe their own lie.
  1. Acting out who they are inside, and it is currently working out for them. But they have ups and downs through life, unfortunately these people will have mental health issues too.
So the cure maybe to be 100% congruent, kind body and soul.
What I mean is, if you don’t believe music is good for you yet you still listen to it, then this contributes to the opposite of congruency.
If you believe your friends don’t like you but you still seek there approval, this is incongruous.
To be congruent, mind body and spiritually is what can “cure” psychosis/mental illness.
Or the quickest and fastest way is to pretend to be okay until everyone believes you and then you also buy into your own lie, like most people are doing. (I have done this before when I was a 18-20, it felt like heaven, but in hindsight it was faking terrible, yet given the option to go there again I might chose to, so may god not give me that option)
But also, pretending to be okay from time to time, maybe a good thing to do, even if you are trying to not kill yourself lol other people don’t know when I am fighting that battle, but yes, one time my father was really I’ll and vomiting and I felt helpless, it hurt me more then if it were me going through the physical pain because the psychological state of helplessness hurt more then it would physically to me. So in run revers I thought my parents and family and friends, but my mother and father escoeically, must be soooo worried about me and it must be killing them that they are helpless to my mental illness, so from time to time, one day out of the week, half a day? Pretend to be completely fine in front of them? Just a suggestion
submitted by reimbirtheds to Psychosis [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 20:00 Longjumping_Ad_7260 MyFaction times out while opening ECW Punk pack

I was opening bonus pack that comes with the ECW Punk pack when you download it in my faction and my fashion timed out and now I can’t find the card. Can somebody please tell me what’s in the park and where do I find the ECW Paul Heyman manager card?!😳😢
submitted by Longjumping_Ad_7260 to WWE2K24 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 20:00 DonChaote I won‘t tell you where I am from, but I really like the halberds in this game and somehow feel represented

I won‘t tell you where I am from, but I really like the halberds in this game and somehow feel represented submitted by DonChaote to ManorLords [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 20:00 kemz1969 Eloise did NOT go into the tower the night of the massacre

How do I know? Victor tells us so in S2 e8 at timestamp 43:45. When Tabitha asks about the lighthouse drawing he says:
ELOISE SAID that’s where mom went the night of the massacre to save the children in the tower.
I don’t know what happened to Eloise but she returned to speak with Victor after the morning.
A LOT of theories are based on the belief that Eloise entered the tower and never returned the night of the massacre.
submitted by kemz1969 to FromTVEpix [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 20:00 curlsinthewild21 in what cases are doctors required to tell the police?

so i have horrible chronic pain, and the nhs hasn’t done a thing about it. one of my family members has prescribed meds that she’s not taking for pain right now and so she gave them to me and they’re helping. i’m considering going to a private gp and am wondering if i can tell them about me taking the meds or if they would be obliged to report it?
submitted by curlsinthewild21 to AskUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 20:00 AutoModerator Monthly Wiki Post (2024)

Nominate any posts, tools, or ideas that you've found to be exceptional resources for our community. The moderation team will look over Monthly Wiki threads and select posts to then add to our growing wiki. Threads do not have to have been made in the previous month, and you can nominate your own work. See the wiki here!

Remember to tag which edition you're talking about with [1E] or [2E]!
Check out all the weekly threads!
Monday: Tell Us About Your Game
Friday: Quick Questions
Saturday: Request A Build
Sunday: Post Your Build
submitted by AutoModerator to Pathfinder_RPG [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:59 IGB_Lo How oblivious can you possibly be at this point?

For those outside of this community, and even those within that are shilling, how can you watch what is unfolding and still not believe that this company’s stock is being manipulated at least to some degree? Like, seriously how oblivious can you possibly be?
It’s Not normal for a stock price to jump this significantly in such a short amount of time without any news behind it. Nor is it normal for it to decline at the same rapid rate without news either.
What are you guys missing? How is it possible to look at GameStop’s health as a company and still say that they are failing and their stock should be significantly less valued because of it.
In what scenario would this company go under? If they didn’t go under five years ago when they had crap management, how is it possible to believe that they will go under with Ryan Con as CEO?
Or please, tell us what we are missing. I can’t see it.
submitted by IGB_Lo to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:58 Overzealous_Potato I did it

i don’t know where i’m going, but today i said goodbye to my cat and sobbed as i drove away from the shelter; feeling terribly guilty for not finding him a new home and yet i hope he’d be proud of me for choosing myself, i packed up my car in a hurry, with grief and excitement in my heart, and i left. This is just step one of detangling myself. I even left my playstation behind, i could’ve made room for it, and yet part of me knows that as long as i take myself that’s what’s most important. All the years of gaslighting are telling me i’m terrible and abandoning them, but my life can’t wait any longer.
submitted by Overzealous_Potato to enmeshmenttrauma [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:58 Slothieone TMI - Watery Like Discharge

I’m going to give my doctor a call, but I wanted to know if anyone else has had a similar experience? I’m no longer seeing my IVF doctor, but my OB.
I am 11 weeks. I am taking vaginal progesterone suppositories until 12 weeks. I feel like I’ve recently had an increase in watery discharge. It’s always accompanied by white/pale yellow soft clumpy discharge due to the suppositories. I read that you can leak amniotic fluid so that is the main concern here. When I don’t wear a panty liner, there’s typically a wet spot in my underwear around the size of a small egg with a white(ish) spot in the center. Yesterday the crotch of my leggings felt damp. So I went and grabbed some Ph test strips and it was normal.
Have you had any issues similar to this? It almost seems impossible to tell the difference between discharge and amniotic fluid. 🙃
submitted by Slothieone to IVFbabies [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:58 Overzealous_Potato I did it

i don’t know where i’m going, but today i said goodbye to my cat and sobbed as i drove away from the shelter; feeling terribly guilty for not finding him a new home and yet i hope he’d be proud of me for choosing myself, i packed up my car in a hurry, with grief and excitement in my heart, and i left. This is just step one of detangling myself. I even left my playstation behind, i could’ve made room for it, and yet part of me knows that as long as i take myself that’s what’s most important. All the years of gaslighting are telling me i’m terrible and abandoning them, but my life can’t wait any longer.
submitted by Overzealous_Potato to enmeshmenttrauma [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:58 DramaLlamaTikTok Do I HAVE TO include people?

This may sound selfish and insane. But I’m not married. Nor am I with the father of my child. I find myself expecting him to WANT to be more a part of this whole process. And recently he made a comment like “let me know when it’s not just a dot on the screen” I’ve had his sister telling me I’m barely pregnant and to do things myself and stop being so negative and bitchy. And I am finding myself to be absolutely miserable trying to include all these people in information etc about this pregnancy. I’m not about to allow this man to JUST come around when it’s convenient for him. In my eyes if you don’t feel like this pregnant is important and don’t care to ask me how I feel occasionally. Why should I include you in literally anything. It’s sad because we’ve been such great friends for 25 years. But he’s changed. And not for the better. Can I just block people and ignore and go through this pregnancy with my close circle of people I trust. Or do I have a moral obligation to include his family as well. Please don’t attack me :( I know this sounds so selfish right now.
submitted by DramaLlamaTikTok to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:58 Aggressive-River-946 What is Old Navy’s marketing email?

Last night I logged onto an email account that I hadn’t been on in a while to find it flooded with old navy marketing emails. I’m wondering if they were legit emails from old navy. I contacted customer service twice and got two completely different answers, so I was hoping somebody here would get legitimate marketing emails from Old Navy and could tell me.
The email in question is Oldnavy@email oldnavy com
submitted by Aggressive-River-946 to Oldnavy [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:58 Apt_Iguana68 Clip not completed

OK. I’ve tried to extend a song multiple times and I keep getting the same error. it tells me the clip is not complete. I won’t be charged any credits and to try again.
Is this a potential issue with my clip and what I’m trying to do at a point in the song or is it simply a congestion issue that will cure itself when the usage goes down?
Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
submitted by Apt_Iguana68 to SunoAI [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:58 Content_Scallion_565 wlw emotional manipulation???

my partner and i (24 and 25F) have been together for over 3 years now. I have wondered since very early on if she has been manipulative, or if I am sensitive. This is my first queer relationship, and I have always shut men down when I can tell manipulation tactics are being used, but I’m having a hard time finding sources on how it may resonate differently in women.
I have worked very hard to overcome things like religious trauma, insecurities, etc that would cause strain on the relationship. However, I feel I end up being the one that has work to do at the end of our serious conversation frequently.
The event that sticks with me the most happened a while back. I have always struggled with depression since puberty hit me. This time period specifically, I was at my genuine worst. One night she was trying to get spicy with me, and i told her i wasn’t in the mood. this is the first time i have ever set this boundary with someone. I have always just went along with it, which in the long run has been harmful to my mental. She seemed sad and got quiet, but it didn’t make me feel pressured or bad that i did not want to be intimate. However, my sex drive had completed vanished. Because I hadn’t felt negatively the first go around, I began to feel more comfortable expressing myself and letting her know i wasn’t in the mood. I began to refrain from things like cuddling a lot, making out etc because at the time i was scared it would send her the wrong message, and I didn’t want to make her feel worse. We talked about this because she seemed to get more and more quiet the more i did this. During the conversation she expressed that she needed those things, and that it makes her feel icky and undesirable since i had started not having sexy time and not cuddling. I expressed to her why I wasn’t as lovely, that I had got in my head and didn’t want to lead her to think i wanted sex, while also reassuring her i would stop doing this since she said it wasn’t leading her on. I also explained that because of my depression I didn’t have much of a sex drive. I remember at one point in another conversation (we had several because this went on for a while) told her I didn’t feel it was healthy she relied on sexual intimacy to feel desirable or pretty, but she told me that she didn’t agree, because her biggest love language is physical touch and sex was a part of that. Ever since that, mixed with a failed try at polyamory a few months prior that trickled into my lack of wanting sex, I have felt maybe i am being manipulated. more context, I hadn’t communicated with her properly about hanging out with this guy, and was often home late, leaving very little time for us. I apologized for it weekly, if not daily, and eventually decided that if she wanted me to end it i would (leaving me heartbroken because i did really like this guy a lot, and up until i let her know that I hadn’t noticed any issues. But i wanted her to feel secure and she is main main priority in relationships) I had been talking and occasionally being intimate with him (while also still intimate with her) for over a year before I knew there was an issue. She told me she thought he was trying to break us up. I reassured her that while i didn’t think that was the case, i loved her and would never leave her just because someone else wanted me to. Eventually, I expressed that I was extremely upset and missed him, and after questions and concerns, reassured her it wasn’t sex with him that i missed. i missed the connection. this was around the time my depression had really gotten bad, so i had no interest in sex of any kind. I wanted to want to. my partner is very beautiful and ive always felt she was such a special wonderful human. I felt she didn’t believe me, but she always told me she did. During this time, we didn’t have sex if i didn’t want to, but we had talks about it often where she would express how much it hurts her that we aren’t intimate. They always ended with me trying find a solution to get better faster. Taking labido supplements, switching my work schedule around, trying antidepressants (which have been helpful, but it doesn’t sit right with me that that was the only reason i started them) She always told me in these conversations that she didn’t want me to feel pressured, and that i didn’t have to if i didn’t want to, but it is extremely hard not to feel pressured when your partner is telling you something you are or are not doing is causing them so much mental struggle. Especially when it’s something i can’t just start doing better about immediately. I’ve always been the person to think, and have always read that feeling pressured to have sex in a relationship is never okay, but is that still the case if i never gave into the pressure and she never physically touched me to make me feel uncomfortable or pressured?
Along with this, she rarely seems to want to do small little things for me like getting me a glass of water or running out to my car. She will, but i usually have to ask. Then her voice softens like she is sad, and her face drops. I’ve expressed to her that one of my love languages is acts of service, which is why i am constantly offering to do small favors for her, and would like to occasionally have that in return without having to ask. I let her know i did not expect this all the time, maybe just a few occasions of this out of a couple weeks or a month and then when she could tell i really didn’t want to do something she could say “i got it.” She seemed to hear me and does occasionally do things for me, but most of the time things are the same. She still looks like i have asked he to kill her first born when i ask her to grab something for me.
Another thing that bothers me is that she always gets the final call, and if she doesn’t, she again seems sad. If we watch a movie, most things i suggest usually gets turned down unless it’s something she has also actively talked about wanting to watch. Recently we were in the car and she asked if had anything i had been listening to. after naming a few artists and songs, she asked if i listened to the song she sent early and said she was actually just going to play that. when i said “oh okay yeah” in a disappointed tone, she turned and looked upset asking “well did you want me to play what you suggested?” I never complain when she wants to play music when im driving, and actively try to include her in decision making, but it feels one sided. Why ask for suggestions as if you want me included and then ignore that i said anything? She does this in a few different areas, not just with movies and music
She gets upset if i accidentally interrupt when im excited (i have adhd), but I do well about not doing this often and will stop myself and let her continue if i have interrupted a lot of the time. She also has told me in the past that things i do (like interrupting) when i dont take my adhd medication is extremely stressful for her, but she also knows my medication makes it extremely hard to eat, i had lost 60lbs when this was an issue for her, and I have struggled with disorder like habits my whole life. I was very vocal about those things at the time. (TW eating disorder thoughts)I felt like a skeleton,so unhealthy and fragile. I told her this often. but i also had longed for that for so long, so sometimes id take them and be excited to not eat so i could lose more. I kept this to myself because i felt ashamed to have fallen into that way of thinking, even if it wasn’t consistent. (TW OVER) it didn’t feel right to me to take them if i wasn’t working and doing something that required my full attention. This problem has lessened a lot since my depression has lightened up and I started taking my meds more consistently, but again i didn’t start being consistent/start taking them again because i felt i needed to. I did it because she told me it was causing issues for her.
Is this manipulation or is it a sensitivity thing? am i too sensitive? is she? maybe we both are? Do i just lack boundary setting skills? Am i actually the problem and Im just playing victim?
submitted by Content_Scallion_565 to lgbt [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:57 Curiositykills1455 Are boundaries controlling? What’s the difference?

So today in therapy my therapist tried to focus the attention on me trying to control myself vs others behaviors or opinions of me. I understand this and it’s something I really do want to work on. However, I am confused. If someone said to me “I don’t like how you react when I tell you I don’t want to go to the baseball game with you, so I lied to avoid the anxiety…” I would feel like they are trying to blame me for their behavior (being non confrontational, letting my emotions dictate their behavior,etc). I have a problem with this, because a boundary of mine is honesty. How do we honor both boundaries here?
If my reaction of him/her not going to the baseball game is disappointment.. isn’t it okay to express that? I don’t mean yelling, or guilt tripping… but just saying you are disappointed. Asking to do something else together..? If I adhere to their boundary isn’t that now allowing them to control my own behavior?
It sounds so easy, but then when you think about it like this it gets confusing. Please help
submitted by Curiositykills1455 to askatherapist [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:57 kemz1969 Eloise did NOT escape through the lighthouse the night of the massacre

How do I know? Victor tells us so in S2 e8 at timestamp 43:45. When Tabitha asks about the lighthouse drawing he says:
ELOISE SAID that’s where mom went to save the children the night of the massacre.
I don’t know what happened to Eloise but she returned to speak with Victor after the morning.
submitted by kemz1969 to FromSeries [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:57 bizarreiguana anyone wanna be friends or maybe bffs? 23F

Hello everyone! I'm looking for friends around my age and it is ok if you are low maintenance, because I myself am pretty low maintenance unless we're BFFS then I can get a little in ur dms with my every thought.
Meaning if you don't have time to talk I won't get mad, as long as it's said up front or at all, it's all good! The most important part imo is a good connection and honesty , so as long as that's there, I'm on board!
I am 23 years old and Swedish and I'm a virgo if ur into that stuff:)
Some interests of mine, - Hunger games, all of the movies I also recently bought the first book:) - Twilight my all time favourite franchise - Spending time with family and friends
I also play video games like Fortnite and Life is strange 2, used to play mwiii soo much but my playstations is in a box currently so I play on my Switch
Music is everything so I listen to it every day, if you don't: why not?
My fav artists rn are Sabrina Carpenter, Olivia Rodrigo and ever since Eurovision it's been Marcus and Martinus on repeat
and I can chat about pretty much anything but for now that'll do :)
tell me about yourself in ur message and i'll be sure to reply as fast as i can
submitted by bizarreiguana to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:57 EmmaWatsonButDumber I was camping with my friends. Some of us remember what happened that night differently

The fire crackled softly as we sat in a circle, the darkness of the forest pressing in around us. I glanced at my friends, their faces illuminated by the flickering flames. It was our annual camping trip, a tradition we had kept since high school. This year, we had chosen a remote spot deep in the woods, far from the nearest town.
Everything had been going smoothly until that night.
"Do you guys remember what happened?" Sarah asked, her voice tinged with unease.
I frowned, trying to piece together the fragmented memories. I remembered the fire, the laughter, and the drinking. But after that, things got hazy. "We were telling ghost stories, right?" I said, hoping someone could fill in the blanks.
"Yeah," Mark replied, but he didn't sound sure. "We were, but then... I don't know. It's like I blacked out or something."
Tom, who had been unusually quiet, finally spoke up. "I remember," he said, his voice low. "There was something in the woods."
My heart skipped a beat, a cold wave of dread washing over me. Flashes of the night surged back into my mind—shadowy figures slipping between the ancient trees, their movements fluid and unnatural. The wind carried faint, haunting whispers that seemed to come from all directions, speaking in a language I couldn't understand. An overwhelming sense of dread had settled over me like a suffocating shroud, making it hard to breathe. Each memory felt surreal, like fragments of a terrible dream that couldn't possibly be real, yet the fear they evoked was all too tangible.
"What did we see?" I asked, my mouth dry.
Tom's eyes darted to the dark woods surrounding us. "I know the feeling it gave me."
Sarah shivered, pulling her jacket tighter around her. "I thought it was just a nightmare."
"A nightmare we all had, in unison? I don't think so," Tom insisted, his voice trembling.
A silence fell over us, the only sounds the crackling fire and the distant rustling of leaves. The fear in our eyes was unmistakable, but there was something else—confusion, like our memories were fragmented pieces of a puzzle that didn't quite fit together.
"Wait," Mark said suddenly. "Didn't we run? I remember running through the woods, trying to get away."
"I remember that too," I said, the memory surfacing. Branches whipped against my face, the ground uneven beneath my feet, the sensation of being chased.
"But we didn't all run," Sarah said, her voice trembling. "Some of us stayed behind."
A cold chill ran down my spine. "What do you mean?"
Sarah's eyes filled with tears. "I saw you, Jack. You were standing by the fire, talking to it. Like you were in a trance."
"That's not possible," I said, shaking my head. "I was with you guys. We all ran together."
Tom's face went pale. "No, she's right. I remember that too. You were saying something to it."
Panic surged through me. "But that's not what happened!" I insisted. "I was with you guys!"
"Then how do we all remember it differently?" Mark asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
We sat in stunned silence, the fire casting eerie shadows around us. I could feel the weight of the conflicting memories pressing down on me, each one as real as the other but impossible to reconcile.
Suddenly, a twig snapped in the darkness. We all froze, our eyes darting to the edge of the firelight. A figure stood just beyond the reach of the flames, tall and unnaturally thin. The details were obscured by the shadows, but there was something familiar about its posture, its presence.
"It's back," Tom whispered, his voice trembling.
"Who, who's back?" Sarah responded.
"I... I don't know," I replied, my voice barely a whisper.
Sarah clutched my arm. "We need to leave. Now."
Before we could react, the figure emerged from the shadows and stepped into the flickering light of the fire, revealing a face that sent a chill down my spine. It was me—or at least, it looked like me. But there was something off, something inherently wrong about the way it moved and the expression etched on its features.
Its eyes, once mirrors of my own, now glinted with an unsettling darkness, devoid of any trace of humanity. They locked onto mine with a predatory intensity, and a sickening smile spread across its lips—a twisted, malevolent grin that sent a shiver down my spine.
The resemblance was uncanny, yet there was an undeniable aura of menace emanating from this doppelgänger, as if it were a distorted reflection of my worst fears and darkest desires come to life.
"Some of us remember," it said, its voice a chilling echo of my own. "Some of us don't."
My friends screamed, the sound piercing the night, but I couldn't move, couldn't speak. The creature lunged forward, and the world went black.
When I opened my eyes, I was back by the fire. My friends were gone, the forest eerily silent. The memories of what happened, of what was real, swirled in my mind, indistinguishable from each other. I was alone, but I could feel eyes watching me from the darkness.
As I stood up, disoriented, I saw movement at the edge of the clearing. My friends emerged from the shadows, looking as confused and terrified as I felt.
"What happened?" Mark asked, his voice shaky.
We quickly gathered our things, the sense of urgency palpable. As we packed up, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was still out there, watching us, waiting.
We navigated through the dense woods, the path a barely discernible ribbon in the dim light of dawn. The forest seemed alive, closing in around us with an oppressive, almost sentient presence. Tall, gnarled trees whispered secrets we couldn't understand, their leaves rustling with a language of their own. Every snap of a twig underfoot, every rustle of leaves overhead, sent jolts of panic through us, our nerves frayed and on edge.
The sky slowly lightened, casting a ghostly pallor over the landscape, and our hearts leaped with relief as we finally glimpsed the edge of the woods. The sight of our cars, silent and waiting like sentinels, brought a rush of hope. We didn't waste a moment, throwing our gear into the trunks with frantic, fumbling hands, our only thought to put as much distance between us and that cursed campsite as possible. The forest's grip seemed to loosen as we sped away, but the unease clung to us, a shadow of the night we couldn't escape.
As we drove away, I glanced in the rearview mirror. For a moment, I saw the tall figure standing at the edge of the woods, watching us with an unnerving stillness. Then it was gone, swallowed by the shadows.
We didn't speak much on the drive back. The silence was heavy, each of us lost in our thoughts. When we finally parted ways, promising to keep in touch, I knew things would never be the same.
That night, as I lay in bed, the events of the past two days replayed in my mind. Just as I was drifting off to sleep, I heard a faint knock at my window. My heart pounded as I turned to look, and there, standing outside, was the doppelgänger, its expression blank, its eyes empty.
It smiled, a twisted reflection of my own face, and mouthed the words: "Some of us remember."
What did I stumble upon? What does it want from me?
submitted by EmmaWatsonButDumber to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:57 Content_Scallion_565 wlw emotional manipulation???

my partner and i (24 and 25F) have been together for over 3 years now. I have wondered since very early on if she has been manipulative, or if I am sensitive. This is my first queer relationship, and I have always shut men down when I can tell manipulation tactics are being used, but I’m having a hard time finding sources on how it may resonate differently in women.
I have worked very hard to overcome things like religious trauma, insecurities, etc that would cause strain on the relationship. However, I feel I end up being the one that has work to do at the end of our serious conversation frequently.
The event that sticks with me the most happened a while back. I have always struggled with depression since puberty hit me. This time period specifically, I was at my genuine worst. One night she was trying to get spicy with me, and i told her i wasn’t in the mood. this is the first time i have ever set this boundary with someone. I have always just went along with it, which in the long run has been harmful to my mental. She seemed sad and got quiet, but it didn’t make me feel pressured or bad that i did not want to be intimate. However, my sex drive had completed vanished. Because I hadn’t felt negatively the first go around, I began to feel more comfortable expressing myself and letting her know i wasn’t in the mood. I began to refrain from things like cuddling a lot, making out etc because at the time i was scared it would send her the wrong message, and I didn’t want to make her feel worse. We talked about this because she seemed to get more and more quiet the more i did this. During the conversation she expressed that she needed those things, and that it makes her feel icky and undesirable since i had started not having sexy time and not cuddling. I expressed to her why I wasn’t as lovely, that I had got in my head and didn’t want to lead her to think i wanted sex, while also reassuring her i would stop doing this since she said it wasn’t leading her on. I also explained that because of my depression I didn’t have much of a sex drive. I remember at one point in another conversation (we had several because this went on for a while) told her I didn’t feel it was healthy she relied on sexual intimacy to feel desirable or pretty, but she told me that she didn’t agree, because her biggest love language is physical touch and sex was a part of that. Ever since that, mixed with a failed try at polyamory a few months prior that trickled into my lack of wanting sex, I have felt maybe i am being manipulated. more context, I hadn’t communicated with her properly about hanging out with this guy, and was often home late, leaving very little time for us. I apologized for it weekly, if not daily, and eventually decided that if she wanted me to end it i would (leaving me heartbroken because i did really like this guy a lot, and up until i let her know that I hadn’t noticed any issues. But i wanted her to feel secure and she is main main priority in relationships) I had been talking and occasionally being intimate with him (while also still intimate with her) for over a year before I knew there was an issue. She told me she thought he was trying to break us up. I reassured her that while i didn’t think that was the case, i loved her and would never leave her just because someone else wanted me to. Eventually, I expressed that I was extremely upset and missed him, and after questions and concerns, reassured her it wasn’t sex with him that i missed. i missed the connection. this was around the time my depression had really gotten bad, so i had no interest in sex of any kind. I wanted to want to. my partner is very beautiful and ive always felt she was such a special wonderful human. I felt she didn’t believe me, but she always told me she did. During this time, we didn’t have sex if i didn’t want to, but we had talks about it often where she would express how much it hurts her that we aren’t intimate. They always ended with me trying find a solution to get better faster. Taking labido supplements, switching my work schedule around, trying antidepressants (which have been helpful, but it doesn’t sit right with me that that was the only reason i started them) She always told me in these conversations that she didn’t want me to feel pressured, and that i didn’t have to if i didn’t want to, but it is extremely hard not to feel pressured when your partner is telling you something you are or are not doing is causing them so much mental struggle. Especially when it’s something i can’t just start doing better about immediately. I’ve always been the person to think, and have always read that feeling pressured to have sex in a relationship is never okay, but is that still the case if i never gave into the pressure and she never physically touched me to make me feel uncomfortable or pressured?
Along with this, she rarely seems to want to do small little things for me like getting me a glass of water or running out to my car. She will, but i usually have to ask. Then her voice softens like she is sad, and her face drops. I’ve expressed to her that one of my love languages is acts of service, which is why i am constantly offering to do small favors for her, and would like to occasionally have that in return without having to ask. I let her know i did not expect this all the time, maybe just a few occasions of this out of a couple weeks or a month and then when she could tell i really didn’t want to do something she could say “i got it.” She seemed to hear me and does occasionally do things for me, but most of the time things are the same. She still looks like i have asked he to kill her first born when i ask her to grab something for me.
Another thing that bothers me is that she always gets the final call, and if she doesn’t, she again seems sad. If we watch a movie, most things i suggest usually gets turned down unless it’s something she has also actively talked about wanting to watch. Recently we were in the car and she asked if had anything i had been listening to. after naming a few artists and songs, she asked if i listened to the song she sent early and said she was actually just going to play that. when i said “oh okay yeah” in a disappointed tone, she turned and looked upset asking “well did you want me to play what you suggested?” I never complain when she wants to play music when im driving, and actively try to include her in decision making, but it feels one sided. Why ask for suggestions as if you want me included and then ignore that i said anything? She does this in a few different areas, not just with movies and music
She gets upset if i accidentally interrupt when im excited (i have adhd), but I do well about not doing this often and will stop myself and let her continue if i have interrupted a lot of the time. She also has told me in the past that things i do (like interrupting) when i dont take my adhd medication is extremely stressful for her, but she also knows my medication makes it extremely hard to eat, i had lost 60lbs when this was an issue for her, and I have struggled with disorder like habits my whole life. I was very vocal about those things at the time. (TW eating disorder thoughts)I felt like a skeleton,so unhealthy and fragile. I told her this often. but i also had longed for that for so long, so sometimes id take them and be excited to not eat so i could lose more. I kept this to myself because i felt ashamed to have fallen into that way of thinking, even if it wasn’t consistent. (TW OVER) it didn’t feel right to me to take them if i wasn’t working and doing something that required my full attention. This problem has lessened a lot since my depression has lightened up and I started taking my meds more consistently, but again i didn’t start being consistent/start taking them again because i felt i needed to. I did it because she told me it was causing issues for her.
Is this manipulation or is it a sensitivity thing? am i too sensitive? is she? maybe we both are? Do i just lack boundary setting skills? Am i actually the problem and Im just playing victim?
submitted by Content_Scallion_565 to LesbianActually [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:57 Nubian_Cavalry [PI] Some bears heatedly debate whether it’s preferable to be alone in a forest with a man or a woman

Original prompt by u/SurprisedPotato
Black bear: “It just makes sense. They’re more dangerous. It’s like they’re born vicious. Who would want to deal with that?”
Polar Bear: “Me-“
Brown Bear: “It’s a quarter our size. Slow. No claws. It isn’t bothering us usually”
Black: “Obviously, I’m talkin about males-“
Grizzly Bear: “You’re still on that John?”
Brown: “Ugh
Black: “They’re just loud! The males are louder-“
Brown: “Oh my god John. Shut up!“
Black: “Tell ya something, Kimberly. last time I saw one a them, had this thick lookin spear. Started howling, howling, jumping and howling. Who would mess with that?”
Polar: “Definitely me-“
Brown: “Just eat it, John.”
Black: “Eat it!? For all we know it’s tryna lead me into an ambush to eat ME!”
Polar: mmmmmmhh yeah-“
Brown: Johnathan, I found a male close to my cubs. Easiest snack of my life. It didn’t even sound as gruff as the others. Females must be marginally easier than that.”
Grizzly: If it didn’t sound gruff, that means you did eat a female.
Polar: TASTY-
Brown: Nope. It was smaller, but bigger than a female.
Grizzly: Doesn’t mean it wasn’t a female. In fact, since we’re still talking about this-“
Brown: Ffffuck me
Grizzly: “I’ve accepted I’m an old bear, but I’ve been places. These creatures make these stone, wooden nests. Human nests. The females don’t go far from their nest, like the males do. so, John, if you see a female, she’s actually the one leading you to an ambush.
Black: “They don’t hunt, they pick fruits. And carry the human cubs.”
Grizzly: “Not really. I used to pick at a troop of females picking berries by the waterfall, soon enough they came there with spears and a few males. Ambush.”
Brown: That’s not an ambush Franklin.
Black: Look, either way, they’re dangerous. Males moreso
Brown: Joooooohhhhnnnn! Stop! They are harmless! hell most humans I see fall over and die from shock. Just by noticing me. Don’t even bother eating those ones.
Polar: Bro is mentally ill
Brown: Okay. Bitch, since you keep mocking us what’s your opinion?
Polar: They food
Grizzly: Yes, but not easy food, my foreign friend
Black: Yeah, not easy! Not easy!
Polar: Easiest bag of my life no cap
Black: ugh
Polar: On god
Grizzly: Look, you can kill one. Maybe two, but the pack will come for you eventually. The entire pack.
Polar: You think they’re stronger than me?
Brown: … good question
Polar: Well… if the entire pack of humans found me, I might be in some trouble.
Grizzly: So, you’re admitting you would lose?
Polar: Nah, I’d win.
submitted by Nubian_Cavalry to WritingPrompts [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:57 Comfortable_Day_9867 AITA for not reminding my friend and my older sibling that I was graduating last week?

I’m going to rearrange the school names for this post. I’m 24M. I originally went to college at the “University of Iowa” (not really, went to a comparable school). Due to personal reasons, I dropped out of school and came back home. After a year or so, I started over at a community college and I just completed an Associates Degree this past December. I have now gained acceptance to “Iowa State University” (not really, going to a comparable school) and I have been going there since January.
I told my friends and family that I graduated from community college, that I received my diploma in the mail and that I was walking in May. But after that, I didn’t bring it up anymore. And in result, my best friend and my sister didn’t realize I was walking. They’re upset I didn’t tell them.
A part of me didn’t want to make a big deal about it because it was community college. Another part of me feels like everytime I spoke about school, certain friends and family brushed it off and paid it little attention. For example, my best friend spends like 30-40 minutes talking about his relationships issues with his boyfriend every time we talk extensively and will listen for maybe 2 minutes about things concerning me. I kinda feel like if you’re my sister or my best friend and you know I finished a degree program recently and know that I got my physical diploma and know that I was walking in the spring, then if you cared enough, you would’ve asked what date I was walking. I feel like if I graduated from “University of Iowa” they would’ve been more interested.
Anyway, they’re kinda upset with me because they found out last minute and couldn’t come. My parents and my grandfather came to the graduation. They knew/made sure they knew.
submitted by Comfortable_Day_9867 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]
