Mrsa vaginitis

28F staphylococcus aureus found in urine

2024.04.14 03:38 bbunny1996 28F staphylococcus aureus found in urine

Trying to get as much info as I can. Thought posting here would be a good idea too.
So, Staphylococcus aureus was found in my urine sample and I’m freaking out because apparently while it’s not impossible to have in the urine, it’s pretty uncommon.
My symptoms have been on and off since about August of 2023 and I thought it was because I went off birth control in April… I thought it was hormonal because I would have “flare ups” during my period.
But over the last few weeks I have continued to have symptoms that haven’t gone away. It doesn’t burn to pee but it feels uncomfortable and I also have an urge to pee. The pressure type of feeling from the urethra lasts for about an hour to 2 hours at a time unless I take an azo or chug a bunch of water.
Went to the gyno and they tested for STDs and other vaginal issues and also sent out a urinalysis.
Says I have staph in my urine. Idk how I got it. I haven’t been to the hospital, I haven’t had a catheter, I am not diabetic. I had this same bacteria found in my nose about 4-5 years ago when I got my nose ring but I took antibiotics for it. Maybe I am susceptible to it?
The doctor doesn’t open until Monday so I can’t get antibiotics until then so I’m worried I’m going to get a blood infection or MRSA and die.
Has anyone heard of this?
submitted by bbunny1996 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.04.14 03:03 bbunny1996 Staph aureus was found in my urine sample… no UTI

I posted in a microbiology group but wanted to ask here too….
Staphylococcus aureus was found in my urine sample and I’m freaking out because apparently while it’s not impossible to have in the urine, it’s pretty uncommon. My labs say I do not have a UTI… er.. well… says “indeterminate uti”… whatever that means….
My symptoms have been on and off since about August of 2023 and I thought it was because I went off birth control in April… I thought it was hormonal because I would have “flare ups” during my period.
But over the last few weeks I have continued to have symptoms that haven’t gone away. It doesn’t burn to pee but it feels uncomfortable and I also have an urge to pee. The pressure type of feeling from the urethra lasts for about an hour to 2 hours at a time unless I take an azo or chug a bunch of water.
Went to the gyno and they tested for STDs and other vaginal issues and also sent out a urinalysis.
Says I have staph in my urine. Idk how I got it. I haven’t been to the hospital, I haven’t had a catheter, I am not diabetic. I had this same bacteria found in my nose about 4-5 years ago when I got my nose ring but I took antibiotics for it. Maybe I am susceptible to it?
The doctor doesn’t open until Monday so I can’t get antibiotics until then so I’m worried I’m going to get a blood infection or MRSA and die.
Has anyone heard of this?
submitted by bbunny1996 to Healthyhooha [link] [comments]

2024.03.27 00:31 dangerousxrn ALL the symptoms 🫥

Hello. 32f. I think my journey started last year with vaginal issues turned out to be chronic yeast infection only cleared with boric acid. Throughout that nightmare I began to develop an ENTIRE list of symptoms. Nausea in the mornings, POTS symptoms, extreme fatigue - almost narcoleptic, joint and deep muscle pain, dry skin, nose ulcers, itches that can’t be scratched, numbness and tingling in hands (given carpal tunnel braces), color loss in fingers and toes, extreme sweating (never been a sweater) or extremely cold, feeling of being in simulation, extreme anxiety. That’s to name a few. Then came a staph infection. Then a MRSA infection. Then extreme dry mouth out of nowhere which prompted tests. My results came back ANA positive 1:160 speckled pattern. Low calcium, low potassium, low iron, high RDW, low anion gap, low uric acid. I’ve been referred to a rheumatologist and I’m awaiting my appointment but would love to hear any insight here. I’m hopeful there’s someone here experiencing what I am and that has more answers than I do. Thanks
submitted by dangerousxrn to Autoimmune [link] [comments]

2024.02.20 17:35 Sufficient-Play3981 Dumb reasons to prolapse during recovery

For those of you who’ve had a prolapse during recovery, what dumb reason caused it?
I’ll go first:
ETA - y’all were right! It is NOT a prolapse!!!!!!!!!!! She thinks I might have a hematoma high up on my vaginal cuff. I have things to watch out for to trigger a CT scan. She says it’ll normally take care of itself, but it can lead to an abscess. So I’ll keep an eye on things and we will see where it goes.
My recovery has been slightly complicated. Two of my incisions have MRSA, and I’m on my 3rd round of antibiotics. Which - even though I’m taking Florastor - still means I got a yeast infection. It’s been a wild ride. So of course, me being good, ole pessimistic ME, I assumed the worst. While a hematoma isn’t great, it’s a fuck ton better than a prolapse.
submitted by Sufficient-Play3981 to hysterectomy [link] [comments]

2024.02.07 17:10 Kitchen-Educator255 Could this be an unusual bacterial infection, possibly a vaginal MRSA staph infection?

I have been suffering with what seems thrush like symptoms for over a year and a half - itching, stinging, irritation, discomfort, redness and unusual discharge. There is a strange itchy feeling that can come in waves - comes and goes. I feel this inside and around my vagina and around my anus too. When I feel the itchy feeling it can be like an electric shock sensation but at times like a tickle, the intensity can vary. Also sometimes I have had itchy pimples on or just inside my vagina which twice I’ve been told by a doctor are ingrown hairs but the hair does not seem to have come out. I’m not convinced they were ingrown hairs and they have not always been in a place where hair even seems to grow. I’ve taken many tests and still come to no conclusion as to what is causing the irritation. From tests I’ve taken it looks like I have a lot of good bacteria and a normal PH (3.8) so I’ve wondered about CV or possibly L. iners. Just over a year and a half ago when all this started I discovered I had ureaplasma parvum and BV but I have re-tested more than once and results are negative. The symptoms I experience I believe are related to something else and have never gone. This irritation started the day after I last had sex and I can’t help but think this must have triggered a problem or I may have contracted a type of bacteria that isn’t typically tested for. I wonder if I may have a Staph infection, perhaps MRSA? I wonder if this type of bacteria can at times lay dormant as the symptoms seem to be a bit better after using medication. After I’ve taken oral medication (metronidazole), used vaginal pessaries (metronidazole), or vaginal cream (miconazole and clindamycin) I’ve noticed some improvement but I wonder if I’ve not taken enough medication to eradicate the bacteria? I thought the symptoms had disappeared just over a year ago and I got a little intimate with a guy I had started dating. He only touched me with his hand and around 2 hours later the itching started up again in an intense way (in and around my vagina and around my anus). I’m trying to find out if I can be tested for vaginal MRSA staph infection, does anyone know? I’m also thinking it could be helpful to have a vaginal microbiome test done.
Has anyone experienced anything like this? This is ruining my life, it’s horrible experiencing these symptoms and I don’t feel like I can have a romantic relationship like this which is making me feel really lonely. I just want my life back. Any information and advice would be much appreciated :)
submitted by Kitchen-Educator255 to Healthyhooha [link] [comments]

2024.01.25 03:57 AyTbRn Question

Hello everyone…. Im confused about chickenpox and shingles\zoster …. Which precautions should i use with them contact or Airborne??? I need explanation please 🙏
submitted by AyTbRn to NCLEX [link] [comments]

2024.01.20 22:03 Any_Offer5368 Do I have a medical malpractice/negligence birth injury case?

I live in New Jersey I am seeking advice and looking for counsel regarding a potential medical malpractice case related to a birth injury. This is my story:
In May of 2023, I gave birth to my son with a mid-pelvic vacuum assisted delivery. The injuries I sustained were extensive. The OB GYN completed a mid-pelvic vacuum delivery and did a large mediomedial episiotomy on me (it is parallel with my anus). I also sustained a third degree perineal tear. I do not believe informed consent was appropriately obtained for this procedure as I was never informed of the risks and was never offered an alternative such as a c-section. I also believe she did not follow what would be a typical standard of care for my delivery. I have since seeked the opinion of my current OB GYN, and she stated that she would not do a vacuum delivery unless baby is at +2 station at least. I have obtained all the records I can and my baby was at station 0 when the vacuum was used.
I was in the hospital for nearly three days. The nurses and midwives did not consistently or thoroughly examine my lacerations. I was discharged home and at 6 days postpartum, I noticed an opening at the episiotomy site when showering.
I went to the ER and they stated that my episiotomy had broken open and that it was definitely infected. A 4 day hospital stay then occurred while waiting for a culture. The infection and my lacerations were apparently opening and getting worse throughout the hospital stay. They were COMPLETELY open during the second surgical repair at 9 days postpartum, according to the surgical report I obtained. The culture came back as MRSA which I most definitely picked up in the hospital during my initial stay. I firmly believe that I could have had less complications and less pain had I been thoroughly monitored at the hospital. No nurses were checking my lacerations the ENTIRE second stay even though they were constantly in my room to provide pain meds to me. It should have been noticed and I should have had an antibiotic change had I been monitored appropriately. Instead, the second repair did not heal properly due to it being performed while I still had a raging infection. Of note also is that I called the nurse on duty the night before the procedure because I heard an air releasing noise of some sort down there. I immediately called the nurse and she looked at my wounds saying “it’s open”. She did not call a physician to come look at me. I didn’t think much of it, but upon reading the surgical report that all my repairs were open, I put two and two together. So this means my entire repair was open with my internal body exposed for nearly 20 hours.
It is my opinion and that of my current OB GYN that the long episiotomy increased my risk of trauma significantly and contributed to my right sided nerve damage. Currently, at nearly 8 months postpartum, I have nerve damage. The right side of my pelvic floor has minimal function. I have had three surgeries to date and one upcoming next month to return my anus, perineum, vagina, and pelvic floor into normal anatomic condition and to repair significant bladder prolapse. Part of my perineum and anal mucosa is still open currently. I have incomplete control of my stool due to the nerve damage and I leak gas in public places. When I have to go to the bathroom, I have to go to the toilet immediately. I have significant daily pain. I attend pelvic floor physical therapy 2 times weekly. It is immensely painful. We are working on mobilizing the scar tissue I have. My entire anterior vaginal wall and perineum is just scar tissue essentially. My muscle function has minimally changed since we started therapy. I can’t have sex with my husband due to the pain. I also have hypersensitivity and pain to light touch on my right labia and perineum due to the nerve damage which affects my sexual satisfaction and mental health. This has affected my personal hygiene care as well. Removing tampons causes pain for me. Additionally, due to the low pelvic floor muscle tone I have, they just sink down and become uncomfortable.
The impact this has had on my life is extensive. I have truly lost much of my life. I had to resign from my job due to all the surgeries and trauma. I normally work as an occupational therapist in the school system, but I would struggle if I went back after this next surgery due to not being able to have access to a bathroom at all times. I have been severely depressed the majority of this time. I see a psychiatrist and a therapist but it’s been very difficult to manage due to the severe stress of this situation. I have suicidal ideations and have been evaluated at a psychiatric hospital. I have not been able to return to things that I enjoy like working out (ie cycling) due to pain and all the surgeries. I have recently started to include some workouts into my routine but will have to stop AGAIN for this next surgery. I do not know if I will ever be able to have another baby again (this was my first). If my nerve damage does not improve, I will make the choice to only have my one baby for my health, even if it’s not what I want.
I strongly believe my case was mishandled by many and that I received neglectful care throughout. Informed consent was not obtained for the delivery and I do not think the standard of care was used. The doctors, hospital, and nurses all failed me.
The lawyer I have been talking to since august turned my case down this week. I am devastated. I can’t imagine how there isn’t some level of malpractice here. I want justice for my physical and mental pain/suffering. I have had two of my doctors tell me my current pelvic floor function is similar to that of a woman in their 60s. I am 30 years old. This is not okay. How is this not enough in damages for a malpractice case?
I am looking for a lawyer, insight, and support. Anything is helpful. Thank you.
submitted by Any_Offer5368 to MedicalMalpractice [link] [comments]

2024.01.20 21:54 Any_Offer5368 Do I have a birth injury medical malpractice/negligence case? Please help.

I live in New Jersey I am seeking advice and looking for counsel regarding a potential medical malpractice case related to a birth injury. This is my story:
In May of 2023, I gave birth to my son with a mid-pelvic vacuum assisted delivery. The injuries I sustained were extensive. The OB GYN completed a mid-pelvic vacuum delivery and did a large mediomedial episiotomy on me (it is parallel with my anus). I also sustained a third degree perineal tear. I do not believe informed consent was appropriately obtained for this procedure as I was never informed of the risks and was never offered an alternative such as a c-section. I also believe she did not follow what would be a typical standard of care for my delivery. I have since seeked the opinion of my current OB GYN, and she stated that she would not do a vacuum delivery unless baby is at +2 station at least. I have obtained all the records I can and my baby was at station 0 when the vacuum was used.
I was in the hospital for nearly three days. The nurses and midwives did not consistently or thoroughly examine my lacerations. I was discharged home and at 6 days postpartum, I noticed an opening at the episiotomy site when showering.
I went to the ER and they stated that my episiotomy had broken open and that it was definitely infected. A 4 day hospital stay then occurred while waiting for a culture. The infection and my lacerations were apparently opening and getting worse throughout the hospital stay. They were COMPLETELY open during the second surgical repair at 9 days postpartum, according to the surgical report I obtained. The culture came back as MRSA which I most definitely picked up in the hospital during my initial stay. I firmly believe that I could have had less complications and less pain had I been thoroughly monitored at the hospital. No nurses were checking my lacerations the ENTIRE second stay even though they were constantly in my room to provide pain meds to me. It should have been noticed and I should have had an antibiotic change had I been monitored appropriately. Instead, the second repair did not heal properly due to it being performed while I still had a raging infection. Of note also is that I called the nurse on duty the night before the procedure because I heard an air releasing noise of some sort down there. I immediately called the nurse and she looked at my wounds saying “it’s open”. She did not call a physician to come look at me. I didn’t think much of it, but upon reading the surgical report that all my repairs were open, I put two and two together. So this means my entire repair was open with my internal body exposed for nearly 20 hours.
It is my opinion and that of my current OB GYN that the long episiotomy increased my risk of trauma significantly and contributed to my right sided nerve damage. Currently, at nearly 8 months postpartum, I have nerve damage. The right side of my pelvic floor has minimal function. I have had three surgeries to date and one upcoming next month to return my anus, perineum, vagina, and pelvic floor into normal anatomic condition and to repair significant bladder prolapse. Part of my perineum and anal mucosa is still open currently. I have incomplete control of my stool due to the nerve damage and I leak gas in public places. When I have to go to the bathroom, I have to go to the toilet immediately. I have significant daily pain. I attend pelvic floor physical therapy 2 times weekly. It is immensely painful. We are working on mobilizing the scar tissue I have. My entire anterior vaginal wall and perineum is just scar tissue essentially. My muscle function has minimally changed since we started therapy. I can’t have sex with my husband due to the pain. I also have hypersensitivity and pain to light touch on my right labia and perineum due to the nerve damage which affects my sexual satisfaction and mental health. This has affected my personal hygiene care as well. Removing tampons causes pain for me. Additionally, due to the low pelvic floor muscle tone I have, they just sink down and become uncomfortable.
The impact this has had on my life is extensive. I have truly lost much of my life. I had to resign from my job due to all the surgeries and trauma. I normally work as an occupational therapist in the school system, but I would struggle if I went back after this next surgery due to not being able to have access to a bathroom at all times. I have been severely depressed the majority of this time. I see a psychiatrist and a therapist but it’s been very difficult to manage due to the severe stress of this situation. I have suicidal ideations and have been evaluated at a psychiatric hospital. I have not been able to return to things that I enjoy like working out (ie cycling) due to pain and all the surgeries. I have recently started to include some workouts into my routine but will have to stop AGAIN for this next surgery. I do not know if I will ever be able to have another baby again (this was my first). If my nerve damage does not improve, I will make the choice to only have my one baby for my health, even if it’s not what I want.
I strongly believe my case was mishandled by many and that I received neglectful care throughout. Informed consent was not obtained for the delivery and I do not think the standard of care was used. The doctors, hospital, and nurses all failed me.
The lawyer I have been talking to since august turned my case down this week. I am devastated. I can’t imagine how there isn’t some level of malpractice here. I want justice for my physical and mental pain/suffering. I have had two of my doctors tell me my current pelvic floor function is similar to that of a woman in their 60s. I am 30 years old. This is not okay. How is this not enough in damages for a malpractice case?
I am looking for a lawyer, insight, and support. Anything is helpful. Thank you.
submitted by Any_Offer5368 to Ask_Lawyers [link] [comments]

2024.01.14 04:24 ii0vepiink Swollen lymph node la

39 yr old female ablation 2015 currently on Eliquis.
ago...So since mid August I've been dealing with a mystery illness... it started with just pressure in my vagina and I'd get pain like in my cervix if I lifted anything heavy..went to gyn and she said I have a tender uterus sent me for ultrasound and they said possible adenomyosis w a cyst in the muscle as well...well about 3 days after this ultrasound/pelvic exam my whole life turned upside down with the most intense pain/pressure in my vagina/ rectum I could feel my lymph nodes in my groin my thighs hurt terribly and I get buzzing feelings inside my vagina, and what feels like a colony of bees inside my rectum (that I still get to this day!)I also had cramping and massive bloating...within 2 days of this starting I woke up with what felt like a kidney infection... became feverish and went to medexpress where she said I had yellowiish/green discharge (that I had not seen) and swore it was PID caused from trich…tested me for every, syphillis, hep b and c...all negative but I was on the antibiotics...about 4 days in my liver started hurting to the point I couldn't sit at all in any position with the pressure on my butt/tsilbone, vagins anddd now my GP put me on birth control and during this time I was on another round of antibiotics and told again I had textbook PID from trich with the yellow/ green massive globs that I'm now seeing...l've been tested 3 times total for STDs bc they just can't believe it's not...all negative...I ended up finding out I had the Glabrata brand of yeast infection and once it cleared up so did the vagina pain/pressure...but not the buzzing and colony of bees in my bum..! had noticed a swollen lymph node in my armpit before I'd gone to the dr but talked myself out telling anyone and then realized I had one in my neck as well...just swollen not painful...3 weeks into birth control I have a massive PE and I'm out on 39 and otherwise perfect health...I noticed this aching pain in my chest like 2 weeks before the pe that I've sense gathered is the lymph nodes my things calmed down for the most part with just "flare ups" of bloating, thigh aches, pressure in my vagina, and liver pain...the kidney pain thankfully never came back...they've never been as bad as the first the beginning of December I noticed pain in my left breast that ached for 2 days (I did have a mammogram in April) that spread to the outside and into my arm pit, my neck, and after 2 rounds of antibiotics the pain subsided but they're still swollen... and I've learned I have mrsa in my nose and the skin is just gone in my left nostril... now am in another flare up and my lymph nodes are sore again and now travel down my right under arm and liver hurts and pressure in my vagina again...all of my labs are beautiful, ct of abdomen and chest fine, ultrasound x2 foundonly t possible adenomyosis...and I've now been tested for auto immune and ESR and all normal/negative…GP says bc no infection cancer isn't likely....what are they missing????? What tf is wrong with me? I'm convinced I'm dying.., side note....i went to a local lake swimming about 4 days prior to the start of this... thanks for reading!!! Sorry it's long! I'm Desperate for answers.
submitted by ii0vepiink to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2023.11.21 16:25 rinkydinkmink quick gynaecology question about having a period after menopause

hi I had a period after more than a year of menopause, so my GP referred me to gynae urgently (NHS 2 week path)
due to some sort of cock up I don't have an appointment with a gynae consultant after all, when it was supposed to be a "2 week" appointment (ie urgent in case it's cancer). I did have a trans vaginal ultrasound which found loads of fluid in my belly that really freaked out the tech and they almost didn't let me leave hospital that day and emailed my GP urgently.
I have a heart problem that I had recently had surgery for (constrictive pericarditis, and I had a pericardectomy) and I was relapsing badly so got urgently re-admitted to a heart ward where they spent many weeks trying to get the fluid off me again etc. Apparently when I was admitted my heart valve was leaking "catastrophically" and I was supposed to have a procedure to put a clip on it but it got cancelled because I have MRSA.
Now I am back at home since last Weds and have been chasing up on this gynaecology appointment. The gynae receptionist told me I ghosted them essentially, no show, no call etc. She said that because of that it had all been cancelled and I'd been referred back to my GP. I argued that the appointment had been cancelled by her dept at the last minute because of Covid on my ward (seriously, I was waiting for a porter to take me down in a wheelchair when they told me). She is supposed to be checking my notes and sending a new appointment.
I thought well I don't trust them not to cock it up and phoned my GP to get them to re-do the referral (2 week). To cut a long story short, the receptionist found a letter from gynae stating that they thought my heart problem explained my issues and so they were referring me back to my GP.
I'm not at all convinced this isn't the email about the ascites that was sent. The appointment wasn't because of that, it was because of a period after more than a year of menopause that I'd had a week or so after I was discharged after my operation. Maybe a month after the actual op?
Can anyone enlighten me as to whether having a rogue period can be due to a heart condition/heart failure/fluid retention etc?
I am just stumped as to what that can be and like I said I suspect that some wires have been crossed and they are actually talking about the fluid on my tummy.
Age 52
Sex Female
Race White
Location Wales
Gynaecological Issue, Heart Issue, Type 2 Diabetes, Schizoaffective Disorder, Asthma
Medications: too many to list and I don't know them all sorry. I am on bumetanide as a diuretic, 30mg per day, folic acid 5mg, Ferrous Sulphate 600 mg per day, carvedilol 6.25mg twice a day, and I am also on sitagliptin and omeprazole and some stuff for diabetes type 2 (not metformin, some newer tablets). I've probably forgotten something but they are all downstairs and I'm tired, sorry.
submitted by rinkydinkmink to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2023.08.31 07:10 rizochem Clinright CT 100mg capsule

Is Clinright CT 100mg capsule great for bacterial Vag?

Clinright CT 100mg capsule is additionally a successful treatment for bacterial vaginosis however is more costly and is related to the runs and, inconsistently, colitis. In nonpregnant ladies, skin clindamycin 2% vaginal cream or metronidazole vaginal gel have paces of fix like those for oral treatment.

What amount of time do you require clindamycin for bacterial vaginosis?

Clinright CT 100mg capsule is utilized to treat bacterial vaginosis. Utilize one applicatorful at sleep time. It is normal for a course of treatment to last 3-7 evenings.

What kind of contaminations is clindamycin used to treat?

clindamycin is a solution used for the treatment of different defilements, including yet not limited to septicemia, intra-stomach sicknesses, lower respiratory pollutions, gynecological infections, bone and joint illnesses, and interminably skin structure illnesses.

What are the symptoms of the vaginal Clinright CT capsule?

To know more Click here

Will Clinright CT clear up yeast contamination?

Clinright CT 100mg capsule is utilized to treat specific vaginal diseases. It has a spot with the class of medications known as macrolide hostile to microbials. It works by killing microorganisms or preventing their turn of events. This drug won’t work for vaginal parasites or yeast pollution.

How would I know Clindamycin 100mg is functioning?

At the point when you start taking clindamycin, you’ll presumably see an improvement in your secondary effects following a short time. If your secondary effects aren’t improving in any way shape or form or have all the earmarks of being disintegrating directly following requiring clindamycin for two or three days, return again to your clinical consideration provider

For what reason mightn’t you at any point rest in the wake of taking Clinright CT 100mg capsule?

You ought to abstain from resting in the wake of taking the anti-microbial clindamycin in light of the fact that it might draw out the time it takes for the medication to go through your throat into your stomach, potentially exasperating your throat.

Is clindamycin a solid anti-toxin?

Clinright CT 100mg capsule is significant solid area for a scope of hostile to microbial, conventionally suggested for serious pollutions, for instance, perilous methicillin-safe Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) skin infections
We are an Indian-based and tremendous distributor and exporter with projects in more than five countries, including the Assembled Middle Easterner Emirates, Dubai, USA, Egypt, Myanmar, and others. Tolerating essentially for the time being that you’re searching for something express or brand, this is the spot to look.
submitted by rizochem to u/rizochem [link] [comments]

2023.06.04 03:30 Midnightattheoa Went to urgent care today / packed wound

37 F, suffered from HS since I was 10, diagnosed at 32. Over the years I would show up to a derm or urgent care to help with painful boils in my buttocks and groin (they surmised cysts or MRSA, lol) but have self managed for years or just taken oral antibiotics or used topical treatments.
I haven’t gone to urgent care in years but this current flare was so painful, felt like the size of a ping pong ball on my inner butt cheeks and it was actually two connected boils. The nurse practitioner incised and drained it. But she also packed the wound which hurt like holy hell.
Now I’m home and and the wound is hurting. Especially if I have to walk. If I go pee, urine gets on the wound. How am I supposed to care for a packed wound and how the hell am I supposed to get the gauze out.
I have a consultation with a renowned plastic surgeon who treats HS in less than two weeks and I can’t wait to talk surgery options. This life is hell.
*Editing to add that the assessment paper from the clinic diagnosed me as having a “vaginal cyst” and being obese 🙄 and no mention of wound care.
submitted by Midnightattheoa to Hidradenitis [link] [comments]

2023.01.21 07:50 goth_boi_cliqu3 Vulvar MRSA

This seems so rare and I’m just wondering if anyone else has had Staphylococcus Aureus aka MRSA on their vulva. I have had constant vaginal/urinary symptoms for a very long time now and a culture came back which detected MRSA. I have constant dryness, burning, itching and irritation. My doctor gave me 7 days of Bactrim and I’m really hoping that’s enough. Has anyone else had experience with this at all?
submitted by goth_boi_cliqu3 to WomensHealth [link] [comments]

2023.01.20 05:06 mrsabutt2 MRSA or something else??

32F. History of mrsa, but no active breakouts in appx 9 years. One prior mrsa infection in same area. Chronic vaginally bleeding/spotting for 6 months causing increased pad and panty liner use.
Current problem is irritated bumps on buttock. Start as what feel like pimples, then dry out. I have photos and will add if I can figure out imgur- it's not working for me at the moment. I'd also be willing to send them PM...kind of NSFW obviously but I cropped to show the problem.
submitted by mrsabutt2 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2022.11.21 10:34 Agita02 Don't shoot

[As far as I understand this post is allowed. I really don't want to be banned so just knock this down if unallowed.]
Do any of the herpes positive people here also suffer from bacterial infections? Whether it be on the skin or within the body?
I had a lab result said I had high staph vaginally when I found out i was pregnant with my son. (1yr after initial OB).
After pregnancy I was given an antibiotic for bacterial vaginosis (which I had never had before and keeps coming back).
The antibiotic decimated my good intestinal bacteria. I didn't realize that at the time and did not change my diet. Which resulted in INTENSE diarrhea. The diarrhea formed into Ulcerative Proctitis. Which I am dealing with, but it means my intestinal bacteria are not in balance.
The thing that confounds me a bit is that, now since my immune system is lower (gut microbiome is the center for immune system) I have had hsv2 flares. During these flare times I notice Staph infection (but not mrsa) on the skin. Obviously highly alarming.
I've done some research and hsv2 infections, from my understanding, allow other bacteria to travel during the shedding phase.
Does anyone have any additional information they can add to this? Have you experienced similar?
submitted by Agita02 to Herpes [link] [comments]

2022.11.14 19:35 Strugglingdownthere Vaginal Staph Infection - Anyone Have Experience?

Has anyone had experience treating a vaginal staph infection - MRSA specifically? I'm terrified. I've been dealing with recurring BV and finally found out, the BV is gone but the staph probably is part of what has caused it.
submitted by Strugglingdownthere to Healthyhooha [link] [comments]

2022.07.27 16:04 Arunedalon 3 week post op and sudden bleeding

UPDATE So I went in today to be checked out for the bleeding and luckily my stitches were fine. She said the bleeding is probably being caused by the nasty infections I have. UTI came back with staph (not MRSA thankfully) and group b strep and doctor said that has contaminated up inside me now. Also she thought bleeding could also be it a hematoma that finally opened up and started draining (which this is what I think happened with how the bleeding was). So now I’m on three different antibiotics and hopefully now I will start to feel better!***
Hey guys, I’m back once again with a question (you guys are amazing with comfort and advice). What would cause sudden, bright red bleeding 3 weeks post op? (UPDATE: now passing tiny clots as well.)
So I had my laparoscopic vaginally assisted full hysterectomy (saved the ovaries) on 7/5 and I’ve been having problems since. (You can check my post history to read about it.) Nothing too major though. But I do need to note that from surgery until like 1 1/2 to two weeks post op, I was spotting very lightly off and on but it looked the color of super super watered down blood and was a very light pink/orange.
Well Monday I got a call from my doctor saying that I needed to come in asap to give another urine sample because there was blood and bacteria in my urine but there was a power outage all over town and the lab samples got messed up before they could culture it.
I had called them earlier in the morning and left a message letting them know I was having yellow sticky discharge and also felt what was like clear fluid leaking a little bit as well. Since I was coming in for the urine sample, they said they would squeeze me in to be seen as well. The dr swabbed the inside of my vagina for some new, cool dna test that gives a breakdown of everything and how to treat it and if you’re resistant to any antibiotics. (I wish she explained how it works in more detail because I find stuff like that fascinating and really cool.) But anyway, I asked if she was worried about my stitches popping and she said no.
Well around 5am, I woke up to use the bathroom and ended up having a bowel movement and that’s when I started bleeding bright red when I wiped. There wasn’t a whole lot so I went back to bed. When I got up again, went to the bathroom to pee and there was a little blood on my pad (still bright red) but when I wiped, there was a whole lot more. I had to use several different pieces of toilet paper to get it all and seemed like it was still actively bleeding.
I’m waiting an hour before checking again but I wanted to get your ladies input in the meantime. I’m also expecting a call from the doctor office either today or tomorrow for the results of my tests so I’m going to let them know then, unless bleeding gets worse obviously. Thank you for taking the time to read!
submitted by Arunedalon to hysterectomy [link] [comments]

2022.07.03 09:10 kimbra_marie ATTENTION GI: If this case was yours, what would be your next steps.

36F, 5'5, overweight, White,
Current medications:
Chronic diarrhea, random episodes of URQ pain (8-10 on the scale, worst than a gallbladder attack or childbirth, cannot speak or stand through pain) that starts on my right side as almost like a fluttering pain, I can usually tell an attack is going to happen based on the pain. Pain intensifies as it spreads across my whole stomach towards my belly button episodes last 5 to 20 minutes then go away and everything is fine minus post pain I usually start to have more urgency.
When the pain isn't happening it is normal to deal with bloating, nausea, lack of appetite, occasional vomiting in the morning sometimes bile sometimes food from 10+ hours prior, anemic even while on supplements, bright yellow stools, that smears everywhere and is really hard to clean up, and mucous in stools, consistently between a 5 -7 on the Bristol chart every day.
Other Symptoms:
Lab History from my wellness check, in January 2020 to present. I have my metabolic panel information if needed.
Eosinophils, Abs:
Neutrophils, Abs:
Lymphocytes Abs:
Basophils, Abs
Monocytes, Abs
Sed Rate
Calprotection, fecal:
So, if this was your patient what would you do next? Would a pill scope be warranted due to the continued pain?
submitted by kimbra_marie to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2022.04.13 19:02 fAKEuSERnAME007vv Exercise after abscess incision & drainage

Backstory: I'm a very healthy and active 34 year old female who received a Crohn's diagnosis about 8 months ago, did a round of steroids and started taking an immunosuppressant and have been symptom free for 6 months. For several years, I've had pain and some occasional swelling in the space between my vagina and rectum that got worse with exercise and my period. My GI examined it in the office when swollen and didn't think it was a Crohn's related abscess / fistula since it seemed to more so mimic an inflamed vaginal muscle and didn't seem to involve the rectum.
One month ago I was finally diagnosed with a Bartholin's gland abscess by my OBGYN and I was sent home with antibiotics. They did nothing and it got really bad very quickly - I had a small egg-sized mass on my labia majora that was so painful I couldn't sit or walk. The OBGYN made a 1/2 cm incision to allow it to drain and said that the location labial majora, not labia minora more indicated vulva abscess, not a Bartholin's gland abscess. It drained a ton, and as soon as the incision healed, it swelled up again and needed a second, 1cm incision to allow drainage. It tested negative for MRSA.
After the second incision & drainage, MY OBGYN very strictly asked me and to avoid all exercise and outdoor activities until it's fully healed - but he's also very 'old school.' He was concerned that sweating and muscle strain in the area would delay healing. I'm used to working out / climbing at least 4-5 times per week and I am going nuts sitting on the couch for the past month and feel otherwise very well. I've had no digestive irregularities at all with this abscess. I'm waiting on an MRI appointment in a week to determine if this is a random abscess or a fistula. The second incision has mostly healed and the opening is still draining a bit, but so little I don't really need a panty liner. I feel like moderate exercise would do no harm.
Question: Can I exercise? Can I go camping and climbing if I still keep the area very clean with baby wipes and a portable bidet? Is there anything I should avoid doing to help keep this thing from developing into a fistula or maybe getting it to heal if it is just a small sinus tract?
I appreciate thoughts or similar experiences ...
submitted by fAKEuSERnAME007vv to CrohnsDisease [link] [comments]

2021.10.23 03:36 ginganinja815 Can anyone help me please?

This is a fairly long story that I’ll do my best to shorten, but if anyone has experienced this or if there are any doctors that have seen this, please message me. My PCP, Colorectal Surgeon, OB/GYN, endocrinologist and ID doctor can’t figure it out after years of testing and appointments and hospitalizations.
A brief medical history: I am a 30 year old transgendered male (female to male). I have been on Testosterone HRT since October 2017. I had scarlet fever at 6 months old that led to reoccurring ear infections and loads of kidney problems. I had over 10 sets of tubes in my ears as a child as they kept falling out. I had my tonsils and adenoids taken out at age 5. At 8, I had surgery on my kidneys/bladder to reattach my ureters as they had become disconnected. I had a CPAP most of my child hood, came off of it about 9-10yrs old. I started battling with obesity about 11-12 years old and have been struggling with since. I’ve had my gallbladder removed. I have also been diagnosed with prediabetes, BPD, major depressive disorder, anxiety and high functioning autism (dx’d as an adult).
In September 2017 I got a perianal abscess. After 24 hours of it popping up, I was in the ER with 103+ fever and more pain than I have ever (at that time) experienced. Turns out I was septic and went into emergency surgery. It wasn’t 6 months before another one popped up. I immediately went to prompt care and was told that these tend to be reoccurring because it’s a sensitive area that’s hard to keep clean. They lanced it and put me on antibiotics. 48 hours later I was septic and back in emergency surgery. It was almost a year before I had another one… same story. When the fourth popped up I went straight to the emergency room and pleaded for them to take me to surgery right then because I couldn’t go through going septic again. They said it was even ready to pop and my blood work only showed mild infection, so sent me home with antibiotics. 1-2 days later… sepsis and emergency surgery. This time they admitted me to the hospital and discussed putting a drain in to help the healing process. So we did. They left the drain in for 2 weeks along with more antibiotics. About another 3-4 months before another one pops up. And this is the worst one yet. Same story, sepsis and surgery. This time they ended up having to cut a little over three inches into the muscle to get the entire infection out. It was an excruciating packing and dressing change for the next tens days. I thought I had finally caught a break as it had been almost a whole year. But low and behold it came back and same story. Not long after healing from that one I went septic again, but four a double kidney infection that hosted four different bacteria that required three antibiotics. At this time I’m getting worried about the amount of antibiotics I’ve been on in the last couple years, oral and IV. After being in the hospital for 6 days, I finally get to go home. Then I got another abscess a couple months later and luckily got in for surgery before sepsis, but my heart rate crashed and BP spiked several times during surgery and I ended up recovering in Intermediate Care Unit. This culture showed multiple bacteria and so it was three different aggressive IV antibiotics and after 8 days being in the hospital, I left with a PICC line and 30 days of IV and oral antibiotics.
At this point my drs are trying to find any cause for not only the amount of abscesses/infections but also why I go septic so fast. After months of testing and procedures, the only thing they find is GERD and an anal fistula. So they place a propylene seton in. Since the seton, I have had infections but they immediately drain and no sepsis and only one surgery for perianal abscess.
That being said, a few months after getting the seton placed, I started getting Bartholin’s abscesses. The second one popped up and in 24 hours it was just over 6cm large and I was entering sepsis. Ive had 4 Bartholin’s abscesses in the last year, two additional perianal abscesses and a vaginal abscess.
PCP : tested for immunology, everything came back normal and “strong”.
Endo: thought maybe the hormones was causing a surplus of abscesses and pulled me off hormones. Ive been off Testosterone almost 8 months now where I’ve experienced all vaginal abscesses and one perianal abscess.
Colorectal/GI: thought possibly crohns or other inflammatory bowel that caused infections/fistula. Colonoscopy just showed internal/external hemorrhoids.
ID : tested for MRSA host, negative and told me there’s nothing they can for me.
OB/GYN : has no idea and referred me back to my PCP.
I currently have a vaginal (non Bartholin’s) abscess and am recovering from surgery where they switched the propylene seton for a permanent silk seton (I refused the colostomy bag). She had to reopen and cut through the old wound as the original opening was too far from the anus for the silk seton. I also have another anal abscess forming on the opposite side of the anus as all the previous ones (where the current wound is).
I just went back to my PCP, in tears from pain and exhaustion, begging to find a way to get these to stop. So if anyone knows anything, please please message me. I’m desperate.
submitted by ginganinja815 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2021.09.28 19:40 MissMyOldReddit My Herpes Story - infection from nose piercing

** This is going to be long, and may not be beneficial to males, cause this was experienced by my wife (25F) & I (23F). Hence, the title lol but I wasn't sure how to word it.
***I posted about my wifes symptoms orignially in this thread on my old reddit. My iphone got broken, and I can't access that iCloud, nor that reddit hence me having to make a new one just to post this, but I am posting this because this is the type of post I was looking for when I was experiencing our Herpes journey.
****It should be noted my brother is 18 years older than me and has herpes since he was 19 & I was one. Therefore I am well aware about the ins & outs of the disease. And, do get blood tested regularly since a while ago.
June 2021 -
My wife & I had sex, without any toys, just skin to skin and oral.
The next day she had a light, red colored, fleshy pimple inside her labia, near her uretha. She said it hurt, but we weren't sure if it would go away like a friction bump or what.
The next day it had progressed into another one, with a lot of pain, and she had a fever. So, she went to the emergency room, where it had continued to progressing. It wasn't quite red rimmed, white sores but that is what it progressed, too. The doctor immediately did a culture swab, and perscribed her valtrex and lidocaine. This was in the morning so we will consider this her first full day of valtrex.
The next day I found a bunch of home remedies, and started putting her in the bath, but it was still getting worse, like flesh eating worse, her fever was rising.
The third day on valtrex her skin literally seemed to be lacerated, the ulcers had became so severe, there was quite a lot of epidermal necrosis, and it was definitely worsening. The valtrex was not helping, I could also tell by her mannerisms she had an infection in or near her bloodstream or something vital. (I am not a medical professional, these were assumptions, I wanted to give the valtrex 24-72 hours before concluding it didn't work) Her culture swab came back negative this day as well. No phone call, no concern just negative. Because of this I forced her to go back to the ER where I demanded they give her antibiotics, the doctor said, "it still looks like herpes, just infected. so i'll perscribe some" It's 100% 0 chance my wife's lesions became infected due to the sterility measures that were taken from the moment she found the pimple. But, the goal was antibiotics so I didn't care. (swabbed again, ended up negative) The first day on antibiotics I also started her on a motrin regimen to lower her fever, the next day her fever was gone and lesions began healing.
Four months later, her iGg & Igm as well as my iGg & Igm is negative for herpes. We switched her doctor and her new doctor suggests unless it recurrs we can't diagnose it. (pap smears were good too)
The kicker of all this is, I asked my doctor to swab my nose, because staph bacteria, can develop or grow in there. MRSA / Staph tests are generally done for surgery. But, I just got my nose pierced so I was curious. I DO HAVE A HIGH LEVEL OF STAPH BACTERIA IN MY NOSE. MY NOSE PIERCING IS INFECTED. AND WE DO ASSUME I DID TRANSFER A BACTERIAL INFECTION TO MY PARTNER.
The main reason I really wanted to share this is because a lot of doctors will minimize serious health issues in women that manifest as vaginal ulceration, and theres always developing conditions with these characteristics. They will quickly write off anything as something they feel simple to treat if you let them and it can be very dangerous to such a sensitive area.
This thread was very helpful the entire time! Herpes really isn't a big deal, and tbh I wasn't going to be shocked if I did have it due to living with my brother, it's just skin condition. My wife and I both have aches and pains cause we both play rough and have the scars to prove it so aside from her temperature and the ulcerations looking similar to herpes there was no way to know, aside from wait. It was a single pimple which is allegedly common in prodome, that became maybe 2-3 more in different locations that become ulcers, that combined once they'd fully ulcerated. Waiting is the worst part though. Play games and distract tf out yourself while you wait.
** If you and your partner have a herpes scare, don't start playing the blame game. It's no pont when it comes to this virus, there are entirely too many variables. Period. You're either going to stick by them, or you're not. With no conditions attached! (not even, "if they're negative")

** answering questions I think I may have missed, and would've wanted to know.
- do we have skin conditions? and could it have been an allergic reaction
She has developed boils that had to be removed by surgery, and has oily skin, that is acne prone. She develops mild boils on her back. (derm appt next month) & I have sever dishydrotic eczema which is COMMONLY confused with herpetic whitlow. (which scared me even more!) I do not use anything except gentle, fragrance free stuff for us, deodorant as well. And, antibacterial products, also, dove on occasion along with aquaphor so i KNEW that it wasn't contact dermatitis.
- how did they treat this?
I got antibiotics for my nose and I am going to forsure clean my nose with saline before sex, from here on out.
- we are negative for HIV/AIDs and all other STDs no BV or yeast infections, it wasn't herpes it was just a severe staph infection caused by my nose piercing.
Also, if you're going through this, please feel free to message me, because BABY I know, I know, I knowwwww! Especially when you have no one, unfortunately my wife acted like NOTHING WAS GOING ON, she literally didn't care at all LMAO, so I know. I called the suicide hotline THREE times, and got put on stronger anxiety medication because the sheer wait and limbo can be agonizing. Not because you're scared of having herpes, but you're just SCARED. I graduate college in May and am planning on a child soon, and I was TERRIFIED. It isn't impossible, just hard, and I was just overthinking that, for FOUR MONTHS, by myself. so please FEEL FREE to inbox me, if you need an ear!
Td;lr: (is that what y'all put LMAO) Had sex with my partner (lesbian relationship) partner developed an outbreak that didn't respond to antivirals but responded to antibiotics. culture, igg, igm negative for partner. igg, & igm negative for me. found out it was infection from nose piercing. - edit a third time to add I Am a medical professional LMAOOO I’m not a nurse or doctor just a nursing assistant but that’s how I had knowledge of staph and common infectious diseases extending to necrosis but that’s as far as my knowledge goes lol
submitted by MissMyOldReddit to Herpes [link] [comments]

2021.03.15 13:05 putstheitchinbitch Tomorrow's the Yeeterus Day

First, I want to say thank you to this awesome community I have been lurking on the past month. I have found so many helpful tips and tricks that I truly feel as prepared as possible before my surgery tomorrow. I will definitely do an update post-op.
I am getting incredibly nervous, but I think a lot of it is just anticipation of getting this surgery over with. I have my overnight bag packed, house cleaned, laundry done, comfort food meals prepped, and a very meticulous checklist of last minute items I have to do pre-surgery and questions for the surgeon. I am a planner by nature and this helps me feel more "in control" and organized so that I have some semblance of calmness. Husband will be helping me with recovery this week so I am grateful I am not doing this alone.
I thought I'd put below my experience and history to help others, who may have symptoms like mine, to make the decision to speak to a doctor. Bottom line- advocate for yourself, find a doctor who will listen to and respect you. (Also to note- fertility is not a concern of mine which is why I am opting for this surgery rather than a myomectomy.)

I am grateful that my symptoms have been minor and that this surgery is happening before they get worse. My dr. said that I would need to have the surgery eventually, it was just a matter of when my symptoms got to a point that I couldn't stand it anymore. I didn't want to get to the point that so many of the stories I've read are (and what my symptoms have been periodically).

submitted by putstheitchinbitch to hysterectomy [link] [comments]