Internal proposal example

Disney Vacation: Terrible illustrations found on wikiHow

2016.04.12 07:24 DaemonXI Disney Vacation: Terrible illustrations found on wikiHow

Disney Vacation: Weird, terrible, terrifying illustrations from wikiHow - captioned for your amusement.

2012.11.13 08:45 Ctrl-F-Guy AntiAntiJokes

reddit's home for absurd humor **What *is* an AntiAntiJoke??** Well.... * Jokes have funny punchlines. * AntiJokes have mundane, run-of-the-mill punchlines. * AntiAntiJokes have absurd, ridiculous, non-sensical punchlines. Here's an example (or see Rules): > **Q**: A man walks into a bar... > **AntiAntiJoke**: The floor of the bar collapses because it is made of *construction* paper. The man falls into the alligator pit below, where he befriends the alligators and lives happily ever after.

2012.07.27 00:14 CarlinT League of Legends Mods

The scariest place on Earth.

2024.05.14 18:12 Flametang451 The Primordial Paradox, Religious Diversity, and Free Will

In the modern age, I think one of the biggest questions anybody has had to deal with in a increasingly interconnected world from a religious perspective is the nature of how religious diversity came to be- not just internally, but externally.
The quran seems to at times explain religious diversity as a natural consequence and even ordainment upon humanity (5:48 and 10:99 come to mind here- if both are linked with each other than such would mean that some nations are meant to be as they are- even if they are what we would categorize as non monothiestic.
Quranically, such a nation could be seen potentially in Surah Yusuf. Egypt in this time is clearly implied to be pagan with Yusuf's conversation with his cellmates (12:36-42), and again in how the king's laws were different from Yusuf's (12:76). Yet the people in this verse seem to almost solely call on Allah only (when the egyptians speak of divinity, the word lilahi is used in places such as 12:31 and 12:51). If we assume the Wife of Al Aziz (Zuleikha as she is spoken of in exegesis, but also Rael) is speaking in 12:53, she does the same. In contrast, Egypt in the time of Musa amongst those who followed the Pharaoh mention waālihataka in the context of divnity- translated to multiple gods by most*).*
This could be a henotheistic situation like with the Quraish, but Prophet Yusuf aside from the prison does not do much preaching. There is a mention in Surah Ghafir (40:34) that Yusuf was rejected by the folk of Egypt, but this opens up more questions than answers (Egypt was not destroyed in Yusuf's time nor punished, nor does the quran call it's folk of that time disbelivers or mushrikeen....despite clearly being pagan. Neither does god state at any point that Yusuf was ordained to preach in Egypt. Yusuf likely was in Egypt during the Second Intermediate or Middle Kingdom Periods based on the ruler being referred to as a king if we attempt a historical contextualization, which were both dominated by pagan orthodoxy in the country.
Any criticisms on religion come from people that god narrates speaking, but not god themselves. It seems a small, but significant difference in comparison to how other nations in the quran are spoken of. 40:35 seems to continue on from this- but this verse may be unrelated to the matter (it also seems to be essentially be an allusion to cult like practices- the verse itself reads in what appears to be an orwellian matter in that folk should not question revelation at no point ever- it seems to follow in the maxim of such- "blessed are the minds who do not doubt, and cursed are those who do". Thus, it likely can and has been used to justify corrupt religious orthodoxies and institutions by silencing concerns of the layfolk, by arguing people do not have authority to question scripture or what it means. Essentially, it isn't blind following in all cases that the quran dislikes, but blind following of the right path is fine (and what "right" is can thus be made subjective to satisfy end goals). At the very least, from this verse solely. This would also likely be a favorite verse of those looking to justify spiritual abuse under the guise of well intentions.)
but at other times sems to argue that humans at some point recognized god for what they are, and that they chose to accept some kind of trust which seems to be in relation to living as humans, almost subliminally arguing that all people are somehow secretly aware of allah. Yet the quran also mentions that many folk can also be unaware or not know of god, that cities were not punished because they did know of a matter- that is the whole point of sending messengers. This in itself is an established point in jurispedence.
The verses that seem to indicate this are 7:172 and in 33:72. 33:72 seems to indicate man was very hasty in taking on said trust, to an almost shortsighted degree. However, 7:172 essentially opens up a serious question about personhood.
The claim that all folk somehow were brought forth in a primordial state to testify to god is a quran only claim- it is not as if we can go and ask somebody this happened. More importantly, considering that the quran directly shows evidence of god's interference with human consciousness by sealing hearts and ordaining paths or belief systems upon nations, we would not be able to gain a verifiable answer anyway. Since ideologies and understandings of the world are what influence actions (not the other way around, as a choice taken is always made in due part due to the convictions of a person), then it stands to reason that god sets both the cause and effect.
This would also justify fatalism (I've seen some try to argue for qadr allowing free will, but most arguments seem to be that there is a script but you can influence it a tad....which means we are mostly still bound by outside forces. The quran is even more confusing on this matter- at times it argues god is the only reason people believe or not, yet when the quraishi pagans use this very argument, they are accused of being decietful. The quran seems to want to uphold god's omnipotence and free will, and yet since the two will clash, seems to bungle both. The fact that the quran implies god created men to be upon the earth also seem to imply that humanity's acceptance of this trust and the expulsion of adam and hawwa seems to imply either events may not have been entirely free will oriented, but rather parts in a script that were unalterable (the fact that shaytan somehow managed to slink his way into heavean even after being banished seems to suggest that). Puppets on a stage, if you will, with long enough string that it looks like they have free will.
As for the issue of the primordial, what makes this so confusing is that it seems something from before birth (the opening of the book of deeds), is being taken into account in judgment. Generally, life is assumed to have begun at birth, not before.
The only way I could see this working is one of 3 methods- 1) mass mind wipes, 2) dharmic-style reincarnation, 3) ship of Theseus.
If we assume mass wind wipes were done prior to birth, then one should wonder why a person with no memories is being beholden to somebody who had said memories. Would the latter have done the same as the former? If we look at today, most wouldn't take up something so high stakes (existing as a human). Anti-natalism is a philosophical current in the modern day for a reason.
If we assume dharmic style reincarnation (the prototype souls were all regressed from being sapient to being infants), then essentially a lesser form of death has been experienced (the former cannot be seen as fully equivilent to the latter, and it cannot be possible to state either state would do the same actions in taking up the trust).
If we assume a ship of Theseus situation- god replaced each component of the old proto-souls with something new then but kept the same form- are those the same person as before? Is the delineation point form over substance? It doesn't seem like they are.
The only way that I could see this working is that the recognition of god is merely a recognition of the absolute in some form. How that happens in the living world is wildly dependent on various factors as enshrined by god or human actions. What may appear to be non belief in god may be in a sense, belief in some of his attributes. This is a mostly akbarian approach from what I can tell (though islam as a whole would be the most ideal path to take, it does not negate or subsume the others), but it seems to help avoid issues of mass damnation of humanity, and overall uphold god's mercy and salvation for other peoples.
Though one can argue since the quran mentions hell will be filled up, with all the nature of people being chosen to be guided or not, it could very well be the quran is arguing to a Calvinist style elect which would be seriously grim). Sometimes I wonder if in reading the quran pessimistically, is that perhaps how we should read it? It would lend itself to a more misotheistic understanding of god (as being evil or useless, but since the abrahamic god is all powerful, the former is the only possible approach in such a thought cycle- all actions would need to be reanalyzed as being conducive to some malevolent end.).
Of course, such a being would need to be rejected- if such a being would truly exist, and god was truly that- the only worship they deserve is to have their worship thrown into a fire and burned to never rise again. Essentially, allowing for the trust to be accepted by humanity was but the beginning of a series of malevolent machinations. To what end would be unknowable, but nothing good in general. It would be the inverse of the muslim thought process which argues even if we do not know something's occurence, there may be good in it. I'm not sure if this would be pessimism or simply being realistic or optimism vs cynicism sometimes between the two approaches.
Some would likely call such a view bizarre, but others would likely call it liberation from oppression, the only logical way to see faith, and an end to the evils of faith. I do wonder the modern day, the very concept of god by some is seen as having been the source of all, or perhaps most, evils. Granted, governments that espoused atheism were hardly better, but one could easily argue they made a cult out of their leaders, and thus see that as some kind of faith and condemn that.
If a prophet were to be sent down today, they wouldn't be dealing with people who would see miracles and scoff at them being of demonic origin, they would argue that and that even if they were from god, there's no guarantee god is good, citing history as their defense, or analogies to god as being an abuser, or that faith in anything at all in a religious context is a harmful thing. I wonder sometimes how a prophet of the past would react to that sentiment. It's not as if people are worshipping themselves, and even if they did try that argument of being beholden to one's desires- people would probably argue back that such an argument usually is used to justify abuse of people by depriving them of freedoms and safety, citing examples to do so. Or perhaps arguing in that god's mercy always comes with a price, or maybe by arguing heaven and hell both are eldritch hellscapes that lead to loss of self and existential horrors, or that faith in itself demands orwellian adherence and mindless obedience in one way or another- thus, corruption in religious institutions and the stifling of free thought isn't a bug, but a feature of faith. Granted, I'm sure all of these could be argued against in one way or another.
submitted by Flametang451 to progressive_islam [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:11 AdInteresting2401 Controversial views and perceptions of the clinical picture of MCAS - Free university of Berlin

2.3.5 Controversial views and perceptions of the clinical picture of MCAS Alternative diagnostic criteria ("Consensus-2")
In 2011, the group of authors led by Gerald Molderings from the Institute for Human Genetics at the University Hospital Bonn and Lawrence Afrin published their own approach to the diagnosis of MCAS (51). In contrast to the diagnostic criteria of Valent et al. (1), the focus here is more on clinical symptoms. In 2016, Afrin et al. published a list of the most common symptoms that could indicate MCAS (52). Furthermore a questionnaire was developed and published on a website (53), after the answers to which the suspected diagnosis of MCAS could be supported or ruled out depending on the scores obtained. In a recently published publication, the working group referred to their diagnostic criteria as "Consensus-2" and compared and discussed them with the criteria of Valent et al. from 2016 (so-called "Consensus-1") (51). An important difference to the criteria Valent et al. 2016, the authors consider the symptoms not only as the main main criterion, but also a much wider range of previously unexplained symptoms (111 unexplained symptoms (111 possible symptoms (44)) as the most important indication of a a mast cell-mediated cause (14 symptoms in Valent et al. (1)). As The diagnosis of MCAS is considered confirmed if the main criterion is present together with a secondary criterion and possible alternative diagnoses have been excluded. The secondary criteria, in turn, are based on observations made at the time of the 500 people with suspected MCAS at the time of the first publication (44). Further differences between the two consensuses can be found in the laboratory parameters to be determined. For example, the researchers from different disciplines, which according to their own statements can draw on a wealth of experience of of over 10,000 MCAS patients (diagnosed according to their own criteria, nota bene), consider CgA to be specific for mast cells in addition to tryptase, among other things (44). The counterargument of the lower specificity compared to serum tryptase is granted a certain validity in the addendum to the "Consensus-2" published in 2020 (44), however the differential diagnoses with elevated CgA values should be easy to rule out and other markers are also never 100% specific. However, another group was already able to show in 2017 that CgA should not be used as a marker for mast cell disease(49). Furthermore the group of authors of the "Consensus-2" counts heparin as an important marker for MCAS, which should be determined after venous congestion using a blood pressure cuff (54). This maneuver was reported to cause irritation of excessively activatable mast cells with release of heparin in the congested area. Interestingly, the following section mentions markers such as IL-6 or tumor necrosis factor (TNF) which, due to their lack of specificity, are not used in diagnostics, but only in the evaluation of a successful therapy. The authors of "Consensus-2" criticize "Consensus-1" for, among other things the lack of definitions for a treatment response, whereby the "Consensus-2 does not provide any concrete proposals for evaluating or monitoring the response to therapy. Another point of criticism is the lack of exclusion of other comorbidities or differential diagnoses, such as CFS, EDS and irritable bowel syndrome, as clinical indications of MCAS. [...] In return, the AAAAI expressly points out that there is no evidence to date of a connection between CFS or EDS and MCAS. Overall, the clinical picture of MCAS is so complex and heterogeneous that a precise definition of a diagnostic algorithm is not possible at the present time. Molderings et al. therefore propose the acceptance of both the "Consensus1" according to Valent et al. and their "Consensus-2" until more precise findings are available through research. The resulting disadvantages, such as the the poorer comparability of patient populations in scientific studies would weigh less heavily than those resulting from the rejection of "Consensus-2" (an underdiagnosis due to criteria that are too restrictive according to the authors). On the other hand, the large number of non-specific complaints that are supposedly associated with MCAS harbors the risk of inflationary diagnosis. Presentation in the lay press
An expansion of the MCAS definition with the use of non-validated clinical and laboratory chemical parameters for diagnosis is frequently found in the lay media, above all on websites, but also in the specialist literature. Increasingly, patients with (suspected) MCAS are organizing themselves with commitment and are increasingly organizing themselves into interest groups such as MCAS Hope e.V., which campaigns for the recognition of MCAS "as an independent disease". In addition They also network those affected and their relatives and carry out public relations work, which aims to make the clinical picture known to a broader public. This expansion of the diagnostic criteria described above increases the risk of a misdiagnosis of MCAS and overlooking the underlying disease, which may be easily treatable. On the other hand, such an erroneous diagnosis can also lead to the use of unnecessary or potentially harmful therapies for MCAS and supposed comorbidities (20). Shortly after publication of the review paper "Doctor, I Think I Am Suffering from MCAS: Differential Diagnosis and Separating Facts from Fiction" by Valent et al. a self claimed affected person started an online petition in which she demands the authors and the publishing Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology to remove the article (55). Among other things, they criticize the criterion of the tryptase increase, which is too harsh and would therefore prevent many patients from being diagnosed. The clinic also does not typically manifest as anaphylaxis, contrary to what is described in the paper, since mediator release in anaphylactic degranulation differs from that in piecemeal degranulation. Finally, the author of the petition, who sees herself as a "patient spokesperson", reports on personal experiences of frustration and feelings of frustration and rejection that were conveyed to her by doctors in the course of her medical history. The petition has so far reached just under 3,000 of the targeted 5,000 digital signatures (as of December 2020) and shows in particular how emotional the issue of the topic of MCAS is being observed and discussed not only in professional circles, but also among patients. Apparently, some patients find the diagnosis of MCAS to be the last explanation for their multiple non-specific symptoms and hope for more acceptance in scientific circles. Difficulties in making a diagnosis
In recent years, despite the existence of consensus criteria, a (suspected) diagnosis is often made in practice, even though these criteria are insufficiently fulfilled. In some cases, the MCAS diagnosis is also increasingly used for otherwise inexplicable conditions that cannot otherwise be explained. The evaluation of symptoms without a known direct connection with the release of mast cell mediators, for example from the neurological or psychiatric spectrum, as a manifestation of the disease leads to a further dilution of the MCAS diagnosis (43). In the "Bonn" questionnaire, the vast majority of the items asked are not based on the consensus criteria formulated by Valent et al. for example they see the sonographic evidence of an enlarged liver as an indication of the disease (53). The measurement of a tryptase elevation in acute relapse, as required by the diagnostic criteria is difficult to implement in practice, whether for reasons of time, capacity or billing. Targeted therapy trials with maximum specificity with regard to all possible decisive mediators are not possible without prior measurement of urinary metabolites and, in the absence of criteria or measuring instruments often do not produce satisfactory results (43). Last but not least, the wide range of possible differential diagnoses, such as for example from the endocrinological, neurological, psychiatric or cardiovascular area, further complicates the diagnosis (43).
Translated with deep.l;jsessionid=A575C43E11977D2F576404BF69D6469C?sequence=3
submitted by AdInteresting2401 to MCAS_ [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:03 Individual_Rich_2965 Why are Mauritians so conservative?

Let me preface this by saying I live overseas and my life is very active - I run 2 companies, I have hobbies, I go out, I go see shows, I travel, I am always doing something, I also clean/cook/organise my life as where I live (Switzerland) you have to do everything yourself, I am 33 years old. When I come to Mauritius, I really struggle with everyone as they seem to live in outdated routines (even in my age group). For example none of my cousins will take an invitation for a small dinner during the week, none of them want to drive anywhere to do anything (if they accept and I drive, they pressure me to leave asap). They spend a lot of time going to "maman papa" and are always talking that zot bizin netoye donc samedi pa possib, mardi pa possib etc. There was La Isla so I proposed to go, everyone told me "tro loin". I am a bit shocked because they are living the lifestyles of 55 year olds. I knew our parents lived like this but I am seeing all the youth live similarly too. Why do you age so quickly and accept this?
submitted by Individual_Rich_2965 to mauritius [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:01 AdInteresting2401 MCAS studies: global classifications, vienna consensus

International general accepted consensus criteria is done by the American Initiative in Mast Cell Diseases (AIM) and the European Confederation of Medical Mycology (ECMM) consensus group:
Global Classification of Mast Cell Activation Disorders: An ICD-10-CM–Adjusted Proposal of the ECNM-AIM Consortium (2022)00493-7/fulltext)
MCAS studies:
Using the Right Criteria for MCAS (2024)
AAAAI Mast Cell Disorders Committee Work Group Report: Mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS) diagnosis and management (2022)31116-9/fulltext)
Updated Diagnostic Criteria and Classification of Mast Cell Disorders: A Consensus Proposal (2021)
Proposed Diagnostic Algorithm for Patients with Suspected Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (2019)30056-X/fulltext)
Mast Cell Activation Disorders (2010)
Critical reviews:
Dilemma of Mast Cell Activation Syndrome: Overdiagnosed or Underdiagnosed? (2024)00065-5/fulltext)
Mast Cell Diseases in Practice and Research: Issues and Perspectives Raised by Patients and Their Recommendations to the Scientific Community and Beyond (2022)00640-7/fulltext)
Selecting the Right Criteria and Proper Classification to Diagnose Mast Cell Activation Syndromes: A Critical Review (2021)00676-0/fulltext)
COVID-19 infection in patients with mast cell disorders including mastocytosis does not impact mast cell activation symptoms (2021)00203-8/fulltext)
Mast Cell Activation Syndrome – What it Is and Isn’t (2020)
Doctor, I Think I Am Suffering from MCAS: Differential Diagnosis and Separating Facts from Fiction (2019)30819-5/fulltext)
Mediator studies:
Detecting Changes in Mast Cell Numbers Versus Activation in Human Disease: A Roadblock for Current Biomarkers? (2024) 00271-X/fulltext)
Reversible Elevation of Tryptase Over the Individual's Baseline: Why is It the Best Biomarker for Severe Systemic Mast Cell Activation and MCAS? (2024)
How good are mast cell mediators? (2021) 00515-9/abstract) (Login free)
Potentially related:
Mast Cell Disorders Are Associated with Decreased Cerebral Blood Flow And Small Fiber Neuropathy (2021)
submitted by AdInteresting2401 to MCAS_ [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:00 The_Chess_Pest (Medieval Ages) How often did infiltration play a role in sieges and why?

I am mainly interested in Medieval Europe, but anything regarding the rest of the world is fine.
By infiltration, I mean sneaking in (or bribing someone already inside), and undermining the defenses from the inside (of the fortress or fortified city). An example scenario would be sneaking in a few men through deliveries of supplies, having them hide in the city with some food and water to sustain themselves, and once the besieging army is close, they would kill the gate keepers and open/destroy the gate. Another example would involve infilitration and then siezing the liege (or their family) and holding them hostage until they order the opening of the gates.
I haven't seen that much mention of infiltration in texts about sieges. Of course, there is the famous Trojan horse example. Then there's the perhaps more dubious account of the siege of Luna in 860, in which some Vikings pretended to be Christians wanting to bury their dying chieftain inside the city. According to the account, this worked, and the siege began from the inside. Apparently, they eventually reached the city walls and let in the greater besieging force.
As far as I can tell, this Wikipedia article on siegeing only mention infiltration in a single sentence:
"This [sieging] is typically coupled with attempts to reduce the fortifications by means of siege engines, artillery bombardment, mining (also known as sapping), or the use of deception or treachery to bypass defenses." (bold by me)
It appears infiltration wasn't that common. I can think of some reasons why it wouldn't be common, but also reasons why it would.
Why it should have been common:
  1. Infilitration is inexpensive in resources and time compared to other methods of besiegement.
  2. Infilitration sometimes does not require special knowledge, skills and tools, but other methods of besiegement almost always does. As such, infilitration is method someone without all that much could attempt.
If one is trying to infiltrate a city/fortress whilst acting as someone with no bad intentions, one must be able to act, know enough about the role one is acting as, and if infilitrating a foreign city/fortress, one would often have to be (or act as) a native of the region, which could also be rare ability/trait for members of the besieging force. So, 2. is not universally true, but I would think more often true than other methods of besiegement.
Why it should not have been common:
  1. Infilitration is scary and dangerous; not everyone would want that job.
  2. Infilitrating men could be taken captive and tortured for information hurting the besieging force.
  3. If the city/fortress would often know about the besiegeing force's proximity, they may be alert, checking all supplies and people that go through the gate; or perhaps, they let nothing and no-one in and take from storages instead.
  4. The internal security could be so good that infilitrators wouldn't be effective anyways, unless they were so numerous that getting all of them in would be harder than just normal besiegement.
  5. Maybe infilitration wasn't as glorious/gracious/pious as other methods of besiegement to many of the Medieval cultures/religions?
So, my question is this:
How (un)common was infilitration as a siege method, and why was it that (un)common?
submitted by The_Chess_Pest to AskHistorians [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:58 Gyro_Armadillo DOTr eyes electric ferries, Manila Bay-Pasig River-Laguna de Bay route

DOTr eyes electric ferries, Manila Bay-Pasig River-Laguna de Bay route
MANILA — The Department of Transportation (DOTr) on Tuesday said it is looking at introducing electric ferries as a new and more sustainable mode of transportation.
Speaking to reporters at the sidelines of this year’s Asia and the Pacific Transport Forum, DOTr Assistant Secretary Leo De Velez said the agency is in talks with potential shipyards for the electric ferries, and studying the possible energy source for the electrification initiative.
De Velez said the Asian Development Bank (ADB) is also currently looking at how it can help finance the program.
"Some examples of what they have done in other countries is they have actually financed ship vessels. They did this also in Bangkok. The ADB lent the private company money to buy and build new electric ferries to serve the river. This is one of the possible areas that ADB is exploring,” he said.
De Velez added that the DOTr has already begun investing more in maritime infrastructure, particularly, on nautical highways and ports.
“Similar to how we did mass investments in our railway infrastructure, with our subway, with our North-South Commuter Railway, we’re looking at similar amounts of investment in our maritime infrastructure,” he said.
The DOTr also expects to finish within the year its study on the viability of the Manila Bay-Pasig River-Laguna Lake ferry system.
It then plans to bid out the project as a Public Private Partnership program by 2025.
“Before we make important infrastructure investments similar to our railways and airports, we need to conduct passenger surveys. It all stems from the demand It all starts from how many people will be using the ferry system,” said De Velez.
“If we have 100,000 passengers, then that will determine the number of ferry stations, ferry boats. And that’s what will determine the cost (of the project),” he added.
De Velez said the goal is to provide the public with a mass transportation system that takes them from the east to the west corridor of the greater capital region.
“As we know, we have the North-South Commuter Railway, the Metro Manila Subway. Those are primarily north to south. Pasig River, naturally, is there and traverses east to west. So unlike a railway where we have to build the tracks, for the Pasig river, it’s there, All we have to do is build stations and also buy ferries,” he said.
Fil-Am musician and Black Eyed Peas member Apl de Ap also attended the forum to talk more about his e-mobility upskilling and education program with the ADB.
The singer and music producer's Apl de Ap Foundation International signed a memorandum of understanding with the MOU back in March with the goal of preparing the Filipino workforce as well as students for the shift to electric vehicles (EV).
“That’s what really started this EV program. We turned an old school car into an electric vehicle so we wanted to bring that back home, that knowledge, that skill set, especially, the Philippines is one of the countries affected by climate change,” he said.
He added that he also hopes to help jeepney drivers as they transition to modern, electric jeepney units.
submitted by Gyro_Armadillo to Philippines [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:57 Amphibian_Basic Firs impressions feedback

I love the idea of Kosmik but the execution isnt quite there yet. I plan on trying it out further but theres a couple of things that get in the way. This is my first impressions review and what i intend as constructive feedback
Usability (testing on windows 10)
Smaller stuff easy to improve (but are creating attrition for me constantly)
At least on windows feels a bit undercooked. I dont know wether some of those are design choices or features still missing but i feel the design a bit at odds- in some parts it conveys 'use mouse only/first' in others it demands keyboard, and in the mean time some of the common design patterns both for mouse and keyboard arent used or use some non-tradional choice- making it harder to learn, creating some confusion or wrong expectations.
For example the bookmark icon is a vey tradional and ubiqutuous skeumorphic symbol for a very common feature that saves urls or files in a list, tradionally urls. Some apps get away using then for favorite files, photos or other things given their context so the user can imagine the equivalent in a given context... but here it shows alongside the in-app browser, next to an url... Maybe a different icon, like a card with a Plus sign and a tip 'add to canvas'?
I dont understand why tags are in the browser if apparently they only work with cards added on the canvas. If the intent was treating the open browser as a canvas element then said browser should be like a card (for example being able to open multiple browser windows in different universes) as if they were cards. Right now the browser is like a temporary tool...
If the intention (im trying to deduce here) was to apply tags before bookmarking so the bookmark already apply said tags then both operations would work better together- 1 button, the add-site to canvas, and that button opening up a prompt to add tags before confirming if desired.
Overall- Service, app, marketing
I was a bit misled regarding expectations because of a video/moto 'best browser for research' - so i installed it expecting more of a Browser with a canvas then a canvas with a very limited in-app browser. So i came expecting multiple tabs or adding extensions...
I dont mean to say the app should be like a browser BUT it is a interesting area to improve and turn into its differential, given some of the competition and how most people would be using it alongside a browser anyway
In a general sense my impressions:
From the 'best browser for research' perspective:
I wonder if the app allowed for pages inside cards (not previews, rendered pages) would be a good alternative for things like tabs
From a general canvas-notation perspective
I have used waaay too many notes and canvas apps in my search for the apps that filled that niche for me like id like, and heck for years a good app with canvas was my most wanted feature that almost no one was doing save for few clunky flowchart apps.
Im glad that now theres been a boom of options and ive been giving everyone a chance- but still not one have all the things id like (i could pinpoint a frankenstein of features from different apps id wish into one)... Kosmik is already ahead of half of the competition (imo) just by having both a native app and web view options, and by the apps having the files locally+sync instead of rendering from the cloud only all the time (much faster and snappiers wich is a big deal for me) - and the web/browsing+canvas angle is a very interesting proposition
But that is where i got disapointed- the web-browsing in app alongside canvas is still very limited to hit the potential of that proposition. As it is right now, for example, i feel more confortable having any browser in a smaller window and copy-pasting urls into Kosmik then relying fully on the internal browser, save for quick search queries
I focus so much on the browser aspect not only because it was how i first found about kosmik but also because without that angle it falls short on some alternatives. Not completely btw, drawing tools and pdf handling seem to be great and ahead of some alternatives (some are good at drawing but barely beyond that, others better as notes but with terrible or no drawing)...
But i still feel like the 'best app for research' (browser+canvas/notes+pdf), emphasis on the browsing is the best angle, best bet for Kosmik to grow above alternatives... but extra emphasis on potential- i dont feel like its hitting that note quite yet, at least not on windows.
I will try to stick with Kosmik for awhile despite the clunkiness and attriction i feel, but not as id like to use it and more like a buffer between traditional browsing/searching and taking my notes- im planing on inserting Kosmik in between as quick notes for links before later refering to then on notes elsewhere... but i confess im sort of forcing this workflow just to keep using kosmik and keep tabs on updates- im sticking around in the hopes of what may come and not for what it currently is.
I have high hopes for the app and in my case (i lean more towards power user then casual) even if i use other apps a good better version of Kosmik in this niche would fit for me even alongside other apps. Heck i currently use 2 similars in tandem (similar in notes/canvas) for their different strengths and niches- and neither have carved web browsing research as their niche
Anyway, those were my very long 2cents. I hope the feedback is taken positively
submitted by Amphibian_Basic to kosmik_app [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:57 Embarrassed-Sorbet26 Are any sample proposals available?

I am a proposal writer in the library market. I am trying to improve our responses, but I have three superiors who have been in the business for over 20 years each and haven't changed their methods (and don't want to). Do you know where I might find examples of proposals? Are they public record? Thank you.
submitted by Embarrassed-Sorbet26 to procurement [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:55 burpday tway cancellation / change fee policy

hi all, im not sure if anyone is familiar with tway's change/cancellation policy. im looking at an international flight (singapore - seoul).
it states that "Fees are waived when canceling/changing reservations within 24 hours of the first international flight reservation (However, it applies only to purchases made on the T’way Air website/mobile, at airport branches, or through the reservation center. The fee is not waived if changes are made after the international check-in deadline, 50 minutes before departure.)"
My confusion lies in the definition of "reservation." Does it refer to the reservation I'm making (for example, if I buy tickets on 30 May 2024, at 10 am), or does it refer to the reservation of the actual flight?
I hope this clarifies my query. Thank you for any insights you can provide!
submitted by burpday to koreatravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:47 tapneal17 The 3 key takeaways from Prof G interview with Tyler Dank on getting to $7M ARR in 3 years with his newsletter company BeeHiv

I'm a 2x entrepreneur, and always love insights from other entrepreneur interviews. They're great inspiration. Summarized are what I found to be the key insights about Tyler Dank, who started the newsletter platform Beehiv.
IMO, the key to learning is through examples, not generic advice. If you have similar stories based on these concepts, please share!
Spinning out Success
Tyler joined Morning Brew as the first engineer. He built internal tools, like a referral system, to solve their business needs as they scaled their operations. Light Bulb! He realized if he's solving a problem for Morning Brew with internal tech, others may want it to. The idea of Beehiv was born
AWS, similarly, started internally within Amazon to host their services, and then spun out as a separate service.
Run Faster
Tyler knew the market was big for email automation platforms which he had unique insight on. Substack was valued at $650M at the time. How could he differentiate?
Answer: By shipping product faster, and proving to early adopters they would listen and that the product would get only better.
This is huge. Eliminate the busy work. That’s the real skillset. Deliver on what really matters, learn, and deliver more.
Investors as Distribution Channel
Tyler was strategic in who he brought on for his Angel and Series A. He looked for influential people with a newsletter, like Prof G, who would not only be an early adopter, but an advocate. This accelerated his early traction and credibility.
There is dumb money and smart money, one is worth way more.
Interview here:
submitted by tapneal17 to Entrepreneur [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:38 BronxDo How do I admit my feelings to this girl without scaring her away?

I am 24M, she is 24F, we've been friends for 3 years.
A bit of context is required I met (We'll call her Sam) on tinder in early 2021. We chatted for a bit and I ended up getting her instagram and that's where we chatted from that point forwards. Initially we were talking everyday, if not back and forth, then maybe at the start and end of the day as we were both working. Eventually I asked Sam to grab a coffee, she declined (specifically she actually ignored it the first time i asked, I'm not sure whether out shyness, or distrust or whatever, but she made it clear that she didn't have a lot of free time due to study and work when i asked why she ignored it) we continued talking anyway, a few months later, I asked again, I got the same old tune of "i'm soo busy im sorry" kinda vibe and eventually I gave up asking but we remained talking, I still very much liked her and found her pretty.
The talking dwindled, sometimes she'd take 1 or 2 days to get back to me, days became weeks, then there were periods inbetween of hearing from her more freqeuntly, then back to a week, or a day, or several weeks, it fluctuated a lot. I had just accepted that, she probably saw me as an overseas friend (shes an international student) and wouldn't ever be interested in meeting. But still we remained talking, eventually it normalised to talking to each other about once a week, this continued for almost a year I'd say, we'd share occasional funny videos, respond to each others stories and just talk about life.
Fast forward to early 2023, I asked her if she wanted to finally meet up as we'd been talking more recently, and we did. We went to a bar, had some drinks, grabbed dinner and then walked around the city, it was a great night, I felt excited because we finally met each other in person and she was lovely, soft spoken, smart and pretty, she even asked me if I wanted to grab lunch with her the next day during her lunch, and we did, and i thought this is where things would take off, but after that day, things slowly drifted back to the way things were, it would be a year before I saw her again (just this last week) and before that, we had gone months without talking at times (I had an interesting year and a lot of distractions, I'm sure Sam did too) but we still remained talking somewhat, even talking about meeting up again eventually.
Fast forward to last week, we meet up (we tried to earlier but I was going through some heavy stuff for the last 5 months that left me disinterested in taking care of myself, let alone trying to "date") we grabbed dinner, and the night was just great, conversation flowed, we were buying rounds for each other, whilst we were eating she at times would just plonk stuff from her bowl into mine and would tell me "try this", "try that" etc, we then went to get some cocktails at some different bars, we were chatting about music, cars, our lives and stuff, I was smitten by her, we then went and got ice cream and we were sharing them with spoons and then I walked her back to her apartment, hugged, said goodbye (we also promised we'd see each other soon). I was sold that I really liked this girl, shes gorgeous, I love her energy, her sweetness, she is quite literally a breath of fresh air in an unfortunate dating history of mine where I've been strung along/lied to. I LIKE this girl a lot. I can't get her out of my head, we talked a bit the next day, and now the talking is starting to diminish again, for example we spoke on sunday, then she didnt respond to me til yesterday, which was just a video (she didn't actually reply to anything I said, which isn't totally unusual she has done that before) and I'm just stuck wondering what she thinks of me, everyone I've spoken to said that was a date.
I was going to send her a message the night of that basically would have said that I have feelings for her, and I would want to know if im barking up the wrong tree looking for a relationship with her but was talked out of it by a friend, but eventually I'll have to say something, whether that results in her not wanting any kind of serious relationship or not, I just need to get this off my chest. Any tips for me? Feel free to ask any questions, this is a rather layered story. I know some of you are probably thinking, 'the fuck is wrong with this guy? shes clearly not interested' or 'shes using you' but like man the date/catch up was genuinley so good, that's why im so fucking confused. Is it me? is it her? What should I do?
btw we have agreed to see a movie sometime in the next two weeks. aswell go out to dinner w some of her friends eventually too
TLDR: I have talked to this girl for 3 years, we have met up 3 times, i have feelings for her and the label to what we are is unclear, I need advice on how to admit to her i have feelings without scaring her away, and peoples opinions on whats going on here.
submitted by BronxDo to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:36 glossjins how can i better my phd application for my second time applying?

i was rejected from all 8 US universities i applied to this cycle (PhD in english literature). i did get waitlisted at 3 of them, but was ultimately rejected. i am extremely dejected and disappointed, and the thought of having to apply again --- to look up universities, mailing profs, edit my writing samples --- is so daunting and demotivating. i feel like i am setting myself up for failure.
does anyone have any advice on what i can do better? i have had good grades throughout my bachelor's and master's,, but i don't have any publications. i have about 3 years of volunteer teaching work for NGOs that i did during my bachelors, but i don't have teaching experience at a formal institutions. i do believe in my research proposal, it is something i have wanted to work on for as far as i can remember, and i am really passionate and confident about it.
as an international student, spending thousands of USD on application fees, english proficiency tests etc and it not amounting to anything is a huge financial burden. people who have gotten offers during their second or third application cycle, what did you do differently the second/third time around ? how did you stand out? should i apply to universities in europe & australia as well this time ? how should i move forward ?
submitted by glossjins to gradadmissions [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:33 DaveHervey Beverage market Cannabis legalization: soon grass instead of hops? May 8, 2024 in market report

Cannabis has now been – at least partially – legal in Germany for a good five weeks. Will there soon be THC drinks in this country? Will Germans then drink less alcohol? And where can the substances actually be consumed? While the answers to this will probably take a while to come, many, including those in the beverage industry, are looking with excitement to Canada, where marijuana has been legal since 2018.
The approval there quickly led to the introduction of a wealth of new mixed drinks. The beverage manufacturer Truss Beverages from the province of Ontario brought non-alcoholic drinks enriched with THC and CBD in a wide variety of, mostly fruity, flavors and different, precisely defined potencies onto the market under the brand names XMG, Little Victory, Mollo and Bedfellows. Truss is a joint venture between brewing company Molson Coors and cannabis company Hexo.
THC drinks soon in Germany too? It's no wonder that, given the opportunities offered by a completely new category, companies in this country are already positioning themselves to be among the pioneers if cannabis extracts are also approved as beverage additives here. For example, the Hamburg company “Good Drinks” is currently discussing whether THC in its drinks could be a useful brand addition, as co-owner Frank Maßen reports.
Good Drinks is currently on the market with vodka and energy drinks, for example. Well-known Hamburg restaurateurs such as Axel Strehlitz and John Schierhorn, both of whom have deep roots in the local club scene, are involved in the start-up. Maßen sees THC as a logical progression for a brand that has partying in its DNA, but “the idea of ​​introducing a THC variant raises a lot of questions, especially in terms of brand image and acceptance,” said Maßen.
Discussions are currently underway internally about how to handle this potential expansion without damaging the essence of the brand, which is strongly linked to the club culture. There are intensive discussions with the licensors of the Hamburg Club Combine, which launched the brand together with Good Drinks to support the local club scene as a social business ( we reported ).
Some THC drinks already on the market in Canada Some THC drinks already on the market in Canada (Product photos: Truss Beverages) Breweries would certainly also be potential manufacturers. But the German Brewers Association considers it unlikely that many breweries could jump on the cannabis bandwagon. “Germany is and remains the country of beer drinkers. With 1,500 breweries and almost 8,000 brands, we have a beer variety that is unique in the world,” says Managing Director Holger Eichele. Beer is still the national drink, although consumption has been declining for years, as in many other European countries.
“Edibles” are still banned under EU law Apart from that, an introduction would not yet be legally possible, because drinks with THC or CBD fall under “edibles” in the EU; This refers to foods and drinks that contain cannabis. They are therefore affected by the Novel Food Regulation, explains the managing director of the Bavarian Cannabis Association, Wenzel Cerveny. This means that they can only be placed on the market once they have been tested as safe by the EU.
“This is something that a small manufacturer cannot do - this test would have to be initiated by a large company,” says Cerveny. He himself is currently working with the small brewery “Unertl” from Haag in Upper Bavaria on an alcohol-free beer with hemp extract. However, without THC or CBD, but with hemp as a special taste.
To provide a more detailed explanation, the EU states that there has been no evidence of any significant consumption of the individual substance CBD (cannabidiol) before May 15, 1997. It is therefore assessed as novel in the European Commission's Novel Food Catalog under the entry “Cannabinoids” and therefore requires its own approval. As long as this does not exist, such products are not marketable. The same applies to products containing THC.
Alcohol consumption in Canada fell after legalization It's not just new products that could affect the German beverage industry if they are allowed in the future. Using Canada as an example, it is clear to see that cannabis consumption has a direct influence on consumers' drinking behavior. A joint study by the University of Manitoba, Memorial University and the University of Toronto has shown that Canadians are drinking significantly less alcohol since they were legally allowed to consume cannabis.
For example, the study published in the journal Drug and Alcohol Dependence observed an average monthly decline in beer consumption of 136 hectoliters per 100,000 people after legalization. In this context, the authors speak of a “substitution effect”, in which consumers choose cannabis instead of beer as their intoxicant of choice.
Mixing with alcohol is not advisable Both together are considered by “connoisseurs” to be not very digestible. Even Truss Beverages advises against consuming its THC drinks mixed with alcohol on its website, citing recommendations from the Canadian Health Authority. Again and again, the product description in connection with the dosage is about ensuring a “controlled and predictable consumption experience”.
Clear warnings label drinks containing THC in Canada. Clear warnings label drinks containing THC in Canada. (Photo: Truss Beverages) A look at the 2022/23 financial year shows how strong cannabis legalization can have on the alcohol industry. Accordingly, Canada received more excise tax revenue from cannabis ($660 million) than from wine ($205 million) and beer ($450 million) combined.
It is still completely unclear whether the industry will have to adapt to similar shifts in this country. The German Brewers Association is rather relaxed: It is still far too early to speculate about possible effects, emphasizes DBB boss Eichele. “There are studies from abroad where markets have been examined in more detail. However, these studies cannot be transferred one-to-one to Germany; the starting points are far too different. We don’t expect any visible effects in this country.”
Where smoking is allowed, you can also smoke weed The question of how to deal with marijuana users in the catering industry is already very current; It is being hotly debated all over the country. While the use of the drug indoors is usually prohibited, there is scope for freedom in outdoor areas and, for example, beer gardens.
The German Hotel and Restaurant Association (Dehoga) says that initial feedback from the industry shows a tendency not to allow the consumption of marijuana. The legal situation varies from federal state to federal state, as Dehoga managing director and legal expert Jürgen Benad knows: “Where smoking is still permitted according to the legal regulations of the federal states, cannabis consumption is also generally permitted.”
But it is also clear: “Every restaurateur is allowed to prohibit guests from consuming cannabis – even in smoking bars – based on their house rules,” says Benad. This also applies to outdoor catering. Cannabis may not be consumed “in the immediate presence” of minors. What this specifically means in the catering industry will not be easy to define in individual cases.
Zero tolerance or laissez-faire? While the beer gardens in Munich, for example, will remain consumption-free until further notice due to Bavaria's zero-tolerance policy, people in Berlin are more open-minded. “Since the cannabis law was approved, the consumption of cannabis in the catering industry has been considered synonymous with the consumption of cigarettes and other tobacco products,” says Tony Ettelt-Brundiers, managing director of “Zenner”, a cultural and gastronomic ensemble consisting of a vineyard, beer garden and organic ice cream parlor , concert hall, club space and event location in the capital.
“We are not questioning this law,” said Ettelt-Brundiers. “Regardless of what our guests smoke in the Zenner’s outdoor areas, we ask everyone to be considerate, especially if other guests could feel disturbed by someone else’s smoke, regardless of its origin.” This principle of mutuality Consideration has worked surprisingly well in Zenner for more than 200 years, which the aforementioned amendment to the law should not change, according to the managing director.
How much cannabis will ultimately change the beverage industry and social life surrounding beverages is still entirely unknown.
NOTE: Some of the getraenke-news research goes back a few years and ownership of TRUSS is now 100% owned and operated by Tilray Brands that is also a multi year, In Country producer of German Medical Cannabis.
submitted by DaveHervey to TLRY [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:27 Thinker_Assignment Introducing the dltHub declarative REST API Source toolkit – directly in Python!

Hey folks, I’m Adrian, co-founder and data engineer at dltHub.
My team and I are excited to share a tool we believe could transform how we all approach data pipelines:

REST API Source toolkit

The REST API Source brings a Pythonic, declarative configuration approach to pipeline creation, simplifying the process while keeping flexibility.
The Rest APIClient is the collection of helpers that powers the source and can be used as standalone, high level imperative pipeline builder. This makes your life easier without locking you into a rigid framework.
Read more about it in our blog article (colab notebook demo, docs links, workflow walkthrough inside)
About dlt:
Quick context in case you don’t know dlt – it's an open source Python library for data folks who build pipelines, that’s designed to be as intuitive as possible. It handles schema changes dynamically and scales well as your data grows.
Why is this new toolkit awesome?

We’re community driven and Open Source

We had help from several community members, from start to finish. We got prompted in this direction by a community code donation last year, and we finally wrapped it up thanks to the pull and help from two more community members.
Feedback Request: We’d like you to try it with your use cases and give us honest constructive feedback. We had some internal hackathons and already roughened out the edges, and it’s time to get broader feedback about what you like and what you are missing.
The immediate future:
Generating sources. We have been playing with the idea to algorithmically generate pipelines from OpenAPI specs and it looks good so far and we will show something in a couple of weeks. Algorithmically means AI free and accurate, so that’s neat.
But as we all know, every day someone ignores standards and reinvents yet another flat tyre in the world of software. For those cases we are looking at LLM-enhanced development, that assists a data engineer to work faster through the usual decisions taken when building a pipeline. I’m super excited for what the future holds for our field and I hope you are too.
Thank you!
Thanks for checking this out, and I can’t wait to see your thoughts and suggestions! If you want to discuss or share your work, join our Slack community.
submitted by Thinker_Assignment to dataengineering [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:25 Alternative-Ebb410 Havergal, Branksome, BSS university matriculation

Hi! I’m a parent researching private schools for my young daughter. Havergal, Branksome, Bishop Strachan are undoubtedly the definition of excellence in girls education. They also pride themselves on university preparation.
When I see the choice of universities graduates go to, I find it disappointing to be frank. My sources for this info includes ourkids, the school’s own websites and graduate profiles, a few colleagues who sent their kids to these schools, and a few colleagues who were graduates themselves of Havergal, Branksome.
For example, for Havergal, Queens seems to be a very popular choice. Queens is a good university, but it ranks > 200th worldwide, and 11th in Canada (source: timeshighereducation).
I would have hoped to see students from Canada’s 3 most elite private girls schools to engage in Olympiads, go to the top 5 in Canada (UofT, McGill, ..), Ivy league, or the best international universities.
Instead, these schools are proud of sending kids to Queens, Carleton, Western, Dalhousie. These 3 private schools are charging ~40K a year in 2023/2024. A decent public school can send students to these universities. What am I missing here?
I would love to hear from those who send their kids, are graduates themselves, or work in the private school system. Thanks for reading!
submitted by Alternative-Ebb410 to askTO [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:21 Chyaroscuro Crawley Family characters and their influence on the overall plot of Downton Abbey

Crawley Family characters and their influence on the overall plot of Downton Abbey
Right, so I'm going to post this on my profile because I think it will get hated and downvoted to oblivion in the sub, and I don't feel like getting into arguments with people because it's literally just media analysis, but for anyone of my followers interested: there's a world of difference in the amount of influence different character from the family have in the actual overarching plot. Which is largely about sustaining the Family, and the House, as they have always been, as per tradition dictates (and as per JF wishes). I mean, the show IS called Downton Abbey.
Robert's role is obvious, throughout the show. He's the head of the family. If he dies, everything changes. There would be a transfer of power (which has slowly happened by the second movie, but would be a world-changer if it had actually happened at any point during the show) that would shift the balance of how the house operates. Robert's views also have a massive influence over what other characters are doing, so in the end he is a valuable player when it comes to preserving the house, and of course, the death duties and taxes will eventually become an issue again when he dies.
Cora also has an important part to play, beyond her inheritance, although it's a sad one: if Cora died at any point, especially in the early seasons, it would have been expected of Robert to re-marry. If Robert remarried, he'd have probably married a much younger woman, and he'd have probably had more children. In which case, he could have had a son and changed the trajectory of the show entirely. So Cora's continued existence makes a world of difference to Downton as well.
Mary's is obvious as well. Mary was always destined to be the one who would carry the torch, from the very first episode. She is her father's daughter, dutifully following in his footsteps when it comes to the sense of obligation to the community and to the house (Downton is her third parent and third child as well), and she is stepping in Violet's shoes in her devotion to the family as well (and mirrors Violet's temperament and cool composure as well). Finally, she's embracing the modern world fully. Which means she has the best of both worlds, the burden of duty, and the capacity to look forward and carry on. And Mary saved the house already several times. In season 3 by persuading Matthew to invest money and literally buy it for Robert, and of course in the form of George, who is securing the continuation of the line. And by assisting in the running of the estate from season 4 onwards (and taking it on entirely by the second movie). Downton cannot exist without Mary.
Same goes for Matthew. Literally the heir. Like Mary, vital just because of George. But like Mary (and there's lots of parallels between them, this is one of the happy ones) he is the one who gets to drag Downton into the modern world, fight with Robert to get the estate sorted, invest A Whole Lot of money into it, and be smart enough (and devoted enough) to hand the reins both for the modernisation, and for the running of at least half of the estate, to Mary, who is also smart enough (and devoted enough) to continue with his plans and ideas that allowed the place to survive and make it to the 30s (at least). Downton would have collapsed without him. Quite literally.
I find Sybil's role in Downton's continued existence interesting, and tragic at the same time. Sybil (along with Isobel) were a major factor in Downton becoming a convalescence home during the war. You might wonder well, how is that important. On the one hand, they got government funding to run it and more money has never been an issue. On the other hand, it helped with Matthew's recovery.
Majorly, Sybil's contribution was her forward thinking, which changed a lot of Robert's and Mary's views (and we see how that helped) and of course, the fact that she brought Tom into the family. Who would of course go on to help Mary and Matthew implement the modernisation of the estate. I'm not saying they wouldn't have been able to do it without him, but the show would have to undergo a ton of changes if Sybil and Tom's stories hadn't evolved the way they did.
This all leaves us with Edith. Edith's biggest influence on the plot was the letter she wrote to the Turkish Embassy in season 1. It changed the trajectory of Mary's life, and by extension, the world of Downton. Because Mary didn't accept Matthew's proposal since she couldn't find the courage to tell him about the potential scandal, Matthew got engaged to Lavinia, Lavinia died, Matthew inherited the money from Swire, Mary persuaded him to invest in the house, Downton was saved. If Edith hadn't existed in season 1, the show would be massively different.
But the fact is that beyond that, her life does not influence the overarching plot, and the house. She is of course a favourite of many fans and the show would NOT be the same without her, but the house itself, Downton, doesn't need her, and hasn't needed her since that letter. Edith could have gone to America in season 2, and other than her own storylines, nothing else would have had to change, the show could have continued on, as is, with almost 0 changes. Which is why JF's decision to move her to Brancaster made a whole lot of sense. Edith had no role in Downton since literally the start of WWI.
Anyway. I thought the dynamics of the family were interesting. And it sort of all sets the tone for most of what goes on on screen, because based on the amount of influence each character has, the story shifts around them. And there's some obvious ones (like Robert and Mary) and some less obvious ones (like Tom), and it explains at least a few things, for example, why Edith was so obsessed with what Mary did and what went on in Mary's life early on the show - because she knew that that's where change happened. And once she outgrew that stage of trying to take the spotlight away from her sister she came to the obvious conclusion that she had to make a life for herself outside of Downton, and that's what saved her (although, I think she'd have been far better off living as a modern woman in London, at least for a while before she met Bertie, but that's just me).
submitted by Chyaroscuro to u/Chyaroscuro [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:13 cartesi Cartesi DevSeed Grants - See What's Being Built!

Cartesi DevSeed Grants - See What's Being Built!
The building isn’t stopping in the Cartesi ecosystem! Here’s what we got in the works for some categories, developed and funded via our Developer Advocacy Seed Grants (Fast-track grants for up to $5,000 USDC to complete your proposal within 4-6 weeks):
  • 4 onchain games
  • 7 dev tooling
  • 2 decentralized platforms & more!
Check them out below 👇
🗨️ Trust and Teach LLM: LLAMA2 in the Cartesi Machine allowing for a transparent and trusted way to generate data for reinforcement learning with human feedback (RLHF) of LLMs.
👥 DAO Template Proposal: Using Sunodo to build a modular JavaScript framework for building DAOs on Cartesi.
🟦 Cartesi React Bootstrap Template: SQLite-based full-stack DApp template for React for quick and efficient development of Cartesi integrated projects.
🟦 JS Cartesi SDK: Creating an Isomorphic JS package to use with any visual library on browser or terminal.
🤖 Cartesi GoDot Toolchain: An optimized docker build for the Cartesi Godot Engine image, Github Actions workflow to keep up to date with the latest Godot Engine versions, and a well documented example project showing how to work with the Cartesi API within a Godot game.
🐷 Greedy Pig - Dice game with Cartesi: An interactive dice game suitable for events where participants can engage in a fun and exciting activity while demonstrating the implementation of off-chain logic using Cartesi tech.
⚔️ Nebula Duel: An onchain zero-player duel game built to incorporate the thrills of duels and combat with the joy and gains of DeFi.
🟦 Diplomacy on Cartesi: Recreating Diplomacy on Cartesi - an old strategy game where players compete to conquer Europe.
🎫 BlockTicket3: A decentralized ticketing platform using blockchain technology enabling users to create, list, and manage events.
👥 Peeps: Redefining Social Interactions with Cartesi A social media platform which brings the fusion of traditional micro-blogging with elements of blockchain's DeFi.
🪙 CarteZCash - A Private Transaction RollApp: CarteZcash takes the state transition code from Zcash and runs it as a Cartesi RollApp. The result is a rollup that can hold assets from L1 and allow them to be transacted with privately.
🕹️ Oware: Utilizing Cartesi, the project aims to deliver an immersive game environment where players can engage in AI-driven and user tournaments, underpinned by a dynamic digital economy.
🪁 Cartesikit: The project aims to simplify building dapps on Cartesi with CartesiKit, a comprehensive solution designed to streamline the process of bringing ideas to life and launching products on the blockchain.
🔼 The Prism A cutting-edge platform where art meets blockchain to make your designs wearable. Create your hyper-personalized AI-generated art, mint as a unique NFT and connect with a producer to bring your art to life as a costumed t-shirt. Follow them on X!
🟦 Tikua 0.8: The use of Tikua SDK instances will aid in deploying the same Cartesi project to multiple chains. Dive deeper and keep up to date with the full list of proposals 👉
If this sounds like something you’d like to be a part of, apply to a DevAd Seed Grant and be the next project on the list! 👉
submitted by cartesi to cartesi [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:07 OnwardAndUpward2483 Rate my Vanguard work 5 funds

Looking for feedback on my proposed 5 fund from Vanguard. 42m, looking for only minor bond exposure.
50% VIIX - Vanguard Institutional Index (large blend) 10% VIEIX - Vanguard Extended Market (small/mid) 30% VTSNX - Vanguard Total International Index 5% VBTIX - Total Bond Index (Medium term) 5% VBITX - Short Term Bond Index
I’d appreciate if anyone wants to give feedback to blow up these percentages, or if the short term bond index should be cut.
Thanks in advance.
submitted by OnwardAndUpward2483 to Bogleheads [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:02 BronxDo I have conjured up a rather interesting "situationship", give me advice on how I can be honest with somebody who doesn't appear to know that I have feelings for them.

A bit of context is required I (24,M) met (We'll call her Sam) on tinder in early 2021. We chatted for a bit and I ended up getting her instagram and that's where we chatted from that point forwards. Initially we were talking everyday, if not back and forth, then maybe at the start and end of the day as we were both working. Eventually I asked Sam to grab a coffee, she declined (specifically she actually ignored it the first time i asked, I'm not sure whether out shyness, or distrust or whatever, but she made it clear that she didn't have a lot of free time due to study and work when i asked why she ignored it) we continued talking anyway, a few months later, I asked again, I got the same old tune of "i'm soo busy im sorry" kinda vibe and eventually I gave up asking but we remained talking, I still very much liked her and found her pretty.
The talking dwindled, sometimes she'd take 1 or 2 days to get back to me, days became weeks, then there were periods inbetween of hearing from her more freqeuntly, then back to a week, or a day, or several weeks, it fluctuated a lot. I had just accepted that, she probably saw me as an overseas friend (shes an international student) and wouldn't ever be interested in meeting. But still we remained talking, eventually it normalised to talking to each other about once a week, this continued for almost a year I'd say, we'd share occasional funny videos, respond to each others stories and just talk about life.
Fast forward to early 2023, I asked her if she wanted to finally meet up as we'd been talking more recently, and we did. We went to a bar, had some drinks, grabbed dinner and then walked around the city, it was a great night, I felt excited because we finally met each other in person and she was lovely, soft spoken, smart and pretty, she even asked me if I wanted to grab lunch with her the next day during her lunch, and we did, and i thought this is where things would take off, but after that day, things slowly drifted back to the way things were, it would be a year before I saw her again (just this last week) and before that, we had gone months without talking at times (I had an interesting year and a lot of distractions, I'm sure Sam did too) but we still remained talking somewhat, even talking about meeting up again eventually.
Fast forward to last week, we meet up (we tried to earlier but I was going through some heavy stuff for the last 5 months that left me disinterested in taking care of myself, let alone trying to "date") we grabbed dinner, and the night was just great, conversation flowed, we were buying rounds for each other, whilst we were eating she at times would just plonk stuff from her bowl into mine and would tell me "try this", "try that" etc, we then went to get some cocktails at some different bars, we were chatting about music, cars, our lives and stuff, I was smitten by her, we then went and got ice cream and we were sharing them with spoons and then I walked her back to her apartment, hugged, said goodbye (we also promised we'd see each other soon). I was sold that I really liked this girl, shes gorgeous, I love her energy, her sweetness, she is quite literally a breath of fresh air in an unfortunate dating history of mine where I've been strung along/lied to. I LIKE this girl a lot. I can't get her out of my head, we talked a bit the next day, and now the talking is starting to diminish again, for example we spoke on sunday, then she didnt respond to me til yesterday, which was just a video (she didn't actually reply to anything I said, which isn't totally unusual she has done that before) and I'm just stuck wondering what she thinks of me, everyone I've spoken to said that was a date.
I was going to send her a message the night of that basically would have said that I have feelings for her, and I would want to know if im barking up the wrong tree looking for a relationship with her but was talked out of it by a friend, but eventually I'll have to say something, whether that results in her not wanting any kind of serious relationship or not, I just need to get this off my chest. Any tips for me? Feel free to ask any questions, this is a rather layered story. I know some of you are probably thinking, 'the fuck is wrong with this guy? shes clearly not interested' or 'shes using you' but like man the date/catch up was genuinley so good, that's why im so fucking confused. Is it me? is it her? What should I do?
btw we have agreed to see a movie sometime in the next two weeks. aswell go out to dinner w some of her friends eventually too
submitted by BronxDo to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:01 s-atch An Analysis on the Dunmer Experience in Windhelm

The Dunmer population of Windhelm is composed primarily of refugees (or born of refugees) who escaped Vvardenfel’s disastrous living conditions after the eruption of the Red Mountain in 4E 5, known as the Red Year. The migration of most of these refugees likely took place in the years following the disaster. In the roughly 200 years since, they’ve built a sizable community within Windhelm’s ghetto, formerly known as the Snow Quarter. The squalor they live in during the present time (4E 201) is indicative of their long struggle to integrate with the Nord majority. Now, why has there been such a struggle?
According to a variety of non-Dunmer NPC dialogue, the common sentiment is that the Dunmer keep to themselves, they do not try to integrate, they do not work hard, and they do not get involved with the war effort. The in-game book Scourge of the Gray Quarter by Frilgeth Horse-Breaker makes many complaints on the Dunmer’s existence in Windhelm, reiterating such sentiments and claiming they do not contribute to the city. That the book makes reference to Ulfric as jarl, it can be assumed that these are at the very least the sentiments of the present time.
The Struggle
The book notably compares the Dunmer of Windhelm to the Dunmer of Riften, claiming the Dunmer of Riften are able to integrate because they are more hard working and engage in honest labor. In this explanation the writer (quite obviously) shows their bias in they neglect the crucial detail of describing the cities themselves. The people of Riften do not have the same level of xenophobia that those in Windhelm do. They do not have a jarl whose actions encourage the separation of multiple “outsider” groups and Nords. The people of Riften engage with the Dunmer like they would anyone else, contrasted with Windhelm where a Dunmer is more often than not labeled as an “outsider”.
The treatment of Dunmer refugees in Riften also differ in that they were not relegated to a ghetto. This is not to say that Windhelm explicitly forbids Dunmer from buying homes outside of the Gray Quarter (although dialogue of Aval Atheron might suggest so), but rather they are not afforded social mobility as a whole. According to Malthyr Elenil ‘s dialogue, the Quarter “wasn't always so bad”. Judging by the architecture relative to the rest of the city, I’d argue that this Quarter was a slum prior to the Dunmer arrival. In essence, it was a slum before they got there and it remains a slum today (if not worse), but is it the fault of the Dunmer? According to the dialogue of Scouts-Many-Marshes, an Argonian living on the Windhelm docks, it is implied that an Argonian working in Windhelm makes 8 septims per day plus lodging, presumably a tenth the wage of a “proper Nord worker”. Whether or not this “tenth” is an exaggeration or not, Scouts refers to this level of pay as akin to slave labor. Comparing the squalor of the Argonians and the Dunmer, and taking into account the kind of jobs available to them in this city, it can be fairly assumed that the Dunmer do not make much more money than the Argonians when working for the Windhelm Nords. Contrasted again with Riften, where no such race based pay gap seems to exist. How can the Dunmer be expected then, to adequately maintain their neighborhoods on a pay that is a mere fraction of a Nords?
Trying to make a comparison of “work ethic” between the Dunmer of Riften and Windhelm is inherently unfair when you ignore the near diametric social conditions of the two cities. This is also indicative of the Windhelm Nord’s refusal to acknowledge the roots of Dunmer issues. The old jarls of Windhelm may have accepted the refugees, but the Nord citizens have clearly endeavored to keep them at an arm’s length, leading to the segregation of the Windhelm Dunmer we see today.
The “Good Ones” and the Model Minority
Many might look upon Beylyn Hlaalu as proof that any Dunmer can work their way out of poverty. He is the only Dunmer land owner in Windhelm, a proud man who credits his success to his hard work and resents the poorer Dunmer for complaining. But what many fail to consider is that he is a descendent of House Hlaalu, a former Great House of Morrowind. Although House Hlaalu at this point has lost all major political power, they’re still a family of considerable wealth and influence in Raven Rock, albeit under a fake name. I find it rather likely then, in a culture who so values clanship, that Beylyn Hlaalu has had monetary support from his wealthy relatives in order to at the very least kickstart his farm. And although there are no explicit pieces of lore that support this, one must wonder if it is truly coincidence that the shining example of Dunmer success is one born from a not too distantly historically powerful family.
The successes of the Altmer residents in Windhelm are also cited as proof of Dunmer failings. They are Nurelion, Niranye, Ulundil, and his wife Arivanya. Niranye is presumably the newest Altmer migrant to the city, saying she's only just arrived from the Summerset Isles. She is the only one of the Altmer to make references to mistreatment by Nords, claiming that it was difficult at first but she'd eventually proved her usefulness. Clearly she has been able to integrate with Nord society, and once again it is credited as her own hard work. But is that completely true? There are three factors for her ease of integration that are being ignored here: Unlike the Dunmer, the Altmer arrived as business minded merchants and not as refugees, There were already well established and respected Altmer living in the city prior to her arrival, and her business is unfairly propped up by her dealings with crime guilds. Her business directly competes with that of Ravyn Sadri, a Dunmer general goods merchant. By acquiring her goods through her criminal connections and selling at absurdly low prices, she is able to quite easily undercut Ravyn’s business, who operates honestly.
Referencing Scourge of the Gray Quarter again, the writing finishes by claiming that Windhelm Argonians should be the model for Dunmer behavior and acceptance. They write that the Argonian “has learned how to best contribute to their new home…toiling with utmost efficiency and bright smiles”. Once again this text omits crucial details. The Argonians are forbidden, by decree of Ulfric Stormcloak, from entering the city. And make no mistake, this segregation is not because of the racial tensions between Dunmer and Argonian. According to dialogue from Brunwulf Free-Winter it was primarily due to Ulfric’s distrust of foreigners and Nord stubbornness. They are only permitted to reside on the docks and, as stated before, make a mere fraction of the pay of a Nord worker because of the explicit reason of not being a Nord. This is the proposed model for acceptance? Exploitation, racial hierarchy, and wage slavery? Who reads Scourge of the Gray Quarter, looks at the Argonians, and genuinely thinks they’ve successfully integrated?
When holding these so-called examples of Dunmer failures to light, it’s clear to see that they hold little water. The successes of the “good ones” are not wholly the result of pulling themselves up by their bootstraps, but likely by benefitting from pre existing privileges that gave them an advantage over the Dunmer as a whole. And the proposed solution for those without such privileges? Becoming servile and catering to the Nords at the Dunmer’s own expense. In the face of mistreatment and mistrust by the majority group, an administration that refuses to listen to them, racially biased pay gaps, a competition that cheats them, and wage slavery: how rational is it to say all they need to do is “work harder”?
Another Man’s War
A common criticism of the Windhelm Dunmer is that they refuse to join Ulfric Stormcloak’s war effort. Many claim that it is their duty as residents of Windhelm, that they owe a debt to the city for taking them in as refugees 200 years ago. But I ask you this, why should they fight on behalf of a system that harms them? It should first be said that the Stormcloak Rebellion’s primary function is to release Skyrim from the rule of the Empire, so that Skyrim’s people may solely be governed by those who live in Skyrim (Ignoring for a moment that Ulfric’s rebellion was set in motion by the Thalmor to weaken the Empire, according to the Thalmor Dossier). An admirable sentiment, but it has manifested itself as highly xenophobic and oftentimes hostile (most commonly verbally) to those who are not Nords. In the case of the Windhelm Dunmer, it has led to the local Nords being more distrustful than ever before. More dialogue from Brunwulf indicates the escalation of racial tension in the city is primarily the result of Ulfric’s “Skyrim for the Nords” rhetoric. This paired with Ulfric’s complete apathy towards the issues faced by non-Nords in his hold communicates a hatred towards them and systematically harms them.
Many players are under the impression that the Dunmer received free housing and live tax free due to what is written in the Decree of Monument."untithed to any thane or hold, and self-governed, with free worship, with no compensation to Skyrim or the Empire”. I’d argue the text is referring to taxes rather than housing, and no other in-game source makes reference to the housing situation either. But does that mean it is true that the Dunmer don’t pay taxes? One of the outcomes of Revyn Sadri’s quest results in him having to pay “increased taxes” to the city of Windhelm, implying that yes, the Dunmer are currently paying taxes. I do not think it is likely that only Revyn or only some Dunmer are paying taxes. It can be fairly assumed then that at some point between 4E 20 (when the monument was placed) and the present time of 4E 201, the Dunmer were made to pay taxes like any other citizen. As for housing, I find it unlikely the Dunmer received the Gray Quarter for free. As stated earlier, it was likely a slum to begin with, meaning it would’ve been considerably cheap to move in. Perhaps offered to them at a reduced price. It is important to note that the Dunmer being refugees at the beginning does not automatically mean they were penniless upon arrival, likely poor, but it would be unrealistic to assume all of them had nothing at all. Realizing now that the Dunmer of Windhelm are tax paying citizens who are continually ignored and othered by their ruler, it surely must be understandable then why they would refuse to fight on behalf of a system that at this point only takes from them. They owe the Nordic administration no loyalty
With a ruling majority that will more often than not shun, insult, or exploit them, It is no wonder then how the Dunmer of Windhelm as a whole have not been able to integrate, that they “keep to themselves”, that they “don’t contribute to the city”. For how can one integrate with those who refuse to ever fully accept them? If you wonder why they do not leave, with what funds could they start anew? If you wonder why they dont help the Nords in their war, why would they fight for a cause that harms them? The system is as the system does, and that system is racism.
Author’s Note
Idk what I wrote all this for lmao. Ive been playing skyrim for over a decade so I guess I thought it would be interesting to engage with the game in another way that's new to me. It was only recently that I got more interested in actually talking to NPCs, learning more about the game world, not just in it for the cool fights and jiggle physics mods (tho i do love em). There's a good degree of guess work here, which I suppose is to be expected with what few pieces that are available we can put together. But I tried to cite as much from official lore as I can. Was def fun trying to take a more nuanced lens to this fantastical game world.
But what do you think? Do you think my analysis is accurate? I'd love to see your opinions on the topic!
submitted by s-atch to skyrim [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:01 Hellopainful420 Fire all my favorite colleagues? I'll get YOU fired and get your position.

This is an old story some of my friends told me (29F) I should share here.. so here I am. Sorry for the long text, but there's a lot to unfold.
This started a few years ago, after I got ghosted by my ex, I decided to switch careers and took the proposal of my brother to work for one of his friend in an organic grocery store in my area. I was 22ish at the time, maybe 21 turning 22, but anyways.
I started working in the fruits and vegetables aisle. Despite having a crazy director, I liked my job and my department manager. After a few months, I got the title of "third key" which is basically I'm the assistant manager when the assistant is gone. Then, they decided to hire a new customer service manager that I will call Linda. That woman was CRAZY. While I was 23 at the time, she was only 20 acting like she owned the world.
To give you an idea, in the span of 8 months being here, she got 11 employees fired for stupid reasons and since our director at the time was just as crazy... it was easier for her to get her way. Also, when I say stupid reasons, I'll give you a few examples: Benji got fired because he was "talking too loud" in the break room and it was disturbing her peace and supposedly making her harder to rest to come back fully ready to finish her shift. Marie got fired because she HAD to take off work to go to a relative's funeral and couldn't give her 2 weeks notice. Rose got fired because she was getting "too old to do her job properly and it was ruining the pace of the team's work" (which is bs, I've never seen someone cut veggies and fruits as fast as her). And I could go on. Yes, some of them could've been able to be protested against and even file a complaint against her. Mind you, outside of Rose, everybody was too young to just wanting to fight for a grocery store job. Even Rose just decided to take her retirement earlier and fucked off the work world lol.
Anyways, she took it too far when she tried to mess with me. To give you the context, we had a huge special on lemons and sometimes, those fruits can get rotten and you don't notice it because there's no smell. The only way you'd know is by going through the several small boxes of like 10ish lemons and look at them all one by one. Which I did regularly, but hey, I'm not a robot, sometimes some of them slipped out of my eyes. I was leaving the backstore with more boxes when I saw Linda with a customer that seemed more than pissed. So I go see both of them because mind you.. she has a LEMON box and I work in the fruits department. So it's kind of my job to help IF I CAN. That's when I asked her "Hey Linda, do you need help with the lemons?" And right away she told me "Fuck off, I don't need your help, I already spoke to your manager. Go do your job for once." My face was literally like this 😳 as I went to my department. Even the pissed customer did a bombastic side eyes.
A few minutes later, I go back to the backstore to fulfill the missing products and my manager pulls me aside. "Hey OP, stay out of Linda's business. I can't protect you all the time for talking back." I stopped him right away asking what does he means cause as soon as she told me to fuck off, I did fuck off. He looked at me surprised and said he'd come back to me with it, but only tomorrow because he's finishing his shift and for some personal reason, he can't stay longer to solve the issue. Since Linda was the manager on guard that night, he told me to stay in the back as much as possible to stay in her good graces. That's what I did.
One hour after my manager left, I heard my name being called in the front office (shared by the customer service manager and director). Big wtf. I go in the front and all of my colleagues are looking at me like I'm a prisoner going to their death sentence. Mind you, I know my laws and my rights. I might be young, but as soon as I got called, I started reciting in my head the main laws and rights she has to respect. I open the door's office and Linda is FUMING. And she is alone. She asks me to close the door and I tell her "No, it is my right to have someone in the room with us for this talk. I am not comfortable being alone with you." She starts freaking out and starts to speak louder, on the verge of screaming. "Linda. This room is recorded 24/7 and the customers can hear you talking to me like that. Lower your tone and find a witness to be in the room or I'll go back to work." She stands up to look outside the office and sees that indeed, there's a line in front of the cash looking to the office's direction. She takes a few deep breaths and calls Gabrielle who takes care of the finances of the store so she can be a witness. From the moment Gab got into the room, she seemed like she wanted to get away, so do I.
Gab took a seat in the back and Linda starts her whole speech. I'll be paraphrasing cause the meeting took almost an hour.
L: You know why I brought you here, right? OP: Not really, I've been in the backstore minding my business. Why? L: Well you disrespected my authority in front of a customer and that's a big no no for the company. OP: For the company or for you? L: OP, this is not the topic. You shouldn't be disrespecting authority in front of customers. It makes the managers look bad. OP: I was honestly just trying to help because you had a box of products from my department. I just wanted to help because the customer looked pissed and I didn't want him to ruin your fragile mood. L: My fragile mood?! Are you fucking serious?! OP: Linda, we are being recorded and we have a witness. I'm asking you to stay polite and not scream or I will file a complaint against you. L: Are threatening me??? OP: No, I am stating my rights and making you aware of where your attitude will lead you. I won't accept being talked like that by someone that ain't even my manager. L: Okay OP, let me remind you where your position stands in this business.
That bitch started to draw a triangle, put her name at the tippidy top and mine at the bottom. I didn't even let her finish what she had to say, I stormed off the office, went into the employees lockers, took my stuff and headed out. Linda ran after me, yelling like a psycho "YOU CAN'T LEAVE LIKE THAT! YOU'RE STILL SCHEDULED FOR THE CLOSE!" I stopped on my steps, making Linda almost run into me and said with the most blank expression I could have "Linda, you crossed a line and since you're so good at your job, close my department for me. I will be filing a complaint against you." And left the work place.
Next morning, I came to work as usual and had to see my manager and the director. I explained them the whole situation and showed the papers I was about to send to file a complaint against Linda. Also, this dumb bitch didn't even throw her pyramid in the trash. It was still on display when the director came in to work and asked me what it was. I asked her to look at the cameras, put the sound on and listen to the whole meeting. We watched it to my director's horror and who came in to work in the middle of our screening time? Linda! She came into the office and Linda being a poc turned white as a ghost. I've never seen her being so so pale. "W-what are you doing?" The director asked Linda to sit down and we watched again the video. Mind you, it took us one full hour to watch because she was in a never ending power trip. She used to be smart when she was bullying and making stories about past employees, doing it far from the cameras and usually using the other office that doesn't have cameras or a microphone, but she wasn't with me. I guess she got comfortable or whatever, but check mate on her ass.
My director said I could go back to work with my manager, that she would take care of the rest. Two weeks later, Linda still had her job, but our director resigned from her job right away. Which was hella weird, but whatever. We got a new director, she was a total sweet heart and she noticed Linda's crazy power trips right away. She decided to launch an intern investigation, but sadly, all the employees Linda bullied were fired. There was only me and my little complaint waiting to be served. When Nancy, our new director, came to me asking if I knew anything about Linda. I gave her the file, the time stamps of the video tape, all the employees she fired for stupid reasons with the old director and also phone numbers of those employees.
Flash forward 2 weeks later, Linda left work earlier, balling her eyes out yelling how Nancy was a bitch and didn't deserve her job. How she always came in earlier, put in the work and yadi yada. Nancy waited a few more days before asking me to come into the office and again, I'll be paraphrasing because a lot have been said.
N: HI OP, don't worry, you're not in any trouble. I just saw your CV and noticed you've had a lot of experience in customer service. OP: Yes, I used to be a cashier for almost 5 years, it was my first job. Why? N: I've seen your file, your CV and how you managed the conversation with Linda. We are actually looking for a new customer service manager since Linda have been let go. OP: What about my actual position? N: It's easier to find a fruits and vegetables commis than it is to find a competent service manager.. as you experienced.
I ended up accepting the position and all my co-workers cheered for my raise. I don't want to brag, but I've always been the one to defend everybody in the place, making sure I'll keep my job in the process and following the laws and rights. A few months later, Linda came back to the store as a customer and the look she had on her face when she saw me at the cash with the manager uniform was priceless. It was even more priceless when she asked me when I got the promotion and I told her the exact date, which matched her departure. "So you got my position when I left?" I just nodded and asked if I could do anything more to help have a better experience in the store. She didn't answer to that and just left after paying her things.
To this day, it's still one of my favorite moments to have been through. I'm not a petty person, but if I can ruin you in the process of me trying to defend my people, I'll be more than happy to do so. Last I've heard of Linda, she was working for the competitor, but never had any promotions.
submitted by Hellopainful420 to pettyrevenge [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:58 rysnotnice Boss hired his bad friend who I have to manage.

I joined a new company a few months back as a Principal Data EngineeTechnical Lead. I lead a very small team of two other engineers. One of them is great, good attitude and when he makes mistakes always willing to improve. Good code reviews etc. The other one is horrible. I come to find out that my manager and him are friends and my manager hired him.
I am at a loss for what to do to handle the situation. He was hired by my boss as a “Lead Data Engineer” but has absolutely no leadership skills. I myself am Indian, but have extreme difficulty understanding him, he also lacks comprehension. My boss has split his work into two teams, me and the other manager have 1:1s and he is also having having difficulty managing him on his side.
I have given him specific examples of where his work didn’t have good quality.
It is like coaching an intern.
I also brought it up with manager and asked him what are your expectations for this Lead Engineer? His answers were all over the place and there is no job description or job competency matrix to use. And I also told him the engineer is not meeting those expectations and then he made a bunch of excuses for him, saying he is really busy etc.
TLDR: My manager hired his friend who has barely any technical or social skills. I brought it up to my manager and he is awkward and avoidant. What should I do as the team leadenot wanting to have my team look bad in front of others/ need more capacity for development work with him not executing.
submitted by rysnotnice to ExperiencedDevs [link] [comments]