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Actual Lesbians!

2009.11.13 23:01 Actual Lesbians!

/actuallesbians — a place for cis and trans lesbians, bisexual girls, chicks who like chicks, bi-curious folks, dykes, butches, femmes, girls who kiss girls, birls, bois, aces, anyone in the LGBT+ community, or anyone else interested! We're not a militant or exclusive group, feel free to join up!

2016.11.26 23:48 lalasugar Forum for Legit and Genuine Sugar Dating Relationships

This is a forum for real sugar daddies and sugar babies, legit sugar daddies and sugar babies, enjoying or looking for genuine sugar dating relationships.

2011.09.01 22:05 What are they? How do I get one?

HealthyRelationships is a community helping better understand what a healthy relationship looks like. Ask your questions and share your experience, tips, and advice.

2024.05.14 22:08 Fafa_1235 Am I wrong for maybe considering to end a friendship because my friend is having a double life

I'm basically just going to jump into this. I'm 15F have a friend group of 4 we've been close and also I met them this year. One of the girls in the group is a junior who move here in the beginning of the year. Before the group of 4 it was actually a trio, but we didn't mind adding another member. But today during 7th period I see a message from our group chat that there is a girl who does not sound like the girl who is a junior sending a voice message. I was confused, because she doesn't have her phone cause her mom took it away in the middle of the year and our school laptop block all social media sites. The three of us thought it was the gf of the guy that like her but she doesn't not like back, because she did logged her account in his phone, but way he found out that she does not like him, because he saw her message cause he forgot to logged her out of his phone. But thw situation was was far from that. As the three of us got dipper too finding out who is this person is. Turns to found out it was actually the gf of the junior. I was so confused and the rest of us as well, because we thought the junior was not gay and told us she used to have a bf and also been through talking stages with guys as well. But the gf of her revealed that she was actually gay and was pretending to not be it and was also cheating on her as well. Mind you her gf and her were still together. The true reason she left her old school, because her parents found out she was dating a girl so they place her to our achool to make her stay away from her gf. Now she to started living a double life. She never actually told us her life from her other school, but I realized I should've ask her about somethings. But with the group chat thing the gf did show us proof of her being together and having a relationship and added the junior old friends from her old school showing them the chats between the guys on her messages and the group chat we are in right now. Mind you, I'm so confused why she would hid this from us and now the gf is saying she going to call her mom and making sure she gets sent to Bahamas.
I'm so confused and I really don't know what to do. Like please send some advice 🙏
submitted by Fafa_1235 to amiwrong [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:08 ThrowRa_Stark07 UPDATE - My (20F) aunt (48F) said I can only go live with my grandad if I come clean to him about my sexuality and relationship, do I tell him or do I stay with her? How would I tell him?

I've posted this last year and some things happened which made me quite proud and I'd like to share how things went. So recap and then update:
So... When I was little, I lived with my mom and stepdad, things were great and we were very happy. Then my mom passed when I was 7y, so I moved with my father and stepmom, things were complicated. Currently, I have no contact with him (he's not a good man nor a good dad), and I live with my aunt (since 2018) and her husband (he came along in 2019).
Me and my aunt had an amazing relationship, she was my favourite aunt and all that. However, things started to go wrong when I started living with her, I made the mistake of answering that yes, I wanted to be treated like her daughter along with her 2 sons (one my age and the other 3 years younger). I had a desperate "need" for a mothefather. She became a kind of "maunt" (mother+aunt), and her husband a "stepdad"... Oh how do I regret this
Well, she has a favourite son, the oldest. He's lazy, arrogant, disrespectful, a typical golden boy who got spoiled his whole life and now he doesn't give a damn about anything other than himself.
For being the other woman in the house, she constantly pushes house chores to me, instead of the boys (subconsciously, i believe), pretty much only asks me about things, where her sons are, if the dogs were fed, if the boys cleaned well whatever room they were supposed to, stuff like that, and she's also constantly very, very rude to me (at the point of her husband arguing with her about it). And I got this whole syndrome of everything being my responsibility and anxiety when it comes to her, which became extremely exhausting over the years.
I came out to her about my bissexuality about 4 years ago, i thought she would take it well. She didn't. She masks her disapproval, but she clearly doesn't like it. I was really let down, I genuinely thought she would be supportive and everything we expect, but she first got confused, then annoyed and has said some very hurtful thing over the years. Currently I have a gf (she's 22 years old), we've been dating for over a year. They don't like each other very much, my gf doesn't like her because of all the things she does to me. And my aunt doesn't care about my gf at all because... well, she a girl.
Ok, that's the context. Now here's what happened.
My aunt send some kind of agressive messages over something silly, and that caused my anxiety on fire for the gazillionth time, only that time I had enough. I called my other aunt (by consideration, she's married to my grandad) and asked for help (she knows everything that goes on), if i could move in with them, she said yes. I then replied my aunt with a text saying i had enough and would move in with my grandad. She got upset and said (among other things) that "i had her blessing to leave, even though i didn't ask for it". She called my grandma (we are very close), and my grandma sent me some awful audios of how disappointed she was, how I made my aunt sad, of what would people think, that i used to be such a sweet girl and now this, of how loving is a choice and i chose not to love my aunt, stuff like that. Aunt and her husband went to dinner with my grandad that night without my presence, and told them we had an amazing relationship, that she didn't knew what happened, that my problem was I couldn't take a "no" for an answer, etc.
Two days later, we sat down to talk, she told me to start, I said all I wanted. She then started saying how that kind of thing should not have been adressed through text (which I agree, but I had to text or I'd freak out), that she was harder on me than the boys because (in another words) the world was rough and she loved me the most.
And then her husband also spoke about how he understands both sides and blablabla, and said that i could go to my grandad, but that they felt like i should understand that i would only go because THEY allowed, if they didn't wanted, i would not go, no matter what my grandparents or aunt (grandad's wife) said. He basically wanted to state their power position.
(Since my mother's death, my whole family on her side feel responsible for me, so i see all of them in the same way. None of them are my mom and dad, they are in the same "level" to me and have the same "right"... Him saying that made me burn inside, like they're entitled to me, I don't belong to them or anyone. They're my aunt and "uncle", that's about it, they think they have something on me that they... Don't)
And then my aunt said that I could go, as long as I told my grandad about my sexuality and girlfriend. Now... He's kind of old fashioned and i'm scared he'll reject me... We have an amazing relationship, I have lunch with them every wednesday, and I'm the closest grandkid he has (the others aren't so invested). So I don't know if I tell him the truth and manage to leave (depending on his reaction) or if I don't risk it and stay in the toxic enviroment i'm in.
UPDATE - 14/05/2024
Hello! So, things got much worse before they got better. Let's give them names so the story telling will be easier, let's call my girlfriend Bea, my aunt Leah, her husband James and my "aunt" (my grandad's wife) Rachel.
I basically swallowed my anger because I couldn't bring mysef to speak to my grandad about my sexuality, my grandparents are the most important people in my life as they've always been there for me and I was terrified to be disliked by him. That was until december.
Early december I was leaving for work and before I left, I tried to "notify" my aunt that Bea would be spending Christmas and New Years with me and my siblings (note: my siblings had been looking forward to her being there, specially my brother and my SIL (Luke and Lyla), they made it a question that she'd go. I have 3 paternal siblings, so there's NO relation between them and my aunt Leah. We'd be staying in a city 3 hours away from mine at my brother and SIL's house, every year we do this). She immediately said "you know I don't like this", I said "yes", she then said "good morning" and I left for college.
The next morning, I was eating before going to work and Leah started talking about it and we started a conversation that developed into a fight. She said things like how dare I "notify" her, how that's not how things work and that it would not happen because THEY (she and James) don't feel confortable with this, how THEY think Luke wouldn't like this because "no one likes to have people over for a week" (he and Lyla were super pumped for Bea to go), how THEY don't know my girlfriend enough (come on, we had been dating for over a year already), how THEY wouldn't like me going with her to a stranger's house (in complete disregard to my point of view, it's my freaking brother, whom they met a couple times btw, not a stranger. But to them, the only meaninful point of view was theirs). She had even called my brother to basically "check my story", like?? She also said that we we're only teenagers (seriously, 22 and 20) , and I said "no, she isn't and neither am I!", she said she didn't say Bea was, I then said "and neither am I", she said I was, because I didn't act like and adult, then I got mad and talked about how I do literally everything around the house, always walk the dogs even when I get home tired at 10PM, even though they got there at 7PM, I help with groceries purchase, pay the water bill, clean the house, do the chores her boys lack to do, and when I'm not home, I'm either at work or college, but when she disagrees about something, she just puts me back in the "teenager box". And in the end, she said that my raising was not like this, this made me laugh in anger inside, she's been with me for 5 years, I'm 20 lol.
So that was it, I left for work and got a text from her, apologizing for being rough, saying that she loved me and wanted it to work, that they wanted to talk to me when I got home. I replied saying the same.
Later that day when we were all home, we gathered in the living room, I was literally against the wall and it intimidated me deeply. James started saying how much they loved me and wanted to see me happy, as they want that for all their children (aunt Leah has 2 boys, my cousins, and James has 3 girls). I then talked and expressed how I was feeling, then Leah started talking and basically said in a nicer tone the same things she said earlier, plus how they want me to be happy and want things to work for me, but they think it's too soon, they believe it's not the right time, they they, and therefore, despite being against what they want, I could take Bea, but only in ONE of the two holidays, which I could choose. I was in a bit of a shock (you see, me and Bea had bought the bus tickets a while earlier), had no support, against the wall, I was feeling purely defeated and tired, I only said "Christmas then...", she then said we would sleep in separate rooms and would not go on the 22th after work because "she had already allowed an extra night by allowing her to stay there until the 25th". I stayed in silence, they asked if there was anything I'd like to add, I said no. It wasn't a conversation, in no moment did they actually listened and considered me, they had their minds set way before we sat to talk. I went to my room and rolled all night in pure anxiety. This was thursday
Friday I was a wreck and went to Bea's house to check on her (she was sick that week) and to talk to her about what happened. She noticed something was off, I told her, she got mad and sad, we cried, etc. I went home feeling awful, my anxiety had been 100% all day long and I was in a really bad place and feeling deeply frustrated.
Saturday I woke up worse and decided that I had enough and was not having that anymore. I went outside and called grandad, talked about how I wasn't feeling well and asked what did he think about me leaving home, he said that their doors were always open and that I could just tell my aunt that "I was going to live with my grandad and that was it". I reframed the question asking what he though about me leaving to live alone, he then got worried and said that he didn't think that was necessary, that I had them and didn't need to do that. He then asked me to come over and talk to him and aunt Rachel. I accepted and told aunt Leah I'd sleep at grandad's.
I got there and ate a bit because I didn't want them extra worried, although I felt like throwing up at every bite. Everyone went to sleep and so did I. I woke up a bit later feeling worst, that's when I started to throw up, there was barely anything in my stomach and all I could do was throw up.
The next morning I was better and had already told aunt Rachel about what had happened, she found it absurd how things went (she had met Bea a while back and they clicked very well) and was upset about the things aunt Leah said. I decided to talk to grandad, I couldn't disappear with the subject again, specially now that he was worried sick about me.
So... I sat on the couch and told him what was happening, explained everything, told him that I'm like his stepson's MIL (she's married to a woman. It was the easiest way I found to introduce the topic), told him everything. He asked what I wanted him to do about it, I said that I just wanted him to still love me the same and remain normal with me, that I am still the same person and have always been this way, he just didn't knew about it, but that it changes nothing about me. Aunt Rachel then joined us and asked what he was thinking about it (she knows everything and is amazing to me), he said he wasn't pleased, but that it was my life and he had no say in it and that I should do what's right for me, said that if I wasn't gonna change, then neither would he. But basically, he got much more worried about my mental health than my sexuality, he said that the doors were still open and always would be for me, that he thought I needed a home and thinks they can offer me that. Aunt Rachel said that they wouldn't be obsessive after me, demanding to know every step I take and bossing everything like Leah did, that I have my graduation, I work, make my own money, am responsible, have my own life and am not a child, I'm a 20 year old adult and they would treat me as such.
So that was it. I went back "home" muchhh more confident and waited until nightfall because everyone was having a good time and I didn't want to spoil that. I realized aunt Leah and James were awake and went to talk to them, and that, my friends, is when hell went loose.
I started by saying I talked to my grandad about Bea and my sexuality, Leah asked how it went and I said it was great. Then I said they could talk to him (since they wanted to "decide" with him about my going), she said ok and asked when I wanted to go, I said that it could be in the same week since I was on vacation from college, she frowned, stood firmly and said "you know this won't change our decision about the holidays, right?" then it went boom, I said I didn't agree with them and that it wasn't right for them to dictate about such things. Told them their values and beliefs don't have to be mine, Leah asked "WHY NOT?", then I replied "because I have my own!".
Told them they were controlling and that made their kids lie to them, that since they liked to compare raisings (they criticized Bea's mom's raising because she gives her kids freedom to live their lives and fully trusts), then fine, I went on to say how Bea and her mom have an amazing relationship, full of love and trust, how Bea turned up great, works hard, just made it to psicology at university, helps immensely at home, and so has her sister. As for theirs? They raised their kids poorly, they are overbearing and that makes their kids not trusting them and lying a lot because of this necessity of them to control everything. I stated that the raising they gave their children was not my own, that I had multiple raisings and that no, they didn't "raise" me, I'm 20 and they've been with me for 5 years. Said that was clear, just look at the difference between me and her boys (I won't delve into this bit because it's not relevant, but the difference is nitid).
They said I couldn't take a no for an answer and that was my dad's fault, I said they didn't know what they were talking about, I know how it actually went whilst they made a story in their heads and believe it's the truth, since I knew how my dad used to tell my family one thing and do another.
They (again) said they wouldn't treat me like an adult because I did nothing to behave like one, I said that they didn't treat me as I deserved and they would always put me in the "teenager box" whenever I acted differently to what they thought was right (but I was adult enough to lend James almost 1k without Leah's knoledge lol).
She obviously tried to blame Bea, saying she was putting things in my head and that the last conversation was fine and now I was throwing a fit, I said that I said nothing else then because I felt cornered and realized it wasn't a conversation, it was them simulating one only to tell me what they were going to all along.
I told them they didn't know Bea because they didn't want to and I wasn't confortable bringing her as it was an enviroment unwelcoming to her, she then asked if i would go another year like this until I "felt confortable", I said yes, if that's what it took, that I didn't really need to introduce anyone if I didn't felt comfortable to it.
She once demanded to go meet Bea, after throwing a fit at my BIRTHDAY because Bea planned a day for me and my MIL wanted to make me lunch and they weren't invited, it was super uncomfortable. My aunt described this day as uncomfortable, in this argument I said "and about that day you guys met Bea and her mom? It was uncomfortable? OF COURSE it was, I TOLD you it would be! I told you that was barging in and no one wanted it!". Which Leah said that no, that wasn't the uncomfortable part, the uncomfortable was how Bea was "daring her, being all over me and kissing me in front of her, that she had to be respected!".... Lol, the being "all over me" was me shaking from the anxiety and Bea holding me to keep me in my feet, the "kissing" was ONE greeting kiss. And Bea did nothing "daring" towards Leah, believe me, if she had, aunt Leah would definitely know lol.
At the end, they asked if I was taking Bea, I said, yes, Leah said no, since she called my brother and told him how "things would go down" (amazes me everytime I remember this, she wanted to dictate how the holidays would go IN SOMEONE ELSE'S HOUSE). Lol, my brother was just texting me saying how Bea could go spend the whole holiday and we'd just say she left after Christmas. So it wasn't a very good argument on Leah's end. I said it was my business and I was sorry, but it was MY brother, MY family, MY relationship, MY life, and it wasn't up for them to dictate on it, they shouldn't feel comfortable or uncomfortable since it had NOTHING to do with them, and that my family who mattered in this were not only comfortable but very excited for Bea's presence.
I told them I knew I wasn't wrong since grandad and aunt Rachel agreed with me, so they could go ahead and talk to them if they wanted to. They ended up showing me their tumb and I left for my room.
Aunt Leah left to grandad's house in like, 5 minutes, cried to him and all. She got back, went in my room and in an ironic tone, said "sorry, I know I'm not your mother, stay with your raisings, I'm just glad and relieved my father wasn't as ok as you thought (her saying this seriously hurt me), he accepted for reasons ans beliefs he has, so go ahead and pack your bags this week, you're free to go. Sorry for the flaws, I was trying to get it right, be careful when you take that sticker off, don't ruin the painting." aaand she left.
The next day, grandad came and we took 90% of my stuff and I started officially living with him and aunt Rachel. Christmas was a bit awkward (my maternal family does this early Christmas so everyone's free on the 24th), but I was glooming feeling like the weight of the world had left my shoulders.
So... I went with Bea to spend the holidays with my family, my siblings, my SIL's parents and even my 1 year old nephew absolutely adored Bea, they now ask about her even before asking about me lol. My paternal grandmother loved her and was amazing, told my aunt (her daughter) that Bea was adorable and loving. It was amazing and I cannot imagine 2023 Christmas and New Year without Bea with us, she added sooo much.
Recently we've been to Luke's and Lyla's at Easter and made Easter eggs together, watched movies, went out, went to a family gathering where Bea, my uncles, cousins and grandmother (who was really happy to see her since Bea couldn't go to her birthday because she had to work) all got along really well.
We see each other frequently, living with grandad and aunt Rachel has been amazing, I'm finally gaining weight! MANY people have noticed it and it quite frankly scared me a bit, I had no idea it was so evident. But yeah, I'm doing great!
Grandad isn't ready to deal with this, so we don't talk about it. He doesn't like it and doesn't really understands, but he's doesn't meddle. Grandma (maternal) texted these days wanting to meet Bea (finally!), since she found out through aunt Rachel that me and Bea are still together and going strong for 1 year and a half already. I think she took it seriously now.
Anyway, it was hell, lol. But things turned out alright! Thank you for the people who commented in my first post, it was nice reading the comments and taking the options into consideration!
submitted by ThrowRa_Stark07 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:08 TempoABC3 Why women on dating apps are such assholes

All my fucking matches never fucking answer back after the first message. Dating app already are cancer for young men and society, but if women on these were more human, it would be at least a little better. How to not become an incel if the only way for shy introverted guys to find someone is through apps on which girls are assholes. I'M A FUCKING HUMAN, YOU AWFUL BITCH, PLEASE HAVE AT LEAST SOME CONSIDERATION FOR ME AND STOP IGNORING ME, OR DONT EVEN BOTHER MATCHING WITH ME. Seriously, how are you even surprised there so many incels nowadays.
I think the funniest app is Bumble, an app where it's the woman who have to send the first message IF ONLY THEY WOULD DO IT, and each time we bring the subject on internet, they says that its so difficult, NO FUCKING SHIT, HOW DO WE GUYS DO IT THEN ? Honestly, if women were at our place, they would kill themselves because of the loneliness.
Also, i already see the comments saying "your first message is just not original" and such but 1. Yes they are, they often are about someting on their profile, or something that they can reply on, 2. Its no excuse to ignore a human being (ignorance is painful) 3. these women are the first to not even send a message with more than 3 words.
So, in the name of every young virgin men like me, GO FUCK YOURSELVES.
submitted by TempoABC3 to lonely [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:08 Heyguyshowyallbeen I (14F) don't know how to tell my girlfriend (15F) that she's making me uncomfortable without hurting her feelings.

I come from a stricter family. Not the point of helicopter parenting but hella close at times. Around 4th grade I started to sneak out, just walk around the neighborhood at night, somedays I would lie to my parents about studying at a friend's and instead meet up with a partner or group to wander around for fun. Just getting out of the house sort of stuff. I value my privacy, and have rarely put myself into dangerous situations willingly. My girlfriend, "G" is opposite, she has parents who allow her to do pretty much anything. Her family all smokes weed, even herself, she's been out to her family since she first liked a girl, and G is just overall given freedoms that I dream of. However, it hasn't always been this way. G's parents used to fight a lot and her older sister often harasses her. She's currently living with 7 family members and 12 pets in a two story house, meaning there's zero space and everyone knows everyone's business.
A few weeks ago she asked me out over text. I semi-expected it because of our increasing interactions and subtle hints from both directions. We started dating and all was well, really. But G has been a bit too much for me. I'll just bullet down some recent issues.
These are a few of the reasons why I'm uncomfortable around her. I really do want to date her, she's been kind and thoughtful so far, but I'm just not myself with her. I should mention that G has autism and is on medications since beginning of this year. I like her for her personality and this is really dampening my feelings. Should I tell her, if so, how????
submitted by Heyguyshowyallbeen to teenrelationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:08 Immediate-Ground4863 VIT Chennai

What is the total fees in VIT Chennai category 1 ECE?(expected). Please include hostel as well as mess fees(taking an average).
Also, how ​is VIT for girls?
submitted by Immediate-Ground4863 to Vit [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:07 BasicallyJustAnIdiot 30[M4F] California - You have no idea how attractive I find a woman who can speak her mind and speak a lot...

I realized recently that I kind of use Reddit as a diary. The place to share things that I wouldn't normally be able to and reflect on what I have been through.
So welcome to my mind I guess, and I find someone talkative and animated amazingly attractive. I've had a problem on here recently of people barely talking to me after they reach out, and I have to wonder what the point of online dating is if you barely say a word while the other says everything else.
I'll write 3 full paragraphs and get "Oh okay that's cool" and nothing else.
It's honestly super important to me because on the talkative and extroverted scale I am very high up and basically spend all day just trying to experience new things and talk to people where I can.
I absolutely LIVE for a good conversation and find myself growing stressed and bent out of shape if I find myself isolated. I often annoy or overwhelm quieter, more shy folks so I want someone to match my energy and have the type of relationship where we stay up until 3 in the morning doing absolutely nothing but sharing stories and flirting when you find a real connection.
Everything you have to say to me would be important even the most mundane of stories and you would be my priority.
I wouldn't call myself clingy and I realize you have a life, I don't want to know what you're up to all the time and I won't keep tabs on you. But realize I genuinely care about what you're life is like, and find great joy in spending time with someone and if you can't make time for that then what's the point of being together?
Maybe I just want someone to adore me as much as I adore them. Someone I can build a future with and gives me motivation and happiness.
I don't really have an idea of what you would look like. I don't really have a "type" whereas most men seem to have a list of traits their ideal woman should have like a coffee drink or something. Hair color, eye color, and nationality never mattered to me though I do find shorter women more attractive (I am six feet tall myself). Hopefully you're not old enough to be my mother or so young it would be creepy.
I want to slow down and relax with someone and be stupid together. Go out and explore the world because shared experiences are always so much more special in my memories than ones where I was alone.
I've been working too hard and been too on my own lately so I dare you to make me stop and think for a moment.
I got time I promise.
submitted by BasicallyJustAnIdiot to R4R30Plus [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:06 Vic_yyz Ex-girlfriend accuses(wrongly) me of catfishing her. She involved the police.

Short version: EX from almost a decade ago thinks I catfished her after we ended up at the same gym. She contacted police who said there is no evidence and case is closed and continues threats and contacting people surrounding me. I don’t want to get police involved as I need a clean background check for some legalities and don’t want to have an open case from her or my side. What should I do?
So I’m a woman, was in a relationship with a woman back some years years ago. I was in my early 20s, she was in early 30s. We started off really well, great understanding, she was in a straight relationship(not open) of over a decade and she wasn’t ready to leave, but wanted to try it with a woman. I was also in a relationship(open) with my back then partner. We would see each other pretty much daily, sometimes twice a day. She was very open about her occupation, relationship and lots of personal information, so was I. I’m only saying this to emphasize that she does have a tendency to overshare with strangers. So 2 weeks in, things developed a little too fast for me as a young girl who would catch feelings too fast and her who did not know how to control the dynamic since she’s only been with one person her entire life, so after another nice date I told her something like “you give me fuzzy feelings” or stuff like that and she goes completely crazy telling me that she doesn’t want to continue that anymore, she’s too scared, and all that stuff. Hard to recall the exact wording after literally almost 10 years. I actually went back to my old email to see if I emailed her and sure thing, I did. It was really stupid emails aka “sorry for saying stupid shit, I don’t want to lose you”. I want to emphasize that I have never said anything threatening, never looked for a meeting with her and actually haven’t seen her since. Long story short, I was on a dating app about 6 weeks ago and saw her there. Just wrote hello and apologised one more time for me being dumb back the and asked what is she up to. She never replied and I didn’t even remember about it. So about 3 weeks ago I was trying out a new gym in the area and bumped into her there. I’ve taken about 4 classes before bumping into her, saw her in the end of the class. She left early and I was leaving early for work too. Approached her by name, she told me she has to go and I was like “whatever”. I then took more classes and bumped into her in 1 more but kept distance, not even an eye contact. My last class, she came in last, saw me and caused a scene at the front desk. I could tell it was about me and just decided that it will be my last class ever at this studio. I did a stupid thing by messaging her that day to explain that I was just on a run with my dog, saw a promo and decided to try that gym and that I won’t be extending my membership so she can have it all to herself and she could’ve just asked if she was so concerned. She replied back very aggressively telling me to move on with my life, leave her alone and telling me “stop messaging her from fake accounts” and that I am catfishing her. I am not. It was a pure coincidence and the incident was pretty much over as I already knew I won’t be coming back to that gym. She then told me that I am lying because I don’t even live in the area(I used to live over an hour away when we dated but I’m literally 5-10 minutes away for the past 4 years), and I had no idea she was in the area as she lived about 30 minutes away when we dated. So I couldn’t keep up with her hysterical behaviour and just blocked her. Long story short, she registers an Instagram account with my name in it and threatens me with the police and telling me that some random person I don’t know “knows the truth”. Instagram, of course, does nothing to remove it. About 2 days later I actually receive a call from the police. They told me she has no grounds for the report, but they still have to question me as it is a “domestic dispute”. She called me her “former partner” and accused me of “cornering her at the gym twice, touching her and demanding answers”. I was incredibly grateful for cameras in the lobby as we were never out of the sight so the police could see that we had 2 wrap around couches between us and about 2 meters, our interaction lasted about 15 seconds total. I has to literally walk them over the fact that we were a hook-up of 2 weeks, not partners, she had an actual fiancé, and I would never touch her or restrict her. The officer said that he was not aware of our past history, and thought we were partners. He told me that they don’t see any ground for the case and it’s closed, even suggested that I don’t have to change my gym even though it might be a good decision not to trigger her. Now, the problem is that she keeps inserting herself into my life, I am pretty confident she contacted my current gym instructors and turns out she used to come to my gym in the past. I am fearing that she will end up coming to my work or messaging my friends/colleagues with her BS. I am currently in a process that requires a crystal clear background check, and I don’t want to have an active police report with my name on it. I am literally living in anxiety 24/7, had to contact a suicide hotline last night as it was when I discovered the message from the account with my name on it. I am leaving my regular gym. I am seriously considering changing my phone number and deleting my accounts. I am in fear that this person will do everything in her power to ruin my relationship with more people until she gets her revenge for something I have nothing to do with… I don’t know what to do.
submitted by Vic_yyz to catfish [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:05 United_Wolverine_650 AMITAH?

Might delete later. Background info of myself. I (M 19) got broken up with by F17 last month. It was a very short relationship, & I still got love for her because the reason for breakup is neither of our faults at all, just wrong timing.
However, I decided to try and get back into the dating scene because I can’t be dwelling.
I think I personally dodged a bullet with the new girl (f19)because it was a few red flags.
1) she told me she doesn’t eat vegetables& hasn’t ate them since she was a little kid.
2)even though she declined my offer when I offered to order her something to eat, she kept saying “oh you got money money” when I mentioned I was able to help the family out of some financial troubles because of a grant I received.
3)She told me she was painting her nails & I asked to see them. & she was like “My feet?” Then basically tried to make it seem like it was weird. (She’s religious and never done anything sexual, so this is no shocker. But I never meant anything sexual)
For two weeks I was texting the new girl. Everything was going good, we were even planning on going on a date after we both are finished with our finals. But yesterday that all changed.
We said Goodmorning to each other, then I sent her a couple shirtless pics & asked if they looked good. She blocked me on my Snapchat & phone number. AITAH? Like I’ve definitely posted shirtless pics on my story before so I don’t get the issue? Maybe it was too early in the day? No boundaries were ever stated so I don’t know. It’s not like I pulled my dick out without permission or something.
submitted by United_Wolverine_650 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:02 SubstanceIcy395 Help with trying to get over my ex

Help with trying to get over my ex
Hello everyone. I’m currently trying to get over my ex. I don’t know how much back story I need to provide but to make it short. My ex broke up with me because “ he just doesn’t have those feelings for me anymore.” He hurt me a lot in the past and he recognized that and I gave him multiple chances until a walk around my heart came up and he told me I had to trust him that he would make everything right and after everytime he disappointed me again. We dated for about a year and a half and near the end of the relationship ( Last 2 months ) is when he finaly decided to change. After this my heart wall was still up and I saw I was hurting him but doing that and I decided to apologize for how I made him feel and how he felt unappreciated— ( He basically felt how I felt for a year ). After I apologized we made up and we decided we were going to love eachother how we wanted and we agreed to go with eachother. During this talk I gave him an opportunity to leave and he said he wanted to grow with me. A couple days later he said he wasn’t sure if he was ready to be in a relationship because of his class exams and broke up with me. And later said he was emotionally unavailable and just wanted to be friends. It hurt me really bad cause I felt a knife pierce through my heart and I was grieving the loss of someone who is still alive. I decided I didn’t want to be friends with him because of this and decided to go no contact and block. After two days I seen he sent me a message ( I blocked through my phone number but the message went through to my icloud) and he sent me this message. Later I texted him and we had a conversation if me pleading but he said he just didn’t have the same feelings for me anymore—- Love but just friends and that hurt me even more. I blocked again and broke no contact a couple of times to find out he was talking to multiple girls and he’s going to cut of those girls for one girls and it just hurts because I don’t understand how he lost feelings for me and how he told me he was emotionally unavailable then just starts dating days after we break up. While I’m here trying to heal I keep going through our old messages and conversations to figure out how this happened. I truly love him and care about him and I never felt this way before it hurts so bad. He was my first everything. This message I attached is one that keeps bothering my mind and I cry everytime thinking of it.
He hurt me a lot the first year of our relationship— he never cheated ( to my knowledge) and that’s why hating him isn’t working for me. He neglected me, didn’t protect me, and didn’t listen to my concerns of our relationship and every problem I would bring up he would make so many excuses and I told him that I felt he didn’t love me. He said: I did love you, I just didn’t know how to show it.
Maybe that is true but I just don’t understand. I wish I never met him 😔
submitted by SubstanceIcy395 to heartbreak [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:00 nehadixit7 Deteriorated Relationship Between Half Siblings

This is me venting but am also curious to know what everyone's relationship is like with half-siblings. Here's my story. I'm sorry in advance for how long this is, along with the grammarun-ons. I'm trying to give the Reddit community as much context as I can dating as far back as my memory takes me.
I (F 28) have two younger biological sisters (identical twins, F 25). The three of us were born after my dad married my mom (arranged marriage) after he and his first wife got divorced.
I believe my dad's first marriage lasted about 10 years. They had two kids together (my half-siblings). My older brother and I have an 8-year age difference, and my older sister and I have a 10-year age difference. Growing up, they used to visit us a few times a year including summer break or alternating holidays. Sometimes they would visit during Thanksgiving, other times during Christmas.
We used to be pretty close (at least I thought), but the relationship has become increasingly strained through the years. I understand the fact that there are ALWAYS two sides to every story, but I believe that my dad was on the right side of things and the marriage ended because two people weren't compatible and got married too young. It's always unfortunate when there are kids involved, and I'm sure it was tough with my older siblings being impacted at a young age.
It started when our grandpa (my dad's dad) passed away in November 2015. My brother suddenly stopped talking to my dad/our family immediately for whatever reason. He was the only person that didn't come to my grandpa's funeral. I honestly think he was holding a grudge that he didn't find out immediately when my grandpa passed, but I can't be too sure. We've never addressed that directly.
Fast forward 8 months to July 2016, when my dad's side of the family had a reunion at a first cousin's wedding. The vibes from my brother were like nothing had happened, and then after the wedding weekend, he was back to being silent. When my grandma (dad's mom) passed away in June 2019 he didn't show up to the funeral then either. Granted I didn't, but not because I didn't want to. I was a poor grad student and couldn't afford an $800 ticket on short notice and didn't want to burden my parents to pay for me to fly back for a couple of days either on top of how busy they were with funeral arrangements.
My brother went about 5 years to not talk to my dad or any of us. Then, out of nowhere, he calls one day to announce that he's getting married. The wedding is set for October 2022. I think he was buttering up my dad and our family to come to the wedding, because he knew it would look bad if everyone asked where his dad was for his wedding, and it would reflect poorly on him. The communication in 2022 was pretty consistent leading up to the wedding, and my older siblings would call my dad almost every weekend knowing that they needed us to show up to the wedding.
My older sister (F 38) had a baby girl in July 2018. Our dad was thrilled, his oldest daughter made him a grandpa. But there is clear separation and favoritism there, as my niece only sees her mom's side of the family being in the same area in the DMV. For those who aren't familiar with DC/MD/VA, my older sister lives in Virginia, in Arlington, and her mom lives in Herndon. About a 30-minute drive from each other. My parents live across the country in Orange County, so visits are far and few in between for my dad and his grandchild. I live on the Maryland side, and the state line between Maryland and Virginia is roughly 30 min, depending on where you go and the time of day. Anyway, I don't even know if my niece knows that she has another grandpa, outside of what she knows about my sister's mom and stepdad, and my brother-in-law's parents, who split time between the US and Nepal. I feel so bad for my dad because that's his grandkid too and everyone deserves the joy of being involved in their grandkids lives. My dad has seen my niece several times but the relationship is pretty surface level. It's not her fault, she doesn't know him like she does my sister's mom and stepdad, plus it's a proximity thing living on opposite sides of the country. We have FaceTime for these reasons though.
My husband and I aren't ready to have kids yet, and we want them. We've only been married for almost 7 months so we're still trying to live life before we settle down. I hope nothing more than to be able to give my parents a grandkid one day because I want my dad and mom to experience what they missed from my older half-siblings isolating them from their kids. That is if I'm able to have kids, I know we can't control these things.
This brings me to my next point (if you're still reading this, I appreciate you). My husband and I got married in October 2023. Our parents on both sides did everything they could to give us the wedding of our dreams, and it was everything we imagined and hoped for, and I'm forever grateful for that. I know that my wedding hit my dad harder emotionally than the first two with my older siblings because he was not at all involved during theirs. That wasn't by choice, my older siblings' mom probably didn't want him to be involved. Divorced dynamics are so confusing. You're telling me you can't come together and be civilized for a day/weekend? After my wedding, a few months later, sometime in January or February 2024, my dad called me to talk about how my sister was upset after our wedding and she vented about a few things with him on the phone. He was relaying the message over.
For context, I uploaded our wedding pictures on Facebook, because I have so many family members overseas in Nepal who weren't able to attend the wedding, and it was honestly the most convenient way to showcase our pictures since people in Nepal are ridiculously active on Facebook. My sister has social media, my brother got rid of his TwitteFacebook/Instagram/everything many years ago. Our photographer took several thousand pictures throughout the wedding weekend events, and of course, there were moments captured of my older sister and her family, including my brother-in-law, and niece. I will admit out of spite since my sister never posts anything about me and my dad/family, I tagged but then later on deleted those pictures she was in. Why would I have pictures of her on my social media when she's never posted anything of us? She doesn't even like or comment on anything on my social media, and when you have siblings, this is not something you discuss, you just do it. Duh. Over the last few days, I unfollowed her and unfriended her on Facebook and Instagram. For me, it makes no sense to keep people on my newsfeed if I don't interact with them, and I have plenty of family members and friends that I already have a strongemore communicative relationship with.
If my sister was upset about this, why did she call my dad to vent about this months later instead of coming to me? My dad told me she complained that he didn't mention her or my older brother during his speech at our wedding. But am I wrong for thinking, why would he? It's a celebration for me and my husband. I thought that was very conceited and selfish. The day wasn't about her, and my dad's speech was so heartfelt that I cried. I believe she was offended she didn't get the same during hers. However, my sister and brother never asked our dad to give a toast at their weddings. Only their mom did, which is messed up in my opinion.
I understand divorce is messy and complicated, and people go through years of therapy to fix, or maybe even never fix issues completely. It's hard, and I'm just a product of his second marriage. But I've never understood the jealousy that seems to exist, specifically between my older sister and me.
I tried reaching out to both of them in a group iMessage, talking about how I am not happy with the way they're treating our dad. My brother has stopped calling my dad completely over the last few months since his son (my dad's second grandkid) was born a few months ago in February. My sister calls maybe once a month. I wanted to confront them about this ongoing behavior and ill will toward our family. They didn't even have the guts to respond to me, I suggested if they have time to FaceTime so we can have a real adult conversation about what is their issue. My parents are flying to DC this weekend and the original plan was to drive a few hours north so they could see my brother's baby. No communication with my brother whatsoever to coordinate. I feel devastatingly sad for my dad.
I'm not even going to get into their treatment of my mom. That's another long story, but basically, it's them not giving a hoot about her, even though she's the one who took care of them and stepped up when they visited growing up. As a stepmom, it's hard to deal with kids from a previous marriage. But she did it and she loves them, and they're nothing but passive-aggressive and mean to her. They never wish her happy birthday, happy Mother's Day, or my parents happy anniversary. It takes two seconds. For me, if you disrespect my parents, you're disrespecting me.
Since then, my sister has unfollowed and unfriended everyone on social media, including my dad, my younger sisters, and my husband. All because she couldn't handle that I did that to her. I'm just not for this nasty behavior, and I know we all need to unpack a lot in therapy (me and my older siblings specifically). Their behavior is cowardly, and I can't be the only one that thinks this, right? I don't know. It didn't have to be like this. I'm sure their mom has been telling them bad things about the marriage and my dad for years. I'm not saying he probably didn't make mistakes, but there are, once again, two sides to everyone's story. None of us kids have heard both sides directly from the source, and probably never will. It makes me sad, especially for my dad. I know life will go on. I tried to reach out, and if they don't want to talk about these issues like adults, then I have nothing else to say.
submitted by nehadixit7 to family [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:58 Alive_Library_7159 I 23M her 22F How to overcome from a guilt after a relationship

So i dated this girl from 2 year ago ig,and i really loved her from the day we meet each other i wanted to do everything for her i eventually learned many things to make her happy i always used to sacrifice my own happiness in order to make her happy so recently from past few months we have arguing alot as I wasn't been able to give her much time due to some of my family issues and all ,but later on I took her on a trip which made us close to each other again but eventually problems started to show up again and one day she asked me for a breakup ,even though we had few breakups before but we eventually ended up coming back to eachother as i always knew that she is not a person to cheat on me or she will move to some other guy ,but recently when we had a breakup I found out that she started dating a guy which eventually made me mad i just wanted to meet her for a last time to try to fix things between us i thought I still can fix our relationship as i always loved her more than anything but when she refused to meet me I let my anger issues ruined everything i could have posibily fixed I said so many harshful things to her as I was very angry that she found herself a new guy , she eventually completely cut of me from her life and got rid of all those things I gave her ,its almost a month from that incident but I'm still seeing her in my dreams I'm trying my best to focus on my life I'm working out daily but that regret in my head that I said so many harshful things to her and the fact that I loved her sm even after that i said all those things to her makes me feel guilty and bad about myself i really wanna overcome from her ,she was a part of my life but i never thought we would end up like this
submitted by Alive_Library_7159 to RelationshipIndia [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:58 Professional_Cat7918 Should I break 3 weeks of no contact to hate message my ex

Me (27M) was dating this girl (26F) for about a year. Towards the end, I found out she cheated on me - which we tried to fix, but we just started to become distant. When we mutually decided to break up, she said that “you not being there for me drove me to him” - to which I felt terrible about and did stupid things (real stupid things) and tried to get her to talk to me and tried to fix things. I apologised for not being there for her and was promising her that I’ll change :/ which now that I think about it, was so fucking stupid of me because I did everything for her. We ended things on a pretty bad note - but I want to write her one hate text saying fuck you, you cheated on me - I was no where wrong. Something along those lines. Is it worth it?
submitted by Professional_Cat7918 to ExNoContact [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:58 Physical_Art_6494 Advice on how to work out if I'm bi or not

I (29f) just got out of my first relationship, we were together for 7 years, I was a late bloomer as I never had any desire for a romantic relationship with a man or women until I met him. At some point around 16/17 I stoped calling myself straight, stopped correcting people when they assumed I was gay, I toyed with the label bi in my head and but because I was scared of relationships and intimacy as a whole I never explored any further. I made my first lesbian friend at 19 and felt an instant attraction to her but she was in a relationship and I was too scared of everything to talk to her about it. I brushed it off as her just being a very flirty person and assumed everyone felt that way. Eventually something clicks and I download tinder, I set it to both guys and girls, im flirting with everyone and anyone but I fall for the first person to ask me on a date. During the 7 years I told him, and some of my friends I think I'm bi, naturally he says I can't be because I've never been with a women but my friends are not surprised. Often throughout the 7 years two of my closest friends would say that if we ever broke up they see me settling down with a girl, I dismiss this because I'm in love and breaking up isn't an option. Fast forward to now I've been diagnosed autistic, my friends are eagerly excited at the prospect of me getting a girlfriend, and I am totally lost as to what I want or where to start in trying to work it out. I've been debating reaching out to my old lesbian friend, because I think understand my thoughts and fears, but we lost touch a few years ago and she is currently quite busy during rugby season.
Sorry this is so long, once I started typing I couldn't stop!
submitted by Physical_Art_6494 to bisexual [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:57 Bloodfetish666 My (27F) boyfriend (33M) doesn't trust me and makes me miserable. Any advice on how to leave?

I've been with my current boyfriend for 7 months. Things moved really fast and I moved in after 3 months of dating. He has two kids (one biological and one that is the half brother of his son). Living with him has been very difficult. But I never expected things to get so bad.
He's been through a lot of bad relationships. His most recent one was 7 years ago and he was cheated on constantly. My last relationship was 4 years ago and I was severely abused. He didn't have sex or contact with women for 7 years. He is constantly distrustful of me. We've gotten into so many arguments because of really immature shit. Our most recent argument was because I didn't kiss him goodbye before leaving for work because I thought he fell asleep and I was late for work. That turned into a screaming match when I got home.
He also went through my phone last night because he asked who I was talking to and I told him. I was talking to my previous lover's brothers. We'll call him J. J took his own life last year and I've been grieving. I got in touch with J's family and want to plan a trip to see them (they live in England). I got up to take a shower and noticed my phone was moved. While I'm at work today, my boyfriend randomly "suggested" that I go on a trip to England and meet them. He was really aggressive and pushy in the texts and said how he thinks that would make me "so happy". He constantly thinks that he doesn't make me happy (he makes me miserable because of his behavior). He clearly read my conversation. He also made a joke about me to his friend. The "joke" was that his long hair is the only thing I'm attracted to in the bedroom and how that's barely even enough. I haven't had sex with him in weeks because of how awful he treats me.
He also has accused me of cheating because his boss was talking about something that my boyfriend and I discussed days before. His boss also told him that some "random girl knocked on my door today and I let her in". He freaked out and thought it was me. Google maps tracks all of my travels with locations, dates and times. I had to show him that so he would believe me. I've proved him wrong time and time again whenever he thinks I'm lying or cheating and then he just finds something else to be paranoid about.
I'm so miserable and want to leave once I have the money to find a place. He isolates me from friends and family because he thinks that I'm cheating on him whenever I leave the house (I literally leave just to go to work). I'm so miserable and I have no one to talk to about this, so here I am looking for some advice from strangers. Thank you for reading 🧸
submitted by Bloodfetish666 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:57 Own-Construction-528 AITAH for telling my girlfriend she isn’t ’mom material’

We’re less than a year into our relationship. I am 27, shes 25. She has a child of her own- 4 year old little girl.
My girlfriend is pushing for a kid, we’ll have sex and she’ll get upset when I use condoms and also told me that she wants “3 more kids” which I think is a little extreme.
I am sort’ve rethinking this whole relationship the more involved I start to get. As a mom, she doesn’t seem to be very involved in her child’s life. Her parents are her babysitters and she uses them every single day. She has a job and works 3-4 days a week, but spends most of her off days partying with her cousins.
Just last week for example, she was on Snapchat all 4 days she had off drinking with her friends. This is not an unusual thing for her.
When I brought up that she acts very immature, she exploded back about how she’s been a single mother for 3 years and she needs some time for herself as well and it’s really hard on her. She then told me that she doesn’t know anything because I’m not a dad. I told her I wasn’t planning on being one anytime soon as she isn’t ’mom material’ and pissed her off.
Little more about her.. her baby daddy hasn’t contacted her since he found out she was pregnant, so it’s been just her this whole time. Dwelling deeper into her partying nature.. I found out she got a DUI shortly after we started dating that she tried to hide from me.
submitted by Own-Construction-528 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:56 ThrowRA_chickennugg I (19F) always feel like my bf(20M) is cheating on me but I know he isn't

Okay so firstly - my bf and I have dated in the past but broke up because he would lie about little things (not like a major lie or cheating or anything - when we dated he was super loyal) and also our friends caused a lot of mistrust between us by stirring up drama (made fake dms of me saying i love you to another guy and the same for him and sent each other). I think I might have a few trust issues from that but he's been reassuring me and helping me work on them.
We got back together and have been together for almost a year now and I don't think he's ever breached my trust as such. He is generally a very quiet guy who does keep to himself and I'm the opposite so sometimes I get bugged when I don't know everything. He doesn't lie to me but there are times where he just doesn't tell me things - like he forgot/thought it wasn't important etc and that makes me question if he's hiding things from me. He doesn't really do anything suspicious that confirms if he is cheating, we just don't talk a lot everyday which can trigger my anxiety.
Recently, I had issues with his ex following him on insta and everything but we managed to sort that out and he cut off all contact with her her - it took some time because his friends were involved and shit just got very messy as his ex made a huge scene about it and all his friends went against him for that. Anyways he still made our relationship public to them and told them that he was dating me. This incident made my trust issues act up again and I've been trying to recover but my mind just won't rest...
Other than that this guy does everything for me and i mean EVERYTHING - he's trying to get good relations with my family so that they like him for me, supports and cares for me a lot, and just makes me happy in general - he's practically my dream guy. His family also likes me a lot. He never says no to anything I ask him to and always tries his best to meet my needs.
His only issue is academics and I know he struggles with that. He recently mentioned that he was studying with a female friend of his and my anxiety just got triggered because I was like "what if he's cheating on me with her" There's absolutely no signs of it at all because there's no difference in his behaviour as such and he's pretty much been the same, only a lot more busier than usual due to exams - but he still takes a bit of time out everyday to text or call me. He normally doesn't talk to girls/has a lot of female friends, he's mostly around guys so this just felt weird to me... Especially since he's gone for hours and hours at the library with her - it just makes me anxiety worse even though I know he's studying all day.
I just don't know why my mind just immediately goes there when I know he isn't the kind to do such a thing... I wouldn't call this a gut feeling tbh, it's more of an anxious feeling....
TLDR: Bf's so nice to me and makes me really happy but upon the mention of his female study partner I get triggered and wonder if he's cheating.
submitted by ThrowRA_chickennugg to RelationshipIndia [link] [comments]


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submitted by shaneka69 to mytarotreadings [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:52 glamourgirl1203 I 39F randomly blocked by longtime friend 39M over seemingly nothing—what do I do?

Very long bc I can’t keep 10yrs of friendship simple, nor can I constructively explain without being all over the place :)—we 39f and 39m have 10yrs of friendship. 6yrs has been from a distance although we would meet up every year until 3yrs ago. When we first met, we tried to date but realized we’re better friends. We’d hook up in between relationships bc we’ve always been attracted to eachother and we’re bored/lonely. That finally stopped about 4yrs in. He dated a girl for 5yrs and 2yrs into that, him and I had an unhealthy friendship which led to inappropriate acts behind his gf back bc he was unhappy and I was bored(nothing physical). I knew he wasn’t taking the relationship serious so I didn’t care about our actions—until I did. I didn’t like contributing to bringing that side out of either of us and we stopped talking completely, 2yrs ago.
2 months ago he finally had the balls to walk away from the relationship and text me. We caught up life/families, I apologized for my part in everything a couple years ago, he did the same. Mentioned he’s not happy being single but it was for the best and he’s trying to figure his life out and plans on starting therapy for some issues he deals with. Backtracking—in the past, we’ve had differences of opinion and he’s been so quick to go off and insults were his go to. It was clear he can be uhinged sometimes but does pretty well keeping that side under wraps. Ive always thought of him as a narcissist, but as long as im not a target, I dont see a problem with a friendship. (He can be an extremely ugly person to people and his mom history of mental issues so I recognize he has been affected).
Anyway. We were texting on Mother’s Day about random stuff and he brought up the govt/eptein thoughts and I told him I don’t waste my time on investigating stories and building an opinion—he made a comment about me being like his ex and how we just turn a blind eye to bad things that are going on. It’s not untrue but I don’t spend time looking into stuff like that in order to have an opinion when the topic comes up. The conversation went from common interest to him telling me I’m like his ex and turn a blind eye to bad things going on. Literally tells me to take care and blocks me. It made no sense and I couldn’t believe it. I emailed him and told him we’ve now eachother too long for such a random act without explanation. I also acknowledge he’s going through alot and asked him to unblock me so I can better understand him. 2 days later, he texts me “ok”. Clearly in response to my email. Wtf do I do? He’s so quick to shut people out and it hurts my heart when people do that while going through emotional times in life. It’s so unhealthy to be alone and isolate—I know first hand. But wtf do I say? Or do I just let it be and tell him I’m here if he needs anything and leave it at that? Bravo if you made it this far lol
submitted by glamourgirl1203 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:52 hyperqueenn I keep debating on whether I [25F] should stay with my long distance BF [23M], advice?

So we're about to have our 1 year anniversary soon. He's not a crazy long distance away, he's 5 hours from me by car. He's litterally the most perfect guy i've ever dated. He's messaged me almost every morning and night cute goodnight/goodmorning messages. I work as a waitress/bartender so I could realistically work anywhere, but being far from home is hard, and the people in his town are just not the type of people i'd get along with, or at least close to. Finding work there has been surprisingly hard for me, as I can get into fancy places where I live here, and people will keep me on the payroll forever over here. On top of that, I had a doubt ever since the beginning about him, when it comes to girls especially. The girls in his town don't look interesting compared to the city we both come from, so even if he says he's loyal, I feel like he hasn't had much exposure, and I suspect him flirting with my brothers gf (sometimes making me the butt of some jokes just to make her laugh - she's 35 btw lol but she's pretty too). I honestly don't know I might be crazy, regardless it's giving me a reason to emotionally disassociate myself with him right now. I've already mentioned it to him once, he denied anything with a laugh, and I don't see the point of talking about it again. But I also know that he's a really good guy, he looks great, and is an amazing bf, which is so rare to see and I'm so so scared of losing him for that reason, which is why I cut him some slack. We also get along in person. Facetime simply gets boring really quickly. And if we're out in a party, were definitely not "two peas in a pod"; we have very seperate convos, and I don't even see him ever getting along with my friends at all. My friends and family are something super important to me, as well as the need to be financially 100% independent, but I'm so scared of losing this DIME though. My parents and aunt really want us to stay together too, which creates extra pressure for me. I don't want to end up in another loop of finding dogshit men who only care to play with people's feelings. And being single, seems kinda pointless to me right now. I've been single long enough in my life, or in pointless relationships too. I would hate to end up with higher standards if I left him, only to end up being 50 with no one in their life. But I also want to be single ? I don't know what to do with this feeling honestly.
submitted by hyperqueenn to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:52 Visual-Disk-6521 My girlfriend 21F of 3 years left me 23M 9 months ago for a guy she met on tinder, we continued talking and being intimate... Now things are getting serious between them and I don't know what to do? Please help...

This is gonna be an interesting one and Ill probably get a ton of hate because maybe I'm an idiot but anyways... (LONG and IN DEPTH WARNING)
Me and this girl were together for around 3 years but have known each other since before we were even teenagers as she was my sisters best friend growing up. We had hooked up a couple times in high school and both lost our v cards to each other which idk if it matters but I guess I'm going into detail on this lol.
The summer she graduated we started hooking up again. One thing led to another and from very early on we both seemed to have intense feelings and a crazy connection.
After this she went to college in the medical field and I continued to work. She wasn't far away so I would go spend weekends with her and basically anytime she had outside of being in class and studying we were either together or on facetime for hours. (So before anyone says anything about college, she did not go out and just wasn't that type of girl)
The bad part of all this which ultimately could be what go us where we are is that her parents strongly disliked me and did not approve of me so she basically wasn't allowed to see me or date me but we continued working around that.
Her parents were abusive her whole life and became "helicopter parents" which caused her a lot of trauma and she would do anything to not upset them. (They checked her location constantly and would call her all the time to check in even though she's 21, she never got in trouble and was basically an "angel child" in her fam)
During the time we were together I would say every few months she would go into this panic attack mode of feeling that she was doing the wrong thing and that we couldn't keep going (because of her parents) but every time she would say she didn't know what to do because she loved me so much but felt like she couldn't be with me and that her parents would never let it work.
Multiple times we went over a month without talking and when we would start talking again it would be like we never left and we would both be dieing to see each other as soon as we could and then the time we would finally spend together would be euphoric and we would talk about how we don't want to be apart anymore.
That only happened once or twice other than those times we just couldn't stay apart from each other. For the reason of what I thought might be "true love" which these days in this generation seems nearly impossible to find.
Around the middle of last summer she finished her school year and had started hanging out with one of her friends from our home town (This is a girl whos never had a father figure, sleeps around every weekend, was always a big drama starter and does not have any goals or ambitions) As you can tell I don't like her because of exactly those reasons and my girlfriend was the complete opposite so I thought she was a bad influence.
During this time everything was great, we were seeing each other just about every day, being intimate and everything just seemed completely normal and fine.
Until one day she was hanging out with that girl and some of that girls friends... I had called a couple times to check in on her later that day/ evening with no answer or call back as well as texted which seemed odd but didn't think much of it but then everything seemed off for the next week or so until she eventually called me and said she didn't think we should keep talking because it wont work out long term and she had felt that I was overly concerned with her where abouts and what she was doing, which did not seem like it was really coming from her because weeks before this she had literally said I should call her more and be the first one to call more...
I gave her the space she needed until she reached back out a couple weeks later saying she thought it would be good to still talk just not constantly.
A couple weeks after that she had told me she started talking to another guy who she met on tinder after that day she hung out with her hometown friend who got her to get on the app (which she initially told me was her choice but I eventually found out the girl had convinced her to get on it)
Anyways that was all about 8-9 months ago, time has gone on we still talk every single day multiple times, we have been intimate a few times. After the last time I asked her why she was still talking to the guy and she told me she didn't know why she did what she did and that it was stupid and that she would likely stop talking to him.
She also kept asking me 1. "why it was so good" and 2. "how would I describe it?" I wanted to tell her "because that's how it feels being intimate with someone you love and have an emotional connection with after going months apart" But felt it was too soon to bring those feelings back so I told her I wasn't sure and to the second that I would describe it as "intense and passionate" To which she agreed and said it was unlike anything else.
That was a few months ago.
Now, in the last month or so I've noticed her starting to be slightly distant but its in a weird way, like she still calls me about every little thing and wants to tell me about everything. I feel like (and kind of know) I'm her only emotional support but its like I cant tell if there's still more than that here or if its gone and idk what to do....
Today that guy posted a bunch of pictures for graduation and one of them was with her and she commented hearts on the picture.
To my knowledge her and this guy have hooked up a little but still haven't been intimate and a couple times she even said she feels like she doesn't want to have sex with him.
This is a girl who has been by my side through everything like me losing my mother, getting in a serious car accident where I was in a bed for months and more.
She is literally my best friend and I have never been so close or felt what I feel with her with anyone else. She just makes me feel so comfortable and at peace while with her and when we talk. We used to talk about what it would be like when we got married and the way we wanted to raise our kids. Damn has life changed..
I understand it might be time to say good bye but I want to see if there's anyone with something to help or any piece of advice.
I also feel like a bad person because my mind keeps going back and forth between the following:
  1. Just trying to give up on what it was and stay there as a her friend and continue to hold my promise of always being there for her. (very hard, I still love her with all my heart and it kills me to see her potentially with someone else)
  2. Just telling her how I feel and that if this is truly what she wants then I don't want to talk to her anymore and cutting it off.
  3. Doing number 2 and then reaching out to the guy and telling him I've been having sex with her etc.
If you actually read all this and made it this far THANK YOU! , I'm truly lost as to what life has become and what I should even do in this situation, any and all suggestions are helpful and thank you again..
submitted by Visual-Disk-6521 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:49 Otherwise-Book1307 Does anyone struggle with being with someone for too long?

I was single for a long time but have been dating a girl for a couple months now. Has anyone found it hard to want to stay committed?
submitted by Otherwise-Book1307 to dating [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:45 Trying2554 Help I like a girl

I am 18male. I like a girl and I can't stop liking her even though I have graduated from the school and haven't seen or talked to her since months. I had crushes before but they would die out but this time it's not dying down. I have been trying since almost an year to stop liking her. I particularly liked how she behaved with her friends and in the class and how she followed islam unlike many other of my colleagues. Like she isn't perfect she was in a relationship but learned her lesson. She doesn't learn much about islam she knows the basics. When she makes a mistake which causes a fight she tries to avoid blame. What do I do I don't want to propose her but I like her. I can stop thinking about her but there is this underlying feeling which makes me want to think about her. What do I do I am panicking I don't want to be in a relationship like in today's world. Pls don't just say be patient give me a method How I calm this feeling down. I am having dreams of her even and they are not explicit they are just normal dreams. This is making me depressed what do I do. I don't want to date her or anything and I still like her help me
submitted by Trying2554 to MuslimLounge [link] [comments]