Coupons for boyfriend

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2024.05.12 20:32 Advanced_Fee_5187 How reasonable is it to be upset over Mother’s Day?

It was my boyfriends birthday last week. I planned a 3 day celebration for him. It was awesome. We’ve been together for 10 years and have a two year old.
Woke up today with the agenda being “let’s go exchange these things and go to the store to buy a new coffee pot” I asked if we could get food, I’m craving Asian.
“We don’t really have money, I was thinking fast food” says him. I would rather not get food then.
He use to write me poems, he used to try to woo me, he would make me a nice meal, a coupon book, anything and I would have been happy.
But nothing and let’s get fast food.
I’m literally crying right now.
Update: he did the dishes “for me”
submitted by Advanced_Fee_5187 to TwoXChromosomes [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 20:35 Original-Childhood Family never celebrates my birthday

Okay, so, this is gonna be long and you're gonna need some background info because ever siiiinnce.. 2019 I think it feels like my family stopped caring about my birthday. Sidenote: My mom moved to the other side of the country when I was 13 and me and the rest of the family live in the west of my country.
In 2019, I was alone. Although that one was purely my "fault" because I decided to go to Japan for my birthday and even though I had a blast.. I was still alone. Without the people I love and that hurt.
So, the next year, 2020, I was turning 25 BUT I recently started a new job, in the pharmaceutical sector and so I thought it was really important to follow the quarantine rules and stay home after work and see as less people as possible (also, I was a bit scared of Covid, I admit). So celebrating my 25th birthday, which I REALLLLY wanted to celebrate because 25 is like a special number) I was, again, alone.
2021 I literally had to tell my family to surprise me (they never take initiative) and I got an awesome present for my birthday and it was a good day. The present was a coupon for a 4km skydive which is AWESOME.
2022 I had to come up with the idea of eating somewhere with my family (again, my initiative) and so a week after my birthday we ate at one of those Japanese restaurants where they grill the food in front of you. Cool, but I wish my family came up with it instead of me.
2023 I was already in the "Fuck it" mood so I decided to go to my favorite childhood zoo and celebrate it with awesome animals. It was in the east of the country and in the afternoon, out of nowhere, my mom asked if I wanted to meet up and have dinner together. FINALLY SOMEONE WHO SURPRISES ME ON MY BIRTHDAY. It wasn't big, it wasn't extravaganza, there was no gift, no balloons, but fuuuuck me I loved every second because I felt noticed and loved for once. But back home, again, I had to be the one who had to send a text to my family (3 weeks after my birthday) saying "Hey I still wanna celebrate my birthday. Let's go bowling and eat some dinner" which eventually happened.
Now, this year, I finally used the coupon to arrange the awesome skydive. For that I'm taking my family with me (it was their gift after all) and we have to go to a small island and probably spend the day together. This very sunday. Saturday is my actual birthday. Last weekend I was helping with something at my sister's house and my dad was also there. When he asked if I wanted to do something on my birthday, my sister already answered for me with a "We'll see him on sunday, no need to meet up on saturday".. like.. great!
So now I'm unhappy as fuck, because again I will be spending my birthday alone. I'll see my friends on Friday for a different birthday, I'll see my family on sunday, but my actual birthday I'll be alone. And not to sound spoiled or anything but I just know my family will see the day away as a gift. Or the skydive even tho I got it 3 years ago. And since we'll be away there won't be any cake. So no cake, no gift, no balloons, no singing, no friends, no family. And I'm eager as hell to call up my therapist again who fired me last December after years of therapy for my depression.
My dad is a popular guy in town, the house is always full on his birthday. My sister lives with her boyfriend and she's fine with not celebrating her birthday in November. But I live alone, I don't have a partner, I WANT to celebrate my birthday, I WANT to feel loved. Fucking call me up for a cup of coffee or something or buy some stupid cheap Xbox chair I just saw on the internet. Just surprise me with SOMETHING and make me feel loved. My family knows about my mental struggles and the therapy and all the shit going on. Am I crazy to expect a little love, especially on my birthday?
Fuck that was long. I just needed to type it out. Sorry
submitted by Original-Childhood to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 18:06 fjanfjsnfsjfj AIW to be mad at my mom over how she treats my dad due to his disabilities?

Throwaway account.
I (23F) live with my mom (58F) and dad (57M) until August when I go off to law school. I decided it would make the most sense to take a year off between uni and law school so I could work and save money. My parents have been together for like 30 years, but what’s most relevant are the last 18, where we’ve lived in a small town. My mom works an awesome job with low-ish hours (8-3, M-F) and has had the same job this whole time. It’s low pay but rewarding work. In the same time period, my dad has worked two different jobs, both of which were pretty high pay but very demanding. A 5a-5p day, or an 8a-10p day, and so on. In the last couple years she’s taken on a side hustle working for our neighbor and that’s probably an additional hour or two each day. They also rent out part of the house as an Airbnb and that is booked on occasion, maybe 3-4 hours of extra work each month that they do as a couple so it’s split evenly.
Some important context I want to insert here is that my mom was financially abused by her mom (who died last year), and generally bottles things up inside instead of talking about it with anyone. She’s never outright said she was abused but she’s relatively open (ha) about bottling things up. She is also a very defensive person who gets entrenched quickly in arguments and rarely (in my opinion) changes her mind. A couple years ago I suggested therapy to her while we were walking the dog and she accused me of colluding with my dad behind her back (to what end I don’t know). I haven’t asked her about it since. Me, my brother (20M), and my dad are all in therapy for unrelated reasons (I have depression and OCD, likely ADHD, my brother has depression, my dad due to depression and his disabilities). When I say unrelated I mean it’s not like we went through collective trauma, we just had different things cause us to need professional help. My mom has said she probably has OCD/ADD in the past and I believe her, but ofc no formal diagnosis since she’s never spoken to a mental health professional.
My parents make close to 200k/yr without her side hustle, their house is paid off, my dad’s health insurance is insanely generous, he has a pension plan etc. but due to her upbringing it has never been enough for her. On paper they are multi millionaires with all the investments they have for retirement, not counting equity in the house or his pension. No loans, cars paid off, and so on. They are well set up for a comfortable retirement. He is a spreadsheet guy and when they brought it to a meeting with their financial planner, the CFP said it was one of the most detailed retirement documents they’d ever seen. She still struggles to see that they will have enough to retire comfortably and is terrified of being broke/on the street at an old age (effectively impossible due to how much they have saved).
My dad got diagnosed with Parkinson’s at 49. He’s been on medication to manage it and this has worked well, but it’s a progressive disease so at this point he’s taking very high doses of his medication and starting to show more visible signs of tremors every day. It’s mostly one arm and one foot causing him trouble. It’s not a secret he has it, but it is something he keeps private, and very few people at his workplace know he is suffering. It’s also affected his mind both directly and indirectly (loss of confidence) because he takes such good care of his body otherwise. He wants to retire in the next year or two so he can have some good years before he loses his hobbies due to Parkinson’s- he loves hiking and other physical activities which obviously have gotten harder as his disease has worsened.
My mom hasn’t taken the diagnosis great, in my view. She never seems “convinced” when he can’t do something on a specific day due to his condition, and while she has never outright said that in front of me I can sense some disdain in the way she reacts when he is struggling on a given day. Like she wants him to get over it. She has told me in private that she sees him as over-dramatic and has called him a hypochondriac in less overt terms, but I know that is what she means.
The chore distribution between the two of them is probably 60/40 with my mom doing more, but this is for two reasons. First, she works less (even with her side job), and second, she has extremely high standards for cleanliness in the house, which he is never able to meet (and neither is anyone else), leading her to redo his work, often with very obvious frustration. For example vacuuming, cleaning the kitchen counters, dusting, and a few other things. He does fine when it comes to things like washing dishes, emptying the dishwasher, changing the oil on our cars, doing laundry, walking the dog, doing yard work, repairing household appliances instead of paying a technician (for example he just fixed our dishwasher and saved us like 500 bucks), and lots of other things, but it’s obviously never enough to her, and probably once a month she says she never feels appreciated for what she does. She most often cooks (she is a great cook) and we always compliment her cooking and clean up the kitchen for her when the meal is over so it’s spotless again.
There are also some chores she won’t cede to him due to mistakes he made like twenty years ago. For example in the 90s he forgot to pay their power bill once and since then he’s never been allowed to pay bills, she pays them and manages their day to day finances while he does the longer term stuff. He is not allowed to shop for groceries because he always messes up the coupons and doesn’t buy the right fruits and veggies (certain things have to be organic while others can’t be organic). I could go on but those are the two big ones. I think the bill mishap is incidental and this is more reflective of her trauma but she won’t talk about it with anyone so it’s hard to know for sure.
There are also some things she resents about where we live. It’s a small, isolated town, and they moved from one of the largest cities in the US to raise us two kids. She made some friends with other parents when we were younger but they’ve mostly moved away so she doesn’t have a lot of people to hang out with and frankly she’s still a metropolitan lady so she misses museums and opera and big concerts and so on. She also hates our long winters (basically Sept-May) and wants nothing more than to garden year round. Yesterday it was 29F overnight. Last week it snowed and stuck to the ground. She feels a massive lack of support with the house and with my dad and constantly worries she will be on her own caring for him as they age. She’s been very clear to me that she doesn’t want my brother or I taking any of that burden (I have no idea why, we’ve never expressed anything but support) because “kids shouldn’t have to care for their parents.” They ABSOLUTELY have enough money for a full time nurse or aide, and my dad has budgeted for that in their retirement savings. He doesn’t need that now but if he gets to that point they will be fine. She cannot accept this due to her financial trauma and holds on to every penny like it’s her last, despite being enormously comfortable to say the least.
About two months ago my dad got Shingles in his face and it was a pretty brutal time for him. It started as toothache, escalated to an ear infection, and after four trips to the ER for extreme pain they finally diagnosed him with Shingles. It took about a month for him to recover and during that time he was not working at all. While on the tail end of shingles he started having major nerve pain, and got diagnosed with a facial neuralgia triggered by the shingles. He described it as a bolt of pain hitting him at random, and also now suffers from regular migraines. At the moment standing for more than half an hour is a struggle unless he is heavily medicated, and he’s told me that he feels like he’s in a fog on all the medications he’s taking, it’s something like 30 pills a day now for the pain, for the nerve blockers, and for the Parkinson’s. He has good days where he can stand and do things for a few hours but a full work day is out of the question, and when he’s tried he’s usually home by 10am due to a flare up. He’s had to neglect his hobbies and still pulls his weight in chores as much as is possible, but some days he just breaks down in tears because he is in so much pain and hates feeling like he is not helping around the house.
My mom hasn’t taken it well. She is often exasperated with him and has mentioned to me that she feels he is being over dramatic etc., like she has in the past. When I have offered pushback she gets upset and says nobody appreciates how much work she does. We’ve also had some major conflict over current political issues so I’ve felt more distant from her than ever. She’s also said some problematic things about low income folks and has some backwards views on drugs (she voted for Reagan in ‘80 if that says anything). I struggle with all of these beliefs she holds especially because she freaks out when I push back or defend something/someone she feels is deserving of what they are getting in terms of punishment or whatnot.
A couple weeks ago he visited his neurologist and came home telling my mom he might never work again, she got very upset about this. Neuralgia is a chronic disease that can worsen over time or go away, so there’s really no telling what will happen. He manages a large team at work so this extended absence has been hard on them too. He’s never taken more than a week off work in his time there, save for two occasions where we went on ten day vacations as a family.
There have also been some other medical complications in our family. She got her hip replaced a couple months ago and healed very quickly and is basically back to normal now. I went to the ER in March and found out I had a spontaneous pneumothorax (hole in my lung). It happened again on my mom’s birthday. The second time, it was both lungs and much worse. I ended up undergoing a double pleurodectomy and multiple bullectomies, and was hospitalized in-patient for five days, with tubes in my chest for three days. I’ve been doing better since and my sutures came out yesterday (yay) but this has been an extremely distressing month for all parties to say the least. My boyfriend (23M) also came over for a lot of this and supported my family while I was recovering, so he was able to pick up a lot of the slack.
This week she’s been on vacation and honestly it’s been really nice not having her here. I love her and I feel that generally we have a nice relationship, I love hanging out with her in doing hobbies we share (where we don’t talk), but I’m mad at her for treating my dad like she has, not just during the shingles/neuralgia but over the past years due to his Parkinson’s. It’s been nice being here with my dad (my brother is at uni so it’s just my dad and I) and hanging out and taking care of him as it is possible. Obviously he’s in a bad place a lot of the time and often there’s nothing I can do but I only feel compassion and love towards him as he goes through this. Part of me wants to confront her over this but that has never gone well, and I don’t see this being any different. Honestly I feel powerless in the situation and get the sense that things will get much worse when I leave for school, since I’ve been supporting a lot around the house, with the dog (she needs 3-4 walks a day due to being a young husky) and emotionally with my dad. She has expressed multiple times how sad she is that I’m leaving, and how nice it’s been to have me living with them this year. I don’t think she’s saying that for selfish workload reasons, as I try to do as much around the house as possible, but I sense underlying sentiment there in that she is losing a support person in working to help my dad on a daily basis. I’m extremely grateful for all they’ve done for me and recognize how privileged a life I’ve lived. I do help pay for utilities and pay for most of my own bills but don’t pay rent, which I recognize is rare and I count myself as very lucky for that. I love both my parents so much, but I’ve felt a growing resentment for my mom in how she treats my dad, despite him trying hard, due to his disabilities. I feel a growing cloud of discontent over this house, and I don’t know if it will go away when I leave. What should I do? Am I wrong to be so upset with her?
TL;DR dad has Parkinson’s, had shingles recently, now diagnosed with a painful facial neuralgia that could last his whole life. My mom has been treating him unfairly/not with kindness due to these things and I’m upset about what I see as plain ableism over things he cannot control.
submitted by fjanfjsnfsjfj to amiwrong [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 21:41 YogurtclosetNext8333 Need Advice about Friend

Looking for advice and opinions on the situation.
TLDR: Best friend is asking for space and boundaries and I want to respect that, but I’m upset because I stumbled across all of this after her blocking me and I had to ask if we’re okay. Do I still give her time?
So last Friday I was scrolling through social media and found a video I wanted to send one of my best friends and found out she blocked me. I also found out she hide some posts I tagged her in. I asked her about it and no response.
I then asked if we’re good? Her eventual response was this:
“Everything is fine. There is something I’ve been meaning to talk about for a while now. I just think this friendship needs a lil space and boundaries. Like the breakup gift was soooo sweet. But like with the coupons that’s just something a gift a boyfriend would give. Not a friend. Sometimes I feel like you do boyfriend gestures. Like we’re not together. We’re only friends. And I feel like you get upset when we don’t talk all the time or see each other every week. It is okay for us to not see each other weeks at a time or not talk. It’s okay. I promise. It just feels a lil much and I need to add some space into it. Please don’t overthink this. Everything is fine between us. But this is something I’ve been meaning to say. Please don’t take this the wrong way okay? I am truly so thankful for you and our friendship. But some things just need to change a little.”
I then responded with this
“ I am so thankful for you and our friendship. I know we’re not together and I know we are and only will ever be friends. Tbh I have been overthinking and I don’t understand some things, but yeah….I was worried that the coupon thing was too much and I just thought it would be a nice gesture that I found online. Sorry for crossing a line into boyfriend territory. I did not intend for that to happen. I might have put too much emphasis on the title of best friends and didn’t ask what that means to you. I just wanted to be the friend you need. I do wish you would have told me this stuff sooner though. I’m glad we are friends. We can change things for the better.
What changes and boundaries are you thinking? When you say a lil space what does that mean to you?”
She hasn’t responded to me other than she will get back to this later and then followed by telling me about the wind and how it popped out her window.
This whole time I know she is still using one of my steaming logins and some online access to video games.
What upsets me the most is the fact that I stumbled across all of this the day after she came to my place to change her oil and I had to ask if we’re good. She could have told me that day or texted or FaceTimed or called.
I am going to respect the request for space and boundaries, but should I say something about what’s upsetting me? Or do I wait until she responds and tell her how I feel eventually? Should I still just give her time?
submitted by YogurtclosetNext8333 to FriendshipAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 19:48 Hippopotamus_Moon_86 Frugal Gift Ideas

Hey fellow frugalers!
Does anyone have ideas for inexpensive, yet thoughtful gifts. Here’s some backstory: my boyfriend has a huge group of friends. Including their wives and fiancés, there’s about 18 total. Several of them have gone through major life events like weddings, baby showers, etc since we’ve been together and I have already found the way to buy greeting cards in bulk to acknowledge these milestones with thoughtful messages and have ended up spending about $100 per person on the wedding gifts for 3 of the couples. For Christmas last year, I made fleece tie blankets for his mom and dad (they don’t share lol), his sister’s family including one for my boyfriend’s nephew. That all came out to $36 with some couponing on those kits from Joann’s.
On my side there’s only my mom to shop for now & my friends live across the country and we occasionally will send Starbucks or Chick-fil-A gift cards once a year so my boyfriend helps makes up for the expense that way.
Any ideas on things I can craft or buy inexpensively without spending a good chunk of money per year?
Thanks for the advice! 😊
submitted by Hippopotamus_Moon_86 to Frugal [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 09:50 West-Librarian-8083 Got my feelings hurt by a man who I didn't even have feelings for

It's a long story, but basically I'm half living in my car with my boyfriend of 5 years (we pretty much live at my dad's during the day but have to sleep in the car at night). When I had talked about this on reddit before, one guy messaged me because he also lives in his car and he wanted to give me advice and stuff. We had like an instant connection, our conversations were great and he seemed like a really genuine person.
After a couple days of talking on reddit, he gave me his phone number. I was hesitant at first but reddit is unpredictable and I didn't want to risk losing contact with him so I was like fuck it, worst case I can block him lol. Our conversations continued through text continued like normal. There was one conversation where he asked about my boyfriend's disability and how it effects my relationship with him, but I didn't think much of it because a lot of people ask me that so it's whatever.
Then after like a week of talking almost every day, he says he's curious about what I look like. So I gave him my Facebook and said he could add me and he did. We talked about a lot of stuff that day, his past, my past, how we ended up here, etc. It was really nice to have a friend who seemed so genuine and could understand what I was going through. Every now and then he'd make a sexual joke but like whatever, some people just do that. I laughed it off cause it was whatever to me.
He would also regularly send me coupons and deals that food places or other places were having that might help us out. One day he told me about a Starbucks thing and I told him I didn't have gas. He offered to send me gas money and I felt completely terrible accepting considering he's in a similar situation to us, so I said no, but he kept insisting so eventually I said yes. I told him if he was ever in need of money or anything to let me know and if I have it I will send it to him.
Of course I've been telling my boyfriend about all of this the whole time. I tell him literally everything and so he knew everything that was said and such the whole time. Once he started sending money and stuff my boyfriend was a little uncomfortable, but he trusts me to make the right decision and decline if it goes too far. Eventually his messages started to get more and more like sexual or just somewhat flirty in general, I would just politely reject his advances or casually mention my boyfriend to remind him that my boyfriend exists and I'm not interested in anything more than friendship. This last week was the worst of it cause it seemed to be mostly sexual jokes and teasing and honestly I was starting to get tired of it.
Then a couple days ago, I shared a post on Facebook about the man vs bear in the woods thing. I don't like to talk about it very much cause I'm actually not very feminist in general and prefer to stay out of things like that, but the man vs bear thing is one thing I really do agree with and I felt like the post put together my thoughts exactly. He commented "lol" and I replied with "?" cause it wasn't meant to be funny, wtf does that mean. He never replied. 10 minutes later he posted something like "don't help people who wouldn't help you" I don't remember exactly and I was like wtf. This man just made a Facebook account to be friends with me and he only had two friends on it, me and another female so it's either her who offended him or it's me.
He left me on read for the whole day but then texted me this morning so I just wanted to be straightforward cause I knew I wouldn't be able to stop thinking about it. I confronted him and said "hey I saw your post, are you okay?" Left me on read again. The entire day goes by and I decide to see if there's any updates. I check his "lol" comment and still nothing, I click his profile and he unfriended me.
I'm honestly deeply offended because not only did he pretend to be my friend but he didn't even bother to ask me to elaborate or anything. He didn't even try to have a reasonable conversation with me like someone who claims to care about me would. I decide to check his reddit and I find a post here from like 2 weeks ago asking if all women hate men. His comments and attitude about the whole thing coupled with his reaction to my post was saddening tbh.
I think the worst thing about it is almost everything he said he was, he wasn't. I remember we had talked about shitty people in relationships and life and about ghosting and how fucked up it is, and yet here he is doing it to me. I'm just really upset because I genuinely thought I had a friend who understood me and it hurts that yet again I was just a fucking prize to be won and not a human person, a human friend. I'm offended, because he pretended to care and pretended to get to know me just to fucking blow something out of proportion and not even talk to me about it at all. And what the fuck did I not do for him?? I tried my damn hardest to match his friendship in every way I could, I haven't had the chance to send him money yet but other than that I've given him advice, listened to his problems, supported him emotionally like he did for me. I put fucking effort into this friendship just for him to claim I didn't do shit for him and then ghost me. What the fuck?
I think I might send him a last message, calling him out for ghosting me. It's fucked up and he knows it. But I'm genuinely really sad. I know I'm too trusting so maybe I did this to myself but it just sucks that I put in this effort for this friendship just to have it thrown in my face because I'm not fucking romantically interested in this guy. This sucks.
submitted by West-Librarian-8083 to TwoXChromosomes [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 00:49 notstickytape Today's haul🥳

Today's haul🥳
Its been a hot second since I made a decent haul but today was the grand opening of my store's new location and I was saving my mailer coupons for that!!!
First off, the store is BEAUTIFUL. It's so big and 10000x nicer than their tiny spot they had in our mall previously. I was so excited to look at all the displays! All the people who work at my store are such lovely, warm people and I'm happy they got this much needed and deserved upgrade ♡.
Anyway, my main goal was to get the AAPI candles I was interested in, stock up on some more soaps, get my free travel sized item, and get a few things for my mom for Mother's Day. I was contemplating on getting the $45 bundle bag but I know BB is not a scent she would reach for, I also have a lot of products for myself in that scent so I didn't feel the need to buy it.
AAPI collection, I love these candles!!! I'm excited to burn them. All of them smell so good. I did pass on Bamboo Eucalyptus, though. I'm not a fan of eucalyptus but I will say this didn't smell like what I thought it would. Much better than expected, but I know it isn't a scent I would actively reach for.
(Also, I was bummed at the packaging photos when they first leaked but these candles are actually quite pretty in person!)
Also excited to try the new handsoaps, mint chip ice cream sounds so fun and I took a quick sniff of the strawberry one and it smells sweet and fruity. My boyfriend can keep using his boring eucalyptus spearmint while I have a dessert bar of soap 😤😤🫡😂
Anyway, happy Friday!!!! ☺️
submitted by notstickytape to bathandbodyworks [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 23:36 WhiskerWarlock Birthday Buddies

Birthday Buddies
I finally got my hands on the capybara! My boyfriend ended up dragging me down to the mall for my birthday (despite protests from me, since mooooneeey tight). I also got 10 dollars off though as a birthday coupon so it was worth it ♥️. The chicken isn't BaB but I got him today too as a birthday gift (I LOVED the wild chickens in Key West when we had gone on vacation. Hense the chicken gift) Any name suggestions?
submitted by WhiskerWarlock to buildabear [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 20:59 Substantial-Earth170 My bf sent me to Michael’s for one thing…

My bf sent me to Michael’s for one thing…
Yesterday, boyfriend texted me, asking if I could run to Michael’s after the gym and buy him some fabric dye for an old shirt he wanted to spruce up again. He even sent me a 50% off coupon and told me to use his credit card that he had put in my wallet when we first started dating, which I normally only use for groceries.
If you ask me, the $60 I spent there was HIS fault 😂
(And yes, I ended up using my own debit card, not his credit card, because I got so much stationery, so don’t panic, I’m not THAT cruel.)
submitted by Substantial-Earth170 to hobonichi [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 12:20 fragen8 AIO for getting annoyed and irritated with my boyfriend's indecisiveness?

I'll keep it short. I just need to know if my frustration is warranted or if I'm just bitter.
My (M21) boyfriend (M22) ever decides on anything. When he's facing a decision, he is usually anxious and one time, he completely shut down. I know It is a problem for him, but I encourage him to "practice" on smaller decisions.
However most of the time, I decide everything. What does he want from the store, which restaurant we go to when going out, what do we do foe the day. Everything is my decision to make. Every time he always points out a fact that maybe suggests what he wants, but he never says it outright, for example "I have a McDonald's coupon." "So do you want to eat at McDonald's?" "I don't know..."
Today was the last straw. We were sleeping over at our friends' house and they were driving us home in the morning. He suggested that we might ask them to stop midway and drop us off so we could buy some lunch, but again, didn't say he definitely wants to. So I said "I don't know, we can cook something at home, but if you want, we can stop somewhere along the way.". He didn't say anything to that. When we were driving past a fast food joint we like, he again said "Look, it's open today" and I said "So do you want to go?" And yet again, he said "I don't know, I don't care..."
I am now mad. I can't decide everything anymore, especially when he clearly knows what he wants. This is more of a rant, I guess, but I need to hear if I am actually evil for being angry about this.
submitted by fragen8 to AmIOverreacting [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 04:29 cchid77 My dream ring is too expensive

My dream ring is too expensive
I'm helping my boyfriend learn what kind of engagement rings I like, and I found this set from Capucinne (the poppy set) that took my breath away. I'm very picky with things like this, so it's huge to find one this perfect for me. Does anyone have tips for how we can get a similar one for less? Even with the honey coupon it's out of our budget lol. I don't think this brand does moissonite or lab diamonds.
submitted by cchid77 to EngagementRingDesigns [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 04:28 cchid77 Found the perfect ring, but it's too much money.

Found the perfect ring, but it's too much money.
I'm helping my boyfriend learn what kind of engagement rings I like, and I found this set from Capucinne that took my breath away. I'm very picky with things like this, so it's huge to find one this perfect for me. Does anyone have tips for how we can get a similar one for less? Even with the honey coupon it's out of our budget lol. I don't think this brand does moissonite or lab diamonds.
submitted by cchid77 to EngagementRings [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 19:34 throwRAthrowagain3 Found out my (37F) boyfriend (37M) of 16 years pays for live porn. Can we come back from this?

Found out my (37F) boyfriend (37M) of 16 years pays for live porn. Can we come back from this?
We’ve (36F & 37M) been together for 16 years. We have two children (2&4), two dogs and a house that we own together. Our finances have been combined through all that time, but since I developed anxiety around money a couple years ago I’ve let him handle all the bills etc and I rarely check in on our accounts, I know however how much we have saved etc. I never ever thought I would create a throwaway and write this about my life, but here I am, lost.
So back up to Friday night, I went out with a girlfriend for some drinks and dancing. When I come home, I find him sleeping in his chair by his computer in the basement. The kids are sleeping upstairs, and I’ve always said that if I’m away he needs to be close by if they wake up. Well, he had a newly opened beer on his desk and the computer screen was lit up with porn. Something called livejasmin. I quickly turn of the screen and try to wake him; my best friend is on her way down since she was going to stay the night in our guest room in the basement (same as the office). I have to slap him (gently) awake, and tell him to go upstairs because my friend needs the room. I quickly clean up his mess of paper towels etc (eww I know) and get him out of the room and upstairs. I’m so mad I’m fuming. He’s been drinking, watching porn and sleeping downstairs out of earshot of the kids. He’s had problems with drinking before, he’s been “dozing off” a few times before when watching the kids and he knows that it’s not ok. If I’m not home, (the very few times it happens) he’s in charge of them and needs to be close by.
So he goes to sleep while I rant to him what a fucking asshole he is and how embarrassed this was for me to witness when I came home. I finally fall asleep, only to him waking me telling I’ve got to take care of the kids. Mind you, every time he goes out he always gets to sleep in. But no, i don’t get that privilege. So I get the kids breakfast before I go back to bed with a headache. My friend is still sleeping in the basement, and we don’t get a chance to talk about what happened since he has to leave and go see his friends (planned activity since a while back) and he says he’ll be back later. I’m short with him on the phone all day since I’m clearly upset. After I’ve put the kids to bed that night I try to sleep, but something keeps nagging at me. I logon to our bank and credit card, where I quickly find a couple of suspicious transfers. He doesn’t have any transfer service and always uses mine if he needs something, well my service has 0 transactions. I remember the name of the porn website so I go there to see how one is billed, only to see the same reference as in the bank. My heart drops.
I call him and confront him about the transfer of 200usd. I can hear him scrambling and getting nervous. I lay it all out; I know what he has done and he disgusts me. He’s taken our money and spent it on live chat porn. He says he’s only tried it once and it doesn’t even do anything for him. I push harder and then I find out it’s not 200 but 2000usd. I hang up the phone, check the credit card and there that are, some 20 payments of 100 dollars over the course of 6 months. I’m almost throwing up at this point. He’s calling me and I’m just screaming at him. He has ruined my trust and our life. All this time, I’ve been saving us money and every opportunity, coupons, deals and every way we can have a better life and only pay for what’s necessary. I haven’t gotten a Christmas gift in years. I have bought the Dyson air wrap I’ve been wanting for 3 years, because I want to save money for our family vacation. Everything I do is for my kids him and our family. I’m always my last priority and I’ve been dealing with a lot of anxiety this last year, even going on antidepressants and doing everything I can to better myself and have a more stress free life. This is sending me over the edge. I don’t know where I’m going to go from this. He says he’s sorry and he’ll try to fix it but I don’t see how. I’ll take all the advice you have Reddit; but my goal is to keep my family together and see if we can make it through this somehow, my heart is just broken right now and I can’t see the light.
I’m going to try and get therapy through my insurance (in Sweden). Also he’s been dealing with alcohol issues and (untreated) depression lately and I’ve urged him to seek help but he hasn’t, he says he will now though.
I’ve told my sister and friend everything and they are really supportive, saying he needs to own up to his problems and do something about this himself without me giving him instructions.
TDLR; boyfriend pays for live porn, has payed over 200 dollars for it and I found out. Also lying about it for 6 months.
submitted by throwRAthrowagain3 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 13:13 Throw_away_fears Wedding concerns (am I reading this wrong)

I’m not even sure what to title this I’ve posted on here about 3-4 months ago about my concerns about my boyfriends brother but we are really close to the wedding so I feel like I should update anyone following this situation.
So the shortest recap I can give is that I got wired vibes from both my bfs brother & his fiancé. They’ve made comments and have acted just as weird as when I posted 80days ago. (“Am I reading my bfs brother wrong”)
Moving forward the big day is right around the corner.. and I’m taking notes .. on what not to do. Please don’t get me wrong, I hope everything works out for them they do seem to love each other a lot… BUT this wedding could have waited another year if they wanted to. According to EVERYTHING they have said they “don’t have money” they both have jobs, now he did get laid off at one point, that’s not his fault & he now has an even better paying job now… BUT they want to go out and have fun and then spend every dime they have on playing games and buying snacks (not food, candy).. they have been late on rent and bills because weddings are expensive. In my eyes if you can’t do both something needs to change. Again they have been engaged after a few weeks maybe a month after knowing each other. Personally I would have waited a year before buying someone a ring before you had lived together for a yr.
Some insight to the money issues she works 3 maybe 4 days a week cleaning. The hours and pay is exactly what you think it is. Any time I have given advice (it was asked for) it turns into , “I have to listen to music, I can only work certainly hours & days.” And a combination of things she won’t do. He now works out of town from Monday-Friday making at least 1,000$/week, but it sounds like she has an issue with it, because she’s bored when he’s not home.
Now my boyfriend has the same job... however I personally have a FULL understanding that the sacrifices I’m making right now (not getting to spend time Mon- Fri) is going to help us get further in life. Also he’s not in prison, he can call and text me as needed/wanted, if I have time I can even come up and see him. Him being gone all week, what do I do? I pick up extra shifts, chill at home, & take care of our pets. I keep busy and do my part as he tries to further in his career and Ik he’d do the same for me because he has ( I’ll make a post about that if need to not a problem ).
A HUGE part of me just can’t wrap my head around it. If you’re in a situation and you need money, the way they need money, I’d be grinding like no other. I’m talking full nine yards: coupons, yard sales, 2 jobs each if possible, flipping items on fb marketplace, having no subscription, prepared meals, cheap (but reliable) vehicles, and not spending a dime on any unnecessary expenses.
Sorry about the ranting I understand life isn’t as black and white as I’m trying to make it out to be but in my head when your in a tight spot you need to be in survival mode.. not a “but I don’t feel like it” mood, you know.
Thank you for reading my post I’ll answer any questions in the comments
After reading the comments I just wanna clear up that I’m not perfect and I don’t see myself as perfect but when I do something like buy myself coffee (from anywhere) I don’t turn around and complain about money because I know that complaining about money I didn’t have to spend is stupid
My SIL constantly acts like a kid more now then ever “I just don’t know how I’m gonna pay for all this” .. and then looks around to see who will offer to help .. she just got done doing that today “hm I’m hungry” and just kinda looks around my place as if I’m going to shit out a full meal just for her or start taking down her order it’s moved from they are just in a tough spot to stupidity
Overall I’m glade the wedding is almost over I just hope we can make a clean break see them from time to time but find away to set boundaries because them randomly showing up when we were shopping is creepy and then them following us with barely saying a word about any plans to hang out because we never said we wanted to hangout we were spending time alone
Update: I’m 90% sure she stole my fucking hairbrush
submitted by Throw_away_fears to TwoHotTakes [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 22:01 throwaway1037481 AITAH for not giving my sister and her bf musical tickets for their birthday?

The pre situation happened 2 years ago. So bare with me, while I explain…
My sisters bf turned 30 two years ago. They are a pretty long term couple (back then 4 years, still ongoing). I forgot his birthday and called my sister a few days before, but about my mums birthday, which was also coming close. And I asked her, if she thought a musical ticket for the lion king would be a good thing. My mum loves this movie.
My sister then remembered me about her boyfriends birthday and her birthday also coming up. And asked, if I wanted to gift her boyfriend something. Since I got a money coupon from my dad beforehand with credit about 600 dollars, I thought „okay, maybe ask, if they are interested in going to the show with her.“ but that was, when the tickets were about 50-60 dollars for good seats. They were interested, but not over the top happy about it. I spent most of the money, but always left about 200 dollars for their tickets.
Two years I remembered them about their open gift and that they should find a date, so I could buy the tickets. Now the tickets are about 200 dollars for one good seat. My mum was really happy and due to a business trip she would Bein the city as well. So she asked and I booked her a ticket.
My sister and her boyfriend haven’t asked for the tickets in two years, even though I reminded them constantly.
I told my sister and her bf that I bought the ticket. But not about the price.
I have to say that the last two years wasn’t a big financial struggle for me, but I do not work at the moment. So I do now struggle financially. And they all know. But I won’t ask my parents for any money. My sister on the other hand, works and still let my parents pay for A LOT of things.
Now after I told her that I bought the ticket for mom, she made some innuendos about it, but I don’t have the money.
The last months have also been emotionally draining. I started talking about my sister in therapy and my therapist told me, that my sister is manipulating me through my own guilt feelings and actively uses them against me. So I even thought about don’t buying them the tickets at all.
I haven’t confronted her yet, but I feel bad for promising something I now cannot deliver.
So… AITH if I do not buy tickets for them?
submitted by throwaway1037481 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.04.20 03:29 finance_throwra I (22f) found out my boyfriend (29m) makes significantly more than me and its making me rethink things

Throwaway because my main is for anime shit posting exclusively so. Also on mobile sry.
I (22f) have been dating my boyfriend (29m) for almost two years now. We don't talk about money often, we don't live together so we don't have to think about that but it was always known he made more than me. He has an established career, I was still in undergrad when we met. He also grew up with two tenured professors at a little ivy who owned a house in the suburbs and a vacation home. I grew up with a blue collar dad in the boonies.
We had very different exposures to finances growing up. He still lives with his parents to save money and help them out since they are aging. I live in a kind of illegal apartment with druggies because its the only way I can afford to live in this college town. I work full time, I go to graduate school full time, I also have gig jobs. I am doing everything possible to pull myself out of my poverty upbringing while trying to address my scarcity mindset around money, I have the habit of spending everything I make in case somehow the money disappears, I'll at least have the stuff I bought.
I knew we had different views on money and I knew he made more than me but I found out recently that he had a lot more than I previously thought. Due to some unfortunate circumstances, he is footing a 50k bill, I won't go into details since it is identitying. He is obviously stressed about it since it will "put a dent in his savings". I don't know how much he must have that 50k is just a dent. 50k is like 45k more than I've ever had in my life. Having the kind of money to be slightly stressed about 50k is unthinkable to me. Just a $500 bill would put me into red.
But he's paid it and now just needs to rebuild the part of his savings.
I am wondering if I should bring up how this makes me feel insecure and also a bit mad.
Almost everytime we go (which is rare and always at like whatever the northern equivalent to waffle house is) either I pay (its my idea to go out) or we split it.
He had me pay for my own Valentine's brunch and he got me easter candy and a necklace from the Walmart (i hate easter candy, I love the necklace from the Walmart but come on), I got him thoughtful gifts that I planned and saved for and used my coupons for and I got easter candy. The easter candy thing pisses me off because this happened twice, both Valentine's we celebrated he gave me easter candy that I've told him I don't like.
But if I had the money to pay a 50k bill without sweating, I would never let my partner who lives paycheck to paycheck pay for their own meals. And to top it off, he was venting to be about all this and I tried comforting him and he asked me to stop because my accent made me sound unserious and he wanted me to take this seriously. He had a speech class in prep school that beat any sliver of interest out of his voice so he doesn't understand why I can't turn off my accent. This is something we've argued about because I love my accent and I'm proud of where I'm from, I dont want to lose my culture to sound like a little preppy brunette from Connecticut.
Anyways. Should I bring this up to him? I feel like he's bein classist without realizing since it's how he grew up but I dont want to stress him out more.
TLDR: My boyfriend is very well off and it makes me uncomfortable
submitted by finance_throwra to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.04.12 20:32 mskamelot TLT, Boomer YOLO.

TLT, Boomer YOLO.
This is kinda boomer YOLO, but literally free money, and won't go tits up.
I am a cuck pussy, so I can't go full regard like rest of you beautiful autists. I got plenty mouths to feed, kids, wife and her boyfriend and his mistress and so forth. so I have to play conservative.
Why TLT? Here's my reasoning:
  • TLT is giving yield at 4% ish now. About $700 bucks a month, so monthly coupon divvy provides continuous fund to gamble on SPY/SPX option
  • TLT will not go tits up. Well, if TLT does go tits up, we got bigger problem then our fake monopoly money
  • Nobody know what the rate will be in the short term. But I think it is more probable that rate will come down eventually in the long run. I am long term investor.
  • JPOW is fast & furious man. Look at his history, taper tantrum, COVID cut. He cuts fast, raises fast. Faster than you can fap on your wife fucking her boyfriend. So when he cut, he will cut bigly.
Price Target
  • Market fear & vol could drive TLT down to $80 ish. That's 12% drawdown, I am comfortable with that. It's called defined risk. Also I can numb my feeling by keep gambling with TLT divvy.
  • When JPOW did cut the rate in the past, TLT went to $140+ Thus $140 is minimum target.
  • If reason for the cut is some sort of doomsday FUD, then it could go to $160+
  • Estimated profit at exit is $120K ~ $168K
Best part of this is that if I make money, I still don't pay any CAP gain tax, because I have abundance of cap loss carryover from my old heavy bags on different loss.
Defined smol risk, higher upside & probability. It would be foolish to not to take this trade.
Edit: Position, 2400 shares of TLT
submitted by mskamelot to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

2024.04.11 20:27 clearliquidclearjar TALLAHASSEE WEEKLY EVENTS, 4/11 – 4/17

Events are listed by the day. Events that happen every week appear first, one time stuff after that. If you have anything you’d like people to know about, comment here or message me and I’ll add it in. If you’d like further info about any of the events, look it up! I usually don’t have any extra to add.
Large Scale, Ongoing, and Multi-Day Events
Local Running, Walking, and Biking Info:
Guided Paddling Outings all around the area:
Tallahassee Film Society Showings:
Book Clubs for all tastes:
Live Theater:
OutdooFarmer’s Markets:
  • Blue Tavern: monallo. 5pm
  • LeMoyne Arts: Soulful Feelin': A Folk Art Celebration Exhibit Opening. In partnership with the John G. Riley Center & Museum, LeMoyne Arts will host a special exhibit celebrating local folk artists and their contributions to the visual arts experience in our community. This exhibition is a tribute to the enduring legacy of folk art as a universal form of expression. It celebrates the ingenuity, authenticity, and shared humanity that binds artists from all walks of life with works by artists such as O.L Samuels, Thornton Dial, and Mary Proctor. As we pay homage to the past, we also embrace contemporary voices who continue to breathe life into this timeless tradition. Join us in a community exploration of artistry, where local folk artists captivate, inspire, and enlighten. Soulful Feelin’ invites you to transcend borders and appreciate this remarkable artistry that unites us all." 5pm
  • Oyster City Brewing: Dominic Milner. 6pm
  • Marzuq Shrine of Tallahassee Florida: Talahassee Writers Association. Embark on an exploration of storytelling with KimBoo York, whose experience as an author spans the intuitive flow of discovery writing to the strategic framework of story beats in epic series. Whether you find joy in the unpredictable paths of discovery writing, thrive in the concise art of short stories, or meticulously plot extensive narratives, this presentation offers invaluable insights for every kind of writer. On Thursday, April 11 at 6:30 pm, KimBoo will present "Embracing the Journey: Crafting Compelling Stories Across Genres and Styles" and explain the essence of discovery writing as a technique that can be used by all writers, one that allows stories to unfold organically, revealing character depths and plot twists that even the writer didn't foresee. She will also delve into the critical role of story beats in providing structure and momentum, ensuring that your narratives resonate deeply with readers. Designed for writers at any stage and from any background, this talk promises to bridge the gap between spontaneous creation and thoughtful construction. Join us to expand your storytelling toolkit and connect with your creative essence in new and exciting ways! 6:30pm
  • 926: Moonbleach with No Parts and Running Late. 7pm
  • The Bark: Kare, Monsoon, Saturnalia, and npc luv. 8pm
  • Blue Tavern: Free Jazz Five Buck Thursday featuring the Longineu Parsons Trio. 8pm
FRIDAY, 4/12
  • Blue Tavern: Happy Hour with Steve Malono. 5pm
  • Lake Tribe Brewing: Flannel Fridays with Live Music. 6pm
  • Hobbit West: Friday Night Dart Tournament. Anyone can Enter! Sign ups at 7:30, Darts fly at 8:00/$10 entry fee
  • Ouzts Too: Karaoke with DJ Nathan. Best karaoke DJ in town. 8pm
  • Just One More: Karaoke with DJ Rah. 9pm-11pm/21+
  • 926: The Hot Friday Night Party and Drag Show. 9pm/$5/18+
  • Blue Tavern: Two Clever. 5pm
  • Maclay Gardens: Food Truck Fun with Music by Ric J Edmiston. 5pm
  • Peppers: Saylor Dollar. 6pm
  • Cascades: The Revivalists “Pour It Out Into The Night” Tour with special guests Crowe Boys. 6pm
  • Common Ground Books: Black Feminist Book Club: When They Call You a Terrorist. This book club is open to anyone looking to expand their understanding of intersectional feminist issues. This month, we’ll be reading “When They Call You a Terrorist: A Black Lives Matter Memoir” by Patrisse Khan-Cullors and Asha Bandele. “Following the acquittal of George Zimmerman in the fatal shooting of Trayvon Martin, three women – Alicia Garza, Opal Tometi, and Patrisse Khan-Cullors – came together to form an active response to the systemic racism causing the deaths of so many African-Americans. They simply said: Black Lives Matter; and for that, they were labelled terrorists. In this empowering account of survival, strength and resilience, Patrisse Khan-Cullors and award-winning author and journalist asha bandele recount the personal story that led Patrisse to become a founder of Black Lives Matter, seeking to end the culture that declares Black life expendable. Like the era-defining movement she helped create, this rallying cry demands you do not look away.” 6pm
  • Lake Tribe: One Day a Hundred. 6pm
  • Salty Dawg: Double Play. 6:30pm
  • The Wine House on Market Street: Ben & The Back Ups. 7pm
  • Oyster City Brewing: Next Phase. 7pm
  • The Getaway Grille and Bar: Duke Manfro. 7pm
  • American Legion Hall: The Rhythm Remedy. 7:30pm
  • The Bark: FSU Pop Ensemble. 8pm
  • The Sound Bar: Kettle Black. 8pm
  • House of Music: Free Bike Fest Concert: The Mae West Band. 8pm
  • Blue Tavern: Songwriters in the Round featuring Dave Leporati, Kim Thomas, and Bobby Cutts. 8pm
  • Square Mug Café at the Plant: The Someday Maybes, Forsaken Profits, Murder Suicide, and Tearman. 8pm
  • Fire Bettys: The 850. 9pm
  • Brinkley Glen Park: Invasive Plant Removal. Join Master Gardener Volunteers at this weekly invasive plant removal event. This is a great way to learn to ID our invasive plant species and how to remove them. We recommend wearing long pants and sleeves, closed-toed shoes, gloves, a hat and mosquito spray. Bring gardening tools such as hand clippers, loppers, trowels, etc. if you have them. We are removing coral ardisia bushes and berries, nandina, tung trees, Tradescantia flumenensis, cat's claw vine, winged yam, Japanese climbing fern, skunkvine and more. Directions: The best way to get there is to take Meridian Rd to Waverly Rd, go to the next intersection and turn left onto Abbotsford Way, then turn left at the next road called Woodside Dr. At the stop sign turn left onto Lothian. Lothian ends in a cul-de-sac and there is a sign that says Brinkley Glen Park. 8:30am-11:30am
  • Gamescape: Saturday Gaming. Gamescape has relocated from Railroad Square to the Huntington Oaks Plaza (Suite 302, next to the Library) at N Monroe St and Fred George Rd. Open gaming tables are available. Noon-6pm
  • Potbellys: 7th Annual FAKE St. Patrick's Day Party. 4pm
  • Duke’s and Dottie’s: Line Dancing Plus Lessons. 7pm/21+
  • Bird’s Oyster Shack: Laughterday Night Fever. * Join us every Saturday at Bird's Aphrodisiac Oyster Shack for a free comedy show!* 8:30pm
  • 926: Latin Night. Dance to the irresistible beats of Zeus and prepare to be dazzled by a spectacular drag show at midnight. It's more than a party, it's an experience. 9:30pm/$10 21+, $15 under 21
  • Tallahassee Junior Museum: Pioneer Breakfast 2024. Come out and join us from 8am-11am on April 13, 2024 on the 1880’s Big Bend Farm for a hearty breakfast to start the day! We will be serving scrambled eggs, pancakes, sausage, grits and of course, piping hot coffee and milk and orange juice! Start off your weekend with good eatin’ for a good cause! The Museum’s Board of Trustees will serve up heaping helpings so come support the Museum at our longest on-grounds fundraiser! After you fill up your stomach, make a weekend of visiting the Museum and stay for the Tallahassee Jazz and Blues Festival on Saturday and Sunday from 11-5 pm and enjoy wonderful live music on the Museum grounds! Purchase a Combo Ticket to both events on the Tallahassee Museum website. 8am
  • Goodwood: Spring Plant Sale. Start spring off with a selection of new garden beauties! On Saturday, April 13, Goodwood Museum and Gardens will be hosting its annual Spring Plant Sale, with a collection of heirloom and native plants that will bring your lawn and garden back to life. Assistance will be provided to those who need an extra hand getting their plants to their vehicle. Bring your own cart. A select stock of potted roses will be available for sale. Funds from the plant sale will further the beautification and cultivation of Goodwood's gardens and grounds. GOODWOOD MEMBERS: Early-bird entry to the sale will be available for Goodwood members. Show your membership card and gain access to the sale at 8 AM for an extra hour of shopping. 9am-1pm
  • 1210 Capital Cir SE: Free Pet Vaccine Clinic. Another FREE vaccination clinic for your puppies or kitties sponsored by Petco Love , It's Meow Or Never for Ferals, Inc. , Be the Solution , and our wonderful volunteers. All pets must be healthy and must have never had a bad reaction to any vaccine in the past. We still need a vet to do the rabies if you know one! The HCP is a core vaccine effective against feline rhinotracheitis, calici, and panleukopenia viruses. The Canine 1-DAPPv is a combination vaccine approved for protection against canine distemper virus, adenovirus type 1 and 2, canine parainfluenza virus, and canine parvo-virus. Parvo and Distemper are big killers of dogs in this area. Panleuk is a major killer for young kittens. Help prevent the spread. 9am
  • Tallahassee Junior Museum: Tallahassee Jazz & Blues Festival Day One featuring Warren Sutton, Rhythm Remedy, Yellow Dog Jazz Band, Tallahassee Swing, TCC Jazz Band, and Thursday Night Music Club. 11am – 5pm
  • Dr. B.L. Perry, Jr. Branch Library: Florida and Film. Florida’s film industry is one of the largest and oldest in the United States. Numerous movies and TV shows have been filmed here, including The Yearling, Creature from the Black Lagoon, and Flipper to name a few. Join us at the Dr. B.L. Perry, Jr. Branch Library as we explore the history of film in Florida and design your own movie poster to take home. This free program runs from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and is designed for children ages 4 to 8 and their families. 11am
  • The Fuzzy Pineapple: Plant Festival. Calling all growers! Join us in shopping local and shopping small from awesome farmers, florists, growers, artisans, herbalists, and foodies. Enjoy music, good eats, and celebration. Bring seeds for the seed drive. Exchange plants. Buy plants. Get a free starter plant. Make seed bombs. Adopt a plant. Bring plants to donate. Make compost. Make art. Paint a pot. Noon-7pm
  • Blue Tavern: Old Time Jam. 4pm
  • Tally Print Studio: Tallahassee SDS and Tally Print Studio Present: Punk Pride! featuring music from Castover, Subpotent, Degenerate State, and blacksunblackmoon. 6pm
  • Proof: Buck Banzai. 6pm
  • Blue Tavern: Twin Tenors Volume III featuring Jacob Wright & Kyle Bramson. 7pm
  • Oyster City Brewing: Firewall. 7pm
  • House of Music: Revival. 8pm
  • Potbellys: PEEKABOO – Eyes Wide Open Tour. 8pm
  • Square Mug Café at the Plant: Old Creepy EP release show with Brass Wizard, Experimentations in Irritation, Esurient, Salax, and Putrid Grit. 8:30pm
  • Common Ground Books: Tangerine: Queer Film Fest. Synopsis: After hearing that her boyfriend/pimp cheated on her while she was in jail, a transgender sex worker and her best friend set out to find him and teach him and his new lover a lesson. Admission is free! $5 or a nonperishable food pantry donation is suggested. Bring your lawn chairs and we’ll bring the popcorn! 8:30pm
  • 926: Flying Bison with Curly Q, Danitza, and Mutual Friends. 8:30pm
  • Fire Bettys: Pop Punk & Emo Night. 10pm
SUNDAY, 4/14
  • Bicycle House: Sunday Ride. Ride at 10:30 AM from Bicycle House. We will ride the Cascades trail to the St Marks trail and down to Wakulla station and return, about 31 miles. Ride speed is 12 to 14 mph, with periodic regroups. Vernon Bailey is the ride leader. Vernon is a new CCC member who’s been biking for 50 years enjoys riding with small groups and weekend touring. 10am
  • Halisi Africa: Soulful Sundays. Join us for Motherland Brunch at Halisi Africa. We'll be serving our brunch special including an appetizer, main course, a sweet, and our signature African mimosas we call ukwaju. The event will also feature an art exhibition by Christopher Barnhart and live entertainment by local artists. 11am
  • Flippin’ Great Pinball: $25 Sunday Funday. Every Sunday spend a fun-filled time with the family for only $25 plus tax at the arcade! Our normal all-day family admission of $34.99 is just $25 and that includes up to a family of 6 (two adults and four kids). Experience affordable family fun that everyone will enjoy. Noon-8pm
  • E Peck Greene Park (Behind the LeRoy Collins Library): Food Not Bombs Free Mealshare. We offer free vegetarian/vegan food, water, coffee, personal care & hygiene products, bus passes, and clothing when we have some available to those in need. Contact to find out about getting involved. Noon-2pm
  • LeRoy Collins Library: Tallahassee Go Club Meetings. Come play the captivating ancient game of Go, also known as Baduk, with some friendly games and discussions. Beginners welcome. Visit for more information. 1pm
  • Gamescape: Pokémon League. Come learn, play, and trade with the Pokémon Trading Card Game and the Pokémon video games! We LOVE seeing new players, so come learn how to play! We play both the Trading Card Game and the Video Game casually and competitively. The store offers lots of different seating arrangements to meet our group's needs, as well as food, drinks, and Pokémon products for purchase. We are also hold regular, officially sanctioned tournaments for Pokémon Trading Card Game and Video Game Competitions! 2-4pm
  • The Plant: Open Jam. All instruments, all players welcome. 4pm-9pm
  • Pedro’s: Mariachi Clasico. 6pm
  • Fermentation Lounge: Open Mic Night Hosted by Conor Churchill. 7pm
  • Oyster City Brewing: Comedy Night. Come have some laughs with us on Sunday nights! If you are interested in participating in the show, reach out to 7:30pm
  • Proctor Subaru: Paws Fur A Cause: Dog Adoption & Pet Festival. Join us on Sunday, April 14 from 11am-2pm at Proctor Subaru as we partner with the Leon County Humane Society to help animals find their "furever" home. Volunteers and foster families from the Leon County Humane Society will have dogs and puppies looking to match with their future families. 11am-2pm
  • 926: Identity Affirmation Clinic. Join Outlaw, FSU College of Law’s LGBTQ+ organization, for the first Identity Affirmation Clinic, with confidential assistance and resources from experts to navigate the name change and gender affirmation process, as well as advanced directives such as health care surrogate designations and modified durable power of attorneys. It's a safe and supportive space to address your questions and empower your journey! This clinic is for adults 18+. Please direct any questions towards The Clinic will have an abundance of resources for individuals at every stage of their journey! The following resources will be in attendance: Capital Team, Heuler Wakeman Solomon, Miller Counseling Services, LLC, Free Mom Hugs, Common Grounds Bookstore, Common Grounds Closet, Pride In Health Care, Planned Parenthood, Native Spirit Jewelry, Jordan Rae Hair, Karli Tsunami, Tallahassee Community Action Committee (TCAC). Be on the look out as more wonderful organizations join us for this wonderful, celebratory occasion! 11am-3pm
  • Tallahassee Junior Museum: Tallahassee Jazz & Blues Festival Day Two featuring Coastal Highway, Jerry Thigpen Trio, Swingin’ Harpoon Blues Band, Billy Rigsby, and Tillman & Taff. Noon – 5pm
  • Tallahassee Junior Museum: Canning Grandma's Chow Chow Workshop. Enjoy Ms. Judith's family heirloom recipe for Chow Chow at the Big Bend Farm Kitchen. Learn to make and can this delicious relish of cabbage and green tomatoes. This is an outdoor workshop. Preregistration is required on our website. 1pm-4pm
  • Cascades: Melissa Ethridge “I’m Not Broken” Tour. 6pm
  • 926: Cannibal Kids, The Forum, On The Edge, and Love Hut. 7pm
MONDAY, 4/15
  • Just One More: Bingo. 5pm-6:30pm
  • The Getaway Grille and Bar: Margarita Monday, Open-Mic Night hosted by The Saltwater Cowboy. 5:30pm-8pm
  • American Legion Hall: Cha Cha - Weekly Lessons. 6:15pm/$5
  • Hangar 38: Bingo. 6:45pm
  • Vino Beano: Tipsy Trivia. 7pm
  • 926: The Brook & The Bluff with Hotel Fiction and Sofia Camille. 7pm
  • The Sound Bar: 3rd Monday Songwriter Showcase. 8pm
  • Blue Tavern: Happy Hour. 5pm
  • The Getaway Grille: Tuesday Night Bikes and Trikes. 6pm
  • Oyster City Brewing Company: Tuesday Night Beer-go! 6pm
  • Crafty Crab: BOOMIN' Karaoke. 7pm
  • Gamescape: Hobby Night. Slay the grey together! Join your fellow gamers and turn your pile of grey miniatures into a battle ready army. Need some painting tips? Feel free to ask at hobby night. You can bring any miniature for any game to paint. 7pm
  • Ology Midtown: Jazz Jam Sessions. 7pm
  • Island Wings: Trivia. 7pm
  • Brass Tap in Midtown: Trivia. 1st Tuesday of the month is General Knowledge with rotating themes the rest of the month. 7pm
  • House of Music: Tuesday Trivia & Karaoke. 7pm
  • American Legion Hall: Tallahassee Swing Band Tuesday Night Dance. 7:30pm
  • Burrito Boarder: Karaoke with DJ Roldus. 8pm
  • Poor Pauls: Trivia. 8pm/21+
  • Blue Tavern: Bluesday Tuesday with Bill Ricci. Every Tuesday is Blues Day @ the Blue Tavern and Blues Meets Girl is a Tallahassee favorite. This perfect, intimate venue provides just what you need for both a mid-week break and authentic blues music experience. 8pm/$5
  • 4th Quarter: Professor Jim's Tuesday Night Trivia. Popular for a reason! 8pm
  • Argonaut Coffee: Trivia Tuesday. 8pm
  • The Sound Bar: Karaoke. 8pm
  • Fire Betty’s: Open Mic Comedy Night. 8pm/21+
  • 926: Tacos and Trivia. 9pm
  • Sugar and Spice Tally: Game Night. Join us every Wednesday Night for community game night. Bring your own or use ours! Let me know if you need to reserve space for a large group. Free to attend! 5pm
  • Goodwood: Wonderful Wednesday. 6pm/$5
  • Burrito Boarder: D&D Night. 6pm
  • Level 8 Rooftop Lounge: Trivia. 6pm
  • La Florida Coffee & Wine: Trivia Night. 6pm
  • The Great Games Library: Open Game Night. 6pm/free
  • American Legion Hall: Sue Boyd Country Western and More Dance Class. Session 2 - Beginner 6:30 to 7:45 pm What: East Coast Swing and Waltz. Cost: $8.00 per person. Wear comfortable shoes you can turn in. 7:45 to 8:15 - Practice dance with paid admission. 8:15 to 9:30: Intermediate - 2 Step and WCS. $8.00 per person or $13.00 for both classes. Vaccines are required. Face masks are optional. Changing partners is optional. 6:30pm
  • Perry Lynn’s Smokehouse in Quincy: Wed Night Open Mic w/ Steven Ritter and Friends. 6:30pm
  • Hangar 38: Trivia. 6:45pm
  • Oyster City Brewing Tallahassee: Trivia. Teams up to 6 players for three rounds with 10 questions and a tie breaker each round. Winners are by round so don’t worry if you need to come late or can’t stay the whole time! Prizes include a round of beer, a 6 pack and a gift card! 7pm
  • Proof: Trivia. 7pm
  • Vino Beano: Wine Bingo. 7pm
  • Fermentation Lounge: Trivia. 7pm
  • Blue Tavern: Wednesday Open Mic with Doc Russell. The open mic night that has run continuously for almost 20 years, once housed at the Warehouse, lives on at the Blue Tavern. Doc Russell continues as the host with the most. Sign up starts at 7:45pm/free to attend
  • House of Music: Bar Bingo! Free to Play & Late Night Karaoke. 7pm
  • Fire Betty’s: Karaoke! 8pm/21+/free
  • Dukes and Dotties: College Night and Line Dancing Lessons. 8pm
  • The Sound Bar: Open Mic Night. 8pm
  • South Station: Summer Movie Nights. 8:30pm/free
  • The Bark: Karaoke with DJ Nathan. Best karaoke DJ in town. 9pm
  • Peppers: Karaoke. 9pm
  • 926: Dragged Out Wednesday. 10pm
  • City Dogs Café: TLH Beer Society Charity Bottle Share. For those who HAVE been to one of our charity bottle shares before, you know how it works. But for those who haven't, here's the 4-1-1: 1. Find a good beer(s) to share and bring it to City Dogs Cafe. If you don't already have something good to bring from your fridge, stop by and see our friends at @quicknsave and they'll help you pick something great to bring. And remember, TLH Beer Society Membership Cardholders get 10% off your purchase! 2. When you arrive, drop a donation in the bucket for our friends at All Saints Art Station, City Dogs and @richrobsphillystop, all of whom have been adversely impacted by the roadwork. We ask for a "suggested donation" of $20 at each share, but you can donate whatever you want - whether less or more! 3. Drop your beer you brought to share in one of our ice chests when you arrive, then check out what's open and start sampling beers! Pour and try anything you want! 4. Enjoy food - for purchase, of course - from City Dogs and Rich Robs. 5. Sit back, relax, listen to music, drink, eat and enjoy the great All Saints Art Station space! We hope to see as many of you as possible for our first charity bottle share in over a year. Let's help uplift these local businesses! 6pm
  • Challenger Learning Center: Digital Specimens and the Future of Natural History Museum. David C. Blackburn, PhD. Curator of Herpetology, Associate Chair, Department of Natural History, Florida Museum of Natural History, University of Florida. Dr. Blackburn studies the diversity, evolution, and natural history of amphibians and reptiles. His lab conducts research in the field, in the lab, and in museum collections. Access to the collections of natural history museums has long been restricted to specialists in specific scientific disciplines. By creating digital representatives of specimens and objects, museums are bringing the behind-the-scenes to classrooms, scientists, and the public. These digital specimens enable new, large-scale studies of biodiversity past and present, and provide hands-on learning opportunities for people of all ages. The Florida Museum of Natural History—the state’s only university-based museum—is an international leader in research and education, and offers many research and outreach opportunities for scientists across the state. 7pm
submitted by clearliquidclearjar to Tallahassee [link] [comments]

2024.04.08 06:52 bigstreethoe People at my work are trying to get me fired + worse

It started off a year ago almost where the first week was normal and then after a handful of people started to randomly start calling me a slut at work when walking away--another at that time, a manager started to police every tiny thing I did. Where I did most of my tasks but got caught up in customers and clearly couldn't take care of it--but blatantly showed numerous times when she passed me that I was working on it. When I did take care of it, she stated I do it too much. Yet, when we get new hires she doesn't police them only for large mistakes like being in the break room too much. The windows and self checkouts look awful always, the quality went down after they pushed me to freight. They suck at their job.
A black coworker started to hit on me excessively despite me obviously not being interested. I stated that I'd hangout with him as a friend, knowing where he was going. He asked me like the second week of me working there, kept talking to me. Then whenever we were to hangout he never called me and told the entire crew that I stood him up, including customers--actually POINTING ME OUT AS HAVING STOOD HIM UP. Then he kept pressing and made comments about "that he'd eat me out". He asked me again, I said no--he wouldn't stop and I kept saying no. He was fine after this because I told management. I did a background check on all of them. The policing manager has two counts of child neglect. The black coworker has numerous arrests and walked in with a tether. He had burglary charges, resisting arrest and he even stated a restraining order was placed against him (?). He gave my number out to a customer, who sent me a picture of himself when I asked who it was and I said I didn't know him--he said he thought I was "Lola" which is the name of a creek in town. I believe this was a death threat because he showed up at my work and started to try to make me look inadequate.
Then they all started finding roundabout ways to make me appear at fault for things, or turning my intent into something inept, or malicious. Like this one lady I work with, I just mentioned hot sauce/spices, she started talking about it too and as soon as a black person walks by she makes me sound racist by saying "yep, hot sauce". She does this constantly. The minute I was away from my register for the first time with no customers--like two showed up when I was looking for a manager because a customer wanted one and she claims "I'm always off register and she has to take care of me" this never happened. When I as a manager asked her to cover someone's break she claimed that I stated it was because I make more money than her, when I never did and she threateningly told her boyfriend I said this. She's apparently in a biker gang, she threatens me by saying she gets in a bunch of fights, that she takes like "seven tabs of acid" that she frequently lies about work related things she's done like "having sex at work", she makes lewd jokes all the time, stated she's hid a murder weapon and my coworkers have said heher boyfriend will kill people. These people I work with prostitute themselves and shit too, and are blatant drug addicts. I don't really judge but their personalities/the way they hold themselves make this unbearable--they have incredibly poor judgement and are generally very rude/abusive human beings. If they had decency towards others and weren't cruel I probably wouldn't care.
One of the women threatened me the first few days, saying I was about to be "fired" when I was saying "just a moment" without attitude or feeling like customers are a burden before the woman was even in the lane. The woman who did this kept harassing me for minor human general mistakes like being unaware of coupons when she is too. Or not being able to find where a new item goes that isn't even set out yet and yells that I can't to everyone in the store from across the room. She's an awful worker who takes too much time intentionally, is like 30mins-an hour late daily, does nothing on her shift, called off like 4 times in two weeks for bullshit excuses all on my off day, it's her second job, and she always whines when reprimanded and deserves it. She gets her nephew hired and they claim they didn't even know they were related. He's 16. I had normal conversation. Then out of nowhere when calling me a whore didn't work I start getting called a pedophile, racist, that I'm sexually harassing people. 99% of the time I'm out of this kid's way. I don't even say hello, I don't even look at him? He sexually looked at me and I was clearly uncomfortable. He would come up to me and talk. But the thing is too, apparently he hasn't even gone to management--he just tells costumers and employees that I'm "a pedophile/harassing him". Things like me saying "Go take your stuff off and get settled before you help me at the register" and claims I'm harassing him. I didn't even say it wrong? I don't even have his number in my phone. He/the entire crew (I know it's hard to believe especially when I say I haven't done anything--I've been nothing but nice/helpful and hardworking--I received a promotion my first two weeks and then another within like 4 months). They do things like say "she just called me the N-word" to a customer, "She's a pedophile" etc "She told me to go to the back" when I said backroom. The customers are starting to call me a hoe, a nigger, calling me a pedophile. etc. It's fucking unreal. I support BLM, I'm left, I've been reading and had a social justice blog at like 16-now 30. I'm anti-pedophile, I'm not a fucking pedophile--my mother was molested by a priest as a child, I'm a victim of child rape. I know how traumatic it is? I wouldn't even date an 18 year old of a 24 year old, or anyone not on the level of maturity/true conscientiousness. I'm 30. I report people and have once before for sexual harassment and was retaliated against by coworkers outside of work whenever they quit. Two women complained to me about the guy without me ever complaining to them too.

They all don't care, they don't do their jobs. They make major mistakes that would result in termination. Health code violations, a girl with HIV and herpes I work with always has her hands down her pants literally and randomly gyrates. I caught them spitting in my drink. The manager that policed me heavily in the beginning watched her do it and said nothing. My store manager has blatantly heard them calling me names, lying etc and has turned a blind eye. They steal. They threaten people. They're awful employees. Yet, my manager hovers over me and yells at me for doing things like accidently putting papers behind the folder and not in front of the one time. Ripping perforations and not using a box cutter (which damages product). Then he tells me I can't manage when he's completely disabled my ability to do so--because he yells at me, I'm soft spoken. I tell them to do something nicely like three times and they tell me to eat shit. Then he gets on me for "having an attitude" "being harsh" and writes to HR. "He thinks he's going to lose his job" because I told him not to have a line of 15 people and not tell me? Nicely? Like the first time I told that fucking kid to stop harassing me, he complained to my store manager, to his mother etc. when he's received way worse of an attitude for much less. Like a lady was ready to fire him for asking if he could draw at the register. I just told him to get me when he has a line of 15 people down the aisle. The second manager who kept being petty and finding little reasons to make me look bad (who also called me a slut like the second week and stated to this fucking kid when she's 50 and has said she slept with a 16 year old as an adult that "boys get the tiniest bit of head and lose their minds") saying he doesn't have my number--when in reality they were always expected to come and get us. This was literally the first and only time I got on him. They never do their jobs. They putz around and pretend to work. My manager continues to deny it's happening even though it is and reprimands me for "complaining too much". Like I'm going to lose my job. He frequently fights with vendors, is part of MAGA, and just generally has a bad reputation/is trying to get in a fight all the time.

My store manager, my other coworker and I are the only white people.

Backstory before hiring: I'm pretty sure someone was stalking me. My theme was changed to Pepe the frog before I got fired from my first job of five years in 2016. I was told I was their best worker. I received threatening comments in our customer complaints section, a comment that was copy/pasted from an account I had as a child in 2006. Then I received up to 40 calls in one day from unknown numbers. Then people left a target with bullet holes in it and a flag of my ethnicity on my porch like three years later. I'm Irish. My friends were drinking at the beach and it wasn't allowed and then a ranger pulled up. There's no way bystanders noticed. They let us go. Then everyone randomly started honking all up and down my main road like 20 times a day, and only going on my street and doing it in front of my house--like 5 a day. I went like 30 years living here without hearing honks, I think I heard maybe 5 my entire life. Now somehow like 4 cars a day have the same engine noise my car makes and it never happened before. Then my cousin's boyfriend--who I never told my cousin--a guy I met for the first time, at my family Christmas dinner said "You have nudes on your other phone".
I don't really have known enemies other than my ex who was abusive. I don't think he could pull this type of shit though. I don't have a criminal record, I've never done anything. I drive the speed limit or go with the flow of traffic.

I tried to tell the police, they turned me away. I told HR numerous times with dates/times. Nothing is getting done. This has never happened to me before. We're in kind of a bad area--one of the most dangerous cities in the nation (top 5--also adding to that racist bit, part of the blackest cities. And I've never been accused of racism before despite being around black people all the time? I mean if I am I'll fix it but goddamn I don't think even if I am it's bad enough to get me fired I'm not trying to kill black people/threatening. Probably more like a social faux pas). I can't really switch jobs at the moment I don't have a working car. My dad's not really helping either he told me "they're trying to get a rise out of you. Look at you" (I'm timid/soft looking female.) I'm looking into getting a lawyer but it's hard because it's all spoken word and they all deny saying/doing it. When I tried to tell the police the guy just gave me a difficult time and was willfully ignorant of my claim making it seem like he could do nothing. He kept asking if it was harassment or abuse--instead of just taking my claim. He stated that "whatever I put out on the internet is out there" when I said someone hacked my account, and then mentioned my cousin/her boyfriend whom I've never met--I stated it was on my cloud and not online. I stated people left like a target on my porch with bullet holes. That my coworkers are calling me a pedophile, racist etc and saying it to customers. He just turned me away like it was nothing.

I also reported these people for terrorism. What they're doing to me is homicide also. I need a job to survive. If I'm falsely put in prison, pedophiles die. People could break into my home, beat, or abuse me. I got a video recording device doorbell. I stated to them I fear for my life--they continue, worsening the battery. I've done nothing to provoke them?
submitted by bigstreethoe to work [link] [comments]

2024.04.05 17:32 WhiskerWarlock Nessie becomes a spy

Nessie becomes a spy
A victory for the collectors! 😭 I'm crying I'm so happy. I missed last year when lil Nessie came out because I was buying other things. My boyfriend and I are going on vacation and he said no more buying BaB till we get back to save money for the trip. Little did he know two gift cards and a 10 dollar coupon later. Add onto the 20% off April Fools day and I had enough. Stealthily delivered to my boyfriends brothers house (we live on the same property) where the wife has been my accomplice. Nessie has now secretly made it into the house. I wonder how long till he notices she's with the rest of her cozy family.
Also SUPER CHONKY. A++ stuffing this time around.
submitted by WhiskerWarlock to buildabear [link] [comments]

2024.04.04 22:56 ToxicCandi Push Health Savings card not working?

I’m so excited to start my journey with you guys. After fighting tooth and nail with my push health provider to get prescription Zepbound to Walgreens pharmacy I finally got it through to them. Well, after talking to the pharmacy I advises her I’m paying out of pocket since my Medicaid doctor won’t prescribe it for me. She then says , “ Oh with the savings card your provider sent over the amount is $2,500”. WHAT? She couldn’t give me any further information as to if I need to find another coupon or go back to the Push health provider and ask for another one. Since the provider told me my Out of Pocket cost would be $550 I wasn’t expecting such a large amount. Can someone help in regards of what I need to say or do? Also, My boyfriend has an HSA account he said I can use for my medicine but I’m not sure if I’m able to pay for my medication on his HSA card.
TLDR; Push health savings card only took off a little amount and instead of it being $550 its $2500
submitted by ToxicCandi to Zepbound [link] [comments]

2024.04.02 03:13 Impossible-Farmer-97 My bf’s really good experience w/ the bluechew free sample!

Hey guys, 24F typing this to review bluechew 6mg Tadalafil (cialis) for my 27M bf…
I wanted to share an incredible experience my boyfriend had with BlueChew. He was struggling with ED issues due to stress and medical issues, his doctor said trying cialis would be fine for him but told him he would need a psychiatrist or different doctor to prescribe it so that is why he tried bluechew. It is the same active ingredient. He got the free trial in the mail of 4 chewables (he said they taste like candy blue sweet tarts to be exact lol) after paying only $5 for the shipping he got them fast in the mail.
He's been taking the Tadalafil 6mg bluechew and it's been nothing short of life changing for him. The difference it's made is remarkable because he used to struggle getting an erection it was like soft most of the time and we didn’t have sex much.. but now it is literally like a whole new cock. It gets so hard and veiny. It is amazing I swear he even grew an inch in length and it’s like def thicker in girth too lol.. it was so veiny and rock hard it was like a new experience for me I love his cock so much now… he even told me when he came it felt 10x better from how hard his cock was throbbing! I def felt it too!! He also said he gets morning wood again now
I want to recommend it to everyone honestly! He said he did not experience any side effects. I have never had multiple orgasms like that before.. He even said it makes jerking off feel better.. lol I am a true advocate for blue chew now, I’m serious!
You should just get the free sample for less than the cost of a Starbucks coffee to try it out at least.
I'm so excited about the positive impact it's had on my boyfriends cock that I wanted to spread the word. If you're curious or looking for a solution for ED, or just want a better feeling orgasm BlueChew might be exactly what you need.
I was able to find a code for guys who want to try it and it is absolutely free for your first order!
Use the code JZRR at checkout to get $20 off your first order. That means your first BlueChew will be free, just pay $5 shipping!
submitted by Impossible-Farmer-97 to erectiledysfunction [link] [comments]