Organizational patterns middle school worksheets

The Greys of Place

2017.04.01 07:41 Soulcloset The Greys of Place

We have a simple goal - to collect everyone who wishes to have a grey blob in place. Join our ranks, and we may succeed.

2024.05.14 10:25 its_ya_girl420 What's the "school progression" in America?

I always see terms like "high school" and "middle school" but never specifically learned what they all mean. From what age do you go to which school? Is it mandatory (up to a level)? How advanced do the classes get and do you get any choice in what you're taught?
To explain what I mean, this is the usual progression where I'm from (Belgium):
The first three "tiers" are mandatory for everyone, but it is possible to skip a year or on the contrary, have to redo a year. The day someone turns 18 they have the right to quit school.
In secondary school you have broad options to pick from, but no control over which specific classes you get. Some secondaries focus on prepping for work immediately after, usually more menial jobs, some focus on economics, or languages, math, ... but each option still offers the same base knowledge.
Colleges and universiteites offer all kinds of specialized courses usually lasting around 3-5 years. College gets you a professional bachelor's degree, universities get you an academic bachelor's or a master's degree.
submitted by its_ya_girl420 to AskAmericans [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:20 ProblemLongjumping12 Hear me out. George Santos makes sense in post-Trump politics.

I'm not going to get into the details related to George Santos and the absolute clown show of his career.
But I was watching a story about him and one thing suddenly became perfectly clear, and made perfect sense, you might even say it's predictable despite its utter Madness and the thick fog of bullshit that surrounds everything about him.
He has repeatedly responded to established facts about his past and his actions and his background by just saying no I didn't do that or no that's not what happened.
If I actually went through all of the events and details he claimed about his past and his actions that turned out to be absolute horseshit and easily debunked then we'd be here all day.
But probably the one that stands out in everyone's memory is the fact that he was a drag queen for years, and an ambitious one at that.
Once press got a hold of irreproachable evidence for it, that fact was widely published and caused quite a stir given his location on the map of political ideology. But even though there were photos of him doing it, videos including one of him in drag proudly discussing how many venues where he had performed, and witnesses who knew him then all made public...
Santos just said no I didn't.
He gave the same response when being caught in many many other lies; I mean basically his entire biography is fiction cut from whole cloth. When and how his mother died, where he went to school, where he'd worked, pretty well everything he ever said about himself was absolute gobbledygook and reporters were digging up absolute incontrovertible proof.
But he just keeps saying no I didn't or you miss heard me or I misspoke.
It just hit me like a ton of bricks that George Santos is not an absolute mad man nihilistically weaving fairy tales for his constituents while assuming the press couldn't possibly uncover the mountain of evidence that disproves everything he says.
Santos was just following in the footsteps of the most successful Republican in more than a decade.
Trump does exactly that. Trump simply denies and dismisses things for which there's unquestionable proof.
Trump makes constant claims that are easily disproven.
And yet nearly half of Americans are 100% on his bandwagon. They have the incredible staggering ability to just ignore evidence and facts. No matter what the proofs are no matter how airtight they just say no he didn't do that because he said he didn't do that.
In a world of politics where there is absolutely no significant meaning given to what's provable or factual regarding Trump, where his followers' ability to blind themselves regarding reality and regurgitate absolute Fairy Tail nonsense like it's gospel is so powerful you could swear they were robots. Droids programmed to only accept particular input and only spit out particular affirmations with no possibility of reflection or serious consideration or even possibly changing that opinion just because they love that guy so damn much.
In a world where that is actually a thing it makes absolutely perfect sense for George to shoot his shot at just saying no to everything proof or not. To simply call people who are pointing out his lies liars.
Because it worked perfectly for the new Republican role model. He would have had at least some chance of pulling it off.
My opinion is that he failed to reach anywhere near Trump's level of safety from incriminating truths mainly because he's just a repellent human being and the accusations included drag which in America right now seems to be on a road towards being legally deemed so heinous as to Warrant the death penalty.
But he tried it.
And it damn well could have worked. That's where we are. Facts and proof mean nothing. If you're on the right team and you hate the right people you can do any horrid inexcusable thing, like taking a bunch of minors away from their homes to another state, passing them around for you all to fuck at parties with your buddies, have that indisputably proven, and still be extremely successful, laughing your ass off while you watch the Rubes who support you telling reporters that they just don't believe any of that stuff because you are one of theirs.
This is a terrifying new landscape where politicians who frankly were always widely believed to be overall a corrupt and crooked collection of individuals, can truly perpetrate the most absolutely horrible acts imaginable, seemingly especially rapes since Matt Gates and Donald Trump are both well known and proven sexual predators and yet our two extremely successful politicians to this day.
And all they have to do say no I didn't do that and the people voting for them immediately become impervious to all proof taking their word as the absolute gospel and closing their eyes and ears to anything that might run counter to that belief.
I don't think it's an exaggeration anymore just say that Trump could pull out a gun and shoot someone in the middle of Fifth Avenue then look at it a crowd of supporters and say I didn't do that and they would all cheer and emphatically agree that no he did not do that.
My God this is depressing. I feel like I could go drink a whole bottle of bleach right now. Maybe put my head in the oven but it's electric so probably won't help.
Thank you for attending my TED Talk.
submitted by ProblemLongjumping12 to Trumpvirus [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:03 According_Pride_7645 Should I drop 9 year friendship?

So I am going to go into insane detail.
Me and my friend have known each other for awhile. It started as a group and slowly faded into just me and her until about 2020. Work and school kept us apart and we slowly faded away from each other, I even started to form a new group of friends.
Somewhere around 2022 we somehow started talking again and hanging again but it was only after I no longer spoke to the other individuals due to distance. So from 2022-now we have been friends again but it’s so so awkward all the time… it never feels natural and there’s always a feeling of awkward tense energy. Even when we joke it’s always awkwardly followed by “I’m just kidding”
Also she’s going through a breakup and I don’t want to end the friendship in the middle of that… and I give her 100% honest advice but instead of using the advice I give her she repeatedly asks me the same questions over and over like my answer will one day change and I’ll tell her the failing relationship will work. Which it won’t.
Am I being shallow? Am I selfish? Be blunt with me people. I decided to come up with all the good vs bad
Here’s an example of how awkward things are:
So I made a joke about how at work this guy was hitting on me blah blah blah… I told her that I went to help him and his feet were stinky… instead of laughing like I would expect she not only took it serious but also made it about herself talking about how her shoes might stink at work and blah blah blah.
We’re also supposed to be moving in together. I’m holding it off by saying I’m not financially comfortable to move yet. In reality I just don’t want to make a huge mistake.
Anyways. Thanks for reading it’s 4am so I may delete after I wake up I’m not sure but please help me…
submitted by According_Pride_7645 to friendship [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:34 Natural_Tangelo4283 Practical Life

Hi I'm 19 (F) and at this age i just realized that i still don't have control with my life especially now that ill be in college this school year but before anything else I love my parents and I do understand them and hopefully will still be their child in my next life but in a different lifestyle.
I came from not so middle class family but it change when the pandemic started and we've been into big financial crisis and was in big debt (up until now actually ) leaving me in no choice but to get what we can afford not what I want. I still remember how my mother got mad at me when I told them I wanted to be an architect and try to study in UST or Mapua whyy?? because they said we couldn't afford and everything and randomly gonna bring it up and end up getting mad and sayong a bit harsh words lol, and as far as i can remember they distant themselves to me after that and as devastated i was i try my best not to cry in front of them and start accepting it (cried for months bcs of this, still hurts lol)
After a few months when college start accepting applicants for their University (Most of the Uni i applied are State U means free tuition) my mother only wanted me to apply in this University where both my siblings graduated it was fine and it's not like i have choice🥲 but i told them that i wanted to try to different universities but then again they get mad the reason?? " why would you even try to exam their if you're not even gonna attend their" "you're just wasting money" and so on but i was so eager bcs who knows if I'll pass the CET and so i sell some of my clothes so i could have my pocket money to take CET in those 2 University
Now that I passed one of the CET (really happy and grateful 🥰) as Veterinary Medicine and as a dog lover I felt hopeful that this might really be the one for me, that I might be in the veterinary field but I was wrong, my mother didn't even congratulate me when i passed instead she told me to wait for the result of the other state U i applied, then i remember when she told me that someone told her that it's EXPENSIVE to be vetmed as if she was discouraging me not to pursue vet but nowadays, there's no such thing as affordable college education riigghtt?? and it's not like this is the first time she tried to discourage me with my decision as if she is manipulating me to choose what she only wanted for me
and just then i realized that i don't get to made a decision in my own life, i get that i need to be practical but it made me realize that my parents especially my mom doesn't really care about what makes me happy rather just focus on what and where we can lessen the expense
I was sad but really had no choice but to deal with this. I wasn't able to be in my dream University in my dream course remembering i dont even know that the course they wanted me to pursue exist lol.
this is just the summary lol I'll be posting a part 2 lol
submitted by Natural_Tangelo4283 to u/Natural_Tangelo4283 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:28 VolarRecords That WW2 UFO Footage is possibly narrated by David Grusch?

Not my text, resposting:
Props to for pointing this out!
And for this post.
Listen to the audio starting from :20 seconds up until :50 seconds on that clip that has been making the rounds. Grusch has a very particular inflection and pauses with “ahhh”, during that timeframe he does that about 3 times. He has a particular speech pattern that would be hard to disguise even with modulation.
Now listen to his opening statements here at the start from :10 to :35 he does the exact same type of inflections as in the distorted audio! Listen to them back to back, once you recognize the vocal patterns in his voice, the modulation does not hide that it is him. Why/how would RegicideAnon have a video that Grusch narrated???
Edit: this is the WW2 Archive Footage I am referring to
Edit2: pointed out his T’s also sound the same. In the opening statements at 1:08 you can hear how he ends “Current” and it ends very similarly to how he ends “It” and “Compensate” at :35 in the archived footage.
Edit3: Do Up/Downvotes affect post visibility? I only ask since from when I posted this almost an hour ago it has sat at 0, which is kinda strange that it’s being downvoted so heavily?
EDIT4: Okay so this one is a little weird, and very tinfoil-y I admit, but I feel I should point this out: Here is David Grusch’s resume
Note that during the timeframe this video was released, and around the time that MH370 occurred, David was:
July 2014 – December 2016, Adjunct Professor, School of Security and Global Studies, American Public University System (APUS)
• Undergraduate school professor developing technical coursework and program plans. Expertly instructed courses in the Intelligence Studies track, to include open source/social media analysis, signals and imagery analysis, and research methods.
December 2013 – March 2016, Chief, Intelligence Integration Division, Space Security and Defense Program (SSDP), Reston, VA (USAF Active Duty)
• Lead military intelligence officer for the SSDP Director, a member of the Senior Executive Service (SES) advising the Deputy Secretary of Defense (DEPSECDEF), Principal Deputy Director of National Intelligence (PDDNI), and National Security Council (NSC). Coordinated sensitive Multi-INT collection activities and modeling/simulation to support national space security objectives and advanced NSG programs. SSDP intelligence lead for the standup of the National Space Defense Center (NSDC).
It’s possible that during his time at the university he was analyzing and restoring WW2 archival footage? In order to verify this we’d have to find someone that knew him around that time frame to confirm or deny that he spoke of this previously.
The second thing that stood out to me was “Coordinated sensitive Multi-INT collection activities and modeling/simulation to support national space security objectives and advanced NSG programs.” I know with the recent MH370 video going around people are saying that if it WAS a hoax it would need to be created with someone with military access and very very expensive and sophisticated equipment. Possible the same equipment used to model and simulate space security objectives and NSG programs? Maybe this was a recreation of an event that the government didn’t see but was told was a possibility?
Edit5: I know many are asking how we know the voiceover wasn’t added recently, unfortunately the link to the video on RegicideAnon’s page on web archive doesn’t work, however another link to the same video was found that was posted to Facebook on September of 2015, that includes the voiceover:
Thanks to for translating the description on the video:
“The following video was confiscated from the Kodiak Historical Military Museum on September 7th 1993 (the voiceover in the video actually said November 7th 1993). Originally a collection of gradings were donated with no date record or source of recording. In the video a UFO can be seen flying low on an island, alongside the planes as it approaches the runway. The location and date of filming are unknown.”
Interestingly the info about the museum and the collections is not mentioned in the clip at all, suggesting this is either a clip of a longer video or that the poster “Paranormal” somehow got more info with the clip.
Final Edit: I know that some people are in the process of actually examining the audio with professional programs so hopefully soon we’ll have concrete evidence if the voices match, however I want to leave you all and anyone else that stumbles upon the thread with this last bit; check out the following two sections and judge for yourself if this “but” sound exactly the same.
:42-:46 of the WW2 Archive Footage
27:44-27:46 of the NewsNation Interview
Please keep up the fantastic discussion and as always don’t forget to keep reaching out to your state congress representatives to keep the pressure on disclosure! We all deserve the truth, for the betterment of humanity.
submitted by VolarRecords to aliens [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:27 Chopin_814 What’s wrong with me?

Me and my friends especially my close friends have had an on going joke about me being “down bad” or whatever. I’m just a high school freshman. In middle school there was this one girl, who was truly amazing, she was intelligent, funny, caring, hardworking, good looking, you name it. I believe she had feelings for me. Her friend would ask me if I liked her every day or so. I said “no, as a friend,” as I wasn’t looking for a relationship at the time. One day she asked to work with me as a partner on a project, and I agreed. Ever since we finished that project we didn’t talk much. Of course I had her number, so we’d text now and then, “ hey how are you doing?” or how’s “ swim/piano or whatever”. I still see her at the high school I attend, but now she’s so busy and interested with guys that aren’t even remotely like me. Ever since the start of high school I’ve been longing for a relationship. Though, I didn’t want it to be with one of those “bops” or hoes or whatever. I wanted it to be with someone special, a genuine person. I’ve just been longing for the simple things, like cuddling together, or having someone to rest my head on, to play with my hair, to laugh with, to talk with. I know I’m loved by my parents, they show me that everyday. Life hasn’t been particularly bad, but it’s not great. I just don’t know when I’ll find this person I’m looking for especially in this generation. That’s really the only thing keeping me alive. I just haven’t been happy in a long time and I really miss that.
submitted by Chopin_814 to depression [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:27 VolarRecords That WW2 UFO Footage is possibly narrated by David Grusch?

Not my text, resposting:
Props to for pointing this out!
And u/diamondmachina for this post.
Listen to the audio starting from :20 seconds up until :50 seconds on that clip that has been making the rounds. Grusch has a very particular inflection and pauses with “ahhh”, during that timeframe he does that about 3 times. He has a particular speech pattern that would be hard to disguise even with modulation.
Now listen to his opening statements here at the start from :10 to :35 he does the exact same type of inflections as in the distorted audio! Listen to them back to back, once you recognize the vocal patterns in his voice, the modulation does not hide that it is him. Why/how would RegicideAnon have a video that Grusch narrated???
Edit: this is the WW2 Archive Footage I am referring to
Edit2: pointed out his T’s also sound the same. In the opening statements at 1:08 you can hear how he ends “Current” and it ends very similarly to how he ends “It” and “Compensate” at :35 in the archived footage.
Edit3: Do Up/Downvotes affect post visibility? I only ask since from when I posted this almost an hour ago it has sat at 0, which is kinda strange that it’s being downvoted so heavily?
EDIT4: Okay so this one is a little weird, and very tinfoil-y I admit, but I feel I should point this out: Here is David Grusch’s resume
Note that during the timeframe this video was released, and around the time that MH370 occurred, David was:
July 2014 – December 2016, Adjunct Professor, School of Security and Global Studies, American Public University System (APUS)
• Undergraduate school professor developing technical coursework and program plans. Expertly instructed courses in the Intelligence Studies track, to include open source/social media analysis, signals and imagery analysis, and research methods.
December 2013 – March 2016, Chief, Intelligence Integration Division, Space Security and Defense Program (SSDP), Reston, VA (USAF Active Duty)
• Lead military intelligence officer for the SSDP Director, a member of the Senior Executive Service (SES) advising the Deputy Secretary of Defense (DEPSECDEF), Principal Deputy Director of National Intelligence (PDDNI), and National Security Council (NSC). Coordinated sensitive Multi-INT collection activities and modeling/simulation to support national space security objectives and advanced NSG programs. SSDP intelligence lead for the standup of the National Space Defense Center (NSDC).
It’s possible that during his time at the university he was analyzing and restoring WW2 archival footage? In order to verify this we’d have to find someone that knew him around that time frame to confirm or deny that he spoke of this previously.
The second thing that stood out to me was “Coordinated sensitive Multi-INT collection activities and modeling/simulation to support national space security objectives and advanced NSG programs.” I know with the recent MH370 video going around people are saying that if it WAS a hoax it would need to be created with someone with military access and very very expensive and sophisticated equipment. Possible the same equipment used to model and simulate space security objectives and NSG programs? Maybe this was a recreation of an event that the government didn’t see but was told was a possibility?
Edit5: I know many are asking how we know the voiceover wasn’t added recently, unfortunately the link to the video on RegicideAnon’s page on web archive doesn’t work, however another link to the same video was found that was posted to Facebook on September of 2015, that includes the voiceover:
Thanks to for translating the description on the video:
“The following video was confiscated from the Kodiak Historical Military Museum on September 7th 1993 (the voiceover in the video actually said November 7th 1993). Originally a collection of gradings were donated with no date record or source of recording. In the video a UFO can be seen flying low on an island, alongside the planes as it approaches the runway. The location and date of filming are unknown.”
Interestingly the info about the museum and the collections is not mentioned in the clip at all, suggesting this is either a clip of a longer video or that the poster “Paranormal” somehow got more info with the clip.
Final Edit: I know that some people are in the process of actually examining the audio with professional programs so hopefully soon we’ll have concrete evidence if the voices match, however I want to leave you all and anyone else that stumbles upon the thread with this last bit; check out the following two sections and judge for yourself if this “but” sound exactly the same.
:42-:46 of the WW2 Archive Footage
27:44-27:46 of the NewsNation Interview
Please keep up the fantastic discussion and as always don’t forget to keep reaching out to your state congress representatives to keep the pressure on disclosure! We all deserve the truth, for the betterment of humanity.
submitted by VolarRecords to UFOs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:23 throwawayaccount_631 my experience with being ghosted by my two irl friends (part 1)

hi, im a 19(F) who in the past year has dealt with two ghosters who used to be my irl friends, but slowly begun to dislike me overtime for some reason - for this first ghoster, we will call them Apple and for the second ghoster, we will call her Banana for privacy reasons
so let’s start with Apple. i’ve been friends with Apple for 7 years (middle school-high school) and while we weren’t close close because of our different interests, we’ve gotten each other thoughtful and meaningful birthday gifts and talked on social media a lot — when we were seniors in high school, which was last year, after our winter break they had begun to ignore me on social media - we still saw each other irl so i thought nothing of it, but i still felt some sort of loneliness and lack of closeness from them. in may (last year) when we graduated, apple was still ignoring my messages so i decided to only text them every few months as to not bother them - around oct, i had checked one of our social media to see that they soft blocked me, and i assumed they had done so in the middle of summer sometime. they had also gotten into new interests within that time, something i actually knew about so that we could’ve had a convo - it never happened.
in nov, i had asked one of their friends if she knew how apple was doing, and the friend didn’t feel comfortable telling me (which i respected) so then on thanksgiving, i messaged apple for closure and an explanation in hopes of finally getting a response - still nothing. apple was even online, and completely ignoring and ghosting me. it really hurt me.
things soon took an invasive turn. in december, i had continued to respectfully ask apple’s other friends if they knew anything about apple ghosting me. they said no. i even offered to give one of them context via my text messages with apple, which i know now was a complete inappropriate move on my part, because even if i didn’t actually send them, i still considered sending them, which is wrong. i was desperate to find out the truth. apple unfriended me on social media for talking with their friend, but didn’t completely block me yet.
in mid january, our friendship ended. i was still feeling desperate and needing to know why apple ghosted me. so i messaged another one of their friends to ask if they knew anything about me being ghosted (i did not send anything personal). the friend had no idea but told me that they would show apple our conversation.
(i also put apple in my dni on my new social media account, made a sarcastic comment abt them ghosting me but also allowing them to message me if they wanted. i was feeling spiteful and annoyed at the time)
i soon got an angry, harsh message from apple.
the message was basically that i lost the right to know why they stopped talking to me (remember this for later), disrespected apple for wanting to share our personal information and relentlessly bothering their friends. (i do agree on that part and it is my fault, although i was very respectful when they all said they had no idea and i apologized to them all) — apple also said they didn’t ghost themselves from me, but rather distanced themselves from me — as they said, i agree that’s completely fine and normal - however, it becomes a problem when you don’t say you’re going to distance yourself from said person, because apple still had me added on other social media before that day, and apple gave me a heartfelt message in our yearbook (but I actually never got to write in theirs) - so ofc i got mixed signals
anyways, apple basically told me to get a life off my phone and that they will never contact me again. okay, i accept that (except the ‘go touch grass’ part that was uncalled for, but it was the heat of the moment so i understand their anger) — now, remember the ‘lost the right to know why i stopped talking to you’? - apple constricted themselves a few sentences later saying that they didn’t want to make a big deal ending a backboned friendship (of 7 years, mind you!), which im assuming implies that they never valued our friendship as much as i did. (ofc sometimes our friendship was rocky at times, but i always apologized in the end.)
one thing that makes me mad abt the message is that apple never took responsibility for their actions that begun all of this, never once replying to my messages and even knowing how much i was hurting from the closure message i sent them two months ago, they did not care about my feelings in the slightest - i know they said they would never contact me again, but at least think of the happy memories we had once before and once you’ve come down from your anger, take the responsibility as i did. but i guess i wasn’t worth it.
afterwards, i ended up breaking down and crying a few days later because the deserved hurtful message really made me feeling upset for weeks - I even vented to my own friends about the whole situation but idk i feel like some of them didn’t really care or just got annoyed with me because i did the invasive thing and probably still are so i felt like i couldn’t talk about my own feelings with anyone and take in my sadness alone
it’s been a few months since then so i’ve moved on from my first ghoster and i still don’t have many irl friends to this day, but i do wish them the best, even if we ended on a sour note. i’d say we were both at fault here, and it could’ve worked out had we just communicated and talk it out. but i suppose we’re better off and maybe we were just too toxic for one another. i am still sorry for everything that went wrong. i can only hope my first ghoster is too, deep down.
now to you all, i’ve told you mainly everything that happened without leaving any important details out. i wanted to share my mistakes with you and not keep it in the dark, because it’s important to own up to them. ik im just a throwaway account here, but i hope you can see where i was coming from, even if it was an unconventional method. i am sorry. i would really appreciate it if you guys don’t entirely focus on that part, but if you need to, i understand.
part 2 regarding my second ghoster will be up in a few days. if you’ve read this far, thank you very much. it felt good getting my feelings out to this community, i just hope you all will be understanding that. i may still make mistakes from time to time, but i will learn from them with each passing day. thank you.
submitted by throwawayaccount_631 to ghosting [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:15 Revolutionary_Tea_55 Elementary vs HS observation

I’ve been reading posts for a few months (so excited to be done teaching soon!)
And as a high school teacher, I have to say that most of the anti-social, violent, rude, device-addicted, impatient feral behavior that many elementary and middle school teachers have written about, including quotes from students, sound exactly like what I’ve witnessed and experienced on the high school level.
When I briefly taught middle school recently, they were slightly less mature but behavior was very similar and intelligence/performance was the same as my high schoolers.
A large population from my high school tested on an elementary level for reading, writing, and math as well.
I don’t know if this is all a covid thing, a lack of discipline thing from loser admin, a phone/airpods thing (I assume a mix of all of it)
But something is seriously broken if all our hard work in elementary and middle isn’t helping make well-adjusted and educated high schoolers.
High schoolers have a degree of maturity that elementary and middle don’t have, they do feel closer to adults ( RUDE, immature adults), but functionally there isn’t much of a difffence in the classroom. I have no idea what college is like. I do think when kids leave the HS environment they mature much more rapidly. I’ve noticed alumni (COVID kids) doing much better once they graduated, got a reality check, started working/going to college.
But public k-12 education feels so broken right now.
submitted by Revolutionary_Tea_55 to TeachersInTransition [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:09 hebycreepy I [18M, Senior HS] have a suspicion that a girl in a different school [18F, Senior HS] may have unspoken feelings for me, should I go for it or back off?

Based on your experiences and wisdom internet strangers, how should I approach this because I have feelings for her? Should I tell her, or back off?
TL;DR is that I think I might be getting hints and clues that this girl I know may have feelings for me, but graduation is in a few weeks, and the parting of ways is inevitable.
There is this girl who I have recently, in the past year and a half or so, gotten to know well. I live in a town across the valley from hers, and we are both 18, being seniors in separate high schools. We have been texting each other for what almost felt like daily or multiple times a week well since the beginning of the summer before our senior year, and have not lost any momentum. I don’t always initiate conversation, as she likes to spark conversations through texting, whether it’s the most recent adventure, anecdote, or cake she baked, I’m not talking to a wall. We also talk in person whenever we can. When we see each other at weekly church meetings, she always tries to sit next to me, or does so when she can, and since I tried out track this year, each meet our schools are both at, we both without asking each other, watch each others events and cheer each other on, and we talk just about anything and everything. I think her parents and family like me pretty well, and I have a good relationship with them, and my family adores her. The problem is where I think I stand with her.
That problem is exemplified by the fact that our graduations our quickly creeping up on us, and we’re going to be parting ways as I’m moving to a bordering state in the middle of the summer, and not too long after will be serving a 2 year mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints all the way down in Mexico in late August. However, I’d be surprised to be “Dear John’d” as she is also going to serve a mission for our church before going to university, and is waiting to have her finished papers submitted. The timing would be perfect, as by the time she gets done with her mission, I’d be back home from mine oddly enough. We are also thinking about different universities which we both got accepted to, for me, USU and BYU Provo, for her BYU-I. The nice thing about the mission is that it’s like a 2 year gap-year, so if anything were to happen and be set into motion, we could try to go to the same school after. But I’m wondering if the fact that we are thinking about different schools and that I’m moving will make her fret if she does feel anything for me.
Some final preface is that we’ve been to homecoming together our junior year and that’s when our relationship kind of started. I also asked her to my senior prom in a fun, personal way for her, and she wasn’t weird about it, and was genuinely excited for it, saying yes, and that she was suspecting that I would ask her. We had a great time together and with the group we were with. When we took pictures with everyone, the photographer who was a mom asked our group to walk towards her for some cool shots, and for the couples to hold hands while doing so. Me being unsure and shy, didn’t grab her hand, but she sure grabbed mine and totally locked fingers with me (Mormon first base lol). At the dance, we slow danced to every song we could, when she wanted to, and I tried my best to match her energy the whole time (as a person who can’t dance, and is kind of introverted in stark comparison to her extroverted extreme nature). I later learned from my mom from her mom that she noticed and made mention of that, how I matched her energy intentionally. Afterwards, when it was time to go home and drop her off, I walked her to the door and she gave me what I can only describe in my mind as an intimate hug, which has happened between us before as well.
I’m leaning on the edge of her liking me back (rare glass half full view for me personally) because of a bunch of specific instances that blur the line of friendship between us, making it feel like we are more than just friends, and I’ll share a few key ones: (Sorry for making it look like a police report, that’s just the way my mind operates)
Exhibit A: On prom, I told her about the fact that I was moving in the middle of the summer because I needed to tell her in person, and it needed to come from me (weird time to tell someone that), but if I didn’t, she would’ve found out otherwise through town and church gossip. I was met with an immediate sad response, but that was quickly washed away and we had fun at the dance. What’s interesting is what she texted me after the fact: “What if we never see each other again…Sorry this is just crazy I'm going crazy I hate change and not sleeping so guna go to bed before this becomes a what if I die moments.”
Exhibit B: There are instances where I think she is trying to flirt with me, one of them being a response to me saying that I’m going to be somewhere where she thinks she’s going. The response in question was “I’m going now for sure [winky emoji, laughing emoji]”
Exhibit C: I have received 3 hugs from her that have stuck with me, and we’re all pretty intimate. Once after I gave her a meaningful gift after one of her favorite livestock she was taking care of died, which was pure luck and chance as I got a hat for her with a gag signature from my uncle called “the pig whisperer” which I was planning to give to her not as a cheering up gift, because I didn’t know her animal died. And once after I got my mission call, and once after dropping her off back at her house after Prom as mentioned before.
I don’t want to ruin our relationship because I value her a lot as a friend, but I think I’m seeing something more, and I don’t want to regret not doing anything.
Sorry for the long story, just looking for experienced insights. I don’t want to be “…falling in love as she’s walking away,” haha. Thank you for reading through my plight, and for those of you who respond.
submitted by hebycreepy to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:08 Kc83198 The separated family radio is a three parter

So I follow the radios usually because they offer decent loot, and I get to give family's some peace I feel. Eventually got to this place, barricaded neighborhood similar to sanctuary, full of supermutants. Kill them nothing special. Find the source of the broadcast in a guy basement. I listen on last time before turning it off. And start rummaging around, and their is a computer I read throught the logs.
When the bombs fell a man named Wayne who built giddy up butter cup toys ( found logs of him when I looted that building) got an early warning reading his bosses computer and dipped before the building went into lock down ( which is why I remembered, business guys starving to death) went to the nearby Malden middle school to pick up his kids and went home. Left the radio on for Bonnie's his wife. Who didn't come home.
I had previously come across her in medtech? Some hospital. Bonnie's was a doctor and her corpse is in a massive catscan room where she also left a tape. She talks about how hard it gotten, so many sick people and running low on supplies. But she hoped her family is okay. She obviously never made it home.
Could be a forth part, not sure, since David Wayne youngest son left a holotape saying they had to leave their home since bandits came back ( because an idiot saw a bunch of dudes in mad max leather gimos suits with guns, recognized one, and told them where they live). Wayne and his boys escape( possibly) while the few other left in there neighborhood were killed by raiders.
submitted by Kc83198 to fo4 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:04 WillingIncrease7292 My parents keep helping me out financially, I know I am a complete disappointment and failure. My siblings think I’m an asshole, am I one?

Mom70 Dad 72 Bro 31 Me 28 Sis 27 My parents are retired modestly wealthy. They worked their whole lives, saved, and played the stock market well. All my siblings were made to go to college. I am the odd one out because I took longer, even though I had the highest SAt/ACT scores, better grades, more scholarships. I just didn’t like college, it was the worst experience, I mean when I say I finished college so my parents can shut up. When I was 18 I moved out, I was on my own for 7 years, I came back home after a horrible break up.
My parents like to call me the prodigal child(the child that ran away and came home or whatever). I pay my own things, besides my rent as my parents says they don’t want me to. My sister also lives at home, however she stayed home for college, she’s the baby, she was given her car, she has no bills, but mounting credit card debt (I never told my parents this, never will) my brother married a rich woman, living his best life, also never worked in his life,( and never been a good big brother, for example if a man wanted to beat me, I wouldn’t call my brother) and now he become so boujee I barely know him anymore. I am in the process of moving, everything is so costly, however I am doing it. My car had problems, my parents paid the 2,500$ to fix it, I am going to pay them back. However my siblings kind of went off on me , saying how I make mom and dad sad, how my life turned out, how I don’t have a job with my degree, how I went to live on my own and was broke most the time. My sister said “you need to be better, like you are so disappointing, I remember how smart you were in high school”
This is another thing my family loves to bring up my past accomplishments. It literally makes me want to end my life when they do that.
I am thankful for my parents helping me, however I feel like I’m in a jail sentence. With this constantly hanging over my head. I am going to pay them back, but my brother and sister judement and how they think of me, hurts me.
If I didn’t have my dog, idk what I would do honestly I feel like such a piece of shit Yes I am the middle child.
submitted by WillingIncrease7292 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:53 Soft-Option-7477 Recently got in touch with old highschool love interest

Tldr at the bottom.
Before I start for context, I want to say this girl and i had mutual crushes on each other in middle school and high school.
So here's the deal, I recently ( a few weeks ago) sent this girl from high school a message trying to reach out.
I figured she'd never respond but did so anyways, hoping she might one day.
She wound up seeing my message and got back to me.
We've been talking for about a week now, and she's asked me all sorts of personal questions.
I mentioned to her that I was just going to leave a love letter in her inbox and never expected her to respond to me or read the note at all.
She asked me what it would have said, and I went into detail about how I've felt for her and why I disappeared from school.
I told her all about how I turned my life around and gave her all these personal details about life during and after school and what state im living in, I got my own apartment and a good job and everything.
I start asking her about personal info, but she gets weird about it and gives kinda secretive/avoident/cryptic answers.
I've given her a photo of me (a few days ago), I've left her voice messages, short videos of me talking to her and everything, but she never wants to go beyond texting.
She says she's gone through all these difficult life events since high school, which was sent to me in a somewhat long, very personal text, but quickly wound up deleting it.
She opens up a bit here and there, but she also takes hours to respond between messages.
She says she's busy doing her own thing, which I won't say what it is, but it could possibly eat up a lot of her time.
She's very nice and likes to be proper and is very supportive and encouraging in her texts.
I've tried to ask her if she'd be willing to send me a picture or a voice clip or a video, but she always chooses text.
I'm not being weird. I'm just light flirting at first and then just actual conversation asking things to get to know her because I am genuinely interested in getting to know her.
She says basically, "That's too personal right now," and will still respond but avoid questions like the plague sometimes.
Again, she will revisit old questions, but it feels like I'm picking teeth to her a regular, normal length conversation with her.
It's a little painful tbh, I wonder if she's mad at me, if she has a boyfriend or husband, if she's on the street, if she is genuinely busy, if she's ok...
I've asked her before a couple of times why she takes so long to reply, and she says cause she's busy.
Can someone really be this busy all the time every day?
She tells me she tries to be free on the weekends but does work on "projects"
She told me that she's "not promised to anyone," nor has she been "blessed with kids"
I live a good life and tried to impress her with the things I have and my lifestyle (in a nondouchey way), I tried opening myself up to her expressing genuine feelings of joy, love, interest but she just keeps distance.
I asked a mutual friend what he remembers of her from high school, and I guess she's always been like this.
She had a wall between herself and everyone else.
It's just so confusing. Why is she being nice to me?
Why is she responding to me when she could just ghost me?
Why does she talk to me and want to be supportive and tell me things like "I'm rooting for you in life" and "I know you can get where you're going if you keep on the same path" but at the same time, not want to make a call or send a video or a private photo so I can see her?
I asked for her photo in her messenger, and she updated her profile picture, which she hasn't done since high school in about 10 years!
She asks me why I sent and deleted messages and asks me what I sent her, but she doesn't have the time to message me to see them.
Is she manipulating me/stringing me along/keeping me on ice?
What's the endgame?
Where will this lead?
What's going on?
I feel like she's either not being direct, not respecting me, or there's something going on that's preventing her from being transparent with me like I've been with her.
What's the best thing for me to do in order to turn this uncomfortable situation into a more favorable one?
At least in terms of having an honest and open conversation with an old crush that I genuinely want to know more about?
One friend says patience is key with this girl.
Will she end up ghosting me or stop responding one day?
Is this normal?
Do I have a chance, and I'm screwing things up?
Is this salvageable, or is she just being a friend? (Big gulp)
Im trying to keep things light and casual because we both live in different states now but it kinda sucks how she's acting like she's being supportive but at the same time, she isn't being upfront with me.
Can anyone give some insight or maybe share a similar situation and tell me how it went or what was going on when you finally met the person?
Should I just take a chill pill and let things happen naturally?
Tldr: I recently got into contact with an old middle/ high school crush. Things are taking their course, but she's secretive while I'm transparent. She disappears for hours and comes back, claiming to be busy. I'm not sure why she's making time for me but also acting sort of distant. Thoughts, please.
EFIT: Thanks for the responses, guys. It's late, and I love the feedback. Please be honest and keep the messages coming if you care at all. I want to practice more self-love, and this back and forth with her was probably just bad timing. If she asks me any more questions, then maybe I'll tell her that I will share if she wants to share and leave it at that. I hope that's an appropriate response again. Thank you all for your comments. They mean a lot to me ❤️
submitted by Soft-Option-7477 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:53 kinamarie Japanese occupation of Taiwan book

I think it’s an autobiography, a female author. Female protagonist, setting is the Japanese occupation of Taiwan, and about many of the experiences of a woman in her early 20s, including intimidation/mistreatment/assault at the hands of Japanese soldiers. It would have been published in the late 90s or the earlier half of the 2000s, as I read it by middle or early high school.
submitted by kinamarie to Findabook [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:47 tommyshelbyisgender Just told my other brother about glass children

I (college-age F) am recently home from college for summer break. I have two brothers: one (16 M) medium-high support needs autistic (who I will call A) and the other (14 M) has been diagnosed recently with ADHD (hereafter B). I myself have AuDHD, have known about glass children for a while, and have been struggling for years with my relationship with my often violent, immature, and selfish middle brother, as well as the inaction on my parents' part.
Anyways, today I was picking up my youngest brother from school, and he jokingly mentioned how he would "have to tell Mom that [he] wouldn't be going to [A]'s wedding because [he] was ignored and disregarded [his] whole life" (something along those lines). This surprised me, because we'd always alluded to/joked about how frustrating and entitled A could be, but B had never expressed his own feelings about effectively being a glass child to me before. Our relationship wasn't the strongest growing up; A served as a sort of buffer between us age-wise, and by the time B was old enough for us to be friends, I had sort of withdrawn from engaging with my siblings in response to A's abuse.
So I told B about the term 'glass child', implying that he was one. The conversation naturally moved on to other topics from there, and I didn't press him on his feelings. I guess I'm still trying to figure out this whole 'older sibling' thing, but I'm really happy to finally have something resembling a close sibling relationship that I've seen my friends/media talk about but never really expected to have.
Anyways, I could really use some advice on next steps. Should I try to get B to open up more? We aren't really a talk-about-feelings family, and I don't want to make B uncomfortable by pushing too hard too soon. I know my mom has been urging B to try therapy, but he's not enthusiastic about the idea, which I understand. I've been considering talking to my mom about this, explaining to her that he will need therapy, but TBH that also sounds like a lot of emotional labor. Finally, I want to make his time in this house before college easier than mine was. A often causes a lot of conflict and stress, and while I was somewhat able to disengage, B bears a lot of the brunt of the emotional fallout. I'm worried it's making him too jaded for his age.
Sorry, that was a lot.
TL;DR: just told my youngest brother who I recently reconnected with that he's a glass child, and I would really appreciate advice on how to help him live with the stress of having a disabled brother when I'm not around. Any comments are appreciated! :)
submitted by tommyshelbyisgender to GlassChildren [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:43 carlos3rcr 26[M4F]US scientist that likes trashy reality tv, running, and imessage games

here’s what I look like
I’m in the midwest, in the middle of my phd, using the sacred few hours of sleep I got to scroll reddit while binging on the trashiest reality TV and early 00s MTV music videos
tbh, since moving here I’ve been aching to meet people that aren’t related to my professional or academic sphere, and rarely got the time to do much outside the lab, so, here I am, it seems meeting people online could be good bet :o
some random trivia
here are two truths and a lie
If you're interested in talking, send me a line about yourself!
submitted by carlos3rcr to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:42 carlos3rcr 26[M4F]#US#online scientist that likes trashy reality tv, running, and imessage games

here’s what I look like
I’m in the midwest, in the middle of my phd, using the sacred few hours of sleep I got to scroll reddit while binging on the trashiest reality TV and early 00s MTV music videos
tbh, since moving here I’ve been aching to meet people that aren’t related to my professional or academic sphere, and rarely got the time to do much outside the lab, so, here I am, it seems meeting people online could be good bet :o
some random trivia
here are two truths and a lie
If you're interested in talking, send me a line about yourself!
submitted by carlos3rcr to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:42 AdSad2394 Idk why I can’t get out this hole

Someone just give me a hug plz Ps this has no order it just thoughts
I feel like everything is in shambles. I’m 19M. It’s college summer break. I’m broke. Never had a girl. Fat. Ugly. In credit card debt and to my father. Everywhere I apply to says no. Been made fun of because I’m broke or fat. Shit doesn’t seem to align in life. I feel like I’m being left behind. And my only response to that is to catch up even if it means sacrificing myself. I can’t really talk to my parents about this. I’m not raised to express feelings. I can tell the boys I’m depressed but it’s either as a joke or like just one rough day. And I’ve been like this since middle school. I have highs but overall I’m really in a constant low. At this point I wish I was high or drunk to make it fade away. My parents are going on vacation soon and all I can think of is to get drunk to get these feelings out my mind. I know I can’t get carried through life but some help. Some mercy. Don’t leave me alone. If this is growing up please promise me getting old gets better. I feel like everyone is having a better life while I just sit and watch. Now I don’t want to rant but this is my only way to let this out. Idk maybe I’m too hard on myself. But if I don’t do it myself, I have people pressuring me. Idk if I think too much in a cause and effect mindset but I feel like I’m losing out on opportunities (though I can’t describe much of them) that others are having. I don’t feel like women want me. There’s always someone better than me. I lost my virginity to someone who I regret. I lead a lie on my friends cuz I’m ashamed of when that happened. I can keep things clear with women. Keep in mind that my interactions with women only get to “good friends” level. I find it hard that people smarter than me are smarter because I feel like I just don’t want it bad enough but I’m trying. At this moment I just rather be on pace in life if it means sacrificing whatever little I have left I don’t really care about family because my only meaningful family is just my two parents. I’m an only child. I can’t go see friends, or call them much really
submitted by AdSad2394 to mentalhealth [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:40 lancekatre Best Part About This Beef

Im a 30something white dude with ADHD and I went to city middle and high schools with a majority black student body. I was around hip hop a lot in these spaces, and influenced by it, but the stuff that ended up reaching me on a deeper level was, I dunno, Linkin Park, Rage Against the Machine. I only recently made the connection between this and my ADHD; I think my auditory processing struggles coupled with the vernacular that most black hip hop artists use — and my white, middle class experience (my friend Alex would say there is no middle class except as an illusion of economic mobility, but of course you know the vibe) — made it harder for me to connect or even comprehend the bits and pieces of black hip hop culture I was exposed to.
This beef has me reading lyrics while streaming everything on Spotify and it has made me realize how much I vibe with Kendrick Lamar’s work. My search for context started with the Control verse, and then my wife (who was the first person to introduce me to Kendrick’s work) sat with me through most of Good Kid m.A.A.d City and the entirety of To Pimp a Butterfly and like…I feel like I understand why someone who made albums like that would not just dislike but actively hate someone like Drake, or what Drake represents. It’s all there, man.
It’s the lyrics on screen that’s helping me. It’s literally the exact same reason I watch every TV show with subtitles on. And I’ve just never thought to do that with music - to literally watch the lyrics scroll on my TV set - to help me process and appreciate the depth of what an artist has to say. Not until this beef made me curious. I never thought about it as an accessibility issue, I think I always had some kind of unconscious moral calculus going on, like it reflected on my whiteness or ignorance or something. But nah I just can’t listen good and didn’t grow up speaking AAVE.
It’s really cool. all these seemingly throwaway lines and off-handed jokes I have no context for, now I can see which words are capitalized. I know it probably makes me sound dumb but I’m grateful for this new consciousness and probably wouldn’t have it if Kendrick Lamar hadn’t read this man to absolute filth Like That.
Does anyone else have a similar experience?
submitted by lancekatre to KendrickLamar [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:39 Lucky-Ice-2363 spiritual attack

I believe im under serious spiritual attack I've been betrayed framed blamed falsely accused stolen from attacked hacked and anything u can think of ..but first ill explain a bit about me ..I'm 38 male and I live in Canada looking back I can see that there was many times i was unjustly betrayed and always seemed to happen when I was vulnerable .for some reason I could only fall asleep late and suffered from sleep paralysis since I was little.. looking back this caused alot of problems with everything leading me to not do well in school but always felt like I don't understand I'm a good person I'm socially intelligent and can fix just about anything I always put myself last and remember spending alot of time being more excited about helping ppl get what they want and just overall assisting everyone but myself ..I don't know if this is relevant but moving on I would sometimes pray as a child and this I'll never forget while praying one night a crude immoral thought was almost pushed into my head wasn't anything I was capable of thinking or was vile to say the least and directed at someone who was the closest living being to an angel that a human could be later in life I see it for what it was ..anywho fast forward things were normal or what I thought would be normal but as I got older the pressures of maturing and me not having the life skills/opportunitys I would lose jobs i would get fired for bullshit reasons or but mainly cause of my own choices but I came to a point where I found myself isolated and at that time no matter what I did there would be something or someone and I even said to myself ..I swear it's like there's an unseen force manipulating everything shutting every door on me it became more than coincidence and that went on for a year and it caused me to become sad about my situation and one day I was supposed to go to work but the guy never showed up when he volunteered to pick me up ..I needed to work cause I had nothing i had enough I started crying and openly ask God to help me from the deepest part of my heart ..this is where my whole understanding of the world changed ..I felt like I was becoming claustrophobic..and then I heard bells from the churnh down the street but it was so loud it was like the bells were in my room with me ..I felt I had to get up so I went down to the half set of stairs and did a circle in the living room ..and went back up to the room at the top of the stairs I stopped cause I felt something that I could only describe as being near radiation or something ..if uve ever taken a hot to the head that bright purple u see with brightwhitelight almost vibrating me with pins and needles behind me I didn't turn around its like I wasn't suppised to but in a knowing I felt a hand reach out and touch my sholder and i tecieved a msg and i knew who it was ..the msg was clear I may have even spoken it tto myself it said yours is a hard life but you will be ok or something to thst extent. i feel like another msg was inside that msg or that I had to pay special attention to the me part like as in it's I'm set apart or singled out that no one will help me it's my hard life and mine alone but ending the msg with I'll be ok I knew that this being is the final word and he knows exactly what will happen with me and confirmed I'll be ok through anything ...the fuzzy purple warm radiation seemed to back up and out back towards the stars the way he entered ..I was crying I've never cried like that before and I was a bit hysterical to be honest everything came back to normal. this experience changed my life I wrote it down in detail it was 4 pages that eventually went missing like every other document I had .. I pondered the whole day and he was guiding my thoughts through the night I came to a realization that I've had a have demonic interest in me since I was born ..and more importantly that almost everyone has entity's attached to them and also that most people can be forgiven and that I can be forgiven because it's not just us that are guiding our thoughts processes ..I forgave everyone I was shown /reminded of trespasses against me and that I could forgive all the things that stuck with me ..I later learned the things that stuck with me was like a base of operations if u will and instantly gone within a 24 hour I had eyes to see ..but wasn't prepared for wat I saw in the next 48 hours I began hearing voices and they began flashing images of who they were when id close my eyes I'll describe them the best I can ..they were like children but had features of someone who aged like well into adult hood but body's of 10 year olds ..bizarre little evil things but had a way of engaging my attention and always casting doubt at the time all this started many strange things in the physical started happening as well ..ppl were attracted to me they were everywhere like the first day I went outside about 3 days after the initial experience I was just sitting parked in the back this dark skinned male just appears around the fence walks right up to the window and starts talking about what am I doing and he's just been walking all this guy looked frantic and eyes so wide just looking around totally paranoid and more than concerning he pulled out a bag of cocaine and offered me the bag I said no and told him to take care of himself ..and he left and I shortly after.. I stopped for gas on my way to 7 11 and at the gas station I'm just getting myself together to go in and pay and I hear a cpl screaming at the top of there lungs grabbing and slapping each other clawing and decided to walk up 3 ft away and continue this domestic dispute ..I get out of there as fast as I could I make it to 711 and there's a girl standing outside she's really dirty and has no shoes on I walk by her and she follows me in she's skinny with knobby knees like the ones that speak to me ..I look at her she looks at me that same look as the guy that aporoached me 20 minutes earlier frantic and disturbed..I felt bad for both these ppl as they looked like there in the middle of some sort of episode.. ...I knew my life would never be the same .. these things knew I could see them and they hated me for it .. the feed on negative emotion it's a theory of mine that they can show them selves to anyone but if they expose them selves they risk losing their food sources .ppl really would come to God and not sin if they knew the power these things have in this world ..they run this world they really do ..but anyways there's so much more and I believe my story can help someone ..this was 5 years ago I've had ppl break into my house attack me steal everything loved ones betray and hate me with lies totally out of character stuff my brother died because of this I shared everything with him and he actually took up drinking and became the most disrespectful person I've ever seen all within a few months of me sharing everything with him. he's the only one that believed me ..the enemy himself visited me one night of debate out of the 2500 I've experienced since..spoke to me in tongues that I understood I recall what he looks like...he spoke so fast and to be described in a few words ..frantic like he something just happened he couldn't believe and was so enraged fueled by a sense of loss ..surprised rage loss realization if a gambler had his life savings on red and black but it lands on green ..if that makes sense much and under 24 hr prosecution mentally and physically ..
submitted by Lucky-Ice-2363 to Christianity [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:37 Alexiscpearson Everything will follow my life in my dr

Like the tittle say, my better cr is finna follow my life. Expect few things is changing. I’ll be more active and doing some sports I’ve been wanting to do everything. Hanging out with friends and more. All of my middle school teachers will be the same. My friends are the same as well. My parents are different people expect I have no siblings. I know I said this many times. I’ll be living my childhood home Ik the whole layout of my childhood home. I act the same way I act in school & in classes. I can’t wait to go back 2012 and have fun. I will bonding close with my parents especially my dr mom. Both my parents will be married in my dr. I fixed up my slowly I’m so excited to shift there. I’ll be having the same class there like I did there. I’m in some clubs in middle school. My middle school was kinda fun. Especially like spirit week or whatever. I loved my teachers I had in my middle school. Once I shift it’ll be couple days before the first day of school. Then I got my first phone before middle school. Also be meeting my first best friend in my middle school. But we didn’t start getting long wanna say first few week of school. Then the next day we got long. It happen in my cr but somehow we got super close. I can’t wait go back 2012 because I can see all of my friends. Almost every night I think about my better cr. If you want know about my dr let me know I’m down talk to anyone about my better cr.
submitted by Alexiscpearson to realityshifting [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:36 Southernnights1 My friend has been not putting effort into our friendship for some years

I have this friend from when I was 17(I am 26 almost 27 now) we had a good friendship with lots of fun, laugther and we shared alot of the same struggles with mental health which made us closer. We graduated from our High School and then kept seeing eachother the last 10 years. Something I noticed is that I am usually the one reaching out to meet or ask her how she is. We meet up and we have a good Long talk over coffe once in a while. However I started to notice a pattern, that if I don’t reach out I will not hear anything. I kept messaging her and checking in on her. She never checks Up on me. She never share anything unless I write to her and ask. Finally some weeks ago I started to get tired of this. I asked her and she said that it was nice to see me 2-4 times a year but she can’t mentally manage meeting more frequently because of her university etc. I said I understand, But I really wished she could then just text me once in a while to check in on me like I do with her. That was too much for me to ask - she couldn’t handle that. I then tried to Explain my emotions that I feel really Hurt and I thought we could be better friends since we had been friends for 10 years. She was very cold in her messages and just Said that she only wanted to be friends because she was nervous I didn’t have anyone to talk to. I then said to her that I have a good handful of friends who I talk with so that wasn’t the case. I asked her why are you me just because you are worried I don’t have anyone to talk to. She then replied that she also gets something our of it by talking with me. I told her I can’t be her friends if she can’t at least muster a ‘Hello How are you’ message occationaly. She Said sorry I cant give you What you want. Then she wrote another message saying ‘I can’t handle this right now let me reach out to you in 2 months and let us see’ I feel really hurt and I feel like it has opened some old wounds from ex friends who didn’t care about me and where it was me caring too much.
I don’t know What to do next. Is it worth trying to make mends?
submitted by Southernnights1 to friendship [link] [comments]