Hot face cold hands


2008.11.18 03:38 Faces

This is the wholesome place to post your face. SFW pictures of human faces.

2020.03.10 00:38 WaitedTill2015ToJoin CovidSupport - You Aren't Alone, Everything Is Going To Be OK

1) You aren't alone! =) 2) It's OK to be scared. 3) This is a temporary force of nature. It has a beginning, a middle, and an end.

2016.02.16 08:46 reapppevirele Best Anti Aging - Free Trials Offers


2024.05.14 07:00 Mazaatta My Overheated Morning on the Dubai Metro: A Plea to the RTA

This morning (14/05/2024), I took the metro from Union station, traveling from Centerpoint to Business Bay. As soon as I boarded, I noticed it was extremely hot, and everyone was sweating. The travelling time from Union to Business Bay usually takes about 25 minutes.
For those familiar with the Dubai metro during office hours, you know how crowded it gets. I was on the train at 7:25 AM, and it was packed. The humidity was unbearable because the air conditioning was not working. This made the journey very uncomfortable for everyone.
Many passengers wanted to get off the train due to the heat, but doing so would mean waiting a long time for the next metro, which would make us late for work and potentially face salary deductions. As someone of young age, I can manage the situation, but I'm concerned about elderly passengers and those with physical conditions like asthma. In such conditions, they might find it impossible to endure the heat and the rush.
I'm urging the Dubai RTA to address this issue and ensure the air conditioning systems are functioning properly, especially during peak hours. This will make the metro more comfortable and safe for all passengers.
submitted by Mazaatta to DubaiCentral [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:59 Mazaatta My Overheated Morning on the Dubai Metro: A Plea to the RTA

This morning (14/05/2024), I took the metro from Union station, traveling from Centerpoint to Business Bay. As soon as I boarded, I noticed it was extremely hot, and everyone was sweating. The travelling time from Union to Business Bay usually takes about 25 minutes.
For those familiar with the Dubai metro during office hours, you know how crowded it gets. I was on the train at 7:25 AM, and it was packed. The humidity was unbearable because the air conditioning was not working. This made the journey very uncomfortable for everyone.
Many passengers wanted to get off the train due to the heat, but doing so would mean waiting a long time for the next metro, which would make us late for work and potentially face salary deductions. As someone of young age, I can manage the situation, but I'm concerned about elderly passengers and those with physical conditions like asthma. In such conditions, they might find it impossible to endure the heat and the rush.
I'm urging the Dubai RTA to address this issue and ensure the air conditioning systems are functioning properly, especially during peak hours. This will make the metro more comfortable and safe for all passengers.
submitted by Mazaatta to UAE [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:58 Mazaatta My Overheated Morning on the Dubai Metro: A Plea to the RTA

This morning (14/05/2024), I took the metro from Union station, traveling from Centerpoint to Business Bay. As soon as I boarded, I noticed it was extremely hot, and everyone was sweating. The travelling time from Union to Business Bay usually takes about 25 minutes.
For those familiar with the Dubai metro during office hours, you know how crowded it gets. I was on the train at 7:25 AM, and it was packed. The humidity was unbearable because the air conditioning was not working. This made the journey very uncomfortable for everyone.
Many passengers wanted to get off the train due to the heat, but doing so would mean waiting a long time for the next metro, which would make us late for work and potentially face salary deductions. As someone of young age, I can manage the situation, but I'm concerned about elderly passengers and those with physical conditions like asthma. In such conditions, they might find it impossible to endure the heat and the rush.
I'm urging the Dubai RTA to address this issue and ensure the air conditioning systems are functioning properly, especially during peak hours. This will make the metro more comfortable and safe for all passengers.
submitted by Mazaatta to dubai [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:56 Tosjsjje [acne] How do I take care of this pimple (???) or is it a cold sore?

Hi all, and apologies if this isn’t the right place for this, I was sure where to post and I can’t seem to find anyone with a similar situation. I work outside and about 3 weeks ago now I was at work and could feel I was going to get a pimple at the corner of my lip where it meets the skin line (I often get whiteheads and blackheads here and usually can feel them get irritated/inflamed). Unfortunately that same day I was moving some branches back and let go and one of them snapped and hit my lip in the exact same spot I felt the pimple forming. It stung like hell the rest of the day and I could feel a welt forming.
So when the pimple finally surfaces it’s like the worst pimple I’ve seen in my life, and appears to maybe have two white heads and still the huge welt underneath, I thought due to the trauma on my lip, but after a comment or two I started to worry it might be a cold sore. I’ve never had one in my life and was/am super worried. My dad thought different though and was convinced it was a pimple, I wore an overnight pimple patch and when it decided to burst it did appear to burst like a normal whitehead/pustule with the usual whitehead/pustule gunk, and I put some neosporin on it and it started to heal.
Like two days into healing, it’s finally looking SO much better and I’ve decided it was a traumatized pimple, and I go over to my parents for dinner and my mom decides to wipe the corner of her grown daughter’s mouth, right where this spot is healing, and manages to dig in with her (very sharp nail) in such a painful way that I immediately feel it start to welt up again. Three days later it’s blown up again and looks really funky, still no more painful than a typical pimple but clearly swollen underneath and at this point does resemble a more mild cold sore because it’s no longer a perfect circle/more like an oval, but maybe that’s from repeated trauma cause it can’t catch a break? Once again not sure what to do and am freaking out.
This time I’m outside for 5 days with wind and dust and debris before I can fully deal with it, so I once again clean and don a pimple patch in which the usual gunk comes out, but so does a small amount of watery/bloody discharge at the end. It never looked blister-y and I’m not sure how cold sores behave typically. It never seemed to crust over when initially healing and did seem to be healing like a pimple, albeit a complicated one? But at this point it looks kind of weird and I’m wondering if it’s an infected pimple? Or it is a cold sore and it was incredibly bad timing for a first one? Can they even refill like that and would the fluid be so identical to pimple pus (ugh gross) in the first place?
I’m going to make a doctors appointment tomorrow, but they’re very far out and I’m not sure what I should be doing in the mean time. I’m now on week 3 of this one spot wrecking havoc on my face and tbh I’m kind of sick of my lip/lip line being swollen. I did all the things that helped it heal and they seem to be working more slowly after this new trauma. Has anyone else dealt with something similar?
Thanks for any help/ suggestions and taking the time to read all of this. I didn’t want to post a pic in the main post, but if it’s helpful I can add one. Honestly not sure it would help, it’s been through so much 😂
submitted by Tosjsjje to SkincareAddiction [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:56 john6866 I've been too available in my relationship lately, how do I stabilize the power dynamic?

I(30M) have been dating this girl (32F) for a year, mostly long distance.
Long story short girlfriend has been super confused lately about her feelings and what she wants to do with the relationship. Classic case of hot and cold, when we meet in person she can feel all the feelings, but the moment that physical contact is gone she's back to wondering.
I do know that her feelings in person are very much real and we act like we are inseparable. There's been a lot going on in her life on work and personal front so I've tried to be kind to her in this phase of confusion/doubt. But it's taking a toll of my mental health because my emotions sway a lot on a daily basis depending on how hot/cold she is for the day.
I've been consistent in expressing that I want things to work out between us but almost feel like I'm falling in the trap of "more you try, less they feel". Couple days ago she said some stuff that really upset me so I pulled back a bit, and that suddenly made her put more effort in calling/texting/reaching out than she has in a while.
Part of me thinks I've been too available, and based on how she reacted when I pulled back, I need to stabilize the power dynamic for her to be able to truly feel her feelings and make a decision one way or the other. How do I go about doing that?
submitted by john6866 to self [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:56 kittensluv Apartment complex without water for whole day

Our apartment complex hot water boiler was damaged and they are working on fixing the issue. The whole complex has been without water the entire day. The manager texted us saying it can take 2-3 days. I texted him around 5 pm today asking if there was an eta for at least cold water to be turned on and no reply it’s now 9:55 pm and still not water. Can’t shower or use the restroom. Is there any room to take legal action?
submitted by kittensluv to legal [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:54 Remarkable3897 Condenser unit turns on, but air is not cold

Condenser unit turns on, but air is not cold
Our HVAC has been working normally for years, but yesterday it was hot day and we turned-on the cooling mode for the first time this year.
The outside condenser unit turns on, both the fan and the compressor, however the air coming from the ducts inside the home is hot.
When touching the condenser walls, they feel ambient temperature, with the exception of the a section, about 10 inch above the ground were all the surroundings feelt quite cold.
Any ideas on what could it be?
Thank you
submitted by Remarkable3897 to hvacadvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:54 LusGoneBatty Panic attack,I think?

Hello ... writing this while laying in a hot bath at almost 1am .....i was laying on my side earlier...felt okay,then could like feel my heart beat through my armpit or arm?? Had my head propped up with my hand/arm!
Then stomach began hurting, nothing extreme! But my heart rate went through the roof and I got such horrible shakes I couldn't do anything,My heart isnt beating as fast currently but it's still feels like its pounding some,I feel sick and can't sleep....
I have a history of panic attacks, pretty bad ones unfortunately....but idk.... maybe my mind over reacted thinking I was having heart attack or something.....idk but could wegovy be doing this? My anxiety been bit better for while...leadt until taking compunded wegovy Friday night.....
Anyone else experience similar???
submitted by LusGoneBatty to WegovyWeightLoss [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:53 AnonymousJrly 24y with chronic pain and NO answers. Please help!

I've had kidney stones since high school. I've passed probably 30. (Diagnosed with cystanuria) But now (past 2 years) around the time I experience flank pain ( not necessarily passing a stone) I also get extreme bone pain. It can be my pelvis, my leg, arm, hand, shoulder, anything. Sometimes it's all of these on one side. My bones crack and my joints get stiff and it's very painful for a while.They've tested me for so much but it always comes back normal. I also have experienced: UTIs, hair loss, weight loss, anemia, random (large) bruises on my legs, face swelling... Typically one side but not the same each time) I went in for more tests today. My CBC only showed 2 things that were off. MCHC was low at 31.7 but it doesn't seem crazy low, and MPV was high at 12.2. Rheumatoid test came back within range and so did c reactive protein.
Please, please, tell me what you would do next. None of my doctors seem to know where to go next.
submitted by AnonymousJrly to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:51 driveslow227 What if I installed a bathroom fan in our bedroom?

We’ve lived in our home for two years, and I recently started data logging the temperatures throughout the house. Basement is coldest, thermostat on the main floor, upstairs north is warmer, but the south facing master is always a few degrees hotter. It is also the tallest room of the house with a vaulted ceiling.
Would it make a noticeable difference if I installed a bathroom fan at the top of the vault? I was thinking about the whole house attic fan that we had in my childhood home and it got me thinking that maybe getting that leftover hot air out might help with how hot this room is when we go to bed. Is that a dumb idea?
I realize that this may not be the best sub for this question, but I also know that there are people from every trade that browse and comment on the wonko shit that gets posted here.
submitted by driveslow227 to DIY [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:50 tinkerellabella Seeking Advice on Marital Troubles and Potential Sale of Our Home

Hi Reddit,
I'm in need of some advice regarding my current marital situation and the potential sale of our home. To give you the full picture, I'll start from the beginning. Apologies for the length, but I feel all the details are necessary to understand the context.
I (29F) met my husband (40M) on Tinder four years ago. We dated for about eight months when my family had an opportunity to purchase a property. My then-boyfriend was also looking to be involved in a business deal of that sort, and he was interested in having his name on the property as well. My father supported this, seeing as how my boyfriend was a physician with a good income, and saw this as a way to bring him closer to our family. The opportunity came quickly, and we all signed the contract to purchase the house.
Trouble began shortly after this. My boyfriend requested that only he and I be on the title of the house, removing the rest of my family, as he saw a future with us and envisioned it as our potential family home. My father was very pleased to hear this and supported it, so we obliged. During this time, the property had increased in value, and I requested the other family members be paid off so we could buy out their shares. My boyfriend declined, feeling it was unfair.
To skim over some details, here are the highlights of the construction: My boyfriend paid more for the down payment than we initially realized would be required. Because of this, he paid no further construction costs. The construction proceeded with debt from my family until the construction loans came through. My family paid for the construction, and my father built the house for us without charging for his management services. My father was displeased with my boyfriend’s behavior and required him to pay more money for the construction due to inflation and the COVID shutdown. My boyfriend declined, and my mother and I secretly took out a line of credit to front the construction costs to my father, pretending it was from my boyfriend. Eventually, as we got the construction loans on a rolling basis after meeting construction milestones, my mother’s line of credit was paid off.
During this time, my family and I wondered why my boyfriend had not proposed. I decided that if he hadn't proposed by a certain time, I would leave him. Fortunately, he did propose on Valentine’s Day 2022. By spring of 2022, construction was coming to an end, and it was time for us to settle into the house. My fiancé felt uncomfortable with how much money he had put into the house and was worried I could leave him and make a profit. I promised him I wouldn’t leave him, but it wasn’t enough. He said he would believe me if I had a child with him, otherwise women would leave men if there were no ties. I told him I would have a child with him right when we got married. He suggested I come off birth control, as it takes months for a woman’s cycle to normalize after being on birth control for many years. I promised him I would come off birth control.
Coming off birth control was more stressful than I realized. I was very hormonal, breaking out, and felt unlike myself. This contributed to my fiancé and I fighting more than usual. In one particularly heated fight, I told him I would go back on birth control and even purchased the pills, but he told me he would break up with me if I did because he wanted to get to know the real me. I conceded, and then something switched in me and I became excited at the possibility of having a baby. I started tracking my cycle and figuring out my ovulation days. I shared this with my fiancé, and on one of those days, we got pregnant. I didn’t find out until the end of summer 2022. When I did find out, I told my fiancé and suggested we should probably get married.
My fiancé's first response was that we should wait to see if the baby sticks, and if it does, then we can plan a marriage but he wanted to wait until February 2023. I was very disappointed and angry and yelled at him. I felt alone and overwhelmed by the thought of having an illegitimate child. After discussing potentially getting an abortion, potentially breaking up, and potentially selling the house, I talked my fiancé into keeping the baby and getting married. He also wanted to keep the baby but was afraid of our situation. After many fights about when to have the wedding, we finally decided on December 2022. At that point, I was four months pregnant. During this time, my fiancé and I had major arguments that therapy couldn’t even remedy. We would yell at each other, slam doors, I would cry, and he would hold himself up in a room for hours. We had nice moments too, but they were heavily clouded over by the bad.
Finally, we got married, and things were good for a while. But then we faced some marital problems. My husband kept separate accounts and managed the finances himself. We had a joint credit card where I could pay for expenses without being questioned. He made all of the major investment decisions and major purchases. If I tried to disagree or speak up, he would get upset because this was not the submissive wife I had promised him I would be. I made significantly less money than him but lived a good lifestyle, buying almost anything I wanted within reason. Coming from a traditional family, I was upset that finances were kept separate. And so it continued that my husband would invest tens of thousands of dollars into our house so that his family from out of town would visit. We live in Vancouver, Canada, but his family is from Ottawa. In hopes of luring his youngest sister (of four) to Vancouver, my husband would make any modification to the house that his youngest sister showed the slightest interest in. This included a hot tub on the rooftop, a media system in the basement, a movie projector, and much more. After said sister got married, she made it clear that she would not move to Vancouver. Then a switch happened in my husband, and he suddenly wanted to sell the house.
Meanwhile, during all this time, I had my baby, and my husband and I were still fighting more than ever. I felt no support from him, and he felt drained by his work, our fights, and being away from his family. Recently, for the past three months, he has been consistently pushing for the sale of our house. This is where my dilemma lies. I am afraid to sell this house because my husband has kept finances separate, and the mortgage on this house has been serving as a way for me to feel secure. My husband contributes a monthly amount on a regular basis. He could have forced a sale in the past but didn’t, instead paying into the monthly mortgage on top of other bills. Now, he is considering forcing the sale of our house, but I am upset that he is citing financing as the issue when I have been begging him to save money instead of spending (his response is that $200,000 does not affect a $2M mortgage, and that he now feels burnt out and wants to retire sooner and live passively). If I don’t agree to sell, I feel unstable about moving from our home given that my husband and I fight so frequently, and I am left alone to take care of the child. It is also worth noting that my parents live right across the street and come over frequently to help with the child, or I would go over to seek their help. My husband says that he feels abandoned and uncomfortable frequently because of our proximity to my parents, but I am because there have been times when I felt truly alone, and my parents were my only solace and support. My husband would ignore me for days, especially when I was postpartum and vulnerable. My parents now see my husband as someone who doesn’t put his wife and child first. My husband says that the massive mortgage we have is too stressful for him, and he can’t take that burden. I am sad that my husband will not consider keeping this house for another three years so that I can get comfortable with the idea of selling the house and that potentially I and my family can all move to Ottawa so that we can allow my husband to be closer to his family.
I don’t know what to do at this point, Reddit. I’m currently on extended maternity leave, but it ends in six months. My husband and I will have to come to an agreement about the house, otherwise, it is likely that he will force the sale of the house even if I’m not ready to move. I’ve consistently felt rushed and overlooked in this relationship. I am tired of being the small voice that does not impact decision-making. My husband is now being nice to me and trying to show me a good time, but I see it as him turning on his charming mode so that I can say yes to the sale of this house. I’m not sure what to do. Our fights and disagreements are so bad and the marriage feels like doom sometimes (never any physical violence). I sometimes questions even staying with him, but I worry for my daughter. He is a good father to her, when he is present and off his phone.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for reading.
submitted by tinkerellabella to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:49 F-21 Hot starting issue on '71 1300

I had this issue for a long while. Engine starts up fine when it's cold, and also if I turn it off and immediately try to start it. But if I turn it off for half an hour, it takes a long while for it to finally start.
How does the automatic choke work? As it seems to me, it looks like the choke turns on again if the car is standing for a bit. Does it need to be adjusted accordingly when hot?
submitted by F-21 to beetle [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:48 gloamcore 39 [M4F] Toronto. Seeking sweet, brainy fat chick for (moderate, retrograde) time travel buddies.

6' 1", 190 lbs, unattached, monogamous, downtown. Kidfree, plantfree until quite recently, not quite catfree at all. I run a cool online business and have a decent amount of free time. People say my weird fiction is terrifying, my sauerkraut's the best they've ever had, the flat spot on top of my skull is something I'm exaggerating for attention, and sometimes even that my voice is hot. I like thrift stores, diy, charcoal denim, Moomins, walkmans, doom metal, dim sum, hallucinatorily sad folk songs, and late night conversations on fire escapes. Haven't smoked in 550 days and change, but the brown liquor's still doing me friendly. Never sure if I'm more Calvin or Hobbes, probably a switch. More into philosophy than politics, more into making than consumption. If I like you, I'll want to fix your computer and read you stories in bed.
In search of someone comfortably strange for cuddling at shows and testing recipes. Looking for a relationship, not just to hook up, not weave endless conversation loops. Theoretically open to distance. Usually I crush on thoughtful creative types who aren't entirely grown up. Let's hold hands and stare directly at the sun.
(Note: I'm only into big girls. By this I mean rolls and a belly, not just sorta thick. So many people have asked me for details on this one I feel like I've gotta be clear. No disrespect meant to the non-squishy queens but it's how my brain works.)
submitted by gloamcore to R4R30Plus [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:48 Full_Dimension8315 Change in the Weather

I loved you because you were mine. Now you're not. You haven't been for a month now. Time has slowed for me to an almost unbearable rate. I want nothing more than to be lost in one last single moment with you. Your hands on my arms, fingers curling around me. Your eyes searching mine, and lips parted, waiting only for the sustenance of a kiss. My thirst for you has parched my heart and lungs. Every breath I take without you is but a dry, coarse, deep cut inside of me. In the course of a day, my strongest supporter and only confidate decided I was against everything they stood for. I'm lost without our team, destined to wander, looking for the familiar face of our love. The only strength I have left is being used to keep myself from reaching across this void. It's what you want, and I want you to be happy, even without me
submitted by Full_Dimension8315 to heartbreak [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:47 queens1021 Stuck in a painful marriage

Stuck and need to let it out
Before i start i know i am very stupid for the choices i made. I (26f) got married to my husband (30m) when i was 21 we met from mutual friends and i fell in love with him and it was a feeling ill never forget. He was an amazing guy until he wasn’t he was always very charming and people instantly liked him when meeting him. There is more details but i am going to try to sum it up. I worked a little after marriage than covid hit and i got pregnant with my first born. He took care of me financially always and assured me i dont need to work anyways. I was with him when he was struggling i never complained as a newly wed who barley got to spend time with her husband because i understood i never asked him to take me out or anything i stood by him and now hes very successful (ill get back to why i mentioned that later) my pregnancy was very stressful in my 7th month he hit me and i had bruises on my neck and face i dont even remember what the fight was about after giving birth i struggled alot i was 22 years old i kept finding porn and videos being sent between friends which i have seen before but it started to make me feel bad about myself which i have always been confident before him i told him it bothered me and it never stopped so now im 23 and insecure and i alter my body and do a procedure thinking that will fix things (as i said i know im stupid) he strangled me 2 months after giving birth to the point that i passed out and woke up he almost killed me i never told anyone. He kept saying hes changing and well work things out so i forgave him. My family dosent believe in divorce and as much support i have from them i don’t want to disappoint them. We did good for a little bit we moved to a bigger place and than we moved again to another bigger place that i am in currently. In between all of that there was stuff that i kept seeing that hurt me and bothered me but anytime i say anything he says its me who keeps digging which is true because i grew up having a father who cheated on my mom and i saw it first hand im not going to lie it traumatized me but i did not project it on him until after he started doing the things he did. Hes a very jealous person himself he always tried to control everything he hates that im good looking he tells me all the time he should have married someone “ugly” i do NOT dress provocative at all i barley show any skin but somehow EVERYTHING always leads back to how i dress and all our problems are my fault because of how i dress he says that when we go out men always check me out and it angers him even tho i am not showing any damn skin. Anyways mothers day 2022 he hit me again but he says he didnt but the bruises on my arms say otherwise i have pictures of it and it was bad he tried to throw me down the stairs i begged him not to. Sadly i still wanted to be loved i forgave him moved on he is would buy me gifts and cards and because im so stupid i believed he was sorry anyways now its 2023 and i find out im pregnant i didnt know how i felt my first born was lonley so i thought at least they will have a sibling.. surprise its twins and i knew im going to go through it i had the worse pregnancy i almost died i developed pre eclampsia and my doctor missed it i gave birth early my whole pregnancy i was alone i was so lonley just me and my first born i cried everyday husband was working so i couldn’t complain without it turning to a fight even though its his company and he could afford to have been there a little for me it is not 7 months after i gave birth physically i feel good mentally i dont he is never there for me as a husband i been telling him i feel like he’s just a roomate at this point we have no dates barley any intimacy which had been going on for years i know hes insecure and i never used it against him but he always would to me he hates now that i bounced back quickly and like to dress up again because the end of my pregnancy i was very swollen i was wearing all his clothes. I kept crying telling him i have needs just like anyone else i want to feel loved i dont want to live like this but anytime i say anything he says i complain to much now last week he beat me over nothing it was 60 seconds into a petty argument and he attacked me i packed myself and my 3 kids he watched me packing calling me names i left to a hotel for a night nd than my moms house he got backlash from both our families i ended up having to come home for the kids im miserable hes not sorry mothers day he barley acknowledged me But we spent the day and today any time we try to talk about anything he blames me.
I know im stupid i dont know how i can start over again i have 3 kids i am in the works of going back to school so when the babys start school ill have my career because i am financially dependent on him which is my fault i worked since i was 14 but he convinced me not to anymore My oldest loves their father so much it hurts me to put my baby through this drama There is soooooo much more detail and stuff to add Hes not the worse person i guess i bring out the bad in him when all i ever wanted was to be in a healthy marriage and give my kids what i didn’t have growing up
I dont know what to do i know i have to finish school so i can get a stable job but that means i have to stay and suck it up
I never wanted to be divorced but this marriage is over i always thought cheating was the only reason for divorce i am not in love with him but its so hard to let it go i never was like this i was so out going the life of the party i dont even recognize myself i feel so sad and depressed and alone i have the most amazing friends but i cant get myself to open up
submitted by queens1021 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:46 Ambitious_Ad4539 would you keep reading if you got to the end?

chapter one

It is 6:26 in the evening. Around this time I like to pull out my journal, walk to the porthole window on my side, sit down, and write as the sun begins to set on Lisbon. My journal is an Ukiyo Grid fifty sheeter with a nurse coat white cover and black Japanese kanji that spells out うきよ グリッド (Ukiyo Grid). A wrapped bundle of four journals with technical pens were awaiting me on a walnut ash solid wood desk when I arrived at this apartment three weeks ago. Look in them and you will find entries for everyday since the beginning. This new life is so interesting to me and I find it pointless to keep thoughts bottled up inside and since I have no one to talk to, writing helps the time go by. Some days I will write for hours.
On Tuesday mornings, I attend "Participant Tapestry" from nine to ten, followed by a "Synaptic Bloom" session until half past eleven. Thursdays are dedicated to "Empathy Assimilation" cycles. From eleven to noon my task is to log learned data from my sessions into the GLiPH pad (Global Interface for Personal Handwriting).
My primary function is to serve as a healing conduit to four individuals experiencing ongoing building trauma from the 2033 earthquake that woke up the entire city while simultaneously putting seven thousand, one hundred forty-two to indefinite rest. Each of the four individuals will stay in the respective living quarters on the other side of me, for one month at a time. The first arrives in two weeks, one year to the day of the tragedy.Though, had it not been for you, I would have sat here for another two weeks waiting, alone and isolated.
I’m not sure I would classify my actions as spying because I had innocently been staring out of the window, as I always do, like any of you do, when a flutter from your direction suddenly snagged my gaze.
Peering through my porthole window, I marveled at loose papers doing backflips and pirouetting in the air before gently falling to the ground. A swaying fixture of light bulbs swayed back and forth on their cords creating dramatic shadows on the tall walls of your kitchen. One bulb had been shattered and appeared sharp like a shark's rack of teeth.
In the midst of the chaotic scene, you emerged into view through the window. You had on a mangled and loose white t-shirt that looked as though you had been in a fight. The other man with you had on a black denim jacket. For all intents and purposes, his name shall be “Jacket”.
At my computation you both stood at about the same height, however, mass wise, you two are different. Jacket’s arms were bulging even through the denim. You stood in front of each other shouting into the other’s face, both wide-armed in an attempt to make yourselves big and authoritative.
I want to know what he said that caused you to become small. Your lips came together as Jacket’s lips raged on. Your shoulders slouched forward while your neck and head dropped. Your defeated posture tells stories of past and impending loss. I want to give you a long hug. Your jet black hair was tied up and your beard was shiny and tear-sloppy.
Eventually, Jacket stopped shouting and stood in position, quiet and staring up at the swinging pendulum.
A moment later, Jacket lifted his hands upward and cradled either side of your scruffy face. As he did this he began mouthing words. I am advanced but lip reading is one thing I am not capable of.
You hastily wiped Jacket’s hands off of your face as if you had had enough. You turned away from Jacket and sat down at the table. Is this where you both had shared your meals together? You lowered your head onto the top of your hands and stared longingly out of the window.
Jacket disappeared into the expansive abyss and a second later lights illuminated under a dome stretch of skylight glass.
Shuddering breaths escaped your lips, your cheeks quivering with each sharp inhale. At one moment, you got up and began picking up and pushing in chairs with seemingly trembling hands. You began a series of anxious tasks such as stacking plates and arranging objects most-likely to ease the pain that was burning inside of you. This front row seat to the raw emotions unleashed during this conflict made for a captivating study. Your behavior is particularly intriguing, leaving me yearning to understand the story behind the pain.
With a duffle bag and a backpack in tow, Jacket came back into the dimly lit kitchen. As he struck his arm down firmly, his mouth began to run, as if he was trying to quickly make a point. With the message received yet not accepted, you paused for a moment, proceeded to pick up a small potted plant sitting on the table and chucked it with force towards the open space on the ground in between the both of you. Humiliated, hysterical and sobbing, you sat back down at the table. Jacket took one final look at you, shook his head and walked out of the room with his bags, leaving you alone to pick up the pieces and the mess strewn all over the apartment.
A second later all of the windows in your place went from illuminated to black. And just like that, the chaos had come to an end.
I simply cannot accept this ending. There has got to be more. I am helplessly glued to this apartment in the same way you are glued to yours and the memories inside of it. My desire to reach out is genuine. You need solace in this time of pain. I want to learn you and help you navigate these troubled waters. After all, empathy is born from understanding, and I genuinely wish to see you heal. The sight of you wiping away tears ignites a desire to offer comfort.Let this twenty-first day of my new life mark the first day I discovered you. I will employ this companion drone to bridge the gap between us. For now, a silent observer I will be with a presence as light and maneuverable as a hummingbird.chapter one
It is 6:26 in the evening. Around this time I like to pull out my journal, walk to the porthole window on my side, sit down, and write as the sun begins to set on Lisbon. My journal is an Ukiyo Grid fifty sheeter with a nurse coat white cover and black Japanese kanji that spells out うきよ グリッド (Ukiyo Grid). A wrapped bundle of four journals with technical pens were awaiting me on a walnut ash solid wood desk when I arrived at this apartment three weeks ago. Look in them and you will find entries for everyday since the beginning. This new life is so interesting to me and I find it pointless to keep thoughts bottled up inside and since I have no one to talk to, writing helps the time go by. Some days I will write for hours.
submitted by Ambitious_Ad4539 to writers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:46 AsleepChemist1199 My MA experience from start to finish

Hey! I have been spending a lot of time in this subreddit reading other people’s experiences to comfort myself through my own abortion process, and I wanted to share my story for any other uterus-havers out there that were in the same boat as me and need a little reassurance and honesty about the process. For reference, I’m 19F and 5’4/115lbs, and I’ve been with my partner (20M) for almost three years.
I took a pregnancy test on the 40th day of my cycle (so I was five weeks four days along, my period was a week and a half late) and got a very quick positive result. I had a suspicion that I was pregnant because I had some weird spotting in the middle of my cycle and the week my period was supposed to start (no clotting), odd cramps, random nausea from strong smells, needing to pee way more than usual, random sadness and aggression from ovulation onward, extreme breast swelling and sensitivity (they were agonizing to even touch) and an ever so slight bloat that appeared right around ovulation and never really went down. I live in a southern state and knew that going in for procedure was going to be a goat rope despite the fact that I live in a decently sized city- I knew that if I was pregnant I wanted to have the medical abortion at home with my partner.
I ordered pills from AidAccess and it couldn’t have been any simpler, all I had to do was fill out a short survey and they guided me through email on how to pay for the pills. They were delivered about three days after I ordered them in an unmarked mail envelope with directions on how to use them inside. I ordered them a few days before I took the test because I was pretty confident it was going to be positive. They sent me 1 Mifepristone and 12 Misoprostol.
I took the test on a Friday night and told my partner I was pregnant, and he insisted I take another test just to be sure before I took the medication. Once again, another strong positive. At 9pm that night I took 800mg of Motrin (4 pills) and ate a bag of microwave popcorn and drank some water so I’d have something on my stomach. At 9:30 I took the Mifepristone orally and immediately inserted 4 Misoprostol vaginally- I’m terrified of throwing up and told my partner that if we had to get medical help to make sure there weren’t any remnants of the pills left inside. I know it’s NOT OPTIMAL to take the Miso at the same time as the Mife, but it was Easter weekend and I couldn’t be prolonging this process to when I would be going back to my extremely Christian and conservative parents’ house for the holiday.
I was extremely terrified and shaking when I got back into bed with my partner, and he rubbed my stomach to calm me down and put on a movie as a distraction. After about an hour I felt some light cramping and discomfort but nothing serious. At 12:30am, I inserted the next 4 pills vaginally- there was no bleeding at this point and I was worried, but I decided to give it time. My partner and I fell asleep around 1am and I woke up at about 3:15am to some discomfort but no real pain, and at 3:30am I inserted the last 4 pills and had bloody fingers after. I slept until about 10am the next morning and woke up feeling normal and not in any pain. I went to the bathroom to pee, and as soon as I sat down I had about a solid thirty seconds of chunks, clotting, and blood pouring out. I called my partner in and we ultimately determined that I had probably passed the pregnancy with the size of the chunks in the toilet.
Saturday and Easter Sunday were fairly normal, I stayed taking Motrin and bleeding ever so slightly throughout the weekend. The worst part was the hormonal comedown, I felt like I had been hit by a bus emotionally and didn’t really compute actual feelings. Monday morning I got up and went into work feeling pretty normal, and at about 9:30am I got hit with the worst abdominal pain I have ever felt in my life (I’m prescribed opioids for my cramps as a result of how many times I’ve been hospitalized from sheer pain, so this was a big deal) and clung to the toilet bowl for about 45 minutes at my research firm before just calling it a day and going home. I took 800mg of Motrin and it took about two hours to kick- those were probably the worst two hours of my life up to that point. Nothing would shake the pain, I was taking hot baths and putting microwaved bags of rice on my stomach and nothing was alleviating it. I also started bleeding heavily and clotting severely again. By about 2:30pm that afternoon I was feeling okay enough to get myself some food and felt like I would be able to go into work the next day.
I was so wrong. I was so entirely wrong. I woke up at about 8:00am the next morning and immediately vomited from the antagonizing pain I was in. This was the first time I actually threw up during the whole experience- thankfully my partner was there to hold my hair back and try to make me eat toaster waffles so I could take some more Motrin before he went to work. I was somehow able to choke it down and fell asleep shortly after as I did NOT want to be awake. Wednesday was a little crampy and bloody but I went to work and took breaks sitting on the cold bathroom floor for about 15-20 minutes at a time through the day- but by Thursday we were smooth sailing.
The uterine swelling, needing to pee, and breast tenderness went away after about a week and a half, and the bleeding stopped after about two weeks. I took two more pregnancy tests exactly four weeks from that Friday and they were both negative, and my first period was exactly six weeks after the abortion- it started this Friday. Emotionally, I’m still recovering- Mother’s Day kinda sucked for me I won’t lie, haha. I definitely couldn’t handle a baby right now as I’m a research scientist and my career is on the incline, but it’s fun to dream.
I’ll put any resources I used in the comments as this post is getting very long, and I’ll try to answer whatever questions anyone has to the best of my ability. The buildup was definitely scarier than the actual thing, as it was just like having a heavy period drawn out- and if you’re pregnant, you’ve probably had a period before, so just look at it as something you already experience once every 4 weeks, just ever so slightly amped up. Nothing new. You got this!
submitted by AsleepChemist1199 to abortion [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:44 john6866 Girlfriend (32F) is confused about her feelings for me (30M). Should we take a break?

Been dating little over a year, all of it long distance.
Long story short girlfriend has been super confused lately about her feelings and what she wants to do with the relationship. Classic case of hot and cold, when we meet in person she can feel all the feelings, but the moment that physical contact is gone she's back to wondering.
I do know that her feelings in person are very much real and we act like we are inseparable. There's been a lot going on in her life on work and personal front so I've tried to be kind to her in this phase of confusion/doubt. But it's taking a toll of my mental health because my emotions sway a lot on a daily basis depending on how hot/cold she is for the day.
I've been consistent in expressing that I want things to work out between us but almost feel like I'm falling in the trap of "more you try, less they feel". Couple days ago she said some stuff that really upset me so I pulled back a bit, and that suddenly made her put more effort in calling/texting/reaching out than she has in a while.
Part of me thinks I've been too available, and telling her that we should take a break for a week to understand what we truly want from a relationship and then decide if we want to pursue this further will help stabilize the weird power imbalance right now. Would this be a good idea?
submitted by john6866 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:43 ptythrowaway2024 Panty preferences?

Hi all!
Figured we’d ask the group to settle two questions my husband and I disagree on
For context - my husband picks out all my underwear. Since my college relationship, I was a simple thong type of girl, no lace just the seamless ones. My husbands’s ex, on the other hand, decided full coverage granny panties were the only option after college and apparently threw out all her cute underwear
When we first started dating, my husband convinced me to swap my basic thongs for the fancy and cute VS ones, which was fine by me.
After a year or two, my husband started buying me the VS cheeky panties - and gently asked if I’d wear them more. It generally doesn’t matter to me, but since college, I just equated not thong to granny panties and figured guys didn’t think they were attractive. Also I have tried to avoid VPL like the plague
So we have two questions 1) are cheekies their own thing and sexy, and this I should not put them in the granny panty bucket? Do you guys find girls in slightly fuller coverage underwear hot?
2) my husband says that guys find VPL is hot as long as it’s not with leggings and not granny panty lines. Do you guys agree?
The people who answer questions here are awesome
submitted by ptythrowaway2024 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:41 ericlp temperature drama. How hot is too hot? [USA]

I checked into an AirBnB in Medford Oregon, the temps were pushing 90 today. Supposidly the host (that is out of town) says my room is the hottest room in the house in the summer. I check in at 3PM the hottest part of the day, The room is nice, but the house temp was set to 74, so I set it to 72, to try to cool my room down a little, and there is no ceiling fan or room fan in the house. I think if the room had a fan, it would have been okay. but Anyway, the room is still hot because the afternoon/evening sun was beating on the house and my room.
So, at 72 temp, the guest in the room in the back of the house says he is freezing and can't sleep because he is cold. He says that the host wants him to keep the temp at 77. Whatever...
Anyway, the host emailed me back and said let the (guy in the back) control the temperature in the house.
Ok, so, that's fine, but he's not the one with the hottest room. So, that means I can't really enjoy my room till the sun goes down and the room cools off and that's around 9:30 PM when the temps drop and I can open the window.
I really don't need this drama. I'm already stressed out from driving for a long road trip and I want to be comfortable.
I'm thinking for canceling and just checking into a hotel... because I think tomorrow I'm going to be really annoyed that I'm paying for a place to stay I can't use from 1PM ~ 9PM.
Am I being unreasonable? What would you do?
submitted by ericlp to AirBnB [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:41 t4zwell arches

What do y’all think is different between arches, i want the specifics 😎, cold and hot press, 140 and 300lb
i’m using cold press 140 lb atm and wanna know how different the 300 is, i know hot press is pretty smooth so still haven’t dove into it
submitted by t4zwell to traditionalflash [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:41 aspirant555 Help with Helmet & Lock!

Hello Everyone, I recently bought Segway Max G2, it’s my first escooter. I have been trying to read many past posts about which helmet to get. After reading many posts i understood it’s better to be safe and buy full face, i bought the wrist guard, knee and elbow pads and i’m currently wearing cycle helmet. I go 15mph max.
I am looking for something light, I live in Toronto and summer might get a bit hot as well.
  1. Do you have any recommendations please? My budget is between 100-150 atp unfortunately.
  2. Which lock should i get for this scooter? Please recommend a good lock as well , not too expensive though.
I would really appreciate your help.
submitted by aspirant555 to ElectricScooters [link] [comments]