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2008.01.25 04:16 lolcats


2015.07.14 17:49 aclockworkporridge Look how stupid these kids are

Just look at some of these kids...how can they be so dumb? Like what, you seriously can't hula hoop? Jesus Christ. And babies know literally nothing. God damn, kids are so dumb.

2013.05.27 20:21 Super Saiyan Gifs


2024.05.15 05:09 thr0waway-23 [TX] Tips on how to answer questions about being let go for sexual harassment

I'm am currently looking for work and anticipating job interviews in the near future. I'd like some advice on how to answer questions about being let go from a previous job for sexual harassment. Context below. Thanks in advance.
I (M, 47, located in TX) had been at this job for almost 5 years, never any issues. I met a woman at a work-related networking event. She worked for a vendor of ours. Conversation seemed fun & flirtatious. We exchanged business cards & hers had her cell phone.
I texted her that evening and we began to chat. Again, the conversation seemed flirtatious to me (not sexual at all but very friendly). I asked her if she'd like to meet for dinner some night. She declined & said she wasn't interested. I immediately stopped texting her but we did continue to run into each other at work events without issue.
Fast forward almost 2 years and I get called into my boss' office. I'm being fired for sexual harassment. Very little explanation, they wouldn't tell me what I'd done or who had reported me. I had honestly forgotten about asking the woman out & being turned down. It wasn't until after I'd been denied unemployment that I discovered it was the woman I'd asked out several years before.
I was understandably confused but I've moved on. They felt they needed to protect themselves and that's fine. How do I answer questions related to why I left that position? I don't want to mislead or lie but I don't want to miss out on opportunities for something that happened (now) 7 years ago. Thanks for any advice.
submitted by thr0waway-23 to AskHR [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:08 Positive_Rain2834 Divorce is eight around the corner… but I still wish he would have fought for us.

I’m venting but also looking for advice.
My husband has decided that his needs are more important than fighting for our little family. (32m and 33f) I am suffering from severe postpartum depression I’m currently in therapy. We have both neglected each other. (We have been together for 6years and married 2 he was supposed to be my soul mate I loved him so deeply he was the one my soul loved )
My husband has had an affair with three women: 1) was a girl form the gym, she asked him to come over early in the morning. we live far from his work right now (at my parents house ) so he would get up around 345am to go to the gym. At first he said yes but decided not to go, but spilled all of our dirty laundry to her. So now she’s just waiting in the winds.
2) is an ex-girlfriend that he dated well over 10 years ago. That maybe bisexual, but she still sends him explicit text messages that are his fetish themed, especially on his birthday, our anniversary and when she gets into a fight with her wife.
3) now girl number three is the worst part. She works with my husband and they are having an emotional affair. They have allegedly only kissed once but the time that they did they kiss like how I used to kiss my husband.( with 3 little playful kisses) she also has a daughter that’s elementary school age. And they have text messages talking about being a family with my son and he has sent her pictures of our son and she sent pictures of her daughter to him. He has said he can’t wait to show her daughter what it’s like to have a real daddy, but here’s the kicker he doesn’t do the bare minimum when it comes to our son. Ohh and they sent each other nudes… and sexted Sometime I get these moments where my heart is racing and I just know they are together.
You maybe wondering how I found all this out? Well I went through his phone the one night while he was asleep and found all of it. Woke him up and kicked him out. We have been separated for about a month now.
I still have all these feelings: loving him, hating him, being hurt, mad, sad, disappointed, in this place of awe/disbelief (like how is this my life). Does this ever get easier, how do you move forward?
He is acting so entitled and just in his actions, why can’t he see what he’s done to our son to our family, how can he just walk away without fighting for us?
submitted by Positive_Rain2834 to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:08 NoGuidance07 WIBTBF: if I went no contact with my parents after their actions this past year?

I (21F) & now husband (23M) got engaged with my parents blessing. A couple months later while staying at my at my then fiancé house for the night he receives a text from my father (40M)(threatening his life. Along the lines of “You’re having premarital sex & I don’t approve, therefore it makes me feel murderous” For context they are very religious to an extreme. When my then fiancé told me about the text I immediately went home, packed my things and moved them out of my parents home & into my fiancé’s. I couldn’t see how I could start a life with this man if I couldn’t defend him against my family. I then asked my mother(42F) about the situation and she sided with my father. The texts were non stop for about 2 weeks afterwards. Most of them repeating the first text he had sent and some aimed at me stating that “I have no morals & I have given my honor away”. At this point I had to confront my father about the situation. His response to me is that if my then fiancé could not apologize to him for having sex with me then it was proof that he was just using me for my body and would throw me away the second he felt like it. Me & my now husband have since went on to get a civil wedding because we didn’t feel that it would be appropriate to have my parents present at the wedding.
Fast forward to my 21st birthday a couple weeks ago & I receive a text from my father stating to “not over do the alcohol because that’s how your aunt died”. For context my aunt died due to complications with the alcoholism late last year & it was a shock to all of us. He then proceeded to say”if your husband wants to take advantage of you because you are drunk, just let him, kids are great. I once again asked my mother what she thought of this & she took his side saying it was a joke.
I’m conflicted & confused. I love my parents but the last year has shown my just how non-supportive & controlling they are of me.
WIBTBF if I went no contact with them?
submitted by NoGuidance07 to AmItheButtface [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:07 Old_Flounder_9404 30 days tomorrow

Tomorrow it will be 30 days since she broke up me the last time. We’ve talked twice since then and ran into each other twice, so the No Contact didn’t work.
On 5/29 it will be 30 days since I’ve seen her but all I want to do is text or call her.
I miss her so much and she told me that she misses me too, but I don’t think it’s nearly as much as I do.
submitted by Old_Flounder_9404 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:07 echoingheart How should i get rid of the creepy guy next door?

So i 16F moved into this new place and made some polite conversations with the guy 15M that lives just next door. Now (3 days later) he calls me his female bestfriend, calls me constantly, texts, and rings my bell when i do not answer. How do i politely let him know i find this behavior very creepy, have a bf, and think he's just a friend?
submitted by echoingheart to TwoXChromosomes [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:06 phishstories 🎣 Phish Stories Contest Now Open!

🎣 Capture a badge—hook, line, and sinker by winning the Phish Stories contest at DEF CON 32! Show your blend of humor, creativity, and technical skill by crafting a phishing email that's as amusing as it is effective.
Contest Details:
Prizes will be awarded in person at DEF CON.
Rules & Submission: One entry per participant. Attach your documents in a text file and email them to [phishstories@protonmail.com](mailto:phishstories@protonmail.com). Entries accepted until June 22, 11:59 PM PST. Check the full contest rules and guidelines here. For a dose of inspiration, check out last year’s entries here!
Judging Criteria: Judged on clickability, humor, creativity, and the effective use of provided sources. We're looking for the perfect mix of cunning and chaos!
This is your chance to flex your creative muscles, gain recognition, and secure your spot at DEF CON. All entries will be showcased on the DEF CON forums for community enjoyment!
Whether you’re a seasoned red teamer, a masterful writer, or just in for a good laugh, we can’t wait to see what you come up with. Make them click, make us laugh, and prove why you deserve those coveted badges!
submitted by phishstories to Defcon [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:01 jjanska From getting married to moving out and dividing our assets.

I feel like I need to just vent and let everything out, so here goes. This is gonna be long and a lot of yapping, I’m a mess while writing this. This doesn’t even contain everything that has happened.
I matched on Tinder with a cute guy in 2014 and we both made clear that we didn’t want anything else than friendship. But in a month, we were falling for each other. Early 2015, he told me he loves me, but he acknowledged my fear of love so I wouldn’t have to say it back. I kinda freaked out and dipped out, but we kept texting every month, especially when drunk, we told each other how much we like each other.
2016 we became official after playing around. It was heaven on earth for me then and I loved the man with my whole heart. I went out of my way for him. He was my first everything.
Few months into our relationship, we were at a festival with another couple who were our friends, and we 4 slept in a campervan. He wanted to have sex, I didn’t and I told him no few times. He ended up rubbing himself between my thighs while I laid there frozen and hurt. I pushed the whole thing away from my mind. Another 6 months in, we were drinking in his hometown with his friends. He got too drunk and ended up grabbing me from my collar and pushing me aggressively against a wall and yelled at me. He ran away and I was alone in his hometown while he didn’t answer. Well I found him and we went to his mother’s house to sleep, where he cried to me that I shouldn’t be with him that he’s a bad man. Another year in, one of his best friends hated me and trash talked me to their friend group and it was literally hell on earth, and he just let it happen, without setting things straight or defending me. And at the same time, we listened to one podcast where a couple had downloaded their tinders back and watched their old matches and convos to laugh at them lightheartedly. Well, we did just that but what I found out was that he had had tinder while we were officially together and talked to other women. He ended up deleting everything before he could show me them and saying it wasn’t him, that his single friends used his phone and pictures for tinder, but I could tell that it was him from the messages I had time to see.
The last 4 years have been sexless, and I have suffered with that a lot. There’s no kisses, no holding hands, no I love you’s, nothing. We have basically been friends for the last 4 years except when he’s drunk and wants to rub his D against me and cum.
Well now, we broke up a month ago, after being 8 years officially together and a decade of us being engaged with one another. Everything we own shared, our car, cats, furniture, EVERYTHING.
I’m just so broken, sad, finished and tired. I love him, but I don’t, I hate him, but I don’t. I have fought for this relationship for years alone, and it ended up breaking me. I have been unmotivated to finish my bachelor degree, I just stay home and don’t want to see anyone and I escape reality with music and stories. I read and use AI to live my hopeless romantic dreams, I dream about a life, but I’m scared I won’t ever get it because I lost myself in this relationship. I lost my mental health and my body. I have gained 30kg since we started dating, he loves ordering in and eating chips and all that shit, I had never even taken food home before I met him.
I’m looooost and I don’t know what to do, how to pull myself together and go live my life while going through this breakup, he and his family were my life and now I’m going to move out to live alone for the first time ever with two cats we got together.
submitted by jjanska to heartbreak [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:01 echoingheart CREEPY GUY NEXT DOOR

So i 16F moved into this new place and made some polite conversations with the guy 15M that lives just next door. Now (3 days later) he calls me his female bestfriend, calls me constantly, texts, and rings my bell when i do not answer. How do i politely let him know i find this behavior very creepy, have a bf, and think he's just a friend?
submitted by echoingheart to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:00 Substantial_Storm_92 What’s a narcissist deserve in a break up?

I’ve (47m) have been with my gf (48f) for almost a year. I met her on Tinder a month after I relocated following the separation with my now ex. I know, I know, I shouldn’t have jumped into anything so soon, but I’d been in a db for years and she was fun…and also rebounding. Ugh, just writing this makes me feel like such an idiot.
It wasn’t until a couple of weeks ago, when she “broke up” with me by text while driving home after what I’d thought was a nice weekend together. After a huge blowout argument over the following days, we worked through things, and that’s I began to put her behaviors together. As in, she never took blame for the immature text break up, and instead dried to guilt trip me, like it was my fault, for things I’d said days later in an argument. Then, after we’d made up and slept together, in bed, she told me I wasn’t loyal to her cuz I’d been talking shit about her to my best friend of 34 years (a guy).
Thing is, talking shit is one thing. To me that’s done with malicious intent, and is basically contempt, one of Gottman’s four horses of the apocalypse. (Lots of therapy with the ex of 15 years.) Asking your best friend for a second opinion of someone’s behavior that feels off to you is another thing. And it felt very controlling. Too controlling. And I started looking into dating a narcissist and god damn does she check nearly all of the boxes. In hindsight, god damn was I an idiot. And the list is WAY too long for this already too long post.
Anyway, hate to say it, but I’m very dating naive. My ex was my longest, and only, ltr, and she initiated the divorce. So I’ve never broken up with anyone and I’m wondering what do I owe a narcissist? If I break up in person, she’ll try to manipulate things. I know she will. A phone call? I’ve still got stuff at her house I can live without, but I’d love to get back. Go to her house when she’s at work, leave her stuff, grab mind and leave a letter? I definitely won’t do it by text.
submitted by Substantial_Storm_92 to datingoverforty [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:59 selfh8er Shoutout to this dumbass

Weaving all over the road, texting and driving, no seatbelt on, dog jumping around being a distraction. No wonder why she almost slammed into the back of me. Fuck yourself.
submitted by selfh8er to vegaslocals [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:57 AmnesiaCry fell in love with my coworker/bsf

So typical you might think! Yes, but i just wanted to get it out, and if you have an opinion that’s awesome.
I never liked a friend before, im 23F and two years ago I left my country for 3 months to work in a ski resort in the united states. There i met some amazing people, loved my job loved my coworkers, at the end of the season i started talking to this guy at work that always showed himself as shy so we never got to talk too much before, I discovered he was super nice and funny (really important) started to get along and hang out outside work with my other two friends, we would party at his house and stuff and then we all left because we were all mostly foreign, except from him.
After that experience I wanted to go back for the next season as I really enjoyed my stay there and all the amazing people I met and experiences I had. I was also excited to see this guy again as I knew he was also coming back, but none of my other friends were. At that point I realized I liked him but I wanted to think of him as a friend. We have so similar taste in music which is a big thing for me because i love and connect through music, i get really excited when someone else likes the same as I, and we also had the same sense of humor which was really cool.
When I went back for the other season we started hanging out way more often, I would go to his apartment all the time, we would do everything together even go to the supermarket which is really simple, but I enjoyed his company a lot. Often we would stay until late just talking. Everyone started noticing and thought we were together which started me wondering. He is a great guy, he’s the type of guy that has difficulties talking to girls, he would never try anything romantic by his initiative, he’s not disrespectful or a guy that’s always into girls and basically simp, not at all. He’s really funny and nice, he trust few people and keeps a small circle. At work we connected a lot with each other, every time something fun happened we would look at each other and smile or laugh, or would go to tell the other that something happened with a smile on our faces and laugh about it. I loved my other co workers but he was the only one i shared this complicity with. We would start making plans with other people but ending up alone somehow. He always remembers stupid things that I told him long ago and makes jokes about it in a smart way, which drives me crazy. He opened up to me with lots of things about himself, we noticed we have a lot in common. The thing is, we did a lot of things together, connected and he was always there to help me, specially because i broke my leg so he would always pick me up and help me get up and down my stairs and stuff. I remember he once mentioned that a girl friend of his tried to tell him that she liked him and he didn’t felt the same and thought that was annoying when a friend falls for you and stuff, which made me feel insecure because I do like him and he is my friend, but i don’t know if he does like me.
I ended up really confused. I don’t know if what we had was just a really good friendship or if he had feelings for me too. Once i went to a party and saw his roommates, he wasn’t there cause he is not a party guy, but they basically told me to tell him to come, that if i told him to come he would do it, which also got me overthinking.
I don’t know, he was never clear with intentions, or i was too confused, he didn’t had that relationship with no one else there, he didn’t treat the others the same way, but still, there were some times when he had opportunities to get closer to me and he didn’t.
Now i’m already in my country and i miss him like hell. Even tho he was a great friend we don’t text too often, cause he doesn’t text too much. Every little conversation we had on text I started it, he seems to answer friendly but he doesn’t talks to me by his initiative . Recently it was his birthday, i texted him told him i missed him, nothing too crazy, and he never responded me, which ended up breaking my heart and making me feel super bad. He did responded to the work gc when others texted there later in the day.
That’s basically it but compressed. I don’t have the guts to tell him anything and i don’t want to ruin anything or make it uncomfortable. It just makes me really sad because i think we get along really well we’re really alike, have similar thoughts, similar taste, i think we’re compatible and he’s the kind of guy you don’t find everywhere, so it’s been difficult for me to pursuit something with someone else romantically, cause i always think of him.
I’m screwed basically.
submitted by AmnesiaCry to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:54 tempmailgenerator Resolving "The File is Corrupt and Cannot Be Opened" Error for .xls and .doc Attachments in Episerver with MimeKit

Solving Attachment Corruption Issues in Episerver

When integrating email functionalities within Episerver applications, developers often rely on the MimeKit nuget package for its robust handling of MIME types and email attachments. However, a peculiar issue arises when users attempt to open .xls and .doc file attachments sent from such applications: the dreaded "The file is corrupt and cannot be opened" error message. This problem not only hampers the user experience but also poses a significant challenge for developers striving to ensure seamless document sharing and communication through their applications.
The root of this issue generally traces back to the way MimeKit encodes and attaches files to the email, coupled with how certain email clients and programs interpret these MIME types. Addressing this error requires a deep dive into the nuances of MIME encoding, attachment handling, and potentially adjusting how these files are packaged and sent within the Episerver framework. By understanding and troubleshooting these key areas, developers can find effective solutions to maintain the integrity of .xls and .doc attachments, ensuring they open flawlessly for the end-users.
Command / Package Description
MimeKit A .NET library for working with MIME messages and email attachments.
MimeMessage Represents an email message that can be sent using MimeKit.
AttachmentCollection.Add Adds an attachment to an email message.
ContentType Specifies the MIME type of the email attachment.

Troubleshooting Attachment Issues in Episerver

The challenge of dealing with "The file is corrupt and cannot be opened" error in Episerver when sending .xls and .doc files as email attachments using MimeKit stems from a complex interplay of MIME types, file encodings, and the security settings of email clients. Typically, this error arises not because the file itself is corrupt, but rather due to the way the email client interprets the MIME encoding of the attachment. Email clients like Microsoft Outlook have strict security settings that scrutinize attachments more rigorously, especially for formats prone to carrying malware, such as .xls and .doc files. When these files are encoded or attached improperly, it triggers the client's protective mechanisms, leading to the corruption error.
To mitigate this issue, developers must ensure that attachments are encoded in a manner that is compatible with the broadest range of email clients. This involves setting the correct MIME type for each attachment and using base64 encoding to ensure that binary data is transmitted over the email protocols without corruption. Additionally, ensuring that the MimePart ContentType is explicitly set to match the file type can help prevent misinterpretation by email clients. Implementing these steps requires a thorough understanding of MIME standards and a careful approach to testing with various email clients to ensure compatibility. Ultimately, the goal is to ensure that users can open attachments seamlessly, regardless of their email provider, thereby enhancing the reliability and professionalism of communications sent through Episerver applications.

Adding Attachments Correctly with MimeKit

C# programming language
using MimeKit; MimeMessage message = new MimeMessage(); message.From.Add(new MailboxAddress("Sender Name", "sender@example.com")); message.To.Add(new MailboxAddress("Recipient Name", "recipient@example.com")); message.Subject = "Your Subject Here"; var bodyBuilder = new BodyBuilder(); // Add the body text bodyBuilder.TextBody = "This is the body of the email."; // Create the attachment var attachment = new MimePart("application", "vnd.ms-excel") { Content = new MimeContent(File.OpenRead("path/to/youfile.xls"), ContentEncoding.Default), ContentDisposition = new ContentDisposition(ContentDisposition.Attachment), ContentTransferEncoding = ContentEncoding.Base64, FileName = Path.GetFileName("path/to/youfile.xls") }; // Add attachment to the message bodyBuilder.Attachments.Add(attachment); message.Body = bodyBuilder.ToMessageBody(); 

Understanding MimeKit for Email Attachments

Handling email attachments in applications, particularly when dealing with traditional formats like .xls and .doc files, presents unique challenges. These challenges are compounded when utilizing libraries like MimeKit within the Episerver framework. MimeKit is designed to facilitate the creation, manipulation, and sending of MIME-encoded messages, making it a powerful tool for developers. However, the "The file is corrupt and cannot be opened" error that users encounter when trying to open attachments sent through MimeKit-integrated applications can be perplexing. This error often results from discrepancies in MIME type handling, encoding methods, or how email clients interpret attachments' MIME types. Ensuring that attachments are properly encoded and that their MIME types are correctly set is crucial for compatibility across different email clients.
Moreover, security measures implemented by email clients, particularly those targeting office file formats due to their vulnerability to malware, can exacerbate these issues. Developers must navigate these challenges by adhering to best practices in MIME encoding and attachment handling. This includes using base64 encoding for binary files, accurately setting the ContentType property of attachments, and rigorously testing email functionality across various clients. Understanding and implementing these practices can significantly reduce the incidence of errors and improve the user experience, ensuring that attachments are accessible and secure.

FAQs on Email Attachments in Episerver Using MimeKit

  1. Question: Why do I get "The file is corrupt and cannot be opened" error with MimeKit attachments?
  2. Answer: This error often occurs due to incorrect MIME encoding or because the email client's security settings flag the attachment as unsafe, especially if MIME types are not properly set.
  3. Question: How can I ensure my attachments do not get flagged as corrupt?
  4. Answer: Ensure attachments are properly encoded, use base64 encoding for binary files, and set the correct ContentType for each attachment.
  5. Question: Are .xls and .doc files more prone to this error?
  6. Answer: Yes, due to their susceptibility to malware, email clients have stricter security checks for these file types, leading to more frequent errors.
  7. Question: Can I send .xls and .doc files safely using MimeKit?
  8. Answer: Yes, by ensuring proper MIME type setting and encoding, you can minimize errors and safely send these files.
  9. Question: Does MimeKit support HTML email bodies?
  10. Answer: Yes, MimeKit supports HTML content, allowing for rich text email bodies alongside attachments.
  11. Question: How do I add multiple attachments to an email with MimeKit?
  12. Answer: Use the Attachments collection of the BodyBuilder class to add multiple attachments.
  13. Question: Can MimeKit handle inline attachments?
  14. Answer: Yes, MimeKit can manage inline attachments, enabling images or files to be displayed within the email body.
  15. Question: Is MimeKit compatible with all email servers?
  16. Answer: MimeKit is designed to be server-agnostic, focusing on MIME standards, making it broadly compatible with email servers.
  17. Question: How does MimeKit improve email security?
  18. Answer: MimeKit emphasizes correct MIME practices and encoding, enhancing security by reducing the risk of corrupted or malicious attachments.

Mastering Email Attachments in Episerver with MimeKit

As we conclude, it's clear that overcoming the "The file is corrupt and cannot be opened" error in Episerver applications requires a nuanced understanding of MIME types, encoding, and the intricacies of email client security. MimeKit serves as a powerful ally in this endeavor, offering the tools necessary for developers to ensure their attachments reach the recipient as intended. Through diligent application of best practices in MIME encoding and attachment handling, developers can enhance the robustness and reliability of their email functionalities. Furthermore, the importance of thorough testing across various email clients cannot be overstated, as it ensures that all users have a consistent and positive experience. Ultimately, the key to success lies in the careful balancing of security and usability, ensuring that email attachments are both safe and accessible. This journey through MimeKit's capabilities and the resolution of common attachment issues not only enhances our technical toolkit but also underscores the ongoing evolution of email communication in the digital age.
submitted by tempmailgenerator to MailDevNetwork [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:52 whoi8 Splash Fabric and stove mess questions. And what is anything?

This question is a 2 and 2 halves parter
Part 1: Has anyone ever looked into Splash Fabric?
It’s supposed to be a nontoxic water resistant cloth, like for a tablecloth. It’s laminated cotton: “100% cotton with a water based polyurethane coating.”
The website says it’s eco friendly and non toxic and that it’s Oeko-Tex certified. So if it’s Oeko-Tex certified, then presumably it’s safe for humans. Even if that’s true, would it shed microplastics? It’s supposed to be machine washable.
Part 1 and a half: I’ve seen Oeko-Tex on a lot of things since I started looking for plastic free stuff. Is it trustworthy?
Part 1 and another half: while searching for answers I came across two sisters ecotextiles
And they’re telling me that stuff listed as 100% cotton can be more like 73% cotton and 27% sht. I also saw someone in this sub say something about 100% wool stuff being treated with a ton of sht they don’t disclose. So how do I know what anything is?? Are there trustworthy brands and/or certifications anyone here typically uses? How do you decide what to trust?
Part 2: The whole point of this rabbit hole is to find a surface to cover my stove. I often go down rabbit holes finding really complicated solutions for things and completely missing a simple solution that I would like better, so I’m just gonna explain my use case and see if anyone has an idea I’d like better.
So I currently live in an apartment with a built in microwave above the stove. This is usually the case anywhere I live. I cook very infrequently but use the microwave all the time and I’m tired of accidentally making a mess of the stove while I’m dealing with the microwave and also tired of not having a flat working surface under the microwave.
My solution: put a wood cutting board under the microwave. Most options the size I want seem to be bad quality or super expensive. So I found some nice wooden cutting boards on IKEA that are the perfect size to have two side by side on the stove. (Don’t worry about safety, I don’t have the pilot light type of stove and I’m going to remove the knobs to prevent accidentally turning on the gas. The knobs will be nearby for when I need them. Or I’ll get safety covers or something. Tell me if this is a dumb idea and I’m still being unsafe please.)
Great, now I have nice cutting boards which I will also use very infrequently but are good to have. But now I have another surface to worry about dirtying and a potential gap in between the boards for food to fall into and make a mess on the stove. The idea of having to maintain the wood with oil or something stresses me out but I like the idea of having cutting boards when I need them and glass feels unwieldy, so I figured I’d stick with the boards and see if I could find a water resistant tablecloth type material, hence the question about Splash Fabric. I figure I could get a few pieces of fabric the size I want and use them on the stove or anywhere I need to protect a surface and I can just put them in the wash when I need to. And they’d be multipurpose.
So that’s where I’m at now. Thanks for visiting the inside of my brain.
Let me know any thoughts you want to share, thank you.
TLDR: splash fabric microplastics???
Also coincidentally someone just posted asking about cutting boards. I happened to find a helpful page though I haven’t fact checked it.
submitted by whoi8 to PlasticFreeLiving [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:50 WealthyDJ I’ve been thinking about this person I like ALL DAY - we met on Friday & hung out all weekend …

Today is the first day we haven’t texted.
Why do people say that “if they’re not texting you they’re not into you”???
That’s the stupidest thing I’ve EVER HEARD.
submitted by WealthyDJ to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:50 One-Carry799 24 year old woman looking for a bf

Hi, im Lacey, im 24. I just went through a rough breakup with my boyfriend of 3 years a few moths ago, and I want to get back into dating. I like hiking, skiing, biking or basically anything outdoors. I live in Colorado in the us so somewhere near there would be nice but long distance is ok too. I just want to meet a nice guy whos not an ass again. Im 5'5 and brunette whos on the thinner side. text me at 8312418891 or I might add insta later
submitted by One-Carry799 to find_a_date [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:47 PunkPrincess_02 Any men looking to get pleasured?

As the sun sets, painting the sky in fiery tones, I waited by the roadside as you instructed. That’s when I heard the rumble of an old Bronco. As it quickly approached me with its top off, my eyes were glued as the rugged driver was revealed. During our conversation prior to this meet up you had sent me pictures but I had no idea how attractive you’d be in real life. You stop right next to my car and signaled me to get in. No questions were asked. No words were exchanged. I immediately feel a rush of excitement and anticipation as I hop into the vintage ride, ready for a casual encounter. I sat in your passenger seat as the fresh, cool spring air brushed against my skin. You mentioned a hidden spot and I trusted you. So I sat back and enjoyed the ride when suddenly, without warning, you veered off the road, jumping the curb and going around a gate blocking car access. The sudden movement caused everything, including me, to shift in your car, and instinctively, I found myself grabbing onto your thigh. You remained focused on the road, flashing a smirk as my hand lingered there. Before I could retract it, you guided it up to your crotch. I couldn't help but notice the thickness beneath your pants as my hand rested there. What turned me on more was the heat radiating from the blood pumping through your veins. My mouth watered…. The sun had completely set. The road, flanked by trees casting shadows, your old bronco left a trail of dust behind us as we hurried along. My anxiety spiked as we approached a sharp curve, fearing we might end up in a canal. Thankfully, you began to slow down just in time, revealing a clearing near the curve. Stopping at the sharp curb, you backed into the clearing surrounded by trees. The last couple of minutes seemed chaotic but now we were surrounded by calmness. I glanced up and noticed a splatter of twinkling lights, adding a touch of magic to our adventure. "Hop to the back," you instructed, drawing my attention to the worn-out leather seats. But before I could comply, you paused, pulling out a blanket and spreading it out for me. Typically, encounters like these were quick "cum and go" affairs, but this felt different. I moved to the back, settling in the middle as you requested, my nerves tingling with anticipation. Without warning, you leaned over from the front seat and kissed me passionately, igniting a fire within me. You sensually held my face as your warm tongue brushed up against mine. I felt flushed, motionless, and ready to be yours. You stood up, you began to undress in front of me, prompting my curiousty, "What are you doing?" I had never encouraged full nudity for public play; it felt too risky. “We're good, no one drives back here," you reassured me confidently, leaving me no choice but to trust you. You place both feet beside me as you prop yourself up, placing your elbows on the back beam of your Bronco and lean back. Dangling in front of my face is your long semi hard, uncircumcised dick. You close your eyes, lean your head back and tell me, “show me what that mouth can do." I wanted to tease you a bit, so I spent some time kissing your thighs, getting closer and closer to your balls. You let out soft moans as my mouth traveled all over your lower body. Then, I put one of your balls into my mouth, swishing it around inside before switching to the other one. Meanwhile, I stroked your thighs with my hands. Your breathing became heavy as I managed to fit both your balls into my mouth at once. Tenderly, I licked your balls while warming them up with my hot mouth. Using my tongue, I moved them all around, my lips completely taking your entire sack, up to the root of your cock, which had become hard as a rock. My hands began to stroke your cock. I pulled your member up with one hand and held it against my lips. It was dripping in glossy precum. I brush your head against my lips tasking your bitter-sweetness. I pressed my lips against your head and push your skin back as your cock traveled down my throat. You let out a loud moan letting me know how much you were enjoying my mouth. I look up as I feel you looking down at me. I pull your drenched cock out of my mouth and swipe my tongue over your pee hole. Keeping my eyes locked on yours, I slip your head back into my mouth and push down until my lips press against your base. This drives you insane! “I can tell you love sucking dick.” I grab onto each side of your hips and guide your body toward my face. I want to ensure your entire shaft is snugly nestled down my throat. Your head breaks past the throat barrier. You're so deep in my mouth that your balls are slipping inside my mouth. "Oh fuck!" you shout. "You like this dick, don't you?" Holding your dick down my throat, I couldn't speak, but I did verbally answer, "Mhm," slowly and as loud as I could. This sends vibrations through your cock, even making your balls tingle. "Oh fuck, you're going to make me cum." You have the perfect bubble butt, and I wanted to make sure to rim you for the first time. I grab your hips and signal for you to turn around. You pause for a moment, nervously turning around. Your perfectly smooth butt is ready to be tongue-fucked. I'm afraid I might be suffocated by your ass. I asked you to lean forward while I spread your cheeks, looking for your puckered hole. I lean in and take my first lick, before pushing my face forward deep in between your cheeks as my tongue circulated your hole all while I played with your dick. A few seconds later I heard you say, “oh I fucked up” I was confused what could have gone wrong. I didn’t stop making out with your hole, when I felt your hot-gooey cum on my hand. You were embarrassed to admit you had cum, and cummed quickly. You stood there motionless for a moment. Then you collapsed next to me and apologizing. I didn’t care, I had done my job. You quickly began to dress yourself when I asked, “can you rate my mouth?” You embarrassedly answered, “Are you kidding? You made me cum quick. I’d give you a higher score than 10 if I could.”
submitted by PunkPrincess_02 to 915sluts [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:47 PunkPrincess_02 Any men interested in getting pleasured?

As the sun sets, painting the sky in fiery tones, I waited by the roadside as you instructed. That’s when I heard the rumble of an old Bronco. As it quickly approached me with its top off, my eyes were glued as the rugged driver was revealed. During our conversation prior to this meet up you had sent me pictures but I had no idea how attractive you’d be in real life. You stop right next to my car and signaled me to get in. No questions were asked. No words were exchanged. I immediately feel a rush of excitement and anticipation as I hop into the vintage ride, ready for a casual encounter. I sat in your passenger seat as the fresh, cool spring air brushed against my skin. You mentioned a hidden spot and I trusted you. So I sat back and enjoyed the ride when suddenly, without warning, you veered off the road, jumping the curb and going around a gate blocking car access. The sudden movement caused everything, including me, to shift in your car, and instinctively, I found myself grabbing onto your thigh. You remained focused on the road, flashing a smirk as my hand lingered there. Before I could retract it, you guided it up to your crotch. I couldn't help but notice the thickness beneath your pants as my hand rested there. What turned me on more was the heat radiating from the blood pumping through your veins. My mouth watered…. The sun had completely set. The road, flanked by trees casting shadows, your old bronco left a trail of dust behind us as we hurried along. My anxiety spiked as we approached a sharp curve, fearing we might end up in a canal. Thankfully, you began to slow down just in time, revealing a clearing near the curve. Stopping at the sharp curb, you backed into the clearing surrounded by trees. The last couple of minutes seemed chaotic but now we were surrounded by calmness. I glanced up and noticed a splatter of twinkling lights, adding a touch of magic to our adventure. "Hop to the back," you instructed, drawing my attention to the worn-out leather seats. But before I could comply, you paused, pulling out a blanket and spreading it out for me. Typically, encounters like these were quick "cum and go" affairs, but this felt different. I moved to the back, settling in the middle as you requested, my nerves tingling with anticipation. Without warning, you leaned over from the front seat and kissed me passionately, igniting a fire within me. You sensually held my face as your warm tongue brushed up against mine. I felt flushed, motionless, and ready to be yours. You stood up, you began to undress in front of me, prompting my curiousty, "What are you doing?" I had never encouraged full nudity for public play; it felt too risky. “We're good, no one drives back here," you reassured me confidently, leaving me no choice but to trust you. You place both feet beside me as you prop yourself up, placing your elbows on the back beam of your Bronco and lean back. Dangling in front of my face is your long semi hard, uncircumcised dick. You close your eyes, lean your head back and tell me, “show me what that mouth can do." I wanted to tease you a bit, so I spent some time kissing your thighs, getting closer and closer to your balls. You let out soft moans as my mouth traveled all over your lower body. Then, I put one of your balls into my mouth, swishing it around inside before switching to the other one. Meanwhile, I stroked your thighs with my hands. Your breathing became heavy as I managed to fit both your balls into my mouth at once. Tenderly, I licked your balls while warming them up with my hot mouth. Using my tongue, I moved them all around, my lips completely taking your entire sack, up to the root of your cock, which had become hard as a rock. My hands began to stroke your cock. I pulled your member up with one hand and held it against my lips. It was dripping in glossy precum. I brush your head against my lips tasking your bitter-sweetness. I pressed my lips against your head and push your skin back as your cock traveled down my throat. You let out a loud moan letting me know how much you were enjoying my mouth. I look up as I feel you looking down at me. I pull your drenched cock out of my mouth and swipe my tongue over your pee hole. Keeping my eyes locked on yours, I slip your head back into my mouth and push down until my lips press against your base. This drives you insane! “I can tell you love sucking dick.” I grab onto each side of your hips and guide your body toward my face. I want to ensure your entire shaft is snugly nestled down my throat. Your head breaks past the throat barrier. You're so deep in my mouth that your balls are slipping inside my mouth. "Oh fuck!" you shout. "You like this dick, don't you?" Holding your dick down my throat, I couldn't speak, but I did verbally answer, "Mhm," slowly and as loud as I could. This sends vibrations through your cock, even making your balls tingle. "Oh fuck, you're going to make me cum." You have the perfect bubble butt, and I wanted to make sure to rim you for the first time. I grab your hips and signal for you to turn around. You pause for a moment, nervously turning around. Your perfectly smooth butt is ready to be tongue-fucked. I'm afraid I might be suffocated by your ass. I asked you to lean forward while I spread your cheeks, looking for your puckered hole. I lean in and take my first lick, before pushing my face forward deep in between your cheeks as my tongue circulated your hole all while I played with your dick. A few seconds later I heard you say, “oh I fucked up” I was confused what could have gone wrong. I didn’t stop making out with your hole, when I felt your hot-gooey cum on my hand. You were embarrassed to admit you had cum, and cummed quickly. You stood there motionless for a moment. Then you collapsed next to me and apologizing. I didn’t care, I had done my job. You quickly began to dress yourself when I asked, “can you rate my mouth?” You embarrassedly answered, “Are you kidding? You made me cum quick. I’d give you a higher score than 10 if I could.”
submitted by PunkPrincess_02 to ElPasoWhores1 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:45 misadventures_77 My Tumultuous Relationship

I (26F) met my ex-GF (26F) in college when we were about 20 years old. I dated one guy prior in high school but I never really found myself invested in the relationship (ended with me getting cheated on lol) but anyway. I met my GF, let's call her Lia and I swear the first time I saw her I was just inexplicably drawn to her. She reached out to me on Instagram and we started talking and hitting it off from there. We got together about 4-5 months after and were going pretty steady. She was my first girlfriend and probably my first love as well. Things were going great although we were both closeted and hung out as "Friends". While she was my first GF, I was her second and I'm pretty sure she was still in love with her ex, or perhaps still had some lingering feelings. So anyway, she would compare me to her ex a lot and mention all their little fun and cute times together. It bothered me a whole lot but I decided to accept it because I figured she's with me now and I just wanted to make this work.
There were also instances of her making me jealous by being overly close to this one girl. Like having her sit on Lia's lap and stuff. I was pissed but I guess she enjoyed the attention she got from others and the jealousy from me. More than her ex I was uncomfortable with this current girl (Amy). The final year of college comes and I have a planned trip with my friends in winter. It's not even the second day of the trip and she confesses to me that Amy and her shared a drunk kiss. Amy came onto her and she let her. I was seething at this point and lashed out and she lashed out at me trying to make it seem like it was on me. We broke up.
We got back together during the trip itself though. And it was from this point onwards that I hardly opened up to her that backlash I got after being angry at something I felt was valid, just did something to me. And I've never been the one to be confrontational anyway.
After graduating, I got myself into a Uni across the country and she hadn't got herself in any so I suppose the stress from that, me moving across the country and her home situation got to her to the point that she would lash out at me for small things (gosh I can hardly remember what they were about) and only remember the times I cried. She accused me of cheating since my phone was always busy (the network was so shit where I was, I can't even imagine how I would cheat, also I was just a socially anxious loner who read manga and fed dogs in my free time). But she broke up with me citing religion and how it was against her beliefs (she's catholic). It was bullshit but I cried and let it go. She then wanted to get back and we did.
Any who, all these fights we had seemed to always go in circles because I kept bringing up stuff from the past. I guess it was because I would try to rationalize things I was unhappy with and say I was okay when I wasn't and she would want to move on from the mistake she made. But since I was not over them they kept creeping up.
The second year of Uni comes, and we have a big fight again and she blurts out that Amy (remember her) and her kissed another time when she went for a sleepover (she assured me at the time nothing happened) and I guess she forgot she did, and I was livid and she was livid because I was hung up on the past yet again.
After graduating, I moved back home and Covid hit so I was stuck at home with my parents (think drunk dad who unloads his frustration on wife and kids and submissive mom who thinks he has every right to because he provides for us). So being stuck at home with no job and my parents really did a number on my mental health.
Boom, we have another argument over her bringing up her ex-girlfriend and Lia wondering how things would have turned out with her. I asked her if she was still in love with her ex and she hesitated and said she wasn't sure and that she'd always have a soft spot for her (being her first love and all that). At this point I had enough, cried like a baby and initiated a break up for the first time (all our previous break ups were her doing). I told her our relationship would always be a cycle if we never changed (my toxic trait being saying things were fine when they weren't and hers were lashing out whenever she felt like it) and I couldn't do that anymore because it wasn't to fair to her or me, since I told her things were fine when they weren't and it was too late to acknowledge and validate them now. And that was that.
A lot of things happened and although we communicated from time to time, it wasn't much. I then finally got a job in another city and moved. We started talking more after that she realized how she treated me and wanted to get back. It was about after a year that I decided to get back and try to work things out again. I told her that if at any time we reverted to our old selves, that would be it for us. I looked at the relationship as something to start afresh, but she would always bring up the great times we had in the past. But whenever she brought up stuff from the past of how we used to be, I would also recall the bad and although that sucked, I still tried to hold on to this relationship, thinking maybe we can still work this one out. But my mental health had other plans for me lol. She knew how bad I got during Covid but I suppose I just ever really bounced back up.
I had to moved back home, and started spiralling downwards even more. And I felt like I was only disappointing her, she would ask me if I missed her, how I felt when I met her, saw her, etc. But for me it was like even feeling emotions was a huge plus. I suppose I had some form of dissociation because, I would recognize people - in my head I knew who they were but emotionally just never checked out. I told her how I felt, and she said it was alright and that she didn't mind and just wanted to know if I still saw her the same. I told her that she's the one I want to be in a relationship with. Although, with us being in different cities, and different life plans, we may clash but I wanted to take things as they come. But as time went by, I delved deeper and deeper into isolation and although we talked, I disappointed her numerous times by not being able to respond to sexy or cute texts and calls in kind.
So, I broke up with her because its not fair. Although most of the negatives parts of my relationship are mentioned here, we did have many good times together. She made me feel loved, beautiful, and there were times she believed in me more that I believed in myself. I really only wish her the best.
That is all.
submitted by misadventures_77 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:45 INTPoissible I completed Fallout: A Post Nuclear Role Playing Game

I had a great time with this 1997 game. The game was easy to learn, it uses an action point system similar to the original XCom or Xenonauts, so I slid in real easy. While the opening cave serves as a check on if your built character is "viable", I did half follow a guide. The timer ticking down was my biggest apprehension going in; it's actually very generous, I wasted a ton of time reading skill books and healing with plenty of time to spare.
The #1 thing about this game is how incredibly atmospheric it is, so eeriey and mysterious. That opening cut-scene was great. I saw plenty of 50s theming with the robots and greaser jackets and such. There's also how sadistically gruesome the combat is. I vividly remember my first combats against super-mutants, with them zapping me in half and setting me on fire. But firing full auto into someone at point blank is incredibly satisfying. Crippling limbs really helped to keep the combat interesting, and the flavor text accompanying attacks was some Matt Mercer style cool.
The skill system for this game is a bit wonky. Some skills were pointless. I pickpocked half the people I met without putting any points into the Stealing skill (because I had high Agility), and it didn't effect my Karma. While Repair and Lockpicking are essential skills. First Aid was great for giving me XP and free healing, while I never received a crippled limb to use Doctor on. The way the game handles weapon progression is that Energy & Heavy Weapons represent your end-game capabilities (if you started with those skills, you'd have none to use).
I love how weapons are handled. You load and unload guns, and put in anti-personnel and armor-piercing bullets to fit the situation. I would pick up enemy guns, yank out the clip, then drop them.
The quests were fun and memorable, with variable solutions, and a lot you can talk through.
One of my favorite memories in this game is investigating The Glow, with the sense of danger, discovery, reactivity to my skills, while managing my radiation levels, and getting end-game equipment at the bottom just by chucking a few pulse grenades .
The first time I fought death claws, I was well prepared with a Plasma Rifle (despite no spare ammo for it), and a tip from some geezer on where to shoot it. That went alright. But, soon after I got my Power Armor, a gang enforcer beat me to death with his bare hands. It turned out, he was hopped up on Psycho and had spiked knuckles. Came as a real shock. Overall, I had a great time. I would say the end-game areas were some of my most frustrating experiences: Force-fields in the military base, and being locked out of peacefully infiltrating the Cathedral just because I had talked to the Followers of the Apocalypse. Sorting through my inventory and packing loot onto companions to carry was a real chore; I can see why the guide said to forget the loot and gamble to buy anything you want. Sometimes, allies felt like herding cats, but they aren't as bad as people make it out to be (just respect lines of fire, and don't use a chaingun unless you want everything in front of you dead).
submitted by INTPoissible to patientgamers [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:45 Maleficent-Boot2469 I Need an Outside Perspective

I think I was set up by a coworker but I could be wrong. It is driving me crazy because I considered this person to be one of my best friends!
I was fired from a job I absolutely loved on Monday, seemingly out of nowhere. I had no warning. My boss came in unannounced and told me "I wasn't a good fit" for the manager position and that I wasn't "embracing the property the way they needed me to".
Background info: I worked at this property (I am a property manager) for 7 years collectively. I worked there for 3 years prior as a concierge and was promoted to assistant manager. I left cordially after realizing there was no opportunity to grow and worked at another location for five years. In 2020 I was asked to come back directly by the owner and I was offered the assistant manager position. I was promoted to manager in 2023. Our numbers were fantastic, I was meeting and exceeding budget every quarter, and resident retention was the highest it's ever been. I never received a complaint or bad review. I loved working at this location. The people and the job itself were awesome. I looked forward to coming to work every day.
Three weeks ago I was extremely ill. I wrote a text to my boss letting them know that I couldn't come in and in my delirious state (fever of 104°) I thought I sent it. It turns out I never hit send. I did however enter my time off in the time management system. I wasn't hiding the fact that I was out sick. I got suspended for one day for improperly notifying them of my absence. This is the only infraction I can think of, and my boss never even brought it up when she fired me.
Why I think I could have been set up:
1) My coworker disappeared as soon as she saw that I was being pulled into a meeting with my boss.
2) My coworker did not reach out after it happened. This was super odd to me because we typically talked every single day, we hung out outside of work, our kids went to the same daycare and played together, etc. I considered them to be one of my best friends.
3) When they did reach out a day later, they started their first sentence with "I never wanted this to happen, especially like this". That totally caught me off guard. It's just a weird thing to say if you weren't involved.
4) I found out they knew our boss was coming but she didn't tell me.
5) They now have my job and their best friend is now the assistant manager. I found that out today.
It sucked enough to lose a job I loved, but finding out that a close friend might have had something to do with it is beyond heartbreaking. Am I just looking for something that isn't there? Or do I have valid reasons to be suspicious? All thoughts and opinions are welcome, but please be kind. I'm kind of in a delicate place right now. My anxiety is so bad because I'm jobless and possibly losing a friendship.
submitted by Maleficent-Boot2469 to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:43 somewherementally_ Cutting off my mother

My brain is so scrambled I hope this makes sense. I’ll answer any questions in this comments if anyone is confused about something.
November 2023(back story)
My Mom kicked me and my boyfriend out on a drunk episode. We moved into his moms Rv for two months after that and everything was fine. I finally escaped her alcoholic cycle and i felt peace. My boyfriend was struggling with finding a job, Im a hairstylist and have my license so i found work pretty quickly. I soon after that felt really depressed from working and paying our RV rent by myself. I folded unfortunately (some days i really hate myself for that) and got fed up with paying for things by myself. He doordashed while I was at work but it was nowhere near how much i was bringing in.
January 2024 I found out I was pregnant while me and my bf lived in the rv. It explained the massive emotional distress i was under. I was tired constantly and couldn’t eat. I freaked out and told my mom. She begged me to move back with her. And i did mostly because of the financial stress i was under while living with my bf. After I left my bf moved in with his mom and was able to secure a decent job. I was really sick during my first trimester and couldn’t work so I took a month off. I quit doing hair and started a childcare job because it was less stress on my back and I had flexible hours. Everything was ok while living with my mom, she would occasionally have her drunk episodes but i would ignore her because i did want to stress out the baby. BUT THIS PAST WEEKKKKKKKKK i actually can not do it anymore. I am currently 6 months pregnant (25 weeks exactly) and mothers day May 12 2024 my mom was driving back from houston with her boyfriend. I realized i hadn’t picked her up anything for mother’s day so I decided to run to the store. My other siblings live in chicago so I called them and asked what should I get her. We decided on something small since we all felt like she really didnt deserve anything but it was the right thing to do. I also decided to just go stop and get food on the way back because i was hungry. My mother sends me nasty text messages saying “bring me my car back now” “actually i’m leaving drive my car to her bf house” “i need to stop using her car” and a long rant. I called her and told her im five from the house i went to get food (i didnt want to ruin her surprise) but she still has a nasty ass attitude with me so i tell her im coming home now and she can get her car and he mothers day gift is in the seat since she wants to have such a nasty ass attitude and happy mothers day and slammed the apartment door and went to my room. That wasn’t even the bad part I got over it. She tells me she wants to take me to dinner the next day to apologize and talk. It never happens but idc I didnt bug her about it. But today i really wanted Chili’s and was like can you pay for my chili’s since you stood me up on our lunch date. mind you she has been drinking all day. and when i say all day i mean all fucking day. So i personally dont feel comfortable letting her drive me anywhere or go out in public with her. She says yes and gives me her card. I go out and get my food I’m taking my sweet time because im off of work and I really didn’t want to be home with her. she text me to bring her something back but i didnt see it until i got in the car. I know for a fact she didnt have plans because she was so drunk. so i texted her and told her my bf planned for us to see a movie i was going to meet him at the theater so i’ll be home later. she says no i want my car and starts going on a rant about her car. i tell her im bringing her car back. she continues to text me ignorant drunk text messages and says “stop telling people im drunk i have two jobs and go to work” im fed up with her drunkness and respond “its called a functioning alcoholic youre still a drunk” ik it was harsh but i honestly dont care because she is a drunk and im tired of being in the middle of her episodes. I’ll post Part two in a minute.
submitted by somewherementally_ to Rants [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:42 Pale_Ad_899 an unpleasant situation

i tried texting my mom about this n she didnt reply, i just want to know if im overreacting. this is gonna be long, sorry😭
what happened was i stopped by my grandparents house to pick up some of my clothes in a tote i had left there a while ago. they are being evicted, they lived in a trailer park, they are hoarders. its all around a bad situation but that wasn’t really whats bothering me.
when i pulled up, the property manager was going through things and throwing things in the dumpster and the tote wasnt there. when i asked him, he said he had kept some of the items n the rest were in the dumpster. he said a lot of words, he hung on my car and went on and on about how hard my grandparents eviction has been on him. i had to go through the dumpster and get the stuff that i could find, they were some very personally valuable things. this isnt even the situation.
i could tell this property manager was enjoying talking to me when he starting rambling about how his gf hasnt been putting out for him. im very much a people pleaser, i am incredibly friendly, and although i was verbally expressing my discomfort, i had a smile on my face while doing so. i had to drive down a few lots to his trailer to get my clothes that he had rummaged through and kept, so i kinda just put up with him until i could get those.
Tell me why and how this man kept me in his presence for over an hour?? brought out half my clothes at first, started asking me so many questions whats my fav band hows my job going (my grandpa had already told this man about me) he started telling me bout his daughter whos the SAME AGE as ME (25) and moments later telling me what brand mattress he has and asking if i wanted to “try it out”?? among so many other inappropriate things. he started offering to fix a bunch of stuff w my car, i kept turning him down n he’d be like no no it’ll take a few mins!! i’d literally be trying to drive off and he was leaning on my car just continuing to talk to me. he was trying so hard to get me inside his musty trailer talking bout its so hot outside come get AC but then showing me youtube videos on his phone making me stand in the heat 😭 he asked for my phone number in such a self pity way like “ik its a long shot🫤🫤” (ofc i gave it to him cuz i felt so backed into a corner!! i said it was just to fix my car, he has my grandpa’s brand new tires that were meant to go on my car. sucks. i called myself so i’d have his number and i blocked him).
to add i just got off a 9 hr shift i was so desperate to go home already 😭😭😭like i dont wanna stand in the 90° weather w the heavy emotions of my grandparents situation n talk to some loser old guy at a trailer park for an hr and a half
anyways i got home and started like sobbing. i dont even really know why. i tried calling my aunt, but my grandpa was over at her house on THE PHONE W THIS MAN AND STARTS TELLING HIM NOT TO BE INAPPROPRIATE W ME. like conveying to him i snitched 😭😭😭 right after i was just smiling to him n saying how it was nice to meet him like 5 mins earlier!!, regardless uncomfortable or not. the people pleaser in me doesnt want to feel the guilt of shaming this man for his behavior. and i had to just hang up n not talk to anyone so that is why i am posting here.
sorry this is so long i always feel the need to be super detailed when i tell stories. idk if im being super dramatic or what, i wish i could be more assertive w people like what if this man had bad intentions n managed to get me inside!! id just feel helpless? i need to work on that. im glad i got my clothes.
submitted by Pale_Ad_899 to TwoXChromosomes [link] [comments]
