Navel to groin pain

I feel like a crazy person, I’m not sure if my perceptions are valid.

2024.05.14 19:37 TensionLongjumping42 I feel like a crazy person, I’m not sure if my perceptions are valid.

My partner and I have had a tumultuous up and down on and off relationship over the past decade. Oftentimes I feel like we are just not compatible and I can’t give him the affection or attention he requires. I do genuinely love and care for him, but he completely overwhelms me and I try to take it until I inevitably freak out. An example of this is repeatedly getting in my physical space, constant groping and slapping of my breasts, groin, and bum in a way that hurts, tickling, poking me in the neck painfully, distracting me while I’m trying to do things like prepare dinner or while I’m working, purposefully irritating me, jump scaring me when I’m immersed in something (I work from home so it’s frequently while I’m at the computer focused) and then getting upset with me when I ask him (repeatedly) to stop. I don’t like a lot of physical contact. I don’t mind cuddling and intimacy and what not but I don’t enjoy having my body parts pulled and hit, and I LOATHE tickling. I’ve told him it feels like a physical violation, and explained this multiple times but he says it’s just how he shows affection.
We have a very active intimate life, at least once per day. Usually in the morning and in the evening. So he is getting plenty of that type of affection which he states is the most important to him.
Lately he’s started recording me as I go about my day to day tasks like cleaning or whatever, and I’ve noticed he’s started recording me during intimate moments as well which I object to and push the camera away. I told him I don’t like that, it makes me feel weird. He keeps trying to show me the videos which also makes me mad cause I didn’t agree to that. He says he just thinks I’m beautiful, but I feel like….something nefarious about it in my gut.
I’m feeling extremely physically violated. I have a hard time expressing my feelings, and to be honest I don’t have an easy time even feeling anything. Like period. But I get angry and resentful and it just kind of simmers until it spills over.
This has become a pattern where I get more and more overwhelmed, then I act out in some way and it causes a huge fight. He berates me and screams at me and leaves, refusing to speak to me for days. Usually about 1 week. I am not innocent in this, because I usually do something he hates. In the moment I don’t realize this and it’s always afterwards with self reflection I can see it. I can’t seem to get ahead of the build up, or maybe I try to but I’m not effectively communicating how annoyed and overwhelmed I am. I always feel so bad after. I feel so stupid and emotionally incompetent.
We got into an argument yesterday and I’m realizing this is such a pattern. My cat got hurt and my brother came with me to take him to the vet. My partner flipped out on me so bad for going with my brother. He accused me of hanging out with guys and was acting like I made the whole thing up. Called me a liar. I messaged him with an update on the cat and he didn’t reply. I will add, I don’t ever hang out with men that aren’t blood related to me. Meaning my little brother and my father. I have exclusively female friends. I find this accusation particularly offensive, because it makes me think that he’s the one off spending time with other women if that’s his knee jerk response to me asking for some emotional support while my pet is injured. My brother doesn’t like him so I suppose that could be it.
I feel so disconnected from my feelings and my body. I’m logically trying to figure this out. Am I imagining things? Is the way he’s constantly in my physical space normal? Is it wrong for me to ask for space and have that respected? Am I a bad partner for not giving enough?
Just needed to get that off my chest. I don’t feel comfortable speaking to my friends and family due to our complicated history.
submitted by TensionLongjumping42 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:16 TheHook210 Newly Diagnosed-ish

I say ish because I’ve so far only seen my GP. Not a GI yet. I’ve been put on a regimen of 20mg Pepcid twice daily for 30 days and to eat non offending food. I’m a 38F.
My symptoms. Stomach pain (center) when hungry as well as occasionally a few hours after eating. It comes and goes. Is not the stop you in your tracks kind of pain, more of a gnawing that will occasionally radiate to my back if I eat TOO much lol. Aside from that my stomach burns. The whole thing. All the way down to my navel. I’ve also had a few bouts of nausea. All these symptoms are controlled if I take Pepcid. Regular tums or chewable acid reducers do nothing. I didn’t want to go the PPI route yet and doc thinks the fomotadine is a good starting point. I am nervous as this is my first bout with tummy troubles. Any support or experiences welcome.
submitted by TheHook210 to Gastritis [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:11 zoiinksscooby What do real contractions feel like?

I know this may sound like a silly question. It seems like I can’t get a clear answer from my OB or google on this. They just say “period pains” but my period pains have always been in my legs, I’ve read they start in the back and radiate forward, but I’m wondering if that’s how they all feel. I’m 37w+3d and lately I’ve been getting strong feelings right next to my groin area and a balling up sensation at the top of my belly that comes and goes. I’m trying to differentiate between baby movements, round ligament pain and contraction feelings.
submitted by zoiinksscooby to BabyBumps [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:05 ReasonableAnimal8417 Skin-Surface Tingling & Numbness Inner Left Thigh

For a little bit more context; this sensation has been happening for about 4 days at this point.
Male. Age: 30, weight 145. Vegan and moderately active with good blood pressure and no prior history of injury or illness (but I work a desk job)
Onset happened after I fell asleep on the couch with my legs criss-crossed (monk style) for several hours. Upon waking up my saddle area was very sore and I had pins and needles. Went away initially after walking around and stretching.
Day later and up until today, every time I sit down whether it’s on the couch or my ergonomic office chair I get a strange skin-surface prickling feeling on the inside of my left thigh near the groin and down to mid-thigh.
The sensation goes away immediately if I stand up or lay down in a supine position. I have no weakness in the leg as far as I can tell and no changes to my gait.
No pain either, just a weird tingling that almost reminds me of the feeling of getting your leg hair compressed by a weird fabric or when wearing skinny jeans. And again ONLY when sitting.
The Internet keeps recommending me neuralgia parasthetica but it is very specifically not that. It only occurs on the inside and back of my thigh not the top or outside.
Looking for any advice and possibly a recommendation for a certain specialist I should see and if whether or not it’s urgent enough to go to ER.
submitted by ReasonableAnimal8417 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:18 saladdalas How many people got blown off?

My fiance had pain in swelling in his calf back a month and a half ago. The doctor sent him to the ER for an ultrasound , which cleared him. They said it was a pulled muscle.
The pain never fully went away, and instead moved up towards more high groin/thigh area, still swelling. Finally I decided to take him back to the ER. The ER doctor looked at me and said “Good thing we already ruled out a clot. It’s probably still a pulled muscle.”
I really had to advocate. It’s hilarious because the documentation literally states she thought it was a pulled muscle, but “significant other was pushing for second opinion”. I advised her he doesn’t DO anything to pull a muscle.
ER doctor told us no one was on staff to do an ultrasound that day OR labs, but we could come back and do it outpatient the next morning. I said… “great! We’ll be here.” She also gave him a physical therapy referral.
Low and behind, on his way home from the ultrasound, they called and said it was DVT & they said they were calling in Eloquis. I called back & said “Do you not want to do labs? Give him any Lovenox? A chest xray?” They said “His labs will be the same as the ones they did last night.” I said…” THEY DIDNT DO ANY!”
So I took him to our local ER, the ones who initially said there was no clot over a month ago & had them run labs & give him medication.
I am livid. If I hadn’t pushed for this he’d be sitting around just waiting on a PE. Thank god for my medical background.
submitted by saladdalas to ClotSurvivors [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:55 Dovahdanii Went to ED tonight again…

I guess I just want to rant a bit after my experience tonight. I haven’t been diagnosed with HS as I haven’t been able to get into a dermatologist, but I ( 22 F ) have been suffering with recurring abscesses and cysts in my groin mostly and armpits since I was 16. In 2020 one appeared in my groin and grew bigger than a golf ball within 5 days resulting in a stay in hospital to get it lanced in theatre.
I’ve had this one abscess / cyst on my groin for 4 months now - I’ve seen 2 GPs and been to the emergency department twice, each time given antibiotics and sent away with no real directions. The antibiotics do decrease the size of it temporarily but afterwards it continues to grow and ooze, and become extremely painful.
I have work tomorrow (I’m a nurse) and after work today this abscess was causing me so much grief as I’m on my feet all day. I’m going overseas in 2 weeks and can’t get an appointment with any of the GPs in my area. I live in a regional area and there are no urgent care / 24hr medical centres nearby.
I went in at 9pm when it was quiet, only to come out feeling frustrated and a bit upset at the way the nurse commented on my situation.
Her first interaction with me was asking when I finished work, when I replied she stated “wow you picked such a great time to come in!” In a condescending tone. I work at this hospital in a different area and knew that the ED would only have 1-2 patients at this time as were a small hospital. I saw the bed board in triage and the ED was empty at this time. Further, she asked me if I shaved my bikini area and I said yes. She then replied “that’s a really smart idea for someone who has a history of reoccurring abscesses” and rolled her eyes. The whole time she was pulling faces as I replied to the doctor and it made me feel really stupid for coming in. It doesn’t matter if I shave, I still get abscesses. It’s just something that happens.
I ended up just being brushed off and sent home with antibiotics (again) which I know won’t do much and told to see my gp. The swab they did last time came back NAD. I just feel really disappointed and upset after this experience. I’m thinking of calling out of my shift tomorrow as it hurts to walk around too much. I’m sick of being brushed off and the wait times and fee to see a dermatologist is not something I can do at the moment.
submitted by Dovahdanii to Hidradenitis [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:45 ReasonableAnimal8417 Strange Skin-Surface Tingling Sensation Inner Thigh

For a little bit more context; this sensation has been happening for about 4 days at this point.
Male. Age: 30, weight 145. Vegan and moderately active with good blood pressure and no prior history of injury or illness (but I work a desk job)
Onset happened after I fell asleep on the couch with my legs criss-crossed (monk style) for several hours. Upon waking up my saddle area was very sore and I had pins and needles. Went away initially after walking around and stretching.
Day later and up until today, every time I sit down whether it’s on the couch or my ergonomic office chair I get a strange skin-surface prickling feeling on the inside of my left thigh near the groin and down to mid-thigh.
The sensation goes away immediately if I stand up or lay down in a supine position. I have no weakness in the leg as far as I can tell and no changes to my gait.
No pain either, just a weird tingling that almost reminds me of the feeling of getting your leg hair compressed by a weird fabric or when wearing skinny jeans. And again ONLY when sitting.
The Internet keeps recommending my neuralgia parasthetica but it is very specifically not that. It only occurs on the inside and back of my thigh not the top or outside.
Looking for any advice and possibly a recommendation for a certain specialist I should see and if whether or not it’s urgent enough to go to ER.
submitted by ReasonableAnimal8417 to DiagnoseMe [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:25 juneplum Surgery or no - how do you decide?

Hi friends. 33F for reference. Biggest symptoms pre-cortisone were groin pain, pretty bad muscle tightness all around the front of my right thigh and glute area, stiffness, and weakness/instability.
I had a cortisone injection 4/18 and it helped immensely - my pain is way less and I've been able to actually make progress in PT this time around. I haven't been able to gain strength in my glute for years, since long before I was having actual symptoms of FAI/labral tear. But after just 4 weeks, my physical therapist (the same one I've been going to for years) has noticed a difference when she strength tests me. This is all amazing. I still have some groin pain, especially in certain positions and with certain activities. Going from sitting to standing still causes tightness and pain, but it wears off after a while.
However, I realize that cortisone doesn't last forever. For those of you who've had good results with cortisone, how long did it last? Google tells me the relief can last 4-6 weeks. Longer, if the inflammation doesn't return.
How often does this cortisone + PT/strengthening actually resolve the symptoms for a long time/permanently?
Right now, I wouldn't say I'm modifying too many of my daily activities, but I am careful with what I do and there are some things I'd like to do (ride horses, for instance) that I don't think would be a great idea. I also worry what happens if/when I get pregnant - we're not trying yet, but...that's definitely in the plan.
What keeps going through my head is that I'm at a good point in my life to go through with a surgery like this. I work a desk job that can be done mostly from home once I run out of sick time to use for FMLA, I have good insurance (through this December, anyway), I do not have a pet that requires too much work, no children to run aftetake care of, good support system to help me in recovery...But is it stupid to opt to move forward with surgery if your pain levels aren't terrible after cortisone?
submitted by juneplum to HipImpingement [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:12 Polymer15 L4-5 Microdiscectomy [after 1 week]

Hey all, just wanted to a share a very quick overview, thoughts, and concerns 1 week after having a microdiscectomy on my L4-5 disc last week. I am now coming up to 7 days post op, feel free to ask questions if you have any. I've attached my pre-op scans + radiologists report too, for those who are interested.
I also have some questions at the end for those who have had a MD before that I'd love your take on :)
History TLDR; sciatic pain for ~3 years, started as leg pain when extending whilst sat down, progressed to severe, constant, lower back pain and leg pain when performing any activity other than laying down on the floor.
My surgery lasted for 2 hours, and was in the hospital for a total of 2 days (1 night stay). The hospital bed + assistance from nurses was highly appreciated. As the hospital beds are adjustable, it helped reduce pressure on the wound significantly. After having the procedure, you will be unable to bend to put on socks - it helps to have a second person to assist. The incision site is still very sore, and my back feels bruised, but no complications. The incision is around 5cm.
I have now completely trailed off all of my pain medication. I was on 150mg Tapentadol and 3000mg Paracetamol daily, and the pain was very manageable. My lower back pain has completely gone, I can now sit without pain (except for some soreness around my incision site + muscle aches), but still aim to keep sitting no longer than 30m at a time.
My sciatica went away initially, but has come back slightly since the operation (~60-80% reduction in pain from pre-op). I personally put this down to a mix of coming off pain killers, and increased inflammation. I am scared as hell that it is a sign it won't go away - I know this is just anxiety talking though, as I feel I'd know if I reherniated. From what my physio has said and what others report, it can take a few weeks to a few months for the nerve pain to resolve.
My other associated symptoms have almost completely subsided. Pre-op, I had sporadic difficulty urinating, numbness and tingling in my saddle region, which has now disappeared. I did have pain in my groin/bladder a few days post-op when urinating, but that has subsided, too.
I have been doing the following exercises 3 times daily, I am able to perform these with minimal pain and they really loosen up my back and post surgery stiffness:
Overall, I would put a strong recommendation on the microdiscectomy procedure. If a MD has been identified to be beneficial to your diagnosis, and you feel you have exhausted other options, go for it. I wish I had it a year ago, it would have saved me a lot of pain and likely increased my chance of a positive overall outcome.
Questions I do have for others who have had a MD:
  1. How long did it take for your sciatica to improve post-op? For me, it flares up the most when doing single leg raises. Stretching does help to reduce symptoms.
  2. For those who have re-herniated; how obvious was it? I keep getting the niggling anxiety that it's already happened and that's why I still have some sciatic symptoms.
  3. Did you get other odd pains that weren't there before? As I mentioned, I had groin/bladder pain for a few days post op. I have also found that my shins have started hurting, where they didn't before.
submitted by Polymer15 to Sciatica [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 13:17 Kinnporscheislife Non pathologically enlarged cervical nodes for 3 months.

At the start of March I felt like I was going down with something it started with a whole body muscle/bone pain and then at night the back pain was really severe and I developed a fever of 37. 4 celcious and sweated that night. I've also been having some neck discomfort burning sensation and randomly noticed a lump after a few days of my fever night. I got an ultrasound that showed several non patholgoically enlarged lymph nodes both under my jaw and right and left side of neck and also the lump one was described in the report as "hypoechoic oval shaped (lymph node?) Measuring 9.5mm".the radiologist also felt an occipital one and said it was most likely also a lymph node. I also had a clear chest X ray and cbc was normal, along with esr, crp and thyroid hormones, LDH, ca-125, ANA, Igh Igm Iga all normal. A hematologist felt my nodes on my neck and the groin ones that are palpatable too on both sides but didnt request even an ultrasound they are pea sized. Also an ENT checked me and said everything ok despite my left ear also echoing loud noises from time to time. So they all dismissed me with having a viral infection but after 3 months lymph nodes are still the same and while stretching my neck I get cramps and when I apply pressure behind my neck it also triggers a muscle cramp and my occipital node feels sensitive. I have off and on muscle cramps all over the body, also jaw bone pain and under cheekbones feel like a pressured from time to time. Constantly I feel my hip flexors kind of going numb or sore when I open or rotate my leg and I feel the inside of my left buttock muscle spasming or tightening. The back pain and back of neck/muscle pressure gets worse at night while laying down. I also tested for covid the flue and some other tests but were all negative. Should I look into this further or could it be a lingering virus still after 2-3 months?
submitted by Kinnporscheislife to DiagnoseMe [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 12:28 Kinnporscheislife 26F Non pathologically enlarged cervical nodes and an oval shaped one measuring 9.5mm

It's been 3 months ever since I had an episode of my whole body aching especially my back pain which got really worse to the point I couldnt sleep from the pain and even sweated and had a mild fever 37.4 celcius that night. The whole body/bone pain has been going on for a few days prior to developing that fever for one day but I felt like I was going down with something. My neck has been bothering me for a while I dont cough but it felt sore inside/weird. I did a cbc everything normal, crp, esr normal, ANA normal, ca-125 normal, LDH normal, igA, Igg, Igm normal, ultrasound showed reactive nodes with a more prominent one in the right side of my neck which is palplatable and measured 9.5mm and was described as a hypoechoic oval shape (lymph node?) In the report. Chest x ray clear. A hematologist felt my nodes on my neck and then my groin ones which are pea sized but dismissed them. For the past months Ive been having muscle spasms and discomfort on my legs, and hands which comes and goes like the burning feeling in the inside of my throat. I also get pressure in the sides of my head and there are swollen occipital nodes that cause me discomfort too. It feels like my muscles are really tense. Also I have really weak muscles/tendons/hip flexors? In the side of my buttocks especially the left one which becomes more intense when I open that leg or rotate it inside. I also get some burning sensations spreading from my chest to stomach and sometimes I feel cold. I also get random pain on my jaw and under cheekbones. Most discomfort was noticed during the night or laying down. I still experience back/hip pain from time to time. Also my left ear is sensitive when I hear something loud or touch it it makes something like echo ear drum? Also been seen by an ENT doctor who said I was clear. Should I look into this further or could this be due to a virus after 3 months? Possibility for Sjogrens(mildly drymouth, also vagina with frequent candida infections, dry eyes and have always had problems with cavities, dry nose) or TMJ? 6months ago I also had a neck and brain MRI which showed back left bone spurs in A4-A6 level that could be pressuring the A6 root. I've also worried about lymphoma because I got some mild night sweats that could be connected to anxiety and nightmares, were not drenching and after xanax use they havent appeared for a few weeks. What has been constantly bothering me though is the lower back pain muscle spasms and that weird stiff feeling on the sides of my hips and that tendon/nerve/muscle stretching/spasm deep inside left buttock.
submitted by Kinnporscheislife to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:22 Majestic_Incident_27 Preg Nancy

Preg Nancy
In a world where boundaries cease to exist, Nancy, the seductive K-pop idol and secret agent, possessed a body that was the epitome of lust. Her voluptuous breasts begged to be squeezed and worshipped, her hips and thighs were a playground of temptation, and her round ass was a work of art, begging to be spanked and ravaged.
Unbeknownst to Nancy, her encounter with an insanely alpha man held a dark secret. This man, part cyborg, concealed his true nature. As Nancy seduced him with her innocent charm, he skillfully played along, concealing his intentions behind a facade of desire.his hands exploring every inch of her body. He forcefully kissed her, his lips bruising hers, and his hands squeezed her breasts with a punishing grip. In a sudden twist, the cyborg's primal instincts took over and the power dynamic shifted as he forcefully pinned her down with overwhelming strength, overpowering her with his superior strength.
Nancy's struggling and attempts to break free only fueled the cyborg's determination. The room bore witness to her pain and resistance. Her facial expressions contorted with a mixture of fear, pain, and desperation as the cyborg relentlessly forced himself upon her.
With each forceful thrust, Nancy's moans and cries filled the air. The sound of their bodies colliding echoed through the room, a symphony of pleasure and anguish. The cyborg's dominant nature was evident as he claimed her body as his own, filling her with his seed.
As he ravaged her, the scenery of their intertwined bodies created a tableau of twisted desire. The sight of Nancy's round ass being forcefully penetrated, her body writhing beneath him, added to the intensity of the encounter.
The pain mingled with pleasure as Nancy struggled to endure the overwhelming force of the cyborg. Her cries of agony and pleasure became a symphony of submission, a testament to the depths of her desires.
As their bodies collided, a symphony of pleasure and pain unfolded.
The cyborg's hands, cold and unyielding, roamed Nancy's trembling body. With each touch, he discovered the contours of her curves, his fingers accidentally grazing her round ass as he explored her depths. Nancy's body responded, a mixture of fear and arousal coursing through her veins.
Their lips met in a fiery kiss, their tongues entwining in a battle for dominance. As he forcefully sucked on her breasts, Nancy moaned in a mixture of pleasure and discomfort. The cyborg's grip tightened, his fingers digging into her flesh, leaving marks that would linger long after their encounter.
With a sudden shift of power, the cyborg turned Nancy over, positioning himself for a relentless assault on her round ass. The force of his thrusts echoed through the room, each collision sending waves of pleasure and pain coursing through Nancy's body. Her belly pressed against the cold surface beneath her as he rubbed it, adding a twisted element of stimulation.
The cyborg's unyielding grip held Nancy's round ass firmly as he thrust into her with relentless force. The sound of their bodies colliding reverberated through the room, punctuated by the rhythm of their moans and gasps of pleasure.
Simultaneously, his hands roamed her body, squeezing her breasts with a firm grip, eliciting a mixture of pain and pleasure. Nancy's lips were captured by his in a forceful, possessive kiss, his tongue exploring her mouth with an insatiable hunger. His lips then trailed down to her neck to boobs to her navel, leaving marks of his dominance.
As the cyborg continued to ravage her, his fingers danced along her belly, alternating between gentle caresses and firm pressure. The combination of sensations sent waves of pleasure coursing through Nancy's body, mingling with the ache of submission.
The room became a tableau of raw desire, filled with the sounds of skin slapping against skin, the wetness of their connection, and their primal cries of ecstasy. Nancy's body, a canvas of pleasure and pain, surrendered to the dominant force that consumed her.
As he pounded into her, the sound of their moans and the slapping of their bodies filled the air and Nancy's belly started forming a bump. Nancy's face contorted with a mixture of pleasure, pain, and surrender. The room became a battleground of raw desire, their bodies locked in a dance of dominance and submission. In the end, Nancy found herself impregnated by the cyborg forceful breeding, a consequence of their twisted encounter. This story delves into the darkest corners of pleasure, pain, and dominance.
submitted by Majestic_Incident_27 to Nancy_Momoland_fap [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:26 aphrodites-daughter Yesterday was the most pain I’ve ever been in

My period was 2 days late. I got it yesterday at around midday accompanied by the most excruciating pain in my right ovary. I was crying, barely able to walk. I ended up sitting down and was doubled over in pain, crying, shaking, gone pale, neauseas with pain
After many hours and some painkillers, it lessened to what felt like there was a weight or swelling in right ovary. Has moved to groin area as well. Just feel heavy and swollen and sore in that area.
I’ve woken up today still with a sort of uncomfortable awareness of that side of my body but at least the agony has stopped.
submitted by aphrodites-daughter to PCOS [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:09 FriendlyMelk Does anyone know what this is? Right side so painful that I can't rest on it without throbbing, tinnitus, intense pain

This has been going on for months, maybe a year. I cannot lay on the right side and it's hard for me to sit down properly because of the pain in my groin. My whole body begins vibrating/ throbbing and I get a tinnitus in my right ear. It feels like the whole right side of my body is tense/ bruised, especially in the groin and hip area, lower back and flank, going up the neck and to the temple, inner corner of eye/ nose. My right shoulder is also a lot more sore than the left. It feels like someone punched me in the hip. My right knee is also extremely painful sometimes and under I'm always sore under my right foot.
I have a doctors appointment tomorrow and was hoping that someone has had this happen to them and knows what it is or how to make it better 😥
submitted by FriendlyMelk to Fibromyalgia [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:54 Historical_Project00 Why was getting my navel pierced excrutiatingly painful? I've been told that level of pain isn't normal.

I've always heard people say that navel piercings are not that painful. I've also had my ears pierced when I was younger and it wasn't that painful either for comparison.
But when I got my navel piercing done 5 years ago, it was the most painful thing I had ever experienced in my entire life, and I've had my face mauled by a dog before (with strings of dead flesh hanging from my face). I've been told that that level of pain for a navel piercing is not normal.
Could the piercer have pierced too deep or used a piercing method that is more painful? Could she have done it too slowly? It felt slow but then again maybe her pace was normal. Outside of my navel and earlobes pierced, I don't have any other frame of reference for piercing pain.
I'm getting abdominal surgery soon involving an incision into my belly button and will need to remove my belly button ring. I'm hoping it won't close up because I'm scared of getting it repierced due to the pain.
submitted by Historical_Project00 to piercing [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:03 Pirkulese13 Did a doctor ever miss your mass? I feel like he did with me.

I'm kind of upset about the situation. I went into a urologist thinking I had a mass on my right testicle, and I've had a dull pain for over two weeks, and when I went it, I told him it was in the front of my right testicle. He obviously felt both of them and said it was just the epididymis. I was shocked, because it was in the front, and asked him why I would have these lumps on the front. He said it was because my testicle would shift or whatever. He told me he felt nothing, but if I wanted to go get an ultrasound to ease my mind, I should. I've been thinking about it all day, and I was laying in bed, and decided to feel around both testicles,and both feel different. My left one doesn't have these hard lumps on it, and I clearly feel the epididymis on the back side. Same with the right, I feel the softer epididymis on the backside, hurts when you push it. But I felt the front, where the lumps are, and I can push down on it with no pain (other than the dull pain I've been having.) I plan on scheduling an ultra sound anyway, but I'm upset I didn't get any information on what it is other than a possible pinched nerve in my back/groin that's causing the dull pains.
Has anyone gotten a second opinion? Or am I just going crazy here. I don't want to live my life with this ache non-stop, and I'm still almost certain there is a mass on the front of right.
submitted by Pirkulese13 to testicularcancer [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:18 Extra-Imagination821 Can you have a postive ANA and stomach bleeding and have stills?

Hi y'all, I've been seeing a rheumatologist for a couple months. It started with gastro symptoms, and then continued to arthritis, itching but no rash, fatigue, muscle weakness, swollen tender lymphnodes in neck arm pit and groin, cheat pain, pain with deep breaths, rolling low grade fevers (37.4 to 38.2) and weight loss. I have a 320 ANA, 320 speckled and 320 homogeneous ANA. I was diagnosed yesterday with Adult Stills disease but I'm having a hard know if stomach issues are involved.
submitted by Extra-Imagination821 to stillsdisease [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:36 Big_Use_4272 5 months of pain

Quick recap- For 3 years if I’d smoke or drink I’d be short of breath the next day for about 3 hours. In December my stomach started throbbing and twisting (would last about 1 minute) and I just kept ignoring it. In January, I went for a walk and got really short of breath and disoriented and went home to go to bed, had fever and chills, woke up fine. Went for another walk and worse symptoms arose, tingling in hands, heart racing, felt like I was going to pass out. Since that I’ve been short of breath so bad to the point I can’t walk very far or work, heart/stomach/groin palpitations, twitching all over, chest pain, feels like stomach is stretched, I burp a lot. Some acid reflux but not much and is worse after I eat. I have constant pressure in sternum and SOB. Sometimes I get a weird feeling in throat, which leads to my head instantly and makes me dizzy for a second. Switching positions in bed, bending over causes sternum pressure. I cannot lift anything heavy, it’ll take my breath away. The first couple months was really bad. I’d start falling asleep and my body wouldn’t inhale again, I’d wake up gasping for air
Went to ER a bunch and every specialist and they all say I’m fine. NO DAMAGE TO LUNGS, HEART IS FINE
I’ve done an endoscopy and today just got back barium swallow, all negative. Still convinced I have a HH. I have every symptom. Or I have some weird vaping disease but doubt it because of no opacities in lungs and even a beer or cigarette would make me SOB
submitted by Big_Use_4272 to HiatalHernia [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:18 BeefstewSA [SPOILERS] Final Fantasy VII Rebirth: A World Beyond Anger Hello! This is an essay analyzing the themes of FF7 Rebirth through a psychoanalytic lens, while also critiquing the execution of the game's writing. Moreover, it's a personal reflection on my journey with the game, and the complicated feelings that got tangled up with that. Please give it a read if you have the chance.
Previous articles: FF7: Reflections of a Traumatized Generation (2020)
I Need to Talk about Final Fantasy VII Remake or My Head Will Explode (2021)
Excerpt:A confluence of worlds… and emotions. Loss, chief among them. It engulfs fleeting moments of joy, transforming them into rage, sadness, hatred.”
– Sephiroth, Final Fantasy VII Rebirth (2024), speaking to me, specifically
*The following contains spoilers*
I. Memoirs of a Neurotic Fan
Hoo boy.
It’s been a long four years since Final Fantasy VII Remake (2020) released, and I don’t think I have ever before devoted so much emotional energy to deciphering how I truly feel about a piece of media. Initially, I enjoyed my return to a reimagined world of lovable characters, but unfavorable writing choices and a mind-boggling finale left me feeling torn. Despite striving to maintain an optimistic outlook at the end of my previous essay, my perspective on the game only darkened as the years wore on. Developer interviews constantly oscillated back and forth as to whether they would remain faithful to the original FF7 (1997), or, as the ending of Remake indicated, strike out on a brand new “unknown journey.” That’s not to mention the downright radioactive discourse among fans, combined with the litany of harassing messages I received for the most tepid criticisms.
Eventually, I grew to despise Remake. The positive emotions and ecstatic love I had for parts of the game sunk beneath my waves of ire toward its creative divergences – as well as what they represented to me. And I fed that hate. I hated its ponderous navel-gazing about the nature of adaptations. I hated its self-congratulatory insinuation that asinine story decisions like the “Baby’s-First-Metacommentary” Whispers and the resurrection of multiple deceased characters somehow constituted “bold” storytelling. I hated the uncritical portion of certain audiences that fell for this illusion of transgressive storytelling, all the while embracing a game that went out of its way to barrage the player with fanservice and puerile pandering. I hated the frequent argumentation that “it’s not a remake, it’s a sequel” was somehow seen as a mitigating factor, when it actually further aggravated my problems with it. I hated Remake’s emphasis on novelty, its subversion without meaning, its arrogant alienation of new audiences that wanted to experience a classic story, and its implicitly cynical view on thousands of years of storytelling tradition for the sake of “surprise.” To quote director Naoki Hamaguchi:
“When you try to remake a game and make it an entertaining game, having the exact storyline as the original would lack the excitement and surprise. I was looking for an essence to add to the story, and Zack was chosen to be this essence because in the original, there wasn’t much story about Zack, but in Crisis Core, he had a huge character development.”
But that lonely ember of hope persisted; after all, I had loved Remake at one point. I hated that stubborn attachment most of all. By the time Rebirth was fully unveiled, I wanted only one thing from it: to repulse me to my core, to be something so egregiously offensive to my sensibilities that I could never associate the project with anything positive again. “Perhaps if things get stupid enough,” I thought, “others will also see the emperor’s nakedness.” Pain and despair morphed into objects of desire for me. They were my keys to escaping these contradictory feelings of love and hate.
As you can see, I am quite well-adjusted and able to engage with art in a healthy way.
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submitted by BeefstewSA to FF7Rebirth [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:06 BeefstewSA [SPOILERS] Final Fantasy VII Rebirth: A World Beyond Anger Hello! This is an essay analyzing the themes of FF7 Rebirth through a psychoanalytic lens, while also critiquing the execution of the game's writing. Moreover, it's a personal reflection on my journey with the game, and the complicated feelings that got tangled up with that. Please give it a read if you have the chance.
Previous articles: FF7: Reflections of a Traumatized Generation (2020)
I Need to Talk about Final Fantasy VII Remake or My Head Will Explode (2021)
Excerpt:A confluence of worlds… and emotions. Loss, chief among them. It engulfs fleeting moments of joy, transforming them into rage, sadness, hatred.”
– Sephiroth, Final Fantasy VII Rebirth (2024), speaking to me, specifically
*The following contains spoilers*
I. Memoirs of a Neurotic Fan
Hoo boy.
It’s been a long four years since Final Fantasy VII Remake (2020) released, and I don’t think I have ever before devoted so much emotional energy to deciphering how I truly feel about a piece of media. Initially, I enjoyed my return to a reimagined world of lovable characters, but unfavorable writing choices and a mind-boggling finale left me feeling torn. Despite striving to maintain an optimistic outlook at the end of my previous essay, my perspective on the game only darkened as the years wore on. Developer interviews constantly oscillated back and forth as to whether they would remain faithful to the original FF7 (1997), or, as the ending of Remake indicated, strike out on a brand new “unknown journey.” That’s not to mention the downright radioactive discourse among fans, combined with the litany of harassing messages I received for the most tepid criticisms.
Eventually, I grew to despise Remake. The positive emotions and ecstatic love I had for parts of the game sunk beneath my waves of ire toward its creative divergences – as well as what they represented to me. And I fed that hate. I hated its ponderous navel-gazing about the nature of adaptations. I hated its self-congratulatory insinuation that asinine story decisions like the “Baby’s-First-Metacommentary” Whispers and the resurrection of multiple deceased characters somehow constituted “bold” storytelling. I hated the uncritical portion of certain audiences that fell for this illusion of transgressive storytelling, all the while embracing a game that went out of its way to barrage the player with fanservice and puerile pandering. I hated the frequent argumentation that “it’s not a remake, it’s a sequel” was somehow seen as a mitigating factor, when it actually further aggravated my problems with it. I hated Remake’s emphasis on novelty, its subversion without meaning, its arrogant alienation of new audiences that wanted to experience a classic story, and its implicitly cynical view on thousands of years of storytelling tradition for the sake of “surprise.” To quote director Naoki Hamaguchi:
“When you try to remake a game and make it an entertaining game, having the exact storyline as the original would lack the excitement and surprise. I was looking for an essence to add to the story, and Zack was chosen to be this essence because in the original, there wasn’t much story about Zack, but in Crisis Core, he had a huge character development.”
But that lonely ember of hope persisted; after all, I had loved Remake at one point. I hated that stubborn attachment most of all. By the time Rebirth was fully unveiled, I wanted only one thing from it: to repulse me to my core, to be something so egregiously offensive to my sensibilities that I could never associate the project with anything positive again. “Perhaps if things get stupid enough,” I thought, “others will also see the emperor’s nakedness.” Pain and despair morphed into objects of desire for me. They were my keys to escaping these contradictory feelings of love and hate.
As you can see, I am quite well-adjusted and able to engage with art in a healthy way.
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submitted by BeefstewSA to ff7remake [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:05 BeefstewSA [SPOILERS] Final Fantasy VII Rebirth - A World Beyond Anger Hello! This is an essay analyzing the themes of FF7 Rebirth through a psychoanalytic lens, while also critiquing the execution of the game's writing. Moreover, it's a personal reflection on my journey with the game, and the complicated feelings that got tangled up with that. Please give it a read if you have the chance.
Previous articles: FF7: Reflections of a Traumatized Generation (2020)
I Need to Talk about Final Fantasy VII Remake or My Head Will Explode (2021)
Excerpt:A confluence of worlds… and emotions. Loss, chief among them. It engulfs fleeting moments of joy, transforming them into rage, sadness, hatred.”
– Sephiroth, Final Fantasy VII Rebirth (2024), speaking to me, specifically
*The following contains spoilers*
I. Memoirs of a Neurotic Fan
Hoo boy.
It’s been a long four years since Final Fantasy VII Remake (2020) released, and I don’t think I have ever before devoted so much emotional energy to deciphering how I truly feel about a piece of media. Initially, I enjoyed my return to a reimagined world of lovable characters, but unfavorable writing choices and a mind-boggling finale left me feeling torn. Despite striving to maintain an optimistic outlook at the end of my previous essay, my perspective on the game only darkened as the years wore on. Developer interviews constantly oscillated back and forth as to whether they would remain faithful to the original FF7 (1997), or, as the ending of Remake indicated, strike out on a brand new “unknown journey.” That’s not to mention the downright radioactive discourse among fans, combined with the litany of harassing messages I received for the most tepid criticisms.
Eventually, I grew to despise Remake. The positive emotions and ecstatic love I had for parts of the game sunk beneath my waves of ire toward its creative divergences – as well as what they represented to me. And I fed that hate. I hated its ponderous navel-gazing about the nature of adaptations. I hated its self-congratulatory insinuation that asinine story decisions like the “Baby’s-First-Metacommentary” Whispers and the resurrection of multiple deceased characters somehow constituted “bold” storytelling. I hated the uncritical portion of certain audiences that fell for this illusion of transgressive storytelling, all the while embracing a game that went out of its way to barrage the player with fanservice and puerile pandering. I hated the frequent argumentation that “it’s not a remake, it’s a sequel” was somehow seen as a mitigating factor, when it actually further aggravated my problems with it. I hated Remake’s emphasis on novelty, its subversion without meaning, its arrogant alienation of new audiences that wanted to experience a classic story, and its implicitly cynical view on thousands of years of storytelling tradition for the sake of “surprise.” To quote director Naoki Hamaguchi:
“When you try to remake a game and make it an entertaining game, having the exact storyline as the original would lack the excitement and surprise. I was looking for an essence to add to the story, and Zack was chosen to be this essence because in the original, there wasn’t much story about Zack, but in Crisis Core, he had a huge character development.”
But that lonely ember of hope persisted; after all, I had loved Remake at one point. I hated that stubborn attachment most of all. By the time Rebirth was fully unveiled, I wanted only one thing from it: to repulse me to my core, to be something so egregiously offensive to my sensibilities that I could never associate the project with anything positive again. “Perhaps if things get stupid enough,” I thought, “others will also see the emperor’s nakedness.” Pain and despair morphed into objects of desire for me. They were my keys to escaping these contradictory feelings of love and hate.
As you can see, I am quite well-adjusted and able to engage with art in a healthy way.
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submitted by BeefstewSA to FinalFantasyVIIRemake [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:57 Ghost_Gears I feel like I should quit physical therapy because exercising is causing a lot flares from sweat. Also new flare is making me spiral.

I'm not sure what to even do about HS anymore. I've seen some dermatologists, but none of the treatments I've received have been effective in keeping this disease under control. I still use Hibiclens for boils/cysts and PanOxyl for blackheads in my groin region, but now for the first time I started to see a boil slowly forming on my breast. I think my flares have been increasing lately due to sweating from exercising and my periods.
I've also been in physical therapy for about a couple weeks because I have patellofemoral pain syndrome with my left knee. The exercises I try to do cause me to sweat a lot because I'm out of shape and a little bit overweight. I'm scared of my future because of this knee pain because I still need to find work and it might get in the way of working whenever I find a job.
On top of all that I'm losing my parent's health insurance because I'm turning 26 in a month and a half. I still live with them, and they help with pay for doctors appointments. I'm stressed about feeling like a financial burden to my parents because I have so many issues.
I'm not sure why I'm even complaining about this because it just won't change anything. I feel so helpless. I have no idea what to do. Even if I had insurance, I feel like finding a new dermatologist won't be helpful because they'll just give me the same useless clindamycin over and over again and dismiss the fact that I would say it just doesn't work for me at all. Scared of laser hair removal for my groin because my hair is the only thing that makes my scars less visible. Also who knows how laser hair removal could damage my skin because I'm black and make it worse if I get the wrong person to do the job.
I'm just so scared as hell because I'm already depressed and passively suicidal about other parts of my life. I already have therapist, but I need a new one soon because of the health insurance problem. I just feel really stuck and my thoughts of death are getting stronger. I'm just so screwed.
submitted by Ghost_Gears to Hidradenitis [link] [comments]