Growing mini watermelons

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2024.05.14 15:58 Icy-Case-7766 Born with extra fingernail & unbendable thumbs… anyone else?[Pics]

Born with extra fingernail & unbendable thumbs… anyone else?[Pics]
I was born with 2 fingernails on my right pinky finger. A mini nail is beneath my regular nail. I even have to trim it and it grows back. I have never met anyone else with an extra nail like this, in person or online!
Another unique quality on both my hands is that I cannot bend my thumbs at the MCP joint. I have never have been able to, and it must be hereditary because my mom can’t either. It’s also easy to dislocate my thumbs at that joint if I have have any weight on it.
Does anyone else have an extra fingernail or know someone with one? Also, any ideas of what these traits might indicate? Thanks in advance!
submitted by Icy-Case-7766 to genetics [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:31 aat022 Baby carriers UK - which one to buy? Ergobaby Embrace?

Baby is 10 wks old today.
Should I buy the ergobaby embrace? I am not too late with baby being 10 wks old?
And if yes, should I get the normal one or the mesh one, for the warmer weather?
What about the Lillebaby?
It seems like I keep seeing either the embrace or the Lillebaby mentioned as the most comfy ones.
I am going to Italy for one month (from mid Aug to mid Sept) when baby will be 5 months old, so I was hoping to get something for the hear there as well.
I got the Tula free to grow, but I have not tried it yet.
I also have an old version of the BabyBjorn Mini, which seems okay for now.
submitted by aat022 to babywearing [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:26 PalmettoAndMoon Denial isn’t just a river in Egypt

My mom (70F) has been suffering from dementia for several years and is in denial. She desperately wants to be a hot twenty-something again and hates the idea she’s aging. She battles the appearance of being old with Botox and surgeries (facelifts, tummy tuck, breast lifts, mommy makeovers).
While she initially was pretty well-off from the wealth she inherited from her parents, she has spent a lot of money fighting nature. She has also spent some pretty substantial sums being romance scammed. We have confronted her as we have become aware of the scams but it has only made her more secretive about how she spends her money. My 4 siblings and I currently have no real insight into her finances.
In the past year, she almost burned her house down by putting a pot holder in the oven. She is a hoarder (pets and things) and her house is a hazard. She also almost burned one of my homes down by leaving a pot holder on a hot stove. She has gotten lost driving, frequently forgets who we are, constantly forgets to take her medicine (or takes it twice) and has run her car into random things.
Calls to her doctor have been basically useless. He did a mini-cog and said that while it evidences she has some memory loss, he was hesitant to start her on meds because she said that she agrees she has memory loss, but it comes from “not talking enough because no one coming to visit her.” My siblings are on the brink of reporting him because his apathetic “medical care” is only bolstering her belief that she’s fine.
To put it lightly, my mother was cruel, abusive, and neglectful to my siblings and I growing up. I was beaten every day of my childhood with a horse crop and put into unsafe situations via her neglect until I ran away from home at 16. While dementia has made her a much kinder person overall, my siblings and I cannot forget our childhoods and cannot allow her to live with us.
While we have all tried confronting her with the evidence of her increasing dementia over the last few years, she has been deeply in denial. Things came to a crescendo this past weekend when my siblings and I went back to gather in our hometown for a sibling’s birthday/Mother’s Day and she wandered off by herself and got lost, lost her phone, and forgot who some of us were. She is still in denial there’s a problem.
Regardless, a situation has come up where a house up the street from mine has come up for sale. My siblings and I have decided that my mother should buy it to be closer to family. I would never allow her to live with me, but I think I could stomach my family and I checking in on her if she lived up the street. This will give her a chance to have a little bit of independence. Unlike her, I live in a walkable city with a multitude of resources for the elderly.
However, she is already bucking a bit because she doesn’t want to leave the town where her boyfriend lives. This man barely gives her the time of day. He flatly refused to live with her (he’s also a hoarder) when she was buying her current house just two years ago. We tried to convince her to move closer when she was in the market for that house but she insisted on moving to his town to be near him. I’m not sure why because he rarely comes to visit. He has also been dismissive of her memory problems and told her that everything she is experiencing is part of normal aging (if you can’t tell, I don’t trust this man and neither do my siblings).
My siblings say if she does not accept the plan and buy the house in my neighborhood, she must go to a nursing home. Overall, her dementia has become a time bomb. We are all sure that the “big event” that will force our hand on action will be here before the end of the year. Yesterday she seemed cool with moving here but today I am pretty sure that the boyfriend is going to become an excuse again (anyone who has dealt with family dementia probably understands the agree/disagree cycle).
I don’t know if I’m looking for advice, support, or I’m just venting on this situation but I would appreciate guidance from anyone who has been in something similar. Sending hugs to anyone else going through this, it fucking sucks.
submitted by PalmettoAndMoon to AgingParents [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:17 gdcruz88 When are my watermelon radishes ready?

Hi all! First time growing watermelon radishes in MD. I have no idea what I’m doing and am new to growing veggies from seed. I didn’t thin them so that probably set me back quite a bit. 2 of the plants may have bolted but the others haven’t. How big might they get on top? None of them are bulging yet, I checked the 2 bolted ones yesterday but the radishes are teeny tiny! Thanks for any guidance!!
submitted by gdcruz88 to radish [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:50 Character-Curve-6238 HELP NEEDED!

Hello, my mother and I keep a few orchids in the house (Ireland). We normally keep them in a windowsill in winter as Ireland has little to no sunlight and we water them every second week. We repotted our orchids recently with orchid bark but they seem to be taking a turn health wise with one of my mini orchids dying completely. I’m aware the windowsill may have too much sun so I have moved them but even then the leaves seem leathery droopy with no new growth. As you can see on one of the orchids the new buds have died halfway through growing. Please help if you have any advice at all!
submitted by Character-Curve-6238 to orchids [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:35 Willow_Tree89 What's going on here?

What's going on here?
Hi folks, I really need help identifying what's going on here. I just got these a month ago, put in quarantine for two weeks. I thought they just had some mechanical damage on the leaves, but it's developed into this. And unfortunately I already started mixing in with my other orchids.
I've been an orchid parent for about 6 years now, but only had to deal with a few pests (thrips should all die). I have no experience with bacterial, fungal, or viral issues. You can see in pictures 3, 4, and 5 how the earlier phase looks.
Unfortunately, I'm literally about to move in 2 days across country, 18 hours of driving spread over 2 days. I was drying everybody out to prevent mold and ready to do pack them up and everything as recommended. I've had a little trouble keeping as close an eye on all my orchids (40+) as I'd like this past week because I'm also packing and getting ready. (Moving sucks! Moving because I can't afford my birth city and had to find somewhere cheaper.)
The last time I saw the worse of the two, about 5 days ago, the leaves were still almost completely green with almost no damage on the top sides. They had been very happy until now. They are in a mini greenhouse with gentle fan running 24/7. 60% humidity. 12 hours on grow lights. Please, somebody tell me what to do. I'm devastated, stressed about my move already, and so worried about this now. 😭
submitted by Willow_Tree89 to orchids [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 12:44 randobburner I need to vent...

An ex "friend" of mine turned out to be a narcissist. He's the kind that thinks it's okay to joke about abuse and being the "worst kind of narcissist." He's popular online and has over 30,000 followers.
Basically what happened, is he made a "joke" in a gc of like 10-20 people. He said "I might be a narcissist, but I'm the worst kind of narcissist."At first, I thought he just felt bad about himself, (we had been friends for like a year at that point.) so I made some story posts about narcissism (not even mentioning his name) and about how victims of abuse can oftentimes gaslight themselves into believing that, and he got mad at me of course for not assuming that he had NPD (he self-diagnosed himself.) So him and his friend (who was almost a complete stranger to me at the time) started dming me.
His friend called me out in the gc (I'm assuming as a fear tactic.) telling me to check my dms (when she hadn't sent me anything at all.) She later follows me and begins to stalk my story (even after my narcissistic "friend" says "right okay" at the end of our conversation, which supposedly could be perceived as sarcasm or as genuine, if he chose to lie about it to make me seem dramatic.) Due to her behavior though, I knew that he was talking about me behind my back, because the timing of her doing this stuff was like after our conversation. I block him and all his friends.
On my close friends (like a more private post) I explain why I feel like I can't be friends with him anymore, going into detail about what he did to me. And there I also posted about feeling s because of the situation and needing to go to the psych ward. One of our mutual friends then unfollows me so I block them too ofc.
I feel really fucking stupid. Because I said to him, straight up, "I've been abused by narcissistic people before, and I don't think you're like that." When the truth is he was literally treating me like crap the whole time, and I never saw it, because I've never been treated well. The people who abused me, were more "angry lash out" and not "boo hoo I'm sad coddle me." If that makes sense. Now he has screenshots he can use against me. And it's genuinely awful because I deleted the chat (stupidly since it couldn't be archived and I assumed I'd be able to recover it somehow) and now I have no access to any evidence, save for a few screenshots I sent to my friend. I contacted IG support and they have not responded.
Genuinely, I would have left him on the spot if I thought he was being serious and making a "dark humor" joke. His "dark humor" wasn't even that funny to be honest. It was mostly him telling me, someone with diagnosed MDD and a history of s attempts (which he knew about) to "k*ms" etc. I thought he was teasing, because I'm just a very weird person, and I enjoy annoying people by being very weird. But our whole "friendship" was just like that. Me being weird and him "pretending" to be annoyed. He's like that with literally everyone though. Like even people who aren't like me. I laughed at his jokes, I thought they were funny because I didn't know that deep down he didn't actually care at all and was unwilling to empathize with any bad feelings I had because of him.
I feel like he's telling people lies about me. Honestly I don't see what else would cause them all to leave me like that when they knew I was actively s and planning to go to a ward. And I assume the things that I did to try and learn how to talk to people (just copying the kinds of jokes they made/the things they talked about) are things that they're now going to use against me. Like they've done it before.
I didn't catch his narcissism back then, because he said he was autistic. I just assumed he was really sensitive to a lot of things due to that and trauma. He constantly accused me of being a bad friend or of making fun of him when I literally never had bad intentions. I tried to be sensitive to that, and it was never enough. And like many relationships like that I just kept trying to please him. He made me consider s multiple times throughout our "friendship." I kept it to myself because I was never treated well as a child and I never really had any friends growing up. I just thought I was being over-sensitive. When I tried to open up about my trauma to him, he would always be invalidating and saying stuff like "it's not as bad as mine," "get therapy" etc. I'm worried no one will believe me, because before I saw his abusive tendencies for what they were, I said a lot of nice things about him and tried to get others to be nicer to him too. Now my mutual friends have left me for him. I've been really struggling ever since.
I'm also worried because I'm diagnosed with depression linked psychosis. I know he's probably going to use that against me as well. I've always been very open about that. To clarify, my psychosis isn't something that impacts my perception of reality to the point I can't tell where I'm being abused. My memory has always been pretty good. While in moments when I'm triggered, the most "reality distortion" (I don't know if there's an actual term for this) I get is just thinking I left something posted when I actually deleted it. So it's more like bad short term memory because of stress and hallucinating. I've always been pretty good at coping with what's real and what's not. I have (and almost always had) a lot of hallucinations about my friends telling me they hate me and stuff, but I never really let that impact my relationships and for the most part I was fine (minus him and co. I guess.)
Before all this crap went down, I was getting better. Now I hallucinate pretty much every second of every day, and am barely coping. I just feel so drained. I keep hallucinating him and his friends gaslighting me. It's literally torture, it's like being locked in a room with a mini version of him. I've attempted twice recently and honestly I can't stop thinking about it. I've been looking into getting back into therapy though.
At this point, I just want to be believed. I'm just so tired of people not caring and I feel like no one would ever believe me.
submitted by randobburner to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 12:40 Specialist_Bake6514 Vapiano P3: Italian Food Made in Germany

Vapiano P3: Italian Food Made in Germany
The kitchen is on fire. Welcome to the final part of the Vapiano story where the tables are turning. In the first two episodes we followed Mark Korzilius' journey from setbacks to founding Vapiano, a groundbreaking restaurant concept, highlighting its fresh ingredients, dynamic atmosphere, and data-driven operations that drove rapid success. While achieving initial profitability and garnering attention from industry giants like McDonald's, Vapiano's global expansion has led to stellar revenue growth. However, it has also resulted in the emergence of numerous side projects (or distractions), operational challenges, increased costs, significant investments, and a notable accumulation of debt. This underscores the prioritization of top-line growth over profitable growth. We will continue on this thread and see how the story ends, but I would encourage you to read part one and two for better context. Vapiano P1: Italian Food Made in Germany ( Let's dig in.
Before Going Public
We are now in 2015 and the year is a disaster for Vapiano's PR department. Employee time stamps are being manipulated, endless overtime for employees and high turnover in managerial roles are reported; mice in the kitchen and even rotten food allegedly found.
The company is confronted with allegations of exceeding working hours among trainees in an article published by Welt am Sonntag, while the same outlet accuses Vapiano of manipulating punch times. The auditing firm PwC is commissioned to investigate the allegations and finds that there is no systematic approach but rather misconduct by individual employees, a mistake that’s being corrected. Internal however, investigations into stamp times are carried out regularly now and beyond its obvious reputational impact, this sucks up valuable management time and attention.
In the summer of 2015 CEO, co-founder and investor Gregor Gerlach, who has been running the group since 2011 is stepping down and Jochen Halfmann is taking over. A new Vapiano People Program with an App is being developed with the aim to better interact with customers that will incorporate innovate features such as mobile pay. The German website sees a launch of new magazine to further promote the brand and there is now a full inhouse blogger and Instagram team being installed. In October the company buys seven restaurants from original co-founder, former co-investor and ex-president previously responsible for internation expansion Kent Hahne (2x Bonn, 3x Cologne, 1x Koblenz and one in Cologne that’s under construction). This package of Vapiano restaurants is very successful and generates net sales of more than 20 million euros in 2014. Hahne opened his first Vapiano restaurant in Cologne in August 2006 and in 2015 with his company apeiron AG, Hahne operates six L'Osteria franchise restaurants, a direct Vapiano competitor, and two self-owned restaurants GinYuu.
Then in November of 2015, the next public relations bomb goes off with allegations regarding the company's quality standards. The company immediately investigates the issue through internal and external specialists but finds no evidence of any quality issues. Nevertheless, knowing that the group is now being closely watched, the company’s already in place hygiene standards are being reinforced. Additional audits and inspections are performed nationally. Further, all Vapianos worldwide are being audited twice by the partners SGS Institut Fresenius and SAI Global. Auditing software is purchased to simplify the implementation of the audits and the resulting measures. Apart from the external examinations, there is a food sampling plan in place being performed continuously. Again, all of this sucks up costs, management time and attention. With all these tumultuous developments the company’s growth engine is undeterred. Revenue grows by a whopping 50 million euros to 202 million euros, an increase of 33%. Impressive. While average spent per customer increases in all countries, the number of customers per day in Germany decreases by 3.3% partially due to the negative press towards the end of the year. Five own, four JV and 19 new franchise restaurants are added that year to the group, the total number of own managed restaurants grows to 51, there are 31 JVs and 84 franchises which bringing the total to 166 Vapiano restaurants. Global restaurant sales are now above 400 million euros.
But while revenue grows by an astronomical 50 million euros, operating profits, alarmingly, shrink again. Gross margins are staying perfectly healthy above 75% but operating costs keep growing disproportionately fast. The Company’s outstanding debt jumps by almost 30 million, close to 85 million euros by the end of the year. With operating profits at 9.5 million euros, alarm bells should be going off right now.
In Q4 of 2015, new CEO Jochen Halfmann introduces Strategy 2020. The new strategy includes five essential points. One, profitable growth in the newly defined core markets of Germany and Austria as well as in the UK, Netherlands, France and USA. Two, operational excellence through strict “best practice” management. Three, further development and digitalization of the concept considering guest feedback. Four, greater focus on long-term employee retention and five, building a modern and sustainable IT landscape. Sound’s good on paper but let’s see how things pan out.
Vapiano's investments (capital expenditures) that year are primarily directed towards new restaurant openings, renovations of existing establishments, and share acquisitions in other Vapiano restaurants from franchisees or JV partners. A significant portion of funds is allocated to the digitalization of the guest experience, including the development of a new app scheduled for market release in 2016 and the implementation of a time recording system across all group restaurants. The world's first standalone Vapiano restaurant with a delivery service that year is built in Fürth, Germany. The company keeps expanding its presence in both inner-city locations and international markets, such as Shanghai, China.
To finance all of this, the group has its own operating cash flow which comes in at 18 million while capital expenditures are 26 million euros plus 14 million for acquisitions. The funding gab is filled with 26 million euros of new debt and a seven-million-euro equity raise. At that end of the year and after the equity raise Gregor Gerlach (through his AP Leipzig GmbH & Co. KG entity) holds 30.1%, Hans-Joachim and Gisa Sander through their Exchange Bio GmbH hold 25.5% and the Tchibo heirs, Herz through their Mayfair Beteiligungsfonds II GmbH & Co. KG hold 44,4%.
But for the first time the restaurant’s concept that was so successful to date is being questioned. Some customers are starting to mislike the operational flow of the concept itself. If you want pasta, you must queue for pasta. If you want pizza you stand in a different queue. A small side salad, yet another queue. "You spend more time carrying trays than an actress in Berlin-Mitte. The audience in the pasta limbo can only consist of people who have worked for an insurance company for a long time and, like Stockholm syndrome, they can no longer get away from the industrial canteen feeling," writes TV host Beisenherz provocatively. While overly harsh in his assessment he's not entirely wrong judging by customers venting their frustrations in forums and social media channels. It isn’t uncommon for those who ordered pizza to have already finished eating while there is little movement in the pasta queue. Long term that doesn't go down well, QSRs competitors like L’Osteria are handling this process differently, with much success.

Tipping Point

Where are now in the year 2016 and things start to deteriorate visibility. Perhaps not for the leman’s eye but any business minded observer can see that there are problems under the hood. Yes, revenue grows yet another whopping 50 million to almost 250 million euros but half of that growth, comes from acquisitions of restaurants that the group didn’t already own 100%, which is now being fully consolidated within the group’s accounts. Here is a concrete example. In the past, Vapiano SE, the group’s top holding company held an indirect 50% stake in a French subgroup via the subsidiary VAP Restaurants SA, based in Luxembourg, and included this as an associated company in the Vapiano SE consolidated financial statements using the equity method. Due to the acquisition of additional shares in September of 2016, Vapiano SE's indirect share in the French subgroup increased to 75%. This means that Vapiano SE takes control of the French subgroup, which is therefore included in the group’s financial statements as part of the full consolidation. The revenue from the acquired subsidiary now recorded in the consolidated income statement amounts to 12.8 million euros. While that’s great for the top line, the loss of the fully consolidated entity equates to 0.2 million euros. Yes, you are buying revenue, but there are losses attached to them, not profits. A similar case is the Swedish entity that runs eight restaurants with revenue of 11.5 million euros but has losses of 235 thousand euros. So much for Strategy 2020 and “profitable” growth.
That year the group’s operating profits are absolutely tanking, halving to 3.5 million euros. Operating profits are now a mere 1,4% of revenue. Remember original founder Mark Korzilius who talked about operating margins of 25% to 28% at the restaurant level? Yes, there are overhead costs for the organization that sits above the chain of restaurants, but operating margins that low indicates a course correction is needed. What’s telling is that in the annual report, in the management discussion section, the company starts talking about EBITDA as a proxy measure of profitability, rather than operating profit or net income. This wasn’t the case in the years before. Is this window dressing for an upcoming IPO? EBITDA is short for earnings before interest, tax, depreciation, and amortization. How can you measure profitability of a restaurant chain that absolutely and unequivocally needs capital investment to maintain its restaurant operations, the very source of cash generation, by simply excluding this maintenance charge (depreciation in the income statement)? Vapiano’s own annual report talks about the fact that existing restaurants must be rejuvenated from time to time and that new interior designs have to be implemented every few years. These things wear and tear, they go out of style, kitchen equipment breaks and needs replacement. This business absolutely needs maintenance capital expenditure, why anyone talks of profits before these maintenance costs is beyond me. Fun fact: in the previous annual report EBITDA is mentioned seven times, mostly around restaurant acquisitions and financing, not however as a profit indication for the group. In the new annual report, EBITDA is mentioned 28 times. Maybe it’s just me but belated Charlie Munger liked to call EBITDA: bullsh*t earnings. When in doubt I stick with Charlie. Interestingly, EBITDA for Vapiano keeps growing while operating and net profits keep falling.
Operating cashflow for the group that year is about 21 million euros, but capital expenditure is 30 million and acquisitions for subsidiaries another 20 million. To finance these expenditures another 28 million euros of debt and 16 million of equity is raised. Net debt rises above 130 million euro. The operating cashflow of the group before any capital expenditures is 21 million euros. I am not sure free cash flow would be significantly positive after maintenance capex is paid out; it’s not broken out so we can’t be sure. Granted, I am not on the ground during this time, and I am not in the board room, I am simply reading what’s in front of me, but to me this is starting to look like a distressed situation. Regardless, the following year the company goes public.


Where are now in the year 2017 and its Vapiano’s first year as public company. The company’s annual report reads the following “Sales revenue, like-for-like growth (LfL) and the earnings figures EBITDA and adjusted EBITDA are used as the most important financial performance indicators for controlling operational business activities.” The very same report however also says: “The majority of the group's investments regularly go towards opening new restaurant locations and modernizing existing restaurants. The latter are differentiated into regular replacement investments that occur during ongoing operations (Maintenance CAPEX) and fundamental investments in the renovation of a restaurant (Remodeling CAPEX). On average, a restaurant remodeling takes place nine years after opening.” It says it right there in their own report; every nine years a remodeling is taking place. Remodeling and updating is not cost free, so why exclude depreciation charges which reflect capital expenditures? I understand that perhaps you would want to strip out one-off opening costs, that’s fine and fair, but don’t go overboard.
The number of restaurants increases by 26 (previous year: 13) to a total of 205. The increase consists of 27 new openings and one closure. Group revenue grows to an astonishing 325 million euros but here comes the shocker, operating profits turn negative to 25 million. Fine, strip out foreign exchange losses of 3 million, IPO costs of 5.8 million and new opening costs of 6.1 million and you still have 10 million euros of operational losses. All the while the debt load of almost 130 million hasn’t materially changed, so those operating losses are before a six-million-euro interest payment. 184 million euros are raised through the IPO of which 85 million go to the company. This money is earmarked for further expansion as the group has ambitions to almost double the footprint to 330 restaurants by the end of 2020. The company is currently not profitable on an operating basis, and still wants to expand aggressively? I don’t get it. The remaining 100 million euros of the IPO money raised is distributed to co-founder Gregor Gerlach and Wella heirs Hans-Joachim and Gisa Sander. The family office of the former Tchibo owners Günter and Daniela Herz with a 44% stake, don’t sell a single share. After the IPO, 32% of all the company’s shares are now in free float.
One year later, in 2018, things get even worse. Revenue grows to 371 million, but operating losses mount to 85 million euros, that’s before interest expenses of 9 million. Even the beloved EBITDA figure turns negative, meaning the operating business before any expansionary or even maintenance capital expenditures is loss making. All regions are experiencing significant deterioration in their earnings profiles. Like for like sales are down 1% across the board. That’s revenue, not profitability. The question naturally arises: is the Group approaching its natural saturation point here or this operational by nature? The operating cash flow is now 9 million while financing cost are close to 7 million. That leaves 2 million for maintenance capital for 74 own restaurants and 76 joint ventures ones. Describing this as financially tight, would be an understatement.
Things are not looking good at this point. Yet the company still grows restaurants by 26 new sites. 64 million euros are spent on acquisitions, new openings, and maintenance costs, financed through a 20 million-euro equity raise and 72 million of new debt. The Company now has net debt outstanding of over 160 million euros. After the equity raise and by the end of the year 2018, Mayfair owns 47.4%, VAP Leipzig, Gregor Gerlach’s entity owns 18.9% and the Sander couple own 15.5% of the company. Yes, the Sanders and Gerlach may have taken 100 million euros off the table, but they still have substantial skin in the game. Plus, Mayfair hasn’t sold a single share and instead injects more money into the company through the equity round. The stock has now fallen from its IPO price of 23 euros per share to under 6 euros by the end of 2018. Something must be done here. And indeed, there is pivot in strategy and a hard push for change. At last, the management team abandons its aggressive growth plan and curtails new openings significantly. Additionally, the team wants to run a thorough analysis of weak locations to then either discontinue or sell sites. In Europe, the operating focus will be put on corporate restaurants and joint ventures in major cities to ensure the ideal size and location to match the respective demographic target group. Outside of Europe, the franchising business is being expanded and at the same time a consolidation of the existing corporate and joint venture markets is being sought. All future investments will be reviewed to achieve higher rates of returns on new openings. Investments are also being made in the renovation of older restaurants. The goal in the future is to also open smaller formats, like Mini-Vapianos (less than 400 square meters) or Freestander at prominent transportation hubs outside city centers (currently in Fürth and Toulouse) to cater to individual location requirements, and to enter new partnerships. I am not sure why management hasn’t stopped all expansion altogether, bringing the ship in order first, getting profitable, clean up, all hands-on deck before considering any further expansions whatsoever. But again, it’s easy to comment from the sidelines; maybe they saw white spaces that would be covered by competing concepts if they weren’t moving fast and aggressively enough. Although pushing internationally means competing with local players such as Jamie's Italian, Prezzo, Pizza Express, Wagamama, Nando's and many more which brings in its own dynamic.
Management also aims to enhance guest satisfaction. This involves refining operational processes, reorganizing the support center, and refocusing on the core offering: providing fresh and high-quality Italian food at affordable prices for a broad audience. The group also aims to reduce waiting times, especially during lunch, while also improving the evening atmosphere. There is even what I would call an evolution, away from Vapiano’s original concept, reorientating the customer journey. The ordering flow is being changed, offering guests synchronized preparations of all dishes while eliminating wait times at the cooking stations. The open show kitchen remains, staying true to original mantra of freshness and transparency but now guests can choose their preferred method of ordering through a mobile app, using a digital order point (kiosk), or by personally placing an order with a waiter. Guests can still freely choose their table and are then informed about the complete preparation of their order through a pager or their smartphone. This is a substantial deviation from the original concept, but a needed one. The group is also exploring and implementing the expansion of take-away and home delivery services but only at suitable locations, not universally across new openings. I am not sure why home delivery is even a priority here; it adds operational complexity. It’s better to clean up shop first and get back to the basics before adding new complexities. To be fair management does try to simplify. There are 49 different permanent dishes on the menu and additional 10 seasonal ones. Customers can choose from eleven different types of pasta. There is simply too much choice, and it makes orders complicated. The company announced to slim the menu down to its most popular and typical Vapiano dishes. There’s no need for an Asian salad at an Italian restaurant. "We have to go back to the roots, i.e. classic, honest Italian cuisine" says COO Everke. Regardless, in November of 2018, the supervisory board pulls the plug on CEO Jochen Halfmann and replaces him with Cornelius Everke. Everke himself has just become COO five months ago. Since 2017 he was responsible for international expansion. From 2011 to 2017 that role was filled by Mario Bauer – put a pin in that name, he’ll play a key role in the groups fate later. Then nine months later, in the middle of 2019, Cornelius Everke quits. He essentially concludes that his skillset and experience in the areas of internation expansion is no longer needed in the foreseeable future. To put it differently: Vapiano has moved from a growth story and has become a restructuring case, and other skills are required for that job. In June of 2019 Everke says the following “(we’ve) made a bit of a mistake when it came to foreign expansion”. No sh#t. Vapiano postpones the presentation of the 2018 annual financial statements three times in the spring of 2019, citing negotiations over an urgently needed loan of 30 million euros. It’s not until the end of May that a binding loan commitment comes through from the financing banks and major shareholders.
We are now in August of 2019 and the corona pandemic is just around the corner. Supervisory board chief Vanessa Hall takes over as interim-CEO and things are unravelling. Visitor numbers are declining; originally, it was planned to sell the US business but halfway through the year the buyer cannot come up with the money. But not all restaurants are performing poorly. The group's poor figures contrast starkly as an example with the experiences of the Swiss-German franchisee, who runs six restaurants. The Sodano family in Switzerland pays Vapiano a royalty of 6% of sales for the use of the brand. Enrico Sodano explains in an interview that they operate largely autonomously from the licensor. If an “accident” were to occur, he could immediately replace the Vapiano sign with Sodano, he says. The family concluded the rents and contracts with employees and suppliers independently. The Sodano family have six locations in Bern, Basel and Zurich, around one million guests every year and 350 employees. Things are going well on the ground. The delivery service they’ve built is offering them a second income stream. Expansion into Winterthur, St. Gallen and Lucerne are being planned; small locations with 150 to 250 square meters and an attached delivery service. Originally, Vapiano restaurants used to be huge but for such a large restaurant to be profitable, 800 to 1,000 guests per day are needed. That’s possible in medium-sized cities, but not in smaller towns which is why the Vapiano group now also supports smaller formats. Back to our corporate drama. The 2019 annual report would be the last report the group files. By the end 2019 the outstanding debt of the company is at an astronomical 450 million euros. Revenue has grown by another 7%, produced by four net new openings through two JVs and two franchise restaurants but operating losses come in at 317 million euros. That sound like an absolute shocker at first but depreciation and amortization charges are 345 million, so that operating cash flow is actually positive but unfortunately capital expenditures and interest payments are so large that they are eating up all of the company’s operating cash flow. Then in the beginning of 2020 Corona hits with full force and the world shuts down. As a result of the measures to prevent further spreading of the virus, the group is forced to cease all global business operations (except in Sweden). While all these shutdowns are happening, the group is the middle of negotiating with its lending banks and main shareholders. There are additional financing needs for restructuring measures, even without a pandemic happening in the background. The situation is so dire that the company starts pleading to the German government to roll out the package of financial help more quickly. Unfortunately, it’s to no end. The rapid closure of restaurants and the resulting lack of operating cash inflows in conjunction with the additional financing requirements, lead to the company’s final knockout punch. In April of 2020, the Vapiano group officially files for insolvency proceedings. The end of an era.

New Beginnings

Because of the pandemic, the majority of the group's subsidiaries in Austria, the Netherlands, Denmark, the United States, Sweden, and China also file for insolvency or seek liquidation. The US business never gets sold in the end and is wound down. In the summer of 2020, significant group divestments occur, including the sale of 75% shares in the group's French subsidiaries, shares in franchisor companies, Australian subsidiaries, German subsidiaries, associated companies, self-managed restaurants in Germany, and insolvency-related sales in the Netherlands, Great Britain, and Sweden. The buyer of the Vapiano brand and one of these bundles of Vapiano restaurants is company named Love & Food Restaurant Holding, a consortium led by Mario C. Bauer – a name I told you to remember. Bauer was a former Vapiano board member and led the national and international expansion, opening 200 sites in 33 countries from 2011 to 2017 until he was succeeded by Cornelius Everke. Bauer didn’t feel comfortable with the IPO at the time but clearly has a lot of managerial and entrepreneurial talent.
The buyer consortium is an absolute A-Team comprised of European QSR top league hitters, including the founder of the Pret A Manger chain Sinclair Beecham; Henry McGovern, the founder and Ex-CEO of the giant international restaurant and foodservice operator AmRest; the Van der Valk Family that runs hotels and Vapiano restaurants in the Netherlands, and co-founder and ex-CEO Gregor Gerlach. The acquisition value is 15 million euros and entails 30 Vapiano restaurants in Germany, albeit that’s just the purchase price which comes on top of any capital investment needed to refresh and return the sites to its former glory. Nevertheless, just as a thought experiment, if you can get each site to 2 million euros of revenue and 400,000 euros in operating profit on average, which wouldn’t be an overly aggressively assumption given the company’s history, you’ve got yourself a package that can deliver restaurant-level operating profits of 12 million euros or more. It’s not disclosed how much capex was needed to refresh the operations, just that fact that the overall investment plus purchase price was a middle double-digit million-euro figure. Stil, it probably was a decent purchase. The same consortium buys Vapiano’s French business for 25 million euros just two weeks prior. After the transaction concludes, the master franchise is given to Delf Neumann and his Gastro & Soul GmbH. Neumann is an experienced operator, and he is ambitious to revitalise the brand with new services and products. For example, instead of pizza, the restaurants will be serving pinsa - a flatbread made from sourdough, wheat and rice flour, topped similarly to a pizza. It targets a more health-oriented customer base looking for a less calory heavy option. The menu overall is expanded by including a variety of vegan and vegetarian dishes.
Today Neumann’s Gastro & Soul GmbH operates 18 Vapianos on its own account and has 29 franchise sites, amongst other brands. By the year 2021, Vapiano operates 191 restaurants in 34 countries. This is around 50 fewer sites than before the bankruptcy. The number of branches is particularly thinned out in Germany – from 80 to 55. Nevertheless, Vapiano's home country remains by far the largest market, followed by France with 35 restaurants and Austria with 15 locations. “We have shrunk ourselves to health,” says Bauer in the aftermath and there is no further shrinking planned. Quite the opposite, the smell of expansion is in the air again – pun intended. Not as aggressively as before and with a new menu and ordering process.
Overall, the team around Bauer is filled with industry experts with knowledge and networks gained over decades who have a great track record, a long-term view, and the staying power to let Vapiano breath and finds its way back to success. The pressure of being a public company with all the associated quarterly, half-year and yearly disincentives have been removed. The menu is changed and extended with new types of pasta and sauces with significantly more vegetarian and vegan dishes available. Guests can order with restaurant staff, at terminals or on their phones and there are barcodes attached to the tables identify the respective seat. The food is brought to your table, all at the same time if you are in a group, no more annoyances with waiting in line. There is a plan for smaller, 350 square meter locations, with half the number of guests and significantly fewer staff and less set-up costs required to make the economics work. Locations that capitalize on remote work and increased demand for local lunch options, higher population density with shorter delivery routes and therefore cost-effective in house delivery services are targeted. And Bauer is testing the concept of ghost kitchens, which operate without a dining room or service staff, focusing solely on preparing food for delivery services, which for obvious reasons have a very different operational set up and footprint. Original founder Mark Korzilius however is not entirely convinced. He is not a fan of the pinsa for instance and he considers Vapiano's pizza as its cash cow, flagship product and believes that the core Vapiano proposition of Pizza, Pasta, Bar that has given the company its original success is being diluted. He instead admires the competitor L'Osteria, saying they’ve done a better job by focusing on Italian classics, especially the impressively large pizzas that sticks out beyond the plate is leaving every customer in awe. The guys who run L’Osteria are the same guys who have built Vapiano with him in the first place. Bauer on the other hand, like a true business leader, remains undeterred, stating that he is frequently asked whether Vapiano's restart was bold or foolish. He believes in entrepreneurship, franchising, in his experienced fellow partners and importantly the Vapiano concept. By the year 2024 you can find over 140 Vapiano branded restaurant in 27 countries across the globe, including locations far away from its birthplace like Australia, USA, Columbia, Chile, Bahrain, and Saudi Arabia. And why not? Italian food is, and will remain to be, incredibly popular. Vapiano offers fresh and tasty food at affordable prices in a good atmosphere. This combination of attributes should attract a lot of customers. It certainly has in the past.
For more stories: WIP Thomas Weitzendoerfer Substack
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2024.05.14 10:23 Gldfsh_vinillaCronch Chapter thirteen

Chapter thirteen ~Kayara~
They had to ride through grass fields so tall and unruly that even their ponies, easily twelve hands high, were struggling. Only an hour or two more and they would be back in the Elven territories.
Anataya led. Flanked by her guard and her lady in waiting. The kid took up the rear and Kayara had to fight to not look behind her to make sure he was ok and still there. She could hear his pony trying to feast on the grass and the glorious wildflowers, and that would have to be enough. She knew it would only cause upset if she were to bruise his ego as such.
They had seen glorious sunsets and pitch black nights, steep grass-slick hills and uneven forests. The others seemed quite up to the task and readily familiar with camping. With killing their meal. With sleeping on the hard ground.
She had spent the night in a jail cell before, but there had been fresh straw and a blanket. She was indeed glad that it was a warmer season or she surely would have frozen to death thanks to the princesses scheme!
“What’s with that face?” Asked Tyren, a wolfish grin at the ready. She rode her gelding with the proficiency of a soldier. Hers was the only pony that could keep its head up when riding through the tall grasses. The rest of them had to keep their calm and keep a stern, short rein.
“I’m hungry.” Kayara said simply. “You didn’t want the hare that I caught for you!” The boy chirped up behind them. It had looked like a much meaner version of the pet she had kept as a child. Its eyes were so the same as the fluffy piebald bunny she had once adored. She thought back to the now vacant cage in her room. The hand painted river rock that had been made upon her death. Seventeen year old Kayara had horrid penmanship but hadn't been bad with a paintbrush.
She had buried the bunny in the family's pet cemetery just off the main garden, right below her window. The rock was painted with various pinks and purples and yellows. The colors of energy that floated over the bunny when she pet it. Like static on a blanket.
“We should be nearing the city by tomorrow afternoon. If that helps.” Tyren offered. Her eyes were so cold. As if no emotion flickered behind them, so at odds with the olive branch she voiced.
“Thank you Tyren.”
Houses and farms began popping up in clusters, like the fungus on the trees in the woods. They were built in the style of elven homes. Three stories high and dome shaped. Elven country homes were more like live-in garden centers. Massive living walls of braided living cedar formed the exterior and wildflowers grew out of the cracks. Some of the bigger homes had towers protruding, miniature tree castles amongst the most luscious gardens.
“For the last time, we are not going to steal from my people.” Ana said with a voice that threatened violence. No bullshit, no stealing, she wouldn't have it.
“Ana, they'd likely offer you their food if we rode closer to their homes. Close enough that they could see who you are.”
“I said no. If you don’t drop it I will have you whipped when we return.” Anataya said slowly, anger burning in each word spat. Then suddenly kicked her pony into a faster pace. Then faster again and again; grass and dirt from the road flying into Kayara and Tyrens faces and nearly spooking their own equestrians out of control.
They gave chase and found the princess heading towards the fields below a wealthy man's mini palace. You could tell he was an old wealth by the way they grew their fields in circles with trees and flowers that had specific old timey jobs in the garden.
Anataya ran into a corn and bean field. Sunflowers, growing in bunches, stood tall and bright against the cobalt blue skies. Onion flowers were blooming in the underbrush. Likely other crops could be found in the field but Ana was racing ahead into the center where the tangles of beans and such grew the thickest. Then she stopped.
She hopped off her pony and stood for a moment in the center of the now partially trampled field. Then she collapsed to her knees. Tyren rolled her eyes hard as she banked her pony to a stop near the now hysterical princess. Ana wept and screamed and dug at the dirt. Kayara jumped down from her pony in sync with Tyren, and the two of them tried to hoist the princess to her feet. To no avail, Anataya was too far gone into madness to register their words.
A Violet Corona of light began to bleed into sight before Kayaras eyes. It wrapped around the princesses crown as if it was such. Illuminating the man who appeared in the corn and vines, flashlights and shotgun at the ready. Dogs were being held back by another man. Both were Elves, old and wealthy looking. “The Princess- Braeden the Crowned Princess is in our garden!” “Yes Olh K see that.” The one with the gun, lowered the weapon and nodded at his partner to make the dogs stand down. A whistle and the barking ceased. A stray yap came from the tiny brown dog carried by the third man that came into view with another source of truly very bright light. He was clearly the one in charge. He wore a simple pair of baggy trousers and a tight fitting top. An army issued long sleeves meant to endure cold temperatures. Kayara recognized it because her fathers eldest son had been issued the same one.
His silver chain, a bear head pendant, violet eyes. This was a high ranking officer in Antayas dead brother's army. Fucking hells.
Ana stopped crying at the sight of the necklace. On the back of the head would be the officer's information, although it wasn’t really needed. That pendent was named in stories and songs. Kayara had once seen an opera about the living hero, the mantatur slayer and peace keeper of his own kind. The Great Grizzly of Craephen— and this man before them was one of his main commanders. Maybe an advisor!
“Geraeld!” Ana said as if she’d seen a ghost.
“Antay?” Getaeld seemed to be at a loss for words.
Kayara had no idea what to do or where to look as the princess rushed to embrace the man. He held her awkwardly as the dog in his one hand tried to wiggle free. “It has been so long!”
“Not long enough princess.”
“Geri, you know her?” The one holding four big dogs on fine leather leashes, he held them with a farmers grip but his hair and his robes spoke only of wealth.
The other man, the one with the gun now uncocked and limp in his arms; he said “what are you doing here?”
Maybe he was in charge. His unbuttoned trousers and puffed up boxers told Kayara he was the first to be up and alert that there was something going on in his backyard. The one with the little dog passed it to the shotgun guy and strode forward to assess the damage to his property. “You’ve terrorized my boyfriend's property and terrified our dogs. What do you have to say for this, your majesty?”
“I am so terribly sorry Geri… Geri, please forgive me Geri.” The princess dropped to her knees and widened her eyes at him, hands clasping together at her chin.
“You are a child, Majesty.” He glared but yanked her to her feet, hauling her away to his boyfriend’s house. “I shall take you home. Follow me.” The princess began stumbling and pushing him or tripping him up and so, with a heavy and exhausted sigh, he picked her up and threw her over his shoulder. Like a sack of potatoes! The princess proceeded to prop herself up on her elbows and smirk at the amassed crowd. She looked directly at Kayara and winked! Kayara could have sworn the woman's back arched up a notch…
submitted by Gldfsh_vinillaCronch to TheSongofKithandKin [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:34 tracyagodfrey EV Tuesday Week 129

It's EV Tuesday!

14th May 2024
Hello EV people, it is your favourite time of the week! EV Tuesday is here for your enjoyment.
Each week, we work hard searching for a selection of useful tips, tools and links that you may find useful as an EV owner. Take a seat and have a flick through what we have found for you this week.
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Right, ready.....steady.........GO!!
Feedback, Requests, Questions? As always, please give us feedback on Twitter. Which item is your favourite? What do you want more or less of? Other suggestions? Just send a tweet to u/ev_cables and put #EVTuesdays at the end so we can find it.
Have a great week everyone and happy reading!
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Polestar and StoreDot complete demo of Extreme Fast Charging. In the race for even faster battery charging speeds, Polestar and StoreDot have collaborated on a prototype battery unit in a Polestar 5 capable of being charged from 10% to 80% capacity in just 10 minutes.
  1. EV TIP: 5 WAYS TO BOOST YOUR RANGE WHEN DRIVING ELECTRIC Use regenerative braking (if available) Switch off any unnecessary features Keep your tyres inflated Take it steady on the pedal Be smart with your charging
  2. EV COMMUNITY: EV TUESDAY READER Myke, an EV Tuesdays ReaderOne of our regular readers sent this link in to us this week. This is a trial in the process of being studied into charging access via footpath channels, in Nottinghamshire. Myke is on the understanding they are still looking for applications, in which he has applied to take part in, but have yet to hear a result. Take a read and perhaps put your name forward too.
  3. EV REVIEW: AUTO EXPRESS Mini Cooper MINI Cooper review: a fun and sophisticated EV. The MINI Cooper SE is not cheap, but it does have that air of sophisticated fun that’s made the reborn brand such a success over the past two decades. Compact dimensions and a modest battery mean that this is not a car that will win prizes for practicality or even EV range – but it oozes quality and has just enough dynamic spark to feel like a MINI. We can’t wait to try the forthcoming petrol-powered versions to see if they offer a similar experience for much less cash.
Have a fantastic week! EV Cables Team
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2024.05.14 08:13 TerribleSell2997 UK ASRS Market Increasing Demand, Growth Analysis and Future Outlook by 2031

The ~UK Automated Storage and Retrieval System (ASRS) Market~ is estimated to grow at a CAGR of over 9.5% during the forecast period. UK ASRS Market research report refers to gathering and analyzing significant market data serve as best medium for various industry players to launch novel product or service. It is vital for key firms to have constant observation of latest market trends which keep on changing. Constants shifts in the trends and key advancements are observed in the market through this UK ASRS Market report and inform key firms about them. By knowing this, business owners can take effective actions before actually developing any product or service. It also aims at offering thorough knowledge regarding competitors to assist them in taking strategic decision making.
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Some of the key players operating in the UK ASRS market include Kardex Group, KUKA AG, Daifuku Co. Ltd., KION Group AG, Honeywell International, Inc., and others. These players are contributing significantly towards the growth of the ASRS market in Europe. The strategies adopted by these players such as mergers and acquisitions, investment in R&D activities and product launch are estimated to have a positive impact on the growth of the ASRS market in the region.
full report of UK ASRS Market available @
· Market Coverage
· Market number available for – 2024-2031
· Base year- 2024
· Forecast period- 2024-2031
· Segment Covered- By Source, By Product Type, By Applications
· Competitive Landscape- Archer Daniels Midland Co., Ingredion Inc., Kerry Group Plc, Cargill
· Inc., and others
Market Segmentation
UK ASRS Market by Type
o Unit Load
o Mini Load
o Vertical Lift Module
o Carousel
o Auto Store
UK ASRS Market Industry
o Automobile
o Chemical, Metals & Heavy Machinery
o Food & Beverages
o Healthcare
o Retail, Third-Party Logistics, and E-Commerce
o Others (Aviation, Manufacturing Industry)
Company Profiles
o BEUMER Group
o Daifuku Co., Ltd.
o Honeywell International, Inc.
o Industore Ltd.
o Kardex Group
o Keymas Ltd.
o KION Group AG
o System Logistics SpA
o TGW Logistics Group
The Report Covers
For More Customized Data, Request for Report Customization @
About Orion Market Research Orion Market Research (OMR) is a market research and consulting company known for its crisp and concise reports. The company is equipped with an experienced team of analysts and consultants. OMR offers quality syndicated research reports, customized research reports, consulting and other research-based services. The company also offer Digital Marketing services through its subsidiary OMR Digital and Software development and Consulting Services through another subsidiary Encanto Technologies.
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submitted by TerribleSell2997 to Nim2908 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:13 Sammyrey1987 The key to marriage

Yall, I’ve had this Reddit account for years but never actually used it. While enjoying my insomnia I decided to give it a whirl… and this shit is wild. After reading a ton of posts in this subreddit here are some things I think some of you need to know. (I’ve been with my husband for 10 years)
1.) Date him when you’re fat! - guys… the shear amount of posts where men can’t stand their wives weight and these women feel like they need to maintain the same body they had at 25 is INSANE! I’ve never been happier than I am tonight that my husband met me with a few extra pounds. 😂
2.) Find the unappreciated men! - if you’re looking for dudes who will love you for the long haul find the ones that flew under the radar! My husband is hot as hell, and is only getting better with age. He was a big kid and hit his glow up right before we met. He is humble and kind and women were stupid to pass him by.
3.) Suck it…. On more than his birthday
4.) Trade off on spoon positions! - don’t sleep on the power of being the big spoon! Im 5’4” and my husband is 6’2”. Sure his back is getting most of the love, but he keeps my boobs warm and he loves the change up.
5.) DO NOT LET FAMILY FUCK WITH YOUR RELATIONSHIP! - toxic family? Get your shit in order immediately! Communication is key with your partner and boundaries with family. You are each other’s priority. End of story.
6.) Rough times come in waves - You will continue to grow and change because that’s what humans do. Marriage means doing that together and often that comes at different times. Communication is crucial. Patience is a virtue, and sometimes you just gotta be the bigger person.
7.) Have hobbies and friends! - you don’t have to do everything together… seriously. You are still an individual! It’s ok to have your own time and space. My husband loves hiking. I would rather read in a hammock. He goes fishing and I would rather throw some clay. And that’s great! Have one or two things you love to do together, but don’t change everything about yourself to make someone happy. That’s dumb and will only lead to resentment.
8.) Own your sex life! - try new things, sit on his face, stick a finger somewhere… just laugh and enjoy 😉 ladies, I promise you that a true ride or die hubby will not care if your legs aren’t shaved and your thighs could crush a watermelon. Let go of those insecurities that are holding you back!
9.) Talk about kids/responsibilities BEFORE you get married! - I wanted kids, he didn’t. Accept that what your partner is telling you is what they mean! And then decide if they are worth the compromise. If you both want kids you damn sure better talk about childcare, chores, meals, money, etc. BEFORE you push out that bundle of potential divorce.
10.) You only get one life. - Really, just one… so make sure you’re with a person who you can look back in 40 years and think, damn… how lucky am I.
submitted by Sammyrey1987 to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:01 TerribleSell2997 European ASRS Market Increasing Demand, Growth Analysis and Future Outlook by 2031

The ~European Automated Storage and Retrieval System (ASRS) Market~ is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 9.9% during the forecast period. This informative European ASRS Market report provides new method and covers foremost regions such as Latin America, Middle East, North America, Europe, Africa and Asia Pacific. Making most out of the consumer insights and market opportunities, market players can boost up the revenue rate of their business. It also permits key organizations to make communication with customers and know their demands for making right investment in the product development. By increasing the product portfolio by referring the important market data provided in this European ASRS Market research report, key players can grow and expand their business forward. Continuously developing customer demands are also described in this global report to help new entrants make required changes in the final product launch and then bring into the market. It becomes easy for key players to prioritize the demands and requirements of target audience and have complete understanding of end-user experience with the help of this European ASRS Market study report.
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Some of the key players operating in the European ASRS market include Kardex Group, KUKA AG, Daifuku Co. Ltd., KION Group AG, Honeywell International, Inc., and others. These players are contributing significantly towards the growth of the ASRS market in Europe. The strategies adopted by these players such as mergers and acquisitions, investment in R&D activities and product launch are estimated to have a positive impact on the growth of the ASRS market in the region. For instance, in August 2018, The Kardex Remstar introduced a new technology named Shuttle XP Vertical Lift Module (VLM), which can now be equipped with Access Ready Light Technology. This technology will improve product picking productivity and accuracy in logistics warehousing centers.
full report of European ASRS Market available @
· Market Coverage
· Market number available for – 2024-2031
· Base year- 2024
· Forecast period- 2024-2031
· Segment Covered- By Source, By Product Type, By Applications
· Competitive Landscape- Archer Daniels Midland Co., Ingredion Inc., Kerry Group Plc, Cargill
· Inc., and others
Market Segmentation
European ASRS Market by Type
o Unit Load
o Mini Load
o Vertical Lift Module
o Carousel
o Auto Store
European ASRS Market Industry
o Automobile
o Chemical, Metals & Heavy Machinery
o Food & Beverages
o Healthcare
o Retail, Third-Party Logistics, and E-Commerce
o Others (Aviation, Manufacturing Industry)
Regional Analysis
o UK
o Germany
o Italy
o Spain
o France
o Rest of Europe
Company Profiles
o BEUMER Group
o Daifuku Co., Ltd.
o Honeywell International, Inc.
o Industore Ltd.
o Kardex Group
o Keymas Ltd.
o KION Group AG
o System Logistics SpA
o TGW Logistics Group
· Viastore Systems GmbH
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About Orion Market Research Orion Market Research (OMR) is a market research and consulting company known for its crisp and concise reports. The company is equipped with an experienced team of analysts and consultants. OMR offers quality syndicated research reports, customized research reports, consulting and other research-based services. The company also offer Digital Marketing services through its subsidiary OMR Digital and Software development and Consulting Services through another subsidiary Encanto Technologies.
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Company Name: Orion Market Research
Contact Person: Mr. Anurag Tiwari
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Contact no: +91 780-304-0404
submitted by TerribleSell2997 to Nim2908 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:00 TerribleSell2997 Germany ASRS Market is Dazzling Worldwide and Forecast to 2030

The ~German automated storage and retrieval system (ASRS) market~ is estimated to grow at a CAGR of over 10.0% during the forecast period. This Germany ASRS Market research report focuses more on a number of distinctive as well as foremost market sectors. It further focuses market segmentation. Industry-specific interviews are carried out with market players to foresee future business growth. Various facets of the industry are also depicted here under each industry sector. Future development visions and a wide range of subjects are covered in this Germany ASRS Market study report. All this crucial data greatly assists key players to establish their presence in the competitive market. It verifies and revalidates the knowledge provided in this global Market report. It also allows several organizations to learn more about a range of opportunities already available in the market and makes aware to firms about upcoming opportunities too. It ensures several firms to attain a long-standing business success by capturing all of the latest updates about market growth. Most important participants are able to employ such report as a great resource to attain a competitive advantage over the cut-throat market.
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The German ASRS market is segmented on the basis of type and industry. On the basis of type, the market is segmented into the unit load, mini load, vertical lift module (VLM), carousel, and auto store. Mini load ASRS handles totes, trays, and cartons rather than full pallets. Mini load ASRS is used considerably in retail, e-commerce and 3PL providers. Based on the industry, the market is automotive; chemical, metals & heavy machinery; food & beverages; healthcare; retail, third-party logistics (3PL), and e-commerce; and others such as aviation and manufacturing. Some of the key players operating in the German ASRS market include Kardex Group, KUKA AG, Daifuku Co. Ltd., KION Group AG, Honeywell International, Inc., and others.
full report of Germany ASRS Market available @
· Market Coverage
· Market number available for – 2024-2031
· Base year- 2024
· Forecast period- 2024-2031
· Segment Covered- By Source, By Product Type, By Applications
· Competitive Landscape- Archer Daniels Midland Co., Ingredion Inc., Kerry Group Plc, Cargill
· Inc., and others
Market Segmentation
Germany ASRS Market by Type
o Unit Load
o Mini Load
o Vertical Lift Module
o Carousel
o Auto Store
Germany ASRS Market Industry
o Automobile
o Chemical, Metals & Heavy Machinery
o Food & Beverages
o Healthcare
o Retail, Third-Party Logistics, and E-Commerce
o Others (Aviation, Manufacturing Industry)
Company Profiles
o BEUMER Group
o Daifuku Co., Ltd.
o Honeywell International, Inc.
o Kardex Group
o KION Group AG
o TGW Logistics Group
o Viastore Systems GmbH
The Report Covers
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About Orion Market Research Orion Market Research (OMR) is a market research and consulting company known for its crisp and concise reports. The company is equipped with an experienced team of analysts and consultants. OMR offers quality syndicated research reports, customized research reports, consulting and other research-based services. The company also offer Digital Marketing services through its subsidiary OMR Digital and Software development and Consulting Services through another subsidiary Encanto Technologies.
Media Contact:
Company Name: Orion Market Research
Contact Person: Mr. Anurag Tiwari
Email: [](
Contact no: +91 780-304-0404
submitted by TerribleSell2997 to Nim2908 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:58 TerribleSell2997 North American ASRS Market is Dazzling Worldwide and Forecast to 2030

The ~North American Automated Storage and Retrieval System (ASRS)~ Market is estimated to generate a significant market value in 2018 and is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 10.1% during the forecast period. North American ASRS Market research report reveals important insights into market scenario to enable key players in taking calculated decision making. Basically, one of the major purposes of market research reports is to maximize the business growth opportunities. It also helps key players to turn business into a successful business by increasing the profit level. The overall business goal can be accomplished through this North American ASRS Market study report as it consists of all the current happenings and major innovations of the marketplace. Depending on the overall business objective, it is important to reduce business risks to generate larger revenues in the business. Several regions are captured in this Market report which includes North America, Europe, Middle East, Africa, Latin America and Asia Pacific.
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Some of the key players operating in the North American ASRS market include The Raymond Corp, Schaefer Systems International, Inc., Kardex Group, and Honeywell International, Inc., among others. These are the major players that are contributing significantly towards the growth of the ASRS market in North America. Further, the strategies adopted by these players such as mergers and acquisitions, investment in R&D activities and product launch are also estimated to have a positive impact on the growth of the ASRS market in the region. For instance, in May 2018, Schaefer Systems International acquired INCAS, an Italian based company that provides industrial automation solutions for logistics and production monitoring and integrated software solutions. With this acquisition, the company enhanced the portfolio of warehouse automation and sustained a significant position in the market.
full report of North American ASRS Market available @
· Market Coverage
· Market number available for – 2024-2031
· Base year- 2024
· Forecast period- 2024-2031
· Segment Covered- By Source, By Product Type, By Applications
· Competitive Landscape- Archer Daniels Midland Co., Ingredion Inc., Kerry Group Plc, Cargill
· Inc., and others
Market Segmentation
North American ASRS Market by Type
o Unit Load
o Mini Load
o Vertical Lift Module
o Carousel
o Auto Store
North American ASRS Market Industry
o Automobile
o Chemical, Metals & Heavy Machinery
o Food & Beverages
o Healthcare
o Retail, Third-Party Logistics, and E-Commerce
o Others (Aviation, Manufacturing Industry)
Regional Analysis
o United States
o Canada
Company Profiles
o Automation Logistics Corp.
o BEUMER Group
o Dearborn Mid-West Co. LLC
o Green Automated Solutions, Inc.
o Hänel Storage Systems
o Honeywell International, Inc.
o Modula, Inc.
o Schaefer Systems International, Inc.
o The Raymond Corp.
o Westfalia Technologies, Inc.
The Report Covers
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About Orion Market Research Orion Market Research (OMR) is a market research and consulting company known for its crisp and concise reports. The company is equipped with an experienced team of analysts and consultants. OMR offers quality syndicated research reports, customized research reports, consulting and other research-based services. The company also offer Digital Marketing services through its subsidiary OMR Digital and Software development and Consulting Services through another subsidiary Encanto Technologies.
Media Contact:
Company Name: Orion Market Research
Contact Person: Mr. Anurag Tiwari
Email: [](
Contact no: +91 780-304-0404
submitted by TerribleSell2997 to Nim2908 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:54 TerribleSell2997 US ASRS Market is Dazzling Worldwide and Forecast to 2030

The ~US automated storage and retrieval system (ASRS) market~ is estimated to generate a significant market value in 2018 and is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 10.2% during the forecast period. US ASRS Market report provides us with a complete outlook on thorough assessment of thorough data about vital feature of the global industry related to market size, revenue, development and market sales. This study report captures regulatory concerns and entry barriers that greatly affect the market growth. This report emphasizes on how industries get benefit from strategies offered here and achieve ample revenue other than also flashes light on constraints which can become great obstruction. It further helps to predict revenue increasing opportunities available in the marketplace. In addition, it then goes on to talk about volume trends, values and historical pricing structure. This US ASRS Market study report also helps to predict growth and opportunities in the market. Furthermore, it also guides on how to increase product demand, growth rate and gain huge profits through changing consumption technologies.
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Some of the key players operating in the US ASRS market include The Raymond Corp, Schaefer Systems International, Inc., Kardex Group, and Honeywell International, Inc., among others. These players are contributing significantly towards the growth of the ASRS market in the US. Further, the strategies adopted by these players such as mergers and acquisitions, investment in R&D activities and product launch are also estimated to have a positive impact on the growth of the ASRS market in the region. For instance, in May 2018, Schaefer Systems International acquired INCAS, an Italian based company that provides industrial automation solutions for logistics and production monitoring and integrated software solutions. With this acquisition, the company enhanced the portfolio of warehouse automation and sustained a significant position in the market.
full report of US ASRS Market available @
· Market Coverage
· Market number available for – 2024-2031
· Base year- 2024
· Forecast period- 2024-2031
· Segment Covered- By Source, By Product Type, By Applications
· Competitive Landscape- Archer Daniels Midland Co., Ingredion Inc., Kerry Group Plc, Cargill
· Inc., and others
Market Segmentation
US ASRS Market by Type
o Unit Load
o Mini Load
o Vertical Lift Module
o Carousel
o Auto Store
US ASRS Market Industry
o Automobile
o Chemical, Metals & Heavy Machinery
o Food & Beverages
o Healthcare
o Retail, Third-Party Logistics, and E-Commerce
o Others (Aviation, Manufacturing Industry)
Company Profiles
o Automation Logistics Corp.
o BEUMER Group
o Dearborn Mid-West Co. LLC
o Green Automated Solutions, Inc.
o Hänel Storage Systems
o Honeywell International, Inc.
o Modula, Inc.
o Schaefer Systems International, Inc.
o The Raymond Corp.
· Westfalia Technologies, Inc.
The Report Covers
For More Customized Data, Request for Report Customization @
About Orion Market Research Orion Market Research (OMR) is a market research and consulting company known for its crisp and concise reports. The company is equipped with an experienced team of analysts and consultants. OMR offers quality syndicated research reports, customized research reports, consulting and other research-based services. The company also offer Digital Marketing services through its subsidiary OMR Digital and Software development and Consulting Services through another subsidiary Encanto Technologies.
Media Contact:
Company Name: Orion Market Research
Contact Person: Mr. Anurag Tiwari
Email: [](
Contact no: +91 780-304-0404
submitted by TerribleSell2997 to Nim2908 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:33 eva_l2024 Header Files

I am struggling a little bit with the Zebra Quest, working through a solution for the mini quest's this week. I am also having trouble understanding what is meant by "Using header files to propagate forward declarations". I am reading about Header Files in the cpp website. I am using this post as a placeholder and will come back and update when I have understood this. If anyone can explain it well feel free to comment.
Breaking up a C++ program into multiple files keeps programs organized, especially as the program grows larger. A program can consist of a Main File (main.cpp), Source File (.cpp), and a Header File (.h)
The header file contains declarations of classes, functions, and variables that will be used across multiple files. It allows you to separate the interface (declarations) from the implementation (definitions). The header file "encapsulates" the source file, and keeps it hidden from "users".
Header files allow us to put declarations in one file & then import them whenever we need them. The header file only includes signatures and does not have any functionality. In your main.cpp file, you'll include the header file using #include, enabling your main.cpp to communicate with the declarations defined in the header, instead of directly accessing the source code in the .cpp files.
submitted by eva_l2024 to cs2a [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:21 dragons3690 The cards fear once dealt

The cards fear once dealt
100% conjuration 80% transmutation %60 manipulation 40% emission
New hand
The user gets 15 cards in their hand that can range from an ace to a king they can disappear and reappear at will and contain magical effects, this ability can only be used once per eight hours when its used the previous hand disappears.
Fates draw
The user pulls a card from their hand this card acts as a projectile that flies towards any enemy(s) of the users choice the higher the points the card is worth the more power it has for example an ace would maybe be able to destroy a small stone or blow up a watermelon while a king could annihilate a medium sized yacht, the user can also split a card after it’s been thrown and control each partition individually for example the user could throw a nine for the ability then in order to target three people with it split the card into three threes.
House of cards
The user takes 10 points worth of cards from their hand and lays them on the ground in front of themself a pyramid made of large cards will then erect itself around the user, this “house of cards” can expand up to 20 ft by 20 ft wide and 20 ft tall but starts 6 ft tall and 6 by 6 ft wide this expansion can be used offensively but as it grows bigger the house of cards loses durability while the house of cards is at its starting size it can protect from 20 tons of force on any point.
The gamblers pursuit
The user summons a table with two decks of cards set next to each other in the middle of the table , the table emanates an ominous yet euphoric aura, the user can then sit down at sed table and offer someone to sit down and play if the person sits down and accepts the second deck of cards they are dowsed in the users aura this aura is transmuted into chemicals that seep into the other persons body that trigger the freeze response and cause an impending sense of doom within that person if the other person feels fear the aura in their body is manipulated by the user to flee from the other persons body. The user then conjures a nen beast that is made of cards swirling around a blue sphere of fire and a contract with forever shifting non descript symbols the user then gives the other person the option to sign the contract with their blood or die instantly if the user gets them to sign the contract and feeds it to to the conjured nen beast the nen beast will dissipate into the other person, the other person must then listen to the user or be subject to the nen beast within them transmuting their aura into a chemical that generates a feeling of death that will slowly increase until the other person goes insane, kills themself, or starts listening to the user. On the other hand if the other person is brave enough and chooses death at the users table they are let free and the user can no longer target them with any of their abilities.
The card carved path from the fear of endless death
The user can place three piles of cards each worth at least 10 points to create a triangular area that floods anyone who steps in with and impending sense of doom, if some one stands within the area for more then one minute will transported to a nen space that consists of an endlessly forward expanding path of cards filled with aura from the user that seeps into the victim that gives a feeling of fear in a dark void behind anyone in this nen space their is a giant nen beast composed of dark mist that moves towards the person stuck in the nen space till that person dies of exhaustion or turns around and confronts the creature causing the person to be teleported back to the material realm.
submitted by dragons3690 to HatsuVault [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:00 FluffButt22 Second Chance at Life

Okay, if you haven't read the Second Chance at Life series by Miranda Flairgold, you are missing out. The beginning is a little rough, but once you get past it you can really see how she grows as an author. The world building is just 1000/10 amazing.
Though the series was abandoned right after she started the third story in the series (not counting the mini side stories).
Anyway, I want to see if I'm just feeding the delulu on this or if anyone agrees with me. So I just binge read Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros (It's a BookTok book - not a fic).
And the similarities are incredible. (Stop scrolling if you don't want spoliers)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Obviously, it could just be a coincidence that there similarities between them. But it's fun to imagine that Miranda Flairgold actually did end up putting out actual books with her ideas.
submitted by FluffButt22 to HPfanfiction [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:57 tab_rick Top 10 Bathtub Manufacturers Worldwide in 2023

Top 10 Bathtub Manufacturers Worldwide in 2023
The bathtub sector is a dynamic industry dedicated to meeting the advanced needs of clientele who prioritize luxury and tranquility in their bath experiences. Renowned bathtub producers, including bathtub companies, curate bespoke designs to cater to diverse preferences and necessities. Driven by the growing appetite for upscale bathtubs and comprehensive bathroom amenities, a multitude of manufacturers and enterprises have surfaced. These firms specialize in crafting bathtubs from an array of materials, ranging from solid surfaces and cast iron to innovative composites and natural stone. Together, global bathtub entities, such as bathtub companies, represent a continuously advancing industry, consistently innovating and showcasing a vast assortment of elite bathroom solutions. This post lists 10 top bathtub manufacturers in the world.

Company Location: Shenzhen, China
Year of Establishment: 2000
Types of Business: Manufacturing
Product Offered:
  • Freestanding solid surface bathtub
  • Solid surface soaking bathtubs
  • Square bathtubs
  • Round bathtubs
  • Mini bathtubs
  • Oval Bathtubs
  • Bathroom accessories
About Company Background and Advantages:
Founded in 2000, KKR initially specialized in the production of material panels. With time, we evolved and strategically positioned ourselves as industry leaders in the solid surface sector. Our products rigorously comply with ISO9001:2015, CE, CUPC, and SGS standards, underscoring our unwavering commitment to international quality benchmarks.
Our expansive 15,000 m² manufacturing facility boasts the capacity to produce over 15,000 items per month. Globally, our presence extends across 100 countries, having successfully executed over 1,000 projects. Due to our stringent quality and hygiene standards, premier entities in the hotel industry regard us as their reliable partner.
Kingkonree stands as a paramount figure in the industry, acclaimed for its unparalleled excellence in crafting solid surface bathtubs. Each bathtub is meticulously fashioned from elite acrylic solid surface materials, which guarantees remarkable longevity, coupled with impressive resistance to staining, abrasion, and discoloration.
A distinctive hallmark of Kingkonree’s solid surface bathtubs is their versatile nature and the breadth of personalization they offer. Patrons are presented with a comprehensive spectrum of colors, patterns, and finishes, empowering them to curate a tailored bathroom environment. In addition, Kingkonree demonstrates proficiency in catering to specific size requisites, guaranteeing impeccable alignment with assorted bathroom layouts.
Beyond its commitment to quality, Kingkonree signifies a beacon of environmental stewardship. The inherent non-toxic, non-porous, and sustainable attributes of their bathtubs establish them as a green alternative in the market. In tandem with this ethos, Kingkonree maintains stringent quality assurance protocols, ensuring that every bathtub seamlessly converges with the pinnacle of industry benchmarks.


Company Location: Wisconsin, USA
Year of Establishment: 1873
Types of Business: Design and manufacturing
Product Offered:
Kohler offers a diverse selection of bath products designed to cater to various preferences and style. Their product line includes alcove bathtubs, drop-in bathtubs, freestanding bathtubs, corner bathtubs, jetted/whirlpool bathtubs, and showebathtub combinations. Kohler’s bathtubs are known for their exceptional craftsmanship, durability, and elegant design.
About Company Background and Advantages:
Founded in 1873 as the Sheboygan Union Iron and Steel Foundry, Kohler has evolved to become a paramount entity in the home appliance sector. Marking its significant milestones, such as the ingenious transformation of a cast-iron horse trough into a high-end enameled bathtub, Kohler proudly showcases its rich 150-year lineage. Today, the company is renowned for its pioneering designs and superior product offerings.
Central to Kohler’s acclaim is its bathtub series, emblematic of the company’s unwavering commitment to excellence and resilience. Each bathtub is meticulously crafted from premier materials, undergoing rigorous quality assurance processes to ensure sustained performance. Particularly, Kohler’s acrylic bathtubs are engineered to ward off scratches, discoloration, and stains, maintaining their immaculate appearance and ease of maintenance. This relentless pursuit of quality positions Kohler bathtubs as a prime choice for both residential and commercial settings.
In a bid to redefine bathing experiences, Kohler seamlessly integrates cutting-edge amenities into its products. Their jetted bathtubs epitomize relaxation, with strategically aligned jets offering a therapeutic sensation, making every soak a serene escapade. Complemented with innovative water treatment solutions, Kohler promises an invigorating bath experience.
From an aesthetic standpoint, Kohler presents an expansive spectrum, encompassing sleek freestanding models to timeless inset varieties. Their design acumen guarantees that each bathtub, inclusive of the freestanding variants, merges optimal functionality with aesthetic finesse, bestowing an air of sophistication upon any bathroom setting. Choosing Kohler transcends a mere transaction; it signifies an allegiance to a refined bathing haven.


Company Location: Tokyo, Japan
Year of Establishment: 1917
Types of Business: Manufacturing
Product Offered:
TOTO, a leading manufacturer of bathroom fixtures, offers a diverse range of bathtubs designed to enhance bathing experiences. Their product line includes:
  • Freestanding Bathtubs
  • Built-in Bathtubs
  • Jetted/Whirlpool Bathtubs
  • ShoweBathtub Combinations
About Company Background and Advantages:
Founded in 1917, TOTO has consistently set the gold standard in the bathroom fixtures domain. Recognized on a global scale, TOTO delivers premier products that define industry standards. Their overarching mission is to transform daily routines with cutting-edge bathroom solutions, encompassing features such as heating to enhance comfort during chilly spells.
TOTO is unwavering in its dedication to technological advancement. The firm has introduced pioneering innovations including the Tornado Flush for unparalleled waste management, the CEFIONTECT coating for sustaining hygienic surfaces, and the sophisticated Washlet bidet system, emphasizing both hygiene and user-friendliness.
Central to TOTO’s ethos is environmental stewardship. Their product developments emphasize water conservation without compromising on performance. This commitment to sustainable practices has earned them a plethora of certifications and recognitions.
The myriad of accolades and distinctions bestowed upon TOTO affirm their eminent position in the industry. As market trailblazers, they consistently adapt and innovate to meet the evolving needs of their clientele.

American Standard

Company Location: Piscataway, New Jersey, USA
Year of Establishment: 1872
Types of Business: Manufacturing
Product Offered:
American Standard specializes in a diverse range of bathtubs, catering to various design preferences and requirements. Their product line includes alcove bathtubs, drop-in bathtubs, freestanding bathtubs, and walk-in bathtubs. With a commitment to innovation, American Standard offers advanced features such as whirlpool systems, hydrotherapy options, and ergonomic designs.
About Company Background and Advantages:
Established in 1872, American Standard stands distinguished in its provision of exceptional quality bathroom fixtures, with a marked speciality in bathtubs. The organization harbors a steadfast dedication to the fusion of innovation and practicality in its designs, aiming to profoundly elevate the user’s bathing experience.
A pivotal attribute of American Standard’s bathtubs is the meticulous integration of water-conservation technologies. Through the incorporation of cutting-edge systems, such as EcoSilent, the company ardently pursues the optimization of water utilization, aligning environmental sustainability with substantive economic advantages.
In terms of durability, American Standard meticulously crafts bathtubs employing premium materials, encompassing acrylic and cast iron, thereby ensuring an enduring robustness and formidable resilience to the rigors of daily use. The exemplary artifacts they produce seamlessly align with elevated industry benchmarks, manifesting the company’s unwavering commitment to exhaustive testing processes and an unparalleled quality assurance ethos.
The consumer-centric approach of American Standard shines prominently, as evidenced by their offering of a versatile array of models imbued with ergonomic considerations and integrated armrests. Their sophisticated portfolio encompasses a breathtaking diversity, featuring luxurious deep-soak bathtubs that invoke a sublime, spa-like ambiance, as well as thoughtfully designed walk-in variants, thus catering proficiently to a comprehensive array of preferences and functional necessities.


Company Location: Barcelona, Spain
Year of Establishment: 1917
Types of Business: Design and production
Product Offered:
Roca offers a wide range of bathtubs designed to cater to diverse preferences and needs. Their product line includes freestanding bathtubs, corner bathtubs, drop-in bathtubs, and whirlpool bathtubs. With a focus on innovation, quality, and style, Roca’s bathtubs are crafted to provide a luxurious and rejuvenating bathing experience.
About Company Background and Advantages:
Founded in 1917 in Barcelona, Roca has evolved into a globally acclaimed leader in superior bathroom solutions. Dedicated to innovation, the company adeptly balances aesthetic allure with functional design and enduring resilience. At its core, Roca’s mission is to elevate the bathroom experience, ensuring unparalleled comfort for its clientele.
Roca’s bathtubs stand out for their avant-garde features. Particularly, their whirlpool tubs are equipped with advanced hydrotherapy functionalities, providing therapeutic massages and facilitating a luxurious spa ambiance within the seclusion of one’s residence.
Employing only the finest materials and harnessing cutting-edge manufacturing techniques, Roca guarantees precision in every bathtub’s production, ensuring its longevity. This unwavering commitment to quality has solidified Roca’s reputation as a trusted global provider of bathroom solutions.
Furthermore, Roca’s bathtubs are epitomes of elegance. Their range encompasses both contemporary and classic designs, catering to diverse aesthetic preferences. Beyond mere functionality, Roca bathtubs serve as sophisticated focal points, imbuing bathrooms with an essence of refinement.


Company Location: Woodbridge, New Jersey, USA
Year of Establishment: 2005
Types of Business: Manufacturing
Product Offered:
Woodbridge specializes in a wide range of luxurious and innovative bathtubs. Their product line includes freestanding bathtubs, alcove bathtubs, drop-in bathtubs, and whirlpool bathtubs. Each bathtub is designed with premium materials and advanced technologies to provide a sophisticated and indulgent bathing experience.
About Company Background and Advantages:
Founded in 2005, Woodbridge has swiftly cemented its reputation as a premier bathtub manufacturer, renowned for its unparalleled quality, sophisticated aesthetics, and cutting-edge designs. The brand’s unwavering commitment to excellence is underscored by the consistently favorable reviews from its clientele and its extensive product range.
Constructed using premium materials such as acrylic and fiberglass, Woodbridge bathtubs promise enduring resilience. Leveraging state-of-the-art manufacturing techniques, the bathtubs are furnished with a robust finish that is adept at warding off stains, scratches, and fading, ensuring the product’s immaculate appearance is sustained over the years.
A hallmark of Woodbridge’s offerings is the harmonious blend of avant-garde design with user-centric comfort. Numerous models are equipped with hydrotherapy features, including whirlpool jets and air massage systems, providing an oasis of therapeutic relaxation. Furthermore, their bathtubs are meticulously crafted, boasting capacious interiors that amplify the bathing experience.
Attuned to the evolving needs of their clientele, Woodbridge designs bathtubs that seamlessly complement a myriad of bathroom decors. Their steadfast dedication to premium customer service ensures reliable product support and post-purchase assistance.


Company Location: Ahlen, Germany
Year of Establishment: 1918
Types of Business: Manufacturing
Products Offered:
Kaldewei specializes in the production of high-quality bathroom solutions, with a focus on luxury steel enamel bathtubs and shower surfaces. They offer a wide range of product options including freestanding bathtubs, built-in bathtubs, shower trays, and whirlpool systems.
About Company Background and Advantages:
Established in 1918 and headquartered in Ahlen, Germany, Kaldewei stands as a distinguished pioneer in the luxury bathroom industry. Over the years, the company has ascended to the zenith of the international market, distinguishing itself as a purveyor of premium bathroom essentials and state-of-the-art water systems. At the heart of Kaldewei’s ethos is the fusion of aesthetic excellence, pioneering technology, and sustainable practices, culminating in products that set industry benchmarks.
A salient attribute of Kaldewei’s offerings is their incorporation of steel enamel. This superior material guarantees not only the longevity and resilience of their bathtubs and showers but also ensures effortless maintenance, encapsulating the essence of a lavish yet lasting bath experience. Their manufacturing paradigm marries avant-garde methodologies with meticulous craftsmanship, all underpinned by rigorous quality oversight.
Beyond their product excellence, Kaldewei’s commitment to the environment is unwavering. They champion eco-conscious manufacturing paradigms, judicious utilization of natural resources, enhanced energy efficiency, and the production of recyclable goods. This unwavering commitment to environmental stewardship has garnered them commendations and certifications in recognition of their sustainable initiatives.
With an expansive portfolio that caters to diverse aesthetic preferences, Kaldewei meticulously curates bathroom solutions that resonate with individual tastes and design inclinations. They are unrivaled in delivering opulent bathing experiences that seamlessly blend sophistication, comfort, and functionality.


Company Location: Hornberg, Germany
Year of Establishment: 1817
Types of Business: Manufacturing and design
Products Offered:
Duravit specializes in a wide range of bathroom fixtures and solutions, offering innovative designs, exceptional quality, and functionality. Their product portfolio includes toilets, basins, bathtubs, showers, furniture, accessories, and wellness systems.
About Company Background and Advantages:
Established in 1817 in Hornberg, Germany, Duravit stands at the forefront of contemporary bathroom solutions. As a globally acclaimed entity, their unwavering commitment to superior quality and pioneering designs sets them apart in the industry.
Each bathtub from Duravit exemplifies unparalleled craftsmanship and meticulous attention to detail, manifesting their ethos of excellence. Constructed using premium materials, these bathtubs guarantee robustness and longevity. Duravit is celebrated for its sophisticated designs which seamlessly blend aesthetics with practicality, transforming bathroom ambiances and providing unparalleled comfort.
In its operations, Duravit ardently champions sustainability, placing emphasis on resource conservation, ethical production processes, and the creation of enduring products. Their dedication to environmental stewardship has garnered them numerous recognitions.
With an expansive portfolio of bathroom products, Duravit caters to a wide spectrum of preferences and requirements. Whether one desires understated elegance or opulent grandeur, Duravit persistently ensures impeccable quality and utmost customer satisfaction.


Company Location: Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
Year of Establishment: 1954
Types of Business: Design and manufacturing
Products Offered:
Delta, along with its major flagship brands Peerless, Brizzo, and First Wave, offers a wide range of bathtubs to meet both kitchen and bathroom needs. Their product line includes freestanding and drop-in bathtubs, all available in acrylic. These bathtubs come in multiple finishes such as nickel, brass, chrome, and matte, allowing customers to customize their bathing spaces.
Product Offered:
Delta, along with its flagship brands Peerless, Brizzo, and First Wave, specializes in manufacturing a wide range of faucets and fixtures for both kitchens and bathrooms. They offer different styles to suit various design preferences and requirements. Additionally, Delta provides freestanding and drop-in bathtubs in acrylic with multiple finish options such as nickel, brass, chrome, and matte.
About Company Background and Advantages:
Established in 1958, Delta is renowned for its unparalleled quality in faucets, fixtures, and bathing solutions. The design versatility and enduring resilience of their bathtubs are particularly commendable.
As of 2023, Delta’s bathtubs are the preferred choice for discerning clientele. Engineered with meticulous precision, these bathtubs epitomize structural integrity and superior user satisfaction. The utilization of high-grade acrylic not only imparts a sophisticated appearance but also efficiently retains heat and necessitates minimal upkeep. This robust material is exceptionally resistant to discoloration, fading, and cracking, ensuring a product that retains its elegance over time.
Collaborating with esteemed brands such as Peerless, Brizzo, and First Wave, Delta presents an expansive array of designs. Whether the preference is for a freestanding bathtub or one that harmonizes with its surroundings, Delta caters to a spectrum of design inclinations. An extensive range of finishes, spanning from nickel to matte, empowers consumers to customize their bathroom ambiance.
Delta’s distinguishing trait is its unwavering commitment to innovation and customer satisfaction. Their bathtubs are designed with a keen emphasis on comfort, showcasing ergonomic contours and consistent water flow, facilitating a tranquil bathing experience. Bolstered by an extensive retail framework and a seamless online interface, the process of selecting and acquiring a Delta bathtub is both convenient and efficient.


Company Location: Perrysville, Ohio, USA
Year of Establishment: 1929
Types of Business: Manufacturing
Product Offered:
Mansfield Plumbing Products (MPP) offers a comprehensive range of plumbing fixtures and fittings, including an extensive lineup of bathtubs. Their current line of bathtubs includes various types and styles, catering to the diverse preferences of their customers.
About Company Background and Advantages:
Established in 1929, Mansfield Plumbing Products stands as a distinguished purveyor of premier plumbing fixtures, including shower bases. With a strategic presence across the United States, Puerto Rico, and Canada, and fortified by an expansive network of over 4,000 distributors, Mansfield ensures the consistent availability of its superior products to a broad clientele.
Mansfield’s bathtub collection exemplifies a sophisticated convergence of functionality and visual elegance. Each bathtub is a manifestation of impeccable craftsmanship, constructed with resilient materials guaranteeing enduring efficacy. The assortment offers an abundant spectrum of designs, accommodating a wide range of aesthetic preferences and interior bathroom styles.
Continually dedicated to innovation and superior quality, Mansfield diligently refines its product range, presenting an all-encompassing array of bathtubs fashioned to address the varied demands and inclinations of its clientele. Every product is meticulously designed, seamlessly integrating quality, style, and practicality.
Central to Mansfield’s ethos is an unrelenting commitment to client satisfaction. Beyond delivering exceptional products, the company emphasizes exemplary customer support and post-purchase services. This steadfast dedication to service excellence, product quality, and innovative design solidifies Mansfield’s esteemed standing in the plumbing industry.

How to Choose Bathtub Manufacturers?

When selecting bathtub manufacturers, it’s essential to approach the decision-making process with a comprehensive perspective. Here are some refined considerations to guide your selection:
  1. Quality and Brand Integrity: Opt for manufacturers renowned for their superior bathtub quality. Delve into their historical performance, peruse customer testimonials, and ascertain any recognitions, certifications, or accolades underscoring their quality adherence.
  2. Material Diversity and Design Variety: Seek manufacturers who present a broad spectrum of material choices and design variations to align with your aesthetic desires and functional prerequisites. Examine offerings ranging from acrylic to cast iron, composite, and steel enamel, ensuring they can cater to your specific design preferences.
  3. Customization Capabilities: Should your project necessitate bespoke dimensions, contours, or finishes, confirm the manufacturer’s adaptability to customization. It’s imperative to collaborate with a manufacturer receptive to your distinct design specifications.
  4. Operational Efficiency: Scrutinize the manufacturer’s production prowess and delivery schedules. Ascertain their capacity to manage your order magnitude and their commitment to punctual deliveries, pivotal to maintaining project timelines.
  5. Product Warranty and Post-Sale Assistance: Investigate whether the manufacturer extends product guarantees and the nature of their post-sale services. A commendable manufacturer remains unwavering in their product support, ensuring client satisfaction post-purchase.
  6. Pricing and Value Proposition: While juxtaposing prices across manufacturers, gauge the intrinsic value extended for the expenditure. It’s salient to remember that the most economical choice might not equate to the most durable or qualitative. Strive for an equilibrium between expense and inherent worth.
  7. Eco-Conscious Initiatives: For those prioritizing sustainability, align with manufacturers championing green initiatives and sustainable material usage. Look for accreditations such as ISO or LEED as indicators of their environmental stewardship.

Why KKR?

Factors Description
Quality and Craftsmanship KKR is known for its commitment to quality and craftsmanship. They prioritize high-quality materials and follow rigorous quality control.
Customization Options KKR offers a wide range of size and shape options for their solid surface products, allowing tailored solutions for specific design needs.
Innovation and Design KKR excels in innovation and design, constantly developing new solid surface products and finishes to meet evolving customer demands.
Certifications and Standards KKR holds certifications such as ISO9001:2015, CE, CUPC, GMC, and SGS, ensuring their products meet international quality and safety standards.
Established Reputation With over 23 years of experience, KKR has built a trusted reputation in the industry, serving customers globally in more than 100 countries.
Environmentally Conscious KKR is committed to sustainability and eco-friendly practices, working to minimize the environmental impact of their manufacturing processes.


In conclusion, the industry dedicated to the production of bathtubs is undergoing significant growth, primarily catering to enterprises within the furniture manufacturing sphere as well as various other commercial entities. Our portfolio encompasses an extensive variety of bathtubs, each distinguished by its unique design, composition of materials, and functional attributes. Esteemed manufacturers, including Kingkonree, contribute to our collection through offerings of bespoke customization options. For more comprehensive information, we invite you to reach out to us via email or engage in a direct consultation with our expert team.
submitted by tab_rick to KKRsolidsurface [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:11 OttoVonBlastoid Nature Of A Homeless Musician: Special Thanks/Announcements

Nature Of A Homeless Musician: Special Thanks/Announcements
Hello all! Otto here. And, as you all now know. NoaHM has finally come to an end. It's been a hell of a ride that I'll never forget. But before I move on to thanking specific people and telling you all what's in store, I wanted to be a bit mushy for a minute if you'll indulge me...

When I first heard of NoP, I was in the middle of the night shift that I'm still working to this day. I had a single ear bud in, which was TECHNICALLY against the rules, and still is but fuck 'em. And to pass the time, I listened to stories. Either Mr. Creeps' Creepypasta compilations or, in this case, Agro Squirrel's Tales From Outer SPACE series. And eventually, I heard the name, The Nature Of Predators...and it all went downhill from there as you all can well imagine.

Jokes aside, I fell in love with the story and universe and decided to check out the community. And soon, I found the very first fic I ever read on here, "My Floridian Arxur Daughter". From that point on, I was hooked. I read "Arxur Nursery", "The New Terran Refugee", "Feathers Of Deceit", "Lost In Found", "Recipe For Disaster", "Playing By Ear", and so, SO many more. The sheer amount of creativity on display was amazing. And so...I decided to try my hand at it.

I'd already written a short creepypasta, as well as a small five-part miniseries based off of one of my friends DnD campaigns, so I had a LITTLE experience, but I still hadn't taken a single writing course or knew...anything about what I was doing, so I decided to try something small. (That worked out well...)

I was in the middle of rereading "Floridian Arxur Daughter" for...maybe the sixth time when a particular scene stuck out to me. Something about it...made something click in my head. After evacuating young Chalta from the house, her big bother Carlos and his girlfriend Salisek decide to take her out on a drive, and while their driving, Carlos mentions his ability to sing, and after both Chalta and Salisek both ask for a demonstration, he sings a beautiful rendition of "Send Me A Peach" from Over The Garden Wall.

It was a touching scene, and hearing the song from Chalta's point of view clicked with me. It was by this point that I'd also discovered "Playing By Ear" by u/VeryUnluckyDice, which was essentially this "listening to music through the perspective of someone else's mind" idea made manifest. And that's where it all began. I made a post, proposing the premise of my story, and while I didn't get a LOT of feedback, most of the feedback I got was positive. And a few days later, "Nature Of A Homeless Musician: Prologue" was born, in all of its overly edgy glory. And know the rest from there...

I never could have imagined just how big this story would get. It was NEVER supposed to grow this much, touch so many people, inspire so many others to make stuff themselves. Sure, I hoped that it might, but I never thought it would! But we are...

I...can't put into words, how thankful I am to each and every single one of you, who gave my little idea a chance. It means more to me then I could ever describe. Ever since I was a kid, I knew I wanted to make my living by making things! At first, I thought that just meant being a Youtuber, like every cringy middle schooler does, but now...I think I get it... I've always wanted to be able to make things, and for those things to make OTHER people happy. Make them laugh, make them cry, make them smile, and make their days just a little bit brighter.

I've...long since given up that old dream... I just didn't think it was possible, not for me anyways. But you all proved me wrong. Every comment, every meme, every bit of art you guys make...proves me wrong. When I got my first bit of fanart, I cried at my monitor. Because for the first time in so long that I can't even remember, I was happy. I was so, so happy, because it genuinely felt like this dream that I've had since I was a kid was finally possible. Someone discovered something I made, and enjoyed it enough, loved it enough, got invested enough, to make something themselves just to show me and everyone else just how much they loved it.... And it made me happy, so, so damn happy.

So thank you. Thank you all so much for everything you do. Thank you for reading, commenting, replying, suggesting, joking, laughing, creating, and expressing with me. It means more than you'll ever know. And even if I don't end up pursuing writing after this, my life will never be the same, thanks to all of you.

If you're reading this, right here, right now, YOU, yes YOU... Thank you...for everything you do. And even if you don't think so, I think you're one of the most amazing people in this ass-backwards galaxy of ours. Thank you.

Now then, on to specific thanks:

u/Bow-tied_Engineer: You were literally the first person to tell me that this fic was a good idea. If you hadn't been there in the comments, I might not have gone through with it. And even since then, you've still been an absolute chad. We might not have the same taste in romance sub-plots, but I'll always respect you and your takes. Thank you, for giving me the confidence to give this a try.

u/CaptainChristopher02: The man himself. Your fic, "My Floridian Arxur Daughter" as well as "My Brazilian Arxur Nursery" were, as stated before, the very first fic I read on the sub. And your work was the first tiny spark that slowly became NoaHM. I've said it multiple times, and I'll say it again, if there was no "Arxur Daughter", there would be no "Homeless Musician". When I first started writing, I didn't even think I'd ever even meet you, but the fact that I have, and that you've joined my own little community of music and Tohba memes means the world to me.

u/VeryUnluckyDice: Reading through "Playing By Ear" for the first time was an experience I'll never forget. It was so interesting and different to almost everything else on the sub at the time except "Venlil Metal". You've done so much to inspire me and my work and even now, you're still an absolute chad and someone this community just wouldn't be the same without. I'm really looking forward to the day when our two stories really do cross. It'll be a grand sonata of sound the likes of which this sub has never seen, I just know it!

u/JulianSkies: Ever since you first started commenting on my chapters, you have been an absolutely ENDLESS source of positivity, helpful advice, information on the setting, proofreading, and all around good vibes. I always look forward to seeing what you have to say on the most recent post, and I hope you decide to stick around for whatever comes next. Thank you.

u/xskipy10: Good lord, where to even begin with you? Before, when I mentioned that first bit of fanart that made me cry, that was YOUR artwork. And that one picture, of Michael and the rest of the main cast has had such an enormous impact on not just me, but the rest of the sub as a whole. It was that one picture that gave me hope that the dream I've had since I was a kid was possible. It was your artwork of Tohba that, TO THIS DAY, Dovah is still using to award people who beat him to the precious title of "SPEED". I mean it when I say you are an absolute treasure, not just to me and my story, but to the entire NoP community.

u/OmegaOmnimon02: Before there was GuyWhoExists, there was Omega, the fastest memer in The West. You were the architect of the origianl "Rejoice! Tohba Be Upon Ye" meme, and it has since been used to this day as a form of mutual celebration for all. You've been one of my avid supporters for a long time now, and seeing another of your shitposts in the Discord never fails to brighten my day. Thank you for all that you do.

u/DOVAHCREED12: I swear, if you aren't SPEED when this post drops, I'm gonna be so disappointed. Jokes aside, I have loved and appreciated every single Venbig hug I have ever received from you. Back when I first started writing this, the "Official Venbig Seal Of Approval" was this vaunted, holy, symbol that a lowly peasant such as myself would never be able to earn. And then one appeared in my comments and it felt like freaking Christmas. Thank you so much for giving my story a chance.

u/Ben_Elohim_2020: I'll never get over just how hilarious our first meeting was. What was meant to be a quick one-to-two chapter long side trip with some shady dude in an alley completely spiraled into a giant, five-part, spat with the actual Space Mafia known as The Family. While the Twilight Valley Arc was divisive for a lot of people reading, I hope you know I had a MASSIVE amount of fun writing it with you, and I can't wait to see where you're future projects lead.

Papyroo: (Sorry, I can't remember your new Reddit name) Along with Omega, I've always looked forward to seeing what you have to say when it comes to my fic. And the impact you've had on my story can't be overstated. The Ficnapping you did is the reason that Tohba now has his blue "Tiwfish" plushie. And the events of your addition to my canon will continue to be referenced and fondly looked back on by my characters for a long time to come.

u/Spacer_Catgirl4969: I remember a time when you were still SpacerNEKO. You were always one of my most avid commenters way back when, and I always appreciated your kind words. And I still can't express how cool it was that you actually made a pixel art music video for Dohkar. It still holds up, even now. You and Guywhoexists should TOTALLY work on a project together. With your combined pixel art skills, who knows what's possible?!

u/Mini-Tonk: Well, if it isn't the Rat boi, himself. You have never once faltered in your efforts to not only support my work, but also protect Tohba from the shadows. Your efforts have not gone unnoticed, and you canonically making ME a character in your fic is still hilarious and heartwarming. Thank you for everything you do.

u/Guywhoexists2812: While you are one of the newest members of our little NoaHM family, that hasn't stopped you from being one of the most active and creative folks we have to offer. The sheer amount of memes and pixel art you've created is downright INSPIRATIONAL. Along with Skipy, whenever someone comes up with a cute idea for art, I know you'll find some way to pull through. Keep creating, King. You are no mere "Guy". You are a KING who exists!

And of course, u/SpacePaladin15 for creating this awesome universe to begin with, without whom, none of use would be here right now.

There are two other names missing on this list, but that's mostly because I'm currently working on a project with them and I don't want to spoil anything...yet.

And speaking of future projects! ANNOUNCEMENT TIME!!!!

It's been one hell of a wild ride, hasn't it? But I tell you this: THE RIDE AIN'T OVER YET!!!!! will be slowing down for a while...

After working on this story for so long, (especially that triple upload. GOD, what was I thinking?!) I am in dire need of rest. So, for now, I will be going on about a month-long hiatus from posting, except for a small occasion here and there. I'll still be active in the community, especially on Discord, but you won't get any big story updates for a while.

Does this mean that I'm done and the story's over? No.

This was but the first arc in the tale of Michael Ruiz Andrews and his family. There will INDEED be MOAR!!!

More music! More hijinks! More action! More romance! More drama! More touching family moments! And, of COURSE, MORE TOHBA!!!!

There will be MOAR!!! Just not yet. My Hiatus will officially start tomorrow after a belated NoaHM Mother's Day Special. I also have a Father's Day Special planned for next month as well. But other than the occasional announcement post, you won't be getting anything story-related out of me until my break is over and I'm ready to unveil the next project I and three other creators have been working on. I won't say anything more on the project, but I will say to keep an eye out...

"But Otto!", I hear you ask.

"If there won't be any more big story updates, how will I get my fix of Baby-roo induced dopamine?! My brain requires more Tohba and Ven-floof memes to give me the goody good chemicals!!!"

Well my friend, I have just the solution for you!!! A SHAMELESS SELF-PLUG!!!

Most of you may already know, but Nature Of A Homeless Musician has its OWN DISCORD SERVER!!!!!!


We got fanart, gaming chats, and we even plan the occasional movie night!

As well, as soon as this post goes live, I'll be adding a new channel specifically for Q&A and Trivia!
For Example:

Did you know that NoaHM was originally meant to only be ten chapters long?

Did you know Trilly and Dailo were created entirely on accident?

Did you know that the events of the FINALE have been remade, reorganized, and rewritten at LEAST four times?


All of these things are true! And if you want to learn more about the making of this series, direct from my brain, the come on in and ask away!

All I ask in return is that you follow the rules I've laid out a generally not be a jerk. We're here to have fun and be wholesome, so let's keep it that way. I hope to see you there!

And now, lastly, here's nearly EVERY single meme bit of fanart I've received:

And once again, from the bottom of my heart, with all the love I can muster, thank you.
Thank you... Thank you all...
submitted by OttoVonBlastoid to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:55 fumblesmcdrum Optiplex vs. Elitedesk: Looking for a HTPC, emulation, and general VM machine

I stopped in the local university surplus store and they had a bunch of SFF PCs, NUCs, and thin clients on the shelves. Mostly Dell Optiplex and HP Elitedesks.
Dell optiplex 5090 micro - $50
Dell Optiplex 7050 SFF - $50 for i5, $100 for i7)
Dell Optiplex 7070 micro - $100
Dell Optiplex 7090 SFF - not sure of price
Dell Optiplex 7000 Micro- $150
HP Elitedesk 800 G5 ($50 for i5, $100 for i7)
HP Elitedesk 800 G3 - Intel Core i5-6500@3.20 GHz, 8GB RAM
HP Elitedesk 800 G3 mini - $50 or $100, depending on proc.
They also had a few Dell Wyse 5070 thin clients for $10/ea.
I'm not sure if this is an "At that price get a few!!" situation. Also, I'd like a platform that gives room to grow and is fairly well understood from a homelab perspective. I think that's Optiplex, but wanted to make sure.
What's worth looking into?
submitted by fumblesmcdrum to homelab [link] [comments]