Example of paragraf argumentatif

I think my friend might me more toxic than her ex

2024.05.13 23:41 Used_Physics_8835 I think my friend might me more toxic than her ex

Hello everyone do I have a story for you. Desclaimer the names are made up for the story. And its quite long so sorry.
So I (f) have a friend Mary (f), who I met in 11th grade. I already kind of knew of her because my sister used to go to extracurriculars with her ( I also went to the same place but in a different class, I was also well known there for being smart lol I'm not really). Anyway at the start of the school year me and Mary became friends and she started to open up about her past, she told me that she was bullied in her old school , made an unalive attempt and dated a very toxic guy. (Ik these are very concerning things, she went to therapy for a while and is much better now). Now, this man child Darren dated Mary before we officially met for about 3-4 months, she told me all sorts of bad things about him. For example: his parents found him wasted in a random ally, he was toxic and would assault her, he cheated on her multiple times, EVEN WENT ON A OVERNIGHT TRIP WITH SAID HOMEWRECKER!!! Overall he is a sh*tty guy. Anyway I thought that this was behind her and she started to take a liking to a "sigma" dude in our class (this guy defined himself like that) although I don't like the guy it was better than Darren. Anyway sigma guy didn't work out so guess what she did... SHE GOT BACK WITH HER EX!!!!!!!!! The worst part is that she came to me crying 2 weeks later that he didn't change. To my disgust from then on they were on and off for the hole year while they were also hooking up with other people.
Fast forward to our last year of highschool and she finds new friends (I still exist there) and meets Caleb literally one of the only ok, civil and normal male figures in our grade. Anyway they start liking each other and end up making out at Calebs birthday party after a lot of drinking.(I was not there I recommend no underage drinking) From then Caleb confessed his feelings to her to than get heartbroken by her. MARY F*KING LIKED HIM AT THE TIME SO WHY THE F*CK SHE REGECT HIM!!!
Then I find out that she did the devils tango with Darren and lost her v card with him (I'm fumming).
From here on out Darren starts doing a lot of creepy sh*t so I'm just gonna list it:
basically he was stalking her.
Now on to Mary, while all this things were happening she made out with random dudes and stuff and had the audacity to do it in front of poor Caleb and basically a lot of shitty things that will break a man's heart.
fast forward one last time to a weekend I went clubbing for the first time, he was there, Darren I mean, and I stupidly thought that Mary was going to be responsible to than have my hopes crushed when I found out that she was making out with him.
so basically I feel dumb for supporting my friend throughout these mentally excruciating (for me) 2 years and telling her time and time again to RUN and get gaslit into thinking that she did. ex: one time she sent me a screenshot of their texts to see a big paragraf of saying that they will keep hurting each other if they were still together I was so proud of her until like 2 days later where she pulled a uno reverse card.
Anyway thanks for letting me vent my anger, and advice to everyone DO NOT BE LIKE MARY OR DARREN AND DO NOT ASSOCIATE ROMANTICLLY WITH PEOPLE LIKE THEM!!!
Lots of love and have a good day night or whatever <3
submitted by Used_Physics_8835 to redflagsTA [link] [comments]

2024.04.02 08:42 indonesian_activist AnakJaksel.AI public testing phase #5: Fast streaming text generation, <3 detik!

AnakJaksel.AI public testing phase #5: Fast streaming text generation, <3 detik!
To date, komplain terbesar dari user adalah :
Lamanya respon LLM yang dapat berkisar 20-30 detik untuk regular case dan bahkan sampai 60 detik untuk respon yang memerlukan browsing internet.

But now no more!

Hardware baru di cloud cluster AJAI telah memungkinkan untuk streaming token text generation, jadi sudah mirip2 seperti style ChatGPT/Claude/Gemini yang tidak perlu lagi menunggu sampai generation selesai untuk mulai menerima text
Time to first text sekarang turun menjadi 3-5 detik!
Semoga bermanfaat ya šŸ˜Š
Bagi yang sedang tinkering LLM dan pengen bikin streaming juga
Sudah cepat tapi apakah ada downsidenya dengan streaming?
Well.., menurut tim si seharusnya 99% user akan sangat puas, namun memang ada beberapa yang komplain kok rasanya hasilnya agak beda dengan pas hari pertama launching?
Jadi memang proses text generationnya beda, yang pas hari pertama itu dengan multipass, kalau per-umpamaannya sebuah artikel, dia direvisi beberapa kali oleh several editor sebelum tayang. That kind of process gak bisa di streaming kan, karena harus selesai dulu 1 complete generation baru direvisi, tapi gak begitu beda jauh sih end resultnya vs streaming single shot. Contohnya kamu ngetik 1 paragraf email, biasanya di copy-paste dulu ke Grammarly, tapi sekarang engga tapi langsung send aja. Mungkin nanti kalau resources kita tambah banyak lagi bisa experimen lagi dengan pendekatan ini.
And banyak jg pertanyaan mengenai INDOBERT
Sepertinya memang model fan favourite indo, dan kita juga pake dia kok di internal workflow tapi untuk sentiment classification/categorization ya bukan creative text generation. BERT models kan encoder only dengan input masking, yang ada plus pointnya tapi juga otomatis memberikan konstrain terhadap text ouput yang bisa dihasilkan, dibandingkan dengan model2 baru yang decoder only seperti GPT/Claude/LLAMA. So yah, kalau mau bikin chatbot yang kocak2&kreatif, jangan pakai model yang encoder only kaya BERT.
And thatā€™s all for now masbro/sis,
Till the next update šŸ˜Š
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submitted by indonesian_activist to indonesia [link] [comments]

2023.11.14 09:13 The_Obsidian_Dragon My biggest issue with this hub

TL;DR: there will be no TL;DR. I would like everybody to read this and share what they think about the issue. I apologize for the length of this post but it was neccesary to write everything i could. Once again i apologize.

Thanks to Glitched-Lies i have finally came to conclusion that it is the highest time to share with you my concern about this sub. Let's start with my biggest issue.
  1. Personal Speculation type of post.
    In my opinion only a few posts have any intellectual value. As the description of this sub say this sub is "For discussion of the scientific study of consciousness, as well as related philosophy. This does not automatically include the practice of awareness or practice of being conscious." I would say that personal speculations such as "Time is a man-made construct." which is weird post containing topics such as reincarnation which is not currently accepted by scientific consensus and is considered as(from the lack of better word) woo. Also we have such "flowers" as "Moral facts prove physicalism is false.". Dear author of this "flower" post. If you are trying to disprove one of the best attempts to explain consciousness, please provide better solution. We all know that physicalism struggles with explaining certain things, but in terms of explanatory power, "prediction power" and consistency with "realit" it is currently the best solution. As i said before, if you have came up with better idea, explain it, provide REAL sources of information(any accepted scientific paper). If you want to do philosophy without scienence go to philosophy.
Lets move to my second struggle.
  1. People who want to comfort themselves.
The tittle of this paragraf might be misleading at first but let me explain. I can safely say that minimum 25% of people came here becouse of existential fear of death. No problem with that, but you must understand, that this sub will not comfort you enough, it may even make you feel worse, becouse some inviduals may express different views than you expect. Don't get me wrong but science cannot answer this question. It may give you only clues to what can happen. If you want to comfort yourself or ask such hard questions i recommend you philosophy , NDE , afterlife. These subs mentioned before may help you cope with your fears. I am not writting it as opponent to these people. I have came here from the same reason as you may have. I was affraid what will be when i won't or something. This reddit won't provide you credible answers, especially when we have here this amounts of woo.
My final part of this post
  1. We must provide sources if we want to keep scientific discussion about consciousness. One can say " dr. Galgalab has said that consciousness does not exist becouse we have dabadab in our stomach" That is hardcore example but we must avoid these type of situation. I recommend using sourcess with name of university, head of research and topic of study. That will maintain the main goal of this sub.
I have came to conclussion that if we want these subreddit to fit its description we have to either change some rules or we need to change the description.
"Have nice day and enjoy yourselfs"
ps. i will still be present here.
ps.2 I always come back :P
submitted by The_Obsidian_Dragon to consciousness [link] [comments]

2023.10.18 09:20 Nappev Whatā€™s the best hopup-assembly combo youā€™ve found the best?

Whatā€™s the best hopup-assembly combo youā€™ve found the best?
1/I saw video and felt I learned alot that most channels, guides, posts donā€™t mention or just donā€™t know of.
2/ Tl;dr, the most expensive set of parts might be worse for you, if for example the window on the barrel is slightly uneven, the rubber sit further back or front creating oveunderhop, the little C clamp having wiggleroom, the tensioner not pushing down in the middle of the bucking, stuffs thats loose, spacing for your inner barrel etc.
3/Itā€™s funny how his phoenix housing wasnā€™t ideal. You would not expect something like that when the part costs like 90 euros SO.
4/What hopup assembly parts have you found has worked the best? Without any wiggleroom and other stuff he mentioned in the second paragraf?
submitted by Nappev to airsoft [link] [comments]

2023.03.08 17:05 caloob93 Close or closer?

Regarding formal vs. creative writing.
So, in formal writing, I'd write "She held him close" even though it's been established earlier that she is (still) holding him - correct me if I'm wrong.
"She embraced him and .......
(New paragraf)
She held him close."
In formal writing, I assume that "she held him closer" would require a comparison, like, "she held him closer than before/closer than intended" etc.
But when it comes to creative writing, in this case, would it be fine to write 'closer' instead of 'close'?
submitted by caloob93 to EnglishLearning [link] [comments]

2022.12.14 14:31 Rouge_69 The German Gov. is accusing the far right "ReichsbĆ¼rger" of hiding their assets in Gold and Silver coins. Is this the excuse they will use to crack down on PMs?

Here is a German article where they mention the bribery of EU officials and the hoarding of gold and silver by the ReichsbĆ¼rger as a reason to go digital.
Here a translation of the first paragraf;
Of moneybags and gold bars
Cash not only laughs, it sometimes grins dirty. For example, in the rooms of a vice president of the EU Parliament. And when "ReichsbĆ¼rger" sit on gold bars and silver coins, only one thing helps: radical digitization of payment transactions.
In German;
submitted by Rouge_69 to Wallstreetsilver [link] [comments]

2022.08.15 17:42 MRsidius Cultures - Great oldschool city builder game with RTS springed into it.

As a small kid I loved playing the Cultures 2 and I would love to share this great game with you all.
I'll be mainly talking about Cultures 2: Gates of Asgard but since game 3 and 4 have little differences between 2nd game, you can aply it in thouse games as well.
Cultures is viking city builder, where you build your viking town, prosper and defeat your enemies with the most intresting system of gameplay in my opinion. It cames from german studio Funatics Software and was published by JoWooD Production.
Your vikings can take several jobs and progress in said job to unlock more buildings and jobs that will allow you to build better buildings and make better equipment.
Just to present my point, I'll tell you how one of the product is made in this game, a loaf of bread.
As a starting town, you can build farm house that produce wheat, but now other buildings like a mill or bakery is available at this stage. To get a flour from wheat, your farmer need experience to progress his knowledge to miller, therefore unlocking said mill to make flour. For bakery and well goes the same logic as for flour, your miller need experience.
This system is tedious at best from the start, but eventualy your town will be like well oiled machine that spits out all sorts of stuff. And you will eventually get school where you can train your vikings without going the progresion line of work.
To get more population you need women. But they are in this game just a secondary to male counterparts as they only make babies, brings food, pottery, furniture and oil to households.
When comes to military... You have little variety of classes of soldiers that you can make. There is 4 melee and 2 ranged. You can choose, mix and match any soldier since you can equip them with any type of weapon you choose. Every weapon got it's own spin. For example bows: You got 2 types, long bow and short bow. Long bow can shoot longer distances, but lacks in firing speed compared to short bow that is like machine gun with shorter range.
There are 3 other nations in this game, Franks, Byzantine Empire and Arabs (I don't know which Arabian kingom they suppose to be) that are sadly not playeble.
Campaings takes you through out world with your main hero, Bjarni, based on Bjarni HerjĆ³lfsson as he travels from Englad to Baghdad and recruit group of companions to stop gates of Asgard from opening. There is like 11 missions which isn't enough but main fun is in my opinion in free game.
Cultures 1 is a bit different from 2nd,3rd and 4th game, for example woodcutter need a house to cut trees unlike in later games where you set spot where he'll drop of logs.
Finally, where can you get it?
You got GOG where you can buy bundle of Cultures 1 and 2, and second bundle with Cultures 3 and 4.
1st bundle named "Cultures 1 + 2" for 9.79ā‚¬ containing Cultures: Discovery of Vinland and Cultures 2: Gates of Asgard.
2nd bundle names "Northland + 8th Wonder of the World" for 9.79ā‚¬ containing Cultures 3: Northland and Cultures 4: 8th Wonder of the World.
And on Steam bundle "Cultures: Northland + 8th Wonder of the World" for 9.99ā‚¬ or you can buy the seperetly for 4.99ā‚¬
I would suggest buying the 3rd and 4th entry since it's the best bundle in my opinion.
Edit: typos and one more paragraf
submitted by MRsidius to gaming [link] [comments]

2020.06.06 02:03 m0llusk Let us experience the most powerful stories!

This should be stated generally, but has specific application to Star Citizen. In Star Citizen development there has been an ambitious effort to squeeze the most out of computing power and algorithms to present the kind of immersive and enjoyable storytelling that so many of us have longed for and expected should be possible.

Fiction and gaming tend to make use of classic plot lines to engage emotionally. This includes ideas which over time have been shown to be not only false, but fundamentally poisonous. Torture is against most national and military policies not for moral reasons but because it does not work. People can be broken, but broken people are not reliable sources of information, and they and all connected to them will never truly forgive. Responding to conflict with escalation to threats and violence is also known to result in increased violence and poor outcomes. There are many other examples, but these are two extremely important recurring plots where fictional stories may differ dramatically from what we know to be real.

Although there are times when stands must be taken, and a close look at history shows that conflict and wars can bring critical change, most conflict is avoidable, costly, and counterproductive. Instead of encouraging thinking known to be incorrect and damaging and advocating methodologies known to fail badly, fiction could instead drive engagement and drama by presenting what we know to be truly powerful approaches and focusing on the wonder in that. These include empathy, cooperation, nonviolent communication, also bribes and networking. Sometimes what might have ended with violence might be stopped simply saying hey I know a guy, maybe I know a common friend, or here just take this.

Speaking directly to Star Citizen again, many mechanisms already exists that can work toward this. Scenarios may have many outcomes and spawn related options. Saving lives might be more valuable than saving materials or products. Failing a mission may open possibilities for alternatives. Dumping cargo or bribing attackers may be the smart move if overpowered. If one keeps in mind the power of nonviolence, empathy, and negotiation all kinds of interesting and fun options open up that move beyond overpowering people or avenging tormentors.

History provides bold evidence that with most conflicts the best path to resolution is through deescalation, the best deescalation comes from nonviolent communication, and nonviolent communication starts with active listening which verifies to people that they are being heard.

Recent events provide bold evidence that we must now begin, in our storytelling in our play, to emphasize that however often it is necessary to engage in conflict, most of the time the real power play involves empathy, nonviolent communication, cooperation, networking, bribes or some other exchange of shared value.

In Star Citizen some of the inevitable scummy operators have already entered gameplay. Let us see some Paladin types and the hope that they can bring.

EDIT: formattinge/paragrafs
submitted by m0llusk to starcitizen [link] [comments]

2019.05.15 13:26 su_en_ni Communicability in Kant's third critique (Paragraf 9)

Iā€™m currently having some difficulty understanding Kantā€™s conception of communicability in the third critique. Iā€™m most clearly puzzled by the start of this utterance in paragraf 9: ''Thus it is the universal capacity for the communication of the state of mind in the given representation which, as the subjective condition of the judgment of taste, must serve as its ground and have the pleasure in the object as a consequence.'' (5:217)
I find it difficult to grasp how I would be able to ā€˜ā€™communicateā€™ā€™ the state of mind, as one canā€™t rely on concepts to articulate meaningful sentences to another individual for ā€˜whyā€™ one finds a given representation beautiful. I understand that we all share the subjective conditions for having the experience of beauty, so others should agree with me that they also get an experience of beauty (derive pleasure from the free play of understanding and imagination) when using the same cognitive faculties and it as such has subjective universality.
- What really puzzles me is the specific wording. It seems to me to suggest the possibility of actually ā€˜ā€™communicatingā€™ā€™ to another individual my mental state. But it seems odd how one would go about doing that, without using concepts. (Example: try describe how qualia feels like) I dearly hope that I have made my question sensible, but feel Iā€™m at the cliff of language trying to express my concern.
submitted by su_en_ni to askphilosophy [link] [comments]

2019.04.10 11:11 67vader Why Catex?

  1. We have explained the first advantage for using the Catex in the paragrafe above. While users pay fee to trade on normal exchanges. On Catex, these feeā€™s are returned back to the users as Catt token with an extra bonus of 5% to their account.
  2. Another advantage of Catex, and maybe the most interesting one, is that the exchange is sharing itā€™s daily dividends up to 90% back to itā€™s users depending on the amount of Catt token it is holding. So this means that the exchange is only receiving 10% of the dividents for itself. Which is for costs like advertising, employee and development costs. The system where the daily dividents is based on, is showed in the table below.
ā— Lock 7 days %50 (Dividend percentage) ā— Lock 15 days %60 (Dividend percentage) ā— Lock 30 days %70 (Dividend percentage) ā— Lock 45 days %80 (Dividend percentage) ā— Lock 60 days %90 (Dividend percentage)
Example calculation: The folowing information is needed for calculating the daily dividend. The total daily divident of the exchange, the total amount of Catt the user holds, the percentage based on how long the user has locked itā€™s tokens and the total amount of Catt that is locked in the circulation supply. So lets make an example with this information.
  1. The total divident of the exchange is 2000 USD
  2. The user has bought 10.000.000 Catt
  3. And locked the token for 60 days (90%) 4 The toal locked Catt is 500.000.000
10.000.000/500.000.0000=0.02 2000 x 90% = 1800 18000 x 0,02 = 36 USD (The daily dividend received byuser)
submitted by 67vader to Crypto_ICO_Investing [link] [comments]

2019.03.27 11:48 komorhan CAT.EX Exchange - Why Catex? - https://www.catex.io/

Lock time Divident percentage
7 days % 50
15 days % 60
30 days % 70
45 days % 80
60 days % 90
Example calculation:
The folowing information is needed for calculating the daily dividend. The total daily divident of the exchange, the total amount of Catt the user holds, the percentage based on how long the user has locked itā€™s tokens and the total amount of Catt that is locked in the circulation supply. So lets make an example with this information.
  1. The total divident of the exchange is 2000 USD
  2. The user has bought 10.000.000 Catt
  3. And locked the token for 60 days (90%)
  4. The toal locked Catt is 500.000.000
2000 x 90% = 1800
18000 x 0,02 = 36 USD (The daily dividend received byuser)
Note: Calculation is based on current price of Catt/BTC: 0.00000022 sats. 10.000.000 Catt is currently worth 2.2 BTC based on the current price, (BTC/USDT price at the moment is 3415.25 USD) which makes a total of 7513.55 USD. So with the example we have shown that even if the Catt/BTC price and daily dividens stays the same, the user will earn back 28.75% of itā€™s investment after the 60 days of locking. It should also be considered that the calculaton is based on an exchange that is fairly new and still working on the awareness of the exhange in the market. The volume will increase by time, which returns in higher daily dividends for itā€™s users. Locking the catt token is a must to receive the daily dividends, but is not required to make use of the exchange for invest/trade in othere crypto currencies.
40% share of users that has locked for 7 days with 50% dividends
30% share of users that has locked for 15 days with 60% dividends
20% share of users that has locked for 30 days with 70% dividends
10% share of users that has locked for 45 days with 80% dividends
0% share of users that has locked for 90 days with 90% dividends
The other most curious question of the crypto traders is the circulating supply. Circulating supply of the catt is now (18.December.2018) 701,977,829.21 catts and 531,623,455.936 catts are locked by the investors. Ä°t means, there are just 170,354,373.27 cats in circulation https://www.catex.io/
submitted by komorhan to CryptoICONews [link] [comments]

2019.03.20 18:24 emrah0406 CAT.EX Exchange - Why Catex? - https://www.catex.io/

Lock time Divident percentage
7 days % 50
15 days % 60
30 days % 70
45 days % 80
60 days % 90
Example calculation:
The folowing information is needed for calculating the daily dividend. The total daily divident of the exchange, the total amount of Catt the user holds, the percentage based on how long the user has locked itā€™s tokens and the total amount of Catt that is locked in the circulation supply. So lets make an example with this information.
  1. The total divident of the exchange is 2000 USD
  2. The user has bought 10.000.000 Catt
  3. And locked the token for 60 days (90%)
  4. The toal locked Catt is 500.000.000
2000 x 90% = 1800
18000 x 0,02 = 36 USD (The daily dividend received byuser)
Note: Calculation is based on current price of Catt/BTC: 0.00000022 sats. 10.000.000 Catt is currently worth 2.2 BTC based on the current price, (BTC/USDT price at the moment is 3415.25 USD) which makes a total of 7513.55 USD. So with the example we have shown that even if the Catt/BTC price and daily dividens stays the same, the user will earn back 28.75% of itā€™s investment after the 60 days of locking. It should also be considered that the calculaton is based on an exchange that is fairly new and still working on the awareness of the exhange in the market. The volume will increase by time, which returns in higher daily dividends for itā€™s users. Locking the catt token is a must to receive the daily dividends, but is not required to make use of the exchange for invest/trade in othere crypto currencies.
40% share of users that has locked for 7 days with 50% dividends
30% share of users that has locked for 15 days with 60% dividends
20% share of users that has locked for 30 days with 70% dividends
10% share of users that has locked for 45 days with 80% dividends
0% share of users that has locked for 90 days with 90% dividends
The other most curious question of the crypto traders is the circulating supply. Circulating supply of the catt is now (18.December.2018) 701,977,829.21 catts and 531,623,455.936 catts are locked by the investors. Ä°t means, there are just 170,354,373.27 cats in circulation https://www.catex.io/
submitted by emrah0406 to ico [link] [comments]

2019.03.14 13:48 67vader Why Catex?

  1. We have explained the first advantage for using the Catex in the paragrafe above. While users pay fee to trade on normal exchanges. On Catex, these feeā€™s are returned back to the users as Catt token with an extra bonus of 5% to their account.
  2. Another advantage of Catex, and maybe the most interesting one, is that the exchange is sharing itā€™s daily dividends up to 90% back to itā€™s users depending on the amount of Catt token it is holding. So this means that the exchange is only receiving 10% of the dividents for itself. Which is for costs like advertising, employee and development costs. The system where the daily dividents is based on, is showed in the table below.
ā— Lock 7 days %50 (Dividend percentage) ā— Lock 15 days %60 (Dividend percentage) ā— Lock 30 days %70 (Dividend percentage) ā— Lock 45 days %80 (Dividend percentage) ā— Lock 60 days %90 (Dividend percentage)
Example calculation: The folowing information is needed for calculating the daily dividend. The total daily divident of the exchange, the total amount of Catt the user holds, the percentage based on how long the user has locked itā€™s tokens and the total amount of Catt that is locked in the circulation supply. So lets make an example with this information.
  1. The total divident of the exchange is 2000 USD
  2. The user has bought 10.000.000 Catt
  3. And locked the token for 60 days (90%) 4 The toal locked Catt is 500.000.000
10.000.000/500.000.0000=0.02 2000 x 90% = 1800 18000 x 0,02 = 36 USD (The daily dividend received byuser
submitted by 67vader to CryptoNewsandTalk [link] [comments]

2019.03.06 13:09 67vader Why Catex?

  1. We have explained the first advantage for using the Catex in the paragrafe above. While users pay fee to trade on normal exchanges. On Catex, these feeā€™s are returned back to the users as Catt token with an extra bonus of 5% to their account.
  2. Another advantage of Catex, and maybe the most interesting one, is that the exchange is sharing itā€™s daily dividends up to 90% back to itā€™s users depending on the amount of Catt token it is holding. So this means that the exchange is only receiving 10% of the dividents for itself. Which is for costs like advertising, employee and development costs. The system where the daily dividents is based on, is showed in the table below.
ā— Lock 7 days %50 (Dividend percentage) ā— Lock 15 days %60 (Dividend percentage) ā— Lock 30 days %70 (Dividend percentage) ā— Lock 45 days %80 (Dividend percentage) ā— Lock 60 days %90 (Dividend percentage)
Example calculation: The folowing information is needed for calculating the daily dividend. The total daily divident of the exchange, the total amount of Catt the user holds, the percentage based on how long the user has locked itā€™s tokens and the total amount of Catt that is locked in the circulation supply. So lets make an example with this information.
  1. The total divident of the exchange is 2000 USD
  2. The user has bought 10.000.000 Catt
  3. And locked the token for 60 days (90%) 4 The toal locked Catt is 500.000.000
10.000.000/500.000.0000=0.02 2000 x 90% = 1800 18000 x 0,02 = 36 USD (The daily dividend received byuser)
submitted by 67vader to BountyICO [link] [comments]

2019.02.27 23:40 emrah0406 CAT.EX Exchange - Why Catex? - https://www.catex.io/

Lock time Divident percentage
7 days % 50
15 days % 60
30 days % 70
45 days % 80
60 days % 90
Example calculation:
The folowing information is needed for calculating the daily dividend. The total daily divident of the exchange, the total amount of Catt the user holds, the percentage based on how long the user has locked itā€™s tokens and the total amount of Catt that is locked in the circulation supply. So lets make an example with this information.
  1. The total divident of the exchange is 2000 USD
  2. The user has bought 10.000.000 Catt
  3. And locked the token for 60 days (90%)
  4. The toal locked Catt is 500.000.000
2000 x 90% = 1800
18000 x 0,02 = 36 USD (The daily dividend received byuser)
Note: Calculation is based on current price of Catt/BTC: 0.00000022 sats. 10.000.000 Catt is currently worth 2.2 BTC based on the current price, (BTC/USDT price at the moment is 3415.25 USD) which makes a total of 7513.55 USD. So with the example we have shown that even if the Catt/BTC price and daily dividens stays the same, the user will earn back 28.75% of itā€™s investment after the 60 days of locking. It should also be considered that the calculaton is based on an exchange that is fairly new and still working on the awareness of the exhange in the market. The volume will increase by time, which returns in higher daily dividends for itā€™s users. Locking the catt token is a must to receive the daily dividends, but is not required to make use of the exchange for invest/trade in othere crypto currencies.
40% share of users that has locked for 7 days with 50% dividends
30% share of users that has locked for 15 days with 60% dividends
20% share of users that has locked for 30 days with 70% dividends
10% share of users that has locked for 45 days with 80% dividends
0% share of users that has locked for 90 days with 90% dividends
The other most curious question of the crypto traders is the circulating supply. Circulating supply of the catt is now (18.December.2018) 701,977,829.21 catts and 531,623,455.936 catts are locked by the investors. Ä°t means, there are just 170,354,373.27 cats in circulation https://www.catex.io/
submitted by emrah0406 to Crypto_General [link] [comments]

2019.02.24 18:31 airdroptime CAT.EX Exchange - Why Catex? - https://www.catex.io/

Lock time Divident percentage
7 days % 50
15 days % 60
30 days % 70
45 days % 80
60 days % 90
Example calculation:
The folowing information is needed for calculating the daily dividend. The total daily divident of the exchange, the total amount of Catt the user holds, the percentage based on how long the user has locked itā€™s tokens and the total amount of Catt that is locked in the circulation supply. So lets make an example with this information.
  1. The total divident of the exchange is 2000 USD
  2. The user has bought 10.000.000 Catt
  3. And locked the token for 60 days (90%)
  4. The toal locked Catt is 500.000.000
2000 x 90% = 1800
18000 x 0,02 = 36 USD (The daily dividend received byuser)
Note: Calculation is based on current price of Catt/BTC: 0.00000022 sats. 10.000.000 Catt is currently worth 2.2 BTC based on the current price, (BTC/USDT price at the moment is 3415.25 USD) which makes a total of 7513.55 USD. So with the example we have shown that even if the Catt/BTC price and daily dividens stays the same, the user will earn back 28.75% of itā€™s investment after the 60 days of locking. It should also be considered that the calculaton is based on an exchange that is fairly new and still working on the awareness of the exhange in the market. The volume will increase by time, which returns in higher daily dividends for itā€™s users. Locking the catt token is a must to receive the daily dividends, but is not required to make use of the exchange for invest/trade in othere crypto currencies.
40% share of users that has locked for 7 days with 50% dividends
30% share of users that has locked for 15 days with 60% dividends
20% share of users that has locked for 30 days with 70% dividends
10% share of users that has locked for 45 days with 80% dividends
0% share of users that has locked for 90 days with 90% dividends
The other most curious question of the crypto traders is the circulating supply. Circulating supply of the catt is now (18.December.2018) 701,977,829.21 catts and 531,623,455.936 catts are locked by the investors. Ä°t means, there are just 170,354,373.27 cats in circulation.
submitted by airdroptime to ico [link] [comments]

2019.02.13 19:53 ceydakaraelma CAT.EX Exchange - Why Catex?

CAT.EX Exchange - Why Catex?
We have explained the first advantage for using the Catex in the paragrafe above. While users pay fee to trade on normal exchanges. On Catex, these feeā€™s are returned back to the users as Catt token with an extra bonus of 5% to their account.
  • Another advantage of Catex, and maybe the most interesting one, is that the exchange is sharing itā€™s daily dividends up to 90% back to itā€™s users depending on the amount of Catt token it is holding. So this means that the exchange is only receiving 10% of the dividents for itself. Which is for costs like advertising, employee and development costs. The system where the daily dividents is based on, is showed in the table below.
Lock time Divident percentage
7 days % 50
15 days % 60
30 days % 70
45 days % 80
60 days % 90
Example calculation:
The folowing information is needed for calculating the daily dividend. The total daily divident of the exchange, the total amount of Catt the user holds, the percentage based on how long the user has locked itā€™s tokens and the total amount of Catt that is locked in the circulation supply. So lets make an example with this information.
  1. The total divident of the exchange is 2000 USD
  2. The user has bought 10.000.000 Catt
  3. And locked the token for 60 days (90%)
  4. The toal locked Catt is 500.000.000
2000 x 90% = 1800
18000 x 0,02 = 36 USD (The daily dividend received byuser)
Note: Calculation is based on current price of Catt/BTC: 0.00000022 sats. 10.000.000 Catt is currently worth 2.2 BTC based on the current price, (BTC/USDT price at the moment is 3415.25 USD) which makes a total of 7513.55 USD. So with the example we have shown that even if the Catt/BTC price and daily dividens stays the same, the user will earn back 28.75% of itā€™s investment after the 60 days of locking. It should also be considered that the calculaton is based on an exchange that is fairly new and still working on the awareness of the exhange in the market. The volume will increase by time, which returns in higher daily dividends for itā€™s users. Locking the catt token is a must to receive the daily dividends, but is not required to make use of the exchange for invest/trade in othere crypto currencies.
  • As Catex exchange we know the importance of a stable price of the Catt token. Therefore we have created an buyback account. This account uses his own share of the dividends to create a support level for the price or buy from the table if needed to ensure a stable price. The amount that the buyback account received is based on the locking level of the exchange users. The share of the buyback account is calculated as folowing:
40% share of users that has locked for 7 days with 50% dividends
30% share of users that has locked for 15 days with 60% dividends
20% share of users that has locked for 30 days with 70% dividends
10% share of users that has locked for 45 days with 80% dividends
0% share of users that has locked for 90 days with 90% dividends
  • Catex differs from the other exchanges with its strategy of focusing and listening to its community demands. There are multiple telegram channels and groups (English, as the native language like Turkish, Korean, Arabian, Indonesian etc.) created to listen to the community demands. Investors can ask their questions and give freely their advices in these groups. The questions coming from the investors are answered rapidly and the advices are noted to be discussed by the management. The management discusses these advices in an acceptable time period and make intellectual development if needed. After these discussions and developments, the investors' advices are published as the new rules as soon as possible. If there is contrast between the investors about an advice, management organizes a vote in groups and the most voted choise is accepted as the new rule. The blggest diversity of Catex from the other exchanges is that you can talk to management members like COO Cameron Kallhoff, CMO Aykut Aygun, CTO&CSO Yuanhang Zhou in the telegram groups.
  • One of the the most curious questions of the crypto traders is the total supply of the coin which will be invested. Catt has the advantage to the other exchange's coins. While establishing the exchange management decided to create 10,000,000,000 cat tokens in august 2018. Then, they decided to burn 5,000,000,000 cat tokens because of the community demands. In addition to this, the management also planned to maintain burning operations. 1,000,000,000 cat tokens will be burned every month till january 2019 and at the end of this operations, there will be just 2,000,000,000 cat tokens. There is a total supply today (December 2018) of 3,000,000,000 after burning in October and November as scheduled.
The other most curious question of the crypto traders is the circulating supply. Circulating supply of the catt is now (18.December.2018) 701,977,829.21 catts and 531,623,455.936 catts are locked by the investors. Ä°t means, there are just 170,354,373.27 cats in circulation.
Ws: https://www.catex.io/
submitted by ceydakaraelma to ico [link] [comments]

2019.01.24 21:12 ugur2222 Why Catex?

What is Catex and Catt Token?
"Catex" (Cat Exchange) is a mining transaction exchange and "Catt" is the token of this exchange.In the last couple of years, because of extreme power consumption of the systems that are used to mine cryptocurrencies, and the decrease of price in all cryptocurrencies, mining costs has exremely increased and the environmental impact of this power consumption has begun to discuss by people. As the result of these, the stream of trading mining has begun to used in newly established exchanges. Trading mining is a new term in cryptocurrency world that means mining is being done by the investors while they are trading any coin listed in the exchange. Thats to say, when the investors buy or sell any coin in the market, the token of the exchange is being produced at the same time and depositted to the investors account in return of paid fee. Catex gives 5% mining bonus to all of its investors to make mining more attractive. In other words, paid fees return to investors as Catt 5% more. Why Catex? 1. We have explained the first advantage for using the Catex in the paragrafe above. While users pay fee to trade on normal exchanges. On Catex, these feeā€™s are returned back to the users as Catt token with an extra bonus of 5% to their account. 2. Another advantage of Catex, and maybe the most interesting one, is that the exchange is sharing itā€™s daily dividends up to 90% back to itā€™s users depending on the amount of Catt token it is holding. So this means that the exchange is only receiving 10% of the dividents for itself. Which is for costs like advertising, employee and development costs. The system where the daily dividents is based on, is showed in the table below. ā— Lock 7 days %50 (Dividend percentage) ā— Lock 15 days %60 (Dividend percentage) ā— Lock 30 days %70 (Dividend percentage) ā— Lock 45 days %80 (Dividend percentage) ā— Lock 60 days %90 (Dividend percentage) Example calculation: The folowing information is needed for calculating the daily dividend. The total daily divident of the exchange, the total amount of Catt the user holds, the percentage based on how long the user has locked itā€™s tokens and the total amount of Catt that is locked in the circulation supply. So lets make an example with this information.
  1. The total divident of the exchange is 2000 USD
  2. The user has bought 10.000.000 Catt
  3. And locked the token for 60 days (90%) 4 The toal locked Catt is 500.000.000
10.000.000/500.000.0000=0.02 2000 x 90% = 1800 18000 x 0,02 = 36 USD (The daily dividend received byuser)
submitted by ugur2222 to ICOAnalysis [link] [comments]

2019.01.21 15:04 dceymen CAT.EX Exchange - Why Catex? - https://www.catex.io/

Lock time Divident percentage
7 days % 50
15 days % 60
30 days % 70
45 days % 80
60 days % 90

Example calculation:
The folowing information is needed for calculating the daily dividend. The total daily divident of the exchange, the total amount of Catt the user holds, the percentage based on how long the user has locked itā€™s tokens and the total amount of Catt that is locked in the circulation supply. So lets make an example with this information.
  1. The total divident of the exchange is 2000 USD
  2. The user has bought 10.000.000 Catt
  3. And locked the token for 60 days (90%)
  4. The toal locked Catt is 500.000.000
2000 x 90% = 1800
18000 x 0,02 = 36 USD (The daily dividend received byuser)

Note: Calculation is based on current price of Catt/BTC: 0.00000022 sats. 10.000.000 Catt is currently worth 2.2 BTC based on the current price, (BTC/USDT price at the moment is 3415.25 USD) which makes a total of 7513.55 USD. So with the example we have shown that even if the Catt/BTC price and daily dividens stays the same, the user will earn back 28.75% of itā€™s investment after the 60 days of locking. It should also be considered that the calculaton is based on an exchange that is fairly new and still working on the awareness of the exhange in the market. The volume will increase by time, which returns in higher daily dividends for itā€™s users. Locking the catt token is a must to receive the daily dividends, but is not required to make use of the exchange for invest/trade in othere crypto currencies.

40% share of users that has locked for 7 days with 50% dividends
30% share of users that has locked for 15 days with 60% dividends
20% share of users that has locked for 30 days with 70% dividends
10% share of users that has locked for 45 days with 80% dividends
0% share of users that has locked for 90 days with 90% dividends

The other most curious question of the crypto traders is the circulating supply. Circulating supply of the catt is now (18.December.2018) 701,977,829.21 catts and 531,623,455.936 catts are locked by the investors. Ä°t means, there are just 170,354,373.27 cats in circulation.

Ws: https://www.catex.io/
submitted by dceymen to ico [link] [comments]

2017.12.18 18:06 flamenco28 Have you experienced the same? When I use Microsoft Products, I feel that I am in front of a fool program.

When I work with #MS products such as Excel, Word, and even the king of their products: MS.WINDOWS 10! I get angry many times as they are really buggy! Examples: Excel: When you copy a cell and then paste it, an annoying toolbox appears next to the cell that you have paste! it doesnĀ“t go even by clicking another cell! Only Escape helps! (thank god that they consider escape as exit for this function!)
MS. Word: In many times, it is happened that word distance of two sentences with same style, paragraf settings, etc are completely different. No way to fix it! just rewrite or copy-paste again.
WINDOWS... there are alot of foolish things... really, but as one example, when it wants to update, it shutdown the computer automatically (if you have not disable this foolish setting previously), and also after the next restart, it is possible that it takes about 45 min to update!!! no way to get rid of it! I don't know what is he doing! is it an update or it is a large among of bugs that shall be fixed in each update? I can not underestand why still another operation system is not developed as an appropriate alternative. I am really looking forward for an alternative to move immidiately.
submitted by flamenco28 to u/flamenco28 [link] [comments]

2017.11.17 18:19 caidreamh-fhada [M/20, M/21] Boyfriend Prioritising His Friends Over Me

Hi guys, Not sure what i'm looking for by posting this whether it's advice or just an anonymous rant. My boyfriend [m,21] and I [m,20] have been together for 2 years, we only met once but planning to again for New Years. it was just pure happiness when we wet,it made everything feel worth it and it truly solidified our love for each other.
He started school recently,following his dream and it's going really well for him,he has many friends, his teachers like him, he is good at his tasks etc - whereas for me I recently had to drop out from college altogether due to unable to cover costs so my life is completely empty right now and has been for 3month, no money, all my friends are in other cities so the only positive in my life right now is him. I should be able to change my circumstance really soon but until then...nothing.
He is 2hour ahead of me &his school day is 6 hours + around an hour each way for commuting during which time he can't use his phone all day so my only time to talk to him is either in the morning when he's busy getting ready for school or late at night when he's too talk to talk which is fine because i'm not doing anything else right?... I send him messages throughout the day about what i've been up to and then when he comes home he tells me about his day and responds to my messages. That's how its been for a while now and i'm fine with that but lately he doesnt even respond to my messages at all, he will acknowledge them 'ok i saw ur msgs but im in x so ill respond soon' ,its been 2weeks since in one case for several messages - 1wk for some other.If he tells me about his day and i respond then he responds back though.
i even sent him nudes(which ususally he responds to right away)and even they have been left unresponded too which is completely unlike him. Usually on fri he goes out with friends, on sat the same and then sun is when we usually skype and get to chat.
When we skype it's great we both have such fun talking with each other and spending time together,watching shows,exchanging old pics, just talking together or even just being in silence lying together etc.Problem is when hes out with friends hes online too,with some frieds and talking to others to.But if i msg him it takes him 10+ mins of him being online to respond with just a one or 2 word answer.He explained himself once as he was with friends but in groupchat with other friends they was drama so they were all looking at it to see what happened.I felt like such a jealous idiot then.But then it happens again and again, hes online but if i text it takes at least 10min for him to say one word answer.If i bring this up he gets angry saying what do i want from him, i make him feel guilty for having friends and so i apologise then because i really do want him to have friends and i love he is making some and spending time with them but i do not want him to forget about me ,you know?
But when i text first he usually takes long to respond too even if hes just at home so it feels to me like i am an obligation for him and when he does respond its vague and doesnt read what i say.For examples, the other day i had some stuff to do so i sent him a big paragraf explaining all i had to do,he took a few min to respond and then said "wow, busy", an hour or so later i had finished some stuff,told him and he asked me why i was doing that even though i just did what i said i would in the big message so he didnt read my message at all!I confronted him and he said he did,many times so i just left it at that. He sent some voice msgs and i responded back with voice and they were left unopened to. Sometimes he will respond to me like a selfie and he will say how much he loves how i look and that makes me feel so good but those happen few and far in between.
He promised me this week that today he would respond to everything i have sent him that he hasnt replied to because he has no school today,so far he was last online 2min ago(22 now!) and the only msg he sent today was telling me about some drama he had with his friends which i did respond to.His other friend comes to his city today so he will go out with her today too... i know he does truly love me,i see it in his face when he says it to me, i know it is genuine.
but i feel like if i can respond to myself here i would say that i do not expect him to respond to me the second i text him and be online 24.7 to talk to me and i want him to go out to socialise too - i just do not want to be forgotten about.Talking to him 1 day a week on skype just is not enough for me i just dont feel at the minute that he cares for me,i know he does but i just cant feel it right now. i miss him so much and he tells me he misses me. he prioritises his friends who he can talk to face to face,go out with, hug etc. over me, someone thousands kms away. I can understand him wanting to spend time with them and if he tells me hes going out im not going to tell him no stay here with me but i just want some time with him to myself too, you know? I do'not want to hear about his friends every time we talk ,i want to hear about him too.
i dont know what he can do honestly because when he comes home its late,he has to eat still and he is tired, i realise these things ,but i feel like if you can be online texting your friends then why cant you be online with your boyfriend too the person you love? i know that i probably sound like a psycho whos obsessed with their partner but am i being unreasonable here? I don't want to pressurise him (though i know that i am :( ) but at the same time i feel like shouting 'SPEND TIME WITH ME PLEASE',
i just love him so much,i cannot see my life without him, he makes me feel so unbelievably happy that the thought of losing him just hurts so much to even think about.He really is the best thing in my life right now. When it's good its amazing-the best ever, but when it's bad.... I have always been told that you know you really love someone when they make you so angry as well as so happy. i know that also since i started typing this my english has went down in quality so much so i apologise, i hope i can be understood. Any advice or comment would be much appreciated by me.
Thank u
submitted by caidreamh-fhada to LongDistance [link] [comments]

2017.10.15 02:21 RatherRomantic Feature requests discussion.

I've some ideas and some problems for which I need help figuring out solutions. I want to help the developer since he is very active and we can work together to make the best Reddit app.
Idea 1:
How do you people open a subreddit from a post?
Idk if I'm doing something wrong, it feels unintuitive and like a workaround when I have to go back to the frontpage or profile page to click on the 3 dot options to click the subreddit.
Is it possible to make the top middle button, which shows subreddit and opens comment sorting, open the subreddit on the long press?
Other option is to make swiping left from a post open that subreddit's sidebar and the name could open it.
Idea 2:
Some apps have a feature where you double click back to exit, so if we had that, pressing single backs should take us to the homepage. Opinions?
Problem 3:
Text to speech is a great feature. I didn't know I needed it. But, it has some bugs.
Back buttons get stuck sometimes refusing to go back to a paragraf or comment above.
Sometimes it skips threads in unexpected ways. Like, if there are 5th and 6th child open, it will still skip to the next 2nd child.
The tone in-between doesn't scale with speed which is annoying when listening at 2.80 or more.
Idk enough about it to propose changes though. For example, I've no idea if you could make it beep different tones for different depths or if voice commands are possible.
Idea 4:
Dot. Circle. Line up and down + Horizontal. Triangle. Square.
Imagine if we could draw actions instead of clicking on buttons. Idk for you but I'd love it. Best thing - works for both mouse and touch. I hope that my proposals are intuitive enough and make sense:
Ā· Dot to open/mark. When marked immediately follow with other actions. Since it might not be technically possible, dot can be a long press instead of just a click.
Ā© Circle for gold. With confirmation of course.
Lines for votes. To reply, vote then horizontal.
You might have noticed that I made no reply action on its own and this is to ensure voting, because that's what makes Reddit work.
Besides, if you have an opinion on something to reply, makes sense to vote, otherwise ignore.
Also, the way we scroll, it's easier to upvote and reply which is (for most people I hope) the most common action. To illustrate how easy it is - click, slide up, slide right - you upvoted it and editor is open.
It also works for both hands.
āˆ† Triangle to report.
Ī  Square. Originally, I've thought that it should be a reply action. It can be used to open options or some other features that I have in mind but are part of Reddit and beyond the functionality of this app.
Idea 4.1:
It's kinda annoying how reading posts in a series works. In the official app, if I'm binge reading a subreddit, I just swipe left. Here I swipe right, scroll and open the next one. 3x more work.
If idea 4 was to be implemented, all of the actions could be reused for easier navigation, just without the preceding dot.
So a horizontal line could be used like swiping.
I'll just brainstorm other actions here, without the dot.
Ā© circle to open search
Lines are scrolling
āˆ† triangle to report problems with app or open the app store feedback or maybe this subreddit
Ī  square to open app settings
I'll edit or make a new post later when I get some more ideas. Feel free to contribute ideas yourself and discuss presented :)
P.S: Great work dev! I've deleted the official app and hopefully won't look back.
Ideas 1 and 2 should be pretty straightforward, not so sure for the rest. Sorry. Though, reading the subreddit, I wouldn't be surprised if you actually implemented the gestures and/or voice commands too. Cheers!
submitted by RatherRomantic to JoeyForReddit [link] [comments]
