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2024.05.15 06:24 jennithomas321 How to Check if Your Website is SEO Optimized (5 Easy Ways)

How to Check if Your Website is SEO Optimized (5 Easy Ways)
How Can I Tell if My Website is SEO Optimized?
While most small businesses understand that SEO is important you might not know exactly how SEO works.), or how you can check your website’s SEO performance.
Here are 5 simple things you can look for and some tools that can help you tell if your website is optimized or, needs help to rank.

Is Your Website Already Optimized?

Before I jump in the simple answer to “Is my website SEO optimized?” is NO, because SEO is never done. SEO is an ongoing process. You constantly need to be adding changing and optimizing your content to stay on top of Google.
So if you’re not actively doing SEO your site is definitely not optimized. But if you are doing SEO or have done any in the past here are some things to look for.

Why Check if Your Website is SEO Optimized?

By checking if your website is SEO optimized, you’ll know if there are any improvements that you can make to grow your search engine traffic.
Since search engines are often the largest source of website traffic, this can be very valuable to your WordPress business website.
However, when it comes to SEO, there’s a lot you need to get right, including a lot of technical SEO jargon that can be confusing for beginners.
Luckily, there are a variety of SEO tools you can use to see if your website is SEO optimized and the steps you can take to improve your SEO.
With that said, let’s look at two ways you can check if your website is SEO optimized.
In this Article, We will cover:
  1. Are You Getting Leads?
  2. Titles, Metas, H1s
  3. Ranking of Keywords
  4. Site Speed & Mobile Friendliness
  5. Technical Site Audit


1: Are You Getting Leads?

As a business owner the number one thing you should care about with SEO is are you getting leads from your website? Are they filling out forms or picking up the phone and calling you? And if you have a shopping cart on your site are you getting sales?
If you’re getting leads from your SEO, everything else is secondary. Your SEO company or your marketing team might be tracking 200 other things, but leads are key.
If you don’t know where your leads are coming from you should be tracking them. We have a leads dashboard where we can track all your form fills and phone calls and show you where each and every lead is coming from!

2: Titles, Metas, H1s

Titles, Metas, H1s
One of the easiest ways to tell if your site is SEO optimized is to look at your title tags, meta descriptions, and H1s. The title, description, and headers on each page should include keywords that you want your page to rank for.
For example, you can see that our web design page is optimized for the keyword ‘Digital Marketing Manager’. It’s in the title at the top of the browser window and it’s in the main headers on the page.
And if you search for Digital Marketing Manager on Google, you’ll see the keyword again in the title and the description on the search engine results page.
You can check each page on your website individually like this or we use a tool called Screaming Frog to crawl your entire site and show you all your titles and metas.

3: Keyword Rankings

Next if your site is SEO optimized you should be ranking for keywords that are relevant for your business.
Googling your keywords is one way to check rankings, but it can be inconsistent. So, we use a SEO tool called SEMRUSH that can track all the different keywords you’re ranking for, how they change over time and even how your rankings compare to your competitors.

4: Site Speed & Mobile Friendliness

Google prioritizes websites that are fast and mobile-friendly, and their recent core web vitals update made site performance a ranking factor.
Bottom line: an SEO optimized site should load fast and provide a great experience especially on mobile. Google has a Page speed test and a mobile-friendly test where you can check to see if your website is optimized to meet Google standards.

5: Technical Site Audit

Finally, if your site is optimized for SEO, it should be relatively free of technical errors like broken links, 404 errors, uncompressed images, or other issues.
Using SEMRUSH we can do a site audit to improve the overall health of your site. Most of our clients start with a score of less than 50 percent and we work to keep their site health score at over 90 percent.

Have You Checked Your Site’s SEO Performance?

Again, SEO is an ongoing process is never truly done. But if you’re wondering if your site is SEO optimized look at your leads first, then dig into the details like your meta tags, rankings, and site performance.
Or even better contact me for a free SEO audit and I’ll run the reports for you and then walk you through how you can get better results from your SEO.
submitted by jennithomas321 to clientseo [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:23 hereforreddit_ Moving back to Spain from US at 31

I’ve been in the US since I was 21 (I’m from Spain and turning 31 this year). All my family is still in Spain and the whole past year I can’t stop thinking about moving back and actually settling there. I’m so conflicted because I’m doing so well here work-wise. I’m an engineer and as you know, the US has much better opportunities for engineers than Spain. Engineers leave Spain for a lack of tech jobs all the time so it feels crazy that so many people would like to be in my shoes yet I can’t stop thinking about going back. For some reason I can’t be happy here (I’ve lived in Utah and currently in the Bay Area and have travelled to all main cities in the US). Moving US to Europe is no joke so I don’t see as an option to move to Spain for a year and “try it” and returning if it doesn’t feel as I expected. I also really crave stability, buying an apartment and settling down and I don’t feel in my gut like doing that here. I miss my family too!
Any thoughts would be appreciated, I’m going in circles thinking about it. Thank you so much!!
submitted by hereforreddit_ to expats [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:23 DEVIllVz Idv hot takes

I know some people have a love-hate relationship with this game but I full-on hate this game. Because of that, I would like to share some of my hot takes on it. (I only have three steaming ones right now, so bear with me).
  1. So let's just say you are in a rank match and unfortunately corner yourself resulting in you getting down early game. When You get chaired people start pinging “ You’re on your own”, ”Focus on Decoding”, “ save when it’s critical” and the famous one of all “Sorry..” if you didn’t want to rescue in the first place, why do you have to ping? Like I didn't think you were a butt hole at that moment but now I do. So keep your rude things away from me. You should only say “sorry..” when you accidentally get terror shocked or “focus on decoding” when to pop cipher!
  2. Another one is when people decide to rescue after their first cipher when you’re dead on chair. If you wanted to rescue why’d you wait so long now I have no chance to do anything!
  3. my last one is when you know you’re not winning a match and there are two of you left and you decide to do your hardest and it isn’t enough resulting in you getting chaired and the other person just giving up to get a free escape from the hunter. Like really, I'm sorry I even tried.
I hope some of these made sense, and what are your hot takes?
submitted by DEVIllVz to IdentityV [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:23 Substantial_Ear_8431 Just finished The Way of Kings

First of all, I never thought I would finish a 1000-page book in just a couple of days. Writing is so easy to consume. I just flew through it and enjoyed every second of it.
I was hooked to the book from the very first page. Incredible world building and lots of characters to follow
Dalinar Kholin is my favorite character, and Kaladin is a very close second. I loved all the Dalinar and Kaladin chapters. (Who is your favorite character?)
I saw that a lot of people don't like shallan, but I don't have very strong opinions on it. I thought Jasnah's character was very interesting to follow. There is a lot of contrast between her and her brother.
(I know that there are a lot of things to talk about in this book, but I just wanted to let out my initial thoughts on the book.)
Overall, I don't have any negative things to say. I know that many people criticize the pacing of the book, but I thought it was alright. I didn't get bored in a single chapter. I thought of taking a break between books, but after that crazy ending, I am going to start Words of Radiance immediately.
I personally don't have any friends or family who read fantasy books, so this is my only way to let out my thoughts on the book. So I'm open to any discussion if you guys have any. Thanks for reading
submitted by Substantial_Ear_8431 to Stormlight_Archive [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:23 neighborhoodtita My therapist and I haven’t spoken in over a year—should I reach out?

Hi! First time posting and was hoping to gain some insight on my situation. Hope this would be okay to post here!
As the title says, I (29F) haven’t been able to talk to my therapist for over a year now. Our last session was March 2023, and we were suppose to have sessions every two months (both due to financial constraints and generally she also wanted me to learn how to spend time with myself as part of my own mental exercises).
When July 2023 came, I reached out to her to schedule the usual session but she did not respond. So I followed up August 2023 and she finally got back to me. She said something like, “Hi! Sorry for my delayed response. I’ve been on an indefinite personal leave since June. As much as I want to have a session together, I can’t be back yet. I hope you understand.”
It sounded personal so I understood. I mean, therapists are humans too. Besides, I was still managing on my own. But after awhile things did get a bit difficult so I decided to follow up around late November 2023 and basically said, “I hope you've been doing well. I wanted to check if you're back and if you're available for a session.”
She didn’t respond. I tried to reach out to the head doctor at the clinic in December 2023 but even they didn’t respond to me (but this is inevitable since they’re the head doctor so I assumed they get flooded with a lot of messages).
After awhile, I just threw myself into work but I know deep down I need therapy again. The problem is, I really like my therapist (we really click and she knows my history/patterns) but I also can’t help feel this distance now because of how long we haven’t spoken. Should I reach out again? Or is this a “sign” that I should try elsewhere? My issue with the latter is thinking about having to go through the earlier stages and recount/relive my past traumas to a new therapist makes me extremely tired + anxious.
Wondering if anyone experienced something similar! Or if you guys have any advice on how to approach starting over with a new therapist if it comes to it. Much appreciated.
submitted by neighborhoodtita to therapy [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:22 UN3TURAL Bow with Trident Behavior

If anyone plays/knows Hoplite, I’m trying to recreate Aiglos into a singleplayer world. It’s a bow, but I want it to act like a trident. Does anyone know how to do this?
For people who don’t know Hoplite: I’m trying to make a bow act like a trident. Basically, I have a custom model data for a bow already in-game. I want to make it so that when I shoot an arrow, instead of an arrow, it shoots out the bow model (it’s 3D), similar to when you throw a trident. Does anyone know how to do this?
submitted by UN3TURAL to MinecraftCommands [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:22 LemonwithMilo Pig butchering scam or did I upset him? 杀猪盘骗局或惹了他? (A very long read)

For context, I (F22) was on Boo to make friends (on friends mode, not dating mode) as I am an international student in Perth. About 2 weeks ago, I matched with a (China)Chinese guy (M32) who claimed to have been living in Sydney for almost a decade after graduating from university there. The starting conversation was very normal, nothing out of the usual. After chatting for a day, he suggesting moving over to Whatsapp and asked for my number. I was alert at that point and asked: "How would I know if you weren't going to scam me? Why don't you give me your number instead?" To which, he did. So we moved over to Whatsapp to chat.
FYI, Mandarin is not my first language – it's my mother tongue, so I'm not as fluent. He mentioned that he can understand English, but his understanding is limited for some words and the context the words are being used in. Completely understandable, that's how Mandarin is to me. As he's more comfortable in Mandarin, he asked to practice my Mandarin with him – no red flags yet.
The conversation flowed normally, not much flirting, just getting to know one another. Hobbies, plans for the future, differences between Perth and Sydney. He claims that he works in real estate development, and only goes into the office once a week (sounds too good to be true but okay). Said he studied foreign economics and trade, then an MBA in university. Again, nothing crazy or alarming.
It's now the 3rd day, I decide to sus this guy out, and ask why's he still single at age 32 since typically for Chinese, parents would chase their children to get married. He says his parents did chase him to get married, but can't do anything since he's in Sydney, and that he prefers to meet a partner in a natural way than an arranged marriage. That's when he starts flirting a bit – "the biggest takeaway from Boo is you." Then, we chatted about hobbies, etc.
I asked, "if you could turn back time, what would you change?" Him: "I wouldn't change much but if I could turn back time I would purchase all the bitcoin on the market back then and sell it now" Me: "I've been interested in crypto but never had the courage to get into it" Him: "Hahaha, the cryptocurrency and blockchain fields are the most important part of the future market and will replace the traditional financial market"
We started chatting about bitcoin, but nothing alarming.
I jokingly said, "Wait till I earn some money, then I'll purchase some" Him: "When the time comes, I can teach you. Also, getting started with cryptocurrency does not require you to have a lot of funds. There's no restriction" 1/2🚩 Me: "Sure! If we're still talking by then" Him: "I'm not going to disappear, if nothing happens to me I'll still be here for the next 10 years 🤣" Me: "How would I know, haha? We met online" Him: "My feelings are filled with anticipation for you"
He started flirting with me more and more, talking about life, food, the conversation was going great. By now, it's the 4th day, and we had a conversation about food (as usual). I asked him what he had for dinner and he said he got takeout. Him: "If I had the motivation I'd cook, but I've been feeling lazy lately. But maybe if you were in Sydney I'd have more motivation to cook" Me: "What if I'm in Melbourne?" Him: "That's fine too, it's not that far" After more chatting... Me: "I'm only going to Melbourne though, not Sydney" (I'm heading to Melbourne in June) Him: "Then let's meet in Melbourne. I have an apartment there"
Just to be careful, I did not tell him when I would be flying over there, and at this point, he still does not know my full name. I joked with him about me possibly bring an elderly grandpa, or him being one, and pulling the "My mum says I shouldn't be talking to strangers". He replies, "Then don't make any friends 🤣 They're all strangers." He changes the topic because obviously that came off a little passive-aggressive. 1/2🚩
It's now the 5th day, after chatting about our interests, he asks me what I was doing during the weekend as he wanted to teach me about crypto. 🚩 I said, "I have no money" Him: "Well, if you have no money then you should earn some 🤣" Me: "I know, but crypto is dangerous" Him: "There's always a danger in everything, but when you expose yourself to it and learn, you'll understand it better" Me: "Yes and no" Him: "One more thing I have to tell you, you have to buy crypto when you're first starting out if not you can't learn it at all" Me: "I don't want to do that now, I'm okay with chatting about it, but I don't want to start now" Him: "It's your own decision, I just have to make sure you're aware before starting" Me: "Thanks for being honest about it, if not I'd feel like this is a crypto scam, not saying that you are" Him: "It's better to be honest about things." He changed the topic to food (not in a abrupt manner, but quite naturally)
Another day passed, and he went out drinking with friends. After returning home, he seemed to be a little hyper and tipsy, but I don't think he was drunk. I asked for a picture of him drunk because I thought it'd look funny, and he sent it over in 4min. Then, I mustered up my courage to voice call him to which there was no answer, but after 2min, he called back. The call lasted 38sec because I chickened out. To me, this confirmed that he was a legitimate person, not an AI that I was chatting with, and he most likely would be who he said he was. (But with that being said, it is also possible for him to be using a voice changer or whatever.)
After that night, it had been one week of chatting daily, and his texting was the same as usual, flirty but not overbearing. I had been out partying with the girls for a friend's birthday and I got home at 7am in the morning. I had spent the night watching out for my girls as you know, clubbing can be scary at times – the girlies drunk making out with others and all, the usual. As I was telling him about the crazy that went down that night, he said, "as long as nothing happened to you, that's all that matters, if not I'd be heartbroken" Me: "Why?🤣" Him: "Do you still need to ask why?" Me: "Well, if anything happened, then we just cut off this connection, hahaha, anyway we've only met for a few days" Him: "....." Me: "It's realistic" Him: "Is it?" Me: "Huh?" Him: "Rest well at home" Me: "Are you upset?" Him: "Not so far as to be upset about it" Me: "Well, think about it, we've only met a few days, and it's not as if you know if I have a good personality or a bad personality" Him: "If you put in effort to understand, you can actually discover many details" Me: "Then what kind of person do you think I am?" Him: "A realistic and rational person"
And then... I changed the topic because this conversation was getting a bit too deep for me.
It's the 9th day. My friends were really curious interested in this guy that I was chatting with and they wanted to hear his voice (so did I) to confirm his identity. So, childishly, we plotted for me to 'accidentally' leave my phone charging on my friend's table while I went to the bathroom, they unlocked my phone and called him to ask him who he was, then when I returned I'd snatch my phone back. He picked up, it was a 22sec call before I snatched my phone back and ended the call because I was way too embarrassed. He asked, "What happened?" Me: *explains the plot* Him: "Why's your phone unlocked?" Me: "It's locked but my friends know my PIN" Him: "Hahaha, change it" 🚩 Me: "Sorry for the trouble" Him: "It's fine, text me when you're back" A while later.... Me: "I'm back in my room" (I live in a dormitory) *Him asking how my friends know who to call, me explaining that we're together all the time, they know that we've been chatting* Him: "No privacy at all 🤣 They probably saw our entire conversation" Me: "It's okay, they read Mandarin really slow, don't worry 😂" Him: "Babe, you should learn how to protect yourself" Me: "Then when I'm speaking to you don't I need to protect myself?" Him: "Of course" Me: "Anyway, why do I need to hide anything?" 🚩(Can't tell if it's because he's older? That's why he thinks like that?) Him: "You don't care about your own privacy?" Me: "I do" Him: "I think boundaries between friends are important. I'm not mad, I just feel that if your friends can just take your phone, unlock your pin, and call me, wouldn't you be angry?" Me: "But this friend group is like my family" Him: "Your phone is like the last layer of yourself, you need to learn how to take care of yourself" Me: "Well they're just scared I'll get hurt and cheated" Him: "Cheated what?" Me: "They've seen me at my worst" Him: "Cheat you for sex or money? Rest assured, in this lifetime I'll never borrow money from you 🤣" Me: "We don't know if you're a real person either" Him: "Then am I or am I not?" Me: "Probably?" Him: "Really? The word probably?" *more conversation, blah blah*
Then it ended with him confessing that he likes me.
It's the 10th day. The flirting has been amped up and of course I can feel it, he starts calling me babe more, and talking about how it's normal for couples to hug. Of course, I was like "Oh? We're already a couple?" Him: "Aren't we heading in that direction?" Me: "Well that depends on your performance" Him: "If I turned you into a little rich lady, wouldn't you be happier?" Now, he's pushing about crypto again, and if I tried it once, I'd understand. Then, I confronted him, "Why'd you keep asking me about crypto?" Him: "Didn't you say you were interested?" Me: "Yeah I did, but I don't want to randomly start" Him: "How's that considered randomly starting?" Me: "Well, I don't know you well, and it's not as if we've been longtime friends. Also, there's a lot of scams on Boo, especially crypto scams. We've only been talking for a week, how much can I even trust you?" Him: "The decision is still yours to make, but I won't bring it up again" Me: "If I misunderstood you, I apologise. I can chat with you about crypto if it's your interest but I don't want to start now" Him: "We don't have to chat about crypto, there's no point talking about it" Me: "If you feel that I have no interest in crypto and would like to stop talking to me, that's completely understandable" Him: "There's no link between the two" Me: "I mean, some people feel that when there's no common topic, the conversation won't work. People have different dealbreakers." Me: "Have you eaten?"
GHOSTED. So, naturally, I thought he was now 100% a scammer (although it's only been a day). From what I know, he hasn't been active on Boo, his Follower count dropped but his Love count increased a bit. Honestly, everything he's said checks out, the timing under his name is Sydney timezone, his location checks out. Searched his images on Google and the Chinese search engines, nothing comes up.
I thought he blocked me because I sent him, "So you really blocked me just like that? 🤣" on Boo and Whatsapp and it was only a single tick on Whatsapp, which means he didn't receive the message. But turns out, he didn't block me... I was overthinking it. I was so sure he was a scammer, I reported his Boo account... 🙊 He replied after 5hr, "I've got a fever" and when I asked if he was fine, no reply. I am confused. Is he a scammer? Or am I just overthinking it? Did I piss him off perhaps? 🤣
Thanks for taking the time to read this if you have. Please help a confused girl out 🤣
submitted by LemonwithMilo to Boo [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:22 Fit_Cantaloupe_1691 Poor people shouldn’t have kids

Literally poverty is a form of trauma. I grew up in an environment where 8 people lived in a small studio. If you cannot provide a stable environment for yourself don’t bring other people into that environment. It’s selfish and cruel. I get it everyone case is different and unfortunately with the overturning of roe v wade abortion varies on a state by state basis. But I’m talking about people who decide to have kids knowing that they can’t afford it. It’s trashy. I’ll see people with like 2 young kids at a dollar store but than have these crazy long nails, their hair is freshly done or they got expensive shoes. Meanwhile their kids are wearing shoes either holes in them.
submitted by Fit_Cantaloupe_1691 to confessions [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:21 Iron-Hamlet Oralo ma bike kun gear ma rakhnu thik huncha?

I am very beginner in bike riding. I have just bought tvs raider bike ani although ma normal bike riding garchu malai road experience chaina. Aile ma afnu oripari ko bhitra ko road haru ma bike chalayera afulai confident banauna try garirako chu.
I have few questions jasko answer paye bhane malai practice garna ali sajilo hunthyo hola. I tried searching google but tesma various tips haru cha like clutcheless gear shifting and all which I don't think aile malai chaincha. So i thought of asking here.
  1. Oralo ma bike neutral ma jharnu hudaina vanne kura chai malai thaha cha tara kun gear chai thik huncha oralo lai vanne kura ma ali question cha.
  2. gear shift up or down garda smooth garne kei tips hola?
  3. Clutch ko bitepoint patta launa sakda gear change gareko bela purai clutch press garna naparne kura bujeko thye....tyo bite point kasari tha paune ho?
  4. Gear down garda speed maintain gardai down garne way k hola? plus ma if 5 gear speed ma chu ani malai sudden brakes launu paryo bhane what is the best way to do that?
I know questions dherai cha but honestly bhanna parda mero sikaune manche koi chaina and sathi haru koi afnai life ma busy koi abroad gaisake. I seriously need this help. Thank you in advance.
submitted by Iron-Hamlet to Nepal [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:21 Best765 28/M Hippie looking for more likeminded friends!

Bored out of my heckin mind!
Let's chat about music, your favorite hobbies, or cut the small talk and chat about what really irks you. I want to make lifelong friends that I can game with, travel with, and enjoy life with.
Currently living in the Midwest, but was born in Chile. So I can speak spanish if you prefer. I generally like to chat over voice but I know that's not everyone's cup of tea.
As for about me, I just like to enjoy life to the fullest. I'm a punk and metalhead at heart so i'm always down to banter and talk about all the facets of life.
Pros- Mental health positive (I deal with anxiety, depression, and ADHD), lover of cats, goofball, and can hold my own in a mosh pit.
Cons- Metalhead, loud, spontaneous, impatient, hopeless romantic, dad jokes/ puns, asks too many questions.
Just looking to expand my horizons and meet some wonderful people.
Send me a track you've been listening to lately?
submitted by Best765 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:21 gilleykelsey Weird Voice Mails TX

I don’t exactly know where to start here. Since turning 18 I’ve had many financial struggles and long story short I have a TON (~70-80k after interest added) of school debt, a bit of medical debt (~3000 from an emergency surgery), and some personal loan debt (~2000). No credit card debt because I’ve never had one and don’t plan on having one.
Needless to say, I get a ton of voicemails from debt collectors and scammers pretending to be debt collectors. So it’s really hard for me to weed out the legit debt collectors. I’m always too afraid to call them back and ID myself in case I screw myself over. Especially since I finally just now started making enough money to just pay all of my regular bills on time. Sometimes I do have to pick between eating for the day and gas in my car but it’s becoming a bit less frequent now. I’m so scared all these debt collectors will sue me for the debt I cannot repay yet before I’m officially “back on my feet” and plunge me back deeper into the hole.
These two recent voice mails I received are concerning in a different way. The voice mail said “This is (Name) calling from the law office of Brett Boylan please return this call when you receive this message.” That’s it. Every other debt collector call I’ve ever gotten has been “This is (Name) calling to speak to (My Name). Please return this call etc”.
I looked them up and they are in fact a real law firm that specializes in “Corporate, Municipal, Elder, Environmental, Estate Planning, Plaintiff’s Negligence Litigation, and Real Estate as well as Trust and Estate administration” (taken directly verbatim from their website). So that further confuses me as to why they have my number and are calling me since it seems they don’t do anything involving debt collection. But I’m not a lawyer so I may be mistaken.
Now, I know legally they probably can’t leave a voice mail detailing what the call is for (I wish they would it would relieve my anxiety a lot) but it’s weird that they didn’t even mention my name.
I’m just worried and so lost. If I barely make enough to pay my bills now how will I ever pay them if they garnish my wages? Should I call this law firm back or does it seem like another scam?
submitted by gilleykelsey to AskALawyer [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:21 No_Measurement_7548 Advice for a 21 y/o entering B2B sales

As the title says, I’m a 21 year old freshie entering the B2B sales world next week. I’ve read a lot of books and watched a lot of trainings on both B2C and B2B. I was a high level athlete up until age 20 so I know I have the work ethic and resilience to succeed as much as I want to in this space, but I’m still a lil nervous heading in as you could imagine haha.
For you seasoned sales vets, or even if you are fresh like me, what are some key points of advice you would give to yourself if you were back in your first week of your B2B sales career?
submitted by No_Measurement_7548 to sales [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:20 Emotional-Pea-753 AIO by limiting communication with my parents after they got rid of the stray cat I cared for?

For context, I am an adult who recently had to move back into my parents’ house after I lost my full-time job. My relationship with them is not great. I do work part-time, and I help out around the house while I look for a better-paying job so that I can move back out.
For the past 6 months, I've been caring for a stray cat that showed up near my parents' home. There are many strays in our neighborhood, but this cat hung out in my parents’ yard all the time since he appeared. Despite their dislike for cats, I formed a close bond with this old kitty. He would wait for me every day, including meeting me at my driveway when I’d come home from work. I wasn't allowed to bring him indoors, but I made sure to feed him and spend time with him daily.
After expressing my love for the cat and concern about him ending up in a kill shelter if animal control was called, I was led to believe my parents were okay with him staying in our yard. However, one day, weeks after that discussion, I discovered my mother had called animal control to pick him up, knowing he was an elder cat and would likely end up in a kill shelter.
I asked her why, and without even looking at me, she said it was because “we can’t afford to take care of a cat”. She never spent any money caring for him. I did, and it wasn’t a big deal for me.
I'm deeply hurt by their actions. My friendship with the little guy helped me work through my depression. My father, who seemingly grew to care for the cat, knew it would hurt me, but didn't intervene. Since then, I have kept to myself and haven’t had any desire to speak to them. Despite this, I still help out around the house, including paying some bills.
Am I wrong for limiting communication with them over this? Do you have any (kind) advice I should take? Thanks.
tldr: parents called animal control on an abandoned elder cat that I was caring for for half of a year. Am I overreacting for limiting communication with them?
submitted by Emotional-Pea-753 to AmIOverreacting [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:20 ExtensionMajor2916 Neotonics Reviews: The Truth About Skin & Gut Health

Neotonics Reviews: The Truth About Skin & Gut Health

Neotonics Reviews: Unveiling the Truth About Skin and Gut Health
Navigating the fusion of skin and gut health, Neotonics emerges as a natural supplement tailored to enhance skin health, ensuring a youthful glow by promoting skin cell rejuvenation and minimizing wrinkles, dark spots, and other aging signs. Its unique approach targets gut health as a pivotal factor in skin care, emphasizing the gut’s significant role in managing the skin’s aging process with its all-natural, toxin-free formula. Moreover, the Neotonics reviews highlight its efficiency and safety, backed by a 60-day money-back guarantee that underscores the brand’s confidence in their product.
With Neotonics, consumers delve into a blend of probiotics and advanced formula capsules captured in convenient gummy form, designed to not only support gut health but also contribute to overall well-being. Neotonics customer reviews often point to its ease of use, with the supplement being available in bottles containing 60 gummies exclusively on the Neotonics official website, ensuring a secure buying process. This commitment to quality and consumer satisfaction, combined with its manufacturing in a GMP-certified, FDA-registered facility, positions Neotonics as a standout choice for those seeking to integrate a skin and gut health supplement into their daily regimen.
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What is Neotonics?

Neotonics is a dietary supplement specifically formulated to enhance both skin and gut health. Here’s a breakdown of its key components and functions:
  1. Composition and Form: Neotonics comes in a gummy form, making it easy and pleasant to consume. Each bottle contains 30 gummies, with a recommended dosage of one gummy per day.
  2. Ingredients: The supplement is packed with a blend of natural elements, including Babchi, Inulin, Fenugreek, Lemon Balm, Fennel, Organic Lion’s Mane, and others. These ingredients are chosen for their effectiveness in supporting gut health and enhancing skin condition.
  3. Probiotic and Prebiotic Support: It contains 500 million units of beneficial bacteria along with prebiotics that help in maintaining a healthy gut microbiome. This is crucial, as a healthy gut contributes to improved skin health.
  4. Targeted Benefits: Neotonics aims to reduce fine lines and wrinkles, support healthy skin cell turnover, promote blood flow, and assist in achieving an overall healthy body weight. Additionally, it supports the digestive system and boosts energy levels.
  5. Safety and Manufacturing: Manufactured in an FDA-registered facility, Neotonics adheres to Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP). It is designed with safety in mind, containing no GMOs or toxins, which makes it suitable for regular consumption.
This comprehensive approach to both skin and gut health, encapsulated in a convenient gummy, makes Neotonics a unique supplement in the wellness market.
Click Here To Know Who Developed The Neotonics Formula
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How Neotonics Works

Neotonics operates on a multifaceted approach to enhance both skin and gut health through a series of interconnected mechanisms:
  1. Probiotic and Prebiotic Synergy: The supplement combines probiotics and prebiotics to balance the gut microbiome, which is crucial for overall health.
  2. Skin Health Enhancement: By promoting optimal gut health, Neotonics supports healthy skin from within, which includes promoting collagen formation and enhancing skin elasticity.
  3. Digestive System Support: It aids in balancing beneficial bacteria in the digestive system, which is instrumental in improving gut health.
  4. Comprehensive Health Benefits: Beyond skin and gut health, Neotonics supports digestive health, empowers the immune system, and maintains gut health balance.
  5. Nutrient Absorption: The unique blend of ingredients enhances nutrient absorption by promoting a healthy balance of bacteria in the gut.
  6. Vital Nutrients: Incorporates essential vitamins and minerals that aid in skin cell turnover and collagen production.
  7. Overall Wellness: Additional active components in Neotonics work synergistically to promote overall gut and skin wellness.
  8. Cellular Turnover and Inflammation Reduction: The supplement enhances cellular turnover, reduces inflammation, and rejuvenates skin cells, contributing to a fresher, more radiant complexion.
  9. Energy and Vitality Boost: Neotonics may also enhance vitality and boost energy levels, further improving skin health.
  10. Gut-Skin Connection: Targets the direct impact of gut health on skin health, promoting processes like skin cell turnover to reduce aging signs.
  11. Cell Renewal Process: Improves the effectiveness of cell turnover in the body, a process influenced significantly by the gut and its microbiome.
  12. Barrier Function and Immune Support: Enhances gut barrier function, supports immune health, and balances the gut microbiome.
  13. Hydration and Antioxidant Protection: Supports skin health by promoting hydration, moisture retention, and antioxidant protection.
This comprehensive action plan ensures that Neotonics not only targets skin and gut health individually but also enhances their interdependent functions for overall well-being.
Click Here To Know Who Developed The Neotonics Formula
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Key Ingredients and Their Benefits

Neotonics is enriched with a variety of natural ingredients, each selected for their specific health benefits to both the skin and gut. Here’s a detailed look at some of the key components:
  1. Babchi: Known for stimulating collagen production, Babchi enhances skin elasticity and reduces signs of aging. It also helps in skin rejuvenation and evens out skin tone due to its anti-inflammatory properties.
  2. Inulin & Dandelion: These ingredients act as powerful prebiotics, nourishing the gut microbiome and aiding in digestive health. They also protect the skin from external factors and support overall wellness.
  3. Bacillus Coagulans: This probiotic ingredient modulates the gut microbiome, promoting the growth of beneficial bacteria, which is crucial for both gut health and skin appearance.
  4. Fenugreek: Rich in antioxidants, Fenugreek supports skin health by aiding in tissue repair and collagen production, which improves skin elasticity.
  5. Lemon Balm: Known for its soothing properties, Lemon Balm reduces skin redness and irritation while also fighting acne-causing bacteria and promoting clear skin.
  6. Organic Ceylon Ginger: This ingredient boosts beneficial bacteria in the gut and offers protection against environmental skin damage, thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties.
  7. Slippery Elm Bark: It supports the stomach lining and helps in conditions like eczema and psoriasis by forming a protective barrier on the skin, which locks in moisture.
  8. Organic Lion’s Mane Mushroom: Offers long-term anti-aging effects by stimulating collagen production and improving skin elasticity. It also nourishes the skin with essential vitamins and minerals.
  9. Fennel: Aids in repairing body tissues and calms skin irritation, while also improving skin elasticity and reducing the appearance of fine lines.
Neotonics Key Ingredients and Their Benefits
These ingredients collectively contribute to Neotonics’ ability to improve gut health and enhance skin quality, making it a comprehensive supplement for overall well-being.

The Science Behind Neotonics

The scientific foundation of Neotonics is robust, focusing on the intricate relationship between gut health and skin aging. This supplement is formulated based on extensive research that confirms the pivotal role of the gut microbiome in skin health and overall well-being. Here are the key scientific insights supporting Neotonics:
  1. Probiotic and Prebiotic Synergy: Neotonics contains 500 million units of beneficial bacteria, specifically designed to optimize the gut microbiome. This significant concentration of bacteria is essential for promoting gut health, which in turn supports healthier skin and enhances general vitality.
  2. Targeting the Root Cause: The aging of skin is intricately linked to gut health. Neotonics addresses this connection by targeting the gut microbiome, which plays a crucial role in the turnover of skin cells and the overall aging process.
  3. Scientific Endorsement of Ingredients: The formula includes a blend of nine powerful natural ingredients, each scientifically proven to support gut and skin health. This combination not only helps in treating the skin’s microbiome but also in slowing down the skin’s aging process.
  4. Enhanced Nutrient Absorption and Metabolism: By optimizing the gut microbiome, Neotonics enhances nutrient absorption and improves metabolic functions. This optimization is crucial for maintaining vitality and improving skin health, as confirmed by scientific studies.
  5. Cell Turnover and Gut Health: Research has shown a clear link between the health of the gut microbiome and the rate of cellular turnover. This relationship is fundamental to understanding how Neotonics works to improve skin health by influencing these underlying biological processes.
  6. Inulin’s Role in Gut Health: The effectiveness of Neotonics is further supported by evidence from the National Center for Biotechnology Information, which highlights the benefits of inulin. Inulin is a key ingredient in Neotonics that supports healthy gut bacteria, which is crucial for maintaining skin health.
These points collectively demonstrate the scientific rigor behind Neotonics, emphasizing its potential to significantly impact skin and gut health through its carefully researched and proven ingredients.How to Use Neotonics for Optimal Results
To achieve the best outcomes with Neotonics, adhering to the recommended guidelines is crucial. Below is a concise guide on how to effectively incorporate Neotonics into your daily health regimen:
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Recommended Dosage

  1. Daily Intake: It is advised to consume one to two gummies daily.
  2. Consistency: For optimal results, Neotonics should be taken consistently every day.
  3. Duration: Noticeable improvements in skin texture and overall health may be observed after 3 to 6 months of regular use.

Usage Tips

  • Flexibility in Consumption: Neotonics gummies can be taken at any time of the day, with or without food, offering flexibility to fit into any schedule.
  • Health Consultation: Always consult with a healthcare professional before beginning any new supplement regimen, especially if you have pre-existing health conditions or are on other medications.
  • Monitoring Effects: If you experience any adverse reactions while taking Neotonics, discontinue use immediately and consult medical advice.


  • Bottle Contents: Each bottle of Neotonics contains 30 gummies, sufficient for one month of daily use if following the standard dosage of one gummy per day.
Neotonics Skin & Guts
By following these guidelines, users can maximize the health benefits of Neotonics, effectively enhancing both gut and skin wellness.

How Neotonics Promotes Skin and Gut Health

Neotonics has been formulated to target both skin and gut health, offering a dual approach that enhances overall well-being. Here’s how it works:
  1. Comprehensive Formula: Neotonics employs a holistic formula that not only improves digestive health but also enhances skin appearance and texture.
  2. Digestive Health Benefits: It supports the reduction of symptoms associated with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and helps to reduce constipation and intestinal gas, promoting a healthier digestive system.
  3. Skin Health Promotion: By nourishing the gut microbiome, Neotonics positively impacts skin health, leading to increased radiance, hydration, and elasticity, as reported by users.
  4. Energy and Vitality: Users have noticed improvements in their energy levels and vitality, which contribute to a healthier appearance and enhanced well-being.
  5. Natural Ingredients: The inclusion of all-natural ingredients ensures that the product protects against skin and gut damage while promoting a healthy gut microbiome.
  6. Skin Rejuvenation: Improved gut health directly contributes to skin rejuvenation, helping maintain a flawless and youthful skin appearance.
  7. Overall Health Benefits: Neotonics also aids in improving nutrient absorption, supporting cellular turnover, and contributing to hormonal balance, all of which are beneficial for both gut health and skin quality.
This multifaceted approach ensures that Neotonics not only targets specific health issues but also enhances the interconnected health of the skin and gut, leading to better overall health outcomes.

What Makes Neotonics Stand Out

Neotonics distinguishes itself in the market through several key factors that contribute to its popularity and effectiveness. Here are the notable attributes that make Neotonics stand out:

Unique Formulation and Safety

  1. Natural Ingredients: Neotonics is crafted using only natural ingredients, ensuring it is free from stimulants or major side effects, making it a safe option for daily use.
  2. Certified Manufacturing: The supplement is produced in an FDA-registered facility, adhering to strict Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), which guarantees the high quality and safety of the product.

Affordability and Value

  1. Cost-Effectiveness: Compared to similar products like My Way Up Skin + Gut, Neotonics is more affordable, providing a budget-friendly option without compromising on effectiveness.
  2. Additional Benefits: Unlike YourBiology Gut+, Neotonics offers extra advantages such as stress reduction and focus enhancement, all at a lower price point.

Exclusive Availability and Support

  1. Direct Purchase: To ensure authenticity, Neotonics is available exclusively through the official website, which helps prevent counterfeit products and ensures customers receive a genuine product.
  2. Educational Resources: With every purchase of three or six bottles, Neotonics provides two free e-books, adding educational value and supporting users in their health journey.

Environmental and Health Standards

  1. Eco-Friendly and Safe: The product adheres to environmental and health safety standards by being free from GMOs, harsh chemicals, and banned substances, which appeals to health-conscious consumers.
  2. Allergen-Free: Ensuring wider accessibility, Neotonics is formulated without common allergens and is non-GMO and hormone-free, catering to individuals with specific dietary restrictions.
These features collectively position Neotonics as a standout choice in the crowded market of health supplements, particularly for those prioritizing safety, affordability, and comprehensive health benefits.

How to Integrate Neotonics into Your Daily Routine

Integrating Neotonics into your daily routine can be a seamless and straightforward process. Here are some practical steps to ensure that you make the most out of Neotonics supplements for optimal skin and gut health:

Step-by-Step Integration Guide

  1. Morning Routine: Start your day by taking a Neotonics gummy with your breakfast. This helps in establishing a consistent routine and ensures that you do not forget to take your daily supplement.
  2. Set Reminders: In the initial days, setting reminders on your phone or using a pill organizer can help you remember to take your Neotonics gummy. Consistency is key to achieving the best results.
  3. Incorporate into Dietary Habits: If you have specific dietary routines like a smoothie for breakfast or a mid-morning snack, you can take your Neotonics gummy during these times. The gummies are designed to be easy to consume with or without food. Follow a stick diet like The Mediterranean Diet the best Diet for the past 10years and also The Keto Diet are 2 BEST DIET.
  4. Evening Routine: Alternatively, you can take your Neotonics gummy in the evening with your dinner if mornings are too rushed or if you prefer to space out your supplements throughout the day.
  5. Monitor Your Progress: Keep a health journal to note any changes in your skin and gut health after you start taking Neotonics. This can help you track progress and adjust your intake if needed.
By following these simple steps, integrating Neotonics into your daily routine can become a natural part of your day, supporting your health goals without disrupting your usual habits.

Comparing Neotonics to Other Probiotic Supplements

Neotonics stands out in the competitive market of probiotic supplements through several distinct features that cater to consumer needs and preferences. Here’s a detailed comparison that highlights its unique offerings:
  1. Exclusive Availability: Neotonics is exclusively available through its official website, ensuring that customers receive an authentic product directly from the source. This exclusivity helps maintain quality control and customer satisfaction.
  2. Pricing Strategy: Priced at $69 for a one-month supply, Neotonics is positioned within the premium segment of the market. However, the brand also offers significant discounts on bulk purchases, making it more accessible for long-term users.
  3. Customer Assurance: Offering a 60-day money-back guarantee, Neotonics provides customers with a risk-free opportunity to try their product. This guarantee reflects the company’s confidence in the effectiveness of their supplement and enhances customer trust.
These points illustrate how Neotonics differentiates itself from other probiotic supplements, focusing on quality, customer satisfaction, and accessible pricing.

Free Ebook Bonuses?

Along with every purchase of a set of 3 or 6 bottles of the Neotonics formula, you will get two different bonuses, which will help you enhance the different effects of the supplement.
Here are the complete details of the bonuses provided along with the bottles.
#1 Cellulite Be Gone: How to Banish Cellulite Naturally & Effectively at Home
Justice the name suggests, the ebook contains different tips and tricks that will help you to get rid of cellulite in your body effectively at the condor of your home.
Cellulite Be Gone: How to Banish Cellulite Naturally & Effectively at Home
#2 The Great Haior Reset: How to Grow Thick, Full, and Lustrous Locks
If you are looking for an effective way to ensure the health and proper growth of your hair, then this ebook will help you to get there faster.
The Great Haior Reset: How to Grow Thick, Full, and Lustrous Locks

Neotonics Price And Refund Policy Explained!

The Neotonics price details are as follows; Neotonics Price
According to the Neotonics official website, all the purchases made from the website are covered by a 60-day money-back guarantee. This means that you are free to return the bottles within 60 days of the original purchase and receive a full refund on the amount that you spent on the purchase if it isn’t giving you the needed or claimed results.
Click Here To Buy Neotonics From Its Official Website

Conclusion and Recommendations

Through a comprehensive exploration of Neotonics, it’s evident that this supplement stands as a significant innovation in the pursuit of enhanced skin and gut health. Its unique formulation combines natural ingredients with scientific backing to target the intricate relationship between the gut microbiome and skin health, ensuring a holistic approach to wellness. The plethora of positive reviews and the robust scientific foundation not only underscore Neotonics’ effectiveness but also solidify its position as a must-consider option for those seeking to nurture their skin and gut health simultaneously.
In wrapping up, the multifaceted benefits of Neotonics, from promoting skin cell turnover to enhancing gut health, highlight its role as a key player in the wellness market. Its ease of use, combined with the assurance of safety and quality, make it an attractive choice for individuals looking to integrate a skin and gut health supplement into their daily routine. Encouraging further research or a personal trial could offer invaluable insight into its effectiveness, potentially paving the way for improved well-being and a better quality of life for its users.


Currently, there are no questions listed in the “People Also Ask” section for the topic “Neotonics Reviews: Unveiling the Truth About Skin and Gut Health.” If you have specific questions about Neotonics and their impact on skin and gut health, please feel free to ask, and I’ll do my best to provide you with informative answersNeotonics Reviews: Unveiling the Truth About Skin and Gut Health
Navigating the fusion of skin and gut health, Neotonics emerges as a natural supplement tailored to enhance skin health, ensuring a youthful glow by promoting skin cell rejuvenation and minimizing wrinkles, dark spots, and other aging signs. Its unique approach targets gut health as a pivotal factor in skin care, emphasizing the gut’s significant role in managing the skin’s aging process with its all-natural, toxin-free formula. Moreover, the Neotonics reviews highlight its efficiency and safety, backed by a 60-day money-back guarantee that underscores the brand’s confidence in their product.
With Neotonics, consumers delve into a blend of probiotics and advanced formula capsules captured in convenient gummy form, designed to not only support gut health but also contribute to overall well-being. Neotonics customer reviews often point to its ease of use, with the supplement being available in bottles containing 60 gummies exclusively on the Neotonics official website, ensuring a secure buying process. This commitment to quality and consumer satisfaction, combined with its manufacturing in a GMP-certified, FDA-registered facility, positions Neotonics as a standout choice for those seeking to integrate a skin and gut health supplement into their daily regimen.
submitted by ExtensionMajor2916 to u/ExtensionMajor2916 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:20 patron_goddess Done done and on to the next one

The final straw happened today.
I asked him about the song, told him I know he posted it for a reason. He ofc denied it. I know it is emotional manipulation. He can deny all he wants, I know him too well.
Messages back and forth, devolving pretty quickly from him being sad and lost and being upset at the situation to how it is my fault, my behavior Yada Yada Yada. Kept my words non confrontational and honest. Reminded him again he is splitting and he was the aggressor. Made sure to clearly explain our experiences are different. Ofc no accountability on his end.
Threw out some details that need to be dealt with. Was then called a narcissist for wanting my things and money. Probably didn't help that I step by factual step reminded him exactly what my experience was.
He then proceeded to claim he told his therapist everything and that she essentially said it was okay because he was reacting and felt threatened.
I had to repeat that back: You're telling me you told your counselor you physically threatened me and that she said that was okay. That is highly unlikely
His reply: Yep because i didnt actually do anything but react to your outburst of which youve done repeatedly. and i felt theatened as i was driving. and i did not actually follow through
This certainly does not sound correct to me dear sounds like a distorted version or an outright lie.....
He did say once over the past few weeks that nothing can be changed because I told my therapist...he didnt finish the thought..I do wonder what was actually said, although it is none of my business. I do not care I was there and I know what happened. And he doesn't even have the time line right in his version. I am tempted to finally email her with this. I have it in writing now that he is manipulating the narrative. I might. Im gonna talk to my therapist first.
Anyhoooo, after expressing my experience and asking for my property and money, I ofc got called a narcissist full of shit gross ugly whatever. The whole time as I was stating all I want is respect and decency while he is still in the house and we will just avoid each other.
Then, after all the vitriol and venom, a half passed apology and thanking me for everything I've done. 🙄
He was gone when I came home, no clue where and I do not care. I will move his shit to the garage when I have the energy.
And the only thing he did was remove his own pictures from the walls.......if that doesn't scream narcissist I do not know what does.....
I am completely and utterly done. Via con Dios you poor thing. If you can't make it with me, I'm pretty sure you don't have much of a chance. Everything you do is gonna fail, and it will be by your own hand as always. You've forgotten what the world is like without me, you're only mirroring me after all. But you never really absorbed the lessons, just distorted them for your own needs. The universe will sort it out. This I know for a fact. It always does.
And that dear reader, is the end. YE who enter here abandon all hope. save yourself some time and energy, if you're questioning whether it will work out or if you should ever expect things to change, that's a no from me dog. It will always be something and it will always be your fault.
submitted by patron_goddess to BPDlovedones [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:20 miles0628 I weirded her out and I'm worried I ruined the friendship

TLDR, I told her I looked her up on Instagram because I wanted to be her friend and she thought her account was recommended instead and it weirded her out because I kinda stalked her. I went on a school trip in December with people I knew but not very well and once i started talking to them, they were all really awesome and funny but one person in particular I thought was really cool and funny and she was actually someone who was in one of my classes who I never talked to before because she was on the other side of the room and I only talked to my one friend in the class so I didn't pay much attention to anyone else but anyway later on in the trip I asked my roommate for the day what her name was( because I was embarrassed to ask her directly) and a few hours later, she and the rest of the group went to my room and hung out for a few hours and it was great, I tried to talk to her as much as I could, which wasn't that much but it was nice talking to her and when we got back from the trip all I could think about is how happy i was on that trip and how nice it was talking to that girl. When I got to the class 2 days later, I really wanted to start a conversation but I just couldn't get the courage during the entire week so towards the end of the week I looked her name on Instagram and found her account but I didn't know if It would be a good idea to start a conversation on there so I waited a bit to see If I would get the courage to talk to her in person, I didn't so I decided to try to talk to her on Instagram and it went very well and we talked pretty often on there and when the classes changed we had a new class together and she joined my group in the class so we have been talking in person for the last 5 months, about 3 weeks ago instead of our group of 4 it was just me and her and while we cooking, we having a conversation and she asked something why I started talking to her and I mentioned that I looked her up on Instagram and she was surprised because she thought her account got recommend to me and then I started talking to her because I recognized her, she unfriended me on psn the next day( a day after she friended me on there) and I was confused, she also hadn't responded in a month to my messages and she had been acting kinda quieter so a few days ago I asked her If she was going through problems or something recently and she told me I kinda stalked her and it weirded her out, I apologized, telling her I wasn't trying to stalk her and I was just trying to be her friend, she responded with it still weirded me out, I said I know and I am truly sorry, she didn't respond or look at it to that for 2 days which isn't a long time for her but it felt like it was on purpose, yesterday I asked her if we can still be friends and I said I am genuinely sorry about making her feel weird and uncomfortable but I also said that I feel like we were good friends and I didn't want 1 stupid thing I did ruin our friendship. Is there anything I can do at this point? Because she really is a good friend of mine and I don't want to lose her, if you could help, that would really great
submitted by miles0628 to FriendshipAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:20 Fit_Wrangler7484 Can someone be prosecuted with ex threatening to leaking nudes and doxxing

**He’s from Canada (M29), I’m from Asia (F24)
My queries are:
  1. Is it possible for the person to he persecuted even when I live so far away?
  2. Do you personally know someone who got fined or jailed for doing such actions?
A little summary, I broke it off because I got fed up, but he couldn't accept it. He has been trying to win me back but kept rejecting so guess that's why he's mad (Also, because I have been ignoring him). Before he threatened me about leaking my nudes, we were bickering about something and he asked me to block him and that if I don't, he'd do something. And so I did block him, then unblocked out of fear. He has been trying to add me on snap multiple times after I removed him. I ignored him for days. I forgot to block his number and he texted me and threatened to send it to someone else and that person is going to do the leaking (Mind you, this person that he's going to send it to is known to keep people's nudes and spread them). He threatened to spread it like wildfire.
I gave in and added him back to try to talk him out of it. It seems that he's firm on wanting to do it and he kept saying he wouldn't change his mind. My mistake maybe is that I said I was scared he’d really do it — showing weakness.
l am not sure if it's already out or not.
I have contacted my cousin who is a lawyer and she helped me report the case ( She has already sent in the report with the receipts of the threats, including info about him.
Also, is there anything else I can add or do? I have been very anxious about this whole situation and any insight or answers would be of help. This all happened yesterday and today.
Thank you so much!
submitted by Fit_Wrangler7484 to TwoXChromosomes [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:20 MushroomlyHag Advice on doing something like this with buttercream?

Advice on doing something like this with buttercream?
Tl;dr toward the bottom.
picture that I drew over is (obviously) not my cake, just a picture I took from the internet to draw over. Just noting that, incase rules 2 and 3 apply to my post.
Hello lovely folks of reddit! My baby brothers 18th birthday is coming up, and he is mad about Dragon Ball, so I wanted to make him a Dragon Ball themed cake. Problem is my brother hates fondant and it's the only thing I can work with well-ish. How would you lovely folks achieve this with buttercream? Any tips, tricks, or advice would be deeply appreciated!
I'm a decent baker, if I had to rank my cake baking skills, I'd give myself a 8.5/10. My cake decorating skills however, not so much unless I'm using fondant... I'd give myself a 3.5-4/10 for decorating with buttercream - if my hands are working well that day.
I want to try a "Shenron" cake, nothing too out there (I hope!). I've attached a terrible picture showing a rough idea of what I want to achieve, but I have no clue how to pull off certain parts using buttercream; especially because I can't get buttercream to look very pretty once it's on a cake...
I have a few questions. Firstly, how do I ensure a smooth/even/straight line where the green and creamy colour meet on the walls of the cake without them mixing together too much?
Second, how would I get the buttercream to look like scales? Is there a certain tip I can get for a piping bag that might resemble scales if used to dot the icing on? Is there a certain technique I can use to make the icing look more scale like? Would doing small blobs with a piping bag and squishing them flat with a spoon work? Do I just draw them on badly with writing icing like my example picture? Anything at all that I can achieve at a novice/beginner level?
Third, does anyone have any advice for how to draw a straight line with those tubes of writing icing? I'd prefer the black lines on the dragons belly to not look like they were drawn by Mr Squiggle if I can help it! Even suggestions for anything I could use that isn't those tiny tubes of writing icing that would do the same job, but be easier to hold would be helpful (tiny piping bag tip? Do those exist?). Advice on how to draw/write on a vertical surface would also be appreciated.
And lastly, for the white symbol on top, do I just bite the bullet and use fondant and just remove it when serving? Or is there a sneaky trick I can use to get a nice-ish circle of buttercream in the middle of the cake?
I have a little bit of time to practice (and practising means eating cake so I'm more than willing), his birthday isn't for a few months yet. So please bestow upon me all your tips, tricks, and advice for working with buttercream!
TL;DR: Need advice for a novice/beginner decorator to pull of anything resembling the badly scribbled picture below. I have a set of crystal Dragon Balls to put on the top of the cake around the white logo as well.
P.s. please be nice, it's taken me weeks to build up the courage to post this. And if I'm reaching for the stars while lost in a cave (aka never going to achieve this) please let me know. I don't want to waste two months trying to achieve something beyond my skill range only to fail after wasting a small fortune 😅
submitted by MushroomlyHag to cakedecorating [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:20 Iwantsomeza Hey, BBQ Guy Here! Question For Y’All

I’m thinking about doing a few pop-ups over the summer. Anyone interested? And if so, what 3 menu items would you like to see? I know I’m doing brisket, but I think one other meat and a side would be good. Lemme know what you think.
In the meantime, if anyone wants some bbq brisket sandos, I’m doing my first/test pop-up in a couple weeks on the 25th.
submitted by Iwantsomeza to Bushwick [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:20 Educational_Kick_136 I’m so lost and depressed

I’m 25, I have three degrees, but I can’t find a suitable job. Please help me?
Hello everybody. I’m making this post because I’ve been feeling pretty lost these past few months. I would like some guidance or recommendations as to what I should possibly do career wise given my current situation.
I’ll start if by stating that when I was younger I wanted to be a lawyer as I had a lot of passion for the field and I was an amazing debater. However, due to family pressure (that still continues to this day), I was put off the field and told that “I would never be able to get a job apart from being a secretary”. To add to this, I was pressured to become a doctor and study medicine (something that I did not want to do). The resulting predicament was that I lost my identity because where once I was excellent at English and languages and public speaking, I was pushed into the sciences. I did well in biology and chemistry but it wasn’t my passion.
Then, I attended university where the plan was to go into medicine. I had no idea what I was doing so when a family member recommended me to major in Microbiology, i gladly obliged. I HATED by time studying the degree and greatly dreaded labs. I would have panic attack after panic attack and I hated lab work.
Then came graduation and I thought “you know what I hate working in a lab let me figure out something else to do”. Because of my background in microbiology, I had taken some public health papers and the field kind of interested me but I wasn’t so familiar about it. I went to grad school and majored in public health. I graduated and worked for 6 months for my local district health board. However, I was not in the best place mentally and ended up at the doctors and I had to resign from my position. I had severe mental health issues.
Then, I decided to say screw it and I went back to university and worked part time to support myself. I studied for a year towards and English literature post graduate degree and I graduated with honors. When I graduated I couldn’t find a job so I’ve been in sales for the last 9 months.
I hate my job and I want to change careers. I want to have a good job. But I don’t know who I am and what I should do. I thought maybe teaching but hearing people’s short or stories has scared me. I have a passion to explain and help people understand processes. I can teach subjects like English, history, biology, and chemistry. I was thinking perhaps combining education with my passion for reducing inequities (I learnt a lot of the process used to reduce inequities in public health) in vulnerable populations. But I don’t know. I’m feeling very depressed and would like some further information. Do you think educational policy would be for me?
Can somebody kindly suggest what the heck I should do so I don’t feel like a burden and failure?
submitted by Educational_Kick_136 to findapath [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:19 URAQTPI69 Looking for advice or success stories in pretty severe case

Hi there. Yesterday morning, my elderly dog got up like normal, helped me get the kids ready for school, had her breakfast, and laid down for her after waking up nap, as one does.
Later I went downstairs to wake her and take her out to do her thing. Usually I need to clap loudly or snap to get her attention, as she doesn't hear very well anymore. She got up with her normal grunts, and made it about half-way to the door (about 8-10 feet), and then collapsed.
She has fallen before, as she has pretty bad arthritis in the hips, and is on a daily dosage of carprofen. However, this wasn't a slip, she just dropped like a rock.
I go to try and help her up, but she will barely use her legs and won't stay up without help. I called my vet, and I had an appointment set to show up within the hour.
During this time, she was alert and didn't seem to be in any pain I could tell that was obvious. It's not obvious with her anyways, but she wasn't even panting heavy. Took treats fine, wanted pets, but just couldn't walk.
I have a younger dog who wanted to play while she was resting and waiting, and he started barking, which got her barking and she attempted to run to us. She got up, and fell immediately. Before I could rush to her, she got up again, and wobbled her way to us about 10 feet away and collapsed again. This was the last time I saw her walk on her own.
When We get to the vet, he does a couple physical tests, and tell us it's most likely a ruptured / herniated disc, probably related to IVDD. He said we would need to go to the animal hospital / specialty services to further diagnose her. So, we take her there, and they see her for 5 or so minutes and came to the same conclusion, stating her nonamulatory tetraparesis could be disc related, but couldn't rule out neoplasia, or even a vascular episode. She said it was PROBABLY herniated disc related, but wouldn't know unless we did an MRI, and said the disc issue would be best case. If it was cancer, there isn't much they could do for her age.
They aren't willing to do an MRI unless we agree to surgery, as they would just perform it while she was still under from the MRI, and even still, the MRI by itself is about $4,000....the surgery in total is $8,000-$9,000.
We were told since it's affecting all four legs, and because of her age and her bad case of arthritis in her hips, even if the surgery went well, recovery would be very, very hard on her.
As of now, she is essentially paralyzed neck down, but seems to have feeling in her feet. She is on a regimen of gabapentin and presitone, but I am really low on hope.
I don't know if paying almost 10k for my pup to suffer for the rest of her days is a route to go, if the surgery is indeed not a good option? I honestly don't know what to do. I'm going to keep up with her regimen of pills, but I don't know what any timeframe of any possible recovery looks like? The vets I spoke to said if there isn't any improvements in a week, maybe two, it probably won't get any better, but have been reading stories on here it can take 6-8 weeks before there was any improvement?
Thank you in advance
submitted by URAQTPI69 to IVDD_SupportGroup [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:19 RevealDesperate341 Please Help Scared I Might Be Pregnant !!!!!

Okay so some background info: I broke up with my boyfriend of 1 year a month ago in April. March 30th was the last time i saw him and we had unprotected sex that day where I also took a plan b the same day. Exactly a week after on April 6th i started spot bleeding but it was a little heavier than I thought. I had to wear a panty liner and bled through those and used a real pad like the last 2 or so days. The spot bleeding went on for about 3-5 days I would guess. I thought on my period app i was supposed to get my period April 20th so I just thought I’d wait until then. I never ended up getting my period in April. I started thinking that maybe the spot bleeding on April 6th was actually my period forced to come early. So after I missed my period April 20th I took 3 pregnancy tests within the next 3 weeks which was over 21 days after I took the pill and had unprotected sex. Each of those tests a week apart were negative. I thought I was fine and am still currently waiting to get my period for May.
Flash forward to last night, I ended up having unprotected sex multiple times with an ex I used to date and not the same guy I had just broken up with. When I was on top of him having sex he came pretty quick but I didn’t notice. He pulled me up I think so he wouldn’t cum inside of me but I sat back down and had his cum on the outside of my vagina and the outskirts near my leg. I was obviously freaked out because of sitting in the semen but he said he pulled out so it didn’t go all the way in and just on the outside because I sat down. Anyways after the sex I wiped the cum off of me and he fingered me too which I don’t know if that was risky either since I already wiped it off. I ended up taking another plan b today since my last one in march. I still haven’t got my period yet for May or at all since the first plan b I took and now I am scared it’s going to screw my period up even more from taking a second pill today. I am not on birth control either and I trust both men to pull out which is why I choose to have unprotected sex. But that is not relevant to the question - do you think after having 3 negative pregnancy tests from my most recent boyfriend in April could mean I’m pregnant? and also, do you think from what happened last night and sitting in the semen even after taking plan b could give me a high risk of pregnancy? If anyone can give any insight or advice to when I should test again/explore options please let me know!!!!
submitted by RevealDesperate341 to PlanBs [link] [comments]