
Saiman Says Subreddit

2018.11.25 10:38 Saimandar Saiman Says Subreddit

Welcome to SaimanSays. Saiman Says will steal memes from here.

2019.01.06 23:45 dankrishu dankrishu

This community is based to submit memes and shizz related to Rishu

2023.05.19 02:18 Knight_Of_Blazeland ChudArt

Welcome to ChudArt a community to share your Chuds.

2024.06.07 20:11 False-Mycologist-366 Need cheap gym suggestions near Sector 49 , that allow affordable monthly charges.

Kya hi body text, stipend chuda hua h, lekin gym bhi karna h. Yahan sb 3-6 month k package wale hain. Naukri ke kbhi bhi laude lg skte hain isliye monthly payment wala koi cheap sa ho to btao homies
submitted by False-Mycologist-366 to gurgaon [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 10:25 aadityavsingh999 Aise logon ka kya karna h?

Aise logon ka kya karna h?
Chal ab account delete karke bhaag ja.
submitted by aadityavsingh999 to MEDICOreTARDS [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 15:43 ChudaHuaCult MY POST WAS AWAITING FOR APPROVAL...and approve kiya bhi nahi, still got banned

MY POST WAS AWAITING FOR APPROVAL...and approve kiya bhi nahi, still got banned submitted by ChudaHuaCult to u/ChudaHuaCult [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 03:42 AnybodyWorth6882 How you all survive your first Break?

Mine 2y 5m Break reason usko bache chahiye mereko nahi 🥰😡 voh bola mujhe se tu toh abuser hai toxic hai victim play karti see listen i know tum log ko lag raha hoga yahi galat hogi ps meri family relations itne achhe nahi hai IRL chuda hua hai mental health degraded hai much more so maine yeh ke baare mein usko pahle hi bataya tha pahle I wasn't comfortable with him so I used to hide my emotions but after 1 year I grew comfortable with him and started telling him about my family issues he was good guy but console nahi kar pata tha achhe se so gussa aa jaata mereko but main apologise karti thi bahut baar main try kar rahi thi uske liye apne aap ko change karne ke liye once I asked him to mereko chhorega nahi na? If chhorega toh kaun se reason pe He said cheating and I was relied kyunki cheating kya uske alawa mera koi dost nahi tha but here I am 12 din ho gaye hai he moved on working on his music thing and i guess he have situationship too now and i cry like shit every night and in morning after he gone i realised how weak I am my whole life revolved around him i loved him so much that I was ready to beg ki main kar lungi bache bache 100 % change ho jaungi but something in me stopped me I really thought he's the one for me I loved him so much i told him about everything how as kid i felt neglected by everyone i was lone seen bachpan i cried like shit in these 12 even lost 7 because of stress not kidding I am trying to move on but why I can't Btw lrd tha
submitted by AnybodyWorth6882 to TeenIndia [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 08:07 Affectionate_Half835 Kon madarchod apni maa chuda rha report karke agar nhi dekhni videos to leave kr de bhosdiwale

submitted by Affectionate_Half835 to lewd_india_mission [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 21:07 Low_Ostrich2184 Su slovaci posadnuti stihlou postavou?

Odkedy som prisiel na SK reddit tak mi to stale vrta hlavou. Podla komentarov atd je idelana zenska postava asi nejaka takato?
akoze nehovorim ze je skareda alebo co ale nijako zvlast ma to nepritahuje, vyzera velmi decky a proste moc chuda, ziadne prsia atd.
na druhu stranu tatoje sice az moc tlsta na moj vkus ale ak by som si mal vybrat medzi tymi dvoma tak urcite nemusim dlho rozmyslat a beriem tuto:
Ked som prisiel do Nemecka tak ma dost prekvapilo ze tu su zeny v priemere odhadom tak o 10kg tazsie ale absolutne to nema vplyv na ich sebavedomie a chlapi to tiez tak neberu a v pohode sa davaju dokopy aj s vyssimi vahovyi kategoriami.
ako to mate vy?
casto sa tu spomina zdravie tak to napisem sem, predtym ako budem reagovat na to iste. Ludi as vyssim BMI 25-30 sa dozivaju dlhsie ako ludia s normalnym BMI a takisto su spokojnejsi so zivotom:
People with an ‘overweight’ body mass index (BMI) have a slightly lower rate of death than people with a supposedly ideal BMI, suggesting that the threshold at which higher weight might be a health risk is not accurate.
Researchers tracked the survival of an ethnically diverse group of around 500,000 US adults for up to 20 years and found that having a BMI between 25 and 29.9 — classified as ‘overweight’ — is associated with an 5–7% lower risk of death within the study period than having one in the ‘healthy’ range.
Inak priznavam ze to druhe foto bolo vybrane trochu nestastne, problem ale je ze je fakt problem najst nejake foto zeny s BMI do 30. Vecsinou najde clovek stihle alebo vychudnute. BMI tych 30 sa ale casto najde v porne, problem je ze som chcel nejaky bezny typ postavy.
submitted by Low_Ostrich2184 to Slovakia [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 19:17 hubapicarit Rant: Tinder skusenost aneb randenie po 35ke?

note: Dopredu sa neospravedlnujem za nic, co tu napisem, ak to niekoho urazi a naserie, stlacte krizik a citajte druhy post
Takze moja skusenost s online randenim.. nedavno - bol nejaky ten piatok, co som si nevrzol. Vseci to pozname, uz je to par mesiacov, nikde nikto, prechadzas sa po Avione a uz aj ta ceckata stara predavacka vyzera byt pekna marha, ze by si ju pretiahol. Dobre.. kusnem si do ruky.. Co budem stare obletovat, este som relativne mlady.
Faza 1
Zalozim ten tinder po 9 rokoch.. chce to po mne milion ko*otin, faceid, scan, obciansky, pocet zubov, umrtny list starych rodicov. Fajn, vyberam fotky, tak pozeram fotky z dovoleniek, na jednej mam brucho jak budha, na druhej mam picovinku na hlave (rozumej siltofku s dvoma plechovkami piva), na tretej mi tam preletela cajka.. super. Cosi som tam povyberal, ale dopredu informujem, ze nie som ziadny model, ale dajme tomu, ze sa zeny nepogrcaju zrovna.
Parada.. idem swajpovat, male cecky, dolava, moc velke cecky, dolava, dalsia mala oci na brade a celo vyssie ako mrakodrapy na Manhattane.. zrazu mi to zacalo davat mega pekne, len uz som videl tie AI vygenerovane fotky so 6 prstami, kurva to boli boti.
Samozrejme som mal 10 lajkov, a nevidim ani picu. Tak co spravim? Jasne, sak kupim si tinder plus gold omega. Este aj casovu zlavu som tam mal len pre mna - samozrejme, zaplatim.. a vidim tie lajky, 7 botov, jedna tucna mamicka 45 rocna a dalsia transka. Wow super..
No tak konecne po tyzdni som si zacal pisat asi s troma. Vytiahnem von jednu, ta na fotkach pekna, saty, krasnu tvar.. stretavame sa v kaviarni a ide si tam sadnut nejaka zena z ulice, pozeram, ze prepacte, tu je obsadene.. a potom mi zajebe: MATO, VED TO SOM JA! .. no spadol som zo stolicky, lebo to prisla stara pani zo samosky, ktora mi vcera nakladala sunku a 6 rohlikov.. radsej by som sa potesil, keby ta z Avionu stara prisla, aspon na cecky by som pozeral. No otras, tak som sa nejako po 20 minutach vytratil na hajzel, na bare som nechal dvacku a zacal som utekat smerom k autu.
Fajn, nadych, vydych,.. stretavam sa s druhou, to by muselo byt kurva nestastie natrafit na dalsiu dojebanu. Stretavame sa na Hviezdoslavku, meska 5 minut, 10 minut.. idem si kupit zmrzlinu, jak to lizem, teplo jak v Dubaji, tecie zo mna, tecie zo zmrzliny, no neojebem si celu koselu a vyzeram jak chuj. Prisla, ja cely olepeny, ani ruku som jej nepodal. Celkom v pohode zena, ale zaprve si myslela, ze som ko*ot, kedze neviem ani zmrzlinu zjest bez toho, aby som sa neobryndal, ale po hodine na kave a stazovania sa mi na byvaleho, co robil a ake mal zlozvyky, tak uz aj mne ten ko*ot zacal chybat.. Asi zrovna vypytam cislo na neho, nech mi povie, preco sa realne rozisli a aka je, lebo zistovat to dalsie 4 mesiace a potom zistim, ze to je na hovno - to sa mi zrovna nechce. No nic z toho nebolo, uz sa neozvala, takze chvala bohu.
Tretia baba, pekne fotky, chuda, vysportovane telo, sice vyzerala nejako mlado, ale pekna. Stretavame sa v Urban house. Hadajte co.. prisla velka, tucna osoba, ktora nemala snad menej ako 100 kilo, ale tvar celkom korespondovala, az na to, ze tam boli 4 brady navyse. Kedze som taky gentleman jak kk*, tak som nechcel hovorit o slonovi v miestnosti.. tak sa spytam, ze tie fotky vyzerali inak na tom tinderi. Odpoved bola, ze: Jaaaj, ved to som ja este na strednej! No dpc, dalsi fail.
Faza 2
Jebem na to odinstaloval som cely tinder. Kukam tie videa ako alfasamci oslovuju zeny, dojde, vypyta cislo, ona potesena, potom pride za nou a povie jej, ze to bolo len kvoli videu. Mega, ved to je easy. Dojdem do Avionu, kukam na predavacku. Mlada, cca 25, celkom ujde, leginky, usmev, vlasy huste.. tak co mozem stratit. No kurva, dojdem, poviem jej tu lichotku, ze: "Cauko, Pacia sa mi tvoje vlasy, si mi sympaticka. Skocime niekedy na kavu?" A dostal som odpoved, ktora mi odjebala dekel: "A my si odkedy tykame?" a z mileho usmevu zrazu bitchy pohlad. No kurva hovorim si, ze tak tu skap za pokladnou dalsich 20 rokov tu budes nalepky davat za klubove bodiky.
Cely znechuteny idem domov, no jebem na to. V tom jak odchadzam uz vidim pri mojom aute vypisovat zenu papierik. Pozeram, mlada, pekna, vystresovana, tak reku budem chlap, poistovna zaplati skodu, stane sa.
Tak som ju obisiel a velmi slusne zacnem, ze to je moje auto a dohodneme sa.. Trochu to skrtla, nic velke, staru ko*otinu mam 11 rocnu, takze do showroomu by to znovu predsa len neslo. Vyplnujeme papiere spolu, mam jej cislo, tak reku.. bude aspon pekna historka, ked budem hovorit mojim detom, ako som spoznal vasu mamku. Tak sa spytam, ze ci teda by sme nesli este prebrat tuto skodovu udalost pri pohariku vina. Suhlasila, no super, konecne rande.. sice mi rozjebe moje auto raz, ale nevadi, pekna, jemna.. naucim ju.
Ideme jedno rande, skvele, vsetko na mieste, moze byt.. druhe rande, tretie rande uz konecne u mna. Sex bol super, cely vecer v posteli.. zrazu jej vola cislo a ozve sa: "Ahoj Milacik, o hodinku som doma" No skoro ma jeblo.. zrazu sa mi zdoverila, ze ma manzela a 2 deti, ale ze dakuje, lebo takto dobre sa necitila uz zopar rokov.
Zrazu neviem ci sa mam potesit, alebo byt nasraty. No proste cista hruza cele toto randenie. Neviem ake mate vy skusenosti s tinderom a randenim, ale asi som stary kkt na toto vsetko. Neviem ci ostanem do konca zivota sam a budem len do bordelov a na masaze chodit, alebo sa mi raz podari najst normalnu zenu se vsim vsudy.
submitted by hubapicarit to Slovakia [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 13:35 infi33 Czy warto zaniżać standardy?

Jestem w trudnej sytuacji, mam trzydzieści dwa lata. Do tej pory byłem w dwóch związkach, ostatni trwający sześć lat rozpadł się dwa lata temu.
Mam własne mieszkanie, auto, dobrze płatną pracę zdalną. Niestety jestem łysy i mam tylko 175 cm wzrostu.
Od dwóch lat nie jestem w stanie znaleźć kobiety, tinder jak i wyjścia do klubów totalnie nie oddają. Stąd moje pytanie czy warto zaniżać standardy. Do tej pory kierowałem się zasadą byle jaka, aby tylko chuda. Czy jest tu ktoś kto był w podobnej sytuacji i mimo tego, że nie pociągają go grube kobiety to jest szczęśliwy?
submitted by infi33 to Polska [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 15:06 DryCarob8493 MERA BRAIN BLAST HONE WALA HAI!!!!

I'm totally confused, please explain, that how can chlamydomonas (which is a green algae) be in kingdom Protista ? When I read NCERT, i find that Algae is a Division in Kingdom Plantae, so technically, Algae should be in be Kingdom plantae. right ? then why is it saying in 5-Kingdom classification that chlamydomonas was changed from Plantae to Protista.... and bhenchodd agar change ho gaya hai to fir NCERT kyu maa chuda rahi hai fir ?
Biological Classification & Plantae Kingdom dono contradict kyu kar rhe ek dusre ko??
sorry bhai, mai CHUTIYA hu
abse introduction v acche se padhunga😭
submitted by DryCarob8493 to MEDICOreTARDS [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 03:48 Silly-Purple7747 bhailog madad krdo 25tard

theek chalri h padhai lekin dikkat bohot h bc, organic 12th wali kuch khaas samajh nhi aari, rxn mechanism aur grignard ho chuka hai, 50-60% qns ho jaare hai. inorganic acche se yaad nahi hori, physical sahi h. class 11th ka koi backlog nhi h woh acche se kiya h, lekin maths chuda hua h 11th ka, calculus me bhi aod mod aur lcd hi samajh aaya h, integration shuru nhi hua
submitted by Silly-Purple7747 to JEENEETards [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 22:16 MaeBorrowski Two seriously dumb question that are bugging me

  1. Can I do Btech CSE directly after giving my 12th boards
  2. ISC aur CBSE mein selection kaise krte hain? School jaisa hi hain kya jisme college ka hi specific board hota hain. For example, what boards are saying Thakur and Panbai?
Abhi abhi 10th khatam Kiya Hain aur competitive waise tho avoid Krna hain, gand nhi chuda na par saala confusion hain.
submitted by MaeBorrowski to ICSE [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 17:33 Holiday_Work372 Bardzo niska tolerancja na nikotynę - miał ktoś tak?

Zauważyłam od dłuższego czasu, że moja tolerancja na nikotynę jest o wiele niższa niż u moich rówieśników. Kobieta lat 23, 55-57 kg przy 165 cm wzrostu, więc nie jestem skrajnie chuda. Jednakże, bardzo szybko osiągam stan tego "haju" po nikotynie - po wypaleniu trochę epapierosa lub po trzymaniu jednego snusa przez nawet mniej niż 10 minut. Często też doświadczam zatrucia nikotyną do tego stopnia, że wymiotuję i drgają mi mięśnie. Co ciekawe, nie jestem też fizycznie uzależniona i nie potrafię się nawet fizycznie uzależnić - odstawiłam palenie na 5 dni po jednym z zatruć, co pokazało mi, że moje palenie ma bardziej formę nawyku, a fizycznie nie czułam objawów odstawienia, już po 2 dniach nawet nie pamiętałam, że mam gdzieś tam swojego vuse
Miał ktoś może coś podobnego? Jestem też zdrowa, regularnie się badam. To jest dla mnie aż niepokojące momentami, zastanawiam się z czego wynika tak skrajnie wręcz niska tolerancja na nikotynę
submitted by Holiday_Work372 to Polska [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 06:52 Got_that_dawg_69 Pizza on 1st class AC Pune-Goa train

I am a cheese burst pizza, which was bought by a lone travelling lad on Pune-Goa. He was just trying to have a quiet time, but the kids were annoying and they demanded him for a slice of me. I noticed the guy, his eyes looked like they were done with the kid and with chaos in his eyes, he slightly smirked and said "Maa chuda na behen ke laude". The kids non-water sharing, judgy parents with no control over their kids were shocked, infuriated. How could a grown man talk so badly with their lovely bubbly kids? They went searching for TTE while the guy continued eating.
To describe it in Gen Z terms, it was a 8008135 Skibdi Ohio Goziamasu Ryan Gosling Sigma moment.
submitted by Got_that_dawg_69 to onexindia [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 03:20 Andhainsaan Wait!! What!!

Wait!! What!! submitted by Andhainsaan to DHHMemes [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 14:53 AviSharma5016 Title ke lag gye

Maa chudae reddit mai jara reddit delete karke itna chutiya bhi nahi hun mai ki bc 135 laya hun bc mock me 250 tak le aa rha tha mai bitsat ne gand mardi bc ab sala kuch karke hi reddit download karunga bc Bye
submitted by AviSharma5016 to Bitsatards [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 19:44 Gustavofring45 Help chaiye I am literally fucked up

i gave my bitsat 23s2 got 80 not prepared bahut distraction ho rhe the mocks mai tuo shi score bne the literally fucked syllabus hogya hai mera paper time blank literally negative hue kaafi syllabus hogya hai bus maths cooked hai joki two june tak hojayegi bitsat ke memory lagaya tha somebody pls tell jee ke question try kru kya karu really depressed not wanted to take a drop bht cooked hai chuda hua hai sb pls help krdo padha tha fir bhi pata nahi kya hogya chem and engliish lr help. bht depression ho rha hai kya krunga aisa lg rha saaari dream shatter.. nahi hua tuo drop lena padega worth pata nahi hai ki nahi
submitted by Gustavofring45 to BITSAT [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 13:15 ObedientOFAllah001 Modern-Day Region of Pakistan in 875

Modern-Day Region of Pakistan in 875 submitted by ObedientOFAllah001 to MapPorn [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 16:48 donulduducku Damn troublesome children

I was going from goa to pune on train 1st Ac.. it is my first time traveling alone and that too one of the few times i have journeyed on train. The cabin was nice and quiet untill a family of 3 arrived probably had more members in some other cabin, the lady kept bothering me by asking me questions like akele kyu jaa rahe ho, tum jaise launde goa aake batameze karte hai and stuff.. i kept quiet and ignored all these comments. I unfortunately got the lower berth but they still had one full lower seat for them to sit. The child probably 9 or 10 insisted on sitting on my seat so i didn't stop him he forced his way towards the window and i had to sit quietly in the other corner and listen to some music.. within that time I say them eat all kinds of shit and not offer me any not that i wanted to. I just wanted a water bottle as mine was empty and they were carrying several of them like a lot lot. I asked if i could pay for one cause i needed it but the guy said no and said that they don't share their water bottle with others.. it was a rail neer packaged bottle damn him.. i waited thirsty for 1 hour untill the next stop where i bought some and finally releived my thirst.. an hour goes by and it's a bit late(9ish) and I asked the kid to go to the other seat so that i could atleast lay down and they started arguing with me like he's a kid he'll do whatever he wants and I still didn't reply anything.. well all hell went loose for me when i ordered a pizza from the railway app and started eating it and they demanded a slice like not even ask for it they said" ek ek slice dena" and i looked at them and said kyu and they said ki they were hungry and there kid really wanted to eat it.. i went calm again and in a very cool tone said "maa chuda na behen ke laude".. the couple was furious the guy went to find the tt to complain but couldn't find him and i just ate my pizza showing the cheese breaking to the kid and then slept on my berth and the next day they were quiet and didn't say a damn fucking word.. feel nice now
submitted by donulduducku to onexindia [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:28 whino99 The reasons why most girls are so dry while replying.

I am a 24 y/o (F) downloaded tinder again after a year or so. Really hopeful and excited that this time maybe I’ll find someone I can vibe with.I spoke to some men and could vibe well with a guy. He was asking sexual questions and I was genuinely not comfortable but he started pestering a bit and asked me to call.I told him I am not comfortable but I thought maybe I should not be so uptight and open up. We spoke normally and again he was asking about my sexual experience and all which I replied I told him to stop now. He kept on asking and suggesting me to talk in a sexual voice or seduce him at which I got really irritated about and told him “How about no”. He legit cut the call and said “Maa chuda” fir. Wtf is wrong with men seriously.I am sorry but this is absolutely shitty attitude, just because you were nice to me doesn’t mean I have to talk about sexual stuff constantly. I then lost interest in other people too and felt shitty and stopped replying or my texts got really dry. Then I understood maybe this is what happens one person spoils the mood and the other people also become of the same category or you’re just fed up and think all men are shitty anyway.
submitted by whino99 to Indiangirlsontinder [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 06:45 sigma___mohit Jeetards se madad ki gujarish!!

Jeetards se madad ki gujarish!!
To basically pcbm wla hoon 11th ~12th chuda pda h litreally 0 pe hoon soch rha drop lelu kyunki abhi Chitkara mil rha bsss aur mera mtech wegra ka koi plan nhi h to jee ke liye drop lu ya nhi plzzzz bta do 😭😭😭
submitted by sigma___mohit to JEENEETards [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 06:08 MaxInvictance BITS Goa / Hyd. B.E Mech, kaisa hai?

like I got 241 marks in 20S2 yesterday and according to last yr I'm eligible for BITS Goa / Hyd mech
like I wasn't any serious about BITSAT (coz fees :/) and gave my first mock yesterday just for TP lol
but after seeing that I'm getting mech (in which I'm happy, i'm not really interested anymore in CSE now) at BITS G/H, should I go for it? like I'll have to apply for a student loan but I think it'll be worth it compared to COEP ECE/EEE which i might get, Mains toh waise bhi chuda hua hai (97.2), advanced me bhi hopes nhi hai but waha koi new IIT mech bhi mil jaye toh mast rahega
or should I go for second attempt and try to get EE or ECE?
submitted by MaxInvictance to Btechtards [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 22:36 _Wishful Brand new 4080 Super GPU bottlenecking?

I just built my first PC a few days ago after having gaming laptops in the past so I'm still new to the gaming PC scene and trying to learn as I go. All of my components are brand new.
Specs List: (everything in this list is current except the keyboard, but that's irrelevant to this)
GPU driver version 552.44
Okay so here's the issue I'm having.
My GPU usage is sitting at 98% while the power used is only 121.2W. The framerate in this scene is fine (my monitor is 165Hz) but when I get into more intense areas of this game, it drops down into the 80FPS range without any increase in power used. I figured at first that this may be a CPU bottleneck, but my CPU temps/usage are all fine; I don't see anything that would be bottlenecking.
So, next I figured that maybe my GPU got messed up during production and someone accidentally set a power limit of 120W instead of the 320W the card is supposed to be able to do. I tried looking all over for my installed GPU's power limit, but I can't find it anywhere. It's not in the System Information in NVidia Control Panel; I can't see it in MSI Afterburner, and I can't even see it in the BIOS. As far as I know, my card might have a 120W power limit that I can't see for some reason. At the same time, Afterburner shows that my GPU is voltage limited, which from what I understand means that power limit isn't the issue.
I tried understanding this graph from Afterburner which is showing the very high GPU usage, but it's also showing maxed out BUS usage at the same time. From what I understand, this is the PCIe connection that the GPU sends data through, and it shouldn't ever be this high.
So, is this normal behavior for a GPU, am I CPU bottlenecked, bandwith bottlenecked, or do I have some other issue that's preventing my GPU from running up to its full power?
submitted by _Wishful to pchelp [link] [comments]