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GameStop Hosting In-Person Events *IT'S HAPPENING*

2024.05.24 00:24 DisciplinedDumbass GameStop Hosting In-Person Events *IT'S HAPPENING*

GameStop Hosting In-Person Events *IT'S HAPPENING* submitted by DisciplinedDumbass to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 20:49 Future-Equal5136 I’m 27 years old and make $325,000 living in California and working in finance. This week I go salsa dancing!

Occupation: Investment Professional
Industry: Finance
Age: 27
Location: California
Pronouns: She/her
Assets & Debt:
Assets: $943,000 in total: $17,000 in cash checking/savings. $171,000 in a 401(K) from my prior job. $36,000 in IRAs. $680,000 in my brokerage account. $38,000 invested in my company’s funds (Valued at my cost basis. I have committed to invest up to $150,000 over the next four years). ~$1,000 between two HSA/FSAs. I am a renter so I do not have home equity.
*Debt: * ~$3,000 balance on credit cards that are paid in full each month.
Income: $225,000 salary + $100,000 bonus. I received $100K as a bonus for the last two years, so I think this year should be the same or higher in light of a promotion.
I’m also eligible for a portion of carried interest, which is our firm’s profit sharing plan. It’s highly uncertain (deferred contingent compensation that vests quarterly over 5 years) but the estimated payout is $0.5 million in total over the next five to seven years if our investments perform according to plan and I stay with the firm through the full vesting period. This amount could potentially double if our new fund launches as planned later this year. I wanted to include this to reflect my full financial picture, but it’s not money I’m counting on at this point.
Paycheck Amount: $5,884 twice a month. This is after taxes and about $25 per pay period into an FSA. My company covers my health insurance premiums in full and does not currently offer a 401K, so there are no retirement deductions netted out of this amount. The bonus is paid out once a year in December.
Income Progression: I’ve worked in the same field throughout my career. My first salary was $65,000 plus a $40,000 bonus. My income increased significantly over the first few years of my career, including several very generous bonuses at my last job (>100% of base) that have allowed me to save as much as I have.
Side Gig / Extraneous Income: None
Partner’s Income: My partner and I do not have combined finances so I did not include his financial information above. However, we do live together, share expenses, and intend to combine finances after marriage so I thought it was relevant to share his financial information. He makes about $120,000 a year in salary plus equity in his company. His net worth is similar to mine though highly concentrated in semi-liquid private stock. We generally split expenses 50/50 and trade off on a few (he covers the Wifi bill because I do more of the groceries and household spending, etc.). We take turns paying for dinner and travel but generally don’t keep track of expenses dollar for dollar.
Supplemental Questions
Was there an expectation for you to attend higher education? Did you participate in higher education and if yes, how did you pay for it?
I was a very good student growing up so there was never a question that I would go to college, from my side or my parents’ side. I got my bachelor’s degree at a public university. I had a scholarship for the first year and my parents paid for the remainder of tuition and rent which I am very grateful for. I worked during college summers and had internships during a few semesters, so I had savings to pay for groceries, gas, and entertainment.
Growing up, what kind of conversations did you have about money? Did your parents educate you about finances?
Both of my parents have business backgrounds so I am lucky to have had a financial education at home. My parents taught me the importance of saving and helped me open a credit card (to use like a debit card, of course) and investment account during college.
What was your first job and why did you get it?
During high school, I had some informal jobs like babysitting and tutoring here and there. My first W-2 job was working at a restaurant the summer after high school graduation. I wanted the spending money and my parents candidly wanted me to get some life experience before leaving for college.
Did you worry about money growing up?
For the most part, no. My parents did well when I was growing up and still do today. However, my dad’s job had a few boom and bust periods. My dad was between jobs for extended periods when I was a young girl and when I was in middle school during the Great Recession and I remember asking my parents if we were going to be okay. We lived in a nice house and I was never worried about going without something important, but I got the impression that jobs can come and go and you should be prepared with as much savings as possible.
Do you worry about money now?
No, which is such a gift. I’m a natural worrier, so I try to actively appreciate the financial peace of mind that my career has afforded me. I am hoping for an eventual career change, maybe 5 to 10 years from now, into a field that is less lucrative but more personally fulfilling. I don’t worry per se, but I do plan and save in a manner that is consistent with the gravy train drying up in the medium future.
At what age did you become financially responsible for yourself and do you have a financial safety net?
I became financially responsible for myself at 21 when I graduated college and started my first full-time job in finance. At that point, I took over all bills except for the phone bill which my parents still graciously pay.
My savings are my primary safety net. If things were really to go south, I know my partner or family would be there for me.
Have you ever received passive or inherited income?
As mentioned, my parents paid for my college tuition and expenses. When I graduated, they paid for my car and furniture to set up my new apartment. Hard to overstate the value of their financial and emotional support, I’m really lucky.
A few years ago, my parents began giving my sibling and I checks at Christmas as an “advance on an inheritance.” I’ve received about $20,000 in total over four years. I do expect to receive some kind of inheritance eventually, but I don’t count on it and hope that’s very very far away.
Monthly Expenses
Rent: $1,700 for my half of rent for a one-bedroom apartment (Pain. It’s a nice space in a new building)
Electric/WateTrash/Pest/Etc: $65 or so for my half
Wifi: $0, Partner pays
Phone: $0, Thanks Mom and Dad…
TV Streaming: $0, I am a mooch
Car and Renter’s Insurance: $156
Health Insurance: $0, Company pays
Donations: $300 ($100 to three charities each month; I usually add some ad hoc giving at year-end)
ClassPass: $119
AMC A-List: $25
Spotify: $12
WSJ: $11
Apple Storage: $3
Day 1
7:45 AM: Good morning! I’m in a nice mood today because I was able to sleep straight up to my alarm. My noise cancelling headphones won the battle against the construction outside my window today. After my usual scrolling time, I get ready for work and leave the house around 8:40 AM for what is usually a 20 minute commute. I’m in the office four times a week so I “pay the pink tax” regularly, which is what my partner calls my getting ready routine. Do people care to hear about outfits? I usually wear dressy business casual to the office. Today it’s a blue shell with a keyhole neckline from Macy’s circa 2017, black cardigan, black cropped dress pants from Ann Taylor, and black kitten heels from Vince Camuto. I think I am Ann Taylor’s most loyal customer in the under-40 category.
10:30 AM: Pretty quiet week in the office so far. I have a call to learn about a new deal with our potential co-investors. I would rank it a meh out of 10 but consider putting together an investment review page to bring to the broader team just in case. Otherwise, I complete my morning routine of drinking office coffee and playing NYT Games. Our office kitchen is well stocked with coffee and snacks, so I usually eat a yogurt or oatmeal at my desk for weekday breakfast.
12:30 PM: I reheat my meal prepped chickpea curry for lunch. It’s pretty tasty but it’s also my fourth day in a row eating it so I won’t be sad once it’s gone. I usually try to bring lunch to the office, but sometimes I run out of time to meal prep if I travel on weekends and then I resort to Sweetgreen or Whole Foods.
4:00 PM: Pretty leisurely afternoon. My colleague also thinks that this morning’s deal is a meh out of 10, so that’s on hold, and I’m waiting around for some data requests on other deals. I write up a short portfolio update on a few companies I cover to send to one of our investors. There is a close call, as a banker requests a 7:00 AM meeting for next week, but my boss blessedly pushes back and asks for a later time. Otherwise, I work on my Money Diary and start scheming weekend plans.
5:50 PM: Time to go home. Traffic is tragic, as is par for the course on Thursdays. I’ll live.
6:45 PM: I am home and super hungry. I make instant ramen and throw in some baked tofu to bulk it up. I also make a quick cucumber salad with kimchi, soy sauce, chili crunch… and Everything But The Bagel seasoning. I know that’s not a very authentic topping but it’s delicious. I settle in to watch an episode or two of Sex and the City. I just started it and I can’t believe I’ve never watched it before. What a treat! SJP’s body is so banging. I wonder if she ate instant ramen…
7:45 PM: My partner C is home! He got back late because he went to REI for his camping trip this weekend. I ooh and ahh over his new headlamp. He puts his tent together in the kitchen to make sure he has all the pieces. Cuuuuute. And he brought me a red velvet cookie from work! All is well.
9 PM: It’s trashy TV night! I take out my coloring pencils and do a bit of coloring. I watch the first episode of the Ashley Madison documentary on Netflix. Not a lot of likeable characters there unsurprisingly. I need a palate cleanser so I turn on the Try Guys on YouTube which is ironically thematically related.
10 PM: I take a shower and get ready for bed. I write a short note in my gratitude journal and read on my Kindle before passing out. Currently reading Funny Story by Emily Henry (love all of her books) and The It Girl by Ruth Ware (jury’s still out). My first day is a no-spend day, hope that’s not too boring!
Day 1 Total: $0
Day 2
8:15 AM: I get to sleep in today because it’s work from home Friday! I had a dream I was in tumultuous situationships with John Mulaney and Matty Healy… bad taste in men gang, rise up. Anyway… I kiss C goodbye as he leaves for work and get back into bed with some water and a granola bar for my morning screen time.
9:30 AM: Time to make moves. I log into work, make the bed, and get dressed. Today I’m wearing Vuori joggers and an Aerosmith T-shirt I bought at Pacsun in high school. I go downstairs to the apartment lobby to make a latte with their fancy espresso machine. Back upstairs, I settle in with my coffee and put the new Billie Eilish album on TV.
10:30 AM: Bopping around doing emails. I got invited to a Women in Investing event next week by a local bank. They will have a suite at the soccer game! Fun! Unfortunately, it’s the same time as a double dinner date we planned next week. I text C and he’s okay if we reschedule, so I RSVP yes to the soccer game. Separately, C Venmo’s me for my half of the electric bill. I think I missed last month’s notification, sorry, so this would be two months’ worth ($62, included in monthly expenses).
11:00 AM: Our firm closed a deal last week, so as a (small) investor in the fund, I received the deal announcement and capital call today. My portion of the investment would be $6,771. I’ll write that check next week.
12:15 PM: I run out to Trader Joe’s before my afternoon call. Love that I’m in walking distance. I get popcorn, taco shells, two frozen meals, kale, asparagus, chickpea pasta, pasta sauce, artichokes, refried beans, cheese, orange peppers, watermelon, lime seltzer, and guacamole. It’s my cheapest TJ’s run in a while which probably means I’ll be back soon. $50 I get home and make lunch, a pre-made salad with cucumber and tofu added in.
2:45 PM: I had my standing weekly call with a portfolio company and then worked to refine a financial model I’ve been working on. I’m now waiting on input from others, so I have a Greek yogurt and kombucha as a snack. I am still hungry so I crush some popcorn and then do some reading to prepare for a call I’ll have mid-next week about an industry I’m not very familiar with.
4:30 PM: People have stopped replying to my messages so I’ll take the hint and sign off also. I got to the apartment gym and do a few miles on the elliptical and a strength circuit from Caroline Girvan on YouTube.
5:30 PM: After a quick shower, I make chalupas for dinner which is a perennial favorite. Tostadas (or just broken taco shells in a pinch) with refried beans and cheese baked in the oven, topped with salsa, guacamole and bell peppers. I start it up and C helps plate so I can get ready for our evening activity.
6:30 PM: We live nearby a park that does weekly community events and tonight is salsa night! They offered a thirty minute lesson and then an evening of dancing to a live salsa band! We learn a little routine during the lesson but salsa is not a natural skill of C or mine. My footwork isn’t great but I can move my hips a bit. Poor C is stiff as a board and also a perfectionist which is a tough combo for dancing. We dance for about half an hour to the band then give up and watch a while. P.S.: I wore a black floral midi dress, tall black boots, and a black suede jacket. I considered wearing my red silk skirt which is beautiful and looks like the salsa dance emoji, but I’m kind of glad I didn’t because most people were dressed pretty casually and I would have been embarrassed being the fanciest dresser and worst dancer simultaneously.
8:00 PM: We officially give up on salsa - maybe next time! C insists that we would have gotten it if we weren’t five minutes late to the lesson… sure. We go to our local brewery and each have a beer, which C buys. We play Scrabble against each other on our phones. I win but who’s counting? We go back to our apartment and I finish the Ashley Madison documentary and fall asleep on the couch. Spoiler alert: don’t waste your time.
Day 2 Total: $50
Day 3
10:00 AM: Feeling great after sleeping in! C left for his camping trip at about 8 AM and I went back to bed. I fetch another lobby latte and enjoy a slow morning in bed.
12:15 PM: I meet my good friend M out for lunch. Outfit check? I’m wearing an Abercrombie cotton button down tunic, stretchy black pants, and white sneakers. We chat and split a salad and pizza with iced tea. We split the bill, which includes an 18% service charge which states that it helps the restaurant paying living wages but also is “not a tip.” Hmm. The suggested tip at the bottom of the receipt is 10-15% so I leave 10%. Tipping culture stays confusing. $31
1:30 PM: M is joining me on a mission today. I feel like most of my jeans are outdated jeggings or too tight to wear comfortably so it’s time for a refresh. There are a bunch of vintage and thrift stores in the area so we set off. The first store was a bust. I tried on 11 pairs of jeans and there wasn’t even a maybe! I learn that I do not know my jean size and clothing brands also do not know their jean sizes because there is a laughable lack of consistency. Thankfully, my patience is rewarded at the second store. Two out of five pairs are winners. I get a pair of light wash relaxed fit Agolde jeans which are a steal at $32 and a pair of black flared jeans which fit like a glove despite (or because of?) some janky homemade tailoring in blue thread at the waistband. I’ll try to redo that at home in black thread at the very least. M also has success, buying a black denim skirt. $58
3:00 PM: In the midst of our shopping adventure, we stop at Starbucks for a lemonade and bathroom break. $6
3:30 PM: OMG. We walk by a shop with a line out the door and wonder what’s going on. Turns out it’s a pop up merch shop for Billie Eilish’s new album! I can’t help it, we go in. They’re playing her new music video projected on the walls and Billie had signed a decal on the wall for the event. The merch is sick and I buy an overpriced t-shirt. ** $54**
4:30 PM: I stop at CVS on the way home to get some household items, a Magic Eraser and some rubbing alcohol. $8
5:30 PM: Home now. I eat a yogurt and decide to enjoy the last of the daylight. I take my Kindle and a kombucha to sit by the pool for a while.
6:15 PM: It gets chilly quickly so I pack it up. I prep dinner which is the chickpea pasta, air fried asparagus, artichokes and TJ’s Rosatella sauce. The sauce is quite tasty but there was a scary moment when I couldn’t get the jar open and almost called off dinner. I turn on The Idea of You with Anne Hathaway. Is this a Harry Styles fan fic? It must be. It’s a bit corny but also hot. Would recommend.
9 PM: What now? I’m not tired at all so I go around the house doing weird chores. I unpack my clothes and clean out my pants drawer as promised. I try on the new jeans again and turns out there is a surprise waiting for me… someone cut one of those under-butt cut-outs into the Agolde jeans! As if jeans shopping isn’t hard enough! I can’t believe I didn’t see that at the store. I can only laugh. I guess I’ll try to sew it up tomorrow. Maybe white thread to make it look like ripped denim… With that, I take half an edible and call it a night.
Day 3 Total: $157
Day 4
8:30 AM: Good morning… I dreamt about my parents divorcing and C and I splitting up. Pleasant! I eat a granola bar in bed and procrastinate getting ready for the gym until it’s really time to go.
10:30 AM: I go to F45 once or twice a week using ClassPass credits and today was another great class. I’ve gained a lot of confidence lifting weights from the trainers there. I come home, shower up, and pick up the mail and a latte from the apartment lobby. Back upstairs, I call my dad for a while to catch up.
12:00 PM: The Jeans Doctor is in the house! First order of business is to get the blue ink out of my white jeans from last weekend. The internet said that rubbing alcohol will do the trick… I’m sad because I thought it wasn’t working until I rinse out the alcohol and the ink magically washes away. No shit, thanks Good Housekeeping! I feel emboldened by my success and turn to the Agolde jeans. I patch up two little worn patches with white thread and then stitch up the under-booty cut-out in light blue. The white threads help mask my sloppy stitches. Success! I fry some eggs for lunch and finish up my jeans over Sex and the City.
3:00 PM: It’s Sporty Sunday! I walk over to our neighborhood pickleball courts and meet up with a few friends. It’s pretty busy so we volley around the tennis court for about an hour before a pickleball court opens and then we play a few games. The sun feels great! My pickleball skills are super average but it’s been a fun new hobby.
6:00 PM: Home now and so is C! Sounds like he had a great trip. He starts the laundry and I start dinner, which is chalupas round 2. Afterwards I sit on the couch and think zero thoughts for a while. We’re both pretty gassed. I cozy up in bed with a sleepy girl mocktail (tart cherry juice and seltzer) and the new season of Bridgerton.
Day 4 Total: $0
Day 5
6:45 AM: Early bird gets the worm! Couldn’t be me, but the construction workers are already getting after it. I put in my AirPods and go back to bed.
8:15 AM: Time to get ready for work in a rush, as per usual. I’m wearing a black V-neck cardigan with a black lace cami underneath, black cropped dress pants again, and white Vionic loafers. I add some turquoise drop earrings for a bit of color. Quick skincare and makeup and then I’m out the door.
9:10 AM: Now at work, I have a protein bar and coffee. I prep the agenda for our team meeting, then I’m tied up for the next few hours in Monday morning meetings.
12:30 PM: Work usually caters in lunch on Monday and today is Greek food. Beggars can’t be choosers but I’m a bit sad there are four kinds of meat but no falafel. I make a plate of rice, hummus, and salad, then hungrily go back for seconds.
4:00 PM: The afternoon has passed quickly. I finalize a financial model and send out to my deal lead, then start reviewing the materials for a new deal that came through last night. I missed my typical lunch walk, so I take 20 minutes to walk a few blocks around the office. Gosh it’s nice outside.
6:20 PM: I wrap up work, bullshit with my coworker for a bit, then it’s time to go home. Once home, I eat leftover chickpea pasta. I also “meal prep” two lunches for the office; I throw rice in the rice cooker, then once cooked, combine into Tupperware with kale and a Trader Joe’s pre-made Indian food pouch. Does that count as homemade? Once C gets home, we take a little walk together around the neighborhood and enjoy the last half hour of sun.
8:00 PM: We knock out a few chores so the house is in good shape. C cleans the kitchen and I fold laundry. I take a shower and get into PJs so I can have the most peaceful Bridgerton viewing experience. I tell C that Bridgerton has sex scenes and suddenly he’s happy to watch with me. Good night!
Day 5 Total: $0
Day 6
7:30 AM: Rise and shine… I get going a bit early this morning. I wear a tan Zara cardigan, striped Ann Taylor blouse, grey Banana Republic slacks, tan loafers, and gold jewelry. I’d like to think of my work style as classic and unobjectionable, but hopefully not PTA Mom-esque (it probably is).
8:45 AM: I get to the office and start prepping for calls. Busy day with a bunch of random meetings: reference call with a recruiter, strategy session with one of our companies, and an introductory call with a potential banking partner. I’m up to my eyeballs in meetings and little projects until about 2:30. I eat a yogurt for “breakfast” at 11:30 and my meal prepped lunch at 1:00 while I crank through work.
3:00 PM: I’ve been texting with my mom about 4th of July plans and I think we’ve locked in times. I book flights for C and I to visit my parents for a few days over the holidays, which will be great. I book the first flight out using miles and buy the return flight in cash. I don’t think I’ll Venmo request C for this one; we usually cover each other’s expenses when we ask each other to attend “our” events. $342
4:30 PM: I get an email with details for the Women in Investing soccer game event. Apparently the stadium does not allow non-clear bags of any size, including clutches. I go to Amazon and order a small clear bag that will ship in one day. $12
5:45 PM: I booked a Pilates class for 7 PM and I usually get really hangry if I don’t eat beforehand. Luckily, there are Greek food leftovers. I heat up some rice and top with hummus and salad. I prep an agenda for my call tomorrow morning, send it over to my boss, and head out around 6:30.
8:00 PM: Another good Pilates session! I wasn’t able to find street parking so I have to pay for the parking lot. $7 I’m a bit late at this point, but I want to swing by our neighborhood bar for Trivia Tuesday.
9:30 PM: Victory! Our trivia team wins by 1 point, total nail biter. I contributed to the victory by recalling that pi is an irrational number. The 1st place prize is a $100 gift card and we’re stoked. I met this crew through M and they’re all so nice. I got a lemonade which would have been $4, but it’s covered by our previous trivia winnings.
10:00 PM: Home now and time to unwind. I take a shower and then join C on the couch. I tell myself I’m going to read and then I scroll Reddit.
Day 6 Total: $361
Day 7
7:30 AM: Normal routine to get ready for work. I wear a printed flowy blouse, grey cardigan, black dress pants, and tan sandals (assorted H&M, Nordstrom Rack, and Ann Taylor, all years old). I fear it’s very much giving PTA Mom. I scurry off to the office.
8:59 AM: I arrive with one minute to spare before my first call of the day. I would have been early but my usual exit on the highway was closed, sending myself and my fellow commuters for a loop. Anyways, I sign on for my first of five back-to-back calls this morning for new deals and more recruiter interviews (one of our companies is trying to hire a new CEO).
12:45 PM: I wrap up a very successful call where the potential co-investor said our terms are ridiculously off-market, and then the fire alarm goes off. Nice! I have 15 minutes free so I reheat my chickpea pasta and eat half before my next meeting.
2:00 PM: Done with my last meeting. I eat the rest of my pasta and some Greek salad from the kitchen. Thank God for leftovers. I’m feeling pretty frazzled after a busy day. I usually only have one or two meetings per day, then the rest of my workday is quiet time for research or analysis. I take a 20 minute walk to clear my head, then it’s back to it.
6:00 PM: I successfully re-focus enough to complete my sections of the Q1 investor update letters. With that done, I log off for the day and head over to our local movie theater. C and I reserved tickets for A24’s IMAX re-release of Uncut Gems. I’ve never seen it before so I’m excited to hear what the hype is about, albeit years later.
6:30 PM: C beats me to the mall, so he orders dinner for us both. He gets a quesadilla and I have two vegan tacos.
9:30 PM: The movie was a total riot. I leave feeling grateful that my life is my life and not Adam Sandler’s character. The ticket is covered by my AMC A-List subscription, but it would have been $29 after fees otherwise (?!!). The theater validates parking for 3 hours, but we go a bit over so I pay for parking. $6 Thanks for following along with my week!
Day 7 Total: $6
Food Total: $87
Travel Total: $342
Clothing Total: $124
Other Total: $21
Total Spending: $574
This was a typical week at home for me. Outside of the airfare, I’d say it was pretty frugal with no pricy dinners, nail salon visits, or even gas. C and I travel once or twice a month to visit friends and family and attend lots of weddings these days, so some travel spend is normal course for us. I was a bit nervous to submit a MD, but I enjoyed writing it and I hope you enjoyed reading!
Note: edited for formatting :)
submitted by Future-Equal5136 to MoneyDiariesACTIVE [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 20:05 lilsting10 Buying the correct PC modding tools?

Suffered save corruption on PC version last night. I refuse to run through damn Showcase and MyRise again to unlock caw parts/paybacks before I haven't remake all my caws again.
So far I'm hovering over buying "WWE2K24 PC trainer" by KG971:
but I don't know which tools/softwares are the correct ones? I've seen multiple others referenced this year too, like Meta/Cake?
submitted by lilsting10 to WWEGames [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 19:51 Just_a_terrarian163 Story from the grocerule store today lmao

So I'd just finished a great workout of arms and back, getting a really great pump because I tried dropsetting today, and afterwards I went to the nearest store to get some snacks for the evening. Its kind of an everything store (Action if anyone knows it), I was in the sports section contemplating buying a protein cookie while inserting it into my calorie tracker. I had slow mobile data so it took a while to load, it picked up a small little grip trainer from the shelf when a little boy about 6-8 yo approached me, he picked up another trainer and showed me how strong he was. I chuckled at him while smiling and he picks up a 10 kg dumbell and is showing me again how strong he is. He then puts it down and flexes him arms. So I point my finger up signaling him to wait a second, I put my backpack down and took off my jacket. I pull my sleeve so my whole arm is showing. And I flex as hard as I can, the look of amazement and happiness in his eyes made me smile like a big dumb idiot. He turns around and I go about my shopping.
Now words were spoken during this whole interaction.
It made my whole day.
submitted by Just_a_terrarian163 to 196 [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 17:58 slackshac The best thing to purchase

___ Don't just take our word ___
____Hear from our customers!!____
Andreas Martin
I've gotta spill the beans about SlackShac! It's seriously been a game-changer for me on the wellness front. Feels like having a whole squad—personal trainer, nutritionist, you name it—right in my pocket. Tracking workouts, sorting meals, checking out my health stats—it's all super breezy. And the community vibe? Absolutely killer. If you're serious about getting on top of your health, give SlackShac a whirl. Trust me, you won't look back!
shop the products at slackshac
submitted by slackshac to Slackshac [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 17:06 hydrovids Trying to change my default run animation in my game but I literally can't

The localplayer folder in my game is supposed to hold the humanoid properties as well as all of the default animations, but it holds way less and I have no idea why
submitted by hydrovids to RobloxDevelopers [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 16:30 Ambitious-Fig-9779 Horses are ruining my life

TL/DR: past job experience made me love the industry but after having moved to Europe twice, had my personal space and belongings gone through by employers, and being apart of a toxic work environment I am questioning everything.
I (22F) have been passionate about horses since I was a young girl. I began horseback riding when I was 5. Throughout high school I always knew I wanted to graduate early and pursue horses as a job before attending college. So I did exactly that. I graduated early and moved to Holland on a recommendation of a trainer to go work in a barn.
Holland was not my cup of tea. I was alone. I lived in a 6X12 cement room with a metal door. I didn’t really know what it meant to live alone. My first time grocery shopping for a weeks worth of groceries was in a foreign country. However, I got to ride a lot and was fortunate for that opportunity. I left Holland earlier than I planned to, as a friend of mine was hiring in FL and I thought it would be better to learn to live alone in my home country with a roommate/coworker I knew from home.
Florida was so much fun. I enjoyed the horses, the work, my roommates. It was a blast. But Covid hit and they no longer needed me. So I went home.
The summer before college I spent working for the son of an Olympian who’d been represented at every Olympic since ‘64. I finally thought this was my ticket. I was eager but quickly dissatisfied. My coworkers were toxic and the guy ended up beating the crap out of my horse.
So I went to college and found a nice stable there to take my horse to. I really enjoyed riding and stabling there.
For the next few summers and winters I would go back to my original FL job (enjoy it again) and one summer I would go to Europe again.
Europe the second time was awful. I made the connection through a reputable trainer. He set me up with a Belgian man who did not pay what was agreed upon. He went though my clothes and housing when he knew I wasn’t home. He also had me doing 2 or 3 people’s worth or work. It was miserable and to a point I no longer felt safe and left in the middle of the night.
When I returned home I decided to transfer colleges (sophomore entering junior year) to pursue my education online and work full time in the equine industry. So I worked for my childhood trainer, rode a lot, competed a lot, and taught young kids. I was adamant I didn’t want to change my competition status to professional. Well, I was breaking the rules (they promised me I wasn’t )by teaching and riding so much that someone reported me and I had to change to pro. Then my best friend got kicked in the face while on the clock and my employers didn’t pay for her surgeries. They told me that it pissed them off when she asked for money to repair her teeth jaw and nose. So I knew it could have been me and it was my sign to leave. So I left and got a job in FL (winters) and another state (summers) both about 1200 miles from my home.
This new job has destroyed me. It has made me question if this is what I want in life. I rarely ride. Am rarely taught, and am made to seem selfish if I so much as ask a question concerning the health of my horse. I have tried to quit twice and every time it’s; well how much money, what can we change, etc. and I’ve stayed. Now I’m alone in this state far away from home feeling so defeated. Feeling like I should have quit three months ago. Feeling like I should be spending this time with my college friends before everyone moves off to their new jobs or internships. My boss is beyond toxic. I think perhaps is a narcissist.
I graduated with a bachelor degree this spring and will have completed an accelerated masters by next spring. (All done online)
Anyways; How do I know if it’s time to move into another industry?
Is it just my current job that has made me hate this industry or is it just that awful at the high levels?
How did you know it was time to leave a line of work and reprise seeing family/friends/significant others?
How do I find a new passion or line of work I enjoy after spending my whole thinking this is what I wanted?
submitted by Ambitious-Fig-9779 to Advice [link] [comments]


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submitted by Suspicious-Shame475 to DHgateRepSquad [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 12:40 Tsndumbass Wel Companies training experience.

Wel Companies training experience.
I’m going to lay out my experience from recruitment to quitting ting. I do this for two reasons one when I looked into this company I could find nothing about them, two I believe reason one is allowing them to get away with rather unethical practices.
Recruitment. The recruiter was awesome very easy to talk to get information from and always got back to me extremely quickly unlike the megas. He laid everything out set up and drug test and had me hired and scheduled for orientation within about 7 days. 10/10 experience.
Orientation. Your orientation is a 2 week process. They fly you to Florida and put you in a hotel for two days then move you and another guy into a truck to live out of. Week one you do class work watching power points and taking test. It’s tedious but not bad and the instructor is an old guy who’s chill if he likes you. Week 2 you’ll be doing backing focusing on 45s and a little driving. This is also alright and the instructor seemed alright. 8/10 experience being out with a random guy you get what you get.
Training. After orientation you’re out with a trainer (maybe). I was out with a guy who was super cool. Showed me the ropes and helped me with real life backing scenarios. This was the best part of the experience and I believe helped me out a ton. Once again 10/10 experience.
So after 4 weeks you’ll be expected to cadet team or c-team, this is just them getting you to team drive without calling it that. You’re expected to do 20k miles (which they later changed to 25k with zero notice) doing roughly 500-1000miles a week. This is where I ran into issues because I was lied to about this from the break. I was told c team was not team driving, would be 20k miles and last roughly 3 months 4 at most. This was not the case you def are expected to team a decent bit and at 4 months Instill didn’t have my 20 much less the new and improved 25k. Many of the guys don’t get trainers so you get teamed with someone who knows nothing and are expected to train them. You have to beg for home time which they don’t continue to pay your weekly rate on. While your partner is home you sit at a truck stop. You do all this for 500 a week. 3/10 experience. I’m sure someone has it worse.
Lastly the equipment. I can only speak for the truck I was in but we went through 3 apus and multiple other problems. The shop guys were always nice but the problem would always pop back up a few days later. Can’t really 1-10 this because this might just be the industry I’m unsure.
I left for a company that said I was adequately trained did orientation and sent me trucking. I think asking anyone to work 12 hours a day for 5 months no home time is nearly unacceptable and people should know that’s what they are walking into not what they sell you at recruiting and orientation. I also believe randomly changing expectations after you have someone trapped is unethical. I left because I lost all trust in the company in 5 months.
submitted by Tsndumbass to u/Tsndumbass [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 07:03 Opaquer Today's daily (23/05/2024) 50 stage guide

Hey everyone! I'm back again with today's daily guide!
As we've previously found, reloading the browser makes changes to the rng, so now I have notes when the browser has been reloaded so you can reload it too :). As per usual, sorry about the reloads - it'd be much easier if there weren't any, but I had some issues and instead of being able to restart I had to reload. Also there's at least one place where I've said to quit to menu and continue - I don't think this is the same as a reload, so maybe don't reload and just quit to menu instead?
Also, we originally though that different browsers have different RNG, but recently we found it may be a little more complicated than that. I use firefox when making my guides, and it seems like most of the variations are from chome, but it's not guaranteed - you can still have variations with firefox. If you do find any variations and differences, let me know - I'm trying to get some evidence so I can figure out what the changes are and see if there's a way to nullify them so we can have a single guide for any type of browser :).
Also I'm currently testing this run for any missed reloads. I've currently tested this all the way through to wave 50 on firefox, and can confirm it works as intended :)!
ALSO ALSO: we're still trying to figure out exactly what the relationship with reloading is. For now, if when you need to reload, reload once you've chosen your pokemon for the battle, as, on average, that's when I would reload. I don't know if it'll make a difference, but it can't hurt to try and see what happens :). We think there may not be a relationship between when you reload as long as you're on the wave, but I just wanted to say this as a just in case :)
As per the others, I'm still learning about all this, so sorry for any mistakes I've made - I probably missed at least a couple of reloads, but hopefully I got the majority of them.
One note: There were a few VERY stubborn mons this time around that I just could not catch, sorry. I tried my best - you guys might be better pokemon trainers than me, so if you want to go for them, go for it! Just note that doing so may change the rng, and the guide may be a little off from there.
If you're curious, here's the list of gym trainers from today's run, which happen at waves 10, 20 and 30:
Gym trainer
Gym leader Gardenia
Gym leader Roxanne
Gym leader Crasher Wake
So, one thing I wanted to ask everyone - in daily runs, you only get eggs for pokemon you've already caught, but I assume that none of the pokemon have been caught; this is why I try to catch every unique pokemon we come across on the daily guide, so you get it as a starter and a candy if you need it. That said, would people prefer if I just tried to go for interesting pokemon (like HA/max stats etc) and not try catch every single pokemon? Or do people enjoy having the ability to catch almost every pokemon for the dex and candy if you don't have it? Let me know either way!
Pokemon Max stat (31) Wave
Skiploom Atk 3
Jumpluff Hp 9
Steenee Def 14
Carbink Hp 23
Boldore Speed 24
Swanna Sp Atk 33
With the below steps, if I haven't said to take a move when one is offered, that means to not learn it. For the table, there's two columns relating to moves - one for moves to take and one for moves to replace. For example, if the "Move(s) to take..." column has Headbutt and the corresponding row in the "... by replacing move(s)" column has Wrap, it would mean you need to replace wrap with headbutt at this stage when it's offered - and if during that stage a different move is offered, don't take it if it's not on the list. Also if there's multiple moves to be offered, the moves offered in the table are listed from top to bottom of the order you get them - so if you have something like the below, it means that Crunch will be offered before Headbutt will, which will be before Firethrower (and their associated replacements):
Move(s) to take... ... by replacing move(s)
Crunch Vine whip
Heatbutt Astonish
Firethrower Water gun
Also, if there are multiple waves back to back that have the same pokemon (or are within a few waves of each other), I'll label them as 1 and 2 - i.e. Linoone 1 and Linoone 2. This is to help avoid confusion if you're looking back and forth and trying to figure out where you're at
Lastly, with the steps below, if I don't say to switch out to a pokemon, that means you use the pokemon that's come out automatically.
EDIT BEFORE I GO ON: It seems like around wave 20, things go a bit weird. Thanks to a very generous member of the community who wished to remain anonymous (you know who you are - seriously, thank you!) for finding out steps to continue with the run (using firefox - hopefully the same for chrome). I've marked on the wave where there's new steps and what to do, though I've kept the old steps as a just in case; this means that for these waves, use the new steps. I'm currently doing a test run atm and once it's done, I'll make more official notes on how things are going with testing it, but until then, use the new steps and hopefully they should work :). And thanks again to the mysterious solver of rng!
EDIT 2: The steps provided by the anonymous community member have been fully tested and is 100% working in firefox. Again, thank you so much for your help! I'll keep the old steps just in case, though you won't need them - just use the new steps listed and you shouldn't have any issues on firefox (and hopefully on chrome, though there may be subtle differences)
With that, here's the guide:

Stage 1

Wave 1: Combee
  1. Foul play x 2
  2. Pokeball
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
None None
Reward: Rare candy sinistcha
Wave 2: Sunkern
  1. Pokeball
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
None None
Reward: Pokeballs
Wave 3: Skiploom
NOTE FOR THIS WAVE: This skiploom has max Atk stat
  1. Foul play x 2
  2. Pokeball x 2
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
None None
Reward: Potion sinistcha
Wave 4: Sunkern
  1. Matcha gotcha
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
None None
Reward: Nugget
Wave 5: School Kid Mara
NOTE FOR THIS WAVE: I reloaded my browser here; make sure to reload during the fight once it's started, and not too late
  1. Pain split x 3
  2. Foul play
  3. Matcha gotcha x 3
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
Mega drain (sinistcha) Pain split
Wish Defog
Slash Sweet scent
Icy wind Scary face
Giga drain Mega drain
Mega drain (skiploom) Sleep powder
Reward: Potion vespiquen
Wave 6: Skiploom
  1. Switch to weavile
  2. Icy wind
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
None None
Reward: Great balls
Wave 7: Cherrim and cottonee
  1. Icy wind and matcha gotcha
  2. Pokeball
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
None None
Reward: Potion vespiquen
Wave 8: Cottonee
  1. Pokeball
  2. Replace sunkern with cottonee
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
None None
Reward: Pokeballs
Wave 9: Jumpluff and Cottonee
NOTE FOR THIS WAVE: This jumpluff has max Hp stat
  1. Icy wind and matcha gotcha x 2
  2. Pokeball x 2
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
None None
Reward: Hyper potion weavile
Wave 10: Sunflora
  1. Icy wind
  2. Great ball
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
Fury swipe Swords dance
Hex Life Dew
Reward: Stage end

Stage 2

Wave 11: Parasect
NOTE FOR THIS WAVE: Couldn't catch it
NOTE FOR THIS WAVE: I reloaded my browser here; make sure to reload during the fight once it's started, and not too late
  1. Switch to illumise
  2. Struggle bug x 2 (this kills parasect)
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
Air slash Gust
Acrobatics Mega drain
Reward: Transfer the miracle seed from weavile and ullumise to sinistcha, then take pokeballs as reward
Wave 12: Vulpix and Bayleef
  1. Switch illumise with weavile
  2. Icy wind and matcha gotcha
  3. Pokeball
  4. Replace illumise with vulpix
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
None None
Reward: X Speed
Wave 13: Vulpix
  1. Assurance
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
None None
Reward: X Attack
Wave 14: Steenee
NOTE FOR THIS WAVE: This steenee has max Def stat
  1. Icy wind
  2. Pokeball x 2
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
Leech seed Growth
Reward: Pokeballs
Wave 15: Breeder Glenn
NOTE FOR THIS WAVE: I reloaded my browser here; make sure to reload during the fight once it's started, and not too late
  1. Switch to vespiquen
  2. Switch to sinistcha
  3. Hex x 3
  4. Mega drain x 2
  5. Foul play x 2
  6. Switch to weavile
  7. Icy wind
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
Extrasensory Spite
Power gem Struggle bug
Reward: Hyper potion sinistcha
Wave 16: Nidorina
  1. Switch to vespiquen
  2. Air slash x 2
  3. Pokeball
  4. Replace jumpluff with nidorina
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
None None
Reward: Potion nidorina
Wave 17: Vulpix and Nidorina
  1. Replace vepiquen with sinistcha
  2. Matcha gotcha and icy wind x 2
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
None None
Reward: Fire stone vulpix
Wave 18: Lokix and Ninetails
  1. Run away
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
None None
Reward: No reward, ran away
Wave 19: Ninjask
  1. Switch to ninetails
  2. Will-o-wisp
  3. Extrasensory x 2
  4. Pokeball
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
None None
Reward: Potion ninetails
Wave 20: Gym leader Gardenia
NOTE FOR THIS WAVE: This wave has new steps and/or rewards thanks to an anonymous member of the community; the old steps are listed after the reward but should NOT be used.
  1. Switch to vespi
  2. Air slash x 4 (Vespi Dies)
  3. Pick Weavile
  4. Icy WInd x 3 (Weavile Dies)
  5. Pick Sinistcha
  6. Matcha gotcha x 2
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
Toxic Slash
Bite Tail whip
Energy ball Mega drain
Reward: Stage end
  1. Switch to vespi
  2. Air slash x 6

Stage 3

Wave 21: Gosilopod
NOTE FOR THIS WAVE: Couldn't catch it
NOTE FOR THIS WAVE: This wave has new steps and/or rewards thanks to an anonymous member of the community; the old steps are listed after the reward but should NOT be used.
  1. Pre Switch Vespi
  2. Air Slash x2
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
None None
Reward: Potion vespiquen
  1. Air slash x 2 (this kills it)
Wave 22: Naclstack
NOTE FOR THIS WAVE: This wave has new steps and/or rewards thanks to an anonymous member of the community; the old steps are listed after the reward but should NOT be used.
  1. Pokeball
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
Attack order Bug bite
Reward: Pokeballs
Wave 23: Carbink
NOTE FOR THIS WAVE: This carbink has max Hp stat
  1. Pokeball
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
None None
Reward: XP Charm
Wave 24: Boldore
NOTE FOR THIS WAVE: This wave has new steps and/or rewards thanks to an anonymous member of the community; the old steps are listed after the reward but should NOT be used.
NOTE FOR THIS WAVE: This boldore has max Speed stat
  1. Pokeball
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
Strength sap Mega drain
Reward: Potion vespiquen
Wave 25: Hiker Daryl
  1. Switch to sinistcha
  2. Matcha gotcha x 3
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
None None
Reward: Potion sinistcha
Wave 26: Gosilopod and Probopass
NOTE FOR THIS WAVE: I reloaded my browser here; make sure to reload during the fight once it's started, and not too late
NOTE FOR THIS WAVE: This wave has new steps and/or rewards thanks to an anonymous member of the community; the old steps are listed after the reward but should NOT be used.
  1. Matcha gotcha and Air Slash Golis (Vespi Dies)
  2. Pick Nidorina
  3. Matcha Gotcha and Scratch
  4. Great Ball
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
None None
Reward: Potion Sinistcha
  1. Switch weavile with vespi
  2. Matcha gotcha and air slash gosil
  3. Matcha gotcha and switch vespi for nidorina
  4. Great ball
Wave 27: Probopass
NOTE FOR THIS WAVE: This wave has new steps and/or rewards thanks to an anonymous member of the community; the old steps are listed after the reward but should NOT be used.
  1. Matcha gotcha x 2
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
Shadow ball Hex
Reward: Potion Nidorina
Wave 28: Ursaring
NOTE FOR THIS WAVE: This wave has new steps and/or rewards thanks to an anonymous member of the community; the old steps are listed after the reward but should NOT be used.
  1. Matcha gotcha
  2. Great ball
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
None None
Reward: Potion Nidorina
Wave 29: Diggersby
NOTE FOR THIS WAVE: Couldn't catch it
NOTE FOR THIS WAVE: This wave has new steps and/or rewards thanks to an anonymous member of the community; the old steps are listed after the reward but should NOT be used.
  1. Matcha gotcha (this kills it)
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
None None
Reward: Pokeball
Wave 30: Gym leader Roxanne
  1. Matcha gotcha x 6 (should run out of pp here)
  2. Shadow ball
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
Toxic Scratch
Reward: Stage end

Stage 4

Wave 31: Masquerain
  1. Switch to vespi
  2. Air slash
  3. Pokeball
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
None None
Reward: Potion vespiquen
Wave 32: Quagsire and Swanna
  1. Switch nidorina for sinistcha
  2. Attack order quagsire and matcha gotcha
  3. Pokeball x 2
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
None None
Reward: Potion sinistcha
Wave 33: Swanna
NOTE FOR THIS WAVE: This swanna has max Sp Atk stat
NOTE FOR THIS WAVE: This wave has new steps and/or rewards thanks to an anonymous member of the community; the old steps are listed after the reward but should NOT be used.
  1. Pre Switch Ninetails
  2. Extrasensory x 2
  3. Pokeball
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
None None
Reward: Super potion vespi
Wave 34: Seaking 1
NOTE FOR THIS WAVE: This wave has new steps and/or rewards thanks to an anonymous member of the community; the old steps are listed after the reward but should NOT be used.
  1. Switch to sinistcha
  2. Pokeball
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
None None
Reward: Hyper Potion Vespi
Wave 35: Fisherman Wade
NOTE FOR THIS WAVE: This wave has new steps and/or rewards thanks to an anonymous member of the community; the old steps are listed after the reward but should NOT be used.
  1. Matcha Gotcha x 2
  2. Strength Sap
  3. Matcha Gotcha x 2
  4. Shadow Ball
  5. Matcha gotcha x 2
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
None None
Reward: Potion Ninetails
  1. Matcha gotcha x 2
  2. Strength sap
  3. Matcha gotcha x 5
  4. Strength sap
  5. Matcha gotcha
Wave 36: Golduck
NOTE FOR THIS WAVE: Couldn't catch it
  1. Matcha gotcha (this kills it)
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
None None
Reward: Pokeballs
Wave 37: Ludicolo
  1. Shadow ball
  2. Foul play
  3. Pokeball x 4
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
Night slash Assurance
Reward: Sunstone cottonee
Wave 38: Seaking 2
NOTE FOR THIS WAVE: This wave has new steps and/or rewards thanks to an anonymous member of the community; the old steps are listed after the reward but should NOT be used.
  1. Matcha gotcha
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
None None
Reward: Super Potion Ninetails
Wave 39: Drednaw
NOTE FOR THIS WAVE: I reloaded my browser here; make sure to reload during the fight once it's started, and not too late
NOTE FOR THIS WAVE: Couldn't catch it
NOTE FOR THIS WAVE: This wave has new steps and/or rewards thanks to an anonymous member of the community; the old steps are listed after the reward but should NOT be used.
  1. Matcha gotcha (this kills it)
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
None None
Reward: Potion Ninetails
Wave 40: Gym leader Crasher Wake
  1. Switch to whimsicott
  2. Leech seed
  3. Giga drain x 3
  4. Leech seed (whimsi dies)
  5. Bring out sinistcha
  6. Foul play
  7. Strength sap x 2
  8. Foul play
  9. Switch to weavile
  10. Icy wind
  11. Night slash (weavile dies here)
  12. Switch to vespi
  13. Air slash x 3 (vespi dies here)
  14. Bring out sinist
  15. Matcha gotcha x 2
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
None None
Reward: Stage end

Stage 5

Wave 41: Magnezone 1
NOTE FOR THIS WAVE: Couldn't catch it
  1. Shadow ball x 2 (this kills it)
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
None None
Reward: Potion sinistcha
Wave 42: Gurdurr 1
NOTE FOR THIS WAVE: I reloaded my browser here; make sure to reload during the fight once it's started, and not too late
  1. Strength sap x 2
  2. Pokeball
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
Crunch Bite
Reward: Pokeballs
Wave 43: Gurdurr 2
  1. Matcha gotcha
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
None None
Reward: Great balls
Wave 44: Rhyperior
  1. Strength sap
  2. Shadow ball
  3. Pokeball
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
Dark pulse Fury swipes
Reward: Sitrus berry sinitscha
Wave 45: Officer Alex
  1. Matcha gotcha x 2
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
Superpower (this will be offered once you moon stone nidorina from the shop reward) Toxic Spikes
Reward: Moon stone nidorina
Wave 46: Magnezone 2
NOTE FOR THIS WAVE: Couldn't catch it
  1. Shadow ball x 2 (this kills it)
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
None None
Reward: Potion sinistcha
Wave 47: Machoke 1
  1. Great ball x 2
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
None None
Reward: Full heal sinistcha
Wave 48: Machoke 2
NOTE FOR THIS WAVE: I reloaded my browser here; make sure to reload during the fight once it's started, and not too late
  1. Matcha gotcha
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
None None
Reward: Potion nidoqueen
Wave 49: Conkeldurr
  1. Shadow ball
  2. Pokeball x 4
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
None None
Reward: Ether strength sap
Wave 50: Victini
  1. Switch to whimsicott
  2. Leech seed
  3. Giga drain (this kills whimsicott)
  4. Bring out nidoqueen
  5. Crunch x 2 (this kills nidoqueen)
  6. Bring out vespi
  7. Air slash x 2 (this kills vespi)
  8. Bring out weavile
  9. Night slash
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
None None
Reward: Daily done!
And with that, that's it! As usual, I've probably missed a few reloads - I'm going to boot up a run and see how things go and update as I find things out, but let me know what you guys find too! Good luck with your eggs, and let me know if you guys would prefer runs with less catching and more killing, or if you like the option to catch most of the mons out there! After all, you know what they say!
Gotta catch 'em all!
submitted by Opaquer to pokerogue [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 06:01 itsPomy fixed/static cameras in MMOs?

I'm just curious about MMO(MMO-like) games that adopt this mechanic (if any) because its a unique way to color the world a player goes through.
A fixed camera would be a camera that either the player doesn't directly control or the camera isn't focused on the player. Some of the most classic examples of this would probably be the early Resident Evil and Final Fantasy Titles. These games would feature 3D characters that would move over pre-rendered (or drawn) graphics, and the camera angle would often change for atmospheric effect. Like angling it up in the rafters to make you feel watched, or behind a shop counter to make you feel like you're inside the store.
I'd argue you could extend this to some fully 2D games too, such as Club Penguin or Adventure Quest Worlds. Both of these games operated on areas with their own discreet art, and the camera doesn't "follow" anything. You just transition between screens with no pre-amble. ((But there's billions of 2D games...these 2 are just notable for being online spaces)).
I can't really think of many MMOs (aside from AQworlds) that use something like this (unless its just a fixed angle, like Ultima Online)
But that's not surprising!...MMOs tend to be click heavy and exploration heavy..and everyone using the same camera just sounds like it could get messy quick lol.
submitted by itsPomy to MMORPG [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 05:09 Vicksin Daily Run Guide - May 23rd, 2024

Greetings, Trainers!

I wanted to try something new today, and provide you all a quick step-by-step text-based guide to assist your Daily Run to completion. This is my first post like this, so please bear with me as we iron out the kinks. If the demand for more is there, I'll try and make more of these asap for every Daily Run that I can.



If forgetting/learning a move is not mentioned, it means skip the new move.
Wave 1
Wave 2
Wave 3
Wave 4
Wave 5
Wave 6
Wave 7 - 30 Def/Atk IV Foongus
Wave 8
Wave 9 - 31 HP, 29 Def, Jolly Jumpluff
Wave 10
Wave 11
Wave 12
Wave 13
Wave 14 - 31 HP/Def, 27 Atk, 26 SpDef Kricketune
Wave 15
Wave 16
Wave 17
Wave 18
Wave 19
Wave 20 - VS Gym Leader Gardenia
Wave 21 - 31 HP Golisopod
Wave 22
Wave 23 - 31 HP, 26 Def, Jolly Carbink
Wave 24 - 31 Speed, 25 Def Boldore
Wave 25
Wave 26
Wave 27
Wave 28
Wave 29
Wave 30 - VS Gym Leader Roxanne
Wave 31
Wave 32
Wave 33 - 31 Spa, 29 Def, 25 HP Swanna
Wave 34
Wave 35
Wave 36 - 31 HP Golduck
Wave 37
Wave 38
Wave 39
Wave 40 - VS Gym Leader Crasher Wake
Wave 41
Wave 42
Wave 43
Wave 44
Wave 45
Wave 46
Wave 47
Wave 48
Wave 49
Wave 50 - VS Victini


A few good high IV catches, but nothing remarkable overall.
Let me know if you'd like to see more of these, any suggestions, feedback, or questions you have, or otherwise.
Follow along or watch Makinu's Video if you got lost counting at any point.
Please let me know asap if you catch a mistake.
Have a good day, and be good people <3
submitted by Vicksin to pokerogue [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 02:07 Ok_Finding_3306 Exhausted Chase 24/5 rule because of poor research - Need help

Hi all,
I moved to the United States 13 months ago and started applying for whatever credit card would approve me due to my non-existent credit score history.
Particulars Amount annually Percent of annual spend
Rent and utility (via CC with $7 fee) 30000 46%
Dining 7200 11%
Gym/Personal Trainer (accepts CC payment) 7500 12%
Rideshare (UbeLyft) 4000 6%
Amazon Shopping 5000 8%
Flights (Prefer Delta or American Airlines) 4000 6%
Offline stores/BarbeMisc 4000 6%
Grocery (mostly Trader Joe's or Whole Foods) 1500 2%
I feel like I should have gone with better ones like CSP or Double Cash or Amex instead of Apple, Amex, etc.
What do you guys think is the most suited credit card for me? I am looking for good sign up bonuses and maximum cashback. Thank you in advance!
submitted by Ok_Finding_3306 to CreditCards [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 23:34 MysticMind89 How much do I need to pay to get a robust pair of shoes?

I have always struggled to find shoes that are both affordable and also durable. On average, any shoes I get from the Supermarket or non-premium shoe-shops last 3 months before they start leaking/letting in water. Last Christmas, I invested in these Snow Boots, hoping that they would finally last without me breaking the bank.
Less than 6 months later, one has predictably busted the sole and is now letting in water, leaving me with squelching socks after the first sign of British weather. I can never seem to find shoes that are between the cheap and nasty stuff you get in shops like Shoe Zone, and the premium stuff you get in bigger retail shoe-shops that cost upwards of £80.
Further compounding my frustrations is that I can't tie shoelaces. I have dyspraxia and have always struggled to tie knots properly. I need either slip-on shoes or velcro, which pushes the cost up even further.
Does anyone have any suggestions for either slip-on trainers or fur boots that are <£50, don't have laces and will actually last for more than half a year?
submitted by MysticMind89 to Shoes [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 22:09 Brief_Mycologist1225 Empower Your Workforce: Building a Robust Training Culture with Train-the-Trainer Programs

In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, staying ahead of the curve requires a skilled and adaptable workforce. Here at, we understand the importance of continuous learning and development. That's why we're strong advocates for the Train-the-Trainer (TTT) model – a powerful strategy for establishing a robust training culture within your organization.

What is Train-the-Trainer?

A Train-the-Trainer program equips subject matter experts (SMEs) within your company with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively train their colleagues. These individuals, often with deep expertise in specific areas, become internal trainers who can then cascade knowledge throughout the organization.

Benefits of Train-the-Trainer Programs

Scalability and Cost-Effectiveness: By leveraging internal resources, you can significantly reduce reliance on external trainers, making training initiatives more scalable and cost-efficient.
Improved Knowledge Retention: Employees often learn best from their peers who understand the company culture and day-to-day challenges. Internal trainers can tailor their approach to resonate better with colleagues.
Enhanced Employee Engagement: Identifying and training internal trainers fosters a sense of ownership and empowers employees to contribute to the company's knowledge base.
Consistency in Training Delivery: Train-the-Trainer programs ensure a standardized approach to training across the organization, guaranteeing everyone receives the same core knowledge.
Improved Learning & Development Culture: TTT programs promote a culture of continuous learning where sharing knowledge and expertise becomes a core value.
Developing a Successful Train-the-Trainer Program at

Here at, we can help you design and implement a Train-the-Trainer program tailored to your specific needs. Our approach incorporates the following key elements:

Identifying the Right Trainers: We work with you to select SMEs with strong subject matter expertise, excellent communication skills, and a passion for sharing knowledge.
Comprehensive Training Design: Our team of experienced instructional designers collaborates with you and the selected trainers to develop engaging and effective training modules. We consider adult learning principles and incorporate interactive activities, case studies, and real-world scenarios.
Train-the-Trainer Delivery: We provide dedicated training for the chosen SMEs, focusing on adult learning theory, instructional design principles, effective presentation skills, classroom management techniques, and assessment methods.
Ongoing Support: We offer ongoing coaching and mentorship to support your newly trained internal trainers as they deliver their programs to colleagues. We can also help them gather feedback and refine their training methods for continuous improvement.
Investing in Your People: The Long-Term Impact

By implementing a Train-the-Trainer program, you're investing in the long-term success of your organization. You'll equip your employees with the skills and knowledge they need to thrive in an ever-changing environment, fostering a culture of innovation and continuous improvement.

Ready to Get Started with Train-the-Trainer? is your one-stop shop for developing and implementing a Train-the-Trainer program that empowers your workforce and drives business growth. Contact us today to discuss your specific needs and learn how we can help you build a thriving learning and development culture within your organization.

Additional Considerations

This article provides a foundational framework for Train-the-Trainer programs. Here are some additional points to consider for a successful implementation:

Technology Integration: Explore incorporating learning management systems (LMS) and online training modules to complement in-person training sessions.
Train-the-Trainer Evaluation: Regularly assess the effectiveness of your TTT program. Gather feedback from both trainers and participants to identify areas for improvement.
Recognition and Rewards: Recognize and reward the contributions of your internal trainers to keep them motivated and engaged.
By following these strategies, you can leverage the power of Train-the-Trainer programs to create a dynamic learning environment and empower your workforce for long-term success.
submitted by Brief_Mycologist1225 to u/Brief_Mycologist1225 [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 21:42 CaligoAccedito Most memorable RNG event?

While the events in the game have causes in terms of the actions of other players and the nature of the physics engine, a lot of events players experience seem to be fairly randomly generated.
A couple of examples:
What was the most memorable occasion the game's random-number-generator sent your way?
submitted by CaligoAccedito to outside [link] [comments]


Wazzup, Repfam! I've compiled an extensive list of top-quality finds directly from DHgate. This way, you can safely navigate the Chinese marketplace without relying on an agent. I've invested significant time and effort into curating this list, ensuring it features only the highest quality items sourced from personal purchases and positive reviews. From various brands to a wide array of items, it's all here. Pro tip: Use 'Ctrl (Command) + F' for easy searching. Please note: While logos may be hidden on DHgate listings for copyright reasons, the products themselves bear them. Additionally, for quality control pictures, refer to reviews or contact the seller via chat. Need further assistance with DHgate? Feel free to shoot me a PM—I'm here to help. Enjoy your shopping experience!
Christian Louboutin Low Sneakers 1
Christian Louboutin Low Sneakers 2
Christian Louboutin High Sneakers 1
Christian Louboutin High Sneakers 2
Christian Louboutin Dress Shoes 1
Christian Louboutin High Heels 2
Christian Louboutin High Heels 1
Hermes Boxers
Hermes Orand Sandals
Hermes Orand Sandals 2
Hermes Mini Kelly Bag (Highest Quality)
Hermes Belt (Men)
Hermes Belt (Women)
Alexander Mcqueen Oversized Trainer Sneakers 1
Alexander Mcqueen Oversized Trainer Sneakers 2
Alexander Mcqueen T-Shirt
Diesel Iconic Bag 1
Diesel Iconic Bag 2
Diesel Iconic Bag 3
Diesel Cut-Out Knit Top 1
Diesel Cut-Out Knit Top 2
Chrome Hearts Hoodies 1
Chrome Hearts T-Shirts 1
Chrome Hearts Hat
Chrome Hearts Varsity Jacket
Rick Owens x Dr Martens
Versace Robe
Versace T-Shirts
Versace Chain Reaction
Versace Chain Reaction 2
Versace Slides
Versace Slides 2
Versace Slides 3
Versace Swim Trunks
C.P. Company Goggles Zip Hoodie
C.P. Company Goggles Beanie
C.P. Company T-Shirts
C.P. Company Wind Jacket
C.P. Company Zip Hoodie 2
Ugg Gloves
Ugg Slippers
Uggs Tasman
Ugg Ankle Boots
Christian Dior Atelier T-Shirt
Dior Button Ups
Dior Draco Slides
Dior Chain & Bracelet
Dior Small Tote Bag (Highest Quality)
Palm Angels Tracksuit
Palm Angels Pattern Tracksuit
Palm Angels Tracksuits (More Colors)
Palm Angels x Moncler Tracksuit
Palm Angels Rear Logo T-Shirt
Palm Angels Spray Logo T-Shirt
Palm Angels Spray Logo T-Shirt 2
Palm Angels Bear T-Shirt
Palm Angels Graffiti Heart T-Shirt
Palm Angels Shark T-Shirt
More Palm Angels T-Shirts
Palm Angels Spray Logo Hoodie
Palm Angels Sunglasses
The North Face Nuptse Jacket
The North Face Vest
The North Face x Braindead Jacket
The North Face Light Jacket
The North Face x Gucci Puffer Jacket
The North Face Beanie
Balenciaga Slides
Balenciaga T-Shirts 1
Balenciaga T-Shirts 2
Balenciaga T-Shirts 3
Balenciaga T-Shirts 4
Balenciaga T-Shirts 5
Balenciaga T-Shirts 6
Balenciaga Reflective Logo T-Shirt
Balenciaga Spray T-Shirt
Adidas x Balenciaga T-Shirt
Balenciaga Logo Hoodie
Balenciaga Sweater
Balenciaga Hoodies 2
Balenciaga Beanie
Balenciaga Sweater
Balenciaga Triple S
Balenciaga Triple S 2
Balenciaga x Adidas Triple S
Balenciaga Track
Balenciaga 3XL 1
Balenciaga Speed Runner
Balenciaga Speed Runner 2
Balenciaga Fury Slides
Balenciaga Hourglass Bag
Balenciaga Socks
Balenciaga Side Logo Hat
Stone Island Hoodie
Stone Island Logo T-Shirt
Stone Island Logo T-Shirt 2
Stone Island Print Logo T-Shirt
Stone Island Zip Hoodie 2
Stone Island Sweatshirt
Stone Island Longsleeve
Stone Island Cargo Pants
Stone Island Cargo Pants 2
Stone Island Sweatpants
Stone Island Nylon Pants
Stone Island Shorts
Stone Island Nylon Shorts
Stone Island Quick Dry Shorts
Stone Island Wind Jacket
Stone Island Puffer Jacket
Stone Island Compass Patch Shirt Jacket
Stone Island Vests
Essentials Hoodies
Essentials Sweatsuit
Essentials Sweatsuit 2
Essentials Sweatpants
Essentials Shorts
Essentials T-Shirt
Essentials Fear Of God Hoodie
Essentials Puffer Jacket
Essentials Socks
Moncler Maya Puffer Jacket
Moncler Cardere Short Down Jacket
Moncler Jackets 1
Moncler Jackets 2
Moncler Jackets 3
Moncler Wind Jacket
Moncler Logo Sweatshirt
Moncler Vest
More Moncler Vests
Moncler Logo Beanie
Moncler Logo Beanie 2
Moncler Fur Beanie
Moncler Hat
Moncler Logo T-Shirt
Moncler Polo T-Shirt
Moncler x Palm Angels Tracksuit
Moncler Swim Trunks
Prada Puffer Jacket
Prada Vest
Prada Logo T-Shirt
Prada Polo T-Shirt
Prada Cloudbust Thunder Shoes 2
Prada Sunglasses
Prada Windbreaker
Prada Jacket
Prada Sweatshirt
Prada Shoulder Bag
Prada Logo Necklace
Prada Hat
Prada Fur Bucket Hat
Prada Beanie
Prada Weave Sandals
Prada Cardholder
Prada Duffel Bag
Sp5der Hoodies 1
Sp5der Hoodies 2
Sp5der 555 Hoodie
Sp5der Stars Hoodie
Sp5der P*nk Hoodie
Sp5der P*nk T-Shirt
More Sp5der T-Shirts
Comme Des Garcons Small Logo T-Shirt
Comme Des Garcons Play T-Shirts
More Comme Des Garcons T-Shirts
Comme Des Garcons Logo Hoodie
Comme Des Garcons Sweater
More CDG T-Shirts
Comme Des Garcons Play Hoodies
LV Monogram Belt (With Box)
LV Monogram Belt 2
LV Trainers
LV Trainers 2
LV Millionaire Sunglasses
LV Wallets (With Box)
LV Wallet
LV Slides
LV Blue Knit T-Shirt
LV Varsity Jackets
LV Messenger Bag
LV T-Shirts (Many Models)
LV Gradient Belt
LV Pattern Backpack
LV Pattern Belt
LV Women's WalletLV Slides
LV Beanie & Scarf Set
LV Pattern Beanie
LV Purse
LV Cardholder
LV Belt Bag
LV Cyclone Sunglasses
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LV Emilie Wallet
LV Wallet Bag
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LV Cuban Link Bracelet
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More LV Duffel Bag Models
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LV Tote Bag
LV Mini Backpack
LV Loop Bag
LV Hats
Louis Vuitton Signature Knit T-Shirt
LV Puffer Jackets
LV Underhand Bag
LV Swim Shorts
Louis Vuitton Air Force 1
Trapstar Irongate Jacket
Trapstar Jackets
Trapstar T-Shirts
Trapstar Tracksuit
Trapstar Shooters Tracksuit
Trapstar Summer Sets
Trapstar Windbreakers
Trapstar Irongate Shoulder Bag
Amiri Jeans 1
Amiri Jeans 2
Amiri Jeans 3
Amiri T-Shirts 1
Amiri T-Shirts 2
Amiri T-Shirts 3
Amiri Hats 1
Amiri Hats 2
Amiri Hats 3
Amiri Hoodies 1
Amiri Hoodies 2
Amiri Shorts
Loewe T-Shirts
Loewe Hoodies
Loewe Tank Tops
Casablanca Shirt
Casablanca T-Shirts 1
Casablanca T-Shirts 2
Casablanca T-Shirts 3
Casablanca Summer Sets
Casablanca Shirts
Casablanca Shorts
Gucci x Adidas Sweatshirt
Gucci GG Canvas Hat
Gucci Snake Hat
Gucci x The North Face Jacket
Gucci Snake Polo T-Shirt
Gucci Spray Letters T-Shirt
Gucci Tiger T-Shirt
Gucci Bear T-Shirt
Gucci Pattern Polo T-Shirt
Gucci GG Belt 1
Gucci GG Belt 2
Gucci Snake Buckle Belt
Gucci Snake Belt
Gucci Snake Wallet
Gucci Shoulder Bag
Gucci Ring
Gucci Keychains
Gucci GG Shocks
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Gucci Robe
Gucci Heels
Gucci Small Wallet
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More Gucci Wallets
Corteiz Cargo Pants
Corteiz Alcatraz Hoodies
Corteiz Alcatraz Sweatpants
Corteiz Tracksuit
Corteiz Beanie
Ralph Laurent Polo T-Shirts
Ralph Laurent Zip Hoodie
Ralph Laurent Jumper
Ralph Laurent Collared Shirts
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More Ralph Laurent Polo T-Shirts Designs
Off-White T-Shirts 1
Off White T-Shirts 2
Off-White T-Shirts 3
Off-White Hoodies 1
Off-White Hoodies 2
Off-White Out Of Office Sneakers 1
Off-White Out Of Office Sneakers 2
Off-White "Wet Grass" Rug
Off-White Low Top Sneakers
Off-White Jordan 1
Off-White Jitney Gummy Bag
Nike Tech Fleece
Nike x Nocta Tech Fleece
Jordan 1 Low Fragment
Nike Dunks (Best Price)
Nike Socks
Nike x Nocta Puffer Jacket
Nike Shox TL
Nike Shocks TL x Supreme
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Nike Air Force 1 Skeletone
Nike x Tiffany Air Force 1 1
Off-White Dunks
Off-White Jordan 1
Jordan 3
Jordan 4 (Highest Quality)
Kyrie Irving Basketball Shoes
Jordan 1 Dior Low
Nike x Louis Vuitton Air Force 1
Yeezy Slides (Highest Quality)
Yeezy Slides (Best Budget Option)
Yeezy Foam Runner
Yeezy 350 v2 (Highest Quality)
Yeezy 350 v2 (Best Budget Option)
Nocta Tech Fleece
Nocta Jersey
Nocta x Nike Puffer Jacket 1
Nocta x Nike Puffer Jacket 2
Nocta Hot Step Terra
Nocta Hoodies 1
Nocta Hoodies 2
Bape Shark Zip Hoodie
Bape Camo Logo T-Shirt
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2024 New Bape T-Shirts
Bape Double Hoodie Zip Hoodie
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More Bape Hoodies
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Bape Glow In The Dark Zip Hoodie
Bape x Gran Turismo T-Shirt
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Burberry Shorts
Burberry Regis
Burberry T-Shirt
Burberry T-Shirts
Burberry Women's Bag
Burberry Brit Camel Button-Down
Syna Hoodie
Syna Sweatpants
Canada Goose Jacket
Canda Goose Beanies
Canada Goose Long Pockets Jacket
submitted by Suspicious-Shame475 to CoutureRepsBST [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 20:10 WeeksElite [CA,US] [H] Pokemon Card collection lot [W] Paypal

Selling my Pokémon card singles collection. This includes one binder filled with rare English and Japanese cards, 3 Trainer boxes filled with rare singles sleeved and put in top loaders, and 2 PSA 9 slabs(Japanese cards). Every English card in this collection was pulled by me, and I got all the Japanese cards from a Twitch live streaming channel that breaks packs, who was located in Japan at the time I purchased.
I am not looking to sell individual cards at the moment, just looking to sell it all at a 70% discounted price + 50$ for shipping.
Here is a list I made of every card in the collection with prices found online :
Here is the images of the binder and boxes with timestamps :
I didn't take photos of each card in the boxes, but they are all listed in the google doc i have there.
New Imgur link, hopefully this one works!
UPDATE : This lot is under the process of being sold, thanks to all who replied!
submitted by WeeksElite to pkmntcgtrades [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 14:14 Baaastet Not GORE TEX not 'normal' trainers - what shoes do I look for?

TL:DR - what is a shoe (not boot) that falls between Gore Tex and 'normal' breathable trainers?
I love my Brooks Max Ghost, they are by far the most comfortable shoes I've ever owned. Only on the coldest nights do they start to feel, lacking because they are so breathable. But that means of course that they aren't remotely water resistant. Slight morning dew on the grass and the top of my feet starts to get wet.
After reading about Gore Tex and realising it's at the other end of the scale. I hate my feet getting warm/hot - it makes them start to itch. So I definitely don't want those.
To add insult to injury - I have wide or very wide feet depending on the shop, high arch and instep. Is what I'm looking for a unicorn shoe?
submitted by Baaastet to hiking [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 14:06 SlipOutrageous5333 I have been written up at ASDA with a formal last warning due to allowing theft in the store. Is this legal?

Sorry if this is in the wrong place and it regards employment not debt. I work at one of the largest superstore ASDA’s in the UK in England. It’s a 24 hour one. I’ve been working here about 7 months now as a new job.
I work on till sometimes but my main role is working on the self scan. The shop floor manager is a complete DICK to put it politely. He watches everything we do on the security cameras such as leaning on the self scan till, will radio in the shop floor if we talk to each other for more than a minute even if it’s quiet, and monitor our breaks by the second.
He has favourites and lets certain employees wear jeans or trainers and slack but if I wear the correct uniform and lean on the self scan for a second, or wear black trousers that aren’t baggy or keep my phone in my pocket (not being used), he threatens to get me written up. He just doesn’t like me no matter what I do and I do my job correctly.
Back to the issue: I clocked in late once by 5 minutes due to my bus getting stuck, a second time I came back from my 15 minute break 2 minutes late which he announced on the tannoy and then another time I bought a meal deal during my lunch in my shift and was not aware that this isn’t allowed so due to all of this I got a formal written warning during the meeting.
On the self scan we always have to have two employees on each end because it’s such a long runway and the store is so big. It’s hard to keep track of customers that steal especially if me and my colleague are busy with other customers. On average I get about 5 (probably way more) customers stealing on the self scan during my shift. It’s hard to stop them/catch them in time. And they put everything in shopping bags so security don’t notice if there’s no tags/alarm and self scan is far from the exit so we get blamed.
Apparently they have put a new policy in place so if we allow theft in the store we are now held responsible which I wasn’t aware of on my day off. Two weeks ago the shop floor manager took me upstairs in the security room and told me that I was being formally written up due to a customer who stole over £80 of groceries at the self scan that I didn’t stop and showed me the CCTV. In my defence my back was turned and dealing with another customer and my colleague had gone to check the price of something for a different customer so I stupidly accepted responsibility and signed the warning.
Now it’s happened again today for £30 where a lady stole meat and books and so I left on the spot after he told me this is my last written warning (but haven’t formally resigned). I refused to sign it because I’ve had enough and have just gone home instead. Do I sign it and what happens if I refuse. Is this failegal? HR has just called me asking me to come back to the store. I don’t know what to do and I really need this job whilst I am looking for another. Is this legal/allowed?
Tldr: I’ve been written up for allowing theft and given a final warning. Is this allowed/legal? Should I go back to work?
submitted by SlipOutrageous5333 to LegalAdviceUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 06:47 DreamingLittleBoy Thinking about applying

Thinking about applying
I saw a bunch of positions open on Google listings, and the stated salary doesn't match what I've researched. It also said there was a good work life balance, but I'm looking here seeing people say they're working 10-12 hours days and I know I absolutely cannot handle that. But I really want a better job, I'm currently a server at a really small restaurant and only making 20k a year, and I've been here for 4 ½ years. It's also been like my first and only job other than a couple months at a grooming salon. I love my job, it's like family, really close to home, and I get fed. I only have a bicycle to ride to work and the USPS is just a couple blocks from my restaurant. I need to be able to help out my dad and put money towards my car, for when I get my license. I only have a permit right now. I would love to work 40 hours which would be more than what I work currently. I need to have weekends off. I'm still looking through everything and weighing options. I'm not sure if the "postal jobs source" guide was a money grab, because I spent the money on it thinking it was a requirement. It's got use​ful information and lil practice assessments, so that's nice. I was thinking something like a mail handler, or processor that was listed but I want y'all's advice and personal experiences with some of the listed jobs? Maybe I could do clerk as I've got lots of customer service experience, but I would prefer to stay behind the scenes and just be with other coworkers.
Also I'm trans, and I don't really pass as I haven't prioritized hormones, and I don't know if they'll be okay with me not wanting to use my dead name.
submitted by DreamingLittleBoy to USPS [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:20 RamblingRamsbothams A (sort of) Guide to Road Racing in Japan.

Hello again velo, It's me. The guy that rides uphill in Japan. On my last post I mentioned some differences in racing in Japan saying it was for another post. Well, there appeared to be some interest in me making that post. As I mentioned then... I tend to ramble. I'm an English teacher at a small high school which leaves me with a lot of free time. I enjoy spending that time researching anything from training methodology to obscure Japanese history. I decided to use some of that time to write about road racing in Japan and it turned into... well, whatever this is. It's (sort of) a guide to racing your bike over here. I've organized it into sections, so feel free to read it all or skip through them. At the end I've attached racing adjacent notes as well as a small bio.
If this post is not appropriate for this subreddit, I understand. And while I don't want to self-promote I spend most of my time reading about Japan not only because I live here, but also because my wife and I host a podcast. We mostly ramble about our lives here as foreigners. It's mostly cultural, but as long time competetive cyclists we often talk about bikes too. We host a website where I write random articles, which is where this is ultimately hosted, with photos. If you're curious you can google my username and find us.
I tried to think about things I've learned along the way and put it into writing for anyone in the future that might move to Japan and have an interest in racing. If you have any questions or see any information gaps, feel free to ask! In September we'll be moving to the Netherlands... so maybe I'll have to do this all over again then. Anyway, without further rambling, here it is.
Race License
There are actually quite a lot of road events throughout the country. However, many are marketed towards recreational cyclists. Going as far as incorporating anti-competition clauses in their rules. So what do you do if you want to race? For starters, you’ll head to the Japan Cycling Federation’s website and register for a license. It’s in Japanese, but with the magic of Google Translate it shouldn’t be too hard to navigate. This is also for those currently residing in Japan. I think otherwise you would need an international license issued from your country’s governing body.
While on their website you can check the calendar of events that are scheduled. But, it’s not as simple as where I am from (USA) where once you have a license you can register yourself for almost any event and just show up.
Race Organizers
In most cases while the JCF is the licensing body, they are not the event coordinator. Events are hosted by a number of different governing bodies within the country. There’s the Japan Intercollegiate Cycling Federation (JICF), Japan Cycling League (JCL), prefectural federations such as the Yamaguchi Cycling Federation and finally the Japan Bicyclist Club Federation (JBCF). There are a lot of Js, Cs and Fs in the acronym lexicon over here. In this post I’ll be focusing on the JBCF because it was sold to me as Japan’s premier race organizer and the highest level of racing in Japan. It also seems to have the most robust calendar of events.
Declaration of my bias and shortcoming: The JBCF is the only organizer I’ve had any meaningful experience with. No, they’re not paying me. However I have won a cool towel, a coffee cup and some bar tape at their events. Actually I’ve given them quite a bit of money…
So you’ve got your JCF license and like me you’ve decided to participate in the JBCF. What’s next? Register for a JBCF account, sign up for events, race your bike? Almost. You do need to register for an account. After that, you need to find a team. That’s right, you need to be registered with a JBCF team to participate in races. This was a surprise to me and also a barrier to entry at first. As a new resident of Japan I didn’t know anyone here let alone a team that would let a random foreigner join.
How’d I do it then? Well, the first team I joined was through a friend of a friend of a friend. My second and current team I ended up getting to know because I took a bunch of KOMs around my new home. I guess Strava KOMs are worth something after all. If you’re looking for a team you could start by asking local shops, they often have a club organization that you can sign up for. If you’re desperate you can also make your own team. It used to only require two people, but I think they increased that to three or four.
I’m writing this in May of 2024, so the costs will be current as of that month. The USD to JPY conversion is sitting around 1 USD = 155 JPY.
Your first cost will be the JCF license fee. In my case, an elite rider over 23 years old, it was 5,000y for an e-license and 6,300y for the physical one. My first year I used the e-license, but my second year I paid for the physical one as a cool souvenir.
Beyond the license. You’ll need a team kit (bibs & jersey) and you may also be required to pay the athlete registration fee. To join my E1 team in 2024 I paid 43,000 yen. That included one team kit and the registration fee plus some small accessories (gloves, bottle, etc.). In E1 I paid all my own entry fees, which were approximately 8,500y per race.
My JPT experience was a special case. I paid roughly $1,200 (usd). But I received two kits (jerseys & bibs), a speed suit (SS skinsuit), windbreaker, vest, socks, etc. I also had the benefit of the “pro” treatment at races with lots of assistance. Was it a cold rainy day? I could ask for embro and they’d oil me up with a little massage. Needed a bike wash, snacks, or a trainer to warm up on? All provided. And all of my entry fees were covered. I never paid those out of pocket. It was a really cool experience and honestly I think I got my money's worth just in the races that I attended, let alone all the extras. Plus the team was above and beyond hospitable. A really great bunch of people.
Once you’re on a team you’re good to go! So which category should you race in? The JBCF has 5 big categories: Japan Pro Tour (JPT), Japan Elite Tour (JET), Japan Feminin Tour (F), Japan Youth Tour (Y1 & Y2), and the Japan Masters Tour (M). JET is further broken down into E1, E2 & E3. The general idea is male riders start as E3 and through results they work their way up to E1. If they’re highly motivated they’ll target a placement on a JPT Team.
Unfortunately for the women, I believe there is only one lump “Female” category. But in one of my most recent races a woman lined up with us for our race start. So that may be an option. For the Youth there’s U19 & U17. Masters is similar to the women’s category and I believe there is simply one “Masters” event, without age ranges.
Using what I know (USA Cycling Categories) I’ll try to make a comparison. E3 is your Cat 4/5 or Novice rank. E2 is around Cat 3/4 and E1 is roughly one big P/1/2/3 field. JPT is something like the US’s Domestic Elite field. Some JPT teams (and even some E1 teams) are UCI Continental teams. Although, honestly, some JPT riders are probably equivalent to strong Cat 3s.
In America I raced as a Cat 2 on the road, albeit I was a pretty weak 2. My first year in Japan I raced JPT and was able to hang in the peloton and finish events. My second year I raced as an E1, where I was very competitive and able to fight for podium finishes. That’s my experience and my basis for the above comparisons.
Once you’ve got all the above figured out, it’s time to finally race! The JBCF organizes the following events: Road, Criterium, Hill Climb, Time Trial and Track. Criterium, Time Trial & Track are pretty similar to what you’d find anywhere else in the world. So for this post I’ll really just focus on Road and Hill Climb.
It’s worth noting that except for track, all of these events take place on public roads. But, unlike the USA, it seems the general rule in Japan is that for a race to be a “race” the roads need to be closed to traffic. Sounds great, right? Right! Or, mostly. Japan is a beautiful country with incredible scenery and fantastic road riding. Unfortunately, the JBCF uses very little of this. I think to minimize inconveniencing locals, cut costs, and make their lives easier, most of these events will take place on already closed circuits or around agricultural land (where no one lives or drives anyway). In practice they are “public” roads, but they only need to shut down one or two entrances to close off the entire loop.
Many “road” events are just very long short circuit races. A popular venue that hosts multiple races throughout the season is the Gunma Cycle Sports Center. This is a defunct cycling theme park built in the 1980s with a paved 6 km circuit. Some of the races in the higher categories can be up to 150 km! That’s 25 laps! And, they’ll be pulling riders. When I was racing JPT it was often a big accomplishment just to finish a race. It was a common occurrence for a break to get established with the big teams represented and the rest of the field to sit up, inevitably getting pulled before being lapped. It’s not uncommon for well over half of the field to DNF early on in these longer races. Sometimes to add a little spice to your life, they’ll run the course in the opposite direction one weekend.
So, I’m biased, but that style of “road racing” wasn’t for me. That’s what led me to the Hill Climb. At first, I thought it was just an uphill TT. But, it's a mass start! The last one I did was Mt. Ontake HC which was a 17.7km race gaining 1,150 meters in elevation finishing at an altitude just under 2,200m. I finished in 51 minutes. It’s more like an uphill criterium. You might explode, but you won’t get pulled. It’s also, of course, point to point.
Good things to know about a Hill Climb are the controlled descent and luggage delivery. When you finish you’ll be waiting at the top of the climb for all other riders and categories to finish. Sometimes this means you’re waiting for an hour or more! Thankfully the morning of the race you can give a bag to the organizers and they will deliver it to the top of the mountain. This is a great way to make sure you have extra layers and snacks waiting for you. Just make sure it’s packed in a bag that you can then easily carry with you on the descent.
Be extra mindful of the forecast. At Ontake in 2024 we started at the base of the mountain in temperatures around 16 celsius. At the summit it was 7 degrees and it started to rain! Thankfully I had a teammate who had driven to the top (you must register your vehicle) and he gave me a lift back down. If you’re riding down, the descent will be done in waves which are chaperoned and controlled by officials on motorcycles.
I can only tell you my experience and I’m not certain that this is how it always works. When I was in the JPT, I never paid for an event. Each team could send six riders and the team manager made a selection based on which riders requested to go to which event, they would then register you to go. In my E1 team I haven’t run into any rider maximums (we only have a few E1 riders), and I pay for each event. I still tell the team’s manager which event I want to travel to, they register me, but then I pay them back.
The Day Of
The JBCF events have been very organized. The week before they will release a list of registered riders along with a technical guide. The technical guide will include information about the course, where to park, where to check in, how to pin your numbers and more. It’s only in Japanese. Google Translate will be your best friend. Or if you’re lucky you may have a teammate that can speak some English and help you out.
Usually the check in process begins a couple of hours before the start time. You’ll go to license control and pick up your numbers and timing chip. If you’re doing a hill climb and need to, this is also the period of time you drop off your luggage to be taken to the summit. Get kitted & pinned up, then go to the “vehicle control”. They will check your bike against a jig, kind of like what the UCI might use, as well as check the weight (take your bottles off the bike when you hand it to them) and make sure your numbers are pinned correctly. A keen eyed inspector may even look at your helmet to make sure it has the JCF certification sticker. You could possibly be told to change helmets if yours doesn’t have the sticker. When they tell you that everything is OK, you’ll go to the table and sign the box with your name.
There are also meetings that will be happening. But, you shouldn’t have to worry about that. If the team manager can’t be present they will send an “attendant”. This person is responsible for going to the meetings and reporting back to the riders.
Podiums & Prizes
Look how far you’ve come. After all that you’re headed to the podium, which in many events will be six deep. What should you expect? Maybe a cool trophy or a medal? It’s even better. How about a formal certificate signed and stamped by the JBCF President! That’s right, you’ll be receiving an A4 sheet of paper. And yes, when they hand it to you they’ll turn it to face you, use both hands to hand it over and bow. And yes, you should receive it with both hands and bow in return. I plan to frame and hang mine like some kind of college diploma. You’ll probably receive a prize as well. Something like what I mentioned earlier in this post, a towel, cup, umbrella, etc.
Where’s the money? If you want to hold a giant cheque with a big number (because it’s in yen) you’ll need to be racing in the top category, JPT. In this category the podium is only three deep. One time in a race I had a teammate finish 3rd and win some money. I never saw any of it, which was fair as I didn’t really contribute to his result. And I never podiumed myself. So I’m not sure how the payout actually works. Did he get to keep it all? Did the team take it? Who knows. I hope he kept it all, he’s a great guy.
Other Notes
Gachinko Cycle TV & Photo Galleries. Almost all JBCF events are live streamed & archived on YouTube! There’s a company called Gachinko Cycle TV that provides coverage. This includes camera motos as well as stationary cameras. A lot of photographers also come to the events and a photo gallery is posted on the JBCF website after the events take place.
Events & Categories. Not every event will be run for every category. A motivator for me to move from JPT to E1 was that not every hill climb has a JPT category, but they all seem to have E1. My first time racing at Ontake I was in the “Open” category and not eligible for any points or placement.
Outlier events. There are some events like the Niseko Classic (Gran Fondo World Championship Qualifier) and the Tour of Okinawa. These are one off events which are not part of the JBCF or any other federation I mentioned above. But, they are “real” road races on closed roads. There are also plenty of “cookie” rides. But be aware, like mentioned earlier, many of these explicitly say you shouldn’t come and try to ride for a certain time. I think it’s related to what I’ve been told about races having to take place on closed roads. These cookie rides likely have no traffic control. And instead of a cookie, you might get a bag of dry rice to cook later. Happened to me once.
The Hill Climb might be Japan’s most accessible event. There are actually quite a few of them around the country outside of the JBCF and they can be registered for on SportsEntry - I don’t think you need a JCF license.
What about other disciplines? I’ll toss this in here at the end because I think it’s worth mentioning. If you’re not racing Track, Cyclocross or Road… you’re not going to be doing much racing. Mountain biking is still very much in its infancy here in Japan. Despite its incredible landscape, there’s a shocking lack of good mountain biking. My wife and I moved here from Western North Carolina and she’s a former Age Group XC National Champion as well as podium finisher in events like the Pisgah Stage Race and Collegiate Nationals in STXC, XC & Omnium. So believe me, we have tried to find some good mountain biking here and it’s rough.
There are some lift-access downhill courses and we actually went to one for a “gravel” race which my wife won. This was held on what was essentially a non-technical STXC course. Disappointing is a bit of an understatement. There IS Grinduro Japan… but it’s insanely expensive and again, not really a race.
This honestly has had a big impact on our decision to ultimately move away from Japan. But, keep an eye out for developments in places like:
Cyclocross has a big following in Japan and the calendar appears to be full of events throughout the season. If we were staying long term, I’d be buying a cross bike. Unfortunately I don’t have one, so I never got into that scene while living here.
Although this is mostly about racing in Japan, if you come here to race you’ll also (hopefully) be riding your bike for fun. Please be aware some laws work differently here. Although I’ve never personally run into trouble I’ve been told things like: bikes MUST use the crosswalk if turning across traffic (no turning like a car turns) & that bikes CANNOT exceed 30 km/h (a bike shop owner told me this). My wife and I have often talked about this as well… while in the USA drivers can be malicious towards cyclists, Japanese drivers are often blissfully ignorant towards them. Always ride defensively. Drivers will make eye contact with you and proceed to pull out in front of you expecting you to either not be traveling with speed or to stop for them. Even in “polite” Japan, the Car is King. I’ve had far more close calls with drivers here than I had in America. Having said that, it’s still a wonderful country to explore by bike.
Who Am I?
If you read all of this, thanks! I hope that you learned a little bit about road racing in Japan. But, who am I? I’m an American from Western North Carolina, now living in Japan. Ishikawa Prefecture to be specific. I’ve been a cyclist since 2011 when I bought my first road bike. In America I’m a Cat 2 on the road and an XC MTB Cat 1 with extensive experience training for and racing in a variety of disciplines. Road riding and racing is my true love and I honestly only got into MTB to hang out with my girlfriend. I guess it was worth it because the only National Championship medals I have are from Team Relay & Team Omnium. Oh, we ended up getting married too. So that was cool. I also got into the gravel craze thanks to the plethora of racing options in the South East. I’ve stood on multiple podiums with the internet’s favorite privateer, Dylan Johnson. And I’ve dabbled in bikepacking, bike touring & ultra endurance riding. Really, I’m just a guy that thinks about bikes too much.
submitted by RamblingRamsbothams to Velo [link] [comments]