Lamictal prices

Lamictal pharmacy issues

2024.05.11 04:11 CardiologistWild5216 Lamictal pharmacy issues

It’s been a month since I’ve been able to retrieve my prescription. I’ve never had lamictal but my insurance won’t cover the starter pack, they said they would, came back & the pharmacy said they wouldn’t, I’ve been going through the run around and my psychiatrist hasn’t answered me or the pharmacy even though we’ve called several times to change the script as a written out titration instead of the starter pack.
If the psych doesn’t come through tomorrow after all of this time, is there a way for me to get it anyways even if my insurance doesn’t cover it? Like pay out of pocket but not full price 😬
This is totally unfair it’s been this long and I’m doing everyone’s job, doing all the foot work and nothing is coming out of it it’s actually making me so unwell hence is why I need the medication and she was aware of my suicidal ideations yet is lazy and won’t answer the phone/fix my script so I can pick it up. I’m sick of how careless some people can be, it’s so disheartening and I’m struggling big time. 😔🤦‍♀️
On another note, any success stories with lamictal? I have no energy right now no motivation I’m unstable to put it lightly I’m all over the place as most of us are with bp2
Edit* This has been such a shitty road. They are open today on a Saturday till 2 I called and told them again I need this situation fixed didn’t do anything and neither did the pharmacy. I think this is why people off themselves cause these drs and pharmacies SUCK!!!
submitted by CardiologistWild5216 to bipolar2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 17:25 putney Strange reaction to particular meds--Wellbutrin or Lamictal--and every physican I've spoken to about this things I'm crazy --The psych docs couldn't help me, can you?

F, 60, non smoker casual drinker. No recreational drugs. 5'6 160. I have atypical depression. Meds: Lialda, Prozac, 150 Lithium, Vitamin D, Spirinolactone.
I am the child of a well-known cardiologist; dinnertime was when my parent talked about the patients of the day, from interesting to unbelieveable. I know all about the patients that doctor thinks are nuts and I fear I am in that category.
Several years ago I had another psychiatrist and when I took Wellbutrin or Lamictal on an empty stomach, I had what I can only describe as some sort of terrifying episode. (A similar thing happened to me when I was a teen and smoked weed, depersonalization, if that's a clue.) This is what happens
  1. Take pill
  2. About half an hour later I start to feel woozy and queasy. The room feels like it is spinning.
  3. My eyes begin rapid eye movement, despite being awake. (I have usually laid down at this point.) If I open my eyes and I allow them to focus, I get deep into a thought about what I am seeing and get out of this thought with what feels like a mycoclonic jerk. This is where the depersonalization is.)
  4. Nausea. Big, big nausea. Sometimes I vomit bile.
  5. My breath becomes extremely labored. I try to focus on breathing so I don't die. If It's Wellbutrin this lasts 30 minutes. Lamictal it's over an hour.
  6. It fades away and am I perfectly normal, hungry, like it never happened. Could it be something with digestion? This is the reason I stopped taking these pills. Once they happened on Cymbalta, once on Fetzima.
Adding: I will be honest: I have been taken away in an ambulance when this happens in a public place. The ER docs think I am crazy and delusional. (Part of the price of being a middle aged woman on psych meds/lithium.) I am actually frightened every time I switch meds, that I will end up in the ER and then the psych ward. This has twice happened outside my home (or a friend's home) and I've been made to stay in the hospital for 2-3 days, the whole time being asked about my "illegal drug usage" I'm clearly not telling them about. You cannot imagine how scary this is on its own, and then partnered with the ER
submitted by putney to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 14:40 Oppblockjoe What is the point of having Generic brand tablets?

I'm honestly so confused right now. So basically I have epilepsy, and I've been told by people to not switch brands because it can cause extra side affects, which I've experienced (fuck you milpharm).I had seizures 4 days in a row which was not nice lmao)
I'm on generic tablets(lamotrigine) right now, and I've been requesting a specific one for a little while which has worked, now I'm being told the one I had a reaction to is the only one in stock, and it'll stay that way for a long while.
Apparently generic tablets are only made at certain times during the year so once they're out of stock they're out of stock. WHY TF IS THAT A THING!! They said to tell my doctors to prescribe me Lamictal (the legit brand) because they make it all year round so it will always be in stock.
If you cant get generic tablets all year round why even have it for sale in the first place, Its just going to make people suffer for no reason. I get they're trying to save money but people are all going to end up going onto the name brands when they realize what's happening. This isn't America where it'll change the price for us.
Can anyone shed some light on this as I'm beyond lost.
submitted by Oppblockjoe to nhs [link] [comments]

2024.04.14 15:32 TheBipolarOwl Work struggles due to mania

Hey guys, I’m freaking out a little. I’ve been manic for a few weeks now and it’s been kinda bad but mostly just annoying spending and very talkative.
I did however spent most of the time building up my business a little more and feeling more confident. I increased my prices and was feeling great (grandiose).
So now it turns out I’m actually not as good at it as I thought. I had a crappy day yesterday almost everything I did at my work went badly.
Anyone else that has gone through this? I really don’t want to slip into depression now.
I’m on very low dose of Seroquel(I have a baby and I have no option other than being sleeping lightly at night so I can care for him. ) I’m also on Lamictal and this one is minimum effective dose at 200 mg.
I’m suffering. I wish I could say screw it and end this project. I feel like I can’t do anything successfully with this illness I’m tired.
submitted by TheBipolarOwl to BipolarReddit [link] [comments]

2024.04.04 01:59 bugaboo221 name brand prescriptions

i've already made a few other posts regarding medicaid, but since i'm approved and new to all this, i have dozens of questions lol
i'm currently prescribed lamictal, wellbutrin, & klonopin. my psych told me once i get approved for medicaid, i get the best of the best prescriptions including name brand. i know klonopin might be a little harder to get but id figure id try. i currently get Teva for those. i get solco for the wellbutrin (garbage imo) & i forget the lamictal. i was wondering if i have to request brand name? or what it look sus for asking
i know it's not 100% guaranteed but i'd really like to try. my current total from all of these for a 3 month supply is little over $70 and i know it doesn't sound that expensive for 3 months, it is for me. i would only pay that price honestly if i could get name brand. obviously i'm on medicaid for a reason but i'm not yet married to my fiancé so we have separate insurances so he helps me out when he can.
i'm looking into Blue Cross Complete- i think this is the name, and a lot of the medications i look up in their formerly glossary says they're "carved out" medications. and it says non preferred brands are available but the generic are usually the prescribed ones since lesser costs. anyways, am i able to request name brand when my psych sends out my script? he's really cool and would honestly probably try his best for me but is there even a chance?
sorry if wording is bad, i'm trying lol! any help or advice would be appreciated in advance , thank u! 😊
submitted by bugaboo221 to Medicaid [link] [comments]

2024.03.26 04:12 FixAccomplished8131 Meds getting amazingly cheaper due to generics

I've been on medication for bipolar disorder for 13 years.
Here's one combo of my meds roughly 12 years ago:
Aripiprazole (Abilify) 5mg: P160 / tablet Lamotrigine (Lamictal) 100mg: P77/tablet
TOTAL: P237/day, P7110/month
Here's approximately what the generics today cost:
Aripiprazole (Abdin) 5mg: P62/ tablet Lamotrigine (Motrigine) 100mg: P41/tablet
TOTAL: P103/day, P3090/month
Still expensive., but a huge improvement!
I get a further discount for my PWD card, but I list the regular prices since not everyone has a card.
submitted by FixAccomplished8131 to MentalHealthPH [link] [comments]

2024.03.25 14:35 boiledpeanut33 How much does your Vyvanse cost per script without insurance?

Edit to add: I'm in the US, New York State.
Thank the stars I have Medicaid. I get sixty 30mg capsules per month (two doses daily), and when I Iooked at my script on the Walgreens app and saw the cost without insurance I was literally laughing spontaneously with disbelief. You know. That laugh we get when something is so incredulous that laughter is somehow the thing that happens.
I've known about the shortage for a very long time, and that it's pretty bad, but I never knew how much worse it was than I thought. Without insurance, I would have to walk away from the pharmacy counter empty handed. That number doesn't even include the cost of my scripts for Lamictal and propranolol. (I haven't even looked at those.)
The cost of the Vyvanse alone is how much I have to pay for rent. I cannot imagine still being stuck in that not-so-sweet spot where I make too much for Medicaid but not nearly enough to buy insurance. There are countless people in that very spot who need prescriptions that literally keep them from DYING.
How is anyone supposed to survive, let alone live a life worth living?
I am consistently shook.
Edit: I'm seeing comments with prices well under $200usd. Is this a New York State thing? (Oh yeah, I probably should have mentioned I live in NYS.)
submitted by boiledpeanut33 to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.03.14 20:25 Loose-Ambassador1163 How do I go about finding a particular manufacturer for generic Lamictal?

I currently have lamitrogine manufactured by unichem but I hear that Teva makes a version much closer to the brand name Lamictal and since it would be pretty much the same price I'd like to try and swap manufacturers. How can I do this? Do I need to call around to different pharmacies to see who carries the Teva version or could I ask my pharmacy to order it specifically?
Sorry if this is common knowledge but I have no idea how this stuff works. TIA for your time.
submitted by Loose-Ambassador1163 to bipolar2 [link] [comments]

2024.02.06 06:15 mylittlecaio Postpartum Depression Journey and Depo Provera/Hormone Replacement Therapy/Psych Story

Hello. Thought I would share my story in case it can help someone else. I had my second baby 8/2023. During the 3rd trimester I felt strong disassociation from the pregnancy. I dismissed it. I also had gestational diabetes for the length of my pregnancy. (GD patients are more likely to experience postpartum depression).
I felt depressed and told my OBGYN. In October 2023 I was put on hormonal birth control (Aviane) to try to control it (inappropriate and I didn’t research it!!). When my “sugar pill” week came I had suicidal ideations almost immediately. (I now hypothesize this is because the pill was working against my body trying to heal itself hormonally).
The suicidal ideations were STRONG. I read a forum where postpartum women were sometimes turning to major extremes like Lupron (beginning chemical menopause) to eliminate issues related to severe hormone imbalance. Thankfully, my insurance company turned me down. I did opt for a Depo Provera shot though in the same office visit (worked for me in the past). When I got the shot, my mood stabilized within 30 minutes. I felt so calm and wanted to take a nap, but the symptoms came back just 3 days later. Over the next two months Depo worked hard against my body trying to rebalance. My mood was more out of control than ever before.
When I asked, I was turned down for hormone blood tests by my OBGYN. My primary ordered them for me and I learned to read the hormone results on my own. Specifically, estradiol (estrogen) and progesterone. I did some more reading and learned 2 things
(1) I’m estrogen dominant (not ideal causing many mood and other issues). MANY women are estrogen dominant.
(2) Both my estrogen and progesterone were in the toilet. Too-low hormones can cause brain and well-being/MOOD and DEPRESSION issues.
Depo provera is medroxy-progesterone. I felt so good when I got the shot I then wondered if I needed to start replacing the hormones birth control took away. I researched and asked the OBGYN to start me on Prometrium (bio identical hormones). The OBGYN agreed to 100mg nightly. That night I slept like a baby. I even fed the baby and went back to sleep no problem! But, I started having daily vaginal bleeding. I then turned to a HRT forum and someone mentioned trying one rectally and orally and this stopped the bleeding. I asked the OBGYN to increase my dosage and they declined. I continued to self medicate 200mg/ nightly. My moods were totally stabilized at night but crazy SI during the day.
I then started having other symptoms from low estrogen. Memory issues were the primary concern. I couldn’t remember where I met certain friends or how I usually cooked a meal. It was trippy! Since OBGYN refused to help me further, I researched, wrote my primary doctor and asked she start me on estrogen injections 1ml/day. She did and my mood swings calmed down until I noted that the SI kicked up again around when I was supposed to have my “cycle”. I then took the progesterone at 5pm instead of bedtime and the symptoms went away. I later learned that Prometrium/progesterone oral only lasts in the body 8-10 hours, so I switched to 1 oral (100mg/nightly) to 1 rectal (100mg/daily - rectal because it made me WAY tired) and this did the trick!
Today I’m still not sleeping well. I see a doctor next week to change from Prometrium oral to injections so I can control the dosing better. Through all this I learned postpartum depression is the body’s inability to regulate hormonal changes fast enough, mainly estrogen and progesterone. Both hormones are important for mood.
Allpregnanolone is from progesterone (which is why it is believed by some that oral progesterone has a sedative effect, because through liver filtering it is converted to allpregnanolone). Allpregnanolone is essentially what is given to patients approved for Zulresso for postpartum depression (the 60-hour IV therapy). I read that Zulresso is $30k and HARD to get approved. There are some clinics that see moms for postpartum progesterone hormone replacement therapy. They’re a little hard to find but their price tag is $500/visit with the doctor (Functional Medicine doctor) instead of $30k.
I’m in the USA in Southern California. It took time to find a good doctor (I burned a little cash doing it). You want one that understands how to use progesterone therapy (NO creams), willing to prescribe to an insurance-covered pharmacy and not one trying to push their compound products.
I hope this can help someone else. Hang in there.
I’ll update again after I switch to progesterone injections. The goal here is no more mood swings and I’m headed in the right direction.
Note: In all of this madness I was referred to psychiatry and they tried me on a few different things. MANY psychiatric medications affect hormones or are affected by them. Nothing they tried me on worked or lasted long. Lamictal was great at first until I found out I became overmedicated when my estrogen plummeted. No fun at all. Today I’m on Zoloft. Zoloft also reduces estrogen, but I’m not willing to get off without the help of a doctor.
submitted by mylittlecaio to Postpartum_Depression [link] [comments]

2024.01.23 05:44 OutOnTheFull Titrating off Lamictal - Cognitive Issues are Clearing Up

So, I’ve been on lamictal for 11 years. It’s done a great job raising the floor on my depression, but I’ve always felt it affected me cognitively and hampered my work performance. But every time I tried coming off it, I’d feel terribly when I got down to 100mg. However, because of a hypomanic episode in 2022 (my last one before that was 20 years ago), I got put on lithium. Lithium has been great for me, so I thought, “let me try getting off the lamictal” and see if the lithium will help me cope with the taper.
I’m down to 75mg and so far so good. A little irritability when I got to 100, but nothing major. I still feel good. The biggest thing I’m noticing is how much better I am at managing tasks and staying focused. I’m hopeful that will continue, as so much of my depression lately has been a function of my inability to function at work (I’m a lawyer). I’ve always felt that the loss of cognitive function was the price I had to pay to stave off severe depression. But now I’m hopeful that lithium monotherapy might be the answer for me.
submitted by OutOnTheFull to bipolar2 [link] [comments]

2023.12.23 02:12 Royoct13 GSK to cut US prices for Advair, Valtrex and Lamictal

For those who are taking or planning to take Valtrex (Valacyclovir):

Long story short: Valtrex prices will be lowered by 10% starting New Years. Slightly more affordable.
submitted by Royoct13 to HSVpositive [link] [comments]

2023.12.23 02:10 Royoct13 GSK to cut US prices for Advair, Valtrex and Lamictal

For those of us who are taking Valtrex (Valacyclovir):
submitted by Royoct13 to ValtrexOnline [link] [comments]

2023.11.24 22:00 dizzysucks1997 Dizziness keeps getting worse and worse I can’t live like this

26 male 5’10 145lbs
I made a post like this about 6 months ago. 6 months later my symptoms have progressed to the point where I can’t work or do much of anything. I don’t even shower often anymore and I sleep on the floor most nights. My life is a living hell and I simply can not sustain this.
This has been an issue since I was 16, but my life wasn’t truly robbed by this condition until the passed year. I’ve had the VNG test done 4 times now and I think it’s important to note I do have a diagnosed vestibular weakness of 48% on my left side and symptoms wise it feels like it too. I very clearly feel a rightward spin if I’m say laying on my left side then switch to my right.
My last vestibular battery was actually only a month ago, but my symptoms are so bad I couldn’t do the VNG and couldn’t even finish all speeds of the rotary chair test so I am not certain if my physical weakness has gotten worse or is now affecting both sides or what. The doctor told me I did enough to show results that my vestibular function is fairly normal and hearing is perfect, but I truly believe I didn’t do enough.
Another thing worth noting is I noticed my symptoms getting worse after wrestling a friend and he pulled up on my neck. I had neck pain for a week and felt like my head was on a bobble head during that week too. I just generally felt unwell as well, but those symptoms are now gone. I would like to know if possibly a slipped disc or something could be the reason for my worsening symptoms. My neurologist dismissed it.
My entire time dealing with these symptoms I’ve heard vestibular migraine thrown around, but I feel like my symptoms just don’t line up at all with vestibular migraine.
  1. I have no triggers I can find. I’ve tried all the diets and sodium reduction and it has absolutely zero effect on my symptoms. Now it’s a lot more sensitive as in if I get bad sleep or play too many video games I will feel significantly worse, but this wasn’t even a problem at all for the first 9 years of this. In fact looking for triggers would make it worse since I would convince myself of patterns that weren’t there. I even developed a fear of eating at one point
  2. It is not episodic. I constantly feel awful. Now, I will have some days where I feel better than others, but 90% of the time I feel terrible and 10% of the time it’s still bad, but I can at least relax. The lack of episodes and triggers make me think it is not vestibular migraine.
My current symptoms: Dizziness all the time. When I look left while upright I feel a lot worse than looking right. Sleeping on my left side also feels worse, looking down seems to be easiest. Also if I look left and nod my head up and down in a yes motion it makes me very dizzy this does not happen looking right. Up and down head movement in general make it worse. The most triggering movement is if I look up and to the right so a 45 degree angle from down left to upper right. The up and down as well as the 45 degree tilt symptoms have been consistent for years, but the will change A LOT in severity. Sometimes it will produce minor symptoms and some days it be really awful. Again no known patterns or triggers. Sometimes I’m walking and feel decent then boom dizzy for no reason Feels like every time I sleep and wake up I’m rolling the dice on how I’ll feel for a given day.
I go for walks a lot, I’m talking 6 hour walks almost every day as I feel like it’s the only thing that keeps it in check. This will make me feel worse a lot of the time, but if I tough it out I notice usually after a while I start to feel some sort of improvement. I need to do this every single day or else it gets really bad. Any kind of head movements make it a lot worse in general. Also holding certain head positions will feel like hell. If I try and wait it out the symptoms just don’t stop or they will come and go while holding that position. The longer I hold it the worse I feel when I recenter and the longer it take to return to baseline. Movement in general makes it a lot worse now.
Old symptoms: Dizzy spells. I used to get spin attacks that would last a few seconds at a time. They were usually about a month apart from each other if not more. But think as if someone sucker punched you in the side of the head kind of feeling. The world would be spinning as if I’m in a spinning plane. So not a lateral spin but a “tilt” directional spin. As far as I can remember it was always a rightward spin, no longer than 15 seconds. I would still have baseline dizziness on top of this, but nothing in comparison to what I feel now. Movement use to always improve it. Driving running playing a sport etc. would drown it out where I’d barely feel it at all. There was no concept at the time of over stimulating my system. The only thing that would consistently make it worse was drugs and alcohol at the time this really upset me, but it really was such a small price to pay.
The spin attacks no longer happen at least in the same way. When they do happen I can’t even describe the sensation, it’s like a feeling of no input and not so much a spin. There is no nystagmus with them anymore, it’s just a really scary sensation. If I do try and find some kind of spin to it, it is still rightward but a lot slower and a lot more dragged out. These attacks can affect me for weeks and I notice will make my baseline symptoms from that point forward worse.
I’ve tried vestibular therapy several time with no progress. To this day I still do some of the exercises, but they generally do not help long term. Sometimes they may help for a given day or two, but I’m always back to feeling terrible where it feels like my brain has to start from scratch.
My neurologist thinks it’s central dizziness. She says I’ve been dealing with this so long my brain has become hyper fixated on my vestibular function. She prescribed me an anti convulsant called Lamictal which I’m going to be honest I’m terrified to take. To me it just feels so vestibular and I’m scared it will make it worse. It’s so unstable and delicate as it is, I’m worried it can trigger an event that will make my symptoms permanently worse.
I really think I just have a bad inner ear that my brain for some reason will not compensate for. Vestibular therapy does little to nothing. I just don’t understand why my stupid brain won’t compensate. I am extremely concerned whatever problem I have is now affecting both sides. As far as my vestibular weakness goes, it’s not like I ever had vestibular neuritis or something similar since I never had nystagmus for more than 15 seconds. For all I know it was always like that, but also how does the doctor know the weakness didn’t go from 48% to say 80% for some reason. If it did why is my brain not compensating if I have a fully functional side. Is it possible the problem is in my right ear? For some reason no doctors have ever recommended the vHIT. I really want this done since the VNG is too much and I need more answers. Was the vestibular testing really enough? Even if it is central shouldn’t vestibular therapy still help? I just don’t understand why it gets worse and worse.
submitted by dizzysucks1997 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2023.11.05 20:05 mydana Ruined everything for the X time

I (27F) was in a relationship for 1,5 years, during which we took an indirect break of 3 months (november beging 22-begin of march 23, I thought we broke up, he was waiting for me to get better since I started to take Lamictal for my BPII/BPD). First week of October, he told me he couldn't stand me anymore so decided to broke up w/ me. It was hard to live, I stopped to eat, stopped to sleep, I had hard time to figure that I have to move on since he doesn't want to be with me. We didn't have any contact for 3 weeks and then we talked again, saw each other during the last week-end and kept talking...
Since yesterday. He told me I was unbearable even tho he loves me, because I pushed myself into stalking his IG account for absolutely no fcking reason, like none, 0, net, it was just me doing this to find way to hurt myself I guess. He told me he doesn't believe in me loving him but he just thinks I'm obsessing over him, while it's not true because for the first time of my life I keep trying to do my best, I keep seeing a psychiatrist to make myself better and get checked so I can be stable because I have hope, since I love him for real. I want to improve myself for me, but also for us.
Him saying that I'm just obsessed hurt me so much that I didn't even fight, and that's how I knew I love him for real. I'd rather have him leaving me that have him sad with me even tho I really want him being by my side and continue to built something with him. I know that usually I'd try to prove him wrong, even if I want to prove him, I guess he doesn't want to hear it because he said he wants me to leave him alone. I'm so sad because I'm treating my BPD for real, I know what behaviors are bad and how to avoid them but sometimes it takes it over me and it ruins everything again and again and I pay it full price.
I feel like trash to have ruined everything one more time. I want to write him that I apologie and that I truly love him, that is not an illusion. But I can't. I just can wait for him or move on.
submitted by mydana to BPD [link] [comments]

2023.11.01 02:49 plynch815 Need to vent about mania

I need a place to vent and I figured no better place than somewhere with people who have a better understanding of bipolar brains and behavior.
I’ve been on 350 (recently 400) mg of Lamictal. For the past two years, it’s done its job very well, keep me relatively level with only a few high and low episodes. Around April/May of this year, everyone in my life slowly told me that I was acting different and showing manic symptoms. I didn’t recognize it until I could no longer deny it, but it didn’t really matter. I was having an incredible time. I can’t remember the last time I felt so alive. I had made new friends at work and was going out more than I had in years, drinking and partying and feeling like a king. And meanwhile, everyone else was terrified.
Over the next few months, I continued to worry everyone. I had already hurt my girlfriend during previous manic episodes, twice ending things with her for thinking she was too much, and once I had tried to throw myself into traffic after saying awful things to her. And despite these instances, she always stuck by me, even if we needed time apart. Again I hurt her, terrifying her with my behavior and lack of regard for anyone’s feelings, as well as all the lies I began telling and how manipulative I had become. I ended up going on a cruise with a woman I had just met months prior, which nearly broke me and my girlfriend up.
Once that had passed, things…didn’t get better, but we started to try and work on things. Everyone was still terrified. Everyone had said what a bad idea the cruise was and what a bad idea it was spending all the money I was spending and on and on. I didn’t feel guilt. I still don’t, fully, though it’s starting to creep back in. I recognize the hurt I was causing and that I did not want to hurt anyone, but I didn’t truly feel it on an emotional level. Despite it all, my girlfriend and I started making plans to move in after we found an incredible price on an apartment, and one of my best friends planned to move in with us once everything was settled. Things were still tense and not the best of course, and she absolutely hated me going out all the time, but it seemed things might slowly heal.
And then October hit and things got worse. To make a long backstory short, there had been a lot of tension in my family. My mom and aunt had a large rift form while they were taking care of my ailing grandparents. The way my aunt treated my mother had completely destroyed my relationship with her, to the point where I have nothing but the most vile things to say about my aunt, even when not manic. My grandfather left me some money with the idea that I would help care for my grandmother. My aunt was made power of attorney. Last May, my grandfather died, and things got worse with my family. My aunt demanded half the money (despite how much I hate her, I don’t think it’s to steal it. I think It’s because she wants control on everything). After much fighting, my mom convinced me to give it over to keep her from hounding me and impacting my mental health.
So come this month, my aunt asked for the other half of the money. I didn’t answer for a few weeks, until one day I said fuck it. I was careful with what I said, somehow staying very civil, asking what was done with the first half of the money and offering to buy whatever my aunt requested my grandmother needed. In response, her husband texted me hours later threatening me with legal action, cursing me out, and talking down to me. I’m sure anyone with manic rage knows what came next. I called my parents, who were on vacation, screaming. I completely lost my shit, and when I called my girlfriend, the things I said scared her so much that she hung up on me and didn’t speak to me much for a few days. She hates the way I can get in anger, especially when it comes to my family. The fucked up things I say terrify her, and it did more than ever this time. After some time, my parents convinced me to ignore them.
I had also called my therapist that night and left him a voicemail that freaked him out that I was going to do something stupid. He and my psychiatrist talked back and forth, and during my next psychiatric session, I was put on lithium. My cousin called trying to make peace but hand over the money, my aunt texted saying she doesn’t answer to me and demanded the money, and all it did was make things worse. At this point, everyone was more worried than before, afraid that I’d get myself locked up in a psych ward or in jail. I ignored it all and talked how much I wanted to emotionally get back at my family. It consumed me. It still does.
It got even worse when my uncle texted last week. He told me and my parents that he’d tell the whole family we were stealing it. So I sent all the texts to a group chat of my entire family. And I felt elated knowing that I had just blown up the family, that I had hurt all of them. It disturbed my parents, my girlfriend, and therapist that the only people I hadn’t hurt were my two younger cousins, since I didn’t have their numbers. At this point, I decided to go off the lithium. I didn’t want to take meds that would take away the wonderful feeling I had. This didn’t sit well with anyone. It got to the point where my therapist called my parents and told them to make sure I take my medication, but I still refused. That night, I saw my girlfriend and things got worse because of the lithium and how I was acting.
On Friday, my other uncle, my moms brother, texted me. He tried to guilt me into giving me money, told me I wasn't respecting my grandfathers wishes, and talked about things my aunt must have told him that we’re all lies. Once again, I lost my shit. I told my girlfriend that I didn’t care who I’d hurt, including my grandmother, if it meant hurting my family. She told me she didn’t know who I was anymore and decided to cancel the apartment.
The next day she tried to get me to do anything to give her some hope that I would change. I felt like she was putting pressure on me that was unachievable and I snapped. I told her she wanted me to take my medicine to control me and that I’d take it but never forgive her. And that was that for her. No apartment. No girlfriend. My friend isn’t talking to me now because he had a lot riding on moving in with me.
I am taking my lithium now. My therapist and psychiatrist both painted a very bleak picture of my future if this manic episode continues. And today I met with my ex-girlfriend to give her stuff of hers that I had. We had a long talk where I tried to see that, if I showed that I really was getting better, that we could have a future together. She said that maybe one day we could become friends again, but that she didn’t see a future with me anymore.
So there it is. At the start of the year, I really felt like I was getting to a good place. And now, I’ve hurt everyone in my life, damaged a relationship with one of my closest friends, wasted a fuck ton of money, and lost the person I love most, the person I had bought a ring for and was planning to move in with, because I didn’t listen to the things she was telling me about how I was making her feel with my actions and words.
It was so much fun for such a long time. And yet it is such a waking nightmare, feeling like I’m in the passenger’s seat while someone else is driving. I love every moment of it, even as deep down my brain is screaming that something is wrong. I wish that, even though I could recognize that I was hurting people and telling myself I didn't want too, that I could get rid of the selfish impulsive desires.
Instead it’s cost me so much. I fucked up so many times and didn’t deserve all the chances I was given, yet my girlfriend came back and put up with so much more than she should have. Now when it finally feels like there’s a chance for me to be that person she wanted me to be, she’s gone from my life. I feel so broken. It’s hard to feel like my brain will ever truly be fixed, like I won’t keep ruining relationships and hurting the ones I love.
Sorry for the long rant, but I needed to find a place to get this all out.
submitted by plynch815 to bipolar [link] [comments]

2023.10.26 19:22 Jazzlike_Ad_2014 Getting Psych meds in Bangkok

Please someone help me tell me where to go to get the medication I need… I am running out… the hospitals I went to all either don’t have it or charge 1000s of dollars for a 3 month supply. I need 90 lamictal 300 mg… 90 wellbutrin xl 300 mg and, 90 prep pills discover or whatever it is called… please someone help me find where to go to get them for a good price
submitted by Jazzlike_Ad_2014 to Thailand [link] [comments]

2023.09.19 21:18 Lulu_Altair I just want a drink

When I started lamictal a few months ago I had one glass of cider (3% alcohol) and felt soooo bad twenty minutes later : nausea, dizziness, almost like a bad hungover. So I was like "yep, got it, no alcohol for me".
I'm not an alcoholic, however I'm French and that's a thing in itself. Beer and wine are everywhere here. And I love the taste of both. So it was pretty hard this summer, watching my siblings open a beer every day and sipping on my juice or whatever I was having. There's a huge social component to drinking. People make fun of you for not drinking. Or they question it. It's not "normal". At best, you're the weirdo that doesn't drink. At worst, an inconvenience.
But I was doing good this summer, lamictal was doing wonders at first, so it felt like a small price to pay for my mental health. Until two weeks ago when the depression came back. And now I just see lamictal as the thing that keeps me from having a good time with my friends. I'm craving a gin and tonic, I resent my medication and I feel like crap about it. It took all of my willpower to not buy myself that drink the other day. It's getting hard to do the right thing.
I just want a drink. I miss the taste of it. And when I'm depressed there's an added component of wanting to unwind a little. I'm not talking about getting shitfaced, just having one nice drink with a friend and feeling lighter for a moment.
Anyway. That was just me venting I guess. Thanks for reading this far.
submitted by Lulu_Altair to bipolar2 [link] [comments]

2023.08.31 16:28 Everlore17 Lamictal vs Topamax

Lamictal or Topamax for mood stabilization? I have dx of bipolar2, bpd, ptsd, anxiety. 40 female. Also on Pristiq 50mg, perindopril 4mg for high BP. I don't drink, I don't use drugs.
My pdoc suggested Topamax, because it would also treat BED, possibly cause weight loss... BUT the price is $$$. He only wants me on brand name. (I don't have the option to see him again, as it was an assessment and recommendation that my family doctor now follows).
I'm in Canada and the Topamax will cost me about $150 CDN a month, Lamictal will cost me dramatically less as there is a coverage card here for that (the Topamax one isn't able to be used in Canada).
I'm also on Pristiq. I'm just having a hard time making a decision on this. 😭
submitted by Everlore17 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2023.07.30 12:28 Enrika_ How much do you spend on your meds?

Curious as not all of us are from the states, and even in the USA people have different insurances, or none.
I just bought 100mg Lamictal and 100mg quetiapine.
I paid around 12€ (not sure the exact sum as I also bought a couple of OTC meds for an unrelated matter).
Quetiapine is compensated for me, but lamotrigine is not registered as a compensated med for anyone, so I paid full price. So basically 2.5€ for 30 quetiapine pills and around 10€ for 28 lamotrigine pills.
I have a basic health insurance that all the people who are working, minors, people who are registered as unemployed, or students have automatically by paying some taxes (I work, so I pay taxes, other mentioned people don't, and still get the same insurance).
I couldn't find any info of what kind of country I live in, but seems like the "first world"(?).
I honestly feel like spending around 12€ every month for medicine that keeps me sane is absurd, but in a good way!
submitted by Enrika_ to BipolarReddit [link] [comments]

2023.06.11 11:55 Dizzy-Masterpiece898 Tinnitus on Lamictal ?

I'm on Lamictal 100mg (50mg morning and 50mg evening). Seven days after accidentally taking 150mg (two days in a row) I started developing tinnitus... It's been nearly three weeks now. Did anyone get that on Lamictal? Did it subside? And if not did you stop it and it went away? I really need reassurance. Lamictal helped me overcome a serious depression but now I'm feeling the price is high... thanks for your input, folks.
submitted by Dizzy-Masterpiece898 to lamictal [link] [comments]

2023.05.13 00:43 AmIGayQuiz99 Caplyta Success Story!

Hi my friends! I’m posting because I was honestly terrified to start this med. From reading through other’s experiences here (and my experience on lamictal) I was expecting it to be horrific. I was prescribed 42mg from the start.
I was deeeeep into a depressive episode, and having the most brutal delusions. I hadn’t felt that horrible in years, I almost tossed away my relationship, both of my jobs, and all of my friendships because I was SURE they were all a lie. I honestly wasn’t sure if my episode would ever end.
The first couple days on Caplyta were kinda rough, if i’m being entirely honest. I almost quit at one dose. I got the spins and spent the first day crying that I just wanted to feel normal. I ran to the bathroom multiple times because I felt like I was going to throw up. My muscles felt weak and I couldn’t focus on anything. All my feelings went numb. From there, symptoms lessened and lasted for shorter periods each day, until disappearing around day 4.
I mean it wholeheartedly when I say I owe absolutely everything to Caplyta. My performance has notably improved at work, I’m present for my friends, and even my girlfriend has noticed that my emotions are more situationally appropriate, instead of the extremes I had before. I still have feelings, they just don’t get out of hand anymore. I get dizzy sometimes if I get out of bed too quickly, or if i’m in the sun too long, but that is a VERY small price to pay for finally feeling like i’m in control of myself.
I guess this is my long winded way of saying: if you’re new to caplyta or considering it, there will probably be side effects, but it truly does work if you manage to stick with it.
submitted by AmIGayQuiz99 to caplyta [link] [comments]

2023.05.01 07:44 Curiousjack1234 Curious about cost of Lamictal without insurance in your county.

In Sweden we pay around .87 US cents per 100mg pill. Curious how this compares to your countries. Anyone willing to share cost of 100mg pill without insurance? Thanks much in advance.
In Sweden we have socialist healthcare; we typically have a deductible. Normally, if you reach a certain amount for meds in a year, costs for the medicine typically goes down to almost nothing. However, lamotrigine (lamictal) is not included in the scheme and we pay ‘full price’ forever for this particular medication which is BS in my opinion.
submitted by Curiousjack1234 to lamictal [link] [comments]