Bravo restaurant nutrition

Top Chef on Bravo

2018.12.21 03:55 butisitok Top Chef on Bravo

Top Chef is one of our favorite shows that portrays culinary challenges and the very talented chefs that compete in them.

2012.10.09 05:39 vegibowl Restaurant reviews with a keto spin.

Keto friendly dining reviews, advice and information.

2018.12.05 19:50 merckiller VanderPoly

In solidarity with the release of Jax Taylor from the Vanderpump Rules show, this subreddit is now defunct. Thanks for the mammaries.

2024.05.14 08:23 National-Election101 Some pseudoscience theories and conspiracies debunked

  1. Mango leaves continue to produce oxygen even after cut, and hence used in poojas and rituals. This is widely shared in instagram, whatsapp and linkedin. debunked here
  1. The coordinate latitude location of Pyramid of Giza is same as the speed of light in meters. debunked here. Also I would add that few meters of continental drift has been occurred since the pyramids were built. So the ancient Egyptians knew that the coordinates would match some 4500 years after it was built and be discovered by current humans.
  1. The fear that "Monosodium Glutamate is bad for health and should not be added in food" is widespread and is a classic example of mass hysteria. Many restaurants claim proudly that they do not use the "harmful" MSG as an additive. The MSG as a bad agent is debunked many times but it is yet to reach to the mass ;
  2. ; When someone looks at the digital watch at exact 12:34 and 11:11 meaning that they are observing this angel numbers and it has significance and influence in the observer's life.
This is an example of confirmation bias or selection bias, and the human tendency to seek and interpret patterns. It has no spiritual meaning or purpose.
submitted by National-Election101 to LogicalAayaam [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:58 pinkbubblegumswag How to make Vegan Mac n Cheese creamier?

My staple meal to cook is a killer nutritional yeast based Mac and cheese.
My typical cheese sauce is this list of ingredients:
-Blended Cashews that have been boiled/sat in water for hours.
-a ton of nutritional yeast
-Salt, smoked paprika, pepper, a little onion powder.
-very little lemon juice
-a splash of oat milk and a baby bit of vegan butter and olive oil
It always turns out amazing, but it’s either a little grainy or just liquidy. I can’t seem to capture the creaminess that vegan restaurants have.
Any tips? Should I make the cheese sauce a day or two before I make the pasta to let it thicken? Are there some essential ingredients I should add? Should I change my process?
I’ve added blended tofu, melted vegan cheese, different milks, etc, but I still can’t get it exact.
Any tips would be greatlyyyyy appreciated! Even if it doesn’t have to do with creaminess, any ingredient tips would be nice :)
Thanks plant friends.
submitted by pinkbubblegumswag to vegan [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 18:22 sunflowerstatic going out to eat

im going out to eat today! my eating disorder has completely taken this away from me, and im trying to reclaim my ability to go do this. the place im eating is somewhere that used to be “safe” when I was less relapsed I guess? not sure how to word it. anyway, im still counting my cals, but im not bringing a food scale im just going to order and eat the damn food and move on. wish me luck with this little challenge, I hope it goes well because I want to try eating at restaurants without available nutritional information as well. baby steps🤞
submitted by sunflowerstatic to fuckeatingdisorders [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 16:17 bananabrownie Orange County restaurants shut down by health inspectors (May 2 - May 9)

Restaurants and other food vendors ordered to close and allowed to reopen by Orange County health inspectors from May 2 to May 9. Source: OC Health Care Agency database.
Note: Sorry for the late post this week!
99 Ranch Market: Deli, 651 N Euclid St, Anaheim
Closed: May 9 Reason: Cockroach infestation Reopened: May 9 
Bella Collina Towne & Golf Club, 200 Avenida La Pata, San Clemente
Closed: May 9 Reason: Rodent Infestatiton Reopened: May 9 
Ola Mexican Kitchen, 21040 Pacific Coast Hwy Ste F200, Huntington Beach
Closed: May 9 Reason: Cockroach infestation Reopened: May 10 
Blessed Sacrament School, 14146 Olive St, Westminstetr
Closed: May 8 Reason: Cockroach infestation Reopened: 
Knott Nutrition Spot, 502 S Knott Ave, Anaheim
Closed: May 8 Reason: Cockroach infestation Reopened: May 9 
Bree's Quality Meats, 11877 Valley View St, Garden Grove
Closed: May 7 Reason: Insufficient Hot Water Reopened: May 8 
Keto Bakery, 1866 N Tustin St, Orange
Closed: May 7 Reason: Cockroach infestation Reopened: May 9 
Baskin Robbins, 1736 E Meats Ave, Orange
Closed: May 3 Reason: Cockroach infestation Reopened: May 4 
submitted by bananabrownie to orangecounty [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 12:07 atlasiscool69 calories on menus ?

hi !! im going to seoul in around a month and was just wondering how the nutritional info is in cafes / restaurants there ? cause in the uk most of not all places have calories on the menus or easily available , is there any places like that in seoul ?
also , are there any places which sell low calorie / high protein snacks or food ( even if its just from a convenience store , i dont mind !! )
i saw a few low calorie things like 0 calorie ice creams i think they sell in convenience stores , so if anyone can recommend anything else like that id be super grateful !!
thank you :D
submitted by atlasiscool69 to koreatravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 07:08 2baverage My family thinks I'm fat-phobic because I tell them not to give my baby certain foods

I feel like I'm about to explode the next time I see my family because they keep trying to have my 6 month old try foods. He has baby food integrated into his usual eating schedule but my family keeps trying to give him things like pizza, ice cream, fried chicken skin, soda...etc. yesterday my sister tried to give him shrimp. I want him to eventually try those foods but not so young and we're waiting until he's a few months older to start introducing common allergy foods because I don't know if you've seen a baby with an IV but it's not a pretty sight.
My family's go to excuse when I tell them no is "we were all given whatever everyone else was eating at that age, just put dinner in a blender and give it to the baby." Great, but we ALL have massive issues with our weight and those were also the days when people would lay their babies on their stomachs to sleep and shut the door behind them.
Today my sister and mom tried giving the baby cake icing and I said no. They tried laughing it off and when I put my foot down, my sister's argument was "he has apple and that's full of sugar, so why can't he have icing?" I feel like I'm going to rip my hair out at the fact that my sister thinks icing is on the same level as an apple. I grew up with piss poor nutrition and have spent the vast majority of my adulthood trying to be better about food but I feel like it's a constant issue with my family. I feel like this shouldn't be a battle, like wtf???
So after my instances of me telling them no, my family now thinks I'm fat-phobic because when I explain why I say no it's always health/nutrition reasons.
EDIT: Sorry, I wrote this in a rant, and thank you everyone for making me feel like I'm not making a terrible choice by waiting until my baby is a little older to introduce certain foods. We have introduced some allergens and so far he hasn't had any reactions; mainly nuts, dairy, and eggs. My sister tried giving the baby some shrimp when we were at a restaurant in a very crowded street traffic area, so if there was an emergency then we would have been screwed. But I also know that it's partially an issue I have because I've never seen a mild shellfish allergy so the extra worry is on my part.
Once he gets a little older I want him to try those things; I don't want to be a granola mom but I also don't want a 1 year old who screams any time someone gives him water. Unfortunately, my family equates love and food but I thought we had gotten over this and it's just infuriating.
submitted by 2baverage to beyondthebump [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 05:05 Unhappy_Payment_2791 Resume assistance please

Hi everyone! I’m new to the sub. Please be gentle. I know this needs work, and may be using outdated or wordy methods to get my points across. I would appreciate guidance to reformat and make sure I’m including the right key words.
I wanted to keep it the way I’ve had it for the last few successful job searches. However, I’m feeling like I could be marketing myself better and going for better jobs. I’m struggling, making only $19/hour + 10% commission on sales (which an average sale occurs 3-4 times per week and amounts to $16-20 each sale). So, the earning potential isn’t great. I’m really struggling to catch up financially. I’m 30 years old and I feel like I’ve gained extremely valuable experience, on top of being an extroverted individual who enjoys communicating and working in a team environment. I’m sick of barely affording groceries, rent and everything else. When in reality I feel like I’m only stuck because I have failed to find a career / job that pays me well enough. Right now, the bulk of my job is calling people and leaving voicemails and being incredibly invasive with people who are simply not interested, or cannot afford our service. The way we are forced to operate by corporate is super lame. Forced to farm phone calls and hit and certain quota each day, even if the leads are all cooled down and nothing is fresh. It gets so boring because even the call quotas are low. It’s not hard to make 40 phone calls in 8 hours. So the rest of the time I’m bored beyond belief.
There is nothing else at my current job to advance myself or develop my skills. All of my responsibilities, I’m already very experienced with. It feels like I’m wasting my time and could be spending it working somewhere busier or potentially making more sales, at the very least. At best, I could be challenging myself daily and growing towards future roles. Maybe even making more money in the process.
I feel like I’m an asset in a lot of workplaces. I want to capitalize on this and make as much money as I can, while I’m working on things like classes, courses, certifications, etc.
Eventually, I was hoping to pursue a career as a therapist (mental health) or another psychology related field. This would require me to finish my degree, but I do have quite a few credits towards that. I would be more than willing to work for it, because it’s something I would love to do.
Please do not recommend jobs that I would presently need a degree, license, etc., because I’m aware of career paths I want in the future. Right now, I want to figure out what I’m worth and where I can land temporarily while rebuilding my financial stability. At that point, I would consider school or gaining other marketable skills through more intense studying/training.
My main goals are: -Delete any fluff or bloat from my resume. -Format better with key words. -Highlight my true skills and abilities better. -Market myself in a way that would open the door to new possibilities / higher earning potential.
Thanks for any and all input!
submitted by Unhappy_Payment_2791 to resumes [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 04:56 mxlmxl 28 Days/4 weeks on Carnivore - Thought id' share my experience

I've just finished 28 days on carnivore. 43M. Diet before was a typical Australian/US style diet. Lots of carbs from bread, potatoes, chips, fries, sugars, processed foods and such.
For context, I went 100% full carnivore, no period of change. My foods consist of: Beef (Mince/Ground, Rib Eye, Chuck, Shortribs), Pork Belly, Bacon, Chicken wings/legs, Lamb (Chops, leg, fatty parts), Eggs, Grass fed butter.

That's about it. Losing fat, getting leaner, feeling more energetic, and not at all bored yet of the foods. If considering it do it. Just watch out for hydration.
submitted by mxlmxl to carnivorediet [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 03:51 Couch-potato-barbie San Francisco set up

This whole San Francisco trip was such a last attempt set up to redeem Sandoval and they were all in on it, especially Scheana. The whole apology about weaponizing Ariana’s mental health between Tom and Scheana was so fake. It was such a set up for Tom to sweep in during Ariana and scheana’s convo to apologize to Ariana and look like the good guy. Scheana was for sure aware of this plan. Such a pathetic attempt. The producers realised they fucked up the entire show with the Sandoval redemption ark and this was their attempt at saving its future. They really do think the viewers are idiots.
Also the way Lala flipped what Dan said about meeting Sandoval to Katie. Dan was literally say “yea he’s never done anything to me but he has to the person I love so I don’t have any desire to appease him” and Lala somehow took at as “oh the guy has never done anything to me!” As though Ariana would date someone like that.
Edit: OKAY I’m rewatching and have more thoughts. Everything they mention in the finale was totally a last attempt set up at another season. Scheana and her “revamp” at her music career, Schwartz and Sandy’s redemption and Sandoval coming back to the restaurant and “rebranding”. Lisa bringing up the Chef Penny situation and being on Penny’s side. Talking about weaponizing Ariana’s mental health to create something new for Sandoval to apologize to that he hasn’t yet addressed and shut down. Lala being pervy towards Dan while also interrogating him and questioning his character. This was allllll attempts to create storylines post-Scandoval. But again, they misread the audience and completely shot themselves in the foot. The way Ariana was calling out the producers was her saying “I see what you’re doing and I’m not doing it, I’m not participating”. She knew she was being produced. This was not a series finale episode. This was the producers trying to get us to care about Lala, Scheana, and the Toms again. This was such a failed and overtly produced attempt at getting us to side with what Lala says at the end. It’s laughable. Bravo, Bravo.
submitted by Couch-potato-barbie to Vanderpumpaholics [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 03:38 DoGsPaWsLoVe Weekly Recap 05/05/24-05/11/24: 102 Posts

This is the weekly recap of the 102 monetized posts from Kylea and Joseph "Joe" Gomez of Kylea G Weight loss Journey from 05/05/24-05/11/24.
They have made 609+ monetized posts in 5 weeks.
Disclaimers: I am not a physician, influencer, or paid content creator. I am not affiliated with WW. I am semi-retired from the healthcare field with multiple college degrees. These opinions are my own based on social media content. I wish no harm to Kylea or Joe Gomez.
☎️ If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, please call or text 988 for assistance.
📢 To the perfectionists, Kylea has a habit of heavily editing posts 3+ times and archiving/hiding and deleting posts. I do not have a burner account for Facebook and have not viewed every comment made. She does not post receipts and is secretive about her purchases.
The tagline of Kylea G Weight loss Journey is, "I changed my life with prayer and a playlist of songs. No surgery, no meds. Just Jesus."
Of the 102 monetized posts last week on the topic of faith:
0/102 discussed which version of the Bible she prefers
0/102 revealed her church home, a service she attended online/in person, or how she worships when traveling
0/102 discussed a personal/group Bible study she completes/attends
0/102 were a favorite scripture or Bible verse
Of the 102 monetized posts last week on the topic of music:
2/102 referenced music Kylea prefers= an unnamed Taylor Swift song as a clapback to a comment about pizza crust and a drinking buddy anthem duet with Morgan Wallen + Post Malone
Of the 102 monetized posts last week on the topic of health:
0/102 were about intentional exercise
0/102 shared a food, water, or exercise log
0/102 discussed meditation, deep breathing, attending grief group, or therapy for her mental health. (There were references to a mental health care provider that gave her a letter recommending an emotional support animal.)
0/102 shared reputable medical sources for nutrition or weight loss content. (She mentions WW points but does not list a website or how to access their app.)
0/102 shared a recommendation for another weight loss influencer to follow
1/102 shared a source for her recipe (Joe's deceased mother)
13/102 shared a recipe. Shared recipes below.
  1. Frozen Pancake Breakfast Sandwiches;
  2. Banana Puddin' Protein Overnight Oats,
  3. Smothered Crockpot Pork Chops;
  4. Trader Joe's Protein Pancakes;
  5. Snapple Zero Sugar Peach Tea & Splenda Brown Sugar Marinated Chicken;
  6. Dirty Dr. Pepper Protein Ice Cream,
  7. Joseph's Lavash Bread Pizza;
  8. Lemon Blueberry "Muffin" Cupcakes;
  9. Blueberry Sugar-free Oatmeal Waffles;
  10. KFC Inspired Bowl;
  11. Sara Lee 45 cal French Toast;
  12. G Hughes Smoky Mesquite Raspberry Jam Chicken;
  13. Lemon Blueberry Greek Baked Yogurt;
⚠️ Disordered Eating- Daily WW Points Consumed (based on monetized content):
Sun 05/05: 10 WW points; Mon 05/06: 11 WW points; Tue 05/07: 7 WW points; Wed 05/08: 7-9 WW points; Thu 05/09: 10-11 WW points; Fri 05/10: 1 WW point; Sat 05/11: 8 WW points;
📢 To our friends at Meta, Kylea can consume up to 30 WW points per day, roll over 4 unused daily points, and consume 28 weekly points. She is clearly underutilizing her daily points and used zero weekly points. This is dangerous and potentially deadly messaging for those on a weight loss journey. 🚨
So what was Kylea's "weight loss content" about? Let's dive into her purchases to find out.
Her subtotal from 05/05/24-05/11/24= $2489.80 est + all applicable taxes, tips, and fees
Her 5-week subtotal from 04/07/24-05/11/24 was $17,133.54 est + all applicable taxes, tips, and fees
🚨 Per Missouri public court records, Kylea Gomez has not satisfied her current medical judgment and is only able to pay $25 per month.
This next section is long due to the volume of purchases. You've been warned...
Weekly Takeout Purchases= $71.73 est + tips;
Sunday 05/05/24 Mexican Takeout Salad with chips/salsa= $15 est + tip (no proof she went with friends);
Monday 05/06/24 Iced/Blended coffee: $8 est + tip (no proof she went with a friend);
Tuesday 05/07/24 Carafe of coffee at unknown restaurant= $5 est + tip (no food shown or proof sister was present); Blended Coffee= $8 est + tip;
Wednesday 05/08/24 Htea0 Happy Hour Drink for 2 + fruit upcharge for 1= $3.25 est;
Thursday 05/09/24 Pineapple Bliss for 2= $6.98 est + tip;
Friday 05/10/24 Blended coffee= $8 est + tip; Wendy's Large Sprite Zero= $2.50 est,
Saturday 05/11/24 Unknown breakfast for Joe= $15 est + tip;
🚨 These additional shopping/travel expenses do NOT reflect her rent, utilities, phone, 2 car payments, etc.
Additional shopping/travel expenses= $2418.07 + all applicable taxes, tips, and fees
⚠️ CBD aka Shopping Addiction: Most of the purchases were for a future puppy.
Monday 05/06/24 Breeder fee for female Cavapoo puppy= $1000 est + fees (breeder unknown); Outward Hound Multi-color Squeaker Ballz Fetch Toy 4-pack= $4.99 est; Outward Hound Blue Whale Big Mouthz Interactive Plush Toy with Treat Ball= $9.99 est, Outward Hound Chicken Roperz Plush Squeak Dog Toy= $11.81 est; Silicone Collapsible Food & Water Bowl= $8.99 est; Plush Oyster Shell with Pearl Dog Toy= $6.99 est; Peppa Pig Squeak & Crinkle Plush Dog Toy= $19.99 est; Pally Paws Butterfly Squeaker & Crinkle Dog Toy= $14.99 est; Woven Dog Bone-shaped mat= $9.99 est; Woven beach bag with pawprints= $19.99 est; Grey fleece blanket= $19.99 est;
Tuesday 05/07/24 *Possible Target Women's Cowgirl Boot Grid Graphic T-shirt= $12.99; Chaco ZX/2 Women's Cloud Sandal in Candy Sorbet= $105 est; Vibrant Life Playful Buddy Emoticon XS 5 count Dog toys= $5.12; Nylabone Puppy Starter Pack-up to 25lbs= $7.57; Nylabone Power Chew Textured Dental Chew Toy Chicken Medium/Wolf-up to 35lbs= $4.97; Vibrant Life Tug Buddy Rope Multi-color= $1.98; Custom Dog Tag for Birdie= $5.99 est; Two Jessica Simpson Pet Dresses= $30 est; Personalized baby blanket for Birdie (Amazon)= $19.99 est;
Wednesday 05/08/24 Roundtrip Gas Joplin, MO to Tulsa, OK= (224mi/33mpg) x $3.85 est = $26.13 est; Costco Skinny Dipped PB Cups= $25.94 est; Costco Deebee's Freezie Pops= $22.75 est; Trader Joe's Frozen Roasted Corn x 8 bags= $40 est; Additional Costco & Trader Joe's purchases= unknown; *Pawdre T-shirt for Joe= $10.99 est; Dog Treat container= $25 est; Patchwork Pet Snuggler White Claw themed plush dog toys= $9.99 est; Smoochy Pet Pals Cheeseburger & French Fry themed plush dog toys= $15 est; Armor All Hammock Style Back Seat Cover= $10 est; Black Dog Bone Mat= $5.99 est; 3 Dog bath towels= $14 est;
Thursday 05/09/24 Alani Nu 12oz Energy Drink Pink Slush for 2= $4.96 est;
Friday 05/10/24 Approx. 72 cupcakes= $41.91 est (Walmart online price used); Mani/Pedi= $75 est + tip;
Saturday 05/11/24 Coleman SaluSpa Air Jet Inflatable Hot Tub in Grey= $609.00 (Amazon price); iCrate 2-door folding black crate= $36.79 est; Kong Blue Puppy Binkie Pacifier Dog Toy= $8.99 est; Kong Pink Puppy Natural Teething Rubber Toy= $7.49 est; Lamb Chop Puppy Plush Regular 10"= $15.90 est; Remy+Roo Small Spring Dog Bandana 4-pack Kathrine Set= $23.95 est; Hubulk Pink Pet Dog Bowl Set with food scoop and Non-Skid Silicone Mat= $9.99 est; MidWest Homes for Pets Deluxe Dog Bed in Grey= $16.99 est; Beirui Cute Little Girl Dog Collar, Harness, and Leash Set= $27.99 est; 3 pack of Blankets Super Soft Fluffy Premium Fleece= $11.99
🤔 Final Thoughts 🤔
Kylea showed her narcissistic greed posting triggering content all week without disclaimers or warnings in clear violation of Meta policy on explicit content and tragedy & conflict. If that is not enough to demonetize and deplatform her, her obvious signs of disordered eating should. Her messaging is dangerous, potentially deadly, and I, for one, ask our friends at Meta to review her content and take action.
All info from Reddit. ✌️
submitted by DoGsPaWsLoVe to KyleaGomezsnark [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 02:12 pink_eternal Counting Restaurant Calories

Hi all,
This is my first time taking a weight loss journey seriously, and I need advice on how to count calories I’ve eaten at a restaurant. I created an account on the Lose It! App and I’m really enjoying it! Today I had Mother’s Day dinner (which was delicious!) at a local restaurant, which means nutrition info isn’t readily available.
How do you all handle this type of situation? Should I just try to put generic versions of the things I ate into my tracker? Do I call it a wash?
I eat out with my family maybe once a week, so this is bound to come up again. Any advice is helpful!
submitted by pink_eternal to loseit [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 22:14 bananaboat9834 Top Chef edit makes the ladybug building look so cute 🐞

Top Chef edit makes the ladybug building look so cute 🐞 submitted by bananaboat9834 to milwaukee [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 18:24 nimscrisps Nim's Infusions: Elevate Your Drinks with Refreshing Kumquat Zest

Experience the bright and tangy flavors of Nim's Infusions, especially the invigorating Kumquat Infusions. From crafting cocktails to preparing mocktails, Nim's offers a variety of options for enhancing your beverages. Explore the convenience of using dried and fresh fruit options to create delightful drinks with minimal mess and waste.

Introduction to Nim's Infusions

Nim's Infusions are expertly crafted blends of fruits, herbs, and spices designed to enhance the flavor of your drinks naturally. With a focus on quality and convenience, Nim's Infusions offer a hassle-free way to elevate your beverage game without the need for extensive preparation. Explore the world of Nim's Infusions and discover new possibilities for customizing your drinks.

Benefits of Kumquat Infusions

Kumquat Infusions bring a unique and refreshing citrus flavor to your beverages. Rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, Kumquats not only add a tangy twist to your drinks but also offer health benefits. Enjoy the vibrant taste and nutritional advantages of Kumquat Infusions in your cocktails, mocktails, and various other beverages.

Creating Cocktails with Nim's Infusions

Elevate your cocktail-making skills by incorporating Kumquat Infusions into your creations. Whether you're mixing a classic Margarita or a tropical Mai Tai, adding Nim's Kumquat Infusion can add a zesty and exhilarating note to your cocktails. Embrace the citrusy brightness of Kumquat to craft unique and flavorful cocktails that will impress your guests.

Mocktail Recipes with Nim's Infusions

For those looking for alcohol-free options, Nim's Infusions are perfect for creating refreshing mocktails bursting with flavor. From Kumquat spritzers to fruity mocktail punches, Nim's Infusions offer a range of options for crafting delightful non-alcoholic beverages. Explore the world of mocktail-making with Nim's Kumquat Infusion for a flavorful and thirst-quenching experience.

Using Nim's Infusions in Water Bottles

Stay hydrated in style by infusing your water with Nim's Kumquat Infusion. Simply add a slice to your water bottle for a tangy and invigorating drink on the go. Nim's Infusions make it easy to enhance your hydration with a burst of natural flavor, encouraging you to drink more water throughout the day.

Incorporating Dried Fruit in Nim's Infusions

Enhance the texture and taste of your beverages by adding dried fruit to Nim's Infusions. Dried fruit not only adds a chewy element to your drinks but also intensifies the overall flavor profile, creating a sensory delight for your taste buds. Experiment with dried mango or apricot slices to add a touch of sweetness and complexity to your drinks.

Fresh Fruit Options for Nim's Infusions

If you prefer the fresh taste of real fruit in your drinks, Nim's Infusions offer a variety of fresh fruit options to cater to your preferences. Whether you enjoy the juiciness of berries, the zest of citrus fruits, or the sweetness of tropical fruits, Nim's Infusions have a fruit slice for every taste. Enjoy the natural goodness and vibrancy of fresh fruit in every sip.

Storing Nim's Infusions in the Fridge

To maintain the freshness and quality of your Nim's Infusions, store them in the fridge in an airtight container or resealable bag. Proper storage ensures that the infusion slices retain their flavors and do not absorb other odors, allowing you to enjoy the full taste of the Kumquat Infusions. Keeping Nim's Infusions refrigerated ensures their longevity and freshness.

Air Dried Citrus for Enhancing Nim's Infusions

Take your Nim's Infusions to the next level by incorporating air-dried citrus slices into your drinks. The natural oils and flavors of air-dried citrus complement the Kumquat Infusions, creating a harmonious and invigorating drinking experience. Try adding dried lemon or orange slices to enhance the citrusy notes of your beverages.

Serving Nim's Infusions in Bars

Bartenders seeking to enhance their cocktail offerings can incorporate Nim's Infusions, especially Kumquat, into their drink menu. Nim's Kumquat Infusion provides a lively and flavorful addition to cocktails, attracting customers looking for unique and delicious drinks. Elevate your bar's selection with Nim's Infusions for a memorable and refreshing drinking experience.

Nim's Infusions in Restaurants

Restaurants can elevate their beverage offerings by featuring Nim's Infusions, such as Kumquat, in their cocktail and mocktail selection. Nim's Infusions provide a natural and flavorful way to create signature drinks that appeal to a variety of tastes. By using Nim's Kumquat Infusion, restaurants can offer refreshing and distinctive beverage options that enhance the dining experience for patrons.

Setting up a Home Bar with Nim's Infusions

Elevate your at-home drink experience by setting up a home bar stocked with Nim's Infusions. With a range of flavors at your disposal, experiment with different combinations to create custom cocktails and mocktails for yourself and your guests. Impress your friends with a well-stocked home bar featuring Nim's Kumquat Infusions for a delightful and memorable drinking experience.

Storing Nim's Infusions in Glass Jars

Organize and display your collection of Nim's Infusions in glass jars for easy access and stylish storage. Glass jars provide a functional and decorative storage solution for your infusion slices, preserving their freshness and flavors. Showcase your variety of Nim's Infusions in glass jars to add a touch of visual appeal to your kitchen or bar area.

Utilizing Nim's Infusions in the Kitchen

Explore the culinary possibilities of Nim's Infusions beyond beverages by incorporating them into your cooking and baking recipes. From marinades and sauces to desserts and beverages, Nim's Infusions offer a versatile ingredient to enhance the flavor profile of your dishes. Get creative in the kitchen by incorporating Nim's Kumquat Infusion for a burst of fresh citrus flavor in your favorite recipes.

Garnishing with Nim's Infusions

Add a finishing touch to your drinks by garnishing them with Nim's Infusions. Whether it's a Kumquat slice floating in your cocktail or a dried fruit garnish on your mocktail, Nim's Infusions enhance the visual appeal and flavor of your beverages. Garnishing with Nim's Infusions elevates the presentation of your drinks, making them both visually appealing and delicious.

No Mess, No Fuss, No Waste with Nim's Infusions

Simplify your drink-making process with Nim's Infusions, eliminating the need for messy juicing or chopping of fresh ingredients. With Nim's Infusions, adding natural flavors to your drinks is effortless and efficient. Say goodbye to waste and fuss, and embrace the simplicity and convenience of Nim's Infusions for a delightful and flavorful drink experience.
In conclusion, Nim's Infusions, particularly the invigorating Kumquat Infusions, offer a convenient and flavorful way to elevate your beverages with a burst of citrusy freshness. Whether you're creating cocktails, mocktails, or simply enhancing your water, Nim's Infusions provide endless possibilities to enhance your drink experience at home, in bars, or in restaurants. Embrace the natural flavors and ease of Nim's Infusions for a delightful and refreshing drink journey.
submitted by nimscrisps to u/nimscrisps [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 18:24 qazwsxedc000999 Uhhh the entire cantina menu is gone from my app? I just wanted a bowl without the chicken man.

Uhhh the entire cantina menu is gone from my app? I just wanted a bowl without the chicken man. submitted by qazwsxedc000999 to tacobell [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 18:21 nimscrisps Nim's Infusions: Elevate Your Drink Experience with Blood Orange Zest

Delight your taste buds with Nim's Infusions, especially the zesty and vibrant Blood Orange Infusions. From crafting cocktails to refreshing mocktails, Nim's offers a range of options for enhancing your beverages. Discover the convenience of using dried and fresh fruit options, all while minimizing mess and waste in your drink-making process.

Introduction to Nim's Infusions

Nim's Infusions are expertly crafted blends of fruits, herbs, and spices designed to add a unique and natural touch to your drinks. With a focus on quality and flavor, Nim's Infusions offer a hassle-free way to elevate your beverages without the need for extensive preparation. Explore the world of Nim's Infusions and discover a new level of drink customization.

Benefits of Blood Orange Infusions

The Blood Orange Infusions from Nim's offer a burst of citrusy freshness with a slightly sweeter and more robust flavor compared to regular oranges. Packed with vitamin C and antioxidants, Blood Orange Infusions not only add a tangy twist to your drinks but also provide health benefits. Enjoy the unique taste and nutritional perks of Blood Orange Infusions in your beverages.

Creating Cocktails with Nim's Infusions

Unleash your creativity by incorporating Blood Orange Infusions into your cocktail creations. Whether you're mixing up a classic Negroni or inventing a signature drink, adding Nim's Blood Orange Infusion can elevate the flavor profile of your cocktails. Embrace the vibrant citrus notes of Blood Orange to craft refreshing and visually appealing cocktails that will impress your guests.

Mocktail Recipes with Nim's Infusions

For those seeking non-alcoholic options, Nim's Infusions are perfect for crafting mocktails that are both delicious and visually striking. From Blood Orange spritzers to citrusy fruit blends, Nim's Infusions offer a variety of options for creating refreshing mocktails. Dive into the world of mocktail-making with Nim's Blood Orange Infusion for a flavorful and alcohol-free beverage experience.

Using Nim's Infusions in Water Bottles

Stay hydrated in style by infusing your water with Nim's Blood Orange Infusion. Simply drop a slice into your water bottle for a tangy and refreshing drink on the go. Nim's Infusions make it easy to enhance your water with a burst of fruity flavor, encouraging you to stay hydrated throughout the day.

Incorporating Dried Fruit in Nim's Infusions

Enhance the texture and flavor of your drinks by incorporating dried fruit into Nim's Infusions. Dried fruit not only adds a chewy element to your beverages but also intensifies the overall taste profile, creating a delightful drinking experience. Experiment with dried mango or cranberry slices to add a touch of sweetness and complexity to your drinks.

Fresh Fruit Options for Nim's Infusions

For those who prefer the fresh taste of real fruit in their drinks, Nim's Infusions offer a selection of fresh fruit options to suit your preferences. Whether you enjoy the juiciness of berries, the zest of citrus fruits, or the exotic flavors of tropical fruits, Nim's Infusions have a fruit slice for every taste. Embrace the natural sweetness and vibrancy of fresh fruit in your beverages.

Storing Nim's Infusions in the Fridge

To preserve the freshness and quality of your Nim's Infusions, store them in the fridge in an airtight container or resealable bag. Proper storage ensures that the infusion slices maintain their flavors and do not absorb other odors, allowing you to enjoy the full taste of the Blood Orange Infusions. Keeping Nim's Infusions refrigerated ensures their longevity and freshness.

Air Dried Citrus for Enhancing Nim's Infusions

Enhance the citrusy notes of Nim's Infusions by incorporating air-dried citrus slices into your drinks. The natural oils and aromas of air-dried citrus complement the flavors of the Blood Orange Infusions, creating a harmonious and refreshing drinking experience. Experiment with different citrus fruits to discover your preferred flavor combination that tantalizes your taste buds.

Serving Nim's Infusions in Bars

Bartenders looking to add a unique and citrusy touch to their cocktail menu can integrate Nim's Infusions, particularly Blood Orange, into their drinks. Nim's Blood Orange Infusion offers a vibrant and flavorful addition to cocktails, impressing customers seeking innovative and delicious beverages. Elevate your bar offerings with Nim's Infusions for a memorable and refreshing drinking experience.

Nim's Infusions in Restaurants

Enhance your restaurant's beverage offerings by featuring Nim's Infusions, such as Blood Orange, in your cocktail and mocktail menu. Nim's Infusions provide a natural and flavorful way to create signature drinks that stand out. By incorporating Nim's Blood Orange Infusion into your beverages, you can provide customers with refreshing and unique options that elevate their dining experience.

Setting up a Home Bar with Nim's Infusions

Transform your at-home drink experience by setting up a home bar stocked with Nim's Infusions. With a variety of flavors at your fingertips, experiment with different combinations to craft custom cocktails and mocktails for yourself and your guests. Impress your friends with a well-stocked home bar featuring Nim's Blood Orange Infusions for a delightful and memorable drinking experience.

Storing Nim's Infusions in Glass Jars

Keep your Nim's Infusions organized and easily accessible by storing them in glass jars. Glass jars provide a stylish and practical storage solution for your infusion slices, preserving their freshness and flavors. Display your collection of Nim's Infusions in glass jars to add a decorative touch to your kitchen or bar area.

Utilizing Nim's Infusions in the Kitchen

Expand your culinary horizons by incorporating Nim's Infusions into your cooking and baking endeavors. From marinades and dressings to desserts and sauces, Nim's Infusions offer a versatile ingredient to enhance the flavor profile of your dishes. Get creative in the kitchen by experimenting with Nim's Blood Orange Infusion to add a burst of fresh citrus to your favorite recipes.

Garnishing with Nim's Infusions

Elevate the presentation and flavor of your drinks by garnishing them with Nim's Infusions. Whether it's a Blood Orange slice floating in your cocktail or a dried fruit garnish on your mocktail, Nim's Infusions add a decorative and flavorful element to your beverages. Garnishing with Nim's Infusions enhances the visual appeal of your drinks while providing a burst of delicious citrus flavor.

No Mess, No Fuss, No Waste with Nim's Infusions

Simplify your drink preparation process with Nim's Infusions by eliminating the need for messy juicing or chopping of fresh ingredients. With Nim's Infusions, you can enjoy the convenience of adding natural flavors to your drinks without the hassle. Say goodbye to waste and fuss, and hello to a streamlined and enjoyable drink-making experience with Nim's Infusions.
In conclusion, Nim's Infusions, particularly the vibrant Blood Orange Infusions, offer a delicious and convenient way to enhance your drinks with citrusy freshness. From creating cocktails to mocktails, Nim's Infusions provide endless possibilities for elevating your beverage experience at home, in bars, or in restaurants. Embrace the natural flavors and convenience of Nim's Infusions for a delightful and flavorful drink journey.
submitted by nimscrisps to u/nimscrisps [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 14:33 pohltergiest Blessed winds and pb sandwiches

Blessed winds and pb sandwiches
My sleeping pad has another hole in it. Despite having to wake every few hours to inflate it, I slept okay, though my hip hurts where it was on the ground. Soon we will have to graduate to the hardcore foam pads that thru-hikers favour as they cannot be destroyed. My predictions of early dawn baseball games came true, when we got out of the tent at 630 there were a dozen games already in full swing nearby. A man motioned to us that we should probably get going soon, as they were setting up for a game. I waved back and gave a hands-together gesture, which he mirrored, which told me it was a friendly interaction. We leave our bikes propped up so I think people see the tent and the bikes and put two and two together.
We got away pretty quick and had breakfast at a conbini, I had some protein bread and jam, this time I got a squeeze bottle of jam that won't leak. Have to restock on snacks! We had smoothies and cans of coffee and were quite pleased to be on the road again. A group of baseball players were also hanging out at the conbini, seems like everyone likes to play baseball here.
We got up on the retaining dyke that runs parallel to the Edo river, where we had a great view of the river and all the sports fields below. We saw dozens of teams of baseball players, soccer, a bit of rugby, lots of golfers, the odd drone pilots, some rowers, runners, cyclists and walkers. Lots of folks out and about! We even could see Fuji way out in the distance, peeking from between two ranges. Such a big mountain.
We saw a cafe that had the trappings of a bikers oasis, and stopped there and had lemon and honey iced tea. While we were sitting, a cyclist stopped and chatted us up, then another stopped and also wanted to know about our journey, then a half dozen stopped and suddenly we were in the middle of a bunch of middle aged dudes all wanting to buy us honey toast and other stuff for our journey that they thought was both crazy and worth doing. We were asked many times where we were going today, I replied with "Nikko", which caused waves of incredulity. I guess these guys wouldn't be doing a lot of one way trips like us, or don't bike over 100km. We escaped from the horde eventually by plying everyone with stickers, and took off before anyone else could waylay us.
Around this point we really noticed the tailwind. A tailwind! We thought it was a myth. It turns out that yes, it is possible for the wind to be in your favour. Who would have thought! We welcomed the assistance and sped on as fast as we could manage in the mounting heat. Towards noon we came across a heart shaped lake that was some kind of flood retention system for Tokyo, and biked over the cute bridges that crossed the lake before stopping for lunch at a family restaurant.
I really struggled when we sat down, I felt like I ran out of blood in my brain. I think the toast was not enough calories to sustain me for the morning, I need to eat in the mid-morning like I used to. After a bit of food I perked up though, I had a nice miso ramen with gyoza and Bryce had a katsu bowl with egg and a side of soba. Very nice. We managed 65km before stopping for lunch, very respectable, but we decided to make good on our intention to hit up Nikko, I was going to need a bathtub somewhere to do my mat repair and we were interested in a theme park in Nikko as well. We braced ourselves for a challenging afternoon and set off.
It was very hot in the sun and our clothes began to get that frosted look from salt crystals forming on the outside. Bryce is convinced it makes our clothes more abrasive too. After an hour we had to stop for some icey treats as Bryce thought his head was going to melt in the heat. Nothing a few ice cream pops can't help. I had a mango ice bar as well, very tasty. We looked up hotels in Nikko and found ourselves between a rather basic looking wood-panel box kinda affair that would make for a 130km day, and the onsen hotels we were interested in. These would be a 150km day, which we thought might be possible with the tailwind, but we weren't sure. We decided to kick the can down the road and see how we felt in an hour.
After an hour or so we took a break to stretch and have a drink, I took off my helmet and rested it on my bike. This is when I discovered that a Japanese giant hornet was hanging out on my helmet and had no intention of leaving. My helmet has a honeycomb structure to the internal crash system, I think this might have attracted it as it seemed to be sitting on it. We spent a few minutes tossing rocks at my expensive bike trying to hit the helmet and get the hornet to leave, eventually Bryce found a length of cable on the ground and whacked the helmet a few times til the monster flew off. Good grief. The last thing I want in the middle of nowhere is a hornet sting, let alone a giant murder hornet sting. I've been bitten and stung by everything else out here I would like to pass on this please.
Taking the opportunity to get the hell out of Dodge, we rode to the next conbini to get some snacks to keep up our energy while we decided what to do. At this point it was feeling pretty clear that while 130km would be a challenge, it wasn't going to be that bad. 150km felt possible, but that it would wreck us for awhile afterwards. We decided against that plan and booked the pine box hotel. Now we had a destination, which felt better.
The next two hours were a gentle climb under towering trees over the highway into Nikko. We talked about what plans we would have to make to attempt to break Bryce's personal best at 160km. I figure we should get a pile of energy gels and eat one every 45 minutes and skip lunch altogether, eating on the road. We average 20km/h when we're moving, so get going early and we'll be done after 8 hours of riding. Add in 2 hours of stops and it's a typical 10 hour day that we usually do. We'll ride as much of a caffeine high as we can tolerate for the stimulants and have a couple litres of sports drink on us in my food trunk. We both felt that our limiting factor was not our legs, but how long our butts can tolerate the saddle. Maybe getting up when we have the gels and doing a butt massage? We definitely need to change riding pads halfway through the day, that will help with the chafing. I think we have the endurance, but we haven't really tried to plan out our nutrition and timing all that precisely.
While I think there's a possiblity for two chances for this, our best bet is undoubtedly northern Hokkaido. It's a gentle downhill for 200 km and we can find a segment to bookend with hotel rooms. If we start already packed and end somewhere already set up for us, we don't have to worry about anything but riding. That should do it. We need goals for this part of the trip, without them it'll get kinda boring.
We arrived at the "hotel" without problem, easily beating my personal best at 135km. Amazing! And I feel like I can still do more. We will for sure get Bryce's PB at this rate. The place we rented was a single unit of a rather clever hotel design, every room is essentially a small trailer home complete with a washer, a fridge and a hot plate. The interior is left as chipboard and you check in on a tablet by taking pictures of yourself. It gives you a code to unlock your door and voila you're inside. It's cheap as chips, we can fit our bikes inside no problem and the water pressure is fantastic. We love it. Nobody bothering us about tattoos and onsens, no fussing. Granted if there was a problem of any kind we'd be screwed as we can't call a number for assistance, but it worked fine this time.
We walked across the street for dinner, a place offering giant rice bowls piled high with meat. You had us at "giant". We both got monster bowls with a dozen pieces of char broiled pork belly, a shared order of karrage with chili sauce and two lemon sours to celebrate our highest point yet. Fantastic! We even figured out what the mysterious stone buildings we had seen around the town were. They looked oddly like mausoleums, but it seemed like half the properties had one of these rectangular stone buildings with a crest emblazoned on the side. Turns out they're just traditional japanese storehouses. They're sheds. So much for that mystery.
We ordered the perfect amount of food, which was probably about four servings each. Which honestly is still not enough, today's calorie count is 4500, which is a lot to make up. We'll probably need to eat big tomorrow to fully catch up because we didn't eat very big on the road. After dinner I went back to the hotel to work on my camping mat and Bryce went to go find some laundry detergent and dessert for us. The mat revealed it's secret hole quickly, in a similar spot as last time. I guess I over-inflated it and sat on it a bit too harshly in that spot and caused some tears where the internal structure is connected. Oops. Good thing we have lots of patches! I also noted that tomorrow it's supposed to rain cats and dogs all day. That sucks. Now we have to decide what we're gonna do. Maybe it'll change overnight, weather here is temperamental.
Hot baths in the surprisingly generous tub made up for our lack of onsen access and soothed our sore legs and backs as well as any sores we have going on. With luck we'll feel right as rain in the morning. Trying to get an early night tonight so we feel really good tomorrow!
submitted by pohltergiest to RainbowRamenRide [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 14:13 Octopus299 My (22F) boyfriend (23M) believes he is correct that we should have the same hunger levels after eating the same meal?

TW: talk of food and calories My boyfriend and I are having a really non-big-deal debate but we’re both frustrating eachother and can’t find much online to actually back-up our sides of this.
For context, female and male, different sleep patterns for the nights before, we haven’t eaten the exact same things throughout the day.
The situation/conversation:
F: I still feel hungry (around 4 hours after dinner)
M: that’s weird, you shouldn’t, we had the same thing for dinner.
F: yes, but I’ve eaten less than you throughout the day.
M: it doesn’t matter, we had the same dinner at the same time and food only last lasts in your stomach for up to 12 hours.
My (her) perspective:
He’s saying that because we had the same dinner, I wouldn’t feel hungry. But, my point of view is that, I’ve eaten considerably less than him today, we both process things differently, have different ways of our body breaking down food, different nutritional needs etc. but, he’s focused on the fact that our stomachs should both be in essence “full “ because we ate the same thing at the same time and the other food has already been processed/used/removed.
I think that different bodies are much more complex and each individual, whether that’s gender, hormonal cycles, bowel habits, medical issues or calorie/nutrient requirements, are very different. It’s not simply the fact that you eat the same thing at the same time, so automatically it’ll serve you in the same way.
I literally said after the meal that I could eat another burger, half jokingly because I’m not going to go and buy another burger but I just didn’t feel like it filled me up (which I concluded was because I hadn’t eaten much in the day so I was still hungry…)
His perspective:
The way I understand satiety is based on how full your stomach is (coming from recent research and gastro issues) and from previous research that food only sits in your stomach for a few hours.
The last proper meal I ate (apart from 3 bites) before we both ate the exact same meal from a restaurant, was more than 7 hours prior so the food would have moved from the stomach to the intestines.
This makes me think our stomach’s would both have been as empty as each others as the food would have moved elsewhere by then. So when we ate the exact same meal we would both have been as full unless her stomach was bigger but she doesn’t think it is.
Basically if she things her stomach isn’t bigger than mine, and we ate the same exact food, and all previous food had moved on, we would both have had our stomachs stretched the same and produced the same ghrelin, so would both feel as full. So the only answer would be her stomach is bigger than mine (internally, not calling her fat lol). Or I have no idea how hunger is created in the body or how the stomach and intestines work haha
I have never had a stomach that is very full and still felt hungry so I can’t understand it. If I ate a meal that made me feel full I find it impossible to be hungry. Male EDIT I had forgotten she had said she was still hungry straight after eating so this is invalid, although I would like to know how hunger works and if I’m way off.
Edit: this has gained a lot of traction - thank you to everyone who has responded. I wanted to say that the wording of male and female perspective was definitely a poor choice. This was supposed to simply define our different perspectives without saying our names but male/female can just be clarified as his and her and I have changed that. Also, addressing a few comments:
Neither of us are overweight and never have been. We are of course different heights, I’m much smaller and he is much taller. Thanks!
submitted by Octopus299 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 14:12 fnghua Any asian meals that are good for fat loss and calorie deficit diet?

Hi, I'm a uni student looking to create a meal plan for myself to get onto a calorie deficit diet and a lot of people online create their meals with salads or plain chicken and lettuce etc. - a very generalised example, but I don't like salads and have grown up on more asian cuisine all my life but I haven't really found anything online that focuses on asian low calorie meals. I struggle to track the nutrition and calories in general asian meals (like ramen restaurants, dumplings, and other types of meals) cause they dont really label their calories on menus.
TLDR any asian meals i can make to be on a calorie deficit?
submitted by fnghua to nutrition [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 14:09 Octopus299 Who is correct?

TW: talk of food and calories My boyfriend and I are having a really non-big-deal debate but we’re both frustrating eachother and can’t find much online to actually back-up our sides of this.
For context, female and male, different sleep patterns for the nights before, we haven’t eaten the exact same things throughout the day.
The situation/conversation:
F: I still feel hungry (around 4 hours after dinner)
M: that’s weird, you shouldn’t, we had the same thing for dinner.
F: yes, but I’ve eaten less than you throughout the day.
M: it doesn’t matter, we had the same dinner at the same time and food only last lasts in your stomach for up to 12 hours.
Female perspective:
He’s saying that because we had the same dinner, I wouldn’t feel hungry. But, my point of view is that, I’ve eaten considerably less than him today, we both process things differently, have different ways of our body breaking down food, different nutritional needs etc. but, he’s focused on the fact that our stomachs should both be in essence “full “ because we ate the same thing at the same time and the other food has already been processed/used/removed.
I think that different bodies are much more complex and each individual, whether that’s gender, hormonal cycles, bowel habits, medical issues or calorie/nutrient requirements, are very different. It’s not simply the fact that you eat the same thing at the same time, so automatically it’ll serve you in the same way.
I literally said after the meal that I could eat another burger, half jokingly because I’m not going to go and buy another burger but I just didn’t feel like it filled me up (which I concluded was because I hadn’t eaten much in the day so I was still hungry…)
Male perspective:
The way I understand satiety is based on how full your stomach is (coming from recent research and gastro issues) and from previous research that food only sits in your stomach for a few hours.
The last proper meal I ate (apart from 3 bites) before we both ate the exact same meal from a restaurant, was more than 7 hours prior so the food would have moved from the stomach to the intestines.
This makes me think our stomach’s would both have been as empty as each others as the food would have moved elsewhere by then. So when we ate the exact same meal we would both have been as full unless her stomach was bigger but she doesn’t think it is.
Basically if she things her stomach isn’t bigger than mine, and we ate the same exact food, and all previous food had moved on, we would both have had our stomachs stretched the same and produced the same ghrelin, so would both feel as full. So the only answer would be her stomach is bigger than mine (internally, not calling her fat lol). Or I have no idea how hunger is created in the body or how the stomach and intestines work haha
I have never had a stomach that is very full and still felt hungry so I can’t understand it. If I ate a meal that made me feel full I find it impossible to be hungry. Male EDIT I had forgotten she had said she was still hungry straight after eating so this is invalid, although I would like to know how hunger works and if I’m way off.
submitted by Octopus299 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 14:01 Octopus299 Please help me settle this ridiculous debate.

TW: talk of food and calories My boyfriend and I are having a really non-big-deal debate but we’re both frustrating eachother and can’t find much online to actually back-up our sides of this.
For context, female and male, different sleep patterns for the nights before, we haven’t eaten the exact same things throughout the day.
The situation/conversation:
F: I still feel hungry (around 4 hours after dinner)
M: that’s weird, you shouldn’t, we had the same thing for dinner.
F: yes, but I’ve eaten less than you throughout the day.
M: it doesn’t matter, we had the same dinner at the same time and food only last lasts in your stomach for up to 12 hours.
Female perspective:
He’s saying that because we had the same dinner, I wouldn’t feel hungry. But, my point of view is that, I’ve eaten considerably less than him today, we both process things differently, have different ways of our body breaking down food, different nutritional needs etc. but, he’s focused on the fact that our stomachs should both be in essence “full “ because we ate the same thing at the same time and the other food has already been processed/used/removed.
I think that different bodies are much more complex and each individual, whether that’s gender, hormonal cycles, bowel habits, medical issues or calorie/nutrient requirements, are very different. It’s not simply the fact that you eat the same thing at the same time, so automatically it’ll serve you in the same way.
I literally said after the meal that I could eat another burger, half jokingly because I’m not going to go and buy another burger but I just didn’t feel like it filled me up (which I concluded was because I hadn’t eaten much in the day so I was still hungry…)
Male perspective:
The way I understand satiety is based on how full your stomach is (coming from recent research and gastro issues) and from previous research that food only sits in your stomach for a few hours.
The last proper meal I ate (apart from 3 bites) before we both ate the exact same meal from a restaurant, was more than 7 hours prior so the food would have moved from the stomach to the intestines.
This makes me think our stomach’s would both have been as empty as each others as the food would have moved elsewhere by then. So when we ate the exact same meal we would both have been as full unless her stomach was bigger but she doesn’t think it is.
Basically if she things her stomach isn’t bigger than mine, and we ate the same exact food, and all previous food had moved on, we would both have had our stomachs stretched the same and produced the same ghrelin, so would both feel as full. So the only answer would be her stomach is bigger than mine (internally, not calling her fat lol). Or I have no idea how hunger is created in the body or how the stomach and intestines work haha
I have never had a stomach that is very full and still felt hungry so I can’t understand it. If I ate a meal that made me feel full I find it impossible to be hungry. Male EDIT I had forgotten she had said she was still hungry straight after eating so this is invalid, although I would like to know how hunger works and if I’m way off.
submitted by Octopus299 to settlethisforme [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 06:16 No_Thanks_8264 going to brunch tomorrow..

i’m going to brunch tomorrow and don’t know what to order since the restaurant doesn’t have the nutritional values on their menu!!
the brunch menu is quite short and i’m thinking the one i highlighted must be the lowest calorie/easiest to track but any thoughts would be greatly appreciated!! if anyone knows what a safe calorie estimate would be that would be amazing!!!
submitted by No_Thanks_8264 to caloriecount [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 02:06 tophatplays Any restaurants that show their calorie count?

Ive been on a diet recently, and I’m trying to track my calorie intake. I’ve learned a lot of restaurants don’t exactly show their calorie, nutrition information in general. Any body know any restaurants that show them? (Fast food, sit down, what have you.)
submitted by tophatplays to diet [link] [comments]