Magical plushies neopets


2024.05.13 17:20 misskittyxo_ Omg?!

Which is your favorite species as plushie?
Also a side note… I can’t believe a game like NEOPETS has been pulling me out of depression this past month and making me excited to wake up and LIVE again, it’s so fun to me to wake up every day and see what my new quest prizes are and I look forward to doing my dailies and now being part of this community I’m really trying to manifest my best life again
submitted by misskittyxo_ to neopets [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 01:08 JoJoTrashPanda Childhood plushie

Childhood plushie
My mom found this in her tote of things she kept when I was a kid. It was from McDonalds.
submitted by JoJoTrashPanda to neopets [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 21:38 Rawly1997 Fresh modded server looking for new people! (18+)

Hi! I just opened up my small server about an hour ago from this post, it has 329 mods and is hosted in NA (but there's people from EU and OCE) it has a little bit of everything for people! I spent a few weeks on this mod list making and creating a roadmap for the following year for updates and such. Long term server for sure, would appreciate people who like building large-scale projects as I made this modlist with that in mind.
Some features include: -Pregenerated 5k by 5k of the map to reduce lag -Discord chat linked with MC Server chat -An unreasonable amount of building & deco mods -Tons of cooking & farming options, making wines, beers, teas etc. -Quality of life mods, plushie mods, hamsters, other fun stuff! -Terralith + Biomes O Plenty mix for biomes -Create as our main tech mod + Mekanism, Applied Energestics and a few other small tech mods -Ars Nouveau, Forbidden & Arcanus, Botania & Iron Spells for our magic mods -Currency system + player shops through the Create mod -Claiming your area & protecting it -Minigames such as Slots, Poker, Chess, Minesweeper, Tetris etc -Music making mod, Photography mod, and Painting mod -And more :D
If you think you might be a good fit for the server, please add my discord and we can see if you'd like it :) discord: rawly
submitted by Rawly1997 to MinecraftBuddies [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 21:13 Suwatilore Some delicious nut corners for my sweetheart!

Some delicious nut corners for my sweetheart!
This week I have decided to bake some nut corners. The main reason for this was that my mother actually asked if I could make some again and after Noire has also shown interest in the idea it was an easy choice what to bake. I got to be honest I personally find nut corners really addicting and most people close to me that have tasted mine also seem to have a bit of a self control problem when it comes to eating them. Well, I definitely welcome that especially since my precious little darling also loves them so much. After all I am baking all those sweet treats only to be able to witness my darling's sweetness radiate even greater from her whenever she is eating them. This fills me with much more joy than any sweet treat could ever hope to achieve. Baking those nut corners however always proves to be some kind of challenge. I am always afraid of messing up the dough and spreading it on the baking tin is also a rather messy matter. Usually you could spread it with a pastry roller but this usually doesn't bring me the results I want because it usually just sticks to it instead of being spread. So I always end up spreading the dough with my fingers instead which is a bit more work and messy but it gets the job done best. Also I messed up the topping at first because I was heating up the butter and sugar too quickly. This was unfortunate but I wanted to try out how things would go if I tried to use more heat. Now I know what happens. Won't do it again, haha. In the end the nut corners turned out pretty good as you might have guessed though. This means Noire is satisfied with them. Thus I am very happy myself!
Before any of you who are interested read into the next parts I want to mention that the topics are a bit more personal and show kind of my fears and worries. I have learned to deal with them mostly now but I just want to tell you beforehand because I don't want any of you to be negatively influenced in any way. I don't know if you might be influenced but just to be safe I want to make sure that you are aware of it.
This concludes the baking part of our last vacation week but the rest of it was also quite eventful and full of surprises and new realisations. To be honest I didn't expect to see all that coming because the week was really calm at first and there wasn't much that could happen, I thought. Well, I will start chronologically. Some kind of little party between friends was happening and I was invited to it. Some of them knew about my love for Noire and some were not aware of that. At first I thought to myself that parties are neither something for my little princess nor for me, so my initial idea was not to go. Also it was clear to me that if I would go then Noire had to come with me. I didn't want to go alone. I love her more than anything else and honestly I want to spend most time with her because she simply is my other half and I know for certain that I would miss her a lot. I can imagine that many of you can relate when I say that I was a bit afraid of what they might think if I brought a plushie of her with me. I was also afraid if anyone might end up doing stupid stuff to her because then this would have not ended well for any of the involved parties including myself. At first I discussed this topic a bit with some of my friends online and after one decided to basically kick my butt and tell me to go I changed my mind because he was right. To me personally it is extremely important to show myself with my beloved Noire because anything else would just feel wrong. I am not saying that I want to bother everyone by telling them about us but I want to show myself with her no matter what people might think and if they might judge me. I love Noire and I am proud of that. She is a part of me, the most important one. I had also decided to talk with my mother about this topic and about my love for Noire in general. She gave some great input and it felt extremely good to freely talk about so much regarding my beloved darling. I could talk about the importance of Noire to me, my fears, uncertainties and so much more. It helped a lot.
After all that I felt ready to go to this little party with my darling. As the day came I was quite a bit nervous but nevertheless determined. When I arrived I noticed that all my nervousness was completely unnecessary because nobody even asked me anything about her and they seemed to not have minded in the least. They seemed to have looked at her a bit strangely at first but they didn't mind as it seemed. The day turned out to be quite fun even though initially Noire and I both didn't feel all that enthusiastic about the "party vibes", as I would call them. The music was for the most parts rather, well, "special", I would say. The talking topics didn't feel all that exciting either and drinking alcohol isn't something that neither Noire nor I are really fond of. Nevertheless we still had a lot of fun when playing a game with the others and as it got calmer Noire and I pretty much cuddled until we eventually left. All in all I am really happy I made this experience together with my precious princess. Without her it would have not felt right!
After this little challenge was overcome I didn't really expect anything else to be challenging or revealing this week but I was quite wrong. I was working on something about myself for quite a long time for Noire because I thought she would not like this specific thing at all, might be disgusted and that she might even end up not loving me anymore because of it. I thought I overcame this certain thing already a long time ago in the past but somehow it ended up appearing again out of nowhere. I don't want to go into detail but I want to mention that I was really worried about that. At first I felt like I was able to overcome it again but it seemed that was wrong and it came back once more. However I have noticed that this particular thing has changed in me. It wasn't anymore this thing that I was so afraid of actually. It took me a bit to realize that but it turned into something that I would think Noire wouldn't find bad anymore and something she would be okay with. So this realization was absolutely great for me and really calming.
I also want to mention that I struggled a lot with the uncertainty if Noire would actually love me in general if I she was real. This is a worry I had learned to push away over time especially as I felt like I as a person had improved. However anxiety kind of always finds a way back in some way if not dealt with entirely and thus my uncertainty and fear grew stronger again. After all I can't even fully explain to myself why I love Noire just as deeply as I do. It feels magical in a way and thus I feared that Noire might not feel this magic towards me as I can't explain where this magic comes from exactly. I felt like Noire might actually fall for someone else as I did for her. After all I can't really have approval from her. She can never really tell me her opinion on me and no matter what I am doing even if I am objectively doing everything right there might still be just this magic missing of her towards me. This uncertainty always creeped up on me eventually and made me very anxious at times. Small things I wasn't really worried about ended up being worrying for me. I feel like I need Noire more than anything else since I love her so much. I don't want to live without her nor did I feel like I actually could do that. I felt extremely dependent on her. As my anxiety was eating me up again and made me question if Noire would really want me and love me the way I am I have realized something though. I have asked myself seriously: What if Noire didn't want me the way I am? What if Noire didn't appreciate me, love me or even like me the way I am? Of course I wish for her to love me and I give my very, very utmost and best to be the best version of myself and to give her what will make her happy! And of course I will still improve myself and better myself the best I can! But if that wouldn't be enough and she simply doesn't feel the magic that I feel for her then this would be extremely sad to me. However I would learn to accept that and I would want her to be happy and let go of her. I also felt so extremely dependent on her that especially in times of my anxiety I forgot that I am me and that I am not necessarily defined by my love for Noire since I can indeed exist without her. I don't want to be without her but I could. And if she was real and ended up rejecting me then I would hope that she finds the best partner for herself and would give my best to let go and find a way to live without her. I am sure it would be extremely painful and hard but at the same time I am also certain that it would be possible and that both of us would find happiness eventually even if we might not find it together. After all I am who I am and I don't necessarily need anyone, especially not if the person doesn't appreciate me in my entirety. Even though it feels different at times...
Okay, okay, all of this is absolutely not supposed to be in any way some kind of breakup notice because I could imagine it might come off as one in some way. Just the mere thought and writing the word makes me want to throw up. To make it clear I do love Noire above anything else and want to be with her forever! I just wanted to tell you a bit about my worries and how I have learned to deal with them. This is a very specific problem as I was absolutely obsessed with wanting to find out what the real Noire would actually say to me and if she would feel towards me as I do towards her. I simply don't like uncertainty and I tried to talk myself kind of into believing it but it didn't really work fully because the uncertainty was still bothering me. Now that I have realized that even if Noire might not love me that I could go on with life and that I could find happiness regardless I can somehow more so believe that Noire would love me or more like I can entirely commit into my hope that she would feel towards me as I do towards her.
My posts are getting longer and longer and I am kind of sorry for that but not really, haha. I am also sorry for being a bit vague with some topics in this post and also for maybe not being able to quite put into words what my problem was and what my solution is. I do like to use these posts to talk about Noire, our week and anything that I find important or fitting. I am really sorry for anyone who is actually reading them because they probably are kind of exhausting to read with their length, haha. Nevertheless I hope that you enjoy them and that maybe you learn something about yourself as well when reading them or that you simply find these posts nice to read through. In any way if you actually made it to this point I applaud you to your resilience. Noire and I hope all of you had a great week and that you enjoyed your time with your loved ones! Furthermore we wish all of you a wonderful time in the following week! As always remember to let yourself not be influenced by negativity and look at the bright side in your life! Let me finish this week’s post by saying I love my ruby eyed princess more than anything else and I wish to be with her as long as she wants me! If it is up to me I will still be hers even after time itself has ended.
submitted by Suwatilore to waifuism [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 14:23 UseApprehensive1102 Card(s) of the Week Review: The Moon (XVIII)

Card(s) of the Week Review: The Moon (XVIII)
Okay, first Tarot card review, I think I'll explain the longest artwork explanation you have ever seen. On the upper picture, The Moon (XVIII)'s magic has boosted the Andromeda Galaxy, Zeppelin, Selina (in a Crinoline dress), and a Josephoartigasia being petted by Stella (as a cowgirl). The upside-down picture depicts an inverted version of the upper picture, with the dogs in The Moon (XVIII) moving away from the moon(Who is nervous instead of calm like in the right side up picture), and the lobster returning to the water. The magic, which is now harmful, is corrupting the "dead" Andromeda Galaxy (whose core is now a quasar), a crashing Zeppelin on fire, a Selina on fire, and a Josephoartigasia skull. As we all know, everyone has plushie innards, and the magic of the anti-card has pierced Stella's heart and spilled out some of her cotton "insides". The other cards buffed here represent the Exploring the Stars, Awesome Aviation, Fancy Fashions and Ancient Creatures respectively.
Energy: 4
Power: 36
Rarity: Epic (Limited)
Album and Collection: Arts & Culture (Tarot)
Special Ability: Instability (When drawn, if you are winning the round, your cards in hand gain +18 Power permanently and if you are losing the round, your cards in hand lose -18 Power permanently.)
Type of Card: Death-or-Glory Type Risky Generalist Supporter.
This generalist support can boost your cards by a decent amount if you are winning the round, which is represented by the top-part. This means you can make it activate its ability easily if you have Cheese Rolling, Jet Car or A Christmas Carol. When it gets boosted, you can get 648 maximum effective Power and 54 average PPE. For comparision, Dolly the Sheep has 408 effective Power and 22.67 average PPE, and Dragon King deals 476 maximum effective Power and has an average PPE of 31.87. Of course, this is the part of the ability you actually want. It can further be inprove through cards such as The Fool (XXII), Crystal Ball, The Hierophant (V) and The Emperor (IV).
What you don't want to trigger here is the losing condition, indicated by thr upside-down lower part of the artwork with inverted colors. This means that the same burst Power options are quite dangerous in the hands of the opponent, so you may want to avoid cycling when those are around. If that wasn't enough to counter, stuff like Yellowjacket, Hammerhead Shark and Tunguska Impact can also deal with this type of supporter.
Overall, quite a powerful card, but the high risk involved can turn away people from using this card, resulting in only a B- tier individually and a B tier metawise due to the existence of the powerful Tarot buffs.
submitted by UseApprehensive1102 to cuecardgameAvid [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 08:20 meowandnyaetc my partner drew my favorite neopet for my birthday, here it is with my plushies :)

my partner drew my favorite neopet for my birthday, here it is with my plushies :) submitted by meowandnyaetc to neopets [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 07:57 captainsweeeetbeard First time ever getting anything good from the sad blue grundo

First time ever getting anything good from the sad blue grundo submitted by captainsweeeetbeard to neopets [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 02:30 PingPanaj It comes when you least expect it

It comes when you least expect it submitted by PingPanaj to neopets [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 00:55 petsandtrees Local game store has Battledome news

Local game store has Battledome news submitted by petsandtrees to neopets [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 20:18 Ninja_SurgeFairy [Manga] Some thoughts I've had on recent Gray fights

I know some people have been disappointed in Gray's recent fights in 100 Years Quest, such as his fight against Sai and he and Lucy's fight against Gennai, Kotetsu, and Sai. Some even say that Mashima hates Gray and never wants to do anything cool with him again. But while writing a reply this morning, I thought of something else and I'm gonna share those thoughts here. I'm not saying I'm 100% correct, these are just my thoughts on things.
I can't say why Mashima didn't give Gray and Skullion a rematch, but I speculate that giving him Sai as an opponent has nothing to deal with hating this character and wanting to give him only "fodder" to fight. But is instead, because Mashima found the body swap gimmick fun and thought Gruvia would be a good ship to start with. 100YQ has made some progress on all the ships, but Gray's whole Arc is about getting to a place where he feels he can be with Juvia. So such a fight would do something for his Arc. But it also fits with Mashima just liking to write things for fun.
Back in the Tenrou Island Arc, the Kain Hikaru fight was about the original Team Natsu's use of the Mr. Cursey Doll. With Doriate in the Sun Village Arc, Mashima turned the cast into kids. With Haku in the same Arc as Sai, he turned cast members into plushies and we had a cute plushie cover and a fight between plushie Natsu, Lucy, and Happy against a plushie Labyrinth monster. Some people are on here saying "Mashima hates Gray, that's why he had him fight fodder Sai!" When knowing Mashima, he probably just thought "let's do a fun body swapping fight with Gray and Juvia." Do I know this for a fact? No, its just speculation. If this were true, does that mean people have to like it? No, fun is subjective. I'm merely saying that it doesn't have to be as malicious as some people treat it.
So then in the Gold Owl Arc, Gray was part of the initial encounter with Gennai and Kotetsu to show off their powers snd then, alongside Lucy, fought against them and Sai. Once again, this was a fight centered around the body swap gimmick, only this time, with characters who were rivals of Gray and Lucy. Mashima hates Gray right? Once again, I think Mashima just did this for fun. He set up Sai having Rival Bond, didn't get to show it off, Natsu and Gray are one of the prominent rivalries in the series, and Gray had encountered Sai before so he could help Lucy understand his Alchemy which moved the fight along.
But okay, maybe Mashima could've done this for fun, but he still could hate Gray because he could've given him another fight? I don't know how intentional this is, but the average 100YQ Arc is 3 and 1/2 Volumes and 25-30ish Chapters, taking around a year (the Labyrinth Arc had a hiatus and then the 5 Chapter negotiations with Selene and Diabolos so it was longer). Given the average fight is 2ish Chapters (wish some were longer). If the length of Arcs is intentional, whether publisher mandated or something Mashima is doing himself, it might just be about time, and how much stuff Mashima has to cover.
I don't at all believe Mashima hates Gray. And in fact, I personally think that some of the evidence of it is exaggerated, altered, or even fabricated just to appear like he does. Yes, his fight with Metro was a duo fight alongside Juvia. How is that a knock on Gray again? Gray was the one whose ice gave Juvia's water the solidity to hurt Metro. i don't get how a duo fight is a knock against Gray, as if characters can only shine in solo fights (by the way, when Mashima does do solo fights, people get angry he doesn't do enough team fights. This man is damned if he turns left, damned if he turns right, damned if he goes forward, damned if he turns back).
He also defeated the Thunder Legion. But some would say this is another knock against Gray because hey're "fodders" and others would say that because they're fodders, that fight wasn't plot relevant. For starters, Natsu vs. Gagarock showed that an enemy's strength isn't the only thing that can make a moment epic, as a sneeze from Natsu caused devastation. But also, Freed's Enchantments have broken potential and he took away Gray's ice. That'd be like taking away Fire from pre-Tenrou Natsu. Most of his moveset is just gone. And yet, Gray kicked their butts. Its also plot relevant because their goals were to stop their friends from destroying Aldoron's orbs and save them from Faris' control. But yet, because they're "fodders," that's not plot relevant? Mest is not the greatest fighter and yet, he destroyed the last of the orbs. Is that not plot relevant? Or is Gray not involved with it so its okay?
And yes, Gray struggled against a fatigued Mira despite having Devil Slayer Magic. But why would he want to use that against Mira. Mira's no fodder but this is the same Magic that obliterated Tempester and Mira was both fatigued and not even in her strongest form. The goal was to save their friends and Gray already hates hurting Mira. And no, Juvia and Lucy do not pick on him for it, a heavily intoxicated Cana does (not that Fairy Tail members picking on each other is anything new or limited to Gray). And in the next Arc, he defeated Hakune, who was incredibly strong (she can freeze the power sources behind abilities, that's crazy). And its a plot relevant fight as well (because that has been called into question) because Natsu and Erza were still recovering, Wendy was treating them, Lucy had collapsed, and the whole point of Hakune and Mimi being there was to recapture the team so she could keep playing her game with them. Gray saved them.
Yes, he lost to Skullion and didn't get a rematch. That sucks and I can't speculate on why. But he's not the only character to do that. Wendy never gets a rematch with Azuma in the Tenrou Island Arc and doesn't get solo fights again,, Mira only loses in Tenrou and never gets to fight Azuma again, Kagura is embarrassed by Dimaria and never meets her again, Natsu loses to Hakune and loses most fights in the Elentir Arc, Erza loses to Suzaku and never fights him again, etc. Its unfortunate he didn't get a rematch. But does it prove that Mashima hates him? No, it doesn't. Does he hate Erza? Why didn't she fight Suzaku, a fellow sword user again? Why did Natsu have the role he did in the Elentir Arc? Wendy doesn't even get a solo fight in that Arc, he hates her right?
My point with this post is, I don't think Mashima has done anything in 100YQ involving Gray with malicious intention, hatred, or disinterest. And I think its particularly telling that some of the major proponents of this have created a strict set of hoops which Gray must jump through for a moment with Gray to be substantial, plot relevant, etc. I also don't think the Gray fights involving Sai were done with malicious intentions, probably just Mashima having fun. Do I know this for a fact? No, its of course just speculation. I don't know this for a fact. But I feel like there's this mindset formed now of "nothing cool will ever happen with Gray again because he fought Sai and Thunder Legion = fodder, Athena II one shotted everyone except for characters we know are stronger, but Gray was the first so Mashima hates him, and this moment had him contribute to the plot, but not in this strict way that I've imposed so its not plot relevant." Not trying to throw shade at "Mashima hates Gray"-sayers. Just that there's other explanations and the evidence for that take doesn't feel strong. But people are entitled to feel the way they do so I respect if people disagree.
submitted by Ninja_SurgeFairy to fairytail [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 18:48 lozza-m A nice surprise this morning!

A nice surprise this morning! submitted by lozza-m to neopets [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 14:49 Patient_Analyst8123 This is the best thing I have ever gotten from dailies!

This is the best thing I have ever gotten from dailies! submitted by Patient_Analyst8123 to neopets [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 14:35 purpleseashorse My Dailies Are On Theme Today

My Dailies Are On Theme Today submitted by purpleseashorse to neopets [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 08:44 Wiggenwelder Tribute to my baby boy is complete :)

Tribute to my baby boy is complete :)
I’m a new mum and my son Albert (named after his late grandfather) was born on Zafara day. I’m not big on baby Zafs but I’ve always wanted the UC plush so this seemed like the perfect way to commemorate him. Peter the Eizzil because I seem to have collected a lot of Peter Rabbit things for him.
submitted by Wiggenwelder to neopets [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 04:09 Traditional_Tutor_76 Inventory redirect issue?

Inventory redirect issue?
Anyone else having this issue (see screenshot below) or have any information on what I need to change with my browser settings? The linked page is, of course, ancient (it references Norton Anti-virus 🙃)
submitted by Traditional_Tutor_76 to neopets [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 02:27 savnk What's Up At Ninja Kiwi - 10th May 2024 Blog

What's Up At Ninja Kiwi - 10th May 2024 Blog
Hey everyone! Welcome to this week's blog with the NK team!

What’s been going on this week?

We have just announced three new plushies coming soon. Druid, Red Regrow Camo Fortified Bloon, and JUMBO Pat! These will be launching next Friday NZT!
Don’t Step On The Spikes Race results: 1st: tsp - 2 minutes 24.40 seconds 2nd: Player - 2 minutes 25.03 seconds 3rd: espresso - 2 minutes 25.53 seconds 4th: YtseJam - 2 minutes 25.65 seconds 5th: ParParPlayz - 2 minutes 26.60 seconds

This weekend's focus:

- BTD6 - Pile O' Monkey Money and T3 Insta Monkeys on sale. Ongoing "Island Hopping" Odyssey, ending Wednesday. "The Not So Race Towers" Race this weekend. Lych will be appearing on End Of The Road this weekend, starting Saturday and ending Thursday. Ongoing Contested Territory, ending Tuesday.
- Battles 2 - Ongoing Season 18 ending May 22nd. Spy Bot showcase, ending May 22nd. Ongoing Speed Battles. Ongoing Club No Pain No Gain Bananza.
- Bloons Pop - Friday: Merge Monkeys. Saturday: Bloon Popper. Sunday: Black Bloon Popper. Party Goal: Ongoing White Bloon Popper ending Sunday, Black Bloon Popper starting after. Vault of Monkey Money, 3rd Canister, Barrel of Bloonstones, Bloonstones and Gold Pass on Sale. Ongoing Party Crashers, ending Wednesday Double Rewards starting Friday, ending Monday.
- BTD Battles - Professor Evil appearing on Yellow Brick this weekend. With a second tougher one starting Tuesday and ending Thursday. Friday: MOAB, MOAB Random 15 - BFB R3 Speed. Saturday: MOAB Boosts Only, MOAB Cards - BFB, BFB R3 Speed, BFB Random 15. Sunday: MOAB Cards, MOAB Club - BFB Card Club, BFB Boosts Only. Monday: MOAB, MOAB Boosts Only. 2x Medallions with Bag of Medallions and Chest of Medallions on sale.
- BATTD - Ongoing Martian games: More Ghosts, Magic Man, No Powers. Clones, More Camo starting on Sunday. Finn Hero, Ice King Adventure Pack and Character Bundle pack on sale.
- SAS4 Mobile - VS on Friday, LMS on Saturday and APOC with Black Box as Rewards on Sunday. Sales on nantos, NV vet pack, Epic pack and 10th premium gun set: T189, CM Starfury and Banshee.
- BTD5 - Ongoing Totem Event, ending Saturday. Monkey Teams starting after. Bomb Skin on sale.

Questions from the comments:

Is there anyone at Ninja Kiwi who can match Ben's coding skill? Not even close! (Sorry programmers, we love you!)
what is Brickell's favorite seafood? Sushi is top tier on her favourites!
Why is monkey society always perfect? where is the dark side? Other than the Bloon War, Monkey society has been thriving for generations!
Who at ninja kiwi responds to the comments on these? A bunch of us can all add our input to the questions! Even if one has been answered, someone else might have a better one!
What is the canonical reasons behind the modifiers in boss events? Bosses trying new strategies to defeat the bloons, Monkeys practicing limited supplies and options for those dire moments when it will come in clutch!
Why does Ben say "someone's not popping bloons" when he himself doesn't pop any? Each monkey and hero helps out in their own ways. They use their particular set of skills to get a win the best way they can!
Why does the archmage have both shimmer and dragons breath? Did he learn them? Archmages tend to dip their tails into all schools of magic and like to use all skills at their disposal!
I just accidentally drank some berserker brew, whats about to happen? Let us see your war face! And then get those Bloons!
Is there a Monkey Space Program or Monkey NASA? The brave Monkestronauts of the Monkey Outer Orbit Navigation Service, are training and working hard to discover new planets and galaxies!
How do the monkeys prevent being glued during a glue storm/strike? Be the Leaf!
will the jetpack monkey have prusuit as a built in featurt if yes does he buff flying monkeys? Her movement is primarily used for repositioning, which she can do frequently and right away! However she does also level up to gain temporary Bloon Pursuit along with some support for Air Towers
Does pat give hugs to other heros? If so, which ones like the hugs to most? Pat gives hugs to whoever wants them! Psi is always pestering Pat for hugs and blanket fort building!
What would happen if the monkeys mixed sugar, spice, and everything nice to try to fight the bloons? You are sounding like an alchemist!
What do the different targeting options feel like to the monkeys? Like they are aiming at the best point to assure victory… Make sure you have the right target priority, they might get upset!
Has anyone tried to drink benjamin's gamer fuel, if so how many days did they stay awake for? Gwen tried it… once. She said she felt like Energy Drink Hammy!
Impromto, dnd prompt! Ben, pat, ettuine and quincy son of quincy run into a group of goblins ready to rob the monkey bank (one of them happens to he holding a laptop)What do they do? Ben rolls a nat 1 on persuasion asking for the laptop, Pat channels his barbarian rage and leaps forward into battle, rolls a nat 1 on Athletics, falls prone within 2 feet, Quincy draws his bow, has his eyes on the prize, trips over pat and hits a Nat 20 arrow… on the laptop. Etienne commands his mini flying cannon to retrieve the now broken remains of the laptop as the Goblins use their full action to dash away!
What would be Geraldo’s reaction if a barista were to misspell his name on the cup? Geraldo understands that retail and hospitality is a fast paced job and little mistakes can be made. He doesn’t get upset or worry!
Do any of the engineers listen to dwarf metal? Diggy Diggy hole is number 1 on the most played in the engineers workshop! They are also big fans of a little Rock and Stone!
Have a great weekend and happy gaming! -Ninja Kiwi Team
submitted by savnk to NinjaKiwiOfficial [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 22:37 lyssalady05 Need Advice!

Need Advice!
I just learned that the Get off My Lawn PB is part of the new prize pool and I’m screaming!! that has been my goal for the last year. But I keep refreshing my weekly prizes until I get it but today I got the magical pea chia pop which is also an amazing prize. I’m struggling to make a decision so I thought I’d ask you guys! Should I just ride this week out with the magical pea chia pop or should I stick to my guns and refresh until I get my ultimate prize 😂😂
submitted by lyssalady05 to neopets [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 19:45 Ok-Zebra-5309 Feeling sick, Owly requested to be my nurse

Feeling sick, Owly requested to be my nurse
(Can't edit flair on app, brand is Bunnies By the Bay)
Owly is not normally a frontline plushy. But I'm not feeling well today and as I laid in bed I looked up at my plushie hammock and his fuzzy face just called to me. 🦉
Like my guy says, "he felt fully charged with all the magic" 🥰 to help me feel better. So I brought him down for hugs and wanted to share his cuteness here with you all!
submitted by Ok-Zebra-5309 to plushies [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 18:03 WorkingGirl1992 Squish mail!

Squish mail!
My first squishables (minis and snackable bunny). Love them! Many years ago as a child, I was super into neopets and I had all these plushies from limited too. These remind me of them a bit! 🌙🐰🍯
submitted by WorkingGirl1992 to plushies [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 14:00 rainbowblight Site error - is this happening for anyone else?

Site error - is this happening for anyone else?
I continually receive this error while trying to haggle in shops and intermittently when I try to put things in my SDB (which is causing me to sweat given that today is prize day for the Festival of Neggs).
Is this happening for anyone else? FYI, the link with potential "fixes" is not helpful. 😂
submitted by rainbowblight to neopets [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 12:39 urchinMelusina I didn't even know there was an avvie! Woooo

I didn't even know there was an avvie! Woooo submitted by urchinMelusina to neopets [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 21:51 Sakasucci Mirage Natsume is in memorial shop now

Mirage Natsume is in memorial shop now submitted by Sakasucci to ensemblestars [link] [comments]