Creative facebook status updates

Fortnite: Save The World

2011.12.11 06:12 wallaceofspades Fortnite: Save The World

The developer supported, community run subreddit dedicated to Fortnite: Save the World from Epic Games. Build forts, co-op, kill monsters, save the day, bacon.

2012.11.08 13:49 stoneforger Elite Dangerous

The official unofficial subreddit for Elite Dangerous, we even have devs lurking the sub! Elite Dangerous brings gaming’s original open world adventure to the modern generation with a stunning recreation of the entire Milky Way galaxy. Here battles rage, governments fall, and humanity’s frontier expands – and you can impact it all. Welcome to the definitive massively multiplayer space epic.

2012.11.23 06:52 Dauntless Reddit

Play Dauntless for free on PlayStation 45, Xbox Series, Nintendo Switch, and PC via Epic Games store, all with true cross-play and cross-save compatibility. Battle ferocious Behemoths, craft powerful weapons, and forge your legend in the Shattered Isles!

2024.05.15 19:48 PapaDudu Google I/O's AI avalanche

Google just kicked off its I/O Developer’s Conference, announcing a wide array of updates across its AI ecosystem — including enhancements across its flagship Gemini model family and a new video generation model to rival OpenAI’s Sora.
Gemini model updates:
Video and image model upgrades:
Why it matters: Gemini’s already industry-leading context window gets a 2x boost, enabling endless new opportunities to utilize AI with massive amounts of information. Additionally, Sora officially has competition with the impressive Veo demo — but which one will make it to public access first?
submitted by PapaDudu to AIAssisted [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:46 CephalonAhmes PC Nightwave: Nora's Mix Vol.6: Update 35.6

NIGHTWAVE: NORA’S MIX VOL. 6 Note: Nora’s Mix Vol.6 begins today at 2 PM ET.
Seize the day with Nora’s Mix Vol. 6! Complete Nightwave Acts to unlock new rewards, including new Weapon Augment Mods, Daybreak Cosmetics and more.
Like previous editions of Nightwave, we will include duplicate protection for rewards you have already unlocked. Identical to Nora’s Mix Vol. 5, Tenno can expect to be compensated with Nora’s Mix Vol. 6 Creds instead of the previous unlocked reward.
New Tier Rewards
Cedo Daybreak Skin Watch your enemies fall before this weapon of the sunrise. A vibrant skin for the Cedo.
Glaive Daybreak Skin Send your enemies into the long night with this dawn inspired Glaive skin.
Nukor Daybreak Skin Make this sunrise your enemy’s last with this luminous Nukor Skin.
Daybreak Armor Bundle Dazzle friends and enemies alike, with this armor’s solar brilliance.
Daybreak Vanquished Banner Rise up and raze your enemies with this radiant Syandana.
Daybreak Emote Greet the new day with this brilliant emote.
Daybreak Kubrow Gene-Masking Kit The Orokin engineered this DNA structure to make their Kubrows embody the season of renewal. Includes:
Daybreak Kavat Gene-Masking Kit The Orokin engineered this DNA structure to make their Kavats embody the season of renewal. Includes:
Clip Delegation (Sobek Augment Mod) On Reload : Next Magazine has Status Chance and Multishot increased by 15% per shot landed with current Magazine. Max 15 stacks.
Photon Overcharge (Glaxion Augment Mod) On Kill or Assist: Slain enemies have a 2% chance to drop an Energy Orb per Cold Status affecting them. +90% Critical Damage.
Khora In Action Glyph A Glyph for your profile.
Nightwave Cred Store Additions The following new and returning rewards from previous Nightwave Series have been added to the Cred Store and will appear in future rotations:
NEW KUVA & TENET WEAPONS ** The Arsenal of the Kuva Liches and Sisters of Parvos have expanded with the **Kuva Sobek and Tenet Glaxion! Hunt down Larvlings and Candidates for a chance at these Kuva and Tenet variants.
Kuva Sobek The Kuva Sobek’s exceptional Reload Speed, Critical Chance, and Status Chance make it a natural fit for the Kuva Lich’s dominant spirit.
Tenet Glaxion Advances on microelectronics have improved a Corpus classic. Tenet Glaxion’s photon beam strikes up to four enemies at once. It also boasts superior Damage, Critical Chance, and Status Chance.
The next batch of TennoGen Unbound items are here! Enjoy 4 new creations from talented community artists.
As stated in the “TennoGen and Cross Platform Save” article, TennoGen purchased on PC can only be used on PC. TennoGen items purchased for Platinum can be accessed via Cross Platform Save on licensed platforms.
This action was performed automatically, if you see any mistakes, please tag u/desmaraisp, he'll fix them. Here is my github.
I have found a new home on AWS Lambda, RIP Heroku free tier.
submitted by CephalonAhmes to Warframe [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:44 Timely-Cellist-8496 motogp im fernsehen

motogp im fernsehen
Motogp Übertragungstermine
Die MotoGP ist eine der aufregendsten und beliebtesten Motorsportarten weltweit. Für Fans ist es wichtig, die Übertragungstermine der Rennen im Voraus zu kennen, um kein spannendes Moment zu verpassen. Hier sind einige wichtige Informationen zu den Übertragungsterminen der MotoGP:
  1. **Fernsehübertragung:** Die MotoGP-Rennen werden in Deutschland hauptsächlich von verschiedenen Sendern live übertragen. Dazu gehören unter anderem Eurosport, ServusTV und der Streamingdienst DAZN. Diese Sender bieten umfassende Berichterstattung über Qualifyings, Trainings und natürlich die Rennen selbst.
  2. **Streaming:** Für Fans, die unterwegs sind oder keinen Zugang zu traditionellen Fernsehkanälen haben, bieten Streamingdienste wie DAZN eine großartige Möglichkeit, die MotoGP live zu verfolgen. Diese Dienste ermöglichen es den Zuschauern, die Rennen auf ihren Smartphones, Tablets oder Computern zu streamen.
  3. **Internationale Rennen:** Die MotoGP-Saison umfasst Rennen auf verschiedenen Strecken auf der ganzen Welt. Die Übertragungstermine können je nach Standort variieren. Es ist daher ratsam, einen aktuellen Zeitplan zu überprüfen, um sicherzustellen, dass man kein Rennen verpasst.
  4. **Social Media:** Viele MotoGP-Teams, Fahrer und offizielle Konten bieten auch Live-Updates und Hintergrundinformationen über Plattformen wie Twitter, Facebook und Instagram an. Dies ist eine großartige Möglichkeit, um während der Rennen auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben, selbst wenn man nicht direkt vor dem Fernseher oder dem Streaminggerät sitzt.
Indem man diese verschiedenen Übertragungsmöglichkeiten nutzt und den aktuellen Zeitplan im Auge behält, kann man sicherstellen, dass man kein Rennen der MotoGP verpasst und die Spannung und Action dieses spektakulären Sports vollständig genießen kann.
Fernsehsender für Motogp
Für Motorsportfans bietet das Fernsehen eine Vielzahl von Möglichkeiten, die spannenden Rennen der MotoGP live zu verfolgen. Diese hochkarätige Rennserie, die jedes Jahr auf den weltweit bekanntesten Rennstrecken ausgetragen wird, zieht Fans aus aller Welt an. Wenn es darum geht, die MotoGP im Fernsehen zu verfolgen, gibt es mehrere beliebte Sender, die eine umfassende Berichterstattung und exklusive Inhalte bieten.
Einer der führenden Sender für die Übertragung der MotoGP ist Eurosport. Eurosport hat sich einen Ruf als einer der wichtigsten Sender für Motorsportevents aller Art erarbeitet und bietet eine erstklassige Berichterstattung über die MotoGP-Rennen. Mit erfahrenen Kommentatoren und Experten im Motorsportbereich bietet Eurosport den Zuschauern fundierte Einblicke und Analysen.
Ein weiterer beliebter Sender für MotoGP-Fans ist ServusTV. Dieser Sender hat sich in den letzten Jahren einen Namen gemacht, indem er hochwertige Motorsportinhalte ausgestrahlt hat, darunter auch die MotoGP. ServusTV bietet eine umfassende Berichterstattung über die Rennen sowie Hintergrundgeschichten und Interviews mit Fahrern und Teammitgliedern.
Neben Eurosport und ServusTV bieten auch andere Sender wie RTL, Sky und DAZN Berichterstattung über die MotoGP an. Diese Sender ermöglichen es den Fans, die spannenden Rennen der MotoGP live zu verfolgen und sich mit Gleichgesinnten auszutauschen.
Insgesamt gibt es also eine Vielzahl von Fernsehsendern, die MotoGP-Fans die Möglichkeit bieten, die Rennen live zu verfolgen und sich eingehend über ihre Lieblingssportart zu informieren. Ob Eurosport, ServusTV oder andere Sender - Motorsportfans haben die Qual der Wahl, wenn es darum geht, die MotoGP im Fernsehen zu erleben.
Livestream Motogp
Natürlich, ich kann dir dabei helfen! Hier ist dein Artikel über Livestreams der MotoGP:
Die MotoGP ist eine der aufregendsten und beliebtesten Motorsportveranstaltungen der Welt. Mit Hochgeschwindigkeitsrennen und nervenaufreibenden Überholmanövern begeistert sie Millionen von Fans weltweit. Doch nicht jeder hat die Möglichkeit, die Rennen live vor Ort zu verfolgen. Dank der fortschreitenden Technologie können Fans jedoch die Action direkt von zu Hause aus genießen, und zwar durch Livestreams.
Livestreams der MotoGP bieten Fans die Möglichkeit, die Rennen in Echtzeit auf ihren bevorzugten Geräten zu verfolgen. Ob auf dem Computer, Tablet oder Smartphone, mit einem Livestream verpasst man kein Detail und fühlt sich direkt am Geschehen. Die Übertragungen bieten oft auch verschiedene Kamerawinkel und Kommentare, die das Rennerlebnis noch intensiver machen.
Es gibt verschiedene Möglichkeiten, um Livestreams der MotoGP zu finden. Viele offizielle Sender bieten kostenpflichtige Abonnements an, die Zugang zu exklusiven Inhalten und hochwertigen Übertragungen ermöglichen. Darüber hinaus gibt es auch kostenlose Optionen, die zwar nicht immer die beste Qualität bieten, aber dennoch eine gute Möglichkeit darstellen, die Rennen live zu verfolgen.
Ein weiterer Vorteil von Livestreams ist die Flexibilität. Man kann die Rennen von überall aus anschauen, solange man eine Internetverbindung hat. Das bedeutet, dass Fans nicht mehr an ihren Fernseher gebunden sind, sondern die MotoGP auch unterwegs verfolgen können.
Alles in allem bieten Livestreams der MotoGP eine großartige Möglichkeit, die Spannung und Action der Rennen direkt zu erleben, egal wo man sich befindet. Mit hochwertigen Übertragungen und flexiblen Optionen ist es einfacher als je zuvor, ein echter MotoGP-Fan zu sein.
TV-Programm Motogp
Das TV-Programm für die MotoGP ist für viele Motorsportfans von großem Interesse. Die MotoGP ist die Königsklasse des Motorradrennsports und bietet packende Rennen auf den bekanntesten Rennstrecken weltweit. Das TV-Programm für die MotoGP umfasst in der Regel Qualifying-Sessions, Warm-ups und natürlich die Rennen selbst.
In Deutschland können Motorsportbegeisterte die MotoGP-Rennen auf verschiedenen Sendern verfolgen. Zu den beliebten Sendern, die die MotoGP übertragen, gehören unter anderem Eurosport und ServusTV. Diese Sender bieten oft umfangreiche Berichterstattung, einschließlich Vor- und Nachberichterstattung, Interviews mit Fahrern und Expertenanalysen.
Das TV-Programm für die MotoGP variiert je nach Rennen und Saison. Die Rennen finden auf verschiedenen Rennstrecken auf der ganzen Welt statt, darunter berühmte Kurse wie der Sachsenring in Deutschland, Mugello in Italien und der Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya in Spanien. Die Rennzeiten können daher je nach Standort und Zeitzone unterschiedlich sein.
Für Fans, die keine Gelegenheit haben, die Rennen live im Fernsehen zu verfolgen, bieten viele Sender auch die Möglichkeit des Streamings über ihre Online-Plattformen oder Apps an. Auf diese Weise können Fans die Action auch unterwegs verfolgen, sei es auf dem Smartphone, Tablet oder Laptop.
Insgesamt bietet das TV-Programm für die MotoGP den Fans eine großartige Möglichkeit, die Spannung und Action dieses aufregenden Sports zu erleben, sei es live im Fernsehen oder über Streaming-Dienste.
Motogp Sendezeiten
Die MotoGP ist eine aufregende Motorsportveranstaltung, die weltweit Millionen von Fans begeistert. Für Motorsportliebhaber ist es wichtig zu wissen, wann sie die Rennen verfolgen können. Hier sind die Sendezeiten der MotoGP:
  1. **Freitag:** Die ersten Trainingsrunden finden am Freitag statt. Die Sendezeiten variieren je nach Sender und Region, aber normalerweise werden diese Trainings live übertragen, um den Zuschauern einen Einblick in das Geschehen auf der Rennstrecke zu geben.
  2. **Samstag:** Am Samstag stehen die Qualifying-Sessions auf dem Programm. Hier entscheidet sich, wer von der Pole Position starten wird. Die Sendezeiten sind ähnlich wie am Freitag und bieten den Zuschauern die Möglichkeit, die Spannung der Qualifikation live mitzuerleben.
  3. **Sonntag:** Der Höhepunkt des MotoGP-Wochenendes sind die Rennen am Sonntag. Die Sendezeiten variieren je nach Sender und Land, aber in der Regel beginnt die Übertragung am frühen Nachmittag, um den Fans weltweit die Möglichkeit zu geben, das Rennen zu verfolgen.
Es ist ratsam, lokale TV-Programme oder Motorsportkanäle zu überprüfen, um die genauen Sendezeiten für Ihre Region zu erfahren. Alternativ dazu bieten viele Sender auch Live-Streaming-Dienste an, über die die Rennen online verfolgt werden können.
Insgesamt bieten die MotoGP-Sendezeiten den Fans die Möglichkeit, die actiongeladenen Rennen live zu verfolgen und Teil der aufregenden Welt des Motorsports zu sein.
submitted by Timely-Cellist-8496 to u/Timely-Cellist-8496 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:40 RedsModerator Game Thread: Reds @ D-backs - Wed, May 15 @ 03:40 PM EDT

Reds @ D-backs - Wed, May 15

Game Status: Pre-Game - First Pitch is scheduled for 03:40 PM EDT

Links & Info

NLC Rank Team W L GB (E#) WC Rank WC GB (E#)
1 Milwaukee Brewers 25 17 - (-) - - (-)
2 Chicago Cubs 24 19 1.5 (119) 2 +3.0 (-)
3 Pittsburgh Pirates 19 24 6.5 (114) 7 2.0 (117)
4 Cincinnati Reds 18 24 7.0 (114) 9 2.5 (117)
5 St. Louis Cardinals 18 24 7.0 (114) 10 2.5 (117)
Probable Pitcher (Season Stats) Report
Reds Andrew Abbott (2-4, 3.35 ERA, 43.0 IP) No report posted.
D-backs Brandon Pfaadt (1-3, 4.60 ERA, 47.0 IP) No report posted.
Reds Lineup vs. Pfaadt AVG OPS AB HR RBI K
1 Benson - CF .000 .250 3 0 0 2
2 Fraley - RF .333 1.666 3 1 1 1
3 Ford, M - DH - - - - - -
4 Steer - 1B .200 .400 5 0 0 1
5 Candelario - 3B .000 .000 1 0 0 0
6 India - 2B .000 .000 3 0 0 2
7 Capel - LF - - - - - -
8 Espinal - SS - - - - - -
9 Maile - C .000 .000 2 0 0 1
10 Abbott, A - P - - - - - -
D-backs Lineup vs. Abbott, A AVG OPS AB HR RBI K
1 Marte, K - 2B - - - - - -
2 Grichuk - RF .333 1.833 3 1 1 0
3 Gurriel Jr. - LF - - - - - -
4 Walker, C - 1B - - - - - -
5 Suárez, E - 3B - - - - - -
6 Moreno - C - - - - - -
7 Alexander - DH - - - - - -
8 McCarthy - CF - - - - - -
9 Newman - SS - - - - - -
10 Pfaadt - P - - - - - -

Division Scoreboard

PIT 0 @ MIL 0 - Top 3, 0 Outs
CHC @ ATL 07:20 PM EDT
STL @ LAA 09:07 PM EDT
Last Updated: 05/15/2024 01:43:09 PM EDT
submitted by RedsModerator to Reds [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:39 RestlessDreamer32 How to date again after having my reputation destroyed?

I'm honestly at a loss of what to do. Until half a year ago I was engaged and had everything I never thought I would have until she decided she was no longer happy. It's been more than a few years since I was in the dating market, but things have drastically changed for me due to a horrible incident that occurred a while back. A bit of backstory, and I'll included a TlDr at the end.
Several years back there was a hobby group I used to regularly attend, and one day this woman who had only started showing up recently took an interest in me. I'd just gotten out of a pretty bad relationship a few months before that, so when she made a move on me, I took her up on it to see where things would go. I wasn't use to a woman actually making the first move, so I took it as a good sign. We saw each other for the next few weeks and in that time we had gotten physical a few times, with her making the first move on that as well. Fast forward to the end of our time together when I found out she had a boyfriend the entire time and was cheating on him with me. I broke it off with her because I didn't want to be "the other guy" to some poor sap, and she wasn't pleased with me for finding out. Her boyfriend had nearly caught her cheating, so what did she do? She threw me under the bus and told him I was "just some creep who wouldn't leave her alone". Hilarious, because I had chat logs that showed nothing but positive interactions between us and call logs showing we would spend several hours a week on the phone together. I block her on everything and move on with my life.
Fast forward several years later, I'm engaged and in a happy relationship, and a gal pal of mine DM's me to tell me she saw a post about me in a group on FB. She sent me live updates on the post as well. I guess these groups called "Are We Dating The Same Guy" popped up seemingly everywhere, and our local group had nearly 50,000 local women in it at that time. Considering I live in what's generally called a "small city", this was extremely concerning. The poster was the woman from the hobby shop, and she uploaded my full name and multiple photos of me. In the post she said that I "violently rxped" her, was a "woman beater", and called me a "dangerous predator". I felt sick to my stomach. Worse than that, at least 15 different women were commenting on the post verifying it was "all true". Only 1 woman tried to defend me, a woman I used to work with, and within minutes her comments were deleted and she was banned from the group. As for all the other women commenting, half of them were women I hadn't seen since literally high school and never spoke to because I was a quiet nerdy kid who stuck to his friends. One of them even said she had "first hand experience", but I had never even spoken one word to her in my life. The other women commenting, I didn't recognize their names or faces at all and was certain I'd never met or spoken to any of them. Comments ranged from saying things like I "stalked them home", "assaulted them at a club" (I don't drink or go to bars), and one even said that I "forcefully penetrated her" in her own home, despite not even knowing who she is.
I spent that entire day having a panic attack and was on the phone with the mental health crisis line for a good while. When I went to work the next day, female co-workers who were normally friendly and cheerful towards me looked at me with disgust or walked in the other direction when they saw me coming. I went home early that day after taking another panic attack in the bathroom. Later that night I had a missed phone call from our local police. Called back, hoping it was just a prank call, but it wasn't. An officer actually wanted to speak with me about some grave accusations that were brought to him. It turns out the hobby shop woman and other she knew collectively called in "anonymous tips" about me, but in those tips I wasn't a "violent rxpist". Instead, these tips included where I worked and told the police I was "dangerous to children". I remember nearly passing out on the phone from panicking again. Turns out the officer I was spoking to already suspected it was BS, because these groups were generating hundreds of "anonymous tips" a day for them. The investigation was closed and branded as "malicious gossip" and I never heard from the police again.
Despite that, my reputation was ruined forever. My partner at the time actually had my back and was a huge pillar of support, but I was still a wreck. I became a recluse and started going to therapy every couple of weeks. In our local group, old posts of guys are "bumped" all the time whenever a guy is found on a dating site or women remember he exists. The group has nearly doubled in size since then too. Posts aren't even about dangerous people, but I'll see posts all the time like "This guy just matched with me and hasn't messaged me yet, any tea??" and even random creep shots of guys at the gym saying things like "This guy is super cute, any tea or red flags??" I see nothing to do with "safety" and actual dangerous dudes I've known over the years haven't appeared there at all. Old classmate kidnapped and nearly beat his partner to death? No post. Dude admits to mxlesting his partners toddler? No post. Guy doesn't buy a gal a gift after a date? He's a monster and must be posted about. It was easy enough to get in there with a dummy account to make sure I wasn't caught off guard again.
---Fast forward to today. I unfortunately find myself single when I never thought I would be again. I'm still somewhat of a recluse, don't keep any photos of my name on social media, nor do I use my real name. I've disappeared as much as possible. I'm still terrified that someone there will remember I exist and post about me again, as I see happen to other men daily. Dating websites are just asking for trouble, as most posts in this group are screenshots of guys profiles. If I dare take a photo of myself and put it in a dating website, odds are very good I'd be posted and would have to suffer through the same ordeal yet again. I can't afford (nor could I back then) the several thousands of dollars to take someone to court for slandelibel, and Facebook says these posts aren't against their "community standards". Even then, that's like cutting a single head off of a hydra knowing that more will take it's place. Meeting people IRL just doesn't happen anymore and it's frowned upon to try to meet women in public settings as opposed to online dating where they can screen everyone beforehand. Online dating is no longer safe for me. How am I to ever be with someone again if OLD is off the table and I have a destroyed reputation?
**TlDr: Woman cheated on boyfriend with me several years ago and didn't like me finding out. Woman in question decides to publicly slander me to nearly 50,000 local women several years later. Slander works and my reputation has been destroyed and people think I'm some kind of monster. I delete all presence of my name and face online that I can, but now that I'm single again, I have no idea how to ever date again with OLD being off the table and having a tarnished reputation.**
submitted by RestlessDreamer32 to SupportForTheAccused [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:39 IgniteMidnight626 AITA - BestBuy Geek Squad “Assistance”

My computer started acting very odd the past week; “preparing windows” every launch, a boat load of drivers continually failing to update, ran a scan and corrupt filies aren’t being fixed. I checked my status for my laptop and it’s still covered under BestBuy’s warranty. I reached out to inquire about any recommendations to try and resolve it and the agent says I need to purchase the “My BestBuy Total” plan in order for an agent to remote access my computer and fix it. I declined because it’s already covered under warranty and the agent then ask if there’s anything else they could assist me with. I asked if they were suggesting that to be the only way to fix my issue and they literally said “yes, else you visit a store.” AITA? Am I expecting to much?
Also I got receipts. -Transcript of Chat Log:
AA: “Hello Cinque, thanks for contacting Geek Squad! My name is Agent Ashutosh. Please give me a few moments to review your account.” “How may I help you ?” 12:41pm
C: “Greetings my computer is acting odd. Every boot up it states it’s “preparing windows”. I’ve tried running sfc scan and it says it’s unable to repair all the corrupt files” 12:42pm
AA: “Are you chatting from the same computer which you are facing the issue?” 12:44pm
C: “No I am not.” 12:46pm
AA: “Do you have any other name and phone number register with Geek Squad ?” 12:46pm
C: “No. I am using the BestBuy app” “I accidentally closed the app during a previous chat with another agent and couldn’t find a way to get back to it” “Hello?” 12:52pm
AA: “The issue you are facing will solve remotely by us if you have the my best buy total plan, you don’t need to go anywhere for it, we will get into your computer and transfer your session to our next level agent and they will remotely solve your issue, would you like to purchase the Best Buy Total plan?” 12:53pm
C: “Not at this time. The Device should be still under warranty, it’s covered for 24 months.” 12:54pm
AA: “As I can see in our system you don’t have My BestBuy Total plan with you, would you like to purchase the plan ?” 12:55pm
C: “No.” 12:55pm
AA: “Is there any thing else I may assist you with today?” 11:57pm
C: “You’re not going to assist me?” “I am quite confused.” “The device is under Best Buy’s warranty for 24 months. It was purchased in June of 2022.” “Why would I need additional coverage if it is still within warranty period?” 12:58pm
AA: “Since you decline for the plan without My bestbuy total tech plan we are not able to take the accesss of your computer and fix the issue.”12:59pm
C: “Are you suggesting that to be the only way to fix the issue?” 12:59pm
AA: “Yes, else you can visit the store” 1:00pm
C: “Ok. So you have no troubleshooting to recommend? At all?” “I would like to be connected with a supervisor.” 1:05pm (Now almost 1:40pm and all communications have ceased)
submitted by IgniteMidnight626 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:29 GideonBlackbook A thank you to BBI and Gearbox.

Just wanted to pop in quick and thank gearbox and bbi for taking on homeworld 3. You've truly shown life's capacity to destroy ones childhood. I loved every single minute of HW3's cinematics I had to endure that swiftly threw every second of the previous games storytelling style in the garbage. I could not get enough of the childlike writing and constantly watching Imogen try to figure out how to poop in her suit. There is nothing better than how you took the massive scope of battles from the original games and pinned it into a gimicky nightmare that is "space terrain". You're so imaginative to take an RTS and remove it from 3d space. What could the original creators have been thinking?! What dummies. I think the most fun part honestly was the lack of pathing capabilities in my fleet and unresponsive AI that sat and waited for me to destroy every objective in the game. I can't imagine what it would have been like if the game made me think on my toes or move creatively through a unfathomably large 3d space. That would've been such a nightmare. Thank god you can't patch or update out bad cinematics and storytelling. I never want anyone to be able to take away or update the shining example of failure that the campaign is. Lastly, SANDS AND SINNERS, for not including a good matchmaking system, leaderboard, or multiplayer menu. I would have been so bothered to be surrounded by a large community of competitive players celebrating a diverse and fast paced combat system.

Thanks again, for nothing.
submitted by GideonBlackbook to homeworld [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:28 fidelitycanada Hi Reddit! It’s Fred Gajdos (Manager, Talent Acquisition) and Maggie Wei (Talent Acquisition Consultant) from Fidelity Investments Canada. We are Human Resources professionals and work on the recruitment side to help find the right people for the right roles at Fidelity. AUA on May 29 at 12 p.m. ET.

Hi Reddit! It’s Fred Gajdos (Manager, Talent Acquisition) and Maggie Wei (Talent Acquisition Consultant) from Fidelity Investments Canada. We are Human Resources professionals and work on the recruitment side to help find the right people for the right roles at Fidelity. AUA on May 29 at 12 p.m. ET.
Are you a job seeker looking for tips on acing interviews and navigating the hiring process? A manager looking for advice on building strong teams? An employee curious about their career development? Someone that has general questions about what goes on in the world of HR? Ask away and we’ll try to get to as many questions as we can! But first, here’s a bit about us:
Fred: I have worked in Talent Acquisition for the last 10 years, and IMO, being curious about people’s skills and their aspirations is key to finding the right talent for any position. My recruitment team of 10 engages with candidates and hires individuals who are looking for rewarding careers in financial services. We use our recruitment expertise and people skills to attract and retain the next generation of leaders.
Maggie: Over the past 6.5 years as a Recruiter, I have had the pleasure of meeting candidates from all walks of life, and playing a part in helping them land their dream roles which has been incredibly fulfilling. My career journey first began in Campus hiring (this includes internship and new graduate positions) and eventually I transitioned to Experienced Hire recruitment where I currently source top talent for roles across various functions and levels at Fidelity.
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submitted by fidelitycanada to FidelityCanada [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:26 YaminiPatel2410 HOTEL INTERNET BOOKING ENGINE

What is a Hotel Internet Booking Engine?
Online hotel reservation software is a vital tool for travel companies looking to streamline their booking process and increase direct bookings.
A hotel booking engine is a software tool that smoothly integrates into your hotel's website, allowing customers to easily search for available rooms, compare rates, and make secure reservations online. It operates as a central hub, displaying real-time pricing and availability while streamlining the booking process.
With reliable and effective hotel booking software, hotels can increase overall revenues significantly. The booking prevents commissions involved in booking and aids in increasing profits

Some factors that should be considered while selecting a Hotel Internet Booking Engine are discussed below:

Why is the Hotel Internet Booking Engine important?
Hotel Internet Booking Engine is one of the most significant and vital aspects for any hotel, OTA, travel agency, or tour operator looking to prosper in the digital age. It's a strategic investment that allows your hotel to thrive in the digital age by attracting more visitors, boosting revenue, and enhancing the entire guest experience.
Travelers look for the best hotel deals for their stay. An advanced hotel booking engine assists these travelers book the best hotel that suits them. They can search, explore, and book from a variety of hotels.
Getting a reliable hotel booking engine can help travel companies make a huge profit and increase their web presence. With the right hotel booking engine, travel companies can save a lot of time as such a booking engine is integrated with the standard list of hotel suppliers. This eliminates the need to integrate additional hotel suppliers. Also, the best hotel prices along with the proper hotel description like images, amenities, and full property information are displayed.
Implementing a user-friendly and feature-rich booking system allows you to manage your online presence, streamline operations, and position your hotel for long-term success. It aids in the management of bookings and inventories by providing clients with accurate information about their upcoming bookings.
Online hotel reservation software makes the booking process easier for both travel agents and customers. By allowing guests to easily book a hotel room online, it saves time and effort for both parties.
A travel agency or tour operator can utilize the software to manage bookings, availability, and pricing, while guests can benefit from features like online payments, reviews, and special deals.
Furthermore, the software can provide hoteliers with significant insights about client preferences and behaviors, allowing them to serve their guests better.
Are you looking for the best Hotel Internet Booking Engine?

The hotel booking software from Trawex is one of a kind. Trawex offers reliable, user-friendly hotel booking engine software that is tailored to the specific demands of OTAs, travel agencies, tour operators, etc.
Our software offers several features and benefits that ensure an intuitive and efficient booking process for your guests. Software provided by Trawex is already being connected with 70+ hotel supplier APIs across the world. This solution is also connected with Xtranet where agency can manage their own contracted rates effectively. And many more features that help you to grow your business multiple times.
Trawex hotel booking engine brings the best available deals with their multi-supplier connections. This hotel booking engine keeps travelers informed of the exact availability status of hotels.
Trawex's online booking system allows guests to conveniently manage bookings through the hotel's website. It is also an excellent way to collect payments and secure reservations at the desired hotel.
Guests can now make bookings directly on the hotel's website. The complex security and simple navigation features enhance the appeal of the hotel booking system.

Why choose Trawex as your Hotel Internet Booking Engine?

Trawex is a leading tech company provider of hotel booking software solutions. Our comprehensive hotel booking system has a range of features and benefits, making it an excellent choice for travel enterprises.
One of the most significant advantages of Trawex's hotel booking software is its ease of use and simple interface. Our platform enables consumers to effortlessly search for and book available rooms, manage their reservations, and make secure and fast payments. Additionally, our software provides hotel staff with the ability to manage bookings, generate reports, and track bookings to assist their customers as required
Trawex provides reliable, user-friendly hotel CRS tailored to the unique needs of OTAs, travel agencies, tour operators, and others. Our software has an abundance of features and benefits that will make the booking process for your guests easier and more efficient.
Trawex offers B2B Hotel Booking System, B2C Hotel Reservation System, Hotel Reservation API, Hotel Booking API, Hotel Extranet System, and B2B2C Hotel Booking Solutions to help you grow organically.
With Trawex, you can expect:

Types of Hotel Internet Booking Engine are discussed below:

B2B hotel booking engine
A B2B hotel booking portal allows agencies to market to travel agents where travel agents can book for their clients and determine the markups while making the booking. With the help of an excellent B2B hotel booking engine, sub-agent networks can be managed without any complexity.

~B2C hotel booking engine~
A B2C hotel booking engine is directly used by travelers. It can be integrated with numerous hotel supplier APIs to access hotel deals. Travel companies utilize hotel booking portals to provide the best hotel information, make it easy to book, and optimize direct sales.
Why should you integrate a white label hotel booking engine?

The adoption of a white label hotel booking engine saves time and money, allowing travel organizations to save on development costs. They need to use their branding and make marketing efforts to increase their web presence.
The hotel booking system helps manage hotel reservations efficiently. Here, the bookings made by the hotel website are managed. Travelers can check the availability of accommodations in real-time and make bookings online. Following that, the system provides quick confirmations of bookings. It's a great technique to achieve 100% client satisfaction.

Benefits of a Hotel Internet Booking Engine:

What are the key features of a Hotel Booking System?

Here is the list of hotel booking system features:

Key Factors Impacting Hotel Booking Engine Development Costs

The cost of establishing a hotel booking engine fluctuates significantly and depends on numerous critical factors, listed below:
Understanding these essential aspects will enable you to make informed decisions about the development of your hotel booking engine, allowing you to successfully manage costs while generating a high-quality product.
Trawex excels at all aspects of hotel booking engine development, establishing itself as an important player in the sector. Our agile strategy allows us to quickly navigate each development step, reducing expenses without compromising quality.
In the initial phase, our dedicated team conducts complete market research, analyzing customer trends and competitor strategies. This research not only informs our project plan but also aids in cost optimization.
During the design and development process, we excel at user interface design, creating visually appealing and user-friendly experiences. Our front-end and back-end development experience provides seamless interactions and effective data management. Rigorous testing and quality assurance are diligently carried out to deliver a bug-free, reliable booking engine.
Deployment and maintenance are executed flawlessly, ensuring a smooth transition into real-world usage. We excel at payment gateway integration and security compliance, providing a secure and user-friendly booking engine. With Trawex, you get a cost-effective, technically excellent, and user-centric hotel booking engine solution that outpaces the competition.

For more details, please visit our website:
Email id : [](
Phone No : 91485 87111
submitted by YaminiPatel2410 to u/YaminiPatel2410 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:25 eightythreeinc Amateur Looking for Help Making POST to MySQL Using Nuxt 3

I come from a heavy product management, design and marketing background and have recently been able to brute-force my way through creating a simple form page using Nuxt 3/Vue 3/Tailwind/Pinia with Vercel for deployment and just set up a Digital Ocean MySQL database.
I've managed to accomplish a lot and I absolutely love everything about Nuxt/Vue and coming from a Figma background, Tailwind was especially fast to learn. I've got Pinia working but am now stuck on getting that data into my new DB.
So the flow is:
This create a UUID which im using as the primary key in the MySQL table. Now, as the user fills out the form, the SaveVisitorData function is sending this data to the save-visitor-data.js endpoint in serveapi
import { useRuntimeConfig } from '#app' import mysql from 'mysql2/promise' export default defineEventHandler(async (event) => { const runtimeConfig = useRuntimeConfig() const pool = mysql.createPool({ host: runtimeConfig.private.DB_HOST, user: runtimeConfig.private.DB_USER, password: runtimeConfig.private.DB_PASSWORD, database: runtimeConfig.private.DB_NAME, waitForConnections: true, connectionLimit: 10, queueLimit: 0, }) const { visitorId, data } = await readBody(event) try { const query = ` INSERT INTO visitors (visitor_id, value_a, value_b, value_c, value_d) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE value_a = VALUES(value_a), value_b = VALUES(value_b), value_c = VALUES(value_c), value_d = VALUES(value_d); ` const values = [ visitorId, data.value_a, data.value_b, data.value_c, data.value_d ] const [result] = await pool.query(query, values) return { success: true, affectedRows: result.affectedRows } } catch (err) { console.error('Error saving visitor data:', err) return { success: false, error: err.message, stack: err.stack } } }) 
The issue is that I can see the endpoint being called in network. I see a 200 code, but the response is:
{success: false, error: "Cannot convert object to primitive value",…} error: "Cannot convert object to primitive value" stack: "Error: Cannot convert object to primitive value\n at PromisePool.query success: false 
I can't seem to figure this one out. Any ideas one what I'm doing wrong?
submitted by eightythreeinc to Nuxt [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:21 AdvertisingIll868 Exploring the Trending Fashion Designing Courses of 2024"

Introduction: Fashion is ever-changing, and keeping up with its trends is vital. Whether you're an aspiring designer or a fashion enthusiast, enrolling in a fashion designing course can be transformative. Let's explore the trending courses of 2024, catering to various interests in the fashion industry.
  1. "Fashion Design Essentials: Crafting from Concept to Creation" This course offers a comprehensive journey from ideation to execution. Learn sketching, pattern-making, fabric selection, and garment construction using a blend of traditional techniques and modern tools.
  2. "Sustainable Fashion: Designing with Purpose" Focusing on ethical sourcing, eco-friendly production, and responsible consumption, this course addresses environmental and social concerns. Explore innovative approaches like upcycling and zero-waste design for a sustainable future.
  3. "Digital Fashion Design: Innovating in the Virtual Realm" Step into the digital frontier with courses on software tools like Adobe Illustrator and Clo. Discover virtual garment design, digital fashion shows, and immersive experiences, using technology to redefine fashion creativity.
  4. "Fashion Business and Entrepreneurship: Crafting Success Stories" Beyond design, delve into the business side of fashion. Explore branding, marketing, retailing, and entrepreneurship with insights from industry experts and real-world case studies, preparing yourself for a successful fashion career.
Conclusion: Fashion education evolves alongside the industry, offering opportunities for diverse interests and career paths. Whether your passion lies in craftsmanship, sustainability, digital innovation, or business acumen, there's a course tailored to your aspirations. Stay updated on the latest trends and seize the chance to equip yourself with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in the dynamic world of fashion.Introduction: Fashion is ever-changing, and keeping up with its trends is vital. Whether you're an aspiring designer or a fashion enthusiast, enrolling in a fashion designing course can be transformative. Let's explore the trending courses of 2024, catering to various interests in the fashion industry. "Fashion Design Essentials: Crafting from Concept to Creation" This course offers a comprehensive journey from ideation to execution. Learn sketching, pattern-making, fabric selection, and garment construction using a blend of traditional techniques and modern tools. "Sustainable Fashion: Designing with Purpose" Focusing on ethical sourcing, eco-friendly production, and responsible consumption, this course addresses environmental and social concerns. Explore innovative approaches like upcycling and zero-waste design for a sustainable future. "Digital Fashion Design: Innovating in the Virtual Realm" Step into the digital frontier with courses on software tools like Adobe Illustrator and Clo. Discover virtual garment design, digital fashion shows, and immersive experiences, using technology to redefine fashion creativity. "Fashion Business and Entrepreneurship: Crafting Success Stories" Beyond design, delve into the business side of fashion. Explore branding, marketing, retailing, and entrepreneurship with insights from industry experts and real-world case studies, preparing yourself for a successful fashion career. Conclusion: Fashion education evolves alongside the industry, offering opportunities for diverse interests and career paths. Whether your passion lies in craftsmanship, sustainability, digital innovation, or business acumen, there's a course tailored to your aspirations. Stay updated on the latest trends and seize the chance to equip yourself with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in the dynamic world of fashion.
submitted by AdvertisingIll868 to u/AdvertisingIll868 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:20 J_B_1234 Slow Internet speeds on WiFi and Ethernet and I have no idea why.

To start, I have a Desktop PC with an Intel i9 9000k @ 3.6GHz, EVGA Z390 FTW Motherboard, MSI RTX 3080Ti, Corsair Vengeance Pro (16x4) 64GB DDR4 3200 RAM, I have an Archer TXE75E WiFi and Bluetooth PCIe adapter, and run Win 11
My internet should be at 800 down and 20 up as stated by my XB7 Gateway from Xfinity. When testing on Speedtest .net other PCs in my house get that speed if not more, especially on ethernet. However, every 2-3 months (give or take) my PC will suddenly drop speeds down to 40-60 down and 15-20 up. I haven't figured out a reason or a solution for this no matter what I try. This has happened once before, a few months ago and has since gone away on its own, although I only got about 400 down since then (Better but not what I know I can get from my Gateway. A few days ago, it dropped down to 60/20 again, and it interferes with matchmaking and competitive play for games, as well as bitrate for streaming.
Device manager says the device is working properly, but in the events tab I see this on the WiFi adapter:
"Device PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2725&SUBSYS_00208086&REV_1A\4&160ef086&0&00D8 had a problem starting.
Driver Name: oem4.inf
Class Guid: {4d36e972-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
Service: Netwtw14
Lower Filters
Upper Filters: vwifibus
Problem: 0x0
Problem Status: 0xC00000E5
Here's a list of things that I've tried but haven't fixed the problem.
* Restarted the PC
* Swapped Ethernet cables from a PC that gets regular speeds
* Updated Windows 11
* Made sure metered connection wasn't enable in ethernet settings in windows
* Reinstalled WiFi + Ethernet Drivers
* Made sure the antenna connections to the card were secure
* Made sure connections to the MB and the adapter were secure
* Moved my adapter to a different PCIe slot
* Installed a different PCIe adapter (no change in speed)
I made sure the appropriate drivers were installed as well as removed the old ones
* Forgot network from PC side and rejoined
* Removed PC from Network from Gateway side, rejoined
* Used Command prompt to flush and reset IP settings
* Factory reset Gateway and reset internet from ISP
* Bios update (because of the indifference of ethernet vs WiFi connections)
Left all BIOS settings default so as to not add to my problem
*Used windows repair to make sure it wasn't a Windows problem (it always is)
* Tried messing with properties for the adapter as well as ethernet. i.e. Full duplex vs auto negotiate, prefer 5g, 802.11 /ac/ax/g/b/n and nothing even made a difference that I could tell.
* Checked admin settings on my gateway and made sure there wasn't a limit on my PC specifically from the gateway side
* Even tried to make another account (Local) on my PC to see if it was something to do with that (Different reddit thread said that might be a cause)
Losing my mind over this because nothing seems to work, or even make a difference and I cant figure it out by myself. My thinking is that it;'s not a hardware issue with the card, since switching it out didn't change anything. I'm worried that its a hardware issue with my MB, but that doesn't explain how it was magically fixed by itself last time. Anything that I haven't tried or any good things to check as well would be greatly appreciated!
submitted by J_B_1234 to techsupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:19 ShinySephiroth Question on Modern Power Girl

I dropped off of following the continuity after Death Metal/Infinite Frontier. I'm trying to catch up and am confused about Power Girl. Here is my understanding:
Golden Age Power Girl was one of the non-Earth-One survivors of CoIE to live on New Earth and (Watsonian, not Doylean) had a spell cast on her causing her to forget her Kryptonian origin until Psycho Pirate repaired her memories for Infinite Crisis. She and the JSA, from the perspective of New Earth (soon to become Earth 0), are eventually given the Wally West treatment by Dr. Manhattan and are scrubbed from existence for his New 52 experiment, post-Flashpoint.
Here's where it gets fun! iirc the last panels of the Convergence event hints that the New 52 Earth 2 heroes are the "reincarnations" of the pre-Flashpoint JSA so, taking that into account (which now seems to be wrong?), Kara Zor-L was put back on Earth 2 and was its Supergirl until a Boom Tube displaced her and Helena Wayne/Robin onto Earth 0 (main New 52 Earth). They have their adventures there, becoming Power Girl and Huntress respectively, before eventually returning to Earth 2 (leaving Tanya Spears and Helena Bertinelli of Earth 0 to take over those mantles, again respectively). Kara and Helena soon gain a new planet in their Earth 2 universe and seemingly live happily ever after, with Helena Wayne dropping the Huntress alias to become Batman while the comic insinuates that Kara returned to having "Super" in her name due to her updated costume.
Around the time they were wrapping this up Rebirth happened, with Wally West returning and slowly beginning the restoration of pre-Flashpoint memories and revealing that Earth 0 is actually a manipulated New Earth (with events like Superman Reborn and Milk Wars further warping this universe, inching it more and more to be like it was pre-New 52). During this time, Deathstroke created a short-lived Teen Titans alternative team (Defiance) that included Tanya Spears. The last issue of this team showed Tanya getting her consciousness stuck in another plane of existence with... a Kara/Power Girl. Perplexingly, she is wearing her pre-Flashpoint costume but the two seem to recognize each other.
All versions of Power Girl are then in limbo until Doomsday Clock. Dr. Manhattan during this arc is shown the light by Superman's goodness and undoes the final pieces of his universe manipulation, restoring the JSA... including Kara (I did not remember Huntress being in the mix). This leads the reader (at least me) to wonder if this is a return of the pre-Flashpoint Power Girl, or if these are the New 52 Earth 2 heroes placed "back" on Earth 0 with their "real" identities restored. This latter interpretation is an attempt to bring in that Convergence panel mentioned earlier, but as I write this I recall how Jay Garrick was able to burst through the Speed Force during "The Button" to try and anchor himself back on Earth 0/New Earth (though it doesn't work). This seems to be strong evidence that pre-Flashpoint Jay Garrick and New 52 Jay Garrick are, indeed, two different people and that the Convergence panel was either stating they are "in spirit" the reincarnations of their former selves, or they misunderstood what Geoff Johns had planned, or things changed behind the scenes (leaning toward the latter).
For Kara, this is heavily insinuates to me that the Doomsday Clock version of her is the actual pre-Flashpoint version and that her New 52 Earth 2 counterpart is just a separate "variant". The Kara from Doomsday Clock is then thrust into action during various events, including Infinite Frontier & Dark Crisis. This leads to her... interesting... interpretation (from what I've seen so far) in Dawn of DC that acknowledges her entire story arc pre-Flashpoint... but then has her acting more like Cartoon Network Starfire, sooo...?
I haven't gotten this far yet in the readings - apparently Dawn of DC Power Girl meets a Helena Wayne for Johns' JSA revival... For those who have read this, due to this Helena being from a potential future timeline, this is not the same Helena Wayne from New 52 Earth 2, correct? I can only guess that those versions are still out there because I heard that New 52 Earth 2 Val Zod appears in an early Dawn of DC Superman issue, so this causes me more confusion because Dawn of DC Power Girl #1 states that Kara Zor-L's current origin maintains her status being from Earth 2... does this mean there are two Earth 2s now?
I'm guessing they haven't directly addressed this, but I'm reaching out here to see if anyone knows because they've read more issues than someone should and they found hidden hints that help rectify all of this.
Here's a summary of sticking points for me:
1) New 52 Earth 2 Kara seemingly appears in a void wearing her pre-Flashpoint costume even though last we saw her very recently donning a "Super" costume so it is unclear which version of Kara we saw (perhaps Tanya thought it was "her" Kara?)
2) Pre-Flashpoint Kara seemingly returning as a separate character, leaving the status of the 2 other Power Girls shown post-Flashpoint up in the air
3) Evidence points to current Earth 2 still being the one shown in Multiversity and New 52, causing issues with current Power Girl stating she originated on Earth 2... so did they merge the two characters or are there now two Earth 2s?
I know the easy answer is "writers messed up", but I'd like to see if we can either find evidence of them knowing what they're doing or, if not, fancraft an answer.
submitted by ShinySephiroth to DCcomics [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:18 daxsocial How's my timeline lookin?

Claim submitted Aug 31, 2023. Hit PFD May 7, 2024. 32 claims, 70 updates on Stage 3 (DBQs, DD info from me, etc.) Temp Jurisdiction: San Diego Jurisdiction: NWQ First claim, not increase or anything, haven't been given partial, or any updates, just this information from the VA Claim Tracker (shoutout to the creator!!!!) Total Days in claim: 258
Anyone know *roughly* how much longer I should expect to be waiting? Seems like they're dragging their feet on every possible step. I just went through the list of Jan 2024 reddit posts that have been sent to PFD so I'm a bit jelly.
I know a holdup on my claim was that every single C&P examiner submitted my DBQs (QTC hehe) except for 1 of them, which was the General/Physical exam. He waited until May 2nd, 2024 to get everything back to the VA (IIRC, he took 58 days after the C&P to upload everything.)
My high hopes are regarding the change in status on the VA side 5 days after the Gen. Exam Dr finished all of his DBQ uploads. (May 2 upload -> May 7 PFD)
Thank you to all who read this, and/or comment. I know you see a lot of these complainer posts but I just want some clarity on who's handling what and where they're at, and be provided with a peer's very loose timeframe.
submitted by daxsocial to VeteransBenefits [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:18 why_i_bother Podle informací z médií, střelec na Fica, Juraj Cintula, měl napojení na proruskou paramilici Slovenskí Branci
submitted by why_i_bother to czech [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:16 Livid-Objective956 Why hiring full-time remote commercial construction schedulers doesn’t really work.

Since my last post calling for Construction Scheduling Candidates, I have been blasted with comments, IM’s, email, etc. challenging Holder’s (and my) position on remote work for schedulers. There might be the occasional special case – usually short term – that works with a Hybrid setup – but as a rule 100% Remote definitely doesn’t work.
Don’t get me wrong, there are lots of opportunities for P6 Schedulers to use their skillset remotely to serve projects and create a career! They just don’t add the value we need in the commercial construction space.
The major complaint we have from our project teams are that schedulers are just data jockeys – button pushers – who don’t take the time to understand what they are putting into the schedule. We need to be able to be part of the planning discussions with our teams – in their language – and then translate that into the tools we use for scheduling. We need to be able to meet our teams in their world and help them navigate both the planning and scheduling processes! We don’t just need schedulers, we need builders who can schedule!
Anyone who have worked with, for, or around me has most likely heard me ask “what’s the ‘So What?’” Why are we here? What is the purpose we are serving? At Holder Construction, our core values are built around one fact, “We Are Builders at Heart.” And as a department, we are here to “Empower a Culture of Scheduling.”
Why do we build schedules? Is it to develop an academically sound model of a project that enables the project team to collect analytical data and provide accurate cost and resource data analytics for that project? No! Those are processes and advantages that your schedule can (and should) bring to the project, that that is not the “So-What!”
The “So-What” is that the schedule is a tool to help plan and BUILD our projects! Anything we do that is not serving this purpose is wasting our time and resources.
Below is a list of Planning & Scheduling Priorities we have defined to serve the “So-What.”
  1. Every project must start with a Solid, 100% Project Specific Plan.
  2. Every project needs to follow their Plan.
  3. The Plan needs to be accurately communicated to the whole project team.
  4. Everyone on the project needs to own the Plan.
  5. The project’s Plan should be captured in a Schedule with a complete and accurate critical path.
  6. The project’s Schedule should comply with contractual requirements.1
  7. The project Schedule should meet ALL basic CPM Scheduling best.
Note, the word “Schedule” doesn’t come in until halfway through priority #5 of 7! You can come up with the world’s most academically sound CPM Schedule that checks all the best practices boxes. You can even understand drawings & construction documents well enough to know that the project CAN be built the way you put it into the schedule, but if it is not the plan that the team is going to follow, that schedule and all the effort put into it is worthless!!!

What do we need to achieve this as schedulers?

There are no absolutes and are exceptions to every rule, but I have yet to see a case where a 100% remote, new hire scheduler will work – even as a compromise – in commercial construction!
submitted by Livid-Objective956 to primavera [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:12 unf4given Status Bar customization

Hi all :) I recently switched to Android and would like to customize it. I have the Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra with the latest Software Updates. Can you recommend me some Software to edit the Status bar? I dont want to see the Bluetooth and Alarms Icon for e.g. but instead a Bandwith usage info. Happily waiting for your replys :)
submitted by unf4given to samsunggalaxy [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:12 AcanthaceaeFamous Is this sketchy?

I don't know a lot about these things so hoping to find some help. I am looking to buy a fiat 500 and found one on facebook marketplace. went to look at the car yesterday and its being sold by some guy who is not the owner (the owner is away or something). this guy works at a mechanics shop and I asked for the service records for the vehicle. he emailed me the invoices for the service for the last few years all done at his shop. the thing that sketched me out is that the invoice states that the work for this particular invoice was done in 2021 but also states on there that the original license plate was changed in 2023. I asked why this would show up on an invoice from 2021 and he could not give me an answer, he seems generally confused about how things work and im not sure if he's just playing dumb. is this something that would show up on a past invoice if the records were updated or am I correct in being sketched out by that? I don't know how that stuff works. ran the vin through a vin checker and nothing major shows up although it only shows when the car is listed for sale for some reason and not when the title changed hands. title went to current owner in 2021 which again, is weird that the plate would have been changed. car is a really good price but i'm worried that the work that he said was done to it hasn't been done. also looks like the engine had trouble starting a few times but was resolved and had a complete overhaul. Thanks in advance.
submitted by AcanthaceaeFamous to carbuying [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:11 jfmayle B&h X100vi order issues…

I’m still waiting for my camera after ordering February 25th. I realize it’s not the earliest order but what’s others order status???? I just talked to the chat ppl and they have no update basically. Should I try ordering from another retailer at this point?
submitted by jfmayle to fujifilm [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:10 TheGenerousHuman Calling all Apes..

Are you Tired of Rugs & Scams?
PunpFun PRE-Launch Raydium Investment Education
A Competent Team Dedicated to Protecting People from Rugs & Scams in Crypto
1000 Apes Cannot be Defeated ~ SteeveDev
Why AntiRugClub?
Real & Determined Apes building a Real community to take this Project to a New Level of Wow 🚀
We understand a Strong Community is the Way. Period. We aim to build a Great one!
Contract: TBA in due time
Questions? Get in our Telegram now and meet us! Ongoing Voice chats & AMAs
PreLaunch will be going live on PumpFun
reddit: AntiRugClub Telegram: Twitter X:
Join our community and let's rock this thing!

AntiRugClub #Solana #CryptoCommunity #memestocks

MemeCoinSeason #Memecoin2024 #crypto #memecoin

submitted by TheGenerousHuman to SolCoins [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:10 ArthurAardvark Plugin to filter...Plugins?

The plugins gallería is simply overwhelming in its current state. I'd love nothing more than to be able to filter plugins by their release date/recently updated status (Past Week/Past Month/6 Months/1 YeaCustom/All-Time).
Wildest dreams? If Obsidian took this up and added the ability for users, devs and/or a mod team to categorize and/or tag the projects.
If a site/app has this feature with its code posted, I'd love to take a gander @ it and see if I could work it into Obsidian. And/or someone who is a bonafide programmer bless us or help lil ol' me?
submitted by ArthurAardvark to ObsidianMD [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:06 lampingninja The Price is FAKE! History is Repeating Itself - Connecting the Dots To Better Handle Current Price Fluctuations

The Price is FAKE! History is Repeating Itself - Connecting the Dots To Better Handle Current Price Fluctuations
Howdy apes - this post is to serve as a reminder and illustration of historical data and past trading patterns by short hedgies/parties who are on the wrong side of this trade to better educate those who are fearful of today's drop and any foreseeable downturn the stock may experience moving forward.
I'm excited seeing the movement and how much the price of our beloved stonk has risen in just the past week and a half (~$16 close as of May 3, 2024). Despite today's drop (~30%) we need to remind ourselves we are UP over 100% during this week and a half time period. The stock has made great strides, don't get discouraged.
To best illustrate the manipulative practices the shorts are exercising on you, me and this entire community, it's imperative to take a look at historical data from the first sneeze back in 2021. During this period DFV was posting his YOLO updates to the little yellow-haired kid's sub which we will also take a look at. First, hop in my Delorean with me as we travel back to the last trading week of the initial sneeze of January 2021.
Easy on the wheel, Doc!
Oh hey fellow ape, it's the end of the month of January 2021, welcome back! Rensole just posted the morning news, the hype videos are abundant and Rick is getting ready with his banana. What a time to be alive. I digress, let's check out January's last week trading metrics.
Data provided by Yahoo Finance
Look at that ASCENT! GME went from $19 to $86 over the course of Jan 25-27 (+352%) and closed at $81 on Jan 29, or a net +323% for the week. Also, look at that volume: the craze around the stock was palpable, FOMO was setting in to those who missed the initial launch but wanted to hop on this rocket ship. The stock had one direction, UP.
DFV YOLO update - January month-end
DFV posted his month-end January update, and boy was he up huge. I closely followed these during the first sneeze and it was a beacon of hope. If he was in, I was in. As hype as this week was and everyone was on cloud nine, the hedgies were aware of this and attempted to shake us into paper-handing by playing our emotional instability like a fiddle to create liquidity for them to find locates to cover their short positions. So what do the hedgies do?
They absolutely SLAM the price. A whopping 72% decline over the course of just TWO trading days, poof, gone, erased. You can imagine the panic and fear this created in the market for GME investors. Hedgies were banking on this move to expose investors' emotional instability and for them to release and sell their shares back into the market. It's mind games like this that they repeatedly used to stay alive since they are between a rock and a hard place - they need shares but supply was scarce. They had to deliberately employ some tactic or else it would be bye bye hedge fund.
DFV YOLO Update - Feb 2, 2021
DFV lost over half of his net value in the stock in just those two trading days. Can you imagine? But this didn't phase him. He believed in his thesis, the vision and direction of the company, and he diamond-handed the stock like an absolute legend. Staying true to himself and his reason for why he entered into his position in the first place, he held. And what did that hodling do for him and all of us?
*Insert The Price Is Right yodeler song climbing the mountain*
Hey now would you look at that! The stock REBOUNDS right back up over the course of a month of trading! Granted it experienced a little back and forth along the way but the climb was very real. And that's because we all held our shares with an unrelinquishable grip.
This process will take time. Step away from the computer and ticker if you need to. Go outside, take care of yourself, get adequate sleep and keep on top of your health. Like DFV cryptically mentioned in his one video he tweeted this past week where Tommy Shelby of Peaky Blinders mentions "It's gonna be a a busy few weeks brother". The fluctuating price action during the initial sneeze is no different than what is currently happening again this time around. These big players with lots of money (not for long) have the power to absolutely manipulate the stock price to oblivion with the hopes your emotional instability will take over and cause you to liquidate your positions and sell your shares. DO NOT get discouraged from this drop. The price is fake. The stock will rebound and until a couple digits turns into three, three into zipcodes, and zipcodes into phone numbers, HODL!!! Remember and trust the DD, WAGMI. The magnitude of this once in a lifetime opportunity is too great to be shook by a measly 30% drop in price. We learned from the past and we're not going anywhere. I'll see you on Valhalla.
submitted by lampingninja to Superstonk [link] [comments]