Ls 2011 mods exe

Chest cav crsash

2024.05.16 03:36 Wonderful-Annual-929 Chest cav crsash

chest cav crashes on open
---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
// I bet Cylons wouldn't have this problem.
Time: 2024-05-15 21:34:21
Description: Initializing game
java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not execute entrypoint stage 'main' due to errors, provided by 'chestcavity'!
at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.FabricLoaderImpl.lambda$invokeEntrypoints$2( at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.util.ExceptionUtil.gatherExceptions( at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.FabricLoaderImpl.invokeEntrypoints( at at net.minecraft.class\_310.(class\ at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.method\_44604( at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main( at at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.Knot.launch( at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClient.main( 
Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: me/shedaniel/autoconfig/ConfigData
at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method) at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass( at java.base/ at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClassLoader.defineClassFwd( at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClassDelegate.tryLoadClass( at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClassDelegate.loadClass( at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClassLoader.loadClass( at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass( at net.tigereye.chestcavity.ChestCavity.onInitialize( at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.FabricLoaderImpl.invokeEntrypoints( ... 7 more 
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: me.shedaniel.autoconfig.ConfigData
at java.base/jdk.internal.loader.BuiltinClassLoader.loadClass( at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass( at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClassDelegate.loadClass( at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClassLoader.loadClass( at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass( ... 17 more 
A detailed walkthrough of the error, its code path and all known details is as follows:
-- Head --
Thread: Render thread
at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.FabricLoaderImpl.lambda$invokeEntrypoints$2( at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.util.ExceptionUtil.gatherExceptions( at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.FabricLoaderImpl.invokeEntrypoints( at at net.minecraft.class\_310.(class\ 
-- Initialization --
Modules: ADVAPI32.dll:Advanced Windows 32 Base API:10.0.19041.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation COMCTL32.dll:User Experience Controls Library:6.10 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation CRYPT32.dll:Crypto API32:10.0.19041.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation CRYPTBASE.dll:Base cryptographic API DLL:10.0.19041.3636 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation CRYPTSP.dll:Cryptographic Service Provider API:10.0.19041.3636 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation DBGHELP.DLL:Windows Image Helper:10.0.19041.3636 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation DNSAPI.dll:DNS Client API DLL:10.0.19041.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation GDI32.dll:GDI Client DLL:10.0.19041.3996 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation IMM32.DLL:Multi-User Windows IMM32 API Client DLL:10.0.19041.4355 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation IPHLPAPI.DLL:IP Helper API:10.0.19041.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation KERNEL32.DLL:Windows NT BASE API Client DLL:10.0.19041.3636 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation KERNELBASE.dll:Windows NT BASE API Client DLL:10.0.19041.3636 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation MpOav.dll:IOfficeAntiVirus Module:4.18.24030.9 (cd8105518e5571788ee3b6a178bae8fbcdf461a8):Microsoft Corporation NLAapi.dll:Network Location Awareness 2:10.0.19041.4123 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation NSI.dll:NSI User-mode interface DLL:10.0.19041.3636 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation NTASN1.dll:Microsoft ASN.1 API:10.0.19041.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation OLEAUT32.dll:OLEAUT32.DLL:10.0.19041.3636 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation Ole32.dll:Microsoft OLE for Windows:10.0.19041.3636 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation POWRPROF.dll:Power Profile Helper DLL:10.0.19041.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation PSAPI.DLL:Process Status Helper:10.0.19041.3636 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation Pdh.dll:Windows Performance Data Helper DLL:10.0.19041.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation RPCRT4.dll:Remote Procedure Call Runtime:10.0.19041.3636 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation SHCORE.dll:SHCORE:10.0.19041.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation SHELL32.dll:Windows Shell Common Dll:10.0.19041.4123 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation UMPDC.dll USER32.dll:Multi-User Windows USER API Client DLL:10.0.19041.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation USERENV.dll:Userenv:10.0.19041.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation VCRUNTIME140.dll:Microsoft® C Runtime Library:14.29.30139.0 built by: vcwrkspc:Microsoft Corporation VERSION.dll:Version Checking and File Installation Libraries:10.0.19041.3636 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation WINHTTP.dll:Windows HTTP Services:10.0.19041.3636 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation WINMM.dll:MCI API DLL:10.0.19041.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation WS2\_32.dll:Windows Socket 2.0 32-Bit DLL:10.0.19041.3636 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation WSOCK32.dll:Windows Socket 32-Bit DLL:10.0.19041.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation Wldp.dll:Windows Lockdown Policy:10.0.19041.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation amsi.dll:Anti-Malware Scan Interface:10.0.19041.4355 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation bcrypt.dll:Windows Cryptographic Primitives Library:10.0.19041.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation bcryptPrimitives.dll:Windows Cryptographic Primitives Library:10.0.19041.3636 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation clbcatq.dll:COM+ Configuration Catalog:2001.12.10941.16384 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation combase.dll:Microsoft COM for Windows:10.0.19041.3636 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation dbgcore.DLL:Windows Core Debugging Helpers:10.0.19041.4355 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation dhcpcsvc.DLL:DHCP Client Service:10.0.19041.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation dhcpcsvc6.DLL:DHCPv6 Client:10.0.19041.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation fwpuclnt.dll:FWP/IPsec User-Mode API:10.0.19041.3636 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation gdi32full.dll:GDI Client DLL:10.0.19041.4355 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation java.dll:OpenJDK Platform binary: javaw.exe:OpenJDK Platform binary: jemalloc.dll jimage.dll:OpenJDK Platform binary: jli.dll:OpenJDK Platform binary: jna3012221076079486488.dll:JNA native library:6.1.2:Java(TM) Native Access (JNA) jsvml.dll:OpenJDK Platform binary: jvm.dll:OpenJDK 64-Bit server VM: kernel.appcore.dll:AppModel API Host:10.0.19041.3758 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation lwjgl.dll management.dll:OpenJDK Platform binary: management\_ext.dll:OpenJDK Platform binary: msvcp140.dll:Microsoft® C Runtime Library:14.29.30139.0 built by: vcwrkspc:Microsoft Corporation msvcp\_win.dll:Microsoft® C Runtime Library:10.0.19041.3636 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation msvcrt.dll:Windows NT CRT DLL:7.0.19041.3636 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation mswsock.dll:Microsoft Windows Sockets 2.0 Service Provider:10.0.19041.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation napinsp.dll:E-mail Naming Shim Provider:10.0.19041.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation ncrypt.dll:Windows NCrypt Router:10.0.19041.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation net.dll:OpenJDK Platform binary: nio.dll:OpenJDK Platform binary: ntdll.dll:NT Layer DLL:10.0.19041.3636 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation perfos.dll:Windows System Performance Objects DLL:10.0.19041.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation pnrpnsp.dll:PNRP Name Space Provider:10.0.19041.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation profapi.dll:User Profile Basic API:10.0.19041.4355 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation rasadhlp.dll:Remote Access AutoDial Helper:10.0.19041.3636 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation rsaenh.dll:Microsoft Enhanced Cryptographic Provider:10.0.19041.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation sechost.dll:Host for SCM/SDDL/LSA Lookup APIs:10.0.19041.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation shlwapi.dll:Shell Light-weight Utility Library:10.0.19041.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation sunmscapi.dll:OpenJDK Platform binary: ucrtbase.dll:Microsoft® C Runtime Library:10.0.19041.3636 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation vcruntime140\_1.dll:Microsoft® C Runtime Library:14.29.30139.0 built by: vcwrkspc:Microsoft Corporation verify.dll:OpenJDK Platform binary: win32u.dll:Win32u:10.0.19041.4355 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation WinRT Storage API:10.0.19041.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation winrnr.dll:LDAP RnR Provider DLL:10.0.19041.3636 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation wshbth.dll:Windows Sockets Helper DLL:10.0.19041.3636 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation zip.dll:OpenJDK Platform binary: 
at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.method\_44604( at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main( at at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.Knot.launch( at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClient.main( 
-- System Details --
Minecraft Version: 1.19.2 Minecraft Version ID: 1.19.2 Operating System: Windows 10 (amd64) version 10.0 Java Version: 17.0.8, Microsoft Java VM Version: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Microsoft Memory: 6058428704 bytes (5777 MiB) / 10838081536 bytes (10336 MiB) up to 54324625408 bytes (51808 MiB) CPUs: 16 Processor Vendor: AuthenticAMD Processor Name: AMD Ryzen 7 1700 Eight-Core Processor Identifier: AuthenticAMD Family 23 Model 1 Stepping 1 Microarchitecture: Zen Frequency (GHz): 2.99 Number of physical packages: 1 Number of physical CPUs: 8 Number of logical CPUs: 16 Graphics card #0 name: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060 Ti Graphics card #0 vendor: NVIDIA (0x10de) Graphics card #0 VRAM (MB): 4095.00 Graphics card #0 deviceId: 0x2805 Graphics card #0 versionInfo: DriverVersion= Memory slot #0 capacity (MB): 32768.00 Memory slot #0 clockSpeed (GHz): 2.67 Memory slot #0 type: DDR4 Memory slot #1 capacity (MB): 32768.00 Memory slot #1 clockSpeed (GHz): 2.67 Memory slot #1 type: DDR4 Virtual memory max (MB): 85945.11 Virtual memory used (MB): 75077.02 Swap memory total (MB): 20480.00 Swap memory used (MB): 1271.96 JVM Flags: 4 total; -XX:HeapDumpPath=MojangTricksIntelDriversForPerformance\_javaw.exe\_minecraft.exe.heapdump -Xss1M -Xmx51808m -Xms256m Fabric Mods: chestcavity: Chest Cavity 2.16.6 modify-drops-api: Modify Drops API []( cloth-api: Cloth API 4.0.65 cloth-basic-math: cloth-basic-math 0.6.1 cloth-client-events-v0: Cloth Client Events v0 4.0.65 cloth-common-events-v1: Cloth Common Events v1 4.0.65 cloth-scissors-api-v1: Cloth Scissors API v1 4.0.65 cloth-utils-v1: Cloth Utils v1 4.0.65 fabric-api: Fabric API 0.77.0+1.19.2 fabric-api-base: Fabric API Base 0.4.15+8f4e8eb390 fabric-api-lookup-api-v1: Fabric API Lookup API (v1) 1.6.14+93d8cb8290 fabric-biome-api-v1: Fabric Biome API (v1) 9.1.1+16f1e31390 fabric-block-api-v1: Fabric Block API (v1) 1.0.2+e415d50e90 fabric-blockrenderlayer-v1: Fabric BlockRenderLayer Registration (v1) 1.1.25+cafc6e8e90 fabric-client-tags-api-v1: Fabric Client Tags 1.0.5+b35fea8390 fabric-command-api-v1: Fabric Command API (v1) 1.2.16+f71b366f90 fabric-command-api-v2: Fabric Command API (v2) 2.2.1+413cbbc790 fabric-commands-v0: Fabric Commands (v0) 0.2.33+df3654b390 fabric-containers-v0: Fabric Containers (v0) 0.1.42+df3654b390 fabric-content-registries-v0: Fabric Content Registries (v0) 3.5.2+7c6cd14d90 fabric-convention-tags-v1: Fabric Convention Tags 1.3.0+4bc6e26290 fabric-crash-report-info-v1: Fabric Crash Report Info (v1) 0.2.8+aeb40ebe90 fabric-data-generation-api-v1: Fabric Data Generation API (v1) 5.3.9+413cbbc790 fabric-dimensions-v1: Fabric Dimensions API (v1) 2.1.35+0d0f210290 fabric-entity-events-v1: Fabric Entity Events (v1) 1.5.4+9244241690 fabric-events-interaction-v0: Fabric Events Interaction (v0) 0.4.34+562bff6e90 fabric-events-lifecycle-v0: Fabric Events Lifecycle (v0) 0.2.36+df3654b390 fabric-game-rule-api-v1: Fabric Game Rule API (v1) 1.0.24+b6b6abb490 fabric-item-api-v1: Fabric Item API (v1) 1.6.6+b7d1888890 fabric-item-groups-v0: Fabric Item Groups (v0) 0.3.39+9244241690 fabric-key-binding-api-v1: Fabric Key Binding API (v1) 1.0.25+5c4fce2890 fabric-keybindings-v0: Fabric Key Bindings (v0) 0.2.23+df3654b390 fabric-lifecycle-events-v1: Fabric Lifecycle Events (v1) 2.2.4+1b46dc7890 fabric-loot-api-v2: Fabric Loot API (v2) 1.1.13+83a8659290 fabric-loot-tables-v1: Fabric Loot Tables (v1) 1.1.16+9e7660c690 fabric-message-api-v1: Fabric Message API (v1) 5.0.7+93d8cb8290 fabric-mining-level-api-v1: Fabric Mining Level API (v1) 2.1.24+33fbc73890 fabric-models-v0: Fabric Models (v0) 0.3.21+c6af733c90 fabric-networking-api-v1: Fabric Networking API (v1) 1.2.12+def3f86d90 fabric-networking-v0: Fabric Networking (v0) 0.3.29+df3654b390 fabric-object-builder-api-v1: Fabric Object Builder API (v1) 4.2.2+d8ef690890 fabric-particles-v1: Fabric Particles (v1) 1.1.0+ee641e7390 fabric-recipe-api-v1: Fabric Recipe API (v1) 1.0.2+413cbbc790 fabric-registry-sync-v0: Fabric Registry Sync (v0) 0.9.33+9244241690 fabric-renderer-api-v1: Fabric Renderer API (v1) 1.2.1+1adbf27790 fabric-renderer-indigo: Fabric Renderer - Indigo 0.8.0+1adbf27790 fabric-renderer-registries-v1: Fabric Renderer Registries (v1) 3.2.25+df3654b390 fabric-rendering-data-attachment-v1: Fabric Rendering Data Attachment (v1) 0.3.19+6e0787e690 fabric-rendering-fluids-v1: Fabric Rendering Fluids (v1) 3.0.11+4d0d570390 fabric-rendering-v0: Fabric Rendering (v0) 1.1.28+df3654b390 fabric-rendering-v1: Fabric Rendering (v1) 1.13.0+526f2c6790 fabric-resource-conditions-api-v1: Fabric Resource Conditions API (v1) 2.1.2+aae9039d90 fabric-resource-loader-v0: Fabric Resource Loader (v0) 0.8.4+edbdcddb90 fabric-screen-api-v1: Fabric Screen API (v1) 1.0.32+4d0d570390 fabric-screen-handler-api-v1: Fabric Screen Handler API (v1) 1.3.8+1cc24b1b90 fabric-sound-api-v1: Fabric Sound API (v1) 1.0.2+c4f28df590 fabric-textures-v0: Fabric Textures (v0) 1.0.24+aeb40ebe90 fabric-transfer-api-v1: Fabric Transfer API (v1) 2.1.6+413cbbc790 fabric-transitive-access-wideners-v1: Fabric Transitive Access Wideners (v1) 1.3.3+08b73de490 fabricloader: Fabric Loader 0.15.11 mixinextras: MixinExtras 0.3.5 java: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 17 minecraft: Minecraft 1.19.2 Launched Version: fabric-loader-0.15.11-1.19.2 Backend library: LWJGL version 3.3.1 SNAPSHOT Backend API: Unknown Window size:  GL Caps: Using framebuffer using OpenGL 3.2 GL debug messages:  Using VBOs: Yes Is Modded: Definitely; Client brand changed to 'fabric' Type: Client (map\_client.txt) CPU:  
submitted by Wonderful-Annual-929 to fabricmc [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:35 Esculpate Since Skyrim updated its lighting in the latest update, how much of an improvement is ENB actually?

Just wondering what you guys think. Skyrims lighting originally was pretty bad, but that was 2011. I did play a bit of the game before modding it after the update and I definitely noticed a huge improvement to the lighting and shadows.
What exactly did they update in their latest update/AE/SE? Does it go pretty much as far as ENB? Since they're both improvements on something from 2011.
I've seen some comments saying that with community shaders on the newest release people don't even notice a difference with/without ENB. Is the performance hit even worth it anymore? Even if you do have tons of overhead?
I've never seen anyone bring this up, but ENB is literally a hacked dll from a Russian Hacker that scans data on your computer and sends it to his server. Every time you launch the game. I'm not a huge fan of that. Especially since nobody on earth can provide a detailed explanation of exactly what he did and what's going on there. Which means you have no idea what data is actually being collected and sent. Just a fact.
submitted by Esculpate to skyrimmods [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:48 Glittering_Clock4283 Getting a CTD crash I can’t figure out 💔

I’ve recently just got back into modding Skyrim after getting memory errors which are fixed now but for some reason when I continue to enter fort Dawnguards castle I crash with an unknown error here’s my pastebin of my crash log and plug ins used thanks in advance.
  1. Unhandled native exception occurred at 0x7FF64E1F5845 (SkyrimSE.exe+12F5845) on thread 14616!
  2. FrameworkName: NetScriptFramework
  3. FrameworkVersion: 15
  4. FrameworkArchitecture: x64
  5. GameLibrary: SkyrimSE
  6. GameLibraryVersion: 18
  7. ApplicationName: SkyrimSE.exe
  8. ApplicationVersion:
  9. VersionInfo: Successfully loaded
  10. Time: 15 May 2024 19:11:55.513
  11. Possible relevant objects (4)
  12. {
  13. [ 21] BSTriShape(Name: `Body5`)
  14. [ 92] NiCamera(Name: `WorldRoot Camera`)
  15. [ 135] NiCamera(Name: null)
  16. [ 157] ShadowSceneNode(Name: `shadow scene node`)
  17. }
  18. Probable callstack
  19. {
  20. [0] 0x7FF64E1F5845 (SkyrimSE.exe+12F5845) NiSourceTexture::unk_12F5840+5
  21. [1] 0x7FF64E1F21FE (SkyrimSE.exe+12F21FE) BSLightingShader::Func4_12F2020+1DE
  22. [2] 0x7FF64E2084BE (SkyrimSE.exe+13084BE) unk_1308440+7E
  23. [3] 0x7FF64E2082D3 (SkyrimSE.exe+13082D3) BSBatchRenderer::unk_1308030+2A3
  24. [4] 0x7FF64E1CCF4F (SkyrimSE.exe+12CCF4F) BSShaderAccumulator::unk_12CCE40+10F
  25. [5] 0x7FF64E1CB699 (SkyrimSE.exe+12CB699) BSShaderAccumulator::unk_12CB2E0+3B9
  26. [6] 0x7FF64E1CACAD (SkyrimSE.exe+12CACAD) BSShaderAccumulator::Func43_12CAC90+1D
  27. [7] 0x7FF64E1E4129 (SkyrimSE.exe+12E4129) unk_12E3E70+2B9
  28. [8] 0x7FF64D4B2096 (SkyrimSE.exe+5B2096) Main::Draw_5B1860+836
  29. [9] 0x7FF64D4B1832 (SkyrimSE.exe+5B1832) Main::unk_5B1710+122
  30. [10] 0x7FF64D4B1301 (SkyrimSE.exe+5B1301) Main::unk_5B1020+2E1
  31. [11] 0x7FF64D4B35C7 (SkyrimSE.exe+5B35C7) Main::Update_5B2FF0+5D7
  32. [12] 0x7FFD2DC7ECD9 (hdtSMP64.dll+BECD9)
  33. [13] 0x203E04B9300
  34. [14] 0xD6954F8C0
  35. [15] 0x7FFD2120C6D0 (gameoverlayrenderer64.dll+14C6D0)
submitted by Glittering_Clock4283 to skyrimmods [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:25 Dangerous-Ad3495 50F Failure trying to rebuild, advice?

I’m very depressed and low currently - I don’t need Reddit Cares or a referral. I need solid advice from post-menopausal women and other folks 50+ I have asked for advice in some subs and being a relatively regular Redditor I did not expect the anger and mean responses. If you have a mean response, please choose instead not to respond.
For those willing to give solid advice: I am on the verge of what could be a new chaptephase of life and I want to prepare now to enter it well and rebuild myself through it.
I am currently unemployed, this most recent period of unemployment has been 5 months. I am in week 3 of a 6 week recovery from a total abdominal hysterectomy. The week prior to my surgery I took a 5 day in person Level 1 RV tech service class co-sponsored by RV Technical Institute & RV Women’s Alliance - both of which I learned about via Reddit. Apparently there is high demand for RV techs and while the entry salary is $40-50K when you are certified you can make 6 figures (entry and later have 401K match - this is important to know later on). They work M-F 40 hours, no weekends. Day 4 of class I was verbally offered a job - they are waiting on my doctors clearance to work. I loved my time meeting these folks and learning the industry. I passed the class and its exam, and the job offer company offered to pay for the remainder of my certification.
I applied to take the Level 1 class because I want to RV part-time. I don’t yet own an RV, I watch a lot of YouTube & camped about 3 times in my adult life. I love being outdoors, I wanted this to become a post-retirement hobby. I’m thinking Class B van. When I became unemployed, I considered what are the best opportunities of things I enjoy to make lifelong income?
As this was happening a statewide nonprofit offered me a job right away - I applied for one job and they considered me for 3 roles, they are putting me in the highest paying role of the 3 (about $80K, 401K employer match, fully remote but must reside in-state). I am happy they are excited about hiring me but super leery due to my recent past. This job is in my career field and a very different role. 2024 is my 31st year in my career. Almost 4 years ago, the onset of severe perimenopause symptoms upended my entire life. I had just left my job of longest employment of 8 years (began at 55K, left at $68K) for another job in the same organization that paid $115K and seemed like a reach. It was, I wasn’t a good fit and I quit 8 months later. Over my 8 months unemployment without benefits I decided to sell my house I’d owned & lived in 7 years to a broker, allowing me to break even and move out quickly (I had no help moving & moved myself). I took another job as I moved in with family, that job ($70K) would have been perfect but the org foundemy boss was not willing to do what was needed and necessary to make the job manageable and practical. I quit 8 months later and was able to secure unemployment benefits.
The new statewide nonprofit job asked me candidly about my last job -I was honest about my shortcomings & contributions, as well as the environment. I encouraged them to contact my references, who know my shortcomings and how a truly developmental environment would aid me in finally overcoming them. They are still excited to finalize the job offer. I expect they will by this Friday & then I will contact the RV company declining their job offer. But, I want to stay close to RV’ing.
I also am launching a lifelong side business based off of lessons learned from what I most enjoyed about my career in community development - I will soft launch in June with a hard launch planned in early 2025, it’s a virtual space as I want my work from now on to be home-based and/or fully remote; and I am getting through these tough baby “how to start an LLC in my state” baby steps.
I am never married, no kids. I last dated in 2004. I had a 17 year FWB 2004-2022. I tried an international non-denominational church on and off from 1996-2002, 2011-2014, and 2020-2023. I found that church isn’t really prepared to serve or engage older folks so I am not sure I’ll return & I am doubting joining any church as a senior single.
I am the youngest sibling but the one charged with being responsible for my immediate family. My parents, divorced, are 80 & 82. My next oldest sibling is 58. The three of them are chronically ill. I am healthy & trying my best to stay that way and improve it. My older sibling has lived with one parent for about 4-5 years. I’ve been here just over 1 year. I plan to move out into a housing cooperative apartment ASAP (if approved, their “rent” is a fraction of traditional rent).
I spent my life’s savings & retirement the past 4 years to now. I believe having a community of support will be crucial as I age - if I become sick where I cannot work, there is no one to support me. I never have had friends - I have many acquaintances & 1 friend of 30 years. I have never dated more than 2 years but almost all my exes tried to befriend me after apologizing to me about our relationship. I can think of 3 men whom if I said yes to dating them my life would have been different but I simply did not want to & it’s hard to regret that. I do not believe someone will emerge to date now whom I will be attracted to, who actively wants to be healthy & will be with me in my healing into my best self. That makes me sad and holds me back.
I do not want to be sad so much or depressed so often - it comes from never belonging. I am not perfect, I know my flaws & I try to be honest about them as I work on them (learned that as I began my career & never stopped). But I failed in my view, I don’t have a life where I feel whole & fulfilled. All I have written here are my attempts in progress to rebuild not just my income and life’s savings, but to do so as I build my best life. I tried my best and nothing worked out. I’m taking things slower than I have and I ask myself if what I am doing brings me freedom, peace & joy.
How should I change my view/my mindset as I rebuild? Other specific advice?
submitted by Dangerous-Ad3495 to AskOldPeopleAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:03 entrhoness My collection

My collection
The gear: Non mod: il eurostick 2, suzo happ, il compact, seimutsu ls 40, qanba gravity cherry , samducksa 307. With mods: Sanwa with inox pivot, crouzet light micros, 1mm actuator, ptfe spring base. Otto v5, inox core, inox pivot, óptical pcb Otto v1, 1.5mm actuator , zippy 20g micros Otto v2, extra light honeywell micros, blue grommet, non spring mod. 1mm actuator Qanba ov03, ptfe pivot, ptfe spring base, cherry d44x micros. Qanba ov07: dongnan micros, inox pivot, 1.5mm ptfe actuator. Qanba gravity onrom, 1mm inox actuator. Hayabusa: ptfe spring base, inox 2mm actuator. Seimitsu ls 55,56, and 60: full short throw mod. Seimitsu ls 56h: medium short throw, baolian micros. Seimitsu ls 62: ls56 spring. Seimitsu ls 38: nobi pink gate, old Panasonic pcb micros from ls 32. Samducksa 303: dongnan light micros , White bobbin. Ist Fanta: u/d omron fast v16 micros, alpha shaft Samducksa 309 help me full colar: u/d extra light honeywell micros. In non stick yet: Seimitsu nobi pro, nobi silent with short throw, ist knee with d2rv micro, ist alpha n, Seimitsu sels 70 f with cherry and short throw, qanba ov06, ist alpha 45r with Fanta shaft and onrom vx, Samducksa shinsun with onrom v10, Samducksa New helpme, baolian lb, devil design baji, il magstick with Panasonic micros, Otto v5 and sanwa with other mods
submitted by entrhoness to fightsticks [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:00 love_is_a_superpower Midweek Artists' Thread - Post your ❤️ Ko-fi ❤️ link here to share your talent ( and maybe grab a coffee and prizes! )

It's that time again! 🎉

Share your Ko-fi link in the comments and win prizes!

Anyone with a Ko-fi account can join the fun!
This week's challenge: pick a number between 1 and 100.
Whoever gets the closest to the number I've chosen will receive a free, "Ko-fi approved" phone wallpaper and rights to distribute it!
The Ko-Fi Challenge!
** Publicly place a number in the comments below along with your Ko-fi link. *\*

BONUS: Verified users can enter and have their link included in the weekly post.

This week's Spotlight members:
✅ ❤️ - Shop for a cause: Kristine is creating graphics and fundraising for cancer surgery for her mom. Use her Amazon Affiliate Link: Contact u/Conscious-Love2430 for custom designs!
✅ ❤️ Teja is fundraising to buy an auto for shelter and transportation.
✅ ❤️ Aisha offers inspirational social media graphics. She is fundraising for Emergency Dorm Fees. Lend her a hand with groceries on her Amazon Wish List!
✅ ❤️ Talim is creating wholesome AI bots and fundraising to pay rent.
✅ ❤️ Brenda is fundraising to help with necessary expenses after dealing with multiple emergencies. Her Amazon Wish List makes it easy to help her out.
✅ ❤️ Mambrake is working to pay for his son's chance to perform in Carnegie Hall for the American Protégé International Music Talent Competition. What a feat for this young man overcoming the odds of blindness and autism! GoFundMe
✅ This spot is reserved for verified members. Send us a message via "Mod Mail" to sign up for verification of your need or emergency. We'll advertise your Ko-fi link, too!
Winner will be chosen within 24 hours.
submitted by love_is_a_superpower to donationrequest [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 21:28 KiraWinchester H: trades (list below) W: items off wish list

Rare apparel
Overeater's Civil Engineer 1S/WWR (chest, left arm, right arm, right leg)
Overeater's FSA 1S/WWR right leg
Overeater's Excavator 1S/WWR (left arm, right leg)
Vanguard's Scout 1S/WWR (left arm, right arm, right leg)
Vanguard's Excavator 1S/WWR (chest, left arm, right leg)
COMPLETE TRADE LIST: (Thank you for your time browsing this huge list!!!)
FIXERS: AA/25/15r,,, AA/25/15v,,, AA/50c/15v,,, AA/50vhc/25,,, AA/50L/25,,, AA/AP/25,,, AA/E/Dur,,, Ari/25/15r,,, Ari/E/15r,,, Ari/E/25,,, As/E/25,,, B/25/15v,,, B/50L/25,,, B/E/Dur,,, BAP/25,,, Exe/AP/25,,, Exe/E/25,,, GouE/25,,, GS/E/25,,, H/50c/25,,, Jug/50c/25,,, Jug/AP/25,,, Junk/25/15r,,, Junk/50c/15v,,, Junk/50L/25,,, Junk/AP/25,,, Junk/E/15v,,, Med/25/25,,, Med/50c/25,,, Med/AP/25,,, Mu/AP/25,,, MS/50c/25,,, MS/AP/25,,, N/AP/25,,, N/E/25,,, Q/25/15r,,, Q/25/15v,,, Q/AP/25,,, Q/E/15r,,, St/50c/25,,, St/AP/25,,, St/E/25,,, Su/50c/25,,, Su/AP/25,,, Su/E/25,,, T/50c/25,,, T/AP/25,,, TS/25/15r,,, TS/25/15v,,, TS/50vhc/25,,, TS/AP/25,,, V/AP/25,,, Z/25/25,,, Z/50c/25,,, Z/E/25
HANDMADES: AA/E/15v,,, I/E/25,,, Junk/25/15r,,, Junk/50c/25,,, MS/E/25,,, Mu/50c/25,,, Mu/E/25,,, Q/50c/25,,, Q/E/15r,,, Q/E/50
HEAVY WEAPONS: AA/25/15r AGL,,, AA/25/90 AGL,,, AA/25/15r Cryolator,,, AA/E/25 Gatling Gun,,, AA/25/90 Harpoon Gun,,, As/25A/90 Fatman,,, As/25/15r Gatling Laser,,, As/25/90 Gatling Plasma,,, B/25/15r 50cal,,, B/E/Gho 50cal,,, B/50L/90 AGL,,, B/25A/90 Cryolator,,, B/50L/90 Cryolator,,, B/25A/90 Missile Launcher,,, B/50vhc/90 Missile Launcher,,, B/25/90 Ultracite Gatling Laser,,, B/25/Dur Ultracite Gatling Laser,,, BE/90 Gatling Gun,,, Exe/50c/15r Flamer,,, Exe/25A/90 Gatling Plasma,,, Exe/E/25 LMG,,, F/50c/25 Cryolator,,, Jug/25/15r Cryolator,,, N/25/15r 50cal,,, Q/50L/90 Minigun,,, Q/E/Gho Minigun,,, Q/50L/15r Pepper Shaker,,, T/25/15r Cryolator,,, TS/25A/90 Broadsider,,, TS/25/15r Gatling Gun,,, TS/E/90 LMG,,, TS/E/25 Minigun,,, TS/25A/15r Missile Launcher,,, V/25/15r 50cal,,, V/25/25 Broadsider,,, V/25A/90 Cryolator,,, V/AP/15r Flamer,,, V/25/25 Gatling Gun,,, V/50L/90 Harpoon Gun,,, Z/E/90 LMG
LEGACIES: Stalker's SS/1S melee: Bowie Knife,,, Chinese Officer Sword,,, Cultist Dagger,,, Guitar Sword,,, Revolutionary Sword,,, Walking Cane
MELEE: AA/SS/1S Cultist Blade,,, AA/SS/1S Death Tambo,,, AA/SS/1S Deathclaw Gauntlet,,, AA/40P/1S Gulper Smacker,,, AA/SS/1S Meat Hook,,, AA/SS/1S Pole Hook,,, AA/50c/15v Power Fist,,, AA/SS/1S Revolutionary Sword,,, AA/50L/1S Ripper,,, AA/SS/1S Spear,,, AA/SS/1S Super Sledge,,, Ari/40P/1S Drill,,, Ari/SS/1S Sledgehammer,,, Ari/SS/1S War Drum,,, As/40P/1S Chainsaw,,, As/40P/1S Drill,,, As/SS/1S Sheepsquatch Staff,,, B/50L/1S Chainsaw,,, B/AP/1S Chainsaw,,, B/SS/1S Chinese Officer Sword,,, B/SS/1S Deathclaw Gauntlet,,, B/50c/1S Drill,,, B/SS/25 Gulper Smacker,,, B/SS/25 Meat Hook,,, B/SS/90 Power Fist,,, B/SS/1S Power Fist,,, B/50c/25 Spear,,, BSS/1S Combat Knife,,, Exe/40P/25 Drill,,, Exe/SS/1S Fire Axe,,, Exe/SS/1S Pitchfork,,, Exe/50c/1S Power Fist,,, GouSS/1S Hatchet,,, GouSS/1S Super Sledge,,, GS/SS/1S Chainsaw,,, I/SS/1S Death Tambo,,, I/40P/40 Drill,,, I/SS/1S Golf Club,,, I/SS/1S Pitchfork,,, I/SS/1S Shepherd's Crook,,, I/SS/1S Super Sledge,,, Junk/SS/1S Assaultron Blade,,, Junk/SS/1S Rolling Pin,,, Junk/SS/1S Security Baton,,, Mu/SS/1S Deathclaw Gauntlet,,, Mu/SS/1S Gulper Smacker,,, Mu/SS/1S Switchblade,,, MS/SS/1S Baseball Bat,,, MS/SS/1S Shishkebab,,, MS/SS/1S Shovel,,, MS/SS/1S Switchblade,,, Su/SS/1S Assaultron Blade,,, Su/SS/1S Cultist Blade,,, Su/SS/1S Revolutionary Sword,,, Su/SS/1S Spear,,, Su/SS/1S Tire Iron,,, T/SS/1S Baseball Bat,,, T/SS/1S Bowie Knife,,, T/SS/1S Golf Club,,, T/SS/1S Machete,,, T/SS/1S Sledgehammer,,, V/SS/1S Combat Knife,,, V/SS/1S Deathclaw Gauntlet,,, V/SS/1S Pole Hook,,, V/SS/1S Shishkebab,,, V/SS/1S Sledgehammer,,, Z/SS/1S Buzz Blade,,, Z/40P/1S Chainsaw,,, Z/SS/1S Fire Axe,,, Z/SS/1S Knuckles,,, Z/SS/1S Pipe Wrench
RAILWAYS: AA/50c/25,,, AA/50vhc/25,,, AA/E/15v,,, AA/E/25,,, Ari/25/15r,,, B/50vhc/25,,, B/E/15r,,, B/E/90,,, F/50c/25,,, F/E/25,,, GS/50c/25,,, H/50c/25,,, I/25/25,,, I/50c/25,,, Junk/E/25,,, Q/25/15v,,, Q/50L/90,,, Q/E/1P,,, St/50c/25,,, Su/E/25,,, TS/50L/25,,, TS/50vhc/25,,, TS/50c/15r,,, TS/AP/25,,, TS/E/Dur,,, V/25/25,,, V/50c/25,,, Z/E/90
TESLAS: AA/25/15r,,, AA/AP/25,,, AA/25/25,,, As/25/25,,, B/25/25,,, B/25/90,,, B/25/Dur,,, B/25/Gho,,, B25/15r,,, B25/25,,, Exe/25/15r,,, Exe/25/25,,, Exe/25/90,,, Exe/50L/15r,,, Ext/25/15r,,, F/25/15r,,, GS/25/25,,, GS/25/90,,, GS/50c/25,,, H/25/15r,,, I/25/15r,,, Junk/25/15r,,, Junk/50L/15r,,, Med/25/25,,, MS/50c/25,,, Mu/25/15r,,, Mu/25/25,,, N/25/25,,, Q/25**,,, Q/AP/25,,, St/25/25,,, St/25/90,,, Su/25/90,,, Su/50c/25,,, T/25/15r,,, TS/25/15r,,, TS/25/25,,, TS/50L/15r,,, V/25/15r,,, V/25/15v,,, V/25/90,,, V/25/250,,, V/25/Dur,,, V/50c/15r,,, V/50L/15r,,, Z/25/15r,,, Z/25/90
AA/25/25 Assaultron Head,,, AA/50c/15v Crossbow,,, AA/50c/25 Crossbow,,, AA/50L/25 Enclave Plasma Rifle,,, AA/25/25 Gamma Gun,,, AA/50c/25 Pipe Bolt Action Pistol/Rifle,,, AA/25/15r Plasma Pistol/Rifle,,, As/50c/25 Crossbow,,, As/25/25 Gauss Rifle,,, As/50c/25 Laser Pistol/Rifle,,, B/AP/25 Compound Bow,,, B/25/25 Gauss Rifle,,, B50c/25 Bow,,, B50c/25 Crossbow,,, B50c/25 SMG,,, Exe/50L/25 Alien Blaster,,, Exe/50c/25 Blunderbuss,,, Exe/50c/25 Combat Rifle,,, Exe/50c/15v Compound Bow,,, Exe/50c/25 Double Barrel,,, Exe/25/25 Gamma Gun,,, Exe/E/25 Hunting Rifle,,, Exe/E/25 Lever Action,,, Exe/50L/25 Plasma Pistol/Rifle,,, F/50c/15v Compound Bow,,, F/E/25 Double Barrel,,, F/50c/15v Thirst Zapper,,, GouE/25 Assault Rifle,,, GouE/25 Double Barrel,,, Gou25/25 Lever Action,,, GS/50c/25 Gamma Gun,,, I/50c/25 Combat Shotgun,,, I/50c/15v Compound Bow,,, I/50c/25 The Dragon,,, Jug/E/25 Combat Rifle,,, Jug/50c/25 Laser Pistol/Rifle,,, Junk/50c/25 Enclave Plasma Rifle,,, Junk/25/25 Radium Rifle,,, Mu/E/25 10mm Pistol,,, Mu/50c/25 Crossbow,,, N/25/25 Enclave Plasma Rifle,,, N/50c/25 Enclave Plasma Rifle,,, Q/50c/25 Assaultron Head,,, Q/25/15r Combat Shotgun,,, Q/25/1P Enclave Plasma Rifle,,, Q/AP/25 Enclave Plasma Rifle,,, Q/25/15r Plasma Pistol/Rifle,,, St/50c/25 Crossbow,,, St/E/25 Single Action Revolver,,, Su/25/25 Radium Rifle,,, TS/25/15r Combat Rifle,,, TS/50c/25 Combat Rifle,,, TS/E/15r Pipe Revolver,,, V/50c/25 Bow,,, V/50L/25 Compound Bow,,, V/AP/25 Crossbow,,, V/50c/25 Enclave Plasma Rifle,,, V/50c/25 Gauss Rifle,,, V/25/25 Pipe Pistol/Rifle,,, V/50c/25 Pipe Pistol/Rifle,,, Z/25/25 Enclave Plasma Rifle
ARMOR: Aristocrat's Civil Engineer chest LED/Cavalier
Aristocrat's Civil Engineer chest LED/HTD
Aristocrat's Heavy Robot left leg LED/Sentinel
Aristocrat's Heavy Robot left leg LED/WWR
Aristocrat's Marine right leg AP/Cavalier
Aristocrat's Marine right arm LED/WWR
Aristocrat's USA left leg LED/WWR
Assassin's Civil Engineer chest Strength/JWR
Assassin's FSA chest LED/FDC
Assassin's FSA left arm AP/FDC (2)
Assassin's FSA left arm AP/Sentinel
Assassin's FSA left arm LED/HTD
Assassin's FSA left leg AP/FDC
Assassin's FSA left leg Strength/HTD
Assassin's Heavy Leather left arm AP/WWR
Assassin's Heavy Robot chest Strength/WWR
Assassin's Marine left arm AP/Cavalier
Assassin's Marine right leg LED/Sentinel
Assassin's Sturdy Combat chest AP/Sentinel
Assassin's Trapper right arm Poison resist/Sentinel
Assassin's Trapper right leg Strength/Sentinel
Assassin's USA left arm LED/WWR
Assassin's USA left arm Poison resist/Sentinel
Assassin's USA left leg LED/HTD
Assassin's USA left leg Strength/WWR
Auto Stim Civil Engineer chest LED/FDC
Auto Stim Civil Engineer chest Poison resist/Cavalier
Auto Stim FSA right leg LED/WWR
Auto Stim Heavy Metal chest LED/Sentinel
Auto Stim Heavy Raider right leg LED/Sentinel
Auto Stim Heavy Robot chest LED/Sentinel
Auto Stim Heavy Robot right leg Cryo resist/Sentinel
Auto Stim Marine left leg LED/Sentinel
Auto Stim Ultracite left arm LED/Sentinel
Auto Stim USA left arm AP/Cavalier
Auto Stim USA left arm AP/WWR
Auto Stim USA left arm LED/FDC
Auto Stim USA right arm LED/Sentinel
Auto Stim USA right leg LED/WWR
Auto Stim USA right leg Strength/Cavalier
Auto Stim USA right leg Strength/Sentinel
Auto Stim USA right leg Strength/WWR
Bolstering FSA left arm AP/Sentinel
Bolstering FSA left arm Luck/WWR
Bolstering FSA left arm Strength/WWR
Bolstering FSA left leg AP/Sentinel
Bolstering FSA left leg LED/Cavalier
Bolstering FSA right leg Strength/HTD
Bolstering Heavy Metal left leg AP/Cavalier
Bolstering Heavy Metal right arm AP/Sentinel
Bolstering Heavy Metal right leg LED/HTD
Bolstering Heavy Robot left arm Strength/Cavalier
Bolstering Marine right arm Cryo resist/Sentinel
Bolstering Marine right arm Strength/FDC
Bolstering Raider right arm AP/Sentinel
Bolstering Sturdy Combat left leg LED/Sentinel
Bolstering Sturdy Leather right leg AP/Sentinel
Bolstering Trapper chest AP/Cavalier (2)
Bolstering Trapper right arm LED/Sentinel
Bolstering USA left arm LED/FDC
Bolstering USA left arm LED/Sentinel
Bolstering USA right arm AP/FDC
Bolstering USA right arm Intelligence/Sentinel
Bolstering Wood left leg LED/WWR
Chameleon FSA chest LED/Cavalier
Chameleon FSA left arm Strength/Sentinel
Chameleon FSA left leg AP/Cavalier
Chameleon FSA left leg LED/Sentinel
Chameleon Heavy Combat right arm LED/Cavalier
Chameleon Heavy Raider right leg AP/Sentinel
Chameleon Marine left arm AP/Cavalier
Chameleon Marine right arm AP/Sentinel
Chameleon Marine left leg AP/WWR
Chameleon Robot chest LED/WWR
Chameleon USA chest AP/WWR
Chameleon USA chest LED/Cavalier
Chameleon USA left arm AP/JWR
Chameleon USA left arm LED/Sentinel
Chameleon USA left leg Cryo resist/Sentinel
Chameleon USA right arm LED/WWR
Chameleon USA right leg AP/FDC
Cloaking FSA chest AP/Cavalier
Cloaking FSA right arm AP/WWR
Cloaking USA chest AP/Sentinel
Cloaking USA right leg AP/WWR
Exterminator's FSA right arm AP/Sentinel
Exterminator's FSA right arm LED/Cavalier
Exterminator's FSA right leg LED/Cavalier
Exterminator's USA chest AP/Sentinel
Exterminator's USA chest LED/WWR
Ghoul Slayer's FSA right arm AP/WWR
Ghoul Slayer's FSA right leg AP/Cavalier
Ghoul Slayer's Heavy Metal left arm AP/Sentinel
Ghoul Slayer's USA left arm AP/WWR
Ghoul Slayer's USA left leg AP/WWR
Hunter's Civil Engineer chest AP/Sentinel
Hunter's Heavy Metal right leg AP/Sentinel
Life Saving Civil Engineer chest LED/HTD
Life Saving Combat left leg AP/WWR
Life Saving FSA chest AP/Sentinel
Life Saving FSA left arm LED/WWR
Life Saving FSA left leg LED/Sentinel
Life Saving FSA right leg Strength/Cavalier
Life Saving Heavy Combat AP/HTD
Life Saving Heavy Raider chest LED/WWR
Life Saving Heavy Robot chest AP/WWR
Life Saving Heavy Robot left arm AP/WWR
Life Saving Marine chest LED/Cavalier
Life Saving Marine left leg AP/WWR
Life Saving Trapper left leg AP/Sentinel
Life Saving Trapper right leg LED/Cavalier
Life Saving USA left arm LED/WWR
Life Saving USA left arm AP/Cavalier
Life Saving USA left leg Strength/Cavalier
Life Saving USA right arm Poison resist/Sentinel
Mutant's Civil Engineer chest AP/WWR
Mutant's FSA left leg LED/WWR
Mutant's Heavy Combat right leg AP/FDC
Mutant Slayer's FSA left arm AP/Cavalier
Mutant Slayer's FSA right leg AP/Sentinel
Mutant Slayer's Heavy Raider right leg AP/Sentinel
Mutant Slayer's Trapper chest AP/Sentinel (2)
Mutant Slayer's USA chest AP/Sentinel
Mutant Slayer's USA left arm AP/Sentinel
Mutant Slayer's USA left leg AP/Cavalier
Nocturnal Heavy Combat right leg Strength/Sentinel
Nocturnal Heavy Robot right leg AP/Cavalier
Nocturnal Robot left arm AP/Sentinel
Nocturnal Trapper chest AP/Sentinel
Nocturnal USA left leg LED/WWR
Nocturnal USA right leg AP/HTD
Nocturnal USA right leg LED/Cavalier
Overeater's Civil Engineer chest Agility/WWR
Overeater's Civil Engineer chest Antiseptic/WWR
Overeater's Civil Engineer chest AP/Toxic
Overeater's Civil Engineer chest Fire resist/Cavalier
Overeater's Civil Engineer chest Fire resist/FDC
Overeater's Civil Engineer chest Intelligence/Sentinel
Overeater's Civil Engineer left leg AP/AWR
Overeater's Combat chest AP/FDC
Overeater's FSA chest Endurance/Sentinel
Overeater's FSA chest Poison resist/Cavalier
Overeater's FSA left arm Charisma/FDC
Overeater's FSA left arm Intelligence/Sentinel
Overeater's FSA left arm Perception/Sentinel
Overeater's FSA left leg AP/HTD
Overeater's FSA right arm AP/JWR
Overeater's FSA right arm Strength/FDC
Overeater's FSA right arm Strength/WWR
Overeater's FSA right leg LED/AWR
Overeater's Heavy Combat chest LED/HTD
Overeater's Heavy Combat left arm LED/JWR
Overeater's Heavy Combat right leg Perception/Sentinel
Overeater's Heavy Leather right arm Glutton/Sentinel
Overeater's Heavy Metal left leg Strength/Sentinel
Overeater's Heavy Metal right leg AP/Sentinel
Overeater's Heavy Raider left arm LED/Cavalier
Overeater's Heavy Raider left leg Charisma/WWR
Overeater's Heavy Raider right arm Fire resist/FDC
Overeater's Heavy Robot chest Endurance/Sentinel
Overeater's Heavy Robot chest Rad resist/Sentinel
Overeater's Heavy Robot left leg Agility/WWR
Overeater's Marine chest Rad resist/FDC
Overeater's Marine chest Rad resist/Sentinel
Overeater's Marine left arm Strength/FDC
Overeater's Marine right arm Rad resist/Sentinel
Overeater's Marine right leg Fire resist/Sentinel
Overeater's Marine right leg Luck/FDC
Overeater's Marine right leg Perception/WWR
Overeater's Metal left arm AP/FDC
Overeater's Metal left leg Agility/Sentinel
Overeater's Metal left leg Cryo resist/Sentinel
Overeater's Metal right arm AP/Sentinel
Overeater's Metal right leg Poison resist/Sentinel
Overeater's Raider right arm Cryo resist/Sentinel
Overeater's Raider right leg LED/WWR
Overeater's Sturdy Metal chest Strength/FDC
Overeater's Trapper chest Rad resist/FDC
Overeater's Trapper left arm AP/HTD
Overeater's Trapper left arm Cryo resist/Sentinel
Overeater's Trapper left arm Perception/Sentinel
Overeater's Trapper left leg Perception/WWR
Overeater's Trapper right arm Luck/WWR
Overeater's Trapper right arm Rad resist/WWR
Overeater's USA chest Cryo resist/HTD
Overeater's USA chest LED/WWR
Overeater's USA chest Poison resist/FDC
Overeater's USA left arm Antiseptic/Sentinel
Overeater's USA left arm AP/HTD
Overeater's USA left arm Endurance/FDC
Overeater's USA left arm Endurance/WWR
Overeater's USA left arm Fire resist/FDC (2)
Overeater's USA left arm LED/AWR
Overeater's USA left arm LED/FDC
Overeater's USA left arm Poison resist/Sentinel
Overeater's USA left arm Rad resist/Sentinel
Overeater's USA left leg Fire resist/WWR
Overeater's USA left leg Intelligence/FDC
Overeater's USA left leg Strength/FDC
Overeater's USA right arm Luck/Sentinel
Overeater's USA right leg AP/FDC
Overeater's USA right leg Intelligence/HTD
Overeater's USA right leg Poison resist/Sentinel
Overeater's USA right leg Rad resist/Sentinel
Overeater's Wood left arm LED/Cavalier
Regenerating Civil Engineer chest AP/Sentinel
Troubleshooter's Excavator right arm LED/Cavalier
Troubleshooter's FSA chest AP/WWR
Troubleshooter's Heavy Robot left arm AP/Cavalier
Troubleshooter's T-60 left arm LED/Sentinel
Troubleshooter's Trapper right leg AP/WWR
Troubleshooter's USA left arm Strength/Sentinel
Troubleshooter's USA left leg AP/WWR
Unyielding Civil Engineer chest AP/Electrified
Unyielding Civil Engineer left arm Antiseptic/FDC
Unyielding Civil Engineer left leg AP/Electrified
Unyielding Civil Engineer right leg Intelligence/Burning
Unyielding FSA full set AP/Cavalier
Unyielding FSA chest Cryo resist/FDC
Unyielding FSA chest Intelligence/Acrobat
Unyielding FSA chest Intelligence/Dur
Unyielding FSA chest LED/JWR
Unyielding FSA left arm Cryo resist/AWR
Unyielding FSA left arm LED/Sentinel
Unyielding FSA left arm Poison resist/AWR
Unyielding FSA left leg AP/Acrobat
Unyielding FSA left leg Endurance/Sentinel
Unyielding FSA left leg Fire resist/AWR
Unyielding FSA left leg Luck/AWR
Unyielding FSA right arm Cryo resist/Cavalier
Unyielding FSA right arm Poison resist/WWR
Unyielding FSA right leg AP/JWR
Unyielding FSA right leg Intelligence/JWR
Unyielding FSA right leg LED/HTD
Unyielding FSA right leg Luck/JWR
Unyielding FSA right leg Rad resist/AWR (2)
Unyielding Heavy Combat chest Strength/HTD
Unyielding Heavy Combat left leg Cryo resist/Cavalier
Unyielding Heavy Combat right arm Poison resist/JWR
Unyielding Heavy Combat right arm Poison resist/Sentinel
Unyielding Heavy Leather chest Cryo resist/HTD
Unyielding Heavy Leather left arm Rad resist/HTD
Unyielding Heavy Leather left leg Luck/Cavalier
Unyielding Heavy Metal right arm LED/Cavalier
Unyielding Heavy Metal right leg Endurance/Sentinel
Unyielding Heavy Raider chest Agility/Sentinel
Unyielding Heavy Raider left arm Poison resist/FDC
Unyielding Heavy Raider right arm AP/HTD
Unyielding Heavy Raider right arm Charisma/FDC
Unyielding Heavy Robot chest Cryo resist/Cavalier
Unyielding Heavy Robot right arm Endurance/Sentinel
Unyielding Leather left leg LED/WWR
Unyielding Marine chest Perception/Sentinel
Unyielding Marine chest Luck/WWR
Unyielding Marine chest Strength/HTD
Unyielding Marine left arm Cryo resist/HTD
Unyielding Marine left arm Strength/Cavalier (2)
Unyielding Marine left leg AP/FDC
Unyielding Marine right arm AP/Acrobat
Unyielding Marine right arm Rad resist/Cavalier
Unyielding Marine right leg Fire resist/WWR
Unyielding Marine right leg LED/AWR
Unyielding Marine right leg Luck/FDC
Unyielding Marine right leg Rad resist/AWR
Unyielding Metal chest AP/HTD
Unyielding Metal left arm LED/Sentinel
Unyielding Metal right leg AP/Cavalier
Unyielding Raider chest Luck/Cavalier
Unyielding Robot left leg Poison resist/Sentinel
Unyielding Sturdy Combat chest Strength/Sentinel
Unyielding Sturdy Combat right arm AP/AWR
Unyielding Sturdy Leather left leg LED/Sentinel
Unyielding Sturdy Metal chest AP/WWR
Unyielding Sturdy Metal left arm Rad resist/Sentinel
Unyielding Sturdy Raider chest Intelligence/FDC
Unyielding Sturdy Raider right leg Intelligence/FDC
Unyielding Sturdy Robot right arm LED/Sentinel
Unyielding Trapper chest Luck/FDC
Unyielding Trapper left leg Cryo resist/WWR
Unyielding Trapper right arm Cryo resist/Cavalier
Unyielding Trapper right arm LED/HTD
Unyielding Trapper right arm Luck/Cavalier
Unyielding USA chest AP/JWR
Unyielding USA chest Fire resist/AWR
Unyielding USA chest Luck/HTD
Unyielding USA chest Intelligence/Cavalier
Unyielding USA chest Poison resist/Cavalier
Unyielding USA chest Rad resist/JWR
Unyielding USA left arm AP/Sentinel
Unyielding USA left arm Cryo resist/WWR
Unyielding USA left arm LED/Acrobat (2)
Unyielding USA left arm Perception/FDC
Unyielding USA left arm Poison resist/AWR
Unyielding USA left arm Poison resist/HTD
Unyielding USA left arm Rad resist/Cavalier
Unyielding USA left leg Luck/AWR
Unyielding USA right arm Cryo resist/WWR
Unyielding USA right arm Intelligence/JWR
Unyielding USA right arm Luck/Cavalier
Unyielding USA right arm Poison resist/HTD
Unyielding USA right leg AP/Cavalier
Unyielding USA right leg Charisma/WWR
Unyielding USA right leg Fire resist/AWR
Unyielding USA right leg Perception/FDC
Unyielding Wood chest AP/FDC
Unyielding Wood chest Luck/Cavalier
Unyielding Wood chest Luck/Sentinel
Unyielding Wood right arm AP/Sentinel
Unyielding Wood right arm LED/WWR
Unyielding Wood right leg Strength/WWR
Vanguard's Civil Engineer chest LED/Cavalier
Vanguard's Civil Engineer chest LED/HTD
Vanguard's FSA full set Strength/Cavalier
Vanguard's FSA right arm Strength/Cavalier
Vanguard's FSA right leg Strength/Cavalier
Vanguard's Heavy Leather right arm LED/HTD
Vanguard's Heavy Metal chest Strength/Cavalier
Vanguard's Heavy Robot right arm LED/HTD
Vanguard's Marine right arm Strength/WWR
Vanguard's Marine right leg Strength/Sentinel
Vanguard's Sturdy Robot left arm AP/Sentinel
Vanguard's Sturdy Robot right leg LED/WWR
Vanguard's Trapper left arm LED/Cavalier
Vanguard's USA full set Strength/Cavalier
Vanguard's USA chest Luck/Sentinel
Vanguard's USA left arm AP/FDC
Vanguard's USA left arm Intelligence/Sentinel
Vanguard's USA left arm LED/Sentinel
Vanguard's USA left arm Strength/FDC
Vanguard's USA left arm Strength/Sentinel
Vanguard's USA left leg Strength/Cavalier
Vanguard's USA right arm AP/Cavalier
Vanguard's USA right leg Strength/Cavalier (3)
Vanguard's Wood chest Strength/Sentinel
Weightless Civil Engineer chest AP/Sentinel
Weightless Civil Engineer chest Strength/WWR
Weightless FSA left leg Strength/Sentinel
Weightless Marine right leg AP/Cavalier
Weightless Trapper chest AP/Cavalier
Weightless Trapper left arm AP/Sentinel
Weightless Trapper left leg AP/Sentinel
Weightless USA chest Strength/Sentinel
Weightless USA right leg AP/Cavalier
Weightless USA right leg LED/WWR
Zealot's Trapper left arm LED/Cavalier
Zealot's USA chest AP/Sentinel
Zealot's USA left arm AP/Cavalier
Zealot's USA left arm AP/Sentinel (2)
Zealot's USA right arm AP/WWR
Zealot's USA right leg AP/WWR
PLANS: Alien Blaster,,, Alien head lamp,,, Alien table,,, Alien target practice poster,,, Assault rifle,,, Assault rifle wraith's wrath paint,,, Barbed walking cane,,, Baseball bat rocket,,, Baseball bat searing puncturing rocket,,, Bear arm,,, Bear arm heavy mod,,, Bear arm puncturing mod,,, Bloody curtain door,,, Bloody rug,,, Boxing glove lead lining,,, Camo Backpack,,, Cave cricket tube,,, Chainsaw ghostly grinder paint,,, Chainsaw septikill paint,,, Cultist adept hood,,, Cultist adept robes,,, Cultist enlightened hood,,, Cultist enlightened robes,,, Cultist eventide hood,,, Cultist eventide robes,,, Cultist incarnate helmet,,, Cultist neophyte hood,,, Cultist neophyte robes,,, Deathclaw gauntlet,,, Dense marine armor torso,,, Dense trapper armor torso,,, Dr. Bones,,, Dried wildflower bouquet,,, Electro Enforcer,,, Enlightened lantern,,, Executioner mask,,, Fire station bell,,, Flannel shirt & jeans,,, Fluttering moths,,, Fuzzy enlightened plushie,,, Fuzzy mothman plushie,,, Giant red dinosaur,,, Glowing flatwoods monster lamp,,, Hatchet electro fusion,,, Hazmat suit teal,,, Honeycomb paper blue mothman,,, Honeycomb paper brown mothman,,, Honeycomb paper ghost lantern A&B,,, Honeycomb paper green mothman,,, Honeycomb paper holiday tree A&B,,, Honeycomb paper icy snowflake,,, Honeycomb paper jack o'lantern A&B,,, Honeycomb paper jolly target,,, Honeycomb paper mothman globe,,, Honeycomb paper red mothman,,, Honeycomb paper ribbon bell,,, Honeycomb paper snowman,,, Honeycomb paper spider lantern,,, Honeycomb paper standing santa,,, Junkyard fountain,,, Machete sacrificial blade,,, Meat Tenderizer,,, Mutant hound diagram,,, Mutant hound taxidermy,,, Nuka girl area rug,,, Pepper Shaker,,, Peppino pig plushie,,, Pitchfork flamer,,, Plastiform Candle,,, Plastiform gingerbread,,, Plastiform nutcracker,,, Plastiform santa,,, Plastiform santa sleigh,,, Princess backpack,,, Protective lining marine underarmor,,, Protective lining raider underarmor,,, Puncturing pole hook,,, Punty pig plushie,,, Rad skull rider helmet,,, Radioactive barrel,,, Raw cement barricade,,, Sacred mothman tome,,, Scorchbeast queen plushie,,, Scorched tube,,, Shielded lining casual underarmor,,, Shielded lining marine underarmor,,, Shielded lining raider underarmor,,, Ski sword skate blade,,, Skiing outfit,,, Sledgehammer heavy searing sharp rocket,,, Small vault girl statue,,, Snallygaster plushie,,, Spiked walking cane,,, Star light,,, Straw goat,,, Super mutant diagram,,, The Fixer,,, T-60 BOS knight paint,,, TV Aquarium,,, Ultracite emergency protocols,,, Undershirt & jeans,,, Vintage water cooler,,, Wilber McPigg plushie,,, WV state bird rug,,, Yao Guai tube,,, Zenith alien blaster paint,,, Cutting fluid recipe,,, Fasnacht donut recipe,,, Fasnacht sausage recipe,,, Healing salve Ash Heap recipe,,, Healing salve Cranberry Bog recipe,,, Healing salve Mire recipe,,, Formula P recipe,,, Stimpak Diffuser recipe,,, Tato salad recipe
APPAREL: Asylum Uniform Blue,,, Asylum Uniform Forest,,, Asylum Uniform Pink,,, Fasnacht Brahmin mask,,, Fasnacht Buffoon mask,,, Fasnacht Crazy Guy mask,,, Fasnacht Deathclaw mask,,, Fasnacht Demon mask,,, Fasnacht Fiend mask,,, Fasnacht Hag mask,,, Fasnacht Loon mask,,, Fasnacht Raven mask,,, Fasnacht Winter Man mask,,, Emmett Mountain hazmat suit,,, Garrahan Foreman Outfit and Helmet
CHEMS: Addictol: 264,,, Berry Mentats: 3600,,, Buffout: 2062,,, Calmex: 856,,, Daddy-O: 1404,,, Day Tripper: 1142,,, Disease Cure: 539,,, Mentats: 1000,,, Overdrive: 497,,, Psycho: 3799,,, Psychobuff: 1906,,, Psychotats: 1884,,, X-cell: 658
FOOD: Canned meat stew: 75,,, Pepper: 3311,,, Salt: 2920,,, Spices: 1653,,, Sugar Bombs(w/rads): 1238
MODS: Enclave Aligned automatic barrel,,, Enclave Aligned short barrel,,, Enclave Aligned sniper barrel(3),,, Enclave Aligned splitter(2),,, Enclave Refined beta wave tuner(3),,, Enclave Severe beta wave tuner(2),,, Enclave Stabilized automatic barrel(2),,, Enclave Stabilized flamer barrel(2),,, Enclave Stabilized Sniper Barrel,,, Enclave True automatic barrel(2),,, Enclave True capacitor(4),,, Enclave True flamer barrel(2),,, Enclave True sniper barrel(3),,, Enclave True splitter(2),,, Enclave Vicious capacitor
submitted by KiraWinchester to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 21:17 daesiidae H: Weaps/Armor W: Wishlist Below

Please list your preference if you have a match. 
trapper bol ap cav - RA
heavy raider uny S sent - RA/RL
heavy robo uny ap sent - RA/RL
heavy robo TR ap cav - RA/CP
trapper OE S FDC - LA/LL
trapper uny E wwr - RL/CP
marine uny C wwr - RL/RA
marine uny E wwr - RL/CP
trapper ass int wwr - LL/RA
heavy raider uny s wwr - LL/LA/RA
trapper uny s cav - LA/LL/RL
trapper uny ap htd - RA/RL/LL
trapper LS ap wwr - RL/RA/LA
trapper uny C wwr - LA/LL/RL
trapper uny rr wwr - LL/RA/RL
light robo uny ap sent - LA/RA/CP
trapper OE cryo sent - RL/LA/CP
heavy robo OE ap/pfrr WWR - CP/LL/LA
trapper uny 7led sent - LL/LA/CP
trapper uny cryo wwr - RA/RL/LL/CP
wood OE L wwr - RL/RA/LA/CP
Q50L50bs cryo
V50L50bs epr - any mods
Ber50L50bs epr - any mods
any auto stim/chameleon/lifesaving ap sent wood piece
any auto stim/chameleon/lifesaving ap/7led/int trapper wwr piece
submitted by daesiidae to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 21:10 PirateLord9101 H: Tradelist W: Offers

Im Especially after UNY AP FDC Trapper LA and RA or Apparel!
AA/e/90, Gatling gun, Lmg
AA/50C/25 Fixer(2x), Handmade, Tesla Riffle, Dragon, Combat shotgun, Pipe Revolver, BP Pistol, BP Plunder, Em, EPR perfect mods, AD
AA/25A/Dur EPF
AA/25/Dur .50, Minigun, epr
AA/E/15R Pipe Pistol,
aa/25/90 Gamma gun, epp, flamer
AA/25/Dur NU Laser Riffle, Fixer, Hm, Gamma gun, Holy fire
AA/50C/15c epp
AA/Ap/25 Holy fire
AA/25a/Dur AGL,
AA/Pa/1s Grognaks Axe
AA/50C/90 Grognaks Axe, NU Laser Riffle, epp
AA/50L/25 Tommy gun
AA/50C/15r Hm
AA/e/15c RR (2x), Em
AA/25/25 lmg(2x) EPR, Rail, Fixer
Aa/25a/90rw AGL
Aa/e/25 Pipe Bolt Pistol, Radium, Fixer
AA/40/40 Ski sword
AA/50c/50bs Compound Bow
AA/40pa/50bs chainsaw
AA/40pa/1S Blue ridge Iron
AA/E/25 Fixer(3x), .44 Pistol
AA/40/40 Chainsaw (2x)
AA/25a/25 epr 2x
AA/50h/15c EPP
AA/50h/50bs EPP
Ari/Pa/40 Chainsaw
Ari/50/25 Cryo
Ari/E/15r Minigun
Ari/50C/Dur CR
Ari/25/25 Epr
Ari/25/50bs epp
A/50c/25 Hm, Single Action Revolver
a/e/Dur Gatling gun
Aa25a90rw AGL
A/25/50bs Plasma Pistol
A/25/15r Laser Pistol
Be40/40 Drill
Be25/25 epp
Berz/e/25 10mm sub
B40Pa/1a Bear arm
B/50C/15C Hm ( 2x ), Pumpgun, .44 Pistol, Rwr, Epr perfect mods, Bow
B/50C/25 Chainsaw, Auto Pipe, BP Plunderbuss, Handmade, Em
B/E/25 lmg, combat riffle , AR, 10mm, Pipe riffle, Single Action Revolver, Radium
B/25/Stealth 10mm
B/E Black powder Riffle
B/Ap/25 Ul Laser Riffle, Gamma gun
B/50L/25 Hm
B/25/Dur RR ( 2x), Agl, Ugl, Flamer
B/e/50bs Combat riffle, BP Pistol
B/25/15r Gauss, 10mm, EPF, Cryo,
B/25/25 combat riffle, b2525 gatling plasma, Radium, gp, gl, EPR, Handmade
B/Bash/50bs Minigun'
B/50h/25 Fixer
B/25/90 epp with alligned flamer, lmg, Gatling laser, Cryo
B/e/15c Radium
B/40pa/40 chainsaw
B/e/90 AR
B/50l/50bs Peppershaker
B/25/50bs Plasma Thrower, Laser Pistol
B/e/90 lmg, Gatling
B/50c/90 EPP
B/25a/50bs epp
B/50c/15r Em
B/25a/90 lmg, gl
Be15r fixer
Exe/50C/25 Hm (2x), Minigun, 10mm Smg, em
Exe/E/25 Lever, Combat Shotgun, 10mm Pistol
Exe/25/25 EPR, Gauss, Lever,
Exe/50C/15C EM
Exe/25/Dur Fixer
Exe/25/15r GP
Exe/50L/25 GAuss
Exe/E/15r Pipe Bolt Pistol
Exe/25/90 Radium, 10mm Smg, Hm (2x)
Exe/50h/25 Gamma gun, epp
Exe/e/15r Pipe Revolver
Exe/25/50bs epp
F/50C/25 NU Laser Riffle, Radium, CR,
F/Pa/25 Chinese Sword
F/25/Dur Minigun
F/Bash/Dur Minigun
F/25/25 UGatling Laser, EPR, Radium
F/Ap/25 GP
G/50h/25 epp
G/E/15R Radium
G/PA/25 DC Gauntlet,
G/50c/25 Flamethrower, Em
G/e/25 Hm
G/25/25 rwr
I/50c/25 bow
Inst/Ap/25 epp
Jugg/50h/25 EPP
Jugg/e/90 Fixer, hm
Jugg/e/25 Fixer, RR
Jugg/25/25 Fixer, Gamma Gun, hm , Cryo
Jugg/Pa/40Pa Chainsaw
Jugg/e/15r .50
Jugg/e/dur .50
Jugg/50c/25 hm,
J/E/25 Hm, RR, Em
J/25/15r EPR Perfect mods Alligned Auto, AGL, tommy gun
J/SS/1s Bowieknife, Powerfist,
J/25/15r RR(2x),
J/50c/15c RR, Single Action Revolver
J/25/90 .50,
J/25/25 Western Revolver, Kabloom
J/50l/25 epp
Med/25/25 Fixer
Med/25/15r Holy Fire
Med/50c/25 Minigun, AR,
M/25/15r AGL
M/Bash/Dur Minigun
M/50H/25 EPP Perfect Mods(alligned Auto)
M/25/25 10mm
N/E/25 .50
N/50c/25 Em
N/25/15r 10mm
Q/E 10mm, Lever, Gatling gun
Q/E/25 Lever, Combat Riffle.50, Sniper riffle, Fixer
Q/25/15r Fixer
Q/25/90 Hm, Em, Fixer, epp
Q/E/15C Pipe Bolt Pistol(2x), 10mm Pistol,
Q/25A/25 Fixer
Q/50L/25 Fixer, Tesla
Q/50C/15r .50, Tommy gun Gatling gun, Auto Pipe,
Q/25/50bs Fixer, Holy fire, DB, Hm, Auto Pipe, Cryo
Q/50C/Dur Fixer (2x), hm, EPP ,Railway
Q/E/90 railway, .50 cal, Minigun
Q/25/25 Pipe Revolver, Ab, EPR perfect mods,
Q/50C 10mm, Em
Q/Ap/15r Fixer
Q/25A/Dur Holy Fire, Gamma gun
Q/25A/15r Holy Fire,
Q/E Pipe Pistol, Hunter Riffle, Pumpgun, Combat Riffle, DB
Q/50C/25 Minigun,Tommy, Plasma Riffle, Gatling gun, Western Revolver, Epr, Radium, Handmade
Q/50b/25 Tesla, Hm
Q/50l/15r tesla
Q/25 Tesla
Q/50H/25 Radium, EPR, Western Revolver,
Q/e/15r hm(2x), Gatling gun, Em, Railway, DB, Pipe riffle
Q/ls/25 Ab
Q/25/15c epp
Q/50h/15r EPP
Q/e/50bs Rwr
Q/25/15c Railway (2x) , EPP
S/e/25 Fixer
S/25/15r Fixer
S/50c/25 Hunting riffle
Two Shot:
TS/50C/25 Fixer (2x), Hm (2x), Tesla, Dragon
Ts/25/25 AR, Fixer, epp, Ultracite laser riffle
Ts/E/Dur Minigun
Ts/50H/25 Fixer, Radium
Ts/25/dur Fixer, hm
Ts/e/25 Pipe Revolver, RWR, Em, 10mm Pistol,
Ts/Ls/25 Assaultron Head
Ts/e/15c Lever (2x)
Ts/25/15r Flamethrower, EPR,
TS/50c/15c RR, Ab
TS/50L/25 Em Ts/e/15r lmg
Ts/25/90, Lmg
Ts/50c/15c Plunderbuss
Ts/e/90 Pumpgun, lmg
V/50C/15r GP, Gatling Gun
V/50C/15r Railway
V/e/dur Hm, Em
V/e/25, Hm, Em
V/Ap/25 Fixer
V/50L/25 Fixer, RR, 10mm, Hm
V/50C/25 Gauss, Chainsaw, DB(2x), Fixer, 10mm Pistol, handmade
V/e Lever
V/25/15c Hm(2x), Gatling laser, epp
V/25/25 Gatling laser, Pipe Bolt Pistol, Epr
V/25/50Damage resist EPR
V/e/15r Western Revolver, Single Action Revolver,
V/25/15r Plasma Thrower, Gatling Plasma
V/25a/15r Plasma Thrower
V/25/90 Gamma Gun, Flamer
V/50h/25 epp
Armor Pieces:
Uny/AP/HTD H Leaver Set
Uny/Mix/Sent bos Combat armor set
As/Mix/Cav Usa Set
Uny/7Explo/Cav FSA La
OE/AP/Sent Usa LL
Oe/7Exp/Cryo Fsa LL
As/7E/AWR Raider PA LA
Aristo/AP/WWR Trapper RL
Aristo/AP/Stealth FSA Chest
As/7Exp/Sent FSA RL
Oe/7Exp/WWR X01 LA
Bolst/S/WWR T60 LL
Uny/Ap/Stealth Trapper RA
Uny/S/WWR light Metal armor LA
Uny/I/Cav Wood Rl
Uny/1S/Wwr Heavy Raider Armor Ra
Uny/S/Limb Usa LL
Uny/Ap/Sent Fsa la (level 40)'
uny/ap/sneak trapper chest, trapper ra
Oe/Ap/wwr Raider PA rl ( level 30)
Uny/1P/Cav fsa Ra
Uny/S/WWR light Metal La
Uny/HungeWWR Usa Rl
OE/1e/FDC Usa ll
Bolst/I/sentt Trapper LA
Bolst/S/Sent Wood RL
Uny/L/WWR Heavy raider LA
Uny/S/WWR Sturdy leather RA
Uny/I/Sent Wood LL
Uny/Cryo/Cav FSA Cp
Uny/Cryo/Awr Fsa LL
Ari/Ap/Wwr Heavy metal CP'
Van/Cryo/WWR Leather CP
Van/AP/AWR Raider RA
Bolst/led/Cav Metal CP
Oe/1s/WWR Metal LA
Uny/Int/Sent Usa RL
submitted by PirateLord9101 to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 21:01 Freeman_Alex [WTS] ⚜️⚜️⚜️Freeman Shipyard Store vol.4⚜️⚜️⚜️ OC LTI Pulse/LX +Dominion Paint $25 ⚜️Prowler to Hull D CCU $45 ⚜️Hull D to Orion CCU $50 ⚜️CHEAP WARBOND CCU ⚜️QuickSALE ⚜️Open24/7 ⚜️Good Prices&Trade History ⚜️Original LTI Concepts ⚜️Subscribers Exclusive Items ⚜️Rare Paints ⚜️JUST WRITE ME

⚜️ Freeman Old Star Shipyard of Tortuga ⚜️


CCU - FROM -> TO Save $ Warbond Bonus Price
Razor Retaliator Base - - $7
Prowler 600i BIS 2953 🔥 +paint & poster $40
Hull D Orion $50 120m $50
Prowler Hull D $65 - $45
Razor SRV $15 - $5

⚜️ ➤ If you want to buy something, SEND PM me or send me DM to AlexFreeman#8529 in Discord. ⚜️

My old store pages with trade history: vol.1, vol.2, vol.3

Tip: Use on keyboard to search for the ship you want  
⚜️ ➤ I want to buy store credits ⚜️ I am waiting for your commercial offers  


Quantity Price, $
1 referral $--
5+ referral $-- for each
Information about rewards can be found here - Consider using my referral code STAR-57F5-QBC9 when creating a new account and receive 5000 UEC in game. 🔥Anyone who uses my referral code becomes my guest of honor and receives discounts in my store🔥

🔥Hot discounts🔥

Item Insurance Price,$(CCU-ed)
Pulse +Dominion Paint LTI $25🔥
Pulse LX +Dominion Paint LTI $25🔥
F7C Hornet Mk II +Ironscale Paint LTI $160🔥
600I BIS 2953 +Paint&Poster OC 10y $575🔥
Redeemer BIS 2953 +Paint&Poster OC 10y $430🔥
Corsair BIS 2953 +Paint&Poster OC 10y $350🔥
Vulture BIS 2953 +Paint&Poster OC 10y $275🔥
600i Explorer BIS 2951 + Paint & Jacket CCU'd LTI $400🔥
MERCURY STAR RUNNER BIS 2951 + Paint & Jacket CCU'd LTI $210🔥
LTI Upgrade - Reliant Kore to CNOU Nomad LTI $80
LTI Upgrade - 315P to CNOU Nomad LTI $100
M50 Subscriber Edition LTI $98
Cutlass RED Subscriber Edition LTI $133
Mantis Subscriber Edition LTI $148
Sabre Subscriber Edition LTI $168
Add-Ons - Endeavor Telescope Pod 10y $135
Add-Ons - Endeavor Biodome Pod 10y $110
Add-Ons - Endeavor Fuel Pod 10y $40
Add-Ons - AEGIS Idris P After Market Kit LTI $260


Item Insurance Includes Price

⚜️ ➤ ORIGINAL CONCEPTS and Cross-Chassis Upgraded ships:

Item Insurance CCU-ed Original concept ♻
100I LTI $60 -
125A LTI $60 -
135c LTI $65 -
300I LTI $60 -
315P LTI $65 -
325A LTI $70 -
350R LTI $145 -
400I LTI $235 -
600I TOURING LTI $390 -
600I EXPLORER LTI $400 -
600i Explorer BIS 2951 + Paint & Jacket LTI $400 -
890 JUMP - IAE 10 years - $1250
A1 SPIRIT LTI $160 -
A1 SPIRIT + Intrepid Paint LTI - $255
A2 HERCULES - IAE 2949 10 years - $750
Ares Inferno LTI $235 -
Ares ION LTI $235 -
Argo MOLE LTI $299 -
Avenger Titan - IAE 2949 10 years - $67
BLADE LTI $245 -
C1 SPIRIT LTI $110 -
CORSAIR + Name Reservation LTI - $777
CUTLASS BLUE 10 years - $175
C8X PISCES EXPEDITION - IAE 2949 10 years - $62
CYDNUS LTI - In Development
E1 SPIRIT LTI $135 -
E1 SPIRIT + Olympia Paint LTI - $235
F7A HORNET LTI - In Development
F8C LIGHTNING LTI - In Development
Fury +Leatherback Paint LTI - $80
Fury MX +Leatherback Paint LTI - $80
GALAXY + Protector Paint LTI - $450
GENESIS Starliner LTI $385 -
GLAIVE 🛸 LTI $295 -
HAWK LTI $102 -
HULL A LTI $90 -
HULL B LTI $125 -
HULL E 10 years - $777
KHARTU-AL 🛸 LTI $155 -
LYNX + Moonrise Paint LTI - $105
MERCURY STAR RUNNER 10 years - $250
MERCURY STAR RUNNER BIS 2951 + Paint & Jacket LTI $210 -
MPUV Cargo - ILW 10 years - $40
NOMAD LTI $80 $110
ORIGIN G12 (Touring) LTI - $78
ORIGIN G12A (Combat) LTI - $88
ORIGIN G12R (Racing) LTI - $78
ORION LTI $560 -
PERSEUS - ILW 10 years - $690
PERSEUS + Thundercloud Paint - VIP Exclusive LTI - $900
PIONEER - IAE 10 years - $1150
POLARIS - ILW 10 years - $760
RAILEN 🛸🚚 LTI $190 -
RAFT 🚚 LTI $115 -
RANGER RC 10 years - $50
RANGER TR 10 years - $50
RAZOR LTI $130 -
RETALIATOR BOMBER 10 years - $280
REDEEMER - ILW 10 years - $300
ROC LTI - $140
ROC Subscribers Exclusive LTI $60 -
ROC Subscribers Exclusive 12m - $54
ROC-DS LTI $75 -
SAN'TOK.YĀI LTI $205 $400
SABRE LTI $155 -
SPARTAN LTI $80 $100
STORM + Summit Paint LTI - $130
STV + Blue Steel Paint LTI - $55
SRV LTI $135 -
TALON LTI $115 -
VALKYRIE BIS 2950 10 years - -
Zeus Mk II ES +Solstice Paint LTI - $235
Zeus Mk II CL +Solstice Paint LTI - $235
Zeus Mk II MR +Solstice Paint LTI - $270





Item Price
2951 Auspicious Red Paint Pack $22
2952 Auspicious Red Paint Pack $24
Nomad - 2951 Auspicious Red Paint $11
Freelancer - 2951 Auspicious Red Paint $14
Constellation - 2952 Auspicious Red Paint $14
Sabre - 2952 Auspicious Red Paint $12
Lovestruck Paint Pack $26
HoverQuad - Lovestruck Paint $8
MPUV - Lovestruck Paint $8
Cyclone - Lovestruck Paint $8
Arrow - Lovestruck Paint $8
Nomad - Lovestruck Paint $10
RAFT - Lovestruck Paint $10
SRV - Lovestruck Paint $11
Scorpius - Lovestruck Paint $14
Ares - Lovestruck Paint $14
Mole - Lovestruck Paint $16
Ghoulish Green 4 Paint Pack $32
Mule - Ghoulish Green Paint $6
Herald - Ghoulish Green Paint $8
Vulture - Ghoulish Green Paint $12
Caterpillar - Ghoulish Green Paint $12
Buccaneer - Ghoulish Green Paint $9
Cutlass - Ghoulish Green Paint $8
Dragonfly - Ghoulish Green Paint $8
Avenger - Invictus 2950 Blue and Gold Paint $10
Aurora - Invictus 2950 Blue and Gold Paint $10
Constellation - 2950 Invictus Blue and Gold Paint $18
Cyclone - Invictus Blue and Gold Paint $8
Galaxy - Protector Paint $15
Gladius - Invictus Blue and Gold Paint $12
Gladius - Solar Winds Paint $11
Hawk - Invictus Blue and Gold Paint $10
Hercules Starlifter - Invictus Blue and Gold Paint $20
Hornet - Invictus Blue and Gold Paint $10
Reliant - Invictus Blue and Gold Paint $8
Retaliator - Invictus Blue and Gold Paint $28
Vanguard - Invictus Blue and Gold Paint $18
Aphorite Mining Paint Pack $35
Dolivine Mining Paint Pack $35
Hadanite Mining Paint Pack $35
Overdrive Racing Paint Pack $11
Slipstream Racing Paint Pack $11
Turbocharged Racing Paint Pack $11
Aspire Paint Pack $18
Central Tower Paint Pack $18
Hosanna Paint Pack $18
100 Series - Sand Wave Paint $8
100 Series - Melrose Paint $8
400i - Meridian Paint $20
400i - Penumbra Paint $20
600i - Cold Forge Paint $14
600i - Sterling Paint $19
Arrastra - Nocturne Paint $17🔥
Aurora ILW 2950 Paint Pack $18
Aurora - Light and Dark Grey Paint $8
Aurora - Green and Gold Paint $8
Avenger ILW 2950 Paint Pack $20
Avenger - Solar Winds Paint $10
Avenger - Copernicus Paint $8
Avenger - Kepler Paint $8
Avenger - De Biasio Paint $8
Centurion - Beachhead Paint $8
Constellation ILW 2950 Paint Pack $27
Constellation - Dark Green Paint $13
Cutlass Black - Skull & Crossbones Paint $12
Defender - Platinum Paint $15
Defender - Harmony Paint $15
LIBERATOR - VIP exclusive Condor Paint $33🔥
Mercury Star Runner - 2951 Fortuna Paint $14
MOLE Aphorite Paint $12
MOLE Dolivine Paint $12
MOLE Hadanite Paint $12
Nox - Harmony Paint $8
Odyssey - Windrider Paint $28
PERSEUS - A VIP exclusive, the Thundercloud Paint $33🔥
Prospector Aphorite Paint $11
Prospector Dolivine Paint $11
Prospector Hadanite Paint $11
Prowler - Ocellus Paint $20
Prowler - Harmony Paint $20
Railen - Hyaotan Paint $20
Retaliator ILW 2950 Paint Pack $38
Reclaimer Aphorite Paint $15
Reclaimer Dolivine Paint $15
Reclaimer Hadanite Paint $15
ROC Aphorite Paint $7
ROC Dolivine Paint $7
ROC Hadanite Paint $7
Scorpius - Stinger Paint $30
Scorpius - Tiburon Paint $12
STV - Blue Steel Paint $5
Talon - Cobalt Paint $10
Talon - Crimson Paint $10
Talon - Ocellus Paint $10
Talon - Harmony Paint $10
Talon - Paint Pack $30
Valkyrie ILW 2950 Paint Pack $40
Vanguard - Solar Winds Paint $15
Zeus Mk II - Solstice Paint $12


Set Includes Price
Takuetsu Replica Figurines 6 exhibits $35
Kastak Arms Custodian SMG CitizenCon 2947 Edition 1 item $30
Atzkav "DEADEYE" Sniper rifle 1 item $10
Yubarev "DEADEYE" Pistol 1 item $10
WowBlast "Blue" Desperado Toy Pistol 1 item $8
WowBlast "Orange" Desperado Toy Pistol 1 item $8
WowBlast "Red" Desperado Toy Pistol 1 item $8
WowBlast "Teal" Desperado Toy Pistol 1 item $8
Overlord Helmets DOUBLE TROUBLE 2 items $7
Overlord Helmets FORCES OF NATURE 2 items $7
Overlord Helmets SILENT STRIKE 2 items $7
Overlord "Dust Storm" Armor Set 3 items $9
Overlord "Predator" Armor Set 3 items $9
Overlord "Riptide" Armor Set 3 items $9
Overlord "Stinger" Armor Set 3 items $9
Overlord "Supernova" Armor Set 3 items $9
Overlord "Switchback" Armor Set 3 items $9
Caudillo Helmets Pack 1 2 items $8
Caudillo Helmets Pack 2 2 items $8
Caudillo Helmets Pack 3 2 items $8
NIGHTFIRE - Paladin Helmet 1 item $6
SINGULARITY - Paladin Helmet 1 item $6
ICEBORN - Paladin Helmet 1 item $6
Fieldsbury Dark Bear Helmet 1 item $8
Fieldsbury Dark Bear Helmet – ORANGE 1 item $8
Fieldsbury Dark Bear Helmet – LIME 1 item $8
Fieldsbury Dark Bear Helmet – BLUEBERRY 1 item $8
Fieldsbury Dark Bear Helmet – GRAPE 1 item $8
Fieldsbury Dark Bear Helmet – GUAVA 1 item $8
Fieldsbury Dark Bear Sinister SIX-PACK 6 items $26
Giocoso Helmet - Azure 1 item $7
Giocoso Helmet - Ivory 1 item $7
Giocoso Helmet - Obsidian 1 item $7
Giocoso Helmet - Triple Pack 1 item $15
Sawtooth "Sirocco" Combat Knife 1 item $5
Sawtooth "Squall" Combat Knife 1 item $5
Sawtooth "Bloodstone" Combat Knife 1 item $5
Pyro RYT "Ghost" Multi-Tool 1 item $6
Pyro RYT "Mirage" Multi-Tool 1 item $6
Pyro RYT "Bloodline" Multi-Tool 1 item $6
GP-33 Mod "ASHFALL" Grenade Launcher 1 item $9
GP-33 Mod "COPPERHEAD" Grenade Launcher 1 item $9
GP-33 Mod "THUNDERCLAP" Grenade Launcher 1 item $9
Aves Armor & Helmet Set 4 items $16
Aves Talon Shrike Armor and Helmet Set 4 items $16
Aves Talon Armor and Helmet Set 4 items $16
Neoni "Jami" Helmet 1 item $7
Neoni "Onna" Helmet 1 item $7
Neoni "Tengubi" Helmet 1 item $7
Star Kitten Set 4 items $14
Star Kittyen "SALLY" Set 4 items $14
Star Kittyen "DAMON" Set 4 items $14
Pembroke RSI Sunburst Exploration Armor 3 items $15
Pembroke RSI Ivory Exploration Armor 3 items $15
Pembroke RSI Graphite Exploration Armor 3 items $15
Morozov Aftershock Armor 5 items $15
Morozov Terracotta Armor 5 items $15
Morozov Thule Armor 5 items $15
Sakura Fun Green ORC-mkX Armor Bobblehead 1 item $7
Sakura Fun Blue ORC-mkX Armor Bobblehead 1 item $7
Sakura Fun White ORC-mkX Armor Bobblehead 1 item $7
Zeus Exploration Suit 3 items $15
Zeus Exploration Suit Solar 3 items $15
Zeus Exploration Suit Starscape 3 items $15
Xanthule Flight Suit 2 items $13
Xanthule Sehya Flight Suit 2 items $13
Xanthule Tahn Flight Suit 2 items $13
CSP-68L Backpack Night Camo 1 item $6
CSP-68L Backpack Cayman 1 item $6
CSP-68L Backpack Forest Camo 1 item $6
CitizenCon 2951 Digital Goodies 7 items $10
CitizenCon 2951 Trophy 7 items $10

⚜️➤ SHIP UPGRADES - CROSS-CHASSIS UPGRADES (CCUs, upgrades), some upgrades can be chain in few steps CCU's:

SHIP TARGET SHIP < Upgrade from Price
ARROW < 100i $30
CUTLASS RED Subscriber
GLADIUS < 100i $45
PERSEUS < CARRACK Expedition W/C8X $40



submitted by Freeman_Alex to Starcitizen_trades [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 20:49 ConsiderationNo8249 Yonkagor if they were a crappy 2021 exe FNF mod

Yonkagor if they were a crappy 2021 exe FNF mod
Can't wait for the real one to come out
submitted by ConsiderationNo8249 to YonKaGor [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:10 PirateLord9101 H: Tradelist W: Offers

Im Especially after UNY AP FDC Trapper LA and RA or Apparel!
AA/e/90, Gatling gun, Lmg
AA/50C/25 Fixer(2x), Handmade, Tesla Riffle, Dragon, Combat shotgun, Pipe Revolver, BP Pistol, BP Plunder, Em, EPR perfect mods, AD
AA/25A/Dur EPF
AA/25/Dur .50, Minigun, epr
AA/E/15R Pipe Pistol,
aa/25/90 Gamma gun, epp, flamer
AA/25/Dur NU Laser Riffle, Fixer, Hm, Gamma gun, Holy fire
AA/50C/15c epp
AA/Ap/25 Holy fire
AA/25a/Dur AGL,
AA/Pa/1s Grognaks Axe
AA/50C/90 Grognaks Axe, NU Laser Riffle, epp
AA/50L/25 Tommy gun
AA/50C/15r Hm
AA/e/15c RR (2x), Em
AA/25/25 lmg(2x) EPR, Rail, Fixer
Aa/25a/90rw AGL
Aa/e/25 Pipe Bolt Pistol, Radium, Fixer
AA/40/40 Ski sword
AA/50c/50bs Compound Bow
AA/40pa/50bs chainsaw
AA/40pa/1S Blue ridge Iron
AA/E/25 Fixer(3x), .44 Pistol
AA/40/40 Chainsaw (2x)
AA/25a/25 epr 2x
AA/50h/15c EPP
AA/50h/50bs EPP
Ari/Pa/40 Chainsaw
Ari/50/25 Cryo
Ari/E/15r Minigun
Ari/50C/Dur CR
Ari/25/25 Epr
Ari/25/50bs epp
A/50c/25 Hm, Single Action Revolver
a/e/Dur Gatling gun
Aa25a90rw AGL
A/25/50bs Plasma Pistol
A/25/15r Laser Pistol
Be40/40 Drill
Be25/25 epp
Berz/e/25 10mm sub
B40Pa/1a Bear arm
B/50C/15C Hm ( 2x ), Pumpgun, .44 Pistol, Rwr, Epr perfect mods, Bow
B/50C/25 Chainsaw, Auto Pipe, BP Plunderbuss, Handmade, Em
B/E/25 lmg, combat riffle , AR, 10mm, Pipe riffle, Single Action Revolver, Radium
B/25/Stealth 10mm
B/E Black powder Riffle
B/Ap/25 Ul Laser Riffle, Gamma gun
B/50L/25 Hm
B/25/Dur RR ( 2x), Agl, Ugl, Flamer
B/e/50bs Combat riffle, BP Pistol
B/25/15r Gauss, 10mm, EPF, Cryo,
B/25/25 combat riffle, b2525 gatling plasma, Radium, gp, gl, EPR, Handmade
B/Bash/50bs Minigun'
B/50h/25 Fixer
B/25/90 epp with alligned flamer, lmg, Gatling laser, Cryo
B/e/15c Radium
B/40pa/40 chainsaw
B/e/90 AR
B/50l/50bs Peppershaker
B/25/50bs Plasma Thrower, Laser Pistol
B/e/90 lmg, Gatling
B/50c/90 EPP
B/25a/50bs epp
B/50c/15r Em
B/25a/90 lmg, gl
Be15r fixer
Exe/50C/25 Hm (2x), Minigun, 10mm Smg, em
Exe/E/25 Lever, Combat Shotgun, 10mm Pistol
Exe/25/25 EPR, Gauss, Lever,
Exe/50C/15C EM
Exe/25/Dur Fixer
Exe/25/15r GP
Exe/50L/25 GAuss
Exe/E/15r Pipe Bolt Pistol
Exe/25/90 Radium, 10mm Smg, Hm (2x)
Exe/50h/25 Gamma gun, epp
Exe/e/15r Pipe Revolver
Exe/25/50bs epp
F/50C/25 NU Laser Riffle, Radium, CR,
F/Pa/25 Chinese Sword
F/25/Dur Minigun
F/Bash/Dur Minigun
F/25/25 UGatling Laser, EPR, Radium
F/Ap/25 GP
G/50h/25 epp
G/E/15R Radium
G/PA/25 DC Gauntlet,
G/50c/25 Flamethrower, Em
G/e/25 Hm
G/25/25 rwr
I/50c/25 bow
Inst/Ap/25 epp
Jugg/50h/25 EPP
Jugg/e/90 Fixer, hm
Jugg/e/25 Fixer, RR
Jugg/25/25 Fixer, Gamma Gun, hm , Cryo
Jugg/Pa/40Pa Chainsaw
Jugg/e/15r .50
Jugg/e/dur .50
Jugg/50c/25 hm,
J/E/25 Hm, RR, Em
J/25/15r EPR Perfect mods Alligned Auto, AGL, tommy gun
J/SS/1s Bowieknife, Powerfist,
J/25/15r RR(2x),
J/50c/15c RR, Single Action Revolver
J/25/90 .50,
J/25/25 Western Revolver, Kabloom
J/50l/25 epp
Med/25/25 Fixer
Med/25/15r Holy Fire
Med/50c/25 Minigun, AR,
M/25/15r AGL
M/Bash/Dur Minigun
M/50H/25 EPP Perfect Mods(alligned Auto)
M/25/25 10mm
N/E/25 .50
N/50c/25 Em
N/25/15r 10mm
Q/E 10mm, Lever, Gatling gun
Q/E/25 Lever, Combat Riffle.50, Sniper riffle, Fixer
Q/25/15r Fixer
Q/25/90 Hm, Em, Fixer, epp
Q/E/15C Pipe Bolt Pistol(2x), 10mm Pistol,
Q/25A/25 Fixer
Q/50L/25 Fixer, Tesla
Q/50C/15r .50, Tommy gun Gatling gun, Auto Pipe,
Q/25/50bs Fixer, Holy fire, DB, Hm, Auto Pipe, Cryo
Q/50C/Dur Fixer (2x), hm, EPP ,Railway
Q/E/90 railway, .50 cal, Minigun
Q/25/25 Pipe Revolver, Ab, EPR perfect mods,
Q/50C 10mm, Em
Q/Ap/15r Fixer
Q/25A/Dur Holy Fire, Gamma gun
Q/25A/15r Holy Fire,
Q/E Pipe Pistol, Hunter Riffle, Pumpgun, Combat Riffle, DB
Q/50C/25 Minigun,Tommy, Plasma Riffle, Gatling gun, Western Revolver, Epr, Radium, Handmade
Q/50b/25 Tesla, Hm
Q/50l/15r tesla
Q/25 Tesla
Q/50H/25 Radium, EPR, Western Revolver,
Q/e/15r hm(2x), Gatling gun, Em, Railway, DB, Pipe riffle
Q/ls/25 Ab
Q/25/15c epp
Q/50h/15r EPP
Q/e/50bs Rwr
Q/25/15c Railway (2x) , EPP
S/e/25 Fixer
S/25/15r Fixer
S/50c/25 Hunting riffle
Two Shot:
TS/50C/25 Fixer (2x), Hm (2x), Tesla, Dragon
Ts/25/25 AR, Fixer, epp, Ultracite laser riffle
Ts/E/Dur Minigun
Ts/50H/25 Fixer, Radium
Ts/25/dur Fixer, hm
Ts/e/25 Pipe Revolver, RWR, Em, 10mm Pistol,
Ts/Ls/25 Assaultron Head
Ts/e/15c Lever (2x)
Ts/25/15r Flamethrower, EPR,
TS/50c/15c RR, Ab
TS/50L/25 Em Ts/e/15r lmg
Ts/25/90, Lmg
Ts/50c/15c Plunderbuss
Ts/e/90 Pumpgun, lmg
V/50C/15r GP, Gatling Gun
V/50C/15r Railway
V/e/dur Hm, Em
V/e/25, Hm, Em
V/Ap/25 Fixer
V/50L/25 Fixer, RR, 10mm, Hm
V/50C/25 Gauss, Chainsaw, DB(2x), Fixer, 10mm Pistol, handmade
V/e Lever
V/25/15c Hm(2x), Gatling laser, epp
V/25/25 Gatling laser, Pipe Bolt Pistol, Epr
V/25/50Damage resist EPR
V/e/15r Western Revolver, Single Action Revolver,
V/25/15r Plasma Thrower, Gatling Plasma
V/25a/15r Plasma Thrower
V/25/90 Gamma Gun, Flamer
V/50h/25 epp
Armor Pieces:
Uny/AP/HTD H Leaver Set
Uny/Mix/Sent bos Combat armor set
As/Mix/Cav Usa Set
Uny/7Explo/Cav FSA La
OE/AP/Sent Usa LL
Oe/7Exp/Cryo Fsa LL
As/7E/AWR Raider PA LA
Aristo/AP/WWR Trapper RL
Aristo/AP/Stealth FSA Chest
As/7Exp/Sent FSA RL
Oe/7Exp/WWR X01 LA
Bolst/S/WWR T60 LL
Uny/Ap/Stealth Trapper RA
Uny/S/WWR light Metal armor LA
Uny/I/Cav Wood Rl
Uny/1S/Wwr Heavy Raider Armor Ra
Uny/S/Limb Usa LL
Uny/Ap/Sent Fsa la (level 40)'
uny/ap/sneak trapper chest, trapper ra
Oe/Ap/wwr Raider PA rl ( level 30)
Uny/1P/Cav fsa Ra
Uny/S/WWR light Metal La
Uny/HungeWWR Usa Rl
OE/1e/FDC Usa ll
Bolst/I/sentt Trapper LA
Bolst/S/Sent Wood RL
Uny/L/WWR Heavy raider LA
Uny/S/WWR Sturdy leather RA
Uny/I/Sent Wood LL
Uny/Cryo/Cav FSA Cp
Uny/Cryo/Awr Fsa LL
Ari/Ap/Wwr Heavy metal CP'
Van/Cryo/WWR Leather CP
Van/AP/AWR Raider RA
Bolst/led/Cav Metal CP
Oe/1s/WWR Metal LA
Uny/Int/Sent Usa RL
submitted by PirateLord9101 to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:03 synkronize In my opinion, one thing that makes Naruto great imo is its easily rewatchable

I like Naruto, do I think it’s the best shonen ever? Nah personally I like Bleach (guilty pleasure fave), One Piece, HxH, and how hype the My Hero Academia manga is right now I’m adding that to, and given Dragonball Z.
I think I’d say Hunter X Hunter is the peak fiction of shonen for me. The 2011 series was just too damn good.
But I will give Naruto one thing, out of all those series, Naruto is the only one I’ve rewatched along with Dragonbal Z.
Naruto (I’m skipping fillers tho) is such a streamlined series I guess the arcs flow into each other pretty well, and while I wish the series explored more of the world or other characters. The story is pretty to the point and concise .
Naruto also wears its ideals and morals on its sleeve. It’s easy to know everyone’s motivations and thoughts. While shows like Bleach, HxH, and My Hero really focus more on deep complex psychological themes.
Like Sasuke does have a lot of trauma and complexity but he barely falters in his actions until the very end making it easy to follow him. Compared to Ichigo who regularly gets depressed or emotional and takes Ls.
I find Naruto an easy to watch show. Imo that’s a really good thing.
submitted by synkronize to Naruto [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:00 sclmoon Bought my first F150. Good deal?

Bought my first F150. Good deal?
2011 F150, 113k bought for 11k 5.0 V8 RWD Aftermarket exhaust
Would love to hear some thoughts on options to remove the amount of chrome.
I’ve already removed the hard bed cover and added some weathertech floor mats but interested to see other mod options as well
submitted by sclmoon to f150 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 18:19 SwimmingStruggle3137 Skyrim. Only male melee enemies don't attacking.

So, I spend a lot of time searhing any usefull information and now, hope I can help anyone to solve this problem much easier than me.
  1. I used Vortex to install mods and that was the main problem. Maybe not because of vortex functionality, but my own skills in this program. So, first of all install Mod Organizer 2.0 Watch tutorials on youtube how to instal MO2 and mods.
  2. The second part of problem was Nemesis mod and how this mod rewrite some files in skyrim folders.
So you have to do next steps:
  1. Open MO2 and create empty mod, name it and remember this name, after that turn it on in mod list.
  2. Click on button like on screen and you have to add a Nemesis Unlimited Behaviour Engine in this list. To do this press + button and find the folred where MO2 installs all mods. For me is's a path C:\Modding\MO2\mods\Nemesis Unlimited Behavior Engine\Nemesis_Engine\Nemesis Unlimited Behavior Engine.exe
  3. Next and very important to make the same like on my screen And like on screen in dropdown menu you have to choose your empty mod name, created on step-1. For me it's empty mod named "Nemesis Tyt".
And that's it! You can run Nemesis, install any animations and in game all enemies will attacks you correctly.
! One more important moment. Sometimes we install hundreds of mods, for me in folder C:\Modding\MO2\mods and if any day male enemies will again stop attaking you, you have to find the folder with your empty mod, created on step-1 and DELETE all files inside. After that reinstall all mods in Nemesis. That should work.
submitted by SwimmingStruggle3137 to skyrimmods [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 18:09 AskinggAlesana Can’t play with mods no matter what I try. *read description*

Can’t play with mods no matter what I try. *read description*
First of yes screenshottingishard because the moment I press print screen it closes instead of taking a picture.
So I’m trying to do steammodded and I follow the exact steps, download injector, put game exe in injector, wait, done. When I open the game i’m met with this screen. I see it says I’m missing a file but idk where that file would even be. There’s not a single mod downloaded yet, and I did try it before with some mods and still get this screen.
Things I have tried: Reinstalling, verifying and trying again, redownloading the injector, and trying the PS injector. All are just met with this screen on boot up. Is there a fix or am I forever stuck with vanilla?
submitted by AskinggAlesana to balatro [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:41 PirateLord9101 H: Tradelist W: Offers

Im Especially after UNY AP FDC Trapper LA and RA or Apparel!
AA/e/90, Gatling gun, Lmg
AA/50C/25 Fixer(2x), Handmade, Tesla Riffle, Dragon, Combat shotgun, Pipe Revolver, BP Pistol, BP Plunder, Em, EPR perfect mods, AD
AA/25A/Dur EPF
AA/25/Dur .50, Minigun, epr
AA/E/15R Pipe Pistol,
aa/25/90 Gamma gun, epp, flamer
AA/25/Dur NU Laser Riffle, Fixer, Hm, Gamma gun, Holy fire
AA/50C/15c epp
AA/Ap/25 Holy fire
AA/25a/Dur AGL,
AA/Pa/1s Grognaks Axe
AA/50C/90 Grognaks Axe, NU Laser Riffle, epp
AA/50L/25 Tommy gun
AA/50C/15r Hm
AA/e/15c RR (2x), Em
AA/25/25 lmg(2x) EPR, Rail, Fixer
Aa/25a/90rw AGL
Aa/e/25 Pipe Bolt Pistol, Radium, Fixer
AA/40/40 Ski sword
AA/50c/50bs Compound Bow
AA/40pa/50bs chainsaw
AA/40pa/1S Blue ridge Iron
AA/E/25 Fixer(3x), .44 Pistol
AA/40/40 Chainsaw (2x)
AA/25a/25 epr 2x
AA/50h/15c EPP
AA/50h/50bs EPP
Ari/Pa/40 Chainsaw
Ari/50/25 Cryo
Ari/E/15r Minigun
Ari/50C/Dur CR
Ari/25/25 Epr
Ari/25/50bs epp
A/50c/25 Hm, Single Action Revolver
a/e/Dur Gatling gun
Aa25a90rw AGL
A/25/50bs Plasma Pistol
A/25/15r Laser Pistol
Be40/40 Drill
Be25/25 epp
Berz/e/25 10mm sub
B40Pa/1a Bear arm
B/50C/15C Hm ( 2x ), Pumpgun, .44 Pistol, Rwr, Epr perfect mods, Bow
B/50C/25 Chainsaw, Auto Pipe, BP Plunderbuss, Handmade, Em
B/E/25 lmg, combat riffle , AR, 10mm, Pipe riffle, Single Action Revolver, Radium
B/25/Stealth 10mm
B/E Black powder Riffle
B/Ap/25 Ul Laser Riffle, Gamma gun
B/50L/25 Hm
B/25/Dur RR ( 2x), Agl, Ugl, Flamer
B/e/50bs Combat riffle, BP Pistol
B/25/15r Gauss, 10mm, EPF, Cryo,
B/25/25 combat riffle, b2525 gatling plasma, Radium, gp, gl, EPR, Handmade
B/Bash/50bs Minigun'
B/50h/25 Fixer
B/25/90 epp with alligned flamer, lmg, Gatling laser, Cryo
B/e/15c Radium
B/40pa/40 chainsaw
B/e/90 AR
B/50l/50bs Peppershaker
B/25/50bs Plasma Thrower, Laser Pistol
B/e/90 lmg, Gatling
B/50c/90 EPP
B/25a/50bs epp
B/50c/15r Em
B/25a/90 lmg, gl
Be15r fixer
Exe/50C/25 Hm (2x), Minigun, 10mm Smg, em
Exe/E/25 Lever, Combat Shotgun, 10mm Pistol
Exe/25/25 EPR, Gauss, Lever,
Exe/50C/15C EM
Exe/25/Dur Fixer
Exe/25/15r GP
Exe/50L/25 GAuss
Exe/E/15r Pipe Bolt Pistol
Exe/25/90 Radium, 10mm Smg, Hm (2x)
Exe/50h/25 Gamma gun, epp
Exe/e/15r Pipe Revolver
Exe/25/50bs epp
F/50C/25 NU Laser Riffle, Radium, CR,
F/Pa/25 Chinese Sword
F/25/Dur Minigun
F/Bash/Dur Minigun
F/25/25 UGatling Laser, EPR, Radium
F/Ap/25 GP
G/50h/25 epp
G/E/15R Radium
G/PA/25 DC Gauntlet,
G/50c/25 Flamethrower, Em
G/e/25 Hm
G/25/25 rwr
I/50c/25 bow
Inst/Ap/25 epp
Jugg/50h/25 EPP
Jugg/e/90 Fixer, hm
Jugg/e/25 Fixer, RR
Jugg/25/25 Fixer, Gamma Gun, hm , Cryo
Jugg/Pa/40Pa Chainsaw
Jugg/e/15r .50
Jugg/e/dur .50
Jugg/50c/25 hm,
J/E/25 Hm, RR, Em
J/25/15r EPR Perfect mods Alligned Auto, AGL, tommy gun
J/SS/1s Bowieknife, Powerfist,
J/25/15r RR(2x),
J/50c/15c RR, Single Action Revolver
J/25/90 .50,
J/25/25 Western Revolver, Kabloom
J/50l/25 epp
Med/25/25 Fixer
Med/25/15r Holy Fire
Med/50c/25 Minigun, AR,
M/25/15r AGL
M/Bash/Dur Minigun
M/50H/25 EPP Perfect Mods(alligned Auto)
M/25/25 10mm
N/E/25 .50
N/50c/25 Em
N/25/15r 10mm
Q/E 10mm, Lever, Gatling gun
Q/E/25 Lever, Combat Riffle.50, Sniper riffle, Fixer
Q/25/15r Fixer
Q/25/90 Hm, Em, Fixer, epp
Q/E/15C Pipe Bolt Pistol(2x), 10mm Pistol,
Q/25A/25 Fixer
Q/50L/25 Fixer, Tesla
Q/50C/15r .50, Tommy gun Gatling gun, Auto Pipe,
Q/25/50bs Fixer, Holy fire, DB, Hm, Auto Pipe, Cryo
Q/50C/Dur Fixer (2x), hm, EPP ,Railway
Q/E/90 railway, .50 cal, Minigun
Q/25/25 Pipe Revolver, Ab, EPR perfect mods,
Q/50C 10mm, Em
Q/Ap/15r Fixer
Q/25A/Dur Holy Fire, Gamma gun
Q/25A/15r Holy Fire,
Q/E Pipe Pistol, Hunter Riffle, Pumpgun, Combat Riffle, DB
Q/50C/25 Minigun,Tommy, Plasma Riffle, Gatling gun, Western Revolver, Epr, Radium, Handmade
Q/50b/25 Tesla, Hm
Q/50l/15r tesla
Q/25 Tesla
Q/50H/25 Radium, EPR, Western Revolver,
Q/e/15r hm(2x), Gatling gun, Em, Railway, DB, Pipe riffle
Q/ls/25 Ab
Q/25/15c epp
Q/50h/15r EPP
Q/e/50bs Rwr
Q/25/15c Railway (2x) , EPP
S/e/25 Fixer
S/25/15r Fixer
S/50c/25 Hunting riffle
Two Shot:
TS/50C/25 Fixer (2x), Hm (2x), Tesla, Dragon
Ts/25/25 AR, Fixer, epp, Ultracite laser riffle
Ts/E/Dur Minigun
Ts/50H/25 Fixer, Radium
Ts/25/dur Fixer, hm
Ts/e/25 Pipe Revolver, RWR, Em, 10mm Pistol,
Ts/Ls/25 Assaultron Head
Ts/e/15c Lever (2x)
Ts/25/15r Flamethrower, EPR,
TS/50c/15c RR, Ab
TS/50L/25 Em Ts/e/15r lmg
Ts/25/90, Lmg
Ts/50c/15c Plunderbuss
Ts/e/90 Pumpgun, lmg
V/50C/15r GP, Gatling Gun
V/50C/15r Railway
V/e/dur Hm, Em
V/e/25, Hm, Em
V/Ap/25 Fixer
V/50L/25 Fixer, RR, 10mm, Hm
V/50C/25 Gauss, Chainsaw, DB(2x), Fixer, 10mm Pistol, handmade
V/e Lever
V/25/15c Hm(2x), Gatling laser, epp
V/25/25 Gatling laser, Pipe Bolt Pistol, Epr
V/25/50Damage resist EPR
V/e/15r Western Revolver, Single Action Revolver,
V/25/15r Plasma Thrower, Gatling Plasma
V/25a/15r Plasma Thrower
V/25/90 Gamma Gun, Flamer
V/50h/25 epp
Armor Pieces:
Uny/AP/HTD H Leaver Set
Uny/Mix/Sent bos Combat armor set
As/Mix/Cav Usa Set
Uny/7Explo/Cav FSA La
OE/AP/Sent Usa LL
Oe/7Exp/Cryo Fsa LL
As/7E/AWR Raider PA LA
Aristo/AP/WWR Trapper RL
Aristo/AP/Stealth FSA Chest
As/7Exp/Sent FSA RL
Oe/7Exp/WWR X01 LA
Bolst/S/WWR T60 LL
Uny/Ap/Stealth Trapper RA
Uny/S/WWR light Metal armor LA
Uny/I/Cav Wood Rl
Uny/1S/Wwr Heavy Raider Armor Ra
Uny/S/Limb Usa LL
Uny/Ap/Sent Fsa la (level 40)'
uny/ap/sneak trapper chest, trapper ra
Oe/Ap/wwr Raider PA rl ( level 30)
Uny/1P/Cav fsa Ra
Uny/S/WWR light Metal La
Uny/HungeWWR Usa Rl
OE/1e/FDC Usa ll
Bolst/I/sentt Trapper LA
Bolst/S/Sent Wood RL
Uny/L/WWR Heavy raider LA
Uny/S/WWR Sturdy leather RA
Uny/I/Sent Wood LL
Uny/Cryo/Cav FSA Cp
Uny/Cryo/Awr Fsa LL
Ari/Ap/Wwr Heavy metal CP'
Van/Cryo/WWR Leather CP
Van/AP/AWR Raider RA
Bolst/led/Cav Metal CP
Oe/1s/WWR Metal LA
Uny/Int/Sent Usa RL
submitted by PirateLord9101 to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:21 SouthernShape2180 ndtll.dll error in Fallout 4

Hi Everyone. I keep getting CTD on this crashlog. Can someone please help. I think it is a non-mod related issue, but if you could tell me which mods I need to disable in order to fix it, that would be awesome.
Fallout 4 v1.10.163
Buffout 4 v1.28.6
Unhandled exception "EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION" at 0x7FF74A091E80 Fallout4.exe+03D1E80
\[Compatibility\] F4EE: false \[Crashlog\] AutoOpen: true PromptUpload: true \[Fixes\] ActorIsHostileToActor: true CellInit: true CreateD3DAndSwapChain: true EncounterZoneReset: true GreyMovies: true MagicEffectApplyEvent: true MovementPlanner: true PackageAllocateLocation: true SafeExit: true TESObjectREFRGetEncounterZone: true UnalignedLoad: true UtilityShader: true \[Patches\] Achievements: true ArchiveLimit: false BSMTAManager: true BSPreCulledObjects: true BSTextureStreamerLocalHeap: false HavokMemorySystem: true INISettingCollection: false InputSwitch: false MaxStdIO: 2048 MemoryManager: true MemoryManagerDebug: false ScaleformAllocator: true SmallBlockAllocator: true WorkshopMenu: true \[Warnings\] CreateTexture2D: true ImageSpaceAdapter: true 
OS: Microsoft Windows 11 Home v10.0.22631 CPU: GenuineIntel 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-12800H GPU #1: Nvidia GA103M \[GeForce RTX 3080 Ti Laptop GPU\] GPU #2: Microsoft Basic Render Driver PHYSICAL MEMORY: 11.05 GB/31.69 GB 
\[ 0\] 0x7FF74A091E80 Fallout4.exe+03D1E80 -> 869027+0x20 \[ 1\] 0x7FF74A0740F5 Fallout4.exe+03B40F5 -> 1491658+0x4D5 \[ 2\] 0x7FF74A03181C Fallout4.exe+037181C -> 221966+0xDC \[ 3\] 0x7FF74A02CB8E Fallout4.exe+036CB8E -> 93205+0xE \[ 4\] 0x7FF74B9638C2 Fallout4.exe+1CA38C2 -> 1338062+0xF2 \[ 5\] 0x7FF74B963C1C Fallout4.exe+1CA3C1C -> 1310667+0x20C \[ 6\] 0x7FF74AB7CA24 Fallout4.exe+0EBCA24 -> 1123858+0x364 \[ 7\] 0x7FF74AB5B7CB Fallout4.exe+0E9B7CB -> 146861+0xB6B \[ 8\] 0x7FF74AA00D85 Fallout4.exe+0D40D85 -> 222694+0x15 \[ 9\] 0x7FF74B810F26 Fallout4.exe+1B50F26 -> 329005+0xC6 \[10\] 0x7FF74B811432 Fallout4.exe+1B51432 -> 194800+0x202 \[11\] 0x7FF74B813F67 Fallout4.exe+1B53F67 -> 1492866+0x67 \[12\] 0x7FF74B7DCFED Fallout4.exe+1B1CFED -> 1079791+0x3D \[13\] 0x7FFD8685257D KERNEL32.DLL+001257D \[14\] 0x7FFD8890AA48 ntdll.dll+005AA48 
RAX 0x0 (size\_t) RCX 0x1E05BA9F800 (void\*) RDX 0x6EC49BF250 (void\*) RBX 0x0 (size\_t) RSP 0x6EC49BF140 (void\*) RBP 0x6EC49BF249 (void\*) RSI 0x6EC49BF250 (void\*) RDI 0x1E05BA9F800 (void\*) R8 0x1E009CFC7B0 (void\*) R9 0x8 (size\_t) R10 0x6EC49BF200 (BSTArrayBase::IAllocatorFunctor\*) R11 0x6EC49BF2C8 (void\*) R12 0xE067C430 (size\_t) R13 0x1DFFF2EAB00 (TESObjectCELL\*) File: "PRP.esp" Flags: 0x0004000B Form ID: 0x00017DF7 Form Type: 63 Full Name: "Museum of Freedom" R14 0x1E0962BD900 (bhkWorld\*) R15 0x1E05BA9F800 (void\*) 
\[RSP+0 \] 0x1E0661911C0 (NiNode\*) Name: "00017DF7\_Physics" \[RSP+8 \] 0x7FF74B863C05 (void\* -> Fallout4.exe+1BA3C05) \[RSP+10 \] 0x6EC49BF249 (void\*) \[RSP+18 \] 0x1E0633FA240 (void\*) \[RSP+20 \] 0x1E009D98800 (void\*) \[RSP+28 \] 0x1E0633FA240 (void\*) \[RSP+30 \] 0x60 (size\_t) \[RSP+38 \] 0x7FF74A0740F5 (void\* -> Fallout4.exe+03B40F5) \[RSP+40 \] 0x1E009D987FC (void\*) \[RSP+48 \] 0x6EC49BF250 (void\*) \[RSP+50 \] 0x1E0633FA240 (void\*) \[RSP+58 \] 0x1E064001600 (BSPortal\*) \[RSP+60 \] 0x1E000000007 (void\*) \[RSP+68 \] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+70 \] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+78 \] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+80 \] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+88 \] 0x1E009D98800 (void\*) \[RSP+90 \] 0x1E0962BD900 (bhkWorld\*) \[RSP+98 \] 0x1E009D987FC (void\*) \[RSP+A0 \] 0xE (size\_t) \[RSP+A8 \] 0x1E03019C4DE (size\_t) \[RSP+B0 \] 0x1DF417F52B0 (void\*) \[RSP+B8 \] 0x7FF70020233A (size\_t) \[RSP+C0 \] 0x7FF74C9096C8 (void\* -> Fallout4.exe+2C496C8) \[RSP+C8 \] 0x1E0960D3BC0 (void\*) \[RSP+D0 \] 0x7FF700000000 (size\_t) \[RSP+D8 \] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+E0 \] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+E8 \] 0x1E000000000 (void\*) \[RSP+F0 \] 0x1E063449D00 (BGSCombinedCellGeometryDB::LoadTask\*) \[RSP+F8 \] 0x7FF74A029321 (void\* -> Fallout4.exe+0369321) \[RSP+100\] 0x1E0633FA240 (void\*) \[RSP+108\] 0x7FF74B7D093F (void\* -> Fallout4.exe+1B1093F) \[RSP+110\] 0x1DFFF2EAB00 (TESObjectCELL\*) File: "PRP.esp" Flags: 0x0004000B Form ID: 0x00017DF7 Form Type: 63 Full Name: "Museum of Freedom" \[RSP+118\] 0x1E0E067C430 (size\_t) \[RSP+120\] 0x6EC49BF1E4 (void\*) \[RSP+128\] 0x6EC49BF1C0 (void\*) \[RSP+130\] 0x1DFF40D2B00 (IOManager\*) \[RSP+138\] 0x1DF417F52B0 (void\*) \[RSP+140\] 0x966939A4 (size\_t) \[RSP+148\] 0x1E063449D00 (BGSCombinedCellGeometryDB::LoadTask\*) \[RSP+150\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+158\] 0x1DFFF2EAB00 (TESObjectCELL\*) File: "PRP.esp" Flags: 0x0004000B Form ID: 0x00017DF7 Form Type: 63 Full Name: "Museum of Freedom" \[RSP+160\] 0x1 (size\_t) \[RSP+168\] 0x7FF74A03181C (void\* -> Fallout4.exe+037181C) \[RSP+170\] 0x1E (size\_t) \[RSP+178\] 0x7FF75E83E45C (size\_t) \[RSP+180\] 0x6067C430 (size\_t) \[RSP+188\] 0xEC3BD925 (size\_t) \[RSP+190\] 0x1E063449D00 (BGSCombinedCellGeometryDB::LoadTask\*) \[RSP+198\] 0x7FF74A02CB8E (void\* -> Fallout4.exe+036CB8E) \[RSP+1A0\] 0x1E063449D00 (BGSCombinedCellGeometryDB::LoadTask\*) \[RSP+1A8\] 0x1DF417F52B0 (void\*) \[RSP+1B0\] 0x966939A4 (size\_t) \[RSP+1B8\] 0x1E (size\_t) \[RSP+1C0\] 0x2 (size\_t) \[RSP+1C8\] 0x7FF74B9638C2 (void\* -> Fallout4.exe+1CA38C2) \[RSP+1D0\] 0x2 (size\_t) \[RSP+1D8\] 0x1 (size\_t) \[RSP+1E0\] 0x2 (size\_t) \[RSP+1E8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+1F0\] 0x32 (size\_t) \[RSP+1F8\] 0x1E (size\_t) \[RSP+200\] 0x2 (size\_t) \[RSP+208\] 0x3 (size\_t) \[RSP+210\] 0x12C (size\_t) \[RSP+218\] 0x1 (size\_t) \[RSP+220\] 0x1DFF40D2B00 (IOManager\*) \[RSP+228\] 0x7FF74B963C1C (void\* -> Fallout4.exe+1CA3C1C) \[RSP+230\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+238\] 0x7FF700000000 (size\_t) \[RSP+240\] 0x1E063449D00 (BGSCombinedCellGeometryDB::LoadTask\*) \[RSP+248\] 0x30D40 (size\_t) \[RSP+250\] 0x4096CBE5 (size\_t) \[RSP+258\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+260\] 0x1DFFF2EAB00 (TESObjectCELL\*) File: "PRP.esp" Flags: 0x0004000B Form ID: 0x00017DF7 Form Type: 63 Full Name: "Museum of Freedom" \[RSP+268\] 0x1DFF4062080 (PlayerCharacter\*) Object Reference: File: "You Are Exceptional.esp" Flags: 0x00040009 Form ID: 0x00000007 Form Type: 45 File: "" Flags: 0x00420448 Form ID: 0x00000014 Form Type: 65 \[RSP+270\] 0xFFFFFFFF (size\_t) \[RSP+278\] 0x6EC49BF6E4 (void\*) \[RSP+280\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+288\] 0x7FF74AB7CA24 (void\* -> Fallout4.exe+0EBCA24) \[RSP+290\] 0x6E00000001 (size\_t) \[RSP+298\] 0x6EC49BF4D0 (void\*) \[RSP+2A0\] 0x1DF1C18FE00 (void\*) \[RSP+2A8\] 0x1DFF40625F8 (void\*) \[RSP+2B0\] 0x1DFF4614E00 (void\*) \[RSP+2B8\] 0x1DFF4614E00 (void\*) \[RSP+2C0\] 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF (size\_t) \[RSP+2C8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+2D0\] 0x440D0000 (size\_t) \[RSP+2D8\] 0xC2580000 (size\_t) \[RSP+2E0\] 0x20 (size\_t) \[RSP+2E8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+2F0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+2F8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+300\] 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF (size\_t) \[RSP+308\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+310\] 0xA6DA89653331 (size\_t) \[RSP+318\] 0x7FF74AFF0B5F (void\* -> Fallout4.exe+1330B5F) \[RSP+320\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+328\] 0x4044F5 (void\* -> XINPUT1\_3.dll+00044F5) \[RSP+330\] 0x1DF1C0D2088 (void\*) \[RSP+338\] 0x7FF749E4D27B (void\* -> Fallout4.exe+018D27B) \[RSP+340\] 0x440D0000 (size\_t) \[RSP+348\] 0xBF8000004284F738 (size\_t) \[RSP+350\] 0x35033379 (size\_t) \[RSP+358\] 0x7FFCFBDBBDCE (void\* -> Buffout4.dll+004BDCE) \[RSP+360\] 0x1DF1C0D2088 (void\*) \[RSP+368\] 0x7FF749CE44E3 (void\* -> Fallout4.exe+00244E3) \[RSP+370\] 0x7FF74C909DB8 (void\* -> Fallout4.exe+2C49DB8) \[RSP+378\] 0x6EC49BF540 (void\*) \[RSP+380\] 0x1DFF45807F0 (void\*) \[RSP+388\] 0x1DFF4062080 (PlayerCharacter\*) Object Reference: File: "You Are Exceptional.esp" Flags: 0x00040009 Form ID: 0x00000007 Form Type: 45 File: "" Flags: 0x00420448 Form ID: 0x00000014 Form Type: 65 \[RSP+390\] 0x1DFF4580808 (void\*) \[RSP+398\] 0x7FF749E4C85D (void\* -> Fallout4.exe+018C85D) \[RSP+3A0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+3A8\] 0x6EC49BF539 (void\*) \[RSP+3B0\] 0x1DF1C3B99D0 (void\*) \[RSP+3B8\] 0x7FF74A054B20 (void\* -> Fallout4.exe+0394B20) \[RSP+3C0\] 0x1E014C86140 (void\*) \[RSP+3C8\] 0x7FF74B7D09C3 (void\* -> Fallout4.exe+1B109C3) \[RSP+3D0\] 0x7FF74C909DB8 (void\* -> Fallout4.exe+2C49DB8) \[RSP+3D8\] 0x6EC49BF520 (void\*) \[RSP+3E0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+3E8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+3F0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+3F8\] 0x7FF700000000 (size\_t) \[RSP+400\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+408\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+410\] 0x6E00000000 (size\_t) \[RSP+418\] 0x7FF700000000 (size\_t) \[RSP+420\] 0x1DFF4062080 (PlayerCharacter\*) Object Reference: File: "You Are Exceptional.esp" Flags: 0x00040009 Form ID: 0x00000007 Form Type: 45 File: "" Flags: 0x00420448 Form ID: 0x00000014 Form Type: 65 \[RSP+428\] 0xFFFFFFFF (size\_t) \[RSP+430\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+438\] 0x1DFF40625F8 (void\*) \[RSP+440\] 0x1DF1C3B99D0 (void\*) \[RSP+448\] 0x6EC49BF758 (void\*) \[RSP+450\] 0x6EC49BF760 (void\*) \[RSP+458\] 0x7FF749DBEE12 (void\* -> Fallout4.exe+00FEE12) \[RSP+460\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+468\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+470\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+478\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+480\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+488\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+490\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+498\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+4A0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+4A8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+4B0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+4B8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+4C0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+4C8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+4D0\] 0x1DF00000000 (void\*) \[RSP+4D8\] 0x1DFF4062080 (PlayerCharacter\*) Object Reference: File: "You Are Exceptional.esp" Flags: 0x00040009 Form ID: 0x00000007 Form Type: 45 File: "" Flags: 0x00420448 Form ID: 0x00000014 Form Type: 65 \[RSP+4E0\] 0x1DF1C18FE01 (void\*) \[RSP+4E8\] 0x1DF1C18FE01 (void\*) \[RSP+4F0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+4F8\] 0x7FF74F8A8000 (void\* -> Fallout4.exe+5BE8000) \[RSP+500\] 0x1DFF40625F8 (void\*) \[RSP+508\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+510\] 0x6EC49BF760 (void\*) \[RSP+518\] 0x7FF74AB5B7CB (void\* -> Fallout4.exe+0E9B7CB) \[RSP+520\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+528\] 0x6EC49BF758 (void\*) \[RSP+530\] 0x1DF1C3B99D0 (void\*) \[RSP+538\] 0x1 (size\_t) \[RSP+540\] 0x47A01000C7500800 (size\_t) \[RSP+548\] 0x3F80000045E814B7 (size\_t) \[RSP+550\] 0xCB4A29F10001 (size\_t) \[RSP+558\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+560\] 0x1E005328A40 (BGSLocation\*) File: "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" Flags: 0x00000009 Form ID: 0x0001D807 Form Type: 107 Full Name: "Museum of Freedom" \[RSP+568\] 0x3F80000045600000 (size\_t) \[RSP+570\] 0x7FF7503E3AB8 (void\* -> Fallout4.exe+6723AB8) \[RSP+578\] 0x7FF74C5211A9 (void\* -> Fallout4.exe+28611A9) \[RSP+580\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+588\] 0x1DFFF2EAB00 (TESObjectCELL\*) File: "PRP.esp" Flags: 0x0004000B Form ID: 0x00017DF7 Form Type: 63 Full Name: "Museum of Freedom" \[RSP+590\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+598\] 0x440D0000 (size\_t) \[RSP+5A0\] 0xC2800000 (size\_t) \[RSP+5A8\] 0xBFC90FD980000000 (size\_t) \[RSP+5B0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+5B8\] 0x7FF749FFD9C0 (void\* -> Fallout4.exe+033D9C0) \[RSP+5C0\] 0x1DFFFFD1E40 (TESObjectREFR\*) Object Reference: File: "Fallout4.esm" Flags: 0x00000019 Form ID: 0x00077CFC Form Type: 32 File: "Fallout4.esm" Flags: 0x00000409 Form ID: 0x0001AC07 Form Type: 64 \[RSP+5C8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+5D0\] 0x10000000000 (size\_t) \[RSP+5D8\] 0xFFFFFF01 (size\_t) \[RSP+5E0\] 0x1DF1C151DE0 (void\*) \[RSP+5E8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+5F0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+5F8\] 0x7FF700000000 (size\_t) \[RSP+600\] 0x7FF7503E3AF0 (void\* -> Fallout4.exe+6723AF0) \[RSP+608\] 0x7FF74C5211A9 (void\* -> Fallout4.exe+28611A9) \[RSP+610\] 0x2 (size\_t) \[RSP+618\] 0x10000000000 (size\_t) \[RSP+620\] 0x2000000000 (size\_t) \[RSP+628\] 0xC0F (size\_t) \[RSP+630\] 0x7FF74C90A948 (void\* -> Fallout4.exe+2C4A948) \[RSP+638\] 0x7FF7503E3AF0 (void\* -> Fallout4.exe+6723AF0) \[RSP+640\] 0x7FF7503E3AD8 (void\* -> Fallout4.exe+6723AD8) \[RSP+648\] 0x7FF74C520BDB (void\* -> Fallout4.exe+2860BDB) \[RSP+650\] 0x2 (size\_t) \[RSP+658\] 0x7FF74C5418FE (void\* -> Fallout4.exe+28818FE) \[RSP+660\] 0x1E012704A60 (void\*) \[RSP+668\] 0x1E0339F1440 (BSFadeNode\*) Name: "MetalBarrel02" \[RSP+670\] 0x7FF74C90A948 (void\* -> Fallout4.exe+2C4A948) \[RSP+678\] 0x7FF7503E3AD8 (void\* -> Fallout4.exe+6723AD8) \[RSP+680\] 0x1E0968CFBE0 (void\*) \[RSP+688\] 0x7FF74C540FC3 (void\* -> Fallout4.exe+2880FC3) \[RSP+690\] 0x2 (size\_t) \[RSP+698\] 0x1E01011E700 (char\*) "@" \[RSP+6A0\] 0x1E011486C00 (void\*) \[RSP+6A8\] 0x1E01149D420 (void\*) \[RSP+6B0\] 0x1E011486C00 (void\*) \[RSP+6B8\] 0x7FF74C4ED51D (void\* -> Fallout4.exe+282D51D) \[RSP+6C0\] 0x1DF1C19A400 (BSShaderAccumulator\*) \[RSP+6C8\] 0x1DF4F444880 (BSSkyShaderProperty\*) Name: "01\_VW\_Oben\_O" \[RSP+6D0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+6D8\] 0x1DF1C19A400 (BSShaderAccumulator\*) \[RSP+6E0\] 0xCB4A29F109C7 (size\_t) \[RSP+6E8\] 0x6EC49BF878 (void\*) \[RSP+6F0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+6F8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+700\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+708\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+710\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+718\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+720\] 0x1DF417F6818 (void\*) \[RSP+728\] 0x7FF74F8A8080 (void\* -> Fallout4.exe+5BE8080) \[RSP+730\] 0x7FF74F8A8088 (void\* -> Fallout4.exe+5BE8088) \[RSP+738\] 0x1E0124ED600 (BSShaderAccumulator\*) \[RSP+740\] 0x1E04C0FC900 (BSLightingShaderProperty\*) Name: "C:\\Projects\\Fallout4\\Build\\PC\\Data\\materials\\Architecture\\Buildings\\WoodTrimWhite01.BGSM" \[RSP+748\] 0x7FF74C4ECEEE (void\* -> Fallout4.exe+282CEEE) \[RSP+750\] 0x1E0968CFBE0 (void\*) \[RSP+758\] 0x1E0124ED600 (BSShaderAccumulator\*) \[RSP+760\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+768\] 0x1DF417F6800 (void\*) \[RSP+770\] 0x1DF417F6810 (void\*) \[RSP+778\] 0x7FF74C521B67 (void\* -> Fallout4.exe+2861B67) \[RSP+780\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+788\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+790\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+798\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+7A0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+7A8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+7B0\] 0x7FF74F8A8084 (void\* -> Fallout4.exe+5BE8084) \[RSP+7B8\] 0x7FF74F8A8080 (void\* -> Fallout4.exe+5BE8080) \[RSP+7C0\] 0x7FF74F8A8088 (void\* -> Fallout4.exe+5BE8088) \[RSP+7C8\] 0x1 (size\_t) \[RSP+7D0\] 0x1DF1C18FE40 (void\*) \[RSP+7D8\] 0x6EC2B2FAB0 (void\*) \[RSP+7E0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+7E8\] 0x7FF74AA00D85 (void\* -> Fallout4.exe+0D40D85) \[RSP+7F0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+7F8\] 0x7FF700000000 (size\_t) \[RSP+800\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+808\] 0x7FFD86234201 (void\* -> KERNELBASE.dll+0034201) \[RSP+810\] 0x7FF74F8A8BB8 (void\* -> Fallout4.exe+5BE8BB8) \[RSP+818\] 0x7FF74B810F26 (void\* -> Fallout4.exe+1B50F26) \[RSP+820\] 0x7FF74F8A8BB8 (void\* -> Fallout4.exe+5BE8BB8) \[RSP+828\] 0x7FF74F8A8BB8 (void\* -> Fallout4.exe+5BE8BB8) \[RSP+830\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+838\] 0x7FFD862678CD (void\* -> KERNELBASE.dll+00678CD) \[RSP+840\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+848\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+850\] 0x7FF74F8BEA40 (void\* -> Fallout4.exe+5BFEA40) \[RSP+858\] 0x1 (size\_t) \[RSP+860\] 0x7FF74F8A8B48 (BSJobs::JobThread\*) \[RSP+868\] 0x7FF74B811432 (void\* -> Fallout4.exe+1B51432) \[RSP+870\] 0x1 (size\_t) \[RSP+878\] 0x7FF74F8A8B68 (void\* -> Fallout4.exe+5BE8B68) \[RSP+880\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+888\] 0x6EC49BFA20 (void\*) \[RSP+890\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+898\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+8A0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+8A8\] 0x7FF74B813F67 (void\* -> Fallout4.exe+1B53F67) \[RSP+8B0\] 0x7FF74F8A8B48 (BSJobs::JobThread\*) \[RSP+8B8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+8C0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+8C8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+8D0\] 0x7FF74F8A8B48 (BSJobs::JobThread\*) \[RSP+8D8\] 0x7FF74B7DCFED (void\* -> Fallout4.exe+1B1CFED) \[RSP+8E0\] 0x4C14 (size\_t) \[RSP+8E8\] 0x6EC49BFA40 (void\*) \[RSP+8F0\] 0x1DF1C16BC90 (void\*) \[RSP+8F8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+900\] 0x7FF74F8A8B48 (BSJobs::JobThread\*) \[RSP+908\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+910\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+918\] 0x7FFD8685257D (void\* -> KERNEL32.DLL+001257D) \[RSP+920\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+928\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+930\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+938\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+940\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+948\] 0x7FFD8890AA48 (void\* -> ntdll.dll+005AA48) \[RSP+950\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+958\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+960\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+968\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+970\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+978\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+980\] 0x89827F0E00000000 (size\_t) \[RSP+988\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+990\] 0x4F0FFFFFB30 (size\_t) \[RSP+998\] 0x7FFD8635CBB0 (void\* -> KERNELBASE.dll+015CBB0) \[RSP+9A0\] 0x6EC49BE280 (void\*) \[RSP+9A8\] 0xD2F80001FFF43EDE (size\_t) \[RSP+9B0\] 0x7FFD0FB7B4BE (size\_t) \[RSP+9B8\] 0x6EC49BE280 (void\*) \[RSP+9C0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+9C8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+9D0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+9D8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+9E0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+9E8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+9F0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+9F8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+A00\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+A08\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+A10\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+A18\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+A20\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+A28\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+A30\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+A38\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+A40\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+A48\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+A50\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+A58\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+A60\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+A68\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+A70\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+A78\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+A80\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+A88\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+A90\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+A98\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+AA0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+AA8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+AB0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+AB8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+AC0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+AC8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+AD0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+AD8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+AE0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+AE8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+AF0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+AF8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+B00\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+B08\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+B10\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+B18\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+B20\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+B28\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+B30\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+B38\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+B40\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+B48\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+B50\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+B58\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+B60\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+B68\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+B70\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+B78\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+B80\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+B88\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+B90\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+B98\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+BA0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+BA8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+BB0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+BB8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+BC0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+BC8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+BD0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+BD8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+BE0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+BE8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+BF0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+BF8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+C00\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+C08\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+C10\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+C18\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+C20\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+C28\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+C30\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+C38\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+C40\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+C48\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+C50\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+C58\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+C60\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+C68\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+C70\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+C78\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+C80\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+C88\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+C90\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+C98\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+CA0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+CA8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+CB0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+CB8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+CC0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+CC8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+CD0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+CD8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+CE0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+CE8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+CF0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+CF8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+D00\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+D08\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+D10\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+D18\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+D20\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+D28\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+D30\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+D38\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+D40\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+D48\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+D50\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+D58\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+D60\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+D68\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+D70\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+D78\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+D80\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+D88\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+D90\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+D98\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+DA0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+DA8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+DB0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+DB8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+DC0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+DC8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+DD0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+DD8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+DE0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+DE8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+DF0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+DF8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+E00\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+E08\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+E10\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+E18\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+E20\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+E28\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+E30\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+E38\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+E40\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+E48\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+E50\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+E58\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+E60\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+E68\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+E70\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+E78\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+E80\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+E88\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+E90\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+E98\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+EA0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+EA8\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+EB0\] 0x0 (size\_t) \[RSP+EB8\] 0x0 (size\_t) 
XINPUT1\_3.dll 0x000000400000 mdnsNSP.dll 0x00006C1F0000 steam\_api64.dll 0x00006C330000 X3DAudio1\_7.dll 0x00006C370000 d3d11.dll 0x000180000000 PSAPI.DLL 0x01DF00000000 Fallout4.exe 0x7FF749CC0000 ResampleDmo.DLL 0x7FFCF9680000 DSOUND.DLL 0x7FFCF9740000 XAudio2\_7.dll 0x7FFCF99B0000 d3dcompiler\_46e.dll 0x7FFCFA2A0000 gameoverlayrenderer64.dll 0x7FFCFA6A0000 XDI.dll 0x7FFCFA840000 UnlimitedSurvivalMode.dll 0x7FFCFA8B0000 ToYourFaceFO4.dll 0x7FFCFA900000 SprintSpeedController.dll 0x7FFCFA950000 RobCo\_Patcher.dll 0x7FFCFA9A0000 RememberPickAngleUpdated.dll 0x7FFCFAA80000 ReloadFix.dll 0x7FFCFAB40000 PRKF.dll 0x7FFCFAEE0000 PrivateProfileRedirector.dll 0x7FFCFAF70000 pppl.dll 0x7FFCFAFD0000 po3\_SimpleOffenceSuppressionF4.dll 0x7FFCFB010000 Outfit-ReDress-Fix.dll 0x7FFCFB0A0000 mcm.dll 0x7FFCFB3E0000 LighthousePapyrusExtender.dll 0x7FFCFB480000 Interior-NavCut-Fix.dll 0x7FFCFB5B0000 HighFPSPhysicsFix.dll 0x7FFCFB600000 GCBugFix.dll 0x7FFCFB690000 GardenOfEdenPapyrusExtender.dll 0x7FFCFB6F0000 EnergyWeaponCalcFix.dll 0x7FFCFB990000 crafting\_highlight\_fix.dll 0x7FFCFBB70000 ClassicHolsteredWeapons.dll 0x7FFCFBBC0000 CCExtenderF4.dll 0x7FFCFBC70000 BulletCountedReload.dll 0x7FFCFBCE0000 Buffout4.dll 0x7FFCFBD70000 BakaMaxPapyrusOps.dll 0x7FFCFC0D0000 BackportedBA2Support.dll 0x7FFCFC180000 steamclient64.dll 0x7FFCFD7D0000 D3DCOMPILER\_43.dll 0x7FFCFEE50000 cudart64\_75.dll 0x7FFCFF0C0000 GFSDK\_GodraysLib.x64.dll 0x7FFCFF120000 GFSDK\_SSAO\_D3D11.win64.dll 0x7FFCFF180000 MSVCR110.dll 0x7FFCFF210000 flexRelease\_x64.dll 0x7FFCFF2F0000 IPHLPAPI.DLL 0x7FFCFF440000 MSVCP110.dll 0x7FFCFFA00000 f4se\_1\_10\_163.dll 0x7FFCFFAB0000 BlockingOverhaul.dll 0x7FFD194E0000 msdmo.dll 0x7FFD19BD0000 bink2w64.dll 0x7FFD1A610000 tier0\_s64.dll 0x7FFD1A750000 encounter\_zone\_recalculation.dll 0x7FFD1AA00000 BetterConsole.dll 0x7FFD1AA30000 WeaponDebrisCrashFix.dll 0x7FFD21660000 ArmorPenetrationBugFix.dll 0x7FFD21680000 vstdlib\_s64.dll 0x7FFD216D0000 f4se\_steam\_loader.dll 0x7FFD22580000 SprintStutteringFix.dll 0x7FFD22640000 d3dx11\_43.dll 0x7FFD41360000 nvToolsExt64\_1.dll 0x7FFD413B0000 flexExtRelease\_x64.dll 0x7FFD41490000 usvfs\_x64.dll 0x7FFD477B0000 webio.dll 0x7FFD48CD0000 ncryptsslp.dll 0x7FFD5E130000 CONCRT140.dll 0x7FFD5E4C0000 winmmbase.dll 0x7FFD5FE30000 Windows.UI.dll 0x7FFD5FE60000 VCRUNTIME140.dll 0x7FFD68C60000 VCRUNTIME140\_1.dll 0x7FFD68C80000 MSVCP140.dll 0x7FFD68C90000 textinputframework.dll 0x7FFD6D960000 OneCoreCommonProxyStub.dll 0x7FFD6DB70000 nvwgf2umx.dll 0x7FFD6E290000 AUDIOSES.DLL 0x7FFD72490000 MMDevApi.dll 0x7FFD72CF0000 WINSPOOL.DRV 0x7FFD73BC0000 COMCTL32.dll 0x7FFD73C70000 MpOav.dll 0x7FFD74560000 amsi.dll 0x7FFD745F0000 fastprox.dll 0x7FFD74B10000 nvgpucomp64.dll 0x7FFD74FA0000 wbemsvc.dll 0x7FFD77BF0000 NvMessageBus.dll 0x7FFD77CB0000 wbemcomn.dll 0x7FFD78050000 nvapi64.dll 0x7FFD780D0000 drvstore.dll 0x7FFD79FD0000 MSIMG32.dll 0x7FFD7A150000 wbemprox.dll 0x7FFD7A260000 cryptnet.dll 0x7FFD7A2E0000 nvldumdx.dll 0x7FFD7A360000 OneCoreUAPCommonProxyStub.dll 0x7FFD7A690000 WINMM.dll 0x7FFD7AD30000 VERSION.dll 0x7FFD7B250000 rasadhlp.dll 0x7FFD7B260000 fwpuclnt.dll 0x7FFD7B490000 dhcpcsvc.DLL 0x7FFD7C640000 dhcpcsvc6.DLL 0x7FFD7C660000 WINHTTP.dll 0x7FFD7CF50000 CoreUIComponents.dll 0x7FFD7D850000 avrt.dll 0x7FFD7DE60000 directxdatabasehelper.dll 0x7FFD7DFA0000 d3d11.dll 0x7FFD7F450000 dcomp.dll 0x7FFD7F6B0000 CoreMessaging.dll 0x7FFD7FD50000 MSVCP140\_ATOMIC\_WAIT.dll 0x7FFD7FEC0000 apphelp.dll 0x7FFD80130000 UxTheme.dll 0x7FFD80230000 dxgi.dll 0x7FFD80550000 dwmapi.dll 0x7FFD80660000 WINNSI.DLL 0x7FFD80700000 dxcore.dll 0x7FFD80740000 DbgHelp.dll 0x7FFD83220000 resourcepolicyclient.dll 0x7FFD83660000 wintypes.dll 0x7FFD83990000 0x7FFD83AD0000 HID.DLL 0x7FFD843D0000 IpHlpAPI.dll 0x7FFD846A0000 DNSAPI.dll 0x7FFD846D0000 UMPDC.dll 0x7FFD849F0000 POWRPROF.dll 0x7FFD84A10000 Secur32.dll 0x7FFD84A80000 schannel.DLL 0x7FFD84B00000 kernel.appcore.dll 0x7FFD84C00000 rsaenh.dll 0x7FFD84C20000 SSPICLI.DLL 0x7FFD84F00000 MSWSOCK.dll 0x7FFD85110000 USERENV.dll 0x7FFD851B0000 CRYPTSP.dll 0x7FFD85330000 CRYPTBASE.DLL 0x7FFD85350000 wldp.dll 0x7FFD85460000 NTASN1.dll 0x7FFD85510000 ncrypt.dll 0x7FFD85550000 msasn1.dll 0x7FFD85860000 devobj.dll 0x7FFD85880000 CFGMGR32.dll 0x7FFD858B0000 DPAPI.DLL 0x7FFD85920000 profapi.dll 0x7FFD85B00000 msvcp\_win.dll 0x7FFD85BD0000 wintrust.dll 0x7FFD85C70000 gdi32full.dll 0x7FFD85CE0000 ucrtbase.dll 0x7FFD85E00000 win32u.dll 0x7FFD85F20000 CRYPT32.dll 0x7FFD85F50000 bcryptPrimitives.dll 0x7FFD86180000 KERNELBASE.dll 0x7FFD86200000 bcrypt.dll 0x7FFD865B0000 IMM32.DLL 0x7FFD865E0000 msvcrt.dll 0x7FFD86690000 shcore.dll 0x7FFD86740000 KERNEL32.DLL 0x7FFD86840000 SHELL32.dll 0x7FFD86910000 USER32.dll 0x7FFD87200000 SHLWAPI.dll 0x7FFD87430000 NSI.dll 0x7FFD87550000 OLEAUT32.dll 0x7FFD87560000 RPCRT4.dll 0x7FFD87640000 combase.dll 0x7FFD87780000 COMDLG32.dll 0x7FFD87B10000 sechost.dll 0x7FFD87C10000 MSCTF.dll 0x7FFD87CC0000 imagehlp.dll 0x7FFD87E20000 ole32.dll 0x7FFD88010000 SETUPAPI.dll 0x7FFD881C0000 GDI32.dll 0x7FFD88640000 ADVAPI32.dll 0x7FFD88670000 clbcatq.dll 0x7FFD88740000 WS2\_32.dll 0x7FFD887F0000 ntdll.dll 0x7FFD888B0000 
ArmorPenetrationBugFix.dll v1 BackportedBA2Support.dll v1 BakaMaxPapyrusOps.dll v1.1 BetterConsole.dll BlockingOverhaul.dll v1 Buffout4.dll v1.28.6 BulletCountedReload.dll CCExtenderF4.dll v1.2 ClassicHolsteredWeapons.dll crafting\_highlight\_fix.dll encounter\_zone\_recalculation.dll EnergyWeaponCalcFix.dll v1 GardenOfEdenPapyrusExtender.dll v18 GCBugFix.dll v1 HighFPSPhysicsFix.dll Interior-NavCut-Fix.dll v1.0.3 LighthousePapyrusExtender.dll v1.4 mcm.dll Outfit-ReDress-Fix.dll v1 po3\_SimpleOffenceSuppressionF4.dll v1 pppl.dll PrivateProfileRedirector.dll PRKF.dll ReloadFix.dll v1.2.4 RememberPickAngleUpdated.dll RobCo\_Patcher.dll v3.6 SprintSpeedController.dll v1 SprintStutteringFix.dll ToYourFaceFO4.dll UnlimitedSurvivalMode.dll WeaponDebrisCrashFix.dll XDI.dll 
\[ 0\] Fallout4.esm \[ 1\] DLCRobot.esm \[ 2\] DLCworkshop01.esm \[ 3\] DLCCoast.esm \[ 4\] DLCworkshop02.esm \[ 5\] DLCworkshop03.esm \[ 6\] DLCNukaWorld.esm \[ 7\] Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp \[ 8\] XDI.esm \[ 9\] YouAndWhatArmy2.esm \[ A\] WeaponModFixes-GOTY.esp \[ B\] RAW INPUT.esp \[ C\] Less Annoying Berry Mentats.esp \[ D\] Complex Vendors.esp \[ E\] DLC Timing.esp \[ F\] BlockingOverhaul.esp \[10\] AttachPack.esp \[11\] ScopeOverlayDOF.esp \[12\] RemoveBlur.esp \[13\] Vivid Waters.esp \[14\] Vivid Weathers - FO4.esp \[15\] Vivid Weathers - FO4 - Far Harbor.esp \[16\] Vivid Weathers - Natural Bright.esp \[17\] Vivid Weathers - Nuka World.esp \[18\] You Are Exceptional.esp \[19\] SelectMarksman.esp \[1A\] WattzLaserGun.esp \[1B\] Tomacuzi9.esp \[1C\] Zapgun.esp \[1D\] SelectShotgun.esp \[1E\] SurvivalOptions.esp \[1F\] AVBPipeGunsReplace.esp \[FE: 0\] ccBGSFO4044-HellfirePowerArmor.esl \[FE: 1\] ccBGSFO4115-X02.esl \[FE: 2\] ccBGSFO4116-HeavyFlamer.esl \[FE: 3\] ccBGSFO4110-WS\_Enclave.esl \[FE: 4\] ccBGSFO4096-AS\_Enclave.esl \[FE: 5\] ccFSVFO4007-Halloween.esl \[FE: 6\] ccBGSFO4046-TesCan.esl \[FE: 7\] ccSBJFO4003-Grenade.esl \[FE: 8\] ccOTMFO4001-Remnants.esl \[FE: 9\] REFramework.esm \[FE: A\] Ownership Fixes.esp \[FE: B\] Community Fixes Merged.esp \[FE: C\] TMR\_GlitchfinderAIO.esm \[FE: D\] GrenadeCombatFixes.esl \[FE: E\] JumpFallPoseFix.esl \[FE: F\] NPCRespawnFix.esl \[FE: 10\] OutlineWorkshopShader.esl \[FE: 11\] SelectRevolver.esl \[FE: 12\] FOLON\_Lewis.esl \[FE: 13\] PPF.esm \[FE: 14\] MiscAnimTweaks.esp \[FE: 15\] Wetness Shader Fix.esp \[FE: 16\] Fixed Gobo Effects.esp \[FE: 17\] Flutter Flicker Fixer For Foliage.esp \[FE: 18\] PRP.esp \[FE: 19\] PuddleReflectionFix.esp \[FE: 1A\] Chemfluence AI Combat Dynamics.esp \[FE: 1B\] SimplePowerArmorReductionSystem.esp \[FE: 1C\] Keep Radiants In Commonwealth.esp \[FE: 1D\] WhoIsTheGeneral.esp \[FE: 1E\] LegendariesTheyCanUse.esp \[FE: 1F\] No Sneaking in Power Armor.esp \[FE: 20\] Backpacks of the Commonwealth - UFO4P Patch.esp \[FE: 21\] Attach Pack Mod Description Fixes.esp \[FE: 22\] Legendary Mutation Messages Fix.esp \[FE: 23\] Lightweight Lighting.esp \[FE: 24\] Gloomy Glass.esp \[FE: 25\] FO4ParticlePatch.esp \[FE: 26\] WET.esp \[FE: 27\] WAVE.esp \[FE: 28\] Targeted Textures.esp \[FE: 29\] DiamondCityBillboards.esp \[FE: 2A\] Diamond City Supplements.esp \[FE: 2B\] GoodneighborView.esp \[FE: 2C\] TerrainUndersides.esp \[FE: 2D\] VividFallout - AiO - BestChoice.esp \[FE: 2E\] UltimateLockpick.esp 
Thanks so much!
submitted by SouthernShape2180 to Fallout4Mods [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:12 Low_Engineer8366 Nemesis engine not detecting any of my downloaded mods

Skyrim title self explanatory, I've runned Nemesis.exe from the data folder of skyrim, I've deleted the cache files, I've redownloaded nemesis multiple times, I turned real time protection off, I downloaded it manually and extracted it straight into nexus. None of these have worked, I do not get any of my mods to be on the list, I even manually put the Nemesis engine dependent mod and nothing works
submitted by Low_Engineer8366 to skyrimmods [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:36 Intelligent-Yam8298 After my disk fixed itself, seems like 32 bit software doesn't work anymore

My HDD encountered an issue 3 days ago, fixed itself after about 2 hours and after that everything was going fine until today, where 32 bit games just don't launch on it.
These include: Geometry Dash and Terraria (unmodded) both being 32 bit, which worked fine after the disk fixed itself for about 2 days.
Ironically, Terraria's Modded launcher called "tModLoader" is 64 bit and requires terraria to be open to work, but it somehow manages to launch it and boot itself, Other 64 bit games work as well without problem.
When booting GD from the .exe and not steam, i had it show that some .dll files are missing, so i downloaded the 2 i needed, and then the error turned into "App wasn't launched properly".
What happens is: I press play on steam, it lingers as "playing" for 2-4 seconds, and then closes itself.
Windows 10 Pro Edition.
submitted by Intelligent-Yam8298 to techsupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:33 Embarrassed_Ad_901 Access /boot from docker volume? Or another approach to editing Compose files

I'm in a similar situation as
This is a the docker-compose file I'm using:
services: code-server: image: container_name: code-server environment: - PUID=1000 - PGID=1000 - TZ=... - PASSWORD=... - SUDO_PASSWORD=... - DEFAULT_WORKSPACE=/config/workspace - DOCKER_MODS=linuxservemods:code-server-python3linuxservemods:universal-dockerlinuxservemods:universal-docker-in-docker volumes: - /mnt/useappdata/code-serveconfig:/config - /boot/config/plugins/compose.manageprojects/:/composer - /mnt/useMultimedia/:/Multimedia - /mnt/useShareMedia/:/ShareMedia ports: - 8443:8443 restart: unless-stopped privileged: true aaaa asasadsadfd 
I'm trying to get access to /boot/config/plugins/compose.manageprojects/ so that I can manage my docker compose files for each app. However:
root@x:/boot/config/plugins/compose.manageprojects# ls -lash total 256K 32K drwx------ 7 root root 32K May 15 11:21 ./ 32K drwx------ 3 root root 32K May 14 22:08 ../ ... 
They are owned by root, and docker is not running as root. I tried to sudo chown -R nobody:users ...But it's complaining about "Operation not permitted". I checked the mounts and I see /dev/sda1 on /boot type vfat (rw,noatime,nodiratime,fmask=0177,dmask=0077,codepage=437,iocharset=iso8859-1,shortname=mixed,flush,errors=remount-ro)
Any workaround?
submitted by Embarrassed_Ad_901 to unRAID [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:29 YOUR_MOMS_HP Le question about building the game

so usually when you create an executable with love2d you package everything into one .exe file.
but what if i want to leave a possibility for modding? can i somehow put only script files into .exe and leave all other resourses structured as they were in the project?
sorry if this is a noob question, im not using the engine just yet. but im considering switching to it at some point
submitted by YOUR_MOMS_HP to love2d [link] [comments]